All communications to be addressed to the General Secretary E B U Since 1948 E UROPEAN BOXING UNION asbl 00199 - ROMA - VIA TOPINO, 37 - TEL. (+39) 06 85 35 42 49 - FAX (+39) 06 84 13 447 E-mail: [email protected] President General Secretary BOB F. LOGIST (Belgium) ENZA MERCHIONNE IACOPONI (Italy) Vice-Presidents: Pertti Augustin (FI) - Charles John Giles (U.K.) - Council Members: Jorge Arévalo Fernández (ES) - Jean Pierre Becquelin (FR) – Stefan Braune (DE) – Marco Giuliani (BE) - Igor Mazurov (RU) – Carlo Nori (IT) - Willibald Palatin (AT) - Peter Stucki (CH) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rome, 14th January 2015 Ref. 85/mp To all the FEDERATIONS By e-mail EU Lightweight Championship Jean Pierre Bauwens vs Emiliano Casal Dear Sirs, We inform you that the fight in object will be held on 28th February next in Gent by the promotion of bcba Klockwork. Yours sincerely, Enza Jacoponi General Secretary Comunicado de la European Boxing Union (EBU), donde se comunica a la FEB que el boxeador adscrito a esta federación, el púgil de Torrevieja Emiliano Casal, disputara el título de la Unión Europea del peso ligero frente al actual campeón Jean Pierre Bauwens el 28 de febrero en la localidad belga de Gante. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A non profit organization registered in Brussels – Belgium under No 880 245 306 Registered Office: Avenue Georges Eeckhoud 11 – 1030 Brussels
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