Reaching Out January 2015 St. John’s Lutheran Church 1804 Highland Avenue Eau Claire, WI Phone: (715) 834834-9571 Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm MonMon-Fri Website: Now through the Second Sunday of Easter there will be no Monday Eve. Worship services. Monday Worship will resume April 13, 2015. (With Lenten services during the week, many weeks will have a weeknight service.) ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, January 25, 2015 In the sanctuary after the 8:15a.m. service ***************************************************************** CHRISTMAS BASKETS & SHARE-A-GIFT An Enormous and Huge Thank-You from Caring Ministry This year with YOUR abundant help through donations of food, gifts, handmade quilts and money, Caring Ministry was able to pack 26 Christmas baskets/totes. The totes held a variety of items including: holiday baking, canned foods, other meal products, laundry soap and paper products. Because you gave generously and abundantly, 68 children and 41 adults were blessed beyond all you can imagine! Thank You. At the annual meeting there will be: Election of Officers, Ministry Chairpersons, At Large, & Committee Members Approval of the 2015 operating & capital improvement budgets Constitutional Amendment Change St. John’s Endowment Fund Bylaws (SJEF) Changes See page 6 & 7 for more details. Please plan on attending this important meeting. We need you there!! SUPER BOWL XLIX Youth Mission Trip FUNDRAISER Great opportunity to support St. John’s youth and have their freshly made & ready to take-andbake pizzas for the big game! 16” 2 topping pizza - $14.00 16” Specialty Pizza – $16.00 All pizzas crusts are par-baked. Pre-Order January 11th – January 28th Order forms will be available in the office or outside Chris’ door. Ready for pick up starting at 9:30 am Sunday, February 1st (Super Bowl Sunday!) If you have any questions, ask Chris Sims, Janet Tolan or Phyllis Meier! 1 According to Anne Lamott, there are three basic expressions of prayer: Help, Thanks, and Wow. That being the case, I guess I’ve been praying a lot these days, and really enjoying it. In November, we experienced an astounding medical recovery in our congregation, and being in the midst of all that was happening, all I could say was, “Wow!” Looking over the finance figures for November and December, my reaction has been exactly the same: We’ve been in Help prayer mode for a while. It’s time now to say “Wow!” While it’s too early to make a definitive declaration of where we will end the year, what I am seeing is a good reminder of who is in charge in the body of Christ. Certainly, we at St. John’s have tasks to do and we work hard and do our very best to fulfill them. God does not like to be a solo act. God likes to work with people to accomplish meaningful things in creation. But the church is not a group of people who have been subcontracted to do God’s work. Rather, we are a group of people who have been invited to join God’s work. And when you are working closely with God, you are going to see, close up, some things that make you say, “Wow!” Our $29,000 debt at St. John’s amid rising costs seemed so overwhelming that it seemed certain to greatly impact our ability to do mission at St. John’s. Of course, we made an effort to do everything we could to produce a better outcome, but in the end, it’s out of our control and all God requires of us is faith. We don’t know exactly what faith will produce or how it will produce it, but we trust that good things will come of it. Our November and December giving is a good reminder that God has called us to be a part of this life-giving faith. I offer a Thank You prayer for all those who have wrestled with difficult financial issues this year and have worked so hard to overcome them. But I don’t know that anyone expected quite this much of a change at the end of the year. That’s the part of faith that we can’t predict. We know good things will result; we just don’t know how that will work. That is why, although the church makes use of the gifts of business and financial acumen, we must constantly remind ourselves that the church cannot be run like a business. Businesses seldom rely heavily on faith. Churches have to. The church must occasionally do things that make no sense in a business context, because it has to leave room for God to work. And God works with us through our faith. We are now seeing God at work through the faith of our members. Enjoy a great Christmas season! Thank you for all you have done to carry out St. John’s mission in the past year. May your faith lead you to many moments where your prayer to God is, “Wow!” Pastor Nate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Year, New Beginnings Happy New Year to you, dear friends of St. John’s! I pray that this New Year will be another exciting year in ministry for our dear Lord, Jesus Christ. I find it fascinating that human beings naturally desire a new start. January 1st has become that time to look back at the previous year, reflect, and move into something new, something that is hopefully fuller, better, and healthier. Even though our tendency is to fall back into the old patterns by February, we want to try. We desire the new. The Julian calendar set this date of January 1st for a reason. It is the date that the earth has made its full movement around the sun and is also now beginning anew. We will see more sunlight soon. The new will happen even if we are sometimes unaware. There is something hopeful in this fundamental impulse to begin anew. The New Year then brings out our desire for our commitments to change whatever the change includes. However, our usual inclination is to set "resolutions" aimed at working harder for whatever it is we want or fixing our self-perceived flaws. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with that. However those resolutions often aim so high, that the new possibilities do not take root and grow. But, may I be so bold as to suggest another date for a new “resolution”? Sunday, January 11th, traditionally known as the “Baptism of our Lord”, is a great day to celebrate a New Year and a new start. As far as the Christian life is concerned, it is through Holy Baptism that our new beginnings…well…begin. As Luther 2 reminds us, each day we die daily to sin through the waters of baptism and begin a new life. Therefore, each day is a chance to begin something new. Each day is January 1st in the life of a Christian. Sure, baptism doesn’t tell time or count down the clock until the ball is dropped for all to see, but the renewal we seek is there. We are loved by the Triune One, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is through the waters of Baptism that we have been given the purpose and vocation to which we are called. Sometimes, that calling is very clear. Other times, the direction God pushes us toward is unknown, only to be revealed while looking back on the path just like reflecting upon the Old Year to the New Year. Therefore, I challenge you to try a New Year Resolution that is different from the norm. This year, instead of vowing to do “this” or “that” to make your life better, what if you were instead to prayerfully reflect upon where God is leading you. Come renew your baptism on January 11th, enter a New Year with hope, and listen to God’s resolution for you. Instead of you making promises, it just could be that God is making promises to you. Peace and Joy to you during this season of Light. Pastor Christine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opportunities to Serve During Worship In its beginnings, Christian worship was not a spectator sport. It was a community encounter with God and our neighbor, the people Jesus said we are to love as ourselves. This view of worship got sidetracked by the Romans, who loved spectacle and ceremony. We could get by with spectator worship when Christianity dominated the culture. That is no longer the case and Christianity urgently needs to rediscover what worship is. That is why worship teams are so important. They help us to remember our mission as a faith community that is actively engaged in the mission to which Christ has called us. As we begin another year of rotation in our worship teams at St. John’s, I encourage everyone to make every effort to serve in that month as: worship assistant, reader, usher, communion assistant, greeter, nursery attendant, power point operator, etc. For those not able to participate due to age or illness, we give thanks for your years of discipleship, and ask that you allow those who are able to serve you now. Following are the upcoming teams and the months that each team is assigned to help serve. Each family will be receiving a postcard inviting you to come and sign up. If anyone has questions about any of the opportunities in worship, please call Patti at 715-834-9571 or [email protected]. 2014 & 2015 Worship Teams & Disciples Q – Se Simon January Sh – Ut Thaddeus February V – Zu Thomas March Let us rediscover the power and inspiration of worship. ************************************************************************ Save the Date!!! March 5th from 11am to 7:00pm at Florian Gardens for EMPTY BOWLS! Annual Fundraiser for Feed My People Food Bank Empty Bowl Sponsorships: Event sponsors receive public recognition, complimentary bowls and meal tickets. Potters Needed: We are in need of artists to donate their bowls to this event. For information, contact [email protected] ************************************************************************************************************************ A HUGE thank you to all who were involved in any way in the production of “Kiki’s Hats, the Musical.” What a fantastic event! You truly shared a variety of gifts to make this such an outstanding success. “Our gifts live on and on” and at St. John’s we will continue to give them away! 3 Simon Worship Team Q -- SE (January) Acolytes 8:15am Greta Steines, Michaela Rongholt Jenna Tolan, Claire Steines Josh Muller, Cody Clish Grace Leonardson, Trinity Lontz January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Audio/Visual January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 TV Screen Projection Operators 8:15am 10:45am Scott Olsen Brett Isaacson _______________ Joe Freitag _______________ Brett Isaacson _______________ Brett Isaacson 10:45am Emily Johnson, Sam Callarman Zach Urdahl, Tom Freitag Caitlin Heller, Carlie Heller Tessa Ross, Halle Ross Video Camera Operators 2x per mo any service 8:15am or 10:45am ___________________________ ___________________________ Communion Servers January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 8:15am ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ 10:45am ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ Nicole Rauckman, Chase Rauckman BJ Rauckman, Jo Rauckman ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ ________________, ______________ 8:15am ________________, _________________ Emily Severson, _________________ ________________, _________________ ________________, _________________ 10:45am Emily Severson, _________________ Stephanie Thurner, _________________ ________________, _________________ ________________, _________________ Greeters January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Hospitality January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 9:15am (Sign-up sheet is on tall table in gathering area, to bring and serve treats) _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 4 Simon Worship Team Q -- SE (January) Lector January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 8:15am _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 10:45am _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Nursery Assistant January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 8:15am ________________, Mary Hanson ________________, Katie Bedell ________________, Megan Munden ________________, Allie Martens & Sara Nerbonne 10:45am ________________, Jenna Boeckman ________________, Hannah Zimmerman ________________, Adriane Jaeger ________________, Bethany Kolve Ushers January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 8:15am ________________, ______________ Lenore Appollo, Grady Leonardson Ed Severson, ______________ LuAnn Hintz, Randy Lundblad ________________, ______________ Mike Torud, Bo Decal ________________, ______________ Roger Schulte, JoAnn Schulte 10:45am Ed Severson, ______________ Cory Krause, Darrell Rud Stephanie Thurner, Rodd Freitag Larry Schaefer, Bryan Sedlander BJ & Jo Rauckman Kurt Kjelstad, Ruth Kjelstad ________________, ______________ Brian Wagner, Merlin Dodge Welcome Center January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 8:15am _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 10:45am _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 8:15am Karen Schauer _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 10:45am _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Worship Assistant January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 5 ANNUAL MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 Following the 8:15 a.m. service in the worship area The following C12.01 amendment to the St. John’s Constitution was adopted at the special meeting of the congregation on November 16, 2014. In order for the amendment to become part of the constitution, it must be ratified without amendment at the congregational meeting on January 25, 2015. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT C12.01. The voting membership of the Congregation Council shall consist of the officers of the congregation, chairs of the congregation ministries and members at large from this congregation as defined in the by-laws. Any voting member of the congregation may be elected, subject only to the limitation on the length of continuous service permitted in that office. A member’s place on the Congregation Council shall be declared vacant if the member a) ceases to be a voting member of this congregation or b) is absent from four successive regular meetings of the Congregation Council without cause or c) resigns. Consistent with the laws of the state in which this congregation is incorporated, the congregation may adopt procedures for the removal of a member of the Congregation Council in other circumstances. CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) The voting membership of the Congregation Council shall consist of the officers of the congregation, or a designated representative (except for the President), the chairs of the congregation ministries, or a designated representative and members at large from this congregation as defined in the by-laws. The designated representative shall be chosen by the officer or ministry chair and shall also be a member of the committee or ministry it is representing. Any voting member of the congregation may be elected, subject only to the limitation on the length of continuous service permitted in that office. A member’s place on the Congregation Council shall be declared vacant if the member a) ceases to be a voting member of this congregation or b) is absent from four successive regular meetings of the Congregation Council without cause or c) resigns. Consistent with the laws of the state in which this congregation is incorporated, the congregation may adopt procedures for the removal of a member of the Congregation Council in other circumstances. **************************************************************************************************** C5.05.01 St. John’s Endowment Fund Bylaws (SJEF) The following bylaw changes were approved by the Church Council on October 16, 2014. These bylaw changes now need to be approved at the congregational meeting on January 25, 2015. Plan of Operation A.3 The Committee shall meet at least twice per year, or more frequently as deemed by it and/or the church council as in the best interest of the congregation. CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) A.3 The Committee shall meet at least once per year, or more frequently as deemed necessary by it and/or the church council as in the best interest of the congregation. ************************************************************ 6 Plan of Operation (cont.) A.9 The Committee shall report on a quarterly basis to the church council and, at each annual meeting of the congregation, shall render a full and complete audited account of the administration of the S.J.E.F. during the preceding year. CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) A.9 The Committee shall report to the church council at least once per year or as often as deemed necessary by the council. At each annual meeting of the congregation, the committee shall render a full and complete audited account of the administration of the S.J.E.F. during the preceding year. ************************************************************ Plan For Distribution B2c) A minimum of ten (10%) in grants: 2. to our ELCA church-related camping ministries. CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) 2. to our ELCA church-related camping ministries or ELCA christian preschools. ************************************************************ B2d) A mimimum of ten (10%) percent in grants: 1. through the Synod for: CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) 1. To Synod endorsed programs identified as: ************************************************************ 2. through the ELCA for: CHANGED TO: (additions are in Bold & Underlined) 2. To ELCA endorsed programs such as: ************************************************************ Add a #3 (addition is in Bold & Underlined) 3. To other Christian mission organizations whose goals are consistent with the missions of the ELCA. Also, at the annual meeting there will be: Election of Officers, Ministry Chairpersons, At Large, & Committee Members Approval of the 2015 operating & capital improvement budgets Please plan on attending. We need you there. 7 Children’s Education Hour Events Three Year Old Children’s Education Hour Welcome to Children’s Education Hour! This is an exciting introduction to Sunday school for our three year olds and their parents. Our next class time together will be on January 4th, in room #316 during the Children’s Education Hour (9:30 – 10:30 AM). This month we will be learning about the Good Samaritan. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Sims at 715-834-9571 or [email protected]. Confirmation News 8th Grade Classes begin January 14th at 6:30 pm (Parents please plan to attend the first class with your student.) The eighth grade class will begin their 10 week study of the small catechism with Pastor Christine. The class will dig deeper into the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and worship. The eighth grade small group leaders are Stephanie Thurner and Eric Muller. ******************************************************************************************************************** Attention all 9th grade Students and Mentors Mentor Meeting Night January 21st at 6:30 pm CHILDREN’S EDUCATION HOUR Starts on January 4th at 9:30 am Classes meet in the following areas: Preschool (4yr olds) and Kindergarten This group will start downstairs in the large assembly on Sunday mornings. The children will gather for the music opening and for offering. The class will finish upstairs in rooms #307 and #308. 1st Grade through 5th Grade Everyone will meet on the stage in the lg. assembly. 9:30-9:45am – Opening (Preschool and Kindergarten join us for opening) 9:45-9:55am – 1st – 5th grade (Introduction to the lesson) 9:55-10:30am – Group activities in large assembly 10:30 am – Parents pick up students from the large assembly ************************************************************ Teachers needed for Children’s Education Hour Children’s Education Hour TEACHERS Needed! We are seeking teachers to teach classes in January and February. The new class format requires one teacher each week to teach the overall lesson to the large group. The small group leaders then work with their specific small groups on the project or activity that was presented by the teacher. Please consider being a part of this opportunity. If you would like to learn more about the teacher role, please contact Chris Sims at 715834-9571 or [email protected]. There is a signup sheet outside the Education Director’s office. The 9th grade students will be in class but we welcome mentors to come and share a FEAST meal together. The 9th grade class and their mentors will meet in the large assembly at 6:30 pm. If you have any questions about the confirmation program, contact Chris Sims, Pastor Christine or Pastor Nate. Let us cook dinner on Wednesday nights! Join us for a meal (FEAST) prior to class from 5:30pm to 6:15pm Church Information Recently We Mourned the Death of… Jeanette L. Heideman 85 Carl E. Jenson 96 Dorothy M. Riley 87 Doris R. Dewitz 95 *Newsletter articles are due by the 15th of January for the February issue. Send to Patti Gorell [email protected] *If you would prefer an electronic version of the newsletter, contact Patti 715-834-9571 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January Worship & Ed Times 8:15am & 10:45am Sunday Worship 9:30am Adult and Children’s Education Hour No Worship Mondays, January 5, 12, 19, 26 8 There will be a Faith Family Ministry meeting on Tuesday, January 13th, at 6:30pm. If you are interested in learning more about Faith Family Ministry, contact Jen Olson at 715-379-2381, or Chris Sims at 715-834-9571 [email protected] ************************************************************************************************** EDUCATION MINISTRY MEETING If you have a heart for music or enjoy drama ☺, please join us for the Education Ministry meeting this month. We will be exploring themes for this summer’s VBS. This month we will meet on Wednesday, January 6th, at 6:00pm or contact Kathy Freitag 715-835-9034 or Chris Sims 715-834-9571 [email protected] if you would like more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thrivent Choice allows eligible Thrivent Financial members to direct Thrivent Financial’s charitable dollars to St. John’s Lutheran Church. To be a benefit member with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, you must own one of the following Thrivent products: life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance or annuities, and based on your premium and cash value, your Thrivent Choice dollars will be calculated. Letters are sent annually to these members indicating the amount of charitable dollars available to them. If you believe that you qualify and have not received a letter, please contact your Thrivent Financial representative. For the period September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015, St. John’s is designating the Thrivent Choice contributions to our general operations fund to help support our ministries, programs and maintain our day to day operations. When you are contacted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, please prayerfully consider directing these charitable dollars to St. John’s. Thrivent Financial members who have directed their “Choice Dollars” to St. John’s Lutheran Church for November 2014 are Dale Gordon, Carol Oja, Judith Rumphol and Geri Wojtysiak. St. John’s thanks you for doing this. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The weekly devotionals will now be available on our website ( or you can pick up a copy from the bulletin board in the gathering area. Blessings on your week! Christian youth In Action (CIA CIA) CIA JANUARY 14TH, @ 6:30PM YOUTH ROOM (5th Grade or higher) Christmas break is over and C I A gets back into full swing starting January 14th. If you have not tried out C I A here is your chance! If you are in 5th grade or above, meet in the youth room for some awesome activities. Here are just a few of the things we have done as a group: assembled Lutheran World Relief school and health kits, assembled food kits at FEED MY PEOPLE, decorated and delivered pumpkins, and participated in the Advent activity time. We have many great service projects and fun activities planned for the upcoming months. Come join us for food, fun and great conversation! If you would like more information about C I A, contact Chris at [email protected] or 715-834-9571. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moving or Going South? If you're moving or heading south for the winter, St. John’s can change your address. Let us know when you're leaving and how long you'll be away, and we'll be sure to get St. John’s mail to you in a timely fashion. Sign-up to receive a paperless copy of the “Reaching Out” Newsletter and get it even faster! Whenever you change address, please let us know! Contact Sandy at [email protected] or call 715-834-9571. ************************************************ ADULT EDUCATION for January Adult Ed will start a little later after the holidays. We will not meet on Jan. 4th but will get together for the following 2 weeks on the subject of planning for and dealing with the end of life. Please look for details to come. ****************************************** Linda and I would also like to add a “thank you” to the people of St. John’s for the many cards and other expressions of thoughtfulness that we have received during the holiday season. It reminds us again of what a wonderful congregation St. John’s is. 9 Gordy’s Slips Update Date Biblical Story Readings January 4 Flight to Egypt Psalm 11:1-3 Matthew 2:13-23 January 11 Jesus’ Baptism Psalm 2:7-8 Matthew 3:1-17 January 18 Tempted in the Wilderness Psalm 91:9-12 Matthew 4:1-17 January 25 Beatitudes Psalm 1:1-3 Matthew 5:1-20 Wednesday FEAST Meals! Let us cook dinner for you and your family on Wednesday nights, January 21 & 28. Join us for a meal (FEAST) prior to class/choirs/Worship from 5:30pm to 6:15pm Also, on Jan 14th, @ 5:00pm come for a Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Mission Group! Check out the weekly menu in the opps and on the St. John’s website Read Your “Reaching Out” Newsletter Online and Save a Tree Members and friends are invited to save a tree and receive the “Reaching Out” monthly newsletter electronically. To elect to receive the newsletter electronically, please provide your email address to Patti Gorell [email protected]. We’ll prompt you each month when the latest edition is posted. To view at any time, visit News and Events. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now more than ever, there are many people and families in need within our community. Each day we should be thinking of them and offer our assistance, if we are able. So that is why we will always have the grocery cart in the gathering area, just for you to share with others what God has given you. We are in need of hygiene products such as: • diapers, wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, laundry soap, bar soap • shampoo, conditioner, deodorant • toothpaste, dental floss, tooth brushes cleaning supplies, feminine hygiene products Our last check received from Gordy’s County Market was over $600. From that check, money was given to the SJC Preschool & the Bell Tower Repair. We have another check coming for over $700. I will keep you posted where that will go. All of the $ we received has been kept for projects here at St. John’s. The total thus far for 2014 in Gordy’s slips is $242,122 or $2,421 that we received. Thank you so much for remembering to bring in your slips! Keep them coming, I love to keep busy! Alberta Kortness ************************************************************************************************************** Nominating Committee is looking for 2 persons to serve on council as chairperson of these two ministries: Senior & Shut-In and Community & World. If you would be willing to help lead these two ministries of St. John’s and/or would like more information about each ministry, there will be an information table in the gathering area or you can contact Mike Glamann 715-832-5004 or Suzanne Wulff at [email protected] or call 715-8360054. Nominating Committee is also looking for 4 confirmed members of St. John’s to be on the 2015 Nominating Committee. Please consider volunteering your time to be on this committee. Please contact Suzanne Wulff at [email protected] or call 715-836-0054 asap. *********************************************** A Note of Thanks: Jim and I would like to thank all those who gave cards, gifts, Christmas wishes and prayers for us this season of Joy. We are so blessed to be at St. John’s. Thank you and Happy New Year to you! Pastor Christine ********************************************* 2015 Offering Envelopes Stop by the gathering area and pick up your 2015 offering envelopes. They are placed alphabetically for you to locate easily. Thank you for your gifts of service and offerings! For Simply Giving Participants: If you elected to have special envelopes, you can pick these up also on the tables in the gathering area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Women of the ELCA Thankoffering update. We collected $396.08, 43 pair of mittens, 4 scarves, 10 headbands, 23 hats - 19 of them courtesy of Kiki hats. A BIG THANK YOU to all who knitted/crocheted the items. There will be many people in this area who will be warm because of you! All the items were taken to Lutheran Social Services. Keep up the good work - we'll be asking for knitted/crocheted hats, scarves, and mittens again next year. Margaret Kinderman SMALL GROUPS Women Of Faith (WOF) Please welcome the New Year at our first meeting of 2015. We will meet on Tuesday, January 6th, at 7:00 PM in the gathering area. Reading chapters 20, 21 and 22 will complete our book, “A New Kind of Christianity”. Please join us also to discuss our next reading/study selection. If you have ideas, please let Anna Mayer or Linda Aaseng know. Our January service project will be quilt layouts, held on Monday, January 19th, at 6:30 PM in the small assembly. Please join us for this wonderful and fun project. A BIG “Thank you” to all who donated time, money, food and items for our December service projects at Sojourner House and the Salvation Army Bell Ringing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come To The With the Diner’s Club On Tuesday, January 20th, @ 6:00pm, 6:00pm let’s get together for fun and fellowship plus Dinner, Too! Let’s meet at Asia Palace across from Best Buy. Please call the church office at 715-834-9571 or [email protected] to sign up and get directions if needed. Come and join the monthly Diner’s Club anytime. shares God’s love… Registration for the 2015-16 School Year. February 2nd - 9:00AM Priority Registration (St. John’s Members and Previously Enrolled Families) February 9th – 9:00AM Open Registration (All Families) We invite you to visit our classrooms, meet our teachers, and request information to learn about the preschool experience! Click on our logo in the St John’s website to find more information and registration materials. Classes are limited to ten students each, and are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. We encourage families to register early. We learn a lot, have some fun, and share God’s love! Directors: Nancy Hanson/Phyllis Meier (715)-8349571. Sharing Light and Love We continue to share the light and love of Christ at St. John’s Christian Preschool in the New Year. Each class time is filled with opportunity to play and learn, and to share this light and love. This love spills into the hallways as parents, grandparents, childcare providers and church staff share support and kindness as they come and go. This month our love is overflowing into the community as families have • donated hats for neighborhood children in need. • collected $129.00 in our grateful heart boxes to donate to the weekend kids’ meal program at Feed My People Thank you for all that you, our congregation, do to help this ministry each year. In Christ, Nancy Hanson and Phyllis Meier ************************************ *********************************************************** 11 Special Preschool Envelopes January’s offering envelopes include a special offering for St John’s Christian Preschool. Your generous gifts have been greatly appreciated in building a strong Christian Preschool at St. John’s. Due to the rising cost of operations, it has become especially necessary to rely upon individual donations to meet expenses. While the preschool ministry is thriving and enrollment is nearly full, competitive tuition rates do not cover the financial needs of a center like ours. Please consider using this envelope to make a gift that will support this ministry that reaches out to children and families in our congregation and in our community. Thank you. Other giving options include designating a preschool donation through Simply Giving or by directing your Thrivent Choice charitable dollars to St. John’s Christian Preschool. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Men’s 7:00am Breakfast meets the second Tuesday of every month at St. John’s in the small assembly. Gary Wulff always has a wonderful menu planned. All men and friends of St. John’s are welcome to come! Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 13th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Community Volunteers at St. Francis Food Pantry & Hope Gospel Mission Bargain Center Once a month we all have an opportunity to help at the St. Francis Food Pantry on Truax Blvd., across from May’s Greenhouse. THEY NEED OUR HELP! Let’s meet there on Thursday, January 8th, from 10:00AM-1:00PM. Also… Hope Gospel Bargain Center (Moholt & Clairemont). Tuesday, January 6th, any time from 5-8pm. Just check in with the front desk and ask what area they need your help and just start in. ********************************************************* Healing Hand Ministry – A Support for Those in Chronic Pain Do you have a chronic pain disorder or an invisible illness and have wondered where to find support, understanding, and Christian care? Come join the support group for Christians who suffer with daily or chronic pain. Although we usually meet the first Sunday of the month, due to the New Year weekend, we will instead meet the following Sunday, January 11th, at 4:00PM in the gathering area. Newcomers to the group are always welcome. For questions contact Pastor Christine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attention all High School and College Aged Youth! J o in us t h e f ir s t SE CO ND S u nd a y T HIS m ont h. ☺ th January 11 4:00pm to 7:00pm Come join your friends for some “down” time and an opportunity to connect. If you can make it let us know so we can plan for food and beverages… This month we will be creating our own pizzas in preparation for the upcoming Super Bowl Pizza Fundraiser! Any questions?? Contact Chris Sims at 715834-9571 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Men’s Master Builders Group invites all men and friends to join them on Wednesdays, January 7 & 21, @ 5:15pm Come and join them as they discuss many interesting topics. MISSION NEWS What’s the Mission Trip all about?? In July, 15 high school youth from St. John’s will spend a week in northern Minnesota at the Red Lake Reservation. They’ll work with other youth from all over the USA to help the local community restore and improve housing for families. It costs each youth $650 to participate in the mission trip. This covers expenses like transportation to Red Lake, a place to stay, meals, and daily programming and activities that help them continue to build their faith. The “mission trippers”, their parents, and the adult chaperones going on the trip work hard throughout 12 the year to help raise the funds to cover the cost of the trip. Thank you for your support of our fundraising activities! We couldn’t do it without you! ****************************************************************** VALUE CARDS FOR 2015 are on sale now. They’re still only $10 and include deals from many local businesses including: • • • • • $5.00 off your grocery purchase of $75.00 or more at Gordy’s County Market 10% off your bill at Cancun Restaurant $5 off an oil change at Markquart Lube-N-Wash 10% off your order at Johnny’s Pizza Shop (a new deal this year!) Buy one – get one half off at Grizzly’s And many more deals! Where can you get yours? Purchase from any youth going on the Mission Trip, from the church office, or at one of our upcoming sales on Sunday January 4th or January 11th after each worship service. ***************************************************************** Spaghetti Dinner! What’s on the menu at FEAST this January 14th? Spaghetti and all the fixings! Better yet, all funds donated to the dinner will go to the mission trip. Delicious Spaghetti AND helping kids in mission for Christ! How could you go wrong? When: Wednesday, January 14th, during the FEAST time. What time: 5:00PM – 6:30PM (We have extended FEAST time a bit) How much: Free Will Donation Menu: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert ****************************************************************** Tanzania Tuition – Imani English Medium Day & Boarding School (Elementary School) The Community & World Ministry would like to thank all the people for their support of this school and the continuing education opportunities for these children. This year we will be sending 15 students to school! This could not be possible without the help from St. John’s members and others in the community. Peace to you and your families this New Year! John Price Community & World Ministry member ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAIR TRADE COFFEE Fair Trade Coffee and Lutheran World Relief Coffee Project: "Affirming God's love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering." This is the mission statement of Lutheran World Relief. Whenever we purchase Fair Trade products we become part of this mission. We have a variety of coffee, tea and hot cocoa to choose from. Hope you are you enjoying the Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, & Hot Chocolate that is being served in the gathering area every Sunday? Be sure to check out the cabinet next to the serving table. Come, Help, Sip Boldly and Enjoy!!!! COMMUNITY EVENTS Lutheran Social Service Opportunity! Volunteer at Women’s Way Women’s Way provides case management services to women with substance abuse issues or dependence in Eau Claire, Chippewa, and Barron County. Women’s Way is in its 14th year of service and our goal is to help women stay clean and sober, stay out of criminal activity, become connected to community resources, other recover programs, and become self-sufficient. Volunteering duties may include but are not limited to: • Helping someone pick up and fill out applications for jobs or housing. • Parent support/play dates • Accompanying someone to the grocery store, laundromat, or drop-in center for playing • Connection with churches and/or the opportunity to talk with someone about spirituality, if the issue presents itself. • Taking someone to a self-help meeting or other appointments in the community. • Volunteer together! As a volunteer, you can help coordinate a community service activity. • Just getting a cup of coffee and chatting. Thank you for considering becoming a part of out team! You can make a difference, one grace-filled life at a time. Please call Lutheran Social Services of WI and Upper MI, Inc. 715-834-2046. 13 January 2015 Church Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday FEAST Events Wednesday Thursday 1 5:15pm (7, 21) Men’s Master Builders Study 5:30-6:15pm (21, 28) FEAST Supper 6:30pm (14) 8th Gr Confirmation w/ Parents (21, 28) 8th Gr Confirmation 6:30pm (21) 9th Gr Confirmation w/ Mentors 6:30pm (14, 21, 28) CIA 7:00pm S.J. Choir Friday 2 3 10 Happy New Year! 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:15am Worship 9:30am Children’s Ed, 3 Yr Old SS 10:45am Worship 6:30pm JuBellation 10:45am Sr & Shut-in Ministry 5:00-8:00pm Vol @ Hope Gospel Mission Bargain Center 6:00pm Education Ministry 7:00pm WOF & Step Group 9:00am Quilting 5:15pm Men’s Master Builders Study 7:00pm SJ Choir 9:30am Dove West Service 10:00am-1:00pm Vol. @ St. Francis Food Pantry 10:30am Heritage Court Service 1:30pm S.J. Apt. Service 3:00pm Heritage Apts 7:00pm Preschool Board & Property 9:00-11:00am Come & Be 11 Baptismal Renewal 12 13 14 15 February 16 7:00am Men's Breakfast 1:00pm Worship & Music Ministry 6:30pm Community & World Ministry, Faith Family Ministry 7:00pm Step Group 9:30am Naomi/Ruth @ Heritage 5:00pm Mission Trip Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 19 20 8:15am Worship 9:30am Adult & Children’s Ed 10:45am Worship 9:45am Azura Memory Care Service 6:30pm JuBellation & WOF Service Project @ St. John’s 7:00pm Boy Scouts 6:00pm Diner’s Club @ Asia Palace across from Best Buy 7:00pm Step Group 25 Annual Meeting 26 EC & Preschool 27 28 7:00pm Step Group 9:00am Quilting 10:15am Clairemont Service 8:15am Worship 9:30am Children’s Ed, Adult Ed 9:30am Heritage Assisted Service 10:45am Worship 4:00pm Healing Hand 5:00pm Rooted & Kiki Hats Cast Party 3:00pm Finance 6:30pm JuBellation 7:00pm Boy Scouts & Board of Review 18 8:15am Worship 9:30am Annual Meeting 9:30am Children’s Ed 10:45am Worship Saturday 17 Newsletter Deadline 9:00am Vol @ Community Table 9:00-11:00am Come & Be 10:30am Oakwood Villa Service 21 22 23 9:30am Lois Circle 6:30pm Council 9:00-11:00am Come & Be 29 30 See Upper Left for FEAST Events 24 See Upper Left for FEAST Events 31 Closed 6:30pm JuBellation 9:00-11:00am Come & Be See Upper Left for FEAST Events 14 15 St. John’s Lutheran Church is a people formed in the waters of Christian baptism to be a fountain of life for all who gather here, overflowing into a river of compassion for the world. Your Church Staff Ministers: All the congregation Lead Pastor: Pr. Nathan Aaseng Associate Pastor: Pr. Christine Emerson Ministry Assistant: Patti Gorell Director of Christian Education: Christine Sims Director of Music Ministry: Roxanne Litchfield-Holey Office Manager: Sandy Huebscher Bookkeeper: Jo Rauckman Facility & Grounds Manager: Michael Gorell Custodian: Ann Zimmerman Music Directors: Kathy Kurshinsky & Roxanne Litchfield-Holey Women of the ELCA: JoAnn Schulte & Boletta Munden St. John’s Christian Preschool: Nancy Hanson, Phyllis Meier and Julie Kitzman Preschool Website: St. John’s Website: Church Council: Dick Freitag Donna Meier Bo Decal John Moseng Karen Schauer Lynn Yolitz Kathy Freitag Jennifer Olson Mike Glamann Rozie Bejin Jeff & Tina Wolfgram Patti Sontag Mike Kitzman Annalise Muller President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Caring Community & World Education Faith Family Sr. & Shut-In Worship & Music Youth At-Large At-Large At-Large St. John’s general email: [email protected] 16
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