CalPERS Supplemental Contributions Plan 452001 IRC 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET (Estimate for Calendar Year 2014) 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION (please print clearly) NAME: ____________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ______________________ CalPERS ID: __________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ APT:________________________________________ CITY:______________________________________________________________ STATE:_________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ WORK PHONE: ________________ HOME PHONE: ____________________ E-MAIL: ____________________________________________ 2. 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET (with estimates and example column) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1 1. Enter your estimated gross pay for the calendar year, before deductions Enter Your Estimates in This Column $ 2. Enter estimates for the following amounts for the calendar year: Note: The IRC 415(c) limit does not apply to medical, dental or 457 pre-tax deductions $ 168,000.00 Pre-Tax Salary Adjustments a. CalPERS pre-tax Member Retirement Contributions to the defined benefit plan $ $ 8,320.00 b. Member Service Credit purchase contributions (Pre-tax deductions for purchase of additional service credit, except redeposits) $ $ 3,000.00 c. Employer pre-tax contributions to the State Alternate Retirement Program for new employees hired after 8/11/2004 $ $ d. Mandatory pre-tax contributions to the other retirement plans that are picked up by your employer (do not include your own salary deferral contributions, if any) $ $ e. Add Lines 2a and 2d 3. Section 415 Compensation – Subtract Line 2e from Line 1 $ $ $ $ 11,320.00 156,680.00 4. IRC Section 415(c) maximum limit for 2014 $ $ 52,000.00 5. If your Section 415 Compensation for the year (Line 3) is less than $52,000 enter that amount on line 5. If greater, enter $52,000. $ $ 52,000.00 6. Enter your employer and/or employee contributions to a 401(a) defined contribution plan (including 401(k) plans), 403(a) and 403(b) plans, and Simplified Employee Pension Plans (SEPs) 52,000.00 Contributions to Retirement Plans a. Enter after-tax payments to CalPERS (such as purchases of additional service credit except redeposits) $ $ .00 b. Enter after-tax payments to another employer’s Defined Benefit Plan for purchase of additional service credit except redeposits $ $ .00 c. Enter pre-tax employer contributions to 401(a) defined contribution plan, including pre-tax contributions to 401(k) plan and the State Alternative Retirement Program for new employees hired after 8/11/2004 $ $ 3,360.00 d. Enter pre-tax emplyee contributions to a Section 401(a) defined contribution plan (including a 401(k) plan), 403(a) and 403(b) plans, and SEPs $ $ 2,400.00 e. Enter the amount of Employee Roth Contributions (after-tax) to a Section 401(k) or 403(b) plan $ $ f. Add lines 6a through 6e $ $ 5,760.00 $ $ 46,240.00 7. Maximum SCP Contribution for the calendar year. Subtract Line 6f from line 5 1 Example: SMITH The information provided in this worksheet is not intended to serve as legal, tax, or investment advice. Please consult a qualified professional for such advice. PAGE 1 of 3 CalPERS Supplemental Contributions Plan 452001 IRC 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET 3. SIGNATURE REQUIRED PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________ DATE: ______________________ Please submit your completed form by fax or mail: FAX FAXDELIVERY: DELIVERY: ING, Plan Administration Voya, Plan Administration Attn: Attn:CalPERS CalPERS 1-888-228-6185 1-888-228-6185 US DELIVERY: USMAIL MAIL DELIVERY: ING, Plan Administration Voya, Plan Administration Attn: Attn:CalPERS CalPERS P.O. 5166 P.O.Box Box 5166 Boston, 02206-5166 Boston,MAMA 02206-5166 OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: Voya, Plan Administration ING, Plan Administration Attn: CalPERS Attn: CalPERS 30 BraintreeHillHill Office 30 Braintree Office ParkPark Braintree, MA 02184 Braintree, MA 02184 If you haveany anyquestions, questions,you you may call Help Line 1-800-260-0659,orortotoobtain obtain additional plan or account If you have may call thethe Help Line at at 1-800-260-0659, additional plan or account information, please access please your account Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through information, accessatyour account at Customer Service Representatives are Friday, 6:00 A.M.Monday to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Time6:00 (excluding holidays). available through Friday, A.M. tostock 5:00 market P.M. Pacific Time (excluding stock market holidays). IRC 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET / PAGE 2 of 3 09/01/2014 PR452001CALEAFN CalPERS Supplemental Contributions Plan 452001 IRC 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET 4. EXAMPLE M.R. Smith has a gross monthly salary of $14,000 and no other compensation. His monthly pre-tax deductions are: • CalPERS member contribution to a defined benefit plan $693.33 (2a) • Pre-tax contributions to purchase Additional Retirement Service Credit $250.00 (2b) • Pre-tax medical savings deduction $25.00 (not applicable) • Deferred compensation (457 Plan) contributions $300.00 (not applicable) • Mandatory pre-tax contributions to the State Alternate Retirement Program $280.00 (6c) • 401(k) contributions $200.00 (6d) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Enter your estimated gross pay for the calendar year, before deductions Example: M.R. Smith’s Data $ 14,000 month x 12 = 2. Enter estimates for the following amounts for the calendar year: Note: The IRC 415(c) limit does not apply to medical, dental or 457 pre-tax deductions $ 168,000.00 Pre-Tax Salary Adjustments a. CalPERS pre-tax Member Retirement Contributions to the defined benefit plan $ 693.33 x 12 = $ 8,320.00 b. Member Service Credit purchase contributions (Pre-tax deductions for purchase of additional service credit, except redeposits) $ 250.00 x 12 = $ 3,000.00 c. Employer pre-tax contributions to the State Alternate Retirement Program for new employees hired after 8/11/2004 $ $ d. Mandatory pre-tax contributions to the other retirement plans that are picked up by your employer (do not include your own salary deferral contributions, if any) $ $ e. Add Lines 2a and 2d $ $ 11,320.00 3. Section 415 Compensation – Subtract Line 2e from Line 1 $168,000 - 11,320 = $ 156,680.00 4. IRC Section 415(c) maximum limit for 2014 $ $ 52,000.00 5. If your Section 415 Compensation for the year (Line 3) is less than $52,000 enter that amount on line 5. If greater, enter $52,000. $ $ 52,000.00 6. Enter your employer and/or employee contributions to a 401(a) defined contribution plan (including 401(k) plans), 403(a) and 403(b) plans, and Simplified Employee Pension Plans (SEPs) Contributions to Retirement Plans a. Enter after-tax payments to CalPERS (such as purchases of additional service credit except redeposits) $ $ .00 b. Enter after-tax payments to another employer’s Defined Benefit Plan for purchase of additional service credit except redeposits $ $ .00 c. Enter pre-tax employer contributions to 401(a) defined contribution plan, including pre-tax contributions to 401(k) plan and the State Alternative Retirement Program for new employees hired after 8/11/2004 $ 280.00 x 12 = $ 3,360.00 d. Enter pre-tax emplyee contributions to a Section 401(a) defined contribution plan (including a 401(k) plan), 403(a) and 403(b) plans, and SEPs $ 200.00 x 12 = $ 2,400.00 e. Enter the amount of Employee Roth Contributions (after-tax) to a Section 401(k) or 403(b) plan $ $ f. Add lines 6a through 6e $3,360.00 + 2,400 = $ 5,760.00 $ $ 46,240.00 7. Maximum SCP Contribution for the calendar year. Subtract Line 6f from line 5 IRC 415(c) LIMIT WORKSHEET / PAGE 3 of 3 09/01/2014 PR452001CALEAFN
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