Maricopa County Employee Benefits Division 301 W Jefferson St, Suite 3200 Phoenix, AZ 85003 2014 - 2015 Benefits Enrollment Worksheet Open Enrollment Dates 04/14/2014 - 05/09/2014 Enrollment Instructions: 1. Review this Worksheet. You will be enrolled in the benefits coverage marked with a check () unless you make a change. 2. Complete this Worksheet before you go online to make benefit changes. 3. Use the boxes on the left-hand side of the Worksheet to indicate the option name, cost, and provider code (if applicable) for each benefit you select. 4. If you have not previously done so, you must register at https // Your registration pass code is MCAZ-PRISM09. 5. Enroll online at https // by the last day of Open Enrollment indicated above. 6. If you do not have access to a computer, check with your department HR Liaison for computer resources that may be available for your use. 7. Paper enrollment or late enrollment will not be accepted. Contact the Employee Benefits Division at 602-506-1010, then press 4 if you have enrollment questions. 8. For information regarding the benefits offered, visit or the internal Intranet at 9. This Worksheet represents all of your available options. MCyWA 12BLR 0016 Printed: Event: Employee ID: 03/28/2014 Open Enrollment Dependent Information You are responsible for adding only eligible dependents and updating any incorrect or incomplete dependent information. The following list displays all individuals who are currently enrolled in benefits under your plans. No. Name Relationship* 0 1 2 5 Birth Date EE SP SC LG Sex Disabled Medical Dental Vision Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M F F F *Relationship codes are EE � Employee, SP � Spouse, CH � Child, SC � Step-Child, LG � Legal Guardian, CO � Court-Order, BN � Beneficiary Medical with Pharmacy and Behavioral Health Your Choice Option Name Cost Provider Code* Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Employee Only** Option Name Cigna HMO Plan * UnitedHealthcare PPO Plan UnitedHealthcare HDHP with H.S.A. Plan Waived Coverage $39.35 $49.91 $30.00 Employee plus Spouse** Employee plus Child (ren) ** $70.13 $102.75 $37.41 $57.50 $86.97 $34.10 Employee plus Family** $96.20 $142.95 $42.68 * you are required to provide the code or number found in the Online Provider Directory for your Primary Care Provider at the time you enroll. The link to the Online Provider Directory can be found under the "Open Enrollment" page on the Employee Benefits home page at or ** Cost per pay period does not reflect premium reductions for Biometric Screening, Health Assessment and/or Non-Tobacco Use. Pharmacy Pharmacy coverage is provided as part of your enrollment in a County-sponsored medical plan. When you elect medical coverage, you are automatically enrolled in pharmacy coverage. There is one combined rate for medical, pharmacy, and behavioral health coverage. Behavioral Health Behavioral health coverage is provided as part of your enrollment in a County-sponsored medical plan. When you elect medical coverage, you are automatically enrolled in behavioral health coverage. There is one combined rate for medical, pharmacy and behavioral health coverage. Enroll online at by 05/09/2014 12BLR 0016 001 004 MCyWA-ACTIVE Benefits Enrollment Worksheet Biometric Screening Premium Reduction Employees (not including dependents) enrolled in a County-sponsored medical plan who participates in the annual Biometric Screening may save up to $240 per Plan year on their medical insurance premium. The Biometric Screening consists of completing a brief personal health history questionnaire as well as having your measurements taken for height, weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, body fat composition, cholesterol, and glucose levels. Health Assessment Premium Reduction Employees (not including dependents) enrolled in a County-sponsored medical plan who participate in the annual Health Assessment may save up to $240 per Plan year on their medical insurance premium. The Health Assessment is available online through (for all medical plan enrollees ) and consists of a series of questions about your health and lifestyle. Your confidential responses are then assessed by the online tool to determine your health risks. Non-Tobacco User Premium Reduction When employees (and all of their dependents) enrolled in a County-sponsored medical plan have not used tobacco products (regularly or occasionally) for the past 6 consecutive months, and if employees take, or have previously taken and passed, the saliva test that detects nicotine presence, they may save up to $240 per Plan year on their medical insurance premium. Tobacco use includes the use of the following in the last six consecutive months cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, chewing tobacco and any other product containing nicotine. Health Savings Account Your Choice Annual Goal When you enroll in the UnitedHealthcare HDHP with H.S.A. Plan you may contribute to your Health Savings Account on an annual basis. You may contribute up to $3,300 (individual) or $6,550 (family) to your account for calendar year 2014 minus theamount contributed by Maricopa County. If you are age 55 or older, you may contribute an additional $1,000. Unused balances remain in your account. Vision Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Your Choice Option Name Cost Employee Only Option Name Avesis Vision Plan Waived Vision $0.66 Dental Cost Provider Code* Employee plus Employee plus Child(ren) Family $1.45 $1.09 $1.95 Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Your Choice Option Name Employee plus Spouse Employee Only Employee plus Spouse Employee plus Child(ren) $2.28 $7.47 $14.21 $4.29 $16.43 $31.34 $5.59 $17.80 $33.90 Option Name Cigna Pre-Paid Dental Plan (DHMO) * Cigna Dental Plan (PPO) Delta Dental Plan (PPO) Waived Dental Employee plus Family $6.44 $22.89 $43.67 * You are required to provide the code or number found in the Online Provider Directory for your Primary Care Dentist at the time you enroll. The link to the Online Provider Directory can be found under the "Open Enrollment" page on the Employee Benefits home page at or Enroll online at by 05/09/2014 12BLR 0016 002 004 Benefits Enrollment Worksheet Additional Life Insurance Your Choice Option Name Basic Life Insurance of 1X your Annual Base Salary is provided to you at no cost. You may elect additional coverage from the following options. Evidence of Insurability is required for some coverage levels. Cost Coverage Level 1X Annual Base Salary 2X Annual Base Salary 3X Annual Base Salary 4X Annual Base Salary 5X Annual Base Salary Waived Additional Accidental Death and Dismemberment Your Choice Option Name Cost Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Non Tobacco User $2.33 $4.66 $6.99 $9.32 $11.66 Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance of 1X your Annual Base Salary is provided to you at no cost. You may elect additional coverage from the following options. Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage does not require Evidence of Insurability. Employee Only 1X Annual Base Salary 2X Annual Base Salary 3X Annual Base Salary 4X Annual Base Salary 5X Annual Base Salary Waived Spouse Life Insurance Option Name Cost $4.88 $9.77 $14.65 $19.53 $24.41 Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Coverage Level Your Choice Tobacco User $0.63 $1.26 $1.89 $2.52 $3.15 Employee Plus Family $1.10 $2.21 $3.31 $4.41 $5.51 Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period If there is not a spouse listed on file, the rates on this Worksheet are based on the employee s age. Once your spouse is on file, the rates will be adjusted based on the spouse s age and tobacco user status. The rates on the Confirmation Statement will be the adjusted rate. If you are married to a Maricopa County employee, you are not eligible to elect Spouse Life coverage, unless your spouse is not eligible for benefits. Evidence of Insurabillity is required for some coverage levels. Coverage Level $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000 Waived Non Tobacco User $0.37 $0.74 $1.11 $1.48 $1.85 $2.22 $2.59 $2.96 $3.33 $3.70 Enroll online at by 05/09/2014 Tobacco User $0.78 $1.55 $2.33 $3.10 $3.88 $4.65 $5.43 $6.20 $6.98 $7.75 12BLR 0016 003 004 Benefits Enrollment Worksheet Child Life Insurance Your Choice Option Name Cost Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period If you are married to a Maricopa County employee, your dependent child(ren) can only be covered by one of you under this group policy. Evidence of Insurabillity is required for some coverage levels. Cost Per Pay Period Coverage Option $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Waived $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 Short-Term Disability Your Choice Option Name Cost Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period You may only enroll, increase, decrease or drop coverage from the Short-Term Disability Plan during Open Enrollment. If you increase your coverage level and you have a pre-existing condition, your benefit payment will be based on the lower benefit coverage level for 12 months following the effective date of the increase in your coverage. Coverage Level Cost Per Pay Period 40% STD Coverage 50% ST0 Coverage $7.31 $11.49 Coverage Level 60% STD Coverage Waived Cost Per Pay Period $19.32 Health Care Flexible Spending Account Your Choice Annual Goal (Pre-Tax Contribution) When you enroll in the Health Care Flexible Spending Account, you may contribute from $240 to $2,500 for the Plan year. The annual amount you elect will be divided by 24 pay periods and deductions will be taken from each paycheck. You will default to no contribution if you do not make an election. *UnitedHealthcare H0HP enrollees with a Health Savings Account cannot enroll in a Health Care Flexible Spending Account, but they have the option of electing the Limited Scope Flexible Spending Account. Dental and vision care costs are the only expenses eligible for reimbursement under the Limited Scope Flexible Spending Account. All other expenses normally eligible for reimbursement under a "general purpose" Health Care Flexible Spending Account are NOT eligible. Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Your Choice Annual Goal (Pre-Tax Contribution) When you enroll in the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account for day care expenses, you may contribute from $240 to $5,000 for the Plan year. The annual amount you elect will be divided by 24 pay periods and deductions will be taken from each paycheck. You are not eligible to enroll if your dependent child is age 13 or older. You will default to no contribution if you do not make an election. Employee Assistance Program The Employee Assistance Program is provided to you at no cost. Group Legal Services Coverage Category/Cost Per Pay Period Your Choice Option Name Coverage Option Cost Group Legal Services Waived Enroll online at by 05/09/2014 Cost Per Pay Period $7.87 12BLR 0016 004 004
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