Worksheet for Associate in Arts (AA) Degree 2014–2015 Submit your official transcripts to the Record’s Office for an Official Evaluation. Student _______________________________________ Student # __________________ Date ________________ Goal 1: Communication: Minimum of 9 credits including ENGL 1711, ENGL 1712 and one Speech course ENGL 1711 (required) ENGL 17122 (required) ENGL 1730 SPCH 17008, 17108, 17207, 17308, 17509, 17707, 17807, 1790 Advisor ________________________________ Subject/Course #/Title # Credits 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 2. _________________________________________ ____________ 3. _________________________________________ ____________ Goal 2: Critical Thinking Fulfilled when all 10 Goal Areas of MnTC are complete (40 credits) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX Goal 3: Natural Science: Minimum of two courses (7 credits) from two different disciplines, one of which must be a lab course (designated with an *) BIOL 172510*, 1730*, 1735*, 1740*, 174510*, 1760, 1782*, 17859, 1790, 2721*, 2722*, 2750*, 2760*, 2770 CHEM 1700*, 1711*, 1712*, 2700*, 2720*, 2721*, 2790, 2791, 2795 NSCI 171010*, 172110*, 173010, 174010, 175010, 177010, 17809, 178210, 179010, 2770 PHYS 1720*, 1722*, 176010, 2700*, 2710*, 276010*, 2790 BIOC 1760*, 17619*, 1790, 2700*, 2790 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 2. _________________________________________ ____________ Goal 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning: Minimum of one course (3 credits). Courses must be numbered between 1700-1799 or 2700-2799 MATH 1710, 1730, 1740, 1750, 1760, 2749, 2750, 2753, 2760 PHIL 1710 1. _________________________________________ ____________ Goal 5: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences: Minimum of three courses (9 credits) from two different disciplines ANTH 17107, 172010, 17308, 1790 ECON 1710, 17208, 17308, 1790 GEOG 170010, 17208, 17408, 175010 HIST 17308, 17457, 17467, 175010, 17608, 17618, 17709, 27409, 27807, 27907 POLS 17209, 17408, 17509, 17609, 17909 PSYC 1710, 17209, 17407, 17507, 17607, 1790 SOCI 17107, 17208, 17307, 17408, 1760, 17657, 17669, 17729, 17749, 17769, 17807, 1790 SPCH 17409 WGST 17859, 17909 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 2. _________________________________________ ____________ 3. _________________________________________ ____________ 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 2. _________________________________________ ____________ 3. _________________________________________ ____________ 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 1. _________________________________________ ____________ 1. _________________________________________ ____________ Goal 6: Humanities and Fine Arts: Minimum of three courses (9 credits) from two different disciplines ARTS 1710, 1711, 1712, 1715, 1716, 17208, 17227, 17247, 17267,1730, 1731, 1732, 1740, 1742, 1744 ARTS 1750, 1752, 17608, 1770, 1780, 1790, 1795, 2710, 2754 ENGL 1720, 1725, 17807, 17907, 27217, 27227, 2725, 2730, 2732, 27407, 27507, 2760, 2770, 2775, 2778 HUMA 17208, 17308, 17508, 1770, 17807, 17908, 1795 MUSC 1700, 1705, 1710, 1715, 1720, 1730, 1735, 1736, 17408, 17457, 17507, 17607, 17657, 17708, 1790 PHIL 1700, 1715, 17209, 17229, 17408, 17428, 17508, 17608, 1790 THTR 1710, 17168, 1790,1720, 1725, 1730, 1740, 2725 SPAN 17308, 17408 Goal 7: Human Diversity Minimum of one course Goal 8: Global Perspective Minimum of one course Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility Minimum of one course Goal 10: People and the Environment Minimum of one course Elective Credits (MnTC or Technical Credits) Saint Paul College will count up to 24 technical credits taken at Saint Paul College or transferred from a college with a similar program. If the program is unlike a Saint Paul College program, we will count up to 16 technical credits toward electives. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _ ___________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _ ___________________________________ ______________________________________ Total MnTC credits: (minimum 40) _______ Elective credits: (up to 20) _______ Total AA credits: (minimum 60) _______ GPA (2.0 minimum) _______ Remaining MnTC credits: _______ Remaining MnTC goals: _____________________________________________________________________________ Remaining AA credits: _______ (20 credits minimum from Saint Paul College; 12 if transfer 12 credits from another Minnesota State College or University or the University of Minnesota.) This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by contacting Caidin Riley, Director of Disability Services at 651.846.1547 or [email protected]. For TTY Communication, contact the Minnesota Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1.800.627.3529. Saint Paul College is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator and a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. 5/29/14
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