BFI British Film Institute Report & Annual Review Financial Statements 2007 2006/2007 There’s more to discover about film and television through the BFI. Our world-renowned archive, cinemas, festivals, films, publications and learning resources are here to inspire you. Cover Picture: The Passenger (Professione: reporter) (1975) BFI Annual Review 2006/2007 Contents About the BFI Director’s Report Key objectives Key Targets Cultural programme BFI National Archive BFI Southbank BFI Digital Strategy Education & Research National Reach Financial Statements Appendices 3 5 9 13 15 23 25 27 31 35 38 41 In This World We promote access to and appreciation of the widest possible range of British and world cinema Picture: Picture: Open All In This Hours World (1973) (2002) 2/2 We have created greater access to the BFI online and improved support for members 2/3 1 ABOUT THE BFI The BFI (British Film Institute) was established in 1933 to promote greater understanding, appreciation and access to film and television culture in Britain. In 1983 the BFI was incorporated by Royal Charter, a copy of which is available on request or from our website Our mission is ‘to champion moving image culture in all its richness and diversity, across the UK, for the benefit of as wide an audience as possible, to create and encourage debate.’ We aim to grow the value of diverse cinema and television in Britain. By this we mean British and international works of artistic and historic significance that, without intervention, might not otherwise be available to the public. S U M M A R Y O F R O YA L C H A R T E R O B J E C T I V E S — To establish, care for and develop collections reflecting the moving image history and heritage of the United Kingdom — To encourage the development of the art of film, television and the moving image throughout the United Kingdom — To promote the use of film and television culture as a record of contemporary life and manners — To promote access to and appreciation of the widest possible range of British and world cinema — To promote education about film, television and the moving image generally, and their impact on society. The BFI’s main funder is the UK Film Council (UKFC) using resources delegated by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It is a registered charity, number 287780. PA R T N E R S H I P S A N D C O L L A B O R AT I O N S Much of what the BFI has achieved could not have happened without the support and generosity of a number of individuals, organisations, companies, charitable trusts and foundations, to whom we are extremely grateful. The BFI has also received a number of legacies for which we are also very thankful. top to bottom: Evergreen (1934); Young Frankenstein (1974); Comrades (1987); Va Savoir (2001) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Bigger Than Life No-one can afford to ignore film or television. Such disregard would be to deny the power of storytelling itself Picture: Bigger Than Life (1956) 4/5 2 DIR ECTOR’S R EPORT Film and television are a source of immense pleasure and fulfilment. They offer shared experiences which can crystallise views and inspire creativity and self-knowledge. Film and television bring greater understanding of other people and places, even working, on occasion, as a call to action for the public good. No-one seeking to influence or understand society can afford to ignore either medium. Such disregard would be to deny the power of storytelling itself. However, the social value of film is directly proportional to its availability. In other words, the richer the spectrum on offer, the greater is our understanding not just or the moving image but the world itself. This is why the BFI exists – to champion work which might not be accessible otherwise, and to provide the widest possible choice of environment and opportunity for its exploration. Our role as a UK-wide organisation has evolved in recent years following the establishment of agencies dedicated to serving the regions and the nations. The BFI’s remit now has an emphasis on national strategies, the care and distribution of our national and international collections, and the provision of online education and research resources. Along with other national cultural organisations, we strive constantly to create programmes of international significance. We believe that this is what our audiences expect of us. It would be impossible to achieve such an aim without the BFI National Archive. The collections we hold on behalf of the nation are an asset of global cultural significance. Arguably the greatest archive of film in the world, it is certainly the biggest and the busiest. Thousands of prints are shown internationally every year. In this country alone, in a single year, we expect to promote and distribute prints to more than 800 different venues. Millions of people will see a film from the BFI National Archive thanks to the growing number of television co-productions, DVDs, cinema releases and our rapidlyemerging online initiatives. It’s a common misconception that archives are only about the past. In fact, the best archives are busy acquiring, interpreting, conserving and releasing films on a daily basis, serving a range of needs from large audience cinema exhibition to specialised individual access. top to bottom: My Son the Fanatic (1997); Fast Food Nation (2006); A Year Without Love (2005) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Thousands of films from the BFI are seen in over 600 venues across Britain every year The BFI National Archive is at the heart of our organisation. It’s dynamic. It’s in touch with living, contemporary film-making. Through BFI Festivals and BFI Southbank, with their international archival and contemporary programmes, the relationship is symbiotic and enduring. A T H R E E - PA R T V I S I O N Three years ago we set out on an ambitious path towards a long-term future. This future aspires to: The collections cared for by the BFI on behalf of the nation are an asset of global cultural significance — care for the world’s greatest collection of film and film information, making sure it is safe and more widely available than ever before — sustain an international focus for film in the UK through the creation of a national Film Centre, nurturing and providing a permanent home for the London Film Festival — ensure that everyone in Britain, no matter where they are, has access to the widest diversity of films and knowledge about film – a digital distribution strategy Our achievements this year demonstrate the great strides we have already made along our chosen path. BFI Southbank, for example, opened to resounding industry and popular acclaim. We made crucial investments in storage facilities at the BFI National Archive and launched innovative digital access systems to the Archive. We have developed a programme to exhibit Archive titles alongside contemporary releases in mainstream cinemas and over the Digital Screen Network. Not least we celebrated, triumphantly, the 50th birthday of The Times BFI London Film Festival. top to bottom: Jude Law and Robin Wright Penn at the Times BFI 50th London Film Festival; Amores Perros (2000); The Man Who Would Be King (1975) 6/7 B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 A C A LL TO AC T ION We’ve made great strides in most areas, but we haven’t achieved everything we had hoped for. Supported by the UKFC and DCMS with modernisation funding, we’ve reduced and held down the size of the organisation, significantly increased income from fundraising, introduced efficiencies and achieved most of our customer-facing initiatives. However, we’ve not yet met the ambitious growth target we set ourselves for trading income. And we’ve had to absorb significant, unexpected, additional pension and utilities costs, as well as a one-off over-run on the capital build cost of BFI Southbank. This means we have a very challenging year ahead, made more difficult by the indication of little, if any, future increase in our Government funding. After a four-year standstill revenue grant, without an improvement in our financial outlook the BFI cannot be sustained as it currently exists. The BFI is an institution emulated across the globe, admired for the founding of the NFT, the custodianship of the London Film Festival and the promotion of cultural film. The BFI is respected for the work of its Archive, and for being the home of special first films and filmmakers. The BFI has tenaciously and joyously nurtured a love of film, and sought to reach everyone, everywhere. Now this internationally recognised legacy is part of global cinema history itself. I believe, as this institution’s director, we must fulfil the responsibility of ensuring that this extraordinary work survives, thrives and continues to inspire generations to come. This is our collective challenge. Amanda Nevill, Director top to bottom: Woman of the Dunes (1964); Pressure (1975); The African Queen (1951); Another Country (1984) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Opening Night During the London Film Festival over 1,000 people crowded into London’s Trafalgar Square to watch a specially commissioned programme of short films Picture: Opening (1977) Picture: Open All HoursNight (1973) 8/8 We have created greater access to the BFI online and improved support for members 8/9 3 HIGHLIGH T S I N 20 0 6 / 07 — OBJ EC T I V E S W H AT W E SA ID W E WOU LD DO E X A M PLE S OF HOW W E DID Open BFI Southbank Our most dramatic transformation: During its first week of opening thousands of visitors streamed to BFI Southbank, with its pioneering and unprecedented access to digitised material from the Archive, great new and improved education initiatives and an adventurous contemporary programme Make critical investment in the Archive Making safe for the future: Archive material at immediate risk from deterioration was moved into upgraded, environmentally controlled storage. Existing acetate vaults have also been made airtight but further urgent investment is needed. Provide greater digital access to the BFI and its collections A digital revolution: The new Mediatheque at BFI Southbank now provides free public access to hundreds of hours of film and television. During the year more than 2.5 million records from the BFI Film & TV Database were moved online, giving people free access to 70 years of information. Visitors to the BFI website can now download films from the Archive to keep and watch again and again. Interactive guides to British film and TV heritage were launched on screenonline. The BFI’s Charlie Chaplin website has been refreshed with new interactive features. Celebrate both BFI Festivals in their respective anniversary years – Times BFI 50th London Film Festival and the 21st London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival A 50th birthday milestone: 113,000 tickets sold during the London Film Festival as we celebrated with a strong programme of films and events. These included the simultaneous screening of a surprise film in 50 different venues across the capital, such as Heathrow Terminal 4, Holloway Prison and a competition winner’s front room. We also drew over 1,000 people to an outdoor screening in London’s Trafalgar Square of a specially commissioned programme of short films. A coming of age: We achieved our goal, selling 25,000 tickets for screenings during the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, an event made even more special in its birthday year by coinciding with the opening of BFI Southbank. 44 venues around the UK signed up for a tour of the highlights. B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 A new digital restoration of We have The Wizard of Oz achieved thecreated widest greater to the opening to dateaccess of a BFI online classic film released via the Digitaland improved Screen Network support for Picture: Picture: Open All TheHours Wizard (1973) of Oz (1939) 10 / 10 members 10 / 11 HIGHLIGH T S I N 20 0 6 / 07 – OBJ EC T I V E S W H AT W E SA ID W E WOU LD DO E X A M PLE S OF HOW W E DID Expand our broadcast partnerships The BFI on TV: An audience of over 14 million saw films from the Archive on the small screen thanks to three major co-productions during the year with the BBC and Channel 5. This represents a 250% increase in TV audience compared to last year and is 27% ahead of target for this year Programme Archive films alongside mainstream releases Curtain raiser: More than a quarter of a million people saw Handkerchief Drill, a short film from the Central Office of Information (COI) held in the BFI National Archive, when it was screened before the feature release of The History Boys in cinemas across the UK Investment in Archive titles for the Digital Screen Network Dorothy went digital: Ten BFI titles were made available to screen digitally during the year. Notable successes included a touring programme of material from the COI to coincide with its 60th anniversary, and a digital restoration of The Wizard of Oz. This timeless classic was released by the BFI and, with 26 digital prints, represented the widest opening to date of a classic film released via the Digital Screen Network Strengthen our national membership to support audience development Joining the club: We launched a new national membership scheme. All members now have an enhanced benefits and discounts package, while an attractive new tier of membership – the BFI Champion – encourages people to provide a higher level of financial support. A new BFI Student Membership offer was also launched Significant planning towards a permanent National Film Centre A new home for Film: Early consultation was completed with business partners on the South Bank and in the Arts sector as a whole, plus local planning authorities. An options appraisal has been developed and incorporated into an outline business case which was approved by the BFI Board before being presented to the Office for Government Commerce (OGC) gateway process National leadership role in development of the National Archive Strategy and National Film Education Strategy Planning for the future: The BFI-led Film Heritage Group is developing a national strategy to go out to the archive community for consultation in June 2007 A steering group comprised of the BFI, UK Film Council, Film Education, National Screen Agencies, Screen England, Skillset and First Light is working to establish a national education strategy by the end of 2007/08. B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Dreams That Money Can Buy We will launch a major fundraising campaign to fulfil the urgent needs of the Archive estate Picture: Picture: Open All Dreams Hours That (1973) Money Can Buy (1946) 12 / 12 We have created greater access to the BFI online and improved support for members 12 / 13 4 K E Y TA R G E T S F O R 2 0 07/ 0 8 2007 will be a tough year as we face a much harsher financial environment. Along with increasing estate and utility expenses and unforeseen pension costs, there is the prospect of a further three years of flat grant-in-aid funding. Nevertheless, there remain high expectations of the BFI that we are determined to meet. This determination is reflected in our key objectives for the year: — Continue to create a thriving new destination at BFI Southbank, attracting 800,000 visitors during the first 12 months of it opening — Achieve over 1.85 million admissions to screenings of BFI films; 550,000 users of BFI education and information resources; 1 million viewers to BFI broadcast co-productions; over 6 million users of BFI online resources — Launch a major awareness and fundraising campaign to fulfil the urgent needs of the Archive estate for the next ten years — Develop a long term digital strategy for audiences to access the BFI online — Agree with the UK Film Council a forward plan to 2011 in the context of the Government comprehensive spending review — Ensure the London Film Festival is recognised and supported as the UK’s premier international film festival and to achieve additional funding to deliver this — Complete the National Education Strategy and begin implementation — Secure funding to progress the Film Centre to advanced planning stage top to bottom: Little Children (2006); James and the Giant Peach (1996); The Italian Job (1969); Branded to Kill (1967) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 An extended run of The Passenger proved to be the year’s surprise theatrical hit Picture: The Passenger (Professione: reporter) (1975) 14 / 15 5 C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M M E Not even an unusually hot summer and competition from the World Cup could hold back the BFI’s cultural programme this year. We have broken box-office records, introduced new digital distribution, caught the imagination of millions, discovered new venues and continued to mark the milestones of filmmaking with a passion. As always, our programme made available a diverse spectrum of classic and specialised film. But an extended run of Michelangelo Antonioni’s The Passenger (1975) proved to be the year’s surprise theatrical hit, breaking box office records at the National Film Theatre (now BFI Southbank) for a single-screen release. The film received excellent reviews from the major critics and was rewarded with many four and five-star ratings. It went on to play in more than 30 venues around the country and proved every bit as popular with audiences. At a time when the hot weather and the appeal of football hit mainstream cinema audiences, it was a testament to the enduring appeal of Antonioni’s film and Jack Nicholson’s performance. Directors Jacques Rivette, Carol Reed, John Huston and Luis Buñuel were all celebrated this year with retrospectives of their films at the National Film Theatre (NFT). As well as presenting the more familiar works for reappraisal in each director’s season, we always tried to introduce some of their lesser-known films for audiences to ‘discover’. Other highlights in the year’s programme at the NFT included appraisals of cinema favourites such as Ava Gardner, Bette Davis, Bernard Herrmann, Michael Mann, and Isabelle Huppert. We also examined genres as diverse as Mexican cinema, films and documentaries about music, Westerns, Modernism and Silent Comedy. During the year we marked the 60th anniversary of the Central Office of Information (COI) with a programme of public information films at the NFT, including shorts from the popular ‘Charley Says’ and ‘Be Smart, Be Safe’ campaigns. Most of the 140 information films shown came from the BFI National Archive, some screening as new prints struck by the Archive using original preservation materials. During the season visitors to the NFT and BFI London IMAX were able to download, via Bluetooth, two short films from the programme for free to their mobile phone. This has opened up another access point to the archive that we expect will grow considerably in the future. top to bottom: Jason and the Argonauts (1963); Ghosts (2006); Glastonbury (2006) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Antonioni’s The Passenger broke box office records during its run at the National Film Theatre Personal appearances continued to delight and enthral our audiences throughout the year as we welcomed to the BFI guests such as Pedro Almodóvar, Penélope Cruz, Jun Awazu, Isabelle Huppert, Angelica Huston, Peter Whitehead, Terence Davies, Eli Wallach, Elmore Leonard and Gael García Bernal. Over 50,000 people came to the BFI IMAX to watch Superman Returns with 20 minutes remastered to 3D World Cup fever didn’t stop the BFI IMAX reaching a new audience as it screened three England games live in front of more than 1,100 people. It was the next best thing to being on the touchline. There were also sell-out audiences for Optronica, the London festival devoted to the fusion of music and moving image, as well as for the new film releases Happy Feet and 300. The BFI IMAX was the best performing cinema in the UK for the opening weekends of both releases. The big hit of the year was Superman Returns, which included 20 minutes of material remastered to 3D and was watched by over 50,000 during a run that lasted longer than any other cinema in the UK. Again attracting new audiences to the BFI IMAX, our After Dark screenings of second run mainstream contemporary films such as Casino Royale, Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest gave people a whole new cinematic experience. The UK Film Council’s new Digital Screen Network (DSN) proved a magical addition to the BFI’s distribution schedule this year. In time for Christmas, we released a new digital restoration of The Wizard of Oz (1939) to a total of 31 venues (21 outside of London). The release was supported by additional funding from the UK Film Council and with 26 digital ‘prints’ it became the widest opening to date of a classic film via the DSN. The appeal of the film endured well beyond Christmas and the New Year as it went on to be screened at over 80 venues throughout half term and up to Easter. Further supporting the COI’s 60th anniversary, a touring programme of six films from the post-war era – How to Survive the 1940s – was shown in venues across the UK. A COI short film, Handkerchief Drill (1949), was also released as part of the BFI’s new Archive Shorts initiative, screening at over 100 venues with the major feature release of The History Boys and seen by more than 250,000 cinema-goers. top to bottom: The Motorcycle Diaries (2004); South Pacific (1958); Yo La Tengo at the Times BFI 50th London Film Festival 16 6 / /717 B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Other BFI releases (frequently tying in with major NFT seasons) such as the Rivette titles Paris Nous Appartient (1961) and Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974), Buñuel’s neglected masterpiece Los Olvidados (1950), and British classics The Innocents (1961), The Fallen Idol (1948) and Great Expectations (1946) all showed throughout the year at venues and regional film festivals up and down the UK. We were particularly thrilled to present the world premiere of a new digital remastering of the little-seen avant-garde film Borderline (1930), newly scored by renowned jazz musician Courtney Pine. Pine played live in a semi-improvised performance for a special screening of the film at the Tate Modern. Two other films from the BFI Collections also screened at the event – Dreams That Money Can Buy (1948) and Berlin: Symphony of a City (1927). This was a successful year for reaching new audiences through largescale screenings of archive titles, some in the open air. The 1970 film Performance at the Serpentine captured the public imagination, while Somerset House screened North by Northwest (1959) and The Night of the Hunter (1955), all distributed by the BFI. During the World Cup, historic football films from the Mitchell & Kenyon Collection were shown before live matches on the BBC Big Screens in city centres across Britain to an audience of 100,000 or more. Several major broadcasting co-productions during the year exceeded our expectations for audience numbers. The Lost World of FrieseGreene, a three-part co-production with the BBC, attracted more than 10 million viewers, while Channel Five’s Disappearing Britain, which also used BFI National Archive material, was watched by over four million people. Silent Britain, another co-production was screened on BBC4 and achieved an audience of a further 177,000. B F I F E S T I VA L S This year we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the London Film Festival and the 21st anniversary of the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Together, both festivals attracted more than 140,000 people to screenings and a further 5,000 to education activities. A total of 556 films (including features and shorts) were shown from countries all over the world. top to bottom: Abismos de Pasión (1954); Shortbus (2006); Molly O’ (1921) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 During the World Cup, football films from the Mitchell & Kenyon Collection were seen on BBC Big Screens by over 100,000 people in city centres across the UK T H E T I M E S B F I 5 0 T H L O N D O N F I L M F E S T I VA L The Times BFI 50th London Film Festival celebrated new discoveries from exciting talents in world cinema, screening 314 films from 48 countries Since it was first established 50 years ago to screen a selection of outstanding work from Europe’s other festivals, including Cannes and Venice, the London Film Festival has changed almost beyond recognition. While it retains some of the original spirit of being a ‘festival of festivals’, it has expanded its horizons to show new discoveries from important and exciting talents in world cinema, underpinning the BFI’s core mission. The Festival has grown in size too, from screening fewer than 20 films in the 1957 programme to the 300 or more it shows today. While it remains first and foremost a public festival, it is now a magnet for film professionals and journalists. Two powerful films framed this year’s Festival. It opened with the compelling British feature, The Last King of Scotland, and closed a fortnight later with the cross-cultural and ambitious Babel. The truly diverse programme of 183 feature films and 131 shorts from 48 countries had strong representation from Asia, Africa and Latin America. It also included titles by and/or about lesbians, gay men, transgender or bisexual people; 53 of the films were directed by women. Leading a special programme of events to mark the anniversary was an outdoor screening in Trafalgar Square where over 1,000 people gathered to watch Portrait of London - a series of short films commissioned by the BFI for the Festival and mixed live by the renowned director, Mike Figgis. Traditionally the Festival has presented a surprise film shown at a single venue in London. During this anniversary year a handful of surprise films were screened at 50 different venues in and around the capital, including Heathrow Terminal 4, Holloway Prison and even a competition prize-winner’s front room with the film’s director there to introduce it! In addition to the public screenings, the Festival hosted over 90 education and industry screenings and events, including ThinkShoot-Distribute and for school children How to be a Stuntperson. Among the talent adding glamour and glitz to the event as they made personal appearances to support and introduce screenings of their films were Emilio Estevez, Christian Slater, Will Ferrell, Emma Thompson, Robert Rodriguez, Dustin Hoffman, Bob Hoskins, Forrest Whitaker, Kate Winslet and Matt Damon. top to bottom: Red Road (2006); Tim Burton; The Last King of Scotland (2006) 6 / /719 18 B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 As the Festival gathers momentum each year, expectations grow. This year the BFI, responding in part to a request from the UK Film Council, undertook a fact-finding mission, consulting with key industry figures. The survey was also an acknowledgement of the Government’s desire for a film festival strategy for the UK. The findings showed overwhelming support for the London Film Festival and its aims. There was also wide consensus that additional investment is needed if the Festival is to be able to compete more ambitiously with other international festivals for support and profile. Our key priorities for the future are to secure long-term financial stability for the Festival, to reduce our dependence on sponsorship for the delivery of the core programme and improve the facilities which support filmmakers, industry, delegates and guests. This year’s Festival was a celebration of the past 50 years, but it was also a time to look forward with optimism to the next 50 years. 2 1 S T L O N D O N L E S B I A N A N D G AY F I L M F E S T I VA L For over two decades the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival has brought an eclectic selection of some of the best in queer cinema from around the world to appreciative audiences in London and across the UK. Celebrating its 21st birthday the Festival has matured to become the third largest film festival in the UK behind London and Edinburgh, and the largest of its kind in Europe. The opportunity to be one of the first to explore the newly-opened BFI Southbank was an extra encouragement for the thousands who attended this year. Some 25,000 tickets were sold and the Festival also attracted 187 international film-makers and industry delegates. These included young filmmakers who were able to build on their skills during a four-day workshop run in partnership with the Mayor of London’s office and the youth production company, Mouth That Roars. This year’s Festival programme comprised 90 features and 124 shorts and videos. Although genuinely international in scope with featured work from 26 countries, it was pleasing to see a record number of British films in the programme, including the Closing Night Gala of Duncan Roy’s The Picture of Dorian Gray and Rag Tag by Black British Director Adaora Nwandu. top to bottom: Itty Bitty Titty Committee (2007); Breakfast on Pluto (2005); David Gallagher and Duncan Roy (Dir) at the Closing Night Gala screening of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the 21st London Lesbian Gay Film Festival B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 A touring programme of highlights from the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival played in 40 towns and cities across the UK and Ireland Sidebars during the Festival included Art of the Erotic Imagination, featuring James Bidgood’s Pink Narcissus, later released by the BFI on DVD, and a recent acquisition by the BFI National Archive of Super8 originals from the pioneering director, Peter de Rome. There was also a strand of experimental films exploring the queer avant-garde and also a selection from the Mediatheque programme shown on the big screen. 65% of sales of BFI DVDs were outside London During the Festival we piloted a system of text message alerts that proved very successful for pushing ‘slow sellers’. Online ticket sales also grew. Audience research carried out during the event was overwhelmingly positive, revealing a very loyal audience who are attracted to the Festival experience as a whole and not just to the films. Of the total audience, 19% lived locally in Lambeth/ Southwark, 20% were from outside London and 6% were from abroad. A touring programme with highlights reflecting the richness of the Festival will visit around 40 towns and cities across the UK and Ireland throughout the summer of 2007. DV D A N D B O O K R E L E A S E S The DVD has become one of the most important ways the BFI reaches the wider audience. This year we distributed a further 25 titles, most with extra commentary features and informative sleeve notes to provide expert contextualisation. The deliberately broad selection included three films by Derek Jarman: Caravaggio (1986), Angelic Conversation (1985) and Wittgenstein (1993). We also released two films by Jacques Rivette which tied in with a season of his work at the NFT – Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) and Paris Nous Appartient (1961). In addition, there was something of a ‘silent’ theme to the DVD release schedule. Dickens Before Sound, a unique collection of early adaptations of perhaps Britain’s favourite and (after Shakespeare) most adapted author, was followed by the release on DVD of the BFI/ BBC TV co-production of Silent Britain, and RW Paul – The Collected Films 1895-1908. As Britain’s first filmmaker Robert W Paul was a leading pioneer in this country and one of the founders of world cinema. Many of his films are preserved in the BFI National Archive and this DVD brings his collected works of popular comedies, dramas, and fantasy and actuality films together for the first time for a wider audience. Also released following the successful TV co-production with the BBC was The Lost World of Friese-Greene telling the story of a pioneering, but hitherto forgotten British documentary maker. top to bottom: Front covers to BFI books: Journeys of Desire: European Actors in Hollywood; British Film Posters: An Illustrated History; DVD cover for R W Paul: The Collected Films 1895-1908 6 / /721 20 B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 BFI Publishing had a busy year too producing 24 books covering everything from film theory, cinema history and the study of television, to more populist studies of film and TV and film poster art. Key titles include the BFI Modern Classic Distant Voices, Still Lives which takes a poetic look at Terence Davies’ film about post-war workingclass childhood; a detailed introduction to the themes and styles of the films of Pedro Almódovar; and a unique study of one of the greatest television drama serials of all time, The Singing Detective. A History of Artists’ Film and Video in Britain, 1897-2004 considers the work of some 300 artists and highlights the importance of moving image in British art history. Directors in British and Irish Cinema is packed with facts, critical summaries and the resumes and filmographies of over 1,000 film directors from Britain and Ireland since 1895. Other titles published during the year include Hollywood and Politics and Society, 100 Videogames and a number of teachers’ resources such as Teaching Black Cinema, Real Shorts (DVD-based) and Teaching Videogames. 10 0 B L A C K S C R E E N I C O N S Towards the end of the year an online poll to choose top Black Screen Icons was jointly launched by the BFI and Every Generation Media, with support from the UKFC and the BBC. 100 Black Screen Icons was conceived and launched as a continuation of the BFI’s influential Black World project in 2005 that brought together more than 40 national projects and events such as local and national film seasons, film and DVD releases, education projects, workshops, and mixed-media music and film events. The nominees in the poll cover film and television genres and eras from the past 100 years and hail from the UK, Europe, North America, Africa and the Caribbean. The list was compiled with the help of an expert panel of film practitioners, including directors, actors, writers and technical innovators. The result of the poll will be announced in the autumn of 2007.) top to bottom: Front covers to BFI books: Hollywood Politics and Society; 100 Videogames; DVD cover for Celine and Julie Go Boating B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 During the year the BFI published 24 books on film theory, cinema history and the study of television Ice Cold In Alex Over the next 12 months it is vital we secure investment for a sub zero storage environment for the acetate collection Picture: Ice Cold In Alex (1958) 22 / 23 6 B F I N AT I O N A L A R C H I V E The huge collections of film and television material cared for in the BFI National Archive is of world cultural importance. Its maintenance and safety is core to our obligations as a national heritage organisation. During the year we successfully completed a critical phase of our programme to stabilise the collection. We installed ten refrigerated mobile storage containers designed to deliver optimum environmental conditions suitable for master safety film, and relocated film materials previously held in substandard storage facilities. The building’s infrastructure on all three vaults at Berkhamsted has also been improved and we are currently replacing the environmental control systems in our largest acetate vault. This will allow us to create optimum storage environments for stable acetate film. But these measures are short term. During routine testing of the acetate film collection we found that up to 30% is actively decaying. To arrest this decay and prevent total loss of materials we need to develop a large scale sub zero storage environment as a longer term solution. Over the next 12 months it is vital that we secure the investment to deliver the best possible storage environments for the collections and we have launched a major campaign to raise sufficient funds to fix the Archive estate for the next ten years and beyond. Other significant Archive developments during the year include: — The creation of a new audio conservation facility to allow deteriorating magnetic sound tracks which cannot safely be stored in sub zero conditions to be transferred onto new digital storage media — Securing a £1.8m grant from the Joint Information Systems Committee for a two-year project working in partnership with a range of organisations, to digitise hundreds of hours of moving image material and other documents that chart and discuss life in Britain in the 20th century — Leading the development of a national archive strategy, working in partnership with the UK Film Council, regional screen agencies, regional film archives, MLA and DCMS. The strategy aims to provide a framework for moving image archives in Britain to work better together to care for and preserve the collections and, at the same time, make them more accessible to the public through a mass digitisation programme — During the year, Ofcom, the communication regulator, commissioned an external review of the BFI’s off-air broadcast recording service. After considering the available options, Ofcom recommended that the BFI should continue as the designated national television archive for a further period of five years. top to bottom: Oliver! (1968); Canoa (1976); Venus (2006) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 We are working in partnership with JISC to digitise hundreds of hours of material that charts 20th century life in Britain The Kids Are Alright The rejuvenated BFI Southbank allows us to further our education programmes Picture: The Kids Are Alright (1979) 24 / 25 7 A FRONT DOOR TO ALL OF THE BFI After a year or more of construction and fit-out we were finally ready for the red carpet. The new BFI Southbank threw open its doors to welcome thousands of people in its first week for the Optronica festival and later the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Opening BFI Southbank is a major milestone for the BFI. In addition to the existing cinemas where we continue to show an exciting and diverse programme for our core audience, we are attracting new visitors to the innovative Mediatheque. Here people can enjoy hundreds of hours of film and television from the BFI National Archive, completely for free. The new Gallery space now provides an opportunity to see how artists perceive the moving image and use it in their work. Students from the local community and from all over Britain come to study film heritage. Families come to BFI Southbank to have fun and experiment in hands-on workshops. In the country’s best-stocked filmstore, people come and browse through the thousands of DVDs and books. Others come simply to soak up the atmosphere in the comfortable surroundings of the Benugo café and restaurant, perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of a famous visiting filmmaker. The BFI has largely been unable to offer these facilities and attractions before. Now, for the first time, we can bring together our wide variety of activities under one roof. But our ambitions and the demand from audiences increase all the time. We have always known that it could only be a temporary home. Limited by its location under Waterloo Bridge, BFI Southbank cannot be grown further. It will never be able to realise the full extent of the BFI’s aspirations for meeting audience anticipation. We see the building as a ‘rehearsal room’ for a new, high profile, public-facing national film centre. Our vision brings together the disparate elements of the BFI’s activities into a simple and exciting proposition that can be delivered on site and online, serving the public as well as educational bodies, filmmakers and the creative industries as a whole. Nothing like the proposed BFI National Film Centre exists anywhere else. It will be unique because only the BFI can bring together the world’s greatest collections of film and television and add to it the excitement and stimulation of emerging cinema. We can build creative and inclusive programmes that inspire everyone. It will be wired to the world and influenced as much by its virtual visitors as it is by those who pass through the door. It will be the world’s most important cultural centre for the enjoyment, celebration and study of film. During the year we have consulted with our South Bank business partners, local planning authorities and other key stakeholders to prepare an outline business case with an options appraisal and feasibility study. This has been presented to the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) gateway process. Over the coming year our priority will be to raise funding to take us forward to the planning and design stage. This is expected to be by the end of 2007/08. top to bottom: Sight & Sound (Jan 07); Pirosmani (1971); The Fallen Idol (1948) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 With BFI Southbank we can, for the first time, bring a wide variety of BFI activities under one roof Listen To Britain In the future, most of our UK-wide distribution will be delivered digitally, precisely because this is what our audiences expect Picture: Listen To Britain (1942) 26 / 27 8 B F I D I G I TA L S T R AT E G Y Digital technology lies at the very heart of the BFI’s strategy to grow access to the national collections. We’ve made tremendous progress in two important and innovative ways: through BFI Online and in the new Mediatheque at BFI Southbank. The launch of BFI Online during the year has created further opportunities for people to browse and engage with all the BFI’s services and information, whether they are at home, in the office or on the move. The key resource is the BFI Film and TV Database – over 2.5 million records on film and television collected by the BFI over the past 70 years. This is now available online to everyone completely for free. While others have merely talked about it, the BFI got on and launched a film download space on its BFI website, adding each month to a library of selected, rare films from the BFI National Archive. These can be downloaded to keep. We created a new Chaplin section on the BFI website where people can learn about the legendary star’s life and enjoy thousands of images enriched by in-depth contextual notes written by BFI experts. There is also an innovative series of interactive online tours on BFI screenonline ( uk), the definitive educational guide to Britain’s film and TV history. Screenonline is now available free in every school in Britain. As a result of these new digital developments we have attracted significantly more people to our website and encouraged greater usage, resulting in a 44% increase in hits year on year. Madame Bovary (1991); The Song Remains the Same (1976); Bugsy Malone (1976) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Over 2.5 million records in the BFI film and TV database collected over 70 years can now be accessed online by everyone for free The History Boys A two-year partnership with HP is providing stateof-the-art access to the archive collections Picture: The History Boys (2006) 28 / 29 The opening of BFI Southbank marked a distinct step change in the way we reach new audiences. A new way of working for the BFI also began when we announced the start of a two-year partnership with Hewlett Packard (HP) providing state-of-the-art access to the archive collections. HP’s digital servers and computers power the new Mediatheque where visitors can browse for free hundreds of hours of digitised material from the Archive on the small screen. With digitisation made possible thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the hi-tech viewing facilities from HP, the Mediatheque has become a perfect example of culture and commerce working hand in hand to enhance public value. We have begun work on the digitisation programme with JISC and with the objective to create an online portal through which everyone can access up to 600 hours of unique footage and contextualised documents that demonstrate how the key social, political and economic issues affecting Britain during the last century were represented and debated through moving images. The BFI is leading a partnership made up of the national archives, regional archives, the Parliamentary Recording Unit, BBC, ITN and Open Media to deliver the project. Footage will come from many sources such as Public Information and Government films, national and regional news bulletins, newsreels, parliamentary hearings and political broadcasts. top to bottom: Climates (2006); Trapeze (1956); The Terminator (1984) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 The BFI website received 44% more hits year on year Our annual Media Studies Conference introduces teachers to industry insiders, leading thinkers, and expert practitioners. Picture: Etre et Avoir (2002) 30 / 31 9 E D U C AT I O N & R E S E A R C H The main priority of BFI Education continues to be to establish film as an integral part of the primary curriculum. This year we had early success in Northern Ireland, supporting the Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission, and more recently have completed an ambitious programme in England. Reframing Literacy invited all of the Local Authorities in England to join training sessions and use resources that aimed to put short films into mainstream literacy classrooms. We trained teachers and advisors in half of the authorities and levered significant investment from them into the initiative. We continue to sell thousands of copies of our Shorts compilations as more and more teachers join the programme. At the same time, we embrace the huge opportunities presented to us by the revitalised BFI Southbank and its importance as a test-bed for a future film centre. By the end of March 2007, we had re-shaped our education team at BFI Southbank to concentrate on reaching a range of core audiences: in addition to schools and teachers, we are programming for families, young people outside school, community groups, and the general adult population. We worked with excluded young people in partnership with children’s charity Kidscape to produce martial arts films which were shown as part of Beautiful South, our new programme of films made and shown by and for young people. Over 300 GCSE students made films as part of Aspire Aim Higher, a widening participation project with South Bank University. We also ran a new series of public debates sponsored by Sight & Sound, and a seminar series called What is Cinema?, co-organised with the Independent Cinema Office. Our annual Media Studies Conference attracted teachers from all over the UK, and introduced them to industry insiders, leading thinkers, and expert practitioners. In our advocacy work, we made important contributions to launching the Charter for Media Literacy both in the UK and Europe – With the National Foundation for Education Research we completed Special Effects, a major piece of research into learning outcomes from film sponsored by Creative Partnerships. top to bottom Oliver Twist (1948); A Portrait of London – outdoor screening in Trafalgar Square during the Times BFI 50th London Film Festival; Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Research, and in particular the interpretation of the collections, remains a priority for the BFI Free Cinema Malcolm McDowell hosted Screenonline’s latest interactive tour Picture: Free Cinema (1957) 32 / 33 BFI Screenonline is a truly UK-Wide resource, with users spanning the nations and regions from Shoreditch to the Shetlands and from Durham to Derry. Thanks to a new approach to authentication developed in partnership with the National Education Network, the service has since late-2006 been freely accessible in all UK schools and universities, as well as many public libraries. On the back of this improved access, the number of users increased dramatically, with video requests averaging over 500 per working day by the end of the year. At least 83 per cent of those viewing video were in organisations based outside London. During the year Screenonline launched an interactive tour looking at Free Cinema, hosted by Malcolm McDowell. This is the third in an ongoing series of tours sponsored by BT that explore key elements of British cinema history. Other highlights online included a celebration of Victoria Wood’s 30-year career, a look at British cinema during the 1970s and a revisit to the BBC’s influential Wednesday Play strand. For teachers the newly launched Education Zone – funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund - features lesson plans, starters and plenaries that use Screenonline titles for teaching particular topics. Looking forward, The UK Film Council this year initiated a review of its funded education work – delivered by First Light Movies, Skillset, Film Education, Film Club, the national and regional screen agencies, and the BFI. The outcome will be a strategy launched in 2008 for film education that consolidates all our activities, avoids duplication, and makes an ambitious pitch for putting film at the centre of the cultural life of children and young people. The BFI will be at the heart of this important work. Research, and in particular the interpretation of the collections in the BFI National Archive, remains a priority of the BFI. No less than seven curators presented papers at the annual conference of MeCCSA in Coventry in January 2007. In addition we made a keynote presentation about the relationship between the BFI and the Academy. The BFI is also involved as a partner in a number of AHRC-funded research projects (with the Universities of Stirling, Westminster and London). The BFI is working with researchers at Queen Mary, University of London on a history of the BFI (due for completion in 2008) and in November 2006 a related Screen Studies conference was held at the University of London. top to bottom: Loulou (1980); Ran (1985); The Open Road (1926) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Video requests on Screenonline averaged over 500 per working day by the end of the year, 83% were from outside London Reach For The Sky Digital advances help extend our geographical and cultural reach beyond regional and national borders Picture: Reach For The Sky (1956) 34 / 35 10 N AT I O N A L R E A C H From downloads to touring film seasons and DVDs to screenings at film societies, we remain committed to widening access to all BFI products and services. Digital advances help extend our geographical and cultural reach beyond regional and national borders. The following section shows how the BFI reaches out across the UK during the year. T H E AT R I C A L A N D N O N -T H E AT R I C A L The BFI is a leading UK distributor of archive, classic and specialised films, working with a range of exhibitors from multiplexes through independent regional cinemas to rural film clubs. Screenings of films from the BFI National Archive: — 550,000 admissions – 67% outside London — films shown in 641 venues – 81% outside London — films also booked by 250 venues in 28 countries across the world The geographical spread of where films from the BFI are screened each year. top to bottom: Wavelength (1967); David Lynch in conversation at the BFI; Z Cars (1962) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Films from the BFI are screened in over 890 venues worldwide every year B R OA D C A S T The BFI was involved in three broadcast co-productions during the year: — BBC – The Lost World of Friese-Greene, a three-part series screened on BBC2, was watched by a total audience of over 10 million — BBC – Silent Britain, a study of the silent era presented on BBC4 — Channel 5 – Disappearing Britain looking at Britain’s social history – seen by an audience of 4 million nationwide across three episodes A total audience of over 14 million watched a film from the BFI National Archive on television DV D During 2006/07 we released 249 new DVDs, over half of which were films from the BFI National Archive. Sales of DVDs reached 195,000 nationwide, 65% outside London through regional retailers, mail order and online sales. B F I L I B R A R Y A N D I N F O R M AT I O N S E R V I C E During 2006/07 there were: — 189,606 downloads of BFI Library online resources — 11,919 visitors to the Reading Room — 14,179 users of the BFI Information service VISITORS / USE BY R EGION : 29% London 20% South 4% East 4% West Midlands 2% East Midlands 5% North West 5% Yorkshire 1% North East 7% South West 9% Scotland 4% Wales 1% Northern Ireland 9% Overseas top to bottom: Our New Errant Boy (1905); Beau Travail (1999); Y tu mamá también (2001) 6 / /737 36 B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 E D U C AT I O N BFI Education supports teachers and learners in film and media study across the nations. Our resources are used by teachers for all age groups, from young children to university students. During 2006/07: — over 200,000 resources were downloaded from the BFI website by 2215 schools and colleges across the UK, reaching a potential 1.2 million pupils and students — 2000 teachers received BFI training — 8000 students and pupils attended education events at BFI Southbank BFI SCR EENONLINE V IDEO R EQUESTS BY R EGION, JA N-M A R 2008 4% National Organisations* 10% South West 17% South 12% London 6% East 7% East Midands 8% West Midlands 12% North West * National organisations includes those bodies with sites in more than one region (e.g. independent schools consortia) as well as UK-wide bodies such as the Open University 5% Yorkshire 2% North 7% Scotland 8% Wales 2% Northern Ireland top to bottom : Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988); The Informer (1935); The Whales Of August (1987) B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 More than 2,200 schools and colleges downloaded free resources from the BFI website during the year Statement of Financial Activities (Including an Income and Expenditure Account) Y E A R E N DED 31 M A RC H 20 07 Restricted £’000 2007 Total £’000 2006 Total £’000 16,000 – 16,000 16,000 125 4,671 4,796 5,484 Unrestricted Note £’000 Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds Voluntary Income Grant-in-aid 4 Other grants, legacies and donations Lottery awards 5 178 178 50 1,329 – 1,329 970 147 – 147 157 Lifelong learning 3,466 – 3,466 3,383 Distribution & Exhibition 8,968 – 8,968 6,931 Cinema heritage 1,380 – 1,380 1,404 52 – 52 98 31,467 4,849 36,316 34,477 653 – 653 588 Donated services Investment income 6 Incoming resources from charitable activities Other incoming resources Total incoming resources Resources expended Costs of generating funds Costs of generating voluntary income Charitable activities Lifelong learning Distribution & Exhibition Cinema heritage Governance costs Restructuring costs Total costs of activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects Total resources expended 7,10 Net (outgoing)/incoming resources before other recognised gains and losses Other recognised gains/losses Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward Transfer from restricted to unrestricted funds Total funds carried forward 803 9,790 9,466 1,149 15,424 13,918 8,931 740 9,671 8,004 109 – 109 97 – – – 343 32,955 2,692 35,647 32,416 32,955 2,692 35,647 32,416 (1,488) 2,157 669 2,061 We have created greater access to the BFI online and improved support for members Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit pension schemes Net movement in funds 8,987 14,275 9 4,153 – 4,153 (2,236) 2,665 2,157 4,822 (175) 8,902 18,137 27,039 27,214 18 250 (250) – – 18 11,817 20,044 31,861 27,039 All gains and losses recognised in the year are included in this Statement of Financial Activities. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Statement of Financial Activities. Picture: Open All Hours (1973) 38 / 39 38 / 38 Consolidated and Charity Balance Sheet 31 M A RC H 20 07 Note Group 2007 £’000 Group 2006 £’000 Charity 2007 £’000 Charity 2006 £’000 Tangible fixed assets 11 50,462 46,375 50,462 46,375 Investments 12 – – 93 94 50,462 46,375 50,555 46,469 Fixed assets: Total fixed assets Current assets: Stocks & work in progress 13 780 558 759 541 Debtors 14 3,565 2,962 3,372 3,529 Cash at bank and in hand 4,695 5,466 4,470 5,041 Total current assets 9,040 8,986 8,601 9,111 (7,670) (4,717) (7,324) (4,596) 1,370 4,269 1,277 4,515 Liabilities: Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 15 Net current assets Net assets excluding pension liability Defined benefit pension scheme liability 17 Net assets including pension liability 51,832 50,644 51,832 50,984 (19,971) (23,605) (19,971) (23,605) 31,861 27,039 31,861 27,379 20,044 18,137 20,044 18,137 Funds: Restricted income funds 18 Unrestricted income funds : Unrestricted income funds excluding pensions asset/liability 18 31,788 32,507 31,788 32,847 Pension reserve 18 (19,971) (23,605) (19,971) (23,605) 11,817 8,902 11,817 9,242 31,861 27,039 31,861 27,379 Total unrestricted funds Total funds Please note – these accounts are unaudited B F I A N N UA L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 18 World of Plenty Over 2,000 screenings took place at the BFI on the South Bank Picture: Picture: Open All World Hours of Plenty (1973)(1943) 40 / 40 We have created greater access to the BFI online and improved support for members 40 / 41 Appendices The following titles were screened as part of various seasons and retrospectives at the BFI National Film Theatre APRIL 2006 JACQUES R IVET TE Duelle (1975) Jacques Rivette – Le Veilleur (1990) Dir. Claire Denis Jean Renior, le Patron (1967) L’Armour fou (1968) Le Coup du berger (1956) Le Regligieuse (1965) Noroît (1976) Out One: Noli me tangere (1971) Paris nous appartient (1961) MODERNISM Aelita (1924) Dir. Yakov Protazanov An American March (1941) Dir. Oskar Fischinger Ballet Mécanique (1924) Fernand Léger Birth of a robot (1936) Dir. Len Lye Citizen Kane (1941) Dir. Orson Welles Enthusiasm (1931) Dir. Dziga Vertov Glumov’s Diary (1923) Dir. Sergei Eisenstein Hell Unltd. (1936) Dir. Helen Biggar, Norman McLaren Kino-Pravda (1923) Dir. Dziga Vertov La Glace à trois faces (1927) Dir. Jean Epstein La Roue (1923) Dir. Abel Gance L’Argent (1928) Dir. Marcel L’Herbier L’Inhumaine (1924) Dir. Marcel L’Herbier Metropolis (1926) Dir. Fritz Lang Modern Times (1936) Dir. Charles Chaplin Olympia (1938) Dir. Leni Riefenstahl Opus I (1922) Dir. Walter Ruttmann Philips Radio (1931) Dir. Joris Ivens Picturing a New World – An Introduction The Crowd (1928) Dir. King Vidor The General Line (1929) Dir. Sergei Eisenstein The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra (1927) Dir. Slavko Vorkapich Things to Come (1936) Dir. William Cameron Menzies SILENT COMEDY Among Those Present (1921) Dir. Fred Newmeyer Hands Up! (1926) Dir. Clarence Badger It’s a Gift (1923) Dir. Charles Parrott Limousine Love (1928) Dir. Fred Guiol Smith’s Cook (1927) Dir. Alf Goulding Stage Struck (1925) Dir. Allan Dwan) Teddy at the Throttle (1916) Dir. Clarence Badger The Better’Ole (1926) Dir. Charles Riesner The Kid Reporter (1923) Dir. Alf Goulding AVA G A R D N E R Bhowani Junction (1956) Dir. George Cukor Mogambo (1953) Dir. John Ford My Forbidden Past (1951) Dir. Robert Stevenson Night of the Iguana (1964) Dir. John Huston On the Beach (1959) Dir. Stanley Kramer Pandora (1950) Dir. Albert Lewin Show Boat (1951) Dir. George Sidney The Barefoot Contessa (1954) Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz The Killers (1946) Dir. Robert Siodmak The Sun Also Rises (1957) Dir. Henry King OTHER Antenna Blacktronica I:Cube live: ‘Planetarium’ + Nathan Fake live: ‘Drowning in a Sea of Love’ Pixar Short Films – a Retrospective with Special Guests Projecting the Archive: The Informer (1929) Dir. Arthur Robison Redder Than Red (2006) Dir. Martha Cooper Restoring Enthusiasm The Films of Mitchell & Kenyon The Freshest Kids (2002) Dir. Israel M AY 2 0 0 6 JACQUES R IVET TE Céline and Julie Go Boating (1974) Haut bas fragile (1995) Hurlevent (1985) Jeanne la Pucelle: Les Batailles + Jeanne la Pucelle: Les Prisons (1994) La Bande des quatre (1989) La Belle noiseuse (1991) La Belle noiseuse: Divertimento (1991) L’Amour par terre (1984) Le Pont du Nord (1981) L’Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) Merry-Go-Round (1983) Out 1: Spectre (1973) Secret défense (1998) Seminar: Jacques Rivette Va savoir (2001) Shane (1953) Dir. George Stevens Short Course: Winning the Spurs Stagecoach (1939) Dir. John Ford The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) Dir. Sergio Leone The Last of the Mohicans (1992) Dir. Michael Mann The Magnificent Seven (1960) Dir. John Sturges The Naked Spur (1952) Dir. Anthony Mann The New World (2005) Dir. Terrence Malick The Searchers (1956) Dir. John Ford The Shootist (1976) Dir. Don Siegel The Tall T (1957) Dir. Budd Boetticher Ulzana’s Raid (1972) Dir. Robert Aldrich Unforgiven (1992) Dir. Clint Eastwood SILENT COMEDY A Pair of Tights (1928) Dir. Hal Yates A Pastrycook’s Practical Jokes (1905) Dir. Georges Hatot Big Moments in Little Pictures (1924) Dir. Jay Howe Chase Comedy (1905) Dir. James Williamson Debuts d’un chauffeur (1907) Dir. Jean Durand Exit Smiling (1926) Dir. Sam Taylor Fatal Footsteps (1926) Dir. Charley Bowers It (1926) Dir. Clarence Badger It’s the Old Army Game (1926) Dir. Edward Sutherland Lizzies of the Filed (1924) Dir. Del Lord Mighty Like a Moose (1926) Dir. Leo McCarey Onésime employé des postes (1913) Dir. Jean Durand The Curtain Pole (1909) Dir. DW Griffith Two Tars (1928) Dir. James Parrott JOHN HOPKINS Fable Horror of Darkness John Hopkins and Shirley Knight Talking to a Stranger (1966) Dir. Christopher Morahan The Offence (1972) Dir. Sidney Lumet Z Cars CLASSIC WESTERNS Brokeback Mountain (2005) Dir. Ang Lee Dead Man (1996) Dir. Jim Jarmusch Heaven’s Gate (1980) Dir. Michael Cimino High Noon (1952) Dir. Fred Zinnemann Johnny Guitar (1953) Dir. Nicholas Ray Major Dundee (1964) Dir. Sam Peckinpah McCabe and Mrs Miller (1871) Dir. Robert Altman Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Dir. Sergio Leone Red River (1948) Dir. Howard Hawks Rio Bravo (1959) Dir. Howard Hawks Run of the Arrow (1957) Dir. Samuel Fuller OTHER Blacktronica Bruce Lacey and the Art of Demonstration Educating the Next Generation II: Film Older Women in Film On the Outs (2004) Dir. Lori Silverbush, Michael Skolnik Projecting the Archive: The Lacey Rituals (1973) The Man Who Would be King (1975) Dir. John Huston JUNE 2006 ACCESS ALL AR EAS ABBA: The Movie (1977) Dir. Lasse Hallström Born to Boogie (1972) Dir. Ringo Starr Elvis: That’s the Way it is (1970) Dir. Denis Sanders Festival (1967) Dir. Murray Lerner Festival Express (2003) Dir. Bob Smeaton Gimme Shelter (1972) Dir. Daid & Albert Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin Lilith on Top (2001) Dir. Dlynne Stopkewich Monterey Pop (1968) Dir. DA Pennebaker Scratch (2001) Dir. Doug Pray Sign o’ the Times (1987) Dir. Prince Standing in the Shadows of Motown (2002) Dir. Paul Justman Stop Making Sense (1984) Dir. Jonathan Demme The Kids are Alright (1979) Dir. Jeff Stein The Song Remains the Same (1976) Dir. Peter Clifton Urgh! a Music War (1981) Dir. Derek Burbridge Wattstax (1973) Dir. Mel Stuart Woodstock (1970/1995) Dir. Michael Wadleigh Year of the Horse (1997) Dir. Jim Jarmusch Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1982) Dir. DA Pennebaker THE ROUND-UP: RECENT WORLD CINEMA 13 Lakes (2004) Dir. James Benning A Tale of Cinema (2005) Dir. Hong Sang-Soo Antares (2005) Dir. Götz Spielman Border Café (2005) Dir. Kambuzia Partovi Buena Vida Delivery (2003) Dir. Leonardo di Cesare Chemins de Traverse (2004) Dir. Manuel Poirier Gisela (2005) Dir. Isabelle Stever La Neuvaine (2005) Dir. Bernard Emond Pin Boy (2004) Dir. Ana Poliak Shooting Magpies (2005) Dir. Amber Collective Tenja (2004) Dir. Hassan Legzouli The World (2004) Dir. Jia Zhangke Workingman’s Death (2005) Dir. Michael Glawogger SILENT COMEDY An Eastern Westerner (1920) Dir. Hal Roach Big Business (1929) Dir. James Horne Ladies Night in a Turkish Bath (1928) Dir. Edward Cline Liberty (1929) Dir. Leo McCarey Saturday Afternoon (1926) Dir. Harry Edwards The Rag Man (1925) Dir. Edward Cline 42 / 43 The Vagabond Queen (1927) Dir. Geze von Bolvary The Waiter’s Ball (1916) Dir. Roscoe Arbuckle What Price Goofy? (1925) Dir. Fred Newmeyer 50 YEARS OF THE LONDON FILM SCHOOL An Angel for May (1995) Dir. Harley Cokeliss Andrew & Jeremy Get Married (2004) Dir. Don Boyd At Nic’s (2005) Dir. Patricia Radoi Bad Behaviour (1983) Dir. Les Blair Boat People (1982) Dir. Ann Hui Cool and Crazy (2000) Dir. Knut Erik Jensen Dormouse (2005) Dir. Frederik Hamm End of Season (2004) Dir. Duccio Chiarini Hans Rausing (2003) Dir. Yael Luttwak Heat (1995) Dir. Michael Mann Heydar, an Afghan in Tehran (2006) Dir. Babak Jalali Jonah, Who Will be 25 in the Year 2000 (1976) Dir. Alain Tanner LFS 50 ARCHIVE NIGHT LFS 50 Debate: Rebels Without a Course? Lobster Season (2005) Dir. Martin Strom Meantime (1984) Dir. Mike Leigh My Mother (2005) Dir. Svetla Tsotsorkova Outside in (2002) Dir. Alessandro Pepe Pressure (1975) Dir. Horace Ove Quadrophenia (1979) Dir. Franc Roddam Recollections of the Yellow House (1989) Dir. Joao Cesar Monteiro Sleep Tight My Baby (2002) Dir. Pansu Kim Sonny and Petrulia (2004) Dir. Karl Meidell Standing Still (2001) Dir. Lilja Ingolfsdottir Temporal (2006) Dir. Paz Fabrega The Day the Sun Turned Cold (1994) Dir. Yim Ho Zohra (2006) Dir. Kemal Akhtar MARTY FELDMAN Marty + the Marty Feldman Comedy Machine One Pair of Eyes: Marty Feldman + the Marty Feldmen Comedy Machine The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977) Dir. Marty Feldman The Wednesday Play: Double Bill – The Compartment /Playmates Young Frankenstein (1974) Dir. Mel Brooks OTHER Antenna Awesome: I Fuckin’ Shot That! (2006) Dir. Nathaniel Hornblower BBC Springwatch: Planet Earth Bill Douglas: Comrades (1987) Dir. Bill Douglas Bill Douglas: Intent on Getting the Image (2006) Dir. Andy Kimpton-Nye Blacktronica Can Television Make History? – Filming in the Corridors of Power I’m the Angel of Death – Pusher III (2005) Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Jazz, Sea Life and Man Ray: Undercover Surrealism on Film Marine Hugonnier: The Three Continents Trilogy Off the Map: Surrealism and Ethnographic Film Over the Hedge (2006) Dir. Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick Poseidon (2006) Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Projecting the Archive: Death may be your Santa Clause (1969) Dir. Frankie Dymon Jr Projecting the Archive: Voices (1968) Dir. Richard Mordaunt Pusher (1996) Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Short Course: Film Music The Innocents (1961) Dir. Jack Clayton The Passenger (1975) Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni Uncle Max at the NFT With Blood on My Hands – Pusher II (2004) Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn J U LY 2 0 0 6 BER NAR D HER R MANN All That Money Can Buy (1941) Dir. William Dieterle Bernard Hermann: An Introduction Cape Fear (1961) Dir. J Lee Thompson Citizen Kane (1941) Dir. Orson Welles Crime Scene on Bernard Herrmann Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Dir. François Truffaut Hangover Square (1945) Dir. John Brahm It’s Alive (1974) Dir. Larry Cohen Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Dir. Don Chaffey Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1959) Dir. Henry Levin Marnie (1964) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Mysterious Island (1961) Dir. Cy Endfield North by Northwest (1959) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Obsession (1976) Dir. Brian de Palma On Dangerous Ground (1951) Dir. Nicholas Ray Psycho (1960) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Taxi Driver (1976) Dir. Martin Scorsese The Birds (1963) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock The Bride Wore Black (1968) Dir. François Truffaut The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Dir. Robert Wise The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947) Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) Dir. Orson Welles The Man who knew too Much (1956) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (1958) Dir. Nathan Juran The Trouble with Harry (1955) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo ( 1958) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock 50 YEARS OF THE LONDON F I L M F E S T I VA L A Face in the Crowd (1957) Dir. Elia Kazan A Sunday Romance (1957) Dir. Imre Feher Aparajito (1956) Dir. Satyajit Ray Duped Till Doomsday (1956) Dir. Kurt Jung-Alsen Kanal (1956) Dir. Andrzej Wadja Nights of Cabiria (1957) Dir. Federico Fellini Porte des Lilas (1957) Dir. René Clair The Captain from Köpenick (1956) Dir. Helmut Käutner The Crimson Curtain (1952) Dir. Alexandre Astruc The Forty-First (1956) Dir. Grigori Chukrai The Laplanders (1957) Dir. Per Höst The Seventh Seal (1957) Dir. Ingmar Bergman Throne of Blood (1958) Dir. Akira Kurosawa White Nights (1957) Dir. Luchino Visconti SILENT COMEDY Ageless Sex (1914) Dir. Harry Lambert Daisy Doodad’s Dial (1914) Dir. Florence Turner Eve’s Love Letters (1927) Dir. Leo McCarey For Heaven’s Sake (1926) Dir. Sam Taylor Molly O’ (1921) Dir. F Richard Jones Movie Night (1929) Dir. Lew Foster Onésime et le Coeur du Tzigane (1913) Dir. Jean Durand Reckless Romeo (1916) Dir. Roscoe Arbuckle Should Men Walk Home? (1927) Dir. Leo McCarey Sword Points (1928) Dir. Mark Sandrich The Patsy (1928) Dir. King Vidor ACCESS ALL AR EAS Breath control: The History of the Human Beat Box (2002) Dir. Joey Garfield Danielson: a Family Movie (2006) Dir. JL Aronson Dave Markey vs Sonic Youth (2005) Dir. Dave Markey, Sonic Youth DiG! (2004) Dir. Ondi Timoner Domino: Worlds of Possibility – The Sequel Education event: Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme (2000) Dir. Kevin Fitzgerald Glastonbury (2006) Dir. Julien Temple Green Man Festival 2005 (2006) Dir. Jason Glenister Green Man on the South Bank Half Japanese: The Band That Would Be King (1993) Dir. Jeff Feuerzeig Heartworn Highways (1976) Dir. James Szalapski Hitmakers: The Teens Who Stole Pop Music (2001) Dir. Morgan Neville Hype! (1996) Dir. Doug Pray Johnny Cash + June Carter Kate Bush + Siouxsie and the Banshees Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (2004) Dir. Joe Berlinger, Bruce Sinofsky Rockumentary Britannia 2 Tennage Kicks: The Undertones (2001) Dir. Tom Collins The Clash: Westway to the World (2001) Dir. Don Letts The Decline of Western Civilisation (1981) Dir. Penelope Spheeris The Decline of Western Civilisation II: The Metal Years (1988) Dir. Penelope Spheeris The Decline of Western Civilisation III (1998) Dir. Penelope Spheeris The Film and the Fury (2000) Dir. Julien Temple The Flaming Lips – the Fearless Freaks (2005) Dir. Bradley Beesley The Kinks The Specials + the Undertones Thrown in and Spat Out: a Selection of Grime DVDs Vashti Bunyan: Here Before (2006) Dir. Keiran Evans OTHER 60-Second Surreal A Fistful of Dynamite + Ennio Morricone in Conversation Adam Adamant Lives! Andromeda Antenna Armchair Theatre Armchair Theatre: The Leonard White Years Armchair Theatre: The Sydney Newman Years Blacktronica Brazilintime: Batucada com Discos (2006) Dir. B+ Closing Night Event: Sigur Ros – Live from Iceland Friese-Greene: The Open Road Hoodwinked (2005) Dir. Cory Edwards Hoodwinked Workshop with Cory Edwards Little Fish (2005) Dir. Rowan Woods Members’ Forum: Getting Technical at the NFT Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006) Dir. Jonathan Demme Projecting the Archive: Seeing the World in Colour Rebecca (1940) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Short Course: Film Music Superman Returns (2006) Dir. Bryan Singer The Fallen Idol (1948) Dir. Carol Reed AUGUST 20 06 MICHAEL MANN Ali (2001) Collateral (2004) Heat (1995) Manhunter (1986) The Insider (1999) The Jericho Mile (1979) The Keep (1983) The Last of the Mohicans (1992) Thief (1981) CAROL REED A Girl Has to Live (1939) A Letter from Home (1941) Bank Holiday (1938) Climbing High (1938) It Happened in Paris (1935) Dir. Carol Reed, Robert Wyler Kipps (1941) Laburnum Grove (1936) Midshipman Easy (1935) Night Train to Munich (1940) Penny Paradise (1938) Talk of the Devil (1937) The Fallen Idol (1948) The Girl in the News (1941) The New Lot (1942) The Stars Look Down (1940) The Third Man (1949) The True Glory (1945) The Way Ahead (1944) The Young Mr Pitt (1942) ANIME SILENT COMEDY COI : 60TH ANNIVERSARY Area 88: Episodes 1-4 (2005) Dir. Isamu Imakake Karas: The Prophecy (2005) Dir. Keiichi Satou Mind Game (2004) Dir. Masaaki Yuasa Negadon: The Monster from Mars (2005) Dir. Jun Awazu Otakus in Love (2004) Dir. Suzuki Matsui Patlabor: The Movie (1989) Dir. Yuuki Masami Pom Poko (1994) Dir. Isao Takahata Spirited Away (2001) Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Tetsujin 28: The Movie (2005) Dir. Shin Togashi The Place Promised in Our Early Days (2004) Dir. Makoto Shinkai Yonna in the Solitary Fortress (2005) Dir. Kengo Takeuchi Fatty and Mabel Adrift (1916) Dir. Roscoe Arbuckle Home, James (1928) Dir. William Beaudine Pass the Gravy (1928) Dir. Fred Guiol Paths to Paradise (1925) Dir. Clarence Badger The Italian Straw Hat (1927) Dir. René Clair The Kid Brother (1927) Dir. Ted Wilde COI 60 Opening Night – Charley Says Peace and Propaganda Projecting a Modern Britain: Dance, Theatre, Art and Film Your Very Good Health Britiain on the Mend (Part One) Britiain on the Mend (Part Two) Projecting a Modern Britain: The White Heat of Technology The Best Years of Our Lives? OTHER 50 YEARS OF THE LONDON FILM Antenna Betjeman – Programme One Betjeman – Programme Two Blacktronica Member’s Open Forum Oklahoma (1955) Dir. Fred Zinnemann Projecting the Archive: The Six Degrees of Leon Clore The Ant Bully (2006) Dir. John a Davis The Notorius Bettie Page (2005) Dir. Mary Harron The Turntable Trixters: Hijack 1986-1992 (2002) Dir. Prithnapal Napali F E S T I VA L – T H E L O S T F I L M S V O LV E R : C A R M E N & P E D R O Dark Habits (1983) Law of Desire (1987) Matador (1986) Pepi, Luci, Bom... (1980) Volver (2006) What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984) Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) B E T T E D AV I S A Stolen Life (1946) Dir. Curtis Bernhardt All About Eve (1950) Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz Cabin in the Cotton (1932) Dir. Michael Curtiz Dangerous (1935) Dir. Alfred E Green Dark Victory (1939) Dir. Edmund Goulding Fog Over Frisco (1934) Dir. William Dieterle Jezebel (1938) Dir. William Wyler Marked Woman (1937) Dir. Lloyd Bacon Mr Skeffington (1944) Dir. Vincent Sherman Now, Voyager (1942) Dir. Irving Rapper Of Human Bondage (1934) Dir. John Cromwell Old Acquaintance (1943) Dir. Vincent Sherman The Great Lie (1941) Dir. Edmund Goulding The Letter (1940) Dir. William Wyler The Little Foxes (1941) Dir. William Wyler The Nanny (1965) Dir. Seth Holt The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939) Dir. Michael Curtiz The Whales of August (1987) Dir. Lindsay Anderson Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) Dir. Robert Aldrich 44 / 45 SEPTEMBER 2006 MEXICAN CINEMA NOW ¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa! (1935) Dir. Fernando de Fuentes Amores Perros (2000) Dir. Alejandro González Canoa (1976) Dir. Felipe Cazals Cronos (1992) Dir. Guillermo del Toro Danzón (1991) Dir. María Novaro De la calle (2001) Dir. Gerardo Tort El castilla de la pureza (1973) Dir. Arturo Ripstein El Vampiro (1957) Dir. Fernando M+A33ndez El Violin (2006) Dir. Francisco Vargas Quevedo Japón (2002) Dir. Carlos Reygadas Las vueltas del citrillo (2005) Dir. Felipe Cazals Los Olvidados (1950) Dir. Luis Buñuel Mexican Film-makers Panel Discussion Perfume de violetas: Nadie te oye (2000) Dir. Maryse Sistach Pueblerina (1949) Dir. Emilio Fernández Reed: Insurgent Mexico (1971) Dir. Paul Leduc Salón México (1949) Dir. Emilio Fernández Temporada de patos (2004) Dir. Fernando Eimbcke Una de dos (2002) Dir. Marcel Sisniega Una familia de tantas (1949) Dir. Alejandro Galindo All the Vermeers in New York (1990) Dir. Jon Jost Barrier (1966) Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski Clean, Shaven (1994) Dir. Lodge H Kerigan Dakota Road (1992) Dir. Nick Ward Description of a Struggle (1960) Dir. Chris Marker Diary of a Lover (1977) Dir. Sohrab Shahid Saless Echoes of Silence (1967) Dir. Peter Emmanuel Erendira (1962) Dir. Ruy Guerra High Tide (1987) Dir. Gillian Armstrong Piravi (1988) Dir. Shaji N Karun Pirosmani (1971) Dir. Giorgi Shengelaya Summer Skin (1961) Dir. Leopoldo Torre Nilsson The Holy Innocents (1984) Dir. Jario Camus The Runner (1984) Dir. Amir Naderi The Wolf Trap (1957) Dir. Jiri Weiss Trans-Europ Express (1966) Dir. Alain Robbe-Grillet Un soir, un train (1969) Dir. André Delvaux CAROL REED A Kid for Two Farthings (1955) Carol Reed: Poet of Alienation Fellow Me! (1971) Odd Man Out (1946) Oliver! (1968) Our Man in Havana (1959) Outcast of the Islands (1951) The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) The Key (1958) The Last Warrior (1970) The Man Between (1953) The Running Man (1963) Trapeze (1956) T U PA C S H A K U R All Eyez on Me: Representing Tupac Biggie and Tupac (2002) Dir. Nick Broomfield Debate: Tupac – The First Icon of Hip-Hop Ghetto Gospel: Tupac’s Politics Gridlock’d (1997) Dir. Vondie Curtis Hall Juice (1992) Dir. Ernest Dickerson Tupac Resurrection (2004) Dir. Lauren Lazin Tupac Shakur: Thug Angel (2002) Dir. Peter Spirer Projecting the Archive: Primitive London (1965) Dir. Arnold L Miller The Ant Bully 3D The Mediatheque Presents: Programme One (1952) Dir. Maurice Harvey The Mediatheque Presents: Programme Three (1951) Dir. JB Holmes, John Krish The Mediatheque Presents: Programme Two (1960) Dir. John Schlesinger The Murder of Roger Ackroyd + David Suchet in Conversation Tous les matins du monde (1992) Dir. Alain Corneau HENRIK IBSEN ON TV OCTOBER 2006 COI : 60TH ANNIVERSARY GAEL GARCÍA BER NAL & MEXICAN Crime and Punishment: Part One Crime and Punishment: Part Two Famous Faces Into the Jet Age: Aviation and the Armed Forces 1949-1975 Projecting a Modern Britain: Building a New England Projecting a Modern Britain: Music and Fashion Swinging London Fashion Warning! This Film Might be Dangerous A Doll’s House (1992) Dir. David Thacker Brand (1959) Dir. Michael Elliott Ghosts (1987) Dir. Elijah Moshinsky Hedda Gabler (1962) Dir. Alex Segal Hedda Gabler (1972) Dir. Waris Hussein Littly Eyolf (1982) Dir. Mike Darlow The Lady from the Sea (1974) Dir. Basil Coleman The Master Builder (1988) Dir. Mike Darlow The Wild Duck (1971) Dir. Alan Bridges ROALD DAHL Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Dir. Ken Hughes Dahl on TV: Programme One Dahl on TV: Programme Two Danny the Champion of the World (1989) Dir. Gavin Millar James and the Giant Peach (1996) Dir. Henry Selick Matilda (1996) Dir. Danny de Vito Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Dir. Mel Stuart SILENT COMEDY An Eastern Westerner (1920) Dir. Hal Roach Senorita (1927) Dir. Clarence Badger The Cardboard Lover (1928) Dir. Robert Z Leonard The Strong Man (1926) Dir. Frank Capra The Vagabond Queen (1927) Dir. Geze von Bolvary Tons of Money (1924) Dir. Frank H Crane OTHER Archive Cricket Evening Blackfriars Bridge (1896) Dir. RW Paul Blacktronica Boderline (2005) Dir. Alex Chandos Brothers of the Head (2004) Dir. Louis Pepe, Keith Fulton Brunius (1935) Dir. Adrian Kelin Cinema and Northern Ireland Deep Sea 3D (2005) Dir. Howard Hall Hoodwinked (2005) Dir. Cory Edwards Hoodwinked Workshop with Cory Edwards Jane Eyre (2006) Dir. Susanna White Keane (2004) Dir. Lodge H Kerrigan Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998) Dir. Michel Ocelot Life and Lyrics (2006) Dir. Richard Laxton Members’ Forum: Focus on Festivals Mon petit doigt m’a dit... (2005) Dir. Pascal Thomas Noise of Art Presents: Laurent Garnier + Finis Terrae Oklahoma! (1955) Dir. Fred Zinnemann CINEMA NOW Al otro lado (2005) Dir. Natalia Almada Amores perros (2000) Dir. Alejandro González Bad Education (2004) Dir. Pedro Almodóvar De nadie (2005) Dir. Tin Dardamal De tripas, corazón (1996) Dir. Antonio Urrutia El cielo dividido (2004) Dir. Julián Hernández + Yo también te quiero (2005) El crimen del Padre Amaro (2002) Dir. Carlos Carrera Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna in Conversation La ultima mirada (2006) Dir. Patricia Arriaga + Rogello (2000) Mezcal (2004) Dir. Ignacio Ortiz + De mesmer con amor, o te para dos (2002) Noticias lejanas (2004) Dir. Ricardo Benet + El otro sueño Americano (2004) Perspectives on Mexican Cinema The King (2005) Dir. James Marsh The Last Post (2001) Dir. Dominic Santana The Motorcycle Diaries (2003) Dir. Walter Salles Toro negro (2004) Dir. Carlos Armella, Pedro González-Rubio Trópico de Cáncer (2004) Dir. Eugenio Polgovsky Y tu mamá también (2001) Dir. Alfonso Cuarón CROSSING THE BRIDGE... Ae Fond Kiss... (2004) Dir. Ken Loach Fear Eats the Soul (1974) Dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder Head-On (2003) Dir. Faith Akin La Faute á Voltaire (2000) Dir. Abdellatif Kechiche My Son the Fanatic (1997) Dir. Udayan Prasad Yasmin (2004) Dir. Kenny Glenaan JOSEPHINE BAKER An jedem Finger zehn (1954) Dir. Erik Ode (extract) La Folie du jour (1927) La Siréne des Tropiques (1927) Dir. Henri Etiévant, Mario Nalpas Princesse Tam Tam (1935) Dir. Edmond T Gréville The Many Faces of Josephine ZouZou (1934) Dir. Marc Allégret S M A L L F E E T G O FA R Children and Cinema in Sweden Elina – As If I Wasn’t There (2002) Dir. Klaus Härö Workshop: Small Films Go Far Immediate Boarding (2003) Dir. Ella Lemhagen Strong as a Lion (2002) OTHER Another Country (1984) Dir. Marek Kanievska Black History Month Citizen Video Keane (2004) Dir. Lodge H Kerrigan Man Push Cart (2005) Dir. Ramin Bahrani Open Season 3D (2006) Dir. Anthony Stacchi Projecting the Archive: A Matter of Public Record RE: Transmission Soft TV NOVEMBER 2006 ISABELLE HUPPERT Amateur (1994) Dir. Hal Hartley At First Sight (1983) Dir. Kiane Kurys Cactus (1986) Dir. Paul Cox Clean Slate (1981) Dir. Bertrand Tavernier Comédie de I’innocence (2000) Dir. Raul Ruiz Eight Women (2002) Dir. François Ozon Gabrielle + Isabelle Huppert in Conversation (2005) Dir. Patrice Chéreau Heaven’s Gate (1980) Dir. Michael Cimino La Cérémonie (1995) Dir. Claude Chabrol La Séparation (1994) Dir. Christian Vincent La Vie promise (2004) Dir. Olivier Dahan L’Inondation (1994) Dir. Igor Minayev Loulou (1980) Dir. Maurice Pialat Madame Bovary (1993) Dir. Claude Chabrol Passion (1982) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Saint Cyr (2000) Dir. Patricia Mazuy Sauve qui peut – la vie (Slow Motion) (1980) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard The Lacemaker (1977) Dir. Claude Goretta The Piano Teacher (2001) Dir. Michael Haneke Une Affaire de femmes (1988) Dir. Claude Chabrol JOHN HUSTON Across the Pacific (1942) Beat the Devil (1953) Heaven Knows, Mr Allison (1957) In This Our Life (1942) Key Largo (1948) Let There be Light (1946) Moby Dick (1956) Moulin Rouge (1952) Report from the Aleutians (1943) The African Queen (1951) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) The Battle of San Pietro (1944) The Maltese Falcon (1941) The Red Badge of Courage (1951) The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1947) We Were Strangers (1949) Who is John Huston? W I L D J A PA N Branded to Kill (1967) Dir. Seijun Suzuki Female Convict Scorpion (1972) Dir. Shunya Ito Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) Dir. Toshio Matsumoto Hausu (1977) Dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi Jigoku (1960) Dir. Nobuo Nakagawa Pale Flower (1964) Dir. Masahiro Shinoda School of the Holy Beast (1974) Dir. Norifumi Suzuki Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter (1977) Dir. Yasuharu Hasebe 46 / 47 Sword of Doom (1966) Dir. Kihachi Okamoto The Great Melee (1964) Dir. Eiichi Kudo Yakuza Graveyard (1976) Dir. Kenji Fukasaku Zatoichi the Fugitive (1964) Dir. Tokuzo Tanaka R ESFEST 10 Best of RESFEST By Design Everything Under the Sun: Film-making with a Purpose Fear and Trembling: The Dark Side of Film-making Radiohead Unsung Heroes: Treasures from the Vaults OTHER A Gallop Through the Archives Antennaversary! Blacktronica Bugsy Malone (1976) Dir. Alan Parker Flushed Away (2006) Dir. David Bowers, Sam Fell Gillian Wearing: Family History Members’ Social Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) Dir. Guillermo del Toro Projecting the Archive: Mancunian Films Scored! Swashbucklers, Saints and Spacemen: Lew Grade’s ITC Women and Silent Britiain DECEMBER 2006 JOHN HUSTON A Walk with Love and Death (1969) Annie (1982) Escape to Victory (1981) Fat City (1972) Freud: The Secret Passion (1962) John Huston and the Dubliners (1987) Dir. Lilyan Sievernich Phobia (1980) Prizzi’s Honor (1985) Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967) Sinful Davey (1968) The Barbarian and the Geisha (1958) The Bible... in the Beginning (1966) The Dead (1987) The Kremlin Letter (1970) The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972) The List of Adrian Messenger (1963) The Mackintosh Man (1973) The Man Who Would be King (1975) The Misfits (1961) The Night of the Iguana (1964) The Roots of Heaven (1958) The Unforgiven (1960) Under the Volcano (1984) Wise Blood (1979) SOMEWHERE... A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) Dir. Kim Ji-Woon A Very Long Engagement (2004) Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Alice (1988) Dir. Jan Svankmajer Brazil (1985) Dir. Terry Gilliam Daydreams (1923) Dir. Buster Keaton, Eddie Cline Mulholland Dr. (2001) Dir. David Lynch Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) Dir. Guillermo del Torro Pleasantville (1998) Dir. Gary Ross Return to Oz (1985) Dir. Walter Murch Sherlock Jr (1923) Dir. Buster Keaton, Eddie Cline Solaris (1972) Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky Spider (2002) Dir. David Cronnenberg The 5000 Fingers of Dr T (1953) Dir. Roy Rowland The Company of Wolves (1984) Dir. Neil Jordan The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947) Dir. Norman Z McLeod The Wizard of Oz (1939) Dir. Victor Fleming Time Bandits (1981) Dir. Terry Gilliam Zelig (1983) Dir. Woody Allen Tales of Mystery and Laudanum A Terribly Strange Bed (1974) Dir. Alan Cooke Edgar Allan Poe (1966) Dir. Kim Mills Sheridan Le Fanu & HG Wells (1968) Dir. Alan Cooke The Dark Angel (1989) Dir. Peter Hammond The Imp of the Perverse (1975) Dir. James Ormerod The Moonstone (1959) Dir. Shaun Sutton The Red Room (1980) Prod. Angela Beeching The Tell-Tale Heart (1991) Dir. John Carlaw The Women in White (1997) Dir. Tim Fywell The Wyvern Mystery (2000) Dir. Alex Pillai Wilkie Collins (1957) Dir. Herbert Wise LOUISE BROOKS A Girl in Every Port (1928) Dir. Howard Hawks Beggars of Life (1928) Dir. William a Wellman Diary of a Lost Girl (1929) Dir. GW Pabst It’s the Old Army Game (1926) Dir. a Edward Sutherland Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em (1926) Dir. Frank Tuttle Overland Stage Raiders (1938 Dir. George Sherman Pandora’s Box (1928) Dir. GW Pabst Prix de Beauté (1930) Dir. Augusto Genina The Show Off (1926) Dir. Malcolm St Clair The Street of Forgotten Men (1925) Dir. Herbert Brenon Windy Riley Goes to Hollywood (1931) Dir. Roscoe ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle OTHER Belle de Jour (1967) Dir. Luis Buñuel Blacktronica Blacktronica: Afro-Punk (2003) Dir. James Spooner Missing Believed Wiped 2006: Comedy Plus Missing Believed Wiped 2006: Nuclear Threats Projecting the Archive: At Last the 1906 Show Ruby in the Smoke (2006) Dir. Brian Percival Stories from the Field: United Nations Documentary Film Festival – Session I Stories from the Field: United Nations Documentary Film Festival – Session II Stories from the Field: United Nations Documentary Film Festival – Session III Stories from the Field: United Nations Documentary Film Festival – Session IV The Terminator (1984) Dir. James Cameron JANUARY 20 07 LUIS BUÑUEL A Women Without Love (1951) Arena: The Life and Times of Don Luis Buñuel (1984) Dir. Anthony Wall Belle de Jour (1967) Cela s’appelle l’aurore (1955) Daughter of Deceit (1951) El (1952) El Bruto (1952) Gran Casino (1946) La Mort en ce jardin (1956) L’Age d’or (1930) Land without Bread (1933) Mexican Bus Ride (1951) Runaway Streetcar (1953) Simon of the Desert (1955) Susana (1950) The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1952) The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz (1955) The Great Madcap (1949) The River and Death (1954) Un chien andalou (1929) Wuthering Heights (1953) NORMAN MCLAREN Beginnings (1933-1940) Creative Process: Norman McLaren (1990) Dir. Donald McWilliams Cut-Outs (1944-1978) Painting with Light (1947-1955) Surrealism (1946-1959) The Art of Motion (1949-1959) The Best of Norman McLaren (1940-1968) The Dancer (1942-1968) The Musician Animator (1949-1971) War and Peace (1938-1952) HUMPHREY BOGART Action in the North Atlantic (1943) Dir. Lloyd Bacon Black Legion (1937) Dir. Archie Mayo Casablanca (1942) Dir. Michael Curtiz Dead End (1937) Dir. William Wyler High Sierra (1941) Dir. Raoul Walsh In a Lonely Place (1950) Dir. Nicholas Ray Sahara (1943) Dir. Zoltan Korda Stand-In (1937) Dir. Tay Garnett The Caine Mutiny (1954) Dir. Edward Dmytryk The Desperate Hours (1955) Dir. William Wyler The Maltese Falcon (1941) Dir. John Huston The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) Dir. John Huston BOGART & BACALL Dark Passage (1947) Dir. Delmer Daves Key Largo (1948) Dir. John Huston The Big Sleep (1946) Dir. Howard Hawks The Big Sleep (unreleased version) (1945) Dir. Howard Hawks To Have and Have Not (1944) Dir. Howard Hawks L AUR EN BACALL Designing Women (1957) Dir. Vincente Minnelli Dogville (2003) Dir. Lars von Trier Harper (1966) Dir. Jack Smight Northwest Frontier (1958) Dir. J Lee Thompson The Cobweb (1955) Dir. Vincente Minnelli The Shootist (1976) Dir. Don Siegel Written on the Wind (1956) Dir. Douglad Sirk Young Man with a Horn (1950) Dir. Michael Curtiz Q U O TA Q U I C K I E S The Tenth Man (1936) Dir. Brian Desmond Hurst The Tell-Tale Heart (1934) Dir. Brian Desmond Hurst The Water Gipsies (1932) Dir. Maurice Elvey Doss House (1933) Dir. John Baxter Calling All Stars (1937) Dir. Herbert Smith Strip! Strip! Horray!!! (1932) Dir. Norman Lee Tiger Bay (1933) Dir. J Elder Willis The Impassive Footman (1932) Dir. Basil Dean OTHER BBC FOUR World Cinema Award Black Book (2006) Dir. Paul Verhoeven Blacktronica Dreamgirls (2006) Dir. Bill Condon For Goodis’ Sake Green Wing: Behind the Screen(s) Play (2005) Dir. Alicia Scherson Projecting the Archive: It’s All Mine (60th Anniversary of the Nationalisaiton of the Coal Industry) FEBRUARY 20 07 Out of the Shadows: 50 Cinematic Masterpieces A Colour Box (1935) Dir. Len Lye A Trip to the Moon (1902) Dir. Georges Méliès Blow Job (1963) Dir. Andy Warhol Charulata (1964) Dir. Satyajit Ray Dr Mabuse the Gambler (1922) Dir. Fritz Lang Duck Amuck (1953) Dir. Chuck Jones Greed (1924) Dir. Erich von Stroheim His Girl Friday (1940) Dir. Howard Hawks La Jetée (1962) Dir. Chris Marker L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat (1895) Dir. Louis & Auguste Lumière L’Atalante (1934) Dir. Jean Vigo Le Mépris (1963) Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Listen to Britain (1942) Dir. Humphrey Jennings & Stewart McAllister Madame de... (1953) Dir. Max Ophuls Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) Dir. Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid Ordet (1954) Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer Our Hospitality (1923) Dir. John G Blystone & Buster Keaton Psycho (1961) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Scorpio Rising (1963) Dir. Kenneth Anger Shadows (1959) Dir. John Cassavetes Tale of the Late Chrysanthemums (1939) Dir. Kenji Mizoguchi The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) Dir. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger The Lusty Men (1952) Dir. Nicolas Ray The Man with a Movie Camera (1929) Dir. Dziga Vertov The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) Dir. Jacques Demy Tokyo Story (1953) Dir. Yasujiro Ozu Un chien andalou (1929) Dir. Louis Buñuel Une partie de campagne (1936) Dir. Jean Renior Voyage to Italy (1953) Dir. Roberto Rossellini Diary of a Chambermaid (1963) Los Olvidados (1950) Nazarin (1958) Republic of Sin (1959) That Obscure Object of Desire (1977) The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) The Exterminating Angel (1962) The Milky Way (1969) The Phantom of Liberty (1974) The Young One (1960) Tristana (1970) Viridiana (1961) Blacktronica Carol Morley: The Film-making Years Charlotte’s Web (2006) Dir. Gary Winick Cinema-going on Film Coming up Roses Eat Our Shortz!: Lodz Profile Great Expectations (1946) Dir. David Lean Hot Fuzz (2007) Dir. Edgar Wright Offshore (Gallivant) Play (2005) Dir. Alicia Scherson Projecting the Archive: Charlie Chaplin Keystone Restorations Special preview: 21st London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival The Costume Interpreter: Dressing for the Oscars The Flipside: Live it up (1963) Dir. Lance Comfort TROY KENNEDY MARTIN 0 1-11 M A R C H 2 0 0 7 Chase (1964) Dir. Michael Elster Colditz (1974) Dir. Ken Hannam Diary of a Young Man (episode 1) (1964) Dir. Ken Loach Diary of a Young Man (episodes 5 & 6) (1964) Dir. Ken Loach Edge of Darkness (1985) Dir. Martin Campbell Fall of Eagles: The Appointment (1974) Dir. David Cunliffe Kelly’s Heroes (1970) Dir. Brian G Hutton Out of the Unknown: The Midas Plague (1965) Dir. Peter Sasdy Reilly – Ace of Spies: The Visiting Fireman (1983) Dir. Martin Campbell The Cutting Room: Troy Kennedy Martin’s Phantom Filmography The Italian Job (1969) Dir. Peter Collinson The Man Without Papers (extract) (1965) Dir. Peter Duguid The Sweeney: Night Out (1975) Dir. David Wickes Z Cars (1962) Dir. John McGrath OUT OF THE SHADOWS : LUIS BUÑUEL J E S S I E M AT T H E W S Candles at Nine (1944) Dir. John Harlow Evergreen (1934) Dir. Victor Saville Evergreen (trailer) (1934) First a Girl (1935) Dir. Victor Saville Friday the Thirteenth (1933) Dir. Victor Saville It’s Love Again (1936) Dir. Victor Saville Jessie Matthews on TV Sailing Along (1938) Dir. Sonnie Hale The Good Companions (1933) Dir. Victor Saville There Goes the Bride (1932) Dir. Albert de Courville There Goes the Bride (trailer) (1932) Tom Thumb (1958) Dir. George Pal Victory Wedding (1944) Dir. Jessie Matthews OTHER S H A N G H A I A N I M AT I O N Lotus Lantern (1999) Dir. Chang Guangxi Secrets of the Heavenly Book (1983) Dir. Wang Shuchen & Qian Wenda Shorts Programme One Shorts Programme Three (Suitable for Younger Audiences) Shorts Programme Two OTHER Animation Workshop Arena: The Strange Story of joe Meek (1991) Dir. Alan Lewens Beautiful South: Session One Beautiful South: Session Two Bird (1988) Dir. Clint Eastwood 48 / 49 5 0 C I N E M AT I C M A S T E R P I E C E S Antonio das Mortes (1969) Dir. Glauber Rocha Au hasard, Balthazar (1966) Dir. Robert Bresson Land of Silence and Darkness (1971) Dir. Werner Herzog My Night With Maud (1969) Dir. Eric Rohmer Persona (1966) Dir. Ingmar Bergman Wavelength (1967) Dir. Michael Snow Xala ( 1974) Dir. Ousmane Sembene Zorns Lemma (1970) Dir. Hollis Frampton PETER WHITEHEAD Benefit of the Doubt (1967) Daddy (1972) Dir. Peter Whitehead & Niki de St Phalle Fire in the Water (1977) In the Beginning Was the Image (2006) Led Zeppelin: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (1970) Music Promos Nothing to Do With Me (1968) Perception of Life (1964) Peter Whitehead in Conversation Pink Floyd: Live in London 1966-67 (1967) The Fall (1969) Tonite Let’s All Make Love in London (1967) Wholly Communion (1965) Work in Progress: Pete Doherty and The Libertines Birds Eye View Film Festival Opening Night: International Women’s Day Gala Los Olvidados (1950) Dir. Luis Buñuel South Pacific (1958) Dir. Joshua Logan The Flipside: Great Snakes, Snowy! It’s Tintin Night Titles released by the BFI on DVD during the year Day of Wrath (1943) Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer/Denmark Gertrud (1964) Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer/ Denmark Night of Truth (2004) Dir. Fanta Régina Nacro/France, Burkino Faso Silent Waters (2003) Dir. Sabiha Sumar/ Pakistan, France, Germany, Finland, Switzerland) British Artists’ Films: Chris Welsby (1972-2005) Dir. Chris Welsby/UK The Cinematic Works (1993-2002) Dir. Eija-Liisa Ahtila/Finland The Lost World of Friese-Greene (2006) UK Running a Railway – The British Transport Films Collection Volume 3 (1952-1975) Dir. Various/UK Silent Britain (2006) UK Woman of the Dunes (1964) Dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara/Japan Dreams that Money can Buy (1946) Dir. Hans Richter/US The River (1951) Dir. Jean Renoir/France, US, India Dickens Before Sound (1901-1922) Dir. Various/UK, US Before the Nickelodeon (1982) Dir. Charles Musser/US Paris nous appartient (1961) Dir. Jacques Rivette/France Céline and Julie Go Boating (1974) Dir. Jacques Rivett/France Quay Brothers: The Short films 1979-2003/UK R W Paul The Collected Films 1895-1908/UK Reshaping British Railways – The British Transport Films Collection Volume 4 (1951-1978) Dir. Various/UK L’Armée des ombres (Army in the Shadows) (1969) Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville/ France, Italy The Innocents (1961) Dir. Jack Clayton/UK Caravaggio (1986) Dir. Derek Jarman/UK Wittgenstein (1993) Dir. Derek Jarman/UK The Angelic Conversation (1985) Dir. Derek Jarman/ UK Pink Narcissus (1971) Dir. James Bidgood/US Book titles published by the BFI during the year TELEVISION & MEDIA Tele-visions: An Introduction to Studying Television – Glen Creeber Television Industries – Douglas Gomery and Luke Hockley Global Television Marketplace – Timothy Havens WORLD CINEMA Theorising National Cinema – Valentina Vitali and Paul Willemen FILMMAKERS David Lynch (2nd edition) – Michel Chion BFI FILM CLASSICS Los Olividados – Mark Pollizzotti Modern Times – Joan Mellen 100 Westerns – Ed Buscombe US & CANADIAN CINEMA Journeys of Desire: European Actors in Hollywood – Alastair Phillips and Ginette Vincendeau Hollywood: Politics and Society – Mark Wheeler BRITISH/IRISH FILM & TV Cinema and Northern Ireland – John Hill Directors in British and Irish Cinema: A Reference Companion. Edited by Robert Murphy Electric Edwardians: The Story of the Mitchell & Kenyon Collection – Vanessa Toulmin Quota Quickies: The Birth of the British ‘B’ Film – Steve Chibnall BFI MODERN CLASSICS Distant Voices, Still Lives – Paul Farley FILM POSTER ART British Film Posters: An Illustrated History – Sim Branaghan. Edited by Steve Chibnall BFI SCREEN GUIDES 100 Videogames – James Newman and Iain Simons BFI TV CLASSICS The Singing Detective – Glen Creeber ARTISTS’ FILM & VIDEO A History of Artists’ Film and Video in Britain – David Curtis Titles from The Times BFI 50th London Film Festival 1:1(One to One) 12:08 East of Bucharest 37 Uses For a Dead Sheep Across the Valley Adjustment After the Wedding Aguaviva Almost Adult Along the Ridge And We All Shine On Anger Me Angosto L’Aria Salata The Aroma of Tea As the Shadow August Days Aurore Azan – a Call to Prayer Babel Babooska Bamako Bandits of Orgosolo Barakat! Bawke Bent Double Best Mates The Bet Collector Beyond Hatred Big Bang Love, Juvenile A The Big Combo The Big Country A Bite of Love Black Book Black Dog Black Gold Blackberries Blah Blah Blah Blindsight Blocking Blood and Chips The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros Bobby Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Born and Bred The Boss of it All The Bothersome Man Bowl Cut Bows and Arrows Bro9 Breaking and Entering The Bridge Broadcast 23 Buenos Aires 1977 Bug Bugcrush The Caiman Candy Care Catch a Fire Changes Chicken Soup Climates Close & Low Close to Home The Clown Children Colossal Youth A Comedy of Power Container Contemplating the City Cosa Raccomanda Lei? The Counter Girl Trilogy Cubs Dans Paris Dark Blue Almost Black The Dawn Chorus The Day I Died A Day in Barbagia Day Night Day Night Days of Glory Deadly Tantrum Death of the Revolution Demented The Devil’s Helper The Dinner Distant Voices, Still Lives Dixie Chicks: Shut up and Sing The Dog Pound Dollhouse Dombivli Fast Dr Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Drama/Mex Dreaming of Fish Dreams and Desires: Family Ties Dry Season East Side Story Easter in Sicily Esmas Secret (Grbavica) Explosions Falling The Family Friend Fast Food Nation Fimfarum 2 Fireworks Fireworks Wednesday Fishing Boats Flanders For Your Consideration The Forbidden Forest Murmurs The Forgotten Fräulein Free Floating Fresh Air Freya (3) Gafla The Gang’s All Here Gardens in Autumn Ghosts Glue The Go Master Goggles Going Home Golden Parable A Grave-keeper’s Tale The Grinding Machine Great Expectations Griffith at the Front The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends Half Nelson Hana The Handyman Heart Beating in the Dark (1982) Heart Beating in the Dark (2005) Hearts of the World Heavy (Road Movie) Heavy Metal Drummer Hollywoodland The Holy Mountain Hombre Kabuki Honour of the Knights (Quixotic) I Don’t want to Sleep Alone In the Pit Infamous Interstellar Stella Invisible Waves The Island Islands of Fire Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis Jonestown: The Life and Death Of Peoples Temple The Journals of Knud Rasmussen Journey Julie – a Love Story Just Like That Kabul Express King and the Clown The Kiss 50 / 51 Kolkata Kristall Krypton is Doomed Kubuku Rides Kustom Kar Kommandos The Last Circus The Last Communist The Last King of Scotland Let There be Whistleblowers Lighten Up Lights in the Dusk The Lineup Little Children Little Lise Little Princess Sandra Gibson The Lives of Others The Lives of the Saints Lola Longing A Look at Cook The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar Love Story Lucy Live Performance Lunacy Lure The Man Who Wanted a Child Mash Up The Masseur Masterclasses Meanwhile The Messenger A Midwinter Night’s Dream Minor Revelations Mischief Night The Missing Star Monkeys in Winter Mother Mould Mr Schwartz, Mr Hazen & Mr Horlocker Muriel’s Song The Namesake Nature’s Way Never An Absolution Never Like the First Time! No. 2 Norabbits’ Minutes’ – Episode 1 Norabbits’ Minutes’ – Episode 2 Norabbits’ Minutes’ – Episode 3 Not Here to be Loved Ode to Joy Of Mice and Men Offscreen Old Joy Oliver Twist Olympics Track and Field One Way Boogie Woogie/27 Years Later Opera Jawa The Other Side Our Daily Bread Our Man in Nirvana Ousmane Peasants of the Sea Percy, Buffalo Bill & I Pink Christmas Premonition Primo Levi’s Journey Princess Printed Rainbow Proprio Aperto Rabbit Stories Rabbits and Bears Rabbit’s Moon Red Road Reprise Requiem The Rhythm of Youth Roberto the Insect Architect Romanzo Criminale Rough Winds Running Stumbled The Runt Same Day Nice Biscotts Samoure Scooter Girls Scorpio Rising Scott Walker: 30 Century Man Sexy Thing Shadow of the Hatchet Man The Shepherds of Orgosolo Shortbus The Sickie The Signs Silence is Golden The Singer Sketches of Frank Gehry Sleeping Dogs Lie Slumming Small Engine Repair Smoked Away Sniffer A Soap Son of Man Song and Solitude Star Appeal Stars Stolen Holidays Stranger Than Fiction Sulphur Mine Surfacing Sweet Nightingale Syndromes and a Century Taking Father Home Taxidermia Tell it to the Fishes Ten Canoes There’s a Flower in My Pedal Thin This is England This is My Land The Three Musketeers Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas 3D Time Froze The Time of the Swordfish Times and Winds Tol’able David The Tower of Silence Transaction The Travel Journal of a River Crab Truant Tune In The Ugly Swans Unfinished Passages United We Stand Untitled (For David Gatten) The US Vs John Lennon Venus Vierka Or the Mystery of Family B’s Disappearance Views of a Retired Night Porter A Walk in the Sun Walkman War and Peas We are the Faithful We Believe in Happy Endings The Wedding Director What a Wonderful World Where Fig Trees Grow Who Loves the Sun Wild Tigers I Have Known Winky’s Horse Withered in a Blooming Season The Yacoubian Building The Year After You Made Me Love You Zuly Titles from the 21st London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival 04:30 8 Women Accident & Emergency All is Full of Love All Male Mash Up Amnesia – The James Brighton Enigma 11 Arcade Trade Ass as /You are Fucking Hardcore At 13 Available Men BD Women Bermondsey Beyond Hatred A Bigger Splash Black Beulahs Blonde Cobra The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros Blueprint Boy I Am Breakfast on Pluto Breeze Anstey Broken Sky The Bubble Bugcrush Coffee Date Coif Combat Communicator The Conception The Connoisseur Container Conundrum Clinique Crazy Boys Cruel and Unusual Cut Sleeve Boys Dames Daughters of Chiquita The Day I Died Daydreams from a Crosstown Bus Debris Deep Yoga A Dirndle, a Poodle – A Trauma Dirty Laundry Disheveled Destiny The DL Chronicles Dog Eat Dog Double Exposure Downtown Dracula: Pages From a Virgin’s Diary Eargasm Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds Echo Park LA Emerge Encounter Espresso Every Wandering Cloud Fake Blood Fascination Fat Girls Fem Find the Freak Fine and Dandy Fire Island Kids First Date First Flush Fish Under Delancy Fix It Flaming Creatures Flaming Creatures (Blind remake) Follow My Voice: With the Music of Hedwig FtF: Female to Femme Furniture Porn Girl Glue Gueule de Princesse Hallelujah Happy Hookers Hard Hat Required He Poos Clouds High Heels on Wheels Hineini: Coming out in a Jewish High School His Name is Cosmo Hitchcocked Hope There’s Someone Hot Pants How Do I Look Howie I Believe in the Good Life I Don’t Feel Like Dancing I Don’t Want to Sleep Alone I Want to be a Secretary Infamous (In)visible Years It Ain’t Natural Itty Bitty Titty Committee Jack Smith and the Destruction Of Atlantis Jean Genet in Chicago Keep on Livin’ Krudas Lady of Burlesque (aka Striptease Lady) The Last of the Crazy People Le Lit Froissé Le Weekend (Made in Britain) Legacy Lesbian Civilisation Little Mary Live Bird Action! Look Us in the Eye: The Old Women’s Project Looking For Cheyenne Love of the Clown Love Sick Love Struck Lovers & Crypts Lulu Gets a Facelift Maggots and Men Mavamba Mavin Khoo Me Meeting of Two Queens Mirror Mirror Miss Popularity Missing Mister Nude Punk America Modern Day Arranged Marriage Mumbo Jumbo My Crazy Life Nelson and Christina Nina’s Heavenly Delights No Magic Bullet No Regret Noahs Arc Not Waving, Drowning Octopusalarm Odile... Oh Happy Day Only Connect Orphée The Other Woman Outland Paradise Lost Paris, I Love You Too Pass This On Patterns 1 Patterns 2 Patterns 3 A Peek Behind the Boerewors Curtain Peking Turkey The Perfect Ones Performance/Mle Violette et Mr Huître The Picture of Dorian Gray Pink Butterflies Pink Narcissus Pissies Not Sissies Pleasure Zone Polari Youth Politics of the Heart Porn-Proof Private Life Prometheus Promofunk Puccini For Beginners The Railroad All-Stars Rainbow’s End Red Doors Red/Blue Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story Running with Scissors Sackville I’m Yours Scarred Second Coming Shabnam Mousi Shadows choose their Horrors She Kills He Shortbus Sister Satan Slow Small Town Gay Bar A Soap Solid Gold Something Like That Sonja Sparkle Special Friendships Standing in the Way of Control Still Sugar Baby Love Summer A Summer Day Suspenders Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman Testify Texticulos De Mary and Other Stories The Passionate Spectator Tick Tock Lullaby Tuli Two Homelands: Cuba and the Night Two Nights Underground V.O. 52 / 53 Vampire Diary A Very Natural Thing VGL-Hung! Vibracall Vidrar Vel Til Loftárása We Belong What’s up Adam? Where we Began Why we Sing! Wild Tigers I Have Known Wingtips With You! Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown A Year Without Love An example of the many film titles held in the BFI National Archive that were requested for theatrical and non-theatrical screenings during the year 2 Or 3 Things I Know About Her 2 X 50 Years of French Cinema 8 1/2 13 Tzameti 23 25 Years of British Films 36 39 Steps, The 84 Charing Cross Road 400 Blows, The 2010 2046 5000 Fingers of Dr. T, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The 42nd Street 49th Parallel A is For Autism ABC Africa Abfahrt Bei Wallon Acceptable Levels Accident Act of God Some Lightning Experience Action in the North Atlantic Actor’s Revenge Adventures of Prince Achmed Adventures of Robin Hood Adventures of the Son of the Exploding Sausage Advise and Consent Aelita: Queen of Mars Affliction African Queen, The Afterlife L’Âge d’or Alfie Alfreton Carnival Ali Baba Bunny Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs Alice Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore Alice in the Cities Alice in Wonderland (1903) Alice in Wonderland (1949) Alien 3 All Quiet on the Western Front All That Jazz All That Money Can Buy Alley Cats, The Allo, Allo Alphaville Am I Beautiful Amarcord Amateur Amelia and the Angel American Boy American Splendor Amleto (1910) Amleto (1917) Amores Perros An Airman’s Letter to His Mother An American in Paris An American Werewolf in London An Englishman Abroad Anatomy of a Murder Anchor’s Aweigh Andrei Rublev Anemic Cinema Angel Face Angelic Conversation, The Angels With Dirty Faces Anna Karenina Annie Annie Hall Another Country Another Time Another Place Antibodies Antidote, The Antonio Das Mortes Aparajito Apocalypse Now L’Appartement Apple Aprile Apu Trilogy Arabian Nights Arakimentari Architectural Millinery L’Argent Aria Ariel L’Arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat Army in the Shadows Arsenal Stadium Mystery, The Arsenic and Old Lace Art of Lotte Reiniger, The As Seen through a Telescope As You Like It Ashes and Diamonds Ashik Kerib Asparagus Asphalt Asphalt Jungle L’Assassinat du duc de Guise Asterix and Cleopatra Asterix and the Big Fight Asterix the Gaul At Land L’Atalante Atomic Café Attack on Zeebrigge Attention Weightlessness Au bagne Au hasard Balthasar Au pays des singes et des serpents Audition Auntie Mame Autumn Sonata L’Avventura Aventure malgache Baadasssss! Baby Baby Face Nelson Babylon Bacall to Arms Bach and Broccoli Bad and the Beautiful, The Bad Luck Blackie Bad Sleep Well Bad Timing Badger’s Green Baldwin’s Nigger Ballet mécanique Ballets russes Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise Band Wagon Bande à part Bank Bank Burglar’s Fate, The Battle of Algiers, The Battle Royale Battle of San Pietro, The Battleship Potemkin, The Battling Bruisers Bearbeitung Der Wolle Beat Girl Beat That My Heart Skipped, The Beau travail Begone Dull Care Beloved Vagabond, The Beijing Bicycle La Belle et la bête La Belle noiseuse Belleville Rendez-Vous Bells are Ringing Bells Go Down Bergen Fishmarket Berlin – Symphony of a City Beryl Korot Best Intentions La Bête Between Two Worlds Beurre en Normandie Beyond the Sound Barrier Bible, The Bicycle Thief, The Big Business Big Heat Big Shave Big Sleep, The Big Snit, The Big Steal, The Big Swallow, The A Bigger Splash Bigger Than Life Billy Liar Birmingham Cities of Britain No 3 Birth of a Nation, The Birth of the Robot, The Birthday Party, The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant, The Bizalom Black and White Black Cat/White Cat Black Jack Black Joy Black Narcissus Black Orpheus Blackboards Blackfriars Bridge Blackguard, The Blackmail Blarney Bleak Moments Blind Chance Blinkity Blank Blithe Spirit Blonde in Love Blood and Bosh Blood of a Poet Blood on the Moon Blow Up Blue Angel Blue Black Permanent Blue Light Blue Pullman Bluebeard’s Castle Bluebottles Blues Brothers, The Bob le flambeur Body Beautiful Body Snatcher Boogie Doodle Borum sarret Boucher Boxcar Bertha Boy and Bicycle Boy Friend A Boy, a Girl and a Bike Boy on a Bicycle Boy Who Turned Yellow, The Brainstorm Breakfast at Tiffany’s Brewster McCloud Brief City Brief Encounter Bridegroom, the Comedian and the Pimp, The Brigadoon Brighton Rock Bringing up Baby Britannia Hospital British Policeman Broken Blossoms Bronx Morning Brothers Brothers, The Bryssel Buddy Buddy Bully For Bugs Burden of Dreams Burning Burning An Illusion Bush Mama Butterfield 8 C.O.D.: a Mellow Drama C.R.A.Z.Y. Cabaret Cabin in the Sky Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer, The Calanda Calander Calling All Stars Camera Buff Camera d’Afrique Camera Makes Whoopee Cameraman, The Camille Campfire Canal Life of St Omer Canterbury Cathedral A Canterbury Tale Capricious Summer Captain Blood Caravaggio Cardinal, The Caretaker, The Carmen Jones Carnival of Souls Carry Greenham Home Case of the Stuttering Pig, The Case of the Witch who Wasn’t, The Cat Came Back Cat Concerto Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Cat People Cat That Hated People, The Caught Cave of the Yellow Dog, The Ceddo Celine and Julie Go Boating Cesar La Chambre Champ Change of Air Charles et Lucie Charlie: Life & Art of Charles C. Charlotte et son Jules Charlotte’s Web Chase Film in 1903 Chasing the Blues Cheddar Chess Fever Chess Players Chesterfield and East Derbyshire Agricultural Society Chikamatsu monogatari Child Children Learning By Experience Children on Trial 54 / 55 Chinatown Chinoise Christmas Greetings Trailers A Christmas Story Christmas Under Fire Chronicle of a Summer Cinebox: Jack the Ripper Cinema Paradiso Citizen Kane City, The Clash of the Titans Cleaner Milk Cleo From 5 to 7 Clerks Climbing High Close My Eyes Closely Observed Trains Closet Close-Up Cloud Capped Star Clouds Coal Face Cobweb Cockaboody Cod Fishing Coffee and Cigarettes Colonel Redl A Colour Box Colour of Paradise, The Colour of Pomegranates Colour of the Thames Coma Comb Comedians Common Thread Company of Wolves, The Complete Jean Vigo Condition of Illusion Consequences of Love Contraband Control Room Conversation, The Cool and Crazy Cool World Cooler, The Corny Concerto Coronation of Edward VII A Cottage on Dartmoor Cotton Comeback Course de buffles a madoera Coventry Cathedral Coventry Kids Coy Decoy Crevettes Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz, The Criminal Tango Crimson Curtain Cronaca di un amore Crossfire Crossing the Great Sagrada Crows and Sparrows Cuba Va! Cuckoo Cul de sac Culloden Curse of the Cat People, The Curtain Pole D.G.Phalke: The First Indian Film Director Daisy Doodad’s Dial Daisy Kenyon Damned, The Dance Hall Dangerous Moonlight Dans Le Golfe De Salerne Dark Victory Dark Water Darkness in Tallin Daughters of the Dust Day at Denham A Day at the Races Day For Night Day I Became a Woman, The A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner Day of the Fight Day of Wrath Day the Earth Caught Fire, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Days of Thrills and Laughter Dead Game Dead of Night Deadsy Dear Phone Death in Venice Death May be Your Santa Claus Death of Mr.Lazarescu Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, The Decasia Decline of the American Empire Deer Hunter Dekalog:Ten Commandments Parts 1 to 5 Delilah Demon Demon Seed Der Golem Der Hauptmann von Köpenick Der Untertan Dersu Uzala Destiny Devil and Daniel Johnston, The Devil and the Nun, The Devil Doll Devil is a Woman, The Devil’s Backbone, The Diamonds of the Night A Diary For Timothy Diary of a Country Priest, The Die Andere Seite Diesel Trainride Dig! Dim Little Island, The Dimensions of Dialogue Diptyque Distant Voices, Still Lives Divine Intervention Django Doctor Zhivago Dog Outwits the Kidnappers, The Don Giovanni Don Shayn Don’t Look Back Don’t Look Now Door Door in the Wall, The Doss House Dots and Loops Double Exposure Double Indemnity Double Life of Veronique, The Double-Headed Eagle Doulos Downhill Dr Mabuse: The Gambler Dr Mabuse: The King of Crime Dr.Strangelove Dracula, Prince of Darkness Draftee Daffy Draughtsman’s Contract, The Dream Machine Dream of a Rarebit Fiend Dreamless Sleep Dreams That Money can Buy Drifters Drive For Life Driving Lessons Drunken Angel Duck Amuck Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century Duck Soup Duel in the Sun Duffy Dumbhounded Dunlop Welcomes Prince Philip Dust Devil Dybbyuk Dying Swan Each Dawn I Die Early Bird, The Early Cinema: Primitives and Pioneers Early Disney Programme 1, 2 and 3 Early Edison Films 1893-1901 Early Trick Films Early Yorkshire Filmmakers Easy Street L’Eclisse L’Ecole Des Facteurs Edge of the World, The Eel, The Effi Briest E-Flat Egymásra nézve Eh Joe Eika Katappa El Bruto Electric Edwardians Elvis on Tour Empire of Passion Engine Shed Enginemen Entertaining Mr Sloane Enthusiasm Entr’acte Etre et avoir Eureka Every Day Except Christmas Every Valley Everything Everything Happens to Me Exile Exit Smiling Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, The Eye and the Ear, The Eyes Without a Face Face Fahrenheit 451 Faires on the Faun Faithless Fallen Angel Fallen Idol Fall of the House of Usher, The Fall of the Roman Empire, The Falls Fame Familia Rodante Family Life Fanny and Alexander Far From the Madding Crowd Far From Vietnam Farewell My Concubine Farmer Moving South Fate Father and Son Fear Eats the Soul Fearless Vampire Killers Feet of Song Felix Wins and Loses Fellini: a Directors Notebook La Femme Infidèle Festen Fiddle-De-Dee Film Film – Buster Keaton Version Film and Reality Film Before Film Film For Her Film Johnnie Film of Her Film that Never Was, The Films of G.A. Smith, The Films of George Melies Pt.1 Films of George Melies Pt.3 Films of James Williamson Finian’s Rainbow Finishing Touch Fire in Moscow Fires Were Started Fireworks A Fisherman’s Love Story Fists in the Pocket Five Flames of Passion Flat, The Flic Flirty Birdy Flying Elephants Flying Padre Follow the Fleet Food Food Flash: How to Cook a Cabbage A Foothill Town For Me and My Gal Forbidden Planet Force of Evil Foreign Affair Forstnutzung in Australien Fort Apache Forty Guns Forty Shades of Blue Forward Coventry – How a Famous British Motor Cylce is Made Fountainhead, The Four Feathers, The Fox Fox and His Friends Frankenstein Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask Freaks Free Cinema Freedom of the Hill French Can Can Friend Or Foe From Hand to Mouth Fugitive Futurist Fully Fitted Freight Funny Games Gallivant Game For Two Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers Gaslight Gates of Heaven Gavotte General Line Geoffrey Jones: The Rhythm of Film George Washington Georgy Girl German Sisters Germania anno zero Get Carter Get Out and Get Under Ghost Camera Ghost of Mrs Muir Ghosts Ghoul, The Giant Gigi Gilda Girl Crazy Girl From Paris A Girl Has to Live Girl in the News Girl Rosemarie Glimpses of Stratford-on-avon in Bygone Days Go Between, The Go Slow on the Brighton Line Godzilla Gold Diggers Gone to Earth Gran Casino Grand Hotel La Grande Illusion Grasshopper and the Ant Great Caruso Great Dictator Great Expectations Great Sacrifice Great Train Robbery Greed Green Slime Grizzly Man Gruesome Twosome Guelwaar Gumshoe Guns of Loos Hairspray Halfaouine Halloween Hamburg Scenes Handkerchief Drill Hans Richter Programme Happiest Days of Your Life, The Happiness of the Katakuris, The Happy Anniversary Happy Days Happy in the Morning Happy Mother’s Day, and the Fischer Quintuplets Happy Together Hard Times Hare Brush Harvest: 3,000 Years Harvey Girls Havsgamar Heading South Head-On A Healthy Neighbourhood Hear My Song Heart of England Heckling Hare, The Hedging Hell Drivers Hell Unlimited Help Yourself Henpecked Duck Henry V 56 / 57 Hepworth Films Compilation Her Lover’s Honour Herd Here’s a Piano I Prepared Earlier Hidden Hidden Fortress High Noon High School High Sierra High Society Hill Farm Hillsborough Hiroshima Mon Amour His Girl Friday His Last Fight His Phantom Sweetheart Histoire d’eau History of Mr Polly, The History of the Avant-Garde Hobson’s Choice Hold Back the Dawn Hole Holiday Holiday Camp Holiday Inn Hollywood Kid Home and the World Home from the Hill Homes for the People Honeymoon Killers Honorary Consul Hôtel des Invalides Hôtel Du Nord Hotes de l’air House House of Darkness, The Housing Problems How Green Was My Valley How Talkies Talk How to Boil How to Marry a Princess How to Survive the 1940s COI Films Howards End Hugo the Hippo Hugs and Kisses Hukkle Hull Traffic Scenes from Monument Bridge Hunchback of Notre Dame Hunger, The Hurricane, The Hyenas I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang I Died a Thousand Times I Do I Know Where I’m Going I Live in Fear I Racconti di Canterbury I Vitelloni I Was Born, But ... I’m British But... I’ve Heard the Mermaid Singing If If War Should Come Ikiru Il Bidone Il Caso Mattei Il Decameron Il Decamerone Illustrious Corpses Images Images of the World and the Inscription of War Imitation of Life Immigrant Impassive Footman Importance of Being Earnest, The In a Landscape In a Lonely Place In Cold Blood In Einer Englische Farme In Name Only In the Meantime Darling In the Mood For Love In the Shadow of the Sun In the Street In the Year of the Pig In Which we Serve Indian Tomb Industrial Britain Industrie de L’escargot Infernal Affairs Informer, The Innocence Innocents, The Intermezzo International Velvet Introducing the New Worker Invasion of the Body Snatchers Invisible Man, The Invisible Man in Blind Love Iron Horse Iron Mule Irreversible Island People Isle of the Dead Istoriya Asi Klyachinoy It Always Rains on Sunday It Happened Here It Happened in Paris It Happened One Night It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet It’s a Gift It’s the Old Army Game Italian American Italian Straw Hat Ivan the Terrible Part 1 Ivan’s Childhood Ivansxtc J.S.Bach: Fantasia Jack Johnson Jacqueline Jailhouse Rock Jamaica Inn Japanese Festival Japanese Story Japonaiseries Jason and the Argonauts Jaws Jazz of Lights Jazz on a Summers Day Jazz Singer, The Jericho Mile Jest, The La Jetée Jezebel Joachim’s Dictionary Joe Macbeth John Betjeman Goes My Train Johnny Frenchman Joint Security Area Jonah Man or the Traveller Bewitched Jour de féte Journey From Berlin Journey to Italy Joyride Ju Dou Jubilee Julia Julius Caesar Junior Bonner Juno and the Paycock Junoon Just a Shabby Doll Juvenile Liason Kagemusha Kate Purloin’s the Wedding Presents Katzelmacher Keane Kelly’s Heroes Kensal House La Kermesse héroïque Kes Key Largo Keys to the House Kid Auto Races Kid Reporter Kids are Alright, The Kika Killers Killing of Sister George, The Kinder-Korno in Nizza King King Carnival King Kong Kings and Queen Kings Row King-Size Canary Kipps Kirikou Kiss Me Kate Knife in the Head Knife in the Water Knockout, The Koktebel Koma Kremlin Letter Krisana Kuhle Wampe Kukushka Kurutta Ippeiji La Bas Laburnum Grove Ladri De Biciclette Lady From Shanghai, The Lady Killers, The Lady Lazarus Lady Vanishes, The Lady Vengeance Ladybird Ladybird Land of Silence, The Land of Silence and Darkness Land Without Bread Last Appeal, The Last Days of Pompeii, The Last of the Mohicans, The Last Laugh Last Picture Show, The Last Resort Last Supper Last Tram Nine, Dalmuir West Last Trick, The Last Year at Marienbad Late Spring Laughter and Tears Lawless Heart Lawrence of Arabia Le Ballon d’Or Le Caza Le Cercle rouge Le Cheval Emballe Le Crime de Monsieur Lange Le Doulos Le feu follet Le Joli mai Le jour se léve Le Mépris Le Merle Le Sang des bêtes Le Temps du loup Le Voyage dans la lune Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Lemming Leon Morin Leonardo’s Diary Leopard Leopard Man Leopard’s Spots, The Les Amants Les Biches Les Cousins Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne Les débuts d’un chauffeur Les Demoiselles De Rochefort Les Diaboliques Les Enfants terribles Les Farces de Toto Gâte-Sauce Les invasions barbares Let My People Go Letter, The Letter From An Unknown Woman A Letter From Home Letter From My Village Lieutenant Daring Quells a Rebellion Lieutenant Kizhe Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The Life and Nothing But A Life Apart Life in Her Hands Life is a Miracle Life is Sweet Life of Charles Peace, The Life of Emile Zola, The Life of Mozart, The Life Story of John Lee: The Man They Could Not Hang, The Lift to the Scaffold Light Reading Lightning Over Water Lili Lines Horizontal Lines Vertical Listen to Britain Little Bit of Fluff Little Caesar Little Chimney Sweep Little Fish Little Foxes Little Miss Muddlehead Little Tinker Little Women Live it Up A Lively Quarter Day Lives of Performers Lives of the Firecrackers, The Living Corpse Living on the Edge Lizzies of the Field Loafer Local Hero Lodger, The Logan’s Run Lola Lolita London London By Night London Can Take It London Nobody Knows, The London Story Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Lonely are the Brave Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, The Lonesome Luke’d Movie Muddle Long Day Closes, The Long Good Friday, The Long Haired Hare Looking for Langston Lord of the Flies Los Olividados Lost in La Mancha Lost Weekend, The Love is Colder Than Death Love is the Devil Love Me Or Leave Me Love on the Dole Love on the Wing Lovers of the Arctic Circle Loving Lucifer Rising Luck of the Irish Luke’s Movie Muddle Lumiere Programme Lust For Life M Ma nuit chez Maud Mabel at the Wheel Macbeth Machine That Kills Machinist, The Machuca Mackintosh Man Madame Bovary Mädchen in Uniform Madonna of the Seven Moons Magic Box Magical Maestro Magnificent Ambersons, The Mahler Mai Major and the Minor, The Major Barbara Making of Broncho Billy, The Maltese Falcon, The Malvern Hills, The Mamma Roma Man in Grey, The Man of Aran Man Who Could Work Miracles, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Man With the Golden Arm, The Man With the Movie Camera, The Manchurian Candidate, The Mandy Manhatta Manipulation Marie Antoinette Marked Woman Marriage of Maria Braun Masculin Feminin Masks and Faces Massingham (Part Programme) Master Singers: Two Choirs and a Valley A Matter of Life & Death Mauvaise graine 58 / 59 Medea Meet Max Miller Meet Me in St Louis Melancholia Menilmontant Mephisto Merchant of Four Seasons, The Merci pour le chocolat Merle Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Meshes of the Afternoon Metropolis Midsummer Night’s Dream Mighty Joe Young Mikey and Nicky Mildred Pierce Mill Mill Girl Millions Like Us Mining Review: 12th Year, No. 3 Mining Review: 21st Year, No. 4 Miracle of Bern, The Miracle on 34th Street Mirror Mishaps of a Baby Carriage Miss Julie Mistress Mitchell & Kenyon (Early Rugby League Films) Mitchell & Kenyon (Football Films) Mitchell & Kenyon (In Central Lancashire) Mitchell & Kenyon (In East Lancashire) Mitchell & Kenyon (In Manchester & Salford) Mitchell & Kenyon (Manchester Band of Hope) Mitchell & Kenyon (North East of England) Mitchell & Kenyon (Rowing Films) Mitchell & Kenyon (Stand Alone Leeds) Moana: A Romance of the Golden Age Momma Don’t Allow Mon Oncle Mona Lisa Mongreloid Monkey Business Monsieur et Madame sont pressés Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday Monty Python’s Life of Brian Moolaadé Moon of Israel Moonbird Moonlighting Mor vran More More the Merrier, The Morning After, The Morocco Mosaic Mother India Mouchette A Mountaineer’s Romance Mouse in Manhattan Mr Skeffington Mr Smith Wakes Up! Mr. & Mrs. Kabal’s Theatre Mrs Miniver Mughal-E-Azam Mujeras al borde de un ataque de vervios Murder Murder by Decree Murder my Sweet Murderers Amongst Us Musical Maestro Musical Poster No.1 Mutter Küsters’ Fahrt zum Himmel Muybridge Revisited My Ain Folk My Architect My Baby Just Cares For Me My Beautiful Launderette My Childhood My Darling Clementine My Fair Lady My Faourite Year My Little Chickadee My Way Home Mysterians Mysterious Skin Naked City Naked Kiss, The Name of a River, The Nanook of the North Napoleon National Anthem – The Royal Guards Navajo Films: Programme 2 Navigators, The Neighbours Never Weaken New Britain New Builders New Government Film Studios Opened By Herbert Morrison Newspaper Train Next A Nice Arrangement Nice Time Night and Fog Night and the City A Night at the Opera Night Mail Night of San Lorenzo, The Night of the Eagle Night of the Hunter, The Night of the Iguana, The Night of the Lepus Night of Truth Night on Bare Mountain Night Shapes Night Train to Munich Night Visitors Nighthawks Nights of Cabiria Nina Santa Nine Queens Nineteen Nineteen Ninety Degrees South Ninotchka No End No Resting Place Nocturna Artificialia Nói Albínói North By Northwest Northwest Hounded Police Nosferatu Noted Eel and Pie Houses Nothing Sacred Notorious La Notte Now Voyager Nowhere in Africa O Dreamland Occasional Work of a Female Slave Ocean Terminal Odd Man Out Of Mice and Men Off His Trolley Officer’s Ward Official Version, The Offside Oh... Rosalinda!! Old Actor, The Old Boy Old Grey Hare, The Old Maid Oliver Twist Olympia On a Goose Farm On and off the Rails On Dangerous Ground On Land, at Sea and in the Air On the Black Hill On the Town On the Way to Warwick Once Upon a Time in the West One A.M. One for the Road One Froggy Evening One Man’s China – Part 2 One of Our Aircraft is Missing One of the Missing Only Angels Have Wings Only Me Open Road Ophelia Optimists of Nine Elms, The Organchik Orlando Orphans of the Storm Orphée Oskar Fischinger Programme Ossessione Othello Our Country Our Man in Havana Our New Errand Boy Ourselves Alone Out of Chaos Out of the Past Outfit Outfoxed Outskirts Ovod the Gadfly Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race 1913 & 1911 Pacific 231 A Page of Madness Paisa Palestinian, The Palindromes Pandora’s Box Panorama of Calcutta Papegeno Paper City Paris Paris 1900 Paris nous appartient Paris qui dort Partie de campagne Parting Glances Pas de deux Passing of the Third Floor Back, The Passion of Joan of Arc, The Passionate Friends, The Passport to Pimlico Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Pather Panchali Pavement Butterfly Pawnshop Peche a la dynamite dans les Iles Salomon Peeping Tom La peine du talion Pennies From Heaven People at No. 19 People on Sunday Pépé le Moko Performance Perils of Pauline Ep. 1, The Persona Petrified Dog Petrified Forest, The Pett and Pott Phantom of the Opera, The Phil Mulloy: Extreme Animation Philadelphia Story, The Piano Teacher, The Piano Tuner, The Piccadilly Pickpocket A Picture of Dorian Gray Picturesque Roumania Pimple’s Battle of Waterloo Pink Floyd: The Wall Pink Narcissus Pirate, The Pirate Tape Pit, the Pendulum and Hope, The Platinum Blonde Play me Something Playtime Plein soleil Point Blank Polish Bride Poltergeist Pool of London Porky in Wackyland Porky Pig’s Feat Pornographer Portes de la nuit Portrait of Jennie Postman Always Rings Twice, The Powers of Ten Practically Yours Pressure Price of Coal: Prog. 1, The Price of the Ticket, The Priest of Love Primer Primitive London Private Function Prizzi’s Honor Probation Officer Projecting the Archive Programme Property Man, The À propos de Nice Proposition, The Proust’s Favourite Fantasy Psychedelia Free Cinema Programme Psycho Public Ememy Puce Moments Pull My Daisy Pullman Bride, The Pumpkin Eater, The Pumpkin Race, The Punch and Judy Pursued Puss in Boots Putting Pants on Philip Pygmalion Quadrophenia Quai des orfevres Que Viva Mexico! Queen Christina Question of Silence A Quiet Week in the House Quo Vadis R.W. Paul Rabbit of Seville Rabid Rabindranath Tagore Radio On Rage in Harlem Raging Bull Ragtime Railway Children, The Rain Raining Stones Raise the Red Lantern Rancho Notorious Rapid Eye Movements Rashomon Rasputin: The Mad Monk Rat Trap Reach for Glory Rear Window Reason, Argument and Story Rebecca Rebel without a Cause Reckless Moment, The Recolte et preparation des ananas Reconstruction Record of a Tenement Gentleman, The Red Badge of Courage, The Red Beard Red Desert Red Hot Riding Hood Red Lights Red River Red Shoes, The Red Sorghum Red Squirrel Regen Regeneration La Règle du jeu Regular Lovers Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies Relax Rembrandt Renaissance Rendevous a’Anna Repulsion Rescued by Rover Rescued from the Eagle’s Nest Respiro Return of the Secaucus & Revengers Tragedy Revolution: La Belle France Rheingold Rich and Famous Rien que les heures Right Girl, The Ring, The Ring of Bright Water Rink Rio Bravo Rise of Louis XIV, The Ritual in Transfigured Time River River, The A River Called Titas Rivers and Tides A Road in India Road to Happiness, The 60 / 61 Roadways Roaring Twenties, The Robinson in Space Rocco and his Brothers Rock all Night Rocky Road to Dublin Rollin’ with the Nines Rome Rome Open City La Ronde Room With a View Rope Dancer Rosalie Rosenkavalier Rude Boy Running Jumping & Standing Still Film, The Russian Ark S.O.B. Sabotage Safety Last Salò Salvatore Giuliano Samba Traoré Samuel Beckett San Francisco Sandman, The Sanjuro Sans Soleil Sansho the Bailiff Saraband Såsom i en spegel Satan Met a Lady Satan’s Brew Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Savage Messiah Sawmill Scandal in Bohemia Scaramouche Scarface Scarlet Street Scenes From a Marriage Schwarzfahrer Scorpio Rising Scorsese Package Scotch Myths Scoundrel, The Scrooge Sea Hawk Sea Hawk, The A Search For Evidence Searchers, The Seashell and the Clergyman, The Seaspeed Across the Channel Sebastiane Second Class Mail Seconds Secret Joy of Falling Amgels Secretary Secrets & Lies Senso Serenal Sergeant York Serpent Servant Seven Arts Seven Brides For Seven Brothers Seven Samurai Seventh Heaven Seventh Seal, The Seventh Veil Sex and Lucia Shadow of a Doubt Shadows Shadowscan Shaft Shakespeare Land Shakespeare Wallah Shakespeare’s Country Shattered She She Wore a Yellow Ribbon She’s Gotta Have It Shock Corridor Shoot the Moon Shooting of Dan McGoo, The Shooting Stars Shootist, The Shop at Sly Corner, The A Short Film About Killing A Short Film About Love Short Sharp Shock Short Vision Should Men Walk Home Showboat Shown By Request Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan La Signora Di Tutti Silent Shakespeare Silent Village, The Silk Stockings Silver City Simon of the Desert Since Otar Left Singin’ in the Rain Singing Fool, The Singing Lesson Single Line Working Sixteen Years of Alcohol Skidoo Skupljaci perja Slap Happy Lion Slave of Love Slick Hare Slipper and the Rose, The Sloane Square Small Back Room, The Smile Orange Small Time Small World of Sammy Lee, The Smiles of a Summer Night Smith Snake Pit, The Snappy Sneezer Snow White and Rose Red Snowman, The Solas A Soldier Comes Home Some Like it Hot Some Women Son of the Sheik, The Song of Ceylon Song of Songs Song of the Prairie Sons and Lovers Sorcerers Sound of Music, The South Southampton Docks Southampton in to the Seventies Southerner, The Soylent Green Spagnola Spare Time Speak Like a Child Speedway Spellbound Spiral Staircase Spirit of Places, The Spirited Away Spite Marriage Spotting a Cow Spring Fever Spring Offensive Spring Symphony Spring Time in a Small Town Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ... and Spring Spur der Steine Spy in Black, The Stagecoach Stain, The Stalker Stand In Star Star Boarder, The Starlings of the Screen Stars and Stripes Stars Look Down, The Steamroller and the Violin, The Stella does Tricks Stockport Market Stockton-on-tees Stolen Life Story of Qiu Ju, The Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The Story the Biograph Told, The La Strada Stranger on the Third Floor Stranger Than Paradise Stratford-On-Avon Straw Dogs Strawberry Blonde Stray Dog Strayed Street Street Angel Street of Crocodiles Street Scene in Saarbruken Strike Strip Jack Naked Strip! Strip! Hooray!! Striptease Stromboli Student Prince Subarnarekha Success Story: The Craddocks Sugarland Express, The Sullivan’s Travels Summer Dress Summer Madness Sun Sunrise Sunset Boulevard Sunshine Boys Super Cops Sweedie Learns to Swim Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song Swimmer Swing Time Swinging the Lambeth Walk Swingtime Switchboard Operator Sympathy for the Devil T.G. Psychic Rally in Heaven T.V. of Tomorrow Tabu Tadpole and the Whale, The Take Me Out to the Ball Game Taking Off A Tale of Springtime Tales From Vienna Woods Tales of Hoffman Tales of the Taira Clan Talk of the Devil Tall T, The Tango Lesson, The Tansy Taris A Taste of Cherry A Taste of Honey Taxi Driver Teddy at the Throttle Teddy Brown and His Xylophone Television Demonstration Film Tell-Tale Heart, The Tempest, The Ten Little Niggers La Tendre ennemie Tenth Man, The Terje Vigen Terminus Tesis Tess Testament d’Orphee Testament of Dr.Mabuse That Hamilton Woman That’s Entertainment Theorem They Live By Night They Might be Giants They Shoot Horses,Don’t They They Were Expendable Thief of Baghdad Thin Blue Line, The Things to Come Third Man, The This Happy Breed This is Spinal Tap This Unnameable Little Broom This Year London Three African Shorts Three Businessmen Three Colours Blue Three Colours Red Three Colours White Three Crowns of a Sailor Three Knights Three Ring Circus Three Times Three Wishes Threepenny Opera, The Thriller Throne of Blood Through a Glass Darkly A Throw of Dice Thugs With Dirty Faces Thumbelina Thursday’s Children A Thousand Million a Year A Thousand Months Tickets Tideland Tie Me up Tie Me Down Tiger Bay Tiger of Eschnapur Tilly’s Party Tim Drum Time Bandits Time of Our Lives Time Machine, The Time to Leave Timecheck Times of Harvey Milk Tin Drum, The Tin Salvage Tintin and the Lake of Sharks Titfield Thunderbolt To Be or Not to Be To Have and Have Not To Kill a Mockingbird To Sleep With Anger Together Tokyo Story Tom Jones Tom Thumb Tommy Tomorrow’s Saturday Tonespur Tons of Money Top Hat Top Spot Topical Budget No 3 Torch Song Trilogy Torremolinos 73 Toto the Hero Touch of Evil Touki Bouki Tous le matins du monde Tous les garcons s’appellent Patrick Tout va bien Town Bloody Hall Toxic Trade Tattoo Traffic in Souls Train Time Trains and Roses Trans Europe Express Travels With My Aunt Treasure Island Treasure of the Sierra Madre Trial Tristana True Story of Lili Marlene Tubby’s Rest Cure Tusalava Twilight Samurai Two Cooks and a Cabbage Two Men and a Wardrobe Two Or Three Things I Know About Her Two Stage Sisters Typically British U-Carmen Ekhayelitsha Ugetsu Monogatari Ukigusa Ulysses Umberto D Un carnet de bal Un chant d’amour Un chapeau de paille d’Italie Un chien andalou Unbelievable Truth, The Undefeated, The Under Capricorn Under the River Under the Skin Under Your Spell Underworld USA Une partie de campagne Unknown Untold Scandal Usual Suspects, The Uzak Va Savoir Vagabond Queen, The Vampire 62 / 63 Vanishing, The Vanishing Street Variety Vernon, Florida Versus Very Eye of Night, The Viaggio in Italia Victor Victoria VIPs, The Virgin and the Gypsy, The Viridiana Virile Games Virtuoso Virtuous Isidore Visions of Light Visit of King George V & Queen Mary to Colne Viste a Stockholm Viva Zapata! Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux Vormittagspuk Voyage au Congo Voyage to Italy Voyage to Next Vues d’Espagne en cartes postalles W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism Wages of Fear Wakefield Express Wales of August Walk on the Wild Side Wall Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price Walter’s Paying Policy War Game War Requiem War Story Warm Water Under a Red Bridge Warning! This Film Might be Dangerous Water Babies Water Gypsies Waterloo Bridge Watership Down Wavelength Way to the Sea Way to the Sea, The Way to the Stars, The Way We Live, The We are the Lambeth Boys Weekend Wives Welcome to the Dollhouse Wellman Polar Expedition Went the Day Well Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe West Side Story Westworld What a Day What a Life What Have I Done to Deserve This What’s Opera, Doc? What’s up Doc When Father Was Away on Business When the Pie Was Opened Where Eagles Dare Where the Sidewalk Ends Where’s the Money, Ronnie? Which Side are you on? Whirlpool Whisky White Corridors White Heat White Oak White Sheik Who Killed Bambi? Who Killed Who? Wholly Communion Whom the Gods Love Wicker Man, The Wild and Woolfy Wild Angels Wild Hare Wild Rovers Wild Strawberries Wild Style Winchester ‘73 Windy Day Windy Riley Goes to Hollywood Winstanley Winter Light A Winter’s Tale Wish You Were Here Witchfinder General, The Withnail & I Wittgenstein Wizard of Oz, The Women, The Woman He Scorned, The Woman of the Dunes Woman of the Year Woman on the verge of a Nervous Breakdown Women of the World Wonderful World of the Brothers Grim, The Woodsman Wooing of Eve, The Words for Battle Work in Progress Workshop of the World: Birmingham World in 1900 World of Plenty Would You Believe It Would-Be Juggler Written on the Wind Xala Yaaba Yang & Yin Gender in Chinese Cinema Yankee Doodle Dandy Yasemin Yeelen Yellow Caesar Yellow Earth Yes Men Yesterday’s Tomorrow Yield to the Night Yojimbo You Only Live Once You’re Darn Tootin’ You’re Human Like the Rest of Them Young and Innocent Young Cassidy Young Magician Young Mr Pitt, The Young One, The Young Soul Rebels Zabriskie Point Zatoichi Zazie dans le metro A Zed & Two Noughts Zero de conduite Zong Qing Sen Lin Zoot Cat A selection of fiction titles acquired into the BFI National Archive during the year 12 Plus 1 (1970) 14 Hour Technicolour Dream (1967) 14 Hour Technicolour Dream (Off Cuts) (1967) 3 Hommes Et Un Couffin (1985) 49th Parallel (Trailer) (1941) Academic Still Life (Cezanne) (1976) Adult Fun (1972) Advance, Australia (1951) Adventure Girl (1934) The Adventures of Dick Turpin (Part 1 Outlawed) (1929) The Adventures of Jane (1949) Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel (Ep: The Hostage) (1955) Africa I Remember (1995) Ain’t Nature Grand! (1931) Air Mail (Trailer) (1932) Air Raid Alert Has Sounded (1947) Alien Autopsy (2006) All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Amadeus (1984) Amélie Ou Le Temps D’aimer (1961) The Angelus (1937) Antony and Cleopatra (1972) Arresting Personalities (1942) The Assignment (1982) At the Villa Rose (1939) Babes (2005) Baby Games (1978) Babylas Herite D’une Panthere (1911) Badedas (1970) Bagnolo – Dorf Zwischen Schwarz Und Rot (1964) Bar 20 Rides Again (1935) Basket Case (Trailer) (1981) Bathing Beauty (1944) Batman Begins (2005) Beachcombers (2002) Beam Ends (1930) Beamer (2002) Behold Our Leader (1945) Béjart (1961) The Believers (1987) Bells of Torment (1947) Beloved Enemy (1936) La Bete Humaine (1938) Beyond the Curtain (1960) The Big Guy (1939) The Big Sleep (Trailer) (1946) Billion Dollar Boner (Woody Woodpecker Series) (1959) Billy the Ford-buster (1930) Birthday (1969) Black Limelight (1939) Blatzom (1986) Blight (1994) Blockade (1932) Blue Sky (1994) Borderline (2005) Boys and Girls Together (1979) The Boys From Syracuse (1940) Brazilian Poppy (1961) Broken Blossoms (1936) The Broken Melody (1934) Brown Study (1979) The Call of the Blood (1948) Callan (1974) Canaries Sometimes Sing (1930) A Canterbury Tale (1944) Captain’s Orders (1937) Cartoon Theatre of Dr. Gaz (1977) Catch ‘Em Young (1937) The Cavalier (1928) The Cellar Door (2005) Un Certo Giorno (1969) The Challenge (1938) The Chance of a Night-time (1931) The Charge of the Light Brigade (Incomplete) (1936) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Charlie Chan in Honolulu (Trailer) (1939) Charlie’s Chance (1946) The Cheaters (Ep: Lamb to the Slaughter) (1962) Chelovek S Kinoapparatom (1928) The Chicken Chaser (1914) The Chinese Bungalow (1930) The Chinese Bungalow (1940) A Chorus of Disapproval (1989) Christine (1937) A Christmas Carol (1920) A Christmas Carol (Gems of Literature Series) (1923) Chronos Fragmented (1995) A Chump at Oxford (Incomplete) (1939) Circus (1946) Circus (1970) The Circus Connection (1995) The Citadel (1992) City of Song (1930) The Coast of Brittany (1911) Cobaea Scandens (1975) Cocaine (1984) The Cocoanuts (1929) Coilin & Platonida (1976) Colour Crazy (2005) Colour Tree Tops (1970) Come Play (2005) Come up and See Me (1930) Continental Drift (2005) Convoy (Trailer) (1940) The Co-optimists (Incomplete) (1929) The Count of Monte-cristo (Trailer) (1974) Crossing Striding Edge (1948) The Crouching Beast (Incomplete) (1935) Csend És Kiáltás (1967) Csillagosok, Katonák (1967) Cutthroat Island (1995) Dad and Dave Come to Town (Incomplete) (1938) Dance of the Hands (1951) Danger Area (1943) Dangerous Partners (1945) The Dark Corner (1946) Dates and Nuts (1936) Dawnbreakers (1975) Daydreams From a Crosstown Bus (1972) Deadfall (1968) Death Day (1934) Death in a Tube (1946) Death may be your Santa Claus (1969) The Defentrascope (2003) Le Dernier Combat (1983) Dial 999 (1955) The Diamond Mercenaries (1975) The Diamond (1953) Dick and the Duchess (Series) (1957) Dirty Work (1934) Disastri Della Guerra (1950) Doctor’s Orders (1947) Dogs to the Rescue (1972) Una Domenica D’agosto (1950) Don Giovanni (Trailer) (1980) Double Deal (1950) Double Exposure (1969) Dreams Come True (1936) Drôle De Drame (1937) The Drum (Trailer) (1938) Duma (2005) The Earl of Chicago (Trailer) (1940) L’ecole Buissonniere (1948) Égi Bárány (1970) Elephant Boy (Trailer) (1937) Eliza Comes to Stay (1936) The Empty Gun (1917) The Enchanted Gourd (2005) Encounter (1970) The End (1986) Enthronement of Archbishop of Canterbury Geoffrey Francis Fisher (1945) The Errand (1980) Everything Happens at Night (1939) Everything is Thunder (Trailer) (1936) Ex-local Authority (2005) Eye to Hand (1981) The Fall (1969) Fallen Arches (1933) Falling For You (1933) Un Fameux Champignon (1925) Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1966) Faust (1936) Un Femme Disparait (1941) Fényes Szelek (1968) Film Traders (Scenes From a Penn Village) (1945) Film Traders Hk1 (1946) The Final Conflict (Trailer) (1981) The Fire Island Kids (1970) Five Men Were Hungry (1930) 64 / 65 Flame of Passion (1915) Flying Alberts (1965) The Flying Man (1962) The Flying Squad (Trailer) (1932) Foot and Installation (Hannah Collins) (1970) Franz Und Ernst (Acht Stunden Sind Kein Tag 3) (1972) Fraternally Yours (Trailer) (1933) Freddie Young Interview (28/5/1992) (1992) Die Freudlose Gasse (1925) La Fugue De Mahmoud (1953) The Garden of Allah (1936) The Gay Desperado (1936) A Giddy Moment (1920) The Girl from Arizona (1910) Gone with the Wind (Incomplete) (1939) Gone with the Wind (Trailer) (1939) The Good Father (1986) Good Night Vienna (1932) The Gorbals Story (1949) Le Grand Refrain (1936) Le Grand Steeple De Paris (1946) La Grande Barrière De Corail (1969) The Grass is Singing (1981) The Great Awakening (1941) The Great Defender (Trailer) (1934) The Great Rock ‘N’ Roll Swindle (1979) Green Bottles (1975) Green Thoughts (1970) Guide (1981) Guide (1984) Gypsy Wildcat (1944) Hands Knees and Bomsa-daisy (1973) Happiness C.O.D. (1935) Harald Und Monika (Acht Stunden Sind Kein Tag 4) (1972) Harmonic Maheno (1991) Harmony Lane (1935) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) The Heart Within (1957) Hell to Eternity (1960) Help Wanted (1970) Her Last Shot (1912) Here and There (1985) Héritiers Du Passé (1948) Hidden Crime (1941) High Noon (1952) Highlights of Variety No 17 (1938) The History Boys (2006) Home From Home (1939) Honeymoon For Three (1935) Horizont (1971) Hortobágy (1936) The Hour of Darkness (1946) Huckleberry Finn (Trailer) (1931) I Killed the Count (1939) I Promise to Pay (1937) I See a Dark Stranger (1946) Ice House (2005) Ich Tank (1998) I’ll Get You For This (1951) I’m Not a Migrant, I Live Here (1965) In Custody (1993) In Lands Where Serpents Speak (1986) In the Soup (1936) Independent Hype Vol 1; Corner 2 Corner (2003) Innocent Reality (2005) Inquest (1939) Intrigue (1938) Irish and Proud of it (1936) Irmgard Und Rolf (Acht Stunden Sind Kein Tag 5) (1972) The Jacket (2004) Jack’s the Boy (1932) Jimmy on the Job (1915) Jochen Und Marion (Acht Stunden Sind Kein Tag 1) (1972) Judith (1989) Jury’s Evidence (1936) Kate Plus Ten (1938) Kensington Gorey (1973) Kholodnoe Leto Piatdesiat Tretiego... (1987) Kid Millions (Trailer) (1934) Killing Dad (1989) The Lad (1935) The Lady of the Lake (1928) The Last Journey (1935) The Last King of Scotland (2006) The Last Waltz (1936) Laura (1979) The Law of Averages (2005) Legong (Dance of the Virgins) (1935) Letter to Brezhnev (1985) Liebe Ist Kälter Als Der Tod (1969) Life & Lyrics (2006) The Lilac Domino (1937) Lily of Killarney (1934) Living Statistic (2005) Local Authority (2001) London Melody (1937) London to Brighton (2006) The Loneliness of a Spot Kick Penalty Taker (2005) The Long White Trail (1974) Look Before You Love (1948) The Lost Chord (1933) Lotte Reiniger – Homage to the Inventor of the Silhouette Film (1999) Love Affair (1932) Love in Pawn (1953) Love Thy Neighbour (1948) Love’s Presentation (1966) Lucky in Love (1940) Luncheon at Twelve (1933) Lux Et Umbria (1999) Mad Love (1978) The Magnificent Seven (Teaser Trailer) (1960) The Magnificent Seven (Trailer) (1960) The Making Of...untitled (2005) Man From Interpol (1960) Man of the Moment (1935) Matrix (1999) A Matter of Choice (1963) Mcglusky the Sea Rover (Trailer) (1935) Meet Me Tonight (1952) Meg Ker a Nep (1972) The Melody Lingers on (1935) Men of Two Worlds (Trailer) (1946) Merveilleuse Vie De Jeanne D’arc (1929) Metalogue (2003) Metropolis Apocalypse (1988) Mgm Greats (1997) Mike Leigh Interview Rushes (1997) Ministry of Information Trailer – The Forces Need Books (1943) Ministry of Information Trailers (1944) Il Miracolo (1949) Mischief Night (2006) Miss Potter (2006) Mission Perilleuse (1954) Mississippi Masala (1991) Mister Moses (1965) Monte Cristo (1929) Moonlight Resurrection (1988) The Morals of Marcus (1935) Motion (2001) Moulage (1971) Movie Go Round (1949) Mr. Stringfellow Says No (Incomplete) (1937) Mulenga Gets a Job (1951) Mulenga’s Unlucky Day (1951) Mumbo Jumbo (1971) Murder in the Cathedral (1951) The Museum Visitor (1965) Music Goes ‘Round (Trailer) (1936) Must Love Dogs (2005) My Ain Folk (1973) My Childhood (1972) My Friend Flicka (Trailer) (1943) My Grandma (2005) My Way Home (1978) Nak Phrakhanong (2005) Naked – As Nature Intended (1961) National Velvet (Incomplete) (1944) Negatives (1968) Newsfront (1978) The Next Six Minutes (2002) Niemandsland (1931) Night Alone (1938) Night in Paradise (1946) A Night Like This (1932) No Joy (2005) Normal Vision: Malcolm Le Grice (1983) North Country (2005) Notes on a Scandal (2006) Notresting (1999) Obacy Aktorzy (2006) Okey (2005) Old Enough to Know Better (2005) Los Olvidados (1950) Oma Und Gregor (Acht Stunden Sind Kein Tag 2) (1972) One Frightened Night (1935) One Heavenly Night (1930) One Man’s Woman (1946) One More Bridge (Trailer) (2004) Oradour Sur Glane (1944) Orlacs Hande (1925) Ostrich (Animaland Series) (1949) Our Fighting Navy (1937) Out of Singapore (Trailer) (1932) Over She Goes (1937) Pack up Your Troubles (Incomplete) (1932) The Pagan Lady (1931) The Paolozzi Story (1980) Paris in Spring (Trailer) (1935) The Party’s Over (1963) Pathe Newsreel (1940) Paura E Amore (1988) Penny Points to Paradise (1951) Periscope 180° (1992) Periscope 360° (1992) Personal Services (1987) The Phantom of Crestwood (1932) Phase Space Pacer (2002) Picasso (1954) The Planet (1952) The Ploughman’s Lunch (1983) Point Break (Trailer) (1991) Polly Ii – Plan For a Revolution in Docklands (2006) Polly Ii – Plan For a Revolution in Docklands (Trailer) (2006) Pools Between Land (1991) Prometheus (1972) Psychomania (1972) Quiet Week End (1946) Ran (1985) Rayday Film (1979) Red Road (2006) Refuge (1938) Remembrance of Things Past (1993) The Remote Controller (2003) Resemblage (2004) Return (2003) The Return of Widow Pogson’s Husband (1911) Revenge of the Vampire (1960) A Right Mayor (2005) Rings on Her Fingers (1942) Rio Grande (1950) River Queen (2005) The Road to Singapore (Incomplete) (1931) The Rocking Horse (1962) The Rocks of Valpre (1935) Roman Scandals (Trailer) (1933) Rondo (1966) Rosencrantz & Guildenstern – Are Dead (1990) The Royal and Ancient City of Canterbury (1936) Rumour Has It... (2005) The Salt of the Earth (1953) Santiago Alvarez at the Nft (1969) Save the Children Fund in Neiporet, Poland (1945) Science Joins An Industry (1946) Sea Wedding (1956) The Second Coming (1970) The Secret Laughter of Women (1998) Secret Venture (1955) The Sedate (1982) Senza Ragione (1972) Seoul Mates (Under the Sun Series) (2000) Session (1969) Sevenths Synthesis (2001) Severance (2006) She Really is the Devil (2001) Shivers and Night of the Living Dead (Trailer) (1980) Shockproof (Trailer) (1949) Shooting Dogs (2005) Silent Shakespeare (1999) Sing Your Worries Away (1942) Sir Alan Parker First Light Project Visit (2005) Six Rehearsals (1970) Skyscraper Souls (Trailer) (1932) The Sleepwalkers (1959) Smash Palace (1981) Snow Cake (2006) Snow Cake (Epk) (2005) Son of Lassie (1945) Song of My Heart (1947) The Soul of a Magdalen (1917) South of Pago Pago (1940) South Riding (1938) Sparkle (2006) Die Speckbacher (1913) Sport in Snow (1957) Sport of Kings (Trailer) (1931) St. Matthew Passion (1951) Stepping Stones (Incomplete) (1931) The Story of My Life (1938) Story without End (2005) Straightheads (2006) Supernumaries (2003) Symphonie En Blanc (1942) Szerelem (1971) Szerelmem, Elektra (1975) Sziget a Szarázföldön (1968) Taking Pictures (2005) The Tales of Hoffmann (1951) Talpalatnyi Föld (1948) Tampico (1944) Tell Me Tonight (Trailer) (1932) Temporary Gentleman (1930) Term of Trial (1962) That Kind of Girl (1963) That Lucky Touch (1975) O Thiassos (1975) Thin Air (1939) Things Being What They are (1987) This is England (2006) The Three Bears (1999) The Three Maxims (Trailer) (1936) Thunder Rock (1941) Tian Lun (1935) Tim Burton’s the Corpse Bride (2005) Time Drive (1979) Timothy Travel (1969) Tomas Gutierrez Alea (1975) Top Hat (Trailer) (1935) Tower of London (1939) Track the Man Down (1955) A Travers Les Steppes de L’asie Centrale (1937) Trouble at Malombi’s (1951) Trying to Kiss the Moon (1994) Tunes of Glory (1960) Turning within the Space of a Name (1988) Twice Upon a Time (1953) The Two Natures Within Him (1915) Ultus: The Man From the Dead (1915) The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1987) Uncle Silas (Incomplete) (1947) Underfoot Safari (2005) Underground (1972) Underneath the Arches (1937) V For Vendetta (2006) Valle Delle Aquile (Trailer) (1951) Valley of the Eagles (Trailer) (1951) Venus (2006) Victory Parade (1946) Village Concert (1951) Les Visiteurs Du Soir (Incomplete) (1942) Voyage Surprise (1947) Walking and Talking (2005) Wanda (1970) The War on Television (2004) Ward 6 (1996) Warner Brothers 75 Years Entertaining the World (1998) The Warning (1915) Waterland (1992) We Edit Life (2002) Welcome Home (1952) West Side Story (Trailer) (1961) The Westerner (Trailer) (1940) When Ignorance is Bliss (1930) When London Sleeps (1932) When Mum Was Young (2005) Where There’s a Will (1936) White Cargo (1929) White Dog (1981) White Dust (1972) White Road (1999) White Savage (1943) Wholly Communion (1965) 66 / 67 The Wicked Lady (1945) Wild at Heart (1990) Wilderness (2006) The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006) A Woman in Winter (2005) Women are Dangerous (1933) Women are Dangerous (Trailer) (1933) The Wonderful Lamp (1920) Yes (2005) Ying Tang (1975) You Made Love to me (Incomplete) (1933) The Young in Heart (1938) Zhena Kerosinshchika (1988) Zorro Rides Again (1937) A selection of non-fiction titles acquired into the BFI National Archive during the year A Garden Party at Edgwarebury House, Elstree (C1924) A.R.P. – Do it Now! (C1940) A.R.P. – Have You Joined Yet? (C1940) Cinema Trailer – Wartime message to Patrons (C1945) Colour Television – Arthur Askey (C1970) Cup Tie Football Match (C1925) Family at the Park (C1933) Folkestone (C1929) Graf Spee’ Victor Gets Promotion (British News) (C1940) Gunstone’s ‘Ducal’ Bread (C1938) Ice Skating – Daphne Walker (C1945) Less Lights – More Guns (C1942) Lyons’ ‘Kinema Kup’ – a Line to Follow (C1940) Lyons’ ‘Kinema Kup’ Ice Cream (C1938) Morris Major (C1931) Nairn Arena De Luxe- Charlie and May (30 Secs) (1982) Nairn Fridge – Charlie and May (30 Secs) (1982) Norwegian-british-swedish Antarctic Expedition 1949-1952 (Nk, C1952) Ordnance Survey – Much more than the way (C1978) Polo Mints – Butlers Wharf (C1967) Polo Mints – High Street (C1965) Silver Jubilee – King George V (Pathe Super Sound Gazette) 1935) Suez Canal (C1931) Winter Holiday Girls – Miami (C1949) Woolworth Christmas ’78 Blockbuster Abm/fww/575 (1978) A Crossroads of History – Cyprus (C1980) A Garden Party at Edgwarebury House, Elstree, the Country Residence of Commander Sir A. Trevor Dawson, Bart., and Lady Dawson, August 6th 1921 (1921) A Garden Party at Edgwarebury House, Elstree, the Country Residence of Commander Sir A. Trevor Dawson, Bart., R.n. and Lady Dawson. July 2nd, 1927. (1927) A Place of Your Own (1970) A Sign is a Fine Investment (1983) Alamein To-day (Pathe Gazette 43/45) (1943) Alan Parker Company Commercial Showreel (C1976-1981) All is Safely Gathered in (Au, 1936) Arch Duke (C1980) Art in Revolution (1972) At the Circus (Movietone News) Ballet Black (1986) Beauties of the Baltic (C1936) Ben Nicholson (1985) Bert Wilkins Interview (Bectu History Project Series) (2004) Beyond the Forest (1991) Beyond the Forest (1991) Bill Woodrow: Sculpture Interview (1984) Billy Reid and His London Accordian Band in “Bohemian Memories” (Pathe Pictorial No. 781) (1933) Blast (1975) British Movietone News No. 1010 (1948) British Movietone News No. 1022 (1949) British Movietone News No. 340a (1935) British Movietone News No. 648a (1941) British Movietone News No. 881a (1946) British Movietone News No. 884a (1946) British Movietone News No. 892 (1946) British Movietone News No. 924 (1947) British Movietone News No. 952 (1947) British Movietone News No. 955 (1947) British Movietone News No. 983 (1948) British Paramount News No. 1692 (1947) British Paramount News No. 932 (1940) British Sculpture (1984) Butler Beats Them All in Midget Plane (British Movietone) (1932) Buy British Goods...and Why. (Gaumont Sound News) (C1931) Canary Island Bananas (1936) Castles and Fisherfolk (C1933) Cats Or Dogs (C1948) Charley’s Black Magic (1949) Chicken-farming is Now Exact Science (British Movietone) (C1932) Cities of the Desert (1934) Clark Gable’s New Contract (Pathe Gazette 43/46) (1943) Collinson & Dean in “A ‘Lying’ Argument” (Pathetone Weekly No. 77) (1931) Convivial Souls Hail Australia’s Vintage (British Movietone) (C1935) Cornel Lucas Interview – Edited Version (Bectu History Project Series) (2005) Cornel Lucas Interview (Bectu History Project Series) (2005) Cornelius Cardew 1931-1981 (1986) Crowning the First Slate Queen (Gaumont British News) (C1938) Dancers (1978) Dancing Thru’ (1946) Dead Level (C1948) Det Forste Filmarkiv (A.k.a. The First Film Archive) (C2002) Diary of a Polish Airman (1942) Downstream (C1943) Dread, Beat ’n’ Blood (1978) Edward Allington: Sculpture Interview (1984) Edward Burra (1973) Edward Hopper (1981) Empire News Bulletin No. 147 (1927) Empire News Bulletin No. 375 (1929) England Home and Beauty (1975) Eternal Prague (Gb/cs, 1942) Eugene Atget Photographer (1982) Europe After the Rain (1978) Every Eve (Close Up) (C1940) Exit – No Exit Dance on Four (Series) (1988) Family Album (C1948) Fast Workers (C1935) Film (Style Tribes Series) (2000) Flashing Blades Winter Olympic Games 1948 (1948) Frida Kahlo and Tina Modotti (1982) Gaumont British News No. 1016 (1943) Gaumont British News No. 1046 (1944) Gaumont British News No. 543 (1939) Gaumont British News No. 770 (1941) Gaumont British News No. 818 (1941) Gaumont British News No. 932 (1943) Gaumont British News No. 937 (1942) Gaumont British News No. 943 (1943) Gaumont British News Review of the Year 1942 (1942) Giacometti (1965) Give Us This Day (1982) Grove Carnival (1981) Grove Music (1981) Henry Ford (British Movietone News) (C1947) Henry Moore at the Tate (1970) Henry Mooreat at Eighty (1978) Here is a Letter From Mrs Churchill (C1943) Hidden Heritage (1990) Hokusai: An Animated Sketchbook (1978) Home of the Wasp (1931) How Does it Feel? (1976) Howard Hodgkin (1982) Howard Jacobs and the Savoy Hotel Orpheans (Pathetone Weekly No. 103) (1932) Imperial City (1980) Instruments of the Orchestra (1946) Italy Stays Free (Pathe News) (1948) J. Walter Thompson Demonstration Reel 1975a (C1975) (C1975) Jack B Yeats (1981) Judging Masculine Beauties (Gaumont British News) (C1939) Julian Opie: Sculpture Interview (1984) Just What is It..? (1984) Käthe Kollwitz (1981) Kinetics (1970) Lake Como (C1937) Lanark Bridge Collapses (Gaumont British News) (C1934) Land of the Springbok (1945) Lautrec (1974) Leeds Test (Movietone News) Lessons from the Air (1944) Lift up Your Hearts (C1940) Like Human Swallows (Pathe Gazette) (1933) Lying-in-state of the Pope in Rome (Gaumont British News) (C1939) Machines For the Suppression of Time (1981) Malevitch Suprematism (1971) Mantegna: The Triumph of Caesar (1973) Mark Gertler (1981) Mediterranean Memories (1946) Memories of Naples (C1937) Moving Stills (1989) Musselburgh Fishermen’s Walk (Gaumont British News No. 75) (1934) New Pathe Pictorial No. 502 (1954) News From Nowhere (1978) North African Campaign (Universal News) (C1942) Norway the Land of Contrasts (International Travel Talkies) (C1933) Odeon Cavalcade (1973) Over Here: Irish Music and Dance in England (1980) Part of the Struggle: Art and Politics in the Weimar Republic (1985) Pathe Gazette No. 1886 (1932) Pathe Gazette No. 1887 (1932) Pathe Gazette No. 1888 (1932) Pathe Gazette No. 1890 (1932) Pathe Gazette No. 1891 (1932) Pathe Gazette No. 534 (C1919) Pathe Pictorial No. 174 (C1939) Pathe Pictorial No. 250 (C1940) Pathe Pictorial No. 338 (C1950) Pathe Pictorial No. 71 (1938) Pathe Pictorial No. 736 (1932) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (02/07/31) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (03/05/37) (1937) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (03/12/31) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (09/01/33) (1933) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (19/09/32) (1932) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (1931) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (21/07/30) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (26/11/31) Pathe Super Sound Gazette (30/11/31) Pathetone Weekly No. 101 (1932) Pathetone Weekly (01/02/32) Pathetone Weekly (21/09/31) (1931) Pathetone Weekly (C1932) Pathetone Weekly No. 103 (1932) Pathetone Weekly No. 105 (1932) Pathetone Weekly No. 108 (1932) Pathetone Weekly No. 116 (1932) Pathetone Weekly No. 32 (1930) Pathetone Weekly No. 55 (1931) Pathetone Weekly No. 67 (1931) Pathetone Weekly No. 69 (1931) Pathetone Weekly No. 71 (1931) Peasant Island (1939) Persona Non Grata (1962) Peter Graham Scott Interview (Bectu History Project Series) (2004) Pix (1972) R B Kitaj (1967) R.a.f. Day Bombers Have Aerial Parade (British Movietone Gazette No. 124) (1932) Rainbow Dance (1936) Red Cavalry (C1942) Refuse to Dance: Theatre of Howard Barker (1986) Rembrandt’s Three Crosses (1969) Restoration of Rome Churches (Gaumont) (C1933) Return of World Wonder Flyers! (Pathe Gazette) (1931) Richard Hamilton (1969) Richard Need Interview (Bectu History Project Series) (2005) Rolanda Polonsky (1971) Rome and Vatican City (C1949) Ronald Frankau (Pathetone Weekly) (1931) S Grizdale (1989) Sam Sherry (1980) Sandy Powell – The Well-known Comedian of Radio and Gramophone Fame in “Sandy, M.p.” (Pathetone Weekly No. 64) (1931) Second Disavowal Sideways Launch of Five Vessels (Gaumont British News) (C1938) Silent O’moyle (1936) Sir Trevor and Lady Dawson’s Garden Party, Edgwarebury House, Elstree. July 5th 1930. (1930) Somerset the Gateway to the West (C1935) Somewhere in Hackney (1980) Speed Thrills and Spills on the Snow (Gaumont British News) (C1939) Spinning Along (C1948) St Adolf Ii (1971) St. Brieue – Brittany (Gaumont British News) (C1934) Stanelli & Edgar (Pathetone Weekly No. 54) (1931) Stanley Spencer (1979) Steel ’n’ Skin (1979) Stricken Peninsula (1945) Swan Song (Secrets of Life) (C1938) Sweet Vale of Avoca (1936) Tao: The Way and the Power (1976) The Art We Deserve (1979) The Bandmaster’s Daughter (The Co-optimists No. 5) (C1930) The Bolden Lad (1980) The Coronation of the Pope (Gaumont British News) (C1939) The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode (1981) The Glassmakers (1951) The Heart of Britain (1941) The Institution The International Student Congress, Prague 1945 The King’s Jubilee (Gaumont British News) (1935) The Land of the Kangaroo (Gb/au, 1946) The Nativity (1966) The Old Crocks (Pathe Gazette) (1930) The Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race (1932) The Panther Lz The Pantomime Dame (1982) The Paramount Mastersingers in “Songs From the West.” (Pathetone Weekly No. 163) (1933) The Passing of Mr Oscar Deutsch (British Movietone News) (C1941) The Referendum Party Campaign Tape (1997) The Rich Man Drives By (The Cooptimists No. 1) (C1930) The Tail that wags the Dog (Pathe) (C1923) The World in a Wine-glass (Secrets of Theirs is the Glory – Premiere (C1946) Thrills of the Chase (Empire News Bulletin) (C1930) Thrills of the Track at Brooklands (Gaumont British News) (C1939) Tommy Mostol (Pathetone Weekly No. 25) (1930) Tony Cragg: British Sculpture (1984) Tragedy – on Land and Sea (Pathe Gazette No. 1889) (1932) Transport (Changing Face of Europe Series No. 5) (1951) Two Autumns: Andy Goldsworthy (1992) U.s. Doubles Championship. (Gaumont British News) (1934) Ubu (1978) Universal News (C1942) Universal Talking News No. 367 (1934) Universal Talking News No. 440 (1934) Universal Talking News No. 606 (1936) 68 / 69 Unusual Occupations No. 5 (Us, 1938) Vita Futurista (1987) West of Inverness (C1946) What a Lot of Eights! (Pathe Super Sound Gazette) (1931) A selection of the new acquisitions to the Special Collections during the year Roger Ashton-Griffiths (b. 1957), actor Additional scripts Avril Angers (1918 – 2005), actress Scripts and photographs John McGrath (1935 – 2002), director, producer, scriptwriter Additional material Vanson Wardle Productions, production company Production files and company papers Stephen Peet (1920 – 2005), director, producer, photographer Papers and films/tapes E. M. Smedley – Aston (1912 – 2006), producer, director Scripts Henry Edwards (1883 – 1952), director, producer, actor Working diaries, notes and photos Roy Ward Baker (b 1916), director, producer, scriptwriter Annotated scripts Margaret Dale (b 1922), choreographer, director, producer Scripts and photographs Chris Dunkley, television critic Notes, research and scripts etc. Michael Balcon (1896 – 1977), director, producer Additional papers Malvina Longfellow (died 1962), actress Scrapbook, cuttings and photographs James Cellan Jones (b 1931), director, producer Script, letters and photographs Eleanor Bron (b 1938), actress, scriptwriter Scripts Sydney Box (1907 – 1983), producer, scriptwriter Additional material W. Hugh Baddeley (1912-1994), director, producer, scriptwriter Scripts, cuttings, letters and photographs Stanley Shields, art director Scripts, designs and photographs The BFI would like to thank the following for their generous financial support in 2006/07. UK Film Council DCMS Arts Council England The Clothworkers’ Foundation Heritage Lottery Fund Simon W. Hessel The David Lean Foundation London Development Agency Peter and Nancy Thompson Film London Mayor of London The Eric Anker-Petersen Charity The British Board of Film Classification GB Sasakawa Foundation Grand Classics/Indyssey Entertainment The Henry Moore Foundation Museums, Libraries & Archives Council The Wolfson Foundation Skillset and a number of individuals who wish to remain anonymous Member donors to the BFI Southbank Capital Appeal above £250, donors to the BFI National Archive and other BFI projects Darren Boyd Ralph Cadman Kanad Chakrabarti / Hilal Meral Peter Cohen Veronica Cohen James Dean Jerry Fishenden Charles Fitzherbert Edward Flann Paul Gambaccini A Gosain Philip Hooker Wayne Hunter Derek & Anne Jenkins James Kessler QC Ian & Claire Larmont Stuart Lee Julia & Anthony Ling Marsh Christian Trust Ruth and Vincent Megaw Anne & Alec Nacamuli Roger Peirson Austin Pinhey Mr John S Roberts Dr Clifford Shaw Kevin J. Walters Peter Walters Rodney Welch Richard Wilson Roy H. Wormald M. J. Young And a number of individuals who wish to remain anonymous Cultural Partners Australian High Commission Danish Film Institute Embassy of Denmark Embassy of Sweden FilmItalia The Finnish Institute in London Goethe-Institut High Commission of Canada Italian Cultural Institute Norwegian Embassy Polish Cultural Institute Spanish Embassy Turkey Culture and Tourism Office UniFrance Corporate Partners 43 South Molton Accenture Adobe Systems UK Air France/KLM Air New Zealand Alfred Dunhill Limited BBC London BlackBerry BT Campo Viejo Carlton Screen Advertising CBS Outdoor Christie Digital The Chocolate Lounge Cobra Beer Ltd Coca Cola Converse Diva Empire Five Broadcasting Limited Gay Times Green & Black’s The Guardian/The Observer Hadham Water Ltd Heat Heaven Nightclub Hewlett-Packard Ltd The Hollywood Reporter The Hospital by Getty Images Impact Interoute Japan Airlines Konditor & Cook Land Rover LGBT Interbank Diversity Forum Metropolitan Police Service Midnite Express Moet Hennessy UK Ltd MTV NEC Nintendo UK Ltd Panasonic Picture Production Company Pink Paper Playstation Renault UK Limited Sky Movies Sofitel St James London Soho House Stella Artois Time Out Times Newspapers Ltd Tiscali (UK) Ltd Transport for London Turner Classic Movies TV5 White Star Line Winona esolutions The BFI would like to thank rights owners for the use of images in this annual report. Page 10 The Wizard of Oz © 1939 Turner Entertainment Co. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Hoop Associates www.
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