01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 1 GENERAL BILL by Stark; Pilon; (CO-SPONSORS) Berman; ClarkeReed; Jacobs; Moskowitz (Similar SB 246, Compare SB 192) Texting While Driving; Revises penalties for violations of Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law; provides enhanced penalties for such violations when committed in school zone or school crossing; removes requirement that specified provisions be enforced as secondary action by law enforcement agency. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 3 GENERAL BILL by Powell (Identical SB 94) Closing the Gap Grant Program; Adds priority area for project proposals under Closing the Gap grant program to address racial & ethnic disparities in morbidity & mortality rates relating to sickle cell disease. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 5 GENERAL BILL by Passidomo; Rodriguez, J. (Linked HB 7, Identical SB 366, Compare SB 318, SB 360) Guardianship Proceedings; Provides that fees & costs incurred by ward's attorney in compensation proceedings are payable from guardianship assets; authorizes court to appoint guardian ad litem to protect minor's interests; provides for confidentiality in settlement of minor's claim; requires notification of incapacitated person & attorney before hearing on appointment of emergency temporary guardian; provides for compensation of examining committee if petition for incapacity is dismissed; provides conditions under which petitioner must reimburse state for expert witness fees; provides for appointment of emergency temporary guardian; establishes burden of proof for determining restoration of capacity of ward in pending guardianship cases; requires reporting of incidents of abuse, neglect, & exploitation of ward by guardian. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee 01/15/15 HOUSE PCS on Committee agenda-- Civil Justice Subcommittee, 01/22/15, 9:00 am, Sumner Hall HB 7 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Passidomo (Linked HB 5, Similar SB 360, Compare SB 366) Pub. Rec./Claim Settlement on Behalf of Minor or Ward; Provides exemption from public records requirements for records relating to settlement of claim on behalf of minor or ward; authorizes guardian ad litem, ward, minor, & minor's attorney to inspect guardianship reports & court records relating to settlement of claim on behalf of minor or ward, upon showing of good cause; authorizes court to direct disclosure & recording of amendment to report or court records relating to settlement of claim on behalf of minor or ward, in connection with real property or for other purposes; provides statement of public necessity; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 5 or similar legislation takes effect if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee 01/15/15 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- Civil Justice Subcommittee, 01/22/15, 9:00 am, Sumner Hall HB 9 GENERAL BILL by Slosberg (Compare SB 270) Use of a Wireless Communications Device While Operating a Motor Vehicle ; Defines "wireless communications device"; provides criminal penalty if person operating motor vehicle while using wireless communications device causes death of human being or unborn child. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 11 GENERAL BILL by Pilon; (CO-SPONSORS) Berman; Kerner (Similar SB 250) Care of Children; Exempts certain membership organizations from licensing requirements & minimum standards for child care facilities; provides screening requirements for organization employees under certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Education Committee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 13 GENERAL BILL by Pilon Mobile Home Park Lot Tenancies; Revises requirements relating to written notification in absence of prospectus; clarifies that purchaser of mobile home may assume seller's prospectus & terms contained in prospectus under certain conditions; authorizes mobile home park owner to increase rental amount upon expiration of assumed rental agreement under certain conditions; provides notification requirements; requires mobile home park owner to disclose certain information to purchaser; requires mobile home park owner & purchaser to sign prospectus election form; provides form; requires mobile home park owner to provide copy of election form to purchaser & maintain copy for certain period. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/10/14 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction HB 15 GENERAL BILL by Jones, S. Public School Educational Instruction; Requires school districts to provide instruction in CPR & use of automated external defibrillator; provides requirements for instruction & instructors. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 17 GENERAL BILL by Slosberg Driving Safety; Prohibits use of cellular telephones & other electronic communications devices by drivers in school zone or school crossing or on school district property. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 19 GENERAL BILL by Steube; (CO-SPONSORS) Eagle; Renuart (Similar SB 180) School Safety; Permits school superintendent, with approval of the school board, to authorize school safety designee to carry concealed weapon or firearm on school property; provides requirements for school safety designees; provides exception to prohibition on possession of firearms or other specified devices on school property or other specified areas; provides for fingerprint processing & retention; requires that fees be borne by school safety designee or school; requires school boards to formulate policies & procedures for dealing with active shooters & hostage situations in consultation with law enforcement; requires district school boards & private schools allow campus tours by local law enforcement agencies for specified purposes & that their recommendations be documented; permits district school boards to commission one or more school safety officers on each school campus. Appropriation: $157,927. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 21 GENERAL BILL by Hager; Harrell Substance Abuse Services; Requires DCF to create voluntary certification program for recovery residences; requires DCF to approve credentialing entities to develop & administer certification program; requires background screening of recovery residence employees; provides for denial, suspension, or revocation of certification; directs DCF to approve at least one credentialing entity by specified date to develop & administer certification program; requires DCF to publish list on its website. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 1 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 23 GENERAL BILL by Cruz (Similar SB 146) Autism; Requires physician to refer minor to appropriate specialist for screening for autism spectrum disorder under certain circumstances; requires certain insurers & HMOs to provide direct patient access to specialist for screening for, or evaluation or diagnosis of, autism spectrum disorder. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 25 GENERAL BILL by Cruz; (CO-SPONSORS) Richardson (Identical SB 98) Employment Discrimination; Designates act as "Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Protection Act"; provides legislative findings & intent relating to equal pay for equal work for women; recognizes importance of DEO & FHRC in ensuring fair pay; provides for duties of department & commission; creates Governor's Recognition Award for Pay Equity in Workplace. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 27 GENERAL BILL by Gaetz; (CO-SPONSORS) Santiago (Similar SB 240) Issuance of Driver Licenses & Identification Cards; Provides for DHSMV to accept military personnel identification card as proof of identity for purposes of issuing driver license or identification card. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 11/19/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Veteran and Military Affairs Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 29 GENERAL BILL by Fitzenhagen; Diaz, M.; (CO-SPONSORS) Beshears; Clarke-Reed; Combee; Cortes, J.; Cruz; Eagle; Edwards; Hill; Ingoglia; Jenne; Jones, S.; La Rosa; Latvala; Mayfield; Murphy; Narain; Peters; Pilon; Raschein; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Renuart; Richardson; Rouson; Santiago; Spano; Williams (Compare SB 92) Financial Literacy Instruction in Public Schools ; Revises Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for financial literacy instruction; provides that credit requirements for high school graduation & standard diploma include separate course in financial literacy; requires DOE to work with nonprofit organizations to develop standards & curriculum & professional development guidelines for teaching financial literacy. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/20/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 31 GENERAL BILL by Porter (Identical SB 142) Nonresidential Farm Buildings; Exempts certain nonresidential farm buildings, farm fences, & farm signs from county & municipal assessment; provides exception. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/21/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 33 GENERAL BILL by Raschein; (CO-SPONSORS) Edwards; Hager; Jenne; Jones, S.; Moskowitz; Richardson; Stark (Similar SB 156) Prohibited Discrimination; Creates "Florida Competitive Workforce Act"; prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity or expression; defines terms; provides exceptions for constitutionally protected free exercise of religion. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/24/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 35 GENERAL BILL by Stark (Identical SB 148) Resident Status for Tuition Purposes; Revises criteria relating to classification of active duty members of U.S. Armed Services, & spouses & dependent children, as residents for tuition purposes; classifies veterans, & spouses & dependent children, as residents for tuition purposes under certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/24/14 HOUSE Filed HB 35 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee; Veteran and Military Affairs Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 37 GENERAL BILL by Raschein (Identical SB 118) Voluntary Contributions for Public Education Facilities; Authorizes participating business that registers with DOR to solicit & collect contributions from customers for construction & maintenance of public education facilities; provides registration requirements; requires participating business to file return & remit contributions to DOR; requires DOR to deposit contributions into PECO & Debt Service Trust Fund; authorizes DOR to adopt emergency rules. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/25/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Appropriations Committee HB 39 GENERAL BILL by Hill (Similar SB 136) Florida Retirement System; Specifies eligibility of monthly death benefit payment to surviving spouse, child, or parent of law enforcement officer or firefighter employed by state; provides annual appropriation. Appropriation: Indeterminate. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/25/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 41 GENERAL BILL by Metz (Identical SB 154) Hazardous Walking Conditions; Revises criteria that determine hazardous walking conditions for public school students; revises procedures for inspection & identification of hazardous conditions; authorizes district school superintendents to initiate formal request for correction of hazardous conditions; requires district school boards to provide transportation to students who would be subjected to hazardous conditions; requires state or local entities with jurisdiction over roads with hazardous conditions to correct condition; provides requirements for governmental entities relating to capital improvement programs; provides requirements relating to civil actions for damages. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/25/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 43 GENERAL BILL by Nunez (Identical SB 296) Diabetes Advisory Council; Requires Diabetes Advisory Council, in conjunction with DOH, AHCA, & DMS, to develop plans relating to diabetes management, treatment, & control; requires report to Governor & Legislature. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/26/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 45 GENERAL BILL by Kerner (Similar SB 150) Student Loans; Requires Justice Administrative Commission & Office of Attorney General to implement student loan assistance program to assist attorneys in specified positions in repayment of eligible student loans; establishes requirements; requires payments based on length of employment of eligible attorney & availability of funds; provides funding; requires employers to develop procedures. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/26/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 47 GENERAL BILL by Stafford; (CO-SPONSORS) Cortes, J. (Identical SB 114) State Minimum Wage; Increases state minimum wage; provides that an employer may not pay employee at rate less than state minimum wage; deletes requirement that only individuals entitled to receive federal minimum wage are eligible to receive state minimum wage. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 12/01/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Economic Affairs Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 2 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 49 GENERAL BILL by Moskowitz (Identical SB 138) Tax-exempt Income; Increases amount of income that is exempt from corporate income tax; increases amount of income that is exempt from franchise tax imposed on banks & savings associations; provides applicability. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 12/02/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Appropriations Committee HB 51 GENERAL BILL by Murphy (Identical SB 132) Disabled Parking Permits; Prohibits DHSMV from requiring certain veterans to resubmit certificate of disability for renewal of disabled parking permit. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/02/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 53 GENERAL BILL by Broxson (Identical SB 130) Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center; Requires SBA to annually transfer portion of investment income from Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center to support operations; specifies that transferred income does not affect funding otherwise available. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/03/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 55 GENERAL BILL by Harrell Children and Youth Cabinet; Revises membership of Children & Youth Cabinet. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/04/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Choice and Innovation Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee; Education Committee HB 57 GENERAL BILL by Jones, S. (Similar SB 248) Recording of Law Enforcement Activities; Designates act "Police and Citizen Protection Act"; requires uniformed officers assigned to patrol duties to be equipped with body cameras; requires use of such cameras during specified activities; exempts recordings of such activities from specified provisions relating to interception of wire, electronic, & oral communications. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 12/04/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 59 GENERAL BILL by Jones, S. Student Data Privacy; Prohibits operator from displaying targeted advertising, using certain information to amass student profiles for certain purposes, or selling or disclosing covered information; authorizes operator to use covered information for specified actions; requires operator to maintain security procedures for protection of covered information & delete covered information under certain circumstances; specifies certain actions by operators, law enforcement agencies, service providers, & students that are not prohibited. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/04/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 61 GENERAL BILL by Jones, S. Charter Schools; Requires charter school applicant to provide evidence of surety bond or secured escrow account by specified date to cover first-year operation costs. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/04/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Choice and Innovation Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 63 GENERAL BILL by Steube (Linked HB 65) Public-Private Partnerships; Creates Division of Public-Private Partnerships within DEO; authorizes use of public-private partnerships for certain contracts; revises provisions related to unsolicited proposals received by responsible public entities; restricts & requires certain provisions in financing agreements. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 65 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Steube (Linked HB 63) Public Records & Public Meetings/Public-Private Partnerships ; Provides exemption from public records requirements & public meetings requirements for unsolicited proposals held by responsible public entity for specified period; provides definition; requires that recording be made of closed meeting; provides exemption from public records requirements of records generated during a closed meeting for specified period; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemptions; provides statement of public necessity; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 63 or similar legislation takes effect. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee HB 67 GENERAL BILL by Murphy; Latvala (Compare HB 473, HB 4001) Utility Advanced Cost Recovery Fee; Provides for expiration of advanced cost recovery for certain power plants; requires collected but unspent funds to be returned to ratepayers; provides for future repeal. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 69 GENERAL BILL by Porter; (CO-SPONSORS) Van Zant Missing Persons with Special Needs; Includes individuals who are at risk of becoming lost or who are prone to wander due to autism spectrum disorder or other conditions in definition of term "missing endangered person"; provides that certain persons are immune from civil liability for damages for complying with request to release information concerning missing special needs individuals to appropriate agencies; specifies who may submit report concerning missing special needs individual; requires FDLE, contingent on funding, to make electronic monitoring devices available to certain individuals with autism spectrum disorder; requires DCF to make annual report concerning such individuals to FDLE; requires APD, contingent on funding, to make electronic monitoring devices available to certain individuals with dementia; requires Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission to incorporate retrieval of missing individuals with special needs into curriculum for law enforcement officers. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 71 GENERAL BILL by Smith Service Animals; Requires public accommodation to permit use of service animal by individual with disability; provides conditions for public accommodation to exclude or remove service animal; revises penalties for certain persons or entities who interfere with use of service animal; provides penalty for knowing & willful misrepresentation with respect to use or training of service animal. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 73 GENERAL BILL by Smith Tangible Personal Property Taxation; Authorizes collection of tangible personal property tax recovery fee by certain persons engaging in business of renting or leasing heavy equipment; provides requirements for collection & retention; prohibits additional recoupment of recovery fee in current year under certain circumstances; requires reduction in amount of recoupment of recovery fee for following year under certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 3 01/21/2015 08:15:31 HB 73 12/19/14 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 75 GENERAL BILL by Combee; (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Cortes, J.; Eagle; Pilon; Spano; Van Zant (Similar SB 232) Department of Economic Opportunity; Requires DEO to create web page accessible through its Internet website that provides certain information; provides purpose of web page; requires DEO to collect all local business information available to DEO; requires DEO to request relevant local government to provide any otherwise unavailable information; requires local governments to provide notice of changes in information collected by DEO; authorizes local government entities to provide summary that includes certain information for DEO's web page. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 77 GENERAL BILL by Combee; (CO-SPONSORS) Albritton; Santiago (Identical SB 96) Patriotic Film Screening; Requires certain middle & high school students to attend screening of certain film; provides exception. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 79 GENERAL BILL by Cummings (Similar SB 340) Crisis Stabilization Services; Requires DCF to develop standards and protocols for collection, storage, transmittal, & analysis of utilization data from public receiving facilities; requires compliance by managing entities by specified date; requires DCF to create statewide database. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/09/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 81 GENERAL BILL by Dudley (Similar SB 230) Public Utilities; Requires PSC to approve proposed change in public utility's billing cycle by specified period before its effective date; requires PSC to consider public impact of proposed change; prohibits extension of billing cycle by more than specified period; prohibits utility from charging consumer or user higher rate due to extension; provides exception. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/09/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 83 GENERAL BILL by Richardson; (CO-SPONSORS) Jenne; Moskowitz; Pafford; Stark (Similar SB 204) Sexual Orientation Change Efforts; Prohibits persons licensed to provide professional counseling & various practitioners who perform counseling as part of their professional training from engaging in sexual orientation change efforts on behalf of person who is younger than specified age. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/09/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 85 GENERAL BILL by Hill (Identical SB 358) Public School Instruction; Requires that instructional staff of public schools provide instruction to students about terrorist attacks occurring on September 11, 2001, & impact of those events. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/09/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 87 GENERAL BILL by Passidomo Construction Defect Claims; Revises definition of "completion of building or improvement"; provides additional requirements for notice of claim; revises requirements for response; provides that actions making claims for certain previously resolved claims be deemed frivolous; provides for sanctions for such frivolous claims; revises provisions relating to production of certain records; provides for sanctions for claims that were solely fault of claimant or its agents; provides exception. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/09/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Business and Professions Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 89 GENERAL BILL by Richardson; (CO-SPONSORS) Fitzenhagen (Identical SB 188) Original Works of Art; Exempts certain original works of art from sales & use tax; defines term "original work of art." Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/10/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee HB 91 GENERAL BILL by Pilon (Linked HB 93) Trade Secrets; Specifies that financial information be included in provisions prohibiting theft, embezzlement, or unlawful copying of trade secrets; repeals provision stating legislative findings concerning public records exemption relating to trade secret information. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/11/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 93 GENERAL BILL by Pilon (Linked HB 91) Pub. Rec./Trade Secrets; Reenacts exemptions from public records requirements to incorporate changes to definition of "trade secret" by HB 91; provides for future legislative review & repeal of reenactments; provides statement of public necessity; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 91 or similar legislation relating to trade secrets takes effect. 12/11/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 95 GENERAL BILL by Cruz Overseas Absentee Ballots; Requires DOS to develop instructions & procedures allowing electronic submission of voted absentee ballots from overseas voters; requires DOS & supervisors of elections to develop security measures; prescribes requirements for such security measures; requires DOS to perform annual security assessment. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/12/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee HB 97 GENERAL BILL by Lee (Identical SB 168) Mobile Home Parks; Revises definition of term "mobile home park" to clarify that it includes certain lots or spaces regardless of rental or lease term's length or person liable for ad valorem taxes; provides that act is remedial & intended to clarify existing law & to abrogate an interpretation of such law by DBPR; provides for retroactive application; provides that act does not affect specified ad valorem taxation issues. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/12/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Civil Justice Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 99 GENERAL BILL by Clarke-Reed Juvenile Civil Citations; Requires that law enforcement officer, upon making contact with juvenile who admits having committed misdemeanor, issue civil citation in certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/12/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 4 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 101 GENERAL BILL by Steube; (CO-SPONSORS) Hutson (Compare SB 140) Taxation; Exempts certain obligations from nonrecurring intangible personal property tax; exempts certain documents that transfer real property from tax; exempts certain notes, written obligations, mortgages, or other evidences of indebtedness from tax; reduces tax on rental or license fees charged for use of real property; revises term "mail order sale" to specifically include sales of tangible personal property ordered through Internet or dealer in foreign country; provides that certain persons who make mail order sales & have nexus with state are subject to state's power to collect sales tax when engaged in certain activities; specifies that certain dealers are not required to collect sales tax unless certain circumstances exist; creates rebuttable presumption that dealer is subject to state's power to collect sales tax; creates annual sales tax holiday for school supplies, personal computers, & personal computer-related accessories; creates Restaurant & Hotel Renovation Tax Refund Program with administration by DEO; authorizes applicant to receive tax refund under certain circumstances; requires DOR to develop system to track changes in sales tax remitted & submit reports to Governor & Legislature. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/12/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee HB 103 GENERAL BILL by Pilon (Identical SB 162) Compensation of Victims of Wrongful Incarceration; Defines "violent felony"; provides that person is disqualified from receiving compensation under Victims of Wrongful Incarceration Compensation Act if, before or during person's wrongful conviction & incarceration, person was convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or was serving concurrent incarceration for, another violent felony; provides that wrongfully incarcerated person who commits violent felony law violation, rather than felony law violation, which results in revocation of parole or community supervision is ineligible for compensation; reenacts provisions. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/12/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 105 GENERAL BILL by Eagle (Identical SB 216) Publicly Funded Retirement Programs; Revises applicability of Marvin B. Clayton Firefighters Pension Trust Fund Act; authorizes municipality that provides fire protection services under an interlocal agreement with another municipality to impose excise tax on property insurance premiums; requires municipal services taxing units to provide Division of Retirement with certified copy of ordinance assessing & imposing certain taxes; revises provisions relating to limitation of disbursement; authorizes municipal services taxing unit, under certain conditions, to revoke participation & cease to receive property insurance premium taxes. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/15/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 107 GENERAL BILL by Steube (Compare HB 301, SB 186) Malt Beverages; Prohibits EBT cards from being used or accepted to purchase alcoholic beverages; provides requirements for licensed manufacturer of malt beverages to sell beverages directly to consumers; provides/revises requirements for vendor's licenses for manufacturers; provides requirements for brewpubs and growlers; revises requirements for vendors transporting alcoholic beverages; provides requirements for franchise agreements; prohibits termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or discontinuance except under certain circumstances; authorizes limited self-distribution for specified manufacturers; authorizes certain malt beverage tastings; deletes restrictions on sale by craft distillery; deletes package store restrictions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/15/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 109 GENERAL BILL by Broxson (Identical SB 184) Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot; Authorizes absent uniformed services voters & overseas voters to use federal write-in absentee ballot in state or local election; authorizes elector to vote on ballot measure in election using federal write-in absentee ballot; specifies that vote cast in judicial merit retention election is treated in same manner as vote on certain ballot measures; allows for minor variations in name of ballot measure; prohibits supervisor of elections from canvassing federal write-in absentee ballots from overseas voters in certain elections until specified period after date of election; revises minimum requirements for DOS rules used to determine what constitutes valid vote on federal write-in absentee ballot. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/16/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee HB 111 GENERAL BILL by Magar Transitional Living Facilities; Creates part XI, ch. 400, F.S., relating to transitional living facilities; provides requirements with respect to licensure, policies & procedures, client admission & care, screening of employees, recordkeeping, & safekeeping of client property & funds; provides penalties for violations. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/16/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 113 GENERAL BILL by Perry Local Government Construction Preferences; Prohibits local ordinances & regulations from restricting a certified contractor's competition for award of contract for construction services based upon certain conditions; requires state college, school district, or other political subdivision to make specified disclosures in competitive solicitation documents; provides construction. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/16/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 115 GENERAL BILL by Gaetz Sentencing; Redefines "victim" for purposes of restitution provisions to include governmental entities & political subdivisions; requires sentencing judge to order restitution & specified number of community service work hours for violations of provisions relating to bribery & misuse of public office & offenses by public officers & employees. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/17/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 117 GENERAL BILL by Watson, B. False Personation; Revises list of officials who are prohibited from being falsely personated; prohibits sale or transfer of specified badges bearing in any manner or combination words "fire department" & ownership or operation of vehicles marked or identified by words "fire department"; requires specified intent for certain offenses; provides exception. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 119 GENERAL BILL by Berman (Identical SB 210) Licensing of Facilities that offer Health and Human Services ; Requires family day care home to conspicuously display license or registration, provide proof of written plan designating substitute for operator, & provide proof of certain screening & background checks; prohibits advertisement of child care facility, family day care home, or large family child care home unless it is licensed or registered or provides proof of exemption; defines "advertisement." Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 5 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 121 GENERAL BILL by Stafford (Identical SB 356) Employment of Felons; Provides corporate income tax credit for employment of person previously convicted of felony; provides requirements to receive credit; provides exceptions for certain felons. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee HB 123 GENERAL BILL by Cortes, J. (Identical SB 152) Disability Awareness; Requires, rather than authorizes, each district school board to provide disability history & awareness instruction in all K-12 public schools; requires each public school to establish disability history & awareness advisory council. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 125 GENERAL BILL by Edwards (Linked HB 127, Identical SB 306, Compare SB 308) Domestic Violence Organizations; Specifies duties of DCF & Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence with respect to domestic violence advocacy organizations; requires that certified domestic violence advocacy organizations meet specified requirements; provides consequences for failure to meet requirements; requires organizations to establish procedures for person to voluntarily seek their services; requires law enforcement officers to make referrals to certified organizations in specified circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee 01/12/15 HOUSE Withdrawn from Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee 01/12/15 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction HB 127 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Edwards (Linked HB 125, Similar SB 308, Compare SB 306) Pub. Rec./Clients of Domestic Violence Advocacy Organizations or Referral Services; Provides exemption from public records requirements for information concerning clients of domestic violence advocacy organizations or referral services; requires written consent of client for disclosure of certain information; provides exceptions; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemptions; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 125 or similar legislation relating to domestic violence advocacy organizations and referral services takes effect. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee 01/12/15 HOUSE Withdrawn from Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee 01/12/15 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction HB 129 GENERAL BILL by Moskowitz; (CO-SPONSORS) Berman; Edwards; Hill; O'Toole; Pilon (Identical SB 2) Greyhound Racing Injuries; Designates act as "Victoria Q. Gaetz Racing Greyhound Protection Act"; requires injuries to racing greyhounds be reported on form adopted by DBPR within certain timeframe; exempts injuries to certain animals from reporting requirements. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/18/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 131 GENERAL BILL by Moskowitz; Harrell; (CO-SPONSORS) Berman; Combee; Cortes, J.; Eagle; Edwards; Gonzalez; Hager; Hill; Hutson; Jacobs; Kerner; Latvala; Moraitis; Pilon; Richardson; Rouson; Van Zant (Compare SB 218) Use of Intercepted Wire or Oral Communications as Evidence ; Creates exception to prohibition on use of intercepted wire or oral communications as evidence for prosecutions for acts of sexual abuse involving certain minor victims. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/19/14 HOUSE Filed HB 131 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 133 GENERAL BILL by Plasencia Sexual Offenses; Designates act as "43 Days Initiative Act"; provides extended statute of limitations on civil actions relating to sexual battery on victims 16 years of age or older; revises time limitations for criminal prosecution of specified sexual battery offenses if victim is 18 years of age or older; provides applicability. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/19/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 135 GENERAL BILL by Cortes, B.; (CO-SPONSORS) Plakon Elections; Authorizes high school principal to accept voter registration applications from students during school year & exempting principal's acceptance of such applications from third-party voter registration requirements; revises list of authorized methods for identifying elector at polling place; specifies that voters standing in line at polling place are included within no-solicitation zone; provides criminal penalties for poll watcher to influence or interfere with elector voting ballot. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/19/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; State Affairs Committee HB 137 GENERAL BILL by Rader (Similar SB 158) Civil Liability of Farmers; Revises exemption from civil liability for certain farmers; revises applicability of exemption. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/23/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 139 GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez, J.; Watson, C. Sentencing in Capital Felonies; Requires that advisory sentence of death be made by unanimous recommendation of jury after defendant's conviction or adjudication of guilt; requires court to instruct jury that, in order for jury to recommend to court that death penalty be imposed, jury must find that sufficient aggravating circumstances exist which outweigh any mitigating circumstances; requires court to instruct jury that each aggravating circumstance must be proven beyond reasonable doubt by unanimous vote; requires that court provide special verdict form for each aggravating circumstance. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/23/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 141 GENERAL BILL by Renuart; Adkins (Similar CS/SB 144) Pub. Rec./Impaired Practitioner Consultants; Provides exemption from public records requirements for certain identifying & location information of impaired practitioner consultants & their employees retained by DOH or other state agency & spouses & children of such consultants & employees; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/24/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 143 GENERAL BILL by Bileca; (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Cortes, B.; Hill; Perry; Pilon; Van Zant (Similar SB 352) American Founders' Month; Designates September as "American Founders' Month"; authorizes Governor to annually designate month; requires district school boards to celebrate American Founders by observing American Founders' Month; provides that instruction may be integrated into existing school curriculum. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/24/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 6 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 145 GENERAL BILL by Beshears (Similar SB 220) Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board; Provides for appointment of additional members to Commercial Motor Vehicle Review Board by Governor & Commissioner of Agriculture & provides for action by quorum of board. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 147 GENERAL BILL by Hill; (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Baxley; Gonzalez; Plakon Abortion; Requires certain physicians to have admitting privileges at hospital within specified distance of location where abortion is performed or induced; provides penalties. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 149 GENERAL BILL by Rouson (Similar SB 368) Rights Of Grandparents and Great-Grandparents; Authorizes grandparent of minor child to petition court for visitation; provides for application of Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act; provides conditions under which court may terminate grandparent visitation; provides for great-grandparent's right to notice of adoption. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 151 GENERAL BILL by Goodson Disclosure of Sexually Explicit Images; Prohibits individual from electronically disclosing sexually explicit image of identifiable person with intent to harass such person if individual knows or should have known that such person did not consent to disclosure; providing criminal penalties; provides enhanced penalties for violations by persons 18 years of age or older involving victims younger than 16 years of age; provides exceptions; exempts providers of specified services; requires court to order that person convicted of violation be prohibited from having contact with victim & requires penalties for violation of order run consecutively to penalties for original violation. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 153 GENERAL BILL by Lee Literacy Jump Start Pilot Project; Requires Office of Early Learning to establish pilot project in St. Lucie County to assist low-income, at-risk children in developing emergent literacy skills; requires OEL to select organization to implement pilot project; provides eligibility requirements for participation; requires background screening for personnel & emergent literacy training for instructors; requires OEL to allocate funds for pilot project. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Choice and Innovation Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 155 GENERAL BILL by Pilon Emergency Treatment for Opioid Overdose; Designates act as "Emergency Treatment & Recovery Act"; authorizes health care practitioners to prescribe opioid antagonist to patient or caregiver under certain conditions; authorizes storage, possession, & emergency administration of opioid antagonist by patient or caregiver & certain emergency responders; provides immunity from liability. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Civil Justice Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 157 GENERAL BILL by Passidomo (Similar SB 390) Fraud; Defines "business entity"; provides for restitution for certain out-ofpocket costs of victims; requires business entities to provide copies of business records of fraudulent transactions involving identity theft to victims & law enforcement agencies in certain circumstances; includes counties & other political subdivisions in provisions prohibiting false marking of goods or packaging with location of origin; prohibits fraudulent issuance of indicia of membership interest in limited liability company; specifies that electronic statements are included in provisions prohibiting certain false representations; increases criminal penalties for fraudulently obtaining goods or services from health care provider; expands specified identity theft offenses to include all persons rather than being limited to natural persons; prohibits knowingly providing false information that becomes part of public record to facilitate or further commission of certain offenses. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 12/29/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HJR 159 JOINT RESOLUTION by Jenne Real Property Rights of Aliens Ineligible for Citizenship ; Proposes amendment to s. 2, Art. I of State Constitution to delete provision authorizing laws that regulate or prohibit ownership, inheritance, disposition, & possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship. 12/30/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 161 GENERAL BILL by Burton Responsibilities of Health Care Facilities; Repeals provisions relating to provider hospitals; requires hospital to notify obstetrical physicians before closing its obstetrical department or ceasing to provide obstetrical services. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/30/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 163 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Beshears; (CO-SPONSORS) Cortes, B. (Identical SB 224) Public Records/Contractors; Defines term "acting on behalf of public agency"; revises definition of term "contractor"; requires that public agency contract for services include statement providing name & telephone number of public agency's custodian of records; prescribes form of statement; revises contractual provisions in public agency contract for services regarding contractor's compliance with public records laws; specifies circumstances under which court may assess & award reasonable costs of enforcement against public agency or contractor. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee HB 165 GENERAL BILL by Santiago (Similar SB 258, Compare HB 273, SB 202) Property and Casualty Insurance; Requires OIR to use certain models or methods, or straight average of model results or output ranges, to estimate hurricane losses when determining whether rates in rate filing are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory; increases length of time during which an insurer must adhere to certain findings made by Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology with respect to certain methods, principles, standards, models, or output ranges used in rate filing; revises provisions for making & use of rates for motor vehicle insurance; increases amount of prior notice required with respect to nonrenewal, cancellation, or termination of certain insurance policies; deletes certain provisions that require extended periods of prior notice with respect to nonrenewal, cancellation, or termination of certain insurance policies; prohibits cancellation of certain policies; provides that policy or contract may not be cancelled based on certain credit information; authorizes policyholder of personal lines insurance to affirmatively elect delivery of policy documents by electronic means; revises notification requirements for participation in neutral evaluation program; revises time period for applicability of certain Medicare fee schedules or payment limitations; revises preinsurance inspection requirements for private passenger motor vehicles. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 7 01/21/2015 08:15:31 HB 165 01/15/15 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HOUSE Referred to Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 167 GENERAL BILL by Santiago (Identical SB 190) Hospices; Requires AHCA to assume need for additional hospice provider in certain hospice service areas. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/13/15 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction HB 169 GENERAL BILL by Jenne; (CO-SPONSORS) Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Stark; Watson, C. (Compare SB 166) Well Stimulation Treatments; Prohibits well stimulation treatments for exploration or production of oil or natural gas; defines term "well stimulation treatment." Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee; Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee HB 171 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Edwards Pub. Rec./Emergency Information Gathering Systems; Revises provisions providing public records exemption for information furnished to state, county, or municipal government agency for use in emergency information gathering system; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 173 GENERAL BILL by Goodson Property Tax Exemptions; Increases property tax exemption for residents who are widows, widowers, blind, or totally & permanently disabled; provides applicability. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Finance and Tax Committee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee HB 175 GENERAL BILL by Spano (Identical SB 222) Electronic Commerce; Creates "Computer Abuse & Data Recovery Act"; prohibits person from intentionally committing specified acts without authorization with respect to protected computer; provides penalties for violation; specifies remedies for civil actions brought by persons affected by violation; provides that specified criminal judgments/decrees against defendant act as estoppel as to certain matters in specified civil actions; provides that specified civil actions must be filed within certain periods of time; provides that act does not prohibit specified activity by certain state, federal, & foreign law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, & political subdivisions. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 177 GENERAL BILL by Hill (Similar SB 380) Persons with Developmental Disabilities; Allows eligible individual whose parent or guardian is member of U.S. Armed Forces, Florida National Guard, or U.S. Reserve Forces to receive Medicaid home and community-based waiver services under certain conditions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee HB 179 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Eagle (Identical SB 200) Public Records/Tax Collectors; Provides public records exemption for e-mail addresses obtained by tax collector for certain purposes; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed HB 179 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee HB 181 GENERAL BILL by Bileca Educational Facilities; Provides for school district construction flexibility; authorizes exceptions to educational facilities construction requirements under certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to K-12 Subcommittee; Education Appropriations Subcommittee; Education Committee HB 183 GENERAL BILL by Pritchett Juvenile Expunction; Allows minors who have certain felony arrests to have FDLE expunge their nonjudicial arrest record upon successful completion of prearrest or postarrest diversion program. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 185 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Gaetz Public Records/Military Special Operations Units; Provides exemption from public records requirements for certain personal identifying information of current or former servicemembers of military special operations units & their spouses & children; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Veteran and Military Affairs Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee HB 187 GENERAL BILL by Rader (Identical SB 262, Compare HB 239, SB 226) Racing Animals; Designates act as "Greyhound Safety Act"; revises provisions prohibiting administration of certain drugs to racing animal, provisions for collection & testing of fluids from an animal, procedures, & penalty provisions; requires DBPR to maintain certain records of injuries to racing greyhounds. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 189 GENERAL BILL by Cummings Insurance Guaranty Associations; Revises definition of term "asset" to include Florida Insurance Guaranty Association assessments for purposes of determining financial condition of insurer; transfers provision relating to obligation of Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association to pay valid claims. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 191 GENERAL BILL by Slosberg Traffic Safety; Prohibits use of electronic communications devices by certain drivers; provides for voluntary checkoff on driver license applications to permit contributions to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 193 GENERAL BILL by Broxson; (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley (Identical SB 164) Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; Authorizes county that is awarded grant from trust fund to use such funds for purchase & distribution of promotional items. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 8 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 195 GENERAL BILL by Powell Prosecution of Juveniles; Revises age-based criteria & offenses for which discretionary direct file of information against child may be made in adult court; prohibits filing of information on child otherwise eligible if it is child's first offense unless there are compelling reasons; requires such reasons to be stated in writing; provides criteria for state attorney to determine whether to file information; requires state attorney to file written explanation when information is filed; provides criteria for consideration of child's request to return to juvenile justice system. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 207 GENERAL BILL by Watson, B. Pet Services and Advocacy Programs; Designates act as "Pets' Trust Act"; authorizes counties to create independent special districts &, if approved by referendum, levy ad valorem taxes to provide funding for pet services & advocacy programs; creates Pets' Trust council; provides for council membership, powers, & functions; provides that certain nonbinding straw ballots satisfy referendum requirements; provides for future expiration. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee HB 197 GENERAL BILL by Metz (Identical SB 282) Tracking Devices or Applications; Prohibits use of tracking device or application to determine location or movement of person without person's consent; creates presumption that consent is revoked upon initiation of specified proceedings; provides exceptions. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Economic Development and Tourism Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 209 GENERAL BILL by Artiles Emergency Fire Rescue Services and Facilities Surtax; Revises distribution of surtax proceeds; deletes provision requiring county governing authority to develop & execute interlocal agreements with local government entities providing emergency fire & rescue services; requires local government entity requesting & receiving certain personnel or equipment from another service provider to pay for such personnel or equipment from its share of surtax proceeds; deletes requirement that surtaxes collected in excess of projected collections be applied as rebate to final millage; deletes provision requiring local government entities to enter into interlocal agreement in order to receive surtax proceeds. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; Local and Federal Affairs Committee HB 199 GENERAL BILL by Sprowls; (CO-SPONSORS) Burgess; Latvala (Similar SB 170) Florida Public Service Commission; Revises provisions regarding terms & term limits for PSC commissioners; prohibits elected officials from serving on PSC for specified period after leaving office; creates five districts whose boundaries align with district courts of appeal boundaries; requires one commissioner to represent each district; PSC Nominating Council to select nominees who are residents of district they will represent. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 201 GENERAL BILL by Narain Diabetes Awareness Training for Law Enforcement Officers ; Designates act "Arthur Green, Jr., Act"; requires Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission to develop standards for instruction of law enforcement officers in diabetic emergencies; specifies topics to be included. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 203 GENERAL BILL by Artiles (Identical SB 134) Lifetime Electronic Monitoring of Sex Offenders; Establishes lifetime electronic monitoring program within FDLE; requires electronic monitoring system to monitor sex offenders sentenced to lifetime electronic monitoring; requires tracking movement & location of each offender; requires timely reporting & recording of offender's presence in certain circumstances; requires that such records be available upon request; requires offender sentenced to lifetime electronic monitoring to wear or carry monitoring device as determined by FDLE; requires offender to reimburse FDLE for cost of monitoring; authorizes imprisonment for specified violations relating to monitoring to run consecutively with other violations. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/07/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 205 GENERAL BILL by Jones, M. Criminal History Records of Minors; Reduces period for which criminal history records of certain minors must be retained before expungement. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 211 GENERAL BILL by Raschein Specialty License Plates; Directs DHSMV to develop Bonefish & Tarpon Trust license plate. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Highway and Waterway Safety Subcommittee; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee; Economic Affairs Committee HB 213 GENERAL BILL by Moraitis (Identical SB 266) Property Appraisers; Provides that property appraiser's budget shall be funded once DOR makes its final budget amendments; obligates county commission to fund DOR's final property appraiser budget during pendency of appeal to Administration Commission. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed HB 215 GENERAL BILL by Bracy Forfeiture of Contraband Articles; Provides that forfeiture is not final & title to property does not pass until specified criteria are met; provides for recovery for damage to seized property; requires issuance of seizure warrant before property may be seized; provides requirements for issuance of such warrant; provides additional requirements for custody of seized property; provides for rights of owners of seized property; provides for expedited recovery of seized property in certain circumstances. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed HB 217 GENERAL BILL by Van Zant Engineers; Prohibits person who is not licensed as engineer from using specified names & titles; provides licensure & application requirements for structural engineer license; prohibits specified persons from using titles of "licensed structural engineer," "professional structural engineer," "registered structural engineer," or "structural engineer." Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed HB 219 GENERAL BILL by Peters; (CO-SPONSORS) Kerner; Latvala; Sprowls (Similar SB 288) Utilities Regulation; Requires PSC to conduct additional meetings related to electric utilities; requires PSC to post information on website; requires persons who lobby PSC Nominating Council to register as lobbyist; requires PSC commissioners to take ethics training courses; revises provisions regarding ex parte communications; grants additional powers to Public Counsel; revises provisions regarding utility billing practices; clarifies use of funds received to encourage development of certain energy systems. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 9 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 221 GENERAL BILL by Drake Long-Term Care Insurance; Provides additional forms for mandatory offer of nonforfeiture benefits in long-term care insurance policies. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed HB 223 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Combee (Identical SB 182) Public Records and Meetings/Postsecondary Education Executive Search ; Provides exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying information of applicant for president, provost, or dean of state university or Florida College System institution; provides exemption from public meeting requirements for meeting held for purpose of identifying or vetting applicants for president, provost, or dean of state university or Florida College System institution & for portion of meeting held for purpose of establishing qualifications of, or compensation framework to be offered to, potential applicants that would disclose personal identifying information of applicant or potential applicant; requires release of names of specified applicants within certain timeframe; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/09/15 HOUSE Filed HB 225 GENERAL BILL by Cortes, B.; (CO-SPONSORS) Eagle; Rehwinkel Vasilinda All-American Flag Act; Designates act as "All-American Flag Act"; requires U.S. flag or state flag that is purchased on or after specified date by the state, county, or municipality for public use to be made in U.S. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HB 227 GENERAL BILL by Williams (Identical SB 228) Online Voter Registration; Requires DOS to develop online voter registration system; provides application requirements for system; requires DHSMV to verify information submitted online; authorizes division to promulgate rules to implement system; requires supervisors of elections to notify applicants in certain situations; requires system compliance with federal accessibility provisions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 229 JOINT RESOLUTION by Cortes, B. Municipal Property Tax Exemption; Proposes amendment to State Constitution to allow Legislature, by general law after specified date, to exempt from taxation property owned by municipality that is not used for municipal or public purposes. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HB 231 GENERAL BILL by Passidomo Transportation; Revises provisions relating to the rights & safety of vulnerable users of public rights-of-way; prohibits assault of bicycle riders; revises provisions for careless driving; provides penalties for specified infractions contributing to bodily injury of vulnerable users; requires traffic law & substance abuse education courses to include certain instruction; requires driver license examinations to include test of applicant's knowledge of certain traffic laws; requires driver education courses offered by school district to include certain information. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HB 233 GENERAL BILL by Santiago (Similar SB 252) Insurance; Provides that absence of countersignature does not affect validity of policy or contract of insurance. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HB 235 GENERAL BILL by Eagle (Identical SB 312) Restitution; Requires child's parent or guardian, in addition to child, to make restitution for damage or loss caused by child's offense; provides for payment plans in certain circumstances; authorizes parent or guardian to be absolved of liability for restitution in certain circumstances; authorizes court to order both parents or guardians liable for child's restitution regardless of one parent having sole parental responsibility; specifies that DCF, foster parents, & specified agencies contracting with DCF are not guardians for purposes of restitution; removes duplicative provisions authorizing court to require parent or guardian to be responsible for any restitution ordered against child. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/12/15 HOUSE Filed HB 237 GENERAL BILL by Latvala (Similar SB 196) Qualified Television Revolving Loan Fund; Creates qualified television revolving loan fund; requires DEO to contract with fund administrator; provides fund administrator qualifications; provides for fund administrator's compensation & removal; specifies fund administrator's powers & duties; provides structure of loans; provides qualified television content criteria; authorizes AG to conduct operational audit of fund & fund administrator; authorizes DEO to adopt rules; provides for expiration of loan program; provides emergency rulemaking authority; provides for expiration of emergency rulemaking authority; requires analysis of qualified television loan fund in Economic Development Programs Evaluation. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 239 GENERAL BILL by Fitzenhagen (Identical SB 226, Compare HB 187, SB 262) Racing Animals; Revises prohibition on use of substances on racing animals; requires the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering to notify owners or trainers, stewards, & appropriate horsemen's association of all drug test results; expands violations to include prohibited substances that break down during race found in specimens collected after race. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 241 GENERAL BILL by Trumbull Personal Flotation Devices; Requires that personal flotation devices be used in accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard approval label during operation of certain vessels or personal watercraft or while engaged in water skiing, parasailing, aquaplaning, & similar activities. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 243 GENERAL BILL by Roberson Vital Statistics; Revises duties & responsibilities of DOH with respect to production & maintenance of death certificates & burial transit permits; requires electronic filing & transmission of certain death records. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 245 GENERAL BILL by Ahern; (CO-SPONSORS) Edwards Tax on Commercial Real Property; Provides certain exemptions from tax imposed on rental or license fees charged for use of commercial real property; provides for future repeal of tax. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 247 GENERAL BILL by Van Zant Abortion; Creates "Florida for Life Act"; prohibits induced abortions; prohibits operation of facility for purpose of providing abortion services; prohibits termination of pregnancy unless specified conditions are met; requires informed consent; provides standard of care if fetus is viable; requires that fetal remains be disposed of according to specified standards; provides restrictions on use of state & federal funds for state exchanges that provide coverage for induced abortions & termination of pregnancies under certain conditions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 249 GENERAL BILL by Raburn (Identical SB 398) Agricultural Tax Exemptions; Redefines terms "livestock" & "agricultural production"; revises sales & use tax exemption for certain farm equipment to exempt from tax irrigation equipment, repairs of farm equipment & irrigation equipment, & certain trailers; revises sales & use tax exemption for items in agricultural use to exempt from tax stakes used to support plants during agricultural production. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 10 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 251 GENERAL BILL by Rogers (Linked HB 255) School Safety; Provides that state sales & use taxes collected on firearms & ammunition shall be allocated to Safe Schools Trust Fund; provides that exception to prohibition on open carrying of weapons for certain nonlethal weapons does not apply to persons, other than school faculty or staff members, within school safety zones; provides that person within school safety zone who is carrying weapon or firearm in violation of specified provisions may avoid charges by surrendering weapon or firearm to specified person at earliest opportunity if person has committed no other offense involving weapon or firearm within zone; provides that license to carry concealed weapon or firearm does not authorize any person to openly carry handgun or carry concealed weapon or firearm in school safety zone; requires school district's guidance plan to include mandatory guidance counseling for certain students in school safety issues. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 253 GENERAL BILL by Rogers Small Business Participation in State Contracting; Directs agencies to avoid contract bundling; requires agencies to conduct market research & include written summaries & analyses of such research in solicitations for bundled contracts; requires agencies to award percentage of contracts to small businesses; requires contractors to use small businesses as subcontractors; provides requirements for payment of subcontractors; prohibits agencies & contractors from requiring certain sureties for certain contracts; requires rules ombudsman in EOG to establish system for reporting small business participation in state contracting; requires agencies to cooperate with such reporting; requires specified annual reports. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 255 TRUST FUND/GENERAL BILL by Rogers (Linked HB 251) Trust Funds/Creation/Safe Schools Trust Fund/DOE; Creates Safe Schools Trust Fund within DOE; provides for sources of funds & purposes; provides for annual carryforward of trust fund balances; provides for future review & termination or re-creation of trust fund; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 251 or similar legislation takes effect. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 257 GENERAL BILL by Ray Freight Logistics Zones; Defines "freight logistics zone"; authorizes county or two or more contiguous counties to designate geographic area or areas within its jurisdiction as freight logistics zone; requires adoption of strategic plan which must include certain information; provides that certain projects within freight logistics zones may be eligible for priority in state funding & certain incentive programs; provides evaluation criteria for freight logistics zones. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/13/15 HOUSE Filed HB 259 GENERAL BILL by Fant (Similar SB 384) Small Business Saturday Sales Tax Holiday; Provides that sales and use tax may not be levied on sale of items or articles of tangible personal property by certain small businesses during specified period; provides appropriation. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 261 GENERAL BILL by Rader (Identical SB 280) Teacher Salaries; Requires Legislature to fund FEFP at level that ensures guaranteed minimum annual starting salary for instructional personnel; specifies statewide minimum salary for 2015-2016 fiscal year; requires DOE to annually adjust minimum starting salary; requires district school boards to adjust minimum starting salary. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 263 GENERAL BILL by Renuart Craft Distilleries; Defines term "branded product"; revises limitation on containers that may be sold by craft distilleries to include specified amount of individual containers for each branded product. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 265 GENERAL BILL by Murphy Specialty License Plates/Rotary's Camp Florida; Creates Rotary's Camp Florida license plate; establishes annual use fee for plate; provides for distribution of use fees received from sale of such plates. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 267 GENERAL BILL by Pilon (Identical SB 372) Confidential Informants; Requires law enforcement agency that uses confidential informants to adopt policies & procedures providing reasonable protective measures & requires agencies to refer certain prospective & current informants to substance abuse prevention or treatment; requires that policies & procedures provide general guidelines for management & safety of confidential informants & training requirements for certain agency personnel; revises factors used in assessing person's suitability as confidential informant; requires law enforcement agencies that solicit persons to act as confidential informants to provide them with opportunity to consult with attorney; prohibits minors from participating in certain activities; prohibits person who is receiving substance abuse services or related treatment from participating in certain activities; prohibits Florida College System & university police from recruiting or using enrolled students for certain activities; requires law enforcement agency to annually collect & submit confidential informant data. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 269 GENERAL BILL by Pilon Experimental Treatments for Terminal Conditions; Designates "Right to Try Act"; provides conditions for manufacturer to provide investigational drugs, products, or devices to patient; specifies insurance coverage requirements & exceptions; provides conditions for provision of certain services by hospital or health care facility; provides immunity from liability. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/14/15 HOUSE Filed HB 271 GENERAL BILL by Nunez Consumer Protection; Designates act as "True Origin of Digital Goods Act"; requires owners & operators of specified websites & online services to disclose certain information; provides for injunctive relief. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 273 GENERAL BILL by Perry (Similar SB 202, Compare HB 165, SB 258) Insurance; Authorizes policyholder of personal lines insurance to affirmatively elect delivery of policy documents by electronic means; authorizes notice of change in policy terms to be sent in separate mailing to an insured. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 275 GENERAL BILL by Santiago Offer or Sale of Securities; Exempts certain issuers & intermediaries from registration requirements relating to offer or sale of certain securities; provides requirements for such issuers & intermediaries; provides limitations on offers or sales of such securities; prohibits use of specified exemptions from registration requirements in conjunction with another exemption from registration requirements; provides exceptions; requires OFR to provide information on website. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 277 GENERAL BILL by Hager (Identical SB 394) Public Lodging Establishments; Requires specified public lodging establishments to waive certain policies for individuals who present valid military identification card. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 279 GENERAL BILL by Pigman Pharmacy; Authorizes registered intern under supervision of pharmacist to administer specified vaccines to adult; revises which vaccines may be administered by pharmacist or registered intern under supervision of pharmacist; requires registered intern seeking to administer vaccines to be certified to administer such vaccines & to complete minimum amount of coursework. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 281 GENERAL BILL by Pigman Prescription Medication; Authorizes licensed physician assistant acting under direction of supervisory physician to order medication & controlled substances for administration to specified patients; authorizes ARNP to order medication & controlled substances for administration to specified patients; revises definition of term "prescription" to exclude order dispensed for administration to specified patient. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 11 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 283 GENERAL BILL by Berman Transfers to Minors; Specifies that certain transfers from a trust are treated as made by grantor of such trust; revises specific termination provisions related to certain custodianships for minors. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 285 GENERAL BILL by Narain Community Health Worker Certification; Requires DOH to approve qualified third-party credentialing entities to administer voluntary community health worker certification programs; establishes criteria for approval of third-party credentialing entity; establishes maximum fee for such certification. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 287 GENERAL BILL by Jacobs Controlled Substances; Includes Kratom in schedule of controlled substances; reenacts provisions. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 289 GENERAL BILL by Harrell Boating Under the Influence; Provides that conviction for BUI be recorded in person's driving record; provides that convictions for BUI are considered prior convictions for DUI; provides that conviction for BUI be reported to DHSMV; provides that convictions for DUI are considered prior convictions for BUI. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 291 GENERAL BILL by Harrell Involuntary Examinations of Minors; Provides requirements for notification of involuntary examination of minors by public schools, charter schools, & receiving facilities. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 293 GENERAL BILL by Roberson (Compare SB 382) Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program; Reorganizes long-term ombudsman services; provides duties of Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman & State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council; provides conditions under which representative of office could be found to have conflict of interest; provides immunity from liability for representative of office; requires long-term care facilities to provide representatives of office with access to facilities, residents, & records for certain purposes; provides for office to coordinate ombudsman services with Disability Rights Florida. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 295 GENERAL BILL No Subject Available; No title Available 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 297 GENERAL BILL by Campbell Safe Work Environments; Creates "Safe Work Environment Act"; provides that subjecting employee to abusive work environment is unlawful employment practice; prohibits retaliating against employee who has opposed any unlawful employment practice, or who has made charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in investigation or proceeding concerning such claim; provides for vicarious liability for employers in certain circumstances; provides defense; provides for liability for individual employees in certain circumstances; provides defense; provides affirmative defenses; specifies relief available; limits employer's liability for emotional distress & precludes punitive damages in certain circumstances; specifies that provisions may only be enforced by private right of action; provides time limitation on actions; provides that remedies provided shall be in addition to & not in place of other remedies provided in law; provides for screening certain persons public & private school entering instructional areas. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 299 JOINT RESOLUTION by Plakon Homestead Exemption/Living Spouse of Deceased Combat-Disabled Veteran; Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to authorize living spouse of deceased veteran, who upon death was aged 65 or older, partially or permanently disabled during combat, & honorably discharged, to receive discount on ad valorem taxes on homestead property based on percentage of veteran's disability & to specify that exemption is transferrable to another residence if spouse remains unmarried & uses residence as his or her primary residence. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 301 GENERAL BILL by Sprowls; (CO-SPONSORS) Burgess (Similar SB 186, Compare HB 107) Malt Beverages; Authorizes sale of malt beverages packaged in individual containers of certain sizes if they are filled at point of sale by certain licenseholders; requires container to be imprinted or labeled with certain information; requires container to be sealed or incapable of being immediately consumed; provides penalties. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 303 GENERAL BILL by Antone Funding for High School Interscholastic Athletic Programs ; Levies surcharge on admission charges for professional sporting events; defines "professional sporting event"; provides that certain admissions are exempt from surcharge; requires DOR to administer, collect, & enforce surcharge; provides for deposit & use of surcharge proceeds for high school interscholastic athletic programs; provides formula for allocating proceeds among school districts & schools. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 305 GENERAL BILL by Harrison Landlords and Tenants; Excludes transient occupancy in dwelling unit or premises from applicability of Florida Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; revises definition of term "transient occupancy." Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 307 GENERAL BILL by Latvala Mobile Homes; Requires Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, & Mobile Homes to approve training & educational programs for board members of mobile home owners associations; provides requirements for education curriculum information for board member & mobile home owner training; revises mobile home owner's general obligations; provides & revises requirements for lot rental increases; revises provisions relating to rights of purchasers of lifetime leases; provides for removal of member of board of directors; revises quorum & voting requirements; revises provisions relating to board of directors, committee, & member meetings; revises requirements for amendment of articles of incorporation & bylaws; deletes requirement that officers & directors of association have fiduciary relationship to members; revises requirements for recall of board members; provides requirements for alternative resolution of recall disputes; specifies certification or educational requirements for newly elected or appointed cooperative board member; revises & provides requirements relating to official records of association. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 309 GENERAL BILL by Harrison Patient Admission Status Notification; Provides requirements for licensed facilities for patient notification regarding admission status. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed HB 311 GENERAL BILL by Ingoglia; (CO-SPONSORS) Perry (Identical SB 302) Community Contribution Tax Credit Program; Extends expiration date applicable to granting of community contribution tax credit against sales & use tax, corporate income tax, & insurance premium tax for contributions to eligible sponsors of revitalization & housing projects approved by DEO; reenacts provisions to incorporate changes made by act. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/16/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 12 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 313 GENERAL BILL by Fant (Similar SB 102) Digital Assets; Authorizes personal representative to have access to specified digital assets of decedent; authorizes guardian to have access to specified digital assets of ward; authorizes an agent to have access to specified digital assets of principal; authorizes trustee to have access to specified digital assets held in trust; provides rights of fiduciary relating to digital assets; provides that specified provisions in terms-of-service agreement are unenforceable or void as against strong public policy of this state; provides requirements for compliance for custodian, personal representative, guardian, an agent, trustee, or another person that is entitled to receive & collect specified digital assets; provides for damages if demand for trust instrument is not made in good faith by custodian; provides applicability; provides immunity for custodian & its officers, employees, & agents for any action done in good faith & in compliance with act. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 315 GENERAL BILL by Clarke-Reed (Identical SB 386) Voter Registration; Requires supervisor of elections to make available online form that allows elector to electronically submit notice of in-state change of residence. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 317 GENERAL BILL by Costello Job Creation through Business Tax Reform; Provides legislative intent; replaces revenue from corporate income tax, sales taxes on commercial leases, & sales tax on industrial machinery & equipment with revenue from state sales surtax; revises provisions of communications services tax; provides directive to DOLRI. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 319 GENERAL BILL by Costello Education Funding Property Tax Reform; Provides legislative intent; replaces revenue from required local effort school property tax & nonvoted discretionary & capital outlay property taxes with revenue from state sales surtax & collection of sales tax on Internet sales; creates exemption from sales & use tax for certain used tangible personal property; provides directive to DOLRI. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 321 GENERAL BILL by Avila HIV Testing; Revises & provides definitions; specifies notification & consent procedures for performing HIV test in health care & nonhealth care settings. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 323 GENERAL BILL by Watson, B. (Similar SB 286) Classified Advertisement Websites; Defines "safe-haven facility"; requires specified number of safe-haven facilities to be designated in each county based upon population size; authorizes state or local governmental buildings to serve as safe-haven facilities; limits liability of entity that provides safe-haven facility; limits actions against state or local government related to transactions taking place at safe-haven facility. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 325 GENERAL BILL by Tobia Labor Pools; Revises methods by which labor pool is required to compensate day laborers; requires labor pool to provide certain notice before day laborer's first pay period; specifies requirements for labor pool that selects to compensate day laborer by payroll debit card; authorizes labor pool to deliver wage statement electronically upon request by day laborer. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 327 GENERAL BILL by Tobia Alcoholic Beverages; Requires specified distributors to sell & distribute wine or distilled spirits to any person who is licensed or registered to sell alcoholic beverages by DBPR's Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco; limits persons from which vendor may purchase or acquire alcoholic beverages for purposes of resale; specifies that vendor selling certain alcoholic beverages is not required to be licensed as distributor; deletes provisions relating to vendor pool buying groups. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 329 GENERAL BILL by Ingram (Identical SB 112) Special License Plates; Directs DHSMV to issue Distinguished Flying Cross license plates. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 331 GENERAL BILL by Ray Freight Mobility & Trade Projects; Revises provisions relating to fees collected by DHSMV for issuance of motor vehicle certificates of title & related services; provides for certain funds in State Transportation Trust Fund to be set aside for specified freight mobility & trade projects; revises provisions relating to motor vehicle license taxes; provides that certain fees collected shall be set aside for specified freight mobility & trade projects. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 333 GENERAL BILL by Lee Reemployment After Retirement; Authorizes Florida Retirement System members to be reemployed after retirement under certain conditions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 335 GENERAL BILL by Plasencia Health Care Practitioners; Requires psychiatric nurses to hold national advanced practice certification as psychiatric-mental health advanced practice nurse; authorizes such nurses to approve release of individuals from receiving facility after involuntary examination. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 337 GENERAL BILL by Mayfield Local Government Services; Authorizes county to provide certain services & facilities outside boundaries of municipality without express consent of municipality's governing body under certain circumstances; prohibits municipality from extending its corporate powers within unincorporated areas of county without express consent of county's governing body. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 339 GENERAL BILL by Williams Poverty; Establishes the Commission on Poverty in EOG; provides membership, powers, & duties; requires reports. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 341 GENERAL BILL by Cummings (Identical SB 172) Local Government Pension Reform; Revises provisions addressing firefighter pension trust funds; revises provisions for distribution of insurance premium tax revenues under certain retirement plans; defines & revises terms; revises calculation of retirement income for firefighters & police officers; revises provisions addressing police officer retirement trust funds. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 343 GENERAL BILL by Moraitis Estates; Revises provisions for allocation of estate tax, apportionment of net tax attributable to specified interests, & requirements for determining how specific interests are passed for purposes of determination of net tax; provides retroactive applicability. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 345 GENERAL BILL by Burton Code Enforcement Officers; Provides training requirements & certifications for code enforcement officers; requires postcertification training at specified intervals; specifies timeframes for completing training courses. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 13 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 347 GENERAL BILL by Taylor Persons with Disabilities; Requires law enforcement agencies to report certain criminal activity & enforcement of certain laws to FDLE & DHSMV; requires DHSMV to consider course content relating to traffic laws to assist legally blind & mobility-impaired persons; requires examination questions & traffic law education programs, basic skills course for law enforcement officers & driver education programs to include material relating to laws to assist legally blind & mobility-impaired persons. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 349 GENERAL BILL by Mayfield; (CO-SPONSORS) Harrell; Plasencia Opening and Closing of Public Schools; Revises requirement for uniform opening date of public schools; provides that academically high-performing school districts must comply with provisions relating to uniform opening date of public schools. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 351 GENERAL BILL by Rehwinkel Vasilinda Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods; Provides lists of raw agricultural commodities at high risk or potentially at risk for cultivation in genetically engineered form; requires DACS to publish list by specified date & annually update list; provides mandatory labeling requirements for genetically engineered raw agricultural commodities & processed foods made with or derived from genetically engineered ingredients; provides for enforcement of labeling requirements; provides civil remedies & penalties. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 353 GENERAL BILL by Burgess; (CO-SPONSORS) Latvala Advanced Cost Recovery; Prohibits PSC from authorizing use of advanced cost recovery by utility for more than one plant at any one time; requires PSC to conduct periodic reviews; requires PSC to order refunds of advanced costs collected under specific circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 355 GENERAL BILL by Burgess (Compare SB 310) Sales and Use Tax; Revises method for calculating amount of tax & discretionary sales surtax. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/19/15 HOUSE Filed HB 357 GENERAL BILL by Diaz, M. Charter School District Pilot Program; Creates Charter School District Pilot Program; provides requirements for participation, exemptions, professional development, rulemaking, & reporting; provides authorization period of charter; provides for renewal or revocation of charter; requires district school boards participating in pilot program to provide certain funding allocations; provides additional authority & responsibilities to school principals; specifies contents of professional development program. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 359 GENERAL BILL by Diaz, M. Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Area; Requires amendments to local zoning & subdivision regulations concerning properties located within Lake Belt Area to be compatible with limestone mining activities; prohibits amendments to local zoning & subdivision regulations which would result in an increase in residential density for certain property; includes monitoring as environmental purpose for which certain mitigation fees apply; decreases amount of the mitigation fees for limerock & sand under certain conditions; imposes environmentally endangered lands fee & requires DOR to administer, enforce, & collect such fee & provides for use of such proceeds; rescinds the water treatment plant upgrade fee. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 361 GENERAL BILL by Trumbull Military Housing Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions; Grants certain leasehold interests & improvements to land owned by US or agency thereof, branch of US Armed Forces, or quasi-governmental agency exemption from ad valorem taxation; exempts such leasehold interests & improvements without need to apply for exemption or property appraiser approving exemption; provides nonapplicability of provisions to transient public lodging establishments; provides retroactive applicability. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 363 GENERAL BILL by Rehwinkel Vasilinda Hemp Production; Designates act "Hemp Industry Development Act"; provides that hemp is agricultural crop; requires registration of hemp producers; provides exemptions; requires rulemaking; provides for affirmative defense to certain charges relating to cannabis; provides exceptions to other laws. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 365 GENERAL BILL by Gonzalez (Identical SB 408) Designated Areas for Skateboarding, Inline Skating, Paintball, or Freestyle or Mountain & Off-Roading Bicycling; Removes requirement that governmental entity that provides designated area for skateboarding, inline skating, or freestyle bicycling post rules indicating written consent of parent or legal guardian of child under certain age is required to participates; provides for application of specified provisions that limit liability of governmental entity. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 367 GENERAL BILL by Gonzalez (Similar SB 406) Sales of Tax Certificates for Unpaid Taxes; Prohibits bidder from placing multiple bids during sale of certain tax certificates by tax collector; provides penalties. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 369 GENERAL BILL by Kerner Human Trafficking; Requires DOT & certain employers to display human trafficking awareness signs at specified locations; provides civil penalties for violations; requires AG, in consultation with certain others, to develop specifications for form & content of signs; provides contents of signs; provides that AG shall be responsible for enforcement. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 371 GENERAL BILL by Raulerson Agency Inspectors General; Provides additional hiring requirements, employment qualifications, & terms of employment for inspectors general & staff; specifies additional records & personnel accessible to inspector general during audit or investigation; authorizes inspectors general to administer oaths; requires personnel to comply with requests of inspectors general under penalty of loss of employment; clarifies that attorney-client privilege is not waived when providing certain information to inspectors general; authorizes Chief Inspector General to issue & enforce subpoenas. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 373 GENERAL BILL by Raulerson Public Accountancy; Revises definition of term "licensed audit firm"; revises which firms are required to hold public accounting license; revises definition of term "quality review" to include a peer review. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 375 JOINT RESOLUTION by Avila (Linked HB 377) Homestead Tax Exemption/Senior, Low-Income, Long-Term Residents; Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to specify the calculation that county or municipality may use in determining just value for purposes of homestead tax exemption for certain persons 65 or older, if authorized by law. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 377 GENERAL BILL by Avila (Linked HJR 375) County and Municipality Homestead Tax Exemption; Specifies the calculation that county or municipality may use in determining just value for purposes of homestead tax exemption for certain persons 65 or older, if authorized by law. Effective Date: on the same date that HJR 375 or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose takes effect. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 379 GENERAL BILL by Peters Local Housing Distributions; Requires Florida Housing Finance Corporation to distribute to DCF & DOE funds from Local Government Housing Trust Fund to provide support, training, & assistance to designated agencies of local homeless assistance continuums of care. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 14 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 381 GENERAL BILL by Wood Towing of Vehicles & Vessels; Authorizes owner or lessee of real property to have vehicle or vessel removed from property without certain signage if vehicle or vessel has remained on property for specified period. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 383 GENERAL BILL by Edwards; Perry; (CO-SPONSORS) Pilon Private Property Rights; Provides that settlement agreements between owners & governmental entities apply if issues are resolved; provides legislative intent regarding unconstitutional exactions by governmental entities; creates cause of action for damages caused by unconstitutional exactions; authorizes award of certain amounts under certain circumstances. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 385 GENERAL BILL by Antone Public Lodging and Public Food Service Establishment Inspections ; Revises certain duties & rights of Division of Hotels & Restaurants of DBPR; revises provisions related to public lodging establishment inspections; provides jurisdiction to division for public food service establishment inspections; provides regulations related to public food service establishment inspections. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 387 GENERAL BILL by Rouson Sexual Predators and Offenders; Requires circuit court of state to have qualified practitioner conduct risk assessment before sentencing for defendant who has been found guilty of or has entered plea of nolo contendere or guilty to specified sexual offenses; specifies reporting requirements for risk assessment; requires court to order curfew as condition of probation or community control for offenders who commit certain sexual offenses on or after specified date; requires, rather than authorizes, court to require specified probationers or community controllees to undergo evaluation at probationers' or community controllees' expense; requires court, rather than qualified practitioner, to determine if need is established by evaluation process & to require probationers or community controllees to complete & pay for treatment. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 389 JOINT RESOLUTION by Hutson Vetoed Appropriations; Proposes amendment to s. 8, Art. III of State Constitution to require specific appropriations of general appropriation bill which originate from general revenue fund & are vetoed by Governor, but which are not reinstated by two-thirds vote of each house of Legislature in special session, to be transferred to budget stabilization fund & to specify that such amounts do not count toward principal balance limitation of fund. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 391 GENERAL BILL by Ingram Location of Utilities; Provides that board of county commissioners may grant licenses for utility lines within certain right-of-way limits; authorizes DOT & certain governmental entities to prescribe & enforce certain rules regarding utility lines within right-of-way limits; prohibits municipalities & counties from requiring certain information from communications services providers; provides circumstances under which authority must bear cost of relocating utility that is located within certain right-of-ways along public roads or rail corridors; provides exceptions. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 393 GENERAL BILL by Watson, C. Zero-Tolerance Policies; Requires school districts to use alternatives to expulsion or referral to law enforcement agencies for certain offenses except in case of threat to school safety; provides exceptions. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 395 JOINT RESOLUTION by Watson, C. (Linked HB 397) Restoration of Rights; Proposes amendment to State Constitution to authorize Legislature to prescribe additional circumstances under which certain fines & forfeitures may be suspended or remitted, reprieves may be granted, civil rights may be restored, & punishments may be commuted. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 397 GENERAL BILL by Watson, C. (Linked HJR 395) Restoration of Civil Rights; Designates act as "Restoration of Civil Rights Act"; provides for automatic restoration of former felon's civil rights, other than right to own, possess, or use firearms, following completion of his or her sentence of incarceration & community supervision; provides conditions for & exemptions from automatic restoration; provides for education concerning civil rights of people who have felony convictions; provides for retroactive applicability; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the effective date of HJR 395 or another amendment to the State Constitution that authorizes, or removes impediments to, enactment of this act by the Legislature. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 399 GENERAL BILL by Dudley Florida Public Service Commission; Requires Governor to select chair of PSC; prohibits certain ex parte communications between individuals & PSC commissioners; prohibits the recovery of costs associated with exploration, drilling, or production of oil or natural gas by public utilities. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 401 GENERAL BILL by Magar Public Lodging & Public Food Service Establishments ; Deletes requirement that DBPR's Division of Hotels & Restaurants adopt rules providing risk-based inspection frequency for licensed public food service establishments; revises how often division must reassess inspection frequency of licensed public food service establishment; revises DBPR's duties with respect to distribution of specified food-recovery brochure; deletes restriction on length of time that licensed public food service establishment may operate at temporary food service event; authorizes division to deliver lodging inspection reports & food service inspection reports electronically; requires operators of public food service establishments to maintain copies of food service inspection reports & make them available to division; revises certain delinquent fees for license renewal. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 403 GENERAL BILL by La Rosa Newborn Adrenoleukodystrophy Screening/Gabriel's Law; Designates act as "Gabriel's Law"; directs DOH to provide requirements for newborn adrenoleukodystrophy screening; provides for certain insurance & managed care coverage. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 405 GENERAL BILL by La Rosa Regulation of Not-for-profit Self-insurance Funds; Revises requirements for formation of corporation not for profit self-insurance funds. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 407 GENERAL BILL by Stone (Similar SB 410) Mandatory Supervision for Released Violent Offenders; Renames conditional release program as mandatory supervision program; revises which prisoners may only be released under mandatory supervision; provides applicability; specifies that Mandatory Supervision Program Act continues prior Conditional Release Program Act. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 409 GENERAL BILL by Stone (Similar SB 160) Rural Letter Carriers; Exempts rural carriers of United States Postal Service from requirements to be restrained by safety belt while performing their duties. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 411 GENERAL BILL by Miller (Similar SB 332) Vaccination of Nursing Home Residents; Revises type of pneumococcal vaccine administered to nursing home residents. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 15 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 413 GENERAL BILL by Cortes, B. Low-Voltage Alarm Systems; Revises & adds definitions related to certain alarm systems; provides that permit is not required for wireless alarm systems; reduces maximum price for permit labels for alarm systems; authorizes local law enforcement agency to coordinate inspection of certain alarm system projects. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 415 GENERAL BILL by DuBose Specialty License Plates; Directs DHSMV to create Support Down Syndrome license plate; establishes annual use fee for plate; provides for distribution of use fees received from sale of such plates. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 417 GENERAL BILL by Wood Ad Valorem Assessments; Provides definitions for "fair market value," "just value," & "market value" for certain purposes; adds provision to Taxpayer's Bill of Rights regarding assessment practices of certain entities. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 419 GENERAL BILL by Taylor Tiger Bay State Forest; Provides for use of roads & trails within forest by certain motor vehicles; requires Florida Forest Service to designate area of forest for exclusive use of off-highway vehicles; directs DACS to set fee to access such area. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 421 GENERAL BILL by Rodrigues, R. (Identical SB 264) Traffic Enforcement Agencies and Traffic Citations; Designates counties & municipalities as traffic enforcement agencies; prohibits establishing traffic citation quotas; requires county or municipality to submit report of its traffic citation revenue & its expenses for operating law enforcement agency during fiscal year to Legislative Auditing Committee. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 423 GENERAL BILL by Drake County Officers; Provides that salaries of clerk of circuit court, county comptroller, sheriff, supervisor of elections, property appraiser, tax collector, & district school superintendent may not be decreased under specific circumstances as county population increases. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 425 GENERAL BILL by McGhee Education of Children with Disabilities; Provides for "Florida Bill of Rights for Children with Disabilities & their Parents or Guardians"; provides guarantees relating to free appropriate public education, least-restrictive educational environment, IEPs, procedural due process, nondiscriminatory assessment, parental participation, & data sharing. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 427 GENERAL BILL by McGhee Florida Student Internship Tax Credit; Designates act as "Florida Student Internship Tax Credit"; provides tax credit against corporate income tax for hiring student interns; provides qualifying criteria for business & student intern; provides limitations & requirements with respect to program; provides that tax credit is equal to specified percentage of wages paid to student intern, subject to cap on total amount of credit claimable by business; authorizes DOR to adopt rules; authorizes business to carry forward unused tax credit for specified number of years. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HJR 429 JOINT RESOLUTION by Geller Legislation by Initiative; Proposes creation of s. 22, Art. III & amendment of s. 10, Art. IV of State Constitution to authorize proposal & enactment of legislation by initiative & provide for Supreme Court review of petitions proposing legislation. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 431 GENERAL BILL by Torres (Similar SB 364) Driver License Requirements; Includes notice of approval of application for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status issued by U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services as valid proof of identity for purposes of applying for driver license. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 433 GENERAL BILL by Geller Employment Discrimination; Includes unpaid interns within definition of term "employee" for purposes of Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 435 GENERAL BILL by Adkins Administrative Procedures; Revises provisions regarding attorney fees & costs in administrative cases; revises certain requirements related to proceedings regarding rules, proposed rules, unadopted rules, & agency statements; revises certain authorities of administrative law judges; revises provisions regarding noticing of agency actions; expands agency reporting requirements of certain minor rules; revises certain timeframes in administrative proceedings. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 437 GENERAL BILL by Adkins Guardians for Dependent Children who are Developmentally Disabled or Incapacitated; Requires updated case plan developed in face-to-face conference with child & other specified persons, when appropriate; provides requirements for DCF when court determines that child may be developmentally disabled, has developmental disability, or may be incapacitated; requires DCF to provide specified information if another interested party initiates proceedings for appointment of guardian; requires proceedings seeking appointment of guardian be conducted in separate proceeding in probate court; requires probate court to initiate proceedings for appointment of guardian advocate if petition is filed for appointment is filed for child subject to ch. 39 proceedings when child has attained specified age; provides that such child has same due process rights as adult; provides requirements for when order must be issued; provides that if child is subject to proceedings under ch. 39, F.S., parents may act as natural guardians unless court finds that it is not in child's best interests or parental rights have been terminated. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 439 GENERAL BILL by Eisnaugle Department of Legal Affairs; Revises list of offenses that may be investigated & prosecuted by Office of Statewide Prosecution; specifies distribution of certain funds recovered in Medicaid fraud actions; revises criminal penalties for offenses involving failure to report case of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adult; authorizes AG & supervisor of elections to confer regarding address of participant in batters' intervention program for purposes of absentee ballot voting; specifies that aggrieved person does not need to exhaust his or her administrative remedies before bringing civil action under Fair Housing Act; provides for reclassification of offenses committed against disabled adults; revises provisions relating to convenience businesses; revises provisions relating to crime victim compensation. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 441 GENERAL BILL by Rodrigues, R. Home Health Agencies; Revises information that home health agency is required to submit to AHCA for license renewal; removes requirement that home health agency submit quarterly reports. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 443 GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez, J. Violation of an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence ; Provides enhanced criminal penalties for third or subsequent violation of injunction for protection against domestic violence or foreign protection order issued under specified provisions. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 445 GENERAL BILL by Torres Road Designation/Orange County; Designates Borinqueneer Boulevard in Orange County. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 16 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 447 GENERAL BILL by Rooney Ad Valorem Taxes and Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Against Subdivision Property; Provides for assessment of ad valorem taxes & non-ad valorem assessments against certain common elements of subdivision; prohibits such common elements from being prorated by property appraiser & included in assessment of lots within subdivision. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 449 GENERAL BILL by Rooney Behavioral Analysts; Creates Board of Applied Behavior Analysis; provides requirements for licensure & renewal; establishes maximum fees; provides grounds for disciplinary action by board; provides penalties for unlicensed practice or wrongfully identifying oneself as licensed behavior analyst; requires applicant for licensure to submit to certain fingerprinting requirements. Effective Date: 01/01/2016. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 451 GENERAL BILL by Miller Entertainment Industry Tax Credit Program; Revises information in certain tax credit applications; provides procedures for queuing applications; provides procedures for certifying tax credits; requires provision of workforce data; requiring certified production companies to contribute portion of tax credit award to other entities; requires certain production companies to provide internship opportunities; requires certified production companies to promote state; revises provisions related to distributions and certifications of tax credits. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 453 GENERAL BILL by Eisnaugle Timeshares; Revises provisions relating to timeshares, including amendments made to timeshare instrument, public offering statements, release of certain escrow funds, written advertising materials, real estate licensure requirements, fee requirements, multisite timeshare plans, substitutions & deletions of component site accommodations or facilities, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 455 GENERAL BILL by Campbell Labor Regulations; Designates act as "Florida Overtime Act of 2015"; revises number of hours of labor that comprise legal day's work; revises rates of overtime compensation for labor performed in excess of certain of hours of work; provides that commuting to & from certain locations is not part of day's work; prohibits employer from requiring employee to continue working after employee's shift under certain circumstances; prohibits employer from paying employee for less than amount of contracted hours worked by employee; provides penalties; provides that act does not affect employer's liability under Workers' Compensation Law. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 457 GENERAL BILL by Sullivan Specialty License Plates/Safe and Free Florida License Plate ; Directs DHSMV to create Safe & Free Florida license plate; establishes annual use fee for plate; provides for distribution of use fees received from sale of such plates. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 459 GENERAL BILL by Raburn (Similar SB 362) Powers of Attorney; Revises qualifications of agent in execution of power of attorney to include certain not-for-profit corporations. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 461 GENERAL BILL by Sullivan Independent Nonprofit Higher Educational Facilities Financing ; Revises definition of term "project" for purposes of Higher Educational Facilities Financing Act. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 463 GENERAL BILL by Ingoglia Ticket Sales; Revises provisions to include digital platforms; revises certain presale disclosure requirements; revises provisions relating to prohibitions on bypassing portions of ticket buying process, disguising identity of buyer; or circumventing security measures; provides criminal penalties for knowingly reselling ticket in violation of statute; requires registration of ticket brokers; provides registration requirements; requires ticket brokers to make specified disclosures before resale of ticket; restricting use of intellectual property by resellers without consent; provides exceptions; authorizes administrative penalties for certain violations; provides criminal penalties for certain violations; deletes provisions imposing penalties for intentionally using or selling software to circumvent certain ticket seller security measures. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 465 GENERAL BILL by Spano (Linked HB 467, HB 469) Human Trafficking; Provides enhanced criminal penalties for soliciting another to commit prostitution & similar offenses; provides that persons convicted of such offenses may also be required to attend an education program; requires such persons to pay costs of such program; provides for impoundment of vehicle used in soliciting another to commit prostitution & similar offenses; provides exceptions; provides an opportunity for owner who was not operating vehicle when offense occurred to prevent impoundment or immobilization in certain circumstances; authorizes judge to close hearing on expunction of criminal records of human trafficking victim in certain circumstances. Effective Date: 10/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 467 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Spano (Linked HB 465) Pub. Rec./Human Trafficking Victims; Revises exemption from public records requirements for certain criminal intelligence & investigative information to exempt information that reveals identity of victims of certain human trafficking offenses; provides exemption from public records requirements for investigative information relating to criminal history records of human trafficking victims that have been ordered expunged; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity; provides for contingent effect. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 465 or similar legislation relating to human trafficking takes effect. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 469 PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Spano (Linked HB 465) Pub. Rec./Residential Facilities Serving Victims of Sexual Exploitation ; Provides exemption from public records requirements for information about location of safe houses, safe foster homes, & other residential facilities serving victims of sexual exploitation held by an agency; provides exemption from public records requirements for information about location of residential facilities serving adult victims of human trafficking involving commercial sexual activity held by an agency; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemptions; provides statement of public necessity; provides contingent effective date. Effective Date: on the same date that HB 465 or similar legislation relating to human trafficking takes effect. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 471 GENERAL BILL by DuBose Disabled Parking; Removes provisions for charging parking fee for vehicles displaying disabled parking permit at certain timed parking facilities. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 473 GENERAL BILL by Ahern (Compare HB 67, HB 4001) Repeal of Advanced Nuclear Cost Recovery; Repeals provisions relating to cost recovery mechanisms for siting, design, licensing, & construction of nuclear & integrated gasification combined cycle power plants; deletes provisions limiting challenges to utility's right to recover costs incurred prior to commercial operation of certain plants; prohibits utilities from continuing to collect advanced costs for certain plants after specified date. Effective Date: 09/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 17 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 475 GENERAL BILL by Edwards Infectious Disease Elimination Pilot Program; Designates act as "Miami-Dade Infectious Disease Elimination Act (IDEA)"; authorizes University of Miami & its affiliates to establish sterile needle and syringe exchange pilot program in Miami-Dade County; provides that distribution of needles & syringes under pilot program does not violate Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Act; requires report by OPPAGA. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HB 3501 CLAIMS/GENERAL BILL by Beshears (Similar SB 62) Relief/Shuler Limited Partnership/DACS; Provides for appropriation to compensate Shuler Limited Partnership for damages sustained to its timber as result of negligence, negligence per se, & gross negligence of employees of Florida Forest Service; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs. Claim with appropriation: $670,493. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/11/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 3503 CLAIMS/GENERAL BILL by Plakon; (CO-SPONSORS) Santiago (Identical SB 24) Relief/J.D.S./Agency for Persons with Disabilities; Provides appropriation from General Revenue Fund to compensate J.D.S. for injuries & damages sustained as result of negligence by APD, as successor agency of DCF; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs. Appropriation: $950,000. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/16/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 3505 CLAIMS/LOCAL BILL by Steube (Identical SB 44) Relief/Estate of Lazaro Rodriguez/City of Hialeah; Provides appropriation to compensate Estate of Lazaro Rodriguez & his legal survivors for injuries sustained as result of negligence of City of Hialeah; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs; provides that appropriation settles all present & future claims related to wrongful death of Lazaro Rodriguez. Claim: $485,000. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/23/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 3507 CLAIMS/GENERAL BILL by Clarke-Reed (Identical SB 48) Relief/Barney Brown/State of Florida; Provides appropriation to compensate Barney Brown for his wrongful incarceration; directs CFO to draw warrant; provides that act does not waive certain defenses or increase state's liability; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs. Claim: $1,900,000. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 12/30/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 3509 CLAIMS/GENERAL BILL by Albritton (Identical SB 46) Relief/Clinton Treadway/State of Florida; Provides for relief of Clinton Treadway for wrongful incarceration; directs CFO to draw warrant for purchase of annuity; provides conditions for purchase of annuity; requires DLA & FDLE to immediately expunge Clinton Treadway's criminal record from his wrongful incarceration; provides that act does not waive certain defenses or increase state's liability; provides that certain benefits & appropriation satisfies all present & future claims related to wrongful incarceration; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs; provides that unused compensation provided under act shall be revoked upon future finding that he is not innocent of alleged crimes for which he was wrongfully incarcerated & provides for reversion of unused funds. Claim with appropriation: $350,000. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Judiciary Committee HB 3511 CLAIMS/LOCAL BILL by Raburn (Identical SB 68) Relief/Carl Abbott/Palm Beach County School Board; Provides for appropriation to compensate Carl Abbott for injuries sustained as result of negligence of employee of Palm Beach County School District; provides that appropriation settles all present & future claims relating to injuries of Carl Abbott; provides limitation on fees & costs. Claim: Indeterminate. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/06/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 3513 CLAIMS/LOCAL BILL by Nunez (Identical SB 36) Relief/Estate of Victor Guerrero/Pasco County; Provides for appropriation to compensate Estate of Victor Guerrero for Officer Guerrero's death, which was result of negligence by employee of Pasco County; provides that appropriation settles all present & future claims relating to death of Officer Guerrero; provides limitation on fees & costs. Claim: Indeterminate. Effective Date: upon becoming a law. 01/08/15 HOUSE Filed HB 4001 GENERAL BILL by Rehwinkel Vasilinda (Compare HB 67, HB 473) Repeal of Advanced Nuclear Cost Recovery; Repeals provisions for cost recovery mechanisms for siting, design, licensing, & construction of nuclear & integrated gasification combined cycle power plants, including mechanisms that promote utility investment in, & allow for recovery in electric utility rates of certain costs of, such plants. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/21/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 4003 GENERAL BILL by Rehwinkel Vasilinda Death Penalty; Deletes provisions providing for death penalty for capital felonies; deletes associated provisions, including provisions relating to representation in death penalty cases, capital collateral representation, jurors in capital cases, prohibiting imposition of death sentence on defendant with mental retardation, determination of whether to impose sentence of death or life imprisonment for capital felony or capital drug trafficking felony, issuance of warrant of execution, stay of execution of death sentence, proceedings when person under sentence of death appears to be insane, proceedings when person under sentence of death appears to be pregnant, grounds for death warrant, execution of death sentence, prohibition against reduction of death sentence as result of determination that method of execution is unconstitutional, sentencing orders in capital cases, regulation of execution, transfer to state prison for safekeeping before death warrant issued, return of warrant of execution issued by Governor, sentence of death unexecuted for unjustifiable reasons, & return of warrant of execution issued by Supreme Court. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 11/21/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee HB 4005 GENERAL BILL by Steube; (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Combee; Diaz, M.; Eagle; Hutson; Van Zant (Identical SB 176) Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms; Deletes provision prohibiting concealed carry licensees from openly carrying handgun or carrying concealed weapon or firearm into college or university facility. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/08/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee 01/13/15 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice Subcommittee, 01/20/15, 4:00 pm, Sumner Hall HB 4007 GENERAL BILL by Gaetz Division of Bond Finance; Deletes requirement that Division of Bond Finance issue newsletter addressing local & state bonds. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/15/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Government Operations Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; State Affairs Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 18 01/21/2015 08:15:31 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE-REGULAR SESSION-2015 HISTORY OF HOUSE BILLS HB 4009 GENERAL BILL by Eagle Public Lodging Establishments; Deletes vacation rentals & transient apartments from classification & regulation as public lodging establishments; makes conforming changes. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 12/16/14 HOUSE Filed 01/08/15 HOUSE Referred to Business and Professions Subcommittee; Finance and Tax Committee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 4011 GENERAL BILL by Goodson (Similar SB 234) Motor Vehicle Insurance; Removes exclusion from definition of term "motor vehicle insurance" for policies insuring more than four automobiles. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/05/15 HOUSE Filed 01/15/15 HOUSE Referred to Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; Regulatory Affairs Committee HB 4013 GENERAL BILL by Campbell Workforce Education Postsecondary Student Fees; Removes adult general education program student fees. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/15/15 HOUSE Filed HB 4015 GENERAL BILL by Campbell Public Lodging Establishments & Public Food Service Establishments ; Deletes provisions that preempt to state the regulation of public lodging establishments & public food service establishments; conforms provisions to changes made by act. Effective Date: 07/01/2015. 01/20/15 HOUSE Filed HCR 8001 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION by Berman (Similar SCR 88) Equal Rights for Men and Women; Ratifies proposed amendment to U.S. Constitution relating to equal rights for men & women. 12/04/14 HOUSE Filed 12/19/14 HOUSE Referred to Local and Federal Affairs Committee; Judiciary Committee; Rules, Calendar and Ethics Committee (PAGE NUMBERS REFLECT DAILY SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS - PLACEMENT IN FINAL BOUND JOURNALS MAY VARY) 19
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