Nov. 25, 1930. L. G. L. THOMAS 1,782,489 AUTOMATIC CONTROL FOR.HEATING PLANTS Filed July 30, 1926 ‘Mm, ‘ l I 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 __ ‘I I . ‘Q mu 1,0426 6. L._7'/20/7_2a6 Ex W65 I Noy. 25, 1930. L. G. |_. THOMAS ’ - 1,782,489 AUTOMATIC CONTROL FOR HEATING PLANTS Filed July 30, 1926 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Laws 61,. Thomas . Patented Nov. ‘215,1 ‘1930 _ j‘ r ‘1,782,489 ' UMTEFDS STATESPATENT OFFICE I ' LOUIS e. L. THOMAS, oncmcAeo, ILLINOIS‘ . AnTOMAirIC-"QONTROL manmrmqfrmms V ‘unmanned Juliet, 1926. ‘ Semitic; 125,904.‘ a “ This invention relates to an automatic con ‘noted thatIhave illu‘stratedia circulating“ trol for a heating ‘plant of the type ‘, disclosed tank ‘l‘wh‘ich rests‘ upon‘ a ‘vacuum tank 2.. A in United States Letters Patent No. 1,576,687, centrifugal pump 3 is connected by means of and‘ concerns itself primarily with'a ‘pilot aipip‘e etc; the lowerp‘ortion of the circulat- “ 5 Valve‘ which is automatically ‘operated at 'pre- ' mg tank. "I The pump 3 isal-so connected by 55 determined intervals to ‘establisha communi ‘means‘of pipes‘5 ‘and 6 vwith a‘casting 7 upon “cationl betweenfapumping system‘ and a the ‘end of'thelcirculating tank.‘ The casting is adapted ‘for containing‘ one or‘ more jet boiler‘or the like. ‘ ‘ I. ‘ . ‘ ‘ u ‘ ‘ In the‘ aforementioned patent“ referred to, ‘e‘jectors ‘of th‘etype illustrated in the afore; 10 a diaphragm Valve or‘the like located in the "mentioned patent. ‘The aforementioned pipe ‘boiler ‘feed pipe‘ is adapted to‘ be operated 5 has connected thereto a pipe 8 which ‘may ‘lead tofa ‘boiler ,o‘r‘jrece’iving. tank or the like. “ through the accumulation of su?ticient pres sure within the circulating tank.‘ It-Ais“ an ‘object of this invention to provide a quicker 15‘and more ‘positive ‘action for operatihgthe ‘ A‘ suitable valve "9 u of‘ any ‘known type isi‘lo cated inthe pipe Band isoperated ‘by a‘ con nection ‘from a‘dia‘phragm 10. or P1$1JO1T 01"‘65 diaphragm valve.‘ To this end the. ‘pump ‘is the like.‘ It may ‘be mentioned that the re , directly connected ‘to the diaphragm ‘Valve. ‘turn pipe ‘from a‘heating systemis connected‘ 1 ‘ “The pilotyalve ‘islocated in this connection ‘with‘the ‘vacuum tank as indicated‘ in ‘dotted and is operated by the’ rising water ‘in the lines by the number 11 in ‘Figureil. The ‘ .go‘circulating tank.“ Consequently when‘ the. mechanism thus far described similar to‘ pilot Valve is ‘opened, the‘pump will force a that disclosed in the‘ aforementioned patent, stream or piston of water directly against the to: which reference ‘ may be‘ had if“ necessary .diaphragm‘valve for opening the‘ boiler feed. for aimorejthorough understanding of‘the ‘ ‘The invention comprises the novel ‘struc ‘apparatus. ‘ ‘ ' i ' ‘ " The aforementioned pilot Valve is indicated. 75 ‘ ‘ .25 turefandicombinations hereinafter described and‘ more’ ‘particularly. pointed‘ out" and de as‘ a ‘whole ‘by the reference’nume‘ral-~12; It‘ ?ned in the‘; appended ‘claims.’ ‘ e consists‘ of a housing‘ that isattached upon ‘a . ‘ ' iIn the accompanying “drawings which il ‘perforate boss‘ 13 upon the top ‘of'the'tank 1; the tankhav‘in‘ga simil‘arperforation.‘ In 30‘ lustrate Vention ‘aand preferred in whichembodiment ‘similar reference of this‘ nu the interior of the valve housing is provided “80 merals‘refer to similar features ‘in the di?ier a suitable ‘bearing ‘14: having‘a central bore 15. ‘ A ‘pipe ‘16 is ‘threaded in this bearing and entyiewszy “ “Figure 1' is an Q‘ end " Ieleyational “ “ f View 1 of I the extends to thediaphragm‘ as shown‘in‘ Figure 1. e A second pipe 17 isthreaded in said‘bear control fora heating plant. , j e 35 ‘ Figure 2 is‘ a fragmentary longitudinal sec~ ing and is connected to‘the ‘discharge pipe 6 of “#85 the pump. ‘ The‘pipes 16 and 17 communicate ‘ ‘tional view through the circulating tank. 1 ‘Figure 3 is an enlarged sectional view _ i ‘ withV the central bore ‘ by means of suitable e u ' passages 18. , A ‘valve 19 is adapted to be re-‘ taken on the line III-7.111 ofFigure 1. . ‘ Figure ‘éipisj an enlarged top'pplanf ‘View of cipr-ocated inthecentral bore 15. This ‘valve “,Figure?l. " ‘ UL '1 ‘ constitutes a portion of a‘cylindrical rod'20 1 Figure?is an. enlargedfsectional View upon which’ extends through the bore from a point‘ gale line vfv‘oirigure‘ a. I . .e, .v . " within the circulating tank 1.“ The lower end i ‘ _ - ‘p ‘In order‘ that‘this‘inVention maybe better of the rod ‘1 20 is,‘ supported in bearing 21 _ e ‘understood, Ifha‘ve illustrated one View of the which ‘is ‘cast with the lv‘alve ‘housing to the '3’ automatic control as disclosed intheafore ‘connecting arms 221 It will benoted that .913 _ mentioned ‘patent and a brief description and the rod’ 20in proximity to‘ the ‘ports '18 is operation“ thereof willjbe‘ given ‘ ‘order. that provided with a‘ reduced portion‘j23 whichfis. ' 1 ‘ the‘function of the ‘pilot’ valve ‘llnayube thor of asu?icient extent‘jto connect‘ the‘ twopor‘ts ‘ oughly understood and appreciated.‘ " ' ' ‘ 18. The upper end‘of therod 20‘ terminates “ “ In‘referring‘to'Figures1 and 2',‘it"wi1l be in‘ the‘ form of a bolt 24 or reduced portion 1'39 2 1,782,489 upon which a circular seat 25 is mounted. which supports a ?exible air valve cushion 26, adapted to abut a seat 27 upon a hollow nut 28 which is threaded in the top of the discharge port 18 which leads to the pump pipe 17. Obviously if the spring 33 should not function properly the ?oat lever 37 may become effective for elevating the valve rod housing and which serves as an air relief 20 for opening the said port 18. As soon as the port 18 of the pump pipe 1'? port, and to limit the upward movement of the valve rod 20. is opened the pump will pump water into the The bearing 14 is also provided with a central bore 15 of the valve housing and this water relief port 29 which extends from the water will be forced into the pipe 16 which bottom ‘thereof to a transverse passage 30 "leads to the diaphragm 10 for opening the which extends from the central bore 15 tothe cutoff valve in the pipe 8 whereby the pump exterior of the housing. rThe exterior end of will deliver water to the boiler or the like. the passage 30 is closed by anut 31. This lVhen the water in the tank 1 recedes to a water relief port provides for leakage and sufficient point the ?oat will naturally drop for relieving the pressure on the diaphragm and draw the valve rod 19 downwardly to or piston valve after the same has been op close the pump port 18. It will be appreciated that the stream or erated by a piston of water and the rod 20 has descended through. the lowering of the piston of water which acts on the diaphragm float for shutting oil’ the inlet port 18 to pipe 10 is directly under the force or pressure of 17 and for bringing the ports 30 and dia the pump affording a quicker and more posi phragm pipe 16 into communication through tive action for operating the diaphragm. the reduced portion 23 of rod 20 as shown I am aware that numerous details of con in dotted lines in Figure 3 whereby the ?uid struction may be varied through a wide range an escape from diaphragm pipe 16 through without departing from the principles of this the reduced port 23 of rod 20 to relief pas 30 and 29. I _, invention, and I therefore do not purpose limiting the patent granted otherwise than A coil spring 33 is con?ned between the necessitated by the prior art. I claim as my invention: aforementioned seat 25 and the top of the bearing 14. This spring is normally effective 1. A control apparatus for a heating plant. for elevating the valve 19 for opening the port comprising a water circulating system havQ 18 and bringing the same into communica— mg a pump, a Water delivery pipe extending tion with the diaphragm pipe 16. As shown from said circulating system, a valve in said in Figure 2, a suitable clevis 3a is attached delivery pipe, a diaphragm connected to 35 40 45 50 55 29 Li to the valve rod 20 and this clevis is provided said valve, a connection from said pump to with a bolt 35 which extends through a slot said diaphragm, a valve in said last named in a ?oat lever 37 which is located in the connection, and means regulated by said cir circulating tank 1. A ?oat 38 is secured culating system for controlling said last uponone end of the lever 37 and the other named valve; 2. In a control apparatus of the character end of the lever, it will be noted, extends be yond the slot 36 and is pivoted to a bracket described, a circulating tank, a pump con— 39 depending from the top of the circulating nected to said tank for circulating water tank. If desirable, a guide rod 40 may ex therethrough, a boiler feed pipe connected tend into the circulating tank from the top to said pump, a valve in said boiler feed thereof for guiding the movements of the pipe, a valve connected to said tank, a dia phragm for operating the valve in said boiler float lever 37. In the operation of this apparatus a cer feed pipe, a ?uid conduit connecting said tain amount of water is maintained in the diaphragm and the valve on said tank, a c'rculating tank 1 for priming the pump. ?uid conduit connecting said valve with the “Then the pump is operated it will draw discharge pipe of said pump, and a ?oat in water from the tank 1 through the pipe and said tank connected to the valve thereon for discharge it through the pipes and 6 to the the purpose set forth. ejectors‘in the casting 7. The action of the 3. In acontrol apparatus of the character ejectors will produce a vacuum which will described. a water circulating system in draw the water of condensation from the cluding a pump, a boiler feed pipe extending tank 2 into the circulating tank. During this from said circulating system, means for con 0 aeration of the pump the float 38, provid trolling the ?ow through said boiler feed ing, of course, that the circulating tank is not pipe including a fluid pressure line in which su?iciently full of water, will maintain the the ?uid is actuated directly by the force of 65 valve rod 20 in closed position as indicated said pump, and automatic means controlled by dotted lines in Figure 3 so that the pump by the height of Water in the circulating sys cannot discharge any water through the pipe tem for controlling the ?uid pressure line. 17'. As the pump continues to operate and 4. In an apparatus of the class described, the water level in the circulating tank rises, a circulating. tank, a centrifugal pump, a it will-reach a point where it will elevate the connection between said tank and the inlet float 38 allowing the spring 33 to open the side of said pump, a discharge pipe connect 130 ‘ . 1,782,489 ing said tank and pump, a boiler feed pipe > connected to said discharge pipe, a valve in . said boiler feed pipe, a'diaphragm for con trolling said valve, a conduit connection be, tWeen said diaphragm and discharge pipe, a valve in said conduit, andmeans controlled . by the height of Water in said tank for con trolling said last ‘mentioned valve for the purpose set forth. 7 I 5. In combination, a» Water tank,‘ “a jet’ neiector thereln, a power driven pump for circulating Water through said ejector and l ‘ _ tank, a delivery pipe connected to said pump, a valve in said delivery ‘pipe, ‘and means for ‘ periodically actuating said valve throughthe ‘ force of said pump, comprising a“ conduit through Which Water is‘ forced by the pump, a valve in said conduit, and ‘a ?oat in said tank for controlling’ said last mentioned 20 valve. ‘ ‘ ‘ i‘ 6. In an apparatus of the class described,‘ a circulating tank, a pump for circulating Water through said tank, a valve secured to vsaid tank, a connection between said valve and pump, a Water delivery pipe] connected to said pump, a diaphragm valve in said ' delivery pipe,>a connection. leading from said diaphragm valve to‘ said ?rst mentioned valve, and a ?oat in said tank for controlling 30 said last mentioned valve. 7. In an apparatus of the class described, . a Water circulating system, a water delivery pipe extending‘ from said system for peri ‘ odically‘ delivering Water to‘ a remote point,’ . " a diaphragm valve in said delivery pipe, and means including ‘a ?uid pressure line in which the ?uid‘is actuated by said circulat_ ing system 'for controlling said valve, said means embodying a valve controlled by the height of ?uid in said system. 8. A control mechanism for a heating plant comprising a Water circulating system ‘ having a pump and a Water delivery pipe, ‘ a valve in said dellvery pipe, a diaphragm connected to'said valve, a ?uidconnection ‘fromsald pump to said diaphragm, a valve ‘ ‘ housing in sa1d‘connection having an air relief port, and a reciprocating rod in said housing having a valve for controlling said ' 50 air ‘relief port, and a reduced portion for controlling‘ the ‘?ow of'?uid through said connection. . I‘ y 1 9. In an apparatus of the class described, a Water circulating system including a stor age tank and a pump connected With said tank, a Water delivery pipepextending from said pump, a valve in said delivery pipe, a ‘ diaphragm for operating said‘ valve, a ?uid connection between said‘ diaphragm and ' . pump, a valve in said connection and means operated by the height of Water in said tank _. ‘forcontrolling said last mentioned valve. In testimony whereof I have hereuntosub scribed my name. tn 7 > . LOUIS e.‘ L. THOMAS. ‘ ‘
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