D-4 DC Withholding Allowance Worksheet D

Government of the
District of Columbia
D-4 D
C Withholding
Allowance Certificate
Enter Year
Social security number
FIrst name M.I.
Home address (number and street) Last name
Zip code +4
Tax filing status Fill in only one: Married/domestic partners filing jointly
Total number of withholding allowances from worksheet below.
Enter total from Sec. A, Line i
Additional amount, if any, you want withheld from each paycheck 4
Before claiming exemption from withholding, read below. If qualified, write “EXEMPT” in this box.
My domicile is a state other than the District of Columbia
I am exempt because: last year I did not owe any DC income tax and had a right to a full refund of all DC income tax withheld from me; and this year I do
not expect to owe any DC income tax and expect a full refund of all DC income tax withheld from me; and I qualify for exempt status on federal Form W-4.
If claiming exemption from withholding, are you a full-time student?
Head of household
Married filing separately
Married/domestic partners filing separately on same return
0 Total number of withholding allowances from Line o
Enter total from Sec. B, Line n
No If yes, give name of state of domicile __________________
Under penalties of law, I declare that the information provided on this certificate is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
Employee’s signature
Keep this certificate with your records. If 10 or more exemptions are claimed or if you suspect this certificate contains false information
please send a copy to: Office of Tax and Revenue, 1101 4th St., SW, Washington, DC 20024 Attn: Compliance Administration
Detach and give the top portion to your employer. Keep the bottom portion for your records.
Government of the
District of Columbia
D-4 DC Withholding Allowance Worksheet
Section A Number of withholding allowances
a Enter 1 for yourself a
b Enter 1 if you are filing as a head of household b
c Enter 1 if you are 65 or over c
d Enter 1 if you are blind
e Enter number of dependents
Enter 1 for your spouse/registered domestic partner if filing jointly g Enter 1 if married/registered domestic partners filing jointly and your spouse/registered domestic partner is 65 or over g
h Enter 1 if married/registered domestic partners filing jointly and your spouse/registered domestic partner is blind h
Number of allowances . Add Lines a through h and enter on Line 2 above. If you want to claim additional withholding
allowances, complete section B below.
Section B Additional withholding allowances
Enter estimate of your itemized deductions j
k Enter $2,000 if married/registered domestic partners filing separately; all others enter $4,000 k
Subtract Line k from Line j
m Multiply $1,675 by the number of allowances on Line i
n Divide Line l by Line m. Round to the nearest whole number.
o Add Lines n and i and enter on Line 2 above. o
D-4 P1
DC Withholding Allowance Certificate
Revised 12/2013
Detach and give the top portion to your employer. Keep the bottom portion for your records.
Who must file a Form D-4?
Every new employee who resides in DC and is required to have DC
income taxes withheld, must fill out Form D-4 and file it with his/her
If you are not liable for DC income taxes because you are a nonresident
or military spouse, you must file Form D-4A, Certificate of Nonresidence in the District of Columbia, with your employer.
When should you file?
File Form D-4 whenever you start new employment. Once filed
with your employer, it will remain in effect until you file a new
certificate. You may file a new withholding allowance certificate
any time the number of withholding allowances you are entitled to
increases. You must file a new certificate within 10 days if the number
of withholding allowances you claimed decreases.
How many withholding allowances should you claim?
Use the worksheet on the front of this form to figure the number
of withholding allowances you should claim. If you want less
money withheld from your paycheck, you may claim additional
allowances by completing Section B of the worksheet, Lines j through
o. However, if you claim too many allowances, you may owe additional
taxes at the end of the year.
Should I have an additional amount deducted from my paycheck?
In some instances, even if you claim zero withholding allowances,
you may not have enough tax withheld. You may, upon agreement
with your employer, have more tax withheld by entering on Line 3,
a dollar amount of your choosing.
What to file
After completing Form D-4, detach the top portion and file it with
your employer. Keep the bottom portion for your records.
Purpose. Complete Form MW507 so that your employer can withhold the correct
Maryland income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form MW507 each
year and when your personal or financial situation changes.
Basic Instructions. Enter on line 1 below, the number of personal exemptions
you will claim on your tax return. However, if you wish to claim more exemptions,
or if your adjusted gross income will be more than $100,000 if you are filing single
or married filing separately ($150,000, if you are filing jointly or as head of household), you must complete the Personal Exemption Worksheet on page 2. Complete
the Personal Exemption Worksheet on page 2 to further adjust your Maryland
withholding based on itemized deductions, and certain other expenses that exceed
your standard deduction and are not being claimed at another job or by your
spouse. However, you may claim fewer (or zero) exemptions.
Additional withholding per pay period under agreement with employer. If
you are not having enough tax withheld, you may ask your employer to withhold
more by entering an additional amount on line 2.
Exemption from withholding. You may be entitled to claim an exemption from
the withholding of Maryland income tax if:
a.Last year you did not owe any Maryland Income tax and had a right to a full
refund of any tax withheld; AND,
b.This year you do not expect to owe any Maryland income tax and expect to
have a right to a full refund of all income tax withheld.
If you are eligible to claim this exemption, complete Line 3 and your employer will
not withhold Maryland income tax from your wages.
Students and Seasonal Employees whose annual income will be below the minimum filing requirements should claim exemption from withholding. This provides
more income throughout the year and avoids the necessity of filing a Maryland
income tax return.
Certification of nonresidence in the State of Maryland. Complete Line 4. This
line is to be completed by residents of the District of Columbia, Virginia or West
Virginia who are employed in Maryland and who do not maintain a place of abode
in Maryland for 183 days or more.
Residents of Pennsylvania who are employed in Maryland and who do not maintain
a place of abode in Maryland for 183 days or more, should complete line 5 to exempt themselves from the state portion of the withholding tax. These employees
are still liable for withholding tax at the rate in effect for the Maryland county in
which they are employed, unless they qualify for an exemption on either line 6 or
line 7. Pennsylvania residents of York and Adams counties may claim an exemption from the local withholding tax by completing line 6. Pennsylvania residents
living in other local jurisdictions which do not impose an earnings or income tax
on Maryland residents may claim an exemption by completing line 7. Employees
qualifying for exemption under 6 or 7, should also write “EXEMPT” on line 4.
Line 4 is NOT to be used by residents of other states who are working in Maryland,
because such persons are liable for Maryland income tax and withholding from
their wages is required.
If you are domiciled in the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania or Virginia and maintain a place of abode in Maryland for 183 days or more, you become a statutory
resident of Maryland and you are required to file a resident return with Maryland
reporting your total income. You must apply to your domicile state for any tax
credit to which you may be entitled under the reciprocal provisions of the law. If
you are domiciled in West Virginia, you are not required to pay Maryland income
tax on wage or salary income, regardless of the length of time you may have spent
in Maryland.
Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended by the Military Spouses
Residency Relief Act, you may be exempt from Maryland income tax on your
wages if (i) your spouse is a member of the armed forces present in Maryland in
compliance with military orders; (ii) you are present in Maryland solely to be with
your spouse; and (iii) you maintain your domicile in another state. If you claim
exemption under the SCRA enter your state of domicile (legal residence) on Line
8; enter “EXEMPT” in the box to the right on Line 8; and attach a copy of your
spousal military identification card to Form MW507. In addition, you must also
complete and attach Form MW507M.
Duties and responsibilities of employer. Retain this certificate with your
records. You are required to submit a copy of this certificate and accompanying
attachments to the Compliance Division, Compliance Programs Section, 301 West
Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, when received if:
1.You have any reason to believe this certificate is incorrect;
2.The employee claims more than 10 exemptions;
3.The employee claims an exemption from withholding because he/she had no tax
liability for the preceding tax year, expects to incur no tax liability this year and
the wages are expected to exceed $200 a week;
4.The employee claims an exemption from withholding on the basis of nonresidence; or
5.The employee claims an exemption from withholding under the Military Spouses
Residency Relief Act.
Upon receipt of any exemption certificate (Form MW 507), the Compliance Division
will make a determination and notify you if a change is required.
Once a certificate is revoked by the Comptroller, the employer must send any new
certificate from the employee to the Comptroller for approval before implementing
the new certificate.
If an employee claims exemption under 3 above, a new exemption certificate must
be filed by February 15th of the following year.
Duties and responsibilities of employee. If, on any day during the calendar
year, the number of withholding exemptions that the employee is entitled to claim
is less than the number of exemptions claimed on the withholding exemption
certificate in effect, the employee must file a new withholding exemption certificate
with the employer within 10 days after the change occurs.
Employee’s Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate
Print full name
Social Security Number
Street Address, City, State, ZIP
County of residence (Nonresidents enter Maryland county (or Baltimore City) where you are employed.)
Married (surviving spouse or unmarried Head of Household) Rate
Married, but withhold at Single rate
1. Total number of exemptions you are claiming not to exceed line f in Personal Exemption Worksheet on page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.__________________
2. Additional withholding per pay period under agreement with employer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.__________________
3. I claim exemption from withholding because I do not expect to owe Maryland tax. See instructions above and check boxes that apply.
a. Last year I did not owe any Maryland Income tax and had a right to a full refund of all Income tax withheld and
b. This year I do not expect to owe any Maryland income tax and expect to have the right to a full refund of all income tax withheld.
(This includes seasonal and student employees whose annual income will be below the minimum filing requirements).
If both a and b apply, enter year applicable _____________ (year effective) Enter “EXEMPT” here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.__________________
4. I claim exemption from withholding because I am domiciled in one of the following states. Check state that applies.
District of Columbia
West Virginia
I further certify that I do not maintain a place of abode in Maryland as described in the instructions above. Enter “EXEMPT” here. . . . . . . . . 4.__________________
5. I claim exemption from Maryland state withholding because I am domiciled in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and I do not
maintain a place of abode in Maryland as described in the instructions on Form MW507. Enter “EXEMPT” here.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.__________________
6. I claim exemption from Maryland local tax because I live in a local Pennysylvania jurisdiction within York or Adams counties.
Enter “EXEMPT” here and on line 4 of Form MW507.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.__________________
7. I claim exemption from Maryland local tax because I live in a local Pennsylvania jurisdiction that does not impose an earnings or income
tax on Maryland residents. Enter “EXEMPT” here and on line 4 of Form MW507. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.__________________
8. I certify that I am a legal resident of the state of ____________ and am not subject to Maryland withholding because l meet the requirements set forth under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended by the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act. Enter “EXEMPT” here.. 8.__________________
Under the penalty of perjury, I further certify that I am entitled to the number of withholding allowances claimed on line 1 above, or if claiming exemption from withholding,
that I am entitled to claim the exempt status on whichever line(s) I completed.
Employee’s signature
Employer’s name and address including ZIP code (For employer use only)
Federal Employer Identification Number
page 2
Personal Exemptions Worksheet
Line 1
a. Multiply the number of your personal exemptions by the value of each exemption from the table below.
(Generally the value of your exemption will be $3,200; however, if your federal adjusted gross income is
expected to be over $100,000, the value of your exemption may be reduced. Do not claim any personal
exemptions you currently claim at another job, or any exemptions being claimed by your spouse.
To qualify as your dependent, you must be entitled to an exemption for the dependent on your federal
income tax return for the corresponding tax year. NOTE: Dependent taxpayers may not claim themselves as
an exemption.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. ______________ b. Multiply the number of additional exemptions you are claiming for dependents 65 years old or older by the
value of each exemption from the table below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. ______________ c. Enter the estimated amount of your itemized deductions (excluding state and local income taxes) that
exceed the amount of your standard deduction, alimony payments, allowable childcare expenses, qualified
retirement contributions, business losses and employee business expenses for the year. Do not claim any
additional amounts you currently claim at another job or any amounts being claimed by your spouse.
NOTE: Standard deduction allowance is 15% of Maryland adjusted gross income with a minimum of $1,500
and a maximum of $2,000.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. ______________
d. Enter $1,000 for additional exemptions for taxpayer and/or spouse at least 65 years old and/or blind. . . . . . d. ______________
e. Add total of lines a through d.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. ______________
f. Divide the amount on line e by $3,200. Drop any fraction. Do not round up. This is the maximum
number of exemptions you may claim for withholding tax purposes. ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. ______________
If you will file your tax return
If Your federal AGI is
$100,000 or less
Single or Married Filing Separately
Your Exemption is
Joint, Head of Household
or Qualifying Widow(er)
Your Exemption is
But not over
In excess of $200,000
Social Security numbers must be included. The mandatory disclosure of your Social Security Number is
authorized by the provisions set forth in the Tax-General Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Such
numbers are used primarily to administer and enforce the individual income tax laws and to exchange
income tax information with the Internal Revenue Service, other states and other tax officials of this state.
Information furnished to other agencies or persons shall be used solely for the purpose of administering tax
laws or the specific laws administered by the person having statutory right to obtain it.
(See back for instructions)
1.If you wish to claim yourself, write “1”............................................................... ________________
2.If you are married and your spouse is not claimed
on his or her own certificate, write “1”................................................................ ________________
3.Write the number of dependents you will be allowed to claim
on your income tax return (do not include your spouse).................................... ________________
4.Subtotal Personal Exemptions (add lines 1 through 3)...................................... ________________
5.Exemptions for age
_If you will be 65 or older on January 1, write “1”................................... ________________
_If you claimed an exemption on line 2 and your spouse
_will be 65 or older on January 1, write “1”............................................. ________________
6.Exemptions for blindness
_If you are legally blind, write “1”............................................................ ________________
_If you claimed an exemption on line 2 and your
_spouse is legally blind, write “1”............................................................ ________________
7.Subtotal exemptions for age and blindness (add lines 5 through 6)...................................................._______________
8.Total of Exemptions - add line 4 and line 7.........................................................................................._______________
Detach here and give the certificate to your employer. Keep the top portion for your records
Your Social Security Number
Street Address
Zip Code
1.If subject to withholding, enter the number of exemptions claimed on:
(a)Subtotal of Personal Exemptions - line 4 of the
Personal Exemption Worksheet............................................................................................
(b)Subtotal of Exemptions for Age and Blindness
line 7 of the Personal Exemption Worksheet........................................................................
(c)Total Exemptions - line 8 of the Personal Exemption Worksheet.........................................
2.Enter the amount of additional withholding requested (see instructions)...........................................
2601064 Rev. 08/11
3.I certify that I am not subject to Virginia withholding. l meet the conditions
set forth in the instructions .................................................................................. (check here)
4.I certify that I am not subject to Virginia withholding. l meet the conditions set forth
Under the Service member Civil Relief Act, as amended by the Military Spouses
Residency Relief Act ........................................................................................... (check here)
EMPLOYER: Keep exemption certificates with your records. If you believe the employee has claimed too many exemptions, notify the Department of
Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1115, telephone (804) 367-8037. Note: Employers may establish a system to electronically receive
Forms VA-4 from employees, provided the system meets Internal Revenue Service requirements as specified in § 31.3402(f)(5)-1(c) of the Treasury
Regulations (26 CFR).
Use this form to notify your employer whether you are subject to Virginia income tax withholding and how many
exemptions you are allowed to claim. You must file this form with your employer when your employment begins. If you
do not file this form, your employer must withhold Virginia income tax as if you had no exemptions.
You may not claim more personal exemptions on form VA-4 than you are allowed to claim on your income
tax return unless you have received written permission to do so from the Department of Taxation.
Line 1. You may claim an exemption for yourself.
Line 2. You may claim an exemption for your spouse if he or she is not already claimed on his or her own certificate.
Line 3. Enter the number of dependents you are allowed to claim on your income tax return.
NOTE: A spouse is not a dependent.
Line 5. If you will be age 65 or over by January 1, you may claim one exemption on Line 5(a). If you claim an exemption for your spouse on Line 2, and your spouse will also be age 65 or over by January 1, you may claim an additional exemption on Line 5(b).
Line 6. If you are legally blind, you may claim an exemption on Line 6(a). If you claimed an exemption for your spouse on Line 2, and your spouse is legally blind, you may claim an exemption on Line 6(b).
Be sure to enter your social security number, name and address in the spaces provided.
Line 1. If you are subject to withholding, enter the number of exemptions from:
(a) Subtotal of Personal Exemptions - line 4 of the Personal Exemption Worksheet
(b) Subtotal of Exemptions for Age and Blindness - line 7 of the Personal Exemption Worksheet
(c) Total Exemptions - line 8 of the Personal Exemption Worksheet
Line 2. If you wish to have additional tax withheld, and your employer has agreed to do so, enter the amount of additional tax on this line.
Line 3. If you are not subject to Virginia withholding, check the box on this line. You are not subject to withholding if you meet any one of the conditions listed below. Form VA-4 must be filed with your employer for each calendar year for which you claim exemption from Virginia withholding.
(a) You had no liability for Virginia income tax last year and you do not expect to have any liability for this year.
(b) You expect your Virginia adjusted gross income to be less than the amount shown below for your filing status:
Taxable Years Taxable Years Taxable Years Taxable Years
2005, 2006
2008 and
2010 and
2012 and
and 2007
Married, filing a separate
(c) You live in Kentucky or the District of Columbia and commute on a daily basis to your place of employment in Virginia.
(d) You are a domiciliary or legal resident of Maryland, Pennsylvania or West Virginia whose only Virginia source income is from salaries and wages and such salaries and wages are subject to income taxation by your state of domicile.
Line 4. Under the Servicemember Civil Relief Act, as amended by the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act, you may
be exempt from Virginia income tax on your wages if (i) your spouse is a member of the armed forces present
in Virginia in compliance with military orders; (ii) you are present in Virginia solely to be with your spouse; and
(iii) you maintain your domicile in another state. If you claim exemption under the SCRA check the box on Line
4 and attach a copy of your spousal military identification card to Form VA-4.