English for ASEAN Activity Worksheet: Year 2 Continuing Students

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English for ASEAN Activity Worksheet: Year 2 Continuing Students [Code 56 – 57]
Student Development Curriculum: SDC
Full name..........................................................................................Student Code.....................................................................................
Instructions: 1. Write your resume in English in order to apply for a job.
2. Submit your activity worksheet with your resume attached at the Student Development Curriculum
Room, Parichart Bldg 2, from December 24 to 26, 2014. (9am – 4pm)
(NOTE: Students who do not submit in time must resubmit next semester)
3. On the day that the activity worksheet is submitted, you must attend and pass a face-to-face
interview about your resume, in English, in order to pass this extra-curricular activity.
Interview criteria
1. Ability to greet interviewer and introduce oneself.
Pass  Fail
2. Ability to describe your education program and major.
Pass  Fail
3. Ability to describe your skills and talents.
Pass  Fail
4. Ability to express your future career plans.
Pass  Fail
Summary of assessment
- Activity worksheet
 Pass  Fail
- Interview
 Pass  Fail