2014 Charity List - Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign

2014 Charity List
Heart of Alabama CFC
Donor’s Guide
How Much Should I Give?
The decision and the amount is up to the individual. This guide simply says: Generous personal giving is needed to support our CFC
agencies. Payroll deduction makes generous giving possible for most of us. This guide is not intended to be an assessment or
quota. Please give as much as you can.
1 Hour Pay per Month
Annual Pay
CIVILIAN - 26 Pay Periods
MILITARY - 12 Pay Periods
What is it? Universal Giving (UG) permits donors to pledge to any
approved Local CFC charity no matter where the donors or the charity
is geographically located. Previously, only Local charities specific to
our campaign area were available to our donors. Universal Giving now
makes all Local agencies in all CFC regions everywhere accessible as
well. Thus, donors who wish to stay involved with a favorite charity or
charities elsewhere may do so through UG.
.5 Hour per Pay Period
How does Universal Giving work? Universal Giving charities will only
be listed in available on-line giving tools, and are not included in this
paper publication. If you wish to donate to a local charity elsewhere,
log in to our on-line giving tool at www.heartofalabamacfc.org to search
for the charity you want to support. Then enter the charity’s 5-digit
code either on your paper pledge form or in the on-line donation tool,
complete the form and submit! It’s that easy!
BTW: You can also search for charities and make a pledge using
your smartphone by scanning the QR code on the back cover of this
2014 CFC ChARIty LISt tAbLE oF CoNtENtS
LOCAL SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Military Support Groups of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Local Independent Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Charities Under 5% Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
River Region United Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Community Health Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Wiregrass United Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Children’s Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Community Health Charities of the Southeast. . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Health First – America’s Charities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Christian Children’s Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Unique and Noteworthy Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
CancerCURE of America: Care, Understand, Research & Fund . . . .34
Military Family and Veterans Service Organizations of America . . . .13
Catholic Service Organizations of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Wild Animals Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Educate America! The Education, School Support . . . . . . . . . . .36
and Scholarship Funds Coalition
Family and Health Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
American National Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
National/International Independent Organizations . . . . . . . . . . .14
Child Aid USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Hispanic & Latino Charities of the U.S. and the Americas . . . . . . .19
Women, Children & Family Service Charities of America . . . . . . .19
Arts Federation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Children First – America’s Charities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
EarthShare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Charities Under 1% Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Christian Aid USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Health & Medical Research Charities of America. . . . . . . . . . . .23
America’s Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
National Black Federation of Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Children’s Medical & Research Charities of America. . . . . . . . . .26
United Service Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Human Service Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Christian Charities USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Christian Service Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America. . . . . . . . . . . .35
Conservation & Preservation Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . .37
Mental Health and Addiction Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Jewish Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Sports Charities USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Animal Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Military and Civilians United for Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Medical Research Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Diabetes Charities of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
INTERNATIONAL SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Build a Better World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Jewish Aid Worldwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
International Independent Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Aid for Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Global Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Charity Without Borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Child Aid International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Alphabetical Index
1 Way Out of Pornography.......................................................................... 27
100 Black Men of America .......................................................................... 25
173d Airborne Brigade Association Foundation ......................................... 14
1-800-RUNAWAY ........................................................................................ 30
4 Paws for Ability, Inc. .................................................................................. 40
4-H: National 4-H Council........................................................................... 30
700 Club, The .............................................................................................. 28
82nd Airborne Division Association Educational Fund .............................. 13
A Better World Fund .................................................................................... 14
A Child for All Inc. ......................................................................................... 42
A Child is Adopted........................................................................................ 30
A Child’s Feeding Fund ............................................................................... 27
A Child’s Hope Fund .................................................................................... 28
A Child’s Life Saved..................................................................................... 27
A Child’s Refuge .......................................................................................... 30
A Glimmer of Hope Foundation .................................................................. 44
A Jewish Voice for Peace ............................................................................ 41
A Kids’ Brain Tumor Cure ............................................................................ 26
A Little Hope Inc ........................................................................................... 19
A Milk for Starving Infants Fund .................................................................. 47
A Mission for Children.................................................................................. 32
A Soldiers Child, Inc..................................................................................... 14
A World Fit for Kids ...................................................................................... 41
AAA Charity Investment Fund..................................................................... 28
AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc............................................................. 13
Abandoned Children’s Fund ....................................................................... 30
Abandoned Little Angels Nhom Tinh Thuong ............................................ 30
Abandoned, Orphaned and Disadvantaged Children’s Services
Worldwide - Pearl S. Buck International ..................................................... 30
Abducted & Missing Children’s Recovery Project...................................... 30
Abolish War and Violence Internationally ................................................... 46
Abortion Access Project .............................................................................. 19
Abortion Care - Improving Women’s Reproductive Health & Rights: Ipas 19
Abortion Federation, National (NAF) .......................................................... 19
Abused Children’s Fund, Inc. ...................................................................... 33
Abused Women’s Fund............................................................................... 19
Access Fund ................................................................................................ 37
ACCION East, Inc........................................................................................ 33
Accion International ..................................................................................... 45
Accordia Global Health Foundation............................................................ 23
Accuracy in Media, Inc. ............................................................................... 36
Achilles International.................................................................................... 14
Acoustic Neuroma Association ................................................................... 14
Acting Company, The .................................................................................. 20
Action Africa, Inc. ......................................................................................... 44
Action Against Hunger USA ........................................................................ 46
Action for Health in the Americas................................................................ 42
Action for Healthy Kids ................................................................................ 41
Action for Orphans....................................................................................... 27
Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty .................................. 27
Acts of Christian Kindness .......................................................................... 27
Adaptive Aquatics Inc ...................................................................................11
Adaptive Sports Access for Wounded Warriors ......................................... 39
Addiction Medicine, American Society of ................................................... 38
Adopt A Platoon ........................................................................................... 29
Adopt All Orphans........................................................................................ 30
Adopt America Network............................................................................... 27
Adopt America’s Children ............................................................................ 30
Adoptable Children (North American Council) ........................................... 30
Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, Inc. ...................................................................... 14
Adoption Center ........................................................................................... 30
Adoption Center of Washington .................................................................. 30
Adoption Exchange ..................................................................................... 30
Adoption Exchange Association ................................................................. 32
Adoptions by Cradle of Hope ...................................................................... 19
Advancing Girls’ Education in Africa ........................................................... 44
Advancing Native Missions ......................................................................... 27
Adventist Development & Relief Agency International .............................. 46
Adventure Cycling Association.................................................................... 39
Advocacy Project ......................................................................................... 35
Advocates for Human Rights, The.............................................................. 35
Advocates for Youth..................................................................................... 19
Advocates International ............................................................................... 28
Affordable Housing for All ............................................................................ 14
Affordable Housing for Americans in Need ................................................ 27
Afghan Children and War Orphans ............................................................ 30
Afghan Health and Development Services ................................................ 42
Africa Classroom Connection ..................................................................... 44
Africa Development Corps .......................................................................... 44
Africa Disease and Poverty Eradication Project ........................................ 46
Africa Foundation (USA) ............................................................................. 46
African Aid Organization, Inc. ...................................................................... 44
African Children’s Educational Initiative, Inc............................................... 42
African Children’s Fund for Orphaned and Abandoned Children.............. 33
African Childrens Haven, Inc....................................................................... 44
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) ............................... 45
African Rainforest Conservancy ................................................................. 44
African Rural Development and Sustainability Organization..................... 44
African Services Committee, Inc................................................................. 44
African Solutions to African Problems ........................................................ 44
African Studies Association, Inc. ................................................................. 44
African Wildlife Foundation.......................................................................... 21
Afri-Can/International Fund for Africa ......................................................... 46
African-American AIDS Policy and Training Institute ................................. 23
Africare ......................................................................................................... 45
AFS-USA, Inc............................................................................................... 14
After A Child Dies-The Compassionate Friends ........................................ 30
Afterschool Alliance ..................................................................................... 36
Afya Foundation........................................................................................... 42
Agape Flights ............................................................................................... 22
Agape Love Deaf International, Inc. ........................................................... 14
AGAPE of Central Alabama Inc ...................................................................11
Aging Research, American Federation for (AFAR).................................... 23
Aid for Africa ................................................................................................. 44
Aid for African Catholic Missions................................................................. 35
Aid for Starving Children.............................................................................. 32
Aid for Trash Dump Children: The Unforgotten.......................................... 46
Aid to Children, Youth and Families............................................................ 28
Aid To Inmate Mothers Inc........................................................................... 12
AIDS Care Fund .......................................................................................... 28
AIDS Children’s Foundation........................................................................ 26
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America....................................... 41
AIDS Empowerment, International ............................................................. 14
AIDS Family and Youth Foundation ........................................................... 27
AIDS Healthcare Foundation ...................................................................... 23
AIDS Institute, The....................................................................................... 26
AIDS Programs of the National Minority AIDS Council ............................. 23
AIDS Project Los Angeles, Inc. ................................................................... 23
AIDS Research & Assistance Institute ....................................................... 22
AIDS Research Alliance of America ........................................................... 41
AIDS Research Foundation (amfAR) ......................................................... 32
AIDS Treatment and Research Information ............................................... 23
AIDS United ................................................................................................. 23
AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition .............................................................. 23
AIDS Vaccine Initiative, International .......................................................... 23
AIDSfreeAFRICA......................................................................................... 14
Air Ambulance Angels International ............................................................ 46
Air Charity Network...................................................................................... 33
Air Command and Staff College Gathering of Eagles Foundation ............11
Air Compassion for Wounded Warriors ...................................................... 13
Air Force Association ................................................................................... 13
Air Force Memorial Foundation .................................................................. 13
Airlift Hope of America ................................................................................. 33
Airlift Volunteers in Disaster Response ...................................................... 33
Airman Heritage Foundation Inc ................................................................. 14
Airmen Memorial Foundation...................................................................... 13
Airmen Memorial Museum .......................................................................... 13
AiXin Foundation, Inc. ................................................................................. 42
Akilah Institute for Women, The .................................................................. 44
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities...............11
Alabama Baptist Childrens Home and Family Ministries ...........................11
Alabama Kidney Foundation Inc..................................................................11
Alabama Kiwanis Foundation Inc ................................................................11
Alabama Lakes Chapter...............................................................................11
Alabama Partnership For Children ..............................................................11
Alabama Shakespeare Festival Inc .............................................................11
Alaska Conservation Foundation................................................................ 21
Alaska Wilderness League ......................................................................... 14
Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc. ......................................................... 45
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, The.............................................................. 44
Alcohol & Drug Recovery Fund .................................................................. 28
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.... 23
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation .......................................................... 34
Alfalit International........................................................................................ 22
Alfred Saliba Family Service Center ............................................................11
All 4 Israel..................................................................................................... 39
All God’s Children International................................................................... 47
All Hands Volunteers Inc ............................................................................. 46
All Kids Can Learn International, Inc. ......................................................... 42
All Nations Bible Society.............................................................................. 27
Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc. ......................... 26
Alley Cat Allies ............................................................................................. 40
Alley Cat Rescue ......................................................................................... 40
Alliance Defending Freedom....................................................................... 28
Alliance for a Healthier Generation ............................................................. 32
Alliance for African Assistance .................................................................... 44
Alliance for Biking and Walking ................................................................... 41
Alliance for Climate Education .................................................................... 21
Alliance for Community Trees ..................................................................... 37
Alliance for Consumer Education ............................................................... 33
Alliance for Lupus Research ....................................................................... 14
Alliance for Middle East Peace Inc. ............................................................ 41
Alliance to Save Energy .............................................................................. 21
Alopecia Areata Foundation National ......................................................... 23
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation...................... 25
Alpha Phi Omega-National Service Fraternity ........................................... 14
Alpha-1 Foundation ..................................................................................... 41
ALS Association, Alabama Chapter............................................................ 12
ALS Association, The .................................................................................. 32
ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ......................................... 12
Alternative Medicine Foundation ................................................................ 23
Alternatives for Research and Development Foundation.......................... 40
Alzheimer’s and Aging Research Center ................................................... 32
Alzheimer’s Association, Alabama/Florida Panhandle .............................. 12
Alzheimer’s Association®............................................................................ 32
Alzheimer’s Disease Research................................................................... 25
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America ............................................................ 23
Alzheimers of Central Alabama Inc .............................................................11
Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation ................................... 23
Alzheimer’s Research Center of America .................................................. 41
Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Fisher Center..................................... 23
Alzheimers Resource Center Inc .................................................................11
Amazon Conservation Association ............................................................. 37
Amazon Conservation Team....................................................................... 21
Amazon Watch ............................................................................................ 42
Amen Foundation, The................................................................................ 28
America for Animals..................................................................................... 40
America Responds with Love, Inc. ............................................................. 14
American Academy of Audiology Foundation, Inc. .................................... 14
American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Foundation ................................................................................................... 23
American Alpine Club .................................................................................. 37
American Antiquarian Society ..................................................................... 20
American Anti-Vivisection Society............................................................... 40
American Associates, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Inc................ 39
American Association for Cancer Research .............................................. 34
American Association for Cancer Support, Inc. ......................................... 34
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases .............................. 14
American Association of Kidney Patients, Inc. ........................................... 23
American Association of People with Disabilities ....................................... 33
American Association of University Women, Inc. ...................................... 19
American Atheists, Inc. ................................................................................ 14
American Bible Society ............................................................................... 27
American Bird Conservancy ....................................................................... 37
American Breast Cancer Foundation ......................................................... 14
American Campaign for Prevention of Child Abuse and Family Violence 25
American Cancer Society............................................................................ 32
American Cancer Society Mid-South Division ........................................... 12
American Center for Law and Justice ........................................................ 25
American Chestnut Foundation, The.......................................................... 15
American Childhood Cancer Organization................................................. 26
American Chronic Pain Association............................................................ 23
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation ................................................ 25
American Committee for Shaare Zedek..................................................... 42
American Committee for Tel Aviv Foundation ............................................ 39
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy .................................... 15
American Council for Environment and Science ....................................... 37
American Council of the Blind ..................................................................... 27
American Council of Young Political Leaders............................................. 15
American Diabetes Association .................................................................. 32
American Diabetes Association - Alabama & Mississippi.......................... 12
American Discovery Trail Society ............................................................... 37
American Eagle Foundation........................................................................ 40
American Family Association ...................................................................... 28
American Farmland Trust............................................................................ 21
American Fisheries Society......................................................................... 37
American Forest Foundation....................................................................... 37
American Forests......................................................................................... 21
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention............................................. 27
American Freedom Foundation, Inc. .......................................................... 29
American Friends of AACI........................................................................... 39
American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot ............................................................. 39
American Friends of Chaiyanu ................................................................... 42
American Friends of Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital Inc ............................. 42
American Friends of Leket Israel ................................................................ 39
American Friends of Magen David Adom .................................................. 39
American Friends of Migdal Ohr ................................................................. 39
American Friends of Nishmat...................................................................... 39
American Friends of Rabin Medical Center ............................................... 42
American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem........................ 47
American Friends of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra........................... 39
American Friends of Tzohar........................................................................ 42
American Friends of UNRWA, Inc .............................................................. 43
American Friends of Yad Eliezer................................................................. 42
American Hearing Research Foundation ................................................... 32
American Heart Association ........................................................................ 32
AmericanHeartAssociationGreaterSoutheastAffiliate ........................... 12
American Hiking Society ............................................................................. 37
American Himalayan Foundation ............................................................... 45
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia............................... 36
American Humane Association................................................................... 40
American Humanist Association ................................................................. 33
American Immigration Council .................................................................... 15
American India Foundation ......................................................................... 46
American Indian Children’s Fund................................................................ 30
American Indian College Fund ................................................................... 36
American Indian Diabetes Fund ................................................................. 15
American Indian Graduate Center.............................................................. 15
American Indian Higher Education Consortium......................................... 36
American Indian Relief Council................................................................... 19
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) .................... 35
American Indian Services ........................................................................... 36
American Indian Youth Running Strong ..................................................... 32
American Institute of Physics ...................................................................... 15
American Islamic Congress, Inc. ................................................................ 35
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc.................................... 39
American Jewish World Service ................................................................. 45
American Kidney Fund ................................................................................ 32
AmericanKidneyFundSoutheastRegionalOffice ................................... 12
American Latvian Association in the United States, Inc. ........................... 15
American Legion Child Welfare Foundation .............................................. 15
American Legion Endowment Fund Corporation ...................................... 15
American Leprosy Missions, Inc. ................................................................ 44
American Library Association...................................................................... 36
American Liver Foundation ......................................................................... 32
American Lung Association......................................................................... 32
American Medical Association Foundation ................................................ 15
American Medical Overseas Relief ............................................................ 23
American National Red Cross .................................................................... 14
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) .............................................. 45
American Numismatic Association, Inc. ..................................................... 15
American Nurse Practitioners Foundation ................................................. 23
American Nurses Foundation ..................................................................... 23
American Parkinson Disease Association.................................................. 32
American Printing House for the Blind, Inc................................................. 15
American Psychiatric Foundation ............................................................... 38
American Psychiatric Nurses Association .................................................. 38
American Radio Relay League, Inc. ........................................................... 15
American Red Cross - Alabama Gulf Coast Chapter .................................11
American Red Cross - Calhoun-Cleburne Chapter ....................................11
American Red Cross - East Alabama Chapter ...........................................11
American Red Cross - South Central Alabama Chapter ............................11
American Red Cross - Talladega-St. Clair County Chapter .......................11
American Red Cross - Walker-Marion Chapter ..........................................11
American Red Cross - Washington-Choctaw Chapter ...............................11
American Red Cross - West Alabama Chapter ..........................................11
American Red Cross - Wiregrass Chapter..................................................11
American Red Cross of Central Alabama .................................................. 12
American Refugee Committee ................................................................... 45
American Rivers .......................................................................................... 21
American Society for Nutrition, Inc.............................................................. 15
American Society for the Protection of Nature Israel ................................. 39
American Society of Naval Engineers ........................................................ 15
American Society of Nephrology ................................................................ 41
American Society of Transplantation .......................................................... 15
American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene .................................... 23
American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation .................................... 15
American Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Institute, Inc ........................... 15
American Technion Society......................................................................... 39
American Tinnitus Association .................................................................... 23
American Whitewater .................................................................................. 37
American Youth Soccer Organization......................................................... 39
Americans for Indian Opportunity ............................................................... 35
Americans for the Arts ................................................................................. 20
Americans Helping Americans.................................................................... 32
Americans United for Life ............................................................................ 19
AmeriCares .................................................................................................. 45
America’s Charities ...................................................................................... 25
America’s Unwanted Children..................................................................... 30
America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc. ................................... 29
Amigos de las Américas .............................................................................. 19
Amnesty International USA ......................................................................... 25
Amor Ministries ............................................................................................ 27
Amputee Coalition of America..................................................................... 23
AMVETS Charities....................................................................................... 13
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, Inc................................................. 43
Angel Airlift Mid-Atlantic ............................................................................... 33
Angel Airline Samaritans ............................................................................. 27
Angel Airlines for Cancer Patients .............................................................. 34
Angel Airlines for Life ................................................................................... 26
Angel Airlines For Life-Alabama...................................................................11
Angel Airlines for PTSD Recovery .............................................................. 29
Angel Airlines for Wounded Warriors.......................................................... 29
Angel Bus ..................................................................................................... 22
Angel Canines for Wounded Warriors ........................................................ 40
Angel Flight Northeast ................................................................................. 33
Angel Flight Soars Inc ..................................................................................11
Angel Fuel for Life........................................................................................ 34
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. ....................................................... 15
Angelwish, Inc. ............................................................................................. 19
Anglican Relief and Development Fund ..................................................... 43
Animal Charities of America ........................................................................ 40
Animal League America .............................................................................. 40
Animal Legal Defense Fund........................................................................ 40
Animal Place ................................................................................................ 40
Animal Protection and Rescue League ...................................................... 40
Animal Rights Institute ................................................................................. 40
Animal Slaughter & Child Starvation Stop Here!........................................ 32
Animal Spay Neuter International ............................................................... 40
Animal Welfare Institute............................................................................... 40
Animals for Adoption.................................................................................... 40
Answers in Genesis, Inc.............................................................................. 15
Antarctica and Southern Ocean Coalition .................................................. 37
Anti-Defamation League ............................................................................. 35
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and OCD Education and
Research Foundation .................................................................................. 23
Any Soldier Inc. ............................................................................................ 13
AOPA Foundation Inc., The......................................................................... 15
Ape and Monkey Rescue and Sanctuaries................................................ 14
Apes Alive: The Primate Rescue Center .................................................... 40
Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation ..................................... 23
Appalachian Trail Conservancy .................................................................. 37
Arbor Day Foundation ................................................................................. 21
Arc of Alabama............................................................................................. 12
ARC of Eastern Elmore County .................................................................. 12
Arc of the United States, The ...................................................................... 15
Arc of Tuscaloosa County Inc ......................................................................11
Archaeological Conservancy ...................................................................... 37
Archaeological Institute of America............................................................. 37
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA................................................ 15
Arlington Academy of Hope, Inc. ................................................................ 44
Armed Forces Aid Campaign...................................................................... 15
Armed Forces Family Survivors Fund ........................................................ 13
Armed Forces Foundation .......................................................................... 13
ArmedServicesMutualBenefitAssociationSTARFoundation................ 29
Armed Services YMCA of the USA............................................................. 13
Army Aviation Museum Foundation Inc.......................................................11
Army Heritage Center Foundation.............................................................. 29
Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund .............................................................. 13
Art for Humanity ........................................................................................... 34
Arthritis & Chronic Pain Research Institute ................................................ 32
Arthritis Aid and Research Institute............................................................. 15
Arthritis Foundation...................................................................................... 32
Arthritis Foundation Inc Southeast Region................................................. 12
Arthritis National Research Foundation...................................................... 23
Artrain ........................................................................................................... 20
Arts Federation, Inc. .................................................................................... 20
Arts Midwest................................................................................................. 20
Asante Africa Foundation ............................................................................ 44
Ashesi University Foundation ..................................................................... 44
Ashoka ......................................................................................................... 45
Asian&PacificIslanderAmericanScholarshipFund................................ 36
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund ................................ 25
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC .............................................. 35
Asian Children’s Rescue & Relief Fund ..................................................... 26
Asian Hope................................................................................................... 22
AsianPacificCenteronAging,National..................................................... 14
ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ....... 40
Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing .......................................... 30
Aspen Music Festival and School............................................................... 20
Asperger’s Association ................................................................................ 38
Assist International....................................................................................... 47
Assistance Dog Institute .............................................................................. 40
Assistance Dog United Campaign.............................................................. 40
Assisting Children with Disabilities.............................................................. 30
Associated Services for the Blind Inc. ........................................................ 14
Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service (ACCTS) ..... 28
Association for Marine Exploration ............................................................. 15
Association for the Study of African American Life and History ................ 15
Association of American Indian Physicians ................................................ 15
Association of Christian Schools International ........................................... 28
Association of Gospel Rescue Missions .................................................... 28
Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies, Inc.......................... 39
Association of Missing and Exploited Children’s Organizations................ 19
Association of Partners for Public Lands.................................................... 37
Association of Volunteers in International Service USA Inc ...................... 43
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ............................................... 41
Asthma, Cancer & Heart Disease Prevention through Smokefree Air ..... 23
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice ..................................................... 35
AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific............................................................. 36
Ataxia Telangiectasia Children’s Project..................................................... 26
Atlas Service Corps, Inc. ............................................................................. 46
AttentionDeficitDisorderAssociation......................................................... 38
Autauga County Family Support Center .................................................... 12
Autauga Western Elmore ARC ................................................................... 12
Autism Intervention and Treatment Research -- Organization for Autism
Research ...................................................................................................... 23
Autism Research - The Autism Society of America Foundation for .......... 23
Autism Research Center - Family Support, Diagnostics,
and Advocacy for Effective Treatments ...................................................... 23
Autism Science Foundation ........................................................................ 26
Autism Society of Alabama Inc ................................................................... 12
Autism Society of America .......................................................................... 30
Autism Speaks ............................................................................................. 32
Autism Spectrum Counseling Center Incorporated ....................................11
Autism Treatment, Research, and Training for
Military and Civilian Families ....................................................................... 26
Autoimmune Diseases Association ............................................................ 23
Aviation Adventure Camps.......................................................................... 27
AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps......................................................... 39
Awana Clubs International .......................................................................... 28
AwaywithHumanTraffickingandSexSlavery ......................................... 27
Ballet Hispanico of New York ...................................................................... 20
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Inc........................................................... 20
BAPS Charities, Inc. .................................................................................... 15
Baptist Charities of America ........................................................................ 27
Baptist Children’s Home Ministries ............................................................. 27
Baptist Discipling Ministries ......................................................................... 27
Baptist World Alliance .................................................................................. 28
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, Inc. .................................... 15
Barton Center for Diabetes Education........................................................ 41
Bat Conservation International.................................................................... 21
Batey Relief Alliance .................................................................................... 42
Batten Disease Support and Research Association .................................. 15
Battery Dance Corporation.......................................................................... 20
Be the Match Foundation ............................................................................ 32
BEADS for Education, Inc. .......................................................................... 44
Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Inc. ................................. 34
Behrhorst Partners for Development .......................................................... 42
Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation ................................ 26
BentStar Project, Limited............................................................................. 15
Best Buddies for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities .................................................................................................... 30
Best Friends Animal Society ....................................................................... 15
Bethania Kids Foundation ........................................................................... 43
Bethany Christian Services Inc. .................................................................. 27
Bethany Christian Services International ................................................... 30
Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International ......................................... 22
Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower................................................................ 38
Beyond Borders ........................................................................................... 42
Beyond Pesticides/NCAMP ........................................................................ 21
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.................................................................... 27
Bible Givers International ............................................................................ 27
Bible League International........................................................................... 28
Biblica (Formerly International Bible Society)............................................. 28
Big Bend Wildlife Sanctuary Inc...................................................................11
Big Brothers Big Sisters International ......................................................... 30
Big Cat Rescue Corp................................................................................... 40
Big Oak Ranch Inc........................................................................................11
Bike & Build, Inc. .......................................................................................... 15
Bikes for the World ...................................................................................... 15
Bikes Not Bombs, Inc. ................................................................................. 41
Bill of Rights Defense Committee ............................................................... 34
Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation .............................................. 45
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association........................................................ 28
Bipolar Research Foundation, Juvenile...................................................... 38
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc. ..................................................... 26
Black Charities for Children, Families, Communities................................. 46
Black Women’s Health Imperative.............................................................. 32
Blacks in Government ................................................................................. 15
Blacks In Government, General Chappie James Chapter .........................11
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network ............................................................ 34
BlazeSports America, Inc. ........................................................................... 39
Bless the Children, Inc................................................................................. 43
Blessings International ................................................................................ 28
Blind Children and Adults Action Fund of America..................................... 30
Blind Children, National Camps for............................................................. 19
Blind Federation of America ........................................................................ 36
Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation ...................................................... 26
Blinded American Veterans Foundation ..................................................... 13
Blinded Veterans Association...................................................................... 13
Blindness, Foundation Fighting................................................................... 41
Blood Cancer Research Foundation .......................................................... 34
Blood:Water Mission, Inc............................................................................. 15
Blue Card ..................................................................................................... 39
Blue Star Families........................................................................................ 29
BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc ............................................................................ 15
B’nai B’rith International............................................................................... 39
Boat People S.O.S., Inc. ............................................................................. 15
Boatsie’s Boxes, Inc .................................................................................... 15
Bob Woodruff Foundation ........................................................................... 13
Boma Project, The ....................................................................................... 44
Bone Marrow Foundation, The ................................................................... 15
Books For Africa, Inc.................................................................................... 44
BOOKS for the BARRIOS, Inc.................................................................... 22
Boone and Crockett Club ............................................................................ 37
Born Free USA: Keep Wildlife in the Wild .................................................. 14
Boston Children’s Hospital .......................................................................... 15
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc............................................................... 20
Bowlers to Veterans Link, The .................................................................... 13
Boy Scouts of America ................................................................................ 25
Boy Scouts of America - Alabama/Florida Council .....................................11
Boy Scouts of America - Aloha Council #104............................................. 45
Boy Scouts of America - Far East Council ................................................. 45
Boy Scouts of America - Transatlantic Council .......................................... 45
Boy Scouts of America, Black Warrior Council ...........................................11
Boy Scouts of America, Chattahoochee Council ........................................11
Boy Scouts of America, Tukabatchee Area Council, Inc. .......................... 12
Boys & Girls Clubs of America .................................................................... 30
Boys & Girls Clubs of Hawk-Houston ..........................................................11
Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Alabama, Inc ...........................................11
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Wiregrass, Inc.....................................................11
Boys and Girls Club of The River Region Inc............................................. 12
Boys Do Cry and Girls Can Box ................................................................. 30
Boys Hope Girls Hope................................................................................. 30
Boys’ Town of Italy, Inc................................................................................. 43
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence ...................................................... 34
Braille Institute of America ........................................................................... 14
Braille Press, National ................................................................................. 14
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation ..................................................... 23
Brain Aneurysm Foundation Incorporated.................................................. 23
Brain Injury Association of America ............................................................ 23
Brain Repair Project..................................................................................... 19
Brain Tumor Association, American (ABTA)............................................... 34
Brantwood Children’s Home ....................................................................... 12
Brazil Foundation ......................................................................................... 42
Bread and Water for Africa, Inc. .................................................................. 22
Bread for the World Institute........................................................................ 46
Break the Cycle............................................................................................ 19
Breanna’s Orphan House of Joy................................................................. 28
Breast Cancer Action................................................................................... 34
Breast Cancer African American, Sisters Network Inc............................... 34
Breast Cancer Aid and Research Institute ................................................. 34
Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer in Jewish Families ............................ 39
Breast Cancer Charities of America ........................................................... 27
Breast Cancer Coalition .............................................................................. 32
Breast Cancer Crusade by Avon ................................................................ 34
Breast Cancer Fund .................................................................................... 34
Breast Cancer in Young Women ................................................................ 34
Breast Cancer Research & Assistance Fund............................................. 34
Breast Cancer Research Center ................................................................ 32
Breast Cancer Research Foundation ......................................................... 41
Breast Cancer Society................................................................................. 35
Breathing Better: Curing Respiratory Diseases Through Research ......... 41
Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) ..................................... 39
Bridges to Community ................................................................................. 19
Bridges to Prosperity, Inc............................................................................. 43
Bright Hope International............................................................................. 27
Brooklyn Museum........................................................................................ 20
Brother’s Brother Foundation...................................................................... 46
Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence & Research ......... 25
Buckner Children and Family Services ...................................................... 19
Buddhist Global Relief ................................................................................. 15
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation...................................................................... 46
Build a Better World ..................................................................................... 42
Building New Hope ...................................................................................... 19
Bullying Prevention by Rachel’s Challenge................................................ 27
Burchette, Conners, Ellington, Hereford and
Lynch Memorial College Fund .................................................................... 15
83075 Burma Humanitarian Mission...................................................................... 15
10506 Business and Professional Women’s Foundation ..................................... 19
C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation....................................................................... 30
Cadence International ................................................................................. 28
Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation, Inc. ................................................................. 15
Camp ASCCA-Easter Seals ....................................................................... 12
Camp Courageous ...................................................................................... 30
Camp Fire .................................................................................................... 30
Camp Heartland........................................................................................... 31
Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake Inc.......................................................... 19
Campaign for America’s Kids ...................................................................... 38
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids ............................................................... 21
Campaign to End Childhood Hunger ......................................................... 31
Campus Crusade for Christ’s Great Commission Foundation.................. 28
Cancer Aid and Research Fund ................................................................. 35
Cancer and Aging Research Program ....................................................... 23
Cancer Care, Inc.......................................................................................... 35
Cancer Coalition, The National ................................................................... 35
Cancer Curing Society ................................................................................ 23
Cancer Fund of America ............................................................................. 35
Cancer Hope Network ................................................................................. 35
Cancer Immunology Research Foundation ............................................... 41
Cancer in the Family Relief Fund ............................................................... 35
Cancer Prevention and Research Fund..................................................... 22
Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund .................................................... 35
Cancer Prevention Network ........................................................................ 27
Cancer Research America - NFCR ............................................................ 35
Cancer Research and Assistance - VHL.................................................... 35
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation........................................... 32
Cancer Research for Children - CureSearch ............................................. 21
Cancer Research Foundation..................................................................... 35
Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon-Walter
Winchell Foundation .................................................................................... 35
Cancer Research Institute........................................................................... 32
Cancer Research Wellness Institute .......................................................... 35
Cancer Research, Gateway for .................................................................. 41
Cancer Research: Cell and Gene Targeted Treatments ........................... 35
Cancer Support Community ....................................................................... 35
Cancer Survivors Coalition (NCCS) ........................................................... 35
CancerCURE of America: Care, Understand, Research and End ........... 34
Canine Assistants ........................................................................................ 40
Canine Companions for Independence ..................................................... 40
Canine Health Foundation .......................................................................... 40
Canine Partners for Life............................................................................... 25
Canine Wounded Heroes............................................................................ 34
Canines for Disabled Kids ........................................................................... 31
Canvasback Missions Inc............................................................................ 27
Carbonfund.org Foundation ........................................................................ 21
CARE ........................................................................................................... 45
Care Net ....................................................................................................... 28
CARES Foundation ..................................................................................... 15
Caring Days Adult Day Care ........................................................................11
Caring for Cambodia ................................................................................... 47
CaringBridge ................................................................................................ 32
Carolina Adoption Services, Inc. ................................................................. 31
Carolina for Kibera, Inc. ............................................................................... 44
Caron Treatment Centers............................................................................ 15
Carroll Center for the Blind .......................................................................... 14
Carter Center ............................................................................................... 34
CASA - Court Appointed Advocates for Abused Children ......................... 31
Casas por Cristo .......................................................................................... 27
Catch a Lift ................................................................................................... 15
Catholic Campus Ministry Association........................................................ 35
Catholic Charities USA ................................................................................ 35
Catholic Distance University ....................................................................... 35
Catholic Health Care for the Poor ............................................................... 35
Catholic Legal Immigration Network ........................................................... 36
Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) ................................... 35
Catholic Relief Services - USCCB .............................................................. 35
Catholic Religious Educators Association .................................................. 35
Catholic Service Organizations of America ................................................ 35
Catholic Social Services .............................................................................. 12
Catholic University of America .................................................................... 15
Catholic Youth Foundation USA.................................................................. 35
Catholics for Choice..................................................................................... 19
Catholics for the Poor and Needy Worldwide ............................................ 27
Catholics United for Life .............................................................................. 25
Cats on Death Row ..................................................................................... 40
CDC Foundation .......................................................................................... 15
Celiac Central, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness....................... 23
Celiac Disease Foundation ......................................................................... 23
Cell Phones for Soldiers, Inc. ...................................................................... 43
Center for Adoption Support & Education, Inc. .......................................... 31
Center for American Progress..................................................................... 36
Center for Auto Safety ................................................................................. 34
Center for Biological Diversity Inc ............................................................... 37
Center for Civic Education........................................................................... 15
CenterforCiviliansinConflict ..................................................................... 43
Center for Clean Air Policy .......................................................................... 37
Center for Economic and Policy Research ................................................ 34
Center for Economic and Social Rights...................................................... 43
Center for Education Reform ...................................................................... 36
Center for Effective Government ................................................................ 36
Center for Excellence in Education............................................................. 36
Center for Health and Gender Equity Inc ................................................... 19
Center for Health, Environment and Justice .............................................. 21
Center for Immigration Studies ................................................................... 15
Center for International Environmental Law ............................................... 37
Center for Justice & Accountability ............................................................. 36
Center for Law and Social Policy ................................................................ 36
Center for Mind-Body Medicine, The.......................................................... 15
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding ..................................................... 22
Center for Plant Conservation..................................................................... 15
Center for Reproductive Rights................................................................... 19
Center for Security Policy, Inc. .................................................................... 41
Center for Victims of Torture........................................................................ 36
Center for Women Policy Studies............................................................... 19
Center of Hope, Inc...................................................................................... 22
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities....................................................... 34
Central Alabama Laubach Literacy Council ................................................11
Central American Medical Outreach........................................................... 42
Central American Partners .......................................................................... 19
Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, American Academy for .... 41
Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation ................................... 32
Ceres, Inc. .................................................................................................... 21
Cervical Cancer Prevention and Assistance .............................................. 22
Cesar Millan Foundation ............................................................................. 40
CHADD(Children&AdultswithAttention-Deficit/HyperactivityDisorder) 26
Chai Lifeline.................................................................................................. 19
Challenged Athletes Foundation................................................................. 39
Challenger Center for Space Science Education ...................................... 36
Champions for Life....................................................................................... 15
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association................................................................ 23
Charitable Children’s Fund of America ....................................................... 31
Charities Under 1% Overhead.................................................................... 22
Charities Under 5% Overhead.................................................................... 32
Charity Vision International.......................................................................... 46
Charity Without Borders .............................................................................. 46
charity:water ................................................................................................. 44
Cheetah Conservation Fund ....................................................................... 14
Chemical Addictions Program, Inc.............................................................. 12
Cherubs - The Association of Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernia Research ................................................................ 15
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. ............................................................. 37
Chicago Symphony Orchestra.................................................................... 20
ChiefPettyOfficerScholarshipFund ......................................................... 13
Child Abuse and Neglect, International Society for the Prevention of ...... 19
Child Abuse Intervention Fund.................................................................... 28
Child Abuse Prevention that Works ............................................................ 19
Alphabetical Index
Child Abuse, Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Center.............. 19
Child Aid ....................................................................................................... 27
Child Aid International.................................................................................. 47
Child Aid USA, Inc. ...................................................................................... 18
Child Amputee and Corrective Limb Surgery Organization ...................... 26
Child and Family Services of Michigan, Inc................................................ 15
Child Art Foundation, International.............................................................. 31
Child Evangelism Fellowship ...................................................................... 28
Child Family Health International ................................................................ 19
Child Find of America .................................................................................. 31
Child Foundation.......................................................................................... 46
Child Health Foundation.............................................................................. 26
Child Mind Institute ...................................................................................... 38
Child Molesters Behind Bars - Keeping Children Safe .............................. 31
Child Protect, Inc.......................................................................................... 12
Child Rescue International .......................................................................... 33
Child Sex Abuse Prevention and Protection Center .................................. 19
ChildSlavery,TraffickingandForcedLaborRescue................................. 31
Child Welfare League of America ............................................................... 31
Childcare Worldwide.................................................................................... 28
ChildFund International USA....................................................................... 45
Childhelp®.................................................................................................... 31
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America..................... 26
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation............................................................ 26
Childhood Cancer Research and Assistance Fund................................... 26
Childhood Cancer Research for a Cure ..................................................... 35
Childhood Leukemia Foundation................................................................ 35
Childhood Obesity and Diabetes Prevention Through Sports .................. 41
ChildHope .................................................................................................... 31
Children & Charity - Educating, Feeding and Caring for the Needy ......... 32
Children and Families Across Borders ....................................................... 34
Children At Risk Intervention Fund ............................................................. 19
Children Awaiting Parents ........................................................................... 31
Children Fighting Serious Illness ................................................................ 26
Children First - America’s Charities............................................................. 21
Children Immunization Foundation............................................................. 26
Children International................................................................................... 45
Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) .................................................................. 31
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation ....................................................... 30
Children of God Relief Fund, Inc................................................................. 47
Children of Nicaragua Fabretto Foundation ............................................... 19
Children of the Nations ................................................................................ 43
Children of the Night .................................................................................... 31
Children of Uganda...................................................................................... 44
Children of Vietnam ..................................................................................... 31
Children of Zion, Inc..................................................................................... 33
Children Rescue Mission ............................................................................ 33
Children with Autism and Special Needs: Growing,
Learning & Succeeding ............................................................................... 26
Children with Deformities - A Second Chance through Surgery ............... 26
Children’s AIDS Fund .................................................................................. 26
Children’s Angel Airlines .............................................................................. 31
Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation ............................................................ 35
Children’s Cancer Aid and Research Institute............................................ 35
Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund............................................................ 27
Children’s Cancer Fund of America ............................................................ 35
Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation ................................................... 35
Children’s Cancer Research and Family Assistance Foundation ............. 35
Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation ..................................................... 26
Children’s Center of Montgomery, Inc. ....................................................... 12
Children’s Charities of America ................................................................... 30
Children’s Christian Lifeline Hunger and Medical Relief............................ 33
Children’s Christian Relief Mission ............................................................. 33
Children’s Compassion Fund...................................................................... 32
Children’s Corrective Surgery Society ........................................................ 26
Children’s Craniofacial Association............................................................. 26
Children’s Defense Fund............................................................................. 31
Children’s Disability Service Association .................................................... 26
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund.......................................................... 32
Children’s Emergency Relief International ................................................. 46
Children’s Emergency Relief Teams........................................................... 22
Children’s Environmental Health Network.................................................. 21
Children’s Feeding Network ........................................................................ 22
Children’s Fire & Burn Fund ........................................................................ 31
Children’s Food and Care Fund.................................................................. 31
Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency Relief......................................... 28
Children’s Food, Healthcare, Shelter and Education Fund ....................... 31
Children’s Fund............................................................................................ 43
Children’s Health Fund, The ....................................................................... 21
Children’s Heart Foundation International .................................................. 26
Children’s Heart Foundation, The ............................................................... 33
Children’s Heart Syndromes & Death Prevention Foundation.................. 26
Children’s HeartLink .................................................................................... 26
Children’s Home Society of Minnesota ...................................................... 31
Children’s Hope International Foundation .................................................. 31
Children’s HopeChest.................................................................................. 28
Children’s Hospice International ................................................................. 26
Children’s Hospital ....................................................................................... 21
Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation .................................. 26
Children’sHospitalatMontefiore ................................................................ 41
Childrens Hospital of Alabama.....................................................................11
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation.......................................... 15
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota ........................................... 41
Children’s House at the Johns Hopkins Hospital ....................................... 26
Children’s Hunger Fund .............................................................................. 31
Children’s Hunger Fund Foundation........................................................... 27
Children’s Hunger Relief Fund .................................................................... 28
Children’s Inherited Brain Disorders Foundation ....................................... 26
Children’s International Lifeline ................................................................... 23
Children’s Leukemia Research Foundation ............................................... 26
Children’s Medical & Research Charities of America ................................ 26
Children’s Medical Ministries....................................................................... 22
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals ......................................................... 21
Children’s Museums, Association of ........................................................... 20
Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation.......................................... 35
Children’s Nutrition Program of Haiti........................................................... 47
Children’s Organ Transplant Association ................................................... 26
Children’s Rights.......................................................................................... 21
Children’s Scholarship Fund ....................................................................... 37
Children’s Survival Fund.............................................................................. 33
Children’s Transport for Life ........................................................................ 26
Children’s Tumor Foundation ...................................................................... 33
Children’s Wish Foundation International................................................... 31
Children’s Worldwide Hunger & Health Relief............................................ 33
Child’s Play Touring Theatre ....................................................................... 19
Childspring International Inc........................................................................ 31
Childvision, Inc. ............................................................................................ 31
ChildVoice International............................................................................... 44
Chimp Haven, Inc. ....................................................................................... 14
Choice Humanitarian ................................................................................... 42
Christ for the City International.................................................................... 27
Christ-Centered Education/Redwood Christian Schools........................... 33
Christian Adoption and Orphan Care ......................................................... 33
Christian Aid International............................................................................ 27
Christian Aid Mission ................................................................................... 27
Christian Aid USA ........................................................................................ 22
Christian Appalachian Project ..................................................................... 25
Christian Blind Mission International........................................................... 28
Christian Bowhunters of America................................................................ 27
Christian Care International-Food and Medicine for People In Need ....... 27
Christian Charities USA............................................................................... 27
Christian Children’s Charities ...................................................................... 33
Christian Children’s Health & Hope Mission .............................................. 33
Christian Comics: God’s Word through the World’s Most
Popular Literature ........................................................................................ 27
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging ............................................. 28
Christian Freedom International.................................................................. 27
Christian Leadership Alliance...................................................................... 28
Christian Legal Society................................................................................ 29
Christian Media and Arts for Positive Values, Creative Paradox............... 27
Christian Medical & Dental Associations .................................................... 27
Christian Medical Care for Poor Children ................................................... 33
Christian Military Fellowship........................................................................ 29
Christian Mission Teams International, Compassion and
Gospel Outreach.......................................................................................... 27
Christian Relief Fund ................................................................................... 29
Christian Relief Services ............................................................................. 27
Christian Service Charities .......................................................................... 28
Christian Solidarity International ................................................................. 23
Christian World Outreach ............................................................................ 29
Christian World Relief .................................................................................. 27
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation ..................................................... 32
Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society, The ................................. 15
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)
Association of America ................................................................................ 23
Church World Service.................................................................................. 45
Churches for Middle East Peace ................................................................ 41
CIAOfficersMemorialFoundation.............................................................. 15
Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy ................................................... 26
City of Hope ................................................................................................. 33
City Parks Alliance, Inc. ............................................................................... 21
CityTeam Ministries...................................................................................... 27
Civil War Trust .............................................................................................. 37
Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute .............................................................. 15
Clean Water for Healthy Americans............................................................ 37
Clean Water Fund........................................................................................ 21
ClearWater Initiative Corporation ................................................................ 46
Cleft Palate Foundation ............................................................................... 26
Climate Reality Project ................................................................................ 37
Club Beyond/Military Community Youth Ministries .................................... 29
Clubhouse International .............................................................................. 38
CoalitionAgainstTraffickinginWomen ...................................................... 19
Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Foundation ..................................... 15
Coast Guard Auxiliary Association.............................................................. 30
Coast Guard Foundation............................................................................. 13
Coastal America Foundation....................................................................... 15
Coffee County Family Services Center .......................................................11
Coffee Kids................................................................................................... 19
Colombian American Service Association, CASA...................................... 19
Colon Cancer Alliance ................................................................................. 33
Colorado Christian University...................................................................... 27
Comfort Crew for Military Kids .................................................................... 15
Comfort for America’s Uniformed Services ................................................ 13
Command and General Staff College Foundation .................................... 30
Common Hope ............................................................................................ 47
Communities In Schools ............................................................................. 15
Community Action Partnership ................................................................... 15
Community Building Africa .......................................................................... 47
Community Health Charities ....................................................................... 32
Community Health Charities of the Southeast, Inc. ................................... 12
Compassion and Mercy Associates ........................................................... 27
Compassion International ........................................................................... 29
Compassion Over Killing ............................................................................. 40
Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation ................................................ 23
Concern America ......................................................................................... 46
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS)................................................ 34
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. .......................................... 34
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute................................................... 15
Congressional Medal of Honor Society ...................................................... 13
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation .................................................... 37
Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of
Clinical Oncology ......................................................................................... 35
Conservation & Preservation Charities of America.................................... 37
Conservation and Protection of Public Lands ............................................ 37
Conservation and Service Corps ................................................................ 34
Conservation Fund, The.............................................................................. 21
Conservation International .......................................................................... 21
Consortium for Ocean Leadership Inc........................................................ 37
Convoy of Hope ........................................................................................... 46
Cooley’s Anemia Foundation ...................................................................... 33
Cooperative for Education........................................................................... 42
COPD Foundation ....................................................................................... 41
Coptic Orphans Support Association.......................................................... 43
Coral Reef Alliance ...................................................................................... 37
Corazón, Inc................................................................................................. 19
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Foundation................................................. 26
Corporation for Supportive Housing ........................................................... 30
CorrectionalPeaceOfficersFoundation .................................................... 34
Counterpart International, Inc...................................................................... 45
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum................................................. 20
Couple to Couple League International...................................................... 27
Covenant Hospice Inc ..................................................................................11
Covenant House .......................................................................................... 31
Crime Victim Law Institute, National ........................................................... 34
Crime, Crisis and Disaster Victims Assistance - National Organization for
Victim Assistance ......................................................................................... 34
Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America-Alabama Chapter ...................... 12
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America ................................................ 33
Cross International Catholic Outreach, Inc................................................. 43
Cross International, Inc................................................................................ 43
Cross-Cultural Solutions.............................................................................. 42
Crossroads Adoption Services.................................................................... 31
Crudem Foundation..................................................................................... 23
CRY - Child Rights and You America, Inc. ................................................. 46
CSI Ministries, Inc. ....................................................................................... 27
Cuban Christian Relief Fund ....................................................................... 19
Curamericas Global, Inc.............................................................................. 46
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund ................................................................................ 23
Alphabetical Index
CURE Childhood Cancer, Inc. .................................................................... 35
CURE International...................................................................................... 26
Cures Within Reach..................................................................................... 41
Curing Cancer, AIDS and Infectious Diseases........................................... 41
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation .......................................................................... 33
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Alabama Chapter............................................ 12
Cystic Fibrosis Research and Community Support ................................... 26
Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc...................................................................... 26
D.A.R.E. America......................................................................................... 15
Daedalian Foundation ................................................................................. 13
Dalai Lama Foundation ............................................................................... 36
Dale County Children’s Policy Council ........................................................11
Dallas Children’s Theater ............................................................................ 19
Dance Theatre of Harlem, Inc. .................................................................... 20
Days End Farm Horse Rescue................................................................... 40
DEA Educational Foundation ...................................................................... 15
Deaf Children’s Literacy Project.................................................................. 26
Deaf Video Communications of America, Inc............................................. 27
Deceased Aviator Family Assistance - River Rats ..................................... 13
Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals .............................................. 40
Defenders of Wildlife.................................................................................... 21
Delta Research and Educational Foundation ............................................ 19
Delta Waterfowl Foundation ........................................................................ 37
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance ................................................... 33
Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation.............................................................. 41
Development in Gardening ......................................................................... 44
Developmental Disabilities, American Association on Intellectual and ..... 38
Diabetes & Immune Disease National Research Institute ........................ 23
Diabetes Abroad, American Youth Understanding..................................... 47
Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation .............................. 23
Diabetes Aid and Research Fund............................................................... 23
Diabetes Alternative Research and Healthcare Foundation, Inc. ............. 15
Diabetes Center at the Maryland Metabolic Institute ................................. 41
Diabetes Charities of America..................................................................... 41
Diabetes Cure, Spring Point Project ........................................................... 41
Diabetes Education and Camping Association .......................................... 15
Diabetes Education Research Foundation ................................................ 14
Diabetes Health and Research Institute..................................................... 23
Diabetes National Research Group............................................................ 32
Diabetes Prevention and Aid Fund ............................................................. 23
Diabetes Prevention Institute ...................................................................... 41
Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation........................................... 25
Diabetes Research Assistance Fund ......................................................... 15
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc. ............................................ 32
Diabetes Transplant Fund ........................................................................... 23
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund............................................................................ 14
Diapers for Needy Infants and Toddlers ..................................................... 19
Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, Inc.................................................. 43
Diplomacy Matters - AFSA .......................................................................... 37
Diplomatic Security Foundation .................................................................. 15
Direct Care Alliance ..................................................................................... 15
Direct Relief.................................................................................................. 46
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc................................... 36
Disability Rights International ...................................................................... 23
Disability, National Organization on ............................................................ 14
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust ................... 13
Disabled Children, Adults & Seniors: Lives Enhanced by FODAC........... 23
Disabled Children’s Fund ............................................................................ 22
Disabled Sports USA................................................................................... 39
Do Something, Inc. ...................................................................................... 25
Doctors on Call for Service Foundation...................................................... 44
Doctors Without Borders USA .................................................................... 45
Dogs & Cats Stranded on the Streets ........................................................ 40
Dogs Deserve Better, Inc. ........................................................................... 40
Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans (NEADS)..................................... 40
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.................................................................................. 40
Dogs Last Chance ....................................................................................... 40
Dogs Leading the Blind ............................................................................... 40
Dogs on Death Row .................................................................................... 40
Dollars for Scholars ..................................................................................... 32
Dolphin Scholarship Foundation................................................................. 15
Domestic Violence Hotline, National........................................................... 20
Domestic Violence Protection & Prevention Coalition ............................... 20
Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Project, Inc. ..................... 43
DonorsChoose.org ...................................................................................... 37
Dothan Catholic Social Services..................................................................11
Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. ................................................ 26
Down Syndrome Congress, National ......................................................... 26
Down Syndrome Research & Treatment Foundation ............................... 23
Dream Factory, Inc. ..................................................................................... 31
Dream Foundation....................................................................................... 34
Dress for Success Worldwide ..................................................................... 25
DrugEnforcementAdministrationSurvivors’BenefitFund,Inc. ............... 15
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. ................................................................................... 16
Dui Hua Foundation..................................................................................... 36
Dystonia Medical Research Foundation .................................................... 24
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America....... 32
Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund .................................... 25
EANGUS “We Care for America” Foundation, Inc..................................... 30
Earth Day Network ...................................................................................... 21
Earth Force, Inc. .......................................................................................... 37
Earth Island Institute .................................................................................... 21
EARTH University Foundation .................................................................... 21
EarthCare Fund ........................................................................................... 37
Earthjustice................................................................................................... 21
EarthRights International ............................................................................. 36
EarthShare ................................................................................................... 21
Earthwatch Institute ..................................................................................... 38
Earthworks ................................................................................................... 21
East African Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children ........ 44
East Meets West Foundation...................................................................... 31
Easter Seals................................................................................................. 33
Easter Seals Alabama Inc ............................................................................11
Easter Seals Central Alabama .................................................................... 12
East-West Ministries International .............................................................. 29
Eating Disorders, Academy for ................................................................... 38
ECHO ........................................................................................................... 45
EcoAgriculture Partners .............................................................................. 44
EcoHealth Alliance....................................................................................... 21
EcoLogic Development Fund...................................................................... 21
EcoViva ........................................................................................................ 46
ECPAT - USA: End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography
andTraffickingofChildrenforSexualPurposes,Inc................................. 19
66644 Eczema, National Association..................................................................... 24
10274 Educate America! The Education, School Support and Scholarship
Funds Coalition ............................................................................................ 36
11660 Educate the Children ................................................................................... 20
10320 Education and Science Society, Inc............................................................ 43
11661 Educational and Research Foundation for the American Academy of
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery................................................. 20
10111 Educational Media Foundation ................................................................... 16
60815 Educational Theatre Association................................................................. 37
12421 El Porvenir.................................................................................................... 19
10437 Electronic Frontier Foundation .................................................................... 36
10381 ELEM Youth in Distress............................................................................... 39
10470 Elephant Sanctuary ..................................................................................... 14
11020 Elephants, Saving Elephants and Habitat Worldwide ............................... 14
65769 Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity ......................................................... 41
12233 Elks National Foundation, Inc. .................................................................... 16
10078 Elks National Veterans Service Commission ............................................. 16
46631 Els for Autism Foundation Inc ..................................................................... 16
50104 Emergency Medicine Foundation ............................................................... 16
34726 Empower Girls Globally............................................................................... 46
51258 Empower International Ministries................................................................ 43
15546 Empowerment Center, National.................................................................. 38
11400 End Violence Against Women International ............................................... 20
11407 Endometriosis Association .......................................................................... 33
12183 EndPoverty.org ............................................................................................ 46
10091 EngenderHealth........................................................................................... 45
10985 Engineering Ministries International............................................................ 29
45954 Engineering World Health ........................................................................... 46
11516 Engineers Without Borders - USA .............................................................. 43
71525 English Language Institute in China ........................................................... 29
85260 Enterprise Area Chamber Foundation Inc...................................................11
10680 Enterprise Community Partners, Inc........................................................... 20
56251 Entrust .......................................................................................................... 29
65905 Environment America Research and Policy Center, Inc............................ 21
10627 Environmental and Energy Study Institute ................................................. 21
10628 Environmental Defense Fund ..................................................................... 21
11617 Environmental Defense, Interamerican Association for............................. 42
11433 Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide...................................................... 21
10629 Environmental Law Institute ........................................................................ 21
37190 EOD Warrior Foundation............................................................................. 30
86365 Epilepsy Foundation of Alabama .................................................................11
10568 Epilepsy Foundation of America ................................................................. 33
80416 Episcopal Relief & Development ................................................................ 45
10172 Equal Justice Works .................................................................................... 16
12477 Equality Forum............................................................................................. 36
12485 Equality Now ................................................................................................ 36
11250 Equine Land Conservation Resource ........................................................ 38
10031 ESA Foundation........................................................................................... 16
12160 ESPERANCA............................................................................................... 19
44063 Etowah-Cherokee Chapter ..........................................................................11
11600 Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, The........................................................... 20
41919 Every Child Ministries, Inc. .......................................................................... 47
53559 Excellence in the Classroom....................................................................... 37
38379 Executives Without Borders ........................................................................ 43
10593 Eye and Tissue Banks International ........................................................... 24
11036 Eye Bank Association of America ............................................................... 24
28719 Eye Foundation, USA Sankara ................................................................... 14
Faces & Voices of Recovery ....................................................................... 34
FACES: The National Craniofacial Association.......................................... 26
Facial Pain Association................................................................................ 24
Fair Trade USA ............................................................................................ 42
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting .............................................................. 36
FairVote ........................................................................................................ 16
Faith Broadcasting Inc..................................................................................11
Faith In Practice ........................................................................................... 19
Faith Partnerships, Inc................................................................................. 25
Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy .......................................................... 24
Families Thru International Adoption .......................................................... 31
Families USA Foundation, Inc..................................................................... 24
Family and Health Charities ........................................................................ 14
Family Care Foundation .............................................................................. 44
Family Care International, Inc. .................................................................... 44
Family Equality Council ............................................................................... 36
Family Farm Coalition, National Save the .................................................. 36
Family Guidance Center ............................................................................. 12
Family Institute ............................................................................................. 38
Family Outreach Ministries International .................................................... 25
Family Promise, Inc. .................................................................................... 20
Family Research Council ............................................................................ 29
Family Talk ................................................................................................... 16
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute............................................. 20
Family, Career & Community Leaders of America, Inc.............................. 31
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. ........................................................ 24
FARM AID .................................................................................................... 34
Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)................................................... 40
Farm Safety 4 Just Kids .............................................................................. 31
Farm Sanctuary Inc. .................................................................................... 40
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry .................................................... 27
Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. .............................................................. 34
Farmworker Justice ..................................................................................... 16
Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home................................................................... 21
Father Purcell Memorial Exceptional Children’s Center .............................11
Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) .................... 34
FederalLawEnforcementOfficersFoundation ......................................... 16
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies ................................ 34
Federation for American Immigration Reform ............................................ 34
Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund .................. 25
Feed a Child................................................................................................. 22
Feed God’s Hungry Children ...................................................................... 22
Feed My Hungry Children ........................................................................... 20
Feed My Starving Children.......................................................................... 31
Feed the Children ........................................................................................ 25
Feeding America.......................................................................................... 25
Feeding America’s Children ........................................................................ 22
Feeding America’s Hungry Children ........................................................... 31
Feeding Children in America ....................................................................... 22
Feeding Families Worldwide ....................................................................... 46
Feeding Hungry Children ............................................................................ 33
Feeding Hungry Children International....................................................... 22
Felidae Conservation Fund ......................................................................... 14
Fellowship Association of Saint Therese .................................................... 46
Fellowship of Christian Athletes .................................................................. 21
Feminists for Life of America ....................................................................... 20
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. ........................................................... 40
Field Museum of Natural History ................................................................ 21
Filipino American Rural Mission.................................................................. 27
FINCA International ..................................................................................... 45
Firelight Foundation ..................................................................................... 44
First Book ..................................................................................................... 16
First Choice Women’s Medical Center ........................................................11
First Command Educational Foundation.................................................... 16
Fish America Foundation ............................................................................ 38
Fisher House Foundation............................................................................ 13
Fishing Has No Boundaries ........................................................................ 39
Fistula Foundation, The............................................................................... 44
Five Talents USA ......................................................................................... 29
Fleet Reserve Association Education Foundation ..................................... 16
Flight Safety Foundation, Inc. ..................................................................... 37
Focus on the Family .................................................................................... 29
Folds of Honor Foundation, Inc................................................................... 16
Fonkoze USA............................................................................................... 43
Food & Medicine for the Poor ..................................................................... 32
Food & Water Watch ................................................................................... 21
Food Allergy Research & Education........................................................... 32
Food Bank of East Alabama Inc ..................................................................11
Food First ..................................................................................................... 36
Food for Orphans, Inc.................................................................................. 31
Food for the Hungry..................................................................................... 29
Food for the Poor, Inc. ................................................................................. 43
Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger ..................................................... 46
Food, Medicine and Clothing for the Poor.................................................. 46
Foods Resource Bank................................................................................. 16
For the Health and Future of Children ........................................................ 47
Foreign Service Youth Scholarships - AFSA .............................................. 37
Forest Conservation (Pinchot Institute for Conservation).......................... 38
Forest Guild.................................................................................................. 38
Forest History Society ................................................................................. 38
Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics................................. 21
Forest Stewardship Council-US.................................................................. 21
Forest Trends Association ........................................................................... 21
Former Marine Fighting Poverty ................................................................. 46
Fort Rucker Army Community Service - Army Family Action Plan ............11
Fort Rucker Army Community Service - Army Family Team Building........11
Fort Rucker Army Community Service - Army Volunteer Corps ................11
Fort Rucker Army Community Service - Emergency Food Assistance
Fort Rucker Better Opportunity For Single Soldiers ...................................11
Forward Edge International......................................................................... 33
Foster Care Alumni of America ................................................................... 31
Foster Care Children and Family Fund ...................................................... 31
Foster Care To Success Foundation .......................................................... 25
Foster Parent Association, National............................................................ 31
Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics ................................... 16
Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa ........................................ 44
Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types, Inc. ............................... 24
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Inc. (FIRE)........................ 16
Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children............................. 44
Foundation for Jewish Camp ...................................................................... 39
Foundation for Physical Therapy ................................................................ 24
Foundation for Prader Willi Research (“FPWR”), The ............................... 16
Foundation for Social and Cultural Advancement...................................... 43
Foundation for the National Archives.......................................................... 16
Foundation for Women’s Cancer ................................................................ 16
Foundation of the Association of Former Agents of the
U.S. Secret Service ..................................................................................... 16
FRAXA Research Foundation .................................................................... 26
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center................................................ 35
Free Medical, Surgical, and Dental for Children ........................................ 31
Free the Slaves............................................................................................ 43
Free Wheelchair Mission............................................................................. 34
Freedom Alliance ......................................................................................... 13
Freedom From Hunger................................................................................ 45
Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.................................................... 16
Freedom House, Inc. ................................................................................... 36
Freedom to Read Foundation..................................................................... 37
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance......................................................... 16
Friends of Animals ....................................................................................... 40
Friends of Conservation-Friends of Masai Mara........................................ 44
Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans............................................................ 42
Friends of Israel Scouts............................................................................... 42
Friends of the American University of Afghanistan .................................... 16
Friends of the Earth ..................................................................................... 22
Friends of the National Zoo ......................................................................... 22
Friends of UNFPA Inc .................................................................................. 20
Friends of Yemin Orde, Inc.......................................................................... 39
Friends Without a Border ............................................................................ 46
Friendship Bridge......................................................................................... 42
Frontier Horizon, Inc. ................................................................................... 43
Frostburg State University Foundation, Inc. ............................................... 16
Fuller Center for Housing, Inc., The............................................................ 16
Fund for American Studies, The ................................................................. 16
Fund for Animals, The ................................................................................. 25
Future Farmers of America ......................................................................... 31
Futures Without Violence ............................................................................ 20
FXB USA, Inc............................................................................................... 31
Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research, Inc............................ 35
Galapagos Conservancy, Inc. ..................................................................... 22
Gary Sinise Foundation............................................................................... 13
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation .............................................. 36
Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission, International ........................ 36
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Scholarship Fund - Point
Foundation ................................................................................................... 25
Generation Rwanda, Inc. ............................................................................ 44
George Eastman House ............................................................................. 20
George Washington’s Mount Vernon ......................................................... 38
Gettysburg Foundation................................................................................ 38
Ghanaian Mothers of Hope, Inc.................................................................. 44
Gift of Adoption Fund, Inc. ........................................................................... 31
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation.......................................................... 24
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama Inc ...................................................11
Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama Inc.......................................................... 12
Girl Scouts Overseas................................................................................... 45
Girls Inc. ........................................................................................................11
Girls Incorporated ........................................................................................ 16
Girls Town Or Chadash ............................................................................... 42
Give Kids The World.................................................................................... 21
Giving Children Hope .................................................................................. 22
Giving Hope International............................................................................ 20
Glaucoma Research Foundation................................................................ 41
Global Action ................................................................................................ 23
Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance .................................................................... 46
Global Camps Africa.................................................................................... 31
Global Children Foundation ........................................................................ 47
Global Communities .................................................................................... 43
Global Community Service Foundation Working in Vietnam & Burma .... 46
Global Exchange ......................................................................................... 36
Global Fund for Children ............................................................................. 45
Global Fund for Women .............................................................................. 20
Global Greengrants Fund, Inc..................................................................... 42
Global Health Action, Inc ............................................................................. 43
Global Health Ministries............................................................................... 43
Global Impact ............................................................................................... 45
Global Links ................................................................................................. 46
Global Medical Relief Fund ......................................................................... 47
Global Ministry, Lutheran Partners in.......................................................... 23
Global Opportunities for Christ.................................................................... 28
Global Orphan Project ................................................................................. 23
Global Partnership for Afghanistan ............................................................. 43
Global Partnerships ..................................................................................... 43
Global Recordings Network ........................................................................ 29
Global Rights - Partners for Justice ............................................................ 36
Global Smile Foundation ............................................................................. 16
Global Ties ................................................................................................... 32
Global Volunteers ........................................................................................ 46
Global Water ................................................................................................ 42
GlobalGiving Foundation............................................................................. 16
GLSEN ......................................................................................................... 36
Gluten Intolerance Group of North America ............................................... 24
Go International, Inc. ................................................................................... 28
God’s Child Project, The.............................................................................. 47
God’s Kids Organization.............................................................................. 33
Good Jobs First............................................................................................ 16
Good Neighbors USA.................................................................................. 25
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry............................................................... 16
Good Sports ................................................................................................. 41
Good360 ...................................................................................................... 25
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. ......................................................... 25
Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama, Inc............................................... 12
Gospel for Asia, Inc...................................................................................... 28
Government Accountability Project............................................................. 16
Grameen Foundation USA.......................................................................... 46
Grand Canyon Association ......................................................................... 38
Grassroots International .............................................................................. 46
Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation .................................................. 24
Gray Panthers Project Fund ....................................................................... 36
Great Dads................................................................................................... 33
Great Minds in STEM .................................................................................. 19
Green America ............................................................................................. 22
Green Belt Movement International, The ................................................... 44
Green Corps, Inc. ........................................................................................ 22
Green Empowerment .................................................................................. 38
Green Seal ................................................................................................... 38
Greenpeace Fund........................................................................................ 38
Greyhound Foundation ............................................................................... 40
Grist Magazine............................................................................................. 38
Growth Through Learning, Inc. ................................................................... 44
Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA ............................................ 42
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind ........................................................... 27
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. ..................................................................... 40
Guide Dogs of America ............................................................................... 40
GuideStar USA, Inc. .................................................................................... 34
Guiding Eyes for the Blind........................................................................... 16
Gun Owners Foundation ............................................................................. 16
Guttmacher Institute .................................................................................... 20
H2O for Life .................................................................................................. 44
Habitat for Humanity .................................................................................... 28
Habitat for Humanity International .............................................................. 46
Habitat For Humanity of Autauga and Chilton Counties.............................11
Habitats for Dogs & Cats............................................................................. 22
Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America....................... 42
Hadley School for the Blind ......................................................................... 14
Hagar............................................................................................................ 29
Haiti - Help Brings Hope for Haiti, Inc. ........................................................ 43
Haiti Community Development Fund.......................................................... 46
Haiti Outreach .............................................................................................. 42
Haiti Project, Colorado................................................................................. 23
Haitian Health Foundation........................................................................... 24
Half the Sky Foundation .............................................................................. 31
HALO Trust USA Inc., The .......................................................................... 46
Hand in Hand: American Friends of the Center for Jewish and Arab
Education in Israel ....................................................................................... 42
Handicap International................................................................................. 45
Hands Together ........................................................................................... 43
Harvest Institute, The................................................................................... 16
Hawaii International Child Placement & Family Services.......................... 31
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association ...................................................... 38
HawkWatch International ............................................................................ 14
Healing the Children .................................................................................... 45
Healing the Children-Florida Inc ................................................................. 16
Healing Waters International ....................................................................... 29
Health & Medical Research Charities of America ...................................... 23
Health Alliance International........................................................................ 44
Health First - America’s Charities................................................................ 32
Health for underserved women, children and communities worldwide .... 47
Health Volunteers Overseas ....................................................................... 45
HealthEd Connect ....................................................................................... 31
HealthRight International ............................................................................. 46
Healthy Native Communities Partnership .................................................. 41
Hearing Dog ................................................................................................. 40
Hearing Foundation ..................................................................................... 24
Hearing Health Foundation ......................................................................... 24
Hearing Loss Association of America ......................................................... 24
Heart and Stroke Research Fund............................................................... 16
Heart Care International .............................................................................. 26
Heart Disease Assistance Fund.................................................................. 24
Heart of America Foundation, The.............................................................. 16
Heart of the Bride Ministries ........................................................................ 16
Heart To Heart International ........................................................................ 46
Heartbeat International Foundation ............................................................ 26
Heartbeat International Inc .......................................................................... 29
Hearts of America, Inc ................................................................................. 16
Hearts United for Animals............................................................................ 40
Heaven’s Family .......................................................................................... 28
Heifer International....................................................................................... 45
Hekima Place Inc......................................................................................... 43
Helen Keller International ............................................................................ 45
Help Our Wounded...................................................................................... 16
Help the Afghan Children ............................................................................ 43
Help the Children ......................................................................................... 22
Help the Helpless......................................................................................... 14
HelpHOPELive............................................................................................. 24
Helping Children Worldwide........................................................................ 44
Helping Hand Relief and Development, Inc. .............................................. 43
Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled ..................................... 34
Helping the Most Vulnerable ....................................................................... 20
Helps International ....................................................................................... 42
Hepatitis Foundation International .............................................................. 24
HEPL ............................................................................................................ 42
Herbal Medicine Institute ............................................................................. 24
Heritage Foundation .................................................................................... 16
Heroes on the Water ................................................................................... 16
HHT Foundation International, Inc. ............................................................. 16
Hidaya Foundation ...................................................................................... 43
Higher Ground Sun Valley, Inc. ................................................................... 30
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.......................................... 39
Himalayan Cataract Project ........................................................................ 45
Himalayan Children’s Fund ......................................................................... 47
His House Inc............................................................................................... 23
Hispanic & Latino Charities of the U.S. and the Americas ........................ 19
Hispanic and Asian Children Services........................................................ 19
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities .................................... 19
Hispanic Children and Families Fund......................................................... 19
Hispanic Children’s Education Fund........................................................... 19
Hispanic Children’s Nutrition and Education Fund .................................... 19
Hispanic National Bar Foundation .............................................................. 19
Hispanic Scholarship Fund ......................................................................... 19
Hispanics in Philanthropy ............................................................................ 19
Histiocytosis Association ............................................................................. 16
Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, The................................................................ 21
Holt International Children’s Services ......................................................... 31
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, Inc. ..................................... 28
Home of Hope, Inc....................................................................................... 47
Home School Foundation ........................................................................... 29
HOMEBUILDERS Family Counseling........................................................ 20
Homeless Children ...................................................................................... 28
Homeless Veterans, National Coalition For ............................................... 13
Homelessness and Poverty, National Law Center on ............................... 36
Homelessness, National Alliance to End.................................................... 34
Homes and Services for the Aging, American Association of ................... 14
Homes For Our Troops ............................................................................... 13
Honduras Hope............................................................................................ 19
Honor and Remember, Inc.......................................................................... 30
Honor Flight, Inc........................................................................................... 16
Hope Abides................................................................................................. 43
Hope Builders Ministries.............................................................................. 28
Hope for Haiti Inc. ........................................................................................ 43
Hope for the Hungry .................................................................................... 31
Hope For The Warriors® ............................................................................. 13
Hope of Life International ............................................................................ 31
Hope Through Health, Inc. .......................................................................... 44
Hope Unlimited for Children Inc .................................................................. 31
HOPE Worldwide......................................................................................... 46
Hope’s Promise ........................................................................................... 33
Horse Charities of America ......................................................................... 40
Horses on Death Row ................................................................................. 40
Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless ..................................................... 20
Hospice Angel Airlines ................................................................................. 24
Hospice Foundation for End-of-Life Care................................................... 24
Hospice Foundation of America.................................................................. 24
Hospice of Montgomery, Inc........................................................................ 12
Hospice, Pathways Home Health and Hospice ......................................... 24
Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project......................................................... 13
Hostelling International - USA ..................................................................... 38
House of Ruth, Inc, The................................................................................11
Housing for Homeless Children and Families............................................ 20
Houston Grand Opera Association ............................................................ 20
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership ................................................................. 16
HUGS Project .............................................................................................. 30
Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America........................................ 35
Human Life International ............................................................................. 16
Human Rights Campaign Foundation ........................................................ 25
Human Rights Education Associates ......................................................... 36
Human Rights Foundation .......................................................................... 43
Human Rights in China ............................................................................... 36
Human Rights Watch .................................................................................. 36
Human Service Charities of America.......................................................... 27
Humane Farm Animal Care ........................................................................ 32
Humane Farming Association..................................................................... 40
Humane League, The.................................................................................. 40
Humane Society of Elmore County Inc .......................................................11
Humane Society of the United States, The ................................................ 25
Huntington’s Disease Society of America................................................... 33
Hydrocephalus Association ......................................................................... 24
“I Have A Dream” Foundation®................................................................... 21
I Am Second................................................................................................. 29
Ignatian Volunteer Corps............................................................................. 35
IMA World Health ......................................................................................... 32
Immigration Equality .................................................................................... 36
Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, National .................... 36
ImmuneDeficiencyFoundation .................................................................. 24
Immunization Action Coalition ..................................................................... 24
Impact Movement, The................................................................................ 28
In Defense of Animals.................................................................................. 40
IN Network ................................................................................................... 28
India Development and Relief Fund, Inc. ................................................... 43
India Partners............................................................................................... 46
Indian Land Tenure Foundation .................................................................. 16
Indian Law Resource Center ...................................................................... 36
Indian Youth of America............................................................................... 31
Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania .......................................... 44
Inheritance of Hope ..................................................................................... 16
INMED Partnerships for Children ............................................................... 31
Institute for Creation Research ................................................................... 28
Institute for Financial Literacy, Inc. .............................................................. 37
Institute for Global Engagement ................................................................. 41
Institute for International Cooperation and Development .......................... 46
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy.............................................................. 41
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy ................................. 22
Institute for Women’s Policy Research ....................................................... 20
Institute of International Education.............................................................. 37
Insulindependence ...................................................................................... 41
Interfaith Service to Latin America .............................................................. 19
Interfaith Worker Justice .............................................................................. 36
International Aid, Inc. ................................................................................... 16
International Animal Rescue US ................................................................. 42
International Association for Human Values............................................... 34
International Association of Fire Fighters Foundation................................ 16
International Center for Journalists ............................................................. 37
International Center for Research on Women ........................................... 45
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology ............................. 44
International Child Care (USA), Inc. ........................................................... 26
International Children’s Care, Inc................................................................ 43
International Children’s Fund ...................................................................... 16
International Christian Adoptions ................................................................ 28
International Christian Concern .................................................................. 29
International Commission Inc...................................................................... 43
International Crane Foundation, Inc. .......................................................... 14
International Crisis Aid, Inc. ......................................................................... 16
International Dyslexia Association .............................................................. 24
International Executive Service Corps........................................................ 45
International Eye Foundation ...................................................................... 45
International Fellowship of Christians & Jews ............................................ 34
International Fund for Animal Welfare ........................................................ 40
International Hospital for Children............................................................... 47
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction ........................................... 43
International Justice Mission (IJM).............................................................. 29
International Lactation Consultant Association .......................................... 20
International Medical Corps ........................................................................ 45
International Mission for the Disabled......................................................... 14
International Mountain Bicycling Association ............................................. 38
International Myeloma Foundation ............................................................. 35
International OCD Foundation .................................................................... 24
International Orthodox Christian Charities ................................................. 45
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War ...................... 41
International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere
Region .......................................................................................................... 32
International Relief & Development, Inc. .................................................... 45
International Relief Teams ........................................................................... 45
International Rescue Committee ................................................................ 45
International Research & Exchanges Board, Inc. ...................................... 43
International Sephardic Education Foundation .......................................... 39
International Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources- US ............................................................................... 16
International Women’s Democracy Center ................................................ 20
International Women’s Health Coalition, Inc. ............................................. 20
International Youth Foundation ................................................................... 45
Internews Network ....................................................................................... 46
Interstitial Cystitis Association of America................................................... 41
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA ........................................................ 16
IntraHealth International Inc. ....................................................................... 43
Invisible Children, Inc................................................................................... 44
IRAP ............................................................................................................. 43
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Inc. ......................................... 13
Ireland Institute of Pittsburgh....................................................................... 41
ISC2 Charitable and Educational Foundation............................................ 16
Islamic Relief USA ....................................................................................... 16
Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation .......................................................... 42
Israel Free Loan Association, American Friends of the ............................. 42
Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind......................................................... 40
Israel Scholarship Fund............................................................................... 37
Israel Special Kids Fund.............................................................................. 42
Israel Tennis Centers Foundation ............................................................... 42
Israel’s Support for the Ill and the Aged ...................................................... 42
Izaak Walton League of America ................................................................ 22
J Street Education Fund, Inc....................................................................... 41
JAARS.......................................................................................................... 29
Jackie Robinson Foundation....................................................................... 25
Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research,
Education and Conservation, The .............................................................. 22
Janey Foundation, Inc. ................................................................................ 16
Japan-America Student Conference .......................................................... 37
JBI International, Inc. ................................................................................... 39
JCAHPO Education & Research Foundation ............................................ 16
JDRF International....................................................................................... 33
JDRF International - Alabama Chapter ...................................................... 12
Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund.......................................... 20
Jed Foundation, The.................................................................................... 20
Jerusalem Foundation................................................................................. 42
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA....................................................................... 35
Jewish Aid Worldwide: America, Israel, and Beyond, Inc. ......................... 42
Jewish Charities of America ........................................................................ 39
Jewish Children’s Regional Services.......................................................... 39
Jewish Community Centers Association of North America ....................... 39
Jewish Community Day School Network ................................................... 39
Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Inc., The......................................... 16
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs............................................... 39
Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael), Inc. ............................ 39
Jewish Women International ....................................................................... 39
Jews and Gentiles Joined in Messiah ........................................................ 28
Jews for Jesus ............................................................................................. 16
Jews for Judaism ......................................................................................... 39
Jobs with Justice Education Fund .............................................................. 36
Jobs! ............................................................................................................. 34
John Dau Foundation .................................................................................. 44
John Tracy Clinic.......................................................................................... 26
John Wayne Cancer Institute ...................................................................... 32
Johns Hopkins University ............................................................................ 24
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc. ................................ 34
Joint Development Associates International .............................................. 46
Joni and Friends .......................................................................................... 16
JROTC-JuniorReserveOfficersTrainingCorpsofAmerica..................... 30
Jubilee Campaign USA Inc. ........................................................................ 16
Jubilee USA Network................................................................................... 34
Judge Advocate General School Foundation Inc .......................................11
Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc............................................................... 37
Junior Achievement USA............................................................................. 21
Junior Statesmen Foundation ..................................................................... 16
Just One Life ................................................................................................ 42
Justice & Democracy in Haiti, Institute for .................................................. 36
Justice At Stake Campaign ......................................................................... 34
K9s for Warriors ........................................................................................... 16
KaBoom ....................................................................................................... 20
Kappa Alpha Psi Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery Inc...................11
Keep A Child Alive........................................................................................ 27
Keep America Beautiful, Inc. ....................................................................... 22
Kelcie’s Place, Inc........................................................................................ 12
Kenya Education Fund ................................................................................ 44
Keren Or, Inc. ............................................................................................... 42
KickStart International, Inc........................................................................... 45
Kid One Transport System Inc .................................................................... 12
Kidney Cancer Research and Education Association ............................... 35
Kidney Disease Aid and Research Fund.................................................... 24
Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International ............................................ 20
Kids Against Hunger .................................................................................... 47
Kids Alive® International ............................................................................. 31
Kids Around the World................................................................................. 29
Kids for the Kingdom ................................................................................... 29
Kids Hope USA............................................................................................ 33
Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc................................................................ 22
Kids Kicking Cancer, Inc.............................................................................. 43
Kidsave International ................................................................................... 31
Kings Home ................................................................................................. 12
Kiva Micro Funds ......................................................................................... 46
Kiwanis International Foundation, Inc......................................................... 34
KORE Foundation ....................................................................................... 23
KRS Education and Rural Development Foundation, Inc. ........................ 43
KSDS Assistance Dogs............................................................................... 40
La Leche League International ................................................................... 20
Labor Rights Forum, International .............................................................. 36
Labs4Rescue, Inc. ....................................................................................... 40
Lahey Clinic.................................................................................................. 24
LAM Foundation, The .................................................................................. 16
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund ............................................ 36
Alphabetical Index
Lancaster General Health Diabetes and Nutrition Center ......................... 42
Land Trust Alliance ...................................................................................... 22
Landesa ....................................................................................................... 45
Landmark College ....................................................................................... 14
Landmines, International Campaign to Ban ............................................... 41
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project ................................................................. 13
Latin America Working Group Education Fund.......................................... 36
Latino Youth Education Fund ...................................................................... 25
Leadership Conference Education Fund ................................................... 34
Leadership Initiatives ................................................................................... 43
League of American Bicyclists .................................................................... 16
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund ....................................... 22
Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics ................................................ 22
Legal Aid & Defender Association; Serving the Legal Needs of
Low-Income Communities .......................................................................... 20
Legal Momentum......................................................................................... 20
Legal Services Alabama Inc........................................................................ 12
Let’s Breakthrough....................................................................................... 36
Let’s Cure CP............................................................................................... 27
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The ......................................................... 33
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Alabama/Gulf Coast Chapter ............ 12
Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation.................................................... 35
Leukemia Research Foundation................................................................. 41
Leukodystrophy Foundation, The United ................................................... 41
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy USA ................................................................ 44
LGBT Centers, CenterLink: The Community of ......................................... 36
Library of America ........................................................................................ 37
Life Teen, Inc. ............................................................................................... 35
Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc. ...................................................................... 16
Life Without Limbs ....................................................................................... 16
Lifeline Christian Mission............................................................................. 16
Lifesong for Orphans ................................................................................... 23
Lifewater International ................................................................................. 28
Lift Up Africa ................................................................................................. 43
LightHawk .................................................................................................... 22
Lion of Judah Ministries Inc......................................................................... 32
Lions Clubs International Foundation ......................................................... 27
Literacy & Evangelism International ........................................................... 28
Lithuanian Catholic Religious AID, Inc........................................................ 35
Little Children of the World .......................................................................... 23
Liver and Bile Duct Disease Research and Education Foundation .......... 24
LIVESTRONG Foundation, The ................................................................. 32
Living Beyond Breast Cancer ..................................................................... 16
Living Lands & Waters................................................................................. 16
Living Water International............................................................................ 28
Living Waters Counseling, Inc......................................................................11
Local Policymakers for Healthy Communities............................................ 42
Locks of Love ............................................................................................... 26
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Inc. ............................................... 24
Love A Child ................................................................................................. 33
Love Without Boundaries Foundation ........................................................ 31
Love146 ....................................................................................................... 47
Lubuto Library Project, Inc. ......................................................................... 44
Luis Palau Association................................................................................. 29
Luke Commission, The................................................................................ 43
Lung Cancer Alliance................................................................................... 35
Lung Cancer Research Foundation, Bonnie J. Addario ............................ 35
Lung Cancer, Uniting Against...................................................................... 41
LUNGevity Foundation ................................................................................ 35
Lupus Foundation of America ..................................................................... 33
Lupus Foundation of America Inc Mid-South Chapter............................... 12
Lupus Research Institute............................................................................. 16
Lutheran Hour Ministries ............................................................................. 28
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service .............................................. 16
Lutheran Volunteer Corps ........................................................................... 28
Lutheran World Relief .................................................................................. 45
Lutherans For Life........................................................................................ 16
Lyme Disease Association, Inc. .................................................................. 17
Lymphedema Network ................................................................................ 35
Lymphoma Foundation of America............................................................. 35
Lymphoma Research Foundation .............................................................. 35
Maasai Girls Education Fund...................................................................... 44
Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel.................................................................... 39
MADRE, Inc. ................................................................................................ 20
MAG America, Inc........................................................................................ 46
MAGIC Foundation...................................................................................... 26
Magnet Schools of America, Inc. ................................................................ 17
Mailbox Club Inc., The ................................................................................. 17
Maison Fortune Orphanage Foundation .................................................... 43
Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association.................................. 17
Make-A-Wish Foundation® International ................................................... 46
Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America ...................................................... 21
Malesurvivor Natl Organization Against Male Sexual Victimization .......... 17
MAMA Project, Inc. ...................................................................................... 29
MANA Nutritive Aid Products, Inc. .............................................................. 43
Manna Project International ........................................................................ 17
MANNA Worldwide, Inc. .............................................................................. 29
Mano a Mano International Partners .......................................................... 42
MAP International ........................................................................................ 47
Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Inc. ........................................................ 28
March of Dimes Foundation........................................................................ 33
March of Dimes, Alabama Chapter ............................................................ 12
Marfan Foundation, The .............................................................................. 32
Marijuana Policy Project Foundation .......................................................... 34
Marine Corps -- Law Enforcement Foundation.......................................... 13
Marine Corps Association Foundation........................................................ 30
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation ............................................................ 30
Marine Corps League Foundation Inc ........................................................ 13
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation ....................................................... 13
Marine Corps University Foundation .......................................................... 13
Marine Graduation Foundation ................................................................... 30
Marine Mammal Center............................................................................... 14
MarineParents.com, Inc. ............................................................................. 17
Marion Medical Mission............................................................................... 23
Marshall Legacy Institute, The .................................................................... 17
Maryland State Boychoir ............................................................................. 19
Masonic Foundation for Children................................................................ 31
Materials Research Society ........................................................................ 17
MATHCOUNTS Foundation ....................................................................... 37
Matthew 25: Ministries................................................................................ 22
Matthew Shepard Foundation..................................................................... 36
Maxwell-Gunter Youth Activities.................................................................. 12
Mayan Families............................................................................................ 17
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger .................................................... 27
Meals On Wheels Association of America.................................................. 25
MedEvac Foundation International............................................................. 17
Media Research Center .............................................................................. 17
Medical Bridges, Inc. ................................................................................... 44
Medical Care Development, International .................................................. 44
Medical Development for Israel, Inc. .......................................................... 42
Medical Education Institute ......................................................................... 24
Medical Ministry International...................................................................... 28
Medical Missions for Children ..................................................................... 43
Medical Missions for Children, Inc. ............................................................. 26
Medical Research Charities ........................................................................ 41
Medical Teams International ....................................................................... 28
Medicare Rights Center............................................................................... 14
Medicine for Mali.......................................................................................... 44
Medicines for Humanity............................................................................... 26
Meds and Food for Kids .............................................................................. 47
Melanoma Research Foundation ............................................................... 32
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center .................................................. 32
Men Can Stop Rape.................................................................................... 20
Mended Hearts, Inc. .................................................................................... 24
Menninger Clinic .......................................................................................... 24
Men’s Health Network ................................................................................. 17
Mental Health America (formerly National Mental Health Association) .... 33
Mental Health America In Montgomery ...................................................... 12
Mental Health and Addiction Network ........................................................ 38
Mental Health First Aid USA........................................................................ 38
Mental Health Law, Judge David L. Bazelon Center for............................ 38
Mental Health, Screening for....................................................................... 38
Mentor Foundation - USA............................................................................ 37
Mercy Centre USA....................................................................................... 43
Mercy Corps................................................................................................. 45
Mercy Medical Airlift ..................................................................................... 32
Mercy Ships ................................................................................................. 29
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc.................................................. 32
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation ............................................ 24
Messengers of Love .................................................................................... 47
Methodist Mission Home............................................................................. 33
Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) ............................................ 17
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund ........................ 19
Mexican Art, National Museum of ............................................................... 20
Mexican Medical .......................................................................................... 29
MexicoBeachArtificialReefAssociationInc.............................................. 12
Mexico-US Solidarity Network .................................................................... 19
Mezu International Foundation Inc. ............................................................ 17
MHP, Inc. Promoviendo Vidas Saludables................................................. 24
Mid-America Arts Alliance............................................................................ 20
Middle East Peace Dialogue Network, Inc. ................................................ 41
Migraine Research Foundation, Inc............................................................ 24
Migrant Clinicians Network, Inc................................................................... 17
Migrant Legal Action Program, Inc.............................................................. 17
Military and Civilians United for Peace ....................................................... 41
Military and Veteran Women Support Fund ............................................... 30
Military Chaplains Association of the USA.................................................. 13
Military Child Education Coalition ............................................................... 13
Military Families Receive Free Mental Health Care - Give An Hour ......... 30
Military Family and Veterans Service Organizations of America............... 13
Military Family Association, National .......................................................... 13
Military Medical Research and Education Foundation .............................. 30
MilitaryOfficersAssociationofAmericaScholarshipFund ....................... 13
Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Inc. .............................................. 30
Military Support Groups of America ............................................................ 29
Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc. ............................................................... 45
Mills-Peninsula Health Services.................................................................. 42
Ministry of Hope, Inc. ................................................................................... 23
Ministry to the Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Chaplaincy ................ 13
Miracle Flights for Kids ................................................................................ 26
Missing in America Veterans Recovery Program ...................................... 17
Mission Aviation Fellowship......................................................................... 29
Mission Capodanno..................................................................................... 30
Mission Continues, The ............................................................................... 17
Mission Safety International, Inc. ................................................................ 28
Mission To Children ..................................................................................... 29
Mission: Readiness ..................................................................................... 27
Missionaries of Jesus, Inc. .......................................................................... 28
Missionary Athletes International ................................................................ 29
Missionary Aviation Repair Center.............................................................. 17
Missionary Care: Personalized Pastoral Care for those
Serving Worldwide....................................................................................... 28
Missions to Military, Inc. ............................................................................... 30
Missoula Children’s Theatre........................................................................ 17
Mobility International USA ........................................................................... 14
Montgomery Area Council On Aging .......................................................... 12
Montgomery Area Family Violence & Program Inc.................................... 12
Montgomery Area Food Bank Inc ............................................................... 12
Montgomery Area Nontraditional Equestrians ........................................... 13
Montgomery Association For Retarded Citizens Inc.................................. 13
Montgomery Habitat For Humanity............................................................. 12
Montgomery Humane Society .................................................................... 12
Moody Bible Institute ................................................................................... 29
MOPS International ..................................................................................... 29
Morning Star Development ......................................................................... 43
Morris Animal Foundation ........................................................................... 25
Mote Marine Laboratory .............................................................................. 14
Mothers Against Drunk Driving ................................................................... 25
mothers2mothers International, Inc. ........................................................... 45
Mountain Institute, The ................................................................................ 38
Moving Picture Institute ............................................................................... 17
Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation................................................................... 37
Ms. Foundation for Women......................................................................... 20
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies ................................ 43
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)..................................... 24
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America .................................................. 32
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation ..................................................................... 24
Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute ........................................... 41
Multiple Sclerosis, Can Do .......................................................................... 24
Muscular Dystrophy - FSH Society for Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy 24
Muscular Dystrophy Association................................................................. 33
Muscular Dystrophy Association, Southeastern States............................. 12
Museum for African Art ................................................................................ 45
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego ................................................. 21
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust ............ 42
Music Education Matters! NAfME............................................................... 37
Music Therapy Association, American........................................................ 38
Mustard Seed African School Ministries ..................................................... 43
Mustard Seed International ......................................................................... 28
My Stuff Bags® Foundation ........................................................................ 31
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America ................................................ 33
Myositis Association, The ............................................................................ 17
11104 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund .......................................... 25
10355 NAACP Special Contribution Fund............................................................. 25
Alphabetical Index
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) ................................................ 33
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation ................................................... 32
Narcolepsy Network .................................................................................... 24
NASCAR Foundation .................................................................................. 39
National Ability Center ................................................................................. 19
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering ................................ 17
National Alliance for Hispanic Health.......................................................... 32
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools .............................................. 37
National Alliance for Youth Sports............................................................... 39
National AMBUCS ....................................................................................... 17
National American Indian Housing Council ................................................ 17
National Aquarium in Baltimore................................................................... 22
National Association for Black Veterans ..................................................... 25
National Association for Urban Debate Leagues ....................................... 37
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders.......... 17
National Association of Black Social Workers............................................ 25
National Association of Drug Court Professionals ..................................... 34
National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics ...................................... 24
National Association of Negro Business and Professional
Women’s Clubs............................................................................................ 25
National Association of Pastoral Musicians................................................ 28
National Association of Railroad Passengers ............................................ 17
National Association of the Deaf ................................................................. 25
National Ataxia Foundation, Inc. ................................................................. 17
National Audubon Society ........................................................................... 22
National Black Child Development Institute ............................................... 21
National Black Deaf Advocates (NBDA)..................................................... 25
National Black Federation of Charities ....................................................... 25
National Black Justice Coalition .................................................................. 34
National Black Nurses Association, Inc. ..................................................... 26
National Black Programming Consortium .................................................. 26
National Black United Front Educational Fund .......................................... 26
National Brain Tumor Society ..................................................................... 41
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. ................................................... 17
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy ............. 20
National Center for Families Learning ........................................................ 37
National Center for Fathering...................................................................... 27
National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc. ............................................ 31
National Center for Lesbian Rights............................................................. 36
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ...................................... 31
National Center for Policy Analysis ............................................................. 34
National Center for Youth Law .................................................................... 31
National Children’s Advocacy Center ......................................................... 31
National Children’s Alliance ......................................................................... 17
National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women ................... 20
NationalCoalitionforAsianPacificAmericanCommunityDevelopment . 17
National Coalition for Men, Inc. ................................................................... 43
National Coalition for the Homeless ........................................................... 17
National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, Inc. ............................. 20
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty......................................... 36
National Collegiate Conference Association, Inc. ...................................... 17
National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Inc ....................... 14
National Community Reinvestment Coalition Inc....................................... 20
National Conference of Standards Laboratories........................................ 34
National Congress of American Indians ..................................................... 34
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care ............................. 14
National Council for Black Studies.............................................................. 26
National Council of Jewish Women ............................................................ 39
National Council of La Raza........................................................................ 19
National Council on Aging, Inc. ................................................................... 17
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence............................ 33
National Council on US-Arab Relations ..................................................... 37
National Crime Prevention Council............................................................. 17
National Day of Prayer Task Force ............................................................. 29
National Down Syndrome Society .............................................................. 32
National Eating Disorders Association........................................................ 24
National Education Association Health Information Network .................... 24
National Environmental Education Foundation.......................................... 22
NationalFallenFirefightersFoundation ..................................................... 17
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association .................. 20
National Fatherhood Initiative ..................................................................... 17
National FFA Foundation, Inc...................................................................... 37
National Film Preservation Foundation ...................................................... 17
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation............................................................ 22
National Forest Foundation......................................................................... 22
National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts...................................... 37
National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction .......................................... 26
National Gallery of Art.................................................................................. 17
National Gaucher Foundation ..................................................................... 24
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation.................................... 36
National Guard Educational Foundation .................................................... 30
National Guard Youth Foundation .............................................................. 13
National Headache Foundation .................................................................. 33
National Hemophilia Foundation................................................................. 33
National Hispana Leadership Institute........................................................ 19
National History Day, Inc ............................................................................. 17
National Hook-Up of Black Women ............................................................ 26
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization ................................... 33
National Humane Education Society, The.................................................. 34
National Immigration Forum........................................................................ 36
National Indian Child Welfare Association.................................................. 31
National Indian Education Association ....................................................... 17
National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project ........................... 27
National Kidney Foundation ........................................................................ 33
National Kidney Foundation Serving Georgia & Alabama ........................ 12
NationalLawEnforcementOfficersMemorialFund.................................. 25
National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in
Southeast Asia ............................................................................................. 17
National Low Income Housing Coalition..................................................... 17
National Lung Cancer Partnership ............................................................. 35
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, The ............................................. 38
National Math and Science Initiative........................................................... 17
National Meningitis Association .................................................................. 24
National Mentoring Partnership .................................................................. 31
National MPS Society.................................................................................. 17
National Multiple Sclerosis Society ............................................................. 33
National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Alabama Mississippi Chapter .......... 12
National Network to End Domestic Violence, Inc. ..................................... 20
National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation, Inc. ..................................... 17
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD).................................... 32
National Organization for Women Foundation........................................... 20
National Outdoor Leadership School ......................................................... 17
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition ............................................................. 33
National Park Foundation............................................................................ 38
National Park Trust ...................................................................................... 38
National Parkinson Foundation................................................................... 33
National Parks Conservation Association................................................... 22
National Partnership for Women and Families .......................................... 20
National Peace Corps Association ............................................................. 34
National PKU Alliance.................................................................................. 17
National Police Defense Foundation Inc .................................................... 43
National Preservation Institute .................................................................... 38
National Psoriasis Foundation .................................................................... 33
National PTA ................................................................................................ 37
National Public Radio .................................................................................. 17
National Railway Historical Society, Inc...................................................... 17
National Scoliosis Foundation..................................................................... 17
National Society of Black Engineers........................................................... 37
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, The ............................................. 17
National Space Society ............................................................................... 37
National Steering Committee of the Association for the Improvement of
Minorities in the IRS..................................................................................... 17
National Stroke Association ........................................................................ 33
National Stuttering Association ................................................................... 24
National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association, Inc. ............................ 24
National Trauma Institute ............................................................................ 24
National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States..................... 25
National Trust for the Development of African-American Men .................. 26
National Veterans Art Museum ................................................................... 43
National Veterans Legal Services Program, Inc. ....................................... 13
National Wheelchair Basketball Association .............................................. 39
National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc.......................................................... 38
National Wildlife Federation ........................................................................ 22
National Wildlife Refuge Association .......................................................... 17
National Women’s History Museum ........................................................... 20
National Women’s Law Center ................................................................... 20
Native American Children’s Fund ............................................................... 28
Native American Rights Fund ..................................................................... 25
Native Seeds/SEARCH............................................................................... 42
Natural Resources Defense Council .......................................................... 22
Nature and Culture International................................................................. 38
Nature Conservancy, The ........................................................................... 22
Nature Science Partnership to Save the Planet......................................... 38
NatureServe ................................................................................................. 22
Naval Historical Foundation ........................................................................ 13
Naval Sea Cadet Corps .............................................................................. 17
Navigators, The............................................................................................ 29
Navy League of the United States .............................................................. 17
Navy SEAL Foundation ............................................................................... 13
Navy Supply Corps Foundation, Inc. .......................................................... 17
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc................................................... 29
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education .................................. 37
Near East Foundation ................................................................................. 45
Negative Population Growth ....................................................................... 38
Nellie Burge Community Center Inc ........................................................... 13
Nepal Youth Foundation .............................................................................. 43
NephCure Foundation, The ........................................................................ 24
NetHope ....................................................................................................... 45
Network Education Program ....................................................................... 35
NeurofibromatosisNetwork......................................................................... 17
Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam, American Friends of ................................ 42
New England Center for Children ............................................................... 14
New England Conservatory of Music ......................................................... 21
NEW Inc. Fourth World Movement............................................................. 17
New Israel Fund........................................................................................... 39
New Music USA Inc ..................................................................................... 21
New Ways Ministry ...................................................................................... 35
New York Stem Cell Foundation, Inc. ......................................................... 24
Nightlight Christian Adoptions ..................................................................... 33
North Alabama Prison Ministry Inc.............................................................. 12
North American Bear Center....................................................................... 17
NorthAmericanButterflyAssociation ......................................................... 17
North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry ....................................... 39
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.................................................................. 17
NRA Foundation, Inc., The .......................................................................... 17
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation .................................................................. 41
NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation ................................. 38
Nurse-Family Partnership ........................................................................... 21
Nurturing Minds, Inc..................................................................................... 45
Nurturing Network........................................................................................ 20
Oasis Institute .............................................................................................. 14
Obesity Action Coalition............................................................................... 17
Ocean Conservancy.................................................................................... 22
Ocean Foundation ....................................................................................... 38
Oceana, Inc.................................................................................................. 22
Officers’ChristianFellowship ...................................................................... 29
Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation .......................................... 27
Olive Branch International ........................................................................... 28
Omaha Theater Company .......................................................................... 21
Omid Foundation ......................................................................................... 43
On Purpose Journey Inc. ............................................................................ 17
Oncology Nursing Society Foundation ....................................................... 35
OneHope Inc................................................................................................ 29
Open Air Campaigners - Overseas Ministries, Inc..................................... 29
Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corp. ............. 29
Operation Comfort ....................................................................................... 30
Operation First Response, Inc. ................................................................... 30
Operation Give A Hug.................................................................................. 30
Operation Homefront ................................................................................... 13
Operation Military Embrace, Inc.................................................................. 17
Operation Outreach-USA, Inc. .................................................................... 19
Operation Second Chance, Inc................................................................... 13
Operation Smile ........................................................................................... 45
Operation USA............................................................................................. 31
Operation: Care And Comfort ..................................................................... 13
Opportunities Industrialization Centers International, Inc. ......................... 47
Opportunity International ............................................................................. 46
Optimist International Foundation ............................................................... 31
Orangutan Foundation International........................................................... 40
ORBIS International, Inc.............................................................................. 47
Organization of American Historians .......................................................... 38
Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc. ................................................... 17
Orphan Helpers, Inc. ................................................................................... 47
Orphan Resources International................................................................. 47
orphanCare International............................................................................. 31
Orphaned Children’s Services .................................................................... 31
OrphaNetwork, The ..................................................................................... 23
Orphanos Foundation.................................................................................. 33
Orphan’s Assistance & Rescue Inc. ........................................................... 29
Orphan’s Tree .............................................................................................. 29
Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Inc. ..................................................... 43
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation ........................................................ 41
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Lourdes
Volunteers, LTD ........................................................................................... 17
12357 Our Military Kids Inc..................................................................................... 13
19141 Out & Equal.................................................................................................. 17
Outreach International ................................................................................. 28
Outreach MAP ............................................................................................. 29
Outserve-SLDN ........................................................................................... 13
Outward Bound............................................................................................ 37
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance ............................................................... 32
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund................................................................. 32
Oxfam America ............................................................................................ 46
Oxford House............................................................................................... 34
Ozark-Dale County Humane Society ......................................................... 12
Pacer Center, Inc. ........................................................................................ 31
Pachamama Alliance................................................................................... 42
Pachyonychia Congenita Project................................................................ 24
PacificCrestTrailAssociation ..................................................................... 38
Pact .............................................................................................................. 46
PAHO Foundation........................................................................................ 43
Painters and Allied Trades for Children’s Hope Foundation...................... 17
Pajama Program.......................................................................................... 31
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund ................................................................. 31
Pan American Development Foundation ................................................... 46
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network ............................................................. 33
Pandas International.................................................................................... 14
Panthera....................................................................................................... 45
Paralyzed Veterans of America Outdoor Recreation Heritage Fund ........ 39
Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Education and
Training Foundation (ETF) .......................................................................... 13
Paralyzed Veterans Of America Spinal Cord Research Foundation ........ 24
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies North America ..................................... 39
Parent Professional Advocacy League, Inc. .............................................. 38
Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research, Inc., The ..................... 17
Parent-Child Home Program, The .............................................................. 19
Parents as Teachers National Center......................................................... 37
Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.............................................................. 31
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays ............................... 36
Parkinson’s Action Network......................................................................... 17
Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation............................................. 24
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation ................................................................ 33
Parkinson’s Research - Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s
Research ...................................................................................................... 24
Parkinson’s Research Center, Michael Stern Foundation......................... 24
Partner for Surgery ...................................................................................... 42
Partners for Development ........................................................................... 43
Partners in Development............................................................................. 42
Partners In Health ........................................................................................ 46
Partnership for Public Service..................................................................... 34
Pat Tillman Foundation................................................................................ 17
PATH ............................................................................................................ 46
Patient Advocate Foundation ...................................................................... 34
Patriot Guard Riders, Inc. ............................................................................ 17
Patriot Outreach, Inc.................................................................................... 18
Paws With A Cause ..................................................................................... 40
Paws4Vets ................................................................................................... 40
PCI-Media Impact, Inc. ................................................................................ 46
Peace Action Education Fund..................................................................... 41
Peace Development Fund .......................................................................... 41
Peaceforce, Nonviolent ............................................................................... 41
Peacemaker Ministries ................................................................................ 23
PeacePlayers International ......................................................................... 39
PeaceTrees Vietnam ................................................................................... 46
Peaceworks Network Foundation............................................................... 41
PedalsforProgress,ANewJerseyNonprofitCorporation ....................... 47
Pediatric AIDS Foundation .......................................................................... 26
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States, Inc. .................... 35
PEER Servants............................................................................................ 43
Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation .............................................. 13
PeopleForBikes Foundation........................................................................ 39
Peregrine Fund, The.................................................................................... 22
Peres Center for Peace, American Friends of the ..................................... 41
Perkins School for the Blind ........................................................................ 14
Persecuted Christians Care Fund .............................................................. 28
Pesticide Action Network North America .................................................... 22
PET International, Inc. ................................................................................. 43
Pet Life Line ................................................................................................. 40
Pet Partners ................................................................................................. 40
PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals................................... 40
Pets for Patriots, Inc..................................................................................... 30
PetSmart Charities, Inc................................................................................ 25
Pheasants Forever ...................................................................................... 38
Phi Beta Kappa Society............................................................................... 18
Philippine Children’s Fund of America ........................................................ 31
Philippine Children’s Shelter ....................................................................... 31
Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, The................................................... 18
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine...................................... 40
Physicians for Human Rights...................................................................... 25
Physicians for Peace ................................................................................... 43
Physicians for Social Responsibility ........................................................... 22
Pioneer Bible Translators ............................................................................ 28
Pioneers ....................................................................................................... 29
PKD Foundation .......................................................................................... 24
Plan International USA ................................................................................ 46
Planet Aid, Inc. ............................................................................................. 45
Planned Parenthood Federation of America .............................................. 24
Plant with Purpose....................................................................................... 47
Platelet Disorder Support Association ........................................................ 18
Plenty International ...................................................................................... 42
Ploughshares Fund ..................................................................................... 47
Polar Bears International ............................................................................. 14
Polaris Project .............................................................................................. 36
PolicyLink ..................................................................................................... 42
Polish American Association ....................................................................... 43
Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation (PACCF) .................... 47
Polish American Education, Scholarship and Cultural Foundation........... 47
Population Action International.................................................................... 47
Population Connection ................................................................................ 25
Population Council....................................................................................... 24
Population Institute ...................................................................................... 38
Population Media Center............................................................................. 43
Population Reference Bureau..................................................................... 24
Posse Foundation, Inc................................................................................. 37
Postal Employees Relief Fund.................................................................... 18
Potter’s House Association International .................................................... 29
Poverty & Race Research Action Council .................................................. 36
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) ................................................. 18
Prasad Project ............................................................................................. 19
Pratham USA ............................................................................................... 47
PRCC (Presbyterian & Reformed Chaplain Commission) ........................ 18
Predisan USA, Inc. ...................................................................................... 43
Preeclampsia Foundation ........................................................................... 18
Premature Aging in Children - Progeria Research Foundation................. 26
Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel ...................... 28
Prevent Blindness America ......................................................................... 33
Prevent Child Abuse America ..................................................................... 21
Prison Fellowship......................................................................................... 29
Prison Fellowship International ................................................................... 29
Prisoner Visitation And Support Committee ............................................... 18
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship Intl ..................... 18
Project AWARE Foundation ........................................................................ 14
Project C.U.R.E............................................................................................ 47
Project Concern International...................................................................... 42
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc...................................................... 18
Project HOPE............................................................................................... 46
Project MedSend ......................................................................................... 18
Project On Government Oversight ............................................................. 18
Project Peanut Butter .................................................................................. 43
Project Tomorrow ......................................................................................... 18
Project Vote .................................................................................................. 37
ProLiteracy Worldwide................................................................................. 37
Promise for Haiti .......................................................................................... 42
Promise Keepers ......................................................................................... 29
Promundo-US .............................................................................................. 43
Prostate Cancer Financial Assistance and Research Fund...................... 35
Prostate Cancer Foundation ....................................................................... 41
Prostate Cancer Research and Assistance Fund...................................... 35
Prostate Cancer Research Institute............................................................ 35
PTSD Foundation of America ..................................................................... 18
Public Broadcasting Service ....................................................................... 18
Public Citizen Foundation............................................................................ 36
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.................................. 38
Public Knowledge ........................................................................................ 34
Public Radio International ........................................................................... 27
Pueblo a Pueblo .......................................................................................... 42
Puppies Behind Bars ................................................................................... 40
Push America............................................................................................... 18
92768 Quality of Life Foundation, Inc .................................................................... 30
11949 Quixote Center............................................................................................. 23
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy ........................................................................ 22
Rainbows for All Children ............................................................................ 31
Rainforest Alliance ....................................................................................... 22
Rainforest Foundation ................................................................................. 42
Rainforest Partnership................................................................................. 38
Rainforest Trust............................................................................................ 38
Raising A Reader ......................................................................................... 37
Ranger Memorial Foundation ..................................................................... 13
Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors Network............................................. 20
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) .................................... 20
RARE ........................................................................................................... 38
RBC Ministries ............................................................................................. 29
Reach the Children, Inc. .............................................................................. 31
Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF) ........................................................... 21
Reason Foundation ..................................................................................... 18
Rebuilding Together..................................................................................... 18
Reconciliation, Fellowship of ....................................................................... 41
Reconciling Ministries Network ................................................................... 36
ReflexSympatheticDystrophySyndromeAssociationofAmerica........... 24
Refugees International ................................................................................ 47
RefugePoint ................................................................................................. 45
Refuges for All Wildlife................................................................................. 14
Release Chimpanzees ................................................................................ 40
Religion &Diplomacy, International Center for ........................................... 41
Religious Institute......................................................................................... 36
Research Down Syndrome......................................................................... 32
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association ......................................... 24
Resource Exchange International, Inc. ...................................................... 43
Resource for Advancing Children’s Health, REACH Institute ................... 38
Resources For Independence of Alabama Inc........................................... 12
Resources for the Future............................................................................. 18
Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation ........................................................ 24
Restore America’s Estuaries ....................................................................... 22
Results Educational Fund ........................................................................... 34
ReSurge International.................................................................................. 26
Retinitis Pigmentosa International Society for Degenerative Eye Disease
and Related Disorders................................................................................. 24
Rett Syndrome Foundation, International .................................................. 24
Rheumatology Research Foundation......................................................... 41
Rhino Foundation ........................................................................................ 14
Right To Play ................................................................................................ 39
RISE International........................................................................................ 45
River Network .............................................................................................. 22
River Region United Way ............................................................................ 12
Rivers of the World ...................................................................................... 43
Road Scholar ............................................................................................... 37
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights ........................ 36
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. ......................................... 21
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation ................................................................. 38
Rocky Mountain Institute ............................................................................. 22
Roger L. Von Amelunxen Foundation ........................................................ 18
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama ........................................ 12
Ronald McDonald House Charities® ......................................................... 21
Room to Read.............................................................................................. 37
Rotary Foundation of Rotary International ................................................. 46
Royal Family Kids, Inc. ................................................................................ 32
Ruffed Grouse Society ................................................................................ 38
Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund............................................................. 33
Rutherford Institute, The .............................................................................. 18
Rx Outreach ................................................................................................. 18
SADD, Inc. ................................................................................................... 18
Safari Club International Foundation .......................................................... 38
Safe Kids Worldwide ................................................................................... 32
Safe Passage............................................................................................... 18
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation.................................................................. 23
Salesian Missions, Inc. ................................................................................ 43
Salvadoran American Humanitarian Foundation ....................................... 19
SalvationArmyWorldServiceOffice(SAWSO) ........................................ 46
Samaritan’s Purse ....................................................................................... 29
San Francisco Opera Association .............................................................. 21
Sanford - Burnham Medical Research Institute ......................................... 24
Sankara Nethralaya OM Trust Inc .............................................................. 44
Sarcoma Foundation of America, Inc. ........................................................ 35
Sarrell Regional Dental Center For Public Health Inc................................ 12
Save A Child’s Heart Foundation, U.S........................................................ 26
Save a Mother / Save A Child ..................................................................... 47
Save America’s Forests Fund ..................................................................... 38
Save the Animals ......................................................................................... 40
Save the Children ........................................................................................ 46
Save The Chimps ........................................................................................ 14
Save the Manatee Club, Inc........................................................................ 14
Saving Africa’s Orphans .............................................................................. 47
Scenic America ............................................................................................ 22
Science Olympiad........................................................................................ 37
Scleroderma Foundation............................................................................. 18
Scleroderma Research Foundation............................................................ 24
Scripture Union ............................................................................................ 29
Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association ................................................ 30
Seacology .................................................................................................... 44
Search Dog Foundation, National Disaster................................................ 41
SECME ........................................................................................................ 26
Second Chance Foundation ....................................................................... 13
Secular Student Alliance ............................................................................. 18
Security Through Science ........................................................................... 34
Seed Programs International ...................................................................... 47
Seeding Labs ............................................................................................... 18
Seedlings Braille Books for Children .......................................................... 32
Seeds of Learning........................................................................................ 47
Seeds of Peace, Inc. ................................................................................... 41
Seeing Eye, Inc............................................................................................ 41
Segs4Vets .................................................................................................... 13
Semper Fi Fund ........................................................................................... 13
Senior Care Fund ........................................................................................ 29
Senior Citizens Law Center, National ......................................................... 14
Seniors Activity and Recreation Fund......................................................... 28
Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation.................................................. 24
Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation .......................................... 30
Serious Fun Children’s Network Inc ........................................................... 33
Serve the People ......................................................................................... 20
Service Dogs For America .......................................................................... 34
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
Elders, Inc. (SAGE) ..................................................................................... 36
SETI Institute................................................................................................ 37
SEVA Foundation ........................................................................................ 47
Sew Much Comfort ...................................................................................... 13
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States........... 24
Share and Care Foundation for India ......................................................... 47
Share Our Strength ..................................................................................... 21
ShelterBox USA........................................................................................... 46
Show Hope .................................................................................................. 44
Shriners Hospitals for Children ................................................................... 26
Siamese Cat Rescue Center ...................................................................... 41
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America ............................................... 33
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Central AL Chapter.............. 12
Sickle Cell Foundation of Greater Montgomery, Inc .................................. 13
SIDS Alliance/First Candle .......................................................................... 21
Sierra Club Foundation, The ....................................................................... 22
Sight Surgery International.......................................................................... 26
Sightlife......................................................................................................... 46
Simon Youth Foundation ............................................................................. 37
Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation Inc. ......................................................... 24
Skin and Dental Dysfunction Foundation ................................................... 24
Skin Cancer Foundation.............................................................................. 35
SladeChild Foundation Charitable Trust..................................................... 44
Sleep Apnea Association, American ........................................................... 25
Smile Train ................................................................................................... 33
Smithsonian Institution ................................................................................ 18
Snow Leopard Trust .................................................................................... 14
Snowball Express ........................................................................................ 13
Soccer In The Streets .................................................................................. 39
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science 18
Society for Humanistic Judaism.................................................................. 39
Society for Science & the Public ................................................................. 18
Society of American Indian Government Employees ................................ 18
Society of St. Andrew, The .......................................................................... 29
Society of St. Vincent de Paul U.S.A. ......................................................... 35
Society of Women Engineers...................................................................... 18
Soil and Water Conservation Society ......................................................... 38
Sojourners .................................................................................................... 23
Solar Cookers International......................................................................... 45
Solar Electric Light Fund ............................................................................. 38
Soldiers’ Angels............................................................................................ 13
Soldiers Suicide Prevention ........................................................................ 38
Soles4Souls Inc ........................................................................................... 20
Solidarity Bridge ........................................................................................... 44
Somaly Mam Foundation ............................................................................ 46
Sons of Confederate Veterans Inc.............................................................. 18
Soroptimist International of the Americas ................................................... 20
SOS Animal Adoption Center...................................................................... 12
SOS Children’s Villages - USA.................................................................... 46
South Africa Development Fund ................................................................. 47
South Africa Partners, Inc............................................................................ 45
South Arts..................................................................................................... 21
South Side Help Center............................................................................... 18
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center SEARAC.................................... 36
Southeastern Diabetes Education Services, Inc........................................ 12
Southeastern Guide Dogs........................................................................... 41
Southern Africa Legal Services Foundation, Inc. ....................................... 45
Southern Poverty Law Center..................................................................... 25
Southwestern Diabetic Foundation............................................................. 42
Sozo International ........................................................................................ 44
Space Frontier Foundation.......................................................................... 37
Spastic Paraplegia Foundation ................................................................... 18
Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)................................................. 41
Special Olympics, Inc. ................................................................................. 32
Special Operations Warrior Foundation ..................................................... 13
Special Ops Survivors ................................................................................. 30
Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children ................................... 19
Sphinx Organization Inc .............................................................................. 26
SpinaBifidaAssociationofAmerica ........................................................... 33
Spinal Cord Injury Network International .................................................... 25
Spirit of America Worldwide ........................................................................ 41
Spondylitis Association of America ............................................................. 25
Sports Charities USA - Supporting Youth, Disabled and National Team
Athletics ........................................................................................................ 39
Sports Outreach Institute............................................................................. 28
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ....................................................... 33
St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital...................................................................... 42
Stand Up To Cancer .................................................................................... 35
STANDUP FOR KIDS ................................................................................. 21
Star of Hope International ........................................................................... 23
Starlight Children’s Foundation ................................................................... 21
Steppenwolf Theatre Company .................................................................. 21
Still Serving Veterans, (SSV) ...................................................................... 30
Stop Foodborne Illness, Inc. ....................................................................... 25
Stop Hunger Now, Inc. ................................................................................ 18
Strategies for International Development ................................................... 42
Street Law, Inc. ............................................................................................ 18
Street Schools for At-Risk Youth ................................................................. 37
Stroke/Brain Injury Communication Disorders Foundation ....................... 25
Stronger Families......................................................................................... 18
Student Press Law Center .......................................................................... 18
Student Suicide Prevention......................................................................... 39
Student Veterans of America ...................................................................... 30
Students for Life of America ........................................................................ 20
Sturge-Weber Foundation........................................................................... 25
Stuttering Foundation of America ............................................................... 25
Sudan Sunrise ............................................................................................. 44
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education .................................................... 20
Suicide Prevention Alliance ......................................................................... 39
Suicide Prevention Care Fund .................................................................... 28
Suicidology, American Association of ......................................................... 25
Sunshine Foundation .................................................................................. 18
Sunshine Kids Foundation .......................................................................... 27
Support Our Troops, Inc. ............................................................................. 30
Surfrider Foundation .................................................................................... 22
Surgeons of Hope Foundation, Inc............................................................. 47
Surgical Eye Expeditions International ....................................................... 25
Surgicorps International............................................................................... 47
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP.............................. 34
Susan G. Komen For The Cure Breast Cancer Foundation,
NorthCentralAlabamaAffiliate ................................................................... 12
10615 Susan G. Komen ......................................................................................... 33
11000 Sustainable Harvest International ............................................................... 22
Tahirih Justice Center .................................................................................. 36
Tailhook Educational Foundation Inc.......................................................... 18
Take Me Fishing........................................................................................... 38
Taking Control of Your Diabetes.................................................................. 42
Talk About Curing Autism ............................................................................ 18
Tanzania Education Fund, Inc..................................................................... 45
TASH ............................................................................................................ 25
Task Force Dagger Foundation .................................................................. 30
Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc. ....................................................................... 18
Teach For America....................................................................................... 21
Teach with Africa .......................................................................................... 45
Team Red, White and Blue ......................................................................... 18
Team River Runner Incorporated ............................................................... 18
Teams for Medical Missions ........................................................................ 28
TechMission Inc. .......................................................................................... 28
TechnoServe ................................................................................................ 46
Teen Mania Ministries, Inc........................................................................... 28
Tel Aviv University, American Friends of the............................................... 42
Temporary Emergency Services Inc........................................................... 12
Teresa Charities, Inc. ................................................................................... 47
That Others May Live Foundation .............................................................. 30
The Exchange Center For Child Abuse Prevention....................................11
Theater and Education, American Alliance for ........................................... 21
Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz .............................................................. 21
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc.................................. 38
ThinkFirst Foundation.................................................................................. 19
Thomas Jefferson Foundation .................................................................... 18
Thomas More Law Center .......................................................................... 28
Threads of Hope .......................................................................................... 28
Thurgood Marshall College Fund ............................................................... 25
Thyca Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association, Inc. .................................... 35
Thyroid Association, American.................................................................... 25
Tibet Fund, The............................................................................................ 36
Tibet, International Campaign for................................................................ 36
Tiger Woods Foundation ............................................................................. 21
Timmy Global Health ................................................................................... 27
TIS (To Inspire Strong) African Children Fund, Inc .................................... 26
TMJ Association, Ltd. .................................................................................. 25
Together We Fight Cancer .......................................................................... 22
Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc........................................................................ 18
Tostan, Inc. ................................................................................................... 45
Touch Foundation, Inc. ................................................................................ 45
Tourette Syndrome Association .................................................................. 33
Toward Educating America’s Children ........................................................ 44
Toxic Chemical Safety ................................................................................. 25
Toys For Tots Foundation ............................................................................ 32
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)................................... 13
Trans World Radio ....................................................................................... 44
Transplants, The National Foundation for .................................................. 25
Travelers Aid International........................................................................... 34
Travis Manion Foundation........................................................................... 30
Tread Lightly!, Inc......................................................................................... 38
Trees for the Future, Inc. ............................................................................. 45
Trees for Troops........................................................................................... 30
Trees, Water and People............................................................................. 38
Trevor Project............................................................................................... 34
Trickle Up Program, Inc............................................................................... 47
Trinity/Hope Inc. ........................................................................................... 44
Tropical Forest Foundation ......................................................................... 38
Trout Unlimited............................................................................................. 38
T’ruah ........................................................................................................... 39
Trust for Public Land, The ........................................................................... 22
Trustees for Alaska ...................................................................................... 14
Trustees of Columbia University ................................................................. 45
Truth for Life ................................................................................................. 44
Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance ........................................................................ 32
Turkish Philanthropy Funds ........................................................................ 47
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States.......................................... 18
Tuscaloosa’s One Place.............................................................................. 12
Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation ................................................ 13
U.S. Chess Trust.......................................................................................... 18
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF Global) ........ 18
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants .......................................... 18
U.S. Foundation for the Inspiration & Recognition of
Science & Technology ................................................................................. 18
U.S. Green Building Council ....................................................................... 18
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation............................................................................. 18
Ubuntu Education Fund, Inc. ...................................................................... 45
Uganda Christian University Partners ........................................................ 45
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation .................................................. 35
Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. .............................. 18
UNICEF, United States Fund for................................................................. 46
Union Democracy, Association for .............................................................. 36
Union of Concerned Scientists.................................................................... 22
Unique And Noteworthy Charities............................................................... 33
Unit Scholarship Fund ................................................................................. 13
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee .................................................. 46
United Animal Nations ................................................................................. 41
United Breast Cancer Foundation .............................................................. 27
United Cerebral Palsy.................................................................................. 32
United Cerebral Palsy of Alabama, Inc....................................................... 12
United for a Fair Economy .......................................................................... 36
United Marriage Encounter ......................................................................... 22
United Methodist Childrens Home.............................................................. 12
United Methodist Committee on Relief ....................................................... 46
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Inc. .......................................... 18
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc...................................................... 19
United Nations Foundation Inc.................................................................... 34
United Negro College Fund ........................................................................ 18
United Palestinian Appeal ........................................................................... 47
United Poultry Concerns ............................................................................. 41
United Seamen’s Service ............................................................................ 46
United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO).................................................. 27
United Spinal Association............................................................................ 33
United States Association for UNHCR ....................................................... 47
United States Association of Blind Athletes................................................ 39
United States Baseball Federation, Inc ...................................................... 18
Alphabetical Index
United States Catholic Mission Association ............................................... 35
United States Fencing Association ............................................................. 39
United States Field Hockey Association..................................................... 39
United States Handball Association............................................................ 39
United States International Council on Disabilities..................................... 18
United States Lifesaving Association, Inc,.................................................. 18
United States Luge Association, Inc. .......................................................... 39
United States Marines Youth Foundation, Inc............................................ 30
United States Soccer Federation Foundation ............................................ 39
United States Soccer Federation, Inc......................................................... 39
United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc. ............................................ 39
United Through Reading ............................................................................. 30
United to End Genocide .............................................................................. 36
United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc..................................... 34
United Way of Lee County Inc .................................................................... 12
United Way of West Alabama Inc ............................................................... 12
United Way Worldwide ................................................................................ 18
United Ways of Alabama ............................................................................. 12
UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation.................................................... 21
Unity Productions Foundation..................................................................... 18
University of Chicago................................................................................... 25
University of Pittsburgh................................................................................ 18
US Lacrosse ................................................................................................ 39
USA Badminton ........................................................................................... 39
USA Basketball ............................................................................................ 39
USA Cares Inc. ............................................................................................ 13
USA Cycling, Inc. ......................................................................................... 18
USA Diving, Inc. ........................................................................................... 39
USA Football, Inc. ........................................................................................ 18
USA Hockey Foundation ............................................................................. 39
USA Hockey, Inc. ......................................................................................... 39
USA Racquetball.......................................................................................... 39
USA Rugby .................................................................................................. 39
USA Shooting............................................................................................... 39
USA Swimming ............................................................................................ 40
USA Taekwondo Inc. ................................................................................... 40
USA Track & Field........................................................................................ 40
USA Triathlon ............................................................................................... 40
USA Ultimate................................................................................................ 40
USA Volleyball.............................................................................................. 40
USA Water Polo ........................................................................................... 40
USA Weightlifting ......................................................................................... 40
USA Wrestling.............................................................................................. 40
V Foundation, The ....................................................................................... 41
Vasculitis Foundation................................................................................... 25
Vegan Outreach........................................................................................... 41
Vegetarian Resource Group ....................................................................... 25
Vellore Christian Medical College Foundation, Inc. .................................. 44
Vessels of Mercy International Inc. ............................................................. 44
Veteran Tickets Foundation ........................................................................ 30
Veterans Airlift Command............................................................................ 13
Veterans at Work for America: Technical Scholarship Fund ..................... 30
Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program................................................... 22
Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation........................................................ 13
Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children ............................. 13
Veterans Resource Centers of America ..................................................... 30
Veterans Support Foundation ..................................................................... 14
VH1 Save the Music Foundation ................................................................ 18
Victim Rights Law Center ............................................................................ 34
Victims of Crime, National Center for ......................................................... 34
Victory Junction Gang Camp ...................................................................... 18
Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped .................................................. 44
Vietnam Health, Education and Literature Projects ................................... 32
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund .............................................................. 25
Village Enterprise......................................................................................... 45
Village Health Works ................................................................................... 45
Village Ministries International..................................................................... 29
Village Missions ........................................................................................... 29
Violence Policy Center ................................................................................ 36
Vision Africa.................................................................................................. 23
Vision of Children......................................................................................... 14
Visiting Nurse Associations of America ...................................................... 25
Voice of the Martyrs, The............................................................................. 29
Volunteer & Information Center, The .......................................................... 13
Volunteer Eye Surgeons International, LTD ............................................... 25
Volunteers in Asia ........................................................................................ 47
Volunteers of America.................................................................................. 27
Wake Forest University Health Sciences ................................................... 42
Warm Blankets Orphan Care International ................................................ 29
Water First International .............................................................................. 44
Water For People......................................................................................... 46
Water Mission International......................................................................... 29
Water to Thrive............................................................................................. 45
Water.org ...................................................................................................... 47
Watoto Child Care Ministries....................................................................... 28
Wegene Ethiopian Foundation ................................................................... 44
Weizmann Institute of Science, American Committee for the ................... 42
Wellstone Action Fund................................................................................. 36
West Alabama Food Bank, Inc. .................................................................. 12
Western Tribal Diabetes Project ................................................................. 42
Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, USA................................................... 40
Wheels for Humanity ................................................................................... 25
Where There is No Doctor .......................................................................... 47
White Bison .................................................................................................. 27
WhyHunger .................................................................................................. 47
Wide Horizons for Children ......................................................................... 19
Wider Opportunities for Women ................................................................. 20
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.......................................................................... 37
Wild Animals Worldwide .............................................................................. 14
Wild Dolphin Project, Inc. ............................................................................ 22
WILD Foundation......................................................................................... 22
Wild Salmon Center..................................................................................... 14
WildAid, Inc. ................................................................................................. 14
WildCare....................................................................................................... 14
Wilderness Inquiry ....................................................................................... 38
Wilderness Society, The .............................................................................. 22
WildlandFirefighterFoundation .................................................................. 34
Wildlands Network ....................................................................................... 14
Wildlife Conservation Fund of America ...................................................... 38
Wildlife Conservation Network, Inc. ............................................................ 45
Wildlife Conservation Society...................................................................... 22
Wildlife Forever ............................................................................................ 38
Wildlife Habitat Council, Inc......................................................................... 14
Wildlife Society, Inc. ..................................................................................... 38
Williams Syndrome Association, Inc........................................................... 25
Willow Creek Association ............................................................................ 29
Winn Feline Foundation, Inc. ...................................................................... 34
Wiregrass Angel House, Inc.........................................................................11
Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank......................................................11
Wiregrass Children’s Home ........................................................................ 12
Wiregrass Habitat For Humanity..................................................................11
Wiregrass Hope Group Inc ......................................................................... 12
Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center, Inc ...........................................................11
Wiregrass United Way 2-1-1 Southeast Alabama, Inc ...............................11
Wiregrass United Way, Inc ...........................................................................11
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas, Inc.................................. 47
Wish for Our Heroes, Inc............................................................................. 18
Witness......................................................................................................... 36
Witness for Peace........................................................................................ 41
Wolf Center, International ............................................................................ 14
Women Count!............................................................................................. 20
Women for Women International ................................................................ 46
Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation ................. 14
Women Thrive Worldwide ........................................................................... 20
Women, Children & Family Medical Relief Services ................................. 20
Women, Children, and Family Service Charities of America..................... 19
Women’s Health Network............................................................................ 20
Women’s Health Research ......................................................................... 20
Women’s Human Rights, Urgent Action Fund for ...................................... 36
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace ....... 44
Women’sMicrofinanceInitiative ................................................................. 45
Women’s Research & Education Institute .................................................. 20
Women’s Sports Foundation....................................................................... 40
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation .................................... 37
Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. ....................................................................... 18
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) ............................. 32
World Bicycle Relief ..................................................................................... 45
World Children’s Fund ................................................................................. 32
World Computer Exchange, Inc.................................................................. 37
World Concern - A Division of CRISTA Ministries ...................................... 29
World Evangelical Alliance .......................................................................... 28
World Help ................................................................................................... 44
World Hope International, Inc...................................................................... 45
World Impact ................................................................................................ 28
World Institute on Disability ......................................................................... 14
World Justice Project, The .......................................................................... 18
World Learning............................................................................................. 37
World Mission .............................................................................................. 29
World Monuments Fund.............................................................................. 21
World ORT, Inc............................................................................................. 37
World Reach ................................................................................................ 29
World Relief.................................................................................................. 46
World Renew ............................................................................................... 46
World Resources Institute ........................................................................... 22
World Society for the Protection of Animals ............................................... 41
World T.E.A.M. Sports ................................................................................. 18
World Vision Inc. .......................................................................................... 29
World War II Heroes Foundation - Normandy Allies .................................. 30
World Wildlife Fund...................................................................................... 22
WorldCause Foundation ............................................................................. 27
Worldfund ..................................................................................................... 19
Worldwide Christian Schools, Inc. .............................................................. 29
Worldwide Fistula Fund, Inc. ....................................................................... 45
Wounded Warrior Emergency Support Fund............................................. 14
Wounded Warrior Family Foundation......................................................... 12
Wounded Warrior Project ............................................................................ 18
Wounded Warriors Family Support ............................................................ 18
Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation .................................................... 30
Wreaths Across America ............................................................................. 30
Wycliffe Bible Translators ............................................................................ 29
Xerces Society Inc. ...................................................................................... 22
Yad Sarah, Friends of .................................................................................. 42
Yellowstone Coalition: Protecting the Lands, Waters, and Wildlife ........... 38
Yellowstone Park Foundation, Inc............................................................... 38
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative ............................................. 22
Yosemite Conservancy................................................................................ 38
Young America’s Foundation ...................................................................... 18
Young Audiences, Inc. ................................................................................. 21
Young Concert Artists, Inc. .......................................................................... 34
Young Heroes Foundation .......................................................................... 45
Young Life .................................................................................................... 29
Young Marines ............................................................................................. 14
Young Men’s Christian Association of Prattville, AL, Inc ............................ 13
Young Mens Christian Association of Tuscaloosa County Alabama Inc... 12
Young Men’s Christian Association, Inc., Montgomery.............................. 13
Youth for Christ International Ministries ...................................................... 28
Youth for Christ USA, Inc............................................................................. 33
Youth Law Center ........................................................................................ 27
Youth Leaders for the Future, A Legacy Initiative....................................... 32
Youth Renewal Fund ................................................................................... 42
Youth Service America, Inc. ........................................................................ 18
Youthbuild USA............................................................................................ 19
Zambia’s Scholarship Fund......................................................................... 44
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families .......... 32
Zoe ............................................................................................................... 47
Zonta International Foundation ................................................................... 18
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
The mission of the CFC is to support and to promote
philanthropy through a voluntary program that is
employee-focused, cost-efficient and effective in
providing all Federal employees the opportunity to
improve the quality of life for all.
What is the CFC?
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the only
authorized solicitation of Federal employees in their
workplaces on behalf of approved charitable organizations.
The CFC was created in 1961 to coordinate the fundraising
efforts of various charitable organizations so that the
Federal donor would only be solicited once in the workplace
and have the opportunity to make charitable contributions
through payroll deduction.
Federal employees continue to make the CFC the largest
and most successful workplace philanthropic fundraiser in
the world. Continuing a long-standing tradition of selfless
giving, in 2013, Federal employees raised over $209 million
dollars for charitable causes around the world.
Structure of the CFC
The CFC is made up of 151 local campaigns that
organize the annual fund raising effort in Federal workplaces
in the United States and abroad.
Each local campaign is managed by a Local Federal
Coordinating Committee (LFCC), which serves as a “Board
of Directors. The LFCC is comprised of Federal employees
and representatives of labor unions and is responsible for
the oversight of the local CFC. In conformance with CFC
regulations and policies, the LFCC makes admission
determinations for local charities and selects a Principal
Combined Fund Organization (PCFO) to administer the
day-to-day operations of the campaign and to serve as its
fiscal agent.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulates
the CFC and provides guidance and oversight to the local
campaigns (LFCCs and PCFOs).
Public Accountability
OPM is accountable for assuring Federal employees
that their designations are honored and distributed to the
charitable organizations of their choice. OPM achieves this
in several ways:
OPM maintains eligibility and public accountability
criteria that all participating CFC charities must meet. For
details, see CFC Regulations in 5 CFR Part 950 at www.
On an annual basis OPM makes admission decisions
for all national and international charity applicants and
resolves local charity admission appeals.
OPM sets strict requirements and provides on-going
guidance for the activities and conduct of the LFCC and
the PCFO. The fiscal integrity of the campaign is verified
by OPM compliance audits and the annual review of local
campaign audits that PCFOs are required to have completed
by an independent CPA.
The CFC Charity List
The Charity List is a paper or web-based display of
national, international, and local organizations that have
met CFC eligibility requirements. A sample charity listing
is shown below with key elements shown in italics. Key
elements include: the organization’s five-digit CFC code,
the IRS Business Master File name shown in parentheses
if it is “doing business as” another name, a 25-word
statement of purpose (except in abbreviated listings), its
administrative and fundraising expense rate (AFR), and its
Service Categories (Taxonomy Codes).
Sample Charity Listing
11405 ABC Charity (Alpha-Charity) (800) 555-5555
www.abccharity.org EIN#123456789 ABC Charity
attacks the causes of hunger and poverty by
promoting effective and innovative communitybased solutions that create self-reliance, economic
justice, and food security. 15.8% P,S,K
Making Informed Giving Decisions
The EIN, AFR, and the Service Categories are included
to help you identify organizations that meet your interests
and performance standards.
The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is issued
by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It can be used for
obtaining additional information about an organization from
the IRS (877-829-5500). Please Note: Some organizations
may be covered under an umbrella organization’s tax
exemption status and EIN.
The Administrative and Fundraising Rate (AFR)
represents the percentage of dollars spent on administering
the charity. It is calculated as a percentage of the
organization’s total support and revenue. Donors concerned
about an excessive AFR should contact the organization
and/or review its IRS Form 990, which is available to the
public, for a complete explanation. Each situation is unique.
Donors may contact the charity directly and/or industry
oversight organizations in order to better understand the
financial status, service delivery record, and governance
policies of the charity before donating.
The Service Categories (Taxonomy Codes) categorize
the types of services that most charitable organizations
offer. Charities self-select up to three alpha-codes (shown
below) for inclusion in the CFC charity list. Charities that
did not select at least one category are assigned “Z” for the
“Other” category.
The 26 service categories are derived from the National
Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) classification
system. This system, developed by the National Center
for Charitable Statistics, is widely used in the non-profit
A Arts, Culture, and Humanities
B Education
C Environment
D Animal Related
E Health Care
F Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
G Voluntary Health Associations & Medical Disciplines
H Medical Research
I Crime & Legal Related
J Employment
K Food, Agriculture & Nutrition
L Housing & Shelter
M Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief
N Recreation & Sports
O Youth Development
P Human Services
Q International, Foreign Affairs & National Security
R Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy
S Community Improvement & Capacity Building
T Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations
U Science & Technology
V Social Science
W Public & Societal Benefit
X Religion-Related
Y Mutual & Membership Benefit
Z Unknown
For additional guidance on selecting charities, visit the CFC
website at http://www.opm.gov/cfc/html/qfd.asp.
Can I Give To A Participating CFC Charity That Is Not
Listed In My Local CFC Charity List?
Yes. As of the 2014 CFC, donors may make a pledge
to any of the 24,000+ charities that participate in the 151
CFC regions. You can search through an online list of all
charities available at www.opm.gov/cfc. You can make
your pledge by entering the five-digit code on your local
campaign region’s pledge form.
Additionally, you can
search for and make a pledge to any charity using electronic
giving, where available.
Do I Have To Give Through The CFC?
No. Participation in the CFC is strictly voluntary.
Coercion is forbidden. You have the right to not be
improperly influenced regarding your decision to give or
not to give through the CFC. Prohibited practices include,
but are not limited to: supervisors soliciting the employees
they supervise; setting 100% participation goals, providing
and using donor lists for purposes other than the routine
collection of contributions, establishing personal dollar
goals and quotas, and developing and using lists to identify
non-contributing employees.
If you prefer, you may donate to the CFC anonymously
by placing your confidential gift in a sealed standard
Civilian employees may register complaints about
coercion with the LFCC and contact their personnel offices;
military or civilian personnel in the Department of Defense
(DoD) should contact the LFCC or their commanding
officers. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily,
military personnel may also contact the DoD Washington
Headquarters Services at (703) 601-0219.
Can I Specify Which Organization Will Receive My
Yes, the CFC is a donor-designated campaign. By
designating the five-digit code of the charity of your
choice, you ensure that your donation goes to meet the
needs that you feel are most important. Simply designate
the organization(s) of your choice where indicated on
your pledge form by entering the five-digit code and the
amount you wish to pledge. Additional designations
may be completed on a second pledge form. Except for
documented expenses for the operation of the local CFC
and unfulfilled pledges, all contributions are distributed as
There is no limit to the amount of contributions an
organization may receive through the CFC. There is
also no limit to the number of participating charities
to which you may designate a contribution. To give to
more organizations than can be added to the pledge form,
complete additional pledge forms and staple them together.
The top pledge form must contain the sum of all pledges.
You cannot designate to an organization that has not been
approved for participation in the 2014 CFC. Adding
organizations not listed, or “write-ins”, is prohibited by
CFC regulations and donations to such organizations will
be treated as undesignated funds. In addition, pledges made
using anything other than the assigned five-digit codes
cannot be honored and will be treated as undesignated
funds. Undesignated funds are distributed to only those
charities that receive donations and in the same proportion
as they received designations.
What Are Independent Organizations And Federations?
A federation is a charitable organization that provides
common fundraising, administrative, and management
services to its member organizations.
organizations may pay dues or fees to that federation
as a service charge. Federations may deduct these dues/
fees from CFC pledges prior to disbursement to member
charities. Independent organizations are not members of a
federation and participate in the CFC on their own.
For additional information on a particular federation
and any dues/fees paid by its members, either contact the
federation, its members, or review the federation’s annual
How Do I Designate A Federation, Or Alternatively, One
Of Its Members, To Receive My Contribution?
If you wish to designate all or some portion of your
contribution to a federation, please record that federation’s
corresponding five-digit code number on your pledge form.
The federation name will be listed at the top of the list of
the federation’s member organizations. Contributions
designated to a federation will be shared in accordance
with the federation’s policy. If you wish to designate
all or some portion of your contribution to an affiliated
federation member organization, please record the affiliate
organization’s corresponding five-digit code number on
your pledge form.
How Do I Designate An Independent Organization To
Receive My Contribution?
You may wish to designate to an independent
organization that is not affiliated with a federation. Simply
enter that organization’s five-digit code number on your
pledge form.
What If I Choose Not To Specify An Organization Or
Federation To Receive My CFC Contribution?
All funds contributed to the CFC that are not designated
to a specific organization or federation will be treated as
undesignated funds and distributed to all organizations
listed in the CFC Charity List in the same proportion as
they received designations. Organizations that do not
receive designated dollars cannot receive any portion of the
undesignated distribution.
What Happens if the Organization I Select Goes Out of
Business Before All Funds Have Been Disbursed?
The CFC will disburse funds to designated charities
until it is notified that the organization is unable to accept
any further funds due to closure. The remaining designation
to the organization will be disbursed as undesignated funds.
What Is The International General Designation Option?
If you wish to have your contribution distributed
proportionately among all international organizations that
received designated gifts, you may do so by entering the
five-digit code: 11111 on your pledge form.
What Is The Payroll Deduction Option?
Payroll deduction makes it convenient for you to give
by spreading your contribution across the entire year. Last
year, more than 90% of all CFC funds raised were made
through payroll deduction. Payments on payroll deduction
pledges begin on the first pay period beginning in January
and conclude with the last pay period beginning in
December. There is no simpler way for you to make good
things happen for so many people than to contribute using
payroll deduction. Payroll deduction helps you care for
your community and your world.
Will I Receive A Receipt For My Contribution?
You should keep a copy of your pledge form, as well
as your pay statements (if you made a payroll deduction
contribution), as a receipt of your pledge. A Federal
employee who makes a one-time (cash, check, or money
order) contribution must maintain a bank record and a copy
of the pledge form to show the name of the organizations
contributed to, the date of the contribution, and the amount
of the contribution. Local campaigns can be found using
the Campaign Locator search feature on the CFC website at
www.opm.gov/cfc/Search/Locator.asp You should consult
a tax adviser to determine if additional verification of the
donation is required by the IRS.
What Are The Costs Of The Campaign?
Historically, local campaign costs across the nation
have averaged 10%. These funds are required to print
materials, train volunteers, audit contributions, and
other administrative duties. All local campaign costs are
reviewed and approved by the LFCC governing the local
campaign. On average, this cost is low compared with other
fundraising campaigns; therefore, donating to a charity
through the CFC ensures every dollar you pledge goes a
very long way toward helping others.
What Is On-line Pledging or E-Giving?
On-line pledging and E-giving, in general terms, mean
that donors have the additional pledging tools of the charity
list and pledge form available to them “on-line” or on the
internet or intranet. Currently, several local campaigns
offer on-line charity lists and secure pledge transactions
through the Employee Express (EEX) and myPay HR
Systems. Other campaigns have web-based charity lists
and downloadable pledge forms. This paperless process
is one way CFC is striving to “go green”, and reduce
administrative costs related to the processing of pledges .
Local campaigns can be found using the Campaign
Locater search feature on the CFC website at http://www.
Visit the CFC Homepage
For information about the CFC, including details on the
public accountability standards for participating charities,
how to contact your local CFC campaign, and more, visit
the CFC Home Page at www.opm.gov/cfc.
Wiregrass United Way
Federation and Member Organizations
73271 Wiregrass United Way Inc (334)792-9661 www.wuw.org
organizations providing health and human services to citizens living
in Coffee, Dale, Geneva, Henry and Houston Counties in Alabama.
12.9% P
50466 Alfred Saliba Family Services Center (Family Services Center)
(334)712-1542 www.familyservicecenter.com EIN#631112905 Improve
the quality of life of the citizens of Houston County by providing
prevention-based, coordinated, and comprehensive community
support service. 17.0% W
88610 Boy Scouts of America - Alabama/Florida Council (334)793-7882
www.alflcouncilbsa.org EIN#630307944 Helping to instill values in
young people. Prepare them to make ethical choices in achieving their
full potential. 18.9% O
50215 Boys & Girls Club of Hawk-Houston (334)792-4618 www.
hawkhoustonbgc.com EIN#630517947 To inspire and enable all young
people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize
their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens 2.9%
25875 Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Alabama (334)445-0512
www.bgcseal.com EIN#582010059 To inspire and enable all young
people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize
their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens
22.4% O
21986 Boys & Girls Club of the Wiregrass Inc. (334)793-5650 www.
bgcwiregrass.org EIN#630422560 A safe place to learn and grow with
caring adult professionals, life enhancing programs and character
development experiences. Provides hope and opportunity. 27.3% O
33230 Coffee County Family Service Center (Family Service Center of
Coffee County Inc) (334)393-8538 EIN#721374603 Empower families,
children and youth to become independent and reach their goals in life.
0.0% W
32609 Dale County Childrens Policy Council (334)424-1229
EIN#631271249 Dedicated to building strong families through
parenting and teen life-skill classes, helping families locate resources,
and improving family relationships and responsibilities. 6.1% W
71852 Dothan Catholic Social Services (334)793-3601 www.cssalabama.
org EIN#630627699 Provides material assistance (emergency utilities,
rent, medication, food and clothing); individual and family counseling.
A licensed adoption placement agency. 16.0% X
78087 Exchange Center for Child Abuse Prevention, The (334)671-1966
www.theexchangecenter.org EIN#630834207 Child abuse prevention/
Intervention services; individual and family counseling, survivor groups;
support groups (adults, teens, children), life-skills and divorce related
classes and anger management. 4.3% O
42922 Girls Inc. (Girls Incorporated of Dothan Alabama) (334) 793-2321
www.girlsincdothan.org EIN#630717073 To enable girls to become
strong, smart, and bold through balanced programs created to teach
makers. 13.8% O
77508 House of Ruth Inc (334)793-521 www.houseofruthdothan.org
EIN#630834553 Comprehensive services for victims of domestic
violence and sexual assault, crisis intervention, safe shelter for victims
and their children counseling and advocacy services. 0.0% I
29357 Living Waters Counseling Inc (334)693-3380 www.lwcounseling.net
EIN#470891204 This facility provides cost-free professional counseling
that addresses the mental health issues and, i.e. food, utilities,
medicine, for this region. 1.8% F
64172 Wiregrass Angel House Inc (334)702-7010 www.
angelhouseofalabama.org EIN#272602620 Work with families
of homicide victims by providing direct services through crime scene
counseling. 66.6% I
97917 Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank (334)794-9775 www.
wiregrassfoodbank.org EIN#631075810 Soliciting, procuring and
distributing excess food and grocery products, developing and
monitoring agency networks, and cultivating community awareness
and participation. 14.3% K
37918 Wiregrass Habitat for Humanity (Habitat for Humanity International,
Inc) (334)792-8453 www.wiregrasshabitat.org EIN#631022705 In
partnership with people in need, we break the cycle of poverty by
providing decent affordable housing and improving the quality of life.
27.1% L
51859 Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center Inc (334)792-0022 www.wrcjobs.
com EIN#630523650 Job readiness, job development, Microsoft
job replacement and retention are provided to individuals with
disabilities in Southeast Alabama. 6.8% J
96038 Wiregrass United Way 2-1-1 Southeast Alabama (334)836-1963
www.w211.cfsites.org EIN#264031179 Provide and strengthen the
way residents and organizations in Southeast Alabama access
comprehensive and specialized information and referral services to
create a stronger community. 21.6% P
Local Independent Organizations
30527 Adaptive Aquatics, Inc. (205)807-7519 www.adaptiveaquatics.org
introducing, teaching and advancement of adapted water sports for
children, adults, and wounded warrior veterans with disabilities. 0.1%
B, N, O
29724 AGAPE of Central Alabama, Inc. (334)393-1990 www.
agapeforchildren.org EIN#630743701 Service neglected, abused
children through foster-care homes, pregnant women counseling
assistance, adoption planning, support children parenting skills
training, adoptive parents post-adoption, helping healing individuals
groups. 12.6% P, W
17174 Air Command and Staff College Gathering of Eagles Foundation
(334)245-4463 www.goefoundation.com EIN#205706080 Provides
cyberspace heroes from WWII to today and commemorates them for
their contributions to the military 4.8% B, A, Z
66719 Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
(334)356-2220 www.aaicu.net EIN#630422143 AAICU’s Scholarship
generation and underserved youth. It produces a more educated
workforce and brighter economic future for Alabama. 15.4% B, O, S
69663 Alabama Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries (205)9821112 www.alabamachild.org EIN#630302093 We provide Christcentered child services through a statewide network of group, campus,
foster, and emergency shelter homes supported by professional
counseling, family care, and training. 16.7% O, X, L
44853 Alabama Kidney Foundation, Inc. (800)750-3331 www.alkidney.
org EIN#510189641 7,000 plus Alabamians have kidney disease;
Alabama ranks 5th in the nation for its occurrence. Patients are served
P, E, G
43638 Alabama Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. (334)749-5631 www.jeandeanrif.
org EIN#630997319 Operating as Jean Dean RIF/Kiwanis, thousands
of at-risk young children are given 3 quality, age-appropriate books
36782 Alabama Partnership for Children (334)271-030 www.
SmartStartAlabama.org EIN#631287120 To partner with all public
and private entities to maintain an effective state and local system of
resources and support for children and families. 18.7% P
16773 Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Inc. (334)271-5300 www.asf.net
EIN#630652734 ASF entertains and enlightens all ages by producing
Shakespeare, classical, and contemporary plays; serves as an
educational resource; and fosters the development of new works.
24.1% A, B, N
45506 Alzheimers of Central Alabama, Inc. (205)871-7970 www.alzca.
org EIN#631068096 Provides services for families and patients:
education, respite, continence products, adult day care, resource
center, support groups, counseling, patient safety, newsletter,
advocacy, and research. 11.2% E, G, H
88938 Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Inc. (334)702-2273 www.
wesharethecare.org EIN#631250151 We provide caregiver support
groups, caregiver newsletters, website, counseling, wandering
program, respite grants, educational materials and conferences for
families, caregivers, and victims of Alzheimer’s disease. 12.1% E, G, P
94414 American Red Cross - Alabama Gulf Coast Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (251)554-6150 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates human suffering after disasters and helps
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies along Alabama’s
Gulf Coast. 21.2% M, P, W
20825 American Red Cross - Alabama Lakes Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (256)234-3291 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps prevent,
prepare for, and respond to emergencies in Alabama’s Lake Martin
area. 22.8% M, P, W
45428 American Red Cross - Calhoun-Cleburne Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (256)236-0391 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps prevent,
prepare for, and respond to emergencies in Calhoun and Cleburne
Counties. 20.9% M, P, W
47560 American Red Cross - East Alabama Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (205)749-9981 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates human suffering after disasters and helps
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies in East Alabama.
21.2% M, P, W
44063 American Red Cross - Etowah-Cherokee Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (256)547-8867 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps prevent,
prepare for, and respond to emergencies in Etowah and Cherokee
Counties. 21.3% M, P, W
49550 American Red Cross - South Central Alabama Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (334)428-2680 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates human suffering after disasters and helps
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies in South Central
Alabama. 20.3% M, P, W
American Red Cross - Talladega-St. Clair County Chapter
(American National Red Cross) (256)362-2061 www.redcross.org/
alabama EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization
that prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps
prevent, prepare for, and respond to Talladega and St. Clair County
emergencies. 20.8% M, P, W
American Red Cross - Walker-Marion Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (205)387-1478 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps prevent,
prepare for, and respond to emergencies in Walker and Marion
Counties. 18.9% M, P, W
American Red Cross - Washington-Choctaw Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (251)847-2491 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates suffering after disasters and helps prevent,
prepare for, and respond to emergencies in Washington and Choctaw
Counties. 20.2% M, P, W
American Red Cross - West Alabama Chapter (American
National Red Cross) (205)758-3608 www.redcross.org/alabama
EIN#530196605 A volunteer-led humanitarian organization that
prevents and alleviates human suffering after disasters and helps
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies in West Alabama.
20.9% M, P, W
American Red Cross - Wiregrass Chapter (American National Red
Cross) (334)792-9852 www.redcross.org/alabama EIN#530196605 A
volunteer-led humanitarian organization that prevents and alleviates
human suffering after disasters and helps prevent, prepare for, and
respond to emergencies in Alabama’s Wiregrass area. 20.9% M, P, W
Angel Airlines for Life - Alabama (Mercy Medical Airlift) (205)3321693 www.angelairlinesforlife.org EIN#364683576 Saves lives by
patients who are referred to distant specialized medical evaluation,
diagnosis, or treatment. 0.0% P, W, E
Angel Flight Soars, Inc. (877)426-2643www.angelflightsoars.org/cfc
isn’t stopped by boundaries. Cures shouldn’t be either - whether the
boundaries are geographic or monetary. 10.1% E, P, W
Arc of Tuscaloosa County, Inc., The (205)556-4900 www.
organization that helps people with intellectual and developmental
disabilities learn skills and secure services needed to reach personal
goals and needs. 19.2% F, P, J
Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. (334) 598-2508 www.
the US Army Aviation Museum, which offers free admission, tours,
including special education classes whose safety is monitored by tour
guides. 22.5% A, B, W
Autism Spectrum Counseling Center, Incorporated (334)868-1589
www.autismspectrumcenter.org EIN#800754051 Providing behavioral
health counseling services for individuals with mental disorders
hyperactivity, and social communication disorder. 0.0% F, O, V
Big Bend Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc. (334)447-8110 www.
bigbendwildlife.org EIN#592930773 An organization dedicated to
care for sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife through rehabilitation and
public education programs that enhance awareness, appreciation, and
respect for wildlife. 134.1% B, D, W
Big Oak Ranch, Inc. (205)467-6226 www.bigoak.org EIN#237413017
A Christian home providing total care for neglected, abused, or
homeless children. 18.3% P, O
Blacks in Government, General Chappie James Chapter (Blacks
in Government) (334)462-8493 www.facebook.com/GCJC.BIG
EIN#582239824 Provides student leadership and communication
training to develop skills and creativity. Promotes opportunities in
government workplace through advocacy, education, training, legal,
Boy Scouts of America, Black Warrior Council (205)554-1680 www.
bwc-bsa.org EIN#630288816 Supporting the development of youth
through Scouting values. These values teach: character, citizenship,
environment. 21.5% O, N, S
Boy Scouts of America, Chattahooche Council (706)327-263
www.chattahoochee-bsa.org EIN#580601576 Scouting programs
build the leaders of tomorrow by helping the youth of today overcome
challenges with honor and courage. 23.2% B, O, P
Caring Days Adult Day Care (Caring Congregations) (205)752-6840
www.caringdays.org EIN#631177728 Provides day care programs
and tracking devices for adults with Alzheimer’s and other memory
disorders. Caregivers and community receive support, education, and
respite. 18.0% P, E, S
Central Alabama Laubach Literacy Council (334)264-1239 www.
centralalabamaliteracy.org EIN#631045923 Dedicated to individual
empowerment and community improvement through literacy, the
C.A.L.L. Council provides reading, writing, and spelling assistance to
adults wanting to change their lives. 44.9% B, J, N
Childrens Hospital of Alabama (205)638-9100 www.childrensal.
org EIN#630307306 Alabama’s only free-standing hospital dedicated
solely to the care and treatment of children, with 14,387 inpatient and
665,758 outpatient visits in 2013. 9.4% E, G, H
Covenant Hospice, Inc. (334)794-7847 www.covenanthospice.org
comprehensive, compassionate care to patients and loved ones during
times of life-limiting illness and bereavement. 17.5% E, P
Easter Seals Alabama, Inc. (334)395-4489 www.alabama.
easterseals.com EIN#630320188 Provides for unmet needs of the
disabled, transportation of children to clinics, purchase of orthopedic
appliances, comprehensive rehabilitation and therapeutic recreation,
public education and advocacy. 16.4% E, H, J
Enterprise Area Chamber Foundation, Inc. (334)347-0581 www.
enterprisealabama.com EIN#470889689 Serves as the communityacademic liaison and operates the Enterprise Teacher’s Assistance
Center to provide desperately needed classroom supplies not available
due to budget shortfalls. 0.0% B, O, U
Epilepsy Foundation of Alabama (Epilepsy Chapter of Mobile and
Gulf Coast, Inc.) (800) 626-1582 www.epilepsyfoundationalabama.org
EIN#630718795 Improves quality of life for individuals with seizures.
Services: information and referral, consultations, employment
assistance, advocacy, epilepsy awareness clubs, community and
professional education, summer camp. 20.5% G, E, J
Faith Broadcasting, Inc. (334)271-8900 www.faithradio.org
EIN#630818257 Independent, non-commercial network of eight FM
radio stations (WLBF, WSTF, WDYF) serving North, Central, and
Southern Alabama with information and inspiration from a JudeoChristian worldview. 17.1% X, B, Z
Father Purcell Memorial Exception Children’s Center (St Judes
Catholic Hospital) (334)834-5590 www.fpchildrenshospital.org
EIN#630380763 Health care facility for physically disabled children
ages birth to 21, located in Montgomery, Alabama. 9.2% B, E, P
First Choice Women’s Medical Center (Sav-A-Life Montgomery,
EIN#630830699 Provides pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy
counseling, adoption referrals, abortion recovery counseling, men’s
fraternity. 17.7% P
Food Bank of East Alabama, Inc. (334)821-9006 www.
foodbankofeastalabama.com EIN#631112492 Feeds the needy of
food pantries. 8.2% K, M, P
Fort Rucker Army Community Service-Army Family Action Plan
(334)255-9631 www.ftruckermwr.com/ACS.htm EIN#113785135 A
Army and resolves quality-of-life issues submitted by soldiers and
families. 0.0% P, Z
Fort Rucker Army Community Service-Army Family Team
Building (334)255-9631 www.ftruckermwr.com/ACS.htm
EIN#113785135 Provides a self-development program that provides
military family members with the knowledge necessary to face the
opportunities and challenges associated with the military lifestyle. 0.0%
P, Z
Fort Rucker Army Community Service-Army Volunteer Corps
(334)255-9578 www.ftruckermwr.com/ACS.htm EIN#113785135 Army
Volunteer Corps provides volunteer opportunities to promote overall
development of soldiers and families in the Fort Ruck community while
supporting soldier readiness and retention. 0.0% T, P
Fort Rucker Army Community Service-Emergency Food
Assistance Program (334)255-9631 www.ftruckermwr.com/ACS.htm
EIN#113785135 A short-term emergency food assistance program
designed to provide soldiers and family members with basic food
supplies for approximately three days. 0.0% P
Fort Rucker - Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (334)2559810 www.ftruckermwr.com EIN#113785135 Provides military families
with knowledge necessary to face the opportunities and challenges of
military lifestyle. Training provided: basic military knowledge, personal
growth, and leadership development. 0.0% P, Z
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama, Inc. (205)980-4750 www.
girlscoutsnca.org EIN#630288834 Girl Scouts, the premier leadership
who make the world a better place. 13.1% O, P
Habitat for Humanity of Autauga and Chilton Counties, Inc.
(Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.) (334)365-4132 www.
habitatautaugachilton.org EIN#631081438 We partner with low-income
families to create decent, affordable housing through new construction
and renovations which are offered with a zero-interest mortgage.
10.9% L, S, P
Humane Society of Elmore County, Inc. (334)567-3377 www.
elmorehumane.org EIN#630897123 Animal shelter providing a caring
and humane environment for 5,000 homeless and unwanted animals
annually; enriching families and the community through pet adoption
and education. 12.7% D, M, W
Judge Advocate General’s School Foundation, Inc. (334)531-4467
www.jagschoolfoundation.org EIN#631090835 Secures funds to
support the Air Force Judge Advocate General’s School’s mission of
initial and continuing education of Air Force attorneys and paralegals.
4.5% B
Kappa Alpha Psi Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery, Inc.
(334)281-6205 www.kappafoundation-mac.org EIN#800074492 To
inspire achievement through leadership skills, cultural enrichment, and
character development of African American males between the ages of
9 and 18. 6.1% O, B
Kelcie’s Place, Inc. (334)224-0258 www.kelcieplace.org
EIN#202688253 Special events/summer program for teens/young
adults with autism. We provide resources to the community, education,
social, emotional support for participants and their families. 0.0% F, N,
King’s Home (205)553-0045 www.kingshome.org EIN#630760276
Provides long-term therapeutic residential programs for youth,
moms and children seeking refuge, hope and help from domestic
circumstances. 10.8% P, L, F
Legal Services Alabama, Inc. (334)832-4570 www.alabamalegalhelp.
org EIN#630743038 Provides high quality free civil legal help to the
poor for evictions, foreclosures, collections, garnishments, public
R, W
Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association, Inc. (850)648-8900 www.
in the Gulf of Mexico (Bay County, Florida). It focuses on reef and
2.6% C, D, N
Montgomery Area Food Bank, Inc. (334)263-378 www.
montgomeryareafoodbank.org EIN#630931846 Montgomery
Area Food Bank solicits, collects, inspects, cleans, processes,
and warehouses surplus, salvageable, and donated food which is
distributed to the hungry at no charge. 1.6% K, P, W
Montgomery Habitat for Humanity (Habitat for Humanity
International, Inc.) (334)832-9313 www.habitatmontal.org
EIN#630962593 Putting God’s love into action by bringing community
supporters together to build safe, affordable homes in partnership with
families in need of decent shelter. 12.3% L, S, W
Montgomery Humane Society (334)409-0622 www.
montgomeryhumane.com EIN#630351564 Provides food, water,
shelter, and medical attention for unwanted homeless animals. Places
pets for adoption, rescues animals in distress, and investigates animal
cruelty. 16.1% D, L, M
North Alabama Prison Ministry, Inc. (256)777-3885 www.
prisonhope.org EIN#311624506 This ministry operates “Prison Hope”,
a free, nondenominational Bible correspondence school for inmates,
their friends, and family by sharing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
0.0% X, P
Ozark-Dale County Humane Society (334)774-7387 www.odchs.
com EIN#470946146 Abandoned and homeless dogs and cats are
helpless. ODCHS rescues them. They remain at our no-kill shelter
until their permanent home is found. 0.0% Z
Resources for Independence, Inc. (305)273-3055 www.
sunrisegroup.org EIN#631113642 Our goal is to provide people with
intellectual and physical challenges, the support necessary to live
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Central Alabama
Chapter (205)780-2355 www.sicklecellbham.org EIN#630760935
Thousands of Americans are affected by rare blood disorders. This
agency provides free testing and education regardless to race or color.
24.6% G, E, H
SOS Animal Adoption Center (334)393-1743 www.sosshelter.com
homes for unwanted animals and educates the community to help
3.9% D, W
Temporary Emergency Service, Inc. (205)758-5535 www.
for individuals and families by assisting with various daily needs such
as food, clothing, utility bills, prescriptions, and other services. 22.8% P,
K, L
Tuscaloosa’s One Place (Tuscaloosa Family Resource Center,
Inc.) (205)462-1000 www.tuscaloosaoneplace.org EIN#631212904
Provides family-oriented services, including: after-school programs,
GED/ESL, employment readiness, parenting, and marriage classes;
case management; and emergency assistance to Tuscaloosa County
citizens. 7.5% B, J, P
United Methodist Children’s Home (334)386-535 www.umch.net
EIN#630302145 Abused, neglected, traumatized children, young
group homes, scholarship homes, foster care programs, and family
preservation services. 26.6% F, L, O
United Way of Lee County, Inc. (334)745-5540 www.
organization administers emergency funds for indigent clients and
collaborates with community health and human service organizations
to address local community needs. 15.1% P, K, O
United Way of West Alabama, Inc. (205)345-6640 www.uwwa.org
EIN#630321464 Helping children and youth achieve their potential
independent, improving people’s health, and responding to emergency/
disaster needs. 20.4% S, P, W
United Ways of Alabama (334)269-4505 www.211connectsalabama.
org; www.unitedwaysofalabama.org EIN#753165175 2-1-1 is an easyto-remember dialing code linking those in need to help. In 2013, 2-1-1
helped over 169,547 callers and had 188,000+ web visits. 10.3% E, F,
43931 West Alabama Food Bank, Inc. (205)333-5353 www.
westalabamafoodbank.org EIN#630947676 We distribute nearly
3 million pounds of food annually through our mobile food pantry,
member agency, backpack meals, mini-mobile pantry, and brown bag
programs. 4.1% K, M, P
62628 Wiregrass Children’s Home (334)692-5100 www.
wiregrasschildrenshome.org EIN#631086542 Provides emergency
shelter for abused and neglected children serving 6 counties. Provides
safe haven for boys and girls so siblings can remain together. 31.1% L,
O, P
75008 Wiregrass Hope Group, Inc. (334)793-5433 www.
trimester ultrasound scans; mentoring programs, Biblically-based
counsel, educational classes provide for: pregnant clients, young
fathers, married and engaged couples, women, teens. 13.8% X, P, Z
80298 Wounded Warrior Family Foundation (334)391-8751 www.
wondedwarriorfamilyfoundation.com EIN#272390160 Relieve
post-traumatic stress, despair and danger of suicide by insuring that
every spouse and child of wounded/killed military receive educational/
17836 Young Mens Christian Association of Tuscaloosa County
Alabama, Inc. (205)345-9622 www.ymcatuscaloosa.org
EIN#630302189 The YMCA of Tuscaloosa is a service organization
that puts Christian principals into practice through programs that build
health Spirit, Mind, and Body for all. 53.1% N, P, O
Community Health Charities
of the Southeast
Federation and Member Organizations
59297 Community Health Charities of the Southeast (770) 457-870
www.healthcharities.org/southeast EIN#581705677 Partnering with
America’s most trusted health charities to deliver credible health
charitable giving to employees in the workplace. 3.6% E, G, H
38389 Alzheimer’s Association, Alabama/Florida Panhandle (Alzheimer’s
Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.) 205-970-6118
consultation, education, support groups, Safe Return, and other
services to people with Alzheimer’s disease and caregivers coping with
the disease challenges. 4.9% G, E, F
25747 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (American
Lebanese Syrian Assoc Char Inc) (770) 416-7707 www.stjude.org
EIN#351044585 Researches and treats deadly childhood diseases,
primarily cancer. No family ever pays St. Jude for anything. Research
92783 ALS Association, Alabama Chapter, The (Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis Association) (256) 519-9030 www.alsalabama.org
empowering people with Lou Gehrig’s disease to live fuller lives by
providing compassionate care and support.. 19.4% G, H,
43425 American Diabetes Association-Alabama & Mississippi
(American Diabetes Association Inc) (205) 870-5172 www.diabetes.
org EIN#131623888 The association’s mission is to prevent and cure
diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes
through research information and advocacy. 13.2% E, H, R
32550 American Kidney Fund Southeast Regional Office (American
Kidney Fund Inc) (404) 658-142 www.kidneyfund.org EIN#237124261
States and education to those who are at risk for kidney disease. 4.5%
E, G, M
48037 Arc of Alabama (334) 262-7688 www.TheArcofAlabama.com
EIN#630483374 Advocates for the rights and needs of, and improves
the quality of life for, individuals with intellectual and developmental
disabilities and their families. 20.0% R, S, W
89882 Arthritis Foundation Inc. Southeast Region (Arthritis Foundation
Inc.) (334)254-6795 www.arthritis.org/alabama EIN#383806275
Improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control, and cure of
arthritis through a variety of educational services, exercise programs,
forums, health fairs, and research. 24.8% E, H, R
52970 Autism Society of Alabama, Inc. (205) 383-1675 www.autismalabama.org EIN#743099595 Provides state level advocacy/
representation, information/referral, networking groups, family
enrichment activities, conferences and seminars, family camps,
promotes awareness. 16.7% E, P, W
85772 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America- Alabama Chapter
(Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America) (646) 387-2149 www.ccfa.
org/chapters/Alabama EIN#136193105 To improve the quality of life of
adults and children with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis through
education and support. 15.0% E, R, T
30819 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Alabama Chapter (Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation) (205) 870-8565 www.cff.org EIN#630511731 Supports
specialized medical care through a nationwide network of centers;
offers pharmacy and other patient services. 17.9% E, H, P
39905 JDRF International - Alabama Chapter (JDRF International) (205)
871-0333 www.jdrf.org/Alabama EIN#231907729 Helps us improve
the lives of children and adults living with type 1 diabetes (TID) through
funding research to cure, treat and prevent the disease. 5.2% H, G, E
57110 Kid One Transport System, Inc. (205) 978-1000 www.kidone.
org EIN#631165579 To provide transportation for children and
expectant mothers, who have limited or no mean, to needed medical
appointments. 19.2% E, R, Z
72419 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Alabama/Gulf Coast Chapter
(Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc.) (205) 989-0098 www.lls.org/
al EIN#135644916 LLS supports research, public and professional
patients and referral services through our patient services programs.
20.3% E, H, W
31511 Lupus Foundation of America Mid-South Chapter (615) 298-2273
www.lupusmidsouth.org EIN#621204893 Voluntary health organization
education and training of health professionals, public awareness and
patient support. 30.5% G, P, W
54557 March of Dimes, Alabama Chapter (March of Dimes Foundation)
(205) 824-0103 www.marchofdimes.com/alabama EIN#131846366
Improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects and
infant mortality through research, community services, public and
professional health education and advocacy. 9.1% H, E, P
92734 Muscular Dystrophy Association, Southeastern States (Muscular
Dystrophy Association) (334) 396-453 www.mda.org EIN#131665552
Fighting neuromuscular diseases through worldwide research, a
nationwide network of clinics offering comprehensive medical services
and far-reaching professional and public health education. 12.3% H, G,
95227 National Kidney Foundation Serving Georgia & Alabama
(National Kidney Foundation, Inc.) (770) 452-1539 www.kidney.org
EIN#131673104 Dedicated to improving the health and well being of
individuals and families affected by kidney disease. 8.9% G, E, H
27298 National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Alabama Mississippi
Chapter (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) (205) 879-8546 www.
nationalmssociety.org/alc EIN#630367194 Helps address the
challenges of living with MS through direct services as well as through
the support of MS research. 14.2% E, P, W
55099 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama (205) 638-7255
www.rmhca.org EIN#630753358 Operates Birmingham’s Ronald
McDonald House, an affordable, supportive, temporary home-awayfrom-home for 1200 families of sick children each year. 34.5% L, P, G
63793 Sarrell Regional Dental Center for Public Health Inc. (334) 4101603 www.sarrelldental.org EIN#200232609 Provides needed oral
health services to underserved children with no other place to turn for
the care they need. 11.9% E, P, Z
10178 Southeastern Diabetes Education Services Inc (205) 402-0415
www.southeasterndiabetes.org EIN#631091899 SDES teaches
children to live well with diabetes at Camp Seale Harris’ overnight
diabetes camp, diabetes day camps and year- round community family
education programs. 14.4% G, E, O
39704 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer Foundation,
North Central Alabama Affiliate (Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.) (205) 263-1700 www.komenncalabama.org
EIN#752844656 Working every day to save lives and end breast
cancer by providing for screening and treatment services, educational
programs and funding for breast cancer research. 8.9% G, H, W
99652 United Cerebral Palsy of Alabama Inc. (256) 237-8203 www.
ucpalabama.org EIN#630773409 Provided services to children and
adults with Cerebral Palsy and developmental disabilities through
Tuscaloosa and Tuscumbia. 0.3% G, E, P
River Region United Way
Federation and Member Organizations
44067 River Region United Way (334)264-7318 www.riverregionunitedway.
org EIN#630330778 Advances the common good in education,
income, and health. Raising funds, forming collaborations with private,
public, and governmental organizations in Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes,
Macon, Montgomery. 26.2% S, P, W
51517 Aid to Inmate Mothers (334)262-2245 www.inmatemoms.org
EIN#631032194 Offers visits with children, family outreach, education,
support services, aftercare and transitional housing to inmate mothers,
promoting success in transition from prison to community life. 9.6% W,
L, P
83741 American Cancer Society Mid-South Division (American Cancer
Society, Inc) (334)612-8165 www.cancer.org EIN#131788491 The
American Cancer Society saves lives and creates more birthdays by
back. 20.3% P, G, H
69893 American Heart Association Greater Southeast Affiliate (205)5101509 www.americanheart.org EIN#135613797 By 2020, to improve the
cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths
from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%. 22.6% G, H, E
59497 American Red Cross of Central Alabama (American National Red
Cross) (334)260-4016 www.montgomeryarc.org EIN#530196605 We
are a humanitarian organization, led by volunteers, that prevents and
alleviates human suffering after disasters and helps prevent, prepare
for and respond to emergencies. 20.8% M, P, W
44567 ARC of Eastern Elmore County (Association for Retarded Citizens
of Eastern Elmore County) (334)514-0708 www.thearcofalabama.com/
chapters/elmore.html EIN#631010538 The ARC of Eastern Elmore
County provides day habilitation and residential services to adults with
intellectual disabilities. 13.0% L, F, B
Autauga County Family Support Center (Family Support Center,
which provides free programs focused at improving the quality of life in
children and families through education, advocacy and employment.
11.4% B, J, W
Autauga Western Elmore ARC (334)365-4054 http://smithcenterarc.
blogspot.com EIN#630889927 Training prepares adults with
intellectual disabilities for fullest possible participation in their
community. Provides adult residential program and early intervention
for disabled children 0-3 years. 13.7% B, F, P
Boy Scouts of America, Tukabatchee Area Council, Inc. (Boy
Scouts of America) (334)262-2697 www.tukabatcheebsa.org
EIN#630302109 Youth service organization serving youth ages 6-20
through Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, venturing, exploring and learning for
life based on Scout Oath and Law. 20.1% B, N, O
Boys and Girls Clubs of the River Region Inc. (334)832-4288
www.begreatmontgomery.org EIN#630302108 Providing after-school
programs to at-risk youth ages 6-18 in character & leadership,
arts. 26.0% A, N, O
Brantwood Children’s Home (Children’s Protective Association)
(334)265-078 www.brantwoodchildrenshome.org EIN#630318657
Serving Alabama’s abused, neglected, homeless youth since 1917.
Providing a loving, structured home that includes an on-site school,
drug free living and job readiness programs. 15.6% P, L, O
Camp ASCCA-Easter Seals (256)825-9226 www.campascca.org
EIN#630680272 Easter Seals Camp ASCCA provides year-round
camping, recreation, and outdoor education opportunities for people
with disabilities. 22.0% E, N, P
Catholic Social Services (334)288-8890 www.cssalabama.org
EIN#630627699 Assists with emergency utilities, food, clothing,
counseling, domestic/ international pregnancy support services,
medication assistance, services to frail elderly, immigration resources.
7.0% F, P
Chemical Addictions Program, Inc. (334)269-2150 www.capmgm.
September 28, 1978. CAP exists to provide services to individuals
suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. 35.0% Z
Child Protect, Inc. (334)262-1220 www.childprotect.org
EIN#631014993 The mission of Child Protect is to interview, counsel
and be an advocate for children when there are allegations of abuse.
21.0% I, F, R
Children’s Center of Montgomery, Inc. (PTA Alabama Congress)
(334)262-4850 www.mps.k12.al.us EIN#630356658 Children’s
Center provides services for children and adults with disabilities and
medical fragility. Services include academics, therapy, medical and
recreational. 23.0% B, O, Z
Easter Seals Central Alabama (Easter Seals Alabama Inc) (334)2880240 www.eastersealsca.org EIN#630435761 A comprehensive
rehabilitation center providing life enhancing programs including
speech and autism, vocational evaluation, employment services, job
skills training, and services for persons with disabilities. 11.6% E, J, P
Family Guidance Center (334)270-4100 www.familyguidancecenter.
org EIN#630400591 Counseling services for children, couples,
families; parenting education, marriage enrichment, child care support/
training, pre-k programs, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program, job
training, emergency services. 7.3% F, O, P
Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama, Inc. (334)272-916 www.
girlscoutssa.org EIN#630421430 Girls Scouts offers its leadership
character, who make the world a better place. 17.7% O, W, B
Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama, Inc. (334)263-4633
www.algoodwill.org EIN#630522335 Provides training, vocational
rehabilitation, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities
or other vocational problems that creates barriers to competitive
employment. 7.1% P
Hospice of Montgomery, Inc. (334)279-6677 www.
organization that provides in-home physical, emotional, spiritual and
bereavement services to terminally ill patients and families regardless
of their ability to pay. 20.1% E, G, P
Maxwell-Gunter Youth Activities (Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex Youth
Program) (334)416-3436 www.maxwellservices.us/family_member_
programs.php EIN#630501944 Provides developmentally appropriate
organized programs to military youth, which includes sports,
instructional, social, school age and summer programs. 0.0% O, Z, N
Mental Health America in Montgomery (334)262-5500 www.
mhamontgomery.com EIN#630328645 Agency through which
volunteers and staff work to improve conditions for mentally ill adults
and educate about mental illness. Free speakers, educations
materials, and programs. 31.9% F, P, W
Montgomery Area Council on Aging (334)263-0532 www.macoa.org
EIN#630634950 Assist senior citizens by providing services to promote
independent living, offering opportunities to enhance their quality of life,
and increasing community awareness of senior issues. 14.5% K, E, P
Montgomery Area Family Violence & Program, Inc. (334)206-2100
www.familysunshine.org EIN#630756933 Family Sunshine Center
assists victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services
include 24-hour crisis line, safe shelter, counseling, advocacy and
school-based educational programs. 18.6% L, F, J
Montgomery Area Nontraditional Equestrians (334)213-0909
www.maneweb.org EIN#582213532 MANE was formed in 1994, we
provide safe and effective therapeutic horseback riding opportunities
to Montgomery Area children and adults who have physical, cognitive,
and developmental disabilities. 7.7% D, P, N
Montgomery Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. (334)281-6938
EIN#630418302 MARC is serving individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities through adult day training, workshops, inhome support, and residential services to promote independence and
living skills. 12.4% B, E, P
Nellie Burge Community Center, Inc. (334)264-4108 www.
nellieburge.org EIN#630289906 Provide transitional housing to
Second Chance Foundation (334)263-9733 EIN#631213248 Day
treatment and remediation services for youth expelled from school.
Individual, group, and family counseling, credit recovery, life skills
classes, community service, structure and support. 13.5% F, B, O
Sickle Cell Foundation of Greater Montgomery, Inc. (334)2869122 www.sicklecellmtgy.org EIN#630830977 Provides education,
screening, counseling, and referral services in preventing and treating
Sickle Cell disease. Hosts support group gatherings for anemia and
trait victims. 21.3% B, E, G
Volunteer & Information Center, The (334)264-3335 www.handsonriverregion.org EIN#630663412 Hands On River Region inspires,
equips, and mobilizes people to take action to meet local needs and
create positive change in their community. 6.2% P, S, W
Young Men’s Christian Association Montgomery, Inc.
(334)269-4362 www.ymcamontgomery.org EIN#630288885 We are
working hard to build and strengthen the community through youth
development, healthy living, and social responsibility regardless of
one’s ability to pay. 22.0% P, N, O
Young Men’s Christian Association of Prattville, AL, Inc.
(334)365-8852 www.prattvilleymca.org EIN#636052425 Since 1963,
the Prattville YMCA has been improving lives in our community. At
the YMCA we are for youth development, healthy living and social
responsibility. 12.0% P, N, O
Military Family and Veterans Service
Organizations of America
Federation and Member Organizations
10272 Military Family and Veterans Service Organizations of America
(800)626-6526 www.mfvsoa.org EIN#943193418 We help keep
America strong, safe, and free by providing care, treatment, research
and rehabilitation to active military, veterans and their caregivers and
families. 1.6% P,W,Q
11449 82nd Airborne Division Association Educational Fund (281)8142377 www.82ndairborneassociation.org EIN#203991630 We provide
college and university scholarships to former active duty members
of the 82nd Airborne Division and dependent children of association
members. 12.9% B,A,Z
10516 AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (203)268-2450 www.quad-a.org
EIN#060799487 Scholarships for Army Aviation Association of America
members and selected dependents. AAAA pays all Foundation
expenses. 100% of donations applied to awards. 0.0% B,Z,A
99118 Air Compassion for Wounded Warriors (Air Compassion for
Veterans) (888)662-679 www.aircompassionforveterans.org
EIN#261685451 We are the largest program in the nation providing
free medically related air transportation to combat injured veterans and
their adversely affected family members. 9.8% E,P,W
12214 Air Force Association (800)727-3337 www.afa.org EIN#526043929
Join the Force behind the Force to promote and support aerospace
education, CyberPatriot, professional development, scholarships, Air
Force Airpower and our Air Force family. 18.9% Y,B,T
11953 Air Force Memorial Foundation (703)979-067 www.airforcememorial.
Airmen and their families. Our national treasure commemorates the
pride, reverence, and heritage of our Air Force. 15.5% W,B,Q
10517 Airmen Memorial Foundation (800)638-059 www.hqafsa.org
EIN#521323592 Airmen helping Airmen: Air Force Active Duty, Guard,
Reserves, active, retired and veteran enlisted personnel and their
10518 Airmen Memorial Museum (800)638-059 www.hqafsa.org
EIN#521609193 Presenting the Total Air Force enlisted corps through
public exhibits and educational research; concentrating on the
individual Airman and their rich history, contributions, and traditions.
11.8% B,W,Y
10519 AMVETS Charities (800)810-7148 www.amvetsnsf.org
EIN#521151181 Preserving freedom and supporting veterans and
active duty military personnel. We must never forget those who served
11993 Any Soldier Inc. (260)409-2340 www.anysoldier.com EIN#201240385
Support your troops directly using a searchable database of contacts
deployed overseas. We provide everything necessary, no middleman.
Send service members a touch of home. 16.6% P,W,Z
11333 Armed Forces Family Survivors Fund (Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund)
(800)340-HERO www.fallenheroesfund.org EIN#200366717 Provide
treatment facilities for military personnel severely injured in Iraq and
Afghanistan with programs fostering a family healing process. Also
called Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. 13.1% P,E,Z
10521 Armed Forces Foundation (Intrepid Relief Fund) (212)957-7020
www.irfund.org EIN#136894054 Severely injured military personnel
receive reconstructive surgery and medical care while their military
families are provided transportation/ lodging during surgery and
11085 Armed Services YMCA of the USA (800)597-1260 www.asymca.org
EIN#911883466 A top-rated military charity that impacts young enlisted
military and their families with innovative low and no-cost programs
and services to make military life easier. 6.9% P,O,S
69871 Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund (Lead the Way Fund Inc)
(516)439-5268 www.leadthewayfund.org EIN#208757694 We assist
active U.S. Army Rangers and their families with acute medical care,
recovery, health, wellness and other programs where government
funding falls short. 11.6% E,P,W
11282 Blinded American Veterans Foundation (800)242-0161 www.bavf.
org EIN#521419400 Helping blinded and sensory disabled veterans
attain their maximum potential through research, rehabilitation,
reemployment services. Free sensory aids lead to greater mobility and
independence. 8.6% E,J,W
10513 Blinded Veterans Association (800)669-7079 www.bva.org
EIN#530214281 Serving blinded veterans since 1945. BVA is the only
Veterans Service Organization exclusively dedicated to serving the
needs of America’s estimated 156,000 blinded veterans. 35.8% E,J,P
27236 Bob Woodruff Foundation (Bob Woodruff Family Foundation Inc)
(917)254-483 www.bobwoodrufffoundation.org EIN#261441650 We
ensure injured veterans and their families are thriving long after they
live and work. 16.1% W,S,P
93325 Bowlers to Veterans Link, The (703)934-6039 www.bowlforveterans.
org EIN#530211351 Help us brighten the days and boost the spirits of
active duty troops and hospitalized service men and women through
entertainment, the arts, sports, recreation. 9.3% W,N,A
11549 Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund (757)233-9136 www.cposf.
org EIN#200331953 Help us say yes - ensure all CPO family members
college, college or university of their choice. 20.1% B,O,W
10514 Coast Guard Foundation (860)535-0786 www.coastguardfoundation.
org EIN#042899862 Provide support through the Shipmate Fund to
Coast Guard members and their families through learning, recreation,
and morale programs in Coast Guard communities. 33.4% B,N,P
33011 Comfort for America’s Uniformed Services (703)591-4965 www.
cause-usa.org EIN#432037202 The war is NEVER over for wounded
physical and mental battles while recuperating in hospitals. 27.3%
11283 Congressional Medal of Honor Society (843)884-8862 www.cmohs.
org EIN#526056376 Protect the integrity and valor demonstrated by
America’s Military heroes, the Medal of Honor Recipients, preserve
their legacy of patriotism and character through education. 14.8%
11457 Daedalian Foundation (210)945-2113 www.daedalians.org
EIN#741365823 The Daedalian Foundation provides scholarships
and training to encourage young people towards a military career and
10510 Deceased Aviator Family Assistance - River Rats (Red River Valley
Association Inc) (866)401-7287 www.river-rats.org EIN#237033827
Military aviators killed in aircraft mishap. Who’ll help the widows/
children with college? We will! Over $2.2 million in tuition assistance
grants to date. 7.7% B,T,Z
11322 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust
(859)441-7300 www.cst.dav.org EIN#521521276 Empowering
Veterans To Lead High-Quality Lives With Dignity...Prosthetics
Research and Devices for Amputees; Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy;
Guide/Assistance Dogs; Comfort for Survivors. 4.5% W,P,T
11453 Fisher House Foundation(888)294-8560www.fisherhouse.org
EIN#113158401 We build and donate Fisher Houses at military/VA
medical centers, support existing houses, help military families in need
and award Scholarships for Military Children. 3.7% E,L,P
10780 Freedom Alliance (800)475-6620 www.freedomalliance.org
EIN#541411430 Provides college scholarships to children of fallen
military heroes, support activities for wounded and deployed troops
and their families. 14.0% O,P,W
27963 Gary Sinise Foundation (888)708-7757 www.garysinisefoundation.
org EIN#800587086 Help build homes for severely wounded veterans,
lift spirits of troops and their families through “Lt. Dan Band” concerts,
and support families of the fallen. 12.0% W,A,Z
50917 Homeless Veterans, National Coalition For (800)VET-HELP www.
nchv.org EIN#521826860 Support our nation’s former guardians. Help
end homelessness among America’s veterans. Ensure they receive
food, housing, health services, job training and placement, legal aid.
15.3% L,P,J
12525 Homes For Our Troops (508)823-3300 www.hfotusa.org
EIN#542143612 We build specially adapted, handicap-accessible
homes for severely injured veterans across the country. The homes
are provided at no cost to the veterans. 11.3% L,E,P
27800 Hope For The Warriors® (877)246-7349 www.hopeforthewarriors.org
EIN#205182295 Restore self, family and hope! Our programs support
employment and education, clinical health and wellness, sports and
recreation, build community and military relations and more. 16.4%
11956 Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project (913)432-121 www.
veteransvoices.org EIN#480987617 Veterans traumatized by war or
writing program. Publication of writing brings pride and self esteem.
11.4% F,A,P
75335 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Inc. (212)982-9699
www.iava.org EIN#201664531 We improve the lives of Iraq and
every day after. 18.3% R,Q,P
12282 Landstuhl Hospital Care Project (540)286-1512 www.
landstuhlhospitalcareproject.org EIN#753185497 Serving America’s
largest overseas U.S. Military Hospital, supporting wounded/injured
military members hospitalized overseas in Afghanistan, Germany and
Middle East, U.S. VA hospitals. 4.7% E,P,Z
10507 Marine Corps -- Law Enforcement Foundation (877)606-1775 www.
mc-lef.org EIN#223357410 Scholarships awarded to children of active
duty Marines and Federal Law Enforcement. Possible assistance for
children of Marines for medical expenses not covered by insurance.
1.6% B,Y,P
10195 Marine Corps League Foundation Inc (800)625-1775 www.
mclfoundation.org EIN#541537899 We provide scholarships, youth
programs, disaster relief and humanitarian aid to Marine Corps families
in need. We also provide Veterans facilities assistance. 11.6% O,Y,P
11284 Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (866)496-5462 www.mcsf.
org EIN#221905062 Oldest and largest provider of need-based
scholarships to military children. $80mil in scholarships awarded to
children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen since 1962. 23.8% B,O,T
11308 Marine Corps University Foundation (888)368-5341 www.mcuf.
org EIN#541143646 80,000+ Marine, Sister and International Service
students taught annually cutting-edge Professional Military Education
“Armed with Insight!” 21.9% B,Q,Z
11957 Military Chaplains Association of the USA (703)533-5890 www.
mca-usa.org EIN#530204613 Chaplains give spiritual care to our
Troops wherever they serve. Help us speak for chaplaincy, care for
10261 Military Child Education Coalition (254)953-1923 www.militarychild.
org EIN#742889416 Four million military connected children navigate
the challenges of deployments, transition and family separation. Your
donation supports the children of those who serve us all. 7.7% B,O,W
11365 Military Family Association, National (703)931-6632 www.
MilitaryFamily.org EIN#520899384 Helps military families with frequent
uprooting and wartime stress, separations, wounds, and loss through
uplifting programs designed to heal, strengthen, and reduce their
challenges. 17.9% R,O,P
11285 Military Officers Association of America Scholarship Fund
(800)234-6622 www.moaa.org/scholarshipfund EIN#541659039 100%
of all CFC donations provide interest-free loans or grants to children
a college education. 1.5% B,O,P
10508 Ministry to the Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Chaplaincy
(National Conference on Ministy to the Armed Forces) (703)608-2100
www.ncmaf.org EIN#541188519 Serving the spiritual needs of all
military and VA (veteran) members and their families. We represent
most all denominations/faith communities in the United States. 16.3%
10176 National Guard Youth Foundation (703)684-5437 www.ngyf.org
EIN#541940978 Reclaiming the lives of high school dropouts by
giving at-risk youths a second chance to succeed in their life through
education, scholarships, internships, and mentoring. 12.1% O,P,B
80966 National Veterans Legal Services Program, Inc. (202)265-8305
www.nvlsp.org EIN#521238058 Providing free legal services to
Department of Veterans Affairs and the United States Armed Forces.
25.3% P,R,W
11010 Naval Historical Foundation (888)880-0102 www.navyhistory.org
EIN#530196627 The Foundation preserves and commemorates
naval history, and educates the public through Navy Museum exhibits,
STEM-H programs, publications and outreach to our members
nationwide. 32.0% B,A,Q
11454 Navy SEAL Foundation (757)363-7490 www.navysealfoundation.org
EIN#311728910 Honor and remember our Navy SEAL warriors and
their families. Invest in education, family resiliency, and wounded care.
Support surviving families. Preserve a legacy. 6.2% B,P,Z
12526 Operation Homefront (800)722-6098 www.operationhomefront.net
EIN#320033325 Be a caring Patriot! Support our military families - help
military families and Wounded Warriors. 3.9% W,P,S
93327 Operation Second Chance, Inc (888)672-4838 www.
operationsecondchance.org EIN#202624345 Providing emergency
assistance and recreation to wounded veterans and their families. Help
facilitate their transition into civilian society. Promotes public awareness
for our wounded veterans. 6.9% P,L,W
Operation: Care And Comfort (408)832-2929 www.occ-usa.org
EIN#273116300 Deeds not words! All volunteer OCC supports troops
overseas, veterans and their families through care packages sent
USPS, Tickets for Troops, Adopt-a-Military Family. 1.5% P,T,N
Our Military Kids Inc. (703)734-665 www.ourmilitarykids.org
EIN#562483648 Awards grants to children of deployed National Guard
and Reserves and all Wounded Warriors for extracurricular activities
and tutoring to sustain them during parent’s absence. 8.0% O,F,N
Outserve-SLDN (202)328-324 www.outserve-sldn.org
EIN#521845000 OutServe-SLDN empowers, supports, and defends
the DOD and military service LGBT community, veterans, and their
families, while working to strengthen our military’s culture of inclusion.
35.6% R,I,S
Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Education and
Training Foundation (ETF) (800)424-8200 www.pvaresearch.org
EIN#942733585 They fought to protect us. Give these courageous
survivors the tools to improve their quality of life. Support research,
education, disability rights, sports programs. 0.5% B,T,G
Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation (703)838-1085 www.
penfedfoundation.org EIN#542062271 Help us support military heroes
homes and safe alternatives to payday lending. 23.5% P,S,W
Ranger Memorial Foundation (National Ranger Memorial Foundation
Inc) (706)687-0906 www.rangermemorial.org EIN#581984783
Recognizes and honors the contribution of all U.S. Army Rangers.
Provides informational presentations to organizations and educational
scholarships to Rangers and eligible dependents. 9.2% W,P,Z
Segs4Vets (Disability Rights Advocates For Technology) (314)9654938 www.Segs4Vets.org EIN#550877645 Restoring mobility to vets
who sustained severe injuries resulting in permanent disability while
serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Support Segs4Vets’ awarding of
Segway mobility devices. 7.4% Q,U,W
Semper Fi Fund (Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund) (760)725-3680
www.SemperFiFund.org EIN#260086305 Help us serve injured and
critically ill post-9/11 service members and their families with immediate
5.8% P,W,F
Sew Much Comfort (952)431-6233 www.sewmuchcomfort.org
EIN#753178122 Providing free customized adaptive clothing for
wounded service members from all Military branches. Open sided
velcro seams accommodates medical devices, provides personal
independence and comfort. 2.2% P,T,E
Snowball Express (214)334-1710 www.snowballexpress.org
EIN#205627830 Children of fallen military heroes who died serving our
country since 9/11 are brought together to create a future of hope and
new memories. 6.4% P,O,F
Soldiers’ Angels (615)676-0239 www.soldiersangels.org
EIN#200583415 We provide aid and comfort to America’s service
members, veterans, wounded and military families, through hands-on
volunteerism and enabling the support of a grateful nation. 21.3%
Special Operations Warrior Foundation (813)805-9400 www.
specialops.org EIN#521183585 Provide scholarship grants and
counseling to children of special operations who die in the line of duty.
5.5% P,B,O
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) (202)588-8277
www.taps.org EIN#920152268 Honor America’s Fallen Heroes.
TAPS supports everyone grieving a loved one in the military with
compassionate care, children’s camps, 24/7 national military survivor
helpline. 13.8% F,O,W
Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation (310)215-3985 www.
taisf.org EIN#870731160 To preserve the legacy of the Tuskegee
and deserving students in the pursuit of their college education. 19.5%
Unit Scholarship Fund (910)624-230 www.unitscholarshipfund.org
EIN#561851232 Mission: To provide merit based scholarships and
educational enrichment opportunities to the families of current and
veteran unit members. 0.8% B,P,Q
USA Cares Inc. (800)773-0387 www.usacares.org EIN#050588761
PTSD, Foreclosure, Unemployment, Food shortage, Utility shut offHelp us respond to hundreds of real military families in CRISIS every
week. Help us help them. 17.3% F,J,P
Veterans Airlift Command (952)582-2911 www.veteransairlift.org
EIN#204567769 Free private air transportation to combat wounded
veterans and families for medical and other compassionate purposes
through national network of volunteer aircraft owners and pilots. 1.9%
Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation (816)968-1128 www.
vfwfoundation.org EIN#431758998 Support U.S. troops! Telephone
families. VA claims assistance and community service programs. All
free. 16.1% T,P,O
Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children (800)4248360 www.vfwnationalhome.org EIN#381359597 National organization
serving America’s military and veteran families during times of crisis.
Services include nationwide Helpline and family campus programs.
27.6% O,P,W
11324 Veterans Support Foundation (301)585-4000 www.vsf-usa.org
EIN#133648561 Veterans committed to bettering the lives of today’s
disabled veterans and their families by awarding grants to provide
essential housing, education and medical needs. 78.3% B,L,W
11350 Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation
(800)222-229 www.womensmemorial.org EIN#521513535 Honor all
American servicewomen throughout history who helped guarantee our
freedom! Help us maintain and build the history, and educate future
generations about women’s contribution. 32.2% A,B,W
11450 Wounded Warrior Emergency Support Fund (Air Warrior
Courage Foundation) (301)588-3283 www.airwarriorcourage.org/
EIN#770490412 Honor our Wounded Warriors! We provide rehab
services at three Military Medical Centers, and starter IRS 529 College
Savings Plans for dependents of aircrews KIA. 2.4% P,W,T
11954 Young Marines (800)717-0060 www.youngmarines.com
EIN#382346425 We strengthen the lives of America’s youth by
honoring veterans and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. 14.7% O,S,N
Family and Health Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
12555 Family and Health Charities (Health and Human Services Charities
of America Inc) (978)712-4122 www.hhusa.org EIN#205300189
Autistic children, senior citizens, the ill and the disabled deserve and
need our support. A society is only as strong as its most vulnerable
members. 5.0% E,P,G
35499 Affordable Housing for All (RHF Foundation) (562)257-5100 www.
rhf.org EIN#912145934 Many economically disadvantaged families
make desperate choices between paying rent and purchasing food or
medications. We provide safe, decent, secure, affordable housing for
those in-need. 2.0% L,P,W
67628 AIDS Empowerment, International (915)590-2118 www.
internationalaids.org EIN#742967366 The AIDS epidemic has affected
millions globally. Help us assist families impacted by this tragic
disease. Saving lives is our daily mission. 7.6% P,E,K
28582 Asian Pacific Center on Aging, National (206)624-1221 www.
napca.org EIN#521266741 The nation’s leading advocacy and service
organization committed to the dignity, well-being and quality of life of
98614 Associated Services for the Blind Inc. (215)627-0600 www.asb.org
sight. We provide a place of security, hope, and independence for the
blind or visually impaired. 27.9% P,W,J
11118 Braille Institute of America (323)663-1111 www.brailleinstitute.
by blindness/severe sight loss. We offer free programs, classes and
services, reaching more than 94,000 people. 28.1% B,E,P
25435 Braille Press, National (617)266-6160 www.nbp.org EIN#042104740
Only 20% of blind children learn to read and write. Help promote early
braille literacy and produce braille books for blind readers of all ages.
29.5% B,O,P
30927 Carroll Center for the Blind (617)969-6200 www.carroll.org
EIN#042106173 Provides blind/visually impaired children and adults
rehabilitation, cane travel, and computer/job training. 24.5% U,O,P
11718 Diabetes Education Research Foundation (800)338-3633 www.
diabeteseducator.org EIN#363488423 25 million Americans suffer
from diabetes. Your support will help teach people with diabetes how
to self-manage their disease and live healthier, more productive lives.
68.9% H,G,U
12349 Disability, National Organization on (646)505-1191 www.nod.
org EIN#521238307 Promotes the participation of Americans with
disabilities, with a focus on increasing employment opportunities for the
79% of working-age individuals with disabilities not employed. 14.9%
28719 Eye Foundation, USA Sankara (866)726-5272 www.giftofvision.org
EIN#776141976 Help us eradicate curable blindness in India. We build
and operate state-of-the-art hospitals that provide free eye care to the
poor. 10.1% E,P,H
30755 Hadley School for the Blind (847)446-8111 www.hadley.edu
EIN#362183809 At Hadley, blind/visually impaired adults take free,
distance education courses to help them live independently, become
employed and live to their greatest potential. 25.9% B,P,W
61020 Help the Helpless (800)762-8857 www.helpthehelpless.org
EIN#411878721 We provide care, education, and love to abandoned,
handicapped, deaf, and poor children at St. Mary’s School and
Orphanage in India. 7.8% B,O,L
12343 Homes and Services for the Aging, American Association of
(LeadingAge Inc) (202)783-2242 www.leadingage.org EIN#136213525
We are expanding the world of possibilities for aging individuals,
families, employees and volunteers by providing advocacy, leadership
development, and promotion of effective services. 10.9% R,B,U
12352 International Mission for the Disabled (With Our Hands Together
Inc) (718)353-3791 www.wohtusa.org EIN#111320847 Provides
outreach services to individuals with disabilities in developing nations
with medical equipment and advocates for global development for
neglected individuals. 24.6% G,Q,X
47669 Landmark College (802)387-4767 www.landmark.edu
EIN#222586208 We empower individuals with learning disabilities,
ADHD and ASD through accessible and cutting-edge learning
strategies. Help them exceed their aspirations and achieve their
greatest potential. 43.7% B,O,U
Medicare Rights Center (212)869-3850 www.medicarerights.org
EIN#133505372 We work to ensure access to affordable health care
for older adults and the disabled through counseling and advocacy,
educational programs and public policy initiatives. 16.2% P,E,R
Mobility International USA (541)343-128 www.miusa.org
EIN#930783096 Empowering people with disabilities around the world
through international exchange and international development to
achieve their human rights. 1.8% P,R,O
National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Inc
(202)464-9481 www.preventelderabuse.org EIN#043023122
Dedicated to addressing abuse, neglect and exploitation of older
persons and adults with disabilities through research, advocacy, public
education and professional development. 89.2% W,I,R
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (NCCNHR)
(202)332-2275 www.theconsumervoice.org EIN#521122531 Envision a
world where consumers of long-term care are treated with respect and
dignity and have a range of affordable, quality options. 13.1% E,R,W
New England Center for Children (508)481-1015 www.NECC.org
EIN#042708762 Autism, the fastest-growing developmental disability,
occurs in 1 out of every 88 births. We educate children with autism
helping them live to their potential. 9.4% B,F,O
Oasis Institute (314)862-2933 www.oasisnet.org EIN#431830354
Our mission is to promote successful aging through lifelong learning,
healthy living and social engagement. We help adults age 50+ pursue
vibrant, healthy, productive lives. 14.6% P,B,S
Perkins School for the Blind (617)924-343 www.perkins.org
EIN#042103616 Provides education, services and products to people
who are blind, deafblind, or visually impaired with other disabilities, to
build more productive and meaningful lives. 21.5% B,P,O
Senior Citizens Law Center, National (202)289-6976 www.
nsclc.org EIN#953132674 We advocate for the elderly poor. We
use administrative and legislative advocacy, and provide technical
assistance and training to aging network members across the country.
18.0% R,W,P
Vision of Children (858)314-7919 www.visionofchildren.org
disorders; supports families with visually impaired children and
provides low vision equipment to students. 68.9% H,T,E
World Institute on Disability (510)225-6400 www.wid.org
EIN#942911623 Working worldwide to increase employment and
economic security, create health care supports, innovate online tools,
conduct research, training, and advocacy campaigns for persons with
disabilities. 17.9% R,S,W
Wild Animals Worldwide
Federation and Member Organizations
81979 Wild Animals Worldwide (866)439-0989 www.savewildanimals.
org EIN#208774272 Protect endangered animals and their habitats.
Provide sanctuary for rescued and threatened species. Keep oceans
and rivers safe and thriving. Defend the “wild” in wildlife! 4.0% D,C,Z
11800 Alaska Wilderness League (202)544-5205 www.alaskawild.org
EIN#521814742 Polar bears are in big trouble. Big Oil is destroying our
wild Alaskan lands and waters. Send them a message: “Some places
are off limits!” 23.6% C,D,R
10466 Ape and Monkey Rescue and Sanctuaries (International Primate
Protection League) (843)871-2280 www.ippl.org EIN#510194013
Dedicated to protecting the world’s remaining primates, great and
operating a gibbon sanctuary, and supporting primate rescue
worldwide. 8.0% D,C,Q
10473 Born Free USA: Keep Wildlife in the Wild (Born Free USA United
with Animal Protection Institute) (800)348-7387 www.bornfreeusa.org
EIN#946187633 Barbarically trapped furbearers, wild animals caged
on us to end these cruelties. Can we count on you? 21.5% D,C,Z
12164 Cheetah Conservation Fund (866)909-3399 www.cheetah.org
EIN#311726923 The world’s fastest land animal is running out of time!
Please help us save the wild cheetah and its wilderness habitat from
extinction. 18.8% D,C,B
15943 Chimp Haven, Inc. (318)925-9575 www.chimphaven.org
EIN#742766663 Chimpanzees used in research, as pets or
entertainers need help! Your support provides a home where
chimpanzees can live their lives with dignity and freedom. 23.3%
11249 Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund (800)851-0203 www.gorillafund.org
EIN#521118866 Helping people. Saving gorillas. Help us conserve and
protect gorillas and their threatened ecosystems through anti-poaching
patrols, as well as education and health initiatives. 26.5% D,S,C
10470 Elephant Sanctuary (The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee)
(931)796-6500 www.elephants.com EIN#621587327 The nation’s
largest natural habitat refuge for endangered elephants retired from
circuses and zoos. Improving elephant lives through sanctuary,
education, research and overseas assistance. 16.6% D,B,H
11020 Elephants, Saving Elephants and Habitat Worldwide (International
Elephant Foundation) (817)597-0956 www.elephantconservation.
org EIN#752815706 Elephants killed for their ivory. Habitat becomes
roads, farms and villages. When elephants and humans cross paths,
deaths occur. Help save elephants and human lives. 15.6% D,C,S
Felidae Conservation Fund (415)354-5655 www.felidaefund.org
EIN#205089093 Wildcat conservation and preservation, we protect
lions, leopards, cheetahs and tigers from extinction and defend
habitats, ecosystems and birthing grounds from poachers and human
encroachment. 23.7% D,U,C
HawkWatch International (800)726-4295 www.hawkwatch.org
EIN#850358519 Raptors are an indicator species. HawkWatch
International ensures they survive and thrive to maintain an
environment that sustains all forms of life and habitat. 21.6% C,D,B
International Crane Foundation, Inc. (608)356-9462 www.
savingcranes.org EIN#391187711 Eleven of 15 crane species
are threatened with extinction. Help us protect fragile wetland and
grassland ecosystems for cranes, people, and the diversity of life.
24.9% C,D,B
Marine Mammal Center (415)289-7325 www.MarineMammalCenter.
org EIN#510144434 Thousands of orphaned, sick and injured marine
mammals would have died if not for our state-of-the-art animal care
and research facilities, dedicated volunteers and you. 20.2% D,B,C
Mote Marine Laboratory (800)691-6683 www.mote.org
EIN#590756643 World renowned marine/coastal lab and aquarium
for research and education to save dolphins, sharks, sea turtles,
Pandas International (303)933-2365 www.pandasinternational.org
EIN#841544557 Extinction is forever. Must act now to save 1600 Giant
Pandas in the wild. Endangered means we have time. Your support
funds crucial habitat preservation. 14.0% D,C,B
Polar Bears International (406)586-9416 www.
polarbearsinternational.org EIN#770322706 Protect polar bears from
extinction! Our research, education and action programs help polar
bears survive the impacts of climate change. Together, we can save
them. 16.0% D,C,O
Project AWARE Foundation (866)802-9273 www.projectaware.org
EIN#330540475 Project AWARE mobilizes the world’s divers into a
global force to protect our ocean planet. 48.3% C,D,W
Refuges for All Wildlife (National Wildbird Refuge Inc) (225)655-467
www.refugesforallwildlife.org EIN#721207086 Our refuges provide safe
habitat for all wild birds and wildlife. They need your help to defend
Rhino Foundation (The International Rhino Foundation) (540)4659595 www.rhinos.org EIN#752395006 Brutally slaughtered for their
horns and squeezed out by human populations, rhinos are struggling
Save The Chimps (772)429-2225 www.savethechimps.org
EIN#650789748 Rescuing chimpanzees from research, entertainment
and the pet trade, we provide them the space needed to heal and
enjoy a happy and healthy life! 21.8% D,C,B
Save the Manatee Club, Inc. (800)432-5646 www.savethemanatee.
org EIN#593131709 Leave a lasting legacy! Help us advocate for
manatee and habitat protection, promote public awareness, sponsor
research, rescue, rehabilitation and release efforts. 14.9% C,Z,D
Snow Leopard Trust (The International Snow Leopard Trust)
(206)632-2421 www.snowleopard.org EIN#911144119 Nearly extinct
due to poaching, loss of habitat and food, and lack of protection. Our
tireless work can protect these majestic cats. Help save them! 18.3%
Trustees for Alaska (907)276-424 www.trustees.org EIN#926010379
Working to protect Alaska’s pristine habitat and diverse wildlife
threatened by increased development and climate change. Help us
preserve Alaska’s unique treasures for future generations! 16.5%
Wild Salmon Center (503)222-180 www.wildsalmoncenter.org
EIN#943166095 Conserving salmon ecosystems essential to
biodiversity, quality drinking water, and burgeoning economies. Help
provide. 32.6% C,D,S
WildAid, Inc. (415)834-317 www.wildaid.org EIN#203644441
Help protect elephants, rhinos, sharks and tigers: When the Buying
Stops, the Killing Can Too. 7.1% D,C,W
WildCare (415)453-1000 www.wildcarebayarea.org EIN#510172331
Wild animal urgent care for as many as 4,000 ill, injured and orphaned
patients each year, wildlife rehabilitation hospital, hotline, education
and humane exclusion. 27.7% D,B,C
Wildlands Network (Wild Earth Society Incorporated) (877)554-523
www.wildlandsnetwork.org EIN#161402497 Wildlife stopped in their
tracks by fences, development, roads and people. Help us reconnect
North America’s wild places and give them enough room to survive.
21.2% D,C,W
Wildlife Habitat Council, Inc. (301)588-899 www.wildlifehc.org
EIN#521558579 The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) promotes and
through partnerships and education. 14.1% C,D,S
Wolf Center, International (800)ELY-WOLF www.wolf.org
EIN#411543539 Fighting for sustainable wolf populations by teaching
We envision a world where humans and wolves coexist. 13.9% D,C,B
American National Red Cross
10266 American National Red Cross (202)303-5712 www.redcross.org
EIN#530196605 A humanitarian organization, led by volunteers,
which provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent,
prepare for and respond to emergencies. 9.7% M,P,Q
National/International Independent
86676 173d Airborne Brigade Association Foundation (713)941-8118
www.theherdfoundation.com EIN#331139977 We provide Wounded
Warrior support including P.T.S.D., Gold Star Family Program,
scholarships, bereavement assistance, and general support for current
and former soldiers and their families. 49.0% Z
10739 A Better World Fund (World Fund Inc) (212)501-1900 www.
abetterworldfund.org EIN#133185588 Gives grants to worthy charities
doing vital work internationally and domestically in the areas of peace,
health, hunger, human rights, ecology, education, and economic
development. 6.4% P,W,T
40633 A Soldiers Child, Inc. (615)427-2970 www.asoldierschild.org
EIN#263032468 We honor the legacy of fallen US military personnel
by honoring their children with meaningful birthday gifts, summer
camps, and college scholarships until age eighteen. 6.9% O,B
10026 Achilles International (212)354-0300 www.achillesinternational.
org EIN#133318293 Provides training, adaptive equipment, and race
entry fees for people with disabilities, including children and wounded
veterans, to participate in mainstream athletics, especially distance
running. 15.5% E,N,P
10001 Acoustic Neuroma Association (877)200-8211 www.anausa.
org EIN#232170836 ANA mission is to inform, educate and provide
national and local support networks for those affected by acoustic
neuromas regarding both pre- and post-treatment issues. 44.0% E,G,Z
66968 Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon, Inc. (201)566-3831 www.
adoptasoldierplatoon.org EIN#260322786 Lift the morale of Armed
Forces, veterans and their families through care packages, support of
MWR activities, and aid to the wounded and families. 4.0% N,P,W
11926 AFS-USA, Inc. (212)479-1158 www.afsusa.org EIN#391711417 AFSUSA works toward a just and peaceful world by providing international
and intercultural learning experiences to individuals, families, schools,
and communities through a volunteer partnership. 9.3% B,Q,O
79122 Agape Love Deaf International, Inc. (240)396-904 www.
agapelovedeaf.org EIN#510556167 Our mission: to empower deaf
people in vocational, basic and higher education in form of aids and
scholarship, serving needy families in underdeveloped Asian countries.
1.5% B,S,A
22056 AIDSfreeAFRICA (914)923-2073 www.aidsfreeafrica.org
EIN#651253816 A community of professionals dedicated to
lifesaving pharmaceuticals providing commitment to peace, health and
human dignity. 8.2% E,S,U
68584 Airman Heritage Foundation Inc (Lackland Gateway Heritage
Foundation Inc) (210)684-2753 www.myairmanmuseum.org
EIN#542134550 Fund the design, construction, and operation of USAF
Airman Heritage Museum for education of basic military trainees and
the public in our USAF enlisted history. 21.8% B,A,O
37283 Alliance for Lupus Research (212)218-2840 www.lupusresearch.org
EIN#582492929 World’s largest charitable funder of lupus research.
Your donation will directly support innovative medical research focused
on preventing, treating and curing lupus (SLE). 26.9% H,G,E
11388 Alpha Phi Omega-National Service Fraternity (816)3738667 www.apo.org EIN#440562039 Alpha Phi Omega provides
opportunities for college students to develop servant leadership skills,
promote fellowship among all people, serve humanity, and further
acknowledged freedoms. 27.1% O,S,B
11218 America Responds with Love, Inc. (321)AMERICA www.
respondwithlove.org EIN#481070583 We provide critical products and
services to domestic violence victims, disaster victims, and to people
truly in need in communities throughout the United States. 1.8% L,M,P
81346 American Academy of Audiology Foundation, Inc. (703)226-1049
www.audiologyfoundation.org EIN#621356696 We support audiology
research, education, public awareness, and national and international
humanitarian programs that advance audiology, hearing and balance
science, and quality patient care. 12.6% E,G,B
12271 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (703)2999766 www.aasld.org EIN#237373091 Funds educational grants,
research awards, fellowships, and programs dedicated to the discovery
of new treatments for liver disease and training young investigators in
hepatology. 13.6% G,H,E
52217 American Atheists, Inc. (908)276-7300 www.atheists.org
EIN#742466507 American Atheists uses publicity campaigns,
educationprograms,andlawsuitstonormalizeatheism,fightreligiousbased discrimination in government, and protect separation of church
and state. 41.4% R,W,X
91350 American Breast Cancer Foundation (410)825-9388 www.abcf.org
EIN#522031814 National organization providing mammogram and
other service support to uninsured low-income individuals that aid in
the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. 47.3% E,T,P
95986 American Chestnut Foundation, The (828)281-0047 www.acf.org
EIN#411483019 The American Chestnut Foundation’s mission is to
our environment, our wildlife, and our society. 23.1% C,W,K
65827 American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (202)393-6181
www.acslaw.org EIN#522313694 A national network working to ensure
that the law is used as a force to improve the lives of all people. 23.8%
11389 American Council of Young Political Leaders (202)857-0999
organization that conducts international political exchanges to promote
mutual understanding, respect, and long-lasting relationships among
the global leaders of tomorrow. 12.3% O,Q,W
30363 American Immigration Council (202)507-7525 www.
americanimmigrationcouncil.org EIN#521549711 The education,
exchange, legal and policy programs of the American Immigration
Council highlight America’s immigrant history and shape how
Americans think and act towards immigration. 15.4% B,R,O
81491 American Indian Diabetes Fund (760)540-503 www.
americanindiandiabetesfund.org EIN#455567456 Supports programs
that treat and educates Indians about diabetes and other degenerative
diseases. Provides medical supplies, medicine and equipment to
needy hospitals and clinics. 0.5% E,P,B
11514 American Indian Graduate Center (505)881-458 www.aigcs.org
EIN#850222386 Oldest and largest provider of graduate education
scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native students preparing
them for rising professional needs in their respective communities.
1.9% B,S,J
46694 American Institute of Physics (301)209-3100 www.aip.org
EIN#131667053 AIP includes the Center for History of Physics and
Niels Bohr Library & Archives, Society of Physics Students, and Inside
Science all promoting physical sciences. 27.5% B,U,A
10205 American Latvian Association in the United States, Inc.
(301)340-191 www.alausa.org EIN#530215408 The American Latvian
Association unites Latvians living in the United States, supports the
activities and growth of the community, promotes Latvian language,
education and culture. 39.0% A,B,O
10286 American Legion Child Welfare Foundation (317)630-1200 www.
cwf-inc.org EIN#357041737 Contributes to the physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual welfare of children nationwide by supporting
established and innovative programs in the care of children. 11.9% P
10327 American Legion Endowment Fund Corporation (317)630-1204
their families for essential medical and living expenses. 10.2% W,P
90253 American Medical Association Foundation (312)464-4200 www.
amafoundation.org EIN#366080517 The American Medical Association
Foundation advances the health of America through grants for free
clinics, research initiatives, public health programs, and medical
student scholarships. 34.5% E,G,W
40956 American Numismatic Association, Inc. (719)782-982 www.
money.org EIN#486063403 The American Numismatic Association
encouraging people to study and collect money and related items.
18.7% Z
72990 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (502)899-2362 www.
aph.org EIN#610444640 American Printing House for the Blind
promotes independence of blind and visually impaired persons by
providing specialized materials, products, and services for education
and life. 29.5% W,B,O
10099 American Radio Relay League, Inc. (860)594-0200 www.arrl.org
EIN#066000004 ARRL, the national organization of Amateur Radio,
provides volunteer emergency communications, education in wireless
www.arrl.org. 26.9% M,O,U
36770 American Society for Nutrition, Inc. (301)634-7050 www.nutrition.
org EIN#311507752 Promotes nutrition research and application for
the treatment and prevention. Provider of awards, education programs,
student scholarship, international council, foundation, grants, and peer
reviewed publications. 19.5% K,U,Y
48685 American Society of Naval Engineers (703)836-6727 www.
navalengineers.org EIN#530229465 Advances the knowledge, practice
and professionalism of engineering to support U.S. Naval Services and
provide outreach, education and scholarships to promote entry into the
30287 American Society of Transplantation (856)439-9986 www.myAST.
org EIN#421182936 The American Society of Transplantation is
patient care by promoting research, education, advocacy, and organ
donation. 25.4% H,G,Y
11552 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (301)2968700 www.ashfoundation.org EIN#526055761 Mission: to advance
knowledge and improve practice in serving children and adults with
speech, language, or hearing disorders through research, education,
and innovative special projects. 24.5% E,U,B
10305 American Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Institute, Inc (239)4315425 www.sids.org EIN#581516306 Prevent SIDS and other sudden
infant deaths and promote infant health through research and
education. Help eliminate the tragedy of sleep-related baby deaths.
3.5% H,G,E
68074 Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. (630)978-4245 www.
angelman.org EIN#593092842 The Angelman Syndrome Foundation,
daily and directly supports individuals with Angelman syndrome and
their families. 27.3% T,G,H
Answers in Genesis, Inc. (859)727-2222 www.answersingenesis.org
EIN#330596423 Equips Christians to uphold the authority of the Bible
program, the Creation Museum, and website. 18.9% X,U,W
AOPA Foundation Inc., The (301)695-2000 www.aopafoundation.
org EIN#208817225 Supports aviation safety education, airport
preservation, growing the pilot population, philanthropic work done
through General Aviation and other issues impacting General Aviation.
13.7% B,M,T
Arc of the United States, The (202)534-3700 www.thearc.org
EIN#135642032 The Arc provides services and supports for people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live, learn, work, and
play as valued members of their communities. 10.4% P,R,E
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (202)719-3600 www.
milarch.org EIN#131624090 This Archdiocese provides pastoral care
for all Catholics and others in the military services, patients in VA
Medical Centers and U.S. Government personnel stationed overseas.
27.4% X,W,P
Armed Forces Aid Campaign (The Retired Enlisted Association
Memorial Foundation) (303)752-0660 www.armedforcesaid.org
EIN#841149039 Providing aid, long term support and emergency
assistance to our wounded warriors, their families, veterans, military
retirees and deployed troops. 59.2% P
Arthritis Aid and Research Institute (800)284-3971 www.arthritisaid.
net EIN#461550312 Supports arthritis research programs. Provides
medical supplies and equipment to needy hospitals that treat arthritis
and other degenerative diseases. Educates the public about medical
treatments. 0.8% E,H,B
Association for Marine Exploration (858)337-9418 www.
marineexploration.org EIN#200066222 A-ME conducts innovative
technology. Our goal is to increase the understanding and preservation
of marine habitats: discovery. 16.3% U,C,H
Association for the Study of African American Life and History
(202)238-5910 www.asalh.org EIN#530219640 ASALH, the “founders
of Black History Month” provides local and national educational
programs and events which address preserving and promoting Black
life, history and culture. 22.1% B,A,R
Association of American Indian Physicians (405)946-7072 www.
aaip.org EIN#237296826 Dedicated to improving the health of
all American Indian/Alaska Natives through physician and youth
development, traditional healing, public health initiatives, and policy
and systems change. 12.2% O,G,S
BAPS Charities, Inc. (732)777-1818 www.bapscharities.org
EIN#261530694 Serving the global community by expanding access
to education, health care providing relief and rehabilitation during
disasters, initiating environmental projects and other humanitarian
activities. 1.4% M,O,E
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, Inc. (850)562-5300
www.barbarabush.org EIN#260587238 Help America’s children
succeed in life with strong literacy skills. Your support will help deliver a
basic right to struggling students: the ability to read. 1.7% B,P,W
Batten Disease Support and Research Association (800)448-4570
www.bdsra.org EIN#911397792 Provides information, medical
referrals, and support to those affected with Batten disease and their
families. Promotes, assists and funds research toward treatments and
a cure. 28.9% G,P,H
BentStar Project, Limited (530)383-3071 www.bentstarproject.org
Missing In Action from USA battles around the globe. One by one
bringing home our heroes. 78.7% A,W,B
Best Friends Animal Society (435)644-2001 www.bestfriends.org
EIN#237147797 Working with you, and groups across the country, to
stop the killing in our nation’s animal shelters. Together, we can Save
Them All. 19.7% D
Bike & Build, Inc. (267)331-8488 www.bikeandbuild.org
EIN#364524531 Through service-oriented cycling trips, Bike and Build
of service and civic engagement. 14.6% L,N,T
Bikes for the World (703)740-7856 www.bikesfortheworld.org
EIN#275426399 Collecting bicycles for use as tools of economic
empowerment for low-income people locally and globally. We engage
youth and adults, while promoting cycling and environmentalism. 6.8%
Blacks in Government (202)667-3280 www.bignet.org
EIN#521167784 Promotes well-being of all government employees on
issues of equity, excellence, and opportunity in the workplace through
Blood:Water Mission, Inc. (615)550-4296 www.bloodwatermission.
partnering with Africa to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises. 43.3%
BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc (208)237-1008 www.sharetrails.org
EIN#820413981 BRC advocates for responsible, shared recreation
access on public lands with government agencies and governing
bodies and helps local recreationists protect access to public lands.
22.2% W,N,C
10038 Boat People S.O.S., Inc. (703)538-2190 www.bpsos.org
EIN#541563619 BPSOS provides direct services and capacity
development to refugees and immigrants in the US, and rescues
12.3% P,R,O
88366 Boatsie’s Boxes, Inc (304)232-5277 www.boatsie.com
EIN#300277429 We support the men and women, in every branch of
the armed forces, by shipping care packages overseas to deployed
troops defending our freedom. 3.7% W,P
82063 Bone Marrow Foundation, The (212)838-3029 www.bonemarrow.org
EIN#133674198 The Foundation assists bone marrow, stem cell and
aid, educational materials, and emotional support services. 18.2% P,E
12425 Boston Children’s Hospital (Childrens Hospital Corporation)
(617)355-6890 www.bostonchildrens.org EIN#042774441 Worldrenowned Boston Children’s Hospital provides exceptional pediatric
health care while leading the way in research and innovative treatment
of childhood diseases. 11.4% E,H,G
74375 Buddhist Global Relief (888)852-7579 www.buddhistglobalrelief.
org EIN#262852923 BGR’s mission is to combat chronic hunger
and malnutrition by providing direct food aid, supporting sustainable
agriculture, and improving educational opportunities for women and
children. 6.7% K,B,S
10280 Burchette, Conners, Ellington, Hereford and Lynch Memorial
College Fund (703)247-2173 www.fbiaa.org EIN#133351127 Provides
college scholarships to children and spouses of FBI Agents who died
while employed by the FBI or within one year of retirement. 7.6% B
83075 Burma Humanitarian Mission (202)441-2888 www.burmamission.
org EIN#263268421 Addresses humanitarian and healthcare crisis in
Burma by training and supplying backpack medics, reducing child and
adult mortality by half. Funds education of refugee children. 16.6%
13790 Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation, Inc. (410)823-0808 www.
ripkenfoundation.org EIN#522310500 The Foundation uses baseballand softball-themed programs to help build character and teach life
lessons to disadvantaged youth residing in America’s most distressed
communities. 17.2% O,N,S
10933 CARES Foundation (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Research
Education & support Fdtn) (908)364-0272 www.caresfoundation.org
EIN#223755684 Dedicated to leading the effort to improve the lives
of the CAH community, seeks to advance quality health care through
support, advocacy, education and research. 21.0% G,H,E
15043 Caron Treatment Centers (Richard J Caron Foundation) (800)6782332www.caron.orgEIN#236050680Caronisanon-profitprovider
of alcohol/drug addiction treatment from adolescents to older adults.
Contributions help families who cannot afford treatment; provide drug
education/prevention services. 25.4% E,F,P
41948 Catch a Lift(ChristopherCofflandMemorialFundInc)(855)4964838 www.catchaliftfund.com EIN#273901149 CAL provides gym
memberships and home gym equipment nationally, to post 9/11
wounded veterans, enabling them to rehabilitate both mentally and
97605 Catholic University of America (202)319-6910 www.cua.edu
EIN#530196583 Catholic University and Columbus School of Law
offer a Catholic education; advancing faith and reason in service to the
Church, the nation and the world. 11.3% B,I,X
10141 CDC Foundation (National Foundation for the Ctrs For Disease
Contr & Prevention Inc) (404)653-0790 www.cdcfoundation.org
EIN#582106707 The CDC Foundation forges effective partnerships
between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others to
11560 Center for Civic Education (818)591-9321 www.civiced.org
EIN#953546790 Administering nonpartisan school-based civic
education programs at all levels that promote an enlightened and
responsible citizenry actively committed to American constitutional
principles, ideals, and practices. 11.3% B,O,S
10298 Center for Immigration Studies (202)466-8185 www.cis.org
EIN#521449368 A research organization that promotes an immigration
policy more in line with the national interest: one that would reduce the
overall levels and increase enforcement. 14.2% Q,I,W
62723 Center for Mind-Body Medicine, The (202)966-7338 www.
cmbm.org EIN#521755744 The Center for Mind-Body Medicine
empowers individuals worldwide to heal themselves and build resilient
communities through mind-body skills, self-care and group support.
24.4% E,F,M
11524 Center for Plant Conservation (314)577-9450 www.
centerforplantconservation.org EIN#222527116 The Center for
Plant Conservation partners nationwide in conserving and restoring
imperiled native plant species of the United States to secure them from
extinction. 19.5% C,U,S
33451 Champions for Life (972)298-1101 www.billglass.org EIN#752733954
Through dynamic presentations in prisons and schools champions for
life offers changed lives and mentoring for inmates, students and “at
risk youth”. 3.6% I,X,O
31232 Cherubs - The Association of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Research (919)610-0129 www.cherubs-cdh.org EIN#561916661
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, a deadly birth defect that affects
1600 babies each year. 31.9% G,H,E
10265 Child and Family Services of Michigan, Inc. (517)349-6226 www.
cfsm.org EIN#381358205 CFSM, Inc., provides adoption record
information to adult adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, and
adult former siblings and reunites family members separated by
adoption. 18.1% P,W,Z
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation (267)426-6500
www.chop.edu EIN#232237932 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
strives to be the world leader in pediatric health care, providing
excellent patient care, innovative research and quality professional
education. 17.1% H,E,G
Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society, The (210)657-4968
www.chromosome18.org EIN#742557551 Information and support
to families about the prognoses and treatments of chromosome 18
abnormalities. Affected individuals have a wide variety of medical and
mental disabilities. 4.3% G,B,H
CIA Officers Memorial Foundation (703)638-5378 www.
ciamemorialfoundation.org EIN#522360463 To provide educational
Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (703)318-0730 www.cblpi.org
EIN#541672138 Preparing young conservative women for leadership
through mentoring, training and educational programs, and promoting
women leaders who are committed to conservative principles and
values. 13.2% O,W,B
Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes Foundation (703)291-4605
www.saluteheroes.org EIN#521351773 Since 2004, has provided
lifeline to severely wounded veterans of the War on Terror, and their
families. 40.3% P,F,T
Coastal America Foundation (508)292-0251 www.
coastalamericafoundation.org EIN#043408825 Provides funds to
local communities cost-sharing in projects for ecological restoration
and supports education, research and outreach in coastal/ocean
environments and their watersheds. 0.7% C,D,S
Comfort Crew for Military Kids (512)372-8359 www.comfortcrew.org
EIN#260141940 CCMK is creating a world where US military kids are
connected and supported through resources, programs, and advocacy
initiatives that strengthen social and emotional resiliency. 25.0% O
Communities In Schools (703)519-8999 www.communitiesinschools.
org EIN#581289174 Communities In Schools, the nation’s leading
dropout prevention organization, works with 1.25 million students
annually, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. 5.3%
Community Action Partnership (202)265-7546 www.
communityactionpartnership.com EIN#521120274 The Partnership
works to reduce poverty and help poor people and families. We
provide training, technical assistance, and resources to 1,000 member
agencies across America. 11.8% P,S,E
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (202)543-1771 www.
chci.org EIN#521114225 CHCI develops the next generation of
Latino leaders by providing premier college attainment and leadership
development opportunities through college prep workshops,
scholarships, internships and fellowships. 38.4% O,B,W
D.A.R.E. America (800)223-3273 www.dare.org EIN#954242541
D.A.R.E.utilizeslawenforcementofficerstoprovidestudentsdecisionmaking skills to avoid drugs and other high-risk behavior, helping them
to lead safe and healthy lives. 16.3% E,O,B
DEA Educational Foundation (202)307-3463 www.
educating the public on the costs and consequences of abuse,
supporting the DEA Museum, and the DEA Youth Dance Program.
10.2% E,I,W
Diabetes Alternative Research and Healthcare Foundation, Inc.
(301)760-7143 www.diabetes-alternative.org EIN#900530234 Options
are needed for diabetes prevention and cure! Funding alternative and
diabetes for children and adults. 2.7% H,E,G
Diabetes Education and Camping Association (256)757-811 www.
diabetescamps.org EIN#631187548 Diabetes camps teach children
how to live well with their disease. DECA provides camps education
materials, staff training, mentoring, and access to many operating
resources. 73.9% G,O
Diabetes Research Assistance Fund (623)451-66694
research grants. Provides medical supplies and equipment to
programs that treat diabetes and other chronic diseases. Sponsors
diabetes education, information and nutritional programs. 0.4% H,E,G
Diplomatic Security Foundation (703)439-440 www.dsfoundation.
Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and colleagues in law enforcement/US
foreign affairs communities, during times of hardship or crisis. 19.8%
Direct Care Alliance (212)730-0741 www.directcarealliance.org
EIN#260116549 Direct Care Alliance is the national advocacy voice of
direct care workers in long-term care, united to build an empowered
and valued direct care workforce. 13.3% J,R,S
Dolphin Scholarship Foundation (757)671-3200 www.
dolphinscholarship.org EIN#546038828 Undergraduate scholarships
U.S. Submarine Force or submarine support activities. Scholarships
available for grandchildren of WWII SubVets. 19.2% B,O,T
Drug Enforcement Administration Survivors’ Benefit Fund, Inc.
duty. 4.7% B,I,O
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. (901)758-3825 www.ducks.org
EIN#135643799 Wetland and waterfowl conservation organization that
has conserved over 12 million acres of habitat in North America since
its inception in 1937. 15.4% T,Y,Z
Educational Media Foundation (916)251-1600 www.klove.com;
www.air1.com EIN#942816342 K-LOVE and Air 1, contemporary
Christian music, biblical commentary. A positive, encouraging, life
changing message reaching 12 million people every week by radio and
internet. 9.0% X
Elks National Foundation, Inc. (773)755-4728 www.elks.org/enf
EIN#263718342 The Elks National Foundation’s mission is to help Elks
build stronger communities. We do this by investing in communities
where Elks live and work. 11.9% T,S,O
Elks National Veterans Service Commission (773)755-4846 www.
elks.org EIN#131548228 The funds given to our volunteers are used to
enhance the level of comfort for hospitalized veterans. We also support
the four VA Special Events. 7.2% P
Els for Autism Foundation Inc (561)625-8267 www.elsforautism.
com EIN#263520396 Golfer Ernie Els’ Foundation provides education,
therapy and family support, in the US, Canada and South Africa, for
people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 5.4% G,E,B
Emergency Medicine Foundation (972)550-0911 www.
emfoundation.org EIN#752331221 Funding and promoting education
and research that develops career emergency medicine investigators,
improves patient care and provides the basis for effective health policy.
6.6% B,H,M
Equal Justice Works (202)466-3686 www.equaljusticeworks.
org EIN#521469738 Equal Justice Works: making public service
possible for committed, talented lawyers that create equal justice for
underserved communities across America. 23.0% W,S,I
ESA Foundation (970)223-282 www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org/esaf
EIN#237099403 ESA Foundation provides educational scholarships
(over $173,000 in 2013) in addition to supporting other local and
FairVote (301)270-4616 www.fairvote.org EIN#541635649 Electoral
reform leader promotes voter turnout, fair representation, less
polarization, better ballot choices, and more elected women through
research, analysis, and national and local advocacy. 12.7% R,W,O
Family Talk (719)602-5592 www.drjamesdobson.org EIN#271394708
Dr. James Dobson’s broadcast and communications ministry
committed to the preservation of the family and the biblical principles
on which it’s based. 23.2% X
Farmworker Justice (Farmworker Justice Fund Inc) (202)2935420 www.farmworkerjustice.org EIN#521196708 Our mission is
to empower migrant farmworkers to improve their wages, working
conditions, health, and immigration status through litigation, advocacy,
public education and coalition-building. 28.1% R,S,K
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Foundation (718)549-8346
and scholarships to Federal Agents and their families. 1.2% T,W,M
First Book (202)393-1222 www.FirstBook.org EIN#521779606 First
Book provides new books to children in need, addressing one of the
most important factors affecting literacy access to books. 2.2% B,O,S
First Command Educational Foundation (817)569-2687 www.
fcef.com EIN#751973894 Awards over $150,000 in scholarships to
service members, federal civilians, and families; develops and teaches
25.7% B,W,T
Fleet Reserve Association Education Foundation (703)6831400 www.fra.org/foundation EIN#263336867 The Fleet Reserve
Association Foundation provides grants and scholarships for charitable
and educational purposes to deserving members of the Military Sea
Services and their Families. 3.1% B,T,Y
Folds of Honor Foundation, Inc. (918)274-4700 www.foldsofhonor.
org EIN#753240683 Provides post-secondary educational scholarships
for children and spouses of military service men and women killed or
disabled while serving our great nation. 13.1% T,B,W
Foods Resource Bank (708)505-403 www.foodsresourcebank.org
EIN#541940516 Raises funds for agricultural development programs
overseas to train and support smallholder farmers and their rural
communities in growing their own food sustainably. 8.2% K,S,T
Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (866)783-0078
www.cureangelman.org EIN#263160079 Dedicated to rapidly
developing practical treatments, and ultimately a cure, for Angelman
Syndrome (and related disorders to include Alzheimer’s and autism)
via aggressively funded research. 2.7% H,W,U
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Inc. (FIRE)
of individual liberty on America’s college and university campuses and
educates students, faculty, and the public about their fundamental
rights. 13.3% R,B
Foundation for Prader Willi Research (“FPWR”), The (888)3225487 www.fpwr.org EIN#311763110 FPWR seeks to eliminate the
challenges of Prader-Willi syndrome, a disorder characterized by
developmental delay, childhood obesity, and behavioral challenges,
through the advancement of research. 12.6% H,G,E
Foundation for the National Archives (202)357-7473 www.
archivesfoundation.org EIN#521792608 The Foundation for the
National Archives expands civic literacy nation-wide through innovative
exhibitions, educational outreach, diverse public programs, digital
initiatives, and publications. 27.6% A,B,W
Foundation for Women’s Cancer (312)578-1439 www.
foundationforwomenscancer.org EIN#363797707 The Foundation’s
mission is to fund innovative research and increase knowledge and
awareness about the prevention, early detection and optimal treatment
of gynecologic cancers. 25.0% H,G,E
Foundation of the Association of Former Agents of the U.S.
Secret Service (515)282-8192 www.oldstar.org EIN#521035969
members. Provides scholarships to children and grandchildren of
members. Assists other law enforcement survivor organizations. 13.9%
Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. (608)256-8900 www.
ffrf.org EIN#391302520 Join our effective national association of
freethinkers (atheists and agnostics), founded in 1978, in promoting
free thought, defending the constitutional principle of state/church
separation. 8.0% R,B,X
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (484)879-6160 www.curefa.
org EIN#522122720 FARA is dedicated to curing Friedrech’s ataxia
through research. FARA provides support for basic and translational FA
6.3% H,G
Friends of the American University of Afghanistan (202)775-5901
coeducational and non-religious higher education institutions in
Afghanistan. FAUAF supports scholarship, women’s empowerment
and economic development programs through grants and directed
contributions. 19.6% T,B,S
Frostburg State University Foundation, Inc. (301)687-47524
foundation.frostburg.edu EIN#237120883 The Foundation strengthens
Frostburg State University’s capacity to broaden access to high-quality
higher education by supporting scholarships, faculty/staff, student
work, and other programs. 10.1% B
Fuller Center for Housing, Inc., The (229)924-2900 www.fullercenter.
org EIN#522455871 A Christian organization working with low-income
families/individuals to build new or repair existing homes for those
Fund for American Studies, The (202)986-0384 www.TFAS.
org EIN#136223604 TFAS develops young leaders by sponsoring
education programs that teach concepts of limited government and
free-market economics to college students throughout the world.
16.9% B,O,T
Girls Incorporated (212)509-2000 www.girlsinc.org EIN#131915124
We inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. We proactively
respond to the needs of girls through vital, research-based educational
programs and advocacy. 13.1% O,B,W
Global Smile Foundation (781)501-5007 www.gsmile.
org EIN#262668127 Global Smile Foundation is dedicated to
comprehensive, multidisciplinary cleft care for underserved patients
around the world coupled with educational programs that enhance
empowerment and sustainability. 28.8% T,G,E
GlobalGiving Foundation (202)232-5784 www.globalgiving.org
EIN#300108263 GlobalGiving is an innovative platform that connects
donors to great projects around the world that are working to drive
change at the community level. 3.5% Q,W,T
Good Jobs First(202)232-1616www.goodjobsfirst.org
EIN#820542649 Good Jobs First is a public interest watchdog group
promoting accountability in the $70 billion spent annually by states and
cities for economic development incentives. 12.3% S,J,C
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry (804)553-4090 www.
goodnewsjail.org EIN#540703077 Every day we provide chaplaincy/
pastoral care, counseling, aftercare, and human support services to
inmates, inmate families, correctional staff/families. No tax funding
accepted. 16.0% X,P,W
Government Accountability Project (202)457-0034 www.
whistleblower.org EIN#521343924 Promotes accountability through
defending government, corporate and international whistleblowers
and substantiating their concerns about drug and food safety, the
environment, nuclear power/weapons and national security. 6.4%
Guiding Eyes for the Blind (914)245-4024 www.guidingeyes.org
EIN#131854606 Provides professionally trained Guiding Eyes’ dogs
to enrich visually impaired individual’s lives with new horizons of
18.3% P,D,E
Gun Owners Foundation (703)321-8585 www.gunowners.org
EIN#521297380 Defending America’s unique constitutional right
to keep and bear arms, through education and legal assistance in
Harvest Institute, The (301)897-2465 www.harvestinstitute.org
EIN#521874476 A public policy research and educational organization
that advocates for Black America and designs and promotes strategies
Healing the Children-Florida Inc(407)877-9311www.htcflorida.org
EIN#593503974 To provide donated and specialized medical treatment
to uninsured and under insured children locally and internationally.
8.9% E,P
Heart and Stroke Research Fund (480)747-5029 www.
heartandstrokeresearchfund.com EIN#262498876 Supporting
research programs, medical equipment to hospitals for heart, stroke
and other diseases. Humanitarian aid, supplies, education, and funding
to programs. Giving from the heart. 1.9% H,G,P
Heart of America Foundation, The (202)347-6278 www.
heartofamerica.org EIN#522034127 Provides children in poverty with
tools to read, succeed and make a difference. Promotes volunteerism
and literacy, distributes books and creates vibrant centers of learning.
3.7% B,W,O
Heart of the Bride Ministries (850)678-9008 www.heartofthebride.
org EIN#742848196 We provide loving homes, education, discipleship,
and economic opportunities for orphans in Haiti, Kenya, Uganda,
Ukraine, and Zambia. We send short and long-term missionaries.
12.7% X,O,P
Hearts of America, Inc (844)785-4404 www.heartsofamerica.org
EIN#261786543 Dedicated to improve deployed service members’
morale by contributions across the U.S.A. Per availability of sundries,
hygiene, and items to assist missions that are permissible. 50.9%
Help Our Wounded (Healing American Heroes Inc) (888)377-7964
www.helpourwounded.org EIN#271607659 Helping severely wounded
service members, and those who care for them, by providing urgently
needed direct aid, resources and support. 22.2% E,P
Heritage Foundation (202)546-4400 www.heritage.org
EIN#237327730 We formulate and promote conservative public
policies based on principles of free enterprise, limited government,
individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national
defense. 22.3% B,W,T
Heroes on the Water (214)295-4541 www.heroesonthewater.
org EIN#134367788 Heroes on the Water helps warriors unwind,
rehabilitate and reconnect with their family and community through
15.5% P,N,W
HHT Foundation International, Inc. (410)357-9932 www.hht.org
EIN#223115041 We provide support to families with HHT, a genetic
multi-symptom blood vessel disorder, through education, advocacy,
and research. HHT affects 1 in 5,000 people. 19.6% G,H,E
Histiocytosis Association (856)589-6606 www.histio.org
EIN#222827069 Dedicated to addressing the unique needs of patients
and families dealing with the effects of histiocytic disorders while
leading the search for a cure. 13.8% G,P,H
Honor Flight, Inc(937)521-2400www.honorflight.orgEIN#202751460
To transport America’s veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (818)851-3980 www.hoby.org
EIN#956082886 For 56 years, HOBY has inspired over 425,000 young
leaders nationwide. Inspiring youth to lead, serve and create positive
change their communities. 15.3% O,B
Human Life International (540)635-7884 www.hli.org EIN#521241765
Human Life International defends human life from conception to natural
death by training, organizing, equipping pro-life leaders in more than
100 countries around the world. 18.9% R,X,P
Indian Land Tenure Foundation (651)766-8999 www.iltf.org
EIN#412014273 Community foundation created to educate Indian
and non-Indian people on Indian land ownership, development and
preservation: 100 percent of all donations support direct program
initiatives. 92.9% S,R,W
Inheritance of Hope (914)213-8435 www.InheritanceOfHope.org
EIN#753243566 Inspiring hope in young families facing the loss of a
parent through memorable events, scholarships, and resources to help
parents leave a legacy. 9.7% E,P,X
International Aid, Inc. (616)846-7490 www.internationalaid.org
and health resources to global partners serving people in need. 1.1%
International Association of Fire Fighters Foundation (202)8241504 www.iafffoundation.org EIN#611629460 Supporting IAFF
members and their families in their time of need, helping burn
survivors, assisting after natural and man-made disasters and
providing scholarships to children. 16.4% M
International Children’s Fund (920)729-5721 www.icfaid.org
EIN#391303430 ICF ministers to the physical and the spiritual needs
of desperately poor children and their families, worldwide. Just as
Jesus ministered to the multitudes. 3.4% P,Q,X
International Crisis Aid, Inc. (314)487-1400 www.crisisaid.org
EIN#300060905 Programs include rescuing / rehabilitating young girls
care, disaster relief, community development, vocational training and
more. 8.6% K,M,S
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources- US (202)518-2053 www.iucnus.org EIN#521443147
Your contribution to this union of governments, NGOs and scientists
will help save endangered species, support national parks, protect the
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA (608)274-9001 www.
intervarsity.org EIN#362171714 InterVarsity establishes witnessing
communities of college students and faculty who follow Jesus as
Savior and Lord: discipleship training, evangelism, Bible study, and
community service. 17.1% X,O,B
ISC2 Charitable and Educational Foundation (727)683-0791 www.
isc2.org EIN#452405127 (ISC)2® Foundation empowers students,
parents and seniors to stay safe online with cybersecurity education
including InfoSec scholarships and the free Safe and Secure Online®
program. 22.7% B,U,W
Islamic Relief USA (855)447-1001 www.irusa.org EIN#954453134
IRUSA alleviates suffering, hunger, illiteracy, and diseases worldwide
regardless of color, race, religion, or creed; provides rapid disaster
relief; and establishes sustainable local development projects. 16.3%
Janey Foundation, Inc. (301)963-7270 www.JaneyFoundation.
com EIN#521389615 Operates occupational training centers for 100
persons with physical/emotional disabilities in Kochi, India; supports
similar schools elsewhere, together with awareness programs in the
U.S. 25.6% F,P,E
JCAHPO Education & Research Foundation (651)731-2944 www.
jcahpo.org EIN#411681301 Scholarships and grants for students
in training programs for ophthalmic medical personnel (OMP) and
projects. 34.7% B,E,W
Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Inc., The (212)727-9955
assistance to 700 needy Christians who saved Jews during the
Holocaust and educates teachers and their students about the
Holocaust. 18.7% B,P,Z
Jews for Jesus (415)864-2600 www.jewsforjesus.org EIN#942222464
Making the messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish
people worldwide. Ministering the gospel through direct evangelism
and discipleship through personal Bible study. 19.8% X,O,B
Joni and Friends (818)707-5664 www.joniandfriends.org
EIN#953402002 A Christian ministry outreach to people and families
affected by disability; with programs that offer practical help and the
hope of Christ. 18.9% X,P,W
Jubilee Campaign USA Inc. (703)503-0791 www.jubileecampaign.
org EIN#521645262 Promotes human rights and liberty of religious
minorities; advocates for prisoners of conscience and refugees;
Junior Statesmen Foundation (650)347-1600 www.jsa.org
EIN#946050452 Our mission is to strengthen American democracy by
educating and preparing high school students for life-long involvement
and responsible leadership in a democratic society. 13.7% Z
K9s for Warriors (904)686-1956 www.k9sforwarriors.org
EIN#275219467 Trains rescue dogs to become service dogs for
veterans and active duty military suffering from PTSD or TBI due to
service post 9/11. 5.5% P,D,W
LAM Foundation, The (513)777-6889 www.thelamfoundation.org
EIN#311438001 The LAM Foundation funds medical research and
offers education and support to women with a rare and frequently fatal
lung disease called LAM (lymphangioleiomyomatosis). 22.3% G,H,E
League of American Bicyclists (League of American Wheelmen Inc)
(202)822-1333 www.bikeleague.org EIN#366206225 The League of
American Bicyclists is building a bicycle friendly America for everyone
-- making biking better for riders nationwide through advocacy,
education and promotion. 7.9% Y,R,N
Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc. (540)854-0870 www.rikkisrefuge.org
EIN#541911042 367-acre, no-kill Rikki’s Refuge, life-care for abused,
abandoned, unwanted, domestic, farm and wild animals. Adoptions,
information, education, assisting humans with animals. 2.4% D,C,B
Life Without Limbs (818)706-3300 www.lifewithoutlimbs.org
EIN#371511251 Our mission is to cross boundaries and break down
barriers, to build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found
in Jesus Christ. 31.4% O,W,X
Lifeline Christian Mission (614)794-0108 www.lifeline.org
EIN#310999791 Meets physical needs (food, homes, education,
health care) while sharing the hope of Jesus, by involving Christians in
ministry (Haiti, U.S. and 5 other countries). 20.1% X,L,E
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (610)645-4567 www.lbbc.org
EIN#232734689 Provides information and support for women
diagnosed with breast cancer and caregivers through national
conferences, webinars, Guides to Understanding Breast Cancer and a
toll-free Helpline. 8.7% E,B
Living Lands & Waters (309)496-9848 www.livinglandsandwaters.
org EIN#364244353 Coordinates cleanups, educational workshops,
riverbottom restoration, million trees and Adopt-A-River Mile projects
involving thousands of volunteers in cleaning, restoring, beautifying our
major waterways. 15.4% C,B,T
Lupus Research Institute (212)812-9881 www.lupusresearchinstitute.
org EIN#061565950 LRI leads the world in cutting-edge novel research
to transform the lives of those with lupus today, and to prevent and
cure lupus tomorrow. 8.2% H,G,E
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (410)230-2700 www.
lirs.org EIN#132574854 We help those uprooted by war or facing
persecution in their home countries. We resettle refugees, protect
vulnerable children and advocate for justice for migrants. 10.3% P,R,Z
Lutherans For Life (515)382-2077 www.lutheransforlife.org
EIN#411374293 Lutherans For Life equips Lutherans to be gospel
motivated voices for life and equips them to transform society. 20.3%
Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (888)366-6611 www.
LymeDiseaseAssociation.org EIN#223123551 LDA, all-volunteer,
funds research, medical expenses for uninsured children; conducts
conferences for doctors, public, schools; provides referrals, free
literature; produces books, DVDs, prevention projects, info-line. 4.1%
Magnet Schools of America, Inc. (202)824-0672 www.magnet.edu
EIN#760428386 Magnet Schools of America’s mission is to provide
leadership for high-quality, innovative, instructional programs that
promote choice, diversity, equity, and academic excellence for all
students. 39.1% B,R,Y
Mailbox Club Inc., The (229)244-6812 www.mailboxclub.org
EIN#237229445 To win the children of the world to Christ and nurture
them into spiritual maturity and local churches through Christ-centered
Bible lessons and godly mentors. 13.5% X,O,B
Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association (719)477-1870
www.baseballalumni.com EIN#521276284 Through the Legends
for Youth series, MLBPAA hosts free youth baseball clinics where
experiences. 12.1% O,N
Malesurvivor Natl Organization Against Male Sexual Victimization
(917)524-8934 www.malesurvivor.org EIN#411831829 We are
committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual
victimization of boys and men through support, treatment, research,
education, advocacy, and activism. 15.8% F,R,W
Manna Project International (615)290-5746 www.mannaproject.
org EIN#364547264 Through its health, education, and livelihood
programs, Manna Project International empowers children, women,
and families living in underserved communities in Ecuador, Guatemala,
and Nicaragua. 16.5% B,E,S
MarineParents.com, Inc. (573)449-2003 www.marineparents.com
EIN#202294408 Over eleven years of direct assistance to military and
their families, helping both overseas and stateside, plus supporting
wounded in military hospitals and homes nationwide. 6.5% P,W,F
Marshall Legacy Institute, The (703)243-9200 www.marshall-legacy.
org EIN#541853093 The Marshall Legacy Institute establishes
practical, affordable, and sustainable indigenous programs to help
landmines. 7.3% D,I,Z
Materials Research Society (724)779-3003 www.mrs.org
EIN#311037979 Engaging and supporting the next generation of
students and scientists from all demographics worldwide to advance
materials and education that improve the quality of life. 27.7% B,U
Mayan Families (619)550-2608 www.mayanfamilies.org
EIN#208433997 Mayan Families provides opportunities and
assistance to the indigenous and impoverished people of rural
Guatemala, through education and community development programs.
23.2% B,S,Q
MedEvac Foundation International (703)836-8732 www.
medevacfoundation.org EIN#542007236 We support research,
education, and outreach programs to provide medical care and provide
safe and effective air and ground medical transportation for every
patient in-need. 32.1% T,E,M
Media Research Center (800)672-1423 www.mrc.org
EIN#541429009 The premier media watchdog whose mission is
to expose bias and ensure Americans receive fair, balanced, and
accurate reporting from the media. 1.3% B,P,V
Men’s Health Network (202)543-6461 www.menshealthnetwork.org
EIN#521855419 Improving the physical and mental health of men
so they can live fuller, happier lives. Building healthy families through
screening, education, and outreach efforts. 9.2% E,F,G
Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) (210)732-2156
www.maccsa.org EIN#741712528 Nationally recognized college
empowering and educating leaders for culturally diverse communities:
Focus: Hispanic leadership, diversity training, family, youth,
farmworkers, Catholic Faith, Spanish and English languages. 22.0%
Mezu International Foundation Inc. (443)857-1953 www.
mezufoundation.org EIN#454535322 Bringing hope where there is
need through food and medical missions, programs in agriculture,
healthcare, community development and education in US and Africa.
0.4% P,M,E
Migrant Clinicians Network, Inc. (512)327-2017 www.
migrantclinician.org EIN#742662919 MCN assists health professionals
providing care to migrants and mobile poor, strengthening health and
community well-being with practical solutions where poverty, migration
and health intersect. 9.5% E,B,P
Migrant Legal Action Program, Inc. (202)775-7780 www.mlap.org
EIN#520913158 Assists impoverished, exploited migrant farmworkers
who suffer from daily exposure to toxic pesticides, discrimination,
intimidation, and inhumane living and working conditions, through free
legal services. 20.7% R,P,J
Missing in America Veterans Recovery Program (530)226-9900
www.miap.us EIN#208408832 Veterans military burial for unclaimed
resting place for these forgotten heroes. 21.9% P,W,M
Mission Continues, The (Center for Citizen Leadership) (314)5888805 www.missioncontinues.org EIN#208742553 The Mission
Continues empowers veterans facing challenges adjusting to civilian
communities. 15.3% J,W,S
Missionary Aviation Repair Center (907)262-5388 www.marcalaska.
uniquely designed to support the missionary aviation needs within
remote Alaska supporting over 230 communities inaccessible by roads.
4.1% X,O,M
Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT Inc) (406)728-1911 www.mctinc.
importance of commitment, teamwork, trust and acceptance through
participation in performing arts with the Missoula Children’s Theatre.
22.0% O,A,B
Moving Picture Institute (646)926-0674 www.thempi.org
EIN#203237801 The Moving Picture Institute supports freedomorientedfilmmakersthroughgrants,fellowships,internships,promotion
opportunities. 10.0% A,B
Myositis Association, The (703)299-4850 www.myositis.org
disease, that destroys muscle cells. 30.7% H,E,P
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (914)5394010 www.nacme.org EIN#521190664 NACME provides engineering
scholarships and pre-engineering educational programs to increase
the representation of African American, American Indian and Latino
women and men in engineering/STEM careers. 30.0% B,O,J
National AMBUCS (800)838-1845 www.ambucs.org EIN#560715171
Creating mobility and independence by donating AmTryke therapeutic
tricycles to children and veterans with disabilities, performing access
service projects and awarding scholarships to therapy students. 10.1%
National American Indian Housing Council (202)789-1754
www.naihc.net EIN#222096315 Since 1974, NAIHC has been the
only national organization devoted to promoting and advancing
culturally relevant and quality affordable housing for Native American
communities. 0.0% L,S,W
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated
organization that seeks to prevent and alleviate the problems of eating
disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge
eating disorder. 30.6% F,O,P
National Association of Railroad Passengers (202)408-8362 www.
narprail.org EIN#362615221 NARP works to bring about an expanded
and improved network of modern passenger trains and rail transit
systems in the US through advocacy and education. 49.6% W,Y,C
National Ataxia Foundation, Inc. (763)553-0020 www.ataxia.org
EIN#410832903 A national voluntary health agency which provides
research, education, patient services, publications, and prevention
programs to ataxia families and persons with related neurological
disorders. 5.6% G,H,P
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (972)248-9200 www.
nationalbreastcancer.org EIN#752391148 Educates women on
lifesaving techniques of early detection of breast cancer; provides
support for breast cancer patients; free to low-cost mammography for
underserved women. 14.6% E
National Children’s Alliance (202)548-0090 www.
nationalchildrensalliance.org EIN#631044781 National Children’s
Alliance is a professional membership organization that helps local
communities effectively respond to child abuse allegations by putting
National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community
Development (202)223-2442 www.nationalcapacd.org
EIN#912121566 We are a powerful voice for the unique community
development needs of low-to-moderate income Asian American and
National Coalition for the Homeless (202)462-4822 www.
nationalhomeless.org EIN#521517415 NCH strives to end and prevent
homelessness, utilizing grassroots organizing, public education, policy
advocacy, technical assistance, and partnerships with organizations
and the homeless community. 13.6% L,P,R
National Collegiate Conference Association, Inc. (612)353-5649
www.nmun.org EIN#046185992 Through international Model United
Nations simulations that advance understanding of contemporary
global issues NCCA annually prepares almost 6,000 students to be
better global citizens. 13.5% B,Q,O
National Council on Aging, Inc. (202)479-1200 www.ncoa.org
advocacy organization representing older adults, especially the most
vulnerable, and the community organizations that serve them. 0.6%
National Crime Prevention Council (202)466-6272 www.ncpc.org
EIN#133129302 The National Crime Prevention Council, home of
McGruff the Crime Dog®, helps people keep themselves, their families
and their communities safe from crime. 2.6% I,O,S
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (301)447-1365 www.
Foundation’s mission is to honor and remember America’s fallen
National Fatherhood Initiative (301)948-0599 www.fatherhood.
org EIN#232745763 Works to improve children’s wellbeing by
increasing the proportion of children raised by involved, responsible,
and committed fathers, through education, research, and resource
distribution nationwide. 32.5% W,S,P
National Film Preservation Foundation (415)392-7291 www.
8.1% A,B,W
National Gallery of Art (202)737-4215 www.nga.gov EIN#536001666
Serves the nation by preserving, collecting, and presenting celebrated
works of art, and fosters understanding through unsurpassed
19.4% A,B
National History Day, Inc (301)314-9739 www.nhd.org
EIN#341262642 National History Day is an education NGO promoting
civics and history education through teacher workshops, curriculum
materials, and a national contest involving annually 600,000
participants. 13.1% B,A,O
National Indian Education Association (202)544-2790 www.niea.org
EIN#410976048 The National Indian Education Association, founded
in 1969, is the most inclusive Native organization in the country
representing Native students, educators, families, communities, and
tribes. 19.6% B,O,R
National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing
in Southeast Asia (703)465-7432 www.pow-miafamilies.org
EIN#237071242 Seeks release of and fullest possible accounting for
America’s Vietnam War POW/MIAs; represents POW/MIA families;
advocates and conducts responsible, factual public education and
awareness programs. 5.5% P,W,Y
National Low Income Housing Coalition (National Low Income
Housing Coalition and Low Income Housing) (202)662-1530 www.
nlihc.org EIN#521089824 NLIHC is a research and advocacy
organization dedicated to achieving public policy that assures that
people with the lowest incomes have affordable and decent homes.
26.9% L,R,S
National Math and Science Initiative (214)346-1200 www.nms.
org EIN#113769438 NMSI transforms schools by expanding access,
increasing rigor, and improving college- and career-readiness in the
critical subjects of science, technology, engineering and math. 10.1%
National MPS Society (919)806-0101 www.mpssociety.org
EIN#112734849 We provide support to families and individuals
affected by MPS and related diseases. Rare, terminal genetic
diseases, we fund family support programs and research. 25.0%
National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation, Inc. (920)563-0930
www.nnpdf.org EIN#351844264 Niemann-Pick Disease (rare terminal
genetic disease with no treatment or cure). Commitment from patient
supporters, medical/educational professionals to raise funds for
program services/research. 15.7% G,H,P
National Outdoor Leadership School (307)335-2286 www.nols.edu
EIN#830204184 NOLS’ wilderness expeditions provide life changing
experiences through leadership and wilderness skills training,
emphasizing environmental ethics and stewardship. NOLS is a leader
in wilderness education. 15.2% B,C,O
National PKU Alliance (715)437-0477 www.npkua.org
EIN#262849140 The National PKU Alliance works to improve the lives
of individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) and purse a cure. Programs
include: research, advocacy, education and support. 16.7% G,H
National Public Radio (202)513-2000 www.npr.org EIN#520907625
NPR produces and distributes news, information and cultural
programming to 27 million listeners weekly in the U.S. and millions
more online and around the world. 19.5% A,Q,W
National Railway Historical Society, Inc. (215)557-6606 www.
nrhs.com EIN#237053004 NRHS supports preservation of America’s
railway history through grants, publications, educational programs,
local chapters. 27.2% A,B,T
National Scoliosis Foundation (781)341-6333 www.scoliosis.org
EIN#042622698 Help and hope for children, adults, and families living
with abnormal spinal curvatures via early detection and treatment,
public awareness, patient education, support, and research. 38.1%
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, The (202)454-0983 www.
nscs.org EIN#521870777 NSCS is an honor society supporting civic
oriented college students with scholarships and providing resources
for community service, K-12 college preparation and mentorship
programs. 14.3% B,O,Y
National Steering Committee of the Association for the
Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (917)796-0232 www.aimirs.
org EIN#222375666 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance to low income;
community outreach; mentoring programs for youth; workshops and
scholarships for IRS career advancement. 15.8% W,B,O
National Wildlife Refuge Association (202)417-3803 www.
refugeassociation.org EIN#237447365 A wildlife conservation
organization that uniquely supports the National Wildlife Refuge
System by building grassroots support, raising funds, and protecting
important places for wildlife nationwide. 10.5% C,D
Naval Sea Cadet Corps (703)243-6910 www.seacadets.org
EIN#520808385 Development program for American youth (M/F;
age 11-17) instilling personal core values of honesty, integrity, honor,
courage, commitment and a drug-, alcohol-, gang-free lifestyle. 6.7%
Navy League of the United States (703)528-1775 www.navyleague.
org EIN#530116710 Dedicated to informing the American people and
the international community that the U.S., its allies and friends depend
upon strong sea services for economic wellbeing. 33.2% P,Q,O
Navy Supply Corps Foundation, Inc. (706)354-4111 www.usnscf.
com EIN#237066533 Provides scholarships to qualifying dependents/
decedents of active, reserve, retired, or prior service Supply Corps
supply community. 19.1% W,P,T
Neurofibromatosis Network(NeurofibromatosisInc)(630)510-1115
www.nfnetwork.org EIN#043030760 Improve the lives of individuals
education, awareness, hope and support. 12.1% G,H,P
NEW Inc. Fourth World Movement (301)832-1640
www.4thworldmovement.org EIN#237135119 We work to overcome
persistent poverty by partnering with struggling individuals and families
and other concerned citizens in the United States and around the
world. 22.2% S,Q,R
North American Bear Center (218)365-7879 www.bear.org
EIN#411838192 Dedicated to advancing long-term survival of Bears
Bears, their role in ecosystems, and their relations with humans. 8.4%
North American Butterfly Association (973)285-0907 www.naba.org
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund (703)267-1250 www.
nradefensefund.org EIN#521136665 Asserts and defends the human,
civil and constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans to keep and
bear arms through precedent-setting litigation and education programs.
5.5% R
NRA Foundation, Inc., The (888)467-2363 www.nrafoundation.
org EIN#521710886 Supports eligible programs within the NRA,
law enforcement, and other community-based agencies that foster
conservation management. 11.5% O,N,R
Obesity Action Coalition (813)872-7835 www.obesityaction.org
EIN#201953508 The OAC is dedicated to helping those affected by
obesity with their often life-long struggle through education, advocacy
and support. 7.3% G,R,K
On Purpose Journey Inc. (414)587-5978 www.onpurposejourney.
com EIN#275027195 Bridging the military/civilian divide by giving
military/vets a voice and purpose through writing and the arts. Sending
care packages to deployed troops. 4.9% W,P,S
Operation Military Embrace, Inc. (281)615-6275 www.
operationmilitaryembrace.com EIN#562656711 Supports severely
quarterly trips to SAMMC and coordinates legal assistance for
inaccurate military disability ratings. 3.5% P,I,T
Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc. (202)223-5500 www.
ocanational.org EIN#237250499 OCA, is a national organization
dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well being of
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Lourdes
Volunteers, LTD (315)476-0026 www.lourdesvolunteers.org
EIN#760721842 Sharing the Message of Lourdes through Virtual
Pilgrimages; Assisting and sponsoring sick, handicapped and wounded
to Lourdes; Volunteer service programs and youth service with
catechesis. 7.0% X,T,O
Out & Equal (415)694-6500 www.outandequal.org EIN#020681855
Out and Equal is committed to ending employment discrimination for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) employees through
educational programs aimed at achieving workplace equality. 18.4%
Painters and Allied Trades for Children’s Hope Foundation
(410)564-5885 www.iupat.org/patch/index.html EIN#522318869 The
PATCH Foundation was established to provide funds for local charities
and organizations to improve the lives of children in need throughout
North America. 51.1% O,T,W
Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research, Inc., The
(201)250-8440 www.parentprojectmd.org EIN#311405490 PPMD’s
mission is to end Duchenne by accelerating research, raising our
voices in Washington, demanding optimal care for all patients,
educating the global community. 20.2% H,G,P
Parkinson’s Action Network (Parkinsons Action Network Foundation)
(202)638-4101 www.parkinsonsaction.org EIN#943172675 The
Parkinson’s disease community advocating for more than one million
Americans and their families. 22.8% E,G,H
Pat Tillman Foundation (773)828-5411 www.pattillmanfoundation.org
EIN#201072336 Invests in military veterans and their spouses through
educational scholarships, building a diverse community of leaders
committed to the service of others. 0.0% B,R,O
Patriot Guard Riders, Inc. (918)376-6671 www.patriotguard.org
EIN#204346624 The PGR is a 100% Volunteer organization which
ensures dignity and respect at funeral services honoring Fallen Military
Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans. 20.6%
Patriot Outreach, Inc. (913)240-1261 www.patriotoutreach.
org EIN#262245912 Provide assisted living and effective tools to
overcome anger, stress and even PTSD for our Armed Forces,
Veterans, Government Employees and their families. 27.0% E,O,P
Phi Beta Kappa Society (202)265-3808 www.pbk.org
EIN#530226282 Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s
oldest and most widely recognized academic honor society, celebrating
excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. 38.2% B,A,W
Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, The (Phoenix Society Inc)
(800)888-2876 www.phoenix-society.org EIN#232062352 The only
national organization helping burn survivors everywhere get back to
living with the support, education, and tools needed to thrive again.
19.2% P,W
Platelet Disorder Support Association (301)770-6636 www.pdsa.
org EIN#223611011 Platelet Disorder Support Association is dedicated
to enhancing the lives of people with immune thrombocytopenia and
other platelet disorders through education, advocacy, research and
support. 19.8% G,E,B
Postal Employees Relief Fund (202)408-1869 www.postalrelief.com
EIN#521666010 Provides assistance with non-repayable grants to
employees and retirees of the USPS and their families who are victims
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) (941)312-0400 www.
pwsausa.org EIN#411306908 PWSA(USA) provides parents and
professionals a national network of information, support services and
research endeavors that expressly meet the needs of affected children
and adults. 23.1% G,P,F
PRCC (Presbyterian & Reformed Chaplain Commission)
(PCA Mission to North America) (678)825-1251 www.PRCC.co
EIN#640541857 Chaplain Ministries PRCC/MNA recruits, trains,
endorses, and cares for chaplains who provide constitutionallyapproved religious support (biblical preaching, teaching and
counseling) for America’s Military Personnel. 52.4% X,F,P
Preeclampsia Foundation (321)421-6957 www.preeclampsia.org
EIN#912073087 Reduces maternal and infant illness/death due to
preeclampsia by providing patient support and education, raising public
awareness, catalyzing research and improving health care practices.
19.3% G,H
Prisoner Visitation And Support Committee (215)241-7117 www.
prisonervisitation.org EIN#231985076 Prisoner Visitation and Support
is the only nationwide, interfaith visitation program for federal and
military prisoners with volunteers across the country who regularly visit
prisoners. 18.2% P,I,W
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship Intl
(303)452-1212 www.pathintl.org EIN#237169769 Promotes safety
and optimal outcomes in equine-assisted activities and therapies for
individuals with special needs and serves military communities through
Equine Services for Heroes. 18.4% D,E,N
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. (301)399-7396 www.
projecthealingwaters.org EIN#611518154 Dedicated to the physical
and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service
including education and outings. 18.1% P,N,E
Project MedSend (203)891-8223 www.medsend.org EIN#752470543
Project MedSend offers student loan repayment grants to healthcare
professionals headed for career medical missions at home or abroad
under authority of approved mission board. 34.9% E,P,X
Project On Government Oversight (202)347-1122 www.pogo.org
EIN#521739443 POGO works to promote transparency, accountability
and oversight within the federal government and work for the
implementation of solutions to problems our investigations uncover.
43.9% R,P,W
Project Tomorrow (949)609-4660 www.tomorrow.org EIN#954581958
Preparing today’s students to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and
engaged citizens of the world through innovation in science, math and
technology in K-12 schools. 17.4% B,S,U
PTSD Foundation of America (800)717-7873 www.ptsdusa.org
EIN#203864341 We proudly provide Hope and Healing for the Invisible
Wounds of War by serving our Military, Veterans, and their Families
through mentoring and whole-person care. 25.2% F,L,J
Public Broadcasting Service (703)739-5000 www.pbs.org
EIN#520899215 PBS, with 351 member stations, offers content that
educates, informs and inspires reaching almost 140 million people
through television and digital platforms each month. 7.8% A,B,W
Push America (704)504-2400 www.pushamerica.org EIN#581588777
Push America builds leaders of tomorrow by serving people with
disabilities today through innovative awareness and outreach events,
and construction initiatives. 23.2% P,S,T
Reason Foundation (310)391-2245 www.reason.org EIN#953298239
Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying,
and promoting the libertarian ideas of individual liberty, free markets,
and the rule of law. 16.1% B,V,W
Rebuilding Together (800)473-4229 www.rebuildingtogether.org
EIN#521585880 Nationwide, volunteer-based home rehabilitation
organization repairing homes owned by low-income families with
children, the elderly, veterans, and the disabled at no cost to the
homeowner. 11.2% L,S,P
19241 Resources for the Future (202)328-5000 www.rff.org
EIN#530220900 RFF is an independent, nonpartisan organization
that conducts economic research and analysis, helping leaders make
better decisions and craft smarter natural resource and environmental
policy. 21.8% C,V,B
10010 Roger L. Von Amelunxen Foundation (718)641-4800 www.
rogerfoundation.org EIN#112583014 To aid families of ICE and
CBP employees with expenses related to death in the line of duty,
scholarships, and unreimbursed medical bills. 0.1% P
11635 Rutherford Institute, The (434)978-3888 www.rutherford.org
EIN#521267484 The Rutherford Institute is a civil liberties organization
that provides free legal services to people who’s constitutional and
human rights have been threatened or violated. 9.0% R,A,I
18098 Rx Outreach (314)627-6100 www.rxoutreach.org EIN#352378788
Rx Outreach creates healthier communities by providing affordable
medications for people in need, because no one should have to
choose between buying food or medicine. 2.2% E,P,F
79705 SADD, Inc. (508)481-3568 www.sadd.org EIN#042764514 SADD is
the leading peer-to-peer youth education, prevention, and advocacy
organization in America, empowering young people and families to
choose healthy lifestyles and positive decision-making. 36.0% O,S,B
26177 Safe Passage (207)846-1188 www.safepassage.org EIN#010532835
Empowers the at-risk children whose families work in the Guatemala
City Garbage Dump community, by creating opportunities, and
fostering dignity through the power of education. 17.1% B,O,P
10089 Scleroderma Foundation (978)463-5843 www.scleroderma.
org EIN#521375827 Scleroderma is a chronic, sometimes fatal,
autoimmune disease. The Scleroderma Foundation serves patients
and healthcare professionals with education and support programming
and funds medical research. 15.3% G,H,P
47452 Secular Student Alliance (614)441-9588 www.secularstudents.
org EIN#411967141 The Secular Student Alliance organizes, unites,
educates, and serves students and student communities that promote
ethics. 34.5% B,O,P
34151 Seeding Labs (617)500-3014 www.seedinglabs.org EIN#108267613
Seeding Labs helps scientists in the developing world unlock new
discoveries and train students. We provide them with laboratory
equipment, training and introductions to colleagues. 12.8% U,B,C
10782 Smithsonian Institution (202)633-4300 www.si.edu EIN#530206027
The Smithsonian preserves America’s heritage, discovers new
knowledge, and shares our vast resources in science, history, art, and
culture with our nation and the world. 19.1% A,B,U
65846 Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in
Science (831)459-0170 www.sacnas.org EIN#521443811 SACNAS
is a society of scientists dedicated to the success of Hispanic/Chicano
and Native American scientists to attain advanced degrees, careers,
and positions of leadership. 13.6% U,S,B
92454 Society for Science & the Public (202)785-2255 www.
society dedicated to engaging the public in science and promoting the
vital role science plays in human advancement. 15.1% U,B,O
26052 Society of American Indian Government Employees (410)8022190 www.saige.org EIN#743068342 SAIGE promotes equality and
inclusion for American Indians/Alaska Natives in the government
workplace; educating government employees about Native issues and
fostering a professional network. 25.5% J,A,R
73110 Society of Women Engineers (312)596-5223 www.swe.org
EIN#131947735 SWE stimulates women to achieve full potential in
careers as engineers and expands the image of the engineering and
technology profession as a positive force. 26.9% Z
10116 Sons of Confederate Veterans Inc. (931)380-1844 www.scv.org
EIN#611522953 SCV- since 1896, an historical, patriotic, and nonpolitical organization dedicated to preserving the true history of the
period 1861-1865 for present and future generations. 14.7% Y,B,W
66266 South Side Help Center (773)445-5445 www.southsidehelp.org
EIN#363532259 Founded in 1987, a community-based organization
that provides comprehensive HIV and health education, youth violence
prevention workshops and technical assistance for African American
communities. 6.0% B,O,P
12554 Spastic Paraplegia Foundation (877)773-4483 www.sp-foundation.
Lateral Sclerosis (PLS), diseases similar to Lou Gehrig’s. 8.2% G,E,H
81646 Stop Hunger Now, Inc. (919)839-0689 www.stophungernow.org
EIN#161541024 Stop Hunger Now provides food and lifesaving aid to
the world’s most vulnerable and supports the movement to end hunger
in our lifetime. 10.5% K,M,P
43556 Street Law, Inc. (301)589-1130 www.streetlaw.org EIN#522015256
Street Law programs and curricula empower youth and adults around
the world to be active, informed citizens through education about law,
democracy, and human rights. 33.7% B,R,O
13604 Stronger Families (425)679-5671 www.strongerfamilies.org
EIN#943080305 Providing life-changing hope and support services to
families so they can thrive. Special outreach to wounded/active military,
96157 Student Press Law Center (703)807-1904 www.splc.org
EIN#521184647 The Student Press Law Center builds civically literate
young people and promotes open government through free legal
training for student journalists and educators nationwide. 27.7% B,R,O
Sunshine Foundation (215)396-4770 www.sunshinefoundation.org
EIN#232044056 The original wish granting organization, founded in
1976, answering dreams of over 36,000 chronically ill, seriously ill,
physically challenged and abused children throughout the country.
22.3% P,O,W
Tailhook Educational Foundation Inc (858)689-9223 www.
tailhook.net EIN#330487778 College scholarships to children and
grandchildren of persons who have served in naval carrier aviation,
supports school libraries with information on careers in Naval Aviation.
1.9% O,Q,T
Talk About Curing Autism (949)640-4401 www.tacanow.org
EIN#270048002 Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) is a national
organization whose mission is to educate, empower and support
children and families living with autism. 33.8% P,W,E
Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc. (865)546-4578 www.tbp.org
EIN#620479545 The national engineering honor society recognizes
engineering students of superior scholarship and exemplary
character, encourages community service, and provides scholarships,
fellowships, and leadership opportunities. 8.3% B,Y
Team Red, White and Blue (315)559-9370 www.teamrwb.org
EIN#272196347 Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of our
nation’s veterans by connecting them to their community through
physical and social activity. 12.3% N,W,S
Team River Runner Incorporated (Disabled Sports USA) (301)2338882 www.teamriverrunner.org EIN#203838651 TRR promotes
health and healing for veterans of all eras. We further their physical,
mental, emotional, and social rehabilitation through kayaking and other
paddlesports. 13.0% P,F,N
Thomas Jefferson Foundation (434)984-9820 www.monticello.
org EIN#540505959 The Thomas Jefferson Foundation preserves
Monticello for future generations while promoting research on and
public education about the life and legacy of Thomas Jefferson. 16.2%
Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc. (972)789-1058 www.
tomjoynerfoundation.org EIN#752730557 To provide scholarships,
programming initiatives and partnerships in support of historically black
colleges and universities (HBCU) and their communities. 17.7% Z
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (800)365-9944 www.
turnersyndrome.org EIN#411596910 The Turner Syndrome Society
of the United States, creates awareness, promotes research, and
provides support for all persons touched by Turner syndrome. 16.7%
U.S. Chess Trust (845)527-1167 www.uschesstrust.org;
EIN#237016117 Chess is a positive alternative for at-risk children.
Studies indicate that children exposed to chess show improvement in
academic performance and behavioral indicators. 12.6% B,O,A
U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF Global)
(703)526-9720 www.crdfglobal.org EIN#541773406 Dedicated to
promoting international peace and prosperity by connecting scientists
worldwide to address critical global needs in science, technology,
innovation, health, security and economic development. 27.7% Q,U,B
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (703)310-1130 www.
refugees.org EIN#131878704 Promotes refugee rights internationally,
resettles refugees domestically, protects immigrant children legally,
newcomers become productive American citizens. 3.2% P,Q,S
U.S. Foundation for the Inspiration & Recognition of Science &
inspires students to be technology leaders, by engaging in exciting
mentor-based programs that build science skills, inspire innovation,
and foster well-rounded capabilities. 12.6% O,U,B
U.S. Green Building Council (202)828-7422 www.usgbc.
responsible buildings are critical to a bright future for our economy and
our children. USGBC and LEED need your help today! 21.7% C,W,J
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (202)524-6555 www.usukraine.org
EIN#521778729 Building a better world by supporting democracy,
economic development and human rights through professional
exchanges, training, scholarships, conferences, communications,
volunteerism, and public policy advocacy. 22.8% Q,S,O
Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. (212)5334646 www.unwla.org EIN#236404061 Founded 1925, all-volunteer
women’s organization championing Ukraine’s cultural heritage
disadvantaged children in Ukraine and its diaspora. 13.7% P,A,W
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Inc. (412)793-8077
www.umdf.org EIN#251767180 Our mission is to promote research
and education for the diagnosis, treatment and cure of mitochondrial
disorders and provide support for affected individuals and families.
24.4% G,H,E
United Negro College Fund (202)810-0240 www.uncf.org
EIN#131624241 UNCF provides funds to support economically
disadvantaged minority young people by giving them access to higher
education. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”® 12.3% B,P,R
United States Baseball Federation, Inc (919)474-8721 www.
usabaseball.com EIN#386111530 Fosters national/international
amateur baseball; designates/sponsors individuals/teams to represent
United States in international competitions; encourages participation by
women and handicapped individuals in baseball. 15.5% N
64402 United States International Council on Disabilities (202)3470102 www.usicd.org EIN#521766832 Promoting the rights and full
participation of persons with disabilities in society through global
engagement and United States foreign affairs. 19.3% R,Q,S
10977 United States Lifesaving Association, Inc, (866)367-8752 www.
usla.org EIN#237067234 USLA works to prevent drowning and other
aquatic accidents through public education, promoting high standards
in lifesaving, youth programs, and encouraging provision of lifeguard
protection. 4.2% M,O,N
11188 United Way Worldwide (703)836-7100 www.unitedway.org
EIN#131635294 United Way Worldwide advances the common good
by helping individuals and families reduce the dropout rate, be more
30916 Unity Productions Foundation (703)347-1945 www.upf.tv
about Muslims aimed to increase understanding among different
cultures with a focus on improving Muslim-U.S. relations. 23.7% A,B,W
24535 University of Pittsburgh (412)624-2273 www.pitt.edu
EIN#250965591 The University extends new boundaries of knowledge,
research and creative endeavor through its research, artistic and
scholarly activities and advancements in science, technology and
healthcare. 9.6% B,H,U
10293 USA Cycling, Inc. (719)434-4200 www.usacycling.org
EIN#841284437 Dedicated to advancing the development of cycling;
training coaches and athletes (including Olympic team); sponsoring
competitions/events; promoting proper cycling techniques; supporting
sports science technology. 12.3% N
23073 USA Football, Inc. (317)614-7750 www.usafootball.com
EIN#113667205 USA Football, the sport’s national governing body,
leads the game’s development, inspires participation, and ensures a
positive experience for all youth and other amateur players. 12.7%
44692 VH1 Save the Music Foundation (212)846-7600 www.
vh1savethemusic.com EIN#136089816 The VH1 Save The Music
instrumental music education in American public schools. 21.6% A,B,O
12463 Victory Junction Gang Camp (336)498-9055 www.victoryjunction.
org EIN#562215292 Victory Junction is a year-round camping facility
serving children, ages 6 to 16, with chronic medical conditions or
serious illnesses at no charge to families. 32.6% E,O,P
51938 Wish for Our Heroes, Inc. (Phoenix - Wish for Our Heroes Foundation
Inc) (317)965-3232 www.wish4ourheroes.org EIN#270483869 Wish
For Our Heroes grants wishes to U.S. active-duty military personnel
necessities, to entertainment and travel. 5.6% W,P,O
12241 Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. (518)494-6000 www.wol.org
EIN#135648615 Evangelism and discipleship through various means,
including summer youth camps, family conferences, evangelistic rallies
and outreach, Bible Institutes, and local church Bible Clubs. 6.9%
27347 World Justice Project, The (202)407-9326 www.worldjusticeproject.
org EIN#270359097 Our mission is to lead a global, multidisciplinary
effort to strengthen the rule of law for the development of communities
of opportunity and equity. 15.7% I,Q,R
95652 World T.E.A.M. Sports (855)987-8326 www.worldteamsports.org
EIN#561827893 World T.E.A.M. Sports changes lives through sports.
Since 1993, disabled men, women and children are challenged to
accomplish goals they never thought possible through athletics. 4.8%
11425 Wounded Warrior Project (904)296-7350 www.
woundedwarriorproject.org EIN#202370934 Wounded Warrior Project
empower wounded warriors. 16.7% P,W,E
81534 Wounded Warriors Family Support (402)502-7557 www.
woundedwarriorsfamilysupport.org EIN#201407520 Our mission is
to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded,
injured or killed during combat operations. 26.6% E,P,N
11540 Young America’s Foundation (703)318-9608 www.yaf.org
EIN#237042029 Preserve Ronald Reagan’s Western White House
- Reagan Ranch; promotes freedom, strong national defense, free
enterprise, traditional values among young Americans; defend military
recruiters, ROTC. 12.2% O,B,T
11577 Youth Service America, Inc. (202)296-2992 www.ysa.org
EIN#521500870 Youth Service America activates, funds, trains, and
recognizes young people, ages 5-25, and their adult allies, to improve
communities through volunteering, community service, and servicelearning. 19.8% O,T,S
60825 Zonta International Foundation (630)928-1400 www.zonta.org
EIN#363396932 Zonta International Foundation supports projects and
programs around the globe that seek to improve the legal, political,
economic, educational, health and professional status of women. 0.5%
Child Aid USA
Federation and Member Organizations
49216 Child Aid USA, Inc. (978)607-0002 www.childaidusa.org
EIN#263061082 What does it take to save a child from hunger, abuse,
neglect or illness? Help give children across America the hope and
future they deserve. 4.8% P,O,S
94135 A Little Hope Inc (203)581-1011 www.alittlehope.org EIN#010598889
We provide grief counseling, bereavement support groups, and
bereavement camps, for children and teens who have experienced the
death of a parent or sibling. 16.9% O,P,F
35181 Angelwish, Inc. (201)672-0722 www.angelwish.org EIN#223658778
We help donors provide quality of life services to children and families
living with chronic illnesses around the world through holiday and
birthday gifts. 19.3% B,O,P
25160 Blind Children, National Camps for (Christian Record Services Inc)
(402)488-0981 www.blindcamps.org EIN#470405439 Blind campers
physical vigor, experience the great outdoors, develop an appreciation
for God’s love and care. 33.9% O,N,P
11222 Brain Repair Project (The Myelin Project) 310-459-1071 www.myelin.
org EIN#521545992 Help us save the lives of children everywhere by
funding medical research and newborn screening for terminal illnesses
affecting nearly 500,000 newborns worldwide every year. 44.5% H,U,B
58583 Building New Hope (412)421-1625 www.buildingnewhope.org
EIN#251698704 Changing lives of Nicaraguans for 20 years through
education, libraries, public health and sustainable agriculture. We
are a volunteer-driven organization, and work through community
partnerships. 8.8% B,K,O
63635 Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake Inc (207)655-3800 www.
campsunshine.org EIN#222582877 A free respite for children with
life-threatening illnesses and their families providing recreation,
workshops, counseling, and on-site medical support. 9.0% P,N,T
12309 Chai Lifeline (212)465-1300 www.chailifeline.org EIN#112940331
Help us bring happiness, joy and friendship to 400 terminally ill
children. Your donation will help us provide full scholarships to Camp
Simcha. 13.0% E,P,F
80558 Child Abuse and Neglect, International Society for the Prevention
of (303)864-5220 www.ispcan.org EIN#840743126 Millions of children
suffer abuse daily. ISPCAN helps promote healing and creates a
more humane world through international training, increased public
awareness and regional solutions. 28.9% R,P,Q
15808 Child Abuse Prevention that Works (Great Kids Inc) (606)674-2319
www.greatkidsinc.org EIN#621798100 Children deserve a secure,
healthy childhood free of trauma and neglect. Our practical, evidencebased materials for parents and communities strengthen families and
protect children. 12.9% P,B,W
10711 Child’s Play Touring Theatre (773)235-8911 www.cptt.org
EIN#371103415 We inspire children’s creativity with fun, exciting
programs that embrace literacy as a means for self-expression,
adapting children’s original written stories into fully staged
performances. 53.1% A,B,O
12200 Coffee Kids (505)820-1443 www.coffeekids.org EIN#050442372
Coffee Kids promotes self-determination, addressing the roots
of poverty by helping coffee farming families and communities to
determine their own vision of the future. 24.6% P,K,S
11065 Dallas Children’s Theater (214)978-0110 www.dct.org
EIN#751967052 Critically acclaimed national touring company travels
coast to coast with professional large-scale productions designed to
stir the heart, stretch the mind and promote education. 24.1% A,B,O
90590 ECPAT - USA: End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and
Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes, Inc. (718)935-9192
www.ecpatusa.org EIN#133755580 We work to protect every child’s
prostitution and pornography. 8.4% R,O,Z
50855 Maryland State Boychoir (410)554-8644 www.
marylandstateboychoir.org EIN#521541348 Our mission is to foster the
boychoir tradition by offering talented boys opportunities to sing and
build self-esteem, self-discipline and character. 17.6% A,O,B
12350 National Ability Center (435)649-3991 www.discoverNAC.org
EIN#943025807 Dedicated to the development of self-esteem,
sports, recreation, educational and wellness programs. 14.5% N,O,P
23804 Operation Outreach-USA, Inc. (508)306-4655 www.oousa.org
EIN#043368610 Giving books about animals and the environment
among low income students in underperforming schools. 11.8% B,D,C
54112 Parent-Child Home Program, The (516)883-7480 www.parent-child.
org EIN#112495601 Millions of children enter school unprepared,
never having held a book. Bringing books, language, and literacy into
homes, we prepare young families for school success. 8.7% B,W,P
32357 Prasad Project (845)434-0376 www.prasad.org EIN#141751086
We help people achieve lives of self-reliance and dignity by offering
sustainable programs of general and specialized health care,
education, community development and environment protection.
12.4% E,P,K
96619 Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children (212)369-0300
www.spence-chapin.org EIN#131834590 All children deserve to grow
provide support for the family’s adoption journey. 27.5% F,O,P
35749 ThinkFirst Foundation(630)961-1400www.thinkfirst.org
EIN#363730822 Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability
for children and teens; our school programs promote safe choices in
driving, sports and violence prevention. 24.6% E,B,O
11170 United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (602)339-2641 www.
unityinc.org EIN#731010390 UNITY provides lifeskills, leadership
development, networking and educational opportunities for American
Indian and Alaska Native youth through local youth councils, trainings,
and national conferences. 11.1% O,B,S
47838 Wide Horizons for Children (781)894-5330 www.whfc.org
EIN#042564960 We are dedicated to the well-being and security of
vulnerable and orphaned children worldwide, with orphan prevention
and care programs, and full-service adoption programs. 17.6% P,S,Q
73309 Worldfund (World Education and Development Fund) (212)228-5353
www.worldfund.org EIN#030483824 In the war against poverty,
education is the key weapon. We support and train teachers in Latin
America, so they can transform lives. 17.7% B,O,S
72771 Youthbuild USA (617)623-9900 www.youthbuild.org EIN#223076454
While earning GEDs or high school diplomas, low-income youth learn
construction trades by building affordable housing with emphasis
placed on leadership development and community service. 7.4% O,J,B
Hispanic & Latino Charities of the
U.S. and the Americas
Federation and Member Organizations
10947 Hispanic & Latino Charities of the U.S. and the Americas (Hispanic
United Fund) (800)696-5941 www.hlcusa.org EIN#680455509 The
voice of America’s Hispanic Heritage and Latino charities, working
together to build stronger communities and brighter futures for our
families and our neighbors worldwide. 7.3% B,P,W
10475 Amigos de las Américas (800)231-7796 www.amigoslink.org
EIN#741547146 The world needs multi-cultural leaders! Since 1965,
AMIGOS has transformed the lives of 25,000 youth through leadership
training, international development and cross-cultural immersion.
10.3% O,S,T
10994 Bridges to Community (914)923-2200 www.bridgestocommunity.
org EIN#133731405 Our dedicated volunteers work in the poorest
communities in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic to bring basic
human rights of shelter, education, healthcare and employment. 14.2%
87079 Central American Partners (International Partners Cassie Stern
Memorial Inc) (301)318-2545 www.internationalpartners.org
EIN#550888960 Poor communities lacking clean water, health care,
education and jobs. Help empower the young and community leaders
with training, education, construction projects and micro-lending.
14.1% S,K,O
10925 Children of Nicaragua Fabretto Foundation (Fabretto Childrens
Foundation Inc) (703)525-8716 www.fabretto.org EIN#363894824
Empowering underserved children and families in Nicaragua to reach
their full potential, improve their livelihoods, and take advantage of
economic opportunity through education and nutrition. 13.5% O,S,K
10926 Colombian American Service Association, CASA (305)463-7468
www.casa-us.org EIN#650521589 To develop the well-being and
protect the rights of all immigrant families while providing them with the
55419 Corazón, Inc. (714)547-0357 www.corazon.org EIN#953527450 An
international community development organization. Our volunteers
build homes, provide scholarships and training. Our participants
perform community service and together we build a better community.
14.5% S,Q,L
69801 Cuban Christian Relief Fund (Outreach Aid to the Americas Inc)
(305)884-0441 www.ooausa.org EIN#650510432 The poorest suffer
most when disaster strikes. Our immediate aid is critical in saving the
lives of helpless children/families of Cuba and the Americas. 16.3%
12421 El Porvenir (303)861-1499 www.elporvenir.org EIN#680230597
Children die from preventable illnesses such as diarrhea. Your support
empowers rural communities to build water and sanitation systems and
improve their standard of living. 17.9% S,P,C
12160 ESPERANCA (888)701-5150 www.WeTransformLives.org
EIN#237087997 One billion people live on less than $1 per day.
Thousands of children die daily from poverty, hunger, and preventable
diseases. Help us save lives. 17.4% E,S,K
19656 Faith In Practice (713)484-5555 www.faithinpractice.org
EIN#760415986 Crushed by poverty’s weight, the poor of Guatemala
suffer from cleft lip to club feet to cervical cancer. Help us bring healing
to the Guatemalans. 8.4% E,P,X
12473 Great Minds in STEM (323)262-0997 www.greatmindsinstem.org
EIN#954577359 Increasing the number of Hispanics in engineering,
science, technology and math. In doing so, keeping America
technologically strong while providing education opportunities to the
underserved. 13.0% U,B,J
46462 Hispanic and Asian Children Services (916)222-5940 www.haacs.
org EIN#721553715 Children are deprived of basic needs due to
poverty! We’re enriching needy children’s lives in Latin and Asian
communities through education, food, shelter and care. 3.4% P,O,T
10477 Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (210)692-3805
www.hacu.net EIN#742466103 Hispanics suffer economic barriers
and have the highest high school drop-out rate. HACU helps Hispanics
pursue educational opportunities and become leaders in America’s
workforce. 21.6% B,W,O
12474 Hispanic Children and Families Fund (Humanitarian Universal
Connexions Inc) (850)274-6309 www.hispanicchildren.org
EIN#593622051 Relieve human suffering and poverty in several
Hispanic countries by providing education, food security, health care,
and social services for children, families and the elderly. 2.9% P,E,L
10927 Hispanic Children’s Education Fund (Casa de Sara) (865)690-3323
www.casadesara.org EIN#621826845 A child with no education is a
world with no future. Help us educate, feed and provide opportunities
for children living in poverty. 8.9% B,K,O
11500 Hispanic Children’s Nutrition and Education Fund (Children of The
Americas) (949)709-0673 www.americaschildren.org EIN#770018357
Hispanic students need scholarships, school supplies, computers,
meals, new cafeterias and computer labs to succeed. Help us break
their cycle of poverty in one generation. 3.2% O,P,K
11501 Hispanic National Bar Foundation (202)496-7206 www.hnbf.org
EIN#592681611 We provide opportunities, information, mentorship,
equality through education, thereby ensuring a brighter future for all.
30.3% B,O,S
11502 Hispanic Scholarship Fund (877)473-4636 www.hsf.net
EIN#521051044 As the nation’s largest organization supporting
Hispanic-American higher education, our scholarships and outreach
programs make the dream of a college education possible. 9.7%
49785 Hispanics in Philanthropy (415)837-0427 www.hiponline.org
EIN#943040607 HIP invests in Latino leaders and communities to
build a more prosperous and vibrant America and Latin America. Our
programs include: health, education, and arts. 30.4% T,S,P
11507 Honduras Hope (603)616-2133 www.hondurashope.org
EIN#161722583 Meals for hungry children, scholarships for secondary
school opportunities, healthcare in remote village clinics, and improved
sanitation. Helping the poor, sick, and hungry of Honduras. 8.0% E,K,B
27887 Interfaith Service to Latin America (612)819-8877 www.isla.
cc EIN#411951018 Empowering Latin American communities.
Our volunteers are repairing their schools and hospitals, providing
scholarships to deserving children, setting up health services for
women and more. 18.6% T,G,S
11934 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
(213)629-2512 www.maldef.org EIN#741563270 MALDEF promotes
and protects the civil rights of Latinos in the areas of education,
employment, immigrant rights, political access and administers
scholarships for law students. 24.2% R,W,S
10928 Mexico-US Solidarity Network (773)583-7728 www.mexicosolidarity.
org EIN#364435604 Housing, work, health care and education are
basic human rights. Help us defend them on both sides of the MexicoUS border. 9.0% S,Q,B
11505 National Council of La Raza (202)785-1670 www.nclr.org
EIN#860212873 Lack of quality education, disproportionately high
unemployment rates, rising foreclosures, and anti-immigrant/antiLatino laws. Help NCLR tackle the barriers that prevent Latinos from
success. 8.5% R,B,S
10216 National Hispana Leadership Institute (703)527-6007 www.nhli.
leadership positions. Help us ensure that Latinas have the access and
11506 Salvadoran American Humanitarian Foundation (800)992-8858
www.sahf.org EIN#592339140 550 hospitals, clinics, nursing
homes and orphanages are provided with basic medicines, medical
equipment, food and educational supplies to assist millions of
underserved Salvadorans. 0.3% E,B,K
Women, Children, and Family
Service Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
11960 Women, Children, and Family Service Charities of America
(800)626-6481 www.womenandchildren.org EIN#943193386
Creating a better world by constructively addressing gender based
discrimination, domestic violence, reproductive choices, family-work
health. 5.5% R,O,K
10500 Abortion Access Project (Provide Inc) (617)661-1161 www.
provideaccess.org EIN#043298538 To ensure that women nationwide
have access to safe abortion care by seeking to create and support
innovative responses to gaps in abortion access. 8.4% R,E,W
66353 Abortion Care - Improving Women’s Reproductive Health &
Rights: Ipas (Ipas) (800)334-8446 www.ipas.org EIN#561071085
Women are dying from unsafe abortions. Families broken, sisters,
mothers, daughters lost. Help us give these women access to safe
abortion care. 18.0% R,E,P
11658 Abortion Federation, National (NAF) (202)667-5881 www.prochoice.
org EIN#431097957 Women’s ability to access abortion care is under
attack. Help us keep clinics open so women can obtain the safe,
quality abortion care they need. 8.9% E,R,I
96535 Abused Women’s Fund (Aid to Abused Women) (915)253-63934
EIN#273451377 Abused, battered, underestimated, unloved, shunned,
afraid, crying out: Around the world thousands of women desperately
need your help today. Give them an opportunity. Thank you! 3.7%
10501 Adoptions by Cradle of Hope (Cradle of Hope Adoption Center
Inc) (301)587-4400 www.cradlehope.org EIN#521729434 Help an
abandoned child! We provide adoption services and support to children
who need permanent, loving families. Every dollar saves children’s
lives and provides love! 17.2% P,O,Q
12087 Advocates for Youth (202)419-3420 www.advocatesforyouth.org
EIN#521173590 All young people have the right to healthy lives. Equip
around the world. 12.0% O,R,E
11319 American Association of University Women, Inc. (202)785-7700
www.aauw.org EIN#526037388 AAUW empowers women and girls
through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. Since
1881, our members have taken positions on issues-education, social,
economic, and political. 33.0% B,T,R
95225 American Indian Relief Council (National Relief Charities) (800)3700872 www.airc.org EIN#581888256 American Indian families and
Elders on poverty-stricken reservations are struggling with food
insecurity and access to healthcare, education, and housing. Please
help us help them. 28.5% P,S,B
11416 Americans United for Life (202)289-1478 www.aul.org
EIN#363906065 1.2 million abortions a year and 55 million lives lost
since Roe v. Wade: Help Americans United for Life save lives by
opposing abortion. 19.6% E,P,W
89764 Association of Missing and Exploited Children’s Organizations
(877)263-2620 www.amecoinc.org EIN#061422982 If your child went
missing, where would you turn? Our network of trusted organizations
brings missing children home and helps protect all children from harm.
92.0% I,O,P
31272 Break the Cycle (888)988-8336 www.breakthecycle.org
EIN#954582664 Stop dating abuse and promote healthy relationships
by providing honest, practical help and information to teens and youngadults. We empower youth to end domestic violence. 7.7% O,R,I
24149 Buckner Children and Family Services (800)442-4800 www.
buckner.org EIN#752571395 Children desperate. Orphans alone.
Families in need. Our adoption, foster care, humanitarian aid,
education, prevention and support programs transform lives of
vulnerable children and families. 8.8% P,Q,O
10506 Business and Professional Women’s Foundation (202)293-1100
www.bpwfoundation.org EIN#530237067 Women veterans returning
11207 Catholics for Choice (202)986-6093 www.catholicsforchoice.org
EIN#521154418 Works in the US and worldwide to ensure accessible,
safe and affordable reproductive healthcare services by advancing an
ethical perspective supporting women’s moral autonomy. 14.0% R,X,W
62113 Center for Health and Gender Equity Inc (202)393-5930 www.
genderhealth.org EIN#311794048 Stop women and girls from dying
from preventable causes. We change lives through smarter maternal
health, family planning and HIV prevention in US foreign policy. 21.4%
10497 Center for Reproductive Rights (917)637-3600 www.
reproductiverights.org EIN#133669731 Promote and defend women’s
reproductive freedom and health. We use the law in the U.S. and
globally to ensure women’s dignity, equality, and self-determination.
28.7% R,E,W
11963 Center for Women Policy Studies (202)872-1770 www.
centerwomenpolicy.org EIN#520962100 Women still lack basic human
rights. Daily they face violence and are denied proper healthcare.
We’re improving women’s lives and protecting their human rights
worldwide. 13.9% R,V,W
11995 Child Abuse, Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Center
(FaithTrust Institute) (206)634-1903 www.cpsdv.org EIN#911031362
Children are being abused everyday. Families are in crisis. Help end
child abuse and sexual and domestic violence, keeping families safe
and building healthy futures. 15.3% F,P,X
11212 Child Family Health International (415)957-9000 www.cfhi.org
EIN#943145385 Millions across the world experience preventable
disease and suffering from lack of healthcare. Help by empowering
local health workers in poor countries. Transform global health! 6.5%
12223 Child Sex Abuse Prevention and Protection Center (Stop It Now
Inc) (413)587-3500 www.stopitnow.org EIN#043150129 Child sexual
abuse harms millions every year. Victims and their families suffer
silently, often with lifelong after-effects. Help prevent this. We can Stop
It Now! 18.8% P,I,F
12532 Children At Risk Intervention Fund (626)233-7716 www.
childrenatriskinterventionfund.org EIN#810563923 Innocent children
and hope to these helpless victims of abuse, disease, poverty and
exploitation. 0.6% F,R,X
12188 Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (212)643-9895 www.
especially those of women and children who are sexually exploited.
20.2% R,I,Q
11213 Delta Research and Educational Foundation (202)347-1337
www.deltafoundation.net EIN#521338072 Promotes research which
their communities through funding and support of charitable programs
of Delta Sigma Theta. 11.9% T,O,W
67170 Diapers for Needy Infants and Toddlers (National Diaper Bank
Network) (203)821-7348 www.diaperbanknetwork.org EIN#452823935
Ensuring every baby in the U.S. can be clean, dry and healthy. We
respond to impoverished families’ simple need for diapers while raising
public awareness. 13.0% P,W,M
11211 Domestic Violence Hotline, National (800)799-7233 www.thehotline.
org EIN#751658287 Too many people are prisoners of violence in their
violence safely. 14.6% F,I,P
11210 Domestic Violence Protection & Prevention Coalition (National
Coalition Against Domestic Violence) (303)839-1852 www.ncadv.org
EIN#911081344 Stop domestic violence! Help save victims of abuse
and their children from further injury or murder by helping us spread
awareness about peaceful solutions. 22.8% R,E,M
11660 Educate the Children (607)272-1176 www.etc-nepal.org
EIN#161383981 Empower women and children to overcome poverty,
illiteracy and hunger. Scholarships, school repair, adult literacy, and
microcredit loans. Women and children of Nepal need you. 28.3%
11661 Educational and Research Foundation for the American Academy
of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (703)299-9291
www.aafprs.org EIN#362952891 Helping battered women. Providing
probono surgery to domestic violence survivors who have healed
emotionally, but are scarred physically. Internationally we assist
individuals with facial deformities. 33.5% E,G,F
11400 End Violence Against Women International (509)684-9800 www.
evawintl.org EIN#753095110 Victims of sexual assault, domestic
well-trained. Help us make sure they are. 15.0% I,W,R
10680 Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (800)624-4298 www.
enterprisecommunity.org EIN#521231931 More families than ever
are becoming homeless. One-in-six Americans live in poverty, putting
children at risk. Help create affordable homes and healthy communities
for everyone. 13.2% L,P,C
12487 Family Promise, Inc. (908)273-1100 www.familypromise.org
EIN#521591461 Families are the fastest growing segment of America’s
homeless. We provide them with the support, tools and hope they
need to turn their lives around. 13.0% L,P,S
11965 Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute (858)527-1860 www.
fvsai.org EIN#752401334 Sexual assault, domestic violence, child and
elder abuse, trauma: problems affecting all of us. Take action to solve
them. Join us to end such victimization. 1.6% F,R,S
10498 Feed My Hungry Children (602)241-2873 www.feedmhc.org
EIN#810455105 Children go to bed hungry while food is thrown away.
Help us save food and meet the needs of America’s most desperate
children and families. 1.0% K,E,C
10499 Feminists for Life of America (703)836-3354 www.feministsforlife.org
EIN#363519056 Help us eliminate the root causes that drive women
to abortion - primarily lack of practical resources and support - through
holistic, woman-centered solutions. 21.3% B,R,E
14347 Friends of UNFPA Inc (646)649-9100 www.friendsofunfpa.org
EIN#133996346 UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, delivers
a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and
11662 Futures Without Violence (415)678-5500 www.
furtureswithoutviolence.org EIN#943110973 Ending violence against
women and children through programs that promote respect, educate
the public, and protect children. FWV trains judges, physicians,
policymakers, and leaders internationally. 9.6% R,W,S
10491 Giving Hope International (Integrated Community Healthcare
Solutions) (714)523-4454 www.ghint.org EIN#030437935 Caring for
the forgotten and homeless by name. We rescue women and children
from life-threatening crisis, providing surgery, medicine, transportation
and nutrition locally/worldwide. 5.4% M,E,K
10492 Global Fund for Women (415)248-4800 www.globalfundforwomen.
org EIN#770155782 Invest in women and girls worldwide! Support
the extraordinary courage, perseverance and leadership of women to
increase their voice, choice, and resources in 175 countries. 25.1%
10502 Guttmacher Institute (212)248-1111 www.guttmacher.org
EIN#132890727 Advancing sexual and reproductive health worldwide
through research, policy analysis and public education. 14.9% V,E,W
22403 Helping the Most Vulnerable (Shina Inc) (301)270-8501 www.
shinainc.org EIN#810586688 Empowering Women, Children and
Youth in poverty stricken areas through education, health, advocacy
and social services. We alleviate poverty by Helping the most
vulnerable groups. 3.3% O,P,S
11966 HOMEBUILDERS Family Counseling (Institute for Family
Development) (253)874-3630 www.institutefamily.org EIN#911158512
Keep children safe and families together! Help support in-home family
crisis counseling and prevent broken homes, child abuse, neglect, and
domestic violence. Help families thrive. 8.7% P,F,O
11568 Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless (404)755-3353 www.
hoseafeedthehungry.com EIN#581340903 3 million hungry children.
Shelters separating families. Homeless Americans needing jobs.
Protecting women from abuse. Children abandoned. Families provided
with organic healthy food. 20.9% P,K,L
76022 Housing for Homeless Children and Families (HomeAid America
Inc) (888)3-HOMEAID www.homeaid.org EIN#330673009 Providing
shelter to homeless children, families and Veterans in America.
Creating housing and support services so individuals can rebuild their
10208 Institute for Women’s Policy Research (202)785-5100 www.iwpr.
org EIN#521549572 Equal opportunity. Discrimination. Child care. Job
training. Education. These are issues women face daily. Our research
informs the public and policymakers about these issues. 4.6% R,P,V
10255 International Lactation Consultant Association (919)861-5577
www.ilca.org EIN#541329096 Helping new mothers reach their
breastfeeding goals. By training and preparing nurses, midwives and
IBCLCs we can create a quality network of lactation professionals.
47.5% E,H,Y
11209 International Women’s Democracy Center (202)530-0563 www.
iwdc.org EIN#521867900 Strengthens women’s global leadership
through training, education, networking and research to increase
women’s participation in politics, policy and decision-making using
mobile technology. Help achieve parity. 20.0% R,S,Q
10797 International Women’s Health Coalition, Inc. (212)979-8500 www.
iwhc.org EIN#237378153 A bold, independent voice supporting the
health and rights of women and girls worldwide. Provides grants,
training and education on reproductive health and gender equality.
15.9% E,Q,R
12534 Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund (Jeannette
Rankin Foundation Inc) (706)208-1211 www.rankinfoundation.org
EIN#581273122 You have the power to transform lives. Your gift is vital
to help low-income women conquer poverty through higher education.
18.8% B,J,W
11531 Jed Foundation, The (212)647-7544 www.jedfoundation.org
EIN#134131139 We promote emotional health and prevent suicide
by providing support, resources and training to college campuses,
students, parents and communities. Help us help them. 39.3% F,B,O
12264 KaBoom (202)659-0215 www.kaboom.org EIN#521970904 Children
are playing outdoors less resulting in obesity, violence, depression
and behavioral problems. We’re transforming derelict land into safe
10494 Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International (800)467-6997 www.
kidpower.org EIN#770226712 Stop bullying, abuse, assault, and
abduction. Protect children, teens, and adults, including those with
special needs. Provide positive, practical personal safety skills to
everyone, everywhere. 6.5% O,R,W
10495 La Leche League International (847)519-7730 www.llli.org
EIN#362514518 Assists mothers to breastfeed through mother-tomother support, education, information, and encouragement; promotes
breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of
baby and mother. 36.2% K,P,E
10490 Legal Aid & Defender Association; Serving the Legal Needs
of Low-Income Communities (National Legal Aid and Defender
Association) (202)452-0620 www.nlada100years.org/ EIN#362337880
Eviction, homelessness, unemployment, hunger, prison, illness,
disability, and substance abuse result when vulnerable populations are
denied equal access to justice. Help us protect the disenfranchised.
34.1% R,I,B
11217 Legal Momentum (212)925-6635 www.legalmomentum.org
EIN#237085442 We help women and children rise out of poverty and
12158 MADRE, Inc. (212)627-0444 www.madre.org EIN#133280194 Rape,
abduction, death threats and ‘honor killings’ of women. Gender-based
violence is rising internationally. Women and their children need
protection and justice. Please help. 17.2% R,I,Q
11214 Men Can Stop Rape (202)265-6530 www.mencanstoprape.org
EIN#522007652 Stories of men’s violence populate the news, but the
root causes are rarely addressed. We prevent violence by teaching
and promoting positive, healthy, nonviolent masculinity. 38.6% O,B,S
11320 Ms. Foundation for Women (212)742-2300 www.forwomen.org
EIN#237252609 A vision of equality. Forty years of progress for
women. We build women’s collective power across race, class to ignite
change and justice for all. 32.9% R,S,O
10496 National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
(202)478-8500 www.thenationalcampaign.org EIN#521974611 Help
us improve educational attainment, reduce poverty, improve health,
and lighten taxpayers’ burden by preventing teen and unplanned
pregnancy. 19.7% O,E,W
10258 National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women
(215)351-0010 www.ncdbw.org EIN#232473361 Helps battered
women who are charged with crimes directly related to their abuse
and victimization. Provides specialized technical assistance, support,
resources, networking, and training. 8.3% I,R,Z
15217 National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, Inc. (202)7287199 www.womenheart.org EIN#522148006 Heart disease is women’s
leading cause of death. WomenHeart educates, supports and
advocates for 42 million women living with or at risk of heart disease.
26.9% E,B,P
12361 National Community Reinvestment Coalition Inc. (202)628-8866
www.ncrc.org EIN#521766126 Promotes economic justice through fair
housing, fair lending, and equal access to credit; counsels distressed
homeowners; and provides business counseling to minority and
women-owned businesses. 8.6% S,L,J
12159 National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association
(202)293-3114 www.nationalfamilyplanning.org EIN#237323629
Family planning is essential health care for women and men. Help us
protect access to high-quality family planning care for all. 12.5% E,R,W
77844 National Network to End Domestic Violence, Inc. (202)543-5566
www.nnedv.org EIN#521973408 NNEDV is social change organization
working to create a social, political, and economic environment in
which violence against women no longer exists. 4.4% M,L,R
11215 National Organization for Women Foundation (202)628-8669 www.
nowfoundation.org EIN#521477004 Advances women’s rights and
promotes the goals of equality through education, advocacy, litigation,
networking, voter participation projects, global outreach, conferences,
publications, training and leadership development. 29.4% R,W,O
National Partnership for Women and Families (202)986-2600 www.
nationalpartnership.org EIN#237124915 Help build a nation where
opportunity equal, and discrimination is a thing of the past. 19.0%
National Women’s History Museum (703)461-1920 www.nwhm.org
EIN#541801426 Women’s lives, achievements and contributions are
underrepresented in museums. We address this problem by telling the
incredible stories of American women who shaped our nation. 22.8%
National Women’s Law Center (202)588-5180 www.nwlc.org
EIN#521213010 Poverty, limited healthcare, discrimination in the
workplace - these are women’s issues. Help us advance and protect
women’s rights wherever laws are made and enforced. 19.4% R,W,J
Nurturing Network (509)493-4026 www.nurturingnetwork.org
EIN#222765918 Facing an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming. We
provide training and support so a woman can nurture both her child’s
life and her own. 5.2% P,B,W
Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors Network (Voices and Faces
Project) (773)919-8128 www.voicesandfaces.org EIN#204656753 For
too long rape and sexual abuse survivors were shamed into silence.
We’re empowering sexual assault survivors to speak out and share
their stories publicly. 9.4% R,P,F
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) (202)544-1034
www.rainn.org EIN#521886511 Runs National Sexual Assault Hotline;
largest anti-rape org. Free, 24-7 services help 150,000 people/year.
Programs prevent rape, help victims, bring rapists to justice. 6.9%
Serve the People (714)352-2905 www.serve-the-people.com
EIN#270421556 Provides food, clothing, medical care and legal
assistance to the poor and indigent through its Community Health
Center, food pantry and free legal aid programs. 1.3% E,K,P
Soles4Souls Inc (866)521-SHOE www.sole4souls.org
EIN#204023482 Children without shoes are susceptible to injury,
disease, and sometimes death. Soles4Souls is the world’s largest
provider of free shoes to people in need. 4.8% P,S,W
Soroptimist International of the Americas (215)893-9000 www.
soroptimist.org EIN#232154856 Soroptimist helps women and girls
live their dreams by giving them resources to create positive change
for themselves, their families, their communities and the world. 11.9%
Students for Life of America (571)379-7261 www.studentsforlife.org
EIN#521576352 We want to end abortion in our lifetime. We believe
this can be accomplished by identifying, educating, and activating this
generation of young people. 16.2% R,P,O
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (952)946-7998 www.save.
org EIN#411702239 Suicide is preventable, but often the warning signs
go unnoticed. Through public awareness we can reach and treat those
in trouble before it’s too late. 17.3% F,E,M
Wider Opportunities for Women (202)464-1596 www.wowonline.
org EIN#520818450 Help create good jobs, train workers, educate
lawmakers, produce family-friendly policy and promote economic
security for women and their families across the lifespan. 18.3% J,W,R
Women Count! (Women In Dialogue) (215)848-1120 www.wordpress.
com EIN#232979717 Caregiving counts, at home, workplace and
community! Help us get caring work valued: child care, elder care,
veteran/disability care, Social Security, pay equity. 5.6% P,W,S
Women Thrive Worldwide (202)999-4500 www.womenthrive.
org EIN#522100597 829 million women live on about $1 a day. By
supporting Women Thrive, you help women and girls break free from
poverty, hunger and violence. 26.5% R,Q,B
Women, Children & Family Medical Relief Services (MedShare
International) (770)323-5858 www.medshare.org EIN#582433968 10
U.S. throws away medical supplies. Recycling life-saving supplies to
the neediest worldwide. 4.1% E,Q,P
Women’s Health Network (National Womens Health Network Inc)
(202)682-2640 www.nwhn.org EIN#521081261 Shaking up Congress
and complacent physicians by listening to women and speaking out
health. 24.9% E,W,R
Women’s Health Research (The Society for Womens Health
Research) (202)223-8224 www.swhr.org EIN#521694732 Would you
take medicine designed for someone else? Don’t trust studies that
ignore sex differences. Help us ensure women are included in clinical
trials. 27.4% E,H,R
Women’s Research & Education Institute (202)280-2720 www.
wrei.org EIN#521104895 Women are now leaders in our military and
government but still face the challenges of harassment, discrimination
and unfair pay. Help us promote women’s equality. 2.4% E,W,R
Federation and Member Organizations
12204 Arts Federation, Inc. (978)712-4429 www.artsfederation.org
EIN#030524939 The arts bring joy and meaning to us all. Help support
American arts and arts education organizations, whether young or
well-established, in every creative discipline. 4.7% A,T,W
10708 Acting Company, The (Group I Acting Company Inc) (212)2583111 www.theactingcompany.org EIN#132759292 Tony Award
winner brings plays and arts education to theaters and directly into
schools nationwide, especially to under-served and disadvantaged
communities. 27.3% A,B,O
11064 American Antiquarian Society (508)755-5221 www.
americanantiquarian.org EIN#042103652 Help us collect and preserve
examples of all materials printed in America through 1876. This
research library’s unmatched collections serve professionals and the
general public. 14.4% A,B,W
32143 Americans for the Arts (202)371-2830 www.AmericansForTheArts.
org EIN#521996467 National organization dedicated to building broad
support, strong leadership, and increased resources for arts and arts
education through research, advocacy, visibility, and professional
development services. 38.4% A,B,S
12385 Artrain (734)747-8300 www.artrainusa.org EIN#237099789 Every
town deserves art, culture and education programs. We deliver such
programs to under-resourced communities in the U.S. and Canada,
transforming lives and strengthening communities. 24.1% A,B,S
12387 Arts Midwest (612)341-0755 www.artsmidwest.org EIN#411000424
Arts Midwest promotes creativity, nurtures cultural leadership, and
engages people in meaningful arts experiences, bringing vitality to
Midwest communities and enriching people’s lives. 8.2% A,S,W
11066 Aspen Music Festival and School (Music Associates of Aspen Inc)
(970)925-3254 www.aspenmusicfestival.com EIN#840445087 We are
the country’s premier orchestral and operatic summer music festival,
offering intensive instruction and performance experience to 630
students through more than 350 events. 7.6% A,B,O
10709 Ballet Hispanico of New York (212)362-6710 www.ballethispanico.
org EIN#132685755 A professional touring dance company, school
of dance, and arts education and outreach program that explores,
preserves, and celebrates Latino culture through dance. 13.4% A,W,O
11363 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Inc. (410)491-8100 www.bsomusic.
org EIN#520629696 With nearly 100 years of artistic excellence
to 300,000+ audiences annually, we offer the education/outreach
programs OrchKids, OrchLab, Rusty Musicians, and the BSO
Academy. 13.3% A,B,O
11599 Battery Dance Corporation (212)219-3910 www.batterydance.org
EIN#237418859 Connects the world through dance by performing
in public spaces in America, teaching people in disadvantaged
communities and building bridges worldwide through international
cultural exchange. 17.2% A,B,Q
12206 Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. (617)266-1492 www.bso.
org EIN#042103550 Dedicated to concert programs of the highest
quality, including BSO and Boston Pops concerts and tours, and the
Tanglewood Music Center’s educational and performing activities.
20.6% A,W,B
73585 Brooklyn Museum (Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences) (718)6385000 www.brooklynmuseum.org EIN#111672743 A welcoming center
for learning through the visual arts and a leading cultural institution, we
offer dynamic exhibitions, innovative educational programming, and an
encyclopedic collection. 19.5% A,B,W
12388 Chicago Symphony Orchestra (312)294-3000 www.cso.org
EIN#362167823 Our world class orchestra performs locally, nationally,
and internationally, attracting distinguished guest conductors and
soloists each season. Music education programs serve 200,000
people annually. 19.8% A,B,W
11906 Children’s Museums, Association of (703)224-3100 www.
childrensmuseums.org EIN#954087882 Children and families
need safe places to play and learn. We build the capacity of these
educational institutions to inspire creativity and lifelong learning. 11.6%
37113 Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum (Country Music
Foundation Inc) (615)416-2001 www.countrymusichalloffame.org
EIN#620753887 We preserve the history of country music, and teach
audiences about its enduring beauty and cultural importance through
exhibitions and educational programs. 12.2% A,B,W
10712 Dance Theatre of Harlem, Inc. (212)690-2800 www.
dancetheatreofharlem.org EIN#132642091 This world renowned
institution transforms the lives of thousands through Company
performances, and educating young people through the dance school
and educational community outreach programs. 34.5% A,N,O
11600 Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, The (860)443-5378 www.theoneill.
org EIN#066070900 Supporting development of new work and
artists for the stage, resulting in more than 1,200 new plays/musicals
including Avenue Q and In the Heights. 22.3% A,B,Z
10714 George Eastman House (585)271-3361 www.eastmanhouse.org
EIN#160743991 We tell the story of photography and motion pictures.
We share our collections through traveling exhibitions and online
12207 Houston Grand Opera Association (713)546-0200 www.
houstongrandopera.org EIN#746016764 Houston Grand Opera exists
to profoundly impact our community by creating operatic art that
provides access to music’s boundless power and beauty. 23.3% A,W,B
11909 Mexican Art, National Museum of (312)738-1503 www.
nationalmuseumofmexicanart.org EIN#363225519 Largest Latino
cultural organization in the U.S., offering internationally recognized
exhibitions, award-winning arts education programming and is
committed to staying free and accessible to everyone. 23.3% A,B,O
12390 Mid-America Arts Alliance (816)421-1388 www.maaa.org
EIN#237303693 We improve access to high-quality, relevant, and
participatory experiences for the culturally underserved through visual
arts and humanities, professional development, and grant making
programs. 27.0% A,S,W
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego (858)454-3541 www.
mcasd.org EIN#951855640 Southern California’s foremost forum for
contemporary art, engaging visitors of all ages with an internationally
recognized collection and dynamic schedule of exhibitions and
education programs. 42.9% A,B,W
New England Conservatory of Music (617)585-1100 www.necmusic.
edu EIN#237225104 We educate and train musicians of all ages,
promoting artistic excellence and individual creative growth, while
advocating for music’s vital role in society. 16.9% A,B,O
New Music USA Inc (212)645-6949 www.newmusicusa.org
EIN#130432981 Supporting new American music, its composers,
performers and audiences through media programming, grant making
and informational services. One-time merger costs explain larger
overhead this year. 58.9% A,T,S
Omaha Theater Company (402)502-4849 www.rosetheater.org
EIN#470494912 One of the country’s leading children’s theaters, we
reach over 350,000 each year with critically-acclaimed drama and
dance productions, educational programs and national tours. 39.8%
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. (216)515-1924 www.
rockhall.com EIN#341520995 The Museum, its Library/Archives, and
its educational programs exist to educate the public about the history
San Francisco Opera Association (415)861-4008 www.sfopera.
com EIN#940836240 Presents world-class opera performances; free
community outreach events; in-school K-12 arts education programs;
and manages an internationally renowned young singers training and
professional development program. 22.6% A,B,Z
South Arts (404)874-7244 www.southarts.org EIN#561129587
Enhance the public value of the arts by supporting, promoting, and
in the South. 23.9% A,B,M
Steppenwolf Theatre Company (312)335-1888 www.steppenwolf.
org EIN#510149370 America’s premier ensemble theater, renowned
for exceptional acting and performance; new plays for national and
international stages; mentoring new artists and developing new
audiences. 29.7% A,O,W
Theater and Education, American Alliance for (301)200-1944 www.
aate.com EIN#541376482 Keeping theatre in our schools, ensuring
opportunities for young audiences, and transforming young people
and communities through the support of theatre artists, educators, and
scholars. 31.1% A,B,O
Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz (202)364-7272 www.
monkinstitute.org EIN#521544030 Offers promising young musicians
college level training by America’s jazz masters and presents public
school-based jazz education programs for young people around the
world. 8.1% A,B,O
World Monuments Fund (646)424-9594 www.wmf.org
EIN#132571900 For almost half a century, World Monuments Fund
has conserved irreplaceable heritage sites, buildings, and monuments,
in more than 100 countries around the world. 14.5% A,Q,S
Young Audiences, Inc. (212)831-8110 www.youngaudiences.org
EIN#131688246 The leading source of arts-in-education programs,
87,000 programs in 7,000 schools throughout the country. 30.4%
Children First - America’s Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
10287 Children First - America’s Charities (800)458-9505 www.charities.
org EIN#300186795 Addressing needs of children and families.
Sustaining educational programs, feeding the most helpless,
supporting those facing life-threatening illness, members’ programs
help those most in need. 6.6% O,P,W
10809 Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (202)296-5469 www.
tobaccofreekids.org EIN#521969967 We work with schools, education
groups and public health organizations to teach children about the
dangers of tobacco use. 6.6% E,R,W
10701 Cancer Research for Children - CureSearch (CureSearch
for Childrens Cancer) (800)458-6223 www.curesearch.org
EIN#954132414 Money raised by CureSearch for Children’s Cancer
supports novel research, clinical trials, and educational resources so
every child can have the future they deserve. 16.1% O,H,B
36067 Children’s Health Fund, The (800)535-7448 www.
childrenshealthfund.org EIN#133468427 Children’s Health Fund,
founded by singer/songwriter Paul Simon and Dr. Irwin Redlener,
brings healthcare to nearly 85,000 children and family member in need
nationwide. 16.0% E,F,O
65105 Children’s Hospital (888)884-2327 www.childrensnational.org
EIN#530196580 Children’s National Medical Center is a proven leader
in the development of innovative treatments for childhood illness and
injury for more than 140 years. 25.1% E,H,O
10379 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (Childrens Miracle Network)
(801)214-7400 www.cmnhospitals.org EIN#870387205 Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals® raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals
across North America. Donations support research and training,
purchase equipment and pay for uncompensated care. 24.5% P,E,H
Children’s Rights (212)683-2210 www.childrensrights.org
EIN#133801864 Protects the lives and legal rights of America’s abused
and neglected children by advocating the reform of failing child welfare
systems across the United States. 56.9% R,O,P
Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home (800)448-3000 www.boystown.
org EIN#470376606 Provides food, clothing, shelter, education,
spiritual, and medical care to homeless, neglected, abused, and
communicatively handicapped boys and girls. 15.7% O,L,P
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (800)289-0909 www.fca.org
EIN#440610626 Empowering and equipping coaches and athletes
the world for Jesus Christ for nearly 60 years. 16.6% X,O,N
Give Kids The World (800)995-5437 www.gktw.org EIN#592654440
GKTWisa70-acre,nonprofitinCentralFloridathatprovidesaweeklong, cost-free vacation to children with life-threatening illnesses and
their families. 8.5% P,O,T
Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, The (203)772-0522 www.
holeinthewallgang.org EIN#061157655 Founded by Paul Newman, is a
to children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. 20.2%
“I Have A Dream” Foundation® (212)293-5480 www.
ihaveadreamfoundation.org EIN#133355315 Empowering children
in low-income communities to achieve higher education by providing
guaranteed tuition assistance for college and a long-term program of
academic and social support. 18.8% B,O,P
Junior Achievement USA (719)540-8000 www.ja.org
EIN#841267604 Junior Achievement USA® is the nation’s largest
organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills
they need to own their economic success. 23.9% T,O,B
Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America (800)722-9474 www.wish.org
EIN#860481941 We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening
medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength
and joy. 22.6% P,E,T
National Black Child Development Institute (800)556-2234 www.
nbcdi.org EIN#520908178 Works to improve and advance the quality
of life for Black children and their families through advocacy, education
and other outreach programs. 1.1% P,O,B
Nurse-Family Partnership (866)864-5226 www.
nursefamilypartnership.org EIN#200234163 Supporting communities
in implementing cost-effective, evidence-based nurse home
visitation program to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health
generations. 27.6% P,O,W
Prevent Child Abuse America (800)244-5373 www.
preventchildabuse.org EIN#237235671 We are America’s leading
organization working at the local, state and national levels to
strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. 11.5% P,O,W
Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF) (877)743-7323 www.rif.
org EIN#520976257 Provides free books for children nationwide
and engages children, parents, and communities in reading and
motivational activities to encourage a lifelong love of reading. 20.2%
Ronald McDonald House Charities® (630)623-7048 www.rmhc.
org EIN#362934689 A global network of local Chapters and programs
like the Ronald McDonald House® provide resources to families that
improve the health and well-being of children. 9.5% O,E,T
Share Our Strength (800)969-4767 www.nokidhungry.org
EIN#521367538 Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign is
ending childhood hunger in this nation by connecting kids in need with
nutritious food. 43.4% K,P,T
SIDS Alliance/First Candle (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance
Inc) (800)221-7437 www.sidsalliance.org EIN#521591162 The mission
STANDUP FOR KIDS (800) 365-4KID www.standupforkids.org
EIN#330414855 Organization, through volunteers, go to the streets to
and connecting them with life-saving services. 14.9% O,R,P
Starlight Children’s Foundation (800)315-2580 www.starlight.org
EIN#953802159 Starlight Children’s Foundation partners with experts
to improve the life and health of kids and families around the world.
11.8% P,E,N
Teach For America (800)832-1230 www.teachforamerica.org
EIN#133541913 National corps of outstanding recent college
graduates and professionals who teach for two years in public schools
and become lifelong leaders in expanding educational opportunity.
14.5% W,R,O
Tiger Woods Foundation (714)765-8000 www.tigerwoodsfoundation.
org/index EIN#200677815 The Tiger Woods Foundation believes
every child deserves a shot at college. We provide college-access
programs for underserved youth in all stages of academic life. 26.7%
83992 UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (855)698-4223 www.uhccf.
org EIN#522177891 UHCCF provides medical grants to families who
have children with medical needs not covered or not fully covered by
their commercial health insurance plan. 0.8% E,P,G
Federation and Member Organizations
10252 EarthShare (800)875-3863 www.earthshare.org EIN#521601960
Donations are shared among our member groups to protect our
environment, health, wildlife, and natural resources. One environment.
One simple way to care for it. 6.3% C,S,D
11219 African Wildlife Foundation (888)494-5354 www.awf.org
EIN#520781390 Protects imperiled species - lions, mountain gorillas,
rhinos, elephants, zebras - through habitat conservation, science,
development for 50 years. 15.5% C,D,S
12062 Alaska Conservation Foundation (907)276-1917 www.
alaskaconservation.org EIN#920061466 The only public foundation
dedicated to connecting donors worldwide to on-the-ground efforts to
protect Alaska’s wild places and wildlife. 24.0% C,T,W
92706 Alliance for Climate Education (510)251-5990 www.acespace.org
EIN#263106566 ACE educates and inspires youth leaders, developing
confront the climate crisis. 24.0% B,C,O
11783 Alliance to Save Energy (202)857-0666 www.ase.org
achieving environmental, economic and energy security goals. 32.5%
10410 Amazon Conservation Team (703)522-4684 www.amazonteam.
org EIN#541915987 Works in partnership with indigenous people
to conserve biodiversity and culture and improve health in tropical
America - in particular, the Amazon. 22.0% C,S
10631 American Farmland Trust (800)431-1499 www.farmland.org
EIN#521190211 Only national conservation organization dedicated to
protecting farmland, promoting sound farming practices, and keeping
farmers on the land. 32.6% K,C,S
10632 American Forests (800)368-5748 www.americanforests.org
exclusively on protection and restoration of America’s forests. We plant
trees, educate the public and advocate for sound public policy. 40.9%
12063 American Rivers (877) 347-7550 www.americanrivers.org
EIN#237305963 Working to protect and restore healthy, natural rivers
11443 Arbor Day Foundation (National Arbor Day Foundation) (888)4487337 www.arborday.org EIN#237169265 Through mass-media
communications, by providing trees for planting, and by producing
educational materials, Arbor Day Foundation makes tree planting and
care accessible to all. 11.5% C,O,S
12064 Bat Conservation International (800)538-2287 www.batcon.org
EIN#742553144 Worldwide authority on bats committed to their
protection through direct habitat conservation, research and education;
facilitating win-win solutions that help both bats and people. 20.4%
11429 Beyond Pesticides/NCAMP (Beyond Pesticides) (202)543-5450
www.beyondpesticides.org EIN#521360541 Prevents pesticide
poisoning of our environment, homes, workplaces, schools, food and
water through a practical information clearinghouse on toxic hazards
and non-chemical pest control. 5.1% C,K,R
62681 Carbonfund.org Foundation (240)247-0630 www.carbonfund.org
EIN#200231609 Supports third-party validated renewable energy,
world that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. 4.6% C,T,W
10633 Center for Health, Environment and Justice (703)237-2249
www.chej.org EIN#521219489 Protects the health of communities
and children through grassroots organizing, coalition-building, and
consumer campaigns to eliminate dangerous chemicals in water, air,
homes and schools. 13.7% C,E,S
10634 Ceres, Inc. (617)247-0700 www.ceres.org EIN#223053747
Environmentalists, investors and companies working together for
environmental protection by improving corporate disclosure, promoting
green principles for business, and communicating the threat of global
warming. 21.5% C
92596 Children’s Environmental Health Network (202)543-4033 www.
cehn.org EIN#522305620 National leader in children’s environmental
health protection, offering evidence-based training, education,
advocacy, and our award-winning Eco-Healthy Child Care program.
11.8% E,C,O
85089 City Parks Alliance, Inc. (202)974-5120 www.cityparksalliance.org
EIN#800015566 Grows great parks across America, providing critical
support and advocacy so that all urban residents have access to parks
and recreational spaces. 10.0% C
10636 Clean Water Fund (202)895-0432 www.cleanwaterfund.org
EIN#521043444 Neighborhood-based action/education programs
bringing people, businesses and government together for sensible
solutions that protect water and health, prevent pollution, and conserve
natural resources. 13.2% C,P,R
Conservation Fund, The(TheConservationFundANonprofit
Corporation) (703)525-6300 www.conservationfund.org
organization protecting working landscapes, wildlife habitat, historic
and recreation sites, with 97% of funds going directly to mission. 2.9%
Conservation International (Conservation International Foundation)
(800)429-5660 www.conservation.org EIN#521497470 Using a
empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for
humanity’s enduring well-being. 17.5% C
Defenders of Wildlife (800)385-9712 www.Defenders.org
EIN#530183181 Working since 1947 to save America’s endangered
animals and their threatened habitat for future generations through
16.1% C,D,W
Earth Day Network (202)518-0044 www.earthday.net EIN#133798288
EDN, global coordinator of Earth Day, is a leader on environmental
education and forges alliances on issues such as climate change and
a post-carbon economy. 25.8% C,W
Earth Island Institute (510)859-9100 www.earthisland.org
EIN#942889684 Supports 65 projects worldwide that protect people’s
health and the environment, including safeguarding our oceans, wildlife
and habitat restoration, and wilderness training for at-risk youths.
16.3% C,D,K
EARTH University Foundation (404)995-1230 www.earth-usa.org
EIN#382920639 Supports the Costa Rica-based EARTH University to
provide an environmental and agricultural education to students who
commit to affecting positive change in their countries. 11.0% B,Q,C
Earthjustice (800)584-6460 www.earthjustice.org EIN#941730465
nation’s natural heritage, protect our health, combat climate change
and advance a clean energy future. 22.3% C,D,E
Earthworks (202)887-1872 www.earthworksaction.org
EIN#521557765 Holds the oil, gas and mining industries accountable
for the environmental damage they cause while protecting clean air,
water, public health and people’s rights. 8.4% C,Q,R
EcoHealth Alliance (212)380-4460 www.ecohealthalliance.org
EIN#311726494 Empowers local conservation scientists worldwide
to protect humans and animals from emerging infectious diseases.
Healthy, intact ecosystems can prevent the spread of disease. 18.1%
EcoLogic Development Fund (617)441-6300 www.ecologic.org
EIN#251704582 Empowers rural people to restore and protect tropical
ecosystems. We envision rural people leading in the creation of a
sustainable world for people and nature. 29.5% C,S,K
Environment America Research and Policy Center, Inc. (202)6831250 www.environmentamericacenter.org EIN#134339865 Works to
preserve our air, water, and open spaces, protecting the environment
and promoting a cleaner, greener, healthier future. 10.5% C,K,R
Environmental and Energy Study Institute (202)628-1400 www.
Green buildings. Clean transportation. Resilient communities. Climate
change. Global warming. EESI brings people together to build a
sustainable economy. Join us! 15.4% C,U,K
Environmental Defense Fund (800)684-3322 www.edf.org
EIN#116107128 Dedicated to protecting the environmental rights of
all. Among these rights are access to clean air and water, healthy food,
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (541)687-8454 www.elaw.
org EIN#943116602 ELAW environmental advocates in 70 countries
are winning victories for human rights, healthy communities, and the
natural environment. 22.4% C,Q,R
Environmental Law Institute (202)939-3800 www.eli.org
EIN#520901863 Environmental law that works for you: communitybased education + research on national problems = solutions to protect
people and nature. Independent and non-partisan. 18.8% C,S,Q
Field Museum of Natural History(312)922-9410www.fieldmuseum.
org EIN#362167011 The world’s fourth largest natural history museum
and an educational resource for millions of people. 15.2% A,B,C
Food & Water Watch (202)683-2500 www.foodandwaterwatch.org
EIN#320160439 We work together with people to demand our right to
Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (541)4842692 www.fseee.org EIN#931162218 Seeks the preservation of
ecological values and biological diversity in our National Forests
through education and advocating for reforms of the Forest Service’s
management practices. 25.7% C,N,W
Forest Stewardship Council-US (Us Working Group Inc) (612)3534511 www.fsc.org EIN#030355315 Promotes environmentally sound,
world’s forests. FSC is the gold standard in forest stewardship. 20.0%
Forest Trends Association (202)298-3003 www.forest-trends.
org EIN#522135531 Works to conserve forests and ecosystems by
mainstreaming the concept and practice of incentives and payments
that value the services these ecosystems provide. 11.3% C,S,W
12067 Friends of the Earth (877)843-8687 www.foe.org EIN#237420660
Promotes clean and sustainable energy, sustainable food, climate
justice for poor and vulnerable populations, responsible use of
technology, and protection of the earth’s natural treasures. 12.7%
11434 Friends of the National Zoo (202)633-2614 www.fonz.org
EIN#520853312 A dedicated partner of the Smithsonian’s National
Zoo, FONZ connects people with wildlife and is helping to restore an
endangered natural world. 3.1% D,C,B
10961 Galapagos Conservancy, Inc. (703)383-0077 www.galapagos.org
EIN#133281486 Through innovative science, local partnerships, and
social science and policy research, Galapagos Conservancy works
to conserve and protect the unique Galapagos marine and terrestrial
ecosystems. 29.8% C,D,U
10059 Green America (800)584-7336 www.greenamerica.org/
EIN#521660746 Building the Green Economy by uniting the voices
of consumers, investors, and businesses to create a socially just and
environmentally sustainable society. 14.0% C,R,W
11342 Green Corps, Inc. (303)375-3865 www.GreenCorps.org
EIN#232687791 Training a new generation of environmental leaders
by working in communities with local groups to preserve forests, clean
up our air and promote cleaner energy. 13.5% C,O,S
10723 Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (212)629-8001
www.itdp.org EIN#521399520 Promotes environmentally sustainable
and socially equitable transportation solutions that reduce emissions,
poverty, and pollution in cities worldwide. 7.2% C,Q,W
10620 Izaak Walton League of America (800)453-5463 www.iwla.org
EIN#361930035 From hunters to hikers, our members protect
America’s outdoors through community-based conservation,
education, commonsense public policy, and a commitment to strong
outdoors ethics. 33.8% C,S,N
11103 Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education
and Conservation, The (800)592-5263 www.janegoodall.org
EIN#942474731 Works to create healthy ecosystems, promote
sustainable livelihoods and nurture new generations of committed,
active citizens around the world. 23.8% D,C,S
10278 Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (203)659-3000 www.kab.org
EIN#131761633 We transform public spaces into beautiful places. We
focusing on litter prevention, recycling, waste minimization and
greening. 25.9% S,C,B
11435 Land Trust Alliance (202)638-4725 www.landtrustalliance.org
EIN#042751357 Leads 1,700 conservation groups to quickly,
effectively and permanently save the places people love by
strengthening land conservation across America. 14.3% C,S,W
10621 League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (202)785-8683
www.lcvef.org EIN#521379661 Works to educate and mobilize citizens
on critical environmental issues, to secure sound environmental
policies, and to strengthen the capacity of the environmental
movement. 9.6% C,S,W
10423 Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics (800)332-4100 www.
LNT.org EIN#841303335 Teaches people how to enjoy the outdoors
responsibly, and is the most widely accepted outdoor ethics program
used on public lands. 20.3% C,N,O
10424 LightHawk (307)332-3242 www.lighthawk.org EIN#840852104
Conserves land, water and wildlife in North and Central America
conditions and provide education. 22.0% C,D,W
11251 National Aquarium in Baltimore (410)576-3800 www.aqua.org
EIN#521121163 More than an attraction, the Aquarium provides
environmental education experiences and engages citizens in
5.5% D,C
12068 National Audubon Society (212)979-3000 www.audubon.org
EIN#131624102 Audubon works to protect birds, wildlife and their
habitats, including our oceans. Educational outreach programs instruct
and inspire future conservationists. Audubon Centers offer outdoor
experiences. 15.9% B,C,D
11792 National Environmental Education Foundation (The National
Environmental Education and Training Foundation) (202)8332933 www.neefusa.org EIN#541557043 Educating on the
environment:NEEF provides knowledge to professionals like teachers,
doctors and meteorologists who use it to inform the public and solve
environmental problems. 8.9% B,C,W
10267 National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (202)857-0166 www.nfwf.org
EIN#521384139 Established by Congress, NFWF is the leader in
directing federal dollars to protect wildlife and natural resources while
raising private capital to leverage those investments. 6.6% C,D
12053 National Forest Foundation (406)542-2805 www.nationalforests.org
EIN#521786332 Improving the health, productivity, and diversity of our
national forests and grasslands through wildlife habitat conservation,
watershed restoration, recreational enhancements and communitybased forest stewardship programs. 6.9% C,S
12069 National Parks Conservation Association (800)628-7275 www.
npca.org EIN#530225165 Preserves national parks from the Grand
Canyon to Gettysburg; protects endangered wildlife and cultural
sites; promotes new parks; defends against pollution, inappropriate
development and overcrowding. 34.0% C,D
10622 National Wildlife Federation (800)822-9919 www.nwf.org
EIN#530204616 America’s conservation organization dedicated to
protecting endangered species and habitats for our children’s future
and connecting people with nature through education and action
opportunities. 21.7% C,D,O
Natural Resources Defense Council (212)727-2700 www.nrdc.org
EIN#132654926 NRDC defends embattled wilderness, rivers, clean
air, coasts and wildlife across America and around the globe. Saved
Baja’s whales, Canada’s Spirit bears, and California’s sequoias. 17.1%
Nature Conservancy, The (703)841-5300 www.nature.org
EIN#530242652 Buys and protects land to save our world’s rare
plants and animals from extinction. Over 119 million acres protected rainforests, prairies, wetlands, mountains, beaches. 20.8% C
NatureServe (703)908-1800 www.natureserve.org EIN#521884438
Protecting Earth’s threatened creatures and natural places by
knowledge that informs conservation decisions. 19.4% C,D,U
Ocean Conservancy (800)519-1541 www.oceanconservancy.org
EIN#237245152 Through research, education and science-based
advocacy, Ocean Conservancy informs, inspires and empowers
people to speak and act on behalf of the oceans. 21.0% C,D,S
Oceana, Inc. (877)762-3262 www.oceana.org EIN#510401308 Works
internationally to protect marine wildlife and human health through
ensure vibrant, healthy oceans. 27.5% C,D,Q
Peregrine Fund, The (800)377-3716 www.peregrinefund.
org EIN#231969973 Saves eagles, condors, falcons, and other
endangered birds through research, breeding, and conservation
programs. Helps preserve rainforests. Educates children and adults
about nature and science. 18.1% C,D,B
Pesticide Action Network North America (Pesticide Action Network
North America Regional Center) (510)788-9020 www.panna.org
EIN#942949686 Working to eliminate poisonous pesticides by
linking consumer, labor, health, environment and agriculture groups
internationally to advance safer, ecologically sound pest control
alternatives. 14.7% K,C,R
Physicians for Social Responsibility (202)667-4260 www.psr.org
EIN#237059731 Guided by the values and expertise of medicine and
public health, PSR works to protect human life from the gravest threats
to health and survival. 18.5% C,M,Q
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (866)202-9788 www.railstotrails.org
EIN#521437006 Converts thousands of miles of unused railroad
corridors into public trails for walking, bicycling, hiking, skating,
horseback riding, cross-country skiing, wildlife habitats, and nature
appreciation. 24.9% C,N,S
Rainforest Alliance (888)693-2784 www.rainforest-alliance.
org EIN#133377893 Works to conserve biodiversity and ensure
sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business
practices and consumer behavior. 7.0% C,S,R
Restore America’s Estuaries (703)524-0248 www.estuaries.org
EIN#541965304 Works to preserve the nation’s network of estuaries
by protecting and restoring the lands and waters essential to the
richness and diversity of coastal life. 3.3% C,S,B
River Network (503)241-3506 www.rivernetwork.org EIN#930969979
Leads a national movement to preserve and restore clean and healthy
waters by creating effective local organizations that protect our “home
rivers.” 22.1% C,S,B
Rocky Mountain Institute (970)927-3851 www.rmi.org
to create a world thriving, verdant, and secure, for all, forever. 27.0%
Scenic America (202)463-1294 www.scenic.org EIN#232188166
Safeguards America’s natural beauty and community character by
space, and preserving the scenic character of public lands. 34.0%
Sierra Club Foundation, The (800)216-2110 www.tscf.org
EIN#946069890 Fights to preserve wilderness and protect
environmental quality worldwide through a powerful combination of
Surfrider Foundation (800)743-7873 www.surfrider.org
EIN#953941826 Protects and preserves the world’s oceans, waves
and beaches through a powerful activist network. Activities include:
water quality monitoring, environmental education and grassroots
activism. 14.3% C,S,T
Sustainable Harvest International (207)669-8254 www.
sustainableharvest.org EIN#432023182 Provides farming families
in Central America with the training and tools to restore our planet’s
tropical forests while overcoming poverty. 16.6% K,C,Q
Trust for Public Land, The (800)714-5263 www.tpl.org
EIN#237222333 Conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens,
and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations
to come. 16.2% C,S
Union of Concerned Scientists (800)666-8276 www.ucsusa.org
EIN#042535767 Scientists and citizens together putting rigorous
science to work reducing the effects of global warming, preventing
nuclear proliferation, and ensuring a sustainable, safe food system.
13.0% U,C,Q
Wild Dolphin Project, Inc. (561)575-5660 www.wilddolphinproject.
org EIN#650264660 The longest underwater dolphin study in the
world, documenting the lives and behavior of two species of resident
Bahamian dolphins. 17.2% U,D,C
10406 WILD Foundation (International Wilderness Leadership Foundation)
(303)442-8811 www.wild.org EIN#237389749 Protecting wilderness
and wildlife internationally while helping communities participate in and
and research, and communications. 5.1% C,D,S
10638 Wilderness Society, The (800)843-9453 www.wilderness.
org EIN#530167933 Works to protect special wild places from
development so that future generations will have the opportunity to
enjoy America’s natural heritage. 24.9% C,W,N
10898 Wildlife Conservation Society (718)220-5100 www.wcs.org
EIN#131740011 Saves endangered species and threatened
ecosystems in 60 countries; teaches ecology and inspires care
for wildlife through the Bronx Zoo and national science education
programs. 15.5% C,D,B
96456 World Resources Institute (202)729-7600 www.wri.org
EIN#521257057 A global environmental think tank providing
independent research, policy analysis, and on-the-ground action to
build solutions to urgent environmental challenges. 13.1% C,U,W
12072 World Wildlife Fund (800)960-0993 www.worldwildlife.org
EIN#521693387 Multinational conservation organization working
worldwide to combat climate change, save endangered animals,
protect wild habitats, and transform market forces to act in harmony
with nature. 18.6% D,C
18360 Xerces Society Inc. (503)232-6639 www.xerces.org EIN#510175253
Protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and
their habitat. We use applied research, education and advocacy to
safeguard these vital species. 12.9% C
49235 Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (800)966-7920 www.
y2y.net EIN#810535303 Seeks to preserve and maintain the wildlife,
wilderness and natural processes of the mountainous region from
Yellowstone National Park to the Yukon Territory. 13.3% C,D,S
Charities Under 1% Overhead
Federation and Member Organizations
45623 Charities Under 1% Overhead (855)212-0314 www.LowestOverhead.
org EIN#273132554 These charities spend 99 cents or more of
every dollar you send them on program, and just one cent or less on
fundraising and administration. 3.8% P,D,C
10314 AIDS Research & Assistance Institute (682)214-0443 www.
aidshivawareness.org EIN#431926762 HIV AIDS orphan care,
providing shelter, clothing, medical, immune building and nutritional
support. Providing international education on important life choices,
sexuality, abstinence, nutrition and hygiene. 0.9% E,G,H
80899 Angel Bus (800)768-0238 www.Angel-Bus.org EIN#460456634
Helping patients in need by providing free ground transportation
for medical purposes to and from specialized, and often life-saving,
treatment. 0.0% P,W,E
10375 BOOKS for the BARRIOS, Inc. (925)934-6718 www.
booksforthebarrios.org EIN#680241582 Give youth the gift of
educational opportunities to rise from poverty. You can help American
Special Forces troops build schools for girls in war-torn areas. 0.5%
10750 Bread and Water for Africa, Inc. (Christian Relief Services
Charities Inc) (888)371-6622 www.african-relief.org EIN#541884520
health, clean water, education, orphanages, vocational training,
agriculture, and micro-credit programs focusing on women and
children. 0.7% E,K,S
25173 Cancer Prevention and Research Fund (602)241-2873 www.
cancerprf.org EIN#273294092 Over 1.5 million people will get Cancer
this year! One-third of common cancers could be prevented by diet!
Help stop the needless suffering. 0.7% G,E,K
40282 Cervical Cancer Prevention and Assistance (602)241-2873 www.
cervicalcancerpa.org EIN#462408926 Every two minutes a woman will
die of cervical cancer somewhere in the world. 90% of cervical cancer
is curable. Help us stop needless suffering! 0.1% E,K,C
84997 Children’s Emergency Relief Teams (Christian Emergency Relief
Teams International Inc) (888)299-8502 www.certinternational.org
EIN#300045949 Sending teams of physicians and dentists to provide
medical/dental services, needed surgeries, food and clothing to
children in remote areas to relieve their suffering. 0.8% E,X,P
11813 Children’s Feeding Network (682)651-5501 www.
childrensfeedingnetwork.org EIN#480971077 Rushing life saving
medical and nutritional support to supplement the needs of children
suffering from malnutrition and sickness in the third world and United
States. 1.0% K,M,W
11776 Children’s Medical Ministries (301)261-3211 www.childmed.org
EIN#541434743 Compassionate healthcare volunteers providing
free wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, medical clinics, healthcare
instruction, dental services, food and clothing to children in despair.
Active in disaster relief. 0.5% E,G,P
11271 Disabled Children’s Fund (Compassion Care for Disabled Children
Inc) (301)261-3211 www.disabled-child.org EIN#522062902 Providing
poor, disabled children worldwide with corrective surgery, free
distribution of specialty wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, rehabilitation
equipment and therapy. Serving war and disaster victims worldwide.
0.4% E,G,P
59350 Feed a Child (Hands Giving Hope) (602)881-0660 www.hghope.org
EIN#453327770 50 million Americans are hungry - 1 out of 6 in the
U.S. and 1 out of 4 children! Help feed poor, malnourished, needy
Americans. 0.2% K,E,C
Feed God’s Hungry Children (602)499-1320 www.
feedgodshungrychildren.org EIN#861004800 Feeding, clothing and
educating the poorest of the poor in the USA and third world countries.
Shipping humanitarian supplies to children’s programs. Loving the
children! 0.2% G,P,K
Feeding America’s Children (602)241-2873 www.feedingac.org
EIN#860986348 America’s children without nutritional food! Many with
only one meal per day! Help us rush lifesaving Fruits and Vegetables
to hungry families throughout America. 0.9% K,E,C
Feeding Children in America (The 3000 Club) (602)241-2873 www.
feedingcia.org EIN#273295358 One in four Children in America suffer
from hunger! Help us get nutritional and healthy fruits and vegetables
to these suffering children. 0.5% K,E,C
Feeding Hungry Children International (626)233-7716 www.
feedinghungrychildren.net EIN#330824713 You can save a child from
starvation. Help us provide crucial food and care to suffering children in
Haiti, Mexico, other countries, and the USA. 0.5% K,P,X
Giving Children Hope (Global Operations and Development- Giving
Children Hope) (866)392-HOPE www.gchope.org EIN#953464287
Rescuing children, providing lifesaving medicines and emergency food
to orphanages, clinics, shelters, and disaster centers serving homeless
children in America and poorest-of-the-poor around the world. 0.4%
Habitats for Dogs & Cats (855)528-6764 www.
habitatsfordogsandcats.org EIN#460968673 We help struggling,
underfinanced,andmostlyvolunteeranimalsheltersmaintaintheirnokill policies by providing grants of food and other necessary veterinary
supplies. 0.0% D,L,Z
Help the Children (Childrens Network International Inc) (888)8184483 www.helpthechildren.org EIN#954669871 We alleviate hunger
and suffering by providing food, clothing, medicine, and medical care to
needy children and their families in the U.S. and abroad. 0.4% E,M,T
Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc. (212)279-5493 www.
kidsdonations.org EIN#133300271 Providing new clothes, books,
toys, household items to poor, homeless children, disaster victims, and
military families. Through your support we bring smiles to their faces.
0.6% W,T,S
Matthew 25: Ministries (513)793-6256 www.m25m.org
EIN#311348100 Helping the poorest of the poor. Providing disaster
relief, food, clothing and education materials. Meeting the most basic
needs of severely suffering people. 0.8% P,M,S
Together We Fight Cancer(800)374-3252www.twfightcancer.
org EIN#453142357 Let’s work together! Support critically ill cancer
patients worldwide with medical supplies and aid to hospitals and
clinics in impoverished areas, in America and abroad. 0.3% E,P,H
United Marriage Encounter (866)483-8889 www.unitedmarriage.
org EIN#222164348 Every marriage deserves the opportunity to
grow! Committed to equipping couples with tools for renewing their
marriages, strengthening the family, and building Christ-centered
homes. 0.7% X,W,Z
Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program (888)838-7727 www.
they fought for our country. Help us provide free legal assistance for
Veterans at US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. 0.0% P,W,R
Christian Aid USA
Federation and Member Organizations
70470 Christian Aid USA (Christian Federation Inc) (978)712-2415 www.
christianfederation.org EIN#263070569 Feed the hungry. House the
homeless. Help the sick and lonely. Care for your neighbor at home
and abroad, all in the name of Christ. 0.0% P,G,X
12199 Agape Flights(941)488-0990www.agapeflights.comEIN#592057436
Changing and saving lives throughout Haiti and nations of the
Caribbean. A Christian aviation ministry delivering supplies to 300
missionary families serving 1 million people. 15.6% X,P,M
75873 Alfalit International (305)597-9077 www.alfalit.org EIN#591595459
A $60 donation allows us to teach a student reading, writing and math
skills. Motivated by Christ’s teachings, we eliminate suffering caused
by illiteracy worldwide. 7.7% B,S,X
98382 Asian Hope (303)719-7221 www.asianhope.org EIN#841553945 After
the Khmer Rouge genocide, the children of Cambodia were hopeless.
We help Cambodia’s vulnerable children by protecting, educating, and
empowering them to lead. 12.3% B,O,X
99990 Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International (800)469-1512
www.bethanykids.org EIN#522344177 Children with disabilities are
often thrown away in Africa. We provide medical and surgical care to
introduce them to Jesus’ love through compassionate healing. 7.7%
68034 Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (717)361-8429 www.cpyu.
org EIN#232576030 Bridging the cultural generational gap between
parents and teenagers by helping teens navigate the challenging world
of adolescence. 35.3% O,B,X
69876 Center of Hope, Inc. (Center of Hope Haiti Inc) (203)324-4887
www.centerofhope-haiti.org EIN#201002278 The AIDS epidemic left
thousands of Haitian children orphaned and homeless. Our orphanage
gives these children hope, food, education, and a place to call home.
81.6% B,O,P
Children’s International Lifeline (606)663-3459 www.childrenslifeline.
com EIN#382928770 We provide humanitarian aid - food, clothing,
medical supplies, facilities and educational assistance to some of the
poorest children in the world. 2.4% K,B,E
Christian Solidarity International (805)777-7107 www.csi-usa.
org EIN#330826951 In Sudan, Iraq, and elsewhere, we work to free
people from slavery, aid victims of violent persecution, and make sure
their voices are heard. 16.0% P,R,X
Crudem Foundation (413)642-0450 www.crudem.org
EIN#431660199 Since 1985, The Crudem Foundation has supported
Hospital Sacre Coeur the largest private hospital for the 225,000
people of the Milot region of northern Haiti. 30.0% E,G,Q
Global Action (719)528-8728 www.globalaction.com EIN#841471157
Your donation will help us build churches in new communities
and disadvantaged children in need. 22.7% B,O,X
Global Ministry, Lutheran Partners in (612)823-5058 www.
lutheranpartners.org EIN#411818525 To show the love of Christ
by connecting people and resources that serve the poor through
life-changing services, dramatically impacting lives a world away. 6.7%
Global Orphan Project (816)536-8333 www.goproject.org
EIN#816079539 Go Project embraces a culturally relevant,
sustainable, community-based model partnering with the local church
to provide homes/family for orphaned/abandoned children. 13.7%
Haiti Project, Colorado (303)938-5021 www.coloradohaitiproject.org
EIN#841330243 We work in partnership with rural Haitian communities
to support their rise out of extreme poverty through education, clean
water and quality health care. 30.2% B,E,Q
His House Inc (305)430-0085 www.hhch.org EIN#650145994 We
provide a safe place to call home for abused, neglected and vulnerable
populations of children from all over the world. 6.4% P,L,W
KORE Foundation (904)610-7898 www.korefoundation.org
EIN#263196544 Provide sustainable solutions to extreme poverty for
the people of Haiti with the combination of agricultural opportunities
resources and “Beyond Relief” mission endeavors. 11.2% K,X,S
Lifesong for Orphans (309)747-4527 www.lifesongfororphans.org
EIN#351902841 Every child should have medical care and life’s basic
for US foster care and adoptions. 5.8% X,O,P
Little Children of the World (770)358-2771 www.littlechildren.
org EIN#581760970 Provides food, housing, education, healthcare,
livelihood training, and Christian education to over 5,000 poverty
stricken children and families including children with disabilities in the
Philippines. 4.1% X,B,L
Marion Medical Mission (618)997-5365 www.mmmwater.org
EIN#371277129 Sharing Christ’s love in Africa by providing the
extreme poor in Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania with a sustainable
source of safe drinking water. 4.1% S,W,P
Ministry of Hope, Inc. (888)625-2942 www.ministryofhope.org
EIN#352182466 Caring for orphans in Malawi, Africa by partnering with
local communities to provide life-giving services: nutrition, education,
health care. Crisis nurseries save rescued babies. 6.4% S,O,K
OrphaNetwork, The (757)333-7200 www.orphanetwork.org
EIN#541983817 We partner with Nicaraguan leaders to rescue
abandoned, abused and orphaned children and prevent at-risk children
from becoming abandoned. Your donation will change children’s lives.
11.5% P,S,X
Peacemaker Ministries (406)256-1583 www.peacemaker.net
resolution skills training to Christians, their churches, Christian
organizations and businesses in the U.S. and worldwide. 15.4% X,B,O
Quixote Center (301)699-0042 www.quixote.org EIN#521055742
Engages in grassroots advocacy for just foreign policy, supports
community-based human development programs in Nicaragua and
Haiti, and advocates for equality in the Church. 37.4% R,S,Q
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation (617)244-9800 www.haitihealth.
org EIN#043067595 The focus of our work is to provide healthcare,
education and community development opportunities to the poorest of
the poor in rural southern Haiti. 10.1% E,B,S
Sojourners (800)714-7474 www.sojo.net EIN#237380554 We
articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a
movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the
world. 19.6% R,X,W
Star of Hope International (Star of Hope International America Inc)
(866)653-0321 www.starofhope.org EIN#592844916 An independent
Christian organization helping children across the world become
educated, healthy, godly men and women who live to positively impact
their world. 33.4% X,B,O
Vision Africa (Vision Africa Ministries Inc) (214)828-9232 www.
visionafrica.org EIN#752819939 Share God’s love with the people of
Nigeria through radio ministries, medical missions, disease prevention,
peace and reconciliation initiatives, evangelism and church plantings,
and partnerships. 22.5% X,B,P
Health & Medical Research Charities
of America
Federation and Member Organizations
11832 Health & Medical Research Charities of America (800)626-6891
www.hmr.org EIN#943217739 You can support wellness in America
with one gift here to these preeminent charities providing research,
screening and diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and patient
comforting. 2.3% E,G,H
12331 Accordia Global Health Foundation (202)534-1200 www.
accordiafoundation.org EIN#043774897 Overcoming the burden of
infectious diseases in Africa by creating innovative health models,
building centers of excellence and strengthening medical institutions.
Join us. 33.5% G,E,Q
12320 African-American AIDS Policy and Training Institute (213)353-3610
www.blackaids.org EIN#954742741 We have the tools to end the AIDS
epidemic. Join the campaign to end AIDS today. Treatment, education,
and prevention is the answer! 21.3% E,G,S
11181 Aging Research, American Federation for (AFAR) (American
Federation for Aging) (212)703-9977 www.afar.org EIN#133045282
Supporting scientists conducting groundbreaking research on aging
and related diseases, in the pursuit that we not only live longer, but live
healthier longer. 6.4% H,G,E
12328 AIDS Healthcare Foundation (323)860-5200 www.aidshealth.org
EIN#954112121 Largest US Provider of free HIV/AIDS healthcare,
prevention, education and operator of free AIDS treatment clinics in
Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. 14.1% E,R,H
10557 AIDS Programs of the National Minority AIDS Council (202)4836622 www.nmac.org EIN#521578289 Only national minority AIDS
organization with programs dedicated to saving lives in communities
of color, addressing the challenges of HIV/AIDS to end the epidemic.
25.0% E,G,S
12330 AIDS Project Los Angeles, Inc. (213)201-1600 www.apla.org
EIN#953842506 Dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by
HIV/AIDS, reducing the incidence of HIV infection and advocating for
fair and effective HIV-related public policy. 24.7% P,S,E
11028 AIDS Treatment and Research Information (Project Inform Inc AIDS
Treatement and Research Info) (415)558-8669 www.projectinform.org
EIN#943052723 Stop deaths from HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C due to
eradicate HIV/AIDS and hep C. 25.5% G,H,E
11027 AIDS United (202)408-4848 www.aidsunited.org EIN#521706646
Dedicated to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America. We’re a
national network focused on strategic grant making, access-to-care,
public policy and HIV prevention. 4.1% E,G,T
12308 AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (212)796-6423 www.avac.org
EIN#943240841 Accelerating the ethical delivery of AIDS vaccines
and prevention technologies. Help us use public education, policy,
advocacy and community mobilization to respond to the pandemic.
12.3% R,H,S
12173 AIDS Vaccine Initiative, International (212)847-1111 www.iavi.org
EIN#133870223 The world needs an AIDS vaccine. We work to ensure
and speed development of safe, effective, accessible, preventive HIV
vaccines for use throughout the world. 19.2% U,H,G
11852 Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing (202)337-5220 www.listeningandspokenlanguage.org
EIN#530196644 Children who are deaf can listen, speak and thrive
in the mainstream. Help support these children and families with
resources, advocacy, and education programs. 28.5% G,O,R
10589 Alopecia Areata Foundation National (415)472-3780 www.naaf.org
EIN#942780249 Provides major research funding, patient educational
materials and support for alopecia areata a mystifying autoimmune
disease affecting all ages, causing one’s hair to fall out. 5.5% G,H,P
82743 Alternative Medicine Foundation (The National Foundation for
Alternative Medicine) (202)463-4900 www.faim.org EIN#421471957
Tired of few affordable healthcare options? Searching the world for
alternative effective therapies that are nontoxic and cost effective. Help
us investigate, research, and implement. 4.1% H,E,G
11834 Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (866)232-8484 www.alzfdn.org
EIN#911792864 Alzheimer’s disease pulls at a family’s heartstrings
and pursestrings. AFA provides education and support services
nationally and locally for people with dementia and their caregivers.
14.3% G,F,E
12166 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (888)908-5766
to ensuring peak mental performance and optimum brain function
throughout our lives. 4.1% H,E,G
11029 Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Fisher Center (Zachary and
Elizabeth M Fisher Center For Alzheimers Research Fdn) 800-ALZINFO www.alzinfo.org EIN#133859563 Unique research into cause,
care and cure of Alzheimer’s by Nobel Prize winner. Donate to change
lives. Bring a cure to 5.4 million Americans. 15.3% H,E,G
92668 American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Foundation (703)836-4444 www.entnet.org EIN#521219434
Advancing the art, science, and ethical practice of otolaryngology-head
and neck surgery. Help support ear/nose/throat physicians in their
pursuit for optimum patient care. 21.4% H,E,G
American Association of Kidney Patients, Inc. (800)749-2257 www.
aakp.org EIN#112306416 For 45 years, dedicated to improving the
lives of kidney patients and their families through education advocacy
and the fostering of patient communities. 15.8% G,P,A
American Chronic Pain Association (800)533-3231 www.theacpa.
org EIN#251429052 Support and education in pain management skills
for people in chronic pain and the professionals who help them. We’re
helping maintain wellness and quality-of-life. 13.3% E,P,Y
American Medical Overseas Relief (559)440-8330 www.
amorelief.org EIN#364635877 Building international bridges to the
most impoverished women and children of the world by providing
desperately needed medical services that save lives and bring hope.
10.6% G,E,Z
American Nurse Practitioners Foundation (512)329-2644 www.anpfoundation.org EIN#742861018 High quality, individualized care. We
provide scholarships/ grants to nurse practitioners, helping them enter
19.0% E,H,T
American Nurses Foundation (301)628-5227 www.givetonursing.org
EIN#131893924 The American Nurses Foundation is transforming the
nation’s health by providing nurse education and research, addressing
the nursing shortage, and protecting public health. 17.6% E,H,T
American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (847)480-9592
www.astmh.org EIN#570408245 Research, health care, and education
are the central activities of members. The work bridges laboratory
programs. 23.8% E,G,H
American Tinnitus Association (800)634-8978 www.ata.org
treatment, and cure for tinnitus. We assist patients and professionals to
manage tinnitus and its effects. 22.2% G,H,W
Amputee Coalition of America (888)267-5669 www.amputeecoalition.org EIN#521701146 Every day, more than 500 Americans
lose a limb. Help empower amputees and ensure nobody goes through
their journey of recovery and readjustment alone. 31.2% E,G,P
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and OCD Education and Research
Foundation (Anxiety and Depression Association of America)
(240)485-1001 www.adaa.org EIN#521248820 Anxiety disorders,
OCD, PTSD, and depression are real, serious, and treatable. We
champion research for a cure and offer educational resources to
millions suffering silently. 13.5% F,G,H
Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation (800)747-2820
www.aamds.org EIN#521336903 We are the trusted source for
information about bone marrow failure diseases, empowering and
supporting patients, funding critical research towards better treatments
and a cure. 10.2% E,H,G
Arthritis National Research Foundation (800)588-2873 www.
curearthritis.org EIN#956043953 We fund research to prevent, treat
and cure arthritis for the millions of Americans, including 300,000
children, suffering in pain. 8.0% H,G,U
Asthma, Cancer & Heart Disease Prevention through Smokefree
Air (American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation) (510)841-3032 www.
anrf.org EIN#942922136 Secondhand smoke and smoking cause
children and adults from exposure to this deadly carcinogen. 24.0%
Autism Intervention and Treatment Research -- Organization for
Autism Research (Organization for Autism Research Inc) (866)3669710 www.researchautism.org EIN#542062167 Parents of children
with autism never stop seeking answers. We’re here to provide those
answers and fund research that provides practical information on
lifelong care. 19.6% P,B,E
Autism Research - The Autism Society of America Foundation
for (Autism Society of America Foundation Inc) (800)3-AUTISM www.
autism-society.org EIN#522007155 The Foundation supports programs
and organizations that maximize the quality of life for individuals living
with autism, focusing on positive and measurable outcomes. 0.6%
Autism Research Center - Family Support, Diagnostics, and
Advocacy for Effective Treatments (National Autism Center Inc)
(800)778-7601 www.nationalautismcenter.org EIN#562529097
Although there is no cure for autism, treatment works. Help us provide
free resources worldwide so families and caregivers can make
informed, life-changing treatment decisions. 7.4% G,H,E
Autoimmune Diseases Association (American Autoimmune Related
Diseases Association) (888)856-9433 www.aarda.org EIN#383027574
Autoimmunity causes Lupus, Arthritis, Celiac, MS, Fibromyalgia,
Graves’, Thyroiditis and 100+ other diseases. Through research and
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (National Alliance for
Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Inc) (800)829-8289 www.
bbrfoundation.org EIN#311020010 1 in 4 Americans live with mental
illness. Fund research for better treatments and cures for anxiety,
autism, ADHD, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD, and PTSD.
8.6% F,H,G
Brain Aneurysm Foundation Incorporated (888)272-4602 www.
bafound.org EIN#043243864 The Brain Aneurysm Foundation is
education, support and research funding to reduce brain aneurysm
ruptures. 14.1% G,H,E
Brain Injury Association of America (703)761-0750 www.biausa.
org EIN#042716222 The voice of traumatic brain injury. We provide
help, hope and healing for millions of Americans who live with often
misdiagnosed and misunderstood brain injury. 20.7% G,E,R
Cancer and Aging Research Program (Trudeau Institute Inc)
(800)638-6064 www.trudeauinstitute.org EIN#141401413 Performing
biomedical research on immunity to foster the development of
vaccines, treatments and cures for many life-threatening diseases,
Cancer Curing Society (Gerson Institute) (888)443-7766 www.
gerson.org EIN#953284919 Healing with nature. We help thousands
recover from so-called “incurable” diseases by teaching a proven,
powerful natural treatment to patients, medical professionals and
caregivers. 21.0% E,G,B
Celiac Central, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness
(National Foundation for Celiac Awareness) (215)325-1306 www.
celiaccentral.org EIN#900108854 Help save millions of lives, billions of
dollars. Celiac disease can lead to malnourishment, cancer, infertility,
osteoporosis, other life-threatening diseases. 83% of sufferers remain
undiagnosed. 7.2% E,G,K
Celiac Disease Foundation (818)716-1513 www.celiac.org
EIN#954310830 For every one person diagnosed with celiac disease,
85 are not. Help us end their needless suffering and support those who
need us most. 14.1% G,K,E
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (800)606-CMTA www.cmtausa.
org EIN#222480896 Patients lose normal use of their extremities as
nerves degenerate. We’re funding research to improve qualify-of-life
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)
Association of America (CFIDS Association Inc) (704)365-2343
engaging the ME/CFS community in research to accelerate discovery
of safe and effective treatments and expand funding towards a cure.
17.2% G,B,W
Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation (302)368-8944 www.
cchfoundation.net EIN#201035181 Our focus: Helping hospice
shelter, utilities - plus additional comfort and support services. 14.9%
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund (Alzheimers Disease Research Foundation)
(781)237-3800 www.curealz.org EIN#522396428 Research is the only
path to progress. We’re funding breakthrough, aggressive research
Disease. 7.2% H,G,E
Diabetes & Immune Disease National Research Institute (La Jolla
Institute for Allergy and Immunology) (858)752-6500 www.didnri.org
EIN#330328688 We’re moving closer to a cure. Our cutting-edge
research is advancing new treatments and cures for millions suffering
from diabetes and other chronic, debilitating diseases. 11.8% H,G,U
Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (202)3334520 www.diabetes-action.org EIN#521714027 Funding innovative,
promising research to prevent, treat and cure diabetes. 100% of your
workplace contributions used for diabetes research and programs. We
can conquer diabetes! 3.8% H,G,E
Diabetes Aid and Research Fund (800)511-7032 www.
diabetesaidresearch.org EIN#860920000 Nutrition and diabetes are
undeniably linked. We provide vital fresh produce to thousands of
clients, medical supplies to clinics, and support continuing research on
treatments. 1.4% E,G,H
Diabetes Health and Research Institute (Childhood Diabetes
Research Institute) (602)234-9119 www.childrensmiraclemedical.org
EIN#860963786 Fighting diabetes and other degenerative diseases
with programs focused on health and nutrition to maintain a healthy
lifestyle. Children’s diabetes camp scholarships, medicines and
supplies. 2.5% E,G,H
Diabetes Prevention and Aid Fund (602)241-2873 www.diabetespaf.
org EIN#860804743 Providing life saving fresh fruits and vegetables to
impoverished at-risk families. Science has proven that we can prevent
diabetes with our seven step plan. 0.4% K,G,E
Diabetes Transplant Fund (202)454-1616 www.
diabetestransplantfund.org EIN#311688397 Cure diabetes in our
transplant techniques, and drugs necessary to prevent organ
rejections. Encourages organ donation. 5.9% G,H,U
Disability Rights International (202)296-0800 www.disabilityrightsintl.
org EIN#522035860 Protecting rights of the most vulnerable- children/
adults with disabilities segregated from society and often locked away
or left to die in horrendous institutions. 38.0% F,R,S
Disabled Children, Adults & Seniors: Lives Enhanced by FODAC
(Friends of Disabled Adults and Children Too Inc) (866)977-1204 www.
fodac.org EIN#581709436 Keeping people with disabilities moving!
We’ve distributed over 30,000 “like-new” recycled wheelchairs, hospital
beds and walkers - we’re providing independence while protecting our
planet! 4.3% E,P,C
Down Syndrome Research & Treatment Foundation (580)6302179 www.dsrtf.org EIN#371483975 Supports research developing
treatments to improve memory, learning and speech allowing
individuals with Down syndrome to participate successfully in school
and lead active, independent lives. 16.1% H,G,R
10592 Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (800)377-3978 www.
dystonia-foundation.org EIN#953378526 Advancing research for more
treatments and ultimately a cure, promoting awareness and education,
and supporting the needs and well being of affected individuals and
families. 13.3% H,G,R
66644 Eczema, National Association (National Eczema Association
for Science and Education) (800)818-7546 www.nationaleczema.
org EIN#930988840 Dedicated to eczema research, support, and
education. Contributions advance research for a cure and provide
programs that support those suffering from this frustrating, challenging
disease. 14.6% E,G,H
10593 Eye and Tissue Banks International (Tissue Banks International Inc)
(800)756-4TBI www.tbionline.org EIN#521290067 We restore eyesight
and renew hope through cornea transplants across our country and
around the world. Millions wait in darkness: you can help them see.
6.9% G,H,E
11036 Eye Bank Association of America (202)775-4999 www.restoresight.
org EIN#720678970 Your gift provides cornea transplants to the
annually. Someone sees, thanks to you. 18.4% E,P,H
10060 Facial Pain Association (800)923-3608 www.tna-support.org
EIN#223071645 The most painful condition known to mankind. Help
cure. 15.3% G,E,H
12175 Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (800)886-1762 www.fsma.
org EIN#363320440 Dedicated to developing a cure for SMA, the
#1 genetic killer of infants and children. Help us fund research that’s
necessary to save their lives. 25.8% G,H,E
11026 Families USA Foundation, Inc. (202)628-3030 www.familiesusa.org
EIN#042730934 High-quality, affordable health care for all Americans.
We ensure that the voice of consumers is heard in debates about
providing- any paying for- health care. 18.2% R,E,S
10096 Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. (888)326-2664 www.fanconi.
for Fanconi anemia, a fatal genetic disease; provides education and
support services to affected families worldwide. 13.6% H,E,P
10322 Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types, Inc. (215)9979400www.firstskinfoundation.orgEIN#942738019Disfiguring,painful,
extremely dry, cracked, thick, scaling skin. Patients endure emotional/
psychological harm and physical challenges. FIRST provides
emotional support, medical and educational resources. 16.2% G,H,R
10052 Foundation for Physical Therapy (800)875-1378 www.foundation4pt.
org EIN#136161225 Research. Results. Recognition. Help us provide
grants/ scholarships to physical therapists seeking to develop and
enhance treatments for injuries and diseases across the human
lifespan. 21.3% E,H,T
55082 Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation (800)9-MARROW www.
for bone marrow transplants. Help us make miracles happen. 9.5%
10614 Gluten Intolerance Group of North America (253)833-6655
www.gluten.net EIN#911458226 Eating gluten causes long-term
life-threatening health hazards. Monitoring food supply is critical.
Help us educate and audit food companies. Consumers can then live
gluten-free safely. 10.2% G,P,K
12091 Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation (877)643-3123 www.gdatf.
org EIN#593009617 Help and hope to patients with Graves’ disease
and other thyroid-related disorders. We provide phone/online support,
educational events, and local support groups. 12.8% G,E,H
10772 Haitian Health Foundation (860)886-4357 www.
haitianhealthfoundation.org EIN#061135999 The misery never seems
to end for the poor of Haiti. Your generosity brings food, housing,
healthcare, and survival to some of our poorest neighbors. 7.4% E,K,P
12176 Hearing Foundation (Starkey Hearing Foundation) (866)354-3254
www.starkeyhearingfoundation.org EIN#363297852 360 million people
have disabling hearing loss worldwide, leaving them disconnected from
life. Help us open the world of sound to people in need. 12.8% E,P,Z
11853 Hearing Health Foundation (866)454-3924 www.hhf.org
EIN#131882107 Hearing Health Foundation is the largest private
funder of hearing research. Our mission is to prevent and cure hearing
loss through groundbreaking research. 37.6% H,U,G
11376 Hearing Loss Association of America (301)657-2248 www.
hearingloss.org EIN#521177011 48 million (20%) Americans have
hearing loss. We advocate for affordable hearing aids, accessible
hearing healthcare, ADA compliance, and accessible assistive /
emerging communication technologies. 35.9% E,R,W
12239 Heart Disease Assistance Fund (Heart Disease Research Institute)
(800)759-3004 www.heart-research.org EIN#510555174 Provides
research grants, medical and humanitarian supplies to hospitals.
Provides heart disease educational material to patients and families.
Curing begins with a caring heart! 2.4% H,E,P
12095 HelpHOPELive (800)642-8399 www.helphopelive.org EIN#521322317
Patients with catastrophic injuries and illnesses denied life-sustaining
care due to cost. Help them tackle crushing uninsured medical
expenses with community fundraising. 11.8% E,G,W
11842 Hepatitis Foundation International (800)891-0707 www.
hepatitisfoundation.org EIN#223337679 The Hepatitis Foundation
International reaches more than 5 million people to reduce preventable
liver disease, link patients to care, educate providers, and promote
research annually. 16.8% E,G,P
11093 Herbal Medicine Institute (American Botanical Council) (800)3737105 www.herbalgram.org EIN#742518542 We are passionate about
helping people live healthier lives through the responsible use of herbs
herbal medicine. 19.4% H,B,K
11697 Hospice Angel Airlines (877)931-6616 www.hospiceangelairlines.org
EIN#541884474 Your gift provides commercial, air transportation for
hospice and other patients 55 years of age and older requiring distant
and potentially life-saving treatment. 0.3% P,W,E
91999 Hospice Foundation for End-of-Life Care (Foundation for End-ofLife Care Inc) (877)800-2951 www.foundationeolc.org EIN#650943337
Providing the medical, social and spiritual support necessary to
of care. 19.0% E,G,P
10611 Hospice Foundation of America (800)854-3402 www.
hospicefoundation.org EIN#592219888 Supporting individuals through
Life-Ending illness and assisting families /caregivers with grief and
loss. We emphasize hospice and palliative care while providing public
and professional education. 9.9% E,P,G
44705 Hospice, Pathways Home Health and Hospice (800)753-3071 www.
pathwayshealth.org EIN#942823240 Exceptional, compassionate,
family-centered home health and hospice care for our loved ones who
face terminal and chronic illness. Help Pathways promote comfort,
independence and dignity. 20.0% E,G,P
10066 Hydrocephalus Association (888)598-3789 www.hydroassoc.
org EIN#943000301 Hydrocephalus is a devastating brain condition
affecting people of all ages that frequently goes undiagnosed in
seniors. Help us fund research, provide support and hope. 38.2%
10313 Immune Deficiency Foundation (800)296-4433 www.
primaryimmune.org EIN#521214782 IDF works to improve the
diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for people living with 185
education and research. 11.3% G,E,R
10612 Immunization Action Coalition (651)647-9009 www.immunize.org
EIN#411768237 Increasing immunization rates, preventing disease
and unnecessary deaths. Creating and distributing educational
materials to enhance the safety and effectiveness of immunization
services. 17.3% G,E,W
33185 International Dyslexia Association (410)296-0232 www.interdys.org
EIN#520953609 Promoting literacy through research, education and
advocacy. We provide support for all living with dyslexia and related
learning differences, including evidence-based teaching approaches
and research. 24.9% B,G,Y
10554 International OCD Foundation (617)973-5801 www.ocfoundation.org
EIN#222894564 OCD is trivialized and misdiagnosed. Access to care
lacking. Help us address these challenges. 26.4% H,F,P
10831 Johns Hopkins University (800)548-5422 www.jhu.edu
EIN#520595110 A world leader in both teaching and research. JHU
cultivates life-long learning, fosters independent/original research, and
48274 Kidney Disease Aid and Research Fund (480)437-0950 www.
kidneydiseaseaidandresearchfund.org EIN#900363009 Provides
medical supplies, equipment and humanitarian aid to programs that
treat Kidney Disease and degenerative diseases. Nutritious food
disbursed strengthens immune systems and prevents disease. 0.8%
11051 Lahey Clinic (781)744-3333 www.lahey.org EIN#042704683 At Lahey,
we care for our patients with compassion, openness, and unsurpassed
expertise, providing superior healthcare leading to the best possible
outcome for every patient. 9.5% G,H,E
79370 Liver and Bile Duct Disease Research and Education Foundation
(PSC Partners Seeking A Cure) (303)771-5227 www.pscpartners.org
and support to primary sclerosing chlangitis patients, families and
caregivers. Research into causes, treatments and potential cures.
13.3% H,B,T
12098 Loma Linda University Medical Center, Inc. (Seventh-Day
Adventists Loma Linda University Medical Center Inc) (909)558-3555
www.lomalindahealth.org EIN#953522679 Provides world-class
medical research, patient care, life-saving surgery, and wellness
education every day to families nationwide. Special focus on children
and individuals with cancer. 19.5% E,G,H
10588 Medical Education Institute (800)468-7777 www.meiresearch.org
EIN#391739731 Dialysis doesn’t have to mean die. You can help us
give hope to kidney patients and share home treatment options for a
longer, better life! 16.2% E,P,H
24730 Mended Hearts, Inc. (888)432-7899 www.mendedhearts.org
EIN#046073589 Our trained volunteers offer hope and encouragement
to other heart patients and families. Mended Little Hearts supports
families of children living with congenital heart disease. 22.1% G,E,O
31177 Menninger Clinic (800)288-3950 www.menningerclinic.com
EIN#371453409 Psychiatric treatment research and education for
mental health disorders. Our patients often say: “You gave me my life
back. Now I know who I am.” 9.8% F,B,H
11856 Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (877)363-6376 www.
leading peer-review mesothelioma research, provides complimentary
educational and support resources and advocates for increased
federal funding and awareness. 17.0% G,H,E
37331 MHP, Inc. Promoviendo Vidas Saludables (Migrant Health
Promotion Inc) (800)461-8394 www.mhpsalud.org EIN#383092194
Low wages and substandard conditions leave farmworkers and
isolated populations vulnerable. Help us provide culturally appropriate
health education, outreach, and community development to these
communities. 18.9% E,G,F
33387 Migraine Research Foundation, Inc. (212)249-5402 www.
migraineresearchfoundation.org EIN#204796293 Migraine is much
more than a bad headache- it disables millions. We’re providing hope
10285 Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) (203)229-0464
www.themmrf.org EIN#061504413 To accelerate drug development,
we do everything we can to make sure the next generation of
treatments is brought to patients as quickly as possible. 9.4% H,B,Z
11373 Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (888)MS-FOCUS www.msfocus.org
EIN#592792934 Multiple Sclerosis impacts individuals and families.
Our free national programs such as helplines, education, crisis
intervention, homecare grants, and assistive devices motivate, educate
and empower. 31.2% E,G,H
12177 Multiple Sclerosis, Can Do (800)367-3101 www.mscando.
org EIN#742337853 I am. I can. I will! Your donation transforms,
empowers and provides families living with Multiple Sclerosis “the
power to be more than MS.” 25.5% G,E,P
10239 Muscular Dystrophy - FSH Society for Facioscapulohumeral
Dystrophy (Facioscapulohumeral Society) (781)301-6060 www.
fshsociety.org EIN#521762747 Help solve and treat FSHD, the most
prevalent hereditary muscular dystrophy. No patient need face this
disease alone. Fund research leading to treatments and cures. 20.2%
12093 Narcolepsy Network (888)292-6522 www.narcolepsynetwork.org
any sudden emotion. Disrupted nighttime sleep. Misunderstanding and
60555 National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics (703)647-7427
www.nafcclinics.org EIN#562273242 Building a healthy America one
patient at a time. Support Free and Charitable Clinics where medical
care for the under-served isn’t a dream, it’s reality. 14.3% E,T,Y
12120 National Eating Disorders Association (212)575-6200 www.
nationaleatingdisorders.org EIN#133444882 Supports individuals
and families affected by eating disorders and acts as a catalyst for
prevention, cures, access to quality care. National helpline. Help feed
hope. 22.9% F,P,E
99681 National Education Association Health Information Network
(202)822-7570 www.neahin.org EIN#581898631 Responding to school
shootings; feeding breakfast to hungry kids; preventing the spread
of disease in schools. We help keep the nation’s children safe and
healthy. 23.7% M,E,K
11340 National Gaucher Foundation (800)GAUCHER www.
gaucherdisease.org EIN#521350226 Children and adults suffer
needlessly when they don’t know they have Gaucher disease. There
are treatments to change their lives. Help us help them! 8.9% T,H,B
10118 National Meningitis Association (866)366-3662 www.nmaus.org
EIN#522299539 Meningitis kills or debilitates children and is potentially
vaccine-preventable. Raising awareness, saving lives and providing
support for survivors and their families. Give kids a shot! 21.6% E,P,W
10853 National Stuttering Association (800)937-8888 www.WeStutter.
org EIN#942420533 Bringing hope and empowerment to children and
adults who stutter, their families, and professionals through research,
support, education and advocacy. Knowledge is key! 11.4% O,R,W
11528 National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association, Inc. (617)2774463www.ntsad.orgEIN#131912877Leadingthefightsince1957to
treat and cure Tay-Sachs, Canavan, Sandhoff, and GM-1 diseases
and supporting affected families and individuals in leading fuller lives.
17.1% H,E,Z
94298 National Trauma Institute (210)524-7739 www.
nationaltraumainstitute.org EIN#320170279 Saving lives and reducing
disability. We fund, follow and disseminate results of research- having
a direct impact on the treatment you receive in an emergency. 26.5% H
40270 NephCure Foundation, The (866) 637-4287 www.NephCure.
org EIN#383569922 Saving Kidneys. Saving Lives. We’re the only
organization supporting research seeking new treatments, the causes
and a cure for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and Nephrotic
Syndrome. 14.6% H,E,B
89704 New York Stem Cell Foundation, Inc. (212)787-4111 www.nyscf.
org EIN#202905531 Accelerating cures through stem cell research by
conducting advanced research in our laboratory, holding an annual
conference, and providing scientists with fellowship and investigator
awards. 9.9% H,G,T
89437 Pachyonychia Congenita Project (877)628-7300 www.
pachyonychia.org EIN#680567493 Genetic skin disease with
extremely painful blisters, calluses and thickened nails. Help us provide
cure. 12.4% H,G,E
12096 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Spinal Cord Research Foundation
(800)424-8200 www.pvaresearch.org EIN#521064398 Funds research
aimed at restoring function and improving the quality of life for veterans
and all others paralyzed by spinal cord injury or disease. 0.5% H,E,P
Parkinson’s and Brain Research Foundation (Childrens Gaucher
Research Fund) (877)692-4112 www.researchparkinsons.org
EIN#943326753 1 Million Americans suffer from Parkinson’s. Lives
shortened. Children denied grandparents. Support our 21st century
Parkinson’s Research - Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s
Research (Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research)
(800)708-7644 www.michaeljfox.org EIN#134141945 One urgent goal:
eliminate Parkinson’s disease in our lifetime. 89 cents of every dollar
spent goes to research, leading to $400 million granted since 2000.
8.7% H,G,E
Parkinson’s Research Center, Michael Stern Foundation
(800)470-0499 www.parkinsoninfo.org EIN#134168581 Seeking better
treatments and a cure for patients heartbreakingly suffering from this
tragic, deadly neurological disease. Sponsoring cutting-edge research
at leading university laboratories. Bringing hope. 12.7% H,E,Z
PKD Foundation (800)753-2873 www.pkdcure.org EIN#431266906
Accelerating treatments to patients with polycystic kidney disease.
leads to kidney failure/ death. 21.0% E,G,H
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (800)230-PLAN www.
plannedparenthood.org EIN#131644147 Ensure access to affordable
reproductive health care, protect reproductive rights, and promote
access to comprehensive medically accurate sexuality education,
domestically and internationally. 17.7% E,R,Q
Population Council (212)339-0500 www.popcouncil.org
EIN#131687001 Ideas. Evidence. Impact. We’re leading the way at
reducing HIV among those most at-risk, increasing access to family
planning, and preventing child marriage. 20.5% H,V,O
Population Reference Bureau (202)483-1100 www.prb.org
EIN#530214030 Informs policymakers and others around the world
about population, health and the environment and empowers them to
use the information to advance people’s well-being. 4.5% V,W,S
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America
(877)662-7737 www.rsds.org EIN#222559139 RSDSA provides
support, education, and hope to everyone affected by CRPS/RSD
while we drive research to develop better treatment and a cure. 32.5%
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (Resolve
Incorporated) (703)556-7172 www.resolve.org EIN#237413696
Infertility is a disease, and if you have been diagnosed, you are not
alone. Help RESOLVE continue to provide support and advocacy to
local communities. 35.3% G,P,R
Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation (507)287-6465 www.willisekbom.org EIN#561784846 RLS Foundation provides education and
support to millions of people with Willis-Ekbom disease/RLS, and funds
research toward a cure for this neurologic disease. 24.8% G,Y,W
Retinitis Pigmentosa International Society for Degenerative Eye
Disease and Related Disorders (818) 992-0500 www.rpinternational.
org EIN#953707483 Restoring Vision and making the world accessible
again through TheatreVision Description, Adult Stem Cell Tranplants,
information hotlines, education. The miracle of vision must be
preserved. 8.5% G,H,P
Rett Syndrome Foundation, International (800)818-7388 www.
rettsyndrome.org EIN#311682518 This devastating neurological
disorder robs children of speech, motor-control and hand use. We fund
innovative research for a cure, provide family support and promote
awareness. 13.8% H,P,Z
Sanford - Burnham Medical Research Institute (877)454-5702
www.sanfordburnham.org EIN#510197108 From research, the power
to cure. We study mechanisms of disease. We turn lab discoveries into
potential new drugs. We save lives. We restore hope. 15.2% H,G,U
Scleroderma Research Foundation (800)441-CURE www.
sclerodermaresearch.org EIN#680087234 Help researchers end this
life-threatening and debilitating illness. Thousands will die this year.
Your generous support funds medical research that will help save lives!
12.0% H,G,T
Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation (303)794-1182 www.
spdfoundation.net EIN#742490763 A lifeline to families of children
with SPD which causes behavioral problems, anxiety and depression.
Prevent school failure, social discrimination and isolation. Give them
hope. 12.1% G,H,O
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United
States (212)819-9770 www.siecus.org EIN#132508249 Information
is everything. Join us in assuring that all people receive accurate,
comprehensive information about sexuality- and the right to make
personal sexual/ reproductive choices. 22.5% W,R,O
Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation Inc. (800)475-6473 www.sjogrens.
org EIN#112779073 Dry Eyes? Dry Mouth? Fatigue? Joint Pain?
Increase awareness of a common women’s autoimmune disease and
support research into new treatments and a cure. 16.6% G,H,E
Skin and Dental Dysfunction Foundation (National Foundation for
Ectodermal Dysplasias) (618)566-2020 www.nfed.org EIN#371112496
Provides dentures, support, and hope to children left toothless from the
treatment options and cures. 20.0% G,H,P
12099 Sleep Apnea Association, American (888)293-3650 www.
sleepapnea.org EIN#541545170 Common disorder that often goes
undiagnosed and greatly affects quality-of-life. We’re dedicated to
reducing injury, disability and death caused by apnea and lack of sleep.
14.0% G,E,Y
10307 Spinal Cord Injury Network International (800)548-2673 www.
spinalcordinjury.org EIN#943037195 Auto accidents, falls and sports
injuries. We assist injured individuals and their families reach the best
possible care and live life fully and productively. 7.1% G,E,P
89466 Spondylitis Association of America (800)777-8189 www.spondylitis.
org EIN#953890767 A crippling form of spinal arthritis that strikes
young people. We’re alone in our sole commitment to research,
programs, and support of the spondylitis community. 20.7% G,H,E
81809 Stop Foodborne Illness, Inc. (800)350-STOP www.
stopfoodborneillness.org EIN#452742509 STOP uses contributions
to maintain our website, social media, exhibits and advocacy work.
These activities provide information to ascertain the latest information
regarding foodborne illnesses. 38.3% K,P,R
11052 Stroke/Brain Injury Communication Disorders Foundation
(National Aphasia Association Inc) (800)922-4622 www.aphasia.org
EIN#133411063 Loss of speech. Forgetting how to read and write.
Stroke/ brain injury induced communication disorders ravage lives.
11857 Sturge-Weber Foundation (800)627-5482 www.sturge-weber.
org EIN#742485813 Seizures and glaucoma at birth. Purple facial
birthmark. Lifetime of treatment. No cure, yet. Help us help those with
port wine birthmark conditions. 15.2% E,G,Z
11047 Stuttering Foundation of America (800)992-9392 www.
stutteringhelp.org EIN#626047678 Provides comprehensive up-to-date
information, resources, and support to those who stutter and their
families as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.
6.5% H,E,G
10605 Suicidology, American Association of (202)237-2280 www.
suicidology.org EIN#952930701 Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of
death among young people. Through public education/ information
we’re working to prevent this tragedy. Know the warning signs. 18.2%
11849 Surgical Eye Expeditions International (805)963-3303 www.seeintl.
org EIN#311682275 A blind person’s life can be changed completely
and forever. Help us restore sight and transform lives. Give the gift of
sight. 1.6% P,E,G
97580 TASH (202)540-9020 www.tash.org EIN#510160220 Equity,
Supporting the rights and needs of individuals through parent and
advocate engagement, research, education and advocacy. 10.3%
12088 Thyroid Association, American (800)849-7643 www.thyroid.org
EIN#416038600 Cancer kills. Research cures. Your support turns
research to improve the lives of patients with thyroid-related diseases.
4.3% G,H,B
12102 TMJ Association, Ltd. (262)432-0350 www.tmj.org EIN#391691109
Jaw disorders affect a person’s ability to speak, eat, chew, smile,
treatments, and vital coping skills. 10.4% G,E,H
10600 Toxic Chemical Safety (Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment)
(513)542-RISK www.tera.org EIN#311437448 Kids exposed to
chemicals. Parents confused by information on web. We’re working for
a safer, healthier planet through honest, independent and transparent
evaluations. 24.0% U,C,B
12215 Transplants, The National Foundation for (800)489-3863 www.
transplants.org EIN#581527254 Lifesaving organ and tissue
transplants, medication, and medical care are possible with our
fundraising expertise, grants and advocacy. Help us give the gift of life!
15.7% G,E,P
31037 University of Chicago (773)702-7593 www.cureceliacdisease.org
EIN#362177139 The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
is an international center of excellence providing comprehensive
education, expert diagnosis and treatment, groundbreaking bench and
clinical research. 11.1% H,E,Z
64445 Vasculitis Foundation (800)277-9474 www.vasculitisfoundation.org
EIN#431492959 More common than you think, more serious than you
know. We advocate for early diagnosis and leading-edge treatment
while partnering with researchers for a cure. 20.3% E,H,P
10601 Vegetarian Resource Group (410)366-8343 www.vrg.org
EIN#521279034 We’re improving human health, saving animals, and
reducing environmental destruction by helping health professionals,
schools, restaurants, and businesses meet the needs of vegetarians
and vegans. 12.0% K,D,C
11415 Visiting Nurse Associations of America (888)866-8773 www.vnaa.
org EIN#953858298 Compassionate home healthcare and hospice
deliver quality of life and independence to vulnerable patients. 25.8%
12101 Volunteer Eye Surgeons International, LTD (631)665-1330 www.
vesi.org EIN#112813646 Sends volunteer eye surgeons to developing
countries like Afghanistan, Vietnam and Bangladesh where they
restore sight surgically, treat severe eye diseases, and teach modern
techniques. 27.8% E,G,B
12100 Wheels for Humanity (818)255-0100 www.ucpwheels.org
EIN#954581144 Help us to improve the lives of impoverished people
with disabilities worldwide by providing wheelchairs. Mobility increases
opportunity for education, employment and community life. 5.2% P,E,Q
10014 Williams Syndrome Association, Inc. (800)806-1871 www.williamssyndrome.org EIN#223305007 Cardiovascular disease, developmental
delays, and learning disabilities. Williams syndrome affects thousands.
and support. 10.9% G,H,E
America’s Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
10224 America’s Charities (800)458-9505 www.charities.org
EIN#541517707 Working to build strong communities. Addressing
needs of children, families, communities through member programs,
by helping employers and employees support our member charities’
programs. 6.4% P,O,E
10360 100 Black Men of America (800)598-3411 www.100blackmen.org
EIN#581974429 Our mission is to improve the quality of life within
communities by enhancing educational and economic opportunities for
all African Americans. 15.6% O,S,Y
30518 Alzheimer’s Disease Research (BrightFocus Foundation) (800)4372423 www.brightfocus.org EIN#237337229 Funds cutting-edge
research to stop Alzheimer’s disease and provides public information
about risk factors, preventive lifestyles, treatments, and coping
strategies. Let’s discover a cure! 31.0% H,G,E
10361 American Campaign for Prevention of Child Abuse and Family
Violence (202)429-6695 www.familyviolence.org EIN#954356014
Your generous contributions help thousands of children, spouses/
partners (women and men), and the elderly who are abuse victims and
vulnerable to family violence. 8.2% P,W,S
11889 American Center for Law and Justice (800)296-4529 www.aclj.
org EIN#541586817 Specializing in constitutional law, the ACLJ is
dedicated to the concept that freedom and democracy are God-given
inalienable rights that must be protected. 12.7% R,I,W
11890 American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (212)549-2500 www.
aclu.org EIN#136213516 The nation’s foremost defender of civil
liberties. Defends constitutional rights. Upholds free speech, religious
liberty, equality, privacy, due process. Protects minorities, women,
immigrants, the poor. 15.5% R,W,B
10363 Amnesty International USA (800)AMNESTY www.amnestyusa.
org EIN#520851555 Global grassroots organization, impartial and
non-political, whose membership takes collective action to stop grave
abuses of human rights. 3 million members. Nobel Peace Prize
recipient. 19.8% R,Q,W
11891 Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (800)966-5946
www.aaldef.org EIN#132855641 Protects and promotes the civil rights
of Asian Americans through litigation, advocacy, community education
and organizing. 35.3% R,P,S
58004 Boy Scouts of America (972)580-2000 www.scouting.org
EIN#221576300 One of the nation’s most prominent values-based
youth development organizations. Programs for building character,
training in the responsibilities of citizenship, and developing personal
10357 Canine Partners for Life (610)869-4902 www.k94life.org
EIN#232580658 Service and companion dogs are professionally and
custom trained to enable persons with physical, developmental, and
cognitive disabilities to become more independent. 18.0% E,P,D
11628 Catholics United for Life (800)764-8444 www.catholicsunitedforlife.
org EIN#510195634 Pro-life Catholic organization dedicated to
defending human life from the moment of conception. Activities include
youth conference, educational programs, and legal defense of religious
liberties. 20.8% R,X,P
11102 Christian Appalachian Project (866)270-4227 www.christianapp.
org EIN#610661137 The Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) is a
15 mountain states through vital programming and donated food and
supplies. 9.8% P,L,F
11629 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation (866)293-3155 www.
research into treatments and cure of diabetes. Conducts screenings,
education programs to save lives from blindness, kidney failure,
amputations. 4.1% H,E,T
60592 Do Something, Inc. (212)254-2390 www.dosomething.org
EIN#133720473 DoSomething.org is one of the largest organizations
in the US for teens and social change. Join us at www.DoSomething.
org. 16.8% O,S,T
10359 Dress for Success Worldwide (212)532-1922 www.dressforsuccess.
org EIN#134040377 Dress for Success is an international nonprofitorganizationthatpromotestheeconomicindependenceof
disadvantaged women through suiting, career development and
employment retention programs. 5.1% J,P,W
11892 Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund (618)462-5415
www.eagleforum.org EIN#371097202 Pro-family leadership by
parental rights, tax fairness. Articulate media voice on family, defense,
education and conservative issues. 11.0% R,W,O
10986 Feed the Children (800)627-4556 www.feedthechildren.org
EIN#736108657 Founded in 1979, Feed The Children’s mission is
providing hope and resources for those without life’s essentials. 8.7%
Feeding America (800)771-2303 www.feedingamerica.org
EIN#363673599 Nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief organization,
annually securing and distributing groceries to over 37 million
Americans in need. Our goal is to end hunger in America. 2.1% P,K,Y
Foster Care To Success Foundation (Orphan Foundation of America
Orph) (800)950-4673 www.fc2success.org EIN#521238437 At age 18
support to parentless teens pursuing college and vocational training.
0.8% P,B,O
Fund for Animals, The (800)808-7858 www.fundforanimals.org
EIN#136218740 Through our network of lifesaving sanctuaries and
medical centers, stretching from coast to coast, The Fund for Animals
gives thousands of animals a second chance. 12.8% D,M,P
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Scholarship Fund - Point
Foundation (Point Foundation) (866)337-6468 www.pointfoundation.
org EIN#841582086 Point Foundation empowers lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and queer students to achieve their full
society. 20.0% O,B,P
Good Neighbors USA (877)499-9898 www.goodneighbors.
org/ EIN#203644749 International humanitarian and community
development organization focusing on child education, health, hunger
and disaster relief projects in 30 countries around the world. 23.0%
Good360 (703)836-2121 www.good360.org EIN#541282616 Good360
secures nonperishable product donations from companies and
millions of people and communities in need. 0.8% P,S,W
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. (800)741-0186 www.goodwill.
org EIN#530196517 Goodwill® is comprised of 158 community-based
organizations providing employment training, job placement, and other
social services for more than 6.7 million people in 2012. 8.5% J,P,W
Human Rights Campaign Foundation (800)777-4723 www.hrc.
org EIN#521481896 Provides information and resources to educate
the public and foster sound public policy to end discrimination against
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. 21.4% R,P,S
Humane Society of the United States, The (800)808-7858 www.
humanesociety.org EIN#530225390 The Humane Society of the United
States celebrates animals and confronts cruelty and is ranked the#1
high-impact animal protection group by Guidestar’s Philanthropedia
experts. 23.8% D,M,C
Latino Youth Education Fund (LULAC National Educational Service
Centers Inc) (202)835-9646 www.lnesc.org EIN#237262876 Provides
educational and scholarship opportunities for Latino youth throughout
the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Changing lives and building Latino
communities, one student at a time. 9.5% B,O,R
Meals On Wheels Association of America (866)517-6366 www.
mowaa.org EIN#237447812 Provides funding for meals and nutrition
services through community-based meal programs to reduce hunger,
improve health and enhance quality of life for frail homebound seniors.
22.9% P,K,E
Morris Animal Foundation (800)243-2345 www.
morrisanimalfoundation.org EIN#846032307 Mission is to improve the
health and well-being of companion animals and wildlife by funding
humane health studies and dissemination of information about these
studies. 19.5% D,T
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (800)438-6233 www.madd.org
EIN#942707273 Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) works to
protect families from drunk driving and underage drinking, while also
supporting victims of drunk driving crashes. 25.2% W,R,S
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (800)221-7822 www.
naacpldf.org EIN#131655255 Fights for equality, access to education,
employment, health care, housing, environmental justice, voting rights,
criminal justice. Provides scholarships to promising African-American
undergraduates and law students. 21.9% R,I,B
NAACP Special Contribution Fund (877)622-2798 www.naacp.org
EIN#131998814 Protecting and advancing civil rights by eliminating
disparities in: education, criminal justice, economic opportunity, health
care, housing, environmental justice, legal redress and emergency
relief. 6.7% R,O,S
National Association of the Deaf (301)587-1788 www.nad.org
EIN#941358295 The NAD’s mission is to preserve, protect, and
promote the civil, human and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of
hearing people in the USA. 16.0% R,Y,O
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (202)737-3400
www.LawMemorial.org EIN#521382926 To generate increased public
support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording
National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States
(800)944-NTHP www.PreservationNation.org EIN#530210807
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately-funded
PreservationNation.org 30.0% A,S,T
Native American Rights Fund (800)447-0784 www.narf.org
EIN#840611876 Provides legal representation nationwide to Native
American tribes, organizations, and individuals in cases of national
rights. 10.8% R,A,P
10351 PetSmart Charities, Inc. (800)423-PETS www.PetSmartCharities.org
EIN#931140967 Since 1994, PetSmart Charities has funded over $165
million to support spay/neuter, disaster relief, educational programs
and in-store adoption program saving 5 million pets. 9.9% D,W,M
12490 Physicians for Human Rights (646)564-3720 www.
physiciansforhumanrights.org EIN#222488437 Uses the objectivity of
medicine and science and the authority of health professionals to stop
mass atrocities and severe violations of human rights. 16.9% R,S
11632 Population Connection (800)767-1956 www.populationconnection.
org EIN#941703155 The national grassroots organization working to
stabilize global population so that we can protect our environment,
empower women, and improve everyone’s quality of life. 18.4% C,B,R
10352 Southern Poverty Law Center (888)414-7752 www.splcenter.
org EIN#630598743 Using litigation, education, and other forms of
advocacy, the SPLC works toward making the ideals of equal justice
and equal opportunity a reality. 32.9% R,O,S
11691 Thurgood Marshall College Fund (202)507-4851 www.
thurgoodmarshallfund.org EIN#411750692 TMCF provides
scholarships, capacity building and programmatic support to students
attending public Historic Black Colleges and Universities. 25.1% B,T,Y
11070 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (866)990-WALL www.vvmf.org
EIN#521149668 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s (VVMF)
mission is to preserve the legacy of The Wall, promote healing and
educate about the impact of the war. 32.8% B,Q,R
National Black Federation of
and Member Organizations
79989 National Black Federation of Charities (Center for Family
& Community Developement) (973)643-3767 www.nbfoc.org/
EIN#223596098 Generates resources and support for charitable
organizations, increases opportunities for improving education, health,
social welfare, and social justice conditions for disadvantaged families
and communities. 8.7% Z
11173 Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation
(773)947-0026 www.akaeaf.org EIN#363104692 Provides
scholarships to students to assist with books, tuition, room/board
and other related expenses. Gives community assistance awards
supporting urgent community needs, promotes lifelong learning. 4.0%
10450 Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence &
Research (785)554-8576 www.brownvboard.org EIN#481059884
Commemorates Brown vs. Board of Education by furthering
opportunity through literacy programs, civil rights curriculum, diversity
training and college scholarships for minorities pursuing teaching
careers. 23.6% B,P,W
79283 Faith Partnerships, Inc. (919)834-8335 www.faithpartnerships.
org EIN#311807854 Addresses issues of poverty and injustice,
helps impoverished families by organizing groups of faith-based
community needs. 13.4% S,M,X
11983 Family Outreach Ministries International (770)402-5161 www.
familyoutreachinternational.org EIN#582318743 Inaugurate
developmental relief operations in Atlanta, Haiti, Dominican Republic,
Liberia to provide food, medical, school, shelter, agriculture,
emergency assistance, for impoverished orphans, moms, earthquake
victims. 4.8% K,O,B
12530 Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
(494)765-0991 www.federation.coop EIN#581026695 We help Black
farmers to maintain their landownership and assist Black farmers
and rural communities through cooperative development to increase
10459 Jackie Robinson Foundation (212)290-8600 www.jackierobinson.
org EIN#132896345 Provides substantial college scholarships;
comprehensive, hands-on personal and professional mentoring and
leadership training to minority students, to ensure their successful
graduation. 33.8% B,O,R
11687 National Association for Black Veterans (877)622-8387 www.
nabvets.com EIN#391171895 Represents veterans/dependents in
Black veterans; addresses human services issues of homelessness,
youth and community empowerment. 20.6% P,R,Y
11688 National Association of Black Social Workers (National Association
of Black) (202)678-4570 www.nabsw.org EIN#132779773 A
professional, membership organization that trains on and advocates
for culturally responsive social services for people of African ancestry,
domestically and internationally. 6.5% R,P,S
10458 National Association of Negro Business and Professional
Women’s Clubs (202)483-4206 www.nanbpwc.org EIN#340977363
Provides training and support to African American business women;
community workshops on health, education, employment and
entrepreneurship; scholarships, leadership and service opportunities
for students. 30.2% S,O,W
11177 National Black Deaf Advocates (NBDA) (484)462-7030 www.nbda.
org EIN#383119153 Empowers young leaders through leadership
training; offers leadership development, economic, educational, and
health workshops; and engages in advocacy on issues affecting Black
Deaf people. 15.7% R,O,W
29602 National Black Nurses Association, Inc. (301)589-3200 www.nbna.
org EIN#237194995 NBNA offers health education and screenings in
African American communities in 35 states; and provides educational
scholarships for nursing students at all levels. 12.7% E,B,G
11984 National Black Programming Consortium (212)234-8200
www.blackpublicmedia.org EIN#311335950 NBPC funds quality
independent documentaries and digital media content about the black
experience for distribution on PBS, blackpublicmedia.org, and other
multimedia platforms. 6.0% A,W,Z
11178 National Black United Front Educational Fund (773)493-0900
www.nbufront.org EIN#431625129 A social action organization
which addresses African American rights and is a leading grassroots
organization in the Reparations Movement. 0.8% R
11179 National Council for Black Studies (404)413-5131 www.ncbsonline.
org EIN#351444611 Promotes a wide range of African centered
community-based educational programs which address social,
educational, and cultural preservation issues in African American
communities. 9.8% A,O,W
10457 National Hook-Up of Black Women (773)667-7061 www.nhbwinc.
com EIN#521154213 Stabilizes the Black family foundation, provides
reading initiatives, preventative health measures/wellness programs,
domestic violence resources, educational/parenting forums,
scholarships, and a network of support. 16.0% B,E,P
11690 National Trust for the Development of African-American Men
(National Trust for the Development) (631)444-2139 www.keepthetrust.
org EIN#521662927 Working with prisoners and their families to instill
the traditional values of cooperative behavior, non-violence, respect
and responsibility as they re-enter our neighborhoods. 17.0% S,M,W
10454 SECME (404)894-3314 www.secme.org EIN#581375512 Science,
technology and engineering programs developed through teacher
training and university partners to interest and prepare more minority
and underserved students for college and careers. 20.9% B,O,U
97335 Sphinx Organization Inc (313)877-9100 www.sphinxmusic.org
EIN#383283759 Dedicated to providing programs in arts education
and musical performance among Blacks, Latinos, and all young
people. Promotes arts awareness and diversity in classical music.
19.7% A,B,O
11180 TIS (To Inspire Strong) African Children Fund, Inc (202)872-8333
www.tisacf.org EIN#521843141 Provide basic necessities, education
and skills to African children, widows, families with a focus on
agricultural processes. Support orphanages, hospitals, schools with
grants, cultural programs. 11.1% P,W,A
Children’s Medical & Research
Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
12149 Children’s Medical & Research Charities of America (866)678-8759
www.childrenmedical.org EIN#270093393 A child’s smile when you
say “yes, I’ll help you” will melt your heart. Please say yes to theseAmerica’s best charities for sick children. 3.0% G,E,H
96687 A Kids’ Brain Tumor Cure (Pediatric Low Grade
AstrocytomaFoundation Inc) (914)762-3494 www.akidsbraintumorcure.
org EIN#260295572 Brain tumors are the leading cause of solid-tumor
death in children. Your support ensures more effective treatments and
possibly a cure will be found. 10.2% G,H,E
12424 AIDS Children’s Foundation (American Foundation for Children with
AIDS Inc) (888)683-8323 www.AFCAids.org EIN#300247823 HIV+
children don’t have to die. Help us provide readily available, live saving
medicine, medical equipment, emergency nutrition and supplements to
children with HIV/AIDS. 7.5% E,K,O
47971 AIDS Institute, The (813)258-5929 www.theaidsinstitute.org
EIN#650380952 HIV/AIDS remains a problem in the U.S. Help prevent
HIV in babies, care for mothers and families, and stop HIV/AIDS
among teens. 5.9% E,S,B
12222 Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc.
(800)878-4403 www.aanma.org EIN#541357586 Asthma and allergies
suffering and death through education, advocacy, and community
outreach. 12.3% G,T,Z
11774 American Childhood Cancer Organization (855)858-2226 www.
acco.org EIN#521071826 Children with cancer dream of growing
up! You can make their dream a reality. Support ACCO to provide
treatment information, new cures and family support. 12.5% H,G,B
98237 Angel Airlines for Life (Mercy Medical Airlift) (800)296-1191 www.
angelairlinesforlife.org EIN#611652915 Saves lives by providing
are referred to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or
treatment. 5.7% P,W,E
11121 Asian Children’s Rescue & Relief Fund (Asian Childrens
AssistanceLimited) (866)523-3133 www.AsianChildrensAssist.org
EIN#731443028 Saving Asian abandoned, orphaned, destitute, and
handicapped children by providing hope and opportunity. Reaching
their full potential through basic care, corrective surgery, therapy, and
training. 23.9% E,P,O
12150 Ataxia Telangiectasia Children’s Project (800)543-5728 www.atcp.
org EIN#650427215 Help our quest for a treatment and cure. Fund
research to save children from this fatal disease of progressive muscle
Autism Science Foundation (212)391-3913 www.
autismsciencefoundation.org EIN#264522309 The Autism Science
Foundation funds scientists conducting cutting-edge autism research
and supports families raising children with autism. 4.0% T,U,W
Autism Treatment, Research, and Training for Military and
Civilian Families (May Institute Inc) (800)778-7601 www.mayinstitute.
org EIN#042197449 One in 88 children has autism. We provide
exceptional treatment to children nationwide. Everyone deserves a
bright and hopeful future - help us change lives! 11.9% G,P,E
Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s Foundation (800)9335470 www.believeintomorrow.org EIN#521332737 Keeping families
together during medical crisis. We provide exceptional hospital/respite
comfort. 6.4% E,L,P
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc. (Association of Birth Defect
Children Inc) (407)895-0802 www.birthdefects.org EIN#592193816
Hundreds of thousands of children are suffering. Missing limbs,
for families struggling with birth defects. 9.3% G,H,E
Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation (Viet Blind Children
Foundation) (888)877-0736 www.bvcf.net EIN#912055728 For over a
decade, we have pioneered support for homes providing healthcare,
education, and career development to once-neglected visuallyimpaired children in Vietnam. 5.6% P,B,L
CHADD (Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder) (800)233-4050 www.chadd.org EIN#592817697 Works
Hyperactivity Disorder reach their full potential through family support,
education and AD/HD research. 20.6% F,G,O
Child Amputee and Corrective Limb Surgery Organization (A
Leg To Stand On Inc) (212)683-8805 www.altso.org EIN#020594709
Provides free prosthetic limbs, corrective surgery, and rehabilitative
care to children with limb disabilities in developing countries. Gifting
independence, education, hope for a bright future! 44.4% E,O,W
Child Health Foundation (410)992-5512 www.childhealthfoundation.
org EIN#521429538 Millions of children without clean water,
immunizations, health care, subject to malaria, respiratory diseases,
and malnutrition need help. We can help them with your help. 6.9%
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America
(412)343-7102 www.apraxia-kids.org EIN#251858159 Every child
deserves a voice. We’re improving the lives of children with apraxia by
ensuring each child has their best opportunity to develop speech. 9.8%
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation (877)217-4166 www.
childhoodbraintumor.org EIN#522122976 Where would you turn if your
offer hope to parents facing heartbreak. 16.7% H,P,G
Childhood Cancer Research and Assistance Fund (Childhood
Leukemia Research and Assistance Fund) (480)773-7760 www.
childhoodcancerraf.com EIN#860966566 Working together for the
children! Providing medical supplies, supporting research programs to
clinics and hospitals seeking a cure for childhood cancers and other
terminal diseases. 3.3% H,G,E
Children Fighting Serious Illness (Songs of Love Foundation)
your child, scared and isolated, in a hospital facing serious illness.
We’re brightening their days and helping with their struggle through a
personalized song. 18.6% O,E,A
Children Immunization Foundation (DC Immunization Welfare
Center) (301)990-9562 www.cifworld.org EIN#141899506 A
vaccination can mean the difference between life and death for a child
in rural India. We’re making sure these lifesaving vaccinations reach
needy children. 6.4% E,P,G
Children with Autism and Special Needs: Growing, Learning &
Succeeding (Heartspring Inc) (800)835-1043 www.heartspring.org
their potential. Our programs teach kids with special needs life-skills
that provide a path to independence. 11.2% E,B,P
Children with Deformities - A Second Chance through Surgery
(Fresh Start Surgical Gifts) (888)551-1003 www.freshstart.org
EIN#330460177 Free comprehensive, long-term medical care for
children suffering from cleft lip and palate, burns and scars from abuse,
and other life-limiting deformities and conditions. 40.7% E,O,W
Children’s AIDS Fund (703)433-1560 www.childrensaidsfund.org
EIN#541436973 Millions of children orphaned, families ravaged by
HIV/AIDS. Millions more need education to stay HIV free. Help us give
these children hope and health. 5.7% G,P,E
Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation (866)808-2873 www.
childrenscardiomyopathy.org EIN#752986661 Provide funding for
research and education initiatives on pediatric cardiomyopathy. We
emotional and informational support to families affected. 20.5% E,H,T
12151 Children’s Corrective Surgery Society (800)803-9190 www.
ccsscoad.org EIN#953477397 Children deformed with birth defects,
cleft lips, palates, crippled or visually impaired are physically and
emotionally imprisoned without hope unless you help provide free
surgery. 0.8% G,E,T
11520 Children’s Craniofacial Association (800)535-3643 www.ccakids.
org EIN#752265649 Empowering and giving hope to individuals
and families affected by facial differences. Help us provide medical,
acceptance. 20.3% P,G,O
10369 Children’s Disability Service Association (Childrens Disability
Service Association-Friendship Venture) (800)450-8376 www.
CampsCourageFriendship.orgg EIN#411543013 Underprivileged,
handicapped children provided respite care, social, support and
medical services. Your gift eases suffering and funds quality programs
11034 Children’s Heart Foundation International (877)869-4243 www.
babyheart.org EIN#621570622 One child in every 100 is born with a
heart defect. One child in every 100 needs your help. Help us Save
One. 11.1% E,G,P
56112 Children’s Heart Syndromes & Death Prevention Foundation (The
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Foundation) (801)531-0937
www.stopSADS.org EIN#870492100 More than 4,000 young people
die each year from Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS). Join
us to raise awareness, support families, and save lives! 19.8% G,E,H
10702 Children’s HeartLink (888)928-6678 www.childrensheartlink.org
EIN#411307457 1 in 120 children is born with a heart defect; 90% of
the world doesn’t have access to care. Help us treat pediatric heart
disease. 20.3% G,E,Q
11128 Children’s Hospice International (703)684-0330 www.chionline.org
EIN#541248998 Helping children with life-threatening conditions and
their families live life to its fullest. Helping health care providers to care
and comfort when they cannot cure. 14.1% E,P,G
12138 Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation (800)841-4642
www.chofoundation.org EIN#941657474 You can help save a child’s
new cures for childhood cancer and other diseases. 21.7% E,G,H
10703 Children’s House at the Johns Hopkins Hospital (410)614-2560
www.believeintomorrow.org EIN#521619682 Provides a warm “home
away from home” for families in the midst of a medical crisis so their
critically ill children may focus on healing. 10.9% L,P,E
11129 Children’s Inherited Brain Disorders Foundation (National Fragile
X Foundation) (800)688-8765 www.fragilex.org EIN#840960471 The
most common cause of inherited intellectual disability disorders and
Autism. Help us continue to fund aggressive research for treatments,
family support and a cure! 19.6% G,P,E
78759 Children’s Leukemia Research Foundation (651)229-7131
EIN#208365998 Leukemia-the #1 cancer among children. We dream
of the day when innocent children won’t suffer from this disease by
supporting research for a cure. 6.2% H,G,Z
11145 Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA Childrens
Organ Transplant Association Inc) (800)366-2682 www.cota.org
EIN#351674365 COTA gives hope and makes miracles for children
and young adults needing life-saving transplants. All funds raised for
these children go toward transplant expenses. 15.0% E,G,P
61907 Children’s Transport for Life (Mercy Medical Airlift) (877)931-6615
www.childtransport.org EIN#113842732 Children are denied lifesaving
treatment simply because they cannot afford to travel. Our free medical
air transportation helps ensure treatment for all needy children. 2.0%
67476 Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (312)255-1801 www.
CUREepilepsy.org EIN#364253176 Seizures: each one can damage
the brain or cut short a life. Support cutting-edge epilepsy research. It’s
time we found a cure. 15.4% H,G,E
11372 Cleft Palate Foundation (800)24-CLEFT www.cleftline.org
EIN#251572666 A newborn struggles to feed. A one year old has
Help us help them. 9.6% G,H,T
11777 Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Foundation (800)753-2357 www.
cdlsusa.org EIN#061057497 Children born with physical, cognitive and
medical challenges. Parents need information, comfort and support.
Help us provide free publications, guidance, emotional support and
awareness. 13.5% G,H,E
81655 CURE International (717)730-6706 www.cure.org EIN#582248383
100 million children in the developing world suffer from physical
disabilities. CURE these children through life-changing surgery and
provide hope for a better future. 11.7% E,X,G
10796 Cystic Fibrosis Research and Community Support (Boomer
Esiason Foundation) (646)292-7930 www.esiason.org EIN#113142753
Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening chronic disease - there is no cure,
yet. Help support research for children and adults battling this fatal
disease. 12.0% H,G,B
76262 Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc. (650)404-9975 www.cfri.org
EIN#510169988 Since 1976, life expectancy has risen from 11 to 37
years. The cure is closer! Keep funding cutting edge researchers to
end this fatal disease! 13.0% G,H,E
12036 Deaf Children’s Literacy Project (National Cued Speech Association
Inc) (800)459-3529 www.cuedspeech.org EIN#521263121 Most deaf
children are behind in English language and literacy. Reading opens
the door to their future. Give them the power of English to succeed.
4.9% B,O,P
Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. (508)270-8855 www.
diagnosed with autism. Today it is 1 in 88. Together WE can improve
their quality of life. 18.0% T,G,R
Down Syndrome Congress, National (800)232-6372 www.
ndsccenter.org EIN#510163631 Help prevent abuse of children
and adults with Down syndrome, end segregation and isolation and
promote safe, meaningful inclusion in our communities, schools, and
workplaces. 21.1% R,P,W
FACES: The National Craniofacial Association (800)3-FACES-3
www.faces-cranio.org EIN#237069285 Children with craniofacial
care of these children and their families while treatment is received.
Rebuilding faces, rebuilding futures. 18.9% G,E,W
FRAXA Research Foundation (978)462-1866 www.fraxa.org
EIN#043222167 We aim to cure Fragile X, the foremost known cause
of autism, by funding medical research and helping affected families
get the best treatment. 8.1% H,G,E
Heart Care International (203)552-5343 www.heartcareintl.org
EIN#061503838 Envision a world where every child has access to
quality heart care. Our volunteer medical teams are saving children’s
lives through free, open heart surgery. 20.5% E,O,G
Heartbeat International Foundation (813)259-1213 www.
heartbeatsaveslives.org EIN#260330887 Heart disease is the world’s
#1 killer. 82% of those deaths occur in developing countries. We
provide those patients cardiac surgeries. Help us save lives. 29.6%
International Child Care (USA), Inc. (800)722-4453 www.
internationalchildcare.org EIN#356059274 Bringing health and hope
to impoverished children and families in Haiti and Dominican Republic
by providing medical care, preventative care, hygiene education, and
disability rehabilitation. 27.4% E,A,G
John Tracy Clinic (213)748-5481 www.jtc.org EIN#951642393
The leading diagnostic and education center for young children with
hearing loss. Screening, education and learning programs that give
families hope, guidance, support and encouragement. 27.8% E,B,W
Locks of Love(561)833-7332www.locksoflove.orgEIN#650755522
from hair loss by providing the highest quality hair prosthetics made
from donated ponytails. 5.8% P,E,G
MAGIC Foundation (800)3-MAGIC-3 www.magicfoundation.org
EIN#363673333 Children have a short time to grow and a lifetime to
live with the results! Support services provided to families dealing with
children’s growth disorders. 12.5% G,T,H
Medical Missions for Children, Inc. (973)754-4960 www.mmissions.
org EIN#223536072 Saving the lives of the world’s most critically-ill
children. We use modern technology to connect U.S. pediatric
specialists with doctors in underserved countries. 6.9% E,G,P
Medicines for Humanity (781)982-0274 www.medicinesforhumanity.
org EIN#043395749 Each year, over 8 million children under 5 die from
preventable diseases in impoverished communities worldwide. Help us
provide life saving medicines and healthcare services. 14.9% E,G,P
Miracle Flights for Kids(800)359-1711www.miracleflightsforkids.
org EIN#880209952 Change the future for a sick child! Your donation
thousands of miles away from home. 1.1% P,W,G
National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction (212)263-6656
www.nffr.org EIN#136013760 Every child deserves a face that allows
him/her to live without humiliation. Help us provide state-of-the-art
surgical treatment and psycho-social support to every child. 13.9%
Pediatric AIDS Foundation (Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation) (202)296-9165 www.pedaids.org EIN#954191698 900
children infected with HIV everyday. This can stop. Nearly 100% of
infections are preventable. Keep moms and children healthy. Help us
eliminate pediatric AIDS. 11.5% H,G,P
Premature Aging in Children - Progeria Research Foundation
(Progeria Research Foundation Inc) (978)535-2594 www.
progeriaresearch.org EIN#043460220 Heart Attack. Stroke. Progeria
children experience these, but now have hope to cure this fatal aging
disease thanks to PRF’s research. Help them today! 14.8% H,G,E
ReSurge International (408)737-8743 www.resurge.org
EIN#237297770 Since 1969, we’ve changed thousands of lives by
providing free reconstructive surgeries for the poor and building yearround medical access in the world’s underserved areas. 22.6% E,Q,P
Save A Child’s Heart Foundation, U.S. (301)618-4588 www.
saveachildsheartus.org EIN#521783323 You gotta have Heart!
Thousands of children are struggling to survive. They can barely
breathe from lack of oxygen. Repairing children’s hearts and saving
lives. 13.7% G,Q,E
Shriners Hospitals for Children (800)241-4438 www.
shrinershospitalsforchildren.org EIN#362193608 Children suffering
from burns, spinal cord injuries, and orthopedic conditions receive
world-class medical care in a family-centered environment regardless
of ability to pay. 16.2% E,H,Z
Sight Surgery International (Neurological Health International)
(805)698-2714 www.sightsurgeryinternational.com EIN#203568702
Blind Children see again. Tiny babies tragically blinded by congenital
cataracts have sight restored. Give a child a change for life with Sight!
2.2% G,E,Q
11141 Sunshine Kids Foundation (800)594-5756 www.sunshinekids.org
EIN#760020802 Provides positive group activities for children with
cancer, so they may once again do what Kids are meant to do...have
fun and celebrate life! 21.2% P,O,W
99645 Timmy Global Health (317)920-1822 www.timmyglobalhealth.org
EIN#352012757 Expanding access to healthcare and empowering
the next generation of students and medical professional volunteers to
tackle today’s most pressing global health challenges. 5.8% E,T,S
United Service Organizations
11381 United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) (703)908-6400 www.uso.
org EIN#131610451 For over 70 years the USO has provided critical
support to deployed troops, military families, wounded warriors and
their caregivers and families of the fallen. 14.0% T,P,W
Human Service Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
10170 Human Service Charities of America (800)626-2729 www.hsca.org
EIN#943240353 People helping people. Making a difference to the
disabled and disadvantaged. Feeding the hungry. Restoring the sick.
Supporting your federal, postal, and military services. 5.8% P,E,B
81956 A Child’s Feeding Fund (480)307-7715 www.achildsfeedingfund.
org EIN#453839595 Hunger kills 17,000 children each day. Providing
child hunger. Defeating child hunger with networking food-banks. 0.8%
99332 A Child’s Life Saved (480)307-7715 www.achildslifesaved.org
EIN#453839580 Strengthening impoverished families worldwide by
providing basic necessities they cannot provide for themselves by
feeding children, providing medicines, reducing poverty, and saving
lives. 0.8% E,B,K
10543 Adopt America Network (800)246-1731 www.adoptamericanetwork.
org EIN#341396924 Finds permanent adoptive homes for abused,
neglected, and special needs children in U.S. foster care (without
charging fees) using national network of trained adoption volunteers.
8.1% P,R,Y
90823 AIDS Family and Youth Foundation (480)835-1040 www.
aidsfamilyandyouthfoundation.org EIN#453839607 Helping
underprivileged children struggling in families affected by HIV/AIDS by
providing basic life necessities, school supplies and an opportunity to
attend summer camp. 0.1% G,E,K
11155 American Council of the Blind (800)424-8666 www.acb.org
EIN#580914436 Strives to improve quality of life for blind people
through scholarships, crisis support, monthly magazine, educating
policymakers and the public about capabilities of blind people. 28.4%
10545 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (888)333-2377 www.
afsp.org EIN#133393329 Exclusively dedicated to understanding and
preventing suicide through research and education and to reaching out
to people with mood disorders and those impacted by suicide. 16.6%
18746 Breast Cancer Charities of America (936)231-8460 www.
thebreastcancercharities.org EIN#264602950 Helps breast cancer
hardships of diagnosis and treatment. “Help Now Fund” pays past-due
rents and utilities. 14.3% E,H,P
14116 Bullying Prevention by Rachel’s Challenge (Rachels Challenge)
(877)895-7060 www.rachelschallenge.org EIN#841557094 Replace
bullying and violence with positive acts through programs based on the
shootings. 10.0% O,B,W
25447 Cancer Prevention Network (602)214-3881 www.coinsforcancer.org
EIN#453305919 Cancer is preventable. Advocating a healthy lifestyle
for the prevention of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Provides
medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. 0.2% G,E,B
11089 Child Aid (503)223-3008 www.child-aid.org EIN#330317937 Providing
Guatemalan children an escape from poverty through literacy by
training teachers, librarians, improving libraries, and providing
thousands of Spanish language children’s books each year. 9.7%
11156 Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund (National Childrens Cancer
Society Inc) (800)532-6459 www.thenccs.org EIN#371227890 Give
children with cancer a chance for a brighter future! Your support will
battling cancer. 20.8% P,G,E
11157 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind (800)548-4337 www.guidedog.
org EIN#111687477 Using innovative training methods, trains guide
and service dogs to restore independence and mobility, empowering
people with disabilities to live a life without boundaries. 9.6% E,P,D
55058 Keep A Child Alive (718)965-1111 www.keepachildalive.org
EIN#731682844 We are dedicated to providing lifesaving AIDS
treatment, care, nutrition, support services and love to children and
families affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. 18.3% G,K,P
88983 Let’s Cure CP (404)293-6368 www.letscurecp.org EIN#272226914
Cerebral Palsy. We will only fund researchers who share the same
goal. 10.0% H,U,B
Lions Clubs International Foundation (630)571-5466 www.lcif.org
EIN#237030455 Supports Lions Clubs in 208 countries in addressing
the various needs of their communities through grant programs
including sight, youth, health and disaster relief projects. 15.4% T,P,O
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger (800)813-0557 www.
mazon.org EIN#222624532 Founded in 1985, MAZON is a national
and backgrounds in the US and Israel. 16.9% K,R,P
Mission: Readiness (Council for a Strong America) (202)464-5361
www.missionreadiness.org EIN#133840271 Hundreds of retired
admirals and generals advocating smart, research-based investments
in children to ensure America’s future health, education, economic
prosperity, and national security remain world-class. 18.4% O,Q,R
National Center for Fathering (800)593-3237 www.fathers.com
EIN#481083848 Creating a brighter future for America’s children
children need. 17.1% W,P,S
National Indian Youth Leadership Development Project (505)7229176 www.niylp.org EIN#850373602 This nationally recognized
evidence-based, anti-substance abuse and suicide prevention program
empowers Native American youth through positive-experientiallearning with tools for leadership, service learning and community
building. 28.1% O,S,A
Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation (888)542-4673 www.
oklahomacitynationalmemorial.org EIN#731472725 Privately-owned
and operated, the Memorial teaches resilience, responsibility, respect,
sharing hope worldwide, and stands as beacon of strength in the face
of unspeakable violence. 8.1% B,A,Z
Public Radio International (612)338-5000 www.pri.org
EIN#411425271 Home of This American Life, The World, Studio 360,
Whad’Ya Know, CBC, and The Takeaway, PRI’s programs reach 9.6
United Breast Cancer Foundation (877)822-4287 www.ubcf.
preventative care and education to women and families through seven
life-supporting programs while funding research to eradicate breast
cancer. 44.5% G,E,P
Volunteers of America (800)899-0089 www.volunteersofamerica.
org EIN#131692595 Helping those in need live healthy, safe and
productive lives. Our ministry of service supports and empowers
America’s vulnerable. Please join us in changing lives. 10.6% P,E,K
White Bison (877)871-1495 www.whitebison.org EIN#841117880
Provides Native American cultural-based trainings and resources to
promote healing and Wellbriety in Native American / Alaskan Native
communities. 15.0% S,R,O
WorldCause Foundation (954)745-4922 www.worldcausefoundation.
org EIN#273483161 A dedicated outreach organization providing
humanitarian aid, medications, educational supplies and basic
necessities, domestically and internationally, to various organizations
and individuals living in abject poverty. 36.3% T,S,M
Youth Law Center (888)543-3379 www.ylc.org EIN#941715280
Works to protect children in the nation’s juvenile justice and foster care
systems from abuse with particular attention to improving outcomes for
infants and toddlers. 13.4% I,P,O
Christian Charities USA
Federation and Member Organizations
10290 Christian Charities USA (800)396-3688 www.ccusa.org
EIN#943255961 Support America’s best faith-based and churchsponsored charities, bringing food, clothing, shelter, medicine,
effectively. 2.4% X,P,K
12210 1 Way Out of Pornography (Proven Men Ministries Ltd) (301)5154028 www.1wayout.org EIN#522319330 Pornography and sexual
addiction are serious worldwide problems harming individuals and
tearing families apart. We’re bringing hope and healing through Christcentered materials and support. 4.7% X,W,E
11925 Action for Orphans (World Orphans) (888)ORPHANS www.
worldorphans.org EIN#330571309 Millions of children around the world
You can help. Rescue an orphan. Change the world. 12.0% P,X,W
27635 Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (800)345-2286
www.acton.org EIN#382926822 Support research and education
promoting a society that is both free and virtuous, grounded in a
commitment to human liberty and guided by religious principles. 9.9%
76166 Acts of Christian Kindness (ACTS 1 8 Ministry Incorporated)
(920)494-2289 www.Acts18.org EIN#161644133 Every day people are
searching for the Lord. Help ignite change throughout the world, one
Act of Christian Kindness at a time. 24.8% X,O,P
11914 Advancing Native Missions (540)456-7111 www.
advancingnativemissions.com EIN#752402759 Spread the Word!
Help support 3,500 indigenous Christian missionaries, schools, and
81117 Affordable Housing for Americans in Need (Mercy Housing Inc)
(303)830-3300 www.mercyhousing.org EIN#470646706 Home is a
foundation that stabilizes lives; Mercy provides affordable housing for
people in need with services focused on improving health, education
All Nations Bible Society (626)991-0009 www.allnationsbiblesociety.
org EIN#330922792 Transforming lives through Bible distribution and
education in 50 languages and 35 countries, new foreign-language
translations, Bible schools, conferences, Christian radio and TV
broadcasting. 4.1% X,B,O
American Bible Society (877)225-0008 www.americanbible.org
EIN#131623885 Making the Bible available to every person in a
language and format each can understand and afford, so they may
experience it’s life changing message. 30.9% X,Q,O
Amor Ministries (619)662-1200 www.amor.org EIN#953618530 Amor
changes lives by building homes, clinics, schools, and churches for
communities in great need in Mexico, South Africa and the San Carlos
Apache Reservation. 15.1% L,X,S
Angel Airline Samaritans (877)931-6612 www.
angelairlinesamaritans.org EIN#541831514 Air transportation making
the difference between life and death. Flying patients to life-saving
treatments and serving the poor who cannot afford transportation to
medical care. 0.6% P,W,E
Aviation Adventure Camps (Brigade Air Inc) (520)248-0980 www.
brigadeair.org EIN#200896758 Tsunamis. Earthquakes. War. How
does humanitarian aid get through when the roads are gone?
Humanitarian Aviation. Help challenge teens to prepare as mission/
humanitarian aviators. 16.3% O,B,X
Away with Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery (Freedom 4-24)
(434)582-4517 www.freedom424.org EIN#264320885 Stop rampant
sexual exploitation of women worldwide and at home. Help rescue
enslaved women and children, and empower them through education,
healthcare, and employment. 33.7% R,X,Q
Baptist Charities of America (Baptist Care Facilities for Persons
with Mental Disabilities) (888)545-4222 www.baptistcharities.net
EIN#742833616 Disabled children and adults dependent on others
for daily care. Help us provide them advocacy, educational access,
rehabilitation and the chance to live productive lives. 14.3% P,X,E
Baptist Children’s Home Ministries (BCFS Health and Human
Services) (800)830-2246 www.bchm.net EIN#741260710 Abused,
neglected and abandoned children. Expectant mothers with no
healthcare. Troubled teens and families. Help us to change their lives.
Give them a future. 9.1% X,O,L
Baptist Discipling Ministries (Tri-City Baptist Church) (480)2457900 www.tricityministries.org EIN#860257221 Transforming lives,
developing servant leaders, and kindling hope in hungry hearts through
teaching and practical application of God’s Word by faith at home and
worldwide. 8.6% X,B,O
Bethany Christian Services Inc. (800)238-4269 www.bethany.
org EIN#382822017 Bethany, a global leader in adoption and social
services, is about kids in families! Finding families for children in need;
keeping families in need together. 13.5% P,F,O
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. (516)739-7746 www.prisonministry.
org EIN#112999652 Jesus Christ Saves Lives! Help our prison
ministry reduce crime by promoting Christianity to English and Spanish
speaking inmates with literature, videos, counseling, and prayer. 4.5%
Bible Givers International (763)392-4576 www.igivebibles.org
EIN#412010201 Everyone around the world should have opportunity
to come to Jesus Christ. Help send Bibles to shelters, schools,
missions, the military, food banks, prisons, others. 2.7% X,S,M
Bright Hope International (224)520-6100 www.brighthope.org
EIN#237004991 Bring hope to those living on less than $1/day. Help
us provide food, water, shelter, medicine, education and the skills to
Canvasback Missions Inc (800)793-7245 www.canvasback.org
EIN#930831904 Your support empowers volunteer professionals who
provide primary health care, health education classes, immunizations,
medicines, surgeries and diabetes care and hope to islanders in
Micronesia. 10.0% E,K,O
Casas por Cristo (800)819-8014 www.CasasPorCristo.org
shacks with no windows. Our volunteer teams build homes for the poor
in Mexico. 12.4% L,X,S
Catholics for the Poor and Needy Worldwide (Catholic Volunteer
Network) (800)543-5046 www.catholicvolunteernetwork.org
EIN#521106192 Where faith and service meet! We support full-time
Christian volunteers and mission programs responding to the
challenges of communities/individuals in need across the globe. 5.3%
Children’s Hunger Fund Foundation (818)979-7100 www.
chffoundation.us EIN#911851417 Alleviating hunger and suffering
in children’s lives by providing direct food, clothing, and medicine to
impoverished areas in developing countries and across the United
States. 57.6% X,K,W
Christ for the City International (888)526-7551 www.cfci.org
EIN#470789700 Street kids, exploited children, orphans, the poor.
Help us transform these lives with feeding programs, job skills,
education, recreation, and the hope of Jesus Christ. 24.4% X,P,O
Christian Aid International (Enhanced Classroom Resources)
(757)513-6444 www.ecrus.org EIN#943276559 Hungry, sick,
powerless and exploited - Asia’s poor need medical, educational,
spiritual intervention. Help us bring hope and help to those who need it
most. 6.0% P,O,X
Christian Aid Mission (434)977-5650 www.christianaid.org
EIN#520908482 Assisting native missionaries preaching the gospel
and planting churches among unreached people and helping the poor
and suffering by providing food, shelter, clothing and medicine. 10.5%
Christian Bowhunters of America (716)484-7046 www.
christianbowhunters.org EIN#382687000 National archery ministry
using friendship evangelism to bring people to Christ. Wherever we
go some join us and the Lord’s bowhunting ministry grows in strength.
34.6% X,O,N
Christian Care International-Food and Medicine for People
In Need (Sky Cross Inc) (210)661-6808 www.skycross.org
EIN#742735853 Serve those in need. Help us provide nonperishable
food and medical supplies to over 30,000 very poor in 45 locations on
the Texas-Mexico border. 3.4% K,E,P
Christian Comics: God’s Word through the World’s Most Popular
Literature (Rox35 Media Inc) (505)331-1802 www.comix35.org
EIN#742815860 Millions internationally don’t have access to Gospel
Truth in the published format they read most - comics. Help us reach
them through Christian comics literature. 13.2% X,W,A
Christian Freedom International (800)323-2273 www.
christianfreedom.org EIN#521283394 Help aid those persecuted,
repressed, isolated Christians who are suffering for their Faith. We
deliver medicine, food, education, tools, Bibles; report on atrocities
occurring world-wide. 21.1% P,R,X
Christian Media and Arts for Positive Values, Creative Paradox
(Paradox Inc Creative Paradox) (410)533-7266 www.creativeparadox.
org EIN#141870614 Today’s media assaults morality. We help artists
photography, and media that contain values that glorify God. 6.1%
Christian Medical & Dental Associations (Christian Medical & Dental
Society) (423)844-1000 www.cmda.org EIN#362284267 Change
hearts in healthcare! We motivate, educate, and equip healthcare
professionals to share Christ through healthcare and minister to the
underserved around the world. 18.4% Y,E,X
Christian Mission Teams International, Compassion and Gospel
Outreach (DELTA Ministries International) (800)533-5822 www.
deltaministries.com EIN#931216590 Coaching, training and equipping
churches to send local and global teams on short term missions.
Mobilizing local churches, fostering deeper understanding and
commitment to God. 13.5% X,O,P
Christian Relief Services (Christian Relief Services Charities Inc)
(800)33-RELIEF www.christian-relief.org EIN#541884868 Help wipe
out poverty and hunger in the USA, including Indian Reservations,
Appalachia and overseas, by providing food, water, medicine,
education, shelter to children/families. 16.9% L,K,X
Christian World Relief (818)502-1989 www.christianworldrelief.org
EIN#431654652 Respected Christian outreach and humanitarian relief
organization sending emergency lifesaving food, medicine, shelter
and other support with prayers to innocent children worldwide and in
America. 1.7% E,K,P
CityTeam Ministries (408)232-5600 www.cityteam.org
EIN#941501265 Transforming individuals, families and communities
by establishing self-replicating Communities--nationally and
internationally-who are trained and equipped to provide access to felt
and spiritual needs. 27.7% L,P,X
Colorado Christian University (800)44-FAITH www.ccu.edu
EIN#840442429 Faith. Family. Freedom. Help us serve God by
providing Christ-centered higher education. Prepare students for
ministry; equip them for mission trips serving the poor worldwide. 7.3%
Compassion and Mercy Associates (CAMA Services Inc) (719)2652039 www.camaservices.org EIN#841234511 Famine, poverty, AIDS,
war and natural disasters; we bring practical assistance and spiritual
comfort to those caught in desperate need and extreme suffering.
18.2% M,K,X
Couple to Couple League International (513)471-2000 www.ccli.org
EIN#310842914 Support a healthier and more positive approach to
responsible parenthood. We teach a highly effective, healthy method of
fertility awareness and family planning. 17.6% P,B
CSI Ministries, Inc. (800)286-5773 www.csiministries.org
EIN#616043037 Multitudes are starving. Babies are abandoned. Help
provide infant rescue, clean water, greenhouses and sustainable
agriculture training to care for Kenyan orphans and vulnerable children.
16.4% K,L,E
Deaf Video Communications of America, Inc. (630)221-0909 www.
dvc.tv EIN#363288091 Providing opportunity and resources for sign
language dependent deaf to experience God’s Word and sound
Biblical teaching visually in their own native sign languages. 26.5%
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry (301)739-3000 www.fhfh.
org EIN#522151919 1 in 3 Americans choose between paying their
rent and buying food. Help put nutritious meat on the plates of hungry
children and families nationwide. 10.4% K,W,X
Filipino American Rural Mission (916)688-1574 www.
more trees. Develop communities. Educate public to conserve natural
resources through environmental stewardship. 4.5% K,P,C
Global Opportunities for Christ (434)970-7990 www.goforchrist.org
EIN#541815340 Reach the unreached through evangelism, church
planting, leadership development, special projects, and assistance
for the poor, widows, orphans. Support effective, indigenous Christian
ministries worldwide. 6.2% X,S,P
Go International, Inc. (859)858-3171 www.gointernational.org
EIN#616058541 Share the good news of Jesus in meaningful, tangible
way, through partnerships with indigenous ministries at home, abroad.
Services include feeding programs, education, economic development.
18.5% Q,P,X
Gospel for Asia, Inc. (800)946-2742 www.gfa.org EIN#731099096
First responders to disasters, educators of outcastes and
“Untouchables”, ambassadors of God’s love and hope- partner with
GFA’s national missionaries transforming people’s lives across Asia.
11.2% X,P,B
Habitat for Humanity (800)HABITAT www.habitat.org EIN#460781264
Help achieve our vision: a world where everyone has a decent place
to live. God’s love in action: bringing people together, building homes,
communities, hope. 3.1% L,P,S
Heaven’s Family (855)333-2211 www.heavensfamily.org
EIN#161739329 HF serves orphans, widows, victims of natural
disasters and persecution, those sick and disabled in very poor
nations through sponsorships, micro-loans, education and emergency
assistance. 15.0% P,M,X
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, Inc. (301)951-9400
www.hcef.org EIN#522175622 Ameliorate living conditions for children
spiritual support in education, job creation, medical/emergency relief
and housing. 8.3% B,L,S
Homeless Children (Foundation for His Ministry) (949)492-2200
www.ffhm.org EIN#952499595 Share God’s love! Help meet the basic
spiritual, physical and educational needs of the abandoned, hungry
and lost in Mexico. 5.7% X,P,L
Hope Builders Ministries (540)949-5344 www.hbmin.org
EIN#542057961 Christian ministry addressing the spiritual and
physical needs of the needy and oppressed worldwide, including those
who have been beaten, jailed and tortured for Christ. 17.0% X,P,S
Impact Movement, The (888)672-2896 www.impactmovement.
org EIN#810596936 Change lives! Help us produce Black Christian
IN Network (855)446-7764 www.innetworkusa.org EIN#911080666
Vulnerable women and children victimized and abused. HIV/AIDS
leaving children orphaned. Help provide food, water, medicine,
education, counseling, basic necessities. 10.8% X,R,S
Institute for Creation Research (800)337-0375 www.icr.org
EIN#953523177 Science strongly supports the Bible’s authority and
presentations, we equip Christians to stand for the Truth. 17.5% U,B,X
International Christian Adoptions (951)695-3336 www.4achild.org
EIN#330412343 Provides hope, love and compassion to orphaned,
abandoned and relinquished children through adoption, foster care,
humanitarian aid and family training. Making a difference for children.
9.2% P,X,E
Jews and Gentiles Joined in Messiah (Caspari Center for Biblical
and Jewish Studies Jerusalem USA Inc) (630)668-3328 www.caspari.
com EIN#364460995 Jews and Gentiles throughout the world working
together to raise awareness of Jewish believers in Jesus and support
the growth of Israel’s Messianic (Christian) congregations. 29.3%
Lifewater International (Lifewater Inc) (888)543-3426 www.lifewater.
org EIN#953987142 Lifewater provides safe drinking water, promotes
sanitation and teaches hygiene in African and Asian villages with
partners and programs that empower and transform people’s lives.
26.6% E,S,X
Literacy & Evangelism International (918)585-3826 www.
literacyevangelism.org EIN#736111804 Spread the Word of Christ,
freeing people from the economic, social and spiritual bondage of
illiteracy. Literacy programs using Bible-content materials in local
language(s). 10.5% P,X,B
Living Water International (877)594-4426 www.water.cc
EIN#760324875 Where water is inaccessible, poverty is pervasive. We
demonstrate God’s love by offering safe, clean drinking water and the
good news of Jesus Christ. 22.1% E,S,X
Lutheran Hour Ministries (International Lutheran Laymens League)
(800)876-9880 www.lhm.org EIN#430653365 Sharing the truth in
God’s Word. Christian ministry performing radio, TV and internet
outreach, as well as support and witness to individuals in 30+
countries. 24.0% X,S,O
Lutheran Volunteer Corps (202)387-3222 www.
lutheranvolunteercorps.org EIN#020702016 Building community,
working for justice, living simply, sustainability. Support young adults
making a difference - our future leaders working for peace with justice
in the world. 11.9% W,T,X
Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Inc. (920)261-9300 www.mbbc.
edu EIN#391097032 Support the answer to God’s call. We develop
leaders for ministry in the local church and the world “To the Praise of
His Glory”. 16.7% B,X,N
10342 Medical Ministry International (Medical Ministry USA) (972)727-5864
www.mmint.org EIN#752601647 Using Jesus as our guide, MMI
strives to meet the medical needs of the poor through excellence in
medicine, patient care, and integrated health education. 6.1% E,G,X
11469 Medical Teams International (800)959-4325 www.medicalteams.
org EIN#930878944 Help transform lives. We mobilize thousands of
medical, dental and support volunteers, and with donated medicines
and supplies we provide care around the world. 2.4% E,M,X
11921 Mission Safety International, Inc. (423)542-8892 www.msisafety.
org EIN#581548463 Plane crash! Those two words represent crushing
pain, suffering, and loss. Our calling is to prevent anyone from ever
having to hear those words. 13.9% B,Y,X
20746 Missionaries of Jesus, Inc. (213)389-8439 www.missionariesofjesus.
com EIN#710957865 Distant villages - no roads, no running water,
no electricity, no doctors/dentists. Help bring comfort, change, hope,
education, health services, and the Gospel to them. 9.1% X,P,S
11917 Missionary Care: Personalized Pastoral Care for those Serving
Worldwide (Commission To Every Nation Inc) (800)872-5404 www.
cten.org EIN#742730294 Christian Evangelical mission agency
their God-given calling. 5.2% X,W,P
58464 Mustard Seed International (843)388-9314 www.mustardseed.
org EIN#952053950 Mustard Seed International conducts ministries
throughout SE Asia and India. These ministries include Christian
Schools, teacher training and homes for the care of children. 7.6%
10818 National Association of Pastoral Musicians (240)247-3000 www.
npm.org EIN#521065056 Promotes quality music, liturgical celebration,
and musical leadership for Catholic churches in the United States
through educational programs, publications, conventions, institutes and
online webinars. 27.7% X,A,Y
23684 Native American Children’s Fund (World Changers International
Ministries) (918)528-6830 EIN#731099319 Disadvantaged children
need support and love. Send Native American children to summer
camp, give them religious training and educational opportunities
through grants and college scholarships. 10.2% O,X,B
10011 Olive Branch International (757)518-8749 www.olivebranchintl.
com EIN#841247760 Military families worldwide suffer estrangement,
PSTD, suicide. Help us provide counseling, education, training and
moral, mental and material support to warriors and their families.
14.1% F,W,X
11470 Outreach International (816)833-0883 www.outreach-international.
org EIN#431164177 Put a permanent end to extreme poverty
worldwide. Help us empower children and their families to work
together while restoring human dignity and increasing self-worth.
22.2% S,K,B
55284 Persecuted Christians Care Fund (626)991-0009 www.
persecutedchristianscarefund.org EIN#432099464 Providing
their faith. Sharing their stories in the media and rallying support from
other believers. 7.3% R,P,X
11481 Pioneer Bible Translators (214)699-4300 www.pioneerbible.org
EIN#237433923 Help a hurting world. Give them God’s Word. In 14
countries, 62 languages- we equip native speakers in translating the
Bible, literacy and planting churches. 20.2% X,B,S
11336 Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel
(202)244-4177 www.pccmp.org EIN#520962796 Military members risk
their lives daily. Our chaplains serve them everywhere as emblems of
care and God’s presence - in combat and at home. 6.7% P,X,W
95598 Seniors Activity and Recreation Fund (916)222-5940 www.
seniorsfund.org EIN#371575618 Protect and nurture underprivileged
seniors! We provide food, spiritual support, social interaction to
dependent and lonely elderly, respecting the dignity and worth of each
individual. 2.0% P,N,T
11471 Sports Outreach Institute (434)582-4707 www.sportsoutreach.net
soccer, chess, education, feeding programs, trauma counseling, and
biblical discipleship in Africa and Latin America. 21.0% O,N,X
11924 Suicide Prevention Care Fund (626)233-7716 www.
suicidepreventioncarefund.org EIN#912116216 Help save livesrestoring hope, faith, a reason to live. We provide print and broadcast
resources, teaching suicide prevention, intervention skills, grief support
for survivors. 1.4% F,P,X
65708 Teams for Medical Missions (610)398-0070 www.T4mm.org
EIN#232838434 Help meet critical needs in Jamaica! Join TEAMS’
work as we present the gospel through Bible teaching, free medical
care, and home construction. 39.5% X,E,L
12550 TechMission Inc. (617)282-9798 www.techmission.org
EIN#680492427 Support racial reconciliation, indigenous Christian
leadership and economic development. Providing Christian youth
programs, ministry interns, volunteers, technology and training to
thousands of local ministries. 9.2% X,O,P
48637 Teen Mania Ministries, Inc. (800)299-8336 www.teenmania.com
EIN#731284606 Our heartbeat is to provoke a young generation to
passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message
to the ends of the earth! 10.9% X,O,B
10792 Thomas More Law Center (734)827-2001 www.thomasmore.org
EIN#383448297 God banished. The unborn child forsaken. Radical
Islam on the rise. Join our battle in the courts to defend America’s
Christian heritage and National security. 18.5% I,R,W
36202 Threads of Hope (SEED Charities) (972)809-7500 www.
threadsofhopetextiles.org EIN#264580974 Women empowered out of
poverty. Children’s futures transformed. Families strengthened. Help
us support the sale of women’s indigenous artistry to empower and
support better lives. 0.4% B,E,A
78071 Watoto Child Care Ministries (813)948-4343 www.watoto.com
EIN#593445250 HIV/AIDS and War have left Africa with many
orphaned children. Watoto’s holistic approach is to Rescue a child,
Raise a leader, Rebuild a continent. 8.1% X,K,P
10348 World Evangelical Alliance (212)233-3046 www.worldea.org
EIN#237254928 Giving a world-wide identity and voice to 600 million
evangelical Christians. Seeking holiness, justice and renewal so that
10349 World Impact (323)735-1137 www.worldimpact.org EIN#952681237
Gang violence, drug addiction, and poverty ravage inner-city children
and their families. Our ministry provides food, housing, medical/dental
assistance, job training, urban church planting. 8.4% P,X,B
11827 Youth for Christ International Ministries (303)843-9000 www.
yfci.org EIN#841188718 Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to young
people everywhere, empowering them to bring positive change to their
communities, nations and the world. 19.0% X,O,Q
Christian Service Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
10171 Christian Service Charities (888)728-2762 www.
christianservicecharities.org EIN#943193374 Christian charities you
know and trust, working to overcome poverty, hunger, hopelessness,
religious persecution, abuse, disease, illiteracy, homelessness,
addiction, broken families and separation from God. 3.9% X,W,T
11731 700 Club, The (Christian Broadcasting Network Inc) (800)759-0700
www.cbn.com EIN#540678752 Proclaiming the Gospel to millions
in 100+ countries through TV/Internet programs, humanitarian
outreaches, orphan ministry, medical missions, disaster relief, water
wells, and cell churches. 13.8% X,P,Z
10978 A Child’s Hope Fund (888)291-6018 www.achildshopefund.org
EIN#953976258 Fight cancer, diabetes, disease and hunger through
medical and food outreaches, health education, prevention and
hospice protecting children worldwide from illness, poverty, fear and
abuse. 0.6% E,K,O
10526 AAA Charity Investment Fund (World-Wide Missions) (909)793-2009
www.aaacharityinvestmentfund.org EIN#952109095 If you give, make
it matter! Let us help you choose. 60 years experience. Child abuse
and suicide prevention. Hunger. Medical clinics. Addiction recovery.
Seniors. 4.7% M,K,P
10525 Advocates International (571)319-0100 www.advocatesinternational.
org EIN#541646669 A global network linking advocates in 150 nations
life and family while integrating faith and profession. 6.7% R,X,W
11290 Aid to Children, Youth and Families (New Hope International)
(800)297-9591 www.newhopeinternational.org EIN#237398878
Provides Christian training, orphan care, education (AIDS, STD’s,
Alcohol and Drugs) and other aid to children, youth and families in
orphanages, schools, camps and conferences. 34.0% X,B,O
10980 AIDS Care Fund (626)233-7716 www.aidscarefund.org
EIN#330206443 Helping people living with HIV/AIDS overcome
their loneliness and despair. Providing counseling, support groups,
literature, toll-free hotline, and Christian homes for children dying of
AIDS. 1.6% F,E,X
12172 Alcohol & Drug Recovery Fund (626)991-0009 www.
alcoholanddrugrecovery.org EIN#330858092 An effective,
compassionate ministry saving lives, renewing hope through
intervention and faith-based recovery treatment that provides healing
to those affected by alcoholism and drug addictions. 6.0% E,F,X
11726 Alliance Defending Freedom (800)835-5233 www.
alliancedefendingfreedom.org EIN#541660459 A legal alliance
defending the right to hear and speak the Truth in the areas of religious
liberty, family values and sanctity of life. 23.4% R,X,Z
50678 Amen Foundation, The (202)832-5168 www.amenfoundation.org
EIN#521837798 Supports Catholic vocations/ministries, especially
for churches of Sub-Saharan Africa. Funds education; supports
seminarians, sisters, lay ministers, missionaries who serve people’s
spiritual, social, economic needs. 2.3% X,B,P
12037 American Family Association (800)326-4543 www.afa.net
EIN#640607275 Educates and motivates Christians through radio,
television, internet and print to act on issues affecting families.
Examples: media indecency, pornography, abortion, entertainment,
education, and parenting. 10.1% R,X,B
12038 Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service
(ACCTS) (800)487-8108 www.accts.org EIN#237230892 Military
personnel and dependents worldwide (including chaplains) receive
Christian teaching, coaching, counseling, mentoring, training, and
encouragement through conferences, Bible studies, retreats. Changed
lives change nations. 6.9% X,Q,B
10524 Association of Christian Schools International (866)401-4801 www.
acsi.org EIN#956072567 Empowering Christian schools and educators
worldwide to provide Christ centered schooling, Pre-K through College,
to effectively prepare students for life through transformed thinking and
living. 21.7% B,X,Q
10981 Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (800)473-7283 www.
agrm.org EIN#550479715 Proclaim the passion of Jesus toward the
hungry, homeless, abused and addicted; and accelerate quality and
effectiveness in member missions through education, training, and
resources. 19.4% Y,X,P
12039 Awana Clubs International (800)222-9262 www.awanainternational.
org EIN#362428692 Training and equipping Christian leaders around
the world to bring the hope of the gospel to vulnerable and exploited
children. 13.8% X,O,P
10527 Baptist World Alliance (703)790-8980 www.bwanet.org
EIN#530204667 Cares for the hungry and homeless of the world
by providing food, medicine, encouragement, hope. Defends the
oppressed, persecuted by promoting human rights, religious freedom.
16.5% M,X,K
10982 Bible League International (866)825-4636 www.BibleLeague.org
EIN#362037761 We serve the local church and other partners around
the world by providing Bibles and Scripture materials for them to help
people meet Jesus Christ. 28.5% X,S,W
12137 Biblica (Formerly International Bible Society) (Biblica US Inc)
(888)286-6682 www.Biblica.com EIN#841194554 Sharing God’s Word
since 1809 with people worldwide in their language so their lives can
be transformed by God’s redeeming love. NIV® Bible publisher. 37.2%
11727 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (877)247-2426 www.
billygraham.org EIN#410692230 Spreads the message of God’s love
through evangelistic outreaches and youth training, crisis counseling,
and domestic/international projects by means of print, TV, radio, and
Internet. 15.2% X,M,O
11864 Blessings International (877)250-8101 www.blessing.
org EIN#731130590 Transforming lives globally by providing
pharmaceuticals, vitamins and medical supplies urgently needed to
treat the poor and victims of endemic medical problems, diseases, or
disasters. 9.9% E,M,G
75511 Breanna’s Orphan House of Joy (The New Horizons Foundation
Inc) (719)260-1213 www.breannashouseofjoy.com EIN#841123082
with healthcare, life-skills training, resources and education that value
the dignity and worth of each individual. 4.2% X,O,S
10528 Cadence International (800)396-6680 www.cadence.org
EIN#846027655 A Christian ministry transforming US military
communities through evangelism, Bible studies, counseling, retreats
and hospitality to singles, families, youth and children. 14.8% X,O,P
12040 Campus Crusade for Christ’s Great Commission Foundation
(The Great Commission Foundation of Campus Crusade for Christ
Inc) (800)444-6006 www.crumilitary.org EIN#952814920 Cru Military
is a global community passionate about connecting all military to
Jesus Christ. Christian Embassy encourages and equips our country’s
leaders and decision-makers. 25.8% X,P,Q
10983 Care Net (800)518-7909 www.care-net.org EIN#541382723 Saving
lives, healing hearts, and ministering compassion through evangelistic
ministry to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies and related
sexual issues. 16.0% P,W,Y
11086 Child Abuse Intervention Fund (626)223-7716 www.
childabuseinterventionfund.org EIN#330457856 Helping abused
children by bringing them hope and healing through crisis intervention,
personal counseling, support groups, legal aid, medical referrals,
education, and a national hotline. 0.7% F,R,P
82907 Child Evangelism Fellowship (800)748-7710 www.cefonline.com
EIN#386091187 Our purpose is to evangelize children with the Gospel
of the Lord Jesus Christ through various classes and programs. 27.9%
11728 Childcare Worldwide (800)553-2328 www.childcareworldwide.org
EIN#953619910 Empowering children in the developing world through
education, feeding programs, medical care, and spiritual outreach
based on the Bible. 12.4% B,K,Q
10984 Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency Relief (World Emergency
Relief) (888)484-4543 www.worldemergencyrelief.org EIN#954014743
Give children a living chance through emergency relief, food, medical
care, schools, orphanages, and micro economic assistance in 33
countries, including Native Americans. 2.6% K,E,P
11729 Children’s HopeChest (800)648-9575 www.hopechest.org
EIN#330430285 Provides holistic care to nearly 18,000 orphans and
vulnerable children in ten countries with food, clean water, education,
discipleship, job skills, medical, and other needs. 14.0% X,O,P
11730 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund (888)781-1585 www.chrf.org
EIN#510168428 Saving children’s lives! Sharing God’s love by
providing hot meals, disease-free water, healthcare, medicines,
food-growing technology, and Christian education to suffering children
worldwide. 3.2% K,P,O
12136 Christian Blind Mission International (800)937-2264 www.cbmus.
org EIN#362959883 Serving people living with blindness, hearing
and other physical and intellectual disabilities in the world’s poorest
countries, through prevention, treatment, education, rehabilitation and
economic empowerment. 0.5% E,P,Q
12041 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (800)875-6564 www.
hopeforafamily.org EIN#431243999 Empowers children in poverty to
use education to pave a pathway to their dreams. We partner with their
families to create a brighter future. 6.4% P,S,K
60378 Christian Leadership Alliance (949)487-0900 www.
christianleadershipalliance.org EIN#953451239 CLA trains and equips
Christian leaders to think higher for greater kingdom gain. We provide
lifelong learning experiences that transform leaders, ministries, and the
world. 12.0% B,X,Y
Christian Legal Society (703)642-1070 www.clsnet.org
EIN#366101090 CLS defends religious freedom and the sanctity of life,
through biblical counseling, mediation and arbitration. 12.8% X,R,I
Christian Military Fellowship (800)798-7875 www.cmfhq.org
EIN#840780545 Supports America’s military and their families by
helping them to grow in their Christian faith by providing prayer, Bible
studies, linkups, conferences, training and resources. 6.2% X,B,P
Christian Relief Fund (800)858-4038 www.christianrelieffund.
org EIN#510183054 Fighting hunger and poverty internationally by
providing food, medicine, educational support, Christian disaster relief
and humanitarian aid to children and families in developing countries.
9.4% K,O,P
Christian World Outreach (303)723-0333 www.cwomissions.
org EIN#841445744 Provides vocational training, feeding program,
leadership education, medical care, AIDS education to improve quality
of life for those shunned and forgotten in Haiti and Africa. 12.8% B,X,O
Club Beyond/Military Community Youth Ministries (Military
Community Youth Ministries) (800)832-9098 www.mcym.org
EIN#742238462 Relational ministry to military teens worldwide.
Partners with Young Life, Youth for Christ, Life Teen and the local
chapel. Where friends, fun and faith connect. 15.6% O,X,P
Compassion International (877)838-8603 www.compassion.com/
cfc EIN#362423707 Exists as an advocate for children, releasing
them from spiritual, economic, social, physical poverty in Jesus’ name
through holistic child development in 26 developing countries. 16.0%
East-West Ministries International (972)941-4500 www.eastwest.org
EIN#752486132 East-West exists to mobilize believers to evangelize
and equip nationals to establish grace-oriented, spiritually thriving, and
multiplying churches in spiritually dark nations around the world. 22.5%
Engineering Ministries International (719)633-2078 www.emiworld.
org EIN#742213629 “Designing a World of Hope” - mobilizing technical
professionals to design international hospitals, orphanages, schools,
and water projects for the poor. 5.1% overhead with volunteers. 11.8%
English Language Institute in China (800)366-3542 www.elic.org
EIN#953551085 ELIC provides excellent English language instruction
to students in Cambodia, China, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar and
Vietnam through passionate educators with a love for Asia. 17.0%
Entrust (800)460-6553 www.entrust4.org EIN#541256309 Non-formal
education for millions of international church pastors and lay leaders.
Provides contextualized, multiplying training for biblical Christian
transformation of individuals, families and communities. 19.3% X,B
Family Research Council (800)225-4008 www.frc.org
EIN#521792772 FRC communicates to the public the importance of
Judeo-Christian traditional family values to the health and well-being of
our children, country and society. 16.4% R,W,X
Five Talents USA(800)670-6355www.fivetalents.orgEIN#541940918
innovative savings and microcredit programs; literacy, numeracy, and
business training; and spiritual development. 15.6% S,P,X
Focus on the Family (800)232-6459 www.focusonthefamily.com
EIN#953188150 Christian organization dedicated to helping families
thrive through faith-based resources, multimedia outreaches and
counseling services that address a variety of marriage, parenting and
life needs. 16.7% P,F,X
Food for the Hungry (800)248-6437 www.fh.org EIN#952680390
Since 1971, Food for the Hungry has inspired hope and walked with
the most vulnerable people to end poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. 13.1% E,P,M
Global Recordings Network (Gospel Recordings) (888)444-7872
www.grnusa.net EIN#956539977 Fight spiritual darkness by giving
recorded Bible stories to the 2,000 unreached people groups in their
own language. Health messages also available in their language.
23.0% X,E,Z
Hagar (Hagar USA Inc) (715)514-2294 www.hagarusa.org
EIN#201507669 Restore broken lives. Give holistic recovery services
exploitation. Heal women and children in Cambodia, Afghanistan,
Vietnam. 21.6% P,F,X
Healing Waters International (866)913-8522 www.healingwaters.
org EIN#460472149 Reducing water-related illness and death in
developing countries by building self-sustaining projects in local
churches that make clean drinking water accessible to the poor. 18.7%
Heartbeat International Inc (888)550-7577 www.
HeartbeatInternational.org EIN#237335592 Reaching and rescuing as
many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network
of pregnancy help ministries that renew their communities for life.
30.0% P,W,Y
Home School Foundation (540)338-8688 www.
homeschoolfoundation.org EIN#521354365 Financial assistance
and curriculum relief to struggling home school families. We invest in
widows, single parents, special needs children, and military families.
Give. Volunteer. Pray. 4.6% B,T,X
25072 I Am Second (e3 Partners Ministry) (214)440-1101 www.e3partners.
org EIN#161680978 Equipping, Evangelizing, Establishing churches
through outreaches worldwide. Transforming communities through
medical missions, HIV/AIDS awareness, health initiatives, community
development projects, widow and orphan care. 12.8% X,S,W
10988 International Christian Concern (800)422-5441 www.persecution.org
EIN#521942990 Serves overseas persecuted Christians by providing
advocacy, awareness, and assistance (Bibles, supplies, pastor
support, community rebuilding, support for families of imprisoned or
murdered pastors, etc). 11.3% R,Q,X
85320 International Justice Mission (IJM) (703)465-5495 www.ijm.org
EIN#541722887 Rescues victims of violent oppression, including
perpetrator conviction in local courts and promotes sustainable
structural transformation. 15.0% R,P,I
11739 JAARS (888)773-1178 www.jaars.org EIN#560818833 To help
organizations around the world get practical, day-to-day support for
water transportation, information technology, media. 16.1% X,S,W
32629 Kids Around the World (815)229-8731 www.kidsaroundtheworld.
com EIN#364007250 Builds safe playgrounds and distributes food for
children around the world. Trains and provides special materials for
teachers to share the Bible with children. 10.9% S,O,Z
11733 Kids for the Kingdom (800)215-2005 www.kidsforthekingdom.
org EIN#680421846 Equip and empower disadvantaged children
worldwide to transform their nation for Christ through feeding
programs, orphanages, water wells, schools, emergency aid, Bible
clubs, and evangelism. 4.0% P,O,X
60259 Luis Palau Association (888)877-5847 www.palau.org
EIN#930713827 Shares the Good News of Jesus Christ through
evangelistic festivals and worldwide media, and trains other
evangelists to effectively proclaim the Gospel in innovative ways.
22.0% X,S,P
93403 MAMA Project, Inc. (215)679-4338 www.mamaproject.org
EIN#232993647 Advocates for malnourished children. Promotes and
educates about healthy living. Brings medical and dental care and
supplies to poor villages of Honduras, Haiti and Africa. 11.4% E,P,K
27809 MANNA Worldwide, Inc. (817)346-3641 www.mannaworldwide.
com EIN#752931604 MANNA Worldwide is committed to addressing
the nutritional, educational, and spiritual needs of children and their
families worldwide regardless of gender, nationality or religion. 8.7%
94744 Mercy Ships (800)772-7447 www.mercyships.org EIN#262414132
Delivers free world-class healthcare to some of the world’s poorest
nations while training local surgeons and medical workers, increasing
developing African nations’ healthcare capacity. 17.4% E,S,G
12045 Mexican Medical (619)463-4777 www.mexicanmedical.com
EIN#956196019 Providing hope for the poor--sharing God’s love
through medical, dental, hospital care, community health programs
utilizing Christian medical teams and other volunteers. 5.4% E,G,X
10989 Mission Aviation Fellowship (800)359-7623 www.maf.org
EIN#951920983 Christian, humanitarian organization using aviation,
communications, and education technologies to bring the Gospel,
medical care, and other life-sustaining services to isolated areas of the
world. 16.8% X,P,S
11922 Mission To Children (877)766-2400 www.missiontochildren.org
EIN#952649274 Build character in children. Your pledge equips
children and orphans to grow up as peacemakers - salt and light - in
distressed communities. 30.0% P,O,X
21917 Missionary Athletes International (704)841-8644 www.maisoccer.
com EIN#330017152 Conducts Biblically-based soccer camps, clinics,
teams and international tours to meet the spiritual, physical and
emotional needs of youth around the world. 17.7% X,N,W
11734 Moody Bible Institute (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago) (800)3566639 www.moodyministries.net EIN#362167792 Moody offers
seminary and tuition-paid undergraduate Bible-based education on
campus and online. Commercial-free broadcasting, missionary aviation
training, and publishing are also ministries your donations support.
11.3% B,X,Z
10990 MOPS International (800)691-8061 www.MOPS.org EIN#840925251
Jesus in their homes, churches and communities by meeting moms’
practical, relational and spiritual needs. 28.4% X,P,B
26099 National Day of Prayer Task Force (800)444-8828 www.
nationaldayofprayer.org EIN#751914068 The mission of the National
Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and
encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture.
26.4% X,T,W
11087 Navigators, The (800)955-4422 www.militarynavs.org
EIN#846007896 Provides a spiritual presence on military bases
alongside chaplains, and brings hope to military personnel and their
families through meaningful relationships with Jesus Christ. 16.9%
11735 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. (800)214-4999 www.ncmi.
org EIN#431550318 Challenged by faith to end poverty. Promotes long
term solutions through training, gifts in kind, economic and community
development, and micro enterprise projects. 3.6% K,M,P
10531 Officers’ Christian Fellowship(TheOfficersChristianFellowship
of the United States of America) (800)424-1984 www.ocfusa.org
EIN#381415401 Supports those who serve their country worldwide.
Provides resources to help military members and their families grow
together in their relationship with God and others. 18.4% X,Z,O
OneHope Inc. (800)448-2425 www.onehope.net EIN#650246247
OneHope is an international ministry that is changing lives by sharing
Scripture with children and youth around the world. 15.8% X,O
Open Air Campaigners - Overseas Ministries, Inc. (904)827-9715
www.oacom.org EIN#650165028 International and interdenominational
ministry of evangelism committed to preaching the gospel to the
unreached through open air and other outreaches in partnership with
the church. 8.8% X,B,O
Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corp.
(800)730-2537 www.ob.org EIN#541382657 Dedicated to alleviating
human need and suffering throughout the world through hunger relief,
clean water, medical aid, disaster relief and community development
programs since 1978. 1.1% P,Q,S
Orphan’s Assistance & Rescue Inc. (636)225-6500 www.
orphansassistanceandrescue.org EIN#753023308 Committed to
rescuing orphans from a life of homelessness, drug abuse and
prostitution. Providing a loving, caring atmosphere to become
productive adults in their community. 14.7% B,O,W
Orphan’s Tree (866)212-3746 www.orphanstree.org EIN#262733214
Providing mentoring, job and life skills training, and education to help
Russian orphans transition into society and break the cycles of poverty,
crime and addictions. 21.1% O,W,R
Outreach MAP (909)319-2564 www.omapinternational.com
EIN#953165410 Impacting lives worldwide for over twenty years.
Thousands of orphans, children, young adults, and families reached.
South Asia, Kenya, Russia. Education. Aid. Development. HIV/AIDS.
Shelter. 2.2% O,B,X
Pioneers (800)755-7284 www.pioneers.org EIN#521206938 Pioneers
is transforming communities around the world, starting churches and
humanitarian/development projects in underdeveloped areas that lack
access to the gospel. 16.9% X,W,O
Potter’s House Association International (800)742-4828 www.
pottershouse.org.gt EIN#203305890 Equipping Guatemala City’s
garbage dump scavenger families to transform their lives, families and
community by providing education, health, personal development,
community improvement and microenterprise opportunities. 4.3%
Prison Fellowship (Prison Fellowship Ministries) (877)478-0100
www.prisonfellowship.org EIN#620988294 Provides programs to
transform prisoners’ lives, families, and communities. Helps prisoners
make moral choices. Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts to prisoners’
children. Founder Chuck Colson. 31.6% I,P,X
Prison Fellowship International(877)481-0002www.pfi.org
EIN#510247185 Global network of 127 national Prison Fellowship
ministries addressing physical, social and spiritual needs of prisoners,
ex-prisoners, victims and families through mercy, reconciliation and
restoration. 23.8% X,I,P
Promise Keepers (866)776-6473 www.promisekeepers.org
EIN#841157834 Christ-centered ministry that ignites and unites men to
be warriors who will transform their world through living out the Seven
Promises of a Promise Keeper. 26.4% X,P,Z
RBC Ministries (616)974-2701 www.rbc.org EIN#381613981 RBC
Ministries’ purpose is to make Our Daily Bread and other Bible-based
materials available to as many people as possible at no charge. 18.4%
Samaritan’s Purse (800)528-1980 www.samaritanspurse.org
EIN#581437002 Christian relief agency, led by Franklin Graham,
providing food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and other emergency
assistance to victims of war, poverty, disease, and natural disasters.
11.7% M,P,X
Scripture Union (800)621-5267 www.scriptureunion.org
EIN#251228715 Our vision is to help people of all ages meet God daily
in the Bible and prayer, and grow in faith and service to Christ. 13.9%
Senior Care Fund (626)233-7716 www.seniorcarefund.org
EIN#330045482 Providing resources to networks of hospital chaplains
and skilled, caring volunteers helping the elderly to age with dignity and
Society of St. Andrew, The (800)333-4597 www.endhunger.org
EIN#541285793 America’s premier food rescue and distribution
hungry. We provide nutritious food to people in need. 3.0% K,P,X
Village Ministries International (405)634-4373 www.villageministries.
org EIN#741419589 Forgotten, spiritually hungry people worldwide
yearn for God’s Word! Help us provide them free Bibles, training and
study materials, teaching them to teach their own. 15.9% X,B,O
Village Missions (503)623-4107 www.village-missions.org
EIN#436043847 Village Missions transforms communities by
preaching the Word and loving the people. Our missionaries serve
struggling churches. They call all to respond to the Gospel. 15.0%
Voice of the Martyrs, The (877)337-0458 www.persecution.com
EIN#731395057 Serving over 750,000 persecuted Christians in 64
nations by empowering, equipping, rebuilding and encouraging,
bringing Jesus’ hope through Bibles, medicines, shelter, training, and
humanitarian aid. 18.5% P,Q,X
Warm Blankets Orphan Care International (877)577-1070 www.
warmblankets.org EIN#364395095 Help transform the lives of children
communities provide love, care, and futures. 19.3% X,L,K
Water Mission International (866)280-7107 www.watermissions.
org EIN#571116978 Water Missions International is a Christian
engineering ministry providing sustainable safe water and sanitation
solutions to people in developing countries and disaster areas. 14.4%
Willow Creek Association (800)570-9812 www.willowcreek.
com EIN#363799040 To stir and call out the holy discontent in the
leadership core of the church and equip them with next step tools,
training and resources. 14.6% X,Y,A
World Concern - A Division of CRISTA Ministries (CRISTA
Ministries) (800)755-5022 www.worldconcern.org EIN#916012289
Provides microloans to women, care to AIDS orphans, and education,
agricultural training and disaster response services to hurting people
around the world. 12.5% P,S,M
World Mission (866)779-6753 www.worldmission.cc EIN#383213457
Providing strategic humanitarian aid and solar powered audio Bibles
(The Treasure) for our third world indigenous network. Domestically we
World Reach (205)979-2400 www.world-reach.org EIN#630838799
A nondenominational foreign mission organization reaching the world
with the Gospel of Christ. We establish churches, train national pastors
and provide medical and physical relief. 16.8% X,B,E
World Vision Inc. (800)859-5437 www.worldvision.org
EIN#951922279 Relief and development organization helping children
worldwide by tackling causes of poverty and developing access to
clean water, food, health care, education, and economic opportunity.
15.8% E,P,B
Worldwide Christian Schools, Inc. (800)886-9000 www.wwcs.org
EIN#382693388 Empowers partners worldwide to develop quality
Christian schools for children in need, preparing them for life by
providing facilities, teacher training, curriculum and tuition assistance.
10.3% S,B,X
Wycliffe Bible Translators (800)992-5433 www.wycliffe.org/cfc
EIN#951831097 Millions are deprived of Scripture and the ability to
read and write in their language. WYCLIFFE offers hope and freedom
through Bible translation and literacy. 20.6% X,B,S
Young Life (877)438-9572 www.younglife.org EIN#840385934
Reaching and empowering disabled, pregnant, urban, rural,
international and at-risk youth. Volunteer leaders mentor and tutor
teens towards developing life skills and embracing Christianity. 11.7%
Military Support Groups of America
Federation and Member Organizations
22789 Military Support Groups of America (855)743-2136 www.
militarysupportgroups.org EIN#272242752 Be a hero for America’s
our nation’s soldiers, deployed troops, wounded warriors, and military
families. 0.0% P,W,Q
99268 Adopt A Platoon (956)748-4145 www.adoptaplatoon.org
EIN#742918904 Serving America’s deployed Troops with on-going
23072 American Freedom Foundation, Inc. (615)330-9394 www.
americanfreedomfoundation.org EIN#050605633 Creates awareness
military service members and families through partnerships with
military focused organizations. 11.0% T,P,E
81344 America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc. (866)8383647 www.vetdogs.org EIN#208814368 Trains guide, service, and
therapy dogs. Transforming the lives of disabled veterans and active
servicemembers at home, in VA and military hospitals, and while
deployed. 19.4% E,P,D
98056 Angel Airlines for PTSD Recovery (Mercy Medical Airlift) (888)2067030 www.AngelAirlinesforPTSDRecovery.org EIN#270529303
We give our courageous veterans the help they need and deserve
throughout the United States. 4.5% P,W,E
11451 Angel Airlines for Wounded Warriors (Angel Airlines for Veterans)
(800)849-0507 www.angelairlinesforveterans.org EIN#541851770
Flights for veterans and families to specialized medical care critical to
diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Access to doctors and hospitals
America’s’ wounded warriors/ families need. 3.1% P,W,E
57446 Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association STAR Foundation
(ASMBA STAR Foundation) (800)251-8434 www.asmbastarfoundation.
com EIN#263180510 We provide support for combat wounded service
members, aid to military families, scholarships for veterans and
dependents. Needs are great and growing daily. Please help! 11.8%
44284 Army Heritage Center Foundation (Military Heritage Foundation)
(717)258-1102 www.armyheritage.org EIN#251830984 Honor
American Soldiers and their Families, preserve their memories,
Center’s exhibits, programs, and outreach. 16.6% B,A,W
95243 Blue Star Families (202)630-2583 www.bluestarfam.org
EIN#800369895 By delivering proven, popular programs and
resources at the grassroots level, we support, connect and empower
America’s military families and communities. 17.1% P,W,J
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation (866)917-2373 www.
fallenpatriots.org EIN#470902295 College scholarships to children of
U.S. servicemembers killed in combat or training, making the ultimate
Coast Guard Auxiliary Association (314)962-8828 www.cgauxa.org
EIN#526056326 Saving lives, preventing injuries, reducing property
damage, educating boaters on boating/water safety/homeland security
awareness, supports nonpaid US Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers.
27.3% M,C,N
Command and General Staff College Foundation (913)651-0624
www.cgscfoundation.org EIN#204254979 Help produce leaders
capable of dealing with the challenges presented by a post-9/11 world,
while supporting military families and connecting civilian and military
communities. 63.4% B,Q,M
Corporation for Supportive Housing (212)986-2966 www.csh.org
EIN#133600232 Help us end homelessness for veterans, youth, family,
and others. We’ve already helped over 100,000 households access
affordable housing linked to supportive services. 25.1% L,F,E
EANGUS “We Care for America” Foundation, Inc. (800)234-3264
www.eangus.org EIN#541614300 Provides college scholarships for
National Guard members and their families, and emergency relief
funds for soldiers and airmen experiencing severe crisis or loss. 24.9%
EOD Warrior Foundation (Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation)
(540)554-4550 www.eodwarriorfoundation.org EIN#208618412
Supporting EOD Warriors and families who are injured or died while
serving our country, conducting their duties to disarm deadly explosive
ordnance and terrorist devices. 12.2% P,E,T
Higher Ground Sun Valley, Inc. (208)726-9298 www.highergroundsv.
org EIN#820512146 Injured Veterans/Service Members with TBI,
skills through therapeutic recreation . Achieving new heights through
adaptive sports. 13.2% N,E,P
Honor and Remember, Inc. (757)504-4722 www.honorandremember.
Military Heroes; establishing a national symbol of remembrance,
families. 15.1% W,P,B
HUGS Project (405)651-8359 www.TheHugsProject.com
EIN#352249092 Sending care packages and lifesaving cooling ties to
deployed troops because every brave American serving in harm’s way
deserves the thanks of a grateful nation. 1.2% Z,Q,A
JROTC-Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps of America
(College Options Foundation Inc) (888)576-8287 www.
collegeoptionsfoundation.net EIN#030566869 Help military
dependents and JROTC students attain their dreams to attend college
with personalized counseling, resource tools for standardized tests,
admissions, scholarships, and funding. 10.7% B,O,A
Marine Corps Association Foundation (877)469-6223 www.mcafdn.
org EIN#800340923 We believe every Marine is a leader. Stand by
Marines each step of their Marine Corps journey with resources they
need to develop professional excellence. 45.2% B,A,Z
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation (800)397-7585 www.
marineheritage.org EIN#260803466 Supporting the National Museum
of the Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia. See America’s history through
the eyes of Marines. We make history, help us preserve it! 9.7% A,B
Marine Graduation Foundation (816)688-7929 www.usmcgrad.org
Corps Boot Camp Graduations, giving new Marines due recognition
and increasing morale as they enter their military career. 21.8% P,W,T
Military and Veteran Women Support Fund (AcademyWomen)
(650)868-2285 www.academywomen.org EIN#421697594 Military and
veteran women who proudly serve often face professional challenges,
PTSD, and sexual assault in silent isolation. Help support women
achieve their highest potential. 9.3% J,P,W
Military Families Receive Free Mental Health Care - Give An Hour
org EIN#611493378 Military personnel and families receive free,
PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, depression, anxiety, and other wounds
of war. 3.8% F,E,P
Military Medical Research and Education Foundation (Henry
M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine)
(240)694-2209 www.hjf.org EIN#521317896 Help combat wounded, ill
and injured warriors and their families receive accelerated advances
in medical care from groundbreaking military medical research and
education. 2.8% H,F,E
Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Inc. (800)736-5109 www.
militaryreligiousfreedom.org EIN#203967302 5-time Nobel Peace Prize
nominee protecting U.S. Armed Forces members’ constitutional 1st
Amendment guarantee to religious freedom and Article VI protections
from Religious Tests. 36.0% R,Q,X
Mission Capodanno (540)551-5262 www.MissionCapodanno.org
EIN#820550825 Support Armed Forces Chaplains. With or without
war, troop surges or withdrawals, please support the daily need for
Catholic resources to reach US military personnel. 50.9% B,W,X
Missions to Military, Inc. (800)MTM-1232 www.missionstomilitary.
org EIN#540734786 Christian missionary organization ministering to
Armed Forces personnel. Homelike facilities and services are provided
without charge. Recreation, meals, bunkroom, transportation, Bible
studies, etc. 14.3% X,P,W
National Guard Educational Foundation (202)789-0031 www.ngef.
org EIN#521038433 Preserves the history and heritage of the National
Guard of the United States. Help us tell this American story of service
Operation Comfort (210)826-0500 www.operationcomfort.org
EIN#861123065 Providing service members wounded in Iraq and
automotive training. 13.4% P,N,A
Operation First Response, Inc. (888)289-0280 www.
varies based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle
payments, groceries and travel. 3.4% P,E,L
Operation Give A Hug (253)691-9391 www.ogah.org EIN#800610726
Providing comfort to military children who are missing a parent, helping
families connect to their units, and supporting our military community
deployed and at home. 12.4% F,O,W
Pets for Patriots, Inc. (877)473-8223 www.petsforpatriots.org
EIN#271082210 Provide recovery and help transform the lives of
veterans, service members and wounded warriors as they adopt and
care for at-risk shelter dogs and cats. 27.3% D,P
Quality of Life Foundation, Inc (855)765-7680 www.qolfoundation.
org EIN#261820245 Our Wounded Veteran Family Care Program
supports families of catastrophically wounded, ill, or injured veterans.
We focus on the family, they focus on their veteran. 5.1% P,T,Z
Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association (301)570-2850 www.
seabee.org EIN#520910325 Provides children and grandchildren
prepare them for a brighter future. 22.9% B,O,W
Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation (925)380-6342
severely injured Veterans and their commitment to guarding America’s
freedoms. Our life-changing scholarships provide independence via
housing, job placement, transportation, education. 12.8% J,L,P
Special Ops Survivors (619)437-1137 www.specialopssurvivors.org
EIN#810567790 Transforming loss into hope for Special Operations
widows and widowers. Building friendships and healthy futures through
peer-based support programs. Because No One Should Walk Alone!
18.7% P,F,W
Still Serving Veterans, (SSV) (256)883-7035 www.
stillservingveterans.org EIN#204515040 Empowering wounded
warriors, veterans, and their families to transition into meaningful
training they deserve. 11.4% J,E,W
Student Veterans of America (202)223-4710 www.studentveterans.
org EIN#261971279 Unemployment. Homelessness. Post-Traumatic
Stress. Returning military veterans deserve better. Your donation
empowers veterans to overcome transition challenges and earn a
college degree. 10.0% B,J,P
Support Our Troops, Inc. (877)879-8882 www.SupportOurTroops.
org EIN#331112829 Don’t abandon America’s troops! They support us,
let’s support them! Help Support Our Troops® provide tons of morale
and well-being to troops and families worldwide! 0.8% Q,O,M
Task Force Dagger Foundation (214)785-7559 www.
taskforcedagger.org EIN#800439987 Providing immediate assistance
to wounded, ill or injured Army Special Operations Command soldiers
and families, and recreational therapy programs to assist service team
members’ recoveries. 5.4% E,P,W
That Others May Live Foundation (888)474-7771 www.
thatothersmaylive.org EIN#880487308 Family survivors of United
States Air Force Rescue Heroes who are killed or severely wounded
receive critical support, scholarships, and immediate tragedy
assistance. 11.8% B,W,O
Travis Manion Foundation (215)348-9080 www.travismanion.org
EIN#412237951 Champions of fallen warrior’s departing words, “If Not
Me, Then Who...” Veterans and survivors receive empowerment grants
for transition assistance, grief support, and emotional recovery. 8.1%
Trees for Troops (Christmas Spirit Foundation) (636)449-5060 www.
treesfortroops.org EIN#203361126 “Trees for Troops” brings joyous
holiday memories to U.S. military families and troops deployed
overseas by providing free, fresh, Real Christmas Trees. Merry
Christmas! 2.5% O,P,Q
United States Marines Youth Foundation, Inc. (703)207-9690 www.
marineyouthfoundation.org EIN#237022480 Our program is “The
Solution to a Drug-free America”. It helps reduce childhood obesity and
helps our youth resist drug, alcohol and tobacco use. 22.2% O,E,W
United Through Reading (858)481-7323 www.unitedthroughreading.
org EIN#330373000 Enable deployed U.S. Military members to read to
their children on video recordings from 200 locations on bases, ships,
and USO centers worldwide. 16.4% B,P,O
Veteran Tickets Foundation (888)241-1550 www.VetTix.org
EIN#262291955 Supporting our Military, Veterans and their Families
with entertainment, lasting memories and reintegration opportunities
by providing tickets to sporting events, concerts, and family activities.
1.0% W,N,A
70172 Veterans at Work for America: Technical Scholarship Fund
(Universal Technical Institute Foundation) (623)445-0933 www.
utifoundation.net EIN#593828402 Provides scholarships for veterans
to pursue technical education in the automotive, diesel, collision repair,
motorcycle, marine and NASCAR industries. All CFC contributions
71496 Veterans Resource Centers of America (Vietnam Veterans of
California Inc) (707)578-2785 www.vetsresource.org EIN#942699571
Iraq/ Afghanistan veterans, veterans of all eras and their families
received care and counseling for major physical and mental health
11383 World War II Heroes Foundation - Normandy Allies (Normandy
Allies Inc) (585)748-2357 www.normandyallies.org EIN#113390558
fought victoriously for freedom and peace. Our educational trips help
ensure they will never be forgotten. 9.6% B,W,A
94512 Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (813)938-1390 www.
wwiaf.org EIN#260718304 Serves our Nation’s combat wounded
Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class outdoor sporting
and promote their healing. 28.0% T,P,N
66860 Wreaths Across America (877)385-9504 www.
wreathsacrossamerica.org EIN#208362270 Please help us remember
fallen veterans; Honor those who serve our country; and Teach our
children the value of freedom. 10.8% P,B,T
Children’s Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
11804 Children’s Charities of America (800)374-1578 www.
childrenscharities.org EIN#943148588 All children are our future.
They all deserve our love. Join us to feed, teach, protect, and nurture
children in America and around the world. 3.8% O,P,Z
12410 1-800-RUNAWAY (National Runaway Switchboard) (800)RUNAWAY
www.1800runaway.org EIN#362726331 Millions of youth run away
each year. Help keep our runaway and at-risk youth safe and off the
streets. Providing support 24/7, whenever needed. 14.1% F,O,P
11119 4-H: National 4-H Council (301)961-2800 www.4-h.org
EIN#362862206 A positive youth development organization focused
on building a world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work
together as catalysts for positive change. 15.5% O,K,U
11198 A Child is Adopted (Americans for International Aid and Adoption)
(248)362-1207 www.achildisadopted.org EIN#382058290 Bringing
orphaned or abandoned children and adoptive parents together
through international adoption, while providing humanitarian aid to
children in need in the US and overseas. 3.5% P,O,Q
17527 A Child’s Refuge (717)385-9896 www.achildsrefuge.org
EIN#455307695 Many things we need can wait. A child cannot. Help
us express God’s love by providing food, water, housing, healthcare
and medicine to needy children. 0.1% K,E,B
30836 Abandoned Children’s Fund (888)884-0567 www.
abandonedchildrensfund.org EIN#205967513 Thousands of innocent
of disease, war, extreme poverty. Please help us house, feed, love and
rehabilitate them. 2.0% P,W,L
12462 Abandoned Little Angels Nhom Tinh Thuong (281)531-8267 www.
abandonedlittleangels.org EIN#030432991 Shares gift of love by ways
of distributing physical and monetary gifts to the needy children of
Vietnam, especially those who are handicapped and orphaned. 1.9%
11138 Abandoned, Orphaned and Disadvantaged Children’s Services
Worldwide - Pearl S. Buck International (Pearl S Buck International
Inc) (800)220-BUCK www.pearlsbuck.org EIN#231637212 Child
discrimination knows no place at home with family. We match the
world’s children with families through adoption, child sponsorship and
cross cultural exchange. 10.0% A,S,Q
41681 Abducted & Missing Children’s Recovery Project (Polly Klaas
Foundation) (707)769-1334 www.pollyklaas.org EIN#680314615
Find my child! We’re here to help recover missing children. Abduction
prevention information, support for families, and public policies that
keep children safe. 59.8% I,P,W
12128 Adopt All Orphans (National Council for Adoption) (703)299-6633
www.adoptioncouncil.org EIN#751721671 Children orphaned through
war and disaster are waiting for new forever families. Help provide
loving parents and permanent homes for these desperate children.
26.5% P,W,O
12014 Adopt America’s Children (Spaulding for Children) (248)443-7080
www.spaulding.org EIN#381871660 Children: sexually abused,
battered, abandoned. These children need loving adoptive families the
most. We believe every child deserves a loving family. Help us, help
them! 13.7% O,P,F
11805 Adoptable Children (North American Council) (North American
Council on Adoptable Children Inc DBA Adoptable) (651)644-3036
www.nacac.org EIN#510188951 More than 101,000 foster children
for these children, support adoptive families, and raise adoption
awareness. 18.8% P,O,S
11347 Adoption Center (National Adoption Center) (800)TO-ADOPT www.
with backgrounds of abuse and neglect. Adoption will give them a
lifetime of love! 13.2% P,O,W
26384 Adoption Center of Washington (703)549-7774 www.adoptioncenter.
com EIN#521797903 Abandoned, alone and in need! Help us
improve the lives of neglected, vulnerable children through adoption,
humanitarian support and post-adoptive services. 7.1% P,O,A
10364 Adoption Exchange (800)451-5246 www.adoptex.org
EIN#840793576 There are 101,650 abused children in foster care
waiting for permanent, adoptive families. Don’t make them wait! Help
15353 Afghan Children and War Orphans (Aschiana Foundation) (703)9790154 www.aschiana-foundation.org EIN#161710829 Children working
on the streets, hungry and alone. We offer food, healthcare, literacy/
vocational training to Afghan street children, giving hope and a better
life! 9.9% K,E,O
12025 After A Child Dies-The Compassionate Friends
(The Compassionate Friends Inc) (877)969-0010 www.
compassionatefriends.org EIN#362968329 A child’s death is
devastating. Parents are inconsolable. Siblings experience a
rollercoaster of emotions. Devastated grandparents are in shocked
disbelief. We help families to cope. 13.7% P,Y,W
12216 American Indian Children’s Fund (602)568-0414 www.
americanindianchildren.org EIN#860450338 Healing forgotten
and hurting Indian children by providing intelligent, compassionate
programs. Lifesaving food, clothing, counseling and Christian
education to impoverished families. Restoring lives with love! 3.5%
66272 America’s Unwanted Children (915)253-6393 www.
americasunwantedchildren.org EIN#270153927 Thousands of
unwanted, unloved, hurting children: help us provide a future with
belonging, love, identity and purpose; shelter, food, medical care,
education and vocational training. 5.0% K,L,P
11828 Aspen Camp of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (970)923-2511
www.aspencamp.org EIN#237006963 Change lives of Deaf,
Hard-of-Hearing children, adults, and families! How? Help provide
year-round experiential learning and outdoor adventures promoting
12404 Assisting Children with Disabilities (626)991-0009 www.
assistingchildren.com EIN#954812737 Assisting children with mental
and physical disabilities. Our primary goal is to improve the quality of
life for these special children. 11.0% T,O,Z
11808 Autism Society of America (800)3-AUTISM www.autism-society.org
EIN#521020149 1 in 88 children now diagnosed with autism--that’s
47,000 new families just this year. Help us provide support to those
living with autism today. 14.9% G,H,F
12016 Best Buddies for Children and Adults with Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities (Best Buddies International Inc)
(800)89-BUDDY www.bestbuddies.org EIN#521614576 Children
with intellectual disabilities often experience loneliness and isolation.
Change their futures by matching them with volunteers and creating
extraordinary friendships (“Best Buddies”) for life! 18.9% P,O,J
11348 Bethany Christian Services International (Bethany Christian
Services) (800)BETHANY www.bethany.org EIN#383291546 Bethany,
a global leader in adoption and social services, is about kids in
families! Finding families for children in need; keeping families in need
together. 0.0% P,W,Z
10197 Big Brothers Big Sisters International (469)248-4499 www.bbbsi.
org EIN#232987297 Great role models help children succeed and
thrive! Matching exceptional mentors with struggling children around
the world to overcome enormous economic, social, and personal
obstacles. 20.2% O,P
11122 Blind Children and Adults Action Fund of America (American
Brotherhood for The Blind DBA Blind Children and Adults) (410)6599315 www.actionfund.org EIN#521192529 Reducing the 90% illiteracy
rate among the blind by helping blind children learn Braille through
reading clubs, summer programs, free Braille books, assistance to
parents. 20.0% B,R,W
30074 Boys & Girls Clubs of America (404)487-5700 www.bgca.org
EIN#135562976 When you open a Club door, you give vulnerable
youth safe places to learn, grow and have fun. Open the door to great
futures! 13.1% O,P,S
12479 Boys Do Cry and Girls Can Box (TrueChild Inc) (202)309-1416 www.
truechild.org EIN#134087914 Helping boys and girls break through
gender stereotypes - and teaching adults the harm of gender labels so all children grow to reach their full potential. 36.1% B,O,R
10376 Boys Hope Girls Hope 877-878-HOPE www.boyshopegirlshope.org
EIN#510182614 Helping academically capable and motivated children
to meet their full potential and become people for others. We provide
value-centered, family-like homes, opportunities and education. 22.8%
12017 C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation (425)251-3202 www.castforkids.
exhilarating feeling to a disabled or disadvantaged child with our
extraordinary program of outdoor recreational, educational sport
11076 Camp Courageous (Camp Courageous of Iowa) (319)465-5916
www.campcourageous.org EIN#237210932 Thousands of campers
with disabilities attend Courageous’ recreational and respite facilities
annually. Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Run entirely on
donations. 8.5% N,P,E
11190 Camp Fire(CampFireUSA)(800)669-6884www.campfire.org
EIN#131623921 Support programs that are proven to develop
Camp Heartland (One Heartland Inc) (800)724-HOPE www.
oneheartland.org EIN#391763115 Fun and freedom from stigma:
That’s what One Heartland provides children and youth facing social
Campaign to End Childhood Hunger (Food Research & Action
Center Inc) (202)986-2200 www.frac.org EIN#237200739 Fighting
hunger and food insecurity in America. Low-income children need
good food to learn and thrive. This problem is too widespread in our
prosperous society. 10.7% K,W,O
Canines for Disabled Kids (978)422-5299 www.caninesforkids.
org EIN#043412812 Autism silences a child’s laugh. Disability halts
a child’s life. These specially trained service dogs liberate children,
promote independence and social awareness, and help families.
11.8% O,D,P
Carolina Adoption Services, Inc. (800)632-9312 www.
carolinaadoption.org EIN#561839309 So many children are living in
poverty and desperate situations. Every child deserves to be loved.
Please help by supporting adoption and humanitarian efforts. 20.4%
CASA - Court Appointed Advocates for Abused Children (National
Court Appointed Special Advocate Association) (800)628-3233 www.
casaforchildren.org EIN#911255818 More than 600,000 abused/
neglected children are currently in foster care and need safe,
permanent, loving homes. Turn hurt to a life of hope. 15.0% R,T,P
Center for Adoption Support & Education, Inc. (301)476-8525 www.
adoptionsupport.org EIN#522100734 Children neglected, physically
or sexually abused are being adopted by loving families. Impact of this
abuse does not go away. Help us heal these children. 14.9% F,W,O
Charitable Children’s Fund of America (661)633-9076 www.
childrensfundofamerica.org EIN#571197371 We provide higher
education, mental and physical healthcare assistance to children
Afghanistan. 13.1% B,F,E
Child Art Foundation, International (202)530-1000 www.icaf.org
EIN#522032649 Support children’s creative development! Bring
arts education and creative activities to schools, inspiring a more
innovative, visionary, and stimulating future for students. 25.3% A,O,Q
Child Find of America800-IAM-LOSTwww.childfindofamerica.org
EIN#222323336 Child kidnapping prevention and location specialists,
helping children and devastated parents through free investigation,
mediation and publicity. Your gift could bring a missing child home.
8.6% P,I,O
Child Molesters Behind Bars - Keeping Children Safe (Innocent
Justice Foundation) (760)944-1640 www.innocentjustice.org
EIN#770709388 Help Rescue American Children From Molesters! We
help law enforcement get the tools they need to track down thousands
of child predators and rescue kids. 4.2% W,M,I
Child Slavery, Trafficking and Forced Labor Rescue (GoodWeave
USA) (202)234-9050 www.GoodWeave.org EIN#522042014 Devoted
looms in Asia, and offering them rehabilitation, counseling, education
and a home. 16.1% Q,R,O
Child Welfare League of America (202)688-4200 www.cwla.org
EIN#131641066 Help hundreds of thousands of abused and neglected
children. Make sure every child will grow up in a safe, loving and stable
family. 17.8% P,O,Y
Childhelp® (480)922-8212 www.childhelp.org EIN#952884608
Children who’ve seen the worst that life has to offer need your help!
Help victims of child abuse and neglect with prevention, intervention,
and treatment. 10.1% P,F,R
ChildHope (Child Concern & Care Fund) (626)991-0009 www.
childhope-childconcern.org EIN#330824455 Give hope to a child!
You can make a huge difference, providing food, shelter, clothing,
charity. 4.1% K,E,X
Children Awaiting Parents (888)835-8802 www.
loving, adoptive homes for abandoned, abused and neglected children
who languish in the foster care system. Many have emotional/mental/
physical disabilities. 13.9% P,W
Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) (National Association for Children
of Alcoholics) (888)554-2627 www.nacoa.org EIN#942865311 Those
most hurt by alcohol and drugs don’t even use them! Help us protect
and save the children of alcoholics from physical and psychological
abuse. 14.0% O,P,E
Children of the Night (800)551-1300 www.childrenofthenight.org
EIN#953130408 Rescues America’s children from the ravages of
prostitution. Providing shelter, hope and new-beginnings. With your
11.8% L,P,F
Children of Vietnam (336)727-1110 www.childrenofvietnam.org
EIN#311605964 Vulnerable children in Vietnam facing hunger,
inadequate healthcare, homelessness, and lack of education. Help us
educate minds, mend bodies, shelter families, and build bright futures.
9.8% P,E,B
Children’s Angel Airlines (800)296-1217 www.childrensangelairlines.
org EIN#541739660 Your gift makes FREE air transportation to
distant medical treatments possible for needy, sick children and family
members with no means to get there. 2.5% P,W,E
11812 Children’s Defense Fund (202)628-8787 www.childrensdefense.org
EIN#520895622 No child deserves poverty, hunger, sickness, abuse,
solutions, and makes a difference for all children in America. 16.9%
12023 Children’s Fire & Burn Fund (National S A F E Home Foundation
Inc) (800)877-1250 www.burn-fund.org EIN#161421480 Help save
and injury. 22.2% B,P,W
11127 Children’s Food and Care Fund (626)991-0009 www.
childrensfoodandcare.org EIN#237072606 One of the most trusted
charities providing food, shelter, clothing and emergency medical care
to needy children in the United States and overseas since 1970. 1.8%
73141 Children’s Food, Healthcare, Shelter and Education Fund (Aid for
Kids) (207)538-7899 www.aidforkids.org EIN#203918985 We feed
hungry children living in poverty, send doctors and medicine, build
their parents. 1.7% K,E,B
50400 Children’s Home Society of Minnesota (Childrens Home Society
& Family Services) (800)952-9302 www.chsfs.org EIN#410693906
Children’s Home provides adoption and post-adoption educational
services to parents and children. We work to give every child security,
opportunity, permanency and a loving family. 24.0% P,W,O
10856 Children’s Hope International Foundation (888)899-2349 www.
HelpAnOrphan.org EIN#431932814 Health and Hope for orphans
and children trapped in poverty. We’re committed to giving needed
physical, medical, and educational aid to children around the world.
8.5% Q,E,B
11814 Children’s Hunger Fund (800)708-7589 www.childrenshungerfund.
org EIN#954335462 Feeding the hungry at home and abroad. Food,
clothing and medicines aid children in impoverished countries and in
America’s inner-cities. 1.4% K,W,X
50202 Children’s Wish Foundation International (800)323-9474 www.
childrenswish.org EIN#581642982 Dying children exist in a world of
doctors, hospitals and despair. Your donation gives hope and joy by
10832 Childspring International Inc. (404)228-7744 www.childspringintl.org
EIN#582617948 We provide life-saving medical care and educational
opportunities to children in need around the world! Saving the whole
child; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 15.0% E,O,G
78066 Childvision, Inc. (888)797-9900 www.childvision.org EIN#300098437
100% of donations help orphaned children reach full potential as
successful adults! Provide education, life-skills training and hope to
older children aging out of orphanages. 0.0% O,P,W
11829 Covenant House (800)388-3888 www.covenanthouse.org
EIN#132725416 Give homeless teens a future! We shelter, mentor and
job train kids with nowhere else to turn. Fifteen shelters - 60,000 teens
yearly need help. 31.0% O,L,R
11131 Crossroads Adoption Services (952)831-5707 www.
crossroadsadoption.org EIN#411325998 132 million orphans live
without families. Many of these children will grow up alone, without
12127 Dream Factory, Inc. (502)561-3001 www.dreamfactoryinc.org
children who deal with pain and illness everyday. Help us make joyful
memories for children and families. 9.6% P,N,W
73936 East Meets West Foundation (510)763-7045 www.eastmeetswest.
org EIN#330316095 Offering free modern dental services to
impoverished Vietnamese children who otherwise have no access
to dental treatment. Bring happy, healthy smiles to disadvantaged
children today. 19.0% E,P,T
10382 Families Thru International Adoption (888)797-9900 www.ftia.org
EIN#351961430 Children languish in orphanages in many countries.
We provide foster care, education, medical and other life-saving aid
10179 Family, Career & Community Leaders of America, Inc. (703)4764900 www.fcclainc.org EIN#530178290 Students learn leadership,
personal development, career education, and preparation for adult
life. Focus is on family, roles in society, and greater understanding of
community. 8.9% O,B,S
11816 Farm Safety 4 Just Kids (800)423-KIDS www.farmsafetyforjustkids.
org EIN#421309917 Help us prevent accidents, injuries and deaths
of America’s rural kids! We promote safe farm environments through
public education, awareness campaigns, and informed educational
resources. 44.8% B,K,O
10384 Feed My Starving Children (763)504-2919 www.fmsc.org
EIN#411601449 Feeding malnourished children around the world.
Volunteers pack over 190 million nutritious meals for starving children
in nearly 70 countries. Each meal costs $0.22. 12.9% K,X,O
12027 Feeding America’s Hungry Children (602)241-2873 www.
feedingahc.org EIN#412061798 America’s Children Hungry! Desperate
for Food! Hurting and without Hope! Help us provide for the desperate
food needs of impoverished children throughout America. 0.6% K,E,C
61677 Food for Orphans, Inc. (719)591-7777 www.foodfororphans.org
disease, helps focus in school, and eases pain in little tummies. Help
rush nutritious food to starving orphans! 15.3% K,O,E
61788 Foster Care Alumni of America (703)299-6767 www.
fostercarealumni.org EIN#760764462 Who knows better than one
who’s been through it? We assist foster kids by harvesting the
knowledge, experience, ideas, and perspectives of foster care alumni.
40.1% R,P,W
12028 Foster Care Children and Family Fund (Partners in Foster Care
Inc) (608)274-9111 www.fostering.us EIN#391742351 Children are
abandoned through no fault of their own. We’re improving foster
children’s lives through college scholarships, training for foster parents,
summer camp and more. 5.7% P,A,G
11817 Foster Parent Association, National (800)557-5238 www.nfpaonline.
org EIN#060899870 Help us support and strengthen foster families!
Protecting abused and neglected children. Educating and assisting the
giving, caring foster families who take them in. 16.0% W,S,P
12219 Free Medical, Surgical, and Dental for Children (Healing the
Children Northeast Incorporated) (860)355-1828 www.htcne.org
EIN#061172388 Envision a world where every child has access to
medical care. Our volunteer surgeons and nurses provide free medical
treatment to the world’s poorest children. 20.6% E,G,P
11818 Future Farmers of America (317)802-6060 www.ffa.org
EIN#540524844 Dedicated to the future and youth success! Preparing
students for premier leadership, personal growth, career success,
education. 19.7% B,O,T
82171 FXB USA, Inc. (212)697-3566 www.fxb.org EIN#133772789 Invest
in children, empower families, strengthen communities! Support the
world’s orphans and vulnerable children with direct support to families
and communities that care for them. 39.0% E,S,K
95108 Gift of Adoption Fund, Inc. (847)205-2784 www.giftofadoption.org
EIN#391863217 The gift of adoption gives children a future. Saving
children in dire situations and supporting the loving, giving, permanent
families who want to adopt them! 20.7% P,O,W
11484 Global Camps Africa (703)437-0808 www.globalcampsafrica.org
EIN#912191939 Giving vulnerable youth in South Africa hope for
a healthy, productive future through HIV and life skills education at
Residential Camps and Youth Clubs. 24.0% O,B,Z
10803 Half the Sky Foundation (510)525-3377 www.halfthesky.org
EIN#954714047 Half the Sky was created to enrich the lives of
orphaned children in China. Our goal is to ensure every orphaned child
a brighter future. 12.3% P,O,E
12408 Hawaii International Child Placement & Family Services (808)5892367 www.adoptionhawaii.org EIN#990164045 Children without
69541 HealthEd Connect (816)519-4925 www.healthedconnect.org
EIN#271115162 Save an African village! Assist innocent HIV/AIDS
orphaned children and women in dire circumstances. Train community
12220 Holt International Children’s Services (888)355-4658 www.
holtinternational.org EIN#237257390 We help struggling families
care for their children, and unite orphaned and abandoned children
with adoptive families. Because every child deserves a loving, secure
home. 24.8% P,O,Z
12409 Hope for the Hungry (254)939-0124 www.hopeforthehungry.org
EIN#742256304 On average, 21,000 children die daily from disease
and malnutrition. Help us to “Share the Bread of Life” to save innocent,
struggling children worldwide. 12.6% X,O,W
95314 Hope of Life International(401)421-9078www.hopeoflifeintl.org
EIN#262061324 Saving Lives! Providing food, clean water, clothes,
education and medical care to desperate families. Shipping medical
equipment, medical supplies and humanitarian supplies to the needy.
1.3% B,E,K
12537 Hope Unlimited for Children Inc (888)444-1344 www.hopeunlimited.
org EIN#330480141 Eyes once dim with fear, now bright with promise!
Transforming the desperate lives of Brazilian street children through
long-term educational, residential and therapeutic programs. 27.5%
12030 Indian Youth of America (712)252-3230 www.indianyouthofamerica.
org EIN#521150452 Low self-esteem, poor nutrition, obesity, diabetes,
suicide and unhealthy lifestyles. Assisting American Indian youth to
overcome these obstacles to live hopeful, happy, productive lives.
8.3% O,P,B
11875 INMED Partnerships for Children (703)729-4951 www.inmed.org
EIN#521482339 Rescuing children from the immediate and irreversible
harm of disease, hunger, neglect or instability. Building strong leaders
to meet the challenges of the next generation. 0.7% E,P,K
11146 Kids Alive® International (800)KIDS-330 www.kidsalive.org
EIN#311140515 Children die every day in poverty. Every child we
rescue receives loving care (physical, educational, emotional, spiritual)
through Residential Homes, Care Centers and Schools worldwide.
14.4% L,P,X
72672 Kidsave International (310)642-7283 www.kidsave.org
EIN#911887623 Every kid deserves someone to tuck them in and tell
and connect with caring adults. 12.3% O,P,R
17876 Love Without Boundaries Foundation (405)216-5837 www.
lovewithoutboundaries.com EIN#061710161 Provide life-saving
surgeries, education, foster care and healing homes for orphaned
and impoverished children. Every child deserves respect, love, and
treatment with dignity and care. 7.7% E,P,O
11821 Masonic Foundation for Children (800)356-2766 www.
masonicmodel.org EIN#550731354 Addiction. Depression. Suicide.
Eating Disorders. Violence. Bullying. We continue to assist schools in
successfully combating these serious issues in our youth. Help us help
kids! 5.7% B,F,O
11147 My Stuff Bags® Foundation (818)865-3860 www.mystuffbags.
org EIN#954671812 Providing individual “My Stuff Bags” of new
belongings to abused and neglected children rescued from tragic
situations and arriving possession-less at crisis and foster shelters.
8.1% T,O,L
11136 National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc. (888)575-7373 www.
ld.org EIN#132899381 NCLD improves the lives of all people with
young adults, transforming schools, creating policy and advocacy
impact. 15.7% B,R,O
11822 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (800)THE-LOST
www.missingkids.com EIN#521328557 Become a hero! Join NCMEC
sexual exploitation on our streets and the internet. 6.6% P,O,W
10389 National Center for Youth Law (510)835-8098 www.youthlaw.org
EIN#942506933 We use the law to help children! Ensuring that lowincome children have the resources, support, and opportunities they
need for a fair start in life. 14.4% I,R,W
12031 National Children’s Advocacy Center (256)533-5437 www.
nationalcac.org EIN#630891512 Not every kid has a happy childhood.
Let’s change that! Supporting intervention/treatment programs for
sexually abused children, abuse prevention education for families and
professionals. 17.3% F,O,P
10390 National Indian Child Welfare Association (503)222-4044 www.
nicwa.org EIN#930951531 Protecting our children and preserving
our culture. Ensuring every American Indian child is free from abuse,
neglect, and the damaging effects of drug abuse. 39.8% O,F,R
10391 National Mentoring Partnership (617)303-4600 www.mentoring.org
EIN#521674088 Help ensure struggling young people know someone
is there for them. Mentors help keep kids in school, and build selfesteem, communication, education and leadership skills. 14.9% O,B,R
10393 Operation USA (800)678-7255 www.opusa.org EIN#953504080
Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, war. We serve those in greatest
need yet often ignored by larger aid organizations. These displaced,
disaster-stricken children need your help. 1.6% M,S,E
90466 Optimist International Foundation (314)371-6000 www.oifoundation.
org EIN#237102928 Helping Optimist International to create a more
optimistic future for young people and communities through innovative
leadership and service programs, scholarships, and philanthropic
training. 28.4% T,O,S
11823 orphanCare International (Dillon International Inc) (918)749-4600
www.orphancareintl.org EIN#731078800 Abandoned. Alone. Hungry.
This describes the life of the world’s orphans. Every child has value!
Every dollar makes a difference! Provide Shelter, Food, Education,
Support. 15.4% P,O,Z
10366 Orphaned Children’s Services (Joint Council on International
Childrens Services) (703)535-8045 www.jointcouncil.org
EIN#911171174 Improve the lives of orphaned children globally
through health, wellness, adoption, and family. Serving children.
Protecting families. Worldwide 11.0% O,R,Q
12272 Pacer Center, Inc. (952)838-9000 www.pacer.org EIN#411306304
Helping parents, teens, and children, with and without disabilities,
through individual assistance, workshops, publications and other
resources on disability awareness, assistive technology, and bullying
prevention. 14.7% P,B,O
93418 Pajama Program (212)716-9757 www.pajamaprogram.org
EIN#020588068 Provide cozy, new pajamas and new books to
children in need; many waiting and hoping to be adopted, often being
10857 Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (330)678-2645 www.pcrf.net
EIN#931057665 We arrange free surgery for sick and injured children
from the Middle East by sending them abroad or sponsoring volunteer
missions in local hospitals. 5.5% E,O,Z
11824 Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (888)818-7662 www.pomc.org
EIN#311023437 Comfort for those cruelly bereaved by the murder
of a loved one. Keeping murderers in prison, reviving cold cases,
prevention/awareness programs and supporting survivors. 29.4%
12034 Philippine Children’s Fund of America (800)660-4009 www.
pinoykids.org EIN#943162880 Serving underprivileged children
including Amerasians left from closure of US bases; Provide livelihood
opportunities to indigenous people; Environmental programs and
services for youth and community. 4.9% O,P,C
11130 Philippine Children’s Shelter (Childrens Shelter of Cebu) (651)4931551 www.philippinechildrensshelter.org EIN#411330241 Shelter is
more than a roof overhead! Providing impoverished Filipino children
with food, medicine, education and a loving home through four
residences and a school. 15.5% L,P,X
10395 Rainbows for All Children (847)952-1770 www.rainbows.org
EIN#363262836 Help grieving children cope after any loss (death,
deployment, divorce), avoid destructive behaviors (drugs, depression),
and develop lifelong skills with no charge to their families. 13.4% F,P,O
11831 Reach the Children, Inc. (800)275-3003 www.reachthechildren.org
EIN#161569622 Poverty and AIDS kill children. Help us save them by
providing education, health-care, clean water, and micro-enterprise
5.6% S,K,B
Royal Family Kids, Inc. (714)438-2494 www.royalfamilykids.org
EIN#330380021 Abused and abandoned kids need special care; we
create positive memories for almost 7000 abused children nationwide
in hundreds of camps and mentoring programs. 7.7% O,P,N
Safe Kids Worldwide (202)662-0600 www.safekids.org
EIN#521627574 Unintentional injuries are the #1 one cause of death to
children in the US. We provide parents with practical resources to keep
kids safe. 34.3% E,W,O
Seedlings Braille Books for Children (800)777-8552 www.seedlings.
org EIN#382565354 Open the world of literacy to blind children by
toddler board books to literary classics. 6.4% P,W,O
Special Olympics, Inc. (800)380-3071 www.specialolympics.org
EIN#520889518 Providing year-round sports training and competition
for people with intellectual disabilities. Empowering individuals to
and make lifelong friendships. 18.2% P,N,W
Toys For Tots Foundation (Marine Toys for Tots Foundation)
(703)640-9433 www.toysfortots.org EIN#203021444 Brighten a child’s
face on Christmas morning. Help the Marines provide a treasured gift
and a cherished memory for millions of our nation’s neediest children.
2.5% P,O,W
Vietnam Health, Education and Literature Projects (408)586-8100
www.vnhelp.org EIN#943169584 Orphans, abandoned, handicapped,
elders, low-income college students, ethnic minority, etc. are the
poorest of the poor in Vietnam. Join us to improve their lives. 15.8%
World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (206)5754550 www.wacap.org EIN#910962079 A leading child welfare
care and for orphans in other countries. 17.2% P,O,Q
World Children’s Fund (408)363-8100 www.worldchildrensfund.org
EIN#770210616 We defend the Seven Rights of a Child. Creating
a world where no child is hungry, sick, homeless, unprotected,
unschooled, unloved or suffers violence. 22.2% T,P,M
Youth Leaders for the Future, A Legacy Initiative (Institute for
Practical Idealism DBA Youth Leaders for the Future A) (540)297-5982
www.globalyouthvillage.org EIN#510249070 Create a better future!
They bring skills home to their communities and become responsible,
compassionate leaders. 5.1% O,S,W
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
(202)638-1144 www.zerotothree.org EIN#521105189 Ensure the
best care and learning opportunities for the very young. We promote
the healthy development of infants/ toddlers by supporting and
strengthening families/ communities. 5.6% O,S,P
Charities Under 5% Overhead
Federation and Member Organizations
50320 Charities Under 5% Overhead (888)465-1118 www.loweroverhead.
org EIN#273132492 These charities spend 95 cents or more of
fundraising and administration. 5.2% P,D,C
11083 A Mission for Children (American Nicaraguan Foundation Inc)
(305)374-3391 www.anfnicaragua.org EIN#650326517 Children
needlessly dying. Students dropping out of school because of illness
and lack of supplies. Newborns’ development stunted by vitamin
10544 Adoption Exchange Association (888)200-4005 www.adoptea.org
EIN#521452079 101,719 US foster children need adoptive families!
AEA recruits families and helps professionals and families negotiate
local and interstate adoption. Home to adoptuskids.org. 3.5% P,O,W
10979 Aid for Starving Children (800)514-3499 www.aidforstarvingchildren.
org EIN#521224507 One child dying of hunger every twelve secondsover 7,000 a day- must stop! Make a difference. Your actions can help
save a child’s life. 2.4% P,K,O
11876 American Indian Youth Running Strong (Christian Relief Services
Charities Inc) (888)491-9859 www.indian-youth.org EIN#541594578
Raising standard of living, self-esteem of Native American children.
Providing relief, development to Indian Reservations. Teaching
traditional life skills, healthy lifestyles, respect for Mother Earth. 2.8%
11962 Americans Helping Americans (Christian Relief Services Charities
Inc) (888)242-5026 www.helpingamericans.org EIN#541594577
Fighting American poverty by aiding needy Appalachian and urban
Americans; providing low-income families, elderly, domestic violence
victims with basic relief, support services and affordable housing. 4.9%
18928 Animal Slaughter & Child Starvation Stop Here! (A Well-Fed World)
against people and animals by helping poor, hungry families feed
themselves while saving innocent animals from mutilation, severe
11144 Children & Charity - Educating, Feeding and Caring for the
Needy (Children & Charity International) (202)234-0488 www.
childrenandcharity.org EIN#753121647 Educating, feeding and
saving lives of children around the world. We provide critical learning
and mentoring experiences, and lifesaving services to poor and
underrepresented children. 2.1% P,O,S
Children’s Compassion Fund (The Faith and Freedom Network)
(626)233-7716 www.childrenscompassionfund.org EIN#420894479
Change a child’s future! Rescue abandoned and special needs
children. Help provide food, shelter, education, special surgeries and
medicines, loving care, a chance for adoption. 2.3% E,K,X
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund (602)241-2873 www.cemfund.
org EIN#861004356 Malnutrition: a child’s gravest threat. Weakened
and hungry, children fall prey to disease. Help save these starving
children through life-saving medical supplies and healthy foods. 1.2%
Dollars for Scholars (Scholarship America Inc) (800)279-2083 www.
scholarshipamerica.org EIN#042296967 Help change a life! Our
scholarships help students gain access to college; our support, through
3.1% B,O,S
Food & Medicine for the Poor (Hope for the City) (952)500-8652
www.hopeforthecity.org EIN#371441658 We turn surplus into
resources that save lives. Redistributing nourishing food and goods
to America’s neediest families, and to poverty stricken communities
around the world. 2.2% E,K,P
Global Ties (National Council for International Visitors) (202)842-1414
www.GlobalTiesUS.org EIN#520848094 Global Ties U.S. works
for a peaceful, prosperous world where individuals build enduring
relationships through international exchange. 2.3% Q,B,T
Humane Farm Animal Care(703)435-3883www.certifiedhumane.
root or move, chickens stuffed in cages. Fight cruelty in raising and
handling of animals. 2.4% D,K,C
IMA World Health (Interchurch Medical Assistance Inc) (410)635-8720
www.imaworldhealth.org EIN#522112460 We provide essential health
care services and supplies to vulnerable and marginalized people in
developing countries, working with public and faith based partners.
2.1% E,G,X
Lion of Judah Ministries Inc. (772)245-8693 www.thelionofjudah.info
EIN#320089738 Forgotten children -- AIDS orphans, poor children and
pastor’s children -- are provided outstanding education and loving care
in a Christian setting in Tanzania. 3.7% B,X,Q
Mercy Medical Airlift (888)675-1405 www.mercymedical.org
EIN#521374161 We ensure that all needy patients are provided
access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis and
treatment with long-distance medical air or ground transportation. 2.4%
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc. (800)556-3729 www.
mercyusa.org EIN#382846307 Give primary health care, nutrition and
orphans and other vulnerable youth through vocational training. 3.1%
National Alliance for Hispanic Health (202)387-5000 www.
hispanichealth.org EIN#952856725 Improve health of Hispanic
communities and work with others to secure health for all. Our
members are delivering quality healthcare to over 100 million annually.
2.3% P,E,W
Health First - America’s Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
10963 Health First - America’s Charities (800)458-9505 www.charities.
org EIN#300186796 Supporting those facing life-threatening illness,
giving comfort and aid, conducting much-needed research, member
organizations’ programs provide services that may be found nowhere
else. 6.8% E,G,P
12117 Alzheimer’s and Aging Research Center (866)963-2272 www.
aging-research.org EIN#330950810 Supports research dedicated
treatments. Your contribution funds scientists searching for cures to
Alzheimer’s and aging related conditions. 9.2% H,U,B
10892 Arthritis & Chronic Pain Research Institute (800)877-4166 www.
pain-research.org EIN#330950814 Chronic pain caused by arthritis,
cancer, and other medical conditions cripple 86 million Americans.
Help us continue our search for new medications to relieve pain.
16.7% H,U,B
11148 Black Women’s Health Imperative (National Black Womens
Health Project Inc) (202)548-4000 www.BlackWomensHealth.org
EIN#581557556 The only national organization advancing the health
and wellness of our nation’s Black women and girls, through policy and
advocacy, education, research and leadership development. 22.8%
12193 Breast Cancer Coalition (National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund)
(800)622-2838 www.breastcancerdeadline2020.org EIN#521782065
Breast Cancer Coalition is dedicated to knowing how to end breast
cancer by January 1, 2020 through the power of grassroots action and
advocacy. 17.0% G,W,E
10883 Breast Cancer Research Center (Osteoporosis and Breast Cancer
Research Center) (866)786-2272 www.ResearchWomensHealth.
org EIN#330950811 Your support makes a difference by funding vital
research dedicated to the discovery of treatments and cures for breast
cancer and health issues affecting women. 10.9% H,G,B
11074 Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation (Prevent Cancer
Foundation) (800)227-2732 www.preventcancer.org EIN#521429544
Your donation funds cancer prevention research; educates people
about how they can prevent cancer and detect it early; and supports
community cancer prevention programs. 20.4% E,H,G
11716 Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation (800)225-0292 www.
ChristopherReeve.org EIN#222939536 The Reeve Foundation is
dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research,
and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis. 21.6%
11359 Diabetes National Research Group (800)877-3457 www.diabetesscience.orgEIN#330950812Fundsresearchtofindtreatmentsand
cures for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Over 25,000,000 Americans are
affected by diabetes, please support our scientists. 8.5% H,G,B
11149 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc. (800)321-3437 www.
diabetesresearch.org EIN#591361955 Committed to curing children
and adults now living with diabetes and leads the world in bringing
promising treatments to patients as fast as possible. 27.6% H,E,G
11990 Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of
America (855)287-3432 www.debra.org EIN#112519726 Direct
services and research support for Epidermolysis Bullosa, a devastating
and sometimes fatal genetic disorder characterized by severe blisters,
wounds and extreme pain. 9.1% E,G,H
25881 Food Allergy Research & Education (703)691-3179 www.
foodallergy.org EIN#133905508 To ensure the safety and inclusion of
individuals with food allergies while relentlessly seeking a cure. 20.6%
12006 International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western
Hemisphere Region (International Planned Parenthood Federation)
(866)477-3947 www.ippfwhr.org EIN#131845455 Providing access
to sexual and reproductive health information and services for all,
especially the poor and marginalized. 9.8% E,R,P
82916 John Wayne Cancer Institute (800)262-6259 www.jwci.org
EIN#954291515 Dedicated to curing cancer and eliminating patient
suffering worldwide. Our mission is accomplished through innovative
clinical and laboratory research, and educating surgical oncologists
and scientists. 50.7% H,G,E
11991 LIVESTRONG Foundation, The (877)236-8820 www.livestrong.org
lives of people affected by cancer now. 16.5% E,P,W
11152 Marfan Foundation, The (800)862-7326 www.marfan.org
EIN#521265361 We work tirelessly to advance research, serve as
a resource for families and healthcare providers, and raise public
awareness about Marfan syndrome and related disorders. 11.8%
35748 Melanoma Research Foundation (800)673-1290 www.melanoma.
treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma. To educate and act as
an advocate for the melanoma community. 14.4% G,T,H
95466 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (800)585-4118 www.
mskcc.org EIN#131924236 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is
the world’s oldest and largest institution dedicated to cancer research
and care. 3.4% H,G,E
11150 Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (800)532-7667 www.
MyMSAA.org EIN#221912812 The Multiple Sclerosis Association of
America (MSAA) is a leading resource for the entire MS community,
improving lives today through vital services and support. 31.7% E,P,G
11714 NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation (202)973-3000 www.
ProChoiceAmericaFDN.org EIN#521100361 Works nationally and with
choose, reproductive justice, and access to family planning services.
48.2% B,R,E
11151 National Down Syndrome Society (800)221-4602 www.ndss.org
EIN#132992567 Strives to be the national advocate for the value,
acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome, focusing on
public policy and public awareness. 24.7% P,R,B
11992 National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) (800)999-6673
www.rarediseases.org EIN#133223946 Provides understandable
information on rare diseases; peer networking; community resource
referrals; patient medication assistance programs; research; advocacy
for over 25 million people with rare disorders. 9.6% G,H,Y
10939 Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (866)399-6262 www.
ovariancancer.org EIN#311581756 Ovarian cancer is the deadliest
of the gynecologic cancers. We advance the interests of women with
ovarian cancer through our advocacy, education and awareness
efforts. 14.1% E,G,W
11154 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (800)873-9569 www.ocrf.org
EIN#133806788 Your gift funds public education and cutting-edge
38556 Research Down Syndrome (877)863-2121 www.researchds.org
EIN#270477191 Changing the course in understanding and treating
intellectual disabilities in Down syndrome. 24.2% H,W
11715 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (National Tuberous Sclerosis
Association Inc) (800)225-6872 www.tsalliance.org EIN#953018799
The TS Alliance supports tuberous sclerosis research, maintains a
national family support network, and promotes public awareness and
the education of medical and allied professionals. 26.5% H,G,E
88763 United Cerebral Palsy (800)872-5827 www.ucp.org EIN#203568840
UCP ensures a life without limits for people with a spectrum of
disabilities through programs, information and referral, advocacy,
technology initiatives, research and direct services. 61.9% E,R,G
Community Health Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
12196 Community Health Charities (800)654-0845 www.healthcharities.
org EIN#136167225 Partnering with America’s most trusted health
charities to deliver credible health information, community-focused
workplace. 3.0% E,G,H
11996 AIDS Research Foundation (amfAR) (The Foundation for AIDS
Research) (800)392-6327 www.amfar.org EIN#133163817 Supports
innovative AIDS research; educates patients, doctors and the public
about HIV treatment/prevention; advocates to protect the rights of all
people affected by HIV/AIDS. 25.3% H,G,R
96295 Alliance for a Healthier Generation (877)829-5500 www.
healthiergeneration.org EIN#272028308 To reduce the nationwide
prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids nationwide to
make healthy lifestyle choices. 21.0% K,G,E
11997 ALS Association, The (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn) (202)4078580 www.alsa.org EIN#133271855 The ALS Association leads the
compassionate care and support of people with ALS and their families.
26.5% G,H,R
11234 Alzheimer’s Association® (Alzheimers Disease and Related
Disorders Association Inc) (800)272-3900 www.alz.org
EIN#133039601 The Alzheimer’s Association® is the leading voluntary
health organization in Alzheimer care and support and the largest
10570 American Cancer Society (800)ACS-2345 www.cancer.org
EIN#131788491 The American Cancer Society saves lives and creates
more birthdays by helping you stay well, helping you get well, by
11235 American Diabetes Association (800)342-2383 www.diabetes.org
care and providing information and support to help Stop Diabetes®
through research, community programs and advocacy. 28.6% E,G,H
10571 American Hearing Research Foundation (630)617-5079 www.
american-hearing.org EIN#362612784 The American Hearing
treatments for hearing loss, and provides trusted information on
hearing disorders. 11.4% H,G,E
11236 American Heart Association (800)AHA-USA1 www.heart.org
leading causes of death, through innovative research, public education
and training, and changes to public policy. 20.9% E,G,H
11404 American Kidney Fund (800)638-8299 www.kidneyfund.org
and prevention efforts. 3.0% E,G,P
10572 American Liver Foundation (212)668-1000 www.liverfoundation.
advocates and promotes education, support and research for
prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease. 18.2% G,H,E
11998 American Lung Association (800)LUN-GUSA www.lung.org
EIN#131632524 The ALA’s mission - save lives by improving lung
health and preventing lung disease through research, education,
awareness, smoking cessation and air pollution prevention. 9.7%
10573 American Parkinson Disease Association (800)223-2732 www.
apdaparkinson.org EIN#131962771 Dedicated to funding Parkinson’s
research, providing comprehensive medical information, extensive
public/professional education and support services. 28.2% G,E,T
11237 Arthritis Foundation (800)283-7800 www.arthritis.org
EIN#581341679 The Foundation helps people take greater control of
their Arthritis by leading efforts to prevent, control and cure the nation’s
number one cause of disability. 26.3% E,H,S
12413 Autism Speaks (888)777-6227 www.autismspeaks.org
EIN#202329938 We fund biomedical research into the causes,
prevention, treatments and cure for autism spectrum disorders;
increase awareness; and advocate for the needs of affected families.
32.0% H,G,P
10579 Be the Match Foundation (612)884-8700 www.
bethematchfoundation.org EIN#411704734 We support the National
Marrow Donor Program. Together, we help patients who require a
19.7% G,H,E
11999 Cancer Research Institute (800)992-2623 www.cancerresearch.org
EIN#131837442 Cancer Research Institute supports and coordinates
treatment, control, and prevention of cancer. 16.0% H,U,P
10596 CaringBridge (651)452-7940 www.caringbridge.org EIN#421529394
each other during any type of health event. 19.2% E,P,W
10919 Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation (609)452-1200
www.cpirf.org EIN#136093337 Maximize the potential and quality of
life of people with cerebral palsy (CP) and reduce the prevalence and
impact of CP through funding cutting-edge research. 16.6% H,E,T
24529 Children’s Heart Foundation, The (888)248-8140 www.
ChildrensHeartFoundation.org EIN#364077528 Funds the most
promising research to advance the diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of Congenital Heart Defects, the world’s most prevalent and
deadly birth defect. 18.6% H,G,E
12197 Children’s Tumor Foundation (212)344-6633 www.ctf.
org EIN#132298956 Funds research, patient support and
Schwannomatosis) - genetic disorders that cause random tumor
growth throughout the body. 18.0% G,H,E
11720 City of Hope (800)826-4673 www.cityofhope.org EIN#953435919
Internationally recognized innovative biomedical research, treatment
and educational institution. Physicians/scientists dedicated to the
prevention and cure of cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and other lifethreatening diseases. 11.6% E,H,U
32697 Colon Cancer Alliance (877)422-2030 www.ccalliance.org
EIN#860947831 The Colon Cancer Alliance is a community that
provides hope and support to patients while saving lives through
screening, access, awareness, advocacy and research 19.5% G,H,P
10567 Cooley’s Anemia Foundation (800)522-7222 www.cooleysanemia.
org EIN#111971539 You can mean the difference between life and
death for a child born with thalassemia. Support the Cooley’s Anemia
11405 Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (800)932-2423 www.
ccfa.org EIN#136193105 Working to improve the quality of life for
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients and their families
through medical research, supportive services and education. 21.6%
11406 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (800)FIG-HTCF www.cff.org
EIN#131930701 Supports innovative research to control and
cure Cystic Fibrosis. Provides specialized medical care through a
nationwide network of centers; offers pharmacy and other patient
services. 6.2% P,H,E
12000 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (800)826-3632 www.
dbsalliance.org EIN#363379124 Patient-directed organization focusing
on the most prevalent, life-threatening mental illnesses. The Mission to
improve the lives of people living with mood disorders. 28.6% F,G,P
12198 Easter Seals (800)221-6827 www.easterseals.com EIN#362171729
services to children and adults with disabilities as well as support to
their families. 24.3% E,P
11407 Endometriosis Association (800)992-3636 www.endometriosisassn.
org EIN#391414754 Provides groundbreaking research, education,
and support for families affected by endometriosis, a painful chronic
disease linked to six cancers, six autoimmune diseases. 16.9% G,H,E
10568 Epilepsy Foundation of America (800)332-1000 www.
epilepsyfoundation.org EIN#520856660 Formed in 1968, the Epilepsy
the challenges created by epilepsy. 33.1% E,G,P
11238 Huntington’s Disease Society of America (800)345-HDSA www.
hdsa.org EIN#133349872 HDSA is dedicated to improving the lives of
people with Huntington’s disease and their families through support of
research, providing information and resources and education. 29.8%
10569 JDRF International (800)533-CURE www.jdrf.org EIN#231907729
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) is the leading global
organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. JDRF¿s vision is
to create a world without T1D. 18.6% H,G,E
11239 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The (914)949-5213 www.lls.org
EIN#135644916 Seeks cures for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s
disease, and myeloma, while improving the quality of life for patients
and families through research, patient aid, education, advocacy. 23.7%
10566 Lupus Foundation of America (800)558-0121 www.lupus.org
cruel mystery of lupus while giving caring support to those who suffer
from its impact. 20.7% H,G,P
11408 March of Dimes Foundation (914)428-7100 www.marchofdimes.
com EIN#131846366 The March of Dimes Foundation’s mission is to
improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, prematurity
and infant mortality. 25.9% T,H,P
10564 Mental Health America (formerly National Mental Health
Association) (800)969-6MHA www.mentalhealthamerica.net
EIN#131614906 Mental Health America seeks to improve the health
and quality of life for nearly 70 million adults and children impacted by
mental health problems annually. 25.1% F,E,R
10561 Muscular Dystrophy Association (800)223-6011 www.mda.org
EIN#131665552 Fighting neuromuscular diseases through worldwide
research, a nationwide network of clinics offering comprehensive
medical services, and far-reaching professional and public health
education. 25.1% H,G,E
11240 Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (800)541-5454 www.
myasthenia.org EIN#135672224 MGFA works to discover the cause
support to those living with the disease. 20.2% G,H
10562 NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) (703)524-7600 www.
nami.org EIN#431201653 Through support, advocacy, research, and
education, NAMI provides help and hope for millions of children and
adults affected by mental illness and their families. 23.3% F,P,R
10563 National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (212)2697797www.ncadd.orgEIN#131664053Dedicatedtofightingthe
Nation’s #1 health problem- alcoholism, drug addiction and the
devastating consequences of alcohol and other drugs on individuals,
families and communities. 18.7% G
12001 National Headache Foundation (312)274-2650 www.headaches.
org EIN#237073022 National Headache Foundation offers resources,
education, newsletter and outreach to headache sufferers, their
families and healthcare providers. 29.8% E,G,H
12002 National Hemophilia Foundation (800)424-2634 www.hemophilia.
org EIN#135641857 The National Hemophilia Foundation is dedicated
through education, advocacy and research. 15.9% E,G,H
11241 National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (800)338-8619
www.nhpco.org EIN#541096334 National advocate for dying patients
and family caregivers. Dedicated to increasing awareness and access
to hospice care for all, including children, veterans and underserved
communities. 15.6% E,H,T
12003 National Kidney Foundation (800)622-9010 www.kidney.
org EIN#131673104 With nationwide programming, we provide
professional/patient education, community health screenings and
disease. 18.7% E,G,H
11409 National Multiple Sclerosis Society (800)344-4867 www.
nationalmssociety.org EIN#135661935 Funds MS research worldwide,
drives change through advocacy, facilitates professional education,
and provides programs and services designed to help people with MS
and their families. 18.7% H,P,E
11314 National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (888)OVARIAN www.ovarian.
org EIN#650628064 Ovarian Cancer: Deadliest of all gynecological
cancers. Help us raise ovarian cancer awareness; promote education;
improve survival rate and quality of life for all women. 30.7% E,G,P
11098 National Parkinson Foundation (800)327-4545 www.parkinson.
org EIN#590968031 The National Parkinson Foundation is the
only organization with a singular focus of improving the quality of
Parkinson’s care through research, education and outreach. 28.0%
10214 National Psoriasis Foundation (800)723-9166 www.psoriasis.org
arthritis and eliminating their devastating effects through research,
advocacy and education. 16.9% G,E,H
11378 National Stroke Association (800)STROKES www.stroke.org
EIN#742317104 To positively impact the health and lives of people in
the U.S. by preventing stroke, improving care and quality of life after
stroke. 32.6% G,E,P
10607 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (310)725-0029 www.pancan.org
EIN#330841281 Nationwide network of people dedicated to working
together to advance research, support patients and create hope for
11410 Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (800)457-6676 www.pdf.org
EIN#131866796 A leading national presence in Parkinson’s disease
research and offers educational programs, referral and one-on-one
advice services. 25.1% H,G,E
11354 Prevent Blindness America (National Society to Prevent Blindness)
(800)331-2020 www.preventblindness.org EIN#363667121 Founded
in 1908, Prevent Blindness America, the nation’s leading volunteer eye
health and safety organization dedicated to preventing blindness and
saving sight. 34.3% E,G,H
89867 Serious Fun Children’s Network Inc (203)562-1203 www.
seriousfunnetwork.org EIN#311794455 SeriousFun creates
opportunities for children and families to reach beyond serious illness
charge. 42.9% E,G,H
10558 Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (410)528-1555 www.
sicklecelldisease.org EIN#237175985 The only national voluntary
organization dedicated to addressing issues created by this inherited
condition. SCDAA provides public information, professional education,
advocacy, and supports research. 13.3% W,H,Y
10284 Smile Train (800)932-9541 www.smiletrain.org EIN#133661416 Give
a child a second chance at life! Smile Train provides cleft surgery to
poor children around the world that can cost just $250. 22.0% E,P,S
10559 Spina Bifida Association of America (800)621-3141 www.
and enhancing the lives of all those affected through education,
research, advocacy, and service. 25.5% G,E,W
10560 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (800)822-6344 www.stjude.
org EIN#620646012 Researches and treats deadly childhood diseases
¿ primarily cancer. Families never billed by St. Jude for treatment,
travel, housing or food. Discoveries freely shared worldwide. 4.4%
10615 Susan G. Komen (Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation)
(972)855-1600 www.komen.org EIN#751835298 Imagine life without
breast cancer. Make it a reality for all nations by racing for the cures
and funding life-saving research and community health programs.
18.7% H,G,W
11411 Tourette Syndrome Association (888)486-8738 www.tsa-usa.org
organization dedicated to the treatment, control and cure for Tourette
Syndrome through education, research and service. 28.5% G,P,H
11555 United Spinal Association (800)962-9629 www.spinalcord.org
EIN#135612621 Enabling people with Spinal Cord Injury to achieve
the highest possible quality of life by providing advocacy, education
and resources, peer support and free membership. 29.6% G,R,Y
Christian Children’s Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
40681 Christian Children’s Charities (866)431-0242 www.
christianchildrenscharities.org EIN#452919697 Bringing food and
shelter, doctors and medicine, safety and schooling, and the love of
Jesus made manifest to orphans and other children in need. 0.0%
21312 Abused Children’s Fund, Inc. (707)483-2939 www.
abusedchildrensfund.org EIN#593254371 Thousands of innocent
children, tragically hurt every day by emotional, physical and sexual
abuse. Help protect and restore through prevention, rehabilitation and
God’s love. 1.2% P,L,K
12447 African Children’s Fund for Orphaned and Abandoned
Children (New Hope Uganda Ministries Inc) (800)611-6486 www.
newhopeuganda.org EIN#954570304 Brings healing, hope and a
bright future to orphaned and abandoned children, meeting emotional,
spiritual, and physical needs within Christian family environments.
3.9% X,B,O
11811 Child Rescue International (Mission Without Borders Incorporated)
(800)245-9191 www.mwb.org EIN#770292572 Children abandoned,
orphaned, hungry, lost and lonely, living in bleak institutions need hope
and love. Your support helps us save and change their lives! 8.1%
82738 Children of Zion, Inc. (Children of Zion of Maryland Inc) (410)8362121 www.childrenofzionvillage.org EIN#300195571 I was a stranger,
and you invited me in. Providing care, food, shelter, spiritual guidance,
and education to children orphaned by neglect, poverty, and AIDS.
8.3% L,K,X
99935 Children Rescue Mission (Himalayan International Outreach)
(530)710-1716 www.ChildrenRescueMission.org EIN#204349120 Help
provide meals and an education for less fortunate children in Nepalfocusing on younger girls overlooked by this culture. Bring God’s Word
to Nepalese poor. 6.9% X,W,P
11938 Children’s Christian Lifeline Hunger and Medical Relief (Global
Action International) (760)438-3979 www.global-action.com
EIN#330692415 Children dying of hunger, ravaged with disease,
uneducated with no hope for the future. Help make a difference.
Provide food, medical aid, education and hope. 4.2% P,B,X
12156 Children’s Christian Relief Mission (Childrens Relief Mission
Inc) (818)502-1988 www.childrenschristianreliefmission.org
EIN#510265558 Where there are hungry children, we bring bread...
where there are children in pain, we bring healing. Offering relief and
development assistance to suffering children. 1.1% E,K,P
10537 Children’s Survival Fund (281)208-2957 www.childrenssurvivalfund.
org EIN#371100960 Invest in a child’s future! We provide critical
medicines, equipment, supplies, clean water, and schooling for sick,
disabled and abandoned children around the world. 3.2% E,K,P
60797 Children’s Worldwide Hunger & Health Relief (Intl Services of HopeImpact with God Crusades Inc-ISOH-IMPACT) (419)878-8548 www.
isohimpact.org EIN#341470104 Save a life, give hope for the future.
Providing life-saving food, medical supplies, disaster relief, medical
rehabilitation, educational development and child sponsorship around
the globe. 2.8% K,E,P
73695 Christ-Centered Education/Redwood Christian Schools (Redwood
Christian Schools) (510)889-7526 www.RCS.edu EIN#237069060
Children, including special needs kids, receive instruction in a safe,
secure, loving, fully-accredited Christ-honoring K-12 school system
equipping students for daily living and eternal life. 17.1% B,X,O
10392 Christian Adoption and Orphan Care (Open Door Adoption Agency
Inc) (800)868-6339 www.opendooradoption.org EIN#581703392
Children deserve love, security and families, we make that happen!
Preserving and enhancing human life through placement of children
into loving Christian adoptive families. 13.4% F,P,E
12399 Christian Children’s Health & Hope Mission (760)598-0601 www.
cchhm.org EIN#330801951 Clean Water. Food. Healthcare. Education.
Safety. Providing the basics of life with Christian love and compassion
to suffering children around the world and at home. 1.4% E,K,P
10610 Christian Medical Care for Poor Children (Health Development
International) (800)819-9015 www.healthdevelopment.org
EIN#330439296 Children dying unnecessarily from easily preventable
diseases. Help change healthcare conditions in poverty-stricken
areas throughout the world, through training, mentoring, investing in
sustainable healthcare delivery. 6.8% E,Q,S
10338 Feeding Hungry Children (602)241-2873 www.
feedinghungrychildrennow.org EIN#861004355 Change a life! One
in every 6 children lacks nutritious food. Many children go to school
hungry. Help us deliver fruit/vegetables to disadvantaged children.
0.9% K,E,B
93472 Forward Edge International (360)574-3343 www.forwardedge.org
EIN#911646598 Sharing Jesus’ love in the US and overseas through
disaster-response work, health-care projects, and programs for
vulnerable children. Mobilizing over 1000 volunteers annually. 12.0%
12281 God’s Kids Organization (877)246-3754 www.godskids.org
EIN#470883744 “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless.”
-Psalms 82:3. Giving hope to orphans worldwide providing quality
nutrition, medical care, clean places to live. 17.0% L,X,O
Great Dads (571)643-4526 www.GreatDads.org EIN#541828941 We
train/encourage fathers in building loving, lasting relationships with
their children, creating a world of Great Dads bringing strength and
healing to families. 6.5% O,W,X
Hope’s Promise (303)660-0277 www.hopespromise.com
EIN#841156963 Innocent children orphaned and abused. Lives
imprisoned by poverty, disease and illiteracy. Help us give these
children a hope and a future in forever families. 10.9% P,X,B
Kids Hope USA (866)546-3580 www.kidshopeusa.org
EIN#383624308 Give kids hope! Caring Christian mentors are
matched with at-risk elementary students who are desperate for one
caring and faithful adult in their lives. 38.5% O,X,W
Love A Child (239)210-6107 www.loveachild.com EIN#592672303
Offering hope to the hopeless. Poverty-stricken children lack the
basics... food, water, medicine. Our humanitarian care touches the
most needy in third world countries. 6.3% K,S,X
Methodist Mission Home (Whitby Road Alliance Inc) (800)842-5433
www.provplace.org EIN#741168923 Connecting babies and children
needing homes with loving families through adoption; helping
young people with disabilities learn life and vocational skills to reach
independence. 20.9% P,E,J
Nightlight Christian Adoptions (714)693-5437 www.nightlight.org
and humanitarian aid we help orphans have a better future. Committed
to life and family. 13.0% P,W,Z
Orphanos Foundation (901)458-9500 www.orphanos.org
EIN#621694378 138 million orphans under 14 years old. We are
Christian missionaries giving hope in 12 countries by feeding and
sheltering many children at risk. 6.9% O,P,X
Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (262)639-9398 www.roofnet.
org EIN#133925089 Give unprecedented hope by educating
so-called “unteachable” orphans. Substitute family life for life-long
institutionalization. Help orphans disprove Russian prejudices against
them as dysfunctional, unintelligent, dishonest. 7.7% O,B,X
Youth for Christ USA, Inc. (303)843-9000 www.yfc.net
EIN#362193619 Establishing life-changing relationships with teens
in schools, military bases, urban centers, and juvenile justice facilities
through practical assistance, mentoring, and gospel of Jesus Christ.
17.7% O,X,W
Unique And Noteworthy Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
93930 Unique And Noteworthy Charities (855)528-6765 www.
uniquecharities.org EIN#463016556 Support these special and
innovative charities that are tackling problems other charities aren’t
addressing and leading by example with new techniques other
charities should emulate. 0.0% T,P,Z
25878 ACCION East, Inc. (646)833-4522 www.accioneast.org
EIN#113317234 Design. Grow. Build. Create. Inspire. Small
businesses are the American Dream. Accion provides loans and
23.8% J,W,S
12154 Air Charity Network (877)621-7177 www.aircharitynetwork.org
travel resources that provide healing and hope. An individual in need is
44016 Airlift Hope of America (800)325-8908 www.airlifthope.org
EIN#208604165 Providing life-saving medical air transportation for
poor and spent-down patient families. Volunteer angels do the job.
17.2% E,P,W
83121 Airlift Volunteers in Disaster Response (877)931-6614 www.avdr.
org EIN#205115405 Life-saving support in times of natural disasters
and emergencies is critical. Our volunteers ensure that trained
personnel and supplies are available when needed most. 18.8%
12104 Alliance for Consumer Education (202)862-3902 www.inhalant.org
EIN#522254613 Helping save kids’ lives. Healthy kids, homes and
safe environments. Educational programs on inhalant abuse, poison
and disease prevention, how to use household products safely. 7.9%
11551 American Association of People with Disabilities (800)840-8844
www.aapd.com EIN#521930174 A national voice for change. As a
disability-rights organization we unite the diverse community of people
with disabilities and promote independence, inclusion, and full equality.
17.2% R,W,O
19492 American Humanist Association (800)837-3792 www.
americanhumanist.org EIN#946168317 We advocate for the rights
of humanist, atheist, and secular Americans, defend the separation
of church and state, and promote science and reason-based values.
16.3% R,W,B
10686 Angel Airlift Mid-Atlantic (888)208-2295 www.angelairliftmidatlantic.
org EIN#541801140 Volunteer pilots helping needy patients. Your gifts
provide free air transportation for ambulatory patients requiring distant,
specialized, and often life-saving treatment. 2.8% P,W,E
11193 Angel Flight Northeast (Angel Flight of New England Inc) (800)5499980www.angelflightne.orgEIN#043314346Volunteerpilotsproviding
free air transportation to needy patients often seeking lifesaving
available. 11.8% E,P,M
Angel Fuel for Life (Mercy Medical Airlift) (877)931-6613 www.
angelfuelforlife.org EIN#261685225 Provides fuel for life-saving
by providing funds to offset fuel costs. 3.7% E,P,W
Art for Humanity (703)684-4635 www.artforhumanity.org
EIN#300190292 Helping the poor help themselves. All-volunteer
organization assisting needy families to overcome poverty and become
0.0% L,B,A
Bill of Rights Defense Committee (413)528-0110 www.bordc.
org EIN#270042821 The Bill of Rights Defense Committee is a
national organization supporting a grassroots movement to promote
constitutional rights through diverse local coalitions and rigorous
analysis. 23.1% R,M,W
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (202)289-7319 www.
bradycenter.org EIN#521285097 The Brady Center is dedicated to
creating an America free from gun violence; this includes policy, legal
and public health and education. 13.5% I,W,P
Canine Wounded Heroes (866)431-5976 www.
caninewoundedheroes.org EIN#455591906 We equip K-9 police dogs
with bullet-proof, knife-proof, blast-resistant protective vests to help
keep them safe in the line of duty. 0.0% D,M,Z
Carter Center (800)550-3560 www.cartercenter.org EIN#581454716
Waging Peace. Fighting Disease. Building Hope. Led by former
President Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter, the Center advances
human rights and alleviates unnecessary human suffering. 13.2%
Center for Auto Safety (202)328-7700 www.autosafety.org
EIN#520902868 Lemon laws in every state, airbags in every car,
recalls every day. We’re consumer advocates reducing crashes,
deaths, injuries through safer vehicles and squeezing lemons. 10.3%
Center for Economic and Policy Research (202)293-5380 www.
cepr.net EIN#522204029 CEPR’s research and analysis educates the
public, the press and policymakers on the important economic and
social policy decisions that affect our lives. 19.6% V,W,R
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (202)408-1080 www.cbpp.
org EIN#521234565 Conducts research and develops policies to
improve government programs, such as healthcare, housing, and food
assistance that help low-income people lift themselves out of poverty.
11.8% W,V,R
Children and Families Across Borders (International Social Service
United States of America Branch Inc) (443)451-1201 www.iss-usa.
org EIN#132720500 Connects vulnerable children, adults and families
separated by international borders. Child protection and assistance
programs include intercountry home studies, searches, tracings, and
mediation. 7.4% P,Q,V
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS) (573)346-4911 www.
nationalcops.org EIN#521354370 Grief support and resources for
in the line of duty; law enforcement trauma training; public education.
10.2% F,M,P
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (202)263-2800
facing African American communities. CBCF provides internships,
fellowships, and scholarships to youth, arming them for future careers
as America’s top leaders. 25.3% P,B,R
Conservation and Service Corps (The Corps Network) (202)7376272 www.corpsnetwork.org EIN#521480202 With 127 members
nationwide, TCN advocates on behalf of the next greatest generation
of Americans who want to serve their country and improve their lives.
9.5% O,S,C
Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (800)800-2763 www.cpof.
assistance in cases of accident or illness. 14.0% F,M,P
Crime Victim Law Institute, National (503)768-6819 www.ncvli.org
EIN#710879090 Help victims become survivors. Whether it’s child
- we protect, enforce and advance victims’ rights nationwide. 21.1%
Crime, Crisis and Disaster Victims Assistance - National
Organization for Victim Assistance (National Organization for Victim
Assistance Inc) (703)535-6682 www.trynova.org EIN#591669254
Championing dignity and compassion for those harmed by Crime and
Crisis. We specialize in crisis response and management, trauma
mitigation, education, toll-free helpline for victims. 9.7% F,P,I
Dream Foundation (The Dalmatian Dreams Foundation) (805)5642131 www.dreamfoundation.org EIN#770405779 Dreams do come
true. Enhance the quality of life for terminally ill adults and their
Faces & Voices of Recovery (202)737-0690 www.
facesandvoicesofrecovery.org EIN#510516206 Organizing the
recovery community. 23 million Americans are in recovery from
addiction to alcohol/ other drugs. We give a voice to this public health
crisis. 19.8% R,F,E
FARM AID (800)FARM-AID www.farmaid.org EIN#363383233 Stop
factory farms! End corporate control of agriculture in America. Change
family farmers thrive. 16.1% K,P,W
Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc.(651)223-5400www.flaginc.
org EIN#363431212 Protect family farmers and their communities.
We defend family-based, sustainable agriculture and secure social/
economic justice for farmers. Help keep family farmers on the land!
25.6% K,R,M
Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA)
(800)323-4140 www.feea.org EIN#521465583 FEEA is there because
federal employees care. Federal and postal employees helping one
natural disaster grants. 12.1% P,B,L
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies (202)8228138 www.fed-soc.org EIN#363235550 Works to reorder the legal
system through lectures, debates, and symposia on individual liberty,
limited government, rule of law, traditional values, and the American
Constitution. 11.3% B,I,W
Federation for American Immigration Reform (877)627-3247 www.
fairus.org EIN#521136126 Stop illegal immigration. Fight “amnesty”
for illegal aliens. Improve border security. Join the FAIR Fight for
immigration policies that make sense for America. 14.4% W,C,Q
Free Wheelchair Mission (800)733-0858 www.freewheelchairmission.
org EIN#311781635 Transforming lives through the gift of mobility.
Our specially designed rugged terrain wheelchairs provide dignity,
independence, hope to the physically disabled poor in developing
countries. 24.3% P,E,Q
GuideStar USA, Inc. (800)421-8656 www.guidestar.org
EIN#541774039 We’re revolutionizing philanthropy by providing
information that advances transparency, enabling users to make better
decisions, and encouraging informed charitable giving. Free access to
tax forms. 13.8% T,W,S
Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled (617)787-4419
www.monkeyhelpers.org EIN#133146988 Providing specially-trained
monkeys and life-time support, free of charge, to veterans and others
with disabilities. These companions assist with daily tasks, providing
independence and companionship. 5.8% D,E,P
Homelessness, National Alliance to End (202)638-1526 www.
endhomelessness.org EIN#521299641 Veterans, families, and youth
are among the millions of Americans experiencing homelessness.
We’re committed to ending homelessness by helping local
communities, improving policy, advancing research. 6.1% L,S,P
International Association for Human Values (301)806-7983 www.
iahv.org EIN#522178069 Providing trauma relief for war veterans.
Teaching high school students to handle stress and negative emotions.
Help us in creating a violence-free, stress-free society. 5.1% P,S,O
International Fellowship of Christians & Jews (800)486-8844 www.
ifcj.org EIN#363256096 To promote understanding and cooperation
between Jews and Christians and to build broad support for Israel and
other shared concerns. 22.6% P,Q,X
Jobs! (I C A Group Incorporated) (617)232-8765 www.ica-group.
by starting new businesses in poor communities, saving struggling
companies from closure, and investing in community-based projects.
9.8% J,S,W
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc. (202)7893500 www.jointcenter.org EIN#521069070 Help improve the
socioeconomic status of African Americans and other minorities,
expand effective participation in political/ public policy arenas, and
create dialogue across racial lines. 12.5% V,R,W
Jubilee USA Network (202)783-3566 www.jubileeusa.org
EIN#030582216 Millions are trapped in extreme poverty worldwide.
international economy that serves and protects the most vulnerable.
13.1% R,S,Q
Justice At Stake Campaign (202)588-9700 www.justiceatstake.
org EIN#204098898 Fair, impartial courts are vital to our democracy.
We defend judges from threats/intimidation, promote diversity, and
advocate reforms to ensure independence from special interests.
11.6% R,W,S
Kiwanis International Foundation, Inc. (800)549-2647 www.kiwanis.
org/foundation EIN#366072039 Grants, scholarships, and extensive
service projects including medical care, disaster relief and bully
prevention. Changing children’s lives around the world... maybe even
in your hometown. 29.8% T,O,Y
Leadership Conference Education Fund (202)466-3434 www.
civilrights.org EIN#237026895 We work for a more open and just
society- an America as good as its ideals. Help us ensure job,
education, healthcare, and housing equity. 21.4% R,V,Y
Marijuana Policy Project Foundation (202)462-5747 www.mpp.org
EIN#521975211 Someone is arrested for a marijuana offense every
42 seconds in the U.S. Time for a new approach. Help us regulate
marijuana like alcohol. 15.8% R,W,I
National Association of Drug Court Professionals (703)575-9400
www.allrise.org EIN#541791197 Drug Courts cut crime and recidivism,
and save taxpayers money. Help put this proven solution within reach
of every addicted person in need. 13.3% W,R,I
National Black Justice Coalition (202)319-1552 www.nbjc.org
EIN#200667808 America’s leading Black LGBT civil rights organization
educating and advocating at the intersection of racial justice and LGBT
equality to end racism and homophobia. 11.4% R,W,O
10690 National Center for Policy Analysis (972)386-6272 www.ncpa.org
and ObamaCare. Join us in our vanguard to defend individual liberty
and save our freedom. 5.5% W,B,R
26683 National Conference of Standards Laboratories (303)440-3339
www.ncsli.org EIN#846036443 Investing in the advancement of
measurement sciences by providing resources, education, training,
scholarships and metrology outreach to the current workforce and the
next generation. 20.7% U,B,C
10110 National Congress of American Indians (202)466-7767 www.ncai.
org EIN#536017907 The principal organization of American Indian/
Alaska Native tribes and individuals, works to advance the rights of
Native people through outreach, advocacy, research and education.
12.7% R,S,P
69672 National Humane Education Society, The (304)725-0506 www.nhes.
org EIN#540618244 Since 1948, we’ve worked to stop the senseless
abuse/killing of animals. Please support our nationwide humane
education, spay/neuter, lifetime sanctuary, and adoption programs.
25.6% D,B
11708 National Peace Corps Association (202)293-7728 www.
peacecorpsconnect.org EIN#581431113 Together we can promote
peace. Engage your local community, support global education,
advocate for principled foreign policy, and share your experiences.
Bring the world home. 11.1% Q,S,B
11535 Oxford House (301)587-2916 www.oxfordhouse.org EIN#521582231
Our self-run, self-supported recovery houses emphasize long-term
recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. They work. Donations
support expansion. Help us open more Oxford Houses. 5.0% L,P,F
12110 Partnership for Public Service (202)775-9111 www.ourpublicservice.
org EIN#061540513 The Partnership for Public Service works to
revitalize our federal government by inspiring a new generation to
serve and by transforming the way government works. 15.7% W,J,B
10681 Patient Advocate Foundation (800)532-5274 www.patientadvocate.
org EIN#541806317 Ensuring access to care for patients with
chronic, life-threatening or debilitating illnesses through education,
empowerment and mediation utilizing case managers and a national
resource network. 6.8% P,E,R
12259 Public Knowledge (202)861-0020 www.publicknowledge.
org EIN#522336690 Represents the public in copyright and
communications policy debates. Protects consumers’ rights to use
digital media and technology legally. Advocates an open gatekeeperfree Internet. 25.6% U,R,W
10683 Results Educational Fund (202)783-4800 www.results.org
EIN#953747267 The power to end poverty. We advocate for U.S. and
global children’s health and nutrition, healthcare, primary education for
all, and economic opportunity for women. 11.0% K,Z
11539 Security Through Science (Federation of American Scientists)
(202)546-3300 www.fas.org EIN#237185827 Protecting against
catastrophic threats to national/ international security. We provide
concerning nuclear weapons, government secrecy, energy security.
29.4% Q,U,M
11652 Service Dogs For America (Great Plains Assistance Dogs
Foundation) (701)685-2242 www.servicedogsforamerica.org
EIN#450427665 Incredible dogs with determined people. Our
dogs change lives. Together with the disabled partner they can live
independently. One dog... one person at a time. 5.3% D,E,P
10685 Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP (312)4551499 www.snapnetwork.org EIN#364154398 Truth equals healing,
children, and exposes abusive religious ministers and the church
11711 Travelers Aid International (202)546-1127 www.travelersaid.org
EIN#592506390 Help us provide hope and assist stranded travelers
return home or to safety. Volunteers at airports/train stations helping
people and reducing stressful travel experiences. 7.8% P,W,F
56337 Trevor Project (310)271-8845 www.thetrevorproject.org
EIN#954681287 Crisis and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.
supportive and positive environment for all; 24/7 lifeline. 15.5% F,O,P
12103 United Nations Foundation Inc (202)887-9040 www.nothingbutnets.
net EIN#582368165 Every 60 seconds a child in Africa dies from
malaria. For as little as $10 you can send a net and save a life. 14.2%
11187 United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. (215)728-1630
www.uuarc.org EIN#231360863 UUARC provides humanitarian aid to
Ukrainians throughout the world, distributing medical supplies, clothing,
educational materials, and establishing educational and immigrant
programs in Ukraine and USA. 14.3% P,M,W
31084 Victim Rights Law Center (877)758-8132 www.victimrights.org
center in the country dedicated to serving the legal needs of rape and
sexual assault victims. 15.1% R,I,W
11293 Victims of Crime, National Center for (202)467-8700 www.
victimsofcrime.org EIN#300022798 Helps crime victims rebuild their
lives. Advocates for victims’ rights, raises public awareness, and
stalking; civil justice. 18.8% I
12544 Wildland Firefighter Foundation (208)336-2996 www.wffoundation.
are injured or killed in line of duty. 23.0% P,F,B
10321 Winn Feline Foundation, Inc. (201)275-0624 www.winnfelinehealth.
org EIN#237138699 Since 1968 we have funded feline health studies
leading to major breakthroughs which help your veterinarian to improve
treatment and prevent many feline diseases. 32.1% D,H,W
12768 Young Concert Artists, Inc. (212)307-6655 www.yca.org
EIN#131951681 Discovers and launches the careers of extraordinary,
unknown, young classical musicians and composers by providing
management services including national concert bookings and debut
recitals. 24.9% A,W,O
CancerCURE of America: Care,
Understand, Research and End
Federation and Member Organizations
10894 CancerCURE of America: Care, Understand, Research and End
(800)874-0764 www.cancercureamerica.org EIN#810648432 Support
this coalition of world class cancer charities, leading the way with new
the cure. 2.3% G,H,E
82805 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (866)333-1213 www.
alexslemonade.org EIN#562496146 A four-year-old cancer patient’s
cure for pediatric cancer. Every person can make a difference. 12.6%
12009 American Association for Cancer Research (866)423-3965 www.
research that saves lives. By contributing, you can help speed up the
40022 American Association for Cancer Support, Inc. (865)240-3116
www.americancancersupport.org EIN#275005215 Free supplies/funds
through “Cancer Care Packages” and “Care (visa) Cards” for patients
regardless of age or type of cancer. “Because we care, we share.”
38.7% P,G,W
13995 Angel Airlines for Cancer Patients (Mercy Medical Airlift) (888)8490503 www.AngelAirlinesforCancerPatients.org EIN#261740522 Access
to the best possible care available, regardless of location. Our free or
reduced-rate airline tickets for cancer patients and family members
help save lives! 13.4% P,W,E
10505 Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Inc. (866)309-2327
www.bearnecessities.org EIN#363874655 Help children with cancer
by funding pediatric cancer research; caring for the patient and families
and their immediate needs; and assisting child oncology programs.
21.8% H,E,W
71146 Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (888)901-BCAN www.bcan.org
EIN#202897110 Bladder cancer patients haven’t seen a new treatment
in more than twenty years. Help us give 500,000 patients and their
families hope. 18.8% G,H,W
36603 Blood Cancer Research Foundation (MPN Research Foundation)
(312)683-7243 www.mpnresearchfoundation.org EIN#364330967
Blood cancers strike people from all walks of life. Fighting blood cancer
looking for a cure. 26.5% H,G,E
11033 Brain Tumor Association, American (ABTA) (800)886-2282 www.
abta.org EIN#237286648 Advancing the understanding and treatment
of brain tumors with goals of improving, extending and, ultimately,
saving the lives of those impacted by a brain tumor. 19.8% H,G,P
12010 Breast Cancer Action (877) 2-STOP-BC www.bcaction.org
EIN#943138992 Breast cancer kills 40,000 women every year. Help us
end the epidemic by educating and advocating for better treatments,
safer environments, and social justice. 27.5% G,E,R
10756 Breast Cancer African American, Sisters Network Inc. (Sisters
Network) (866)781-1808 www.sistersnetworkinc.org EIN#760480069
Speaking with one voice, we save lives by empowering women
and promoting early detection through mammography screenings.
12.0% G,E,P
41620 Breast Cancer Aid and Research Institute (800)759-2150 www.
breastcancerinstitute.org EIN#364617641 Awards medical research
grants and ships medical supplies and humanitarian aid to programs
that treat breast cancer and other degenerative diseases. Breast
Cancer support groups! 1.4% H,G,E
75625 Breast Cancer Crusade by Avon (Avon Products Foundation
Incorporated) (866)505-2866 www.avonfoundation.org
EIN#136128447 Every three minutes someone is diagnosed with
Breast Cancer, every fourteen minutes someone dies. Join our
crusade - we’re in it to end it. 24.1% T,H,P
10616 Breast Cancer Fund (866)760-TBCF www.breastcancerfund.org
EIN#943155886 The Breast Cancer Fund works to prevent breast
cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation
linked to the disease. 24.6% G,R,C
11518 Breast Cancer in Young Women (Young Survival Coalition Inc)
(646)257-3000 www.youngsurvival.org EIN#134057685 Young women
can and do get breast cancer. They face unique issues including
infertility and higher mortality rates. Help us support, educate and
empower them! 26.8% G,E,P
10944 Breast Cancer Research & Assistance Fund (602)241-2697 www.
breastcancer-research.org EIN#860957009 Provides research grants,
medical equipment and supplies to clinics that treat breast cancer and
other chronic diseases. Provides educational materials for patients.
Cancer support groups. 2.0% E,G,H
Breast Cancer Society (888)470-7909 www.breastcancersociety.
by providing direct and responsive relief for both the patient and their
family. Care, support and services needed today. 24.8% G,H,W
Cancer Aid and Research Fund (623)561-5893 www.
grants, provides medical supplies and equipment to programs that
treat cancer and other degenerative diseases. Cancer support groups
for patients and families. 2.0% H,E,G
Cancer Care, Inc. (800)813-HOPE www.cancercare.org
EIN#131825919 Caring for people facing cancer. Supporting patients,
children, loved ones, caregivers. We provide help and hope through
Cancer Coalition, The National (919)821-2182 www.
nationalcancercoalition.org EIN#760435022 Help us defeat cancer and
chronic disease worldwide. We provide cancer medicines free to needy
patients and aid cancer research. Your support saves lives. 2.3%
Cancer Fund of America (800)578-5284 www.cfoa.org
EIN#581766061 Free products/shipping to cancer patients/families:
Meal replacements, Adult briefs, Bed pads, Clothing, Fans, Blankets,
Hygiene items, etc. Helping when research is too late. 22.4% G,E,W
Cancer Hope Network (877)467-3638 www.cancerhopenetwork.
org EIN#222647316 One-on-one support to cancer patients and
their families. We match patients with trained volunteers who
have themselves undergone and recovered from a similar cancer
experience. 20.9% E,P,G
Cancer in the Family Relief Fund (415)609-0121 www.
cancerfamilyrelieffund.org EIN#272915249 Help children maintain
continuity and normalcy in their lives as a parent battles cancer. We
fund vital extracurricular activities so kids can be kids. 0.5% O,N,A
Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund (National Research
Center for Women & Families Incorporated) (202)223-4000 www.
stopcancerfund.org EIN#522169212 Helps adults and children prevent
all types of cancer and choose the most effective treatments. Saving
lives every day with research, help, and hope. 1.2% G,E,R
Cancer Research America - NFCR (National Foundation for Cancer
Research) (800) 321-CURE www.nfcr.org EIN#042531031 If you agree
that world-class, cutting-edge research is the key to more effective
cancer treatments, prevention, and detection - join us now - save lives!
25.7% H,G,U
Cancer Research and Assistance - VHL (VHL Alliance inc) (800)7674845 www.vhl.org EIN#043180414 The cure for cancer is in our genes.
Help cure VHL and other forms of cancer. 16.8% H,G,E
Cancer Research Foundation (312)630-0055 www.
cancerresearchfdn.org EIN#362385213 Research is the best hope in
the battle against cancer. We fund bold and innovative clinical cancer
research. Help us support tomorrow’s cancer “game changers!” 6.3%
Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell
Foundation (877)7-CANCER www.damonrunyon.org EIN#131933825
To accelerate breakthroughs, we provide today’s best young scientists
with funding to pursue innovative cancer research. 100% of your
donation funds cancer research. 18.6% H,G,E
Cancer Research Wellness Institute (831)625-3565 www.cancerresearch.net EIN#860963787 Research grants for alternative therapies
in treating cancer and other so-called “incurable” diseases. Conducts
seminars on alternative therapies. Provides medical supplies to
hospitals and clinics. 2.5% G,H,E
Cancer Research: Cell and Gene Targeted Treatments (Alliance
for Cancer Gene Therapy Inc) (203)358-8000 www.acgtfoundation.org
EIN#061619523 Attack only the cancer cells and not other tissues and
organs! We fund research into safe, effective therapies that promise to
eliminate devastating side effects. 11.3% H,G,E
Cancer Support Community (888)793-9355 www.
cancersupportcommunity.org EIN#954163931 Cancer Support
Community’s mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer
are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained
by community. 19.4% G,F,E
Cancer Survivors Coalition (NCCS) (National Coalition for
Cancer Survivorship) (888)650-9127 www.canceradvocacy.org
EIN#850357897 While we hope for the cure, we must focus on the
care. Cancer survivors deserve care that is safe, effective, patientcentered,timely,efficientandequitable.41.4%E,R,H
Childhood Cancer Research for a Cure (St Baldricks Foundation
Inc) (888)899-BALD www.stbaldricks.org EIN#201173824 Every 3
minutes a parent is told, “Your child has cancer.” Funding research is a
child’s best hope for a cure. Help us save lives. 17.2% H,G,T
Childhood Leukemia Foundation (888)253-7109 www.CLF4kids.org
EIN#521825483 Lift the spirits of children with cancer. Our guarantee =
100% of CFC and State workplace donations will be used exclusively
to help the children. 86.0% E,P,G
Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation (866)228-HOPE www.cbtf.org
EIN#133512123 Children’s brain tumors are the toughest childhood
cancer. A mother grieves. A father cries. CBTF is there with insight,
support, respite and hope every day. 28.7% H,G,P
Children’s Cancer Aid and Research Institute (800)759-3390 www.
childrenscancerresearch.org EIN#860932492 Provides childhood
cancer research grants. Ships medical supplies and humanitarian
aid to programs that treat childhood cancer and other degenerative
diseases. Provides summer camp sponsorships. 1.2% H,E,G
Children’s Cancer Fund of America (888)418-6062 www.ccfoa.org
EIN#201226416 With your help our nationwide “Checks for Children
and humanitarian aid in countries where needed. 37.5% G,E,W
Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation (800)238-6479 www.
ChildrensCancerRecovery.org EIN#330418563 Creating smiles and
inspiring hope for kids with cancer and their families by providing
cancer research. 18.9% E,H,P
Children’s Cancer Research and Family Assistance Foundation
(Rally Foundation Inc) (404)847-1270 www.rallyfoundation.org
and playtime, not hospitals, chemotherapy and medicine. Help us
support research for better treatments and a cure! 7.3% H,T,G
Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation (866)671-2623 www.
cncfhope.org EIN#364370725 Hope unites us. This aggressive form
of pediatric cancer affects infants/toddlers. Survival rates for high risk
children is only 40%. Help fund a cure. 33.7% G,H,E
Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology (571)483-1700 www.conquercancerfoundation.org
EIN#311667995 We fund breakthrough research and share cuttingedge cancer information. With your help we can build a world free from
the fear of cancer. 10.5% H,E,G
CURE Childhood Cancer, Inc. (800)443-CURE www.
curechildhoodcancer.org EIN#581244138 CURE Childhood Cancer
believes that childhood cancer can be cured in our lifetime. CURE
funds research and offers support to patients and their families. 12.1%
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (800)279-1618 www.
fredhutch.org EIN#237156071 Our pioneering cancer research has
dramatically increased survival rates, saving hundreds of thousands
Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research, Inc. (646)8612033 www.gabriellesangels.org EIN#133916689 Funding innovative
clinical research for leukemia and lymphoma. Seeking to cure and
chemotherapy/radiation. 14.2% H,U,T
International Myeloma Foundation (818)487-7455 www.myeloma.
org EIN#954296919 The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is
dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while
working toward prevention and a cure. 11.0% G,P,H
Kidney Cancer Research and Education Association (Kidney
Cancer Association) (800)850-9132 www.kidneycancer.org
EIN#363719712 We strive for a world without kidney cancer. Help us
fund breakthrough research, educate patients and health professionals
and advocate for patients. 4.9% H,G,R
Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation (651)229-7131
EIN#411586846 Leukemia can be cured! We live that dream by
supporting research where it has the most impact - on patients in
clinical settings. 5.5% H,G,T
Lung Cancer Alliance (800)298-2436 www.lungcanceralliance.org
EIN#911821040 Saving lives and advancing research through patient
support, education and advocacy. We work tirelessly to improve
outcomes, eliminate stigma and secure public health research dollars.
26.6% G,R,P
Lung Cancer Research Foundation, Bonnie J. Addario (650)5982857 www.lungcancerfoundation.org EIN#204417327 The #1 cancer
killer is largely ignored, underfunded, and under-researched. Join our
crusade to eradicate lung cancer through aggressive research, early
detection, treatment, and awareness. 23.7% H,U,T
LUNGevity Foundation (312)407-6100 www.lungevity.org
EIN#364433410 Find it. Treat it. Live. We’re making an impact on lung
cancer by accelerating research into early detection and treatments,
and providing support and education. 23.4% H,T,W
Lymphedema Network (National Lymphedema Network Inc)
(800)541-3259 www.lymphnet.org EIN#943068338 Abnormal swelling
women, children. Often misdiagnosed and mistreated. A chronic
condition, a lifelong struggle. 6.8% G,E,H
Lymphoma Foundation of America (800)385-1060 www.
lymphomahelp.org EIN#521662087 Advice, experience,
compassionate patient/ family services. We fund research to cure
lymphoma. Providing nurse counseling, referrals to specialists, second
opinions, travel assistance. All services free. 0.8% G,H,E
Lymphoma Research Foundation (800)235-6848 www.lymphoma.
org EIN#954335088 Funding innovative research; providing
information and services to Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
patients/caregivers. Our mission: eradicate lymphoma and serve those
touched by this disease. 17.3% H,G,R
National Lung Cancer Partnership (608)833-7905 www.
freetobreathe.org EIN#450505050 Lung cancer advocacy
organization. Dedicated to doubling survival by 2022. Our mission is
to ensure surviving lung cancer is the expectation, not the exception.
20.1% G,H,E
Oncology Nursing Society Foundation (Oncology Nursing
Foundation) (412)859-6100 www.onsfoundation.org EIN#251410081
By helping one oncology nurse, you help countless patients. We’ve
improved cancer care by funding over $23 million in nursing research,
education and leadership programs. 25.7% G,H,B
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States, Inc.
(828)665-6891 www.curethekids.org EIN#581966822 Funds medical
research for childhood brain tumors. Offers free patient family support
services, funds scholarships for survivors, provides advocacy for
cause. 15.9% H,E,B
Prostate Cancer Financial Assistance and Research Fund (ZeroThe End of Prostate Cancer) (888)245-9455 www.ZeroCancer.org
EIN#593400922 Zero prostate cancer deaths, Zero prostate cancer
cases, and for those with prostate cancer a Zero PSA. We commit to
ending the disease. Join us! 17.0% G,E,H
Prostate Cancer Research and Assistance Fund (Alternative
Cancer Research Fund) (800)756-3840 www.alternativecancer.org
EIN#861041297 Awareness builds a healthier lifestyle. Educational
information for prostate and other cancer victims. Grants and support
to organizations seeking a cure through nutritional treatment therapies.
0.8% G,H,P
Prostate Cancer Research Institute (310)743-2116 www.pcri.org
EIN#954617875 Prostate cancer will strike 1 in 6 men. Your generous
and increasing public awareness. 17.8% G,E,H
Sarcoma Foundation of America, Inc. (301)253-8687 www.
curesarcoma.org EIN#522275294 End sarcoma. This rare insidious
cancer of connective tissues is prevalent in children and receives little
government funding- yet impacts 50,000 kids and adults daily. 22.1%
Skin Cancer Foundation (212)725-5176 www.skincancer.org
EIN#132948778 It’s skin cancer. Millions hear these terrible words
every year. We’re dedicated to eradicating skin cancer through
prevention, early detection, effective treatment, education, and
research. 9.0% G,W,H
Stand Up To Cancer (Entertainment Industry Foundation) (424)2833600 www.standup2cancer.org EIN#951644609 Raises funds for
innovative, translational research that can get new therapies to patients
quickly and save lives. Facilitates collaborations among renowned
investigators across multiple disciplines. 20.0% H,G,E
Thyca Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association, Inc. (877)5887904 www.thyca.org EIN#522169434 ThyCa is dedicated to better
understanding of thyroid cancer through support, education and
communication; and supports research for a future free of thyroid
cancer. 10.6% H,E,P
Catholic Service Organizations of
Federation and Member Organizations
35313 Catholic Service Organizations of America (855)330-2566 www.
catholiccharitiesamerica.org EIN#451679647 America’s best Catholic
for the least of our brothers and sisters. 0.0% P,X
11412 Aid for African Catholic Missions (Living Waters International Inc)
(866)220-8981 www.a4acm.org EIN#391841934 Alleviate human
suffering among the poor and marginalized in East Africa. Help supply
basic human/spiritual needs; build churches, schools, health clinics
and youth hostels. 3.7% X,B,P
47258 Catholic Campus Ministry Association (888)714-6631 www.
ccmanet.org EIN#237191131 Developing the spiritual and theological
growth of campus ministers who provide the Catholic Church the gift
of an educated and inspired generation of Catholic students. 49.5%
10674 Catholic Charities USA (703)549-1390 www.catholiccharitiesusa.org
EIN#530196620 Our member agencies work together to create hope,
strengthen families, reduce poverty, and build communities regardless
of religion, race or socio/economic status of clients. 19.9% P,X,Y
15837 Catholic Distance University (540)338-2700 www.cdu.edu
EIN#541251090 Serve people who are interested in learning about the
Catholic Faith. Anybody anywhere can take a course at CDU simply by
connecting to the internet. 30.8% B,X,A
10909 Catholic Health Care for the Poor (Catholic Medical Mission Board
Inc) (800)678-5659 www.cmmb.org EIN#135602319 We support
the sick and poor in more than 100 countries, operating healthcare
programs building the capacity of local communities to provide longterm sustainable healthcare. 3.2% E,P,M
10231 Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) (877)284-3807
www.cnewa.org EIN#131623929 A special agency of the Holy See
established by Pope Pius XI (1926), providing pastoral/humanitarian
support to Eastern churches and peoples in their home-countries.
13.9% P,X,B
12194 Catholic Relief Services - USCCB (Catholic Relief Services Inc)
(888)277-7575 www.crs.org EIN#135563422 Rushes food, clothing,
shelter, water and comfort to God’s most vulnerable children effectively
10154 Catholic Religious Educators Association (National Conference
of Catechetical Leadership) (202)524-4628 www.nccl.org
EIN#520969407 Help bring the teaching ministry of Jesus to every
Catholic youth and adult. Effectively trained teachers and catechists
will inspire others to embrace the faith. 13.9% X,B,W
10336 Catholic Youth Foundation USA (202)636-3825 www.cyfusa.org
EIN#521651702 Building on the tradition of CYO, we foster youth
faith! Scholarships, grants, and research that promotes Catholic youth
ministry in America, assuring a faithful future. 9.5% O,X,T
19644 Ignatian Volunteer Corps (Ignatian Lay Volunteer Corps) (410)7524686 www.ivcusa.org EIN#521885486 Men and women age 50+ serve
others and transform lives. IVC matches the talents of experienced
Volunteers with the greatest social needs of our time. 26.4% T,X
10148 Jesuit Refugee Service/USA (202)629-5943 www.jrsusa.org
EIN#521355257 An international work of the Society of Jesus to
accompany, serve and advocate for the rights of refugees and other
forcibly displaced persons. 10.2% S,Q,R
12043 Life Teen, Inc. (480)820-7001 www.lifeteen.com EIN#860602592
Leading teens closer to Christ! Catholic ministry providing inspirational
opportunities for teens to grow in their faith including camps, training
seminars, retreats and conferences. 13.7% X,O,P
10019 Lithuanian Catholic Religious AID, Inc. (718)326-5202 www.lcraid.
org EIN#112326652 LCRA supports orphanages, elder care, summer
camps, new media initiative, parish and religious life. Donations are a
blessing to Catholics in Lithuania and its diaspora. 21.3% X,P,B
65574 Network Education Program (202)347-9797 www.
networkeducationprogram.org EIN#521307764 Our workshops based
in Catholic Social Teaching empower communities to become activists
called to change unjust systems: poverty, lack of healthcare, broken
immigration laws. 15.5% R,W,X
11699 New Ways Ministry (301)277-5674 www.newwaysministry.org
EIN#521122608 Addresses discrimination against lesbian/gay/
bisexual/transgender persons in the Catholic Church. Promotes
attitudinal change and acceptance within the larger Christian and civil
communities. 10.5% X,R,W
10905 Society of St. Vincent de Paul U.S.A. (National Council of the United
States Society of St Vincent De Pa) (314)576-3993 www.svdpusa.org
EIN#135562362 We provide person-to-person help to more than 10
million people in need and living in poverty, regardless of race, religion
or national origin. 18.3% W,L,M
12248 Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (773)235-8462 www.
ucef.org EIN#364126296 Help us continue building Christian values
in Ukraine and beyond. Support the Ukrainian Catholic University and
graduate school, ecumenical studies, chaplaincy and developmentally
disabled programs. 47.1% B,X,O
12212 United States Catholic Mission Association (202)832-3112 www.
uscatholicmission.org EIN#520911321 The ONLY association of
Catholic mission-sending organizations serving the poorest of the
world, supporting and promoting domestic and international mission
activities of the U.S. Church. 12.2% X,R,Y
Human & Civil Rights Organizations
of America
Federation and Member Organizations
11232 Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America (978)744-2608
religious bigotry, prosecute hate crimes, end unfair sex bias, defend
democratic principles, and promote equality, freedom, and justice for
all. 4.9% R,Q,I
55575 Advocacy Project (202)758-3328 www.advocacynet.org
EIN#522333129 Help us bring volunteers to communities worldwide
to tackle child labor, child marriage, sexual violence, female genital
mutilation, and other challenges faced by developing nations. 12.0%
11754 Advocates for Human Rights, The (612)341-3302 www.
theadvocatesforhumanrights.org EIN#363292374 Too many people
live without their basic human rights. We work toward freedom,
equality, human dignity, peace, and justice, both here and abroad.
11.9% R,W,B
10105 American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
(505)765-1052 www.aises.org EIN#731023474 Since 1977, AISES
has worked to substantially increase American Indian/Alaska Native
representation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
as students, professionals, mentors, and leaders. 35.2% B,U,S
12475 American Islamic Congress, Inc. (202)595-3160 www.aicongress.
org EIN#061634525 Promote human rights, civil liberties, and interfaith
understanding. Join AIC, a non-religious civic organization, serving
Muslims and people of all faiths. 13.3% R,Q,A
11942 Americans for Indian Opportunity (505)842-8677 www.aio.
org EIN#520900964 Founded by LaDonna Harris, AIO promotes
Indigenous values-based leadership and advances the rights of
Indigenous peoples in the United States and around the world. 10.6%
10441 Anti-Defamation League (212)885-5831 www.adl.org
EIN#131818723 Anti-semitism, bigotry and hatred threaten the wellbeing of all of us. We provide education, advocacy and intervention to
secure justice and fair treatment for everyone. 19.8% R,B,O
11161 Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC (202)296-2300 www.
advancingjustice-aajc.org EIN#133619000 Our mission is to advance
civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a
fair and equitable society for all. 19.1% R,W,S
10442 Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (Astraea Foundation Inc)
(212)529-8021 www.astraeafoundation.org EIN#132992977 We work
for social, racial and economic justice internationally. Our grant making
programs help lesbians and allied communities challenge oppression
and claim their human rights. 11.1% T,R,S
Blind Federation of America (National Federation of the Blind Inc)
(410)659-9314 www.nfb.org EIN#020259978 We teach the sight
impaired self-reliance through new technology, Braille, and recorded
publications. BFA also provides scholarship, employment assistance,
and civil rights protection. 14.2% R,P,W
Catholic Legal Immigration Network (301)565-4800 www.cliniclegal.
immigrants, reunite families, promote citizenship, help victims of
domestic violence, advocate, build capacity, and train legal immigration
providers. 13.3% R,P,S
Center for American Progress (202)682-1611 www.
americanprogress.org EIN#300126510 CAP is dedicated to improving
the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action in energy,
national security, economic opportunity, immigration, education and
health care. 11.6% B,R,Q
Center for Effective Government (202)234-8494 www.
foreffectivegov.org EIN#521302617 Center for Effective Government
defends the role of government, promotes public health and safety,
and protects services and structures that guarantee Americans’ quality
of life. 16.8% R,C,W
Center for Justice & Accountability (415)544-0444 www.cja.
org EIN#943299686 We litigate to hold perpetrators individually
accountable for human rights abuses, advance the rights of
torture survivors, and develop human rights law domestically and
internationally. 18.4% Q,P,I
Center for Law and Social Policy (202)906-8000 www.clasp.org
EIN#237000150 Improving low-income people’s lives by developing
and advocating for federal, state, and local policies to strengthen
families and create pathways to education and work. 4.5% R,P,B
Center for Victims of Torture (612)436-4800 www.cvt.org
EIN#363383933 CVT provides comprehensive care to torture
survivors; trains health/human service professionals to provide proper
care to torture survivors; advocates for prevention of torture. 15.2%
Dalai Lama Foundation (650)368-4435 www.dalailamafoundation.org
EIN#680492149 An international circle of friends, supporting action for
ethics and peace through education. Peace starts with each one of us.
31.0% W,B,T
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (510)644-2555
www.dredf.org EIN#942620758 Combats discrimination and prejudice
against adults and children with disabilities using policy reform, impact
litigation, advocacy training, and education to create lasting system
change. 20.0% R,W,I
Dui Hua Foundation (415)986-0536 www.duihua.org EIN#943327519
Political/religious, juvenile, and women prisoners face particular
vulnerabilities in China. We advocate for at-risk detainees through
promotion of human rights in respectful dialogue with China. 18.5%
EarthRights International (202)466-5188 www.earthrights.org
EIN#043265555 We combine the power of law and power of people
to defend human and environmental rights using legal advocacy,
campaigning and training of grassroots leaders. 16.7% R,Q,C
Electronic Frontier Foundation (415)436-9333 www.eff.org
EIN#043091431 Civil liberties membership organization protecting
online rights to free speech, fair use, innovation, and privacy through
litigation, activism and educating the public, press, and policymakers.
13.3% R,W,B
Equality Forum (215)732-3378 www.equalityforum.com
EIN#232710943 Advances LGBT civil rights through high-impact
initiatives, coordinates LGBT History Month in October and presents
the premier annual LGBT summit. 24.0% R,B,A
Equality Now (212)586-0906 www.equalitynow.org EIN#133660566
Millions of women and girls face discrimination and violence simply
for being born female. We combine grassroots activism with legal
advocacy to secure their rights. 9.4% R,Q,I
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (212)633-6700 www.fair.org
EIN#133392362 Disgusted with media lies and distortions? FAIR’s
watchdogs sniff out bias and censorship, dig up the truth behind the
headlines and campaign for accountable journalism. 23.1% R,W,Q
Family Equality Council (617)502-8700 www.familyequality.org
EIN#521438455 Connects, supports, and represents the three million
parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) in this
country and their six million children. 44.7% R,W,O
Family Farm Coalition, National Save the (202)543-5675 www.
farmworkers to achieve fairness and justice in the food system from
the local to the global level. 23.2% K,R,S
Food First (Institute for Food and Development Policy Inc) (510)6544400www.foodfirst.orgEIN#132838167Peoplehavethebasichuman
to end poverty, hunger and environmental degradation. 21.5% K,R,C
Freedom House, Inc. (202)296-2101 www.freedomhouse.org
EIN#131656647 We empower frontline activists and civil society
organizations to uphold fundamental human rights and to advance
democratic change. 0.5% Q,R,S
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (323)933-2240 www.
glaad.org EIN#133384027 GLAAD is dedicated to ensuring fair,
accurate and inclusive representations in the media to eliminate
homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual
orientation. 32.7% R,W,B
Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission, International
(212)430-6054 www.iglhrc.org EIN#943139952 Securing the full
enjoyment of human rights for all people subject to discrimination
or abuse based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender
expression. 37.0% R,Q,P
Global Exchange (415)255-7296 www.globalexchange.org
EIN#943066686 Support social, economic and environmental justice
through Global Exchange, an international human rights organization
promoting peace and justice worldwide. 18.7% R,C,Q
Global Rights - Partners for Justice (Global Rights) (202)8224600 www.globalrights.org EIN#521295669 We partner with
activists worldwide to enhance advocacy skills, amplify voices, build
constituency and create deep rooted and sustainable societal change
that respects human rights. 16.2% R,W,Q
GLSEN (212)727-0135 www.glsen.org EIN#043234202 Eight of ten
LGBT students are bullied or harassed in schools. We make America’s
schools safer for all, regardless of sexual orientation / gender identity.
22.7% B,O,R
Gray Panthers Project Fund (202)737-6637 www.graypanthers.org
EIN#237409915 Gray Panthers advocates for the needs of people
campaigns for health care, social justice and economic security. 21.2%
Homelessness and Poverty, National Law Center on (202)6382535 www.nlchp.org EIN#521633883 We use the power of the law to
represent homeless families, children, and communities. We protect
their human rights and advance solutions to end homelessness. 16.7%
Human Rights Education Associates (617)301-4379 www.hrea.
org EIN#043428879 We train thousands of human rights defenders,
journalists, and other professionals around the globe to advance
human rights. 14.0% R,B,S
Human Rights in China (212)239-4495 www.hrichina.org
EIN#133528552 To promote international human rights and advance
the institutional protection of these rights in the People’s Republic of
China through education, outreach and advocacy. 10.4% R,Q,W
Human Rights Watch (212)377-9426 www.hrw.org EIN#132875808
We expose human rights abuses and pressure governments and
international institutions to bring an unconditional halt to human rights
violations worldwide. 15.3% Q,R,W
Immigration Equality (212)714-2904 www.immigrationequality.org
people and families and win freedom for over 100 asylum seekers and
detainees every year. 32.5% R,W,P
Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, National
(617)227-9727 www.nationalimmigrationproject.org EIN#952926663
We defend the civil, political, statutory, and human rights of immigrants
in the U.S., many of whom face barriers, biases, hardships and even
abuses. 21.6% R,I,P
Indian Law Resource Center (406)449-2006 www.indianlaw.org
legal assistance to Indian /Alaska Native nations working to protect
their land, resources, human rights, environment and cultural heritage.
82.3% Q,R,C
Interfaith Worker Justice (773)728-8400 www.iwj.org
EIN#364063982 Unemployment is high; workers’ rights are under
attack! IWJ engages people of faith into action in support of workers
and a fair economy. Join us! 31.2% R,X,J
Jobs with Justice Education Fund (202)822-2127 www.jwj.org
problems workers face today. 16.2% R,W,J
Justice & Democracy in Haiti, Institute for (617)652-0876 www.
ijdh.org EIN#030541424 Helping Haitians enforce the rights they
need enforced to escape poverty and vulnerability. Transforming
community. 16.1% R,I,S
Labor Rights Forum, International (202)347-4100 www.laborrights.
org EIN#521497461 ILRF is dedicated to combating labor rights
abuses worldwide, including child labor, forced labor, sweatshop
conditions, sexual harassment, and other forms of worker exploitation.
11.4% S,R,T
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (212)809-8585 www.
lambdalegal.org EIN#237395681 Achieving recognition of the civil
rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and those with
HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. 23.5%
Latin America Working Group Education Fund (202)546-7010
www.lawg.org EIN#113657128 We help citizens encourage the United
States to support human rights, justice, and freedom from poverty in
Latin America and the Caribbean. 8.1% R,Q,W
Let’s Breakthrough (212)868-6500 www.breakthrough.tv
EIN#311793681 We are a global human rights organization using arts,
media, pop culture, and community mobilization to make violence
against women and girls unacceptable. 16.0% W,A,R
LGBT Centers, CenterLink: The Community of (CenterLink
Inc) (954)765-6024 www.lgbtcenters.org EIN#522292725 LGBT
Centers serve over 1.7 million annually, and we strengthen them with
assistance, leadership training, and a national voice, enhancing the
services they provide communities. 5.2% S,R,P
Matthew Shepard Foundation (303)830-7400 www.matthewshepard.
org EIN#311640047 Bullying, discrimination and hate crimes harm
countless LGBT Americans every year. Our outreach, resources and
advocacy aim to “Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion and
Acceptance.” 26.9% R,B,O
National Center for Lesbian Rights (415)392-6257 www.nclrights.
org EIN#943086885 Through impact litigation, public policy advocacy,
public education and direct legal services, NCLR advances the legal
and human rights of LGBT people and their families. 20.3% R,I,W
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (202)331-4090
www.ncadp.org EIN#232290483 Capital punishment has no place
state-by-state across America. 21.1% I,R,X
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation (202)393-5177
www.thetaskforce.org EIN#521624852 We are the LGBT community’s
progressive voice. We build power through training and advocacy. We
refuse to make compromises that would leave anyone behind. 20.5%
National Immigration Forum (202)383-5980 www.immigrationforum.
org EIN#131776711 It has worked to advance sound immigration
solutions through policy expertise, communications outreach and
coalition building across the country to emphasize the role of
immigrants. 28.5% R,P,S
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (202)4678180www.pflag.orgEIN#953750694PFLAGsupportsthehealth,
well-being and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people, their family members and friends through support, education
and advocacy. 17.8% R,W,P
Polaris Project (202)745-1001 www.polarisproject.org
provides services for victims, operates the national hotline, and creates
long-term solutions through advocacy and training. 8.5% P,R,W
Poverty & Race Research Action Council (202)360-3906 www.
organization working to connect social scientists with advocates to
identify and reform structural racial inequalities in our society. 4.4%
Public Citizen Foundation (202)588-7759 www.citizen.org
EIN#521263996 PCF advocates on behalf of the American public. For
four decades, we have countered corporate power and championed
the public’s interest in Washington D.C. 17.8% R,W,B
Reconciling Ministries Network (773)736-5526 www.rmnetwork.org
EIN#521696721 Saving lives and preventing bullies, we equip United
Methodists to create safe spaces and just policies to advance gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality. 30.9% R,X,W
Religious Institute (203)222-0055 www.religiousinstitute.org
EIN#900802328 The only multifaith organization championing sexual
health, education, and justice in faith communities and society,
including LGBT full inclusion, reproductive justice, and sexual abuse
prevention. 6.9% R,B,X
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (202)4637575 www.rfkcenter.org EIN#132522784 Addressing critical human
rights issues by connecting courageous defenders and advocates to
a network of thought leaders and resources in education, policy and
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender Elders, Inc. (SAGE) (212)741-2247 www.sageusa.org
EIN#132947657 We provide support services for LGBT older adults,
advocate for their rights through public policy, and promote positive
images of LGBT life in later years. 21.3% Q,P,S
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center SEARAC (202)6012960 www.searac.org EIN#521161473 Advancing the interests
of Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese Americans. Empowering
communities through advocacy, leadership development and capacitybuilding to create a just and equitable society. 58.4% R,B,E
Tahirih Justice Center (571)282-6161 www.tahirih.org
EIN#541858176 Protecting courageous immigrant women and girls
who refuse to be victims of violence by providing holistic legal services
and advocacy in courts, congress, and communities. 23.1% P,W,R
Tibet Fund, The (212)213-5011 www.tibetfund.org EIN#133115145
We provide support for humanitarian relief, healthcare, education,
community development, social enterprise and cultural preservation
programs for impoverished Tibetan refugees and Tibetans in Tibet.
7.2% P,B,E
Tibet, International Campaign for (202)785-1515 www.savetibet.
org EIN#521570071 Promotes human rights and democracy for
the Tibetan people, secures humanitarian assistance, reports and
advocates for Tibetans, and encourages dialogue between Chinese
and Tibetan Governments. 27.1% Q,R,W
Union Democracy, Association for (718)564-1114 www.aud2.
uniondemocracy.org EIN#237037975 Defend free speech, fair
elections, fair hiring and due process in unions. Protect reformers
facing retaliation. Special emphasis on women, minority and federal
employee rights. 16.7% R,J,P
United for a Fair Economy (617)423-2148 www.faireconomy.org
EIN#043286118 Concentrated wealth and power undermine the
economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear
communities apart. UFE builds social movements for greater equality.
25.3% R,W,S
United to End Genocide (202)556-2100 www.endgenocide.org
EIN#300335420 Educates and engages national activist network
to raise awareness, mobilize action and urge public leaders to end
genocide and mass atrocities taking place worldwide. 40.3% R,B,Z
Violence Policy Center (202)822-8200 www.vpc.org EIN#521571442
From school shootings to attacks on law enforcement, guns are tearing
America apart. Help us stop this killer epidemic that claims over 30,000
lives annually. 10.7% R,I,W
Wellstone Action Fund (651)645-3939 www.wellstone.org
EIN#352191193 Provides training programs in leadership, organizing,
non-partisan voter engagement, citizen activism, and issue advocacy
for individuals, organizations, and diverse communities. 31.0% R,S,W
Witness (718)783-2000 www.witness.org EIN#134167155 Witness
uses the power of video to open the eyes of the world to human rights
abuses. 33.2% R,P,S
Women’s Human Rights, Urgent Action Fund for (415)523-0360
www.urgentactionfund.org EIN#030419743 Women activists comprise
with grants of $5,000 or less. 17.2% T,R,Q
Educate America! The Education,
School Support and Scholarship
Funds Coalition
Federation and Member Organizations
10274 Educate America! The Education, School Support and
Scholarship Funds Coalition (800)626-7094 www.educateamerica.
educational opportunity charities, dedicated to making our children and
young people the best educated in the world. 4.5% B,O,W
70125 Accuracy in Media, Inc. (202)364-4401 www.aim.org EIN#237135837
Accuracy in Media protects the truth. We publicize and expose media
misreporting, and set the record straight on important issues that have
received slanted coverage. 17.2% R,B,Y
31020 Afterschool Alliance (202)347-2030 www.afterschoolalliance.org
EIN#522275123 Afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire learning,
and help working families. Help us to provide quality, affordable
afterschool programs to all children who need them. 8.3% B,O,P
64415 American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (402)4743363 www.ahsgr.org EIN#237062269 We discover, collect, preserve,
and disseminate information related to the history, cultural heritage,
and genealogy of Germanic settlers in the Russian Empire and their
descendants. 25.0% A,B,Z
11760 American Indian College Fund (303)426-8900 www.collegefund.
org EIN#521573446 Help us revive some of the most economically
depressed communities in our nation by supporting scholarships to
American Indian students at our nation’s tribal colleges. 22.3% B,S,A
11419 American Indian Higher Education Consortium (703)838-0400
www.aihec.org EIN#840640326 Supporting American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribal Colleges providing educational opportunities,
research, and economic development services within our nation’s most
remote and economically disadvantaged communities. 15.3% B,O,A
11761 American Indian Services (801)375-1777 www.
americanindianservices.org EIN#870477049 Provide pathways out
of poverty through education by funding college scholarships, high
school/college mentoring programs, grade school literacy programs for
Native American students. 7.4% B,O,R
13085 American Library Association (800)545-2433 www.ala.org
EIN#362166947 Libraries enrich the lives of millions of children and
information for all. 7.9% B,O,S
44885 Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (877)8087032 www.apiasf.org EIN#571192973 America’s largest national
10651 Astronomical Society of the Pacific (415)337-1100 www.
astrosociety.org EIN#940294860 Astronomy is the gateway to science
literacy. Children in classrooms across the country are our future
science, technology and academic leaders. Help us inspire them.
32.5% B,U,W
11565 Center for Education Reform (800)521-2118 www.edreform.org
EIN#521847187 We advocate and support improved education
educational opportunities for all American students and parents. 15.5%
11002 Center for Excellence in Education (703)448-9062 www.cee.org
and technology. Nurture young scholars to leadership careers in
science, technology, engineering and math. Encourage international
collaboration in global communities. 18.0% B,O,U
11927 Challenger Center for Space Science Education (202)827-1580
www.challenger.org EIN#760192067 Engaging students and teachers
in dynamic exploration and discovery opportunities that strengthen
knowledge in STEM and provide outlets to learn and apply important
life skills. 14.6% B,U,O
10653 Children’s Scholarship Fund (212)515-7100 www.scholarshipfund.
org EIN#134002189 Every child deserves the opportunity to learn and
thrive, regardless of family income or zip code. Helping families by
providing scholarships to low-income students nationwide. 4.3% B,O,P
10646 Diplomacy Matters - AFSA (Fund for American Diplomacy) (202)3384045 www.afsa.org/fad EIN#526078372 Developing understanding
and knowledge while protecting American interests abroad. We fund
educational programs promoting U.S. diplomacy for national security,
global understanding, and economic prosperity. 1.7% Q,W,P
92897 DonorsChoose.org (212)239-3615 www.donorschoose.org
EIN#134129457 Teachers ask. You choose. We make it easy for
schools in need to get the supplies and support they need in these
troubled economic times. 5.5% T,A,Z
60815 Educational Theatre Association (513)421-3900 www.schooltheatre.
org EIN#310743605 Are theatre arts “To Be or Not To Be” in our
children’s lives? Educating students, supporting teachers, and assuring
The Arts are taught in school. 19.9% B,A,O
53559 Excellence in the Classroom(AmericanBoardforCertification
of Teacher Excellence Inc) (877)669-2228 www.abcte.org
EIN#200450386 We want every child to have a great teacher! We
recruit, prepare, certify and support dynamic professionals to bring
inspiration and knowledge to America’s schools. 20.9% B,O,J
34228 Flight Safety Foundation, Inc.(703)739-6700www.flightsafety.org
EIN#135656187 Keeping the skies and airways safe. We pursue the
continuous improvement of global aviation safety and prevention of
accidents. It is impartial, independent, and international. 42.0% M,Q,W
11759 Foreign Service Youth Scholarships - AFSA (American Foreign
Service Association Scholarship Fund) (202)944-5504 www.afsa.
org/scholar EIN#237045244 Help needy students attend college with
merit awards and undergraduate scholarships for children of the U.S.
Government diplomatic community. 49.8% B,O,Q
11928 Freedom to Read Foundation (312)280-4226 www.ftrf.org
EIN#237102086 Stop censorship! If they can tell you what to read,
they can tell you what to think. Help us defend librarians facing
censorship challenges. 65.4% B,R,T
51789 Institute for Financial Literacy, Inc.(207)221-3600www.financiallit.
key to America’s future. Providing education, counseling, professional
95556 Institute of International Education (212)883-8200 www.iie.org
EIN#131624046 Your support will encourage peace, prosperity
and progress by enabling IIE to develop global leaders, facilitate
international exchange and rescue threatened students and scholars.
6.7% B,Q,S
35277 International Center for Journalists (202)737-3700 www.icfj.org
EIN#112724905 Accurate, unbiased journalism promotes positive
of news, and create a more well-informed society! 14.0% B,S,Q
90519 Israel Scholarship Fund (American Friends of Shehebar Sephardic
Center Incorporated) (646)524-2999 www.ssc.org.il EIN#112642556
Providing student scholarships to study history, culture and religion in
Israel. These students are then placed in communities to teach and
provide spiritual guidance. 1.8% B,J,X
10647 Japan-America Student Conference (International Student
Conferences Inc) (202)289-4231 www.iscdc.org EIN#521155779
Student leaders exploring - and updating - America’s partnerships with
Japan and Korea. Founded by students in 1934, we promote crosscultural understanding and creative leadership. 15.6% B,A,Q
10049 Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. (617)542-5867 www.jstart.org
EIN#043262046 Help every child succeed: We train and match caring
adults with low-income preschoolers to develop language and literacy
skills preparing them for success. 19.5% B,O,S
11559 Library of America (Literary Classics of the United States Inc)
(212)308-3360 www.loa.org EIN#132986916 Preserve our nation’s
literary heritage. Help keep America’s best writers in print. We publish
authoritative and affordable editions for libraries, schools, institutions
and individuals. 20.3% A,B,S
10649 MATHCOUNTS Foundation (703)299-9006 www.mathcounts.org
EIN#541295407 MATHCOUNTS provides fun and challenging math
programs for US middle school students to increase their academic
and professional opportunities. 11.7% B,O,U
31992 Mentor Foundation - USA (202)536-1597 www.mentorfoundationusa.
org EIN#137079425 Empowering youth to stay drug-free, improving
high school graduation rates, and providing youth with career
opportunities and goals. Your support makes a powerful, positive
impact! 23.8% O,E,B
10650 Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation (818)762-4328 www.mhopus.org
EIN#954604927 Keep music alive for thousands of students! We
donate musical instruments to underserved schools and kids, to inspire
creativity, expression and joy through music. 17.6% O,A,W
11770 Music Education Matters! NAfME (Music Educators National
Conference) (800)336-3768 www.nafme.org EIN#526045043 School
music programs provide a balanced education. Music study leads to
success in school and life. Help grow and strengthen school music for
all students. 30.0% B,A,O
98120 National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (202)289-2700 www.
publiccharters.org EIN#300274709 Working to ensure that superior
charter schools are available to every family, especially those who do
not have access to high-quality public schools. 11.7% B,W,S
22419 National Association for Urban Debate Leagues (312)427-0175
www.urbandebate.org EIN#204323096 Debate develops core skills
of literacy, critical thinking, research, organization, forming a solid
base for future leaders. Give urban youth a step up to success! 38.0%
11764 National Center for Families Learning (National Center for Family
Literacy Inc) (502)584-1133 www.familieslearning.org EIN#611159549
NCFL inspires and engages families in the pursuit of learning together
by creating a culture of family engagement across the educational
spectrum. 17.1% B,P,O
77078 National Council on US-Arab Relations (202)293-6466 www.ncusar.
org EIN#521296502 Teaching and understanding divergent ways
of thinking between America and the Arab world through leadership
development, people-to-people exchanges, and Arab world study
experiences for students. 23.2% Q,O,B
11006 National FFA Foundation, Inc. (317)802-6060 www.ffa.org
EIN#546044662 We’re forging a path for agricultural education
students to discover their passion in life and build a future of
leadership, personal growth and career success. 19.0% O,B,T
11007 National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (305)377-1140
the nation’s most talented high school seniors in the performing,
literary and visual arts; offering educational opportunities and monetary
awards. 16.3% A,O,B
35293 National PTA (National Congress of Parents and Teachers) (800)3074782 www.pta.org EIN#362169155 Give families the tools they need to
make every child’s potential a reality! PTA advocates for the education,
health, and welfare of all children. 14.6% B,S,O
12232 National Society of Black Engineers (703)549-2207 www.nsbe.org
EIN#351410757 Our mission is “to increase the number of culturally
responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed
professionally and positively impact the community.” 20.0% U,O,B
11329 National Space Society (202)429-1600 www.nss.org EIN#237417411
Advancing the day when humans will live and work in space.
An educational organization, supporting space exploration and
development through grassroots public outreach programs. 11.4%
11008 NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (202)822-7840
www.neafoundation.org EIN#237035089 Every student, no matter how
rich or poor, no matter how advantaged or disadvantaged, deserves a
quality education. Help us help kids know more. 24.3% B,O,A
11700 Outward Bound (212)300-2060 www.outwardbound.org
EIN#042375956 Outward Bound changes lives through challenge
and discovery. Wilderness and urban courses help students and
veterans discover strength of character, leadership and desire to serve.
-1497.2% O,B,N
11765 Parents as Teachers National Center 866-PAT-4YOU www.
parentsasteachers.org EIN#431569124 Help parents launch their
children on the road to success! Providing free education, school
readiness and health/developmental screenings for families from birth
to kindergarten. 28.3% B,P,W
11529 Posse Foundation, Inc. (212)405-1691 www.possefoundation.org
EIN#133840394 Posse believes talented students, carefully selected
and educated, can serve as tomorrow’s leaders. Help prepare
outstanding, urban students for success in college and the workforce.
17.5% O,B,P
10056 Project Vote (888)546-8683 www.projectvote.org EIN#721268719
Democracy is weakened by lack of fairness and equal access. Help
us ensure all eligible citizens can register, vote, and cast a ballot that
counts. 11.4% R,V,W
11330 ProLiteracy Worldwide (888)528-2224 www.proliteracy.org
EIN#166076384 Working with members and local, national, and
international organizations, we build capacity of programs that teach
adults to read, write, use technology, and learn English. 27.2% B,P,W
49179 Raising A Reader (650)489-0550 www.raisingareader.org
EIN#943390149 Raising A Reader is an early literacy organization
helping families of children aged 0-8 develop, practice, and sustain
home-based literacy routines critical for school success. 25.5% B,O,S
12355 Road Scholar (Elderhostel Inc) (877)426-8056 www.roadscholar.
org EIN#042632526 Hit the Road! Inspiring older Americans to learn,
discover and travel. We provide programs and scholarships for people
to explore, engage and be lifelong learners. 3.8% B,W,Z
10824 Room to Read (415)839-4400 www.roomtoread.org EIN#912003533
Help establish school libraries, build schools, publish local-language
books and train teachers to improve literacy for primary schoolchildren,
and support girls to complete secondary school. 16.8% B,S,O
11930 Science Olympiad (630)792-1251 www.soinc.org EIN#382559611
K-12 students to participate in competitive tournaments promoting
career interest in science/technology/engineering/math (STEM)
education. 0.9% B,U,O
11304 SETI Institute (650)961-6633 www.seti.org EIN#942951356 SETI
Institute supports education and outreach; enabling everyone to
understand the origin, nature, and prevalence of life in the universe
and therefore better understand themselves. 22.1% U,B,W
23886 Simon Youth Foundation (800)509-3676 www.syf.org
EIN#352035269 A student drops out every 29 seconds. Our nontraditional educational programs can ignite hope, and keep students in
school. Help make a difference! 37.5% B,O,W
11931 Space Frontier Foundation (800)787-72234 spacefrontier.
org EIN#133542980 Dedicated to opening the space frontier to
human settlement through support for education, space technology,
involvement. 10.4% B,C,Q
11932 Street Schools for At-Risk Youth (National Association of Street
Schools) (720)299-3420 www.streetschoolnetwork.org EIN#311711639
Changing lives of at-risk youth through our network of faith-based
schools providing personalized education, a moral code, and tools for
61478 Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (415)839-6885 www.
wikimediafoundation.org EIN#200049703 Our mission is to empower
a global volunteer community to collect and develop the world’s
knowledge and to make it available to everyone for free. 23.1% B,R,U
11766 Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (609)452-7007
www.woodrow.org EIN#210703075 Help us recruit and prepare
math/science in high-need schools. 9.3% B,T,W
25385 World Computer Exchange, Inc. (781)925-3078 www.
worldcomputerexchange.org EIN#043529016 Helping schools and
impoverished students in developing countries by shipping refurbished
computers and teaching the Internet skills, opportunities and
understanding to connect with the world. -897.5% B,Q,S
11933 World Learning (802)257-7751 www.worldlearning.org
than 60 countries. Our mission is to empower people and strengthen
institutions through education, exchange, and development programs.
8.7% B,S,O
41765 World ORT, Inc. (718)513-4116 www.ort.org EIN#061669917
Latin America, Eastern Europe through innovative educational
programs and training in science and technology. 19.0% B,J,O
Conservation & Preservation
Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
11782 Conservation & Preservation Charities of America (800)626-6685
www.conservenow.org EIN#943217738 Overpopulation, deforestation,
pollution, and the reckless waste of our natural resources must be met
and addressed. Join us in saving our world. 4.5% C,W,D
12047 Access Fund (303)545-6772 www.accessfund.org EIN#943131165
Climbing areas are under threat of closure. Education, Stewardship,
Advocacy and Land Acquisition preserve them for future generations.
Help us protect the places you climb. 17.8% C,N,Y
12402 Alliance for Community Trees (202)291-8733 www.actrees.org
EIN#680319301 Trees can transform neighborhoods and inspire
citizens to take pride in their communities. Our volunteers are
improving cities through tree planting, preservation and care. 17.1%
49371 Amazon Conservation Association (202)234-2356 www.
amazonconservation.org EIN#522211305 Half of the Amazon
rainforest could be lost by 2030. With your help, we can ensure these
critical forests and their inhabitants continue to thrive. 11.1% C,U,D
11244 American Alpine Club (303)384-0110 www.americanalpineclub.
org EIN#131611981 Protect mountain environments and culture.
Ensure that the next generation learns from the legacy of America’s
knowledge. 22.0% C,N,A
12048 American Bird Conservancy (888)BIRD-MAG www.abcbirds.org
EIN#521501259 Protecting native birds and their habitats throughout
the Americas, through reserve creation, habitat restoration, and threat
reduction, leading public/private conservation partnerships to get
results. 14.5% C,D,Y
10184 American Council for Environment and Science (The National
Council for Science and the Environment) (202)530-5810 www.
ncseonline.org EIN#521700932 Climate solutions, sustainable
communities, energy education, green economy. We specialize in
bringing together diverse institutions and individuals to advance
science solutions to critical environmental challenges. 24.5% B,C,Z
11245 American Discovery Trail Society (800)663-2387 www.discoverytrail.
org EIN#680381715 Provide millions of people access to a national
system of trails that boost health and protect natural resources. Help
11080 American Fisheries Society(301)897-8616www.fisheries.org
be plentiful for future generations. 30.0% C,B,U
12049 American Forest Foundation (202)765-3454 www.forestfoundation.
org EIN#521235124 America’s forests are under attack. Insects,
and wildlife habitats. Help save America’s woodlands. 25.1% C,B,S
11784 American Hiking Society (800)972-8608 www.americanhiking.
org EIN#510211993 The places you love to hike are in danger from
development, closure, and other threats. Help conserve America’s
hiking trails and the lands around them. 11.4% N,C,T
11351 American Whitewater (828)586-1930 www.americanwhitewater.
org EIN#237083760 Save rivers! Support American Whitewater and
national river stewardship, recognized as leaders in river management
and in the restoration of rivers impacted by dams. 13.5% C,W,Y
12144 Antarctica and Southern Ocean Coalition (202)234-2480 www.
asoc.org EIN#521287282 The world’s last unspoiled wilderness is
disappearing, including penguin and whale habitat. Help ASOC protect
12230 Appalachian Trail Conservancy (304)535-6331 www.
appalachiantrail.org EIN#526046689 Preserve and manage this
amazing nature trail. Ensuring that its priceless cultural heritage can be
shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come. 22.5%
11246 Archaeological Conservancy (505)266-1540 www.
archaeologicalconservancy.org EIN#953403273 Every day
irreplaceable archaeological sites in U.S. are destroyed by looters,
development, agricultural practices. Help us protect them for research,
preservation of cultural heritage. 10.7% A,C,W
10415 Archaeological Institute of America (617)353-9361 www.
archaeological.org EIN#135669180 The REAL Indiana Joneses
of the world need your help! Sponsor archaeological excavations,
save threatened sites worldwide, provide research opportunities for
professional archaeologists and students. 21.7% A,B,V
12051 Association of Partners for Public Lands (301)946-9475 www.appl.
org EIN#541123356 Engaging Americans with their lands. Inspiring
all people to enjoy the outdoors and encouraging them to care for our
parks, open spaces and historic places. 11.2% W,S,Y
83178 Boone and Crockett Club (406)542-1888 www.boone-crockett.
org EIN#136400091 Upholding Theodore Roosevelt’s vision, we’re
protecting our nation’s most valuable resource-its wildlife. We’ve been
promoting fair-chase in hunting, outdoor ethics and conservation since
1888. 21.7% C,U,N
61427 Center for Biological Diversity Inc (800)357-3349 www.
biologicaldiversity.org EIN#850420285 Using science, advocacy
and law, the Center secures protections for wildlife on the brink of
extinction, and the wild places they need to survive. 9.0% C,D,R
71928 Center for Clean Air Policy (202)408-9260 www.ccap.org
EIN#521423164 Care about your air? CCAP works with business,
government and environmental leaders to develop innovative climate
change policies that reduce greenhouse gas pollution globally. 11.2%
10417 Center for International Environmental Law (202)785-8700
www.ciel.org EIN#521633220 Uses the power of law to protect the
environment, promote human rights and ensure a just and sustainable
society. Join us and make a difference! 9.4% Q,C,S
11325 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. (888)728-3229 www.cbf.org
EIN#526065757 America’s waters and marine life face toxic pollution,
pristine waterways, thriving ecosystems locally and nationwide. 16.4%
11785 Civil War Trust (Civil War Preservation Tr) (800)CW-TRUST www.
civilwar.org EIN#541426643 Manassas, Gettysburg, Antietam,
Fredericksburg: Don’t let developers pave over our nation’s past. If
8.9% C,B,W
11248 Clean Water for Healthy Americans (Center for Watershed
Protection) (410)461-8323 www.cwp.org EIN#541644387 Polluted runoff is threatening the future of clean water for our children. We work
practices. 11.4% C,S,W
97120 Climate Reality Project (The Alliance for Climate Protection)
(202)567-6800 climaterealityproject.org EIN#870745629 We focus the
world’s attention on the full truth of the climate crisis, to remove doubt
and catalyze urgency to solve the crisis. 18.2% C,P,A
92624 Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (202)543-6850 www.
sportsmenslink.org EIN#521686163 To work with Congress,
governors, and state legislatures to protect and advance hunting,
11786 Conservation and Protection of Public Lands (Public Lands
Foundation) (703)629-3166 www.publicland.org EIN#541437054
Fighting to keep America’s Public Lands in public hands. Preventing
unstable, unsound timber cutting, grazing and mineral/oil production.
This land is your land! 2.9% C,W,S
12167 Consortium for Ocean Leadership Inc (202)448-1232 www.nosb.org
EIN#521892964 The National Ocean Sciences Bowl makes science
and math fun through academic competition. NOSB students excel in
science for the future health of our ocean. 3.3% B,C,W
10418 Coral Reef Alliance (415)834-0900 www.coral.org EIN#943211245
The destruction of our reefs affects us all. CORAL’s strategy of
protecting coral reefs by uniting local communities to become their
most passionate stewards works! 16.0% C,S,W
11787 Delta Waterfowl Foundation (888)987-3695 www.deltawaterfowl.org
EIN#530259796 Duck hunters. It’s who we are and who we work for.
We’re securing the future of waterfowl and hunting by protecting nature
and promoting sport. 18.0% C,U,Y
11431 Earth Force, Inc. (303)433-0016 www.earthforce.org EIN#521830873
Humans are rapidly changing the environment, often for the worse.
Now is time for change. Help teach youth to create lasting solutions in
their communities. 13.9% C,O,S
25210 EarthCare Fund (626)991-0009 www.earthcarefund.org
EIN#311663403 Saving Earth and its natural resources-conserving,
recycling, planting trees, digging wells, clean energy alternatives.
Providing clean water and renewable energy for the poor worldwide.
14.9% C,K,X
10626 Earthwatch Institute (800)776-0188 www.earthwatch.org
research and education in order to promote the understanding and
action necessary for a sustainable environment. 20.7% C,D,B
11250 Equine Land Conservation Resource (859)455-8383 www.elcr.org
EIN#522139677 No Land, No Horse. We lose 6,000 acres of open
land every day. Help Equine Land Conservation Resource save the
lands our horses need. 18.6% C,D,N
12295 Fish America Foundation(703)519-9691www.fishamerica.org
EIN#363219015 Restoring marine and estuary habitat, improving
11789 Forest Conservation (Pinchot Institute for Conservation)
(Pinchot Institute for Conservation) (202)797-6580 www.pinchot.org
EIN#521935342 With threats of development and climate change, we
provide sustainable, non-partisan solutions to conservation challenges.
Help us conserve healthy forests, clean water and clean air. 23.9%
72416 Forest Guild (505)983-8992 www.forestguild.org EIN#850446866
Forests are awe inspiring! Help us protect forests from overcutting,
overdevelopment, and neglect because healthy intact forests sustain
clean water, rivers, wildlife, and human communities. 10.8% C,O,W
10138 Forest History Society (919)682-9319 www.foresthistory.org
EIN#410762363 Forests burned. Wildlife destroyed. Habitat lost to
development. Help us protect and preserve America’s forest and
wildlife heritage by improving environmental decision-making today.
21.1% C,A,B
74167 George Washington’s Mount Vernon (Mount Vernon Ladies
Association of the Union) (800)429-1520 www.mountvernon.
org EIN#540564701 Help preserve the life and legacy of George
Washington, so that his example of character and leadership will
continue to inform and inspire future generations. 13.9% A,W,B
11801 Gettysburg Foundation (717)338-1243 www.gettysburgfoundation.
org EIN#232969074 Working in partnership with Gettysburg National
quality museum experience. 14.7% O,S,Z
13480 Grand Canyon Association (800)858-2808 www.grandcanyon.
org EIN#860179548 Preserve and protect America’s treasure - the
Grand Canyon. Your gift supports education opportunities, wildlife
preservation programs and restoration projects at Grand Canyon
National Park. 23.3% C,B,A
10421 Green Empowerment (503)284-5774 www.greenempowerment.
org EIN#931230409 Provides life-saving clean water and renewable
energy (electricity) to villages in the developing world. Projects are
community-based, sustainable, and implemented by in-country, nonprofitpartners.8.1%C,S,Q
11802 Green Seal (202)872-6400 www.greenseal.org EIN#133553974
Integrity. Transparency. Greening the marketplace. Since 1989, only
the safest and most sustainable products and services have earned
11369 Greenpeace Fund (800)722-6995 www.greenpeacefund.org
EIN#953313195 An independent, campaigning organization that
uses research and public education to expose global environmental
problems, and promote solutions essential to a green and peaceful
future. 16.0% C,D,R
11260 Grist Magazine (206)876-2020 www.grist.org EIN#061664153 Safe,
nutritional food for all. Less dependency on oil. More sustainable
places and spaces. Help us inform a new generation on these and
other issues. 27.1% C,S,K
12054 Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association (610)756-6961 www.
hawkmountain.org EIN#231392700 Help keep hawks, eagles and
falcons safe and soaring worldwide, and use raptors and their amazing
migrations to engage, educate and inspire. 21.9% D,C,B
10422 Hostelling International - USA (American Youth Hostels Inc)
(240)650-2100 www.hiusa.org EIN#135639689 Bringing people
together worldwide, hostelling inspires young people to become active
global citizens with intercultural understanding, motivated to improve
our communities, country, and our world. 21.6% O,B,W
11199 International Mountain Bicycling Association (888)442-4622 www.
imba.com EIN#770204066 Build, preserve, and enhance sustainable
trails. Increase community and youth involvement in outdoor activities
and environmental stewardship through innovative mountain biking
programs and trail projects. 11.4% C,S,R
10858 Mountain Institute, The (202)234-4050 www.mountain.org
EIN#550541323 The Appalachians, Himalayas, Andes...they sustain
life on earth, providing half our fresh water. We must protect mountain
ecosystems to maintain a healthy planet. 30.1% C,S,W
10762 National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, The (301)608-3040 www.
nmsfocean.org EIN#943370994 A healthy ocean starts with you! From
sea to shining sea, you can help national marine sanctuaries protect
America’s best marine and Great Lakes resources. 7.1% C,D,B
11252 National Park Foundation (202)354-6460 www.nationalparks.org
EIN#521086761 National Parks are an awe-inspiring collection of
the greatest historic and natural resources in the world. Help protect,
enhance, and promote these majestic places. 21.8% C,O,T
12213 National Park Trust (301)279-7275 www.parktrust.org
EIN#521691924 NPT impacts park preservation by providing in-depth
environmental outdoor education experiences for underserved youth
and families; and by providing funding to complete park preservation
projects. 8.3% C,O,P
10426 National Preservation Institute (703)765-0100 www.npi.org
EIN#621247166 Helping historic preservation professionals and
advocates preserve heritage through scholarships to educational
programs on the management, preservation, and stewardship of
cultural resources. 2.4% A,B,C
10240 National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc. (803)637-3106 www.nwtf.org
EIN#570564993 Conservation and educational organization dedicated
to the conservation and management of the North American Wild
Turkey and the preservation of the hunting heritage. 11.9% D,C,O
12417 Nature and Culture International (858)259-0374 www.
natureandculture.org EIN#330773524 We save Amazon rainforests
and endangered wildlife for less than $3 an acre. Our goal - 20 million
acres of threatened rainforests saved by 2020. 8.7% C,D,S
11795 Nature Science Partnership to Save the Planet (Rocky Mountain
Biological Laboratory at Gothic) (970)349-7231 www.rmbl.org
EIN#846050523 Climate change, acid rain, air and water pollution,
endocrine disruption, invasive species, and amphibian and pollinator
decline are researched by top scientists at RMBL. 22.5% U,B,C
12055 Negative Population Growth (703)370-9510 www.npg.org
EIN#132727625 More people means more pollution, more sprawl, less
green space. Help us work to halt, then reverse population growth and
protect our quality of life. 26.6% C,V,S
11262 NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation (877)8857733 www.numbersusa.org EIN#470865426 Millions of Americans
unemployed. Out-of-control immigration continues at record levels.
We’re working to lower immigration numbers to help protect jobs and
the environment. 8.9% C,W,J
12418 Ocean Foundation (202)887-8992 www.oceanfdn.org
EIN#710863908 We once believed the ocean was too big to fail. Now
vital resource. 10.7% C,S,T
11263 Organization of American Historians (812)855-7311 www.oah.
org EIN#470426520 Help preserve our free, democratic society by
improving the understanding of American history. The OAH promotes
excellence in producing, presenting and teaching of American history.
13.9% B,A,Y
10429 Pacific Crest Trail Association (916)285-1846 www.pcta.org
EIN#330051202 Help protect, preserve and promote the 2,650-mile
equestrians, and the value scenic lands provide. 31.0% C,N,W
11794 Pheasants Forever (877)773-2070 www.pheasantsforever.org
EIN#411429149 Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation
of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements,
public awareness, education, and land management policies and
programs. 12.1% C,D,O
10430 Population Institute (800)787-0038 www.populationinstitute.org
EIN#520899578 By advocating for voluntary family planning and
reproductive health care services, we are helping to empower women,
12057 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (202)265-7337
www.peer.org EIN#931102740 Protect whistleblowers and wildlife from
government mistreatment. Mistakes don’t get corrected when they go
undetected. PEER ensures that your voice is heard. 9.0% C,D,W
85801 Rainforest Partnership (512)420-0101 www.rainforestpartnership.
org EIN#261618125 Rainforest Partnership works with indigenous
rainforest communities to protect the Amazon. Deforestation directly
affects us, our climate, and our planet. Help us protect our future.
18.9% S,C,Q
11257 Rainforest Trust (World Land Trust US) (800)456-4930
RainforestTrust.org EIN#133500609 Buy and save threatened
Rainforest acres! Protect Jaguar habitat and other endangered
species! We’ve saved 7 million acres from deforestation. $100 saves 1
acre! 9.7% C,D,Q
10962 RARE (703)522-5070 www.rare.org EIN#237380563 Conserve
imperiled species and ecosystems around the world by inspiring
people to care for and protect nature. 6.9% C,B,S
10408 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (406)523-4500 www.rmef.org
EIN#810421425 Ensures future of elk, other wildlife and our hunting
heritage by conserving, restoring, and enhancing natural habitats
through land purchases, conservation easements, education and
research. 7.9% C,D,W
12058 Ruffed Grouse Society (888)564-6747 www.ruffedgrousesociety.org
EIN#540846925 Conservation is our main mission. We’re dedicated to
preserving our sporting traditions by creating healthy forest habitat for
ruffed grouse, American woodcock and other wildlife. 14.4% D,C,B
70311 Safari Club International Foundation (520)620-1220 www.
safariclubfoundation.org EIN#860292099 Funds and manages
worldwide programs dedicated to wildlife conservation, outdoor
education and humanitarian services. Projects include: wildlife
restoration, textbook and medical supplies, and teacher training. 25.1%
12059 Save America’s Forests Fund (202)544-9219 www.
saveamericasforests.org EIN#521770554 Stop clearcutting in our
national forests. Let’s protect America’s Ancient forests and wild
animals, and the Amazon forest’s amazing wildlife and native peoples.
7.8% C,D,Q
11797 Soil and Water Conservation Society (800)843-7645 www.swcs.org
EIN#420716340 Healthy Lands, Clean Water, For Life. Protecting the
environment, improving water quality, and reducing soil erosion while
producing food to support a growing world population. 10.2% C,U,K
12189 Solar Electric Light Fund (202)234-7265 www.self.org
EIN#521701564 Improve lives and end global poverty! SELF designs
and implements solar energy solutions to help people living in poverty
improve their health, education, and livelihoods. 17.2% S,E,K
31826 Take Me Fishing (Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation)
aquatic conservation. Conservation through participation - for our
enjoyment, for our waterways, for our children. 6.8% C,B,O
11542 Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc. (202)639-8727
www.trcp.org EIN#043706385 By building partnerships, the TRCP
wildlife and wild places we all cherish. 19.2% C,N,W
10000 Tread Lightly!, Inc. (801)627-0077 www.treadlightly.org
EIN#870481456 Protecting, enhancing, and restoring outdoor
recreation areas by advocating an ethic of stewardship and
responsible use of America’s public land and waterways. 9.6% N,C,B
12060 Trees, Water and People (877)606-4897 www.treeswaterpeople.org
EIN#841462044 Improving lives around the world with sustainable
solutions: renewable energy, green job training, clean cookstoves,
solar lighting, and tree nurseries. Help people and the planet! 20.1%
10409 Tropical Forest Foundation (703)518-8834 www.
tropicalforestfoundation.org EIN#541562639 Slash and burn
agriculture has depleted our forests. We must teach locals sustainable
forestry to save tropical forests and the wildlife within from certain
destruction. 26.0% S,C,B
11255 Trout Unlimited (800)834-2419 www.tu.org EIN#381612715
Protecting, reconnecting, restoring, and sustaining North America’s
healthier rivers for trout, salmon and all living downstream. 11.2%
11798 Wilderness Inquiry (800)728-0719 www.wildernessinquiry.org
EIN#930708637 Support youth like Paul, born with cerebral palsy, in
life’s challenges, through integrated wilderness adventures. 9.5%
12163 Wildlife Conservation Fund of America (United States Sportsmens
Alliance Foundation) (888)930-4868 www.trailblazeradventure.org
EIN#310941103 To protect and advance outdoor sports through public
education by introducing youth and their families to an active outdoor
lifestyle through the Trailblazer Adventure Program. 8.1% N,O,P
10002 Wildlife Forever (763)253-0222 www.wildlifeforever.org
EIN#363566121 America’s leading all-species conservation charity.
We’re here to conserve and protect America’s wildlife heritage. 7.0%
10247 Wildlife Society, Inc. (301)897-9770 www.wildlife.org EIN#520788946
Committed to a world where humans and wildlife coexist. Working for
wildlife using science-based decisions to ensure wildlife and habitats
are sustainably conserved and managed. 18.3% D,C,B
11259 Yellowstone Coalition: Protecting the Lands, Waters, and
Wildlife (Greater Yellowstone Coalition Inc) (800)775-1834 www.
greateryellowstone.org EIN#810414042 Wolves shot. Grizzly Bears
endangered. Wild bison slaughtered. Cutthroat trout threatened. Help
us protect Yellowstone National Park and the lands that surround it.
19.9% C,D,W
10405 Yellowstone Park Foundation, Inc. (406)586-6303 www.ypf.
org EIN#830311166 Protect, preserve, and enhance Yellowstone
National Park. Your gift helps ensure that the wonders and wildlife
of Yellowstone remain undiminished for generations to come. 26.1%
12061 Yosemite Conservancy (Yosemite Foundation) (800)469-7275 www.
yosemiteconservancy.org EIN#943058041 Keeping this breathtaking
place open and available to all. Our programs protect and preserve this
majestic spot. Providing for Yosemite’s future is our passion. 20.5%
Mental Health and Addiction
Federation and Member Organizations
11591 Mental Health and Addiction Network (617)949-0030 www.
mhfederation.org EIN#201358397 Coalition of charities providing
mental health services, education and family support, addressing
ADHD, autism, bipolar, grief, mental disabilities, schizophrenia,
substance abuse, trauma and other ailments. 3.0% F,E,P
72104 Addiction Medicine, American Society of (301)656-3920 www.
asam.org EIN#237364605 More than two-thirds of American families
have been touched by addiction. We educate physicians, support
research and prevention, and promote the appropriate role of
physicians. 35.2% E,F,B
11225 American Psychiatric Foundation (703)907-8512 www.
psychfoundation.org EIN#130433740 Creating a mentally healthy
nation by raising awareness of mental illnesses and effectiveness of
treatment, and the importance of early intervention through education
and research. 34.1% F,E,G
12516 American Psychiatric Nurses Association (571)533-1919 www.
apna.org EIN#222814679 A professional membership organization
of more than 8,000 members committed to the specialty practice of
psychiatric mental health nursing, health and wellness promotion.
24.6% B,F,U
Asperger’s Association (Aspergers Association of New England Inc)
(617)393-3824 www.aane.org EIN#043376227 Living with Asperger
Syndrome can be a lonely struggle. We help with parenting, school,
friendships, relationships, and employment. 20.5% P,G,R
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (800)939-1019 www.add.
org EIN#841134997 ADHD affects over eight million US adults. We
assist adults and families through education, web-based services, and
connections to support groups and professional advocates. 44.3%
Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower (760)773-4100 www.
bettyfordcenter.org EIN#953863994 Provides effective alcohol and
other drug dependency treatment services, including programs of
education and research, to help families begin the process of recovery.
10.3% E,P,O
Bipolar Research Foundation, Juvenile (973)275-0400 www.jbrf.
org EIN#161612095 JBRF orchestrates cutting-edge collaborative
research in order to improve diagnosis, promote early intervention,
and discover the root causes of bipolar disorder in children and
adolescents. 28.9% H,F,E
Campaign for America’s Kids (American Academy of Child & Adoles)
(202)966-7300 www.aacap.org EIN#131958990 15 million children in
America have a psychiatric disorder. Give children access to treatment,
decreasing stigma through advocacy, education, and research.
Change a child’s life. 12.8% F,G,O
Child Mind Institute (212)308-3118 www.childmind.org
treatments, ground-breaking research, and informative public
education campaigns, we are dedicated to transforming mental health
care for children everywhere. 33.5% F,H,B
Clubhouse International (International Center for Clubhouse
Development Inc) (212)582-0343 www.iccd.org EIN#133778633
Mental illness affects millions of people worldwide. We help these
individuals achieve their full potential by offering education, housing,
employment opportunities and other social activities. 18.2% F,P,R
Developmental Disabilities, American Association on Intellectual
and (202)387-1968 www.aaidd.org EIN#060636098 Assists people
with developmental disabilities by offering educational programs for
professionals and supporting community programs, progressive public
policy, and research advances. 9.0% B,V,G
Eating Disorders, Academy for (847)498-4274 www.aedweb.
org EIN#363929097 AED is the professional membership society
for clinicians and researchers working to prevent and treat eating
Empowerment Center, National (978)685-1494 www.power2u.org
EIN#043331278 Consumer-run organization which carries a message
of recovery, empowerment, hope and healing to people with lived
experience with mental health issues, trauma, and/or extreme states.
25.7% F,R,S
Family Institute (312)609-5300 www.family-institute.org
EIN#362682639 Provides counseling/psychotherapy (for families,
couples and individuals), education, and research. Makes family-based
mental health services available to a geographically, culturally and
economically diverse population. 15.1% F,B,H
Mental Health First Aid USA (National Council for Behavioral
Health) (202)684-7457 www.thenationalcouncil.org EIN#237092671
We represent over 2,100 organizations serving our nation’s most
vulnerable citizens, more than 8 million adults and children with mental
illnesses and addiction disorders 7.3% F,R,E
Mental Health Law, Judge David L. Bazelon Center for (202)4675730 www.bazelon.org EIN#237268143 Protects children and adults
with mental disabilities from exclusion and discrimination in education,
housing, employment and health care and promotes services that
foster their independence. 8.4% R,F,E
Mental Health, Screening for (781)239-0071 www.
mentalhealthscreening.org EIN#043221069 Provides mental health
education and screening programs for youth, adults and seniors;
helping raise awareness, reduce stigma and connect those in need
with appropriate resources. 23.7% F,E,P
Music Therapy Association, American (301)589-3300 www.
musictherapy.org EIN#486107868 Advances public awareness of
therapy in a rapidly changing world. 27.4% E,B,A
Parent Professional Advocacy League, Inc. (617)542-7860 www.
ppal.net EIN#043573317 We create parent and youth leaders who
use their experiences, passion and knowledge to ensure services and
policies work better for them and their families. 17.2% F,R,O
Resource for Advancing Children’s Health, REACH Institute
(212)947-7322 www.thereachinstitute.org EIN#205437835
Transforming children’s health services by empowering care providers
-parents, doctors, and counselors -to use effective methods for
identifying and intervening with children’s mental health challenges.
35.1% F,E,O
Soldiers Suicide Prevention (Foundation of Cognitive Therapy
and Research) (610)664-3020 www.soldiersuicideprevention.
org EIN#232051226 Helps veterans by training mental health
professionals in evidence-based Cognitive Therapy --a treatment
proven effective for PTSD, depression, hopelessness, and other
suicide risk factors. 11.7% F,B,V
16455 Student Suicide Prevention (Active Minds Inc) (202)332-9595 www.
activeminds.org EIN#200587172 Suicide is the 2nd leading cause
of death for college students. We provide educational resources and
awareness to eliminate this preventable outcome. 19.5% F,O,R
12116 Suicide Prevention Alliance (Glendon Association) (800)648-6605
www.glendon.org EIN#953715964 Every 40 seconds, someone dies
by suicide. We provide training, education and tools to individuals,
families and mental health professionals to help save lives. 18.2%
Jewish Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
10895 Jewish Charities of America (888)517-8499 www.jewishcoa.org
EIN#680473577 Repair the World! Support American Jewish Charitiesfeed the hungry, heal the sick, shelter the displaced, and pursue
justice, freedom, and peace for all humanity. 7.8% X,Q,P
44913 All 4 Israel (877)812-7162 www.all4israel.org EIN#050553417 Help
our Israeli brothers and sisters. We assist families of seriously injured/
fallen soldiers and help rebuild shattered lives of innocent victims of
terror attacks. 1.8% E,L,Z
11054 American Associates, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Inc.
(800)962-2248 www.aabgu.org EIN#237270753 A unique oasis of
innovation, BGU provides expertise in desert studies, alternative
energy, ecological conservation, water management, global health.
Support research, scholarships and community outreach. 22.9% B,H,S
12180 American Committee for Tel Aviv Foundation (212)447-6070 www.
telavivfoundation.org EIN#133145161 With the establishment of
social service, educational, cultural and environmental projects, the
Foundation assists minority populations and enriches the quality of life
for Tel Avivians. 2.3% B,P,W
13442 American Friends of AACI (312)335-0909 www.
americanfriendsofaaci.org EIN#133525204 Your family connection
in Israel- assisting Americans immigrate/integrate in Israel through
professional counseling and community centers. Support Americans in
Israel - because Aliyah never stops! 0.3% A,J,W
54815 American Friends of Beit Hatfutsot (212)339-6034 www.bh.org.
il EIN#132928469 The Museum of the Jewish People. This unique
institution connects Jewish people to their roots and strengthens their
personal and collective Jewish identity. Support us! 26.5% A,B,Z
97797 American Friends of Leket Israel (201)331-0070 www.leket.org.
il/english/ EIN#208202424 Israel’s National Food Bank combats
widespread hunger by rescuing millions of pounds of food each year to
feed 140,000 needy Israelis each week. 7.7% K,S,C
10952 American Friends of Magen David Adom (212)757-1627 www.
afmda.org EIN#131790719 Israel’s Red Cross. We provide emergency
medical, disaster, ambulance, blood services and paramedic trainingFirst responders providing care and treatment for victims of terror
attacks. 23.7% M,E,H
42668 American Friends of Migdal Ohr (212)397-3700 www.migdalohrusa.
orphaned, abandoned, impoverished, new immigrant children. We
serve 10,000+ annually; providing education, clothing, food, and
medical care. 29.3% O,P,X
11058 American Friends of Nishmat (212)983-6975 www.afnishmat.org
EIN#043106173 Generates female leaders through advanced Jewish
learning. Supports program for disadvantaged women pursuing higher
education. Worldwide-hotline answers calls on marital issues, fertility,
women’s health. 16.7% B,X,S
87840 American Friends of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Philharmonic Orchestra is the universal language of peace and cultural
understanding. Help ensure the Orchestra’s future, in Israel and
worldwide. 12.6% A,O,Z
10830 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc. (212)687-6200
www.jdc.org EIN#131656634 Since 1914, AJJDC has been the
overseas arm of North American Jewry working to improve Jewish
lives and Jewish life in Israel, FSU and overseas. 10.3% P,S,W
10953 American Society for the Protection of Nature Israel (800)411-0966
www.aspni.org EIN#521467954 Israel faces severe environmental
threats: growing population, limited habitable land, pressures to
develop open space. Help SPNI protect unique natural resources with
environmentally sustainable alternatives. 8.3% C,B,O
11014 American Technion Society (American Society for TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology Inc) (212)407-6300 www.ats.org
EIN#130434195 Israel’s world-class science-technology university
improves quality-of-life: alternative energy, anti-terrorism, biomedical,
biotechnology, cancer treatment, engineering, life sciences,
nanotechnology, neurodegenerative illnesses, stem cells. 21.1% B,U,H
10081 Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies, Inc.
(410)843-7573 www.ajfca.org EIN#132752418 Provides support for
social services to the most vulnerable populations, including seniors,
disabled, children, and refugees. We work to repair the world. 18.8%
10954 AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps (212)545-7759 www.avodah.
connecting activism and Jewish life. We’re preparing lifelong leaders
for social change, and changing lives in low-income communities.
22.2% S,X,R
10955 Blue Card (212)239-2251 www.bluecardfund.org EIN#131623910
Cash assistance to needy Holocaust survivors - many at or near the
federal poverty level - facing deprivation, failing health and surviving
with limited resources. 12.1% P,T,F
52090 B’nai B’rith International (Bnai Brith) (800)573-9057 www.bnaibrith.
org EIN#530179971 B’nai B’rith International, the global voice of the
Jewish community, is the most widely known Jewish humanitarian,
human rights and advocacy organization. 28.4% R,Q,M
13428 Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer in Jewish Families (Sharsheret
Inc) (866)474-2774 www.sharsheret.org EIN#134198529 Supports
breast and ovarian cancer patients at every stage- before, during, and
after diagnosis. Fosters culturally-relevant individualized connections
with networks of peers, health professionals, resources. 12.2% E,G,R
10381 ELEM Youth in Distress (212)787-3337 www.elem.org
EIN#133171815 Homeless, drug-addicted, and drop-out teens, many
sexually or physically abused, traumatized by terrorism, or engaged
in prostitution, are given humanitarian services, support, and hope.
22.6% P,F,J
12498 Foundation for Jewish Camp (646)278-4500 www.jewishcamp.org
building leadership, fostering excellence, and addressing affordability
experiences. 9.7% O,X,N
11584 Friends of Yemin Orde, Inc. (202)237-0286 www.yeminorde.org
EIN#223090463 Supports Yemin Orde Youth Village and Yemin Orde
Educational Initiatives in Israel- educational community and home to
immigrant and disadvantaged children from 16 countries worldwide.
10.8% O,L,B
10217 Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life (202)449-6500
www.hillel.org EIN#521844823 90% of American Jews go to college.
Hillel, on 550 campuses, engages with and inspires leadership of more
Jewish students than all other endeavors combined. 24.7% B,O,X
87965 International Sephardic Education Foundation (212)683-7772
www.isef.org EIN#132909403 A different way of protecting Israeldeveloping its brainpower. We’re inspiring change by enabling
deserving students to earn degrees. Help us build a better Israel!
27.2% B,O,Q
30184 JBI International, Inc. (800)433-1531 www.jbilibrary.org
EIN#131683279 The Jewish Braille Institute provides free Audio, Large
Print and Braille books of Jewish interest for blind, visually impaired
and physically handicapped children and adults. 13.9% A,P,B
11339 Jewish Children’s Regional Services (800)SAY-JCRS www.jcrs.org
EIN#720408936 Special needs, low-income and socially isolated youth
receive scholarships for summer camp, tuition assistance for college,
special education and treatment, and therapeutic case management.
20.2% O,P,F
12500 Jewish Community Centers Association of North America
(212)786-5099 www.jcca.org EIN#135599486 JCCs’ recreational,
cultural, educational, and social programs, early childhood centers
and summer camps, serve your Jewish community and all people,
including Jews in the military. 19.1% P,A,O
23066 Jewish Community Day School Network (212)665-1320 www.
ravsak.org EIN#911894659 Help strengthen and sustain the Jewish
life, leadership and learning of community day schools. We’re inspiring
and transforming educators/ students, ensuring a vibrant Jewish future.
33.4% B,Y,X
11669 Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (202)667-3900 www.
jinsa.org EIN#521233683 Securing America, Strengthening Israel.
JINSA programs bolster US national security, advocate for a strong US
military, and help maintain our strategic relationship with Israel. 10.5%
11063 Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael), Inc. (212)8799300 www.jnf.org EIN#131659627 A global environmental leader planting trees, building reservoirs, creating parks/playgrounds, bringing
life to the Negev Desert, and educating students around the world.
Founded 1901. 12.0% C,S,B
10493 Jewish Women International (800)343-2823 www.jwi.org
EIN#526040461 Domestic abuse. Financial control. Teen dating
violence. JWI empowers women and girls through economic literacy,
community training, healthy relationship education, and promoting
women’s leadership. 15.9% P,O,W
10169 Jews for Judaism (410)602-0276 www.jewsforjudaism.org
EIN#521324729 Keeping your children and grandchildren Jewish
through engagement, empowerment and education, so they do not fall
prey to deceptive missionary groups targeting us for conversion. 19.9%
48262 Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel (United States Committee Sports
For Israel Inc) (215)561-6900 www.maccabiusa.com EIN#131810938
Designated by the USOC as a Multi-Sport Organization, Maccabi USA
Builds Jewish Pride Through Sports, and Jewish Identity is enhanced
through cultural/educational programs. 30.4% O,Q,T
11671 National Council of Jewish Women (212)645-4048 www.ncjw.org
EIN#131641076 For over a century, inspired by Jewish values, we
have courageously taken a progressive stance on issues including
child welfare, women’s rights, and reproductive freedom. 25.7% R,B,S
12123 New Israel Fund (202)842-0900 www.nif.org EIN#942607722 The
leading organization working to strengthen Israeli democracy and to
promote freedom, justice and equality for all Israel’s citizens. 22.3%
12124 North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry (212)233-5200
www.nacoej.org EIN#133187021 Many Ethiopian-Israeli children fail
school and dropout, but over 80% of those in NACOEJ programs
reach class-level or higher. Help us help more children. 20.3% B,W,K
91676 Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies North America (212)447-4333
www.pardes.org.il EIN#222594099 Supports the Pardes Institute
of Jewish Studies in Israel, where men and women of diverse
backgrounds learn together in a rigorous, challenging and openminded environment. 6.9% X,B,W
12504 Society for Humanistic Judaism (248)478-7610 www.shj.org
EIN#382221910 Human-centered celebration of Jewish culture and
identity, promoting humanism, dignity, equality and ethical behavior.
Building humanistic Jewish congregations today, creating continuity for
our children tomorrow. 2.4% X,A,O
11936 T’ruah (212)845-5201 www.truah.org EIN#450464545 Using Jewish
North America, and to preserve Bedouin and Palestinian homes in
Israel. 23.0% R,X,Q
Sports Charities USA - Supporting
Youth, Disabled and National Team
Federation and Member Organizations
10273 Sports Charities USA - Supporting Youth, Disabled and
National Team Athletics (800)874-0740 www.sportscharities.org
EIN#470863988 Provide sports and outdoor recreation opportunities
for disabled Veterans and handicapped children, support youth sports
training, and help America’s Team bring home Olympic gold. 7.5%
13074 Adaptive Sports Access for Wounded Warriors (Mercy Medical
Airlift) (888)206-7027 www.AdaptiveSportsAccess.org EIN#271190990
Wounded warriors have earned and deserve normal and productive
lives. Our charitable air transportation takes them to adaptive sports
programs which promote healing and rehabilitation. 1.3% E,P,W
10054 Adventure Cycling Association (406)721-1776 www.
adventurecycling.org EIN#237427629 Promoting environmental and
self discovery and advocating for better cycling conditions since 1974.
12.1% N,E,C
65868 American Youth Soccer Organization (310)727-5420 www.ayso.
org EIN#956205398 Everyone Plays! Support America’s most childfocused youth sports program: Help AYSO scholarship underprivileged
kids to play soccer, learn life lessons, have fun! 7.8% N,O,A
24857 BlazeSports America, Inc. (404)270-2000 www.blazesports.org
EIN#582087265 Children, youth and veterans with a physical disability
deserve the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, to have fun and
improve their quality of life. 26.2% N,E,O
11447 Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) (970)453-6422
www.boec.org EIN#840725560 We give persons with multiple and
severe disabilities, serious illnesses and special needs the opportunity
to experience the joy and therapy of outdoor activities. 22.8% P,N,B
21339 Challenged Athletes Foundation (Challenged Athletes Inc) (858)8660959 www.challengedathletes.org EIN#330739596 Encourage
with physical disabilities pursue active lifestyles through physical
10151 Disabled Sports USA (301)217-0960 www.disabledsportsusa.org
EIN#946174016 Provides year-round sports rehabilitation programs
nationally to persons with disabilities, including a program for severely
wounded service members from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
10.4% N,E,P
10697 Fishing Has No Boundaries (800)243-3462 www.fhnbinc.org
personal volunteers and special memories. 25.0% N,P,E
90196 NASCAR Foundation (Motorsports Charities Inc) (386)310-5736
www.nascar.com/foundation EIN#300337745 Be a Champion for
Children! United by passion, and fueled by dreams, we mobilize
thousands of volunteers to help children learn, live and grow. 31.3%
10698 National Alliance for Youth Sports (800)688-5437 www.nays.org
EIN#592134374 Coaches screaming. Parents arguing. 911 calls,
altercations and arrests ruining youth sports. Help us make youth
sports safe and fun for children in your community. 18.3% O,N,B
23476 National Wheelchair Basketball Association (719)266-4082 www.
nwba.org EIN#362884730 Help provide individuals with physical
disabilities the opportunity to play wheelchair basketball. Give the
chance to excel further in life through the power of sport. 35.2% N,E,O
11994 Paralyzed Veterans of America Outdoor Recreation Heritage Fund
(Outdoor Recreation Heritage Fund Inc) (540)349-5080 www.orhfund.
org EIN#320010956 Provide healing experiences to veterans, troops,
Hosts warriors with all types of injuries. 11.9% N,E,P
85480 PeacePlayers International (202)408-5111 www.peaceplayersintl.org
EIN#522272092 Children who play together can learn to live together.
Using sports to unite and educate in Israel/West Bank, Northern
Ireland, South Africa, and Cyprus. 18.5% O,N,S
54808 PeopleForBikes Foundation (303)449-4893 www.peopleforbikes.
org EIN#204306888 Building a mutual respect among motorists
and cyclists ensuring safer routes for everyone to ride. Encouraging
cost-effective infrastructure improvements to create better bicycling
opportunities. 5.6% E,W,N
Right To Play (Sports Humanitarian Group Inc) (646)649-8280 www.
righttoplayusa.org EIN#134045245 Play is not a privilege, it’s a child’s
right. We use sport and play to foster development and peace for
children in disadvantaged communities globally. 19.8% O,Q,N
Soccer In The Streets (888)436-5833 www.soccerstreets.org
EIN#581874451 Soccer teaches teamwork and life skills- respect,
communication, preparation, discipline and goal setting. Help give kids
who lack opportunity the tools to become employable adults. 15.0%
United States Association of Blind Athletes (719)866-3224 www.
usaba.org EIN#310977121 Enhancing the lives of children, youth,
adults, active duty military and Veterans who are blind and visually
impaired through sport, recreation, physical activity and employment.
11.4% N,O,E
United States Fencing Association (719)866-4511 www.usfencing.
org EIN#116075952 Fencing develops discipline, coordination and
sportsmanship among youth participants. Help foster amateur fencing
and sponsorship of individuals and teams at international competitions.
20.3% N,O,Y
United States Field Hockey Association (719)866-4567 www.
coaches. We are the second largest team participant sport on earth!
20.8% N,O
United States Handball Association (520)795-0434 www.
ushandball.org EIN#366098726 To organize, promote and spread the
joy of handball! Teaching America’s youth the healthy lifetime sport
of handball. Organizing and supporting instruction and after-school
programs. 38.2% N,O,B
United States Luge Association, Inc. (518)523-2071 www.usaluge.
org EIN#141638206 Luge: the fastest sport on ice. We recruit and
develop athletes for Olympic and international competitions with the
highest degree of sportsmanship, honor and dedication. 24.1% N,O,W
United States Soccer Federation Foundation (202)872-6651
www.ussoccerfoundation.org EIN#363976313 1 in 3 children are
overweight. Nutrition education and physical activity make a difference.
Using soccer, we improve the lives of youth from underserved
communities. 41.1% O,N,T
United States Soccer Federation, Inc. (312)808-1300 www.ussoccer.
com EIN#135591991 Soccer, The Beautiful Game! USSF organizes
the game of soccer in United States, sponsoring national and
international competitions; player development, coaching, and referee
educational programs. 12.6% N,O,B
United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc. (800)4SOCCER www.
usyouthsoccer.org EIN#621178909 Help us impact the lives of kids in
underserved areas, those with disabilities and those who seek a great
US Lacrosse (410)235-6882 www.uslacrosse.org EIN#521765246
US Lacrosse is the sport’s national governing body and is committed
to increasing access and opportunity, and providing a positive and
responsible lacrosse experience nationwide. 22.5% N,O,B
USA Badminton (719)866-4808 www.usabadminton.org
EIN#841474714 Badminton - the world’s fastest racket sport. We train
world class competitions. 20.3% N,O,B
USA Basketball (719)590-4800 www.usabasketball.com
EIN#370996441 Help ensure that basketball is enjoyed by all - youth,
women and handicapped individuals. We sponsor individuals/teams to
represent the United States in international competitions. 8.6% N,O,T
USA Diving, Inc. (317)237-5252 www.usadiving.org EIN#310986868
Support a successful summer Olympic sport! Programs for divers of all
ages/ skill levels; we train teams to represent the US in competitions
worldwide. 16.1% Y,O,N
USA Hockey Foundation (719)538-1106 www.usahockeyfoundation.
org EIN#742553720 Help provide the funding for strengthening
American hockey from the grass roots to high-performance athletes
nationwide. 6.0% T,N,O
USA Hockey, Inc. (719)576-8724 www.usahockey.com
EIN#510204742 Encourage the development and growth of hockey.
Help fund opportunities for disabled/disadvantaged players, player
education. 14.9% N,O,B
USA Racquetball (United States Racquetball Association) (719)6355396 www.USARacquetball.com EIN#730954204 Promoting
recreational and competitive racquetball to stimulate people’s
interest in healthy sport participation. We sanction events, administer
programs, develop competitive teams. 8.5% N,E,O
USA Rugby (United States of America Rugby Football Union Ltd)
(303)539-0300 www.usarugby.org EIN#161118870 Building champions
through rugby. Help us introduce rugby to a new generation of players.
16.0% N,B,O
USA Shooting (719)866-4670 www.usashooting.org EIN#841263863
Preparing America’s athletes to win Olympic/Paralympic medals while
promoting shooting sports throughout the U.S. We train coaches,
conduct camps, youth programs, Olympic-style competitions. 29.0%
10693 USA Swimming (719)866-4578 www.usaswimming.org
EIN#204264282 Support the sport of swimming from grassroots to
gold medals! Drowning prevention, learn-to-swim programs, and
national swimming events lead to international competitive excellence.
14.9% N,O,Y
30550 USA Taekwondo Inc. (719)866-4064 www.usa-taekwondo.us
EIN#680587171 Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control,
indomitable spirit. That’s who we are. Achieving Olympic dreams,
supporting amateur athletes, inspiring Americans. That’s what we do.
Help us inspire. 24.1% N,O,A
11988 USA Track & Field (317)261-0500 www.usatf.org EIN#351475847
promotes healthy and active lifestyles, as well as competitive
opportunities for athletes and Olympians. 5.9% E,O,N
11203 USA Triathlon (719)597-9090 www.usatriathlon.org EIN#680047940
fuels the multisport lifestyle through its educational programs, 4,300
sanctioned events, club participation opportunities. 14.3% N,O,W
11294 USA Ultimate (Ultimate Players Association) (800)872-4384 www.
usaultimate.org EIN#841152993 Sportsmanship, athleticism, non-stop
movement. Ultimate Frisbee is played by millions of Americans of all
ages. Programs offer healthy activities, foster active lifestyles. 6.8%
37432 USA Volleyball (719)228-6800 www.usavolleyball.org EIN#800551967
Support the lifetime sport of volleyball- youth to Men’s and Women’s
National Teams, Indoor and Beach, Olympic Gold! Learn skills, enjoy
competitive success, have fun! 12.3% N,O,T
93275 USA Water Polo (714)500-5445 www.usawaterpolo.org
EIN#841357609 Offers the highest quality water polo programs for all
ages and provides the best possible water polo teams for Olympic and
other international competitions. 11.4% N,O,E
11204 USA Weightlifting (719)866-4508 www.teamusa.org/USAWeightlifting EIN#311012362 We are the STRONGEST Team in
America; we discover, train and develop Olympic Weightlifting
Champions. Your gift of support gives us the strength to succeed!
12.4% O,N,Z
11517 USA Wrestling (United States of America Wrestling Association)
(719)598-8181 www.themat.com EIN#362667348 USA Wrestling
provides quality opportunities for its members to achieve their full
human potential, including Olympic training. We value respect,
integrity, dedication, and honesty. 4.1% O,N,B
72863 Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, USA (Wheelchair Sports
USA Inc) (732)266-2634 www.wasusa.org EIN#112352035 Provides
competitive and recreational sporting opportunities nationwide via
community-based programs. Enables individuals with physical and
visual disabilities, including military veterans to maintain active, healthy
lifestyles. 5.6% N,O,E
10695 Women’s Sports Foundation (800)227-3988 www.
womenssportsfoundation.org EIN#237380557 We advocate today for
create the leaders of tomorrow. 27.9% N,O,B
Animal Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
10264 Animal Charities of America (800)626-5892 www.
animalcharitiesofamerica.org EIN#943193389 Protecting pets, wildlife,
and endangered species. Teaching people to treat animals with
respect. Humane training of animals as helpmates and companions to
people in need. 2.1% D,P,E
59894 4 Paws for Ability, Inc. (937)374-0385 www.4pawsforability.org
EIN#311625484 Providing canine miracles for children with disabilities
and injured veterans. Enriching their lives by providing a trained
service dog for independent living, stability, and companionship. 15.7%
10964 Alley Cat Allies (240)482-1980 www.alleycat.org EIN#521742079
Alley Cat Allies is the only national organization dedicated to protecting
and improving cats’ lives. Help us transform the way our society cares
for cats! 29.1% D,W,Z
10472 Alley Cat Rescue (301)277-5595 www.saveacat.org EIN#522279100
Stray, abandoned and feral cats are neglected. Healthy cats in shelters
are killed. Your contribution helps us end feline overpopulation and
suffering. 15.9% D,W,Z
12379 Alternatives for Research and Development Foundation (215)8878076 www.ardf-online.org EIN#232740843 Animal testing is crude,
primitive animal research methods. Help us stop needless animal
suffering. 24.9% D,U,H
89499 America for Animals (858)412-7078 www.americaforanimals.org
EIN#454971076 Create a humane nation for abused and neglected
dogs and cats. Help us empower ordinary people to report cruelty and
end suffering in their communities. 0.0% D,S,C
10965 American Anti-Vivisection Society (800)SAY-AAVS www.aavs.
org EIN#230341990 Dedicated to ending vivisection: the cruel,
unnecessary act of cutting into or injuring live animals for research,
testing and education. We promote effective, non-animal alternatives.
19.9% D,B,R
11270 American Eagle Foundation (800)2-EAGLES www.eagles.org
EIN#581652023 Dedicated to protecting the majestic Bald Eagle, the
USA’s National Symbol, and its habitat by supporting and conducting
eagle and environmental recovery and education programs. 11.5%
American Humane Association (866)242-1877 www.
americanhumane.org EIN#840432950 Protecting millions of children
and animals from abuse, neglect and abandonment for 135 years. We
lead understanding of the human-animal bond. The abuse must stop!
17.9% D,M,W
Angel Canines for Wounded Warriors (Mercy Medical Airlift)
(888)241-6193 www.AngelCaninesforWoundedWarriors.org
EIN#270385676 Free air travel for wounded warriors to be paired with
service dogs or travel for medical treatment to gain mobility and self
Animal League America (North Shore Animal League America Inc)
(516)883-7900 www.animalleague.org EIN#111666852 Support the
largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world.
We save the lives of pets through rescue, adoption, spay/neuter,
advocacy initiatives. 17.9% D,A,Z
Animal Legal Defense Fund (707)795-2533 www.ALDF.org
EIN#942681680 Animals need love - and lawyers! Unimaginable acts
of cruelty must end. In courtrooms across America, ALDF is winning
the case against cruelty! 16.2% D,I,R
Animal Place (530)477-1757 www.animalplace.org EIN#680200668
Sanctuary and advocacy for farm animals. Operates three facilities:
rescue and adoption shelter; sanctuary and education center;
educational internship program. Mission: compassion for all life. 9.6%
Animal Protection and Rescue League (858)541-0240 www.aprl.
org EIN#050571617 Working to protect the rights and habitats of
all animals, exposing and eliminating cruelty behind closed doors,
enacting humane policies through education, lobbying and litigation.
12.2% D,K,C
Animal Rights Institute (Animals and Society Institute Inc) (734)6779240 www.animalsandsociety.org EIN#222527462 Dogs, cats, rabbits,
horses, humans all suffer from domestic violence. Our AniCare
program helps break the cycle between animal abuse and human
violence. Support us! 26.6% D,F,O
Animal Spay Neuter International (Romania Animal Rescue Inc)
(925)672-5908 www.animalsni.org EIN#721546354 Help us stop
overpopulation of unwanted animals and educate animal welfare,
providing free sterilization for stray animals and to companion pets of
the poor. 5.1% D,T,Q
Animal Welfare Institute (202)337-2332 www.awionline.org
EIN#135655952 Horses brutally slaughtered. Dogs and cats stolen for
caught in brutal traps. Help us protect these animals. 7.5% D,K,T
Animals for Adoption (Rondout Valley Animals for Adoption Inc)
(845)687-7619 www.animalsforadoption.org EIN#223584869 Animals
are abandoned daily, starving and neglected. To prevent this, our
programs educate pet owners, assist the impoverished, promote
adoptions and improve shelter conditions nationwide. 3.2% D,S,P
Apes Alive: The Primate Rescue Center (Primate Rescue Center
Inc) (859)858-4866 www.primate-rescue.org EIN#611325369 Unseen,
they suffer- unheard, they cry. Saving lives and providing a safe haven
for chimpanzees and monkeys in need. Let’s give them a better future!
10.4% D,W,B
ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (212)876-7700 www.aspca.org EIN#131623829 Staged dog
breeding pens. Kittens tortured for amusement. Help stop these acts of
animal cruelty. 23.8% D,I,M
Assistance Dog Institute (Bergin University of Canine Studies)
(707)545-3647 www.berginu.edu EIN#680259118 Our “Dogs
Helping Veterans” program helps heal returning service members by
providing loving dog helpmates at no cost to those with physical and
psychological disabilities. 2.9% B,D,P
Assistance Dog United Campaign www.
assistancedogunitedcampaign.org EIN#680307690 Helping lowincome disabled people receive loving assistance dog partners to
create independence and emotional support. Providing grants to
Big Cat Rescue Corp (813)920-4130 www.bigcatrescue.org
photos then to be shot in cages. Lynx farmed for their fur. Help us save
big cats. 10.6% D,R,C
Canine Assistants (800)771-7221 www.canineassistants.org
EIN#581974410 Teaching great dogs for special people. Invest
in freedom by providing service dogs to children and adults with
disabilities. Thank you! 6.3% D,P,H
Canine Companions for Independence (800)572-BARK www.cci.org
EIN#942494324 A cold nose and a warm heart! Our companion dogs
provide independence, assistance and friendship that transforms the
lives of children and adults with disabilities. 23.2% P,D,W
Canine Health Foundation (American Kennel Club Canine Health
Foundation Inc) (888)682-9696 www.caninehealthfoundation.org
canine diseases like cancer, epilepsy, eye and heart disease. Our work
furthers human treatments and cures too. 20.0% D,H,G
Cats on Death Row (866)438-7530 www.catsondeathrow.org
EIN#272033192 We rescue cats facing imminent execution if they do
treatment required to become adoptable. 10.4% D,W,Q
53636 Cesar Millan Foundation (818)392-3909 www.millanfoundation.org
EIN#208048410 Supports the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of
abused and abandoned dogs. Creates and delivers humane education
programs that nurture healthy relationships between dogs and people.
14.2% D,B,W
10468 Compassion Over Killing (301)891-2458 www.cok.net
EIN#522034417 Cruel and inhumane treatment of farm animals must
end. Help us raise awareness to encourage compassion and ultimately
11897 Days End Farm Horse Rescue (301)854-5037 www.defhr.org
EIN#521759077 Starvation, parasite-infestation, deformed-hoofs;
We care for abused and neglected horses. Dedicated to fostering
compassion and responsibility for horses through intervention,
education and outreach. 16.4% D,B,W
10968 Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals (661)269-2203 www.
deltarescue.org EIN#953759277 Only organization in America rescuing
dogs and cats abandoned in wilderness areas, housing over 1500 of
them at its care-for-life, no-kill sanctuary. 7.2% D,W,T
97192 Dogs & Cats Stranded on the Streets (415)869-8121 www.
unwantedanimals.org EIN#272063483 Dogs and cats are dumped on
the streets...injured, scared and hungry. Finding safe, loving homes
for these helpless victims of abuse, abandonment and neglect. 0.4%
86022 Dogs Deserve Better, Inc. (757)357-9292 www.dogsdeservebetter.
org EIN#030480223 Rescue dogs living chained by the neck, often
without food and water. Transforming Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels to
Good Newz Rehab Center for Chained Dogs. 5.5% D,W,S
10469 Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans (NEADS) (National
Education for Assistance Dog Services Inc) (978)422-9064 www.
neads.org EIN#237281887 Custom-trains dogs and shelter rescues
as assistance dogs to enhance independence for wounded veterans,
autistic children, people who are deaf or with physical disabilities.
14.6% D,E,P
10969 Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. (800)990-3647 www.dogsforthedeaf.org
EIN#930681311 Dogs rescued from shelters are professionally
trained to assist people with deafness, hearing loss and other
independence. 16.5% D,E,P
11657 Dogs Last Chance (Last Chance for Animals) (310)271-6096 www.
lcanimal.org EIN#954013155 Puppy mills, vivisection/dissection,
breaking undercover investigations to expose animal abusers and
promoting cruelty-free lifestyles. 13.8% D,R,P
74907 Dogs Leading the Blind (Leader Dogs For The Blind) (888)777-5332
www.leaderdog.org EIN#381366931 Pairing beautiful dogs with people
who are blind to form teams that work, play, and live together in safety
and companionship. 18.4% D,P,R
65303 Dogs on Death Row (866)574-7726 www.dodr.org EIN#205530700
We rescue dogs facing imminent execution if they do not get interim
required to become adoptable. 7.8% D,W,Q
11338 Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM) (888)FARM-USA www.
farmusa.org EIN#521302627 Animals crowded, deprived, mutilated,
slaughtered for food. People dying of disease, starvation, weather
extremes, water pollution. We solve these global tragedies by
promoting plant-based eating. 9.9% D,K,C
12292 Farm Sanctuary Inc. (607)583-2225 www.farmsanctuary.org
EIN#510292919 Help us protect farm animals from cruelty and abuse,
inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and
promote compassionate vegan living. 19.0% D,K,E
11513 Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc.(860)243-5200www.fidelco.org
EIN#066060478 Fidelco breeds, trains and places German Shepherd
Guide Dogs to give blind individuals increased independent mobility.
In-Community Placement provides training in the clients’ home towns.
16.3% P,D,Z
11898 Friends of Animals (203)656-1522 www.friendsofanimals.org
EIN#136018549 Free animals from cruelty and institutionalized
exploitation. Working to stop euthanasia with our spay/neuter
programs. Promoting Animal Rights. Promoting vegetarianism.
Protecting animals in need! 7.4% D,C,K
10471 Greyhound Foundation (National Greyhound Foundation Inc)
(352)628-2281 www.4greyhounds.org EIN#650491973 Greyhounds
are starved, abused, abandoned, sold for experimentation, and
slaughtered because many tracks are closing. Help us rescue, provide
medical care, and adopt them. 4.3% D,P,E
10970 Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. (800)295-4050 www.guidedogs.com
EIN#941196195 Providing safety, independence and companionship
to the blind and visually impaired by partnering them with trained guide
dogs throughout their lifetime. 16.2% D,P,O
11873 Guide Dogs of America (International Guiding Eyes Inc) (800)4594843 www.guidedogsofamerica.org EIN#951586088 Freedom,
heroes to people in need. We provide blind individuals with a guide
dog free of charge. 14.9% P,W,D
11900 Hearing Dog (International Hearing Dog Inc) (303)287-3277 www.
hearingdog.org EIN#840779444 Giving the gift of hearing by
training rescued dogs to alert the hearing-impaired to sounds in
their environment: providing awareness, security, independence and
companionship. 14.8% P,D,W
10971 Hearts United for Animals (402)274-3679 www.hua.org
EIN#470773858 No-kill shelter and sanctuary with national rescue
network for abused animals, providing shelter for pets of domestic
abuse families, National Anti-Puppy Mill Campaign. 2.8% D,M,O
Horse Charities of America (EQUUS Foundation Inc) (203)259-1550
www.horsecharitiesofamerica.org EIN#421547242 Help us reduce
the unwanted horse population and make equine therapy available to
more people. 50 million people have disabilities. Equine therapy works!
8.3% D,P,O
Horses on Death Row (866)431-0715 www.horsesondeathrow.org
EIN#274871193 We rescue abused or abandoned horses, providing
medical recovery, food and shelter, emotional attention, and eventually
a permanent new loving home. 0.0% D,B,W
Humane Farming Association (415)485-1495 www.hfa.org
EIN#680087989 Leads campaign against factory farming. Protects
veal calves and other farm animals from cruelty, and consumers from
misuse of antibiotics. Operates nation’s largest animal sanctuary. 9.0%
Humane League, The (617)877-3589 www.thehumaneleague.com
protect these scared, abused animals. 13.8% D,K,C
In Defense of Animals (415)448-0048 www.idausa.org
EIN#680008936 Every day, dogs, cats, and countless other animals
live in pain. Tortured. Experimented on. Skinned alive for fur. Abused.
Afraid. Alone. Help us help them. 16.4% D,C,K
International Fund for Animal Welfare (800)932-4329 www.ifaw.org
EIN#311594197 Help animals in crisis worldwide: protect pets from
cruelty, rescue animals from natural disasters, and save elephants,
whales, and seals from cruel and unnecessary slaughters. 24.3%
Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind (215)343-9100 www.
israelguidedog.org EIN#232519029 Faithful assistance guide dogs are
raised and trained to provide blind Israelis with independence, safe
KSDS Assistance Dogs (KSDS INC) (785)325-2256 www.ksds.org
EIN#481080879 Provides persons with visual or physical disabilities
highly trained assistance dogs matched to each individual giving them
5.4% D,E,P
Labs4Rescue, Inc. (203)605-9634 www.labs4rescue.com
EIN#141920939 Dedicated to providing a better life for rescued or
displaced Labrador-retrievers and mixed-labs. We provide veterinary
care, we spay/neuter and promote responsible pet ownership. 7.3%
Orangutan Foundation International (310)820-4906 www.orangutan.
org EIN#954112467 Studies wild orangutans, rescues and rehabilitates
ex-captive orangutans to the rainforest in Indonesia, protects and
reforests rainforest habitat on which the orangutans depend. 7.3%
Paws With A Cause (800)253-PAWS www.pawswithacause.
org EIN#382370342 Custom-trained Assistance Dogs enhance
independence and quality of life for people with disabilities nationally.
We increase awareness of the rights/ roles of Assistance Dog Teams.
10.1% D,P,W
Paws4Vets (PAWS4PEOPLE INC) (910)208-0461 www.paws4people.
org EIN#541948479 Service dogs provided to wounded warriors with
physical and psychological disabilities. Your gift gives love, friendship
Pet Life Line (Hemopet) (714)891-2022 www.hemopet.org
EIN#954063237 We rescue greyhounds from the race tracks and
place them into a unique rescue/donor/adoption program. The
Pet Partners (425)679-5500 www.petpartners.org EIN#911158281
Therapy animal teams make hospitalized children smile, lower adults’
blood pressure/ pulse rates, and provide independence to the disabled.
Give the “healing power of pets.” 24.7% D,E,P
PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (757)622-PETA
www.peta.org EIN#521218336 Fight cruelty. Save lives! Your gift
makes a kinder world for animals through undercover investigations,
campaigns. 17.2% D,R,Z
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (202)686-2210
www.pcrm.org EIN#521394893 Help us save lives and put a stop
to gruesome animal experiments by developing and promoting
alternatives to using animals in research, testing, and education.
23.5% D,H,K
Puppies Behind Bars (212)680-9562 www.puppiesbehindbars.
com EIN#133969389 Wounded war veterans returning from Iraq
and Afghanistan receive prison-trained service dogs, free of charge,
through the Dog Tags initiative of Puppies Behind Bars. 9.5% D,P,J
Release Chimpanzees (New England Anti-Vivisection Society)
(617)523-6020 www.releasechimps.org EIN#042104756 Working to
end experiments on chimpanzees. Promoting non-animal research and
teaching methods. Supporting sanctuaries for chimpanzees rescued
from laboratories. 19.9% D,B,Z
Save the Animals (602)684-1360 www.americananimalrescue.org
EIN#453327957 Animals in Crisis! The uncontrolled exploding animal
population sentences dogs and cats to cruel short lives. Please help us
stop this needless suffering. 0.1% D,E,C
11654 Search Dog Foundation, National Disaster (888)459-4376 www.
SearchDogFoundation.org EIN#770412509 Saving dogs and people!
people buried alive during disasters. Join the search! 9.0% A,P,D
10330 Seeing Eye, Inc. (973)539-4425 www.SeeingEye.org EIN#221539721
to blind people through our Seeing Eye® dogs. These dogs bring
10027 Siamese Cat Rescue Center (540)672-6373 www.siameserescue.
org EIN#541888444 We rescue abandoned, abused and neglected
Siamese and Siamese mix cats from shelters and owners. We
12.8% D,Z,A
11903 Southeastern Guide Dogs (800)944-3647 www.guidedogs.org
EIN#592252352 Paws for Independence and Paws for Patriots
programs provide guide dogs for visually impaired individuals and
veterans, and veteran service dogs for veterans with PTSD. 13.9%
10462 Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) (800)762-7762 www.
snapus.org EIN#760608925 Homeless cats and dogs wander every
neighborhood- destined for suffering or euthanasia. Please help us
reduce the overpopulation of unwanted animals through sterilization
and education. 13.0% D,W,M
10463 United Animal Nations (800)440-3277 www.redrover.org
EIN#680124097 Animal victims of devastating natural disasters,
severe neglect and cruelty need our help. Together, we can bring
animals from crisis to care. 15.9% D,M,Z
11656 United Poultry Concerns (757)678-7875 www.upc-online.org
EIN#521705678 Chickens and turkeys cruelly raised and slaughtered.
Ducks denied water. We promote compassionate treatment of these
sensitive and abused birds. Help us protect them. 4.7% D,K,C
11331 Vegan Outreach (520)495-0503 www.veganoutreach.org
EIN#860736818 Saving farmed animals a lifetime of misery by
persuading students to go veg on hundreds of college campuses every
year. 9.7% D,C,K
11904 World Society for the Protection of Animals (800)883-9772 www.
wspa-usa.org EIN#042718182 Our vision is a world where animal
welfare matters and animal cruelty ends. 26.1% D,M,C
Military and Civilians United for
Federation and Member Organizations
12461 Military and Civilians United for Peace (Peace and Reconciliation
Charities Inc) (978)338-4251 www.militarycivilianpeace.org
Our members bring Arabs and Jews together, remove landmines,
prevent genocide, and promote peace worldwide. 4.6% R,Q,W
17035 A Jewish Voice for Peace (510)465-1777 www.jvp.org
EIN#900018359 We work for a just end to the Palestinian/Israeli
international law. 55.2% Q,R,X
80029 Alliance for Middle East Peace Inc. (202)618-4600 www.allmep.org
EIN#205879279 With our help, ordinary Israelis and Palestinians solve
problems of coexistence- sharing water, educating kids, empowering
women, consoling the bereft- thereby building peace ground up. 18.2%
12431 Bikes Not Bombs, Inc. (617)522-0222 www.bikesnotbombs.org
EIN#043138753 BNB uses the bicycle as a vehicle for social change.
We collect used bicycles and repurpose them for innovative youth and
international programs. 17.9% O,C,W
12433 Center for Security Policy, Inc. (202)835-9077 www.
centerforsecuritypolicy.org EIN#521601976 America’s powerdiplomatic, educational, economic, military- can shape a better, more
peaceful world. For two decades, we have addressed vital challenges
in a non-partisan way. 13.9% Q,M,R
21082 Churches for Middle East Peace (202)543-1222 www.CMEP.org
EIN#522112331 Representing 24 Christian denominations, we develop
advocacy materials for American churches working for a Middle East
peace and speak on their behalf on Capitol Hill. 38.5% Q,X,Z
12435 Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation (212)750-5504 www.
tutufoundationusa.org EIN#134092458 Providing tools for young
developing ethical leadership. 261.0% W,O,Q
65769 Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity (212)490-7788 www.
eliewieselfoundation.org EIN#133398151 The Foundation’s mission is
to combat indifference, intolerance, and injustice through international
dialogue and youth-focused programs that promote acceptance,
understanding and equality. 5.0% O,W,A
12441 Institute for Global Engagement (703)527-3100 www.globalengage.
org EIN#233042456 We promote religious freedom worldwide by
encouraging governments to protect religious freedom, and by
equipping citizens to exercise that freedom responsibly. 28.3% R,Q,X
11401 Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (703)528-3863 www.imtd.
org EIN#521780842 Where ethnic and religious differences, climate
change and water shortage lead to violence, we help the people
involved build lasting peace. Learn how at www.imtd.org/at-a-glance.
16.2% Q,W,R
12439 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
(International Physicians for the) (617)440-1733 www.ippnw.org
EIN#042702110 The only Nobel Peace Prize-winning medical
movement working to promote peace and to eliminate the dangers
posed by the proliferation and use of nuclear weapons. 20.8% Q,M,R
12438 Ireland Institute of Pittsburgh (412)394-3900 www.iiofpitt.
org EIN#251626106 Promote mutual understanding of Northern
Ireland’s traditions and economic development throughout all Ireland
by providing job training, economic and leadership development,
educational and reconciliation programs. 20.6% P,S,O
48256 J Street Education Fund, Inc. (202)204-8009 www.jstreet.org
EIN#202777557 We are the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace
homeland by working toward a two-state solution. 9.0% Q,R,W
55130 Landmines, International Campaign to Ban (202)612-4351 www.
icbl.org EIN#134113075 Indiscriminate landmines and cluster
munitions kill every year. Help this Nobel Peace Prize winning
campaign to stop this devastation, making life safer for millions
worldwide. 6.3% R,Q,M
12437 Middle East Peace Dialogue Network, Inc. (856)768-0938 www.
mepdn.org EIN#223684183 Supports joint Israeli/Palestinian dialogue
groups, activities, programs and events promoting recognition and
understanding of the other side’s narrative, needs, and rights. 4.3%
12455 Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (805)965-3443 www.wagingpeace.
org EIN#953825265 Join a leading organization to educate and
advocate for peace, a world free of nuclear weapons, and to empower
peace leaders. 26.4% R,B,O
10431 Peace Action Education Fund (301)565-4050 www.peace-action.org
EIN#521554826 Works to abolish nuclear weapons, support a peace
economy that meets human needs and a foreign policy that promotes
peace and respects human rights. 19.8% R,Q,B
12452 Peace Development Fund (415)642-0900 www.
peacedevelopmentfund.org EIN#042738794 We provide grants,
training and other vital resources necessary to community
environmental sustainability in the U.S. 10.1% T,R,S
12456 Peaceforce, Nonviolent (612)871-0005 www.nonviolentpeaceforce.
civilians, prevent further violence and promote peace. 61.9% Q,R,S
48097 Peaceworks Network Foundation (212)897-3985 www.
onevoicemovement.org EIN#300102398 OneVoice builds peace and
programs that promote leadership skills and non-violent activism
towards a two-state solution. 11.2% R,Q,O
12450 Peres Center for Peace, American Friends of the (American Friends
of the Peres Institute for Peace Inc) (305)349-2014 www.peres-center.
org EIN#133940178 Israelis and Palestinians rarely interact on the
personal or professional levels. We bring people together through
12436 Reconciliation, Fellowship of (845)358-4601 www.forusa.
org EIN#133792144 A Multi-faith peace organization, we create
understanding and respect to counter racism, violence and fear
and internationally. 50.9% R,X,Q
12440 Religion &Diplomacy, International Center for (Center for Religion
and Diplomacy Inc) (202)331-9404 www.icrd.org EIN#541853311
Harnessing the positive potential of religious faith as an instrument for
peace and reconciliation in communities threatened by or suffering
10238 Seeds of Peace, Inc. (212)573-8040 www.seedsofpeace.org
enemies in Maine, then continue building relationships and skills to
advance lasting peace when they return home. 28.8% O,S,Q
36544 Spirit of America Worldwide (310)230-5476 www.spiritofamerica.net
EIN#760472252 To help Americans serving abroad assist people in
success of US deployed personnel. 28.0% Q,B,W
12141 Witness for Peace (202)547-6112 www.witnessforpeace.org
EIN#222566937 People of faith and conscience working for peace,
justice, and sustainable economics in Latin America by challenging
harmful U.S. policies and corporate practices. 24.7% Q,R,Z
Medical Research Charities
Federation and Member Organizations
10899 Medical Research Charities (978)607-0164 www.
medicalresearchcharities.org EIN#943148591 Alzheimer’s. Asthma.
Blindness. Breast cancer. Diabetes. Leukemia. Lung cancer. Save
1.1% H,B,G
11357 AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (Community
Research Initiative on AIDS) (212)924-3934 www.acria.org
and helping people access them. Our research helped develop many
12134 AIDS Research Alliance of America (310)358-2423 www.
aidsresearch.org EIN#954264845 Performing groundbreaking medical
research seeking better treatments and a vaccine. Our scientists
the cure. 30.4% H,G,P
Alpha-1 Foundation (888)825-7421 www.alpha-1foundation.org
EIN#650585415 Funds research to improve treatment and ultimately
fatal lung and liver disease. 10.4% G,H,E
Alzheimer’s Research Center of America (Scripps Research
Institute) (800)788-4931 www.alzheimersresearchcenter.org
EIN#330435954 We need your help to defeat Alzheimer’s and save
lives. Cutting-edge research is the key to treatments and a cure, and a
world without Alzheimer’s. 45.4% H,U,G
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (800)727-8462 www.
aafa.org EIN#131691693 Supporting research for cures to asthma,
food allergies, anaphylaxis and related diseases; providing prevention
Blindness, Foundation Fighting(800)683-5555www.fightblindness.
org EIN#237135845 Funds research to discover treatments and cures
for retinal diseases that cause blindness such as retinitis pigmentosa,
macular degeneration, and other related retinal diseases. 25.1% H,B,G
Breast Cancer Research Foundation (866)346-3228 www.bcrfcure.
org EIN#133727250 Accelerate innovative research to save lives: 1
in 8 US women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Help us achieve
prevention and a cure. 16.5% H,G,T
Breathing Better: Curing Respiratory Diseases Through
Research (ATS Foundation Inc) (212)315-8600 www.thoracic.org
EIN#202138855 Funds scientists researching treatments and cures
diseases, bringing hope to millions of patients worldwide. 3.7% H,T,G
Cancer Immunology Research Foundation (Concern Foundation)
(800)867-2279 www.concernfoundation.org EIN#237002878 Funding
breakthroughs in cancer research for early detection and better
treatment options to save the lives of children and adults. 16.5% H,T,G
Cancer Research, Gateway for (847)342-7450 www.
demandcurestoday.org EIN#731386920 1,500 people die from cancer
each day in the U.S. 99 cents of every dollar received directly funds
human clinical trials for today’s cancer patients. 0.1% H,E,G
Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, American
Academy for (American Academy for Cerebral Palsy) (414)918-3014
www.aacpdm.org EIN#620692749 Support teams of healthcare
professionals to implement the latest research and techniques
in revitalizing children and patients with cerebral palsy and other
developmental disabilities. 13.5% H,E,G
COPD Foundation (866)731-2003 www.copdfoundation.org
EIN#201048322 COPD kills more women than breast cancer and
diabetes combined. We provide a helpline, free screenings, advocacy
and research for this underdiagnosed and underfunded disease. 9.5%
Curing Cancer, AIDS and Infectious Diseases (Vaccine and Gene
HIV/AIDS and chronic diseases like arthritis. 18.6% G,H,U
Glaucoma Research Foundation (415)986-3162 www.glaucoma.
org EIN#942495035 Prevent vision loss from glaucoma by investing in
innovative research, education, and support with the ultimate goal of
Interstitial Cystitis Association of America (703)442-2070 www.
ichelp.org EIN#133292137 Advocates for research, raises awareness,
and changes lives of millions suffering with chronic urinary urgency,
frequency, and extreme bladder pain called IC, or interstitial cystitis.
41.8% H,G,P
Leukemia Research Foundation (888)558-5385 www.
allbloodcancers.org EIN#366102182 Dedicated to conquering all blood
cancers by funding research into their causes and cures; enriching the
quality of life of those touched by these diseases. 22.5% F,H,U
Leukodystrophy Foundation, The United (800)728-5483 www.
information, networking opportunities, assists identifying sources of
medical care, funds direct and indirect research leading to clinical trials
and therapies. 18.7% G,H,P
Lung Cancer, Uniting Against (212)627-5500 www.
unitingagainstlungcancer.org EIN#134195464 Uniting Against Lung
Cancer is dedicated to funding innovative research and raising
25.9% H,G,U
Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute (Torrey Pines
Institute for Molecular Studies Inc) (866)676-7400 www.ms-research.
org EIN#330319501 Conducts research towards understanding,
treating and halting the progression of multiple sclerosis and related
cures! 7.9% H,G,B
National Brain Tumor Society (617)924-9997 www.braintumor.org
cure for brain tumors, and improving the lives of patients and survivors.
Learn more at www.braintumor.org 21.2% G,H,R
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation (800)981-2663 www.oif.org
EIN#237076021 OI causes brittle bones that break easily. Coughing
can fracture ribs; falling can break a leg. Help provide answers for
families, research for a cure. 22.2% G,H,E
10574 Prostate Cancer Foundation (800)757-2873 www.pcf.org
EIN#954418411 PCF is accelerating the discovery and development
of better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer - a life is lost every
17.5 minutes. 13.5% H,G,E
10582 Rheumatology Research Foundation (404)633-3777 www.
advance the prevention, treatment and cure of rheumatic diseases.
5.9% H,B,G
11722 V Foundation, The (800)454-6698 www.jimmyv.org EIN#133705951
The V Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to saving lives
by raising money to fund cancer research and awareness projects.
8.9% H,E,G
Diabetes Charities of America
Federation and Member Organizations
77899 Diabetes Charities of America (Partners for a Better World Inc)
(800)960-3257 www.diabetescharitiesofamerica.org EIN#201468898
Diabetes is the #1 public health issue facing our nation. Help us
support innovative prevention efforts, life-saving treatment, and
63545 A World Fit for Kids(213)387-7712www.worldfitforkids.org
EIN#330550994 We change lives! We combine purposeful physical
activity, nutrition education and proven youth development practices to
reduce childhood obesity and reverse the diabetes crisis. 17.4% E,O,P
34384 Action for Healthy Kids (800)416-5136 www.actionforhealthykids.
org EIN#470902020 Fighting childhood obesity, undernourishment and
physical inactivity by helping schools become healthier places so kids
can live healthier lives free from Diabetes and chronic diseases. 14.2%
29255 Alliance for Biking and Walking (202)449-9692 www.
peoplepoweredmovement.org EIN#134029212 Biking and walking
are essential to healthy communities. We advocate for infrastructure
changes providing active transportation and exercise options to
prevent chronic disease including diabetes. 9.3% S,W,E
96076 American Society of Nephrology (202)640-4660 www.asn-online.
org EIN#526078378 One in nine Americans has kidney disease; there
is no cure. Your donation will help fund researchers dedicated to curing
this progressive disease. 11.9% G,H,Y
80067 Barton Center for Diabetes Education (508)987-2056 www.
bartoncenter.org EIN#222701822 All kids need fun, especially those
with Type 1 Diabetes. We operate residential, day and year-round
lives. 13.2% G,O,E
85422 Childhood Obesity and Diabetes Prevention Through Sports
(Up2Us Inc) (212)563-3031 www.up2us.org EIN#800535933
Nationwide leader in the sports-based youth development movement,
harnessing the power of sports to promote health, reduce youth
violence, and inspire academic success among youth. 4.7% O,N,E
94035 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore(MontefioreMedicalCenter)
50 by “U.S. News.” 10.1% E,G,H
19635 Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (Childrens Health
Care) (612)813-6000 www.childrensmn.org EIN#411754276
Supporting children and families undergoing treatment for chronic
illness, including diabetes, through education, amenities and
multidisciplinary care. 12.7% E,G,P
58891 Cures Within Reach (Partnership for Cures) (847)745-1245 www.
cureswithinreach.org EIN#203620169 We speed the delivery of
cures to patients suffering from chronic and rare diseases, including
diabetes, by funding research that repurposes existing treatments and
drugs. 21.7% H,E,G
25520 Diabetes Center at the Maryland Metabolic Institute (St. Agnes
HealthCare Inc) (410)368-3155 www.stagnes.org EIN#520591657
Our team provides expertise in education and treatment for obesity,
diabetes and other metabolic diseases, providing the tools to get and
stay healthy for life. 16.6% G,E,P
96949 Diabetes Cure, Spring Point Project (Spring Point Project) (612)3334108 www.springpointproject.org EIN#201896813 We are working to
cells needed in critical insulin-replacing islet cell transplantation
research. 15.1% U,H,G
90670 Diabetes Prevention Institute (Prevention Institute) (510)444-7738
www.preventioninstitute.org EIN#943282858 Committed to preventing
communities so that everyone can be healthy and safe. 11.3% R,S,K
79735 Good Sports (617)471-1213 www.goodsports.org EIN#753138664
Disadvantaged youth have high rates of obesity and diabetes. We
improve their health and prevent these devastating conditions by
41378 Healthy Native Communities Partnership (505)368-7429 www.
hncpartners.org EIN#261334783 Native Communities face the highest
rates of diabetes in the world. HNCP mobilizes powerful health
promotion strategies based on community and cultural strengths.
13.5% E,S,R
38811 Insulindependence (888)912-3837 www.insulindependence.
org EIN#261237229 Insulindependence is uniting, expanding, and
supporting the active Diabetes community. Our vision is to reduce the
burden of Diabetes through physical activity and peer support. 32.8%
Lancaster General Health Diabetes and Nutrition Center (Lancaster
General Hospital) (717)544-5511 www.lancastergeneralhealth.
educators offer personalized, comprehensive diabetes management
for adults and children including education, pediatric camps, nutritional
counseling, prevention, and community-based support. 22.1% E,G,H
Local Policymakers for Healthy Communities (Local Government
Commission) (916)448-1198 www.lgc.org EIN#942791699 Healthy
eating and active living reduce obesity and Type 2 diabetes risk. We
help communities improve conditions for walking, bicycling, recreation,
and accessing healthy food. 1.8% S,C,W
Mills-Peninsula Health Services (650)696-5931 www.mills-peninsula.
org EIN#941156265 Our Diabetes Research Institute conducts
research to develop new diagnostic tests and innovative treatments for
people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. 6.4% E,G,H
PolicyLink (510)663-2333 www.policylink.org EIN#943297479
We improve access to healthy food, prevent childhood obesity, and
develop community environments that promote health and exercise so
communities thrive and social equity prevails. 13.1% R,S,W
Southwestern Diabetic Foundation (940)665-2011 www.
campsweeney.org EIN#756002547 Camp Sweeney provides a
residential summer camp for children with diabetes, treating their
disorder and teaching diabetes management to prevent diabetes
complications. Financial aid available. 6.4% E,O,N
St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital (St Lukes Regional Medical
Center) (208)381-5119 www.stlukesonline.org EIN#820161600 The
multidisciplinary Children’s Clinic guides children in developing lifetime
diabetes management skills, thus assuring they have every opportunity
to realize their personal potential and dreams. 7.3% E,G,H
Taking Control of Your Diabetes (858)755-5683 www.tcoyd.org
EIN#330794608 We deliver practical, life-saving diabetes education,
instilling lasting motivation and personal ‘take control’ empowerment to
communities of people living with diabetes and their loved ones. 20.1%
Wake Forest University Health Sciences (336)716-4445 www.
wakehealth.edu EIN#223849199 A preeminent academic medical
center ranked among the nation’s best hospitals for diabetes and
endocrinology. A leader in research, intervention, education, and
advanced clinical treatment. 6.7% E,G,H
Western Tribal Diabetes Project (Northwest Portland Area Indian
Health Board) (503)228-4185 www.npaihb.org EIN#930718154
Diabetes is a leading cause of disability and death among Northwest
tribes. We hope to continue our diabetes prevention efforts via
culturally relevant prevention programs. 19.6% S,O,B
Build a Better World
Federation and Member Organizations
10893 Build a Better World (Village by Village Inc) (978)653-4480 www.
babw.org EIN#201348415 People suffer every day without necessities
we take for granted. Help deliver food, clean water, health care,
schools and opportunities to earn a living. 4.1% S,K,C
42208 Action for Health in the Americas (518)371-3130 www.
actionforhealth.org EIN#161742112 AHA supports the development
of sustainable community-based health initiatives that promote justice
and dignity in healthcare among poor communities in Chile and the
Americas. 0.0% E,W,S
11616 Amazon Watch (510)281-9020 www.amazonwatch.org
EIN#954604782 Work to protect the rainforest and advance rights
of indigenous peoples in campaigns for human rights, corporate
accountability and preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems.
24.5% C,Q,S
28450 Batey Relief Alliance (917)627-5026 www.bateyrelief.org
for children and their families severely affected by poverty, disease and
hunger in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Peru. 1.0% E,K,M
11618 Behrhorst Partners for Development (715)945-2164 www.behrhorst.
org EIN#136266540 Child malnutrition “hidden hunger” is more than
60% in Guatemala’s Mayan villages. BPD’s partnerships dramatically
reduce this crisis through water, sanitation, nutrition, and training.
27.3% K,S,O
12130 Beyond Borders (610)277-5045 www.beyondborders.net
EIN#232713126 Helping build movements for liberation in Haiti: ending
child slavery and violence against women and girls, and promoting
universal access to education and life-sustaining work. 10.6% S,R,Q
10225 Brazil Foundation (212)244-3663 www.brazilfoundation.org
EIN#134131482 Connects donors in the U.S. with carefully selected
projects in education, health, human rights, capacity building and
culture, promoting social change and equity in Brazil. 8.5% S,B,W
60758 Central American Medical Outreach (330)683-5956 www.camo.
org EIN#341740695 Operates 16 medical programs providing over
150,000 life-saving services each year. Assists community with
development in areas of women, children, artistic and trade education.
9.0% E,S,B
Choice Humanitarian (Center for Humanitarian Outreach and
Intercultural Exchange) (801)474-1937 www.choicehumanitarian.org
EIN#742494806 We end extreme poverty by creating self-sustaining
villages; our model focuses on building trust, developing leadership
capacity, and creating economic development opportunities in rural
countries. 11.6% S,A,P
Cooperative for Education (513)661-7000 www.
cooperativeforeducation.org EIN#311545464 We help Guatemalan
schoolchildren break the cycle of poverty by providing educational
opportunities such as self-sustaining textbook programs, computer
centers, scholarships and reading programs. 14.6% B,O,S
Cross-Cultural Solutions (914)632-0022 www.crossculturalsolutions.
org EIN#931189960 We operate international volunteer programs in
partnership with sustainable community initiatives, bringing people
together to work side by side while sharing perspectives and cultural
understanding. 14.2% T,A,B
Environmental Defense, Interamerican Association for (415)2172000 www.aida-americas.org EIN#943292116 AIDA works in Latin
America to help citizens safeguard human health and the environment,
protecting and strengthening environmental laws and mechanisms for
public participation. 13.8% C,W,Q
Fair Trade USA (510)663-5260 www.fairtradeusa.org EIN#411848081
Through certifying and promoting Fair Trade products in the United
farmers, workers, consumers, industry and the earth. 14.4% S,Q,C
Friendship Bridge (303)674-0717 www.friendshipbridge.org
EIN#841141078 We provide microcredit and education to Guatemalan
women so they can create their own solutions to poverty for
themselves, their families and their communities. 17.3% P,R,S
Global Greengrants Fund, Inc. (303)969-9866 www.greengrants.
org EIN#841612422 A little can go a long way. We give small grants to
grassroots groups around the world striving for environmental justice
and human rights. 13.1% C,R,Q
Global Water (805)985-3057 www.globalwater.org EIN#521247893
Focused on providing clean water and improving sanitation for rural
villages in developing countries. Our projects make an impact by
reducing hunger, disease and poverty. 11.9% P,Q,M
Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA (202)529-6599 www.
ghrc-usa.org EIN#521295497 To promote human rights in Guatemala
we document and denounce abuses, support human right defenders
for policies that foster peace and justice. 23.4% R,Q,V
Haiti Outreach (612)929-1122 www.haitioutreach.org EIN#391671687
52% of Haitians obtain water from unsafe sources. Help provide water,
sanitation and hygiene development through projects that Haitians
initiate, manage and maintain. 13.7% S,W,Q
Helps International (972)386-2901 www.helpsintl.org EIN#751966419
Provides surgical/medical aid, economic development, education and
home improvements products to people in Latin America. A volunteer
base organization that relieves poverty with sustainable programs.
15.0% E,K,P
HEPL (Haitian Education & Leadership Program) (646)485-8667 www.
uhelp.net EIN#020602245 Comprehensive university scholarship
support and leadership training for top students from disadvantaged
backgrounds in Haiti - creating educated professionals who will
strengthen their country. 17.2% B,O,Q
International Animal Rescue US (508)826-1083 www.
internationalanimalrescue.org EIN#542044674 We work internationally
to return rescued animals to their natural environments and provide
permanent sanctuary for those who can no longer survive in the wild.
25.7% D,C,P
Mano a Mano International Partners (651)457-3141 www.
manoamano.org EIN#411796971 Bolivia has the highest rural poverty
rate in the world. We partner with these communities to build lasting
infrastructure projects that dramatically improve lives. 8.0% S,E,K
Native Seeds/SEARCH (Native Seeds Southwestern Endangered
Aridland Resources CLEA) (520)622-0830 www.nativeseeds.org
EIN#942899356 Native Seeds/SEARCH is a Tucson, Arizonabased seed conservation organization working to preserve, share,
and educate people about the indigenous agricultural seeds of the
Southwest. 21.7% K,C,A
Pachamama Alliance (415)561-4522 www.pachamama.org
EIN#943249793 This year will impact the next thousand: We empower
communities in the Amazon to defend vital ecosystems and educate
humanity for a new vision. 21.9% C,R,W
Partner for Surgery (703)893-4335 www.partnerforsurgery.org
EIN#542034427 Over 50,000 impoverished Guatemalan children and
family members received medical attention and surgical care, including
650 children with cleft lip and palate deformities, since 2001. 23.0%
Partners in Development (978)380-6132 www.pidonline.org
EIN#222536583 Hunger and the lack of adequate housing, medical
care and education hinder the lives of Haitians and Guatemalans. Our
program of community transformation promotes change. 12.4% S,E,L
Plenty International (931)964-4323 www.plenty.org EIN#237432298
Assisting Central America and U.S. communities to meet their basic
food, water, energy, and youth education needs while supporting
cultural and environmental sustainability. 20.0% Q,K,O
12203 Project Concern International (858)279-9690 www.pciglobal.org
EIN#952248462 PCI is dedicated to preventing disease, providing
humanitarian aid, and improving access to clean water, nutritious food,
and economic opportunity in impoverished communities worldwide.
14.8% P,K,G
31434 Promise for Haiti (615)864-0818 www.promiseforhaiti.org
EIN#710552025 We partner with a local, Haitian led organization to
meet the health care needs in Pignon, Haiti and provide educational
and economic opportunities. 4.6% Q,E,B
88336 Pueblo a Pueblo (202)302-0622 www.puebloapueblo.org
EIN#522299340 Our mission is to improve the health, education,
nutrition and economic security of rural coffee growing communities in
Guatemala. 9.6% S,B,K
12512 Rainforest Foundation (212)431-9098 www.rainforestfoundation.
org EIN#951622945 We protect the biological and cultural diversity of
Central and South American rainforests by helping indigenous peoples
secure the rights to their lands and resources. 14.6% C,R,T
12184 Strategies for International Development (Strategies for
International) (202)544-1115 www.sidworld.org EIN#980120837
Eliminating rural poverty in Guatemala, Peru, and Bolivia by helping
farmers meet/negotiate with exporters, make business plans, and
increase productivity, product quality and sales. 20.6% K,C,S
Jewish Aid Worldwide: America,
Israel, and Beyond
Federation and Member Organizations
11233 Jewish Aid Worldwide: America, Israel, and Beyond, Inc. (978)7446501 www.jewishaidworldwide.org EIN#201358418 Working in the
great Judaic tradition toward justice and peace, charity for the poor and
education and research for the future. 3.7% P,B,W
11055 American Committee for Shaare Zedek (212)764-8116 www.acsz.
org EIN#135645878 haare Zedek, a world leader in Emergency
Preparedness, treats over 500,000 people in Israel per year, with over
21,000 births, and provides international medical aid. 26.7% G,H,E
54585 American Friends of Chaiyanu (212)465-1300 www.chaiyanu.
org EIN#311718648 Seriously ill children need more than medicine
assistance help Israeli families live with serious pediatric illness. 0.7%
19318 American Friends of Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital Inc (212)9442690 www.laniadohospital.org EIN#132724055 Supports Netanya,
Israel’s only medical facility -Laniado -a state-of-the-art community
hospital whose compassionate and dedicated medical staff provides
advanced health care to its patients. 14.1% E,H,G
11059 American Friends of Rabin Medical Center (212)279-2522 www.
afrmc.org EIN#521903777 We obtain contributions so that Israel’s
Rabin Medical Center may save lives and refurbish its facilities with the
most advanced technology and equipment. 9.8% E,H,M
55659 American Friends of Tzohar (718)258-1212 www.tzohar.org
EIN#133579958 A full-time institution in Israel fostering independence
and quality of life for students ages 3-21 suffering from Down
syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, and other disabilities. 22.3% B,N,O
11580 American Friends of Yad Eliezer (718)258-1580 www.yadeliezer.
org EIN#113459952 We provide very low-income Israeli families with
crucial short-term food relief and long-term solutions to help them
11672 Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans (Friends of Israel Disabled
EIN#133392711 Serving 50,000 disabled veterans and terror survivors
at four Beit Halochem centers in Israel. Rehabilitation through physical
therapies, sports training, family activities and academic scholarships.
47.7% E,P,N
12491 Friends of Israel Scouts (212)390-8130 www.israelscouts.org
EIN#133843506 Our programs maintain a strong and direct connection
between North American Jewry and the only non-political and
93634 Girls Town Or Chadash (718)258-1212 www.orchadash.
com EIN#116156180 A haven for Israeli girls from orphaned or
dysfunctional homes; we provide education, support, and the warmth
of a family that every child deserves. 20.8% O,L,B
27947 Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
(212)355-7900 www.hadassah.org EIN#131656651 A woman’s
volunteer organization whose mission is to support health care and
research in Israel, and personal enrichment, health awareness and
Zionism in the US. 6.8% G,W,Y
12492 Hand in Hand: American Friends of the Center for Jewish and
Arab Education in Israel (503)892-2962 www.handinhandk12.org
EIN#931269590 Helping to create a strong and inclusive society in
Israel through bilingual schools for Jews and Arabs building viable
partnership, peace education, coexistence and equality. 16.1% B,O,W
11586 Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation (516)791-1180 www.
israelcancer.org EIN#113418416 We uniquely provide in-hospital
bone marrow transplants, dental surgery, art therapy, hospice and
long-term after-care. 58.8% E,G,T
70808 Israel Free Loan Association, American Friends of the (917)9574132 www.freeloan.org.il EIN#133691494 Provides completely
interest-free loans to needy citizens of Israel to assist with housing,
medical, higher education, small business and debt consolidation.
1.3% J,P,L
Israel Special Kids Fund (212)268-2577 www.israelspecialkids.com
EIN#113411201 We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for
disabled and seriously ill children, and their families, in Israel. 25.7%
Israel Tennis Centers Foundation (646)844-7451 www.
israeltenniscenters.org EIN#132961273 We provide a base of support
for 14 Tennis Centers in Israel where developmentally and physically
challenged children learn life skills through tennis. 29.2% O,N,P
Israel’s Support for the Ill and the Aged (Ezer Mzion Inc) (718)8538400 www.ezermizion.org EIN#133660421 Help us save lives and
provide crucial services in Israel to 650,000 of those challenged by old
age, special needs, disability, mental illness, and cancer. 23.4% E,P,B
Jerusalem Foundation (212)697-4188 www.jerusalemfoundation.
org EIN#132563745 Works toward improving the quality of life for all
Jerusalem residents through a comprehensive approach centered on
community vitality, cultural life and coexistence. 11.2% S,A,B
Just One Life (212)683-6040 www.justonelife.org EIN#133533863
More than 20,000 pregnancies are terminated in Israel annually. We
empower pregnant mothers in crisis to choose life. Save a Life Today!
65.4% E,F,P
Keren Or, Inc. (212)279-4070 www.keren-or.org EIN#135655186
Keren Or means “Ray of Light” in Hebrew. We are the only Jewish
center in the world dedicated to helping blind children with multiple
disabilities. 8.1% P,W,B
Medical Development for Israel, Inc. (212)759-3370 www.mdinyc.
org EIN#133140298 Schneider Children’s is Israel’s national pediatric
referral center for juvenile diabetes, leukemia, transplant surgery and
more; serving children of all races, religions and nationalities. 38.7%
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
(646)437-4335 www.mjhnyc.org EIN#133376265 Exhibitions,
education, and public programs offer multiple perspectives on modern
Jewish history and culture, while teaching all generations about the
Holocaust and social justice. 22.5% A,B,X
Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam, American Friends of (818)325-8884
www.oasisofpeace.org EIN#133441742 Dedicated to dialogue,
cooperation and a genuine and durable peace between Jews and
Palestinians by promoting trust, understanding 14.3% B,O,P
Tel Aviv University, American Friends of the (212)742-9070 www.
aftau.org EIN#131996126 Supports Israel’s leading center of higher
education. Unites American and Israeli leaders dedicated to excellence
in scholarship, research and community-building: expanding our global
future. 15.0% U,H,I
Weizmann Institute of Science, American Committee for the
(212)895-7900 www.weizmann-usa.org EIN#131623886 The
center and graduate university in Israel. The Weizmann scientists’
Yad Sarah, Friends of (212)223-7758 www.friendsofyadsarah.
org EIN#133106175 Providing home care support services at 100+
branches, Yad Sarah’s 6,000 volunteers enable people of all ages to
remain at home and in the community. 14.1% P,W,E
Youth Renewal Fund (212)207-3195 www.youthrenewalfund.org
EIN#133641489 Provides supplemental student classes, single subject
learning centers to over 120,000 disadvantaged Israeli children and
professional development for teachers. 19.6% B,O,T
International Independent
47252 A Child for All Inc. (540)659-6497 www.acfacorp.org EIN#262329486
ACFA brings hope to Mali orphans through shelter, food, education
health care, tutors, arts classes, basketball and taekwondo. Our farm
produced food feed our children. 6.4% O,K,B
10763 Afghan Health and Development Services (571)331-8943 www.
ahds.org EIN#541968322 AHDS provides primary and rehabilitative
healthcare, training medical staff, and community-based schools
to vulnerable people with emphasis on women and children in
Afghanistan. 3.6% E,B,K
12269 African Children’s Educational Initiative, Inc. (256)539-4443 www.
ace2i.org EIN#760814992 Support Christian education in Uganda’s
poverty-stricken, AIDS riddled districts. Award children scholarships for
otherwise unaffordable education. Train teachers. Build classrooms.
Provide books and materials. 0.0% O,X,B
79549 Afya Foundation (914)920-5081 www.afyafoundation.org
EIN#261300361 Afya recovers excess medical supplies from
American hospitals and ships it to clinics in developing nations, thereby
promoting environmental sustainability here while sustaining life
abroad. 4.6% E,C,M
10769 AiXin Foundation, Inc. (301)762-5345 www.aixinfund.org
EIN#352189064 AiXin Foundation is dedicated to improve basic
healthcare and education for people in needs. AiXin supports health
education and provides student assistantship in rural China. 4.2%
62754 All Kids Can Learn International, Inc. (800)785-1015 www.akcli-voh.
org EIN#300281774 Equipping orphans and vulnerable children by
providing family like care and a quality Christian education, while
seeking economic sustainability through the management of local
businesses. 9.1% O,S,B
American Friends of UNRWA, Inc (202)223-3767 www.unrwausa.
org EIN#202714426 AFU supports UNRWA’s humanitarian work
assisting Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria,
and Lebanon through education, health, social services, emergency
protection. 11.3% B,O,P
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, Inc. (Ananda Marga Inc)
(301)738-7122 www.amurt.net EIN#237164834 Serving in the U.S.
and worldwide, AMURT provides disaster survivors with basic needs,
and supports marginalized communities in their endeavor to grow
economically and socially. 7.6% Q,M,S
Anglican Relief and Development Fund (724)251-6045 www.
anglicanaid.net EIN#208954604 To provide sustaining life change
for the economically poor in Africa, South America and Asia through
projects. 13.3% S,K,X
Association of Volunteers in International Service USA Inc
(202)429-9009 www.avsi-usa.org EIN#134147973 Promoting human
dignity in developing countries through integrated programs in line with
Catholic social teaching including education, economic strengthening,
healthcare, and support to local organizations. 12.2% Q,S,B
Bethania Kids Foundation (540)450-2729 www.bethaniakids.
org EIN#363557140 www.bethaniakids.org 100% of your donation
supports our children in India in Orphanages, Care Centers, Disabled
Children Centers. Directors and Advisory Board pay administrative
costs. 29.1% B,L,E
Bless the Children, Inc. (727)631-0088 www.blessthechildreninc.org
EIN#541650281 Compassionately helping orphaned, abandoned and
impoverished children. BTC provides desperate children with food,
shelter, healthcare and education so they can escape the devastation
of poverty. 0.1% B,E,K
Boys’ Town of Italy, Inc. (212)980-8770 www.bgti.org
EIN#131835632 Provides aid, education and vocation training to
refugee, migrant and at-risk youth using an innovative self-government
approach through which they develop into self-reliant, responsible
adults. 34.4% O,L,B
Bridges to Prosperity, Inc. (757)784-5071 www.bridgestoprosperity.
org EIN#542031102 We build footbridges across dangerous African,
Asian, and Central/South American rivers and gorges. These bridges
bring education, medical care, commerce, and hope to impoverished
communities. 5.9% P,W,S
Cell Phones for Soldiers, Inc. (781)659-7789 www.
cellphonesforsoldiers.com EIN#201343425 Cell Phones for Soldiers is
dedicated to providing cost-free communication services to active-duty
military members and veterans. 17.5% W,P,Q
Center for Civilians in Conflict(202)558-6958civiliansinconflict.org
parties more responsible to civilians before, during, and after combat
operations. 7.2% Q,R,W
Center for Economic and Social Rights (718)237-9145 www.cesr.
org EIN#133744727 CESR promotes social justice through human
rights to education, health, food, water, housing, work, and other
economic and social rights essential to human dignity. 66.0% R,W,Q
Children of the Nations (360)698-7227 www.cotni.org
EIN#911702551 Partnering with nationals to provide holistic, Christcentered care for orphaned and destitute children, enabling them to
create positive and lasting change in their nations. 10.2% P,S,X
Children’s Fund (703)652-7647 www.childrensfund.net
EIN#541841297 Vulnerable children, orphaned, exploited and abused;
help us promote grassroots solutions providing food, clothing and
homes; help us build schools, educate youth and save lives. 3.9%
Coptic Orphans Support Association (703)641-8910 www.
copticorphans.org EIN#541637257 Coptic Orphans is an awardwinning Christian development organization. Since 1988, we’ve
empowered over 30,000 children to overcome extraordinary
challenges and reach better lives. 9.2% B,O,S
Cross International Catholic Outreach, Inc. (954)657-9000 www.
crosscatholic.org EIN#651156061 A Catholic organization providing
food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, economic opportunities
to the poorest of the poor in 39 developing countries. 4.9% Q
Cross International, Inc. (954)657-9000 www.crossinternational.org
EIN#651086387 Interdenominational Christian organization providing
food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, economic opportunities
to the poorest of the poor in 39 developing countries. 3.8% Q,K,L
Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, Inc. (860)848-2237 www.
outreachtohaiti.org EIN#274249966 Diocese of Norwich Outreach to
Haiti, Inc. provides education scholarships, and operates a medical
clinic and nutrition program for malnourished infants and children.
18.9% B,E,K
Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Project, Inc.
(607)216-4697 www.dominicandream.org EIN#030362565 The
DREAM Project provides inclusive, sustainable and quality educational
programs for underprivileged children and youth ages 3-24 in the
Dominican Republic. 21.7% B,O
Education and Science Society, Inc. (703)356-9775 www.esscare.
org EIN#133103022 Promote human and social development in rural
China by improving basic education through supporting libraries,
teacher training, scholarships and educational exchanges between
U.S. and China. 2.5% B,O,A
51258 Empower International Ministries (703)815-4582 www.
empowerinternational.org EIN#010865956 Empower trains caregivers
of traumatized and orphaned children; trauma counselors; and
community leaders combating family disintegration and abuse through
programs promoting forgiveness and mutual respect. 7.3% F,P,S
11516 Engineers Without Borders - USA (303)772-2723 www.ewb-usa.org
EIN#841589324 EWB-USA supports community-driven development
programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design
and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating
transformative experiences and responsible leaders. 15.2% S,P,B
38379 Executives Without Borders (800)790-6134 www.execwb.org
EIN#262790154 Integrates business best practices with altruistic
intentions, generating opportunities for growth for communities in need
as well as the organizations who serve them. 7.7% S,T,P
31204 Fonkoze USA (202)628-9033 www.fonkoze.org EIN#522022113
poor - primarily women and families. 9.4% Q,S,B
10328 Food for the Poor, Inc. (954)427-2222 www.foodforthepoor.org
EIN#592174510 Collects and distributes food, clothing, money,
supplies and housing to indigent persons throughout the world to
improve their health, economic, and social conditions. 4.1% Q,L,X
72574 Foundation for Social and Cultural Advancement (202)713-0910
www.foundationsca.org EIN#331214170 We identify, fund and develop
locally born programs worldwide that educate and empower girls and
women in Africa, Central/South America, Central Europe, Asia, and
USA. 21.2% B,O,S
11482 Free the Slaves (202)775-7480 www.freetheslaves.net
EIN#562189635 Free the Slaves works to free people from slavery,
help them build new lives, and dismantle the systems that allow
12378 Frontier Horizon, Inc. (757)749-3921 www.frontierhorizon.org
EIN#542034061 Frontier Horizon’s goal is assisting orphan children
to succeed. 19.5% R,O,K
63446 Global Communities (CHF International) (301)587-4700 www.
globalcommunities.org EIN#520846183 Global Communities’ mission
is to create long-lasting, positive and community-led change that
improves the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable people across the
globe. 13.2% Q,S,M
10126 Global Health Action, Inc (404)634-5748 www.globalhealthaction.org
EIN#237241142 In Haiti, GHA improves health and livelihood through
community-based programs by providing clinic support, training
healthcare workers and donating goats to improve household income.
16.6% E,S,P
10811 Global Health Ministries (763)586-9590 www.ghm.org
EIN#363532234 GHM ships donated medical and dental equipment
and supplies to hospitals and clinics in developing nations and also
funds health care projects in these countries. 6.4% P,Q,E
89915 Global Partnership for Afghanistan (212)735-2080 www.gpfa.org
EIN#412060153 Global Partnership for Afghanistan (GPFA) works with
rural Afghans to create farm businesses that alleviate poverty, build
sustainable livelihoods, and renew the environment. 23.9% Q,K,C
48224 Global Partnerships (206)652-8773 www.globalpartnerships.org
EIN#820574491 Expands opportunity for people living in poverty
by investing in and developing sustainable, scalable solutions
including microloans, business training, basic health care and green
technologies. 13.5% Q,P,S
51494 Haiti - Help Brings Hope for Haiti, Inc. (813)832-4244 www.hbhh.
org EIN#300218645 Improve life for poverty-stricken Haitians through
education programs--school construction, teacher training, tuition
assistance; agricultural, sanitation and water programs; medical
programs and disaster relief. 12.9% B,K,E
11554 Hands Together (413)731-7716 www.handstogether.org
EIN#232566502 Working toward liberating the very poorest of Haiti
from misery, squalor, and indignity by providing nutrition, schools,
health care, clean water, and agricultural development. 13.5% B,K,L
47988 Hekima Place Inc. (412)854-4791 www.hekimaplace.org
EIN#203153378 We provide a loving home for orphaned and
vulnerable Kenyan girls while supporting excellence in education and
empowerment for their futures. 8.4% O,B,K
10890 Help the Afghan Children (703)848-0407 www.htac.org
EIN#541695838 Empowering a new generation of Afghan girls and
boys by promoting innovative educational programs that enhance their
lives and help them become productive citizens. 10.3% B,P,S
79957 Helping Hand Relief and Development, Inc. (313)279-5378 www.
hhrd.org EIN#311628040 Empowering lives, creating opportunities and
strengthening humanity throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle
East. Major Projects: Emergency Relief, Orphans, Interest-free Microfinance,Healthcare,EducationandWater.8.5%S,B,E
26914 Hidaya Foundation (408)244-3282 www.hidaya.org EIN#770502583
Implement educational, environmental, social-welfare and healthcare
programs in economically depressed areas worldwide; spread literacy
and self-employment in disadvantaged societies to help break the
poverty cycle. 6.5% P,B,E
45922 Hope Abides (916)690-4289 www.hopeabides.org EIN#273571705
Hope Abides provides help to some of the 25 million orphaned
and destitute children in India. We focus on improving educational
opportunities and basic necessities. 3.8% B,P,Q
40089 Hope for Haiti Inc. (239)434-7183 hopeforhaiti.com EIN#593564329
Hope for Haiti, headquartered in Naples, Florida, helps over 500,000
of Haiti’s poorest people each year through education, nutrition and
healthcare, and community development programs. 2.8% B,P,S
60222 Human Rights Foundation (212)246-8486 www.thehrf.org
EIN#202669700 The Human Rights Foundation unites people in
the common cause of defending human rights and promoting liberal
democracy globally, with an expertise in the Americas. 4.1% R,Q,P
18889 India Development and Relief Fund, Inc. (301)704-0032 www.idrf.
org EIN#521555563 Puts power, not charity, in the hands of the poor
in rural/tribal India. IDRF supports women’s empowerment, children’s
education, anti-corruption, healthcare, and ecofriendly development.
3.7% S,B,E
10326 International Children’s Care, Inc. (360)573-0429 www.forhiskids.
org EIN#930717332 Furnishes care and provides family-style homes
for abandoned and orphaned children in needy countries, including
Guatemala, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Colombia, Romania,
Thailand, and Mexico. 9.3% L,O,P
78585 International Commission Inc. (214)488-2555 www.ic-world.org
EIN#751496922 In our 40 year history, IC has lead Christians in over
150 countries to participate in church-based partnership evangelism
projects to share the Gospel. 12.4% X
12267 International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (908)347-5585 www.
iirr.org EIN#136175722 To truly end poverty, people must be educated
and motivated to make a change. IIRR works in Africa and Asia, giving
training instead of handouts. 11.8% B,C,K
76664 International Research & Exchanges Board, Inc. (202)628-8188
www.irex.org EIN#223087809 Join the growing number of global
citizens who support quality education, access to information, and
strong communities around the world. Thank you! 8.2% B,Q,S
12285 IntraHealth International Inc. (919)313-9100 www.intrahealth.org
organization that improves the quality of and access to healthcare in
developing countries by championing the health worker. 16.9% Q,G,S
89403 IRAP (Urban Justice Center) (646)602-5600 www.urbanjustice.org/ujc/
projects/refugee.html EIN#133442022 Serves New York City’s most
vulnerable residents through a combination of direct legal service,
systemic advocacy, community education and political organizing.
16.9% R,P,W
43324 Kids Kicking Cancer, Inc. (248)864-8238 www.kidskickingcancer.org
EIN#383500655 Martial arts therapy empowers very sick children to
overcome the pain and fear of disease. Our powerful young students
quickly become teachers to the world. 16.9% E,H,O
10183 KRS Education and Rural Development Foundation, Inc.
(601)529-8217 www.krsfoundation.org EIN#581927990 KRS’ work in
economically impoverished villages in India includes: access to quality
education and health services for women and children; empowering
microloan programs for women 0.4% W,B,E
66536 Leadership Initiatives (202)465-4796 www.lichange.org
EIN#900139778 Leadership Initiatives (LI) uplifts developing nations
by creating locally owned businesses to solve community problems.
computer repair. 17.6% O,J,Q
53027 Lift Up Africa (267)979-0361 www.liftupafrica.org EIN#743116756
Lift Up Africa supports sustainable development projects that focus on
basic needs like clean water, health care, sustainable food and energy
sources, education, and employment. 41.0% Q,S,W
80320 Luke Commission, The (866)351-1254 www.lukecommission.org
EIN#208635797 The Luke Commission delivers compassionate,
comprehensive healthcare to the most isolated populations of southern
Africa in collaboration with local communities, government, corporate
12234 Maison Fortune Orphanage Foundation (757)463-0070 www.
mfofoundation.org EIN#300007910 Volunteers working together
providing 250+ orphans in Hinche Haiti with food, clothing, shelter,
education, and health care. Building Haitian leaders one child at a time.
6.6% L,B,S
15321 MANA Nutritive Aid Products, Inc. (855)438-6262 www.
mananutrition.org EIN#270165743 MANA produces ready-to-use
therapeutic food to treat severe acute malnutrition. Six weeks of RUTF
treatment will save the life of a starving child. 24.4% K,E
78587 Medical Missions for Children (508)697-5821 www.mmfc.
org EIN#043519422 Free surgical, medical and dental care for
impoverished children in developing countries focusing on cleft lip and
palate deformities, microtia, burns and dental disease. 34.0% E,G,H
19248 Mercy Centre USA (Human Development and Children Foundation)
(443)837-7303 www.mercycentreusa.org EIN#522168462 We support
Mercy Centre, community organization in Thailand dedicated to
combating HIV/AIDS and strengthening the poorest communities.
3.2% B,O,S
42141 Morning Star Development (719)266-8900 www.msdev.org
EIN#542086318 Morning Star Development brings opportunity
to people in need in Afghanistan using sustainable economic and
community development initiatives designed to empower individuals
and transform communities. 12.0% B,E,S
99252 Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (831)4296362 www.maps.org EIN#592751953 MAPS develops psychedelics
and marijuana into prescription medicines, primarily marijuana and
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to treat PTSD in veterans, survivors of
disasters, accidents, sexual assault. 26.1% H,B,W
10306 Mustard Seed African School Ministries (256)217-0541 www.
msmalive.org EIN#631244842 Christian evangelism and discipleship
to students, in the African countries of Zambia and Malawi. Reach 20
students per dollar contributed. 2.4% X,O,B
17785 National Coalition for Men, Inc. (619)231-1909 www.ncfm.org
EIN#112592580 Oldest men rights group in America. Since 1977
NCFM has fought to end sex discrimination against boys, men, their
families and women who love them. 0.7% I,P,B
52710 National Police Defense Foundation Inc (732)617-2330 www.npdf.
org EIN#133830191 Operation Kids administers child safety programs
and lifesaving treatment for children. Safe Cop posts $10,000 reward
94613 National Veterans Art Museum (National Vietnam Veterans Art
Museum) (312)326-0270 www.nvam.org EIN#363195879 Inspires
greater understanding of the real impact of war through the collection,
preservation, and exhibition of art inspired by combat and created by
veterans. 19.4% A,B,O
84267 Nepal Youth Foundation (415)331-8585 www.nepalyouthfoundation.
org EIN#680224596 Help the Nepal Youth Foundation assist Nepal’s
most destitute children; free enslaved girls and boys, provide nutritional
rehabilitation, HIV/AIDS treatment, scholarships, vocational education,
and shelter. 22.8% O,R,E
81667 Omid Foundation (240)507-7031 www.omid-e-mehr.org
EIN#900406873 Omid supports disadvantaged and marginalized
young women in Iran who are the victims of sexual, physical and
emotional violence via an intensive three-year holistic program. 14.6%
10304 Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Inc. (904)829-5132 www.ocmc.
org EIN#593158396 Orthodox Christian Mission Center spreads
Christ’s love worldwide by sending missionaries, caring for orphans,
offering medical care, building schools, clinics, churches, and helping
the poor. 25.3% X,T,G
12131 PAHO Foundation (Pan American Health and Education Foundation)
(202)974-3416 www.pahofoundation.org EIN#237072046 PAHEF
mobilizes private support for the work of the Pan American Health
99.8% E,G,S
55979 Partners for Development (301)608-0426 www.pfd.org
EIN#522003212 PFD supports local groups in Africa and Asia,
preventing and treating disease, promoting agricultural and small
business growth, and bolstering the resilience of vulnerable
populations 25.4% Q,K,S
30702 PEER Servants (781)592-4333 www.peerservants.org
EIN#043007191 PEER Servants partners with indigenous Christian
clients to experience economic, social, and spiritual transformation.
12.9% Q,S,X
38749 PET International, Inc. (573)687-3368 www.petinternational.org
EIN#861128278 PET (Personal Energy Transportation) International
provides for the production and distribution of mobility carts called
“PETs” to leg-disabled recipients in developing countries free of
charge. 11.1% E,G,T
12339 Physicians for Peace (757)625-7569 www.physiciansforpeace.org
EIN#541532165 Physicians for Peace transforms lives by training,
supporting and empowering healthcare professionals working with the
world’s underserved populations. The organization is headquartered in
Norfolk, Virginia. 4.6% E,T,S
10055 Polish American Association (773)282-8206 www.polish.org
EIN#362240816 Nation’s only Polish human services agency serving
poor families, battered women, homeless, elderly, youth; provides
English, citizenship classes, employment, immigration assistance;
training workshops in Poland. 6.3% P
39437 Population Media Center (802)985-8156 www.populationmedia.org
EIN#030358029 PMC works internationally to stabilize the human
population at a level that can be sustained by the world’s natural
resources. 7.2% E,Q,W
61105 Predisan USA, Inc. (770)955-1512 www.predisan.org EIN#311707594
Predisan works to improve the health, economic development and
spiritual well-being of the most marginal and unprotected groups within
the rural eastern mountains of Honduras. 14.1% E,F,S
29233 Project Peanut Butter (314)646-7191 www.projectpeanutbutter.org
EIN#593785405 Treats severely malnourished children in sub-Saharan
Africa, using a peanut-based therapeutic food and treating the children
at home, saving thousands of lives each year. 1.2% K,E,H
94457 Promundo-US (202)588-0061 www.promundo.org.br EIN#261931968
Promundo-US, through research, programming and advocacy, is a
global leader in engaging men and boys to create a non-violent, caring,
and gender-equal future for all. 3.9% S,R,O
77511 Resource Exchange International, Inc. (719)598-0559 www.
resourceexchangeinternational.com EIN#593043334 People are the
only natural resource that increases daily. REI’s strategy of “building
people to build nations” is a calculated investment in an everincreasing resource. 22.1% B,E,S
37837 Rivers of the World (770)880-8079 www.row.org EIN#640866959
basins. We ask what’s their greatest need and partner with them to
meet that challenge. 8.4% X,L,E
10279 Salesian Missions, Inc. (914)633-8344 www.salesianmissions.
org EIN#800522035 Salesian Missions is committed to assisting
disadvantaged youth through education (academic, vocational,
agricultural), and providing shelter and health services to marginalized
youth in 130+ countries. 8.9% O,B,P
Sankara Nethralaya OM Trust Inc (301)529-7377 www.omtrust.org
EIN#521611548 Support Sankara Nethralaya, Madras, India in their
mission to provide free eye care of international standard to indigent
patients and ophthalmic education and research. 4.6% E,H,B
Seacology (510)559-3505 www.seacology.org EIN#870495235
Seacology protects environments on islands around the world
by creating marine and forest reserves, while also supporting the
humanitarian needs of indigenous island communities. 26.5% C,S,P
Show Hope (Shaohannahs Hope Inc) (615)550-5600 www.showhope.
org EIN#320011220 Show Hope mobilizes individuals to meet the
most pressing needs of orphans by providing families with adoption aid
grants, and orphans with life-giving medical care. 16.6% T,E,L
SladeChild Foundation Charitable Trust (301)464-6473 www.
sladechild.org EIN#930822726 100% of CFC donations applied
towards food, clothing, shelter, education, medicine for needy children
within U.S. and worldwide. No CFC donations used for administrative
expenses. 18.9% O,L,K
Solidarity Bridge (847)328-7748 www.solidaritybridge.org
EIN#364481213 Solidarity Bridge trains and equips local doctors in
Bolivia and Paraguay to provide high-complexity surgery and other
health care to poor, underserved populations. 6.8% E,S,G
Sozo International (502)253-4308 www.sozointernational.org
EIN#200166014 Sozo International partners with at risk people to
create a sustainable future and transformed lives through health,
education and economic initiatives. (Afghanistan and Sri Lanka) 13.9%
Sudan Sunrise (913)481-1459 www.sudansunrise.org
EIN#204239298 Sudan Sunrise works with individuals from diverse
religious backgrounds and identities facilitating reconciliation efforts to
ensure lasting peace in Sudan and South Sudan. 12.5% B,S,Q
Toward Educating America’s Children (703)987-8777 www.
teacham.org EIN#050521491 Responding to the educational needs
of underserved Mayan children in Guatemala. Your support helps
sponsor and empower students by funding teacher salaries, supplies,
and facilities. 4.3% B,O,S
Trans World Radio (919)460-3700 www.twr.org EIN#221690564 Life
changing help and hope for men, women, children, through Biblicallybased programming, and follow-up, in 200-plus languages to people in
over 160 countries. 12.4% X,W,P
Trinity/Hope Inc. (615)478-6773 www.trinityhope.org EIN#202216228
Trinity HOPE’s mission is to raise funds and administer programs
which provide a daily meal for the hungry, malnourished children in
Christian schools in Haiti. 4.1% K,X,E
Truth for Life (888)588-7884 www.truthforlife.org EIN#341787585
An organization centered on teaching the Bible on the radio and the
internet, across the U.S. and internationally, through the sermons of
Alistair Begg. 18.0% X,W,B
Vellore Christian Medical College Foundation, Inc. (212)8702640 www.vellorecmc.org EIN#132735359 Provides funding and
volunteers for Vellore’s Christian Medical College, one of India’s top
years. 32.1% E,Q,X
Vessels of Mercy International Inc. (804)740-4575 www.
vesselsofmercy.org EIN#030404068 Providing food, clothing, health
care, disaster relief supplies and services; rebuilds homes, schools and
churches locally, nationally and internationally as a means to eliminate
suffering. 11.5% K,P,X
Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped (703)847-9582 www.
vnah-hev.org EIN#541582271 VNAH is a charitable organization
to regain their dignity, and walk towards a new productive life. 13.7%
Water First International (206)297-3024 www.water1st.org
EIN#202601035 Water 1st addresses the most pressing health issues
of the world’s poorest communities through the implementation of
sustainable water supply, sanitation, and hygiene education projects.
14.4% Q,E,S
Wegene Ethiopian Foundation (703)455-1140 www.wegene.org
EIN#352165352 WEF provides shelter, food, clothing, school supplies,
vaccinations, vocational trainings, and scholarships to sponsored
poor families with children in Ethiopia. WEF aggressively promotes
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Development and
Peace (301)654-2774 www.learningpartnership.org EIN#522199581
WLP provides leadership, human rights, political participation, and
technology training and resources to women and girls in Africa, Asia,
Latin America, and the Middle East. 11.6% R,S,W
World Help (434)525-4657 www.worldhelp.net EIN#541615454 World
Help is a faith-based humanitarian organization serving physical and
spiritual needs in impoverished communities around the world through
aid, child advocacy, community and spiritual development. 13.3%
Zambia’s Scholarship Fund (435)279-8900 www.
zambiasscholarshipfund.org EIN#870641356 A unique full circle
program; helping high school students aspire to teach, giving
impoverished village schools teachers and supplies, paying monthly
salary’s to Zambian teachers. 6.1% B,J,P
Aid for Africa
Federation and Member Organizations
11069 Aid for Africa (202)531-2000 www.aidforafrica.org EIN#061703295
Empowers poor African children, women and families to escape
poverty through community-based self-help programs that improve
health, expand education, create businesses, and protect wildlife. 6.7%
31756 A Glimmer of Hope Foundation (512)328-9944 www.
aglimmerofhope.org EIN#311758218 Takes an innovative and
integrated approach to lifting families out of poverty in rural Ethiopia
through community initiatives in clean water, education, healthcare,
55633 Action Africa, Inc. (202)529-8350 www.actionafrica.org
EIN#522233698 Supports rural villages in Nigeria and Sierra Leone
by surrounding children with care, learning, and training; free medical
clinics for families; micro-loans for entrepreneurial women. 3.2% B,E,S
71831 Advancing Girls’ Education in Africa (202)760-4299 www.ageafrica.
org EIN#270143166 Educates impoverished girls, mostly orphans,
through school scholarships in Malawi, East Africa. Provides innovative
after-school leadership and school-to-work programs to ensure
success and change lives. 32.6% B,O,S
58293 Africa Classroom Connection (612)767-4430 www.
africaclassroomconnection.org EIN#204271457 Builds/improves South
to 21. Provides programs/emergency funds to help students stay in
school. 6.3% B,O,S
10716 Africa Development Corps (Visions in Action) (301)944-3370 www.
africadevcorps.org EIN#521659822 Empowers African communities to
achieve social and economic justice through grassroots programs in
education and agriculture assisted by skilled self-reliant international
volunteers. 10.3% B,S,E
23942 African Aid Organization, Inc. (202)449-7708 www.afaid.org
EIN#141853676 Supports and educates children in Africa with HIV/
AIDS, meeting their special needs and bringing joy to them and their
families. Provides prevention education to youth. 9.5% B,E,O
19142 African Childrens Haven, Inc. (409)737-1388 www.
africanchildrenshaven.org EIN#300467989 Helps African orphans and
children living in extreme poverty lead healthier, more productive lives.
Priority programs emphasize the education, well-being, and safety of
young girls. 7.5% B,E,O
46974 African Rainforest Conservancy (The Tanzania Wildlife Fund Inc)
(212)431-5508 www.africanrainforest.org EIN#133582323 Conserves
and restores African rainforests by empowering local men, women,
and children through training, community development, research and
education to preserve their natural heritage. 16.6% C,B,S
90593 African Rural Development and Sustainability Organization
(AIDAFRICA) (818)249-2398 www.africanruraldevelopment.org
EIN#931222635 Saves lives, rebuilds sustainable communities, and
creates hope for the poorest Africans through fresh water wells, tree
planting, clean cook stoves, child healthcare, education, training. 1.8%
11880 African Services Committee, Inc. (212)222-3882 www.
africanservices.org EIN#133749744 Conducts HIV testing, prevention,
and AIDS support in Ethiopia. Provides health, legal, housing, and
social services to African immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers in the
US. 11.0% E,S,L
34002 African Solutions to African Problems (518)828-0005 www.
africansolutions.org EIN#364562653 Supports community-based
programs and women’s networks to help them better deliver lifeaffirmingcarefororphansandvulnerablechildrenaffectedbyHIV/
AIDS in South Africa. 12.1% B,E,S
11881 African Studies Association, Inc. (848)445-8173 www.africanstudies.
org EIN#581832301 Largest organization in the world devoted to
promoting information exchange about Africa. Publishes research,
supports African studies, and provides information to the general
public. 29.6% B,V,A
80687 Akilah Institute for Women, The (Project Akilah Inc) (813)425-1531
www.AkilahInstitute.org EIN#260770655 Transforming young women’s
meaningful employment. Classes include English, hospitality, tourism,
leadership and public speaking. 14.6% B,J,S
85593 Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, The (617)667-5111 www.
schweitzerfellowship.org EIN#131982786 Supporting health needs
of children/families in Gabon, West Africa, at the Albert Schweitzer
Hospital through medical fellowships and in villages through model
healthcare program. 27.4% E,S,G
12364 Alliance for African Assistance (619)286-9052 www.alliance-forafrica.org EIN#931008369 Assists African refugees, immigrants,
asylum seekers, war and torture victims, particularly women and
and respect. 8.8% P,S,E
10717 American Leprosy Missions, Inc. (800)543-3135 www.leprosy.org
EIN#135562163 Cures and cares for people in Africa and around
the world with leprosy and related disabilities. Working to develop a
vaccine to prevent leprosy. 31.3% H,E,X
11640 Arlington Academy of Hope, Inc. (703)528-1951 www.
arlingtonacademyofhope.org EIN#202089837 Provides education
and healthcare to poor children in rural Uganda. Runs model school,
supports 600 elementary, secondary, university students, provides
healthcare to community of 10,000. 17.8% B,O,S
72159 Asante Africa Foundation (925)292-0245 www.asanteafrica.org
EIN#711010614 Ensures quality holistic community-based education
in East Africa by creating safe learning environments, strengthening
teacher quality in the classrooms and providing scholarships and
leadership development. 7.4% B,O,Q
55666 Ashesi University Foundation (206)545-6988 www.ashesi.org
EIN#911997089 Supports Ghanaian liberal arts college with the goal of
educating a new generation of ethical, entrepreneurial leaders in Africa.
Educates students from eleven African countries. 16.0% B,O,S
83026 BEADS for Education, Inc. (609)823-7701 www.beadsforeducation.
org EIN#201212609 Supports Kenyan girls living in poverty to attend
school through college; provides school construction, supplies, life
workshops. Graduates become community teaching interns before
entering careers. 10.7% B,O,S
12366 Boma Project, The (802)231-2542 www.bomaproject.org
EIN#841671995 Helping poor women in northern Kenya start
sustainable small businesses so they can survive droughts and feed
and educate their children. 13.6% S,B,K
10718 Books For Africa, Inc. (651)602-9844 www.booksforafrica.org
EIN#411627391 World’s largest organization working to end the
book famine in Africa. Collects, sorts, ships, and distributes books to
children, adults, libraries and schools, throughout Africa. 0.8% B,O,S
11016 Carolina for Kibera, Inc. (919)962-6362 cfk.unc.edu EIN#562248495
Founded by a UNC-graduate, US Marine - supports sports programs,
medical clinics, girls’ center in impoverished Kibera, Kenya. Named
TIME Magazine Hero of Global Health. 15.6% E,O,S
79221 charity:water (Charity Global Inc) (646)688-2323 www.charitywater.
org EIN#223936753 Brings clean, safe drinking water to people
throughout Africa. Partners with local organizations to build and
maintain wells. Uses 100% of donations for projects. 11.4% E,W,S
11638 Children of Uganda (304)728-7355 www.childrenofuganda.org
EIN#752577687 Cares for AIDS orphans and other disadvantaged
children in Uganda with the goal of helping them become healthy and
productive members of society. 8.0% B,O,E
93598 ChildVoice International (603)842-0132 www.childvoiceintl.org
EIN#204644590 Restores African children broken by war, who faced
unspeakable brutality, in safe communities with loving, spiritual, and
emotional care and effective education and training. 19.6% B,P,X
67384 Development in Gardening (619)274-7218 www.reaplifeDIG.org
EIN#204708212 Provides access to nutrient-rich fruits/vegetables
by creating sustainable gardens with partners at African hospitals,
orphanages, schools. Works with HIV/AIDS populations to improve
nutrition/health. 47.2% K,E,B
11017 Doctors on Call for Service Foundation (616)328-3736 www.
docs.org EIN#582121380 Provides advanced educational and
training opportunities for African doctors in Rwanda and DR Congo
and volunteer opportunities for US doctors to help improve African
healthcare. 19.5% E,G,H
12297 East African Center for the Empowerment of Women and
Children (347)330-2670 www.eastafricancenter.org EIN#912161222
Helping women, children living in extreme poverty in rural Kenya help
themselves through high-impact, cost-effective health and education
programs and small-business development. 12.6% B,E,S
12367 EcoAgriculture Partners (Ecoagriculture International Inc) (202)3935315 www.ecoagriculture.org EIN#202349392 Works with partners
in Africa and around the world to develop and sustain landscapes
that produce food and support family livelihoods while protecting
environmental diversity. 7.5% C,K,S
10067 Family Care Foundation (619)468-3191 www.familycare.org
EIN#330734917 Makes miracles happen in Africa and throughout
the world. Empowers families and orphans with vocational training,
56.1% E,J,S
26383 Family Care International, Inc. (212)941-5300 www.familycareintl.
org EIN#133228334 Works to make pregnancy and childbirth safer,
expand access to quality maternity care, and promote reproductive
health and rights, in Africa and Latin America/Caribbean. 16.6% E,P,R
46882 Firelight Foundation(831)429-8750www.firelightfoundation.org
EIN#272795006 Provides food, clothing, shelter, education, comfort
to African children orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDS through grassroots
organizations helping communities and families care for these
vulnerable children. 25.5% E,O,S
11521 Fistula Foundation, The(408)249-9596www.fistulafoundation.org
programs--restoring women’s health and dignity throughout Africa and
beyond. 15.2% E,G,P
11018 Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa (703)647-5176
www.fhssa.org EIN#161590512 Provides home-based hospice and
palliative care to millions of Africans dying or affected by HIV/AIDS
through partnerships between US and African grassroots hospice
organizations. 6.1% E,G,P
11019 Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (888)2118575www.fimrc.orgEIN#200274889Providesmedicalreliefto
underserved children in Africa and developing countries worldwide
via the establishment of pediatric health clinics and medical mission
opportunities for volunteers. 22.0% E,G,S
11883 Friends of Conservation-Friends of Masai Mara (630)288-2714
www.friendsofconservation.org EIN#363561971 Protects Africa’s
wildlife in the Masai Mara and other wildlife reserves in Kenya and
Tanzania through habitat conservation programs, anti-poaching efforts,
youth education, community development. 35.0% D,B,C
Generation Rwanda, Inc. (707)654-4254 www.generationrwanda.org
EIN#200934525 Provides university scholarships to Rwandan orphans
and socially vulnerable young people who will become Rwanda’s
future leaders by promoting economic development and social
reconciliation. 22.3% B,O,S
Ghanaian Mothers of Hope, Inc. (855)446-4673 www.gmhope.org
EIN#203770294 Provides village-based health/education projects in
Ghana so children can attend school, lead healthy lives. Our public
Green Belt Movement International, The (212)414-2339 www.
greenbeltmovement.org EIN#943178913 Started by Nobel-laureate
Wangari Maathai, provides income to Kenyan women/families through
tree-planting. Mobilizes for women’s rights, good governance, civicempowerment, environment throughout Africa. 25.6% C,S,R
Growth Through Learning, Inc. (617)684-5572 www.
growththroughlearning.org EIN#043372808 Provides educational
high school/college scholarships to girls and young women in
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Encourages cross-cultural exchanges of
information within East African countries. 21.4% B,O,S
H2O for Life (651)756-7577 www.H2Oforlifeschools.org
EIN#260338552 Provides clean drinking water and sanitation to
African schools through programs with U.S. schools. 100% of
donations go to African schools participating in “WASH.” 11.0% B,E,O
Health Alliance International (206)543-8382 www.
healthallianceinternational.org EIN#943047981 Provides quality
healthcare, including HIV/AIDS treatment programs, in Ivory Coast,
Mozambique, and Sudan. Provides technical help, training, monitoring,
and evaluation to advance health systems. 15.5% E,G,S
Helping Children Worldwide (703)793-9521 www.
helpingchildrenworldwide.org EIN#760729857 Transforming children’s
lives in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Partners with local organizations to
combat child labor, promote education, and reduce infant and maternal
mortality rates. 9.7% O,E,Q
Hope Through Health, Inc. (631)721-5917 www.hthglobal.org
EIN#134288670 Supports community-based health programs
providing quality treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in Togo,
West Africa. Empowers local communities to establish/provide
healthcare services. 12.7% E,S,P
Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania (646)712-0783 www.
ieftz.org EIN#204408954 Builds and operates community-based high
schools serving families who live in extreme poverty in East Africa.
Students become inspired leaders and catalysts of change. 19.2%
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (617)4963676 www.icipe.org EIN#311516051 Helps improve agriculture
and health throughout Africa through study of insects and natural
processes. Promotes beekeeping/silk moth farms, which provide
incomes for poor families. 46.3% C,K,U
Invisible Children, Inc. (619)562-2799 www.invisiblechildren.com
EIN#542164338 Rebuilding lives of child war victims in northern
Uganda through scholarships, employment, school programs. Working
to end current violence against children/families in Central Africa.
11.2% B,O,R
John Dau Foundation (800)759-4443 www.johndaufoundation.org
EIN#542181556 Realizing the dream of John Dau--Lost Boy and
genocide survivor--to provide healthcare in South Sudan. Builds/
maintains medical clinics, trains community health workers. 19.1%
Kenya Education Fund (212)792-6300 www.kenyaeducationfund.org
EIN#542056227 Provides high school scholarships to boys and girls in
to serve their community. 18.0% B,O,S
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy USA (415)627-8187 www.lewa.org
EIN#870572187 Protects East African wildlife--including endangered
rhino and Grevy’s zebra--through habitat protection, anti-poaching
programs and integrating wildlife conservation into economic needs of
communities. 16.0% D,C,S
Lubuto Library Project, Inc. (202)558-5609 www.lubuto.org
EIN#134294962 Builds beautiful libraries as enriching safe havens
for African orphans and street children and engages U.S. students in
developing excellent book collections for Lubuto Libraries. 2.0% O,B,S
Maasai Girls Education Fund (202)237-0535 www.
maasaigirlseducation.org EIN#522344696 Works to improve the
literacy, health, and economic well-being of Maasai women in Kenya
through scholarships for girls and community education. 12.6% B,O,S
Medical Bridges, Inc. (713)748-8131 www.medicalbridges.
org EIN#760548161 Donates medical and surgical supplies and
equipment to charitable medical care providers in Africa and other
developing countries. Every dollar donation sends $2 of supplies. 5.8%
Medical Care Development, International (301)562-1920 mcdi.mcd.
org EIN#016022787 Provides technical assistance throughout Africa
and other developing countries to improve maternal and child health,
combat infectious diseases, and improve water and sanitation facilities.
12.5% E,G,P
Medicine for Mali (515)309-4640 www.medicineformali.org
EIN#421510787 Provides medical services, supplies, health classes
for women/children, clean water projects, and economic development,
West Africa. 4.1% E,B,P
mothers2mothers International, Inc. (323)969-0445 www.m2m.
org EIN#300545760 Prevents mother-to-child HIV/AIDS transmission
through innovative mentoring program. Saves lives, combats stigma,
and empowers African women through comprehensive support for
HIV-positive pregnant women/new mothers. 16.2% E,G,S
Museum for African Art (212)444-9795 www.africanart.org
EIN#133137461 Supports and preserves African art, music, dance,
impact on world culture. Trains teachers, educates students worldwide.
16.7% A,B,O
Nurturing Minds, Inc. (617)969-1950 www.nurturingmindsinafrica.
org EIN#208870624 Provides quality education for poor marginalized
girls in Tanzania, enabling them to attend and complete high school.
Supports a residential primary school, scholarships, counseling,
training. 10.2% B,O,S
Panthera (646)786-0400 www.panthera.org EIN#204668756
Conserves world’s wild cats, including the imperiled African lion,
cheetah, and leopard. Works with local people and partners with
22.0% D,C,S
Planet Aid, Inc. (410)796-1510 www.planetaid.org EIN#043348171
Collects and recycles clothing from the US to support sustainable
projects primarily in Africa to help the poorest communities improve
incomes, food production, health, education. 14.6% S,B,E
RefugePoint (617)864-7800 www.refugepoint.org EIN#202061482
Protects and cares for the most vulnerable refugees in Africa, ensuring
forgotten victims of genocide, persecution, and atrocities are brought
from danger to safety. 16.1% P,R,M
RISE International (847)441-4262 www.riseinternational.org
EIN#364435162 Builds primary schools in rural Angola, Southern
Africa, where, after decades of war, an estimated 4 million children are
still not in school. 21.2% B,O,X
Solar Cookers International (916)455-4499 www.solarcookers.
org EIN#680153141 Helps African women - including Darfur/Sudan
use, sell solar cookers for meal preparation, water pasteurization,
South Africa Partners, Inc. (617)443-1072 www.sapartners.
org EIN#043396641 Helping improve healthcare, education, and
leadership in South Africa through partnerships with local communities
and organizations. Focuses on the most vulnerable - women and
children. 15.6% E,B,O
Southern Africa Legal Services Foundation, Inc. (301)379-0721
www.sals.org EIN#521188054 Fights for children’s and women’s rights,
land/housing rights, HIV/AIDS rights, environmental justice through
support of oldest public-interest law center and legal education in
South Africa. 17.4% R,W,B
Tanzania Education Fund, Inc. (703)938-2944 www.
tanzaniaeducation.org EIN#541989754 Provides high school education
to 300 boys and girls in eastern Tanzania by supporting Nianjema
Secondary School. Funds teacher salaries, building construction and
maintenance, scholarships. 2.5% B,O,W
Teach with Africa (415)992-5220 www.teachwithafrica.org
EIN#261649233 Provides quality education to underserved African
students through teaching exchange programs between Africa
and the U.S. for “best practices” teacher training, mentorship, and
collaboration. 29.7% B,S,Q
Tostan, Inc. (202)299-1156 www.tostan.org EIN#980118876 Promotes
sustainable community-led development and positive social change.
Empowers African communities to take action for human rights,
democracy, health through holistic, participatory, non-formal education.
13.4% S,P,R
Touch Foundation, Inc. (212)351-0721 www.touchfoundation.org
EIN#201469976 Helping Tanzania rebuild its medical system by
training doctors, nurses, technicians; rebuilding Bugando Medical
Center; improving healthcare delivery. Seeks to double number of
healthcare workers. 33.5% E,B,G
Trees for the Future, Inc. (800)643-0001 www.treesftf.org
EIN#521644869 Plants trees in Africa and elsewhere through self-help
reforestation and environmentally sustainable development projects.
Provides technical training, planning, and tree seedlings to local
groups. 36.7% C,S,K
Trustees of Columbia University (212)854-3035 www.earth.
columbia.edu EIN#135598093 Earth Institute works throughout Africa
and worldwide to reduce poverty, disease, hunger, illiteracy, and
education, and implementing practical solutions. 10.2% P,S,U
Ubuntu Education Fund, Inc. (646)827-1190 www.ubuntufund.
org EIN#311705917 Helps South Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable
children access higher education and employment by providing worldclass household stability, educational, and medical support from cradle
to career. 32.7% B,O,E
Uganda Christian University Partners (214)343-6422 www.
ugandapartners.org EIN#251857098 Provides scholarships to
Ugandans attending Uganda Christian University to increase the
number of teachers, businessmen, lawyers, other professionals of
faith. Supports construction/technical/library projects. 21.6% B,O,X
Village Enterprise (Village Enterprise Fund Inc) (650)802-8891 www.
villageenterprise.org EIN#222852248 Equips people living in extreme
poverty in rural Kenya and Uganda to create sustainable businesses.
Provides training, mentoring, savings/credit groups and seed grants.
24.2% S,P,J
Village Health Works (917)546-9219 www.villagehealthworks.org
EIN#450545435 Providing quality, community-driven medical care
and local development projects--particularly for women and children.
Saving lives and transforming communities in Burundi, East Africa.
18.0% E,K,S
Water to Thrive (512)206-4495 www.watertothrive.org
EIN#262213782 Brings sustainable, clean water to rural African
communities. Builds wells and conducts hygiene and maintenance
training with support from U.S. communities, congregations, and
schools. 6.7% K,S,E
Wildlife Conservation Network, Inc. (650)949-3533 www.wildnet.
org EIN#300108469 Supports on-the-ground programs to save
endangered elephants, cheetah, lions, painted dogs, and other African
wildlife and their habitats. Engages local people as effective wildlife
stewards. 6.1% D,C,S
Women’s Microfinance Initiative (301)520-0865 www.wmionline.org
EIN#261384627 Empowers poor/rural African women to improve their
lives through small business loans. Works through community-based
partners. Provides business/bookkeeping training, support groups ensuring success. 3.6% S,P,J
World Bicycle Relief (312)664-3836 www.worldbicyclerelief.org
EIN#205080679 Provides bicycles and trains mechanics to service
them in Africa to improve healthcare delivery