ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Annual Report 2010 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Directors W.H. van Gilst, PhD E.E. van der Wall, M.D. PhD Scientific Council E.E. van der Wall MD, PhD (Leiden) co-chairman W.H. van Gilst, PhD (Groningen) co-chairman J.M.T. de Bakker, PhD R.M.F. Berger, MD, PhD M.J. de Boer, MD, PhD H. Boersma, PhD H.J.G.M. Crijns, MD, PhD M. Daemen, PhD P.R.M. van Dijkman, MD, PhD P.A. Doevendans, MD, PhD D.J.G.M. Duncker PhD I.C. van Gelder, MD, PhD W.J. van der Giessen, MD, PhD S. Heymans, MD, PhD J.W. Jukema, MD, PhD B.J.M. Mulder, MD, PhD C.L. Mummery, PhD G. Pasterkamp, PhD W.J. Paulus, MD, PhD J.J. Piek, MD, PhD Y.M. Pinto, MD, PhD A.J. Rabelink, MD, PhD A.C. van Rossum, MD, PhD A.F.W. van der Steen, PhD D.J. van Veldhuisen, MD, PhD M.A. Vos, PhD A.A.M. Wilde, MD, PhD A.C. van Rossum, MD, PhD F. Zijlstra, MD, PhD Ernst van der Wall International Scientific Commiittee Prof.dr. W.J. Paulus (chairman), VUMC, Amsterdam Prof.dr. M. Böhm, Universitätsklinikum Saarland Prof.dr. G. Breithardt, Universitätsklinikum Münster Prof.dr. Th.F. Lüscher, Universität Zürich Prof.dr. M. Komajda, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, Parijs Dr. M.A. Konstam MD, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston Prof. dr. A. Shah, Kings College, London Prof. dr. O. Smiseth, Rikshospitalet, Oslo ICIN - Netherlands Heart Institute PO Box 19258 3501 DG Utrecht The Netherlands 030-2333600 [email protected] www.icin.nl ICIN - Netherlands Heart Institute is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Wiek van Gilst ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Table of Contents Preface: From turbulent years to a bright new future Durrer Center for cardiogenetic research 4 8 Research line - Atherosclerosis 11 GENDER, GENetic DEterminants of Restenosis 12 The HEBE I Trial 14 HEBE III: Effects of EPO after an acute myocardial infarction 18 Circulating Cells 19 BIOMarCS Study 20 Inhibition of RIP1-mediated necrosis 22 Reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction 23 Research line - Arrhythmias 25 Mechanisms and Treatment of Tachyarrhythmias 26 RACE 3 Routine vs aggressive rhythm control 30 Genes underlying sudden cardiac death 31 Gene therapy for sick sinus syndrome 33 Arrest 11: Determinants of sudden cardiac death 34 Activated platelets during acute mycardial infarction 35 Prevention of atrial fibrillation 36 Research line - Congenital heart disease 39 Congenital Heart Disease in Adults 40 Pregnancy in congenital heart disease - ZAHARA II 48 PROSTAVA Study 49 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 50 Right ventricular dysfunction and tetralogy of Fallot 52 Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia 54 Pulmonary hypertension and Congenital heart disease 56 Research line - Heart failure 59 Dutch Programma on Tissue Engineering 60 ICIN-NHS Cell therapy program, translational studies 61 The PRIMA Study 63 CTMM - Triumph 64 SYNOP2L in sarcomere formation and stabilization 65 Research line - Imaging 67 Myocardial viability with MRI 68 MARCC Study 70 Therapeutic application of ultrasound 71 Directing stem cells using targeted microbubbles 72 Implications of CTA Findings 74 Modification of Risk with CT Coronary Angiography 75 Cardiovascular screening of asymptomatic patients 77 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography 78 Diagnostic value of advanced echo imaging 80 Ultrasound imaging and therapy 81 MRI screening for rupture-prone vulnerable plaques 84 Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque and Neovascularization 85 Comparison of plaque observation in CTA and VH IVUS 86 Vulnerability assessment of atherosclerotic plaques 88 Biomechanics of vulnerable plaque rupture 90 Annexes91 Annex 1: ICIN Indicators 93 Annex 2: Doctoral Theses 94 Annex 3: Publications 96 3 Towards a new ICIN W.H. van Gilst & E.E. van der Wall, directors of ICIN The year 2010 was again a very interesting and challenging year for ICIN/KNAW. At the beginning of the year, we initiated broad discussions on the way to redefine the organisational and scientific structure of ICIN. To that purpose, we made a visiting tour along all the 8 University Medical Centers and we discussed with all our principle investigators about their views on the future of ICIN. These views have led, after multiple dialogues with our Scientific Council and the board of KNAW, to a strategic document that was finalized at the end of 2010. The mission of ICIN was redefined as follows: 1) to function as a national scientific voice of academic cardiology in the Netherlands, and 2) to coordinate and promote translational and clinical research in the Netherlands and beyond together with strong Netherlands European and International Heart Institute partners. As a consequence, ICIN formally extended its name with Netherlands Heart Institute (NHI) implying a revised logo. ICIN Strategy 2011-2015 Main objectives of ICIN-NHI for the next five years are 1) to function as a national clinical trial umbrella organisation for the University Medical Centers, 2) to broaden the relationship with our strategic partners: the Netherlands Society of Cardiology (NVVC) and the Working Group on Cardiovascular Research in the Netherlands (WCN), 3) to strengthen the cooperation with the Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS), the KNAW institutions Hubrecht and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), and with the Rembrandt Institute of Cardiovascular Science (RICS), 4) to redefine the role of the ICIN-professors and the Scientific Council, 5) to develop new educational activities in cooperation with the Cardiovascular Institute for Continuous Medical Education (CVOI), 6)to develop a strategic relationship with the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU), and 7) to build a political and scientific network in Europe (Brussels). ICIN Professors Two new ICIN-professors were appointed in 2010: prof. dr. Stephan N. Heymans (MUMC+, Maastricht) in July 2010, and Prof. dr. Dominique de Kleijn (UMCU, Utrecht) in October 2010. Prof. Heymans will focus on idiopathic cardiomyopathies, and the scientific interest of Prof. de Kleijn deals with cardiovascular immunology (proteomics etc). The ICIN-professors, Prof. dr. Willem van der Giessen (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam) and Prof. dr. Wouter Jukema (LUMC, Leiden) were officially allowed by the KNAW to renew their first 5-year appointment with a second 5-year term. Fellowships In 2010, one ICIN fellowship was awarded to Drs. Marc Engels (LUMC, Leiden) who spends his fellowship in Boston, USA (Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University). His scientific research deals with reprogramming of ventricular fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes. String of Pearls The ICIN/CONCOR project (coordinator Prof.dr.Barbara Mulder, AMC, Amsterdam) had been selected at the end of 2009 to become the 9th pearl of the Pearl String Initiative (PSI). On February 4th, 2010, this memorable event was celebrated at the ‘Beurs van Amsterdam’ and launched with a so-called ‘Beursgong’ in the presence of Prof. dr. Theo Mulder (Director Research KNAW) and Prof. dr. Eduard C. Klasen as representative of the NFU/PSI. In 2010 negotiations were started to propose a 10th ICIN pearl to PSI in 2011 entitled Acute Ischemic Heart Failure (coordinated by Prof. dr. Eric Boersma, Erasmus MC). We hope that ICIN will be provided with a next pearl in 2011. These initiatives are also part of our strategy to strengthen and expand the position of the Durrer Center. Durrer Center The Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research (supported by ICIN, KNAW and NHS) was further expanded through the activities of ICIN-professor prof. dr. Wouter Jukema (LUMC) as director and Dr. Peter Lansberg (AMC) as coordinator. For scientific and strategic reasons, the management team of the Durrer Center had been extended with Prof. dr. G. Pasterkamp (UMCU) and Dr. P. Van Tintelen (UMCG). Attempts are being made to include as many cardiovascular biobanks as possible. The Durrer Center acts therefore increasingly as a platform to unite cardio-genetic information and to create scientific programs. At the Spring meeting of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology (NVVC) in Papendal, April 9th, 2010, the ICIN/NVVC Einthoven dissertation prizes were awarded to dr. Daniel Pijnappels (LUMC, first prize), dr. Kevin Damman (UMCG, second prize), 4 ICIN and dr. Bob Meyboom (ErasmusMC, third prize). Summaries of their PhD theses can be found in edition 5 (May issue, 2010) of the Netherlands Heart Journal. Daniel Pijnappels en Marcel Daniels Visiting professor In the spring of 2010 we applied at the KNAW to install a visiting professorship for Prof.dr Günter Breithardt (Muenster, Germany). Prof. Breithardt is past-president of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), world-known expert in electrophysiology, and member of our International Scientific Committee. The application was granted by the KNAW in the fall of 2010. The visiting professorship will start in May 2011 and will consist of educational activities such as giving master classes and teaching courses to PhD students and research fellows. In addition, prof. Breithardt will assist our post-docs and project leaders in discussing new research projects and writing grant proposals. We also hope to benefit from the European network of prof. Breithardt to facilitate entries in Brussels (European Commission). For that purpose, we visited Brussels on 4-5 October, together with our International Scientific Committee. We had been invited by Nether-EU, the Netherlands House of Education and ICIN Conference in Brussels 5 Netherlands Heart Institute Research in Brussels. It was discussed how Nether-EU and ICIN could together promote cardiovascular research within the European Union. Preferably this will be done in cooperation with the NFU and its “Healthy Aging” program. In 2011 sequential visits will be made to Brussels to formalize European relationships. Singapore In the beginning of November 2010, we (ICIN-directors, ICINprofessors Dominique de Kleijn and Ton van der Steen, and coordinator Durrer Center Peter Lansberg) visited several research and medical institutions in Singapore to further expand a strategic partnership with Singapore in the field of clinical cardiovascular research and to strengthen the current cooperation in basic research. For several years, our ICINprofessor Prof. Dominique de Kleijn has already established close contacts with various institutions in Singapore (technical, basic-experimental, medical). To have this meeting orderly arranged, we had in advance a preparatory meeting in May 2010 with the Dutch Ambassador (mr. J. Janssen) from Singapore. It was explicitly proposed that a structural collaboration would open many avenues for performing innovative basic and clinical research. In this respect, the Durrer Center could play a major role in the investigation of potential cardiogenetic differences between Singapore and the Netherlands. We hope the KNAW will support us to fortify and extend the existing relationship. Our rewarding visit in Singapore ended with an outside dinner at the house of the Dutch Ambassador in Singapore. Strategic collaboration In December 2010, ICIN started talks with the NFU to establish a formal cooperation with the NFU. Points of discussion are agreements on intellectual property, the way to deal with funding handled by ICIN, and on ownership of publications and promotions (PhD theses). The basis for a formal agreement in writing has already been made and will further be formalized in 2011. Such an agreement will be beneficial to our researchers, the academic hospitals and ICIN itself. Throughout the year, we intensified discussions with ZonMW in order to explore the potential for a more close collaboration. These fruitful discussions will be continued in 2011. Key scientific results The RACE II trial was presented as late breaking clinical trial at the meeting of the American College of Cardiology (March 2010, Atlanta, USA) by ICIN-professor Prof. dr. Isabelle van Gelder (UMCG, Groningen). The main findings of RACE II were published in the New England Journal of Medicine: Van Gelder et al. Lenient versus strict rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2010 Apr 15;362:1363-73. The RACE 3 trial on Routine versus aggressive upstream rhythm control, which started off in November 2009, showed a gradual increase in inclusion of patients over time. Indirectly based on the findings of RACE studies, it was thought appropriate to explore the possibilities to further investigate the field of atrial fibrillation nationwide. Discussions were started with our strategic partners NVVC and WCN to set out a common strategy to intensify the awareness of atrial fibrillation and to evaluate the possibilities for performing joint research projects. The Netherlands Heart Journal continued to publish ICINoriginated articles every two months. Former ICIN-professor Prof. dr. Jacques de Bakker (AMC, Amsterdam) is the Section Editor of the ICIN articles. The HEBE I trial on Intracoronary infusion of mononuclear cells from bone marrow or peripheral blood compared with standard therapy in patients after acute myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention was published in the European Heart Journal (Hirsch A et al Eur Heart J. 2010 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print]). Scientific council Throughout the year, we had our monthly assemblies of the Scientific Council consisting of the Heads of the Department of Cardiology, the ICIN-professors and 10 experts in different cardiovascular areas varying from basic to clinical in terms of depth, and from vascular to epidemiological in terms of broadness. In this way, the Scientific Council of the ICIN represents a wide spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. In November 2010, we said farewell to Prof. dr. Maarten Simoons who attended the Scientific Council for more than 7 years. Also Prof. dr. Joep Smeets, representing the UMCN (St. Radboud Hospital, Nijmegen) left the Scientific Council. We thank both individuals for their valuable contributions to ICIN. Prof. Simoons was succeeded by Prof.dr. Felix Zijlstra, who became head of the Department of Cardiology of the Rotterdam Thorax Centre in November 2010. The position of Prof. Smeets was taken over by Prof. dr. Menko Jan de Boer, who became head of the Department of Cardiology in Nijmegen in October 2010. The HEBE III trial on the Effects of erythropoietin after an acute myocardial infarction was presented in August 2010 at one of the Hot-Line Sessions at the Congress of the ESC, in Stockholm. This multicenter ICIN-study was also published in the European Heart Journal (Voors et al. Eur Heart J. 2010 Nov;31:2593-2600). The KP6 Immunath project (Principle Investigator Prof. dr. Gerard Pasterkamp) was officially closed down in 2010 in London with a colloquium involving all the Immunath partners. This successful project has shown to be very proliferative in terms of international publications. It also shows the capability of ICIN to handle large-scale projects. In September 2011 one of the Immunath researchers, Fatih Arslan, will present his doctoral thesis and at that occasion ICIN-NHI will organize a meeting to discuss follow up to the Immunath project and apply for EU funding again. The CONCOR database was able to include its 13.000th patient in 2010. The ZAHARA II study on pregnancy of women with congenital heart disease (coordinator dr. Els Pieper, UMCG, Groningen) reached in 2010 its final inclusion after 2.5 years, consisting of 213 pregnant women with congenital heart disease and 70 healthy pregnant women. We are anxiously awaiting the results of the ZAHARA II study. The GENCOR database showed a considerable increase to almost 2000 included patients in 2010. The organisation In June 2010, ICIN had its annual outing for its personnel. The ICIN Bureau had organized various ‘divertimento’s in the city of Utrecht such as climbing of the Dom tower, museum tours, and a boat trip through the canals. We were fortunate to have sunny weather. The day was successfully closed with a walking buffet along the Oude Gracht. Apart from these registries and large multicenter trials, many ICIN projects were publication-wise very successful, resulting in over 400 international peer-reviewed articles. In 2010, there were 20 ICIN-based PhD theses, testifying the considerable annual scientific output of ICIN. The full list is included in this report, in annexes 2 and 3. 6 ICIN Tuesday December 28th was a tragic day for ICIN as one of its former directors, Prof. dr. Frits Meijler, deceased at the age of 85 years. Prof. Meijler had been ICIN director between 1983 and 1993. During his 10-year directorate, he established a formal alliance with the KNAW and laid the basis for many research projects. He himself was fascinated by the atrio-ventricular (AV) node, not only in humans, but from mouse to whale. Prof. Meijler finished his last scientific article in November 2010, which was published in the 3rd edition (March issue, 2011) of the Netherlands Heart Journal (Archetype, adaptation and the mammalian heart, Neth Heart J 2011;19:142-148). Until his very last day, Prof. Meijler, being an active member of the KNAW, remained deeply involved with ICIN. We shall commemorate him as a passionate man with unconditional dedication to ICIN. 7 Netherlands Heart Institute To summarize, we can proudly look back at a successful year for ICIN. We employ over 100 researchers, almost 80 projects are running successfully, our scientific output is excellent, and our financial position is healthy. We thank the KNAW for providing financial means and administrative support. The International Scientific Committee is gratefully acknowledged for setting out new strategies, our Scientific Council for guiding and assisting us in taking the appropriate decisions, the Foundation Friends of the Cardiology (Chairman Cees Maas) for strategic support, and the ICIN Bureau (Jan Weijers, Rachida Tallahi, Marjan de Jonge, Corry Schouten-Schonewille, Judith Thijzen, Eelco Soeteman, and Patrick de Bruijn) for their continuous support and important contributions to the success of ICIN/NHI. Durrer Center for cardiogenetic research Principal investigator: J.W. Jukema Mission Statement: United we share; united we care! The Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research is a National multidisciplinary collaboration that aims to provide an infrastructure for comparing and merging results from individual cardiovascular genetic studies. By combining these different cohorts and making them centrally accessible it will create the possibility to deliver more effective health care strategies aimed at cardiovascular disease prevention, and at tailoring medicines and other treatment regimens to individuals, families and communities. www.durrercenter.nl Progress in 2010 The main aim of this National project is to provide the cardiovascular genetic research community with resources and know-how. The Durrer Center has the infrastructure to facilitate storage of collected materials as well as tools for data management and bio statistical analysis. In 2010 the Durrer Center has expanded the cryo storage services for (multi-center) research projects. These services include: • Sample storage (DNA, plasma, serum and on request tissue samples or other types of bio-materials) • -80°C or -196°C Storage facilities • Set up logistic services for collecting and distributing samples (including transport between centers) • Initiated a web based project management system for (multi-centre) trials in collaboration with ID Quest. This ICT solution allows for local data access, progress reports and data entry at participating centers. • In collaboration with the department of Clinical Epidemiology, Bio Statistics and Bio Informatics from the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam (prof. Dr. A.H. Zwinderman) Bio-informatics support can be provided. Website Information on the collected materials is accessible via a public website. The Durrer website provides an overview of collected materials and relevant clinical information. This data is available for on-going research projects as well as completed studies. Durrer Center office and lab In the 2010 the physical infrastructure of the Durrer Center was completed with the support of the board of directors of the AMC in Amsterdam. Office and laboratory space as well as initial cryo storage for -80°C and -196°C samples were created within the AMC facilities. Legal documents Legal and governance documents were drawn with the aid of mr. J. van Dijk – Yellow Research bv. The following documents are accessible through our web portal. • Governance kader Durrer center • Kaderreglement • Reglement gebruikersraad • Geheimhoudingsverklaring gebruikersraad • Master Agreement for Storage and Use of Human Samples and Clinical Data (research (partly) financed by ICIN/NHS) • Aanvraag beschikbaarstellen onderzoek • Patienten informatie + toetstemmingsformulier incl toelichting In 2010 the GENCOR registration was incorporated in the DurrerCenter Website and can now be accessed through our webportal. Renee de Ruiter started in June 2010 as the first Durrer Fellow. At the UMCG she will responsible create an inventory of stored materials and exiting collections at the cardiology department and participate in research focusing on replicating SNPs in GENDER and COACH cohorts Partnerships • CTMM • ID-Quest • Yellow Research BV • Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Flevoland Funding • Nederlandse Hartstichting • ICIN • KNAW • AMC • CTMM Staff Director: Prof. dr. W.J. Jukema Coordinator: Dr. P.J. Lansberg Management team; Prof. dr. G. Pasterkamp and Dr J.P. van Tintelen DNA bank/Research: Dr. M. Mannens Dr. A. Postma (post doc) Ir. M. Kersenberg (lab technician) Ing. C.Lurks (lab technician) Data management Prof. dr. A.H. Zwinderman Drs. E. van Iperen (PhD student) Data & sample collection Dr. W. Hermans van Ast (post doc) Durrer Fellow drs. R. de Ruiter Durrer Center bio bank projects New collections • Recogida Muestera • HELIUS • D!Haan study • EUPACT study • COMPARE Study • PROSPER • AGE IV Existing collections • Circulation Cells – CTMM • FEMCOR 8 ICIN • • • • • • • • • • • • DICAMIN APRAISE EASEGO EPIC NORFOLK subcohort GENDER GIRAFh GOES RADAR REGRESS PRIMA HEBE GENCOR Research projects in where Durrer Center provided logistic or lab facilitating support: • CTMM – Circulating Cells: Logistic support for collecting, storing and distributing samples • GENDER study : Genome Wide Association Study and additional SNP replicating studies have been completed • EASEGO/RADAR: Analysis of potential bio-markers for CHD risk prediction • EPIC NORFOLK: Replication of PCAF analysis in GENDER and PROSPER • DICAM: replicating possible new mutations in a large cohort of well characterized Dutch DCM patients (DC: analysis of candidate genes and responsible for data collection) • LAMIN A/C: Risk Stratification for Life-threatening Ventricular Arrhythmias in an international cohort of Lamin A/C mutation carriers (DC: collecting clinical information from patients). 9 Netherlands Heart Institute Implementing ISO 1589 CCKL Certification: The Durrrer Center has the ambition to acquire CCKL ISO 1589 certification in 2012. The elaborate documentation process was started in April 2010. This is done in close collaboration with the department of DNA-diagnostics in the Academic Medical Center of which the Durrer Center is an autonomous part . The first assessment by means of an internal audit was successfully executed on September 27th, 2010. Erik van Iperen Alex Postma Wanda Hermans-Van Ast Peter Lansberg Carina Lurks Merredith Kerssenberg ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Research line - Atherosclerosis GENDER, GENetic DEterminants of Restenosis Principal investigator: J.W. Jukema Introduction Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) is a widely used technique for treating patients with angina or acute coronary events, but restenosis, the re-narrowing of the treated lesion, is still the main drawback of PCI. Restenosis is a complex biological processes resulting from the response of the immune system to the damage induce (by PCI) within the vascular wall and it is still not well understood why it occurs in some individuals and not in others. Restenosis is a major health problem, because it occurs in 5-25% of all treated persons, depending on which technique was used and the extension of the disease. No pharmacologic strategy or new device has proven effective in preventing this phenomenon. Only coronary stenting and drug-eluting stents (DES) have reduced the incidence of restenosis, but certainly did not abolish it. Identifying patients at increased risk for restenosis may improve stratification of patients to individually tailored treatment. Thus far, however, it has proven difficult to stratify patients with regard to risk for coronary restenosis based only upon clinical or procedural risk factors, since risk factors identified so far in relation to restenosis have not been consistently reported. There is evidence that genetic factors explain part of the excessive risk for restenosis independently of conventional clinical variables. So far we have already identified several genes that might predispose to restenosis by means of pilot candidate gene approaches in our large well phenotypic characterized GENDER population. These include for instance, genes involve in inflammation and cell proliferation processes. However, a more comprehensive study consisting of searching genetic variants (which are associated with restenosis) spread all over the complete genome was still lacking in the GENDER study. Therefore, a genome wide association scan (GWAS) was performed using Illumina Human 610-Quad Beadchips. These beadchips contain 620,901 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Copy Number Variants (CNV). A larger independent and also well phenotypic characterized cohort from Munich (Germany) was used to replicate our findings. In principle, a disease with a genetic aetiology could be caused by a variety of different possible DNA alterations. Some of these alterations will be SNPs, however, some others could be structural variants like CNVs. CNVs are insertions, deletions, and duplications of genomic regions ranging from a kilobase to multiple megabasepairs in length and recently have been reported to be associated with susceptibility to common multifactorial diseases such as psoriasis, schizophrenia, lupus as well as congenital cardiovascular disorders. Despite the wide use of SNP markers in identifying susceptibility loci to certain diseases, estimates suggests that in the majority of the common diseases only a small proportion of genetic risk has been identified. To address this issue, a complementary approach investigating not only SNPs but also CNVs is now underway in the GENDER study. The GENDER project The GENetic DEterminants of Restenosis project was designed to study the association between various gene polymorphisms and clinical restenosis. It is a multicenter prospective followup study with both clinical and angiographic restenosis as an endpoint. In total 3,104 consecutive patients were treated successfully by PCI for an acute coronary even in four referral centers for interventional cardiology in the Netherlands: Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, University Medical center Groningen, Leiden University Medical Center and Academic Hospital Maastricht. Only, patients treated for acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (MI) were excluded. After having obtained written informed consent, blood was sampled for DNA isolation and future analysis. Clinical and procedural data were gathered prospectively. Clinical restenosis was established during a 9-month follow-up for death, myocardial infarction and target vessel revascularization. A repeat angiographic study was performed in a subpopulation after 6 months. An independent endpoint committee evaluated all potential endpoints. Participating centres Participating centres in the GENDER project are the Leiden University Medical Centre in Leiden, the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, the University Hospital Maastricht and the University Medical Centre in Groningen. The Gaubius Laboratory of TNO-PG in Leiden collected the blood samples from the participating centres and isolated DNA. DNA-analysis for the candidate gene approach was performed in the University Hospital of Maastricht, in the Sylvius Laboratory Leiden and in The Erasmus University of Rotterdam. The GWAS was performed at the Leiden Genome Technology Centre (LGTC) in collaboration with Molecular Epidemiology and Human Genetic departments at the Leiden University Medical Centre. Present status In 1998 the GENDER project was designed. Approval of the Medical Ethics Committees of the participating centres was obtained. Inclusion of patients started in March 1999. In June 2001 the last patient was included in the project. DNA has been extracted for all patients and several candidate gene approaches has been performed so far. In 2008 the GWAS was started. Initially, 321 cases and 620 controls were selected to carry out the experiment. Cases and controls were matched by age, gender and other clinical factors such as diabetes and current smoking that have been previously associated to restenosis. We conducted the genome-wide association analysis using the Illumina Human 610-Quad Beadchips. These beadchips contain 620,901 Single Nucleotide Polimorphism (SNP) and Copy Number Variants (CNV) probes. The median spacing between markers is 2.7 kb, therefore offering a dense coverage of the human genome both 12 ICIN of SNPs and CNVs and ensuring a good power for detecting these genetic variants associated to the phenotype. Present results We performed the genotyping using the Illumina Beadstation and the Infinium II assay following manufacturer’s instructions. After genotyping, samples and genetic markers were subjected to a stringent quality control protocol. In total, 571 controls, 295 cases and 556099 SNP’s markers passed all criteria. After the quality control, application of SNP association test using different model of inheritance point out to interesting genes that might be related to the development of restenosis after PCI. Subsequently and to reduce the chance of false positive results, we replicate our top findings on an independent and larger restenosis population (>3000 patients) from Munich. Using the Sequenom iPLEX system we successfully genotyped 90 SNPs. These results are reported in a scientific article which has been already submitted and it is now under peer review. Moreover, we have developed a MLPA (Multiplex Ligation Dependent Probe Amplification) assay in order to replicate in the German cohort the CNV regions that appear to be more frequent in cases than in controls in the GENDER study. The results of this experiments are now been analyzed. In addition, several labs have been interested in the GWAS 13 Netherlands Heart Institute performed in the GENDER project and during the year 2010 we have started several collaborations and the results of some of these collaborations have been already published (see list of publications). Principal investigators Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema (project leader), Cardiology, LUMC/ICIN Prof. Dr. P.E.Slagboom, Molecular Epidemiology, LUMC Prof. Dr. P.de Knijff, Human Genetics, LUMC Prof. Dr. A.H. Zwinderman, Clinical epidemiology, AMC Scientific committee Dr. R.J. de Winter, Cardiology, AMC Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans, Cardiology, UMCU Dr. R.A. Tio, Cardiology, AZG Prof. Dr. A. van der Laarse, Biochemistry, LUMC Prof. Dr. R.R. Frants, Anthropogenetica, LUMC Mw. Dr. M.P.M. de Maat, Biochemistry, EUR Prof. Dr. J. Waltenberger, Cardiology, AZM Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall, Cardiology, LUMC Dr. B.T. Heijmans, Molecular Epidiomology, LUMC Study coordinator Dr. M.L.Sampietro, Human Genetics, LUMC/ICIN Drs. J.J.W. Verschuren, Cardiology, LUMC The HEBE I Trial Principal investigators: J.J. Piek and F. Zijlstra Project Bone marrow cell therapy after acute myocardial infarction: the HEBE I trial Introduction During the last decennia, the introduction of advanced revascularization strategies and medical therapies has led to a marked decreased mortality and morbidity following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Despite optimal therapy, approximately 30 percent of the patients suffer from postinfarct heart failure, due to poor infarct healing. Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) have been suggested to enhance tissue repair following AMI. Although BMMC therapy improves left ventricular (LV) recovery in experimental models of AMI, results from the large-scale randomized trials investigating BMMC therapy in patients have shown contradictory results. To address this issue, the Hebe trial was initiated and published in 2010. The Hebe I Trial The Hebe trial is a large, multicentre, randomized trial, designed to evaluate the effect of intracoronary infusion of autologous BMMCs and intracoronary infusion of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Between 2005 and 2008, a total of 200 patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) successfully treated by primary PCI, were included in the trial. All patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, followed by randomization to treatment with BMMCs (n=69), PBMCs (n=66), or no cell therapy (n=65). After 4 months, CMR was repeated. The primary end point of the Hebe trial was the change in regional myocardial function in dysfunctional segments at 4 months relative to baseline, based on segmental analysis as measured by CMR (figure 1). Secondary endpoints included changes in absolute segmental wall thickening in dysfunctional segments, changes in global LV ejection fraction, volumes, mass, and infarct size, and changes in regional myocardial function stratified by transmural extent of infarction (figure 2). A A B from end-systolic wall thickness. Figure 2 Calculation of infarct mass. The short-axis late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) image (a) shows gadolinium enhancement in the anterior/anteroseptal region, with a central gap indicating an absence of gadolinium perfusion, consistent with microvascular obstruction (MVO). (b) Infarct size (red area) was determined on the LGE images by detecting the amount of myocardium with a signal intensity 6 SD above the intensity of remote myocardium (blue area). Results of the Hebe I Trial In summary, baseline CMR parameters were comparable in the three groups. There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups and the control group with regard to the primary endpoint, the percentage of dysfunctional segments at baseline with improved segmental wall thickening at 4 months, and the secondary endpoints of change in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction LV volumes, LV mass, and infarct size (fig 3). There were also no significant differences in the changes in absolute segmental wall thickening in dysfunctional segments, and changes in LV volumes, mass, and infarct size between the two treatment groups and the control group. Since the Hebe trial was conducted in 8 different centres multiple stem cell laboratories were involved in stem cell isolation and analysis to minimize storage times for bone marrow, peripheral blood and isolated stem cells. The different stem cell laboratories used for cell isolation did not show any relation with the primary endpoint or the change in the LV ejection fraction in the BMMC and PBMC group. B Figure 1 Calculation of segmental wall thickness, volumes and function in the end-diastolic (a) and end-systolic (b) phase. For analysis of regional myocardial function, each short-axis slice was divided in 12 equi-angular segments to calculate wall thickening (mm) of each segment by subtracting end-diastolic Figure 3 Estimation of the effect of intracoronary injection of BMMCs or PBMCs on LV ejection fraction (a and b). (a) Lines indicate change observed in individual patients and squares represent the mean with standard deviation. (b) Mean change between baseline and follow-up at 4 months presented with the standard error. 14 ICIN Microvascular obstruction (MVO) after AMI is known to be associated with a worse prognosis for functional recovery and an increased incidence of MACE. MVO was present in 59% of the patients, with an even distribution amongst the treatment groups. No interaction was found between the presence of microvascular obstruction and treatment. As expected, segments with increasing transmural extent of infarction showed a larger decrease in end-diastolic and endsystolic wall thickness. Furthermore, the likelihood of complete recovery of dysfunctional segments was the lowest in segments with >75% hyperenhancement. However, these results did not differ between the three treatment groups. Therefore, there was no indication of enhanced recovery in any of the infarct zones due to the cell infusion. During follow-up, 1 patient had died, 5 patients had a recurrent AMI and 10 patients had a target lesion revascularization. We assessed these data for the different treatment arms. One patient assigned to the peripheral blood group died of ventricular fibrillation at 18 days after randomization (13 days after cell delivery). Autopsy revealed thrombus in the infarct-related artery. The patient was discharged with aspirin and clopidogrel, and platelet inhibition was not discontinued. Recurrent AMI occurred in 4 patients of the PBMC group and in 1 patient of the control group. In the PBMC group, the recurrent AMI was related to the cell delivery procedure in 3 patients and occurred spontaneously in one patient. Target lesion revascularization was performed in 4 patients of the BMMC group, 6 patients of the PBMC group and 4 patients of the control group. Ventricular fibrillation occurred in another patient in the peripheral blood group 1 day after randomization (within a few hours after cell infusion) and in one patient in the control group 3 days after randomization. Both patients survived without sequelae after resuscitation and received an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator. The number of adverse events in the peripheral blood group seems higher although this was non-significant. Figure 4 Change of wall thickening in dysfunctional segments according to the transmural extent of infarction and treatment between baseline and follow-up. 15 Netherlands Heart Institute The Hebe trial in perspective The Hebe trial is the largest study so far that used a highly accurate and quantitative imaging technique for assessment of regional systolic function in a multi-center setting. In comparison to other clinical studies investigating cell therapy in AMI patients, paired CMR images were obtained in most of the patients (95%). Only patients with a relatively large infarct size were included in the Hebe trial. This resulted in a population with a markedly depressed LV ejection fraction (mean 42.6%), despite a relatively short time between symptom onset and primary PCI with contemporary post infarct treatment. With regard to the primary endpoint, no interaction was found between several subgroups in post hoc analyses. Between the different stem cell trials, cell isolation protocols and numbers of injected cells have differed substantially. As earlier trials already showed, the isolation protocol and incubation period are important and can have a major impact on the number of isolated cells and the functional activity of these cells. However, it has been previously demonstrated that the cell-processing protocol applied in the Hebe trial results in a cell fraction of which the quantity and quality are at least similar to the positive REPAIR-AMI trial. Moreover, in the Hebe trial cell infusion was performed at the day of cell harvesting, thus avoiding overnight storage; a procedure that may have a negative impact on functional activity of isolated cells. Considering these data, the lack of beneficial effect in the trial cannot be explained by the cell isolation protocol. There are other possible factors that could account for the lack of benefit of cell therapy in the Hebe trial. First, patients with relatively short total ischemic time were included (median time of 3.3 h). Second, studies have shown that only a small amount of the injected cells home to the myocardium after intracoronary cell injection, suggesting that future studies should focus on optimizing cell delivery. Third, although no effect was found on a functional parameter (i.e. improvement in segmental and overall myocardial function), stem cells may have more subtle effect on the myocardial microcirculation. Restoration of the myocardial perfusion and myocardial flow is needed before functional improvement can develop. Therefore, assessment of the myocardial flow and perfusion will be performed to provide more insight on the influence of stem cells on the microvasculature in AMI. Finally, follow-up CMR was performed at a relatively short period of 4 months after cell therapy, thus possibly missing long-term effects on LV function and LV remodeling. The two-year follow up of the Hebe trial may show different results of intracoronary stem cell therapy. In conclusion, no effect of intracoronary delivery of mononuclear cells from BM or peripheral blood on regional and global systolic myocardial function was found at 4-month follow-up in patients with a first AMI treated with primary PCI. - Hirsch A, Nijveldt R, van der Vleuten PA, Tijssen JG, van der Giessen WJ, Tio RA, Waltenberger J, Ten Berg JM, Doevendans PA, Aengevaeren WR, Zwaginga JJ, Biemond BJ, van Rossum AC, Piek JJ, Zijlstra F. Intracoronary infusion of mononuclear cells from bone marrow or peripheral blood compared with standard therapy in patients after acute myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the randomized controlled HEBE trial. Eur Heart J 2010 [epub ahead of print]. PhD thesis In 2010 Alexander Hirsch (Hebe trial coordinator), completed his PhD research with honours at the Department of Cardiology of the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. On the 29th of January 2010, he successfully defended his thesis: ‘Clinical and functional outcomes after revascularization strategies in acute coronary syndromes’. Professors in Cardiology Jan J. Piek MD PhD, and Robert J. de Winter MD PhD were his promotors, with professor Jan G.P. Tijssen MD PhD as his copromotor. Future plans 2 year and 5 year follow up of cardiac function and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) When assessing the major endpoints of the Hebe trial, which consist of the percentage of dysfunctional segments with improved segmental wall thickening at 4 months, change in LV ejection fraction, end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes, LV mass and infarct size, the Hebe trial showed that intracoronary infusion of BMMCs or PBMCs did not have any demonstrable effect on the aforementioned parameters at 4 months follow up. It’s hypothesized that the anti-inflammatory and angiogenic properties of BMMCs and PBMCs promote the preservation of the LV function on a longer term than 4 months. To assess the long-term effect of BMMC and PBMC therapy on the myocardial function, patients underwent CMR examination at 2 years follow-up. Currently, CMR data are analyzed by an external core laboratory for changes in segmental wall thickening, LV ejection fraction, infarct size, volumes and LV mass. To assess the prevalence of MACE in long term follow up, patients are invited for history taking and physical examination 5 years after enrolment for assessment of functional status and the prevalence of events. The 5 year follow-up was initiated in 2010 and is estimated to finish in 2013. Microvascular resistance and intracoronary flow measurement Although the results of the Hebe trial showed that intracoronary infusion of BMMCs has no beneficial effect on the recovery of the global and regional systolic function, BMMC therapy may have influenced neovascularization in the infarcted area, resulting in improved recovery of the microcirculation. To assess this hypothesis, intracoronary Doppler flow measurements were performed at 3 to 8 days after primary PCI, and at 4 months follow-up. Coronary flow velocity reserve and hyperaemic microvascular resistance index (mmHg • s/cm) were calculated to assess recovery of the microcirculation. The results of this substudy are awaiting acceptance for publication. Myocardial perfusion as measured by CMR first-pass perfusion imaging Although intracoronary infusion of BMMCs or PBMCs did not improve LV function as assessed by segmental wall thickening and overall LVEF, the angiogenic properties of the mononuclear cells might augment the restoration of the myocardial perfusion in either the infarct core zone or the surrounding border zone. To assess this hypothesis, first-pass perfusion imaging with CMR was performed 2 to 7 days after primary PCI, before intracoronary infusion, with a repeat scan at 4 months followup. Different perfusion parameters were measured in the core and rim of the infarct zone, and were compared with perfusion in the normal myocardium, and between the three treatment arms. The results of this sub study are expected to be ready for publication in 2011. Monocytes and myocardial injury and functional outcome following AMI Following AMI, leukocytes play a central role in protecting viable myocardium from ischemic damage and promoting repair of the infarcted tissue. However, an enhanced pro-inflammatory immune response, characterized by increased neutrophil and monocyte counts and reduced lymphocyte counts during the acute phase of ischemia, has been associated with poor clinical outcome. Recent clinical studies have suggested that monocytes aggravate myocardial injury after AMI. Therefore, we explored the relation between the monocytic response and myocardial injury and functional outcome in patients randomized to the PBMC group in the Hebe trial. Using flow cytometry, the levels of classical and nonclassical monocytes were analyzed from peripheral blood between day 3 and 8 after primary PCI. Additionally, expression of several monocytic surface molecules, that are known to play important roles in monocyte activation and inflammation, was measured, as well as the formation of monocyte-platelet complexes. Patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging at baseline and 4 months follow-up. The results of this sub study are awaiting acceptance for publication. Study coordination • A. Hirsch, MD, PhD / A.M. van der Laan, MD/ R. Delewi, MD • R. Nijveldt, MD, PhD / L.F.H.J. Robbers, MD • P.A. van der Vleuten, MD, PhD Executive committee • J.J. Piek, MD, PhD - Principal Investigator • F. Zijlstra, MD, PhD - Principal Investigator • B.J. Biemond, MD, PhD • A.C. van Rossum, MD, PhD • J.G.P. Tijssen, PhD • P.A. Doevendans, MD, PhD 16 ICIN Participating centres and stem cell core laboratory • Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam - J.J. Piek, MD, PhD • VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam - K. Marques, MD • University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen - R.A. Tio, MD, PhD • University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht - P.A. Doevendans, MD, PhD • University Medical Centre St. Radboud, Nijmegen - W.R. Aengevaeren MD, PhD • Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam - W.J. van der Giessen, MD, PhD • University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht - J. Waltenberger, MD, PhD • St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein - J.M. ten Berg, MD, PhD • Sanquin Research at CLB, Amsterdam - J.J. Zwaginga, MD, PhD 17 Netherlands Heart Institute Industrial partners • Biotronik • Boston Scientific • Guerbet • Abbott • Medtronic • Novartis • Pfizer • Sanofi-Aventis Acknowledgements This study was initiated by Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of The Netherlands with support of the Netherlands Heart Foundation (grant 2005T101) and generous endorsement of several industrial partners. We would like to thank all Hebe investigators. HEBE III: Effects of EPO after an acute myocardial infarction Principal investigator: A.A. Voors Aim and method of the project The HEBE III is a multicenter, prospective, randomised openlabel trial with blinded evaluation of the primary endpoint. The primary objective is to study the effect on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of a single bolus of Epoetin Alfa (EPO), administered directly after a primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for a first AMI. A total of 529 patients with a successful coronary angioplasty for a first ST-elevation myocardial infarction were included. Secondary endpoints of this study were defined a priori and included the assessment of myocardial infarct size, the incidence of cardiovascular events within six weeks after PCI and safety endpoints. Progress in 2010 In June 2009, the 529th patient was included and the final visit of the final patient was performed in July 2009. To keep up with the fast rate of inclusion in the final year, many monitoring visits to all participating centres took place. The final monitoring visit took place in September and the official date of the end of the trial was set at October 1st 2009. During these final monitoring visits the monitor made sure that all the data entered in the electronic database was checked and the monitor gathered all the electrocardiograms collected by the sites for trial purposes. Finally, all serous adverse events were categorised based on the MedDRA system and for the medication a code was provided according to the international ATC classification. In late 2009 and early 2010 the data was analysed. The HEBE III trial was presented in August 2010 at one of the Hot-Line Sessions at the Congress of the ESC, in Stockholm. This multicenter ICIN-study was also published in the European Heart Journal (Voors et al. Eur Heart J. 2010 Nov;31:25932600). Partnerships University Medical Center Groningen University Medical Center Leiden Isala Clinics Zwolle Medical Center Alkmaar Amphia Hospital Breda Academic Medical Center Amsterdam St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein Funding This study is supported by grants from the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN), the Netherlands Heart Foundation and a research grant was received from Ortho Biotech, a division of Janssen-Cilag B.V., The Netherlands. Principal Investigators Dr. A.A. Voors; UMCG, Groningen Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra; UMCG, Groningen Prof. Dr. DJ van Veldhuisen; UMCG, Groningen Dr. J.W. Jukema; LUMC, Leiden Dr. A.W.J. van ’t Hof; Isala Clinics, Zwolle Dr. J.O.J. Peels; Medical Center Alkmaar Dr. J. Vos; Amphia Hospital, Breda Dr. J.P.S. Henriques; AMC, Amsterdam Dr. J.M. ten Berg; St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein Sub-Investigators A.M.S. Belonje; UMCG, Groningen Project management and Monitoring Trial Coordinating Center, Groningen 18 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Circulating Cells Principal investigator: G. Pasterkamp The aim of the CIRCULATING CELLS consortium is the discovery and validation of new biomarkers derived from circulating blood cells that allow prediction and facilitate subsequent prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease. The program has been divided into 3 central work packages (Organization and MTA, Clinical platform and proteomics/bioinformatics) and 8 work packages forming a technical platform. In the technical platform academic and private partners work in close collaboration to improve or develop technologies in the field of cell-based biomarker detection. There are many interactions between the separate WPs. The ICIN collaborates in WP1 in the discovery phase of new targets as well as in the operational part of the program. The Durrer centre executes the storage and handling of the blood and cell samples that were obtained in the four academic centres. In the first two years the major challenge was to standardize and implement cell isolation protocols and cell-based analyses. In addition, patient inclusion should have been finalized in this time frame. Secondly the WPs in the technical platform should reveal the first results showing the feasibility to use cell derived biomarkers in the development of diagnostic or prognostic technologies. The consortium reached these major milestones in the first phase of the program. The most relevant achievements are summarized here. - The objective to include 500 patients has been reached. Moreover, to be able to analyze complete datasets of sufficient number of patients we continued inclusion and already obtained samples of over 600 patients. Follow up is progressing and the number of endpoints matches with the expectations. - FACS equipment has been installed and 17 different cellbased FACS panels were obtained from 500 patients. Quality checks of protein, RNA and miRNA have been executed for the 4 different centers. - The first proteomics runs have been executed in a crosssectional analysis showing that quality of the samples is good and resulting in the first proteins of interest that differ between patients suffering from CAD and patients without significant lesions. - Chips are being ordered to execute mRNA and miRNA analyses of cell populations of 500 patients. Results are expected in the next few months. 19 BIOMarCS Study Principal investigator: H. Boersma Project BIOMarker study to identify the Acute risk of a Coronary Syndrome (BIOMArCS) Aim Clinicians currently lack the possibility to identify increased vulnerability for the occurrence of an (repeat) acute coronary syndrome within a precise, short timeframe at the individual patient level. Single measurements of novel biomarkers during admission for acute coronary syndromes (ACS), have proven that these markers are effective long-term individual risk predictors. Coronary artery disease is a dynamic process, however, in which increased coronary inflammation could lead to ACS within a short timeframe. Serial biomarker measurements may provide the possibility to assess such rapid deterioration. Hypotheses Against this background, the following hypotheses were postulated: 1. Vascular inflammation becomes activated several days to weeks before an acute coronary syndrome; 2. Plasma levels of biomarkers that specifically reflect distorted lipid metabolism, vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, decreased endothelial regenerative capacity and increased thrombogenicity, are up- or down-regulated several days to weeks before an ACS; 3. Hence, serial biomarker measurements might be used to identify divergent biomarker patterns indicating “vulnerable periods” in the life-time of patients with CAD, during which these patients are at an increased short-term risk of developing an ACS (Figure), but still prior to the actual onset of anginal complaints. Methods Within the context of the overall research program, the following specific projects are being conducted Project I - BIOMArCS pilot study The BIOMArCS pilot study aims at describing the evolution of biomarker patterns in 100 patients during the first 8 weeks after admission for ACS. Insight in these normalisation patterns is relevant to better understand divergent biomarker patterns prior to a repeat ACS event during follow-up. Project II - BIOMArCS main study The aim of the nationwide, multi-centre, prospective, observational BIOMArCS study is to identify the vulnerable period that preludes an ACS during 1-year follow-up in a cohort of 700 patients previously admitted with an acute coronary syndrome. Patients who are admitted for an ACS are followed-up during 1 year after admission. Blood samples are collected during admission, at the day of hospital discharge and subsequently every two weeks during the first six months after discharge, followed by monthly blood sample collection during the latter six months of the total of 1 year follow-up. Thus, a total of (maximal) 21 samples per patient will be obtained. It is expected that the primary endpoint of cardiovascular mortality or repeat non-fatal ACS will occur in 10% of patients (70 cases). Biomarker patterns in the period preceding the endpoint event will then be compared with biomarker patterns in 210 event-free matching controls (3 for each case). Project III - BIOMArCS-II glucose study Elevated admission plasma glucose (APG) is common and predicts worse clinical outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Still, gluco metabolic care is still underdeveloped. The single-center (MC Alkmaar) BIOMArCSII glucose study is developed to a) study the effectiveness of intensive glucose management on clinical and biomarker outcomes, and b) to study the relation between biomarker washout-patterns during the first 8 weeks. A total of 300 patients with 7.8 ≤ APG < 16 mmol*l-1 will be enrolled, who will then be randomised to intensive glucose regulation with intravenous insulin or expectative glucose management. Status per January 1, 2011 The reporting year 2010 marked the third full year of the implementation of the BIOMArCS programme. Both the ICIN and the Dutch Network for Cardiovascular Research (WCN) confirmed their endorsement and organisational support to the study. By the end of 2010 a total of 18 hospitals, among which 6 ICIN centers, are actively enrolling patients in (one of the) specified studies. Project I - BIOMArCS pilot study A total of 56 patients are included in the enrolling hospitals MC Alkmaar, Erasmus MC and MC Heerlen. Project II - BIOMArCS main study Nineteen (19) hospitals, among which 6 ICIN centers, are participating in the BIOMArCS main study. The UMCs of Leiden and Nijmegen do not participate yet, but, recently, the UMC Nijmegen has agreed to participate. On January 1, 2011, a total of 402 patients have been included. The Erasmus MC is responsible for 139 (35%) patients. The average ‘enrollment speed’ in 2010 was 18.6 patients per month (slightly less than 1 patient/month/hospital). Since the incidence of the primary endpoint is behind expectations, it has been decided to enlarge the sample size to a total of 1000 patients. The completion of patient enrollment is expected by the end of 2012. The principle investigator (EB) and the trial coordinators (RO, MA, CJ) are in close contact with all participating hospitals, and regular sitevisits are undertaken. See appendix II for more detailed data. Project III - BIOMArCS-II glucose study A total of 204 patients are included in the enrolling hospital MC Alkmaar. The completion of patient enrollment is expected in March 2012. Principal investigator 20 ICIN E. Boersma (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) Trial coordination R.M. Oemrawsingh, K.M. Akkerhuis, C.G. Jansen (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) Executive committee members K.M. Akkerhuis (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam), F. Asselbergs (UMCU, Utrecht), W.H. van Gilst (ICIN, Utrecht), T. Lenderink, (Atrium MC, Heerlen), A.J. Oude Ophuis (WCN representative), F. Zijlstra (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam), V.A. Umans (MCA, Alkmaar), A. Moens (AZM, Maastricht), R.J. de Winter (AMC, Amsterdam) Investigators K.M. Akkerhuis (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam), Y. Appelman (VUMC, Amsterdam), F. Asselbergs (UMCU, Utrecht), R. Dijkgraaf (St Jansdal, Harderwijk), N.J. Holwerda (St. Elisabeth Zkh, Tilburg), 21 Netherlands Heart Institute B. Ilmer (Havenziekenhuis, Rotterdam), T. Lenderink (Atrium MC, Heerlen), A.H. Liem (Oosterschelde Zkh, Goes), A. Maas (Gelre Zkh, Zutphen), A.J. Oude Ophuis (Canisius-Wilhelmina Zkh, Nijmegen), A. Wardeh (MCH Westeinde, The Hague), E. Ronner (Reinier de Graaf, Delft), C.E Schotborgh (Haga Zkh, Den Haag), P.C. Smits (Maasstad Zkh, Rotterdam), S.H.K. The (Bethesda Zkh, Hoogeveen), V.A. Umans (MCA, Alkmaar), A. Moens (AZM, Maastricht), R.J. de Winter (AMC, Amsterdam), J.C.C. van der Horst (UMCG, Groningen) Sponsors • Netherlands Heart Foundation (2007B012) • Interuniversity Cardiology Institute Netherlands (project number 07101) • ErasmusMC • Working group on Cardiovascular research Netherlands (WCN) • Foreest Institute, MC Alkmaar ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction Principal investigator: S.A.J. Chamuleau Aim and method of the project Cell based cardiac repair has shown to modestly improve cardiac function and improve quality of life patients with ischemic heart disease. However, new insights in the working mechanisms of cell therapy revealed massive cell loss (≥90%) following cell transplantation. The aim of this project is to elaborate on new methods to optimize cell therapy. In order to enhance cell survival and retention, we are working on a paracrine approach to create stem cells that are more resilient to the harsh environment of ischemic myocardium. Progress in 2010 In 2010, we worked on necrostatin-1 and its inhibition of cell death caused by reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction. We are working an in vivo study to determine the effect of necrostatin-1 on infarct size and improvement of cardiac function in small rodents. Secondly, we worked on increasing the slow release of different growth factors by making use of a new supramolecular polymer (UPy), in collaboration with the Technical University of Eindhoven. We completed in vitro studies on a cocktail of different growth factors and started a study in large animals. At present the study is expected to be finished in June 2011. Finally, the optimal cell delivery technique is investigated in a randomized fashion in a porcine model of ischemic heart disease by using specific cell labeling, MRI and nuclear imaging. Figure 1. CMPCs were pre-incubated with 30 µM Nec-1, inhibitor of RIP1, followed by 50 µM H2O2 stimulation. Live, apoptotic and necrotic cells were detected by AnnV/7-AAD staining using flow cytometric analysis. Staff Necrostatin-1 Reperfusion of ischemic myocardium paradoxically aggravates the injury process via formation of radical oxygen species, release of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and attraction of inflammatory cells to the damaged tissue. Necrostatin-1 (Nec1) is recently reported to effectively inhibit necrosis and reduce infarct size following myocardial infarction. We have completed a series of in vitro experiments to investigate the effect of Nec-1 on human cardiac myoprogenitor cells (CMPCs) (figure 1). Partnerships Studies with the use of ureido-pyrimidinone (UPy) polymers are conducted in collaboration with Technical University of Eindhoven (P.Y.W. Dankers) Funding This project was supported by the Netherlands Heart Foundation and ICIN 23 From left to right: S.A.J. Chamuleau (ICIN, UMCU), P.A. Doevendans (ICIN, UMCU), S. Koudstaal (ICIN), M. Oerlemans (UMCU), D. Feyen (UMCU), R. Gaetani (UMCU) and T. van der Spoel (UMCU). (J. Sluijter, K. Vrijsen, and Sridevi Jaksani not on picture) ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Research line - Arrhythmias Mechanisms and Treatment of Tachyarrhythmias Principal investigator: J.M.T. de Bakker Non-invasive Electrocardiographic Imaging to Assess Cardiac Electrophysiological Integrity Background Sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to tachyarrhythmias accounts for 50% of the total number of cardiac deaths. Moreover, SCD often occurs without knowledge of cardiac disease. The global electrical condition of the heart can be viewed by the 12 lead surface electrocardiogram (ECG). This ECG provides, however, insufficient information on the actual sequence of activation and repolarization to assess the electrical stability of the heart. Selection of patients prone to arrhythmias is difficult. Up to now, invasive techniques are required to assess the electrical stability of the heart. Invasive techniques are, however, time consuming, costly and may lead to complications. The development of a technique that enables estimation of the electrical status of the heart in a non-invasive way may decrease the number of SCDs and has the potential to reduce the burden on patients. Moreover, in patients prone to arrhythmias, noninvasive assessment of the pro-arrhythmic effect of cardiac and non-cardiac medication would be of great value. Key objective of the study The key objective of this study is to establish new technology that allows the measurement of the electrical activity and status of the heart muscle non-invasively using a limited set of surface electrodes and sophisticated software. Project outline For patient-tailored estimation of the electrical activity and status of the heart muscle from surface ECGs, the following steps will be combined: 1.Determination of the heart-torso geometry, which will be done by MRI. 2. Recording of 64 surface electrocardiograms. 3. Development of software to derive electrical activity at the outside (epicardium) and inside (endocardium) of the heart from the body surface ECGs. For this “inverse solution” we will further and extend the software originally developed by van Oosterom, Huiskamp and Oostendorp in Nijmegen, which is based on the equivalent double layer (EDL) source model. Importantly, this method allows estimation of maps of both the endocardial and the epicardial activity. Other inverse techniques are only able to assess (pseudo) epicardial activity. Applicability and expected results The combination of the proposed experiments will provide a non-invasive means (inverse technique) to obtain detailed information on: 1.The origin of tachyarrhythmias to guide treatment by catheter ablation. The technique is able to distinguish between epicardial and endocardial locations, information that is crucial for this treatment modality; 2.Local areas with impaired conduction and/or abnormal repolarization. Both parameters are related to arrhythmia vulnerability; 3. Optimal electrode positions for resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure. CRT optimizes the activation sequence of the cardiac impulse by electrical stimulation at multiple sites; 4.The effect of cardiac and non-cardiac medication on conduction and electrical stability of the heart; 5. Activation patterns that are related to fractionated surface ECGs. These ECGs are associated with arrhythmias, but their origin is unknown; 6. Conduction velocity and action potential duration restitution; these parameters are a measure of the electrical stability of the heart. Status Two postdocs and two AIO’s have been appointed; The project will start in January 2011 Investigators AC Linnenbank (ICIN), C Boden (ICIN), TF Oostendorp (UMC St Radboud), PM van Dam (UMC St Radboud), A van oosterom (UMC St Radboud), PFHM van Dessel, (UvA), R Coronel (UvA), M Potse (CARIM), JMT de Bakker, (ICIN). Funding This study is granted by STW (10959). Increased collagen deposition in aged mice haploinsufficient for connexin 43 Background Arrhythmogenic ventricular remodeling is associated by both reduced gap junction expression and increased collagen deposition. We hypothesized that reduced Cx43 expression is responsible for enhanced fibrosis in the remodeled heart, resulting in an arrhythmogenic substrate. Therefore, we investigated the effect of normal or reduced Cx43 expression on the formation of fibrosis in a physiological (aging) and pathophysiological (Transverse Aortic Constriction, TAC) mouse model. Methods and Results Cx43fl/fl (2 alleles for Cx43, Cx43WT) and Cx43CreER(T)/ fl (one allele for Cx43, Cx43HET) mice were aged to 1821 months, or at the age of 3 months either TAC- or Shamoperated and sacrificed after 16 weeks. Epicardial activation mapping of right (RV) and left (LV) ventricle was performed on Langendorff perfused hearts. Sustained ventricular arrhythmias were induced in 0/11 aged Cx43WT and 10/15 Cx43HET mice (p<0.01). Cx43 expression was reduced by half in aged Cx43HET compared to aged Cx43WT mice, whereas collagen deposition was significantly increased from 1.1±0.2 to 7.4±1.3%. Aged Cx43HET mice with arrhythmias had significantly higher levels of fibrosis and conduction heterogeneity than aged Cx43HET mice without arrhythmias. TAC-operation significantly increased fibrosis in control compared to Sham (0.4±0.06 vs 26 ICIN 4.0±1.2%, respectively), but this increase was significantly higher in Cx43HET mice (10.8±1.4%). Fibroblast proliferation and activity: Both aged and TACoperated Cx43HET hearts showed more pronounced fibrosis compared to aged and TAC-operated Cx43WT hearts. Enhanced fibrosis is due to enhanced collagen deposition, which may be caused by either enhanced fibroblast proliferation, enhanced fibroblast activity, or both. Therefore, we analyzed fibroblast proliferation and activity of TAC- and Sham-operated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts. Discoidin domain receptor 2 (DDR2) expression, specifically present at the cell membrane of fibroblasts in cardiac tissue, was evaluated by Western blotting. Figure 1A shows that DDR2 expression was equal between Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts, and that TAC-operation did not change DDR2 expression, indicating that the number of fibroblasts remained unchanged. Subsequently, activity of fibroblasts was determined by expression of the procollagen peptide P1NP. Figure 1B shows low P1NP expression in Shamoperated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts, respectively. TACoperation did not statistically alter P1NP expression in Cx43WT hearts, although the expression tended to be somewhat more intense. However, P1NP expression was significantly increased in Cx43HET hearts after TAC-surgery when compared to Shamoperated hearts. Comparable results were obtained for P3NP, another procollagen peptide. Finally, we performed a qPCR on COL1A2, the gene encoding for the alpha-2 chain of collagen type 1. Figure 1C shows that COL1A2 mRNA levels were comparable between Sham-operated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts. However, TAC-operation significantly increased COL1A2 mRNA levels in Cx43HET hearts. Figure 1: Fibroblast proliferation and activity. Panel A: Western blot data with comparable DDR2 (marker for fibroblast proliferation) expression in Sham- and TAC-operated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts. Panel B: Immunofluorescent pictures showing low P1NP (marker fro fibroblast activity) expression in Sham-operated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts (upper pictures), which was slightly increased after TAC-operation in Cx43WT hearts, but much more pronounced and only significantly in TAC-operated Cx43HET hearts. Bars represent 50 μm. Panel C: COL1A2 mRNA expression (marker fro fibroblast activity) that was significantly increased in TACoperated Cx43HET hearts compared to Sham23 operated Cx43WT and Cx43HET hearts. Values are relative increases compared to expression in Sham-operated Cx43WT hearts. 27 Netherlands Heart Institute Conclusions Our data showed that both physiological (aging) and pathophysiological (TAC) stress leads to more excessive fibrosis in mice with a 50% reduced expression of Cx43 (Cx43Cre-ER(T)/fl mice) compared to controls (Cx43fl/fl mice), and that this was related to an increased activity of fibroblasts rather than an increased proliferation of these cells. Together with a heterogeneous reduced expression of Cx43, this resulted in dispersed conduction and pro-arrhythmia. Status A revised manuscript with emphasis on the relation between fibrosis and Cx43 expression has been submitted. Investigators JA Janse (UMCU), AAB van Veen (UMCU), R van den Nagel, MA. Vos (UMCU), JMT. de Bakker (ICIN, AMC, UMCU), HVM. van Rijen (UMCU). Funding This study is granted by NHS 2005B170 (to HVM van Rijen) Curing ion channel mutations through selective silencing of aberrant gene expression and upregulation of wild-type channel function Background Sudden cardiac death due to cardiac arrhythmias is a major cause of death in patients with sodium channelopathies like Brugada syndrome (BS), Long QT (LQT) and Conduction Disease (CD). The only treatment up to now for these patients is the ICD implantation, which has, however, several shortcomings. As an alternative approach to treat these patients we propose to silence expression of mutated genes and up-regulate expression of the wild type gene. Gene silencing can be obtained by RNA interference (RNAi), which is a cellular pathway for posttranscriptional gene silencing. We recently investigated the electrophysiological characteristics of a transgenic model of the murine SCN5a mutation 1798insD, which is equivalent to the SCN5a-1795insD mutation in man. The mutation shows the characteristics of both BS (reduced peak current) and LQT (increased late sodium current) and is therefore ideally suited to test our hypothesis that silencing expression of mutated genes and up-regulation of the expression of wild type genes can restore normal function of the sodium channel. Results The functional voltage-gated sodium channels expression were investigated in vitro in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293T cell lines, a HEK-293 cell line transformed by the adenovirus E1A gene product resulting in higher expression levels. For this purpose cells were transfected with murine wild type SCN5a gene (pCGI-mH1) and the 1798insD mutation (pCGI-mH11798insD) respectively. Optimal conditions for transfection and current recording were established (Lipofectamin2000, replacing extracellular Na+ with NMDG+ to increase the availability of sodium channels, fluoride in the internal pipette solution to improve patch-clamp sealing). Sodium currents were measured in transiently transfected HEK-293T cells with pCGI-mH1 (mouse wild type SCN5a) and β1 subunit (without siRNA) using conventional whole cell voltage clamp technique. On average, peak current density was increased 2.5 fold at 37°C (3978 pA/pF +/- 1674 at -44.5 mV +/-12.9) compared to room temperature (1583 pA/pF +/615 at -29.3 mV +/-3.9), P=0.06. The transiently transfected HEK-293T cells with pCGI-mH1-1798insD showed NO sodium current. Unexpectedly, the cells transiently transfected with both wildtype mH1 as well as mH1-1798insD constructs to express both alleles (heterozygously), resulted in comparable current densities as the cells transfected with only wildtype mH1. A persistent inward current is, however, seen in some of the measurements. From this, we concluded that this cell-system is not a liable system to investigate the effect of specific siRNA knock-down of mutant sodium channel. SiRNA constructs designed so far comprised one siRNA construct that was able to inhibit wild type SCN5a specifically and one siRNA construct that inhibits mutant SCN5a but slightly inhibits the wild type gene as well. Therefore, new constructs were made and are being tested for specific inhibition of the mouse wild type and 1798insD. An adenoviral construct of mH1 (MYC-tagged, IRES-GFP) for overexpression of the WT allele has been generated using the Stratagene AdEasy system. Virus production is being done at the moment and will be ready at the beginning of 2011. Continuation This study is ongoing and involves the following steps: 1) Test putative siRNAs designed against the wild-type and mutated SCN5A coding sequence for their ability to selectively attenuate gene expression. 2) The most efficient siRNA construct(s) for the mutant and wild-type SCN5A gene are being used to develop lentiviral constructs. 3) The virus with the siRNA against the mutant gene will be tested in neonatal cardiomyocytes derived from mutant 1798insD+/- mice. Peak sodium current and sodium current biophysical characteristics will be measured. The magnitude of the persistent sodium current is further assessed through application of tetrodotoxine (TTX). 4) Conduction parameters will be determined in monolayers and patterned grown cell cultures of neonatal mutant mouse myocytes transfected with the viral construct for siRNA against the mutant gene. Action potential characteristics will be determined by optical mapping using voltage sensitive dyes. 5) The same measurements as described in 3 and 4 will be carried out after up-regulation of wild-type SCN5a expression through transfection of a viral construct containing wild-type SCN5a in mutant 1798insD+/- mice and SCN5a +/- mice. 28 ICIN Investigators T. Koopman (ICIN), SCM van Amersfoorth (AMC), MAG van der Heyden (UMCU), M Rook (UMCU), CR Bezzina (UvA), CA Remme (ICIN), JMT de Bakker (ICIN, AMC, UMCU). Funding This study is supported by the Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS 2008B044). Direct detection of postinfarction myocardial fibrosis with MRI; (CTMM/COHFAR) Background In myocardial infarction, the assessment of myocardial injury after ischemia is an important predictive parameter for clinical outcome. The standard non-invasive technique currently used for assessment of myocardial viability is delayed contrast enhancement with gadolinium, which allows for the detection of both necrosis and excessive collagen deposition (fibrosis) of the myocardium. As gadolinium uptake in the interstitial space is non-specific, delayed enhancement cannot discriminate between different forms of tissue damage within the heart. Therefore, to date there is a growing demand to a non-invasive technique that can be used for the direct detection of fibrosis and its concomitant left ventricular (LV) remodeling in humans. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of ultrashort TE MRI to generate endogenous contrast from cardiac fibrosis after infarction. Methods and results Myocardial infarction was created in 11 Lewis rats by ligating the left anterior descending artery. As a control, 6 rats underwent sham-surgery. Six weeks after surgery, rats were anaesthetized and the heart was excised for ex vivo analysis. The heart was placed in a plastic tube filled with fomblin, to provide magnetic susceptibility matching between tissue and the surroundings. Imaging was performed with a 7 Tesla MRI scanner (Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, USA), using a home built quadrature transmit and receive coil with a circular shaped element of 5 cm in diameter and a stripline element of 6 cm length. Balanced fast field echo images (TR/TE 8.3/4.2 ms, flip angle 5 deg) were acquired for anatomical reference with histology. 3D gradient echo (UTE GRE) images with radial sampling (TR/TE 14/0.15 ms, flip angle 20 deg) were acquired to detect short T2 components. The 3D GRE was repeated with a TE of 6 ms. All images were acquired with FOV 30 x 30 x 30 mm3, and acquired isotropic resolution of 0.35 mm. The 3D GRE images with TE=6 ms were subtracted from the UTE GRE images with TE=0.15 ms to suppress tissues with long T2*. On the subtracted images, intensity of the healthy myocardium was 29 Netherlands Heart Institute measured and the mean + 2x SD was considered as UTE target signal. The UTE target signal area/total myocardial area ratio was determined on three levels of each heart. After imaging, hearts were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Hearts were cut in slices of 4µm thickness and stained with 0.1% Picrosirius red to show presence of collagen in the myocardium. The area of collagen in the myocardium and total area of the myocardium were determined by using ImageJ software and the collagen-rich area/total myocardial area ratio was determined. In subtracted images of infarcted hearts, UTE signal in the infarcted area clearly differs from the signal in healthy myocardium of the same heart, whereas in subtracted images of sham hearts hardly any difference in signal is detected. The MRI ratio and the histological ratio of collagen-rich area/total myocardial area are positively correlated r2=0.83; initial results, based on three hearts). Conclusions We showed that ultrashort TE MRI technology can be used for the direct detection of post-infarction collagen formation. This technique to detect fibrosis in a non-invasive way might be of great value in stratification of patients. Continuation A manuscript is being prepared. UTE will be tested for interstitial fibrosis and for human hearts Investigators S. de Jong (CTMM), JJ Zwanenburg (UMCU), F Visser (UMCU), R van der Nagel (UMCU), HVM van Rijen (UMCU), MA Vos (UMCU), JMT de Bakker (ICIN, AMC, UMCU), PR Luijten (UMCU). Figure 2: Transversal sections of three levels of an infarcted heart. Panel A: histological data, red=collagen; yellow= myocardium. Panel B: subtracted MRI images (TE 0.15 ms – TE 6ms) of corresponding sections. White areas indicate collagen RACE 3 Routine vs aggressive rhythm control Principal investigator: I.C. van Gelder Project RACE 3: Routine versus aggressive upstream rhythm control for prevention of early atrial fibrillation in heart failure Progression in 2010 in general In 2010 approximately half of the presently participating centers were initiated. In total 62 patients are included in the 16 collaborating centers. At present 15 patients have completed study follow up. The inclusion period lasts until July 2012. Publication Editorial on upstream therapy and the relevance of the RACE 3 study. Neth Heart J. 2010;18:522–523. A design article will be submitted in 2011. Study design A randomized, multi-center open label study, comparing two treatment strategies. 16 centers in The Netherlands participate. In order to increase the inclusion rate also one British center (Prof. Greg. Lip) will soon be participating, other British centers will be recruited. Patients are randomized to upstream rhythm control or conventional rhythm control. Study objectives To investigate whether in patients with early atrial fibrillation and mild to moderate early heart failure an aggressive upstream rhythm control approach, including administration of aldosterone receptor antagonists (ARAs), renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)-inhibitors, and statins, dietary restrictions, counseling and cardiac rehabilitation programs, increases persistence of sinus rhythm compared with conventional rhythm control. Steering Committee Prof. Dr. I.C. Van Gelder (University Medical Center Groningen) Dr. M. Alings (Amphia Hospital, Breda) Prof. Dr. H.J.G.M. Crijns (University Hospital Maastricht) Prof. Dr. G.Y.H. Lip (City Hospital, Birmingham, UK) Dr. R.Tukkie (Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem) Dr. J. Brügemann (University Medical Center Groningen) Prof. Dr. J.R.L.M. Smeets (University Medical Center Nijmegen) Dr. F.F. Willems (Ziekenhuis Rijnstate, Arnhem/Velp) Prof. Dr. J.L. Hillege (Trial Coordination Center, UMCG) Prof. Dr. J.G.Tijssen (Academical Medical Center Amsterdam) Dr. R.G. Tieleman (Martini Hospital Groningen) Prof. Dr. D.J. Van Veldhuisen (UMCG) Study Coordination Drs. M.D. Smit (University Medical Center Groningen) Drs. R.A. Vermond (University Medical Center Groningen) Drs. M. Mol (Trial Coordination Center, University Medical Center Groningen) Sponsorships: Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS B 2008 035), ICIN, Working group on Cardiovascular Research, the Netherlands, Sanofi Aventis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Medtronic, Biotronik, St Jude Medical, Boston Scientific, AstraZenenca 30 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Genes underlying sudden cardiac death Principal investigator: C.R. Bezzina Project Genes underlying cardiac electrical activity and susceptibility to sudden cardiac death Aim and method of the project Research within these projects aims to identify genes underlying cardiac electrical activity and susceptibility to sudden cardiac death. We undertake genetic studies in families with monogenic arrhythmia syndromes associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac death wherein we aim to identify primary mutations as well as other genetic variation that conspires with the primary genetic defect in determining the final clinical presentation. Identification of genetic variants modulating cardiac electrical activity is also carried out in mice of different genetic backgrounds. We also focus on genetic mechanisms underlying the susceptibility to ventricular fibrillation during acute myocardial infarction, which accounts for a large proportion of (sudden) deaths on the population. Progress in 2010 A complex double deletion in LMNA underlies progressive cardiac conduction disease, atrial arrhythmias and sudden death Cardiac conduction disease is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by defects in electrical impulse generation and conduction, and associated with sudden cardiac death. We have studied a four-generation family with autosomal dominant progressive cardiac conduction disease, including atrioventricular conduction block, sinus bradycardia, atrial arrhythmias and sudden death. Genome-wide linkage analysis mapped the disease locus to chromosome 1p22-q21, harbouring the LMNA gene which encodes the nuclear-envelop protein lamin A/C. Testing of the LMNA gene coding region by PCR did not uncover any mutation. On the other hand, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis of the LMNA gene, revealed a novel gene rearrangement involving a 24-bp inversion flanked by a 3.8-kb deletion upstream and a 7.8-kb deletion downstream. The presence of short inverted sequence homologies at the breakpoints junctions suggests a mutational event involving serial replication slippage in trans during DNA replication. Our findings indicate that gross genomic LMNA lesions occur and emphasizes that if conventional PCRbased direct sequencing approaches are negative in suggestive pedigrees, mutation detection techniques capable of detecting gross genomic lesions involving deletions and insertions should be considered. This work was carried out in collaboration with Prof. L.J. Jordaens (Erasmus MC). Insight into novel mechanisms modulating susceptibility to sudden cardiac death in the setting of an acute myocardial infarction Sudden cardiac death from ventricular fibrillation (VF) during myocardial infarction (MI) is a leading cause of total and cardiovascular mortality. We recently conducted a genome-wide association study in patients with (cases) and without (controls) VF during a first MI. The most significant association to VF was 31 found at chromosome 21q21, upstream of the CXADR gene which encodes the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR). CAR is expressed in the intercalated disc of cardiomyocytes and CAR knock-out mice display decreased expression of connexin-45 and connexin-43. In order to provide insight into the involvement of CAR, we are presently investigating it’s role in ventricular conduction and arrhythmia inducibility at baseline, in conjunction with reduced intracellular coupling, and under conditions of myocardial ischemia. This work is being done in mice haploinsufficient for CAR (CAR+/-). Quantitative trait loci for electrocardiographic parameters and arrhythmia in the mouse and rat. Cardiac arrhythmias associated with sudden death are influenced by multiple biological pathways and are modulated by numerous genetic and environmental factors. Elevated heart rate and prolonged ECG indices of conduction and repolarization have been associated with risk of sudden death. Insight into the genetic underpinnings of these parameters thus provides an important means to the dissection of the genetic components modulating risk of sudden cardiac death. In one study we have mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) modulating heart rate, ECG indices of conduction and repolarization, and susceptibility to arrhythmia, in a conduction disease-sensitized F(2) mouse population. Heart rate, P-duration, PR-, QRS- and QT-interval were measured at baseline (n=502) and after flecainide administration (n=370) in mutant F(2) progeny (F(2)-MUT) resulting from the FVB/NJScn5a1798(insD/+) X 129P2-Scn5a1798(insD/+) mouse cross. Episodes of sinus arrhythmia and ventricular tachyarrhythmia occurring post-flecainide were treated as binary traits. F(2)MUT mice were genotyped using a genome-wide 768 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panel. Interval mapping uncovered multiple QTL for ECG parameters and arrhythmia. A sex-interacting scan identified QTL displaying sex-dependency, and a two-dimensional QTL scan unmasked locus-locus (epistasis) interactions influencing ECG traits. A number of QTL coincided at specific chromosomal locations, suggesting pleiotropic effects at these loci. Through transcript profiling in myocardium from the parental mouse strains we identified genes co-localizing at the identified QTL that constitute highly relevant candidates for the observed effects. To further complement the studies in the Scn5a1798(insD/+) mice, we have started an additional project in outbred mice of known ancestry, which enable highly efficient fine-mapping of genetic effects (QTLs). In collaboration with Dr. P. Potter at MRC Harwell (Oxford, UK) and Prof. J. Flint and Dr. J. Nicod at the Welcome Trust (UK), we are currently involved in a large-scale phenotyping project of outbred mice, where we aim to generate ECG and echocardiography data in these mice. Combining large-scale phenotyping with highly detailed genotyping in these outbred mice, this unique project will allow fine-mapping and identification of genetic variants and QTLs for cardiac electrophysiology, structure and function. In a third project, being carried out in collaboration with Dr. Michal Pravenec (Prague), we aim to identify genes and chromosomal loci modulating sudden arrhythmic death risk in heart failure (HF). For this, ECG data for conduction and repolarization (as markers for susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias) are generated across 30 recombinant inbred (RI) rat strains derived from the spontaneously hypertensive rat and the Brown Norway rat (HXB and BXH RI strains) before and after spontaneous onset of left ventricular hypertrophy. Through classical physiological quantitative trait locus (pQTL) analysis as well as combined expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) and quantitative trait transcript (QTT) analyses of the cardiac transcriptome, genes regulating cardiac electrophysiology are identified. The detection of QTL influencing ECG indices and arrhythmia is an essential step towards identifying genetic networks for sudden, arrhythmic, cardiac death. Crucially, combining results obtained from both rat and mouse studies will significantly strengthen the outcome of these projects. The data generated in these experiments will provide a unique data set of phenotypic and genetic markers which will also be available for future genomic studies. Funding This research is funded by the Fondation Leducq (CVD05, ICIN project 0610), the Netherlands Heart Foundation (2005T024/ ICIN project 06401, 2007B202/ICIN project 06402) and ICIN (06102). Staff Dr. Connie R. Bezzina, Prof. A.A. Wilde (Principal Investigators) Dr. C.A. Remme (Senior Research Scientist, ICIN) Dr. J.G.Barc (Post-doc, NHS) Drs Brendon P. Scicluna (PhD student, NHS) Drs I.C. Kolder (PhD student, NHS) Dr. R. Pazoki (PhD student, NHS) Ms. M. Westerveld (research analyst, NHS) Ms. R. Wolswinkel (research analyst, ICIN) Ms. N. Bruinsma (research nurse, NHS) 32 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Gene therapy for sick sinus syndrome Principal investigator: H.L. Tan Aim and method of the project Electronic pacemakers have an excellent safety profile; however, their function is sub-optimal. An important drawback of electronic pacemakers is the lack of autonomic modulation of the heart rate. This problem could be circumvented by developing a biological pacemaker in which working myocardium is transformed into myocardium with a nodal phenotype capable of controlling heart rate. Progress in 2010 In 2010, we primarily conducted large animal experiments in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Michael Rosen at Columbia University. In this year, we tested various approaches to optimize HCN2 based biological pacemakers; one of such an approach is illustrated here. Introducing the Ca2+-stimulated adenylyl cyclase AC1 into HCN2 based biological pacemakers enhances their function Proof-of-concept has been provided regarding biological pacemakers based on HCN2, but basal and maximal rates are less than ideal. We previously reported that co-expression of HCN2 and the Ca2+-stimulated adenylyl cyclase 1 (AC1) in cultured ventricular myocytes results in elevation of intracellular cAMP and faster beating rate than HCN2 plus GFP or HCN2 plus AC6. In the present study, we investigated whether this also occurred in vivo and whether it was entirely explained by the effect of cAMP on expressed HCN2. The adenoviral constructs of HCN2 and AC1 or GFP were implanted into the left bundle branch of AV-blocked dogs to test in vivo biological pacemaker function as described previously. To establish HCN2 dependent and AC subtype specific effects on pacemaker function, we co-expressed HCN2/RE with GFP, AC1 and AC6 in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. In vivo, we found that co-expression of HCN2 plus AC1 compared to HCN2 plus GFP results in faster basal rates which could be increased still further by epinephrine (155% increase at 1 μg/kg/min) and faster maximal rates (fig. 1). Hence, the prior demonstration of in vitro efficacy was replicated in vivo. In cell culture, replacing HCN2 with HCN2/RE - to eliminate cAMP binding to the expressed channel - did not prevent AC1 from enhancing rate compared to AC6 or GFP controls (HCN2/ RE+AC1 210±22 bpm, P<.05 vs HCN2/RE+GFP, 160±15 and HCN2/RE+AC6, 125±22 bpm). The increased rate in the AC1 group occurred with no effect on HCN2/RE current indicating that the outcome at least in part reflects actions on endogenous targets of cAMP. We therefore concluded that co-expressing AC1 with HCN2 enhances both HCN2 and other -most likely Ca2+ based - pacemaker mechanisms, while maintaining intact betaadrenergic responsiveness. Hence, AC1 co-expression may provide a useful strategy to enhance HCN2 based biological pacemakers. 33 Figure 1. Basal beating rates, maximal beating rates, dependence on electronic back-up pacing and demonstration of gene transfer. A, Basal pace-mapped beating rates, as recorded upon daily check-up on day 5-7, were significantly faster in HCN2/AC1 injected animals as compared to HCN2/ GFP (P<0.05). Maximal pace-mapped beating rates, as recorded using 24hr Holter, were also faster in HCN2/AC1 as compared to HCN2/GFP (P<0.05). As a result of these faster beating rates, the dependence on electronic back-up pacing was reduced in HCN2/AC1 injected animals as compared to HCN2/GFP (P<0.05). B, Immunohistochemistry in tissue slabs from a HCN2/AC1 injected animal. In the upper panel, the injected region is positive for HCN2 (green) and AC1 (red). Nuclei are counterstained using DAPI. In the lower panel, noninjected region is negative for HCN2 and SkM1. Scale bare represents 100 µm. Partnerships Large animal studies are conducted in collaboration with Columbia University, New York NY, USA (Dr. M.R. Rosen) as part of the ICIN fellowship (awarded to GJJB). Studies employing the use of cardiac myocyte progenitor cells are conducted in collaboration with Utrecht University (Dr. J.P. Sluijter) and Leiden University (Dr. M.J. Goumans). Funding This project is supported by the Netherlands Heart Foundation, the NFCVE and ICIN (fellowship). Staff GJJ Boink (ICIN), HL Tan (AMC), A.D. den Haan (AMC), AO Verkerk (AMC), Diane Bakker (AMC), SCM van Amersfoorth (ICIN), AAB van Veen (UMCU), J Seppen (UvA), JMT de Bakker (ICIN). Arrest 11: Determinants of sudden cardiac death Principal investigator: H.L. Tan Project ARREST11: a prospective population-based study into clinical, genetic and pharmacological determinants of sudden cardiac arrest Aim To establish clinical, genetic and pharmacological determinants of sudden cardiac arresr (SCA) Method Prospective inclusion of all patients with out-of-hospital SCA with ECG-documented ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation (VT/VF) (cases) in a contiguous region of The Netherlands (population 2.5 million) Collection of resuscitation details (including ECG), past and present medical history, medication use prior to SCA, and DNA samples. Medical history, medication use, and genetic variations of cases are compared to controls (case-control design) by estimating odds ratios using conditional logistic regression, with/without adjustment for prognostic factors of VT/ VF (e.g., ischemia, heart failure). Progress in 2010 In the third year of this project, we have expanded the data collection infrastructure to cover the province North Holland completely, and continue to expand the region of data inclusion to Utrecht province. At present, we have identified 3695 patients with VT/VF, of whom we are collecting medical information and medication use. Of 1700 of these patients, we have collected DNA samples. We have established collaborations with various other investigators, for collaborative studies (CAREFUL, IPCI, Oregon-SUDS, SEIN), replication studies (AGNES), and to draw suitable control patients (AMC-HAG-net). This has resulted in publication 1 (with AGNES study, listed below) and a paper in press in J Am Coll Cardiol (with CAREFUL study). In this study, we have comprehensive investigated the incidence, causes, and neurologic outcome of SCA in children. We found that SCA accounts for a significant proportion of pediatric mortality, and cardiac causes are the most prevalent causes of SCA. The vast majority of SCA survivors have a neurologically-intact outcome (Figure 1). Figure 1. Causes of SCA in children (<21 years). Left group of bars represent natural causes, right group non-natural causes. All causes are shown as the percentage of the total number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases. Numbers above bars indicate numbers of patients. Partnerships 1.Prof. Dr. A. de Boer, Dept. of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacotherapy, Utrecht University, Utrecht 2. Prof. Dr. M.C.J.M. Sturkenboom, Depts. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam. 3.Prof. Dr. A.A.M. Wilde, Dept. Of Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 4. Prof. Dr. I.M. van Langen, Dept. of Genetics, University of Groningen, Groningen Funding This study is supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO Mozaiek 017.003.084 to A. Bardai, and ZonMW Vici 918.86.616 to H.L. Tan) and the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB/CBG). Staff A. Bardai, MD (ICIN) P. Homma, BSc (ICIN) M.T. Blom, MA (AMC) H.L. Tan, MD, PhD (AMC) 34 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Activated platelets during acute mycardial infarction Principal investigator: H.L. Tan Project The role of activated platelets in the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation during acute myocardial infarction. Aim and method of the project Sudden cardiac death is mainly caused by ventricular fibrillation (VF) in the setting of acute ischemia resulting from coronary thrombi. Animal experiments have shown that platelet activation may increase susceptibility of ischemic myocardium to VF, but the mechanism is unknown. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of activated blood platelet products (ABPPs) on electrophysiological properties and intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+i) homeostasis. Platelets were collected from healthy volunteers. After activation, their secreted ABPPs were added to superfusion solutions. Rabbit ventricular myocytes were freshly isolated, and membrane potentials and Ca2+i were recorded using patchclamp methodology and indo-1 fluorescence measurements, respectively. Progress in 2010 ABPPs prolonged action potential duration and induced early and delayed afterdepolarizations. ABPPs increased L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) density, but left densities of sodium current, inward rectifier K+ current, transient outward K+ current, and rapid component of the delayed rectifier K+ current unchanged. ABPPs did not affect kinetics or (in)activation properties of membrane currents. In the second year of this project, we have completed the data from intracellular Ca2+ measurements. Figure 1A shows typical Ca2+i traces of a myocyte stimulated at 0.2-Hz in control conditions (black line) and in the presence of ABPPs (red line). Figure 1B summarizes the average diastolic and systolic Ca2+i concentrations, Ca2+i transient amplitudes, systolic Ca2+i rise, and time constant of the Ca2+i transient decay in control conditions and in the presence of ABPPs. ABPPs significantly increased the systolic Ca2+i concentration, the Ca2+i transient amplitude, and the systolic Ca2+i rise, while the Ca2+i transient decay significantly decreased. Figure 1C demonstrate increased sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content (SR Ca2+). The increase in systolic Ca2+i occurred within 3 min of superfusion with ABPPs, and dissipated after 4 min washout. Trypsin-treated ABPPs still increased APD90 significantly. However, while untreated ABPP induced AP prolongation of 12%, trypsin-treated ABPPs prolonged APs only by 4% (n=7), suggesting that AP prolongation is partially mediated by peptides. Likewise, trypsin treatment blunted the effect of ABPPs on Ca2+i transients (Fig. 2). ABPPs did not affect the Na+- Ca2+ exchange current (INCX) in Ca2+-buffered conditions, but the increase in Ca2+i transient amplitude suggests an increase in functional INCX. Publication of the data is expected in 2011. Figure 2 Partnerships Dr. R. Nieuwland, Laboratory of Experimental Clinical Chemistry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Funding Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS2007B020) Figure 1 35 Staff Olga Zakhrabova,MD, PhD (ICIN) Arie O Verkerk, PhD (AMC) Jonas de Jong, MD (AMC) Rienk Nieuwland, PhD (AMC) Hanno L Tan, MD, PhD (AMC) Prevention of atrial fibrillation Principal investigator: I.C. van Gelder Project Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation: Markers for Stretch and Pacing Induced Structural Remodeling and the Preventive Efficacy of Upstream Therapy Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, having a prevalence of 1% in young patients up to 9% in patients at the age of 75 years. Risk factors for AF include hypertension, heart failure and mitral valve disease, which all are complicated by hemodynamic overload of the ventricles and the atria. Pressure or volume overload of the atria causes elongation of the cardiomyocytes, i.e. increased stretch. AF promoting changes, atrial remodeling, occur in atria from patients with heart failure, hypertension and mitral valve disease, before the first episode of AF, as such creating a substrate for AF. Stretch is thought to be an important mediator in causing the structural changes seen before onset of atrial fibrillation, caused by underlying diseases. Models to more specifically investigate the effects of atrial stretch are cell stretching in vitro on flexible membranes and ex vivo using isolated hearts with increased pressure or volume. In vivo models include transverse aorta constriction and models of mitral valve disease and hypertension. We aim to establish a cell culture model in which early remodeling in pressure overload of the atria is mimicked. This represents the atrial situation after start of hypertension or heart failure, i.e. the underlying disease, but before start of AF. In addition, we aim to investigate the effects in vivo pressure overload via transverse aortic constriction on atrial remodeling. In vitro - stretch Cells were isolated, cultured and set under cyclical stretch on elastic membranes using the Flexercell-4000 system. We started with HL-1 atrial cardiomyocytes, the only atrial cardiomycoyte cell line available. Now we use primary neonatal rat atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes (NRAM and NRVM). Cells are analyzed for induction of the fetal gene program, induction of stress makers and breakdown of contractile elements as seen in myolysis. Figure 1. Primary neonatal rat atrial (1A) and ventricular (1B) myocytes and fibroblasts were stained for a-actinin with specific antibodies (green) and total actin was stained with Texas red-phalloidin. Cardiac myocytes stain both red and green, whereas fibroblasts stain red for actin exclusively. Nuclei are stained blue with DAPI. Aim: Our goal is to develop a cell culture model mimicking early atrial remodeling in pressure overload of the atria, representing the atrial situation after start of hypertension or heart failure. Methods: Neonatal rat atrial cardiomyocytes (NRAM) were cultured and set under cyclical stretch on elastic membranes. Cells were analyzed after 3-24hr of stretch. mRNA levels of alpha and beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC) and skeletal alpha-actin (ACTA) were used as markers of dedifferentiation. Breakdown of troponin T was used as a measure of myolysis. To investigate the involvement of calcineurin we measured myocytes enriched calcineurin interacting protein (MCIP1) mRNA expression and used cyclosporine A to inhibit calcineurin. Results: Stretching with 1Hz and 15% elongation for 24hr showed 1.8-fold increased beta/alpha-MHC ratio. In addition, skeletal alpha-actin expression was 1.5 fold increased after 6hr of stretch. Stretching with 1Hz and 15% elongation or 3Hz and 10% elongation did not reduce troponin T protein expression. Thus, these stretch regimens show no evidence for myolysis, but dedifferentiaton was suggested. ANP mRNA levels are 1.5fold increased and ANP is released in the medium. BNP and GDF-15 mRNA levels are 2-fold increased after 3hr and 1.4-fold after 24hr, respectively. Involvement of calcineurin is suggested by 2.2-fold increased mRNA expression of MCIP1. Furthermore stretch induced effects on mRNA level are attenuated with cyclosporine A. In addition, we investigated the effects of stretch on ventricular cardiomyocytes (NRVM), the effects are more pronounced in ventricles. Conclusions: Stretch of neonatal rat atrial cardiomyocytes results in cellular changes which may resemble those seen before and in the early course of AF such as dedifferentiation and changes in expression of natriuretic peptides. Calcineurin seems to be involved in the changes caused by stretch. Figure 2: Comparison of mRNA expression of atrial (ANP) and brain-type (BNP) natriuretic peptides in primary neonatal rat atrial (NRAM) and ventricular (NRVM) myocytes. Cells were also treated with 20 μM phenylephrine (PE) to induce hypertrophy which leads to increases in both ANP and BNP in NRVM only to levels comparable with NRAM at baseline. 36 ICIN In vitro – pacing Aim: In addition, we investigated the effects of pacing, as a model of AF, on NRAM and NRVM. Methods: Neonatal rat atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes were paced with 1Hz and 3Hz for 24hr. Cells were analyzed for changes in mRNA levels of ANP, BNP and GDF15 and markers of dedifferentiation: skeletal alpha-actin and beta/alpha-myosin heavy chain. Expression of myocytes enriched calcineurin interacting protein was measured as a marker of calcineurin activity. Results: In NRVM 1Hz and 3Hz pacing caused increased expression of ANP (2.9-fold; p < 0.01 and 2.2-fold; p < 0.05), BNP (3.5-fold; p = 0.01 and 2.3-fold; n.s.) and GDF15 (3.1fold; p < 0.01 and 4.3-fold; p < 0.001). Expression of ACTA and beta/alpha-MHC was increased with 1Hz and 3Hz pacing respectively. In NRAM pacing did not change expression of ANP and beta/alpha-MHC. Levels of BNP and ACTA were 30% and 39% decreased upon 3Hz pacing. Expression of GDF15 (2.4-fold; p < 0.01 and 3.6-fold; p < 0.001) and MCIP (1.9 and 2.0-fold; p < 0.05) was increased. Conclusion: In conclusion, pacing causes a pathological response in NRVM only. These differences are important to take into account when targeting remodeling. Future directions: We will investigate the effects of 5Hz pacing on NRAM and NRVM. In vivo Aim: Our goal was to investigate the effects of pressure overload of the left ventricle by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) and subsequent increase in left atrial pressure on atrial remodeling. Methods: Male mice were subjected to TAC or sham for 4 weeks with and without the angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, losartan (30 mg/kg/day), n = 6 for all groups, except TAC control, n = 4. Atria were harvested and assayed with real time RT-PCR for expression of ANP, BNP, skeletal alpha-actin, collagen type I alpha 1 (Col1a1) and myocytes enriched calcineurin interacting protein. Results: Four weeks of TAC caused ventricular and atrial hypertrophy as shown by increased left ventricular and atrial weight. A reduced cardiac function was shown by reduced ejection fraction, contractility and relaxation. In addition an increased LVEDP was found. Increased mRNA expression of 1.4-fold of ANP, 2.6-fold of BNP and ACTA suggested atrial stress, dedifferentiation and hypertrophy. Increased fibrosis is suggested by increased expression of Col1a1 and increased activity of calcineurin by increased MCIP1 expression. The latter could be a possible mechanism governing these effects. TAC in combination with losartan diminished the effect of TAC on BNP, as well as on ACTA and MCIP1 mRNA expression, but not on ANP mRNA expression. Treatment with slightly improved hemodynamic parameters compared to TAC. Losartan diminished the effect of TAC on BNP, as well as on ACTA and MCIP1 atrial mRNA expression, but not on ANP mRNA expression. Conclusions: These data show that pressure overload of the 37 Netherlands Heart Institute Figure 3: Flow chart showing the series of events caused by stretch. Hypothetical scheme of stretch induced by hypertension, heart failure and possibly extreme endurance exercise leading to calcium overload, activation of the renin– angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) and release of different factors, resulting in structural remodelling and finally in AF. ventricles induces atrial remodeling, which may be a substrate for atrial fibrillation. Atrial hypertrophy, fibrosis and increased activity of calcineurin are suggested. Concomitant treatment with losartan prevented these changes, suggesting protective effects of losartan in atrial remodeling due to LV pressure overload. Future directions: 3 animals will be added to the TAC group and histological analysis on hypertrophy and fibrosis will be performed. In addition, atria from other models will be investigated as well as other known pharmaceuticals. Summary Stretch of atrial cardiomyocytes results in cellular changes which may resemble those seen before AF such as dedifferentiation and changes in expression of natriuretic peptides. Interestingly, the response of atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes is different upon pacing and mechanical stretch. Also in vivo pressure overload leads to changes in the atria, which potentially make the atria more prone to develop AF. Researchers: Anne-Margreet R. de Jong, graduated in 2007, master Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Groningen (employed by ICIN/UMCG). Dr. Alexander H. Maass, cardiologist Silke Oberdorf-Maass, technical assistant Prof. Dr. Isabelle C. Van Gelder, cardiologist, group leader Thoraxcenter, Department of Cardiology and Experimental Cardiology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen and Interuniversity Cardiology Institute Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands. ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Research line - Congenital heart disease Congenital Heart Disease in Adults Principal investigator: B.J.M. Mulder Introduction Adults with a congenital heart defect comprise a relatively new and young population, because cardiac surgery became available only in the 1970’s. Long term outcome and underlying genetic causes are investigated in CONCOR, the national registry and DNA-bank for patients with CONgential CORvita.. Since its initiation in 2001 nearly 13.000 patients have been included. Most frequent main diagnoses are depicted in figure 1. In 2010 drs M.J.Schuuring coordinated the project as ICIN investigator. Dr ET van der Velde had to withdraw as ICT consultant.and has been replaced by drs. Maurice Langemeijer. Lia Engelfriet, Irene Harms and Sylvia Mantels were travelling along the ICIN centers and non-university hospitals as research nurses. To increase awareness and retrieve patients with congenital heart disease that were lost to follow-up a nationwide media campaign entitled: “Wanted! 8000 Heart Patients” was started in 2009. (figure 2). Until the end of 2010 applications were retrieved from over 1000 subjects with CHD, of whom 30 patients had to undergo an intervention within due time. Our successful campaign will be continued for the coming years. CONCOR ( www.concor.net) has an important spinoff with 40 scientific projects using its registry and/or DNA bank; 66 articles have been published in international peer reviewed journals and 11 PhD students have finished their thesis using CONCOR. In 2010, 12 studies using CONCOR were coordinated from the AMC: 10 studies were running on long term outcome of congenital heart disease (Quality of Life, Future and prognosis, Eisenmenger syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Transposition of the great arteries, Tetralogy of Fallot, Pulmonary atresia, Aortic Coarctation, Arrhythmias in congenital heart disease and Down Syndrome) and 2 studies on the genetic basis of congenital heart disease (Zebrafish and genes for heart development,and Euro Heart Repair). In 2010, 34 articles have been published and 1 thesis was completed. The core staff comprised dr.B.J.Bouma, dr.M.Groenink and prof B.J.M.Mulder. Drs. M.M.Winter defended his thesis entitled: ”The systemic right ventricle”, November 26th in Amsterdam (supervisors Prof BJM Mulder, Dr BJ Bouma ). Angiontensin II receptor blockers Drs. T.van der Bom continued the project on the efficacy of angiontensin II receptor blockers in patients with a systemic RV. These patients have a morphologic right ventricle (RV) supporting the systemic circulation (e.g. patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) and patients with complete transposition of the great arteries (TGA) after an atrial switch operation). Complications early in life are common in these patients, with dysfunction of the systemic RV being the most important contributor to morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, little is known on the pathophysiology of commonly seen complications and evidence based treatment regimens are lacking. In patients with left ventricular dysfunction, Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduce both morbidity and mortality. In theory, it is highly likely that patients with a systemic RV would benefit equally from these medications. Figure 1: Most frequent main diagnoses of 12.800 adult patients with a congenital heart defect in CONCOR. 40 ICIN Progress Starting December 2010, exclusion investigations are being conducted in all participating centers. At present 16 patients have been excluded after end-of-study investigations. The study design of the abovementioned study has been published in the American Heart Journal. The last patient visit is expected in the summer of 2011, after which the blinding will be lifted and the results will be analysed. In a separate though related retrospective study, the ECGs of patients with a systemic right ventricle were analyzed. As arrhythmia is the most frequent complication in patients with a systemic right ventricle after ventricular failure, we are interested whether certain characteristics in the regular 12 lead ECG will identify those patients that are at risk. Results are pending. Moreover, drs. T. van der Bom has published two reviews. One concerns the epidemiology of congenital heart disease and was published in Nature Reviews Cardiology. Another concerns risk reducing measures in adult congenital heart patients. Partnerships The multicentre trial “Valsartan in patients with a systemic right ventricle” is performed in collaboration with the AMC, LUMC, UMCG, UMCN, Erasmus MC, VUMC and UMCU. Funding This project is funded by an unrestricted educational grant from Novartis. Figure 2: MR image of a 26-year old male with atrial correction of transposition of the great arteries, showing the aorta anterior to the pulmonary artery and arising from the right ventricle. AO = aorta; AV = aortic valve; LV = left ventricle; PA = pulmonary valve; PV = pulmonary valve; RV = right ventricle 41 Netherlands Heart Institute Effect of high dose statins on the IMT Drs P Luijendijk continued his project on “the effect of high dose statins on the intima-media thickness (IMT), a reproducible endpoint for atherosclerosis, in adult post-coarctectomy patients”. Aortic coarctation is a congenital cardiovascular malformation comprising a circumscript narrowing of the aortic lumen usually located distally of the left subclavian artery, at the site where the ductus arteriosus enters the aorta. Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is a common malformation, accounting for 6 to 8 percent of all congenital heart defects. In the Netherlands, more than 700 adult patients are registered in the national registry for patients with CONgenital CORvitia (CONCOR).Studies have shown decreased survival rates in patients after surgical correction of CoA, post coarctectomy patients. The most common cause of this premature death is coronary artery disease, followed by sudden death, heart failure, cerebrovascular accident and ruptured aortic aneurysm. Progress: P. Luijendijk continued the inclusion for this multi- centre trial and reached the intended number of 150 patients necessary for this study. Furthermore up to 80 adult post-coarctectomy patients that were screened during an observational study in 2001 have been included in a longitudinal follow up study. Awaiting the results of this prospective multicentre trial, P.Luijendijk analysed retrospective data of 80 adult post coarctectomy patients who underwent serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging between 2001 and 2008, to evaluate the presence and progression of enlargement of the thoracic aorta. This study, for the first time quantitatively, demonstrates an increased progression rate of ascending aortic dilatation in adult post-coarctectomy patients with 2.2 mm/5 years. The increased progression rate of ascending aortic dilatation in CoA patients was associated with a history of VSD and the presence of an increased left ventricular mass index. It is known that aortic coarctation (CoA) occurs as a “simple” isolated disorder, and in a more “complex” form, combined with associated congenital cardiac abnormalities. The progression rate of ascending aortic dilatation is increased in complex CoA patients, as compared to simple CoA patients. These findings point towards a more comprehensive genetic subset of patients with an increased risk for progressive ascending aortic dilatation. Atherosclerosis progression was studied in 80 adult postcoarctectomy patients who were previously studied in an observational study in our institution in 2001. Intima-media thickness (IMT) is nowadays considered a validated and reproducible endpoint for atherosclerosis. In a previous report from our institution it was shown that the IMT was significantly increased both in normotensive and in hypertensive postcoarctectomy patients as compared to healthy controls. The current study demonstrated that IMT progression was increased in CoA, which suggests that CoA patients suffer from accelerated atherosclerosis. These findings give more insight in the pathofysiology of the process of atherosclerosic disease in these patients. (Presented at ACC Atlanta and ESC Stockholm 2010) Another study concerned the predictive value of exercise induced hypertension for the development of chronic hypertension in CoA patients. These findings are of major clinical importance as chronic hypertension is a major concern in adult postcoarctectomy patients (CoA). These findings demonstrated that maximal exercise systolic blood pressure is a predictor for chronic hypertension in CoA patients. These findings indicate that the presence of exercise induced hypertension is of clinical significance, and might point towards early hypertension treatment in these patients, who already have a high burden of cardiovascular disease. Partnerships The multicentre trial “High dose statins in post-coarctectomy patients is performed in collaboration with AMC, LUMC, UMCN, UMCU, VUMC, UMCG. Funding Pfizer B.V. is funding this study with an unrestricted educational grant. Long-term prognosis of adult patients with CHD Drs. C Zomer continued her project research on the long-term prognosis of adult patients with CHD, with the CONCOR registry as a backbone of her studies. An increasing number of patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) reach adulthood due to improved developments in paediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery and thorough monitoring. However, little is known about long-term complications and longterm prognosis, since this is a relatively ‘new’ patient group. Progress Drs. C. Zomer initiated a study to examine the impact of a congenital heart defect on social life and lifestyle in adults. Nearly 2000 patients received an invitation to participate in a web-based questionnaire, and eventually 1496 patients filled out the questionnaire (response=76%). Reference data were available for all outcomes. Main findings were a higher risk of low educational attainment, unemployment, low income and having no relationship for patients with a congenital heart defect compared to the reference group. The risk was strongly correlated with the severity of defect. Adults with CHD did seem to have a healthier lifestyle than the reference group. (Presented at the NVVC, ESC and AHA 2010). Together with drs T van der Bom she wrote a review on the changing epidemiology of congenital heart disease together with a colleague .This review gives an overview of the etiology, birth prevalence, current prevalence, mortality, and complications of congenital heart disease. (Published jan 2011 in Nat. Rev. Cardiol.). Finally, C. Zomer spent the last few months of 2010 studying heart failure in adults with CHD. Survival of patients with CHD has increased dramatically. However, this goes together with the development of long-term complications, including heart failure (HF). Our aim was to assess outcome of CHD patients who were hospitalised for HF, and to predict which patients are most at risk for being hospitalised for HF. The mortality data used in this study were obtained from CONCOR and by linking the National Mortality Registry to the CONCOR registry. The hospitalisation data were obtained by linkage to the Dutch Medical Registration. We found that 221 out of 10,816 adult patients (2.0%) were admitted for HF during a mean follow up period of 21 years per patient. The cumulative observed risk of re-admission for HF was 23% after one year. Corrected for gender and defect, patients admitted for HF had 5 times higher risk of death compared to the overall CONCOR population. Patients with highest risk of fatal outcome had single ventricles, pulmonary atresia with ventricle septum defect, and transposition of the great arteries. (Will be presented at ACC in April 2011). Figure 3: Magnetic resonance image of a dilated ascending aorta( arrow) in a patient with previous correction of aortic coarctation. Predictors for HF-admission were the congenital heart defect, multiple defects in one patient, palliative surgery in childhood and pacemaker implantation in childhood. (Presented at NVVC 2010) 42 ICIN Alongside her research, C. Zomer started a Master’s programme Epidemiology in September 2009. In 2010 she continued this program and it is expected she will graduate in summer of 2011. Partnerships This PhD project is mediated by collaboration with AMC and the Julius Center (UMCU). Netherlands Heart Institute The role of Bosentan in Fontan patients Drs. M.J. Schuuring continued the project “the role of bosentan in Fontan patients: improvement of exercise capacity?” started in 2009 by drs. J.C. Vis. The main goal of this prospective multi-centre study was to determine whether bosentan, an endothelin-1 receptor antagonist, improves maximum exercise capacity in Fontan patients by reducing the pulmonary vascular resistance. This multicentre trial was performed in collaboration with AMC, LUMC, UMCN, UMCU and UMCG. Furthermore, Mark Schuuring continued the registry of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension started by dr. M.G. Duffels. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) associated with congenital heart disease due to systemic-to-pulmonary shunting is associated with a high risk of morbidity and mortality. Seventy patients with CHD and PAH were treated with bosentan and evaluated with laboratory tests, 6-minute walk test, quality of life questionnaires, and Doppler echocardiography. In 2010, a prolonged beneficial effect of bosentan treatment for these patients was demontsrated. Figure 4. Survival curves of adults with CHD who were admitted ( green line) and who were not admitted for heart failure( blue line) Impaired cardiac reserve Drs. S Romeih continued her study on “Impaired cardiac reserve in asymptomatic patients with residual moderate pulmonary stenosis after pulmonary valvulotomy: evidence for diastolic dysfunction”.Residual pulmonary stenosis (PS) is still a common finding after pulmonary valvulotomy. The clinical outcome in patients with residual moderate PS has been underdocumented. The response to physical and pharmacological stress was compared between moderate PS patients with and without previous pulmonary valvulotomy. All patients underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test, dobutamine stress MRI, and delayed contrast enhanced MRI to detect myocardial fibrosis. RV stroke volume increased only in patients without previous intervention.VO2max and O2-pulse during physical stress were strongly related to RV-SV with dobutamine. Exercise capacity was limited in patients with residual moderate PS after previous pulmonary valvulotomy. This is caused by inability to increase stroke volume during exercise, probably by disturbed RV filling properties. This study is a collaboration between pediatric ( Prof N.A.Blom) and adult cardiology in LUMC (dr H.W.Vliegen) Leiden and AMC Amsterdam. Drs S Romeih finished her MRI studies early 2010 and will finish her thesis in 2011. 43 A new multicenter retrospective study has been started named “congenital heart disease patients with segmental pulmonary arterial hypertension benefit from bosentan treatment”. This multicentre trial is performed in collaboration with Royal Brompton Hospital (London), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Sydney) and Childrens Hospital (Boston). Some patients develop a heterogeneous pulmonary pressure distribution (segmental PAH). Aim of this study is to investigate efficacy of bosentan in these patients. Figure 5: (A) Schematic drawing of major aortic-pulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCA) stenosis; (B) Magnetic resonance angiography showing inferior MAPCA stenosis. In a retrospective study it was demonstrated that right ventricular function declined post-operatively in all CHD patients undergoing cardiac surgery .Therefore, a new prospective study has been initiated to investigate the effect of peri-operative bosentan in these patients. In this prospective randomized open label with blinded end-points study right ventricular function will be studied in patients with and without peri-operative bosentan. Partnerships The study is a collaboration between UMCG, LUMC, UMCN and AMC. Funding Actelion B.V. is funding this study with an unrestricted educational grant. Figure 6: Inappropriate shock after atrial fibrillation in a 57-years old man with reoaired VSD and ICD for secondary prevention of SCD. Arrhythmias in adults with CHD Drs Z. Koyak started her ICIN project on arrhythmias in adults with CHD in November 2009. Despite the tremendous progress in cardiac surgery, diminished long term survival remains a major concern in adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). In this population sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the most common cause of late mortality. To date, no single risk factor has convincingly been identified to predict ventricular arrhythmias or sudden death in this population. Internal Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) therapy has been proven to be effective in primary and secondary prevention of SCD in adults with ischemic or dilated heart disease and an impaired left ventricular function. Although the number of patients with CHD that receive an ICD is steadily increasing risk stratification and the indication for ICD implantation for primary prevention are poorly defined in this group. Moreover, the effects of ICD therapy during long term follow-up are still unknown. The aim of her first study on arrhythmias is to identify risk factors for SCD in adults with CHD. This is a retrospective, multi center case controlled study. The aim of her second study is to investigate the long term outcome of ICD therapy in prevention of SCD in adults with CHD. Progress Z. Koyak included 171 sudden cardiac death cases and 200 control patients in her study on predictors for SCD and the inclusion is still ongoing. The first results of this study have been presented at the ESC in 2009. The final results are expected in May 2011. Meanwhile she finished her second study on arrhythmias. The goal of this study was to investigate the long term outcome of ICD therapy in adults with CHD. There are 136 patients included in this study. The results of this study will be presented at the ACC in April 2011. Partnerships The multicentre study “Predictors of Sudden Cardiac Death in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease’’ is performed in collaboration with AMC, UMCG, University Hospitals Leuven (Belgium) and Toronto General Hospital (Canada). The multicentre study ‘’Long Term Results of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease’’ is performed in collaboration with AMC, UMCG and LUMC. Figure 7: Appropriate shock after ventricular fibrillation in a 23 years old man with repaired bicuspid aortc valve and an ICD for secondary prevention of SCD. Predicting health care use and perceived health care needs in patients with congenital heart disease Drs. D. Schoormans continued her project “Predicting health care use and perceived health care needs in patients with congenital heart disease”. To deliver adequate and tailored care to those who need it, we must identify characteristics of patients with congenital heart disease that predict health care use and perceived need of health care. Interventions targeted at modifying influential factors (e.g., reducing anxiety) may lower unnecessary health-care consumption and improve quality of life. The results of this study will thus enable a more appropriate and cost-effective allocation of resources. Progress In 2010 drs. D. Schoormans analyzed the psychosocial data of 1109 patients. Two manuscripts were drafted and submitted. The first manuscript is entitled: The perspective of patients with congenital heart disease: does health care meet their needs? The objective of this study is to examine patients’ health careuse and needs and patients’ perspective on the delivered care. Results show that for most patients both the amount and the quality of care is sufficient. Patients in need for additional contact, rated the communication skills of cardiologists as insufficient. Therefore, in addition to recommended training programs described by the ACC/AHA and ESC guidelines, we recommend the incorporation of communication training for cardiologists. The second manuscript is titled: Patients with a congenital heart defect and Type D personality feel functionally more impaired, worry more, but use less health care. This study examines whether personality type, clinical factors and quality of life are associated with health-care utilization. Type D personality is characterized by high scores on both negative affect and social inhibition. Patients with versus without a Type D personality are labeled “Type D patients” and “non-Type D patients”. Type D patients report a poorer functional status and more worries, but less health-care utilization In clinical practice patients should be screened for Type D personality, since social inhibition, present in Type D patients, may prevent them to contact a health-care provider in case of need. 44 ICIN Additionally, in line with research on satisfaction with care among recently operated patients data collection has been continued and is currently being analyzed. Partnerships This study is a collaboration between AMC, UMCG, LUMC, UMCU, UMC St Radboud, TweeSteden hospital in Tilburg, and Orbis Medical Centre in Sittard-Geleen. COMPARE study: COzaar in Marfan PAtients Reduces aortic Enlargement Drs. T. Radonic en drs.P.de Wittte continued their COMPARE study: COzaar in Marfan PAtients Reduces aortic Enlargement. Marfan syndrome (MFS) is one of the most common systemic disorders of connective tissue with the incidence of 2-3 per 10,000 individuals. Aortic disease, leading to progressive aneurismal dilatation and dissection is the main cause of morbidity and mortality of Marfan patients. Studies in the mouse model of MFS have found losartan to prevent formation of aortic aneurysm due to its antagonism of Tissue Growth Factor beta Main objective of this ICIN study is to investigate the effect of losartan on the rate of aortic dilatation. The study is desiged as a multi-centre, prospective, randomized trial with a three-year follow-up; 330 adult patients (>18 yrs) with MFS are randomized and assigned to receive 100 mg Cozaar or not for three years. They continue taking their medication (usually beta blocker) in same dosage. Aortic diameters are measured with MRI or multislice CT and echo. Progress At the end of 2010 232 patients were included in the study. In all patients baseline CMR was performed with measurements of aortic dimensions and elasticity and ventricular function. Blood samples were obtained in all patients, and punch skin biopsies in consenting patients. Fifty percent of patients were randomised to losartan therapy. Three patients have developed an aortic dissection. Three patients are lost to follow-up. Eight patients stopped with losartan treatment due to side-effects. Two patients in the control group got pregnant and consequently dropped out of the study. Below we show the results obtained from our first data. Part 1 Because losartan is hypothesized to be beneficial in reducing aortic root growth of Marfan syndrome (MFS) patients we investigated the changes of whole transcriptome gene expression ( WTGE) and correlated the baseline WTGE with aorta dilatation rate measured over 12 years prior to treatment start. Punch skin biopsies were obtained in consenting participants of the COMPARE trial before therapy (baseline), after 4 weeks and one year of losartan therapy. In 88 samples RNA was isolated and WTGE was measured using Human Exon 1.0 ST Arrays (Affymetrix). WTGE changes and splicing events caused by losartan were investigated in patients before and 4 weeks 45 Netherlands Heart Institute after losartan therapy. Baseline WTGE measurements were correlated with aortic dilatation rate. Paired analysis of gene expression changes after 4 weeks of losartan therapy revealed 20 differentially expressed genes (delta=0.54, q<10-7). Two genes of the TGF-beta pathway were significantly changed after losartan therapy: CIDEA and ENG. When correlated with the aortic dilatation rate, baseline expression of 2 genes was significant: HLA-DRB5 and HLADRB1 (r=0.46, r=0.42; q<10-7). Validation revealed p values of 0.0002 and 0.014 respectively again, suggesting an inflammation process in the connective tissue modifying the aortic dilatation rate. Histologic analysis of aortic tissue of 11 Marfan patients confirmed these findings (figure 9). The modifying role of inflammation on the aortic dilatation rate is a novel finding in the MFS. It may be used as a biomarker of progressive aortic dilatation and offers new perspectives for the treatment of a progressive aortic dilatation. Losartan seems to decrease the TGF-beta signaling pathway in Marfan patients. Part 2 Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominantly inherited connective tissue disorder caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene. As fibrillin-1 is a component of the extracellular matrix of the myocardium, ventricular function in Marfan syndrome could be impaired. Echocardiographic studies evaluating ventricular function in Marfan syndrome have been inconclusive. We assessed biventricular function in Marfan syndrome by means of cardiac MRI (CMR). CMR was performed in 144 Marfan patients without significant valvular dysfunction, previous valvular surgery or previous aortic root surgery. Biventricular diastolic and systolic volumes were measured and ejection fraction was calculated. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was mildly impaired (mean 53±7%, impaired in 76% of patients), as was right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) (mean 51±7%, impaired in 46% of patients). LVEF and RVEF were strongly correlated (r=0.7, p<0.001). No significant differences were found between patients on beta-blocker therapy and those without. There was no correlation between aortic elasticity as measured by flow wave velocity and LVEF. Biventricular ejection fraction is mildly impaired with normal end diastolic volumes in adult patients with Marfan syndrome. This impairment is independent of beta-blocker usage and aortic elasticity. There is a strong correlation between LVEF and RVEF, suggesting intrinsic myocardial dysfunction. Partnerships The study is a collaboration between AMC, UMCG, LUMC, VUMC and UMCN Funding This study is funded by the Netherlands Heart Foundation (grant 2008B115) Figure 9. Histologic analysis of aortic tissue of 11 Marfan patients revealed elastin fiber breaks (EvG staining, arrows), increased counts of macrophages segregating along these fiber breaks predominately on adventitial side of aortic media. Increased counts of CD4+ positive Th cells were found in de aortic adventitia while the counts of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells were not elevated. MFS= Marfan syndrome. Co=control. probands’ families were studied, and familial CHD and/or LVNC was present in 3 of 5 families that were available for study, segregating with the MYH7 mutation (Figure 1). We concluded that Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital heart malformation that is associated with mutations in MYH7, and that MYH7 mutations are predominantly found in Ebstein’s anomaly associated with LVNC. This may warrant genetic testing and family evaluation in this subset of patients (Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print]). Another major part of the project is the study of families with multiple affected patients with CHD (linkage, candidate gene analysis, next generation sequencing). Several families are under study. A locus was identified in a large family with CHD and electrocardiographic abnormalities reminiscent of left atrial isomerism, though the causative gene has not been identified yet. The manuscript is now under review for publication. A different focus of the project is the clinical aspect of genetics of CHD. By means of a questionnaire that has been sent to 486 adult patients with CHD, we investigated information provision as well as patients’ knowledge and concerns about inheritance of their CHD. We concluded that a substantial proportion of adult CHD patients lacks knowledge and desires more information about inheritance, indicating a need for better patient education. This implies that current guidelines and/or their implementation do not seem to meet the needs of these Genetics of Congenital Heart Defects Drs. Klaartje van Engelen continued her project on “Genetics of Congenital Heart Defects” (CHD). In this project, we search for genes and mutations implied in cardiac development and human CHD, using different approaches and techniques. Progress As part of the HeartRepair project (a pan-European research consortium established in 2006 as a 6th Framework Programme Integrated Project of the European Commission, searching for cardiac repair mechanisms after myocardial infarction), DNA of more than 400 patients with different types of underdeveloped hearts has been collected from the CONCOR DNA bank, as well as from patients from our collaborating partners from the University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, and the National register for Congenital Heart Defects in Berlin, Germany. Over 400 genes related to cardiac development have been screened by next-generation sequencing, mutations and variations being found in different genes in several patients. Although the project formally reached its end in June 2010, the mutations that have been found are currently being investigated further. Within the HeartRepair project, we screened the MYH7 gene in a cohort of 141 unrelated Ebstein’s anomaly patients and we identified a heterozygous mutation in 8 (6%). In 6 of 8 probands LVNC was identified in addition to Ebstein’s anomaly. The Figure 10. MRI and echocardiographic images of a 24-year old woman with an MYH7 mutation. Ebstein anomaly and left ventricular noncompaction are present. 46 ICIN patients and a dedicated program of counselling for adults with CHD has to be developed to optimize knowledge and satisfaction with information provision and to reduce or manage concerns regarding inheritance of CHD. Our manuscript is now under review for publication. Partnerships In the HeartRepair project, we collaborate with the Institute 47 Netherlands Heart Institute of Human Genetics and the dept. of Cardiology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom and the National Register for Congenital Heart Defects in Berlin, Germany. Funding The Heart Repair project is funded by a grant from European Union Sixth Framework Programme. Pregnancy in congenital heart disease - ZAHARA II Principal investigator: P.G. Pieper Background Previous research has shown that pregnant women with congenital heart disease (CHD) are more susceptible to cardiovascular, obstetric and offspring events. The causative pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying maternal and offspring complications are incompletely understood. Inadequate uteroplacental circulation is an important denominator in adverse obstetric events and offspring outcome in the general population. The relation between cardiac function and uteroplacental perfusion has however not been investigated in women with CHD. Moreover the effects of physiological changes on pregnancy related events are unknown. Methods The ZAHARA II study is a prospective multi-centre cohort study, which investigates changes in and relations between cardiovascular parameters and uteroplacental Doppler flow patterns during pregnancy in women with CHD, compared with matched healthy controls. The relation between cardiovascular parameters and uteroplacental Doppler flow patterns and the occurrence of cardiac, obstetric and offspring events will be investigated. At 20 and 32 weeks of gestation clinical, neurohumoral and echocardiographic evaluation and fetal growth together with Doppler flow measurements in fetal en maternal circulation are performed. Maternal evaluation is repeated 1-year postpartum. We would like to thank all participating centres and all colleagues who made a great effort to achieve this inclusion and hope to count on the same great dedication during follow up. The first preliminary results of ZAHARA II were presented at the ESC 2010. The main results are to be expected in the course of 2011. An article describing the study design of the ZAHARA II study was accepted for publication in the American Heart Journal. At the moment we are working on 2 manuscripts concerning the validations of existing risk scores and risk estimation models for both maternal and offspring risk. Several other manuscripts concerning the main objectives of the study are expected in the second half of 2011. Investigators Project leader: Mrs. Dr. P.G. Pieper, UMCG PhD student: Drs. A. Balci, UMCG Implications By identifying the factors, responsible for pregnancy related events in women with CHD, risk stratification can be refined which may lead to better pre-pregnancy counseling and eventually improve treatment of these women. Results The ZAHARA II study has reached its final inclusion in September 2010. A Total of 237 eligible patients were addressed for participation and 233 of them signed informed consent. (figure 1) After drop out of 21 women, 212 could be included for follow up. This is 33% more than the expected 160 patients that we had planned to enrol in three years. The most important reasons for drop out of patients were miscarriage before the 20th week of gestation and serious protocol violations. Baseline data of the patients were recorded at first prenatal visit and during follow up and included clinical and obstetric data, echocardiographic data, electrocardiographic data and blood and urine samples. Most patients (95%) have already given birth and are now in the postpartum follow up phase. Only 5% of the included patients have not given birth yet. In addition to the included patients, we were able to enrol 69 healthy controls. Almost 93% of the healthy women have given birth by now. Figure 1. Inclusion of patients in and exclusion from the ZAHARA II study. Figure 2. Distribution of main congenital heart disease in ZAHARA II 48 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute PROSTAVA Study Principal investigator: P.G. Pieper Background In patients with congenital heart disease, often mechanical or biological prosthetic valves are implanted. These patients differ from adults who have prosthetic valves implanted for acquired valve disease because of differences in age, lifestyle and variety of valve location, and because of the probably high incidence of prosthesis-patient-mismatch. However, data about the long-term complications of prosthetic valves, including the prevalence and complications of prosthesis-patient mismatch, in adults with congenital heart disease are scarce. Objectives The primary objective of this study is to investigate the relation between characteristics of valve prosthesis (i.e. valve type, location and size) on functional outcome and quality of life in adult patients with congenital hert disease. The secondary objectives of this study are: • To investigate the prevalence and predictors of prosthesispatient-mismatch in a population with congenital heart disease. • To investigate the incidence of prosthesis related complications in a population with CHD (re-operation, valve thrombosis, bleeding complications, hemolysis, paravalvular regurgitation, endocarditis, arrhythmias, pregnancy-related complications, heart failure). • To investigate the relation between prosthesis related complications and valve type (especially for pulmonary prosthetic valves). Methods We intend to include 600 patients with CHD and a prosthetic valve, who are identified through the CONCOR database. Primary outcomes are VO2max and quality of life. Secondary outcomes are the prevalence of prosthesis-patient-mismatch 49 (according to pre-defined criteria) and the incidence of valve related complications. Patient files of congenital heart disease patients with prosthetic valves identified from the CONCOR database will be studied for past medical history including surgical procedures and the occurrence of valve-related complications. The cross-sectional evaluation encomprises history, physical examination, VO2max, quality of life questionnaires, echocardiogram including prosthetic valve area, MRI (ventricular volumes and mass), laboratory evaluation (including NT-pro-BNP). Expectations We expect the spectrum of prosthetic valve-related complications and the prevalence of prosthesis-patient mismatch in our CHD population to differ from adult populations with acquired valve disease as reported in the literature. Implications Our results may influence the choice of valve prosthesis, the indication for more extensive surgery (e.g. annulus enlargement) and the indication for re-operation in patients with prosthesispatient-mismatch. Current state of the PROSTAVA study Inclusion has started in UMCG and will soon commence in AMC and UMCN. Several other centres will join the study during 2011 Duration September 2010 - September 2013 Investigators Project leader: Mrs. Dr. P.G. Pieper, UMCG Researchers: Drs. Ymkje J. van Slooten, Drs. Hendrik G. Freling Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Principal investigator: A.C. van Rossum Aim and method of the project This project focuses on the pathogenesis of wall thickening in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a complex genetic heart disease affecting ~1:500 individuals. In order to evaluate the hypertrophic and fibrotic response in HCM, patients with sarcomeric mutations and transgenic animals are subjected to state-of-the-art serial cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging investigations. Progress in 2010 The clinical and morphological expression of HCM is highly variable. The typical HCM patient displays asymmetrical left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy of the interventricular septum, frequently accompanied by left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction and heart failure symptoms. Current advances in genetic testing however, yield an increasing amount of asymptomatic mutation carriers without signs of overt disease manifestation. The investigation of these pre-hypertrophic patients is of particular interest (together with preclinical studies in animals), since it may provide valuable insights into the complex pathogenesis of hypertrophy in HCM and may even lead to targeted preventive therapy [1]. To this end a group of HCM carriers underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging with tissue tagging. Tagging allows the non-invasive quantification of torsion and circumferential strain, which are both markers of cardiac deformation. Torsion and the ratio of torsion-to-circumferential strain (TECS) were significantly higher in carriers with respect to controls (see figure 1), indicating that pre-hypertrophied HCM hearts exhibit functional abnormalities before the occurrence of hypertrophy [2]. Besides these functional changes, localised morphological changes (called crypts, figure 2) at the inferoseptum occur in high numbers of carriers [3]. We are currently investigating the prevalence and characteristics of crypts in a large heterogeneous group of carriers and are comparing these findings with a group of consecutive CMR patients without HCM mutations. Fig. 2. CMR two-chamber cine image displaying several crypts located at the inferior LV wall, indicated by the white arrows. Experimental studies In order to gain more insight into the complex hypertrophic response in HCM, we subjected transgenic HCM (cMyBP-C) null mice to serial CMR acquisitions and treated half of the study population with cariporide (Na+/H+ exchange blocker). We used the Bruker 9.4 T at the Utrecht animal facility scanner to generate cine images to enable the off-line calculation of left ventricular mass and volumes (see figure 3). After two months of treatment, cariporide failed to regress the amount of pre-existent LV hypertrophy in these mice. We are currently analysing whether blockage of the Na+/H+ exchanger influences the formation of fibrosis in these animals. Fig. 3. Short-axis cine image of a cMyBPC null mouse. Manually drawn epicardial (green) and endocardial (red) borders allow off-line quantification of LV volumina and mass. Fig. 1. Differences in torsion and TECS between healthy volunteers, mutation carriers and manifest HCM patients. A possible hypothesis that provides an overall explanation for the hypertrophic response in HCM prescribes that inefficient ATP-usage of mutated sarcomeres causes enhanced energy metabolism relative to cardiac work. As a result, intracellular ATP-dependant molecular pathways may become perturbated and may ultimately stimulate pro-hypertrophic signalling. In order to confirm this hypothesis with a translational approach, we started a collaboration with the cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery department of the St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein. 50 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy patients eligible for surgery (myectomy) will undergo both positron emission tomography (PET) and CMR investigations at the VU University Medical Center before the intervention. After surgery, efficiency of contraction of myocardial tissue (which is obtained during surgery) will be determined and related to in vivo data. Funding The project (04805) is financed by the ICIN and a part by a grant of the Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS 2006B213). The preclinical studies are financed by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union ‘BIG-HEART’ grant agreement 241577 obtained by Jolanda van der Velden. Partnerships The research regarding HCM mutation carriers is based upon a collaboration between the VU University Medical Center (imaging) and the Academic Medical Center (AMC) Amsterdam. A collaboration between VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (department of physiology) and the Animal Facility in Utrecht (University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) enables the preclinical studies. The multicenter study titled ‘ENerGetIcs in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: traNslation bEtween MRI, PET and cardiac myofilament function’ (‘ENGINE’-study) is a collaboration between the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam and St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein. Staff Promotor: Prof Dr. A.C. van Rossum Co-promotors: Dr. T. Germans (CMR imaging) and Dr. J. vd Velden (physiology). 51 Collaborations: AMC: Prof. Dr. A.A. Wilde and Dr. I. Christiaans UMCU: Prof. Dr. G. Pasterkamp Animal facility (GDL): M.G.J. Nederhoff and K. vd Kolk St. Antonius Hospital: Dr. J.M. ten Berg and Dr. A. Yilmaz. Right ventricular dysfunction and tetralogy of Fallot Principal investigator: W.A. Helbing Project Early diagnosis of right ventricular dysfunction in patients operated for tetralogy of Fallot. A multicenter study with serial follow-up. of RV overload and hypertrophy. 3. Correlate circulating levels of identified markers with cardiac and systemic parameters, and to identify (a) potential biomarker(s) as a diagnostic and prognostic tool(s). Background, aims and method Residual pulmonary regurgitation (PR) plays a crucial role in the long-term outcome of patients operated for tetralogy of Fallot. Ultimately, longstanding PR can lead to right ventricular (RV) dilatation, impairment of RV function, deterioration of exercise capacity, arrhythmias, and an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Patients with severe PR are often treated with a pulmonary valve replacement (PVR), but the optimal timing to perform a PVR remains subject for debate. Serial follow-up in patients with corrected tetralogy of Fallot is limited and the course of deterioration of ventricular function has not yet been clarified. Serial follow-up data may provide insight in the course of RV size and function after surgery, which could contribute to decision making on optimal timing of PVR. Progress in 2010 The last patients were successfully included in 2010. In total, 87 patients after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot had completed the serial follow-up study protocol, which consisted of: taking history, performing physical examination, performing an MRI study, performing a bicycle exercise test, blood sample collection, ECG and 24-hour Holter registration. Additionally, a subgroup of patients had also undergone an MRI study during low-dose dobutamine stress (7.5 µg/kg/min.) at the baseline and the follow-up study. The results of this study showed us that in 5 years time, important progression of RV size occurs in patients, who have moderate to severe PR and an RVEDV of ≥ 150 ml/m2 (for RVEDV 4 ml/m2 increase per year). This was accompanied by a tendency towards a decrease in VO2 max, but not in other exercise parameters. This increase in RV size over time did not occur in patients with smaller right ventricles (RVEDV < 150 ml/m2). The increase in RV size in patients with an RVEDV ≥ 150 ml/m2 was not associated with relevant changes in LV size, biventricular function or contractile reserve. Importantly, these results did not differ from those in patients with an RVEDV < 150 ml/m2 or in patients who had undergone a PVR. Biventricular contractile reserve was preserved in all patients, even in those with the largest right ventricles. The project aims to improve early diagnosis of right ventricular failure during long-term follow-up of patients with tetralogy of Fallot, by integrating information from history, physical examination, imaging techniques, and blood tests. This will ultimately result in improved guidelines for treatment of potential right ventricular failure, required for prevention of heart failure in patients with tetralogy of Fallot. In patients who have undergone surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot, we aim to: 1. Assess the development of RV dimensions and function in relation to clinical outcome, in a time dependent manner. 2. Identify, characterize and quantify markers in blood samples, using high density antibody arrays and ELISA’s, obtained from Fallot patients at different stages of the development In another study, a comparison was made between a cohort of patients who had undergone balloon valvuloplasty for isolated pulmonary valve stenosis and a group of patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, matched for gender, age at treatment and age at study. Patients underwent an MRI scan, echocardiography and a bicycle exercise test. Results were also compared to Figure 1:Serial follow-up results of RVEDV (ml/m2) and RVEF (%) assessed with MRI at rest and during low-dose dobutamine stress in subgroups of patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. 52 ICIN a group of healthy controls, matched for gender and age at study. We demonstrated that patients with isolated PS had a lower exercise capacity, a larger RV and a lower RV function than healthy controls, despite an excellent clinical condition. However, exercise performance and biventricular function were similar to those in patients with tetralogy of Fallot, despite more severe PR and larger RV volumes in Fallot patients. High-density antibody arrays were used to test 272 proteins in 96 Fallot patients and in 70 healthy controls. Patients with different degrees of RV volume overload and different follow-up durations were selected for this study. The analysis resulted in the identification of a selected number of proteins which might potentially be useful as diagnostic and prognostic markers. This will quantitatively be tested with ELISA’s. Collaboration The project involves collaboration between the departments of Pediatric Cardiology / Cardiothoracic surgery of Erasmus MC-Sophia and UMCU-WKZ, and between the departments of Cardiology / Cardiothoracic surgery AMC and LUMC (Center for Congenital Heart Disease Amsterdam Leiden). The project also involves collaboration with the departments of Cardiology, Radiology, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Biology of Erasmus MC. Staff - Prof. W.A. Helbing, PhD, MD Department of Paediatrics, division of Cardiology, Erasmus MC - Prof. B.J.M. Mulder, PhD, MD, Department of Cardiology, AMC -Prof. M.G. Hazekamp, PhD, MD, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, LUMC-AMC -Prof. A.J.J.C. Bogers, PhD, MD, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Erasmus MC - H.W. Vliegen, PhD, MD, Department of Cardiology, LUMC - H.J. Duckers, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Molecular Biology, Erasmus MC - S.E. Luijnenburg, MD, Research Fellow, ICIN Funding This project is funded by the Netherlands Heart Foundation. 53 Netherlands Heart Institute Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia Principal investigator: R.N.W. Hauer Background Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is considered as an inherited desmosomal disease. Desmosomes contribute to cardiac mechanical intercellular coupling. Recent studies have shown that mutations in genes encoding desmosomal proteins appear to be associated with the ARVD/C phenotype. These mutations may affect number and integrity of desmosomes and may influence amount and distribution of other intercalated disk proteins, including gap junctions (connexin43). This may decrease intercellular electrical coupling and thus enhance arrhythmogenicity. On the other hand, histology in ARVD/C showed altered tissue architecture due to surviving myocardial strands embedded in accumulated fibro-fatty tissue. Both intercellular electrical uncoupling and these interconnecting myocardial strands give rise to lengthened conduction pathways, load mismatch at pivotal points, and conduction slowing, all contributing to activation delay and reentrant circuits. Hypotheses Arrhythmogenicity in early genetically determined ARVD/C may be due to gap junction remodeling, followed at a later stage of the disease by replacement fibrosis due to cell death. This hypothesis is strongly supported by recent immunohistochemical observations by Asimaki et al. showing in ARVD/C patients the occurrence of alterations in intercalated disk proteins in pathohistologically still unaffected tissue. However, since sporadic ARVD/C cases are well described, not all types of ARVD/C are necessarily genetically determined, but alternatively sporadic occurrence may be due to incomplete penetrance or spontaneous mutations. Aims 1) How are desmosomal changes related to the contribution of different arrhythmogenic substrates in ARVD/C? 2) Quantify the genetic contribution to ARVD/C in a large cohort of patients. 3) Are different types of mutation or mutation sites related to differences in penetrance and clinical characteristics? If so, are these differences understandable at the molecular/cellular level? Methods Originally Index-patients fulfilling predefined diagnostic ARVD/C criteria (generally accepted Task Force criteria, defined by consensus in 1994) were collected. Since publication of the modified Task Force criteria in both Circulation and European Heart Journal in 2010 these new criteria were used to redefine fulfilment of ARVD/C diagnosis in all included patients. After genotyping index patients, their family members are approached, genotyped and clinically screened. All genes encoding desmosomal proteins will be screened. Family history will be analyzed. In each family, the mutation will be related to predefined clinical outcome parameters. The amount of fibrosis will be studied by delayed-enhancement MRI. ARVD/C relevant mutant constructs will be expressed after viral transfer to neonatal cardiac myocytes. Different mutations will be related to amount and distribution of desmosomal proteins, connexin43 and ion channel proteins by Western blotting and immunofluorescence techniques. Electrophysiologic characteristics of transfected myocytes will be determined and related to clinical outcome parameters. Amount and distribution of intercalated disk proteins will also be studied in ARVD/C patients and controls. This methodology is needed to answer clinical and basic questions in Aims. Results Clinical study 1) In order to study genotype-phenotype relationships of ARVD/C, patients fulfilling the diagnostic Task Force criteria defined in 2010 have been collected nationwide. All 8 University Medical Centers cooperated in this part of the project. Together, the number of index-patients included could be increased from 115 in 2008 to 137 in 2009, and to 169 in 2010. In all patients, the gene encoding Plakophilin-2 (PKP2) was analyzed. More important, in 149 of these 169 index-patients, all 5 genes encoding desmosmal proteins (DSG2, DSC2¸ PKP2, DSP,JUP) have been analyzed. Pathogenic mutations were identified in 87/149 (58%) of index-patients, mainly truncating PKP2 mutations. Multiple desmosomal mutations were found in only 2% of patients. A total number of 23 different pathogenic mutations (primarily PKP2) were found, and in addition 8 most likely pathogenic DNA variants (predominantly missense mutations). Pathogenicity of these missense mutations was likely because of analysis with in silico predictive programs. Furthermore, at the end of 2010 in total 302 family members from 93 different families of the 149 index-patients were clinically and genetically characterized. The diagnosis “ARVD/C” was made in 60 family members. Thus, in total from all families with DNA analysis of 5 desmosomal genes 149+60=209 patients fulfilled the Task Force criteria from 2010 for ARVD/C diagnosis. This is one of the largest series of ARVD/C patients in the world. Since 137 family members had pathogenic mutations, the total number of mutation-carriers was 149+137= 286 individuals (mainly truncating PKP2)! Of the 57 of 282 (20%) initially asymptomatic relatives that showed any sign of ARVD/C 84% carried a mutation. Compared to relatives of index-patients without mutations, mutation-carrying relatives had: 1) A six-fold risk of ARVD/C diagnosis. 2) Markedly increased risk of arrhythmias and 3) Earlier onset of ARVD/C signs and symptoms. In young relatives, age <20 years, sudden death and signs of ARVD/C occurred exclusively in PKP2 mutation-carriers. Prolonged terminal activation duration, a marker of activation delay, appeared to be an early ARVD/C sign. A manuscript has been submitted and was accepted for publication in Circulation in 2011, very recently. Another manuscript prepared in collaboration with Mayo Clinics (Ackerman) on background genetic noise in ARVD/C was accepted for publication in J Am Coll Cardiol, also in 2011. 2) Cox and Hauer co-authorized in the international consensus paper on New Task Force criteria for ARVD/C diagnosis, 54 ICIN which has been published in both Circulation and Eur Heart J. Prolonged terminal activation duration (TAD) and superior axis of ventricular tachycardia with left bundle branch block morphology, previously identified in our study, were accepted to include in the new Task Force criteria. In addition, a report has been published in Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol on clinical impact of the modified criteria. Status and continuation: Inclusion of patients will be continued. Although the target of 150 ARVD/C index-patients and their family members has been reached and important data have been obtained on diagnostic improvement, molecular-genetic involvement, and in the comparison of mutation-carriers versus non-carriers and sporadic cases, many scientific challenges persist: 1) More patients should be included to have more relatives per specific DNA mutation to identify specific mutation-related phenotypic differences and differences within a family by genetic modifiers and environmental factors. 2)Prolonged terminal activation duration (TAD) has been identified as important parameter for activation delay. However, prolongation of TAD will be typically due to presence of right ventricular outflow tract involvement, which may be not always the case. Identification of universal delay parameters is needed and will be studied by relating electrophysiologic data with sites of hemodynamic and structural alteration (advanced echocardiography, MRI with late enhancement). 3) Immunohistochemical analysis is very promising, but much more data are needed. 4) Ultimate goal is early diagnosis and risk stratification. In April 2011 MGPJ Cox will finalize her thesis on the clinical part. Since September 2010 a new PhD student JA Groeneweg is involved. Results Experimental studies 1) A human PKP2 cDNA expression construct has been obtained, and a series of 6 mutations covering the entire coding region and resulting in a premature stopcodon have been made. The mutations are based on identified mutations in the (Dutch) ARVD/C patient population. Ectopic expression of wild type and mutant proteins, N-terminal HA-tagged to ensure immunogenic detection, was checked by western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy. Localization of mutant and wild type PKP2 protein has been determined in COS7, HEK293t and BWEM cells by immunofluorescence. On basis of localization, mutant proteins were categorized in three groups: 1. localized in the nucleus, 2. in protein synthesis and transport associated vesicles, or 3. diffusely throughout the cytoplasm. Importantly, they all displayed an abnormal subcellular localization in COS7 and HEK293t cells when compared to wild type PKP2, which is normally localized at the plasma membrane. To allow further in vitro analysis, adenoviruses of the PKP2 constructs are made. The constructs will be expressed in neonatal cardiomyocytes to study their effect on conduction. Results from clinical cardiologic evaluation to assess diagnostic 55 Netherlands Heart Institute Task Force criteria in ARVD/C patients with the corresponding PKP2 mutations were obtained, including arrhythmias, ECG, and structural abnormalities. The ARVD/C phenotype appeared to be associated with a loss of plasma membrane localization of PKP2 in COS7 and BWEM cells. Additional loss- or gain– of functions of truncated PKP2 protein appeared not to be correlated to the severity of the ARVD/C phenotype. 2) Post-mortem cardiac samples and right ventricular septal biopsies from 10 ARVD/C patients and 6 controls have been analyzed using immunohistochemistry for the presence and localization of Connexin43, Plakophilin2, Plakoglobin, N-Cadherin, Desmoplakin and Collagen. Four patients had mutations in PKP2 and 1 in DSG2. In 8 of 10 ARVD/C patients connexin43 expression was down-regulated and was heterogeneously distributed compared to controls. In contrast, expression and distribution of PKP2, DSP, and N-cadherin and also JUP were remarkably unaffected when using standard protocols. Alterations in expression profiles did not differ between the left ventricular free wall and the right ventricular free wall and importantly, were similar to those seen in right ventricular septal biopsies. Recently, Asimaki et al., from Harvard also published down-regulation of connexin43 but unlike our first results also universal down-regulation of JUP. This was published in New England Journal of Medicine, March 2009. Differences were studied in cooperative studies were tissue samples were exchanged. After carefully reviewing the staining protocol we were able to see the downregulation of JUP in 7/10 patients. 3) A PKP2 haploinsufficient mouse has been obtained and is currently being extensively characterized. Cohorts of 3 and 6 months old mice will be studied, as well as mice that undergo a TAC surgery and a group subjected to voluntary running. ECGs, echocardiograms and epicardial activation mappings of these animals will be analyzed. Furthermore the hearts of these mice will be used for western blot, PCR and immunohistochemistry. Status and continuation The effect of plakophilin 2 mutation on the composition of the desmosome and gap junctions will be studied in neonatal cardiomyocytes. Molecular analyses will be performed on the PKP2 haploinsufficient mice and will be compared to wildtype. Investigators: RNW Hauer (UMCU), MGPJ Cox (UMCU), M Noorman (UMCU), JJ van der Smagt (UMCU), HVM van Rijen (UMCU), MAG van der Heyden (UMCU), AAB van Veen (UMCU), MA Vos (UMCU), D Dooijes (UMCU), JG Post (UMCU), P Loh (UMCU), MJ Cramer (UMCU), JA Groeneweg (UMCU), JP van Tintelen (UMCG), IC van Gelder (UMCG), ACP Wiesfeld (UMCG), IM van Langen (UMCG), JDH Jongbloed (UMCG), PA vd Zwaag (UMCG), JMT de Bakker (ICIN, UvA, UMCU), AAM Wilde (UvA), C vd Werf (UvA), ZA Bhuiyan (UvA), PGA Volders (AZM), Avd Wijngaard (AZM), MJ Schalij (LUMC), DE Atsma (LUMC), L Jordaens (EMCR), AC Houweling (VUMC). Financial support: This study is granted by: ICIN, HLSU Foundation, and the Netherlands Heart Foundation (2007B139). Pulmonary hypertension and Congenital heart disease Principal investigator: G. Tj. Sieswerda Project The pressure overloaded right ventricle in pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart disease; a deformation imaging study’ Aim and method The aim of the scientific part of this project is threefold: 1.Patients with pulmonary hypertension have a pressure overloaded right ventricle, this is also the case in several congenital heart defects. However there is a substantial difference in time to right ventricular failure and survival between these groups, detrimental to the patients with pulmonary hypertension. We aim to explain this difference by comparing the characteristics of the right ventricles of these groups and healthy controls. Understanding the adaptive capacity of the heart gives more insight in the different disease courses and could give new perspective on therapeutic options. A total of 8 groups will be compared to each other, using different new imaging techniques in both echocardiography and MRI, and an extensive cardiopulmonary exercise test. 2.There is a need for prognostic markers in pulmonary hypertension patients that are available early in the disease and preferably noninvasive. We therefore aim to use the new echocardiographic techniques and elaborate cardiopulmonary exercise testing to find early prognostic markers. A group of 150 patients with pulmonary hypertension will be evaluated twice (once at entrance in the study and once at 6 months) and followed for 2 years using the primary endpoint ‘clinical worsening’. 3.Three-dimensional speckle tracking is one of these new imaging techniques and has yet to be validated. We will therefore investigate its clinical applicability of this technique and validate with MRI tagging as a reference. This will be done in a group of 36 healthy individuals as well as in patients with congenital heart disease/right ventricular dysfunction. Progress in 2010 In addition to the scientific goal of this project, optimizing patient care for pulmonary hypertension in the UMCU is also an important goal of this project. Starting this project, no clear referral structure for pulmonary hypertension was present in the UMCU, also dedicated specialists (of each of the involved divisions) were lacking. For the cardiology two dedicated cardiologist, the GUCH cardiologists F.J. Meijboom and G.Tj. Sieswerda, are now the dedicated specialists when diagnostic aid is needed in patients suspected of pulmonary hypertension. Patients can be referred to the secretary of ‘grown-up with congenital heart disease’. Patients with clinically suspected pulmonary hypertension can now be evaluated at a one-stop outpatient clinic within 1-2 weeks. Also referral for right heart catheterization (in the suspicion of pulmonary hypertension) is now structured and planned by the investigator (M. Driessen). With these adjustments, the time to diagnosis has been shortened. A second adjustment is the introduction of a dedicated pulmonary hypertension meeting, which takes place every 4 weeks. This meeting is multidisciplinary including the pulmonology, cardiology and rheumatology department. Dr. R. Snijder from the St. Antonius hospital, whom is specialized in pulmonary hypertension, also takes place in these meetings. These meetings are used to determine further diagnostic tests needed and appropriate therapeutic strategy. Also a summary of each meeting with diagnosis and advice is included in the patient charts. All and all, a lot of progress has been made in optimizing the patient care for pulmonary hypertension. For 2011 though, still many points can be optimized; the responsible specialists in each division need to be appointed and known within the involved departments and planning of diagnostic tests (for categorizing the type of pulmonary hypertension) should be accelerated, as the latter now takes a lot of time. For the scientific part of this project Only a very brief concept of the project was available at the start in August of 2010. A clear and structured research protocol, including the rationale of the study, had to be made by the investigator. The project started with an elaborate study of the literature, including literature about pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart disease, the embryology of the heart, the anatomy of the heart, different imaging techniques and validation of these techniques, prognosis in pulmonary hypertension and, cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Using the literature and the concept for the project, the investigator made an elaborate research protocol, including the 3 major goals of the study. Together with the study of literature, this took approximately 2-3 months. The investigator further extended this protocol into an application for approval of the medical ethical committee. This application includes a sample size calculation and a statistical analysis plan, patient information and ABR-form. Also collaboration was sought with other institutions, namely St. Antonius hospital and St. Radboud university hospital, making this a multi-center project. The protocol was filed with the medical ethical committee on the 6th of January. One of the most important investigations in this study is echocardiography. As the investigator will be performing these herself, a training in echocardiography was necessary. The investigator has spent 1.5 months in the Rijnstate hospital in Arnhem learning how to perform echocardiograms. After this six-week training, the investigator has spent one day a week performing echocardiograms in the functional department of the UMCU to improve her skills. Partnerships St. Antonius Hospital: - Dr. R. Snijder MD PhD, pulmonologist - Dr. M. Post MD PhD, cardiologist St. Radboud University Medical Center: - A. van Dijk MD PhD, cardiologist 56 ICIN Funding Funding was provided by ‘stichting opsporing pulmonale hypertensie’ (STOPH). Staff Drs. M.M.P. Driessen; investigator (coordinating), employed by ICIN (research for promotion) Dr. G. Tj. Sieswerda; project leader, employed by Heart&Lung division of the University Medical Center Utrecht (1st copromotor) Dr. T. Leiner; co-investigator, employed by Radiology department of the University Medical Center Utrecht (2nd co-promotor) Dr. F.J. Meijboom; co-investigator, employed by Heart&Lung division of the University Medical Center Utrecht Dr. R.J. Snijder; co-investigator, employed by Heart&Lung division of the St. Antonius Hospital Dr. A. van Dijk; co-investigator, employed by Heart&Lung division of the St. Radboud University Medical Center 57 Netherlands Heart Institute ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Research line - Heart failure Dutch Programma on Tissue Engineering Principal investigator: P.A.F.M. Doevendans Aim and method of the project Title: MicroRNA-155 prevents necrotic cell death in human cardiomyocyte progenitor cells via targeting RIP1. Regenerative medicine offers a potential novel approach to repair the injured heart. For cardiac repair, different cell types are considered for transplantation to replace damaged tissue. In this regard, cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) are potentially the best cell source due to their capability of differentiating into functional cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, all required for heart repair. Previously, we reported the isolation of cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs) from human heart that are able to proliferate and efficiently differentiate into functional cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells. 3-Months after transplantation of CMPCs in a mouse model of myocardial infarction, we observed less outward remodeling and improved cardiac function as compared to control injections. Although high numbers of cells are injected for cell therapy, few implanted cells survive, limiting the potential contribution for myocardial repair. Most of the engrafted cells perished in the first 48h after transplantation, partially due to the hostile microenvironment of the ischemic myocardium. Strategies are therefore required to improve cell survival after implantation. Progress in 2010 Accumulating evidence suggests that miRNAs play an important role in cell survival. Recently, we observed that microRNA-155 (miR-155) is highly expressed in proliferating CMPCs. However, miR-155 does not regulate or determine cellular proliferation. miR-155 was shown to be involved in cell death in tumor cell lines. We therefore tested if miR-155 was involved in CMPC cell survival and stimulated the cells with oxidative-stress or anisomycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor. Interestingly the level of miR-155 increased 4-fold upon stimulation while the dominant cell death that could be observed in CMPCs was necrosis, Subsequently, we tested if increasing miR-155 levels via transient transfection would efficiently enhance CMPCs survival. After transfections and induction of oxidative stress, we observed that miR-155 could efficiently prevent oxidativestress induced necrosis, but not apoptosis (figure 1). miR-155 targets RIP1, a death domain protein required for activation of death-receptor induced necrosis. In addition, necrotic cell death was also reduced after targeting RIP1, either via Nec1 (synthetic inhibitor) or siRNA (reducing RIP1 mRNA levels). Interestingly, increased miR-155 levels did not change apoptotic and cell survival related gene expression. Via this study we observed that necrosis is the main mechanism of cell death in CMPCs in vitro. Although necrosis was previously documented to be a non-regulatory process, we showed that the process could efficiently be inhibited via miR-155 or specifically by targeting RIP1 (figure 2). These data suggest that miRNAs can potentially be used to improve the efficiency of cell-based therapy for cardiac regeneration by enhancing myogenic differentiation or survival of injected cells. Currently, we are testing these miRNAs for their effect on CMPC differentiation and survival in a murine myocardial infarction model. Figure1: CMPCs were transfected with pre-miR155, antimiR155 or scr-miR and challenged by oxidative stress. Live, apoptotic and necrotic cells were detected by AnnV/7-AAD staining using flow cytometric analysis. We observed an increased number of surviving cells and a reduced necrotic cell population upon miR-155 transfection. (Data are presented as mean +/- sem, N= 4 and *p<0.05) Figure 2 (A) RIP1 mRNA expression in miR-155 overexpressing CMPC;: pre-premiR155, anti: antagomiR; SCR-scrambeled (B) RIP1 protein expression detected by Western blot Funding DPTE Staff Jia Liu, MD (UMCU) Alain van Mil (ICIN) Steven Chamuleau, MD, PhD (UMCU) Pieter Doevendans, MD, PhD (UMCU) Joost Sluijter, PhD (UMCU) 60 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute ICIN-NHS Cell therapy program, translational studies Principal investigator: P.A.F.M. Doevendans Aim and method of the project Title: Cell therapy for cardiac regeneration and protection Previously, it has been assumed that transplanted MSC, due to the influence of the local microenvironment, trans-differentiate into cells of the cardiomyogenic lineage or even cardiomyocytes. These cells would integrate into the myocardium and help to regenerate the damaged tissue. After transplantation, however, only a minor percentage of MSC were detected. More recent studies show that the paracrine factors produced by MSC have a protective effect on heart tissue; anti-apoptotic, anti-fibrotic and pro-angiogenic effects were observed. So MSC are of interest for clinical applications in cardiology, however, their beneficial effects on cardiac tissue after injury are only partially elucidated. Another cell type of potential interest is the epicardium derived cell (EPDC). Also these cells have beneficial effects on cardiac function, through an unknown mechanism. Role of epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) in cardiomyocyte differentiation Over the last years, several studies have focused on the role of adult epicardium and EPDCs in heart repair. Recently, we demonstrated that adult human spindle-shaped EPDCs injected into the infarcted myocardium, preserved cardiac function and reduced remodelling both early and late after the onset of infarction (Winter et al. Circulation 2007). Not by differentiating into new cardiomyocytes, but rather by paracrine protection of the surrounding tissue, reducing myocardial cell death and stimulating angiogenesis. Interestingly, when we combined adult human EPDCs with human CMPCs, a cell source that is able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes, we observed a more powerful protection and stimulation of the infarcted heart than either of these cell types separately (figure 1). The favorable effect of combined transplantation is at least partly explained by stimulation of distinct paracrine cascades. The contribution Figure 1 LV function synergistically improves when both CMPCs and EPDCs are transplanted (winter et al.,2009). 61 of injected EPDCs was instructive rather than constructive. Recently we observed that 4 days post MI, the endogenous epicardium is reactivated of with re-expression of developmental genes and renewed EMT (figure 2). The therapeutic potential of the endogenous epicardium is therefore a new field of investigation. Figure 2 While 2 days post MI, the epicardium does not express the embryonic marker WT1, this is abundantly present 4 days after myocardial infarction. A suitable preclinical animal model for studying the effectiveness of cell therapy after a myocardial infarction is the pig. Unfortunately, cell therapy with human CMPC cells failed due to rejection, despite immune-suppression, and thus autologous cells are needed for follow-up studies. For this, we started to set-up a protocol to isolated porcine MSC from bone marrow (BM) and compared their characteristics with human MSC (hMSC) by morphology, immunophenotypic characteristics and multilineage potential. Culture-expanded pig BM cells express several markers that are also characteristic for hMSC. They only lacked expression of CD105, CD73, and CD166, due to an absence of cross-reactivity with antibodies. With a CFU-F assay, CD271+ selected porcine BM cells showed enrichment in MSC frequency, as is also true for CD271+ cells selected from human BM. Subsequently, multipotency of pMSC and hMSC towards osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes were found to be equal. For pMSC as well as for hMSC large variations in differentiation potential were observed, which were donor dependent. The induction-stimuli required are not different for pMSC and hMSC. In conclusion, pMSC show similarities and dissimilarities in phenotype, but equal potency in differentiation towards osteoblasts and adipocytes. Progress in 2010 Recently, we studied the immune-modulatory potential of pMSC and their in vivo effect on cardiac function in a mouse model for myocardial infarction as compared to hMSCs. Mononuclear cells were obtained after ficoll separation from porcine and human peripheral blood (pPBMNC and hPBMNC, respectively), and stained with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE). pPBMNC or hPBMNC were maximally stimulated with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and IL-. Stimulation was performed in the presence or absence of MSC. After 6 days of culture CFSE expression of PBMNC was measured by flow cytometry. Stimulation with PMA and IL-2 resulted in a significant number of dividing cells. However, in the presence of hMSC or pMSC, significantly fewer cells had divided and the percentage of cells which had divided 4 or 5 times, were much lower than in absence of MSC (figure 1). In addition to these in vitro comparison studies between pMSC and hMSC we started to explore their in vivo potential. We injected 500.000 MSCs in a mouse model of myocardial infarction, after the permanent ligation of the LAD. We analyzed cardiac function with MRI (9.4T) at baseline and after 28 days to monitor the effect of the cell therapy. As can be observed in figure 2, both human and porcine MSCs were able to reduce detrimental cardiac remodeling at 28 days post infarction, since end systolic and diastolic volumes are smaller in cell injected groups compared to PBS injected groups. Currently, we are performing histological analysis of the mice hearts to localize transplanted cells and if they contributed by trans-differentiation into cardiovascular cell types. We have isolated porcine MSC to be able to study the effect of autologous cell therapy in a preclinical porcine model of chronic injury. We have demonstrated that isolated pMSC have similar characteristics as their human counterparts, both in phenotype as well as in function since their immune-regulatory potential and effects on cardiac remodeling are similar. We believe that these cells can be used to explore potential benefit in a preclinical model to bring cell transplantation therapy to a higher level for potential future clinical application. Funding ICIN-NHS Figure 2: Left ventricle volumes, determined by MRI (9.4T), at baseline and 28 days after ligation of the LAD and cell injection in a mouse model for MI. Both hMSC and pMSC display similar effects on cardiac dimensions by preventing cardiac dilation. (human MSC=hMSC, porcine MSC=pMSC, * p<0.05 pMSA vs control, # p<0.05 hMSC vs PBS) Staff Willy Noort, PhD (ICIN) Sridevi Jaksani (ICIN) Steven Chamuleau, MD, PhD (UMCU) Pieter Doevendans, MD, PhD (UMCU) Joost Sluijter, PhD (UMCU) Figure 1: pMSC suppress proliferation of T cells from pig. Non-stimulated PBMNC were small and CFSE staining was high (A, B). Stimulation of PBMNC resulted in an increase in size and proliferation (C, D). In (E), the stimulated cells were not stained. PMA combined with IL-2 and hPBMNC (F), or with pPBMNC (H) showed after 6 days significant numbers of cells in 4th or 5th division, respectively. When hMSC or pMSC were present in hPBMNC or pPBMNC cultures, respectively, cells had divided less and lower % of cells were found in 4th or 5th division (G, I). 62 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute The PRIMA Study Principal investigator: Y.M. Pinto Project Management of Chronic Heart Failure Guided by Individual N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Targets: the PRIMAstudy Aim The purpose of the main study was to assess whether management of heart failure (HF) guided by an individualized N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) target would lead to improved outcome compared with HF management guided by clinical assessment alone. Methods A total of 345 patients hospitalized for decompensated, symptomatic HF with elevated NT-proBNP levels at admission were included. After discharge, patients were randomized to either clinically-guided outpatient management (n=171) or management guided by an individually set NT-proBNP (n=174), defined by the lowest level at discharge or 2 weeks thereafter. The primary end point was defined as number of days alive outside the hospital after index admission. Progress in 2010 Last year, the main outcome of the PRIMA-study has been published in JACC1. HF management guided by the aforementioned individually set NT-proBNP target did not significantly improve the primary end point (685 vs 664 days, P = 0.49). In the NT-proBNP guided group a trend was seen towards lower mortality, as 46 patients died (26.5%) versus 57 (33.3%) in the clinically guided group, but this was not statistically significant. HF management guided by this individualized NTproBNP target did increase the use of HF medication (P=0.006), and 64% of the HF-related events were preceded by an increase in NT-proBNP. Furthermore, time dependent analysis demonstrated that the individualized NT-proBNP target level was an effective prognostic marker. Outpatient elevation of NT-proBNP levels above the individualized target value indicated an increased risk for major endpoints such as total mortality (hazard ratio (HR) 1.84, P=0.007), cardiovascular mortality (HR: 2.53, P < 0.001), and HF-related mortality (HR: 3.69, P < 0.001). In 2010 a number of subanalysis of the PRIMA-trial have been proposed and are currently being analyzed: - Prognostic value of dynamic markers during admission and at the outpatient clinic in patients with symptomatic HF - Define what variance in NT-proBNP levels at the outpatient 63 clinic has no prognostic consequences. - Differences in NT-proBNP levels and other markers between patients admitted with ‘de novo’ HF and patients admitted because of heart failure known with chronic HF. - Relationship between NT-proBNP levels over time and echoparameters. Furthermore data of the PRIMA-study will be used in a meta analyses assessing the effect of natriuretic guided therapy of heart failure in a larger population. Partnership The following centers have participated in the PRIMA-study: Academic Medical Center Amsterdam Amphia Hospital Breda Atrium Medical Center Heerlen Deventer Hospital Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdan Maastricht University Medical Center Meander Medical Center Amersfoort Orbis Medical Center Sittard Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis Delft University Medical Center Utrecht VieCuri Medical Center Venlo VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Funding Main funding of the PRIMA study (> € 200,000) was provided by the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Heart Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Minor funding of an unrestricted research grant (< € 70,000 per sponsor) was provided by Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Medtronic, and Roche Diagnostics. Staff Research nurses: M. Spanjers M. Blok-Hoos D. Bekkering A. Peeters V. Visser V. van Wegberg Study Coördinator: L. Eurlings CTMM - Triumph Principal investigator: L.J. de Windt Aim and Methods MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding ~22-nucleotide RNAs that have recently been described as important regulators of virtually all cellular processes, including heart failure. We performed microarray analysis of RNA isolated from biopsies of heart failure patients, and manipulated microRNAs in cell culture and in mouse models to establish models to discover new biomarkers in proteomics screens. Progress in 2010 In the past 6 months, we made a final choice of two microRNAs dysregulated in human and rodent heart failure as a strategic choice to focus on for future Milestones within CTMM TRIUMPH. Initial bioinformatics screens for target genes of both microRNAs have yielded a common target protein, and an animal knockout model created from this target. This knockout animal model displayed a severe congestive heart failure following conditional gene targeting, delivering a new and unique mouse model to the consortium to obtain new biomarkers (proteomics and metabolomics). These findings were submitted as patent application PCT/NL2009/050484, and a search report has returned from the European Patent Office. Discussions are now underway with members of the licensing group how to pursue both experimental as well as potential further protection approaches of this IP. Meanwhile, we have initiated interactions with Andrew Stubbs (WP2) to set up the “Knowledge Portal” data flow between WP1 and WP2 by reanalyzing the bioinformatics concerning the obtained microRNA datasets in order to predict additional biomarkers for immediate proteomic testing by partner BG Medicine in existing human heart failure samples and for testing in large animal models in WP3. This “Knowledge Portal” workflow will act as a platform for the other partners within CTMM TRIUMPH and their datasets. Partnership Prof. Dr. Y. Pinto, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Prof. Dr. L.J. de Windt, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, the Netherlands Prof. Dr. D. Ducker, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Prof. Dr. H. Hillege, UMCG, Groningen, the Netherlands Funding staff PhD students: S. Leptidis (ICIN/CTMM). Postdocs: H. el Azzouzi (ICIN/CTMM), P. da Costa Martins (ICIN/CTMM) 64 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute SYNOP2L in sarcomere formation and stabilization Principal investigator: C.L. Mummery Aim and Method of the project With recent advances in the field of stem cell research, including reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cells), improved genetic manipulation and defined cardiac differentiation protocols, generation of human cardiac disease models are within reach. In addition, these differentiation models can be used to identify new molecules which may play important roles in cardiac development and disease. We have previously identified CHAP, a novel z-disk protein, by genome-wide transcriptome analysis in differentiating cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) (Beqqali et al., Stem Cells 2006) and showed its importance during cardiac development. We further investigated the role of CHAP in cardiac disease in transgenic mice and its possible role in cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy. Progress in 2010 Recent advances in genetic manipulation of hESC made it possible to generate fluorescent transgenic hESC lines (Braam et al. Nat Methods 2008). By homologous recombination GFP was placed in the locus of Nkx2.5 (collaboration with Monash University, Australia). This Nkx2.5-GFP hESC reporter line has been characterized and faithfully marks differentiating cardiomyocytes. In combination with newly developed defined high-throughput differentiation protocols, efficiency of cardiomyocyte differentiation increased to more than 50% (among the highest efficiencies worldwide) (Figure 1). Higher percentages of cardiomyocytes can be achieved by FACS sorting. In that same period the stem cell field has made impressive advances by the description and generation of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Recently, Figure 1: hESC-derived cardiomyoctes from Nkx2.5-GFP hESC line and stained for Troponin I and DAPI (nuclei) 65 an iPS cell facility was started in our department (Anatomy & Embryology) in collaboration with the department of Molecular & Cellular Biology at the LUMC, where iPS cells are generated from patients with cardiovascular diseases (such as long QT syndrome and cardiomyopathies). Since hESC and hiPS cells are comparable regarding phenotype, cell growth, pluripotency and differentiation, it is expected that the technology advances in the embryonic stem cell field regarding genetic manipulation and cardiac differentiation can be applied on iPS cells, which eventually may lead to purified cardiac cells harboring diseaseassociated mutations. Studies on diseased cardiac cells from human pluripotent stem cells may provide new insights on the molecular mechanism of the disease and can be used for drug screening with the aim to develop tailor-made treatments for patients. In addition, studies on healthy cardiac cells from human pluripotent cells may increase our knowledge on the molecular events that are important for human cardiac development and the generation of specific cardiovascular cell-types, which ultimately may support the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Furthermore, it is not unusual that factors and signaling pathways important for cardiac development also play a role in cardiac disease. We have recently identified a novel protein, named CHAP (Cytoskeletal Heart-enriched Actinassociated Protein), expressed in heart and skeletal muscle, for which its role is studied during muscle development and disease. CHAP is localized at the Z-disc of sarcomeres and interacts and co-localizes with other Z-disc proteins, α-actinin, calcineurin and calsarcin-1 and -2. Two isoforms of CHAP exist, the longer isoform CHAPa which contains a PDZ-domain and nuclear localization signal (NLS) and the shorter isoform CHAPb, which lacks the PDZ-domain. ChapB is predominantly expressed during early cardiac and skeletal muscle development, whereas ChapA is only expressed in adult heart and skeletal muscle. Interestingly, in addition to its sarcomeric localization, CHAP was also able to translocate to the nucleus. CHAP was associated with filamentous actin in the cytoplasm and the nucleus when expressed ectopically in vitro, but in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes, CHAP disrupted the subcellular localization of a-actinin, another Z-disc protein. We have shown by loss-offunction studies in zebrafish that CHAP plays an important role in cardiac development and maintenance of muscle integrity (Beqqali et al. JCS 2010) (Figure 2). To unravel the function of CHAPb in adult mice, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice, which express CHAPb under control of the heart-specific alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. Although at 1 month of age no clear phenotype was observed in CHAPb Tg mice, at 3 months of age hearts showed an enlargement of the left atrium and the appearance of stress fibers, which co-localized with α-actinin, aligned with cardiomyocytes. Furthermore, in isolated cardiomyocytes a decrease in calcium sensitivity and maximal contractility of myofilaments was observed. However, no signs of cardiac hypertrophy were observed yet. Further progression of the phenotype was observed in 6 months old CHAPb Tg animals, which displayed cardiac hypertrophy and an enlarged left atrium. The hypertrophic response was indicated by increase in wall thickness, cardiomyocyte size and expression of hypertrophic markers (Nppa, Nppb and Myh7). In addition, interstitial cardiac fibrosis was observed by Sirius red staining and increase of collagens I and III mRNA expression in ventricles. In the enlarged left atrium expression of Connexin 40 and 43 was down-regulated. Functional analysis by MRI showed that 6 months CHAPb Tg mice showed impaired heart function and cardiac hypertrophy when compared to wild type mice. In conclusion, overexpression of CHAPb in vivo causes a phenotype that resembles hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in humans and therefore may represent a novel candidate gene for screening mutations in patients with HCM. Partnerships Dr. Jeroen Bakkers, Hubrecht Insitute, Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Dr. Elisabeth Ehler, The Randall Division of Cell & Molecular Biophysics and the Cardiovascular Division, King’s College London, London, UK. Dr. Jolanda van der Velden, Laboratory for Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Ed Stanley and Dr. Andrew Elefanty, Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories (MISCL), Monash University, Clayton, Australia. Funding This study was supported by Bsik Programme “Stem Cells in Development and Disease”, the Netherlands Heart Foundation grant 2006B209 and by European Community’s Sixth Framework Programme contract (“HeartRepair”) LSHM-CT-2005-018630. Staff Dr.Abdelaziz Beqqali (until 1-5-2010): post-doc (LUMC) Willemijn van Eldik: appointed PhD-student (ICIN) Jantine Monshouwer-Kloots: technician (LUMC) Prof. Christine Mummery: co-projectleader (LUMC) Dr. Robert Passier: co-projectleader (LUMC) Figure 2: (A) Immunoprecipitation (IP) of actin from COS1 cells expressing FLAG-CHAPb. No interaction with FLAGCHAPb could be detected. (B) Co-IP of CHAPb with FLAG-a-actinin-2 using anti-FLAG for IP (left panel). Conversely, FLAG-a-actinin-2 co-IPed with CHAPb using CHAP antibody for IP (lower panel). (C) Immunostaining for a-actinin-2 in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes overexpressing CHAPb-GFP revealed disorganized aactinin-2 while myomesin localization was unaffected. Untransfected adjacent cells showed normal a-actinin-2 expression. Scale bar: 10 mm. (D) Ultrastructural analysis of somites of chap1 morphants at 3 dpf. Wild-type and control MO-injected fish have normal sarcomere structure, whereas chap1 morphants have severely disrupted Z-discs (arrowheads) and sarcomeres. Scale bars: 2 mm (upper panel); 500 nm (lower panel). Adapted from Beqqali et al JCS 2010. 66 ICIN Research line - Imaging Netherlands Heart Institute Myocardial viability with MRI Principal investigator: G. Pasterkamp Study1: 23Na Chemical Shift Imaging of myocardial edema Distinction between viable and non-viable myocardium is essential for diagnosis and treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. Delayed contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI has become the gold standard to determine the size of chronic infarcts. However, although T2-weigthed MRI shows great promise to delineate the area at risk after the event related to the formation of edema, the accuracy of DCE-MRI to determine the size of acute infarcts has been questioned because of that same edema. As an alternative approach we would like to propose 23Na Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI) with the aid of a shift reagent. In edematous, but viable tissue we expect the extracellular Na+ signal (Na+e) to be increased but little change in the intracellular Na+ signal (Na+i). In acute infarcts with cell membranes still intact, we expect Na+i to be very high, whereas in chronic infarcts Na+e should be very high and Na+i should be absent. To further explore this methodology, we have created an isolated, perfused heart model of extracellular edema based on different perfusion pressures, which has been characterized using 31P MRS. Subsequently, we have characterized the formation of edema by both DCE 1H MRI and 23Na CSI. Isolated rat hearts were perfused with modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer according to Langendorff and MRI and MRS scans were performed with a 9.4T scanner (Bruker, Germany). We executed 31P-MRS, 23Na CSI and DCE-MRI. Figure 1 shows the PPA signal intensity normalized to heart dry weight at 60 and 140mmHg. Data were significantly (P<0.03) different from 50min onwards and the ratio of PPA at 140mmHg/60mmHg at 70min was 1.27 ±0.21. As can be readily seen in the 23Na CSI and the 1H MRI (Fig 2), the cross sectional area (CSA) of the hearts following perfusion at 140mmHg was increased. The Nae images yield a WH CSA of 1.32±0.11cm at 60mmHg, increasing to 1.89±0.16 at 140mmHg with a 140mmHg/60mmHg ratio of 1.44±0.09, in good agreement with the PPA data. The data from the 1H images were 1.37±0.04, 1.86±0.14 and 1.34±0.09, respectively, demonstrating good agreement between 23Na and 1H data. When analyzing the LV wall, similar data were obtained. In addition to the increase in CSA, we also found an increase in LV Nae signal intensity, going from 1.04±0.20 (arbitrary units, a.u.) at 60mmHg to 1.37±0.20 at 140mmHg, with a 140/60 ratio of 1.33±0.07. Unexpectedly, we also found an increase in LV Nai signal intensity, going from 1.57±0.83 (a.u.) at 60mmHg to 1.79±0.97 at 140mmHg, with a 140/60 ratio of 1.15±0.11. With DCE-MRI, LV signal intensity increased from 1.39±0.14 (a.u.) at 60mmHg to 1.50±0.22 at 140 mmHg, with a 140/60 ratio of 1.08±0.08. > Fig 2: 23Na-CSI of extracellular and intracellular Na and Gdenhanced 1H MRI at perfusion pressures of 60 and 140mmHg. There are a few limitations to this study that need to be considered. First, the DCE-MRI protocol uses continuous perfusion of contrast agent without nulling of ‘remote’ myocardium, so direct comparison of the contribution of edema in a clinical protocol is difficult. The separation of intra- and extracellular Na+ signals is incomplete. Furthermore, the spatial resolution in the 1H images is much higher than in the 23Na images. Finally, both the DCE MRI and Nae images show spatial heterogeneity, i.e. a mid-myocardial rim of different signal intensity, which is lost in the average signal, but may be related to this edema model and requires further analysis. We conclude from this study that perfusion of hearts with crystalline buffers at high perfusion pressures leads to formation of interstitial edema, as evidenced by a larger distribution volume for PPA, Nae and Gd. Unexpectedly, images of Nai also showed an, albeit smaller, increase in signal intensity, which could be explained by altered ion homeostasis, but could also reflect imperfect separation of intra- and extracellular signals. Whether 23Na CSI is better capable than DCE-MRI to distinguish between normal, edematous and infarcted tissue in both acute and chronic myocardial infarction requires further experiments in an infarct model. Figure 1: 31P-MRS signal from PPA normalized to heart dry weight as function of perfusion time at 60 and 140mmHg. 68 ICIN Study 2: Longitudinal assessment of T2* changes in mouse myocardium following ischemia-reperfusion Background Ischemic injury triggers a cascade of histopathological changes, which may lead to a progressive decline in heart performance. Noninvasive techniques to characterize infarct development are essential to assess efficacy of novel therapeutics. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) MRI is a useful technique to quantify infarct size. However, LGE may overestimate acute infarct size due to the presence of edema. The aim of this study was to explore the utility of quantitative T2* mapping as a noninvasive technique to characterize the myocardium in the acute and chronic phases following ischemia/reperfusion injury in the mouse. Netherlands Heart Institute Corresponding T2* maps revealed dynamic change throughout the follow up period. The presence of infarction was further corroborated by the Cine images, which showed increased wall thickness (WT) in the mid-anterior and mid-anterolateral wall at day 1, followed by progressive thinning below baseline levels at days 7 and 28. Conclusion In the acute phase, the infarct area exhibited a decrease in T2* both in infarct and remote areas and it was best visualized by LGE. In the chronic phase, T2* further decreased in the infarct area during scar maturation whereas it remained constant in the remote area. Thus, T2* may enable distinction between acute and chronic myocardial infarctions, providing complementary information to LGE. Staff Eissah Aguor (ICIN) Marcel Nederhoff (ICIN) Kees van de Kolk (UMCU) Figure 3 Figure 3 represents a collection of images, consisting of LGE, T2* maps, and Cine MRI for a typical mouse at day 1, 7 and 28 after induction of the myocardial infarction. On day 1, LGE resulted in a homogeneous enhancement of the infarction in the mid-anterior and mid-anterolateral wall, whereas on days 7 and 28 enhanced area was smaller, heterogeneous, and difficult to detect. 69 Funding NHS, ICIN MARCC Study Principal investigator: A.C. van Rossum Project Towards a non-invasive anatomical and functional diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected coronary artery disease using Cardiovascular Magnetic resonance imaging and Multidetector CT: the MAgnetic Resonance and CT in suspected Coronary artery disease (MARCC) study. Aim and method of the project Primary objectives are to determine diagnostic accuracy of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) and multidetector computed tomography for detection of significant coronary artery disease (CAD) and to develop the most optimal diagnostic algorithm involving the sequential use of both imaging techniques. Second objective is to develop quantitative methods for analysis of CMR perfusion data. A total of 210 patients with chest pain and low to intermediate probability CAD will be included. These patients will undergo CT coronary calcium scoring, 64-slice CTCA and CMR imaging (involving assessment of left ventricular function, adenosine stress and rest myocardial perfusion and delayed contrast enhancement). These non-invasive parameters will be compared to invasive coronary angiography and fractional flow reserve measurements. All patients will be followed up after 1 year by telephone interview for clinical status, an interval diagnosis of significant CAD on invasive coronary angiography and major adverse cardiovascular events. Primary endpoints are the diagnostic performance of these imaging modalities for detection of significant CAD on invasive coronary angiography and 1-year clinical outcome. From these data a new diagnostic algorithm (decision-tree model) will be developed involving the sequential use of these imaging modalities. Finally, the costeffectiveness of the proposed algorithm will be compared to conventional strategies involving exercise electrocardiography and SPECT. Progress in 2010 In 2010 patient inclusion and 1-year follow-up of all patients has been completed. In a first study, we compared computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) to adenosine stress and rest first pass magnetic resonance myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with low-to intermediate probability CAD. In this study the complementary role of CTCA and CMR in the evaluation of patients with suspected CAD was shown. CTCA can be used to reliably rule out CAD, but its capability to demonstrate hemodynamically significant CAD is limited. Furthermore, we showed that the positive predictive value of CTCA for detection of significant CAD in patients with low to intermediate probability CAD that are clinically referred for non-invasive evaluation of chest pain is markedly lower than generally reported. In a third study comprising 210 patients, we showed the advantages of the combination of CTCA and CMR for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected CAD in clinical practice. The combined work-up significantly improved specificity and overall diagnostic accuracy for the detection of significant CAD, and allowed the detection of alternative (extra-) cardiac disease in patients without significant CAD. Figure: Computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) and first pass magnetic resonance myocardial perfusion imaging (MRMPI) images of a 42-year old male with atypical chest pain. CTCA curved multiplanar reconstruction images of left anterior descending (A), circumflex (B) and right coronary artery (C) showing single vessel disease with obstructive coronary artery disease in the proximal left anterior descending artery. MRMPI images of the mid ventricular short axis view during adenosine infusion (D-F) and at rest (G-I) showing a reversible perfusion defect in the myocardial septum. Partnerships Software developments for image postprocessing and analysis of CMR perfusion data is obtained through collaboration with LKEB of the LUMC (J Reiber and R van der Geest). Funding This project is supported by a research grant from the Netherlands organization for health research and development (ZonMw grant number 80-82305-98-09029). Staff AM Beek (VUmc, dept. of Cardiology) SL Brinckman (VUmc, dept. of Cardiology) JGJ Groothuis (ICIN) AC van Rossum. (VUmc, dept. of Cardiology) MR Meijerink (VUmc, dept. of Radiology) C van Kuijk (VUmc, dept. of Radiology) MBM Hofman (VUmc, dept of Physics and medical techn.) J Reiber (LUMC, LKEB) R van der Geest (LUMC, LKEB) 70 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Therapeutic application of ultrasound Principal investigator: O. Kamp Aim and method of the project For the past few decades ultrasound is used in the cardiology as a diagnostic tool with multiple applications. Recent developments have made it possible to use ultrasound as a therapeutic tool, especially in the field of coronary artery disease. In the Sonolysis trial we are evaluating the effect of 3D ultrasound in combination with microbubbles and thrombolytics on the improvement of fibrinolysis in STEMI patients, epicardialy and microvasculature. Furthermore, a new non-invasive therapy based on ultrasound was recently developed to create angiogenesis. We are studying the effect of this treatment in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients with end stage coronary artery disease. Progress in 2010 In 2009 we have included the 10th patient in the Sonolysis study. In this study we hypothesize that ultrasound in combination with ultrasound contrast agents and thrombolytics will result in a significant increase in percentage of patients with TIMI3 flow compared to the placebo group (thrombolytics alone). In the 10 included patients there seems to be a trend towards more TIMI-3 flow in the treated group, without any increase in major adverse cardiologic events. However, more patients need to be included. Unfortunately, this study has temporarily been stopped, due to supply problems of the microbubbles. This study will restart in 2011 after an extensive search for a new supplier of the microbubbles. In 2009 we started with treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy patients in the Shockwave study. The shockwave therapy is based on a high energy pulsed wave, which induces angiogenesis by means of different mechanical, metabolic and chemical factors. This angiogenesis might possibly be a new, valuable effect for patients with end stage coronary artery disease. Until now, we have included 14 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy who were not eligible for surgery of coronary intervention. At baseline and 3 months after treatment we perform either a cardiac MRI or a dobutamine stress echo to observe the improvement in myocardial blood flow and reverse remodelling after shockwave therapy. Furthermore, we also evaluate the wall motion abnormalities, left ventricular function and NYHA class. 71 The cooperation with the department of anaesthesiology also started in 2009. This project aims to gain insight in anesthesiarelated effects towards autonomic control of coronary blood flow (using myocardial contrast echocardiography) in healthy subjects and in patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, by quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing MCE. With the results of the current study, we expect to show the relation between anesthetic-induced alterations in cardiovascular autonomic regulation and myocardial blood flow. In 2010 we have included 14 patients so far. Furthermore, we started a joint research with the department of vascular surgery investigating the effect of ultrasound and microbubbles on thrombotic occlusions of the a. iliaca in pigs. In a pilot study in 6 pigs we have tested the application of microbubbles in the anesthetized pigs. In 2011 we will start the actual study. Figure 1 Staff PhD student: Jeroen Slikkerveer Karin de Boer, MD (VUmc, dep. of cardiology) Carolien S.E. Bulte, MD (VUmc, dep. of anaesthesiology) R. Arthur Bouwman, MD, PhD (VUmc, dep. of anaesthesiology) Stephan A. Loer, MD, PhD (VUmc, dep. of anaesthesiology) Kakkhee K. Yeung, MD (VUmc, dep. of vascular surgery) J.Hillian. Nederhoed, MD (VUmc, dep. of vascular surgery) Willem Wisselink, MD, PhD (VUmc, dep. of vascular surgery) Yolande Appelman, MD, PhD (VUmc/ICIN, dep. of cardiology) Albert C. van Rossum, MD, PhD (VUmc/ICIN, dep. of cardiology) Thomas R. Porter, MD, PhD (University of Nebraska Medical Center, dep. of cardiology) Otto Kamp, MD, PhD (Vumc/ICIN, dep. of cardiology) Directing stem cells using targeted microbubbles Principal investigator: O. Kamp Directing adipose tissue derived stem cells to the area at risk in the heart after myocardial infarction using targeted microbubbles. - Development of new molecular technique – Aim and method of the project Stem cell therapy is a promising tool to restore contractile function after myocardial infarction. However, recent clinical trials show rather disappointing results with only minor improvements in cardiac function. Therefore, stem cell research needs to return from bed to bench. The major problem with stem cell therapy is the lack of persistence of sufficient numbers of stem cells at the site of injury. Less than 3% of the cells remain at the infarction site after injection, independent of the route of administration. It is not known what exactly happens to the other cells, because it is difficult to track these cells in vivo directly after injection. This project aims to overcome this problem by specifically targeting the stem cells to the area at risk after myocardial infarction. Adipose-derived stem cells will be coupled to contrast microbubbles, this stem cell-bubble complex will be targeted to specific molecules on endothelium of the injured vessel wall, illustrated in fig. 1. This will result in larger quantities of stem cells in the area at risk, thereby improving regeneration of the heart. Besides the possibility of carrying targeting ligands on the microbubbles, the presence of microbubbles has two other main functionalities: 1) Microbubbles can be pushed towards the vessel wall using the radiation force of diagnostic ultrasound. This acoustic radiation force can also be applied to the stem cell-bubble complex, thereby facilitating the binding of the stem cell-bubble complex to the endothelium. 2) Imaging and tracking of individual stem cell-bubble complexes with contrastenhanced ultrasound, to investigate the fate of the stem cells after injection. We anticipate five main tasks in the project: 1. Construction of the dual-targeted microbubbles 2. Mechanical ultrasound – bubble – cell interactions 3. Evaluation of the stem cell-bubble complex in cell culture 4. Proof of principle in a small animal study 5. Large animal study and ultrasound imaging Progress in 2010 Ad 1) Construction dual-targeted microbubbles. We successfully created dual-targeted microbubbles (fig 2) that will bind to the stem cells via cell surface marker CD90, and to activated endothelial cells via ICAM-1. For now, the molecule we choose as target is ICAM-1. We performed immunohistochemistry on human slices of myocardial infarction for several markers, i.e. P-selectin, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1. The best results were obtained for ICAM-1. Although ICAM-1 seems to be specifically upregulated in the infarcted area, it is also a general marker of inflammation. Therefore, we performed a study to find a marker that is specifically upregulated in the infarcted area. In this study we occluded the left coronary artery for 40 min, followed by reperfusion. Rats were sacrificed and a micro-array was performed on mRNA from the infarcted heart. The results of this micro-array will be analyzed and confirmed by PCR and immunohistological stainings. Ad 2) Mechanical ultrasound – bubble – cell interactions. A setup including the ultrafast framing Brandaris128 camera has been used to quantify the secondary acoustic radiation force between two biotinylated microbubbles targeted to a NeutrAvidin coated surface. This setup will be used to determine the binding force of targeted microbubbles to a coated surface. During insonification with ultrasound (2.25 MHz), the distance in between two targeted microbubbles was shown to decrease with several hundreds of nm (up to 700 nm), after which the bubbles were still able to move back to their equilibrium position within 80 μs. However, when the secondary acoustic radiation force exceeded a certain threshold, which was in between 200 nN 400 nN in these experiments, the microbubbles were detached from the surface. A model including microbubble deformation was proposed: the restoring force due to microbubble deformation opposes the secondary acoustic radiation force. In this situation the adhesion contact area remains unaltered. However, when the restoring force (due to deformation) exceeds the microbubble binding force to the target, the microbubble will be detached. The point of unbinding (lipid pulled out of the microbubble shell or breakage of the biotin-NeutrAvidin bond) needs further investigation, for which fluorescent microbubbles will be used. Using this model, the microbubble binding force will be distilled from these data. To study the effect of primary acoustic radiation force on the targeting efficiency of microbubbles and eventually the targeting efficiency of the stem cell-bubble complex, a new setup was designed and constructed. In this setup a parallel plate flow 72 ICIN cell chamber (provided by Philips) can be mounted on top of a watertank holding an illumination fibre and 1 MHz ultrasound transducer. The most efficient parameters (e.g. pressure, number of cycles, duty cycle) for pushing the stem cell-bubble complex under flow conditions from the centerline of the flow to the target wall will be derived from these experiments. Goal of these experiments is to enhance the targeting efficiency of the stem cell-bubble complex under flow conditions. The results obtained with this setup, in combination with calculations, will be valuable for the in vivo experiments, scheduled at a later stage. Ad 3) Evaluation of the stem cell-bubble complex in cell culture. Stem cell culture. Most results in 2010 have been obtained with the study on shifting stem cell culture completely from foetal bovine serum (FBS) as a culture supplement to animal-free, clinical grade platelet lysate (PL). We tested the effect of PL on size, proliferation, rate of attachment, cell surface markers, transmigration behavior and differentiation capacity. We found that stem cells cultured on PL-supplemented medium performed equal (differentiation) or better (smaller size, proliferation, rate of attachment, transmigration) compared to cells grown on FBS-supplemented medium. We now culture all our stem cells on PL. Manuscript in preparation. Flow experiments. The binding of the complexes will be studied under flow conditions. Transmigration. We will investigate whether the stem cells retain their capacity to extravasate while they have numerous bubbles attached to their cell membrane in a transwell assay. First experiments demonstrated that our stem cells without microbubbles are able to migrate through endothelial cells. In the following experiments the effect of microbubbles will be tested. Differentiation by ultrasound and microbubbles. The effect of ultrasound and targeted bubbles on the differentiation and viability of the stem cells will be investigated. Ad 4) Proof-of-principle in a small animal study. For this we will induce an acute myocardial infarction in rats via a ligation on the LAD for 40 minutes, followed by reperfusion. First pilot experiments are planned for May 2011. Ad 5) Large animal study and ultrasound imaging. This study is more specifically aiming to image and track the stem cell-bubble complexes after injection. For this we will induce a myocardial infarction in pigs, because a pig heart resembles a human heart especially in size, and therefore a clinical echo machine can be used for the detection of the targeted stem cell-bubble complexes. 73 Netherlands Heart Institute This study is designed to investigate different 3D transducers and software for optimal imaging quality of single cell-bubble complexes, and is planned for the 4th year of this project. Partnerships This project is a collaboration between the dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Thorax Centre at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, and different depts. of the Institute for Cardiovascular Research at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. Funding The project is funded by STW, together with a financial contribution by Oldelft, Targeson and Sanquin. Staff A. van Dijk, Dept. of Pathology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands BA. Naaijkens (PhD student), Dept. of Pathology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN HWM. Niessen, Dept. of Pathology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands VWM. van Hinsbergh, Dept. of Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands RJP. Musters, Dept. of Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands M. Helder, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands O. Kamp, Dept. of Cardiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN LJM. Juffermans (post-doc), Dept. of Physiology, Dept. of Cardiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN TJA. Kokhuis (PhD student), Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Thorax Centre, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN M. Harteveld, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Thorax Centre, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands K. Kooiman, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Thorax Centre, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN N. de Jong, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Thorax Centre, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, ICIN Implications of CTA Findings Principal investigator: J.J. Bax Study project Implications of CTA findings for subsequent management: Relationship between 64-slice CTA coronary angiography, SPECT imaging and conventional coronary angiography Aim of the project Non-invasive imaging plays a key role in the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Myocardial perfusion imaging with single photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) is widely available and frequently used. In recent years, noninvasive assessment of cardiac anatomy has become available with the introduction of multi-slice computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA). The technique has matured rapidly and its introduction has resulted in a shift from functional imaging to non-invasive assessment of the coronary anatomy. Diagnostic and prognostic comparison between anatomic and functional imaging of CAD was performed. Progress in 2010 The diagnostic and prognostic value of CTA was further evaluated in dedicated populations. Data on diagnostic accuracy of CTA have mostly been derived in patients with high pre-test likelihood of CAD but not in patients with an intermediate pretest likelihood (which represent the target population for CTA). 61 patients (61% male, age 57±9 years) referred for invasive coronary angiography underwent additional 64-slice CTA; 920 segments were identified on invasive coronary angiography of which 885 (96%) were interpretable on CTA. Results are summarized in Table 1. On a patient level, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were respectively 100%, 89%, 76%, and 100%. These observations confirm the good diagnostic accuracy in patients with an intermediate pre-test likelihood. Notably, the high negative predictive value allowed rule out of significant stenosis, and CTA can be used as gatekeeper for invasive coronary angiography. The prognostic value of CTA was evaluated in patients with diabetes (DM). Patients with DM are known to be at elevated risk for CAD and accurate risk stratification is therefore of paramount importance. 313 patients with DM, group I (males 213, age 62±11 years), and 303 non DM patients, group II (males 203, age 63±11 years), underwent clinical evaluation with 64-row CTA. CTA scans were classified as normal, nonobstructive CAD (≤50% luminal narrowing, and obstructive CAD (>50% luminal narrowing). Patients were followed for a mean of 20±5 (range 6-44) months. At multivariate analysis DM (p<0.001) and evidence of obstructive CAD (p<0.001) were independent predictors of outcome. Obstructive CAD remained a significant multivariate predictor both in DM and non DM patients. Both in DM and non DM patients, the event rate was 0% in the absence of CAD. The event rate increased to 36% in non DM patients and 47% in DM patients with obstructive CAD. These observations indicate that both in DM and non DM patients CTA is clinically useful for risk stratification. Funding Netherlands Society of Cardiology Partnerships The University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland (Prof. dr. P.A. Kaufmann), the Cardiovascular Center, Aalst, Belgium (Prof. Dr. W. Wijns) and the Liverpool Hospital, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Prof. dr. D.Y. Leung); The University of Parma (Dr. F. Cademartiri); The Medical Center Haaglanden (Dr. J.H. Schreur). Staff: Drs. J.M. van Werkhoven Dr. J.D. Schuijf Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax Table 1: Diagnostic accuracy of CTA Variable Segmental Analysis Vessel Analysis Patient Analysis Excluded 35/920 (3.8%) 0% 0% Sensitivity 23/29 (79%, 64-94%) 22/26 (85%, 71-99%) 17/17 (100%, 100-100%) Specificity 841/856 (98%, 97-99%) 148/157 (94%, 90-98%) 40/44 (98%, 83-100%) Positive predictive value 23/38 (61%, 46-77%) 22/31 (71%, 55-87%) 17/21 (81%, 64-98%) Negative predictive value 841/847 (99%, 99-100%) 148/152 (97 (94-100%) 40/40 (100%, 100-100%) Diagnostic accuracy 864/885 (98%, 97%-99%) 170/183 (93%, 89-97%) 57/61 (93%, 86-99%) 74 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Modification of Risk with CT Coronary Angiography Principal investigator: J.J. Bax Project Modification of Risk with CT Coronary Angiography in cardiac high-risk asymptomatic patients. Aim and method The aim of the multi-center study (Erasmus MC Rotterdam, LUMC Leiden, UMC Utrecht) entitled “Modification of risk with MSCT – coronary angiography in high-risk cardiac asymptomatic patients”, which is funded by the Netherlands Heart Foundation, is to assess whether CT coronary angiography can modify the risk of adverse cardiovascular events of patients without symptoms for coronary artery disease (CAD) but who are at high-risk based on traditional risk factors. High-risk patients are patients with diabetes mellitus, familial hypercholesterolemia, peripheral vascular disease and elevated risk of CAD defined as >10% risk on cardiovascular mortality and morbidity according to the SCORE adjusted for the Netherlands. In these patients, non-enhanced coronary calcium scan will be performed to obtain the coronary artery calcium score (CACS) according to the Agatston approach. In addition all patients will undergo a contrast-enhanced CT scan to determine the presence and degree of coronary atherosclerosis (extent, distribution and severity of coronary plaques and plaque characteristics: calcified, non-calcified and mixed). The severity of coronary stenosis will initially be evaluated using a dichotomous approach (50% stenosis as a cut-off). Adverse cardiovascular events (allcause mortality, cardiac mortality, non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke) will be documented for all patients during a 5-year follow-up period. At present, enrollment is still ongoing. Figure 1A:Volume Rendered Reconstruction of a chronic total occlusion (CTO) (arrow) of the right coronary artery (RCA) in this asymptomatic, 52 year old man with Diabetes. The proximal part of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) shows additional calcified lesions. LM=left main coronary artery. Progress 2010 A total of 645 patients successfully underwent Calcium scanning and CT coronary angiography. Preliminary collection of follow-up data revealed cardiac death in 3 patients. Myocardial infarction in 1 patient, and unstable angina requiring hospitalization in 3 patients. Revascularization due to angina was necessary in 19 patients. Follow-up data collection will be continued during the study. Familial Hypercholesterolemia In the Erasmus MC Rotterdam a total of 132 patients with FH have been studied of which 101 patients have been fully analysed. One hundred and one cardiac asymptomatic FH patients (62 men; mean age 53±7 years) underwent CACS and CT coronary angiography using a Dual Source CT scanner. Results The CACS was 0 in 20% of the patients. In total 485 plaques were detected with CT coronary angiography, of which 10% were obstructive. In 15% of the patients there was no CT-evidence of any coronary artery disease while 27% had obstructive disease. Men exhibited more advanced CAD at a younger age than women. Fifty percent of all plaques were calcified, 28% noncalcified and 22% mixed. The extent of CAD was compared to 120 individuals with high-risk features and there was significant 75 B:Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR) of right coronary artery showing a chronic total occlusion (CTO) of the RCA over a total length of 3,5 cm. less coronary artery disease compared to the patients with FH. Conclusion; the presence of CAD was accelerated in middleaged FH patients with more than a quarter having obstructive CAD, despite ‘normalized’ cholesterol levels on intense statin treatment. This study is submitted for publication. Asymptomatic patients with Diabetes In EMC 80 patients with DM were studied. The demographics were: male 51%, age 57 years, smoking 31%, dyslipidemia 77%, hypertension 27%, family history 53% and total cholesterol 5.4 mmol/L. Calcium score 0: 20%, 1-100: 32%, 100-400: 24%, >400: 24%. CT CA obstructive CAD 26%, non-obstructive CAD 60% and no CAD 24% (figure 1). The segmental distribution of CAD in the coronary tree is shown in figure 2 for patients with DM and FH. Overall the extent and severity of CAD was comparable in both patient populations. In LUMC 124 patients with DM were studied. The age was 61 ±21 years and 57% were males. Calcium score of <10: 40%, 10-400: 40%, >400: 20% was found and CT CA revealed obstructive CAD: 33% and non-obstructive CAD: 50% of the patients. High-Risk individuals A total of 130 patients have been evaluated in EMC. The mean age was 56 years and 65% were males. The majority had more than 1 risk factor. Total cholesterol was 5.0 mol/L. Calcium score of 0: 40%, 1-100: 35%, 100-44: 15% and >400: 10%. CT CA, no CAD: 33%, non-obstructive CAD: 42% and obstructive CAD: 24%. A total of 55 patients, age 65±14 years, males 75% were evaluated in LUMC. Calcium score: <10: 37%, 10-400: 47%, >400 : 16% CTCA: obstructive CAD: 18%, non-obstructive CAD: 60%. Partnerships Multicenter Study with Erasmus MC, LUMC and UMCU. UMCU has started recruitment of patients in December 2010. Funding Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS) grant number 2006T102 Figure 2: Distribition of significant coronary artery disease as detected by CT CA in patients with both Diabetes Mellitus and Hypercholesterolemia. DM=Diabetes Mellitus, FH= Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Staff Drs. L.A. Neefjes, ICIN, EMC Drs. G.J. ten Kate ICIN , EMC Prof. P. J. de Feyter, EMC Dr. E.J. Sybrands, EMC Dr. J.G. Langendonk, EMC Mrs. A.J. Galema-Boers, EMC Drs. M. J. Boogers, ICIN Dr. J. D. Schuijf, LUMC Prof. J.J. Bax, LUMC Drs H. El Aidi, ICIN , UMCU Prof. P.A. Doevendans, UMCU 76 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Cardiovascular screening of asymptomatic patients Principal investigator: J.W. Jukema Project Cardiovascular screening of asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus Aim of the project Worldwide, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), which in turn is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, is increasing. Importantly, coronary artery disease (CAD) in diabetic patients progresses more often asymptomatic (silent ischemia), leading to more advanced disease at time of diagnosis. In these patients progression of CAD can possibly be delayed by aggressive treatment and adverse events prevented by early intervention. Therefore, it is highly desirable to identify patients at higher risk for CAD before the development of overt clinical disease. Nevertheless, cardiovascular screening of asymptomatic diabetic patients remains a controversial issue and evidently more data are needed on this topic. The aim of the current project is to identify predictors of cardiovascular disease in asymptomatic diabetic patients. To this end we perform a comprehensive cardiovascular screening including laboratory analysis, computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) and measurement of vascular stiffness. Figure 1. Example of a CTA examination of an asymptomatic patient with diabetes. Multi planar reconstruction of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) revealing a mixed plaque with significant stenosis in the proximal LAD. Methods CTA is performed with a 320-row scanner to assess coronary anatomy and coronary atherosclerosis (Figure 1). After assessment of coronary artery calcium, CT angiography is performed using prospective triggering.The reconstruction with the best image quality is selected for evaluation of the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries are divided into 17 segments and per segment the presence of atherosclerotic plaque is assessed using axial images and curved multi planar reconstructions. Finally, in all segments with plaque the degree of luminal narrowing and plaque composition (non-calcified, mixed or calcified) is determined. 77 SPECT MPI is used to detect myocardial ischemia (Figure 2). After acquisition, images are processed to obtain the shortaxis, vertical long-axis, and horizontal long-axis sections, as well as polar map formats, normalized to maximal myocardial activity. Subsequently, semi-quantitative visual interpretation is performed to evaluate the extent and severity of CAD (ischemia). Vascular stiffness is measured non-invasively by applanation tonometry. To assess pulse wave velocity (PWV), pulse waves are recorded at the common carotid artery and the femoral artery by sequential tonometry with simultaneous electrocardiographic gating. Aortic PWV (m/s) is defined as the distance between the 2 recording sites traveled by the pulse wave, divided by the transit time. Subsequently, to determine the augmentation index (AIx), peripheral pressure waveforms are recorded from the radial artery. The corresponding central aortic pressure waveform is generated by a validated generalized transfer function. Thereafter, from the central aortic pressure waveform the first shoulder attributable to left ventricular ejection and the merging point with the second shoulder from the reflected wave are identified. The absolute augmented pressure is the maximum systolic pressure minus pressure at the inflection point. Finally, the AIx is defined as the absolute augmented pressure divided by the pulse pressure and expressed as a percentage. Figure 2. Example of a normal SPECT MPI in an asymptomatic patient with diabetes, showing no ischemia. This extensive screening permits optimal risk stratification of patients referred to the diabetes outpatient clinic. In 2010, the analysis of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) on CTA is started to determine whether EAT (analyzed with dedicated software) is related with biomarkers of CAD. Staff Drs. C. J. Roos Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography Principal investigator: J.J. Bax Project Implications of 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography findings for subsequent management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Aim of the project Diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined as left ventricular (LV) dysfunction that occurs independently of coronary artery disease and hypertension. The etiological mechanisms underlying diabetic heart disease are likely to be multifactorial, ranging from altered myocardial metabolism, endothelial dysfunction, microvascular disease, autonomic neuropathy, and altered myocardial structure with fibrosis. Patients with early diabetic cardiomyopathy often have evidence of global diastolic dysfunction but preserved systolic function as reflected by a normal LV ejection fraction (EF). In addition, recent studies have evaluated the role of myocardial triglyceride accumulation (steatosis) and diastolic dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes. Novel imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy and 2-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking strain echocardiography may provide further into the ultrastructural and functional changes of the left ventricle that take place at early stages of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Aims of the present project included a retrospective analysis of data from the PYRAMID study: 1)to evaluate multidirectional LV myocardial systolic and diastolic functions in uncomplicated, normotensive, diabetic patients using 2D speckle tracking echocardiography . 2)to relate myocardial triglyceride content as determined by magnetic resonance spectroscopy, with biventricular myocardial strain and SR as determined by echocardiographic 2D speckle tracking analysis. Progress in 2010 In diabetic patients multidirectional LV myocardial systolic and diastolic functions were evaluated using 2D speckle tracking strain post-processing in 47 male patients (57±6 years) with type 2 diabetes and 53 male controls matched by age, body mass index and body surface area. Conventional echocardiography included M-mode, 2D and color, pulsed- and continuous-wave Doppler imaging. LV radial and circumferential strain and strain rate were determined in the mid-ventricular short-axis view, and longitudinal strain and strain rate were determined in the 3 apical views. There were no differences in LV end-diastolic volume index (40.7±8.9 vs 44.1±7.8mL/m2, p=ns), end-systolic volume index (16.0±4.8 vs 17.8±4.3mL/m2, p=ns), ejection fraction (61.0±5.5 vs 59.8±5.3%, p=ns). Transmitral E/A (0.95±0.21 vs 1.12±0.32, p=0.007) and pulmonary S/D ratios (1.45±0.28 vs 1.25±0.27, p=0.001) were more impaired in diabetic patients. These patients had impaired longitudinal strain (-18.3 ± 2.2% vs. -19.9 ± 1.9, p<0.001), systolic strain rate (-0.99 ± 0.17 s-1 vs. -1.07 ± 0.13 s-1, p<0.001) and early diastolic strain rate (1.04 ± 0.25 s-1 vs. 1.26 ± 0.26 s-1, p<0.001) but preserved circumferential and radial systolic and diastolic function as compared to healthy controls. Diabetes was an independent predictor for longitudinal strain (β=0.508), systolic strain rate (β=0.513) and early diastolic strain rate (β=-0.477) on multiple linear regression analysis (all p<0.001). Therefore, despite normal LV mass, volumes and EF, the diabetic population showed impairments of LV longitudinal strain and strain rate but preserved circumferential and radial strain and strain rate. The presence of diabetes mellitus was an independent predictor of LV longitudinal strain, systolic strain rate and diastolic strain rate. Myocardial triglyceride content as determined by magnetic resonance spectroscopy was compared with biventricular myocardial strain and strain rate as determined by echocardiographic 2D speckle tracking analysis; 42 men with type 2 diabetes were included and exclusion criteria were HbA1c > 8.5%, known cardiovascular disease or diabetes-related complications, blood pressure > 150/85 mmHg. Myocardial ischemia was excluded by a negative dobutamine stress test. LV and RV volumes and EF were quantified by magnetic resonance imaging. LV global longitudinal and RV free wall longitudinal strain, systolic strain rate and diastolic strain rate were quantified by echocardiographic speckle tracking analyses. Myocardial triglyceride content was quantified by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and dichotomized based on the median value of 0.76%. The median age was 59 years (interquartile range [IQR] 54, 62 years). Median diabetes diagnosis duration was 4 years, and median glycated hemoglobin level was 6.2% (IQR 5.9, 6.8%). There were no differences in LV and RV end-diastolic and end-systolic volume indices and EF between patients with high (≥ 0.76%) versus low (< 0.76%) myocardial triglyceride content. However, patients with high myocardial triglyceride content had greater impairment of LV and RV myocardial strain and strain rate (see Table). Staff Dr. C.T.A. Ng Partnerships The retrospective analysis was performed in collaboration with the Departments of Radiology and Endocrinology at Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, in collaboration with the Department of Endocrinology, Free University Medical Center, Amsterdam. Funding Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center 78 ICIN Variable Low myocardial triglyceride (n = 21) High myocardial triglyceride (n = 21) p value 73.2 (66.6, 80.8) 32.2 (30.0, 37.3) 54.0 (50.5, 56.8) 68.0 (63.4, 78.3) 31.1 (25.6, 36.3) 55.1 (52.8, 58.8) 0.31 -19.3 (-18.5, -20.1) -1.02 (-0.96, -1.14) 1.11 (1.05, 1.23) -17.1 (-16.3, -17.7) -0.87 (-0.82, -0.98) 0.93 (0.77, 1.11) < 0.001 71.1 (64.0, 76.7) 34.9 (30.2, 36.9) 52.0 (49.6, 53.4) 69.3 (63.6, 73.0) 31.9 (29.0, 35.8) 53.0 (48.8, 54.4) 0.43 LEFT VENTRICLE Magnetic Resonance Imaging LVEDVI (mL/m2) LVESVI (mL/m2) LVEF (%) 2D Speckle Tracking LV global strain (%) LV global systolic SR (s-1) LV global diastolic SR (s-1) RIGHT VENTRICLE Magnetic Resonance Imaging RVEDVI (mL/m2) RVESVI (mL/m2) RVEF (%) 2D Speckle Tracking 0.23 0.22 < 0.001 0.003 0.31 0.63 -27.7 -24.5 0.016 (-25.1, -30.2) (-19.0, -27.7) -1.74 0.005 -2.11 RV free wall systolic SR (s-1) (-1.77, -2.46) (-1.44, -1.85) 1.65 0.001 2.10 RV free wall diastolic SR (s-1) (1.75, 2.61) (1.12, 1.86) LV = left ventricular; RV = right ventricular; EDVI = end-diastolic volume index; ESVI = end-systolic volume index; EF = ejection fraction; 2D = 2-dimensional; SR = strain rate RV free wall strain (%) Table 1: The myocardial triglyceride content was an independent correlate of LV and RV longitudinal strain, systolic strain rate and diastolic strain rate. Variable Global LV longitudinal strain Standardized p beta value Global LV longitudinal systolic SR Standardized p beta value Global LV longitudinal diastolic SR Standardized p beta value Age -0.197 0.28 -0.092 0.62 -0.179 0.27 Systolic blood pressure Blood glucose 0.034 0.82 0.104 0.49 0.003 0.98 0.192 0.23 0.209 0.20 -0.455 0.003 High-density -0.146 0.43 lipoprotein cholesterol Low-density 0.161 0.27 lipoprotein cholesterol Myocardial 0.373 0.036 triglyceride content LV = left ventricular; SR = strain rate -0.043 0.82 -0.003 0.99 0.197 0.19 0.054 0.67 0.373 0.039 -0.326 0.038 Table 2: In conclusion, high myocardial triglyceride content is associated with more pronounced impairment of LV and RV functions in men with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes. 79 Netherlands Heart Institute Diagnostic value of advanced echo imaging Principal investigator: J.J. Bax Project “Incremental diagnostic value of advanced echocardiographic imaging modalities” Aim and methods Conventional echocardiography is the most commonly used imaging technique in clinical cardiology, due to its non-invasive approach and wide-availability. However, this imaging modality is characterized by several important limitations: 1) for the quantification of left ventricular (LV) volumes and ejection fraction (EF), 2D echocardiography relies on significant geometric assumptions, it might be affected by oblique or “forshortened” views and showed modest reproducibility; 2) LVEF may not be sensitive enough to detect subtle myocardial systolic dysfunction that may occur in several cardiac conditions and should be the target for an early therapeutic approach; 3) conventional echocardiography permits only limited crosssectional views, which make in some cases the interpretation and diagnosis of cardiac pathologies extremely complex and achievable only by experienced operators. Advances in echocardiography have more recently provided novel approaches, such as real-time 3D echocardiography (RT3DE) and speckle tracking strain analysis, which may overcome the abovementioned limitations. Progress 2010 In patients with LV aneurysm, referred for surgical ventricular reconstruction, RT3DE and CMR were performed for clinical evaluation of scar tissue, LV volumes and LVEF, shape of the LV, LV wall motion abnormalities, and quantification of mitral regurgitation. Excellent correlation (r=0.97, p<0.001) and agreement was observed between RT3DE and CMR for quantification of LV volumes, EF and sphericity index; in a segment-to-segment comparison, RT3DE showed to be accurate also for the analysis of wall motion abnormalities (k=0.62) and LV regional thickness (k=0.56) as a marker of myocardial scar. Also, mitral regurgitant volume assessed by RT3DE had a good correlation (r=0.93) with regurgitant volume measured by CMR, without significant bias (= -0.7ml/beat). Next, in patients with a first ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and primary percutaneous coronary intervention, the clinical echocardiograpic data were used to retrospectively analyze speckle tracking strain for assessment of LV torsional mechanics as parameters of LV systolic myocardial performance. These parameters were compared with LV remodeling at 6-month follow-up Compared with normal controls (normal echo), peak LV torsion in AMI patients was significantly impaired (1.54+/-0.64 degrees /cm vs 2.07+/-0.27 degrees /cm, p<0.001). By multivariate analysis, only LVEF (beta=0.36, p<0.001) and infarct size (beta=-0.47, p<0.001) were independently associated with peak LV torsion. By multivariate analysis, only peak LV torsion (odds ratio=0.77; 95% CI, 0.650.92; p=0.003) and infarct size (odds ratio=1.04; 95% CI, 1.011.07; p=0.021) were independently related to LV remodeling. Peak LV torsion provided modest but significant incremental value over clinical, echocardiographic, and myocardial contrast echocardiography variables in predicting LV remodeling. These findings show that LV torsion is significantly impaired early after AMI and that the amount of impairment of LV torsion may help to predict LV remodelling. Staff Drs. N Ajmone Funding Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center 80 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Ultrasound imaging and therapy Principal investigator: N. de Jong Conference The “Fifteenth European conference on ultrasound imaging” was again very successful. At the time of writing the Sixteenth conference lies already behind us and was evenly successful and we are preparing for the Seventeenth conference, to be held on January 19nd and 20nd, 2012 General In project 60 special ultrasound imaging modalities are studied, including real-time 3D, ultrasound contrast and super harmonic imaging. These projects are co-sponsored by SenterNovem, STW, Eureka program, and ICIN. Companies directly participating in this research are Oldelft, Esaote Europe, and Vermon. In the Netherlands the Universities of Delft, Twente, Amsterdam (VU) and Leiden are involved in these projects. Super harmonic imaging bubbles under the microscope and a high frame rate camera (Brandaris 128, figure B) Figure 1: The amplitude of the subharmonic response of a BR14 contrast agent microbubble measured at driving frequency of 10 MHz a) acoustically and b) optically. The results of the measurements indicated that: - The subharmonic scattering of the phospholipid-coated contrast agent microbubbles is sufficiently detectable in the frequency range around 10 MHz at low acoustic pressures. - The frequency in which the subharmonic response is maximum increases with increasing the amplitude of acoustic pressure; in contrary to what has been observed for the fundamental response. - The subharmonic scattering signal can be enhanced up to 20 dB by increasing the ambient pressure. In the Super harmonic project sponsored by STW we develop a system which uses the third to the fifth harmonic generated by non linear wave propagation of the ultrasound. In 2010 the hardware (electronics, transducer) and software has been finalised. Final clinical results are expected early 2011. In conclusion, we have shown from single bubble measurements that the subharmonic imaging has a great potential to be exploited in the frequency range mostly suited for carotid imaging. However this study has to be complemented with forthcoming in vivo studies. 3D Carotid imaging Sonodrugs The presence and properties of atherosclerotic plaques, such as size, location and the presence of angiogenesis, can be shown by two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound imaging techniques. However, the 2D character of ultrasound gives a limitation in carotid ultrasound imaging. In the current carotid ultrasound (CARUS) project we will research novel three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging methods and systems for complete, noninvasive, fast and cost-effective diagnosis of carotid plaques to achieve full vascular patient care and vascular treatment monitoring. A major new European project (FP7) to develop drug delivery technologies that could significantly impact the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease. By allowing drugs to be delivered to disease sites via the patients bloodstream and then activated by focused ultrasound pulses, the SonoDrugs project aims to maximize the therapeutic efficiency and minimize the side effects of drug treatments for cancer and cardiovascular disease. In the CARUS project, sponsored by SenterNovem, high density ultrasound matrix sensors are developed as well as 3D ultrasound beam forming and methods of characterizing atherosclerotic plaques. One method include the use of contrast agents. Subharmonic scattering of contrast agents (BR14, Bracco Research S.A., Geneva, Switzerland) in the frequency range preferred for carotid imaging (5-15 MHz) has been investigated within this project. We used 2 methods; in the first one we investigated an ensemble of bubbles acoustically figure A, and in the second method we looked at the behavior of individual 81 Characterisation of drug loaded bubbles Phospholipid bubbles can be loaded with drugs. Within Sonodrugs an intensive cooperation exists between University of Ghent and the ErasmusMC. Phospholipid bubbles loaded with doxorubicin liposomes have been investigated and their acoustic properties have been determined. We concluded that there is no difference in elasticity between bubbles with and without drug loading but there is a clear difference in the viscosity. Drug loaded bubbles are more viscous and have a higher damping which can have consequences in the way the drug has to be released from the bubble. Chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane model development. For sonoporation understanding the vibration of the bubble is mandatory. It has been studied with high-speed cameras like Brandaris 128 (Chin, Lancee et al. 2003) which allows to capture up to 25 million images per second. For studying microbubbles vibration in vivo the most important point is the amount of light especially for very short exposures of 10 ns. Bright field imaging is standard used and in that case the sample must be as much as possible transparent. The most often used subject for this type of research is cremaster muscle of rodents (Lindner, Song et al. 2001). This muscle is located outside of abdominal cavity and can be extracted from the body without huge damages of important vessels. On the other hand difficulties during surgery and especially microscopy in combination with ultrasound could cause death of the animal and incredibly increase the amount of animals involve in these experiments. According to the 3R’s policy to reduce amount of animals and to replace highly developed animals with lower developed yolkless chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane model (yolkless CAM) was developed in Erasmus MC. This model is based on explantation of CAM from the yolk described in Flammes work (Flamme 1987). During this procedure we take out chicken embryo with the yolk from the egg shell on 5-7 days of incubation (stages 22-32 according Hamburger-Hamilton criteria (Hamburger and Hamilton 1992)). In this shell-less embryo intravenous injection of microbubbles in one of vitelline veins could be easily done (Figure 1). Then after injection of microbubbles we cut out vascularised part of the embryo from the yolk and place it on the optically and acoustically transparent pad. After this we put it into the setup for live cell microscopy. Explanted embryos can be kept alive more than two hours without detectable damages. During Figure 2: Microbubbles in CAM vessels. Microbubbles aggregates are indicated by arrows microscopy single bubbles can be easily distinguish in bright field illumination. Sonoporation efficiency could be also studied for example with propidium iodide incorporation after application of ultrasound, as well as bubble behavior with high speed camera. In conclusion, according to the above and data from literature CAM and yolk-less CAM models seems to be good for studying in vivo microbubbles behavior, drugs delivery (Vargas, ZeisserLabouebe et al. 2007), tumors (Knighton, Ausprunk et al. 1977; De Magalhaes, Liaw et al. 2010) and angiogenesis (Ribatti, Nico et al. 2001). These kind of studies can be done without DEC protocol and will cause a decrease in animal studies. Directing adipose derived stem cells to the area at risk in the heart after myocardial infarction using targeted microbubbles: Development of a new molecular therapeutic technique. This project aims to specifically targeting the stem cells to the area at risk after myocardial infarction. Adipose-derived stem cells will be coupled to contrast microbubbles, this stem cell-bubble complex will be targeted to specific molecules on endothelium of the injured vessel wall. This is an STW sponsored project leaded by VU, Amsterdam en ErasmusMC Rotterdam. In Rotterdam we focus on the targeting the microbubbles to the stem cells and the use of ultrasound radiation force local targeting of the stem cell bubble complex. Binding force of the bubble to a surface Targeted ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) are a promising tool within the field of molecular imaging. Compared to their nontargeted counterparts, ligands to specific targets have been added to the shell which typically encapsulates a heavy gas. Because of the presence of these ligands, targeted contrast agents will only adhere to regions of the vascular endothelium expressing specific proteins (e.g. inflammatory markers), facilitating disease-specific contrast enhancement. To be able to bind to their target, the targeted contrast agent should be in close proximity to the vessel wall. However, because of the characteristics of the blood flow profile inside the vessels, most contrast agents will be present around the center line, making binding to their target impossible. Acoustic radiation force has been used successfully to move circulating UCA towards the target endothelium. However, it was also shown that ultrasound insonification can cause clustering of targeted microbubbles due to a mutual interaction known as secondary acoustic radiation force. Secondary acoustic radiation force is the force exerted on a microbubble that arises due to the sound emitted by a neighbouring microbubble when both are pulsating in an incident ultrasound field. The instantaneous secondary acoustic radiation force over a microbubble is given by F=-V∇ p with V the volume and ∇ p the pressure gradient in the fluid due to the pulsating neighbouring microbubble. Because the pressure gradient over the microbubble oscillates in time, the 82 ICIN force exerted on this bubble is alternating between attractive and repulsive. However, because the volume of this bubble also oscillates in time, there is a resulting net force exerted on this microbubble when averaged over one period. When two bubbles oscillate in phase (i.e. both have a resonance frequency above or below the insonifying frequency) the net force is attractive. The objective of this study was to investigate the behaviour of targeted microbubbles under influence of secondary acoustic radiation force using ultra high speed optical imaging with the Brandaris128 camera. Figure 3 shows the effect of ultrasound insonification on the distance between two targeted microbubbles (R0 = 2.0 μm), initially 7.1 μm apart, imaged with a framerate of 10 million frames per second (100 ns between subsequent frames). The pressure was gradually increased in subsequent movies (6 in total, indicated by the green lines). The time in between subsequent movies was 80 ms. From the decrease in distance between the two microbubbles during ultrasound insonification it is clear that there is a net attraction between the two bubbles. Figure 1 shows that the microbubbles move towards each other during insonification, but by the start of the next movie, the distance between the bubbles is again 7.1 μm. Moreover, from figure 1 it can be concluded that the distance in between the microbubbles can decrease by several hundreds of nm (up to 600 nm) after which the bubbles are still able to move back to their equilibrium position. This implies that the bubbles should still be attached to the coated surface. Experiments with biotinylated microbubbles in contact with a non-coated surface did not show this behaviour (results not shown here). Because stretching of molecular bonds can not be responsible for this phenomenon, some bubble deformation is plausible, although no such deformations were observed (top view) during the experiments. 83 Netherlands Heart Institute Figure 3: Left panel Distance in between two biotinylated microbubbles targeted to a NeutrAvidin surface during insonification with ultrasound (20 cycles, 2.25 MHz). The pressure was increased in subsequent movies (indicated by the green lines). The inset shows the two microbubbles. Right panel Detailed plot of the distance (μm) between the two bubbles as a function of time (μs) during insonification with 180 kPa. After exceeding a certain threshold in pressure (in this case 270 kPa), the 2 bubbles didn’t returned to their original position because the bond was broken caused by the acoustic radiation force. We concluded from this experiment that the binding of the targeted bubble was around 400 nN. Investigators Nico de Jong (ICIN), Valeria Garbin (ErasmusMC), Michel Versluis (ErasmusMC), Detlef Lohse (ErasmusMC), Ton van der Steen(ErasmusMC/ICIN), Ying Luan (ErasmusMC), Tom Kokhuis (ICIN), Erik Gelderblom (ErasmusMC), Telli Faez (ErasmusMC), Miranda Harteveld (ErasmusMC), Rik Vos (ErasmusMC), Marcia Emmer (ICIN), Marlies Overvelde (ErasmusMC), Paul van Neer (ErasmusMC), Guillaume Matte (ErasmusMC), Benjamin Dollet (ErasmusMC), Hans Bosch (ErasmusMC), Jeroen Sijl (ErasmusMC), and Klazina Kooiman (ErasmusMC). MRI screening for rupture-prone vulnerable plaques Principal investigator: G. Pasterkamp Project Screening for rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaques with molecular MRI This project is part of a larger NHS consortium on MRI imaging of atherosclerotic plaques. The projects that are executed within the UMCU consist of several small substudies. Roughly they can be divided into two parts; cardiac imaging and imaging of atherosclerosis. The first part of the project involves imaging of atherosclerotic lesions. In one study we have focused on a different approach of identifying atherosclerotic lesions; with 1H-NMR spectroscopy. It is thought that hypoxia and inflammatory cell infiltration promote neovascularization. In these hypoxic areas new vasculature is leaky and most likely the primary source of intra-plaque hemorrhage, leading to increased risk of plaque rupture. One of the metabolites associated with hypoxia is lactate. A universal technique to detect and quantify metabolites, such as lactate, is 1H-NMR spectroscopy. We hypothesize that increased levels of lactate are associated with increased plaque vessel density as well as hypoxia markers and is consequently a marker for rupture-prone plaques. In femoral atherosclerotic plaques (n=50), obtained after surgery, 1H NMR spectra analysis was performed. Frozen samples were grinded, dissolved in PBS and filtered. The filtered solution was analyzed by 1H-NMR-spectroscopy at 400 MHz. Spectra were analyzed and lactate peak integrals (doublet present at 1.32ppm) used for analysis. Vessel density in the plaque was determined in histological slides stained for vascular endothelium (CD34). HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor 1α) staining was graded as no, minor, moderate or heavy. We observed that vessel density increased with increasing lactate levels, the Spearman correlation plot showed a significant correlation (p=0.006) with a moderate correlation coefficient (r=0.383) (figure 1A). Additionally showed heavy HIF1α staining a significant associated with high lactate levels (p=0.015) (figure 1B). Diastolic dysfunction is an abnormality in the relaxation of the ventricles. It is often found in people suffering from diabetes and can lead to pulmonary edema and systolic heart failure. Currently, Doppler ultrasound is considered the gold standard to diagnose diastolic dysfunction. Mouse models are often used to study (cardiovascular) diseases but Doppler ultrasound is challenging due to the small size of the animals. Alternatively, cardiac MRI can be used to assess heart function; therefore we assessed the hypothesis that high temporal resolution MRI can accurately detect diastolic dysfunction in a murine diabetes model. We imaged streptozotocin-induced diabetic BALB/c mice and healthy controls (n=18) at baseline and 4, 8 and 12 weeks after confirmed diabetes (glucose > 15mmol/L) with high temporal resolution self-gated MRI. This resulted in 53±3 (controls) and 64±16 (diabetics) frames per cardiac cycle at week 4 (mean±SD). Data was expressed as the percentile contribution of the early (‘E’) and late (atrial ‘A’) filling phase. In the E phase no differences where found between the controls and diabetic mice at baseline and week 4. However, in the A phase significant differences were found (figure 2) between controls and diabetic mice at week 4 (p=0.003) and between baseline and week 4 measurements in the diabetic group (p=0.006). The data analysis of weeks 8 and 12 are currently being processed. We aim to detect diastolic dysfunction in a very early stage so to predict severe (systolic) heart failure. Figure 2: percentile ‘E’ and ‘A’ contributions of total volume in control and diabetic mice at baseline and 4 weeks diabetes. A significant difference is observed between baseline and week 4 in diabetic mice as well as between control and diabetic mice at week 4. Staff Sandra Bovens (ICIN) Marcel Nederhoff (ICIN) Kees van de Kolk (UMCU) The second part involves cardiac imaging, one of the cardiac imaging studies is aimed to detect diastolic dysfunction with MRI. Funding NHS, ICIN 84 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque and Neovascularization Principal investigator: A.F.W. van der Steen Project Intravascular Photoacoustics and Intravascular Ultrasound for imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque Composition and Neovascularization vulnerability. This study was completed in September 2010 and the results were reported at the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium in San Diego in October 2010. Acoustic Sizing of an ultrasound contrast agent A novel acoustic sizing method able to estimate the size distribution of an ultrasound contrast agent noninvasively was developed in the laboratory in 2009. A paper entitled “Acoustic sizing of an ultrasound contrast agent” was published in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology in October 2010. 3D microvascular map 3D imaging is required to get a complete picture of a plaque heterogeneity and vascularization (vasa vasorum). A 3D dataset can be acquired during a mechanical pullback of the catheter through a region of interest. Is has been proven that the superior echogenecity of contrast microbbubles can make plaque microvasculature visible on intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images. By tracing this specific echogenecity of contrast microbubbles along an IVUS pullback, we expect that mapping in 3D the microvasculature is feasible. In order to test this approach a phantom study was conducted. A polyvinyl alcohol based vasa vasorum model was manufactured, exhibiting a vasa vasorum mimicking branch pattern with a diameter ranging from 200 to 100 μm. After perfusion of the vasa vasorum model with the ultrasound contrast agent Definity®, a manual pullback consisting of 93 cross sectional IVUS images spaced every 200 μm was performed. Perfused areas were segmented in two registered contrast-enhanced IVUS planes and compared to coregistered 10 μm thick slices of the vasa vasorum model. The vasa vasorum mimicking microchannel diameters measured with contrast-enhanced IVUS agreed within 30% with the slice diameters. As contrast-enhanced IVUS imaging can be carried out in-vivo, this method could be used during clinical IVUS investigations as an additional diagnostic for plaque IVPA/IVUS imaging of an advanced human atherosclerotic plaque. (a) Histology: Oil Red O stain shows the presence of lipid rich plaque (*) as well as a calcified area (Ca); Lu: lumen, Pf: peri-adventitial fat. (b) IVUS image, IVPA image at (c) 1210 nm (high lipid absorption) and (d) 1230 nm (low lipid absorption). Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of human coronary atherosclerosis Intravascular photoacoustics (IVPA) is a tool for plaque composition imaging. Like near infrared spectroscopy, it capitalizes on the differences in the chemical absorption spectra of various tissue types. By selecting the excitation wavelength, a photoacoustic signal can be excited from specific tissue types in the artery wall. An integrated intravascular photoacoustics (IVPA) and ultrasound (IVUS) catheter with an outer diameter of 1.25 mm was developed. The catheter comprises an angle-polished optical fiber adjacent to a 30 MHz single-element transducer. The ultrasonic transducer was optically isolated to eliminate artifacts in the PA image. Imaging of human atherosclerotic arteries ex vivo using a hybrid intravascular photoacoustic/intravascular ultrasound catheter was demonstrated. Specific photoacoustic imaging of lipid content, a key marker of plaque vulnerability, was achieved. This study was presented at the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium in San Diego in October 2010 and at SPIE biomedical optics in January 2011. A paper entitled “Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of human coronary atherosclerosis” was published in the journal Optics Letter on February 1st, 2011. Figure 1: 3D reconstruction of the contrast-enhanced IVUS pullback dataset. The upper plane corresponds to location 2, the lowest plane to location 1. The red volume is the 3D VV reconstruction of the model. 85 Investigators David Maresca, Krista Jansen, Marcia Emmer, Gijs van Soest, Ton van der Steen Institution Dept. Biomedical Engineering (Thoraxcenter), ErasmusMC Comparison of plaque observation in CTA and VH IVUS Principal investigator: J.J. Bax Project A systematic comparison of plaque observations and their prognostic value between patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes and with stable coronary artery disease using non-invasive computed tomography coronary angiography (CTA) and invasive virtual histology intravascular ultrasound (VH IVUS). Aims and methods The aim is to evaluate atherosclerosis (stenosis and plaque characteristics) and/or ischemia in patients with unstable and/ or stable coronary artery disease (CAD) using multidetector computed tomography angiography (CTA) and/or intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and/or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Progress in 2010 CTA provides insight into the severity and extent of anatomical disease, but is unable to evaluate the hemodynamical relevance of CAD. Previously, a large discrepancy has been shown between atherosclerosis on CTA and ischemia on functional testing, with only half of the obstructive stenoses (≥50% luminal narrowing) on CTA showing abnormal perfusion. Accordingly, anatomical CTA variables of atherosclerosis were identified that were associated with ischemia on SPECT in patients with stable CAD. On CTA, the calcium score, the degree of stenosis (≥50% and ≥70% stenosis), plaque extent and location were determined. Plaque composition was classified as noncalcified, mixed or calcified. Ischemia was defined as a summed difference score ≥2 (between stress and rest SPECT images). Multivariate analysis revealed that the degree of stenosis (presence of ≥70% stenosis, odds ratio (OR) 3.5), plaque extent and composition (mixed plaques ≥3, OR 1.7 and calcified plaques ≥3, OR 2.0) and location (atherosclerotic disease in left main coronary artery and/or proximal left anterior descending coronary artery, OR 1.6) were independent predictors for ischemia on SPECT (example Figure 1). In addition, CTA variables of atherosclerosis such as plaque extent, composition and location had significant incremental value for the prediction of ischemia over the presence of ≥70% stenosis (Figure 2). These observations indicate that the degree of stenosis but also plaque extent, composition and location were predictive of the presence of ischemia on MPI. Figure 1. Patient example exhibiting all the significant predictors on multidetector computed tomography angiography (CTA) for prediction of ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT). In panel A, a 3D volume rendered reconstruction is provided, showing the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Panel B: A curved multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) of the LAD is shown demonstrating the presence of obstructive CAD (≥50%) in the proximal segment (arrow). Panel C: Another curved MPR of the LAD is shown in a different view, revealing the presence of multiple diseased segments (cross sectional images a, b and c), the presence of obstructive lesion in the LAD (arrow c) and the presence of mixed plaque (cross sectional images a, b and c). Panel D: Stress SPECT short-axis image showing the presence of a perfusion defect, particularly evident in the antero-septal region (arrow). Panel E: Rest SPECT short-axis image demonstrating normal perfusion. The diagnostic accuracy of CTA has extensively been tested against invasive coronary angiography (ICA) for the detection of significant coronary artery stenoses; but CT can also detect atherosclerosis that is mainly located in the vessel wall, which can be detected on intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Indeed when CTA was compared to ICA the relation was suboptimal (with sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 100%, 85%, 81% and 100%); but when compared to IVUS, an excellent relation was observed, and patients with positive CTA and negative ICA had indeed atherosclerosis located in the vessel wall on IVUS. 86 ICIN Funding Netherlands Heart Foundation (NHS) grant 2007B223 Staff Drs. J.E. van Velzen (ICIN) Dr. J.D. Schuijf (LUMC) Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema (LUMC) Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax (LUMC) Figure 2. Bar graph representing the incremental predictive value of angiographic multidetector computed tomography (CTA) variables of atherosclerosis for the prediction of ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) on a patient basis. The addition of the degree of stenosis (presence of ≥70% stenosis) provided incremental predictive information to baseline clinical variables for the prediction of ischemia on SPECT. Furthermore, the addition of extent and composition of atherosclerosis (≥3 calcified plaques) and location (atherosclerotic disease in the left main coronary artery and/ or proximal left anterior descending coronary artery) on MSCT resulted in further incremental predictive value over baseline clinical variables, and degree of stenosis on MSCT. 87 Netherlands Heart Institute Vulnerability assessment of atherosclerotic plaques Principal investigator J.J. Bax Project Vulnerability assessment of atherosclerotic plaques with noninvasive multimodality imaging. Aim and methods Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease of the arterial vessel wall and is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world. Rupture of a fibrous cap is considered to be the critical event in atherosclerotic coronary and carotid artery disease that leads to myocardial infarction and stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Therefore, in order to improve preventive strategies, there is an urgent need for early identification of plaques with a high probability to rupture. Histopathological studies have put forward that the pathological characteristics of ruptured plaques include large volume, large necrotic core and a thin ruptured fibrous cap. A shortcoming of histopathological studies is that the conclusions are based on a histopathogical finding from a single point in time. Therefore, serial in-vivo examination of atherosclerotic lesions would be preferred to better understand the process involved in the development of the vulnerable plaque, with a high risk to rupture. High-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has emerged as a promising noninvasive imaging modality for the serial assessment of carotid artery vessel wall. Currently, it is technically challenging to quantify all plaque components on high-field MRI. The aim of the current project is to develop standardized high-field MRI scan sequences for the identification and quantification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque components in the carotid artery. A second aim is to detect differences in carotid plaque morphology and long-term plaque behavior in patients with TIA and CVA by high-field MRI carotid plaque imaging. Therefore, patients with recent (< 2 weeks) TIA and patients with recent (< 2 weeks) CVA, are evaluated including a standard clinical work-up (neurologic analyses, laboratory analysis, duplex carotid arteries, CT cerebrum) standard brain MRI, pre-contrast vessel wall highfield MRI, post-contrast high-field MRI at baseline and one year follow-up. Progress in 2010 While patient inclusion is ongoing, a high-field (3T) multi-contrast MRI protocol, consisting of 5 MR-weightings is developed; details of the developed scan protocol are provided in Table 1. For clinical application, scan-rescan reproducibility is paramount. Several studies reported interscan reproducibility of quantitative plaque measurements using 1.5T scanners. However, limited information is available on the new generation, high-field MRI scanners. High-field MRI is suspected to demonstrate a number of advantages due to an increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), improved spatial resolution, and a reduced scan time, and therefore, needs to be further evaluated in the context of measurement reproducibility for prospective serial clinical applications. An analysis to investigate scanrescan reproducibility of 5 MR weightings and to determine which of the weightings best approximates the reference standard (combination of the commonly used weightings) is performed. Nine healthy volunteers (50% male, mean age 26 years) underwent repeated MR-examinations (3T-PhilipsMRI) of the left carotid artery vessel wall with the previously stated 5 weightings (Table 1). A standard phased-array coil with two flexible elements of 14×17cm was used to obtain nine transverse imaging sections of the left carotid artery with identical in-plane resolution (0.46×0.46mm2) (Table 1). Scanrescan analysis was performed in a slice of the common carotid artery. Blinded analysis of the vessel wall area and lumen area was performed using dedicated software (Vessel Mass) for the 5 weightings and compared with the rescan. An example of a scan-rescan data is provided in Figure 1. Furthermore, the 5 weightings were compared with the reference standard. The reference standard was the combination of the 5 commonly used weightings. Reproducibility of the 5 MR-weightings for both lumen area and vessel wall areas are shown in table 2. T1-TFE approximated best the reference standard (lumen, r=0.96; vessel wall, r=0.78). The developed high field carotid vessel wall imaging showed high scan-rescan reproducibility for the 5 different MRweightings. T1-TFE showed highest correlation to the reference standard. 88 ICIN Staff Drs. E. S.J. Kröner Dr. H.J. Siebelink Dr. H.J. Lamb Prof. Dr. J.J. Ba Figure 1: Example of the co-registered contrast-weightings and 3D time-of-flight obtained in two scanning sessions (Scan and Rescan). From top to bottom: T1 weighted turbo field echo (T1-TFE), T2 weighted turbo (segmented) spin echo (T2-TSE), Proton density weighted turbo (segmented) spin echo (PDTSE), T1 weighted turbo (segmented) spin echo (T1-TSE) and time of flight (TOF). 89 Netherlands Heart Institute Biomechanics of vulnerable plaque rupture Principal investigator: F. Gijsen Aim and method of the project Rupture of atherosclerotic plaques in arteries is responsible for life threatening cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and stroke. In this project, vulnerable plaques in the carotid arteries of genetically modified mice will be studied. In-vitro imaging experiments will be carried out to measure pressure induced deformation and rupture of plaques by means of high resolution MRI. The in vitro experiments will be used to validate a biomechanical finite element model of atherosclerotic plaques. Experimental work A custom made set-up was designed and developed for the fixation of murine carotid arteries that contain plaques. Flow and pressure in and around the vessel can be controlled by flow and pressure pumps. The vessel is fixed at the appropriate axial stretch and the temperature was set at 37° C, to mimic the in-vivo conditions. At different pressure steps, MRI data is obtained. High resolution MR imaging is performed with the aim of creating biomechanical models. Unfortunately, the resolution of this dataset was not sufficient for creating the models (in-plane 25 μm, slice thickness 50 μm), and alternative imaging was considered. A new set-up was created, that can be used in the MRI and in a multiphoton microscope (MPM) imaging set-up, available at Leiden University. This new set-up was constructed to obtain a better SNR and resolution with MRI and has been matched to the MPM set-up. With the MPM, z-stacks can be made throughout the vessel wall with an in-plane resolution of less than 1 μm and a slice thickness of 2 μm. Due to limited penetration depth, the vessel will be imaged from 4 sides. Using iso-surfaces, vessel segments can be visualized and used to create biomechanical models. Initial pilot results from a healthy coronary artery are displayed below. In future measurements, MPM imaging of six atherosclerotic murine carotid arteries will be done and protocols will be developed to create biomechanical models from the data. This will be done as a feasibility study, as biomechanical models were never constructed from MPM image data so far. Based on these results, pressure experiments will be done until the plaque ruptures, either with MR imaging or MPM imaging. High resolution MRI will be made for the translational aspect to clinical MRI data from human atherosclerotic carotid arteries. Modeling work As the biomechanical stress analyses in this project will be based on pressurized geometries, we need to be accounted for the initial stress that is present in the vessels at the time of imaging. Adaptations to the finite element computational software were required to evaluate the effect of neglecting the initial stress state on the 2D plaque stress distribution. Twenty histological sections, perfusion fixed at 100 mmHg, were segmented and finite element models were created. Peak plaque and cap stresses were computed with and without initial stress. When initial stress was accounted for, the general relations between peak cap stress and cap thickness, necrotic core thickness and necrotic core angle, remained intact. However, on a plaquespecific basis, accounting for initial stress showed a different effect on the absolute cap stress for each plaque. This suggests that whenever stress analyses are performed on pressurized, and thus pre-stressed structures, accounting for initial stress is indispensible. We will use this in our future biomechanical analyses, based on the MRI and/or MPM measurements. A manuscript describing this study was submitted to Journal of Biomechanics and is currently under review. Future work on the modeling will focus on 3D models and translation from the MRI and/or MPM data to useable biomechanical models. Partnerships This project is a corporation between the Erasmus MC, Leiden University MC and TU/e. Funding The project is fully funded by ICIN, with local financial support of the Erasmus MC and LUMC. Staff Project leader: Frank Gijsen (Erasmus MC) Researcher: Lambert Speelman (ICIN) Researcher: Brigit den Adel (Leiden University MC) MRI support: Louise van der Weerd (Leiden University MC) Modeling support: Harald van Brummelen (TU/e) General support Jolanda Wentzel (Erasmus MC) Wouter Jukema (Leiden University MC) Ton van der Steen (Erasmus MC) Rob Poelmann (Leiden University MC). 90 ICIN Annexes Netherlands Heart Institute ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Annex 1: ICIN Indicators 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 47.5 53.7 74.1 83.1 86.1 89.4 89.7 17 22 30 31 38 46 40 126 139 119 273 402 454 402 Dissertations 4 6 11 13 15 21 20 ICIN professors 8 8 8 8 5 5 7 International fellowships 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 Annual turnover in million € 4.7 5.1 6.3 6.5 6.8 7.3 7.6 - of which KNAW contribution in million € 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.2 Portfolio of subsidies held in million € 5.2 6.8 9.3 9.5 11.4 12.7 10.4 Research staff in FTE Active research projects Articles in referenced international magazines 93 Annex 2: Doctoral Theses Single microbubble imaging Hendrik Jacob Vos Promotores: Prof. dr. ir. A.F.W. van der Steen, Prof. dr. ir N. de Jong 20 January 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Clinical and functional outcomes after revascularization strategies in acute coronary syndromes Alexander Hirsch Promotores: Prof. dr. J.J. Piek, Prof. dr. R.J. de Winter Copromotor: Prof. dr. J.G.P. Tijssen 29 January 2010 Universiteit van Amsterdam Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Dynamics of Coated Bubbles Marlies Overvelde Promotor: Prof. Dr. N. de Jong 09 April 2010 Universiteit Twente Local atherosclerotic plaque biomarkers predict systemic clinical outcome Wouter Peeters Promotores: Prof. dr. G. Pasterkamp, Prof. dr. F.L. Moll Copromotores: Dr. D.P.V. de Kleijn Dr. J.P.P.M. de Vries 15 April 2010 Universiteit Utrecht MRI of Atherosclerosis Bernard te Boekhorst Promotores: Prof. dr. G. Pasterkamp, Prof. dr. Van Echteld Copromotor: Dr. M.J. Cramer 11 May 2010 Universiteit Utrecht Genes, inflammation and age-related diseases Stella Trompet Promotores: Prof. dr. J.W. Jukema, Prof. dr. R.G.J. Westendorp 02 June 2010 Universiteit Leiden Coronary atherosclerosis and wall shear stress Alina van der Giessen Promotores: Prof. dr. ir. A.F.W. van der Steen, Prof. dr. P.J. de Feyter Copromotor: Dr. ir. F.J.H. Gijsen 25 June 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Ultrasonic Superharmonic Imaging Paul van Neer Promotores: Prof.dr.ir. A.F.W. van der Steen, Prof.dr.ir. N. de Jong Copromotores: Prof.dr.ir. A.P.G. Hoeks, Prof.dr.ir. A. Gisolf, Prof.dr.ir. R. van Mastrigt 01 July 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Drug eluting stent implantation for high risk patients and novel technologies in percutaneous coronary intervention Shuzou Tanimoto Promotor: Prof. dr. W.J. van der Giessen 03 February 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Endogenous & exogenous erythropoietin in left ventricular dysfunction Anne Belonje Promotores: Prof. dr. D.J. van Veldhuisen, Prof. dr. W.H. van Gilst Copromotor: Prof. dr. A.A. Voors 15 September 2010 Universiteit Groningen 94 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute Further insights into inheritable arrhythmia syndromes: Focus on electrocardiograms Pieter Gerard Postema Promotores: Prof. dr. A.A.M. Wilde, Prof. dr. ir. J.M.T. de Bakker Copromotores: Dr. P.F.H.M. van Dessel, Dr. H.L. Tan 01 October 2010 Universiteit van Amsterdam Novel cardiac imaging technologies: Implications in clinical decision making Victoria Delgado Promotores: Prof. dr. Jeroen J Bax, Prof. dr. Martin J Schalij Copromotor: Dr. J.D. Schuijf 11 November 2010 Universiteit Leiden An update on amiodarone treatment for atrial fibrillation: efficacy versus safety Sheba Ahmed Promotores: prof.dr. I.C. van Gelder, prof.dr. D.J. van Veldhuisen, prof.dr. T.P. Links 13 October 2010 Universiteit Groningen Cellular aging in cardiovascular diseases Hisko Oeseburg Promotor: Prof. dr. W.H. van Gilst Copromotores: Dr. H.H.W. Silljé, Dr. R.A. de Boer, Dr. P. van der Harst 24 November 2010 Universiteit Groningen Exploiting Ultrasound Harmonics Guillaume Matte Promotores: Prof.dr.ir. N. de Jong, Prof.dr. A.F.W. van der Steen 25 November 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Cryoballoon Pulmonary Vein Isolation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation and Issues in Follow-up Management Yves van Belle Promotor: Prof. dr. W. van der Giessen 25 November 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam The Systemic Right Ventricle Michiel Winter Promotor: Prof. dr. B.J.M. Mulder 26 November 2010 Universiteit van Amsterdam Arrhythmogenesis in the remodeled heart, the rol of spatially dispersed Cx43 expression Mohamed Boulaksil Promotores: Prof. dr. it. J.M.T. de Bakker, Prof. dr. M.A. Vos Copromotores: Dr. H.V.M. van Rijen, Dr. T.A.B. van Veen 02 December 2010 Universiteit Utrecht Atherosclerotic plaque and shear stress in carotid arteries Harald Groen Promotores: Prof. dr. ir. A.F.W. van der Steen Copromotores: dr. ir. J.J. Wentzel, Dr. A. van der Lugt 10 November 2010 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 95 Liver X receptor in the cardiovascular system Irma Kuipers Promotores: Prof. dr. W.H. van Gilst, Prof. dr. D.J. van Veldhuisen Copromotores: Dr. R.A. de Boer 15 December 2010 Universiteit Groningen Annex 3: Publications 1 Abdulrahman RM, Delgado V, Ng AC, Ewe SH, Bertini M, Holman ER, Hovens GC, Pereira AM, Romijn JA, Bax JJ, Smit JW; “Abnormal cardiac contractility in longterm exogenous subclinical hyperthyroid patients as demonstrated by two-dimensional echocardiography speckle tracking imaging.”; Eur. J. Endocrinol. 2010 Sep; 163 (3); 435-41 2 Adams R, Appelman Y, Bronzwaer JG, Slagboom T, Amoroso G, van Exter P, Tijssen GP, de Winter RJ; “Implementation of a prehospital triage system for patients with chest pain and logistics for primary percutaneous coronary intervention in the region of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.”; Am. J. Cardiol. 2010 Oct 1; 106 (7); 931-5 3 Ahmed S, Ranchor AV, Crijns HJ, van Veldhuisen DJ, Van Gelder IC; “Effect of continuous versus episodic amiodarone treatment on quality of life in persistent atrial fibrillation.”; Europace 2010 Jun; 12 (6); 785-91 4 Ajmone Marsan N, Bax JJ; “Cardiomyopathies: Myocardial fibrosis assessed by CMR to predict events in HCM.”; Nat Rev Cardiol 2010 Nov; 7 (11); 604-6 5 Akdim F, Stroes ES, Sijbrands EJ, Tribble DL, Trip MD, Jukema JW, Flaim JD, Su J, Yu R, Baker BF, Wedel MK, Kastelein JJ; “Efficacy and safety of mipomersen, an antisense inhibitor of apolipoprotein B, in hypercholesterolemic subjects receiving stable statin therapy.”; J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010 Apr 13; 55 (15); 16118 6 Alfonso F, Ambrosio G, Pinto FJ, van der Wall EE; “European National Society Cardiovascular Journals: Background, rationale and mission statement of the ‘Editors’ Club’ (Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology).”; Neth Heart J 2010 Apr; 18 (4); 202-8 7 Amin AS, Klemens CA, Verkerk AO, Meregalli PG, AsghariRoodsari A, de Bakker JM, January CT, Wilde AA, Tan HL; “Fever-triggered ventricular arrhythmias in Brugada syndrome and type 2 long-QT syndrome.”; Neth Heart J 2010 Mar; 18 (3); 165-9 8 Amin AS, Asghari-Roodsari A, Tan HL; “Cardiac sodium channelopathies.”; Pflugers Arch. 2010 Jul; 460 (2); 22337 9 Antoni ML, Scherptong RW, Atary JZ, Boersma E, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Prognostic value of right ventricular function in patients after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention.”; Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2010 May; 3 (3); 264-71 10 Antoni ML, Mollema SA, Delgado V, Atary JZ, Borleffs CJ, Boersma E, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Prognostic importance of strain and strain rate after acute myocardial infarction.”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Jul; 31 (13); 1640-7 11 Antoni ML, Bertini M, Atary JZ, Delgado V, ten Brinke EA, Boersma E, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ, Van de Veire NR; “Predictive value of total atrial conduction time estimated with tissue Doppler imaging for the development of new-onset atrial fibrillation after acute myocardial infarction.”; Am. J. Cardiol. 2010 Jul 15; 106 (2); 198-203 12 Antoni ML, Mollema SA, Atary JZ, Borleffs CJ, Boersma E, Van de Veire NR, Holman ER, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Time course of global left ventricular strain after acute myocardial infarction.”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Aug; 31 (16); 2006-13 96 ICIN 13 Arslan F, Smeets MB, O’Neill LA, Keogh B, McGuirk P, Timmers L, Tersteeg C, Hoefer IE, Doevendans PA, Pasterkamp G, de Kleijn DP; “Myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury is mediated by leukocytic toll-like receptor-2 and reduced by systemic administration of a novel anti-toll-like receptor-2 antibody.”; Circulation 2010 Jan 5; 121 (1); 80-90 14 Arslan F, Keogh B, McGuirk P, Parker AE; “TLR2 and TLR4 in ischemia reperfusion injury.”; Mediators Inflamm. 2010; 2010 (0); 704202 15Asghari-Roodsari A, Lesani A, Javadi-Paydar M, Tabatabaeefar L, Tavangar SM, Norouzi A, Dehpour AR; “Tocolytic effect of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in mice model of lipopolysaccharide--induced preterm delivery: role of nitric oxide.”; Reprod Sci 2010 Apr; 17 (4); 391-400 16 Atary JZ, Bergheanu SC, van der Hoeven BL, Atsma DE, Bootsma M, van der Kley F, Zeppenfeld K, Jukema JW, Schalij MJ; “Impact of sirolimus-eluting stent implantation compared to bare-metal stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction on coronary plaque composition at nine months follow-up: a Virtual Histology intravascular ultrasound analysis. Results from the Leiden MISSION! intervention study.”; EuroIntervention 2009 Nov; 5 (5); 56572 17 Atary JZ, Borleffs CJ, Liem SS, Bax JJ, van der Hoeven BL, Bootsma M, van der Wall EE, van Erven L, Schalij MJ; “Structured care for patients after acute myocardial infarction: sudden cardiac death prevention--data from the Leiden MISSION! AMI study.”; Europace 2010 Mar; 12 (3); 378-84 18 Atary JZ, van der Hoeven BL, Liem SS, Jukema JW, van der Bom JG, Atsma DE, Bootsma M, Zeppenfeld K, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ; “Three-year outcome of sirolimuseluting versus bare-metal stents for the treatment of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (from the MISSION! Intervention Study).”; Am. J. Cardiol. 2010 Jul 1; 106 (1); 4-12 19 Atary JZ, de Visser M, van den Dijk R, Bosch J, Liem SS, Antoni ML, Bootsma M, Viergever EP, Kirchhof CJ, Padmos I, Sedney MI, van Exel HJ, Verwey HF, Atsma DE, van der Wal EE, Jukema JW, Schalij MJ; “Standardised pre-hospital care of acute myocardial infarction patients: MISSION! guidelines applied in practice.”; Neth Heart J 2010 Sep; 18 (9); 408-15 20 Auger D, Van Bommel RJ, Bertini M, Delgado V, Ng AC, Ewe SH, Shanks M, Marsan NA, Mooyaart EA, Witkowski T, Poldermans D, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Prevalence and characteristics of patients with clinical improvement but not significant left ventricular reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy.”; Am. Heart J. 2010 10 00; 160 (4); 737-43 97 Netherlands Heart Institute 21 Bardy GH, Smith WM, Hood MA, Crozier IG, Melton IC, Jordaens L, Theuns D, Park RE, Wright DJ, Connelly DT, Fynn SP, Murgatroyd FD, Sperzel J, Neuzner J, Spitzer SG, Ardashev AV, Oduro A, Boersma L, Maass AH, Van Gelder IC, Wilde AA, van Dessel PF, Knops RE, Barr CS, Lupo P, Cappato R, Grace AA; “An entirely subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.”; N. Engl. J. Med. 2010 Jul 1; 363 (1); 36-44 22 Barlis P, Regar E, Serruys PW, Dimopoulos K, van der Giessen WJ, van Geuns RJ, Ferrante G, Wandel S, Windecker S, van Es GA, Eerdmans P, Jüni P, Di Mario C; “An optical coherence tomography study of a biodegradable vs. durable polymer-coated limus-eluting stent: a LEADERS trial sub-study.”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Jan; 31 (2); 165-76 23 Beek AM, Nijveldt R, van Rossum AC; “Intramyocardial hemorrhage and microvascular obstruction after primary percutaneous coronary intervention.”; Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2010 Jan; 26 (1); 49-55 24 Beenen LF, Adams R, Koster RW, Otto T; “Computed tomography scanning during a traumatic resuscitation.”; Am J Emerg Med 2010 Jul 30 25 Beijk MA, Boekholdt SM, Rittersma SZ, Pons D, Zwinderman AH, Doevendans PA, Tio RA, Tijssen JG, Jukema JW, de Winter RJ; “Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphisms show no association with the risk of clinical or angiographic restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention.”; Pharmacogenet. Genomics 2010 Sep; 20 (9); 544-52 26 Bell KJ, Hayen A, Macaskill P, Craig JC, Neal BC, Fox KM, Remme WJ, Asselbergs FW, van Gilst WH, Macmahon S, Remuzzi G, Ruggenenti P, Teo KK, Irwig L; “Monitoring initial response to Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorbased regimens: an individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized, placebo-controlled trials.”; Hypertension 2010 Sep; 56 (3); 533-9 27 Belonje AM, Voors AA, van der Meer P, van Gilst WH, Jaarsma T, van Veldhuisen DJ; “Endogenous erythropoietin and outcome in heart failure.”; Circulation 2010 Jan 19; 121 (2); 245-51 28 Bentley JP, Asselbergs FW, Coffey CS, Hebert PR, Moore JH, Hillege HL, van Gilst WH; “Cardiovascular risk associated with interactions among polymorphisms in genes from the renin-angiotensin, bradykinin, and fibrinolytic systems.”; PLoS ONE 2010; 5 (9); e12757 29 Beqqali A, Monshouwer-Kloots J, Monteiro R, Welling M, Bakkers J, Ehler E, Verkleij A, Mummery C, Passier R; “CHAP is a newly identified Z-disc protein essential for heart and skeletal muscle function.”; J. Cell. Sci. 2010 Apr 1; 123 (0); 1141-50 30 Bergheanu SC, van der Hoeven BL, Hassan AK, Dijkstra J, Rosendaal FR, Liem SS, Schalij MJ, van der Bom JG, Jukema JW; “Post-intervention IVUS is not predictive for very late in-stent thrombosis in drug-eluting stents.”; Acta Cardiol 2009 Oct; 64 (5); 611-6 31 Bergheanu SC, Pons D, van der Hoeven BL, Liem SS, Siegerink B, Schalij MJ, van der Bom JG, Jukema JW; “The 5352 A allele of the pro-inflammatory caspase-1 gene predicts late-acquired stent malapposition in STEMI patients treated with sirolimus stents.”; Heart Vessels 2010 Oct 30 32 Bertini M, Sengupta PP, Nucifora G, Delgado V, Ng AC, Marsan NA, Shanks M, Van Bommel RJ, Schalij MJ, Narula J, Bax JJ; “Role of left ventricular twist mechanics in the assessment of cardiac dyssynchrony in heart failure.”; JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2009 12 00; 2 (12); 1425-35 33 Bertini M, Delgado V, Den Uijl DW, Nucifora G, Ng AC, Van Bommel RJ, Borleffs CJ, Boriani G, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Prediction of cardiac resynchronization therapy response: value of calibrated integrated backscatter imaging.”; Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2010 Jan; 3 (1); 86-93 34 Bertini M, Delgado V, Nucifora G, Marsan NA, Ng AC, Shanks M, Van Bommel RJ, Borleffs CJ, Ewe SH, Boriani G, Biffi M, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy on subendo- and subepicardial left ventricular twist mechanics and relation to favorable outcome.”; Am. J. Cardiol. 2010 Sep 1; 106 (5); 682-7 35 Bertini M, Borleffs CJ, Delgado V, Ng AC, Piers SR, Shanks M, Antoni ML, Biffi M, Boriani G, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ, Van de Veire NR; “Prediction of atrial fibrillation in patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and heart failure.”; Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2010 Oct; 12 (10); 1101-10 36 Bertini M, Ng AC, Borleffs CJ, Delgado V, Wijnmaalen AP, Nucifora G, Ewe SH, Shanks M, Thijssen J, Zeppenfeld K, Biffi M, Leung DY, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Longitudinal mechanics of the periinfarct zone and ventricular tachycardia inducibility in patients with chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy.”; Am. Heart J. 2010 Oct; 160 (4); 729-36 37 Bertini M, Delgado V, Nucifora G, Ajmone Marsan N, Ng AC, Shanks M, Antoni ML, Van de Veire NR, Van Bommel RJ, Rapezzi C, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Left ventricular rotational mechanics in patients with coronary artery disease: differences in subendocardial and subepicardial layers.”; Heart 2010 Nov; 96 (21); 1737-43 38 Bezzina CR, Pazoki R, Bardai A, Marsman RF, de Jong JS, Blom MT, Scicluna BP, Jukema JW, Bindraban NR, Lichtner P, Pfeufer A, Bishopric NH, Roden DM, Meitinger T, Chugh SS, Myerburg RJ, Jouven X, Kääb S, Dekker LR, Tan HL, Tanck MW, Wilde AA; “Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus at 21q21 for ventricular fibrillation in acute myocardial infarction.”; Nat. Genet. 2010 Aug; 42 (8); 688-91 39 Boink GJ, Rosen MR; “Regenerative therapies in electrophysiology and pacing: introducing the next steps.”; Archives of disease in childhood 2010 Dec 16 40 Boogerd CJ, Dooijes D, Ilgun A, Mathijssen IB, Hordijk R, van de Laar IM, Rump P, Veenstra-Knol HE, Moorman AF, Barnett P, Postma AV; “Functional analysis of novel TBX5 T-box mutations associated with Holt-Oram syndrome.”; Cardiovasc. Res. 2010 Oct 1; 88 (1); 130-9 41 Boogers MJ, Borleffs CJ, Henneman MM, Van Bommel RJ, van Ramshorst J, Boersma E, Dibbets-Schneider P, Stokkel MP, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ; “Cardiac sympathetic denervation assessed with 123-iodine metaiodobenzylguanidine imaging predicts ventricular arrhythmias in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients.”; J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010 Jun 15; 55 (24); 276977 42 Boogers MJ, Schuijf JD; “Quantification of stenosis severity on multidetector row computed tomography.”; EuroIntervention 2010 May; 6 (0); G57-64 43 Boogers MJ, Schuijf JD, Kitslaar PH, van Werkhoven JM, de Graaf FR, Boersma E, van Velzen JE, Dijkstra J, Adame IM, Kroft LJ, de Roos A, Schreur JH, Heijenbrok MW, Jukema JW, Reiber JH, Bax JJ; “Automated quantification of stenosis severity on 64-slice CT: a comparison with quantitative coronary angiography.”; JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2010 Jul; 3 (7); 699-709 44 Boogers MJ, Fukushima K, Bengel FM, Bax JJ; “The role of nuclear imaging in the failing heart: myocardial blood flow, sympathetic innervation, and future applications.”; Heart Fail Rev 2010 Oct 12 45 Borleffs CJ, van Rees JB, van Welsenes GH, van der Velde ET, van Erven L, Bax JJ, Schalij MJ; “Prognostic importance of atrial fibrillation in implantable cardioverterdefibrillator patients.”; J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010 Mar 2; 55 (9); 879-85 46 Borleffs CJ, van Welsenes GH, Van Bommel RJ, van der Velde ET, Bax JJ, van Erven L, Putter H, van der Bom JG, Rosendaal FR, Schalij MJ; “Mortality risk score in primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients with non-ischaemic or ischaemic heart disease.”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Mar; 31 (6); 712-8 47 Borleffs CJ, Thijssen J, de Bie MK, van Rees JB, van Welsenes GH, van Erven L, Bax JJ, Cannegieter SC, Schalij MJ; “Recurrent implantable cardioverter-defibrillator replacement is associated with an increasing risk of pocket-related complications.”; Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2010 Aug; 33 (8); 1013-9 48 Bot PT, Pasterkamp G, Goumans MJ, Strijder C, Moll FL, de Vries JP, Pals ST, de Kleijn DP, Piek JJ, Hoefer IE; “Hyaluronic acid metabolism is increased in unstable plaques.”; Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 2010 Sep; 40 (9); 818-27 98 ICIN Netherlands Heart Institute 53 Brouwer BG, Visseren FL, Algra A, van Bockel JH, Bollen EL, Doevendans PA, Greving JP, Kappelle LJ, Moll FL, Pijl H, Romijn JA, van der Wall EE, van der Graaf Y; “Effectiveness of a hospital-based vascular screening programme (SMART) for risk factor management in patients with established vascular disease or type 2 diabetes: a parallel-group comparative study.”; J. Intern. Med. 2010 Jul; 268 (1); 83-93 54 Brouwer WP, van Dijk SJ, Stienen GJ, van Rossum AC, van der Velden J, Germans T; “The development of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: from mutation to bedside.”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Dec 15 49 Boulaksil M, Winckels SK, Engelen MA, Stein M, van Veen TA, Jansen JA, Linnenbank AC, Bierhuizen MF, Groenewegen WA, van Oosterhout MF, Kirkels JH, de Jonge N, Varró A, Vos MA, de Bakker JM, van Rijen HV; “Heterogeneous Connexin43 distribution in heart failure is associated with dispersed conduction and enhanced susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias.”; Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2010 Sep; 12 (9); 913-21 50 Boulaksil M, Noorman M, Engelen MA, van Veen TA, Vos MA, de Bakker JM, van Rijen HV; “Longitudinal arrhythmogenic remodelling in a mouse model of longstanding pressure overload.”; Neth Heart J 2010 Oct; 18 (10); 509-15 51 Bouma HR, Strijkstra AM, Boerema AS, Deelman LE, Epema AH, Hut RA, Kroese FG, Henning RH; “Blood cell dynamics during hibernation in the European Ground Squirrel.”; Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 2010 Aug 15; 136 (3); 319-23 52 Bovens SM, Te Boekhorst BC, Ouden KD, van de Kolk KW, Nauerth A, Nederhoff MG, Pasterkamp G, Ten Hove M, van Echteld CJ; “Evaluation of infarcted murine heart function: comparison of prospectively triggered with selfgated MRI.”; NMR Biomed 2011 Apr; 24 (3) 99 55 Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, Schotten U, Savelieva I, Ernst S, Van Gelder IC, Al-Attar N, Hindricks G, Prendergast B, Heidbuchel H, Alfieri O, Angelini A, Atar D, Colonna P, De Caterina R, De Sutter J, Goette A, Gorenek B, Heldal M, Hohloser SH, Kolh P, Le Heuzey JY, Ponikowski P, Rutten FH, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas PE, Widimsky P, Vardas PE, Agladze V, Aliot E, Balabanski T, BlomstromLundqvist C, Capucci A, Crijns H, Dahlöf B, Folliguet T, Glikson M, Goethals M, Gulba DC, Ho SY, Klautz RJ, Kose S, McMurray J, Perrone Filardi P, Raatikainen P, Salvador MJ, Schalij MJ, Shpektor A, Sousa J, Stepinska J, Uuetoa H, Zamorano JL, Zupan I; “Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).”; Europace 2010 Oct; 12 (10); 1360-420 56 Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, Schotten U, Savelieva I, Ernst S, Van Gelder IC, Al-Attar N, Hindricks G, Prendergast B, Heidbuchel H, Alfieri O, Angelini A, Atar D, Colonna P, De Caterina R, De Sutter J, Goette A, Gorenek B, Heldal M, Hohloser SH, Kolh P, Le Heuzey JY, Ponikowski P, Rutten FH; “Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).”; Eur. Heart J. 2010 Oct; 31 (19); 2369-429 57 Campian ME, Hardziyenka M, de Bruin K, van Eck-Smit BL, de Bakker JM, Verberne HJ, Tan HL; “Early inflammatory response during the development of right ventricular heart failure in a rat model.”; Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2010 Jul; 12 (7); 653-8 58 Casini S, Tan HL, Demirayak I, Remme CA, Amin AS, Scicluna BP, Chatyan H, Ruijter JM, Bezzina CR, van Ginneken AC, Veldkamp MW; “Tubulin polymerization modifies cardiac sodium channel expression and gating.”; Cardiovasc. Res. 2010 Mar 1; 85 (4); 691-700 59 Caslake MJ, Packard CJ, Robertson M, Cooney J, Nelson JJ, Ford I, Gaw A, Jukema JW, Macfarlane PW, Stott DJ, Shepherd J; “Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2), inflammatory biomarkers, and risk of cardiovascular disease in the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER).”; Atherosclerosis 2010 May; 210 (1); 28-34 60 Christiaans I, van Engelen K, van Langen IM, Birnie E, Bonsel GJ, Elliott PM, Wilde AA; “Risk stratification for sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: systematic review of clinical risk markers.”; Europace 2010 03 00; 12 (3); 313-21 61 Christiaans I, Birnie E, van Langen IM, van SpaendonckZwarts KY, van Tintelen JP, Van den Berg MP, Atsma DE, Helderman-van den Enden AT, Pinto YM, Hermans-van Ast JF, Bonsel GJ, Wilde AA; “The yield of risk stratification for sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy myosin-binding protein C gene mutation carriers: focus on predictive screening.”; Eur. 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