Name: ___ANSWERS________ Date: _______________________ Period: ______________________ Chapter 21 Civil Rights Review Worksheet—ANSWERS OGT Section Page Person, Place, Date, Term Description refer to and study “Civil Rights Movement— Alphabet Soup” 4.1 166 Dred Scott vs. Sanford (1857) Dred Scott was a slave who sued unsuccessfully for his freedom in the famous lawsuit Dred Scott v. Sandford Provision that exempts certain people from a law on the basis of previously existing circumstances Laws enacted by Southern state and local governments to separate white and black people in public and private facilities; An annual tax that had to be paid before qualifying to vote—African Americans and poor white citizens were often too poor to pay the poll tax; which bears his name—The court ruled 7 to 2 against Scott, stating that slaves were property , and the court could not deprive people of their property without due process of law according to the Fifth Amendment 8.3 287 Grandfather clause —especially a clause formerly in some Southern states ’ cons titution s that exempted whites from the strict vo ting requirements used to keep African Amer icans from the polls 8.3 287 Jim Crow Laws named after a popular old minstrel son g that ended in the words “Jump, Jim Crow” 8.3 287 Poll Tax to reinstate white voters who cou ld no t pay the poll tax, several Southern states added the grandfather clause which allowed citizens to still vo te if their grandfath ers were able to vote 8.3 287 & 290 19.1 21.1 637 99 21.1 99 21.1 100 Plessy v Ferguson What were some of the actions taken by President Truman as a result of the Committee on Civ il Righ ts ? Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment (1868) Fifteenth Amendment (1867) Affirmed the legality of racial segregation (“separate but equal”); In 1890, the State of Lou isiana had passed a law that required separ ate accommodations for Blac ks and Whites on railroads. Homer Plessy , who was one -eighth African, had taken a seat in the whites only railway car, he was asked to vacate it and sit in stead in the "blac ks on ly " car. Plessy refused and was immediately arrested. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled by a 7-1 decision in th is case that the separation of races in public accommodations was legal and d id no t vio late the Fo urteenth Amendment as long as the accommodations were equal; decision establis hed the doctrine of “separate but equal” which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities. Based on the committee’s finding s, Truman urged Confess to pass an anti-ly nching law and an anti-p oll-tax measure to end discrimination in federal agencies and the military . He issued executive orders banning racial discrimination in the military and in federal hiring. He also too k steps to end employ ment discriminati on by companies holding government contracts. Amendment XIV (the Fourteenth Amendment) of the United States Con stitutio n recognized former slaves as citizens. Amendment XV (the Fifteenth Amendment) of the United States Co nstitution race. abolished slavery. The amendment states: Section 1. All person s born or na tura lized in the United Sta tes, and subject to the ju risd iction thereof, a re citizens of the Un ited States and of the State wherein they reside. grants voting rights regardless of The amendment states: Section 1. The righ t of citizens of the Un ited S tates to vote shall not be denied or a brid ged by the United States or by any State on account of r ace, color, or previous cond itio n of servitude. prohibits both Congress and the states from putting restrictions (poll tax, literacy test, etc.) on the right to vote in federal elections. Section 2. The Con gress sh all have power to enforce th is ar ticle by appr opria te legis lation. 21.1 102 Twenty-fourth Amendment (1964) Amendment XXIV (the Twenty-fourth Amendment) of the United States Constitution The amendment states: Section 1. The righ t of citizens of the United S tates to vote in a ny primary o r other election fo r Presiden t or V ice Preside nt, for electors for P resident o r Vice Presiden t, or for Sena tor or Representative in Co ngress, shall not be den ied or ab ridged by the United S tates o r any Sta te by reason o f fa ilure to pa y poll tax or other tax. A test that judged the reading of voters to determine if they could vote or not; African Americans were often given more difficult Section 2.The Cong ress sh all h ave power to enforce this article by appro pria te legislatio n. 21.1 700 — N/A Literacy test questions than white, Racial prejudice or discrimination Linda Brown’s parents sued the school board Warren Court handed down a unanimous 9-0 decision which stated, in no uncertain terms, that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." This ruling eliminated the doctrine of "separate but equal”. The decision gave legal support of the African American struggle for civil rights. or given a test in a foreign language in the end thou gh it was white officials that graded it and they could pass or fail applicants as they wished 21.1 700— N/A racism 21.1 702 Brown v. Board of Education (1954) In Topeka, Kansas, for not allowing their daughter to attend a better all-white school miles closer to their h ome and than the segregated elementary school she was assigned to (Linda Brown—7 y ears-old—had to walk a mile through a dangerous train switching y ard to g et to a bus to ta ke her to her school rather than attending a school several bloc ks from her home); on 17 May 1954 the Some border states integrated their sch ools, but the Sou th remained segregated. The governor of Virginia threatened to clo se the state ’s pu blic schoo ls and send white children to private schools. A group of Southern members of Congress signed a “Sou thern Manifesto,” wh ich called the court’s ruling “a clear abuse of judicial power” and pledged use of “all lawful means to bring abou t a reversal of this 21.1 702 21.1 702 21.1 702 Discuss three results of the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Thurgood Marshall How did events during World War II lay the groundwork for African Americans to fight for civil rights in the 1950s ? decision.” African Americans had experienced better job opportunities; many veterans who had fought racist Germans wanted to resis t racist Americans; civil rights groups had s taged some successful protests Leading civil rights attorney In total, Marshall won twenty-nine out of the thirty-two cases The nine African American students who attempted to enroll at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas In response to many whites resisted desegregation and in many places the Ku Klux Klan reappeared; ordered school desegregation be implemented “with all deliberate speed” Nine black students (“The Little Rock Nine”) seeking to enter Little Rock Central High School were stopped by Governor Orval Faubus, the National Guard, and angry white segregationists. These actions forced President Eisenhower to intervene. A document signed by a group of 101 southern members of Congress pledged use of “all lawful means to bring about a reversal of this decision” he argued before the Supreme Court (inclu ding Brown v Board of Educatio n); On J une 13, 19 67, President Jo hnson app ointed Marshall to the Supreme Court say ing that th is was "the righ t thing to do, the rig ht time to do it, the righ t man and the right place." He was the first African-American to hold the po sition. 21.1 703 “Little Rock Nine” 21.1 703 Brown II the Brown v Board of Ed ucation decision, in response, the Supreme Court handed down a second ru ling ( kn own as Brow n II) that 21.1 703 Little Rock Crisis Wednesday , Sept. 4, 1957, He federalized the Arkansas National Guard and sen t in 1, 000 paratroopers to pro tect the students and to allow them to enter. Studen ts attended for that y ear then Faubus shut down Central High rather than let in tegration continue. 21.1 21.1 21.1 703 — N/A 703 704 Southern Manifesto which called the Cour t’s ru ling of Brown v Board of Educa tion “a clear abuse of judicial power” and Why weren’t schoo ls in all regions desegregated immediately after the Brown II decision ? Some Southern whites and s tate officials resis ted integratio n, and neither the president nor Congress force d them to act quic kly Explain the pr imary effect of the bus boy cott in Montgomery , Alabama, on the bus company and the community . African American passengers who regulary used the buses for transportation b oy cotted them. Because a majority of the regular bus riders were African Americans, the bus company lost much of its bu siness. The boy cott eventually forced the bus company to desegragete buses. 2 21.1 21.1 704 — N/A 704 Federalized Put under the jurisdiction of the federal government A boycott of public transportation in Montgomery, Alabama in response to Rosa Parks being arrested; the boycott lasted for 381 days until the Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation Refusal to obey an unjust law Protests where demonstrators did not used any kind of force or violence no matter what was said or done to them; Protested segregation through everyday acts all her life; through planning with NAACP, she refused to give up her seat to white passenger and ignited the Civil Rights Movement. visit relatives murdered by Ku Klux Klan mother chose to have the casket open at his funeral, showing the beating picture of his corpse appeared in a magazine Martin Luther King, Jr. was the instrumental leader of the civil rights movement; he believed in non-violence and civil disobedience; he was head of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) and then the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); probably most remembered for his famous “I have a Dream” speech which came at the conclusion the Civil Rights March on —during the Civil Rig hts Movement, the president often federalized state Natio nal Guardsmen until federal troops could arrive Montgomery Bus Boycott the boy cott was organized by the MIA and led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; many African Americans chose to walk for miles rather than ta ke the bus— in many cases people organized car pools; do nations were taken up to purchase “boy cott taxies” to pic k up and dr ive walkers; 21.1 21.1 704 704 21.1 705 21.1 705 21.1 705 What effect do y ou think television coverage of the Little Roc k incident had on the natio n? What was the Montgomery Improvement Association Civil disobedience How did many African Americans react to the death of Martin L uther King Jr.? Non-violent Protest Television allowed the people to see the white separatists ’ cruel treatm ent of the African American students—this helped them relate and cause sy mpathy for the cause and anger towards the segregation list The MIA was a group of local civil righ ts leaders wor king for fair condition s for minorities in Mo ntgomery and around the nation. It was formed to organize the Montg omery Bus Boy cott. Many African Americans were outraged. Within ho urs of th is death, African American neighborhoods across the country exploded in v iolence. A week of rioting left 46 dead and thousands injured. became a staple of the early Civil Rig hts Movement under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr.; K ing go t the idea from Mohandas Gandhi who u sed the techniq ue to help India overthrow British ru le 21.1 705 21.1 705—N/A 21.1 706 Rosa Parks He was a seamstress and an NAACP officer. Jo Ann Robinson and NAA CP leader E.D. Nixon helped Parks p lan the boy cott; O n December 1, 1955 she was arrested for refusing to give up he r seat which had become part of “white only ” section after the front of the bus had been filled; For What did the experiences of Martin L uther King Jr. in Chicago sh ow? Emmett Till Case 381 day s, African Americans refused to ride the buses in Montgomery ; Finally , in 1956, the Su preme Court outlawed bu s segrega tion King’s experiences showed that signif icant obstacles to full equality remained and that the fight agains t racial discriminatio n in the North did not draw support from white Americans in the way that demonstration s against southern segregatio n had done a few y ears earlier. In August 1 955, went to a group called the “uptown near Money , Mis siss ippi. There he was ”. Emmett Till, a fourteen y ear old boy from Chicago visiting relatives in Money , was killed by a group called the “ up town Ku K lux Klan” for allegedly whistling at a wh ite woman in a store, His that had been inflicted on her son by his tw o white abductors before he was shot. Th ousands were expose d to this site when a . The murder and subsequent acquittal galvanized op inion in the Nor th in the same way that the long campaign to free the "Scottsboro Boy s" had in the 193 0s. Th is case shoc ked both whites and blac ks for the cruelty of the killing. It prompted blac ks to become more involved with protes ts. 21.1 706 Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlan ta, Georgia to the Rev. Martin Luther Kin g, Sr. and A lberta Williams King. (King was born Michael but in 1934 his father— Rev. Michael Kin g, Sr. —returned home from Europe where he had toured the site where Martin Luther had begun the Protestant Reformation and upon returnin g home he changed his name as well as his s ons.) He graduated from Morehouse Co llege in 1 948 at age nineteen and earned his Ph.D. in Theology from Boston University in 1955. King married Coretta Scott o n June 18, 195 3 and they had four children. While at Cro zer Theological Seminary , King first became acquainted with the ideas of Mohandas Gandh i, which influenced him greatly in his future y ears. In 1953, King became the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Mon tgomery , Alabama. He was selected to lead the 1955 Mon tgomery Bus Boy cott. He was then in strumental in the foundin g of the Southern Chris tian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Kin g led the SCL C in a number of triumphs over racial injustices and became a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement. His is Washington wh ich he had spearheaded. King was assass inated on April 4, 19 68 in Memphis, Tennessee while he stood on his hotel balcony . James Earl Ray was arrested and convicted of the crime. In 1986, a U.S. national ho liday was established in honor of Martin L uther King Jr., wh ich is called Martin Lu ther King Day . It is ob served on the th ir d Monday of January each year, around the time of King's birth day . On January 18, 1993, for the first time, Martin Luther Kin g Day was officially observed in all 50 U. S. states. In add ition, many U.S. cities have officially renamed one of their streets to honor K ing. Since his death, Coretta Scott King has followed her husband's foots teps and is active in matters of social justice a nd civil righ ts. The same y ear Martin Luther King was assass inated, Mrs. King es tablished the King Center in A tlanta, Georgia, dedicated to preserving his legacy a nd the work of championin g nonv iolent conflict resolu tion and tolerance worldwide. 21.1 706 Sit-ins Form of protest where protesters would sit 3 down at segregated lunch counters and refuse to leave until they were served ; the first sit-ins were organized by CO RE to protest segregatio n in the 21.1 21.1 21.1 706 706 723—N/A What was the Chris tian Leadership Conference, and what did it seek to achieve? Why did Martin Luther King Jr. move his family into a Chicago slum apartment in 1966 ? What accomplishments of the civil rig hts movement were achieved through nonviolent means? Why , despite these accomplishments, did some African Americans come to reject nonviolence? (Thin k Abou t: accomplishments in education, vo ting, and use of public facilities; w hat was required of nonviolent pro testers; difference between de facto and de jure se gregation) What strategies made the Montgomery Bus Boy cott a success ? 21.2 704 21.2 705 Civil Rights Act of 1957 21.2 710 Freedom Riders 21.2 710 Freedom Summer North in the 1940s ; the tactic became popular and effective in the 1960s when film crews would cover such protests and the world got to see the ug ly face of racism as whites would beat, jeer at, and pour food over students who refused to strike bac k The Christian Leadership Co nference was an alliance of church-based African American organizations ded icated to ending discriminatio n throug h nonv iolent resistance in protes ts King hoped to draw attentio n to the hous ing prob lems African Americans faced in the urban North. Accomplishments achieved through non violen t means included the desegregation of schools and public facilities, such as buses and lunch coun ters, the abolition of literacy tests and poll taxes that had prevented African Americans in the South from voting, and the passage of laws that expanded hous ing, e mploy ment, and educational opportunities for African Americans. The nonviolent approach required patience and personal sacrifice. Some African Americans were unwilling to con tinue to wait, or sacrifice more than they already had, for right they deserved. Some African Americans felt that nonviolence was not an effective means of ending de facto segregation, which had led to the concentration of urb an African Americans in slums with little hope of improving their economic and social statu s. African Americans used nonvio lence and economic strategies such as the bus b oy cott to war down op position and insp irational, charismatic leadership to keep the community from losing heart The first civil rights law since Reconstruction Established federal Commission on Civil Rights Established a Civil Rights Division in the Justice Department to enforce civil rights laws Enlarged federal power to protect voting rights James Farmer, director of CORE, called for a movement (the Freedom Riders) to test racial discrimination in bus stations and terminal she sent 400 US marshals to protest the riders on their trip and (freedom riders led to) banned segregation in all interstate travel facilities, including waiting rooms, restrooms, and lunch counters. Freedom Summer—CORE, SNCC project to register blacks to vote in MS; Volunteers beaten, killed; businesses, homes, churches burned; With help of Kennedy and federal marshals, he integrated University of Mississippi, later shot In June of 1964, three civil rights wor kers disappeared in Nesho ba Coun ty , Miss issippi—It was later learned that Klansmen and local po lice had murdered the men, two of whom were white (investigation is por tray ed in the movie Missis sipp i Burn ing. 21.2 711 21.2 21.2 711 712 21.2 21.2 713 714—N/A 21.2 714 James Meredith In September 1962, a federal court ordered the University of Missis sipp i to accept James Meredith, a twenty -eight-y ear-old Air Force Veteran, much to the consternation of segregationis ts; G overnor Ros s Barnett said he would never allow the schoo l to be integrated; After day s of violence and rioting by whites, Meredith, President Kenne dy ordered federal What did the freedom riders hope to achieve? Violence in Birmingham Ernest Withers Birmingham Church Bombing (16th Street Baptis t Church Bombing) Civil Rights Act of 1964 marshals to escort James Meredith to the Un iversity ; In 1966 Meredith began a 220-mile "March Against Fear" from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jac kson, Mis siss ippi —he hoped to demonstrate a positive change in the racial climate, but he was s hot s oon after he commenced the march; Civil righ ts leaders rallied to the cause and came to continue the march from the point at which Meredith fell. They hoped to call attention to the Sou th ’s refusal to abandon segregation so as to pressure the federal government to enforce the Supreme Court’s desegregation ru lings Birmingham , Alabama was a city known for its strict enforcement of total segregation in pub lic life; Martin Lu ther King Jr. and the SCLC went to Birmingham to desegregate it b ut after day s of protesting, Martin Lu ther King arrested, writes “Letter from Birmingham Jail”; More than a thousand African- American children took to the s treets in protes t, police com missioner Eugene “Bull” Connor ’s men arrested 959 of them and a day later attacked them with fire hoses, dogs, and clubs— TV cameras captured all of it, and millions of viewers heard the children screaming; Con tinued pro tests, economic boy cott, ba d press end segregation An African American photographer who was an important part of the Civil Righ ts Movement; he believed that if the stru ggle for equality could be sh own to people then thing s would change Occurred only two weeks after King’s his toric speech; On Su nday , September 15, 1963, Ku Klux Klan members Bobby Frank Cherry and Robert Edward Chambliss (a. k.a. Dynamite Bob) p lanted 19 stic ks of dy namite in the basement of the Church. At abou t 10 :25 AM, they exploded. Fo ur y oung girls — Addie Mae Collins , Carole Robertson, Cy nthia Wesley and Denise McNair — were killed in the blast, while 22 more were injured; Outrage at the bombing and the grief that followed helped ensure the pas sage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 ; Chambliss was initially acquitted of the murder charge s, but y ears later it was found that the FBI had accumulated evidence against the b ombers that had not been revealed to the prosecutors, by order of FBI director J. Edgar Hoo ver—But in 19 77 Chambliss was con victed for the murders and sentenced to several terms of life imprisonment. He died in prison in 19 85; After reopening the case several times, in 2000 the FBI as sisted the state author ities in bring ing charges against Cherry and Thomas Blanton— they were convicted by state court juries and sentenced to life in prison Proposed by President Kennedy on June 19, 1963. It was the most sig nificant piece of legis lation to date, and it has had a las ting effect in the elimination of d iscrimination and segregation. President J ohnson signed the bill in to a law in July 2, 1964. Banned most discrimination in employment and in public accommodations. Enlarged federal power to protect voting rights and speed up school desegregation. 4 Established Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to insure fair treatment in employment. 21.2 714—N/A 21.2 714 Explain why Malcolm X was not a s upporter of the March on Wash ingto n. Malcolm X criticized K ing ’s decis ion to allow this as he believed that Kennedy was attempting to ta ke over and orchestrate the march. Malcolm X was to nic k-name the march "The Farce on Washington ". Integrating University of Alabama June 11, 1963, two students escorted by federal marshals attempted to enroll for class at the University of Alabama (an all-white university); they were barred from doing so when Alabama Governor George Wallace made his infamous "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door” in an attempt to prevent racial integration of Alabama schools— , Kennedy ordered the troops to make sure African Americans were allowed to enter. Planning for the event among the “big six”; Kennedy eventually endorsed the march when it was agreed that the federal government could have an input into it. The march ended with Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech. Was a Jewish-American civil rights activist who was murdered by gunshot in 1964 while trying to register voters as part of Freedom Summer. was a civil rights worker who was murdered by gunshot in 1964 while trying to register voters as part of Freedom Summer Was a Jewish-American civil rights activist who was murdered by gunshot in 1964 while trying to register voters as part of Freedom Summer. On March 7, 1965, about 600 protesters set out on a 50-mile protest march from Selma, Alabama to the state capital of Montgomery. Wallace said, “I say , Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever”; After try ing to get Wallace to back d own v oluntarily federalized the Alabama National Guard and Wallace backed down and the Un iversity of Alabama was integrated 21.2 714 March on Washington The march was initiated by A. Philip Randolph. was complicated by differences members but eventually agreed upon. Known in the press as "the big six”; T he 1963 March on Washingto n was in itially opposed by Kennedy as he believed that any march during his presidency would ind icate that the leaders of the civil rig hts campaign were critical of his s tance on civil rights. Kennedy also felt that the march could antagonize. Malcolm X criticized King ’s decision to allow this as he believed that Kennedy was attempting to ta ke over and orchestrate the march. Malcolm X was to nick-name the march "The Farce on Washington ". His torians now view the march as a great success for both King and the federal gove rnment as it went well in all aspects - peaceful, informative, well or ganized etc. The rumors that federal representatives would cu t off the PA sy stem if the speeche s became too rabble-raising have not been proved. A ugust 28, 196 3, more than 250,00 0 demonstrators—includin g 45,00 0 whites— marched to the nation ’s capital to demand for equality . They assembled at the Lincoln Memorial and listened to spea kers dema nd the immediate passage of the civil rights bill. This speech was one of the most important speeches in history . It gave hope to many blacks around the nation. 21.2 714 21.2 715 — N/A What effect do y ou think the March on Washing ton had on the passage of the Civ il Righ ts Act of 19 64? Andrew Goodman 21.2 715 21.2 715 — N/A James Chaney 21.2 715 — N/A Michael Schwerner 21.2 715 21.2 716 Fannie Lou Ham er Why did Civil Rights groups organize Freedom Summer? “Bloody Sunday”— The Selma Campaign The March on Washingto n provided civil rig hts leaders with the chance to deliver their message to a national audience. After hearing moving and elo quent speeches such as the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr., members of Congress my have been more compelled to pass the Civ il rig hts Act more quickly than they might have otherwise. Was the daughter of a Miss iss ippi s harecropper and became the voice of the SNCC organized Mis siss ippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP); she spoke at the 1964 Democratic National Convention and in a televised s peech that shoc ked the convention and v iewers nationwide—Hamer described how she was jailed for registering to vote in 1962 : “The first [pr isoner] began to beat [me], a nd I wa s beat by the firs t until he was exhaus ted. . . . The second [p risoner ] began to beat. . . .I began to scream and o ne white man go t up an d began to beat me in my head and tell me to „hus h.‟ . . .All of this on account we wa nt to regis ter, to become first-clas s citizens, and if the Freedom Democratic Par ty is n ot seate d now, I ques tion America.” They hoped to call attention to the lack of votin g rights in segregationis t stron ghold s and to promote passage of a federal voting rights act 5 where state and local lawmen attacked them with billy clubs and tear gas and drove them back into Selma. The marchers headed east out of Selma on U.S. H ighway 80 but on ly got as far as the Edmund Pettus Bridge six bloc ks away , King leads 600 pro test marchers; TV shows po lice violen tly stop them. Second march, with federal protection, swells to 25,000 people 21.2 21.2 716 716 Describe the even in Selma, Alabama, that helped spur the passage of the Votin g Rights Ac t of 1965. Voting Righ ts Act: 1965 21.3 718 De facto segregation 21.3 718 De jure segregation 21.3 21.3 21.3 718—N/A 718 719 21.3 719 21.3 719 Police attacked activis ts pro testing the vio lence used to prevent African Americans from registering to vote. Public outrage over the attacks help lead to the passage of the Vo ting Rights Act just five months later. In response to “Bloody Sunday ”—President Johnso n delivered a nationw ide speech to congress as king for the passage of the Votin g Rights Act of 1965. E ventually it was approved. Eliminated voter literacy tests Enabled federal examiners to register voters Segregation that exists by practice, custom; problem in North Segregation required by law; problem in South Hough Riots What were some of the causes and effects of the urban riots of the mid-196 0s? Explain some of the most important factors that led to the develo pment of a Black Power movement in the mid-1960s. (Thin k About: de jure segregation versus de facto segregation, gains African Americans had made by the mid-1960s, and the treatment of African Americans by law officers in Northern cities) Race Riots in Cleveland, Ohio; s tarted on July 18 and lasted for 6 day s after a white dinner owner refused to given an Africa n American a glass of water—By the end of the riots, four peop le were killed. Abou t 240 fires were reported during the riots. African American frustrations with con tinu ing d iscrimination and the prevalence of white racism helped trigger the riots . The riots caused death and destructio n and left wh ite and blac k Americans more polarized than before. Accomplishments achieved through non violen t mans included the desegregation of schools and pub lic facilities, such as bu ses and lunch cou nters, the abolitio n of literacy tests and poll taxes that had prevented Af rican Americans in the Sou th from voting, and the passage of laws that expanded hou sing, em ploy ment, and educational opportun ities for African Americans. The nonviolen t approach required patience and personal sacrifice. Some African Americans were unwilling to con tinue to wait, or sacrifice more than they alre ady had, for rights they deserved. Some African Americans felt that nonviolence was no t effective means of ending de facto segregation which had led to the concentration of urban African Americans in slums with little ho pe of improving their economic and social statu s. How did the message of Malcolm X differ from that of other civil r ights leaders in the early 1960s? Malcolm X advocated African American separatism and called for freedom to be brought about “by any means possible.” Th is ph iloso phy differed greatly from other leaders, who strove to achieve racial inte gratio n throug h peaceful means. Malcolm X Malcolm X (dropping what he called his “slave name”) was a minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam; but eventually broke ties with the Nation of Islam led by Elijah Muhammad and appealed to African Americans to embrace the Islamic faith and preached black nationalism; ideas were popularized by one of their leaders known as Malcolm X militant Black Power groups; They used guns and violence to confront police and law, and to give more power to blacks; They preached ideas of Mao Zedong provided social services to the ghettos and won popular support because of this. because: he learned that Elijah Muhammad had broken his own rules by committing adultery and after pilgrimage to Mecca and learning that Islam really preached r acial equality —he began to push for in tegration; A t a spea king engagement in the Ma nhattan's Audubon Ballroom on February 21, 1965 three gunmen rushed Malcolm on stage and shot him 15 times at close range—it was believed that he was killed by the Nation of Islam for speaking ou t against their views b ut th is was never proven 21.3 719 Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) Their philo sophy advocated for African Americans to separate themselves from whites and from their own self-governing communities b lacks separate from whites—believed whites source of black problems; Their 21.3 720 Black Panthers Black Panther Party was the most famous of the and had violent confrontatio ns with police; They 21.3 21.3 21.3 720 720 721 What were some of the positive aspects of the Blac k Power movement? What were the goals of the Blac k Panther Party ? What were the methods they advocated in their attempt to achieve these goals ? Why was the public reaction to the Back Panthers mixed ? 21.3 722 Civil Rights Act of 1968 21.3 722 Kerner Commission 21.3 722 21.3 723 The Black Power Movement had many positive aspects, includ ing an emphasis on racial pride and an interest in African culture and heritage. The Black Panther Party wanted “land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace” as well as the freedom to dete rmine their own destiny . The group be lieved that it sho uld arm itself in order to defend the blac k community from “racist police oppressio n.” Americans feared the Black Panther’s rhetoric and their in volvement in v iolence; however, some poor African Americans benefited from their community programs Prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of most housing Strengthened anti-lynching laws Made it a crime to harm civil rights workers Commission found “white racism” as the main cause of urban violence ; The Kerner Commission was the popu lar name given to the National A dvisory Commissio n on Civil Dis orders; The 11-member commission White Flight was created in July , 1967 by President Ly ndon B. Joh nson to inves tigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States. The commission's report, usually called the "Kerner Report," wa s released on February 29, 1968. T he report named one main cause for urban violence: White Racism; the report sa id, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, on blac k, one white—separate but equal; the report called for the nation to create new jobs, construct new housing , and end de facto segregation in order to wipe ou t the des tructive ghetto environment—the Johnso n administration ig nored many of the recommendations because of white oppo sition to such sweeping changes. White flight is a term for the demographic trend of white people, generally but no t alway s upper and middle class, moving awa y from increasingly and predominantly non-white areas, finding new homes in nearby suburbs; Prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , due to racist real-estate covenants and o ther discriminatory practices, non-white people were almost never afforded the same opportunities to move away from the cities, even when they may have been economically able to do so. Affirmative Action Affirmative action programs involve making special efforts to hire or 6 enroll groups that have suffered discrimination; some criticize action programs as “reverse discrimination” that set minority hiring or enrollment quotas and deprived whites of opportunities. Marshall, as the head of the NAACP’s team of lawyers, argued many important civil rights cases before the Supreme Court. In winning Brown, he gave all AfricanAmerican children the opportunity to succeed and achieved an important first step in the complete abolishment of segregation. King, as the head of the SCLC, provided leadership. His love, courage, patience, optimism, and integrity made him an example to all Americans. He inspired those on the front lines of the moment to persevere and those outside the moment to sympathize with, and participate in the movement. Malcolm X helped African Americans to take pride in themselves and their race. The changes he underwent—from a criminal to a Nation of Islam preacher of black separatism and hatred of whites to a more tolerant Muslim civil rights organizer—made him a powerful role model for young African Americans. many colleges and alm ost all companies that do b usines s with the federal government adopted such programs. But in the late 1970s, people began to affirmative 21.3 723 — N/A Compare what Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X achieved for African Americans. (Think About: the importance of changing unjust laws, effective protests and demonstrations in the South, and African Americans’ attitude toward themselves) 21.3 723 — N/A 723 — N/A Describe three factors responsible for discontent among African Americans during the 1960s. African Americans wanted an end to discrimination, better jobs, better income, and better places to live. Explain some of the most important factors that led to the development of the civil rights movement in 1950s and 1960s. World War II created opportunities for African Americans that they were unwilling to give up after the war ended. Many African-American soldiers returned from 21.3 7 (Think About: economic gains made by African Americans during World War II, participation of African Americans in the war, early efforts by civil rights organizations, early success in the courts) 21.3 723 — N/A How did the civil rights movement evolve from the mid1950s to the late 1960s? Discuss changes in the goals, tone, and leadership of the movement during this period. (Think About: de jure versus de facto segregation, contributions of major leaders, objectives and strategies of various civil rights organizations) World War II determined to fight for their won freedom. The groundwork for a civil rights movement was laid by organizations that, during the war, fought against Jim Crow laws and voting restrictions. The NAACP adopted a successful strategy for fight civil rights in the courts. The most important victory was the Supreme Court’s groundbreaking decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which finally declared separate schools for black unconstitutional. This important blow to de jure segregation helped strengthen the efforts of civil right organizations. The movement at first focused on segregation enforced by law and later turned to fundamental economic and social inequalities. Early leader Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP won several key Supreme Court cases including the landmark Brown v. Board of Education, which made segregated schools unconstitutional. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks challenged segregation on buses in the South using boycotts. King and others founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which stressed nonviolent tactics such as sitins to protest segregation in public facilities. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee engaged in sit-ins but also used more confrontational tactics. Nonviolent protests eventually led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. By the late 1960s, 8 however, anger and frustration over the continuing high rate of poverty and unemployment for blacks gave rise to a new militancy among African Americans, especially in the North. Malcolm X of the Nation of Islam, Stokely Carmichael of SNCC, and the political party the Black Panthers urged blacks to defend themselves against white violence and called for “Black Power.” Clashes between blacks and white authorities led to riots in many large cities. King’s assassination in 1968 marked a turning point for the movement and a low point in race relations for the nation. The number of African American—owned businesses rose greatly. The income gap between white Americans and African Americans narrowed. In addition, increased enrollment in colleges and universities ensured that more African Americans would gain better paying jobs. 21.3 723 — N/A In what ways did African Americans’ economic situations improve during the 1970s? 21.3 723 — N/A Los Angeles riots (LA Riots or the Rodney King riots) Sparked on April 29, 1992 when a mostly white jury acquitted four police officers accused in the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King. Thousands of people in Los Angeles, mainly young black and Latino males, joined in what has often been characterized as a race riot, involving mass law-breaking, including looting, arson and murder. In all 50 to 60 people were killed during the riots. 21.3 723 — N/A What did the civil rights movement accomplish? Would you describe the movement as a success? (Think About: political gains, social and economic gains) The civil rights movement brought about important political gains. It eliminated de jure segregation: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public facilities, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 made literacy tests and poll taxes illegal, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968 ended discrimination in housing. In addition, millions of African Americans were registered to vote, and more blacks were elected to political office. Social and economic gains were more 9 21.3 723 — N/A What effects did the civil rights have on many women? 21.3 723 — N/A What rights did President Kennedy want African Americans to gain through civil rights legislation? 21.3 723 — N/A What role did violence and nonviolence play in the struggle for civil rights? How did each help and hurt the elusive. In the late 1960s, African Americans still faced housing and job discrimination, unequal schools because of white flight to the suburbs, and poverty rate much higher than whites. The movement, however, did lead to affirmative action programs designed to equalize education and job opportunities. Nonviolent protests led by Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as his personal integrity and philosophy, inspired many whites to sympathize with African Americans. The movement also brought many blacks and whites together to work toward common goals. Students who described the movement as a success may say that the legal and political advances represented a great leap forward, since no civil rights legislation had been passed since Reconstruction. Those who disagree may stress that much remains to be accomplished in realms of education, job opportunity, and income equality. It spurred women to demonstrate for equality by both inspiring them to act and opening their eyes to their unequal treatment He wanted African Americans as well as all other Americans to have the “right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores and similar establishments.” White racist violence against nonviolent protesters and demonstrators outraged many Americans and hastened the political process of change. Some African Americans came 10 movement? 21.3 723 — N/A What strides did African Americans make in politics in the 1970s? 21.3 723 — N/A What were some of the ways in which the civil rights movement changed between 1960 and 1975? 21.3 723 — N/A 21.3 723 — N/A Why did organizers have such a difficult time registering African American voters during the early stages of the civil rights movement? Why did young people in SNCC and the MFDP feel betrayed by some to see nonviolent protest as an ineffective tool once a certain level of rights had been achieved. On the other hand, violence by African Americans in the form of urban riots hurt the movement by polarizing society. By the end of the 1970s more than 4,500 African Americans held elected office. The roster of elected black officials in 1978 included 16 members of the House of Representatives. Gains made through nonviolent protests staged by groups such as the SCLC during the early stages of the civil rights movement, and then contrast the shift toward violence and more radical rhetoric. Students should point out how some African American leaders called for separation from white Americans, whereas earlier activists called for racial equality and integration. Achievements include gaining enforceable voting rights, desegregation of public places and schools, and better economic opportunities. Perhaps the most dramatic achievement of the movement was the large number of African Americans elected to public office. Activists who attempted to register voters continually faced from white racists. Many African Americans refused to register because they were threatened with the loss of their jobs or physical harm if they did so. Because the leaders agreed to compromise with the Johnson administration that kept most MFDP delegates from the Democratic 11 civil rights leaders? 21.3 723 — N/A Why do you think so many people disliked affirmative action and busing? 21.3 796 Busing 23.1 98 Thirteenth Amendment (1865) convention Busing made parents angry about having to send their children outside of their own neighborhoods to get schooling. Many people disliked affirmative action because they believed it was a form of reverse discrimination. Desegregation busing, also known as forced busing, is the concept of achieving racial and/or economic integration in public schools by transporting schoolchildren to schools outside their area of residence; The Supreme Court, in Swann v. CharlotteMecklenburg Board of Education, upholds busing as a legitimate means for achieving integration of public schools; Busing led to further “White Flight” into the suburbs and other areas; Combined with changes in housing patterns, forced busing programs were gradually eliminated during the 1990s as the courts nationwide released districts from orders under old lawsuits. Amendment XIII (the Thirteenth Amendment) of the United States Constitution abolished slavery. The amendment states: Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have 12 23.1 704 What did the Civil Rights Act of 1957 do? 23.1 768 — N/A Bilingualism 23.1 768 César Estrada Chávez power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. It made it a federal crime to prevent qualified persons from voting. It also set up the federal Civil Rights Commission ot investigate violations of the law. Ability to speak two languages; the LULAC pushed to have schools taught in Spanish as well as in English Founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) that later became the United Farm Workers. In 1965, Chávez and the NFWA led a strike of California grapepickers to demand higher wages. In addition to the strike, they encouraged all Americans to boycott table grapes as a show of support. The strike lasted five years and attracted national attention. When the U.S. Senate Subcommittee looked into the situation, Robert Kennedy gave Chávez his total support. In the early 1970s, the UFW organized strikes and boycotts to get higher wages from grape and lettuce growers. During the 1980s, Chávez led a boycott to protest the use of toxic pesticides on grapes. He again fasted to draw public attention. These strikes and boycotts generally ended with the signing of bargaining agreements. 23.1 768 23.1 770 What problems did different groups of Latino immigrants share? Dolores Huerta Prejudice, job and housing discrimination, high unemployment, and poverty The co-founder and First Vice President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO(UFW). As an advocate for farm worker rights Dolores has been arrested twenty-two times for non-violent peaceful union activities. Even though Dolores has invested a great deal of time, sweat and tears and has been a big part of the United Farm Workers movement, she still does not receive the recognition she deserves for her hard work and dedication. To this day at her elder age she is working hard for the rights of farm workers 23.1 770 What impact did the grape boycott have? 23.1 771 Declaration of Indian Purpose 23.1 771 Indian Civil Rights It hurt the grower’s revenue as well as their public image and forced them to negotiate with the UFWOC; it thus enabled the union to win better wages and working conditions Was a bill of rights for Native Americans they was written in 1961 by more than 400 representatives of 67 Native American nations who met in Chicago An act passed by Congress in 1968 which 13 Act 23.1 23.1 771 — N/A 772 Why did Native Americans resist assimilation? Russell Means 23.2 771 What tactics did AIM use in its attempts to gain reforms? 23.2 776 Betty Frieden 23.2 776 Feminists 23.2 776 Sexism 23.2 776 The Feminine Mystique guaranteed Native American reservation dwellers some of the rights provided to other citizens under the Bill of Rights Some viewed white culture as shallow and meaningless Is one of contemporary America's bestknown and prolific activists for the rights of American Indians. He argues that, "Indian people are dying of sympathy. What we want is respect." Means has also pursued careers in politics, acting, and music; he joined the American Indian Movement and quickly became one of its most prominent leaders. He was appointed the group's first national director in 1970. Later that year, Means was one of the leaders of AIM's takeover of Mount Rushmore. In 1972, he participated in AIM's takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs office in Washington, DC, and in 1973 he led AIM's occupation of Wounded Knee, which became the group's most celebrated action. AIM used confrontational and sometimes violent tactics, such as occupying the Bureau of Indian Affairs and taking hostages during a protest at Wounded Knee Woman feminist who wrote The Feminine Mystique and helped form NOW; she galvanized the movement Women activist Treating people different because of their gender Book written by Betty Friedan that rejected the notion that the destiny of women was 14 only to be wives and mothers; book was a bestseller and helped galvanize women across country 23.2 778 Gloria Steinem 23.2 778 National Women’s Political Caucus 23.2 778 What prompted women to establish NOW? 23.2 779 Explain the primary reason whey the Equal Rights Amendment was not ratified. 23.2 779 Phyllis Schlafly 23.2 779 What concerns motivated those who opposed the ERA? 23.3 722 Shirley Chisholm Is a Jewish American feminist and journalist and a spokeswoman for women's rights. She is the founder and original publisher of Ms. magazine. In 1971 Steinem founded the National Women's Political Caucus and the Women's Action Alliance. In 1972 she founded the feminist magazine Ms. and wrote for the magazine until it was sold in 1987. In 1974 Steinem founded the Coalition of Labor Union Women. was formed in 1971 with a goal of increasing the number of women involved in politics, including running for office and serving as delegates to national conventions. Gives money and support to all pro-choice female candidates Their dissatisfaction with the EEOC and the need for a more organized effort to combat sexism As a result of a viogurs campaign by STOP ERA and other groups, the Eual Rights Amendment failed to obtain the votes needed for ratification. She founded STOP ERA to fight ERA believing it would force women to give up their traditional roles as wives and mothers, and that they would lose certain legal protections in the family and in the workplace Fear of change and the perceived drastic effects the amendment might have had on traditional family life In 1968, she became the first AfricanAmerican woman in the United States House of Representatives 15 25.3 843 — N/A Civil Rights Act of 1991 The Civil Rights Act of 1991 is a United States statute that was passed in response to a series of United States Supreme Court decisions limiting the rights of employees who had sued their employers for discrimination. The 1991 Act combined elements from two different civil rights acts of the past: the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 16
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