The City of Buffalo Department of Public Works, Parks and Streets will be accepting proposal packages for Consulting Services for the LaSalle Park Gateway Phase III Improvements. The purpose of the project is to design and implement improvements to LaSalle Park in the City of Buffalo. A more detailed description of services to be provided is described in the Attachment A – Proposed Scope of Services. FUNDS AVAILABLE 1. $900,000 is available for improvements primarily to the roadway, bicycle trail and parking areas. 2. $200,000 is anticipated to be available for construction improvements to playgrounds, picnic shelters and park signage. (Alternate) ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE 1. Consultant Selection 2. Notice to Proceed 3. Initial Scoping and Preliminary Design a. Public Open House 4. Final Design and Contract Documents 5. Construction Phase February 2015 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015 May 2015 June 2015 – October 2015 This schedule is subject to change based on the outcomes of evaluation of existing conditions, alternative analysis and/or public input. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONSULTANTS SUBMITTING 1. Proposal packages for Consulting Services will be accepted for the LaSalle Park Gateway Phase III Improvements until 11:00am on January 22, 2015. 2. Provide written description of firm’s project understanding and experience with similar projects. 3. Submit the resumes of all potential staff including titles and proposed role on the project. 4. List of on-going projects including contract value, status and expected duration. 5. Proposed fees on Attachment D. Three copies of the completed proposal to be submitted to: Andrew R. Rabb Deputy Commissioner for Parks, Recreation and Forestry 65 Niagara Square, 502 City Hall Buffalo, New York 14202 Any questions on this RFP can be directed to Stephen M. Buccilli, P.E. at 851-5853 or [email protected]. SELECTION PROCESS 1. A selection team of members of the City of Buffalo DPW Staff will be established to evaluate all of the proposal packages. 2. All qualifications packages will be evaluated based on the following equally weighted criteria: a. Project Understanding b. Documented experience with similar projects & public outreach c. Personnel qualifications d. Workload & Availability e. Proposed Costs Attachment A – Proposed Scope of Services LaSalle Park Gateway Phase III Improvements The proposed scope of work for the consultant contract will include: Evaluate Existing Conditions & Project Scoping o Provide topographic survey of the entire park. o Evaluate existing pavement, drainage conditions, and potential traffic calming measures. o Evaluate existing parking capacity. o Evaluate feasibility of the extension of the Shoreline trail through LaSalle Park o Deliverables: Describe existing conditions in an engineering letter report including recommendations for remedying deficiencies and or making improvements Provide itemized opinion of probable cost for proposed improvements Provide topographical mapping in up to three (3) large format hard copy prints, .pdf format, and AutoCAD 2007 format o This phase will be paid as a lump sum fee. Preliminary Design o Prepare preliminary engineering design drawings based on City’s acceptance of the remedies/improvements proposed in the initial phase. o Prepare illustrative drawings for use in public outreach and presentation. o Chair a public open house at the beginning of this phase to share the City’s plans and collect public input. o Meet with the City up to two times during this phase. o Meet with a stakeholder group, to be determined by the City, up to two times during this phase. o Revise drawings up to three times during this phase. o Deliverables: Letter report of public input received at the public open house Large format plans of all drawings o This phase will be paid as a lump sum fee. Final Design and Contract Document Preparation o Prepare final engineering design drawings based on the City’s acceptance of the preliminary design. o Prepare contract documents utilizing City’s standard front end document as well as City of Buffalo and NYSDOT standard technical specifications where applicable. Where standard specifications are not applicable, the consultant shall prepare special specifications. o o o o o o Construction documents will be prepared into two (2) bid packages. One for roadway reconstruction and site work and one for playground and shelter improvements. Meet with a stakeholder group, to be determined by the City, up to one time during this phase. Revise drawings and contract documents up to one time in this phase. Chair pre-bid meeting and issue meeting minutes. Analyze bids and make a recommendation of award to the City. Deliverables: Letter report memorializing the basis of design, all public input and all major decision that were made as part of the design. Up to three (3) copies of both sets of construction documents to be submitted to the City. Recommendations of award for the lowest responsible bidders (one for each contract). This phase will be paid as a lump sum fee. Construction Administration Phase: Chairing pre-construction and progress meetings for all construction contracts and issuing minutes. Consultation and advice to the City during construction. Preparation and issuance of supplementary sketches or designs, if required, to resolve actual field conditions that are encountered. Interpretation of contract documents and resolution of unanticipated field problems through conversations with the Contractor and visits to the site. Review for compliance with design concept and take appropriate action on details construction and shop drawings, laboratory and test reports for materials and equipment submitted by the contractor. As the construction progresses, Consultant shall issue field directives as necessary to ensure and verify that the work is performed according to the contract documents. Tracking quantities and reporting contract progress to the City on a bi-weekly basis as the project progresses. The City will use this information to verify that that the contract amount is not exceeded and direct that work be added or deleted to keep the contract within the budgeted amount. Review of all contractor invoices for each contract to verify accuracy and recommend payment to the City. Consultant will also review and approve certified payrolls specifically for prevailing wage rates. Consultant shall notify the City when a change in the work is proposed which may result in an adjustment of the contract cost or the allowable construction period. Consultant shall evaluate whether the proposed change is justified and reasonable. If necessary, Consultant shall prepare change order(s) and make recommendations for approval. Providing contract closeout services including preparing a punch list, recommendation of acceptance of the work and other associate closeout documentation. Consultant shall conduct a final inspection and report upon completion of the project, including recommendations to the City concerning acceptance, final payment to the contractor, the release of the retained percentage of payments, if any, and the close-out of the construction contract. Consultant shall certify that the work under the contract has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications. This phase will be paid as a lump sum fee. Construction Inspection Phase: Inspection services related to construction contracts that the City assigns the consultant to including, but not limited to, the following: o Full time construction inspection on all contracts. This will require multiple inspectors to be employed at various times. o Daily reports in accordance with MURK. o Tracking of quantities. o Field engineering as necessary. o Inspecting complaints and/or claims made against the City as a result of the work and providing the City with a timely response. o Preparing a punch list and monitoring its completion o Additional services as requested by the City. The inspectors that are employed on the project are subject to approval by the City. The minimum qualification is NICET III or equivalent experience acceptable to the City. This phase will be paid on an hourly basis. Record Keeping and Closeout Phase: Provide all records that were kept during the course of the contract to the City. Two (2) hard copies and one (1) pdf copy (On CD, DVD or jump drive) of all documents will be delivered to the City. Records shall include plans indicating the location of all completed work, daily reports, all field notes, photographs and other documents produced while working on this project. Provide tabulated summary data to the City in a format consistent with the Division of Parks’ annual reporting documents. This phase will be paid as a lump sum fee. Related Studies The following studies have been completed previously and shall be evaluated for information pertinent to this study: o LaSalle Park Master Plan – City of Buffalo o Greenway Master Plan o Riverwalk Revitalization Plan The City may revise this scope of work based on the outcomes of the evaluation of existing conditions, determination of alternatives, public input etc. In the event a task is not required or the project is canceled, the Consultant shall be paid only for work completed. Attachment B Construction Observation Hourly Rates Specifications Single Location Projects The flat rate hourly fees that are submitted shall be for the duration of the contract and shall include the following: Salary and fringes Profit and overhead All mileage and or vehicle charges The cost of all supplies necessary including paper, postage, reproduction costs, job photos, inspector’s vehicle, measuring tape, inspection forms, mobile phone, etc Overtime worked shall be billed as the same above quoted unit price as straight time worked Insurance as described in the enclosed specification of required insurance Attachment C Insurance Requirements for City of Buffalo Consultant Contracts The Consultant shall secure policies of Workman's Compensation, Professional Liability, General and Automobile Liability Insurance, and maintain said policies in force during the life of this contract in the limits set forth: Workman's Compensation and Disability Insurance: This contract shall be void and of no effect unless the Consultant shall secure Workman's Compensation and Disability Insurance for the benefit of, and keep insured during the life of this contract, such employees as are necessary to be insured in compliance with the provisions of the State of New York workmen's Compensation Law. The certificates shall be on the New York Form. General Liability: With respect to all operations the Consultant shall carry Commercial General Liability insurance providing for a minimum limit of two million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for all damages arising out of bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, products/completed operations, and contractual liability coverage for the indemnification provided under this contract. Each annual aggregate limit shall not be less than $2,000,000. The City shall be named as the additional insured. Automobile Insurance: With respect to any owned, non-owned, or hired vehicles and all vehicles, the Consultant shall carry Automobile Liability insurance providing for a minimum limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. The City shall be named as the additional insured. Professional Liability: With respect to any damage caused by an error, omission or any negligent acts of the Consultant, the Consultant shall carry Professional Liability insurance providing two million dollars ($2,000,000). All policies of insurance required by this contract shall be provided and maintained at no cost or expense to the City and shall name the City of Buffalo as an Additional Insured and Certificate Holder with respect to the Consultant 's activities. Professional Liability and Workmen's Compensation Insurance shall name the City of Buffalo as a Certificate Holder. All policies of insurance shall be provided by a company or companies authorized to do business in the State of New York. Before commencing the work, the Consultant shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance, and shall thereafter provide renewal certificates, as appropriate, evidencing such coverage written by a company or companies acceptable to the City. All certificates of insurance shall be subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel of the City as to form and of the Comptroller of the City as to sufficiency. Such certificates and renewal certificates shall provide for a notice of cancellation, change, lapse or restrictive amendment by certified or registered mail at least thirty (30) days. Any contractor or subcontractor performing work under this contract shall procure and maintain statutory insurance and other insurance as determined by the Consultant so as to properly cover the liability of the Consultant, contractor and subcontractor(s). The policy limits shall be the same as required of the Consultant and the certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the Consultant. Attachment D Cost Proposal Form LaSalle Park Phase III Rehabilitation Consulting Services Evaluate Existing Conditions & Project Scoping $__________________ lump sum Preliminary Design $__________________ lump sum Final Design & Contract Document Preparation $__________________ lump sum Construction Administration $__________________ lump sum Construction Observation $______/hr Record Keeping and Closeout $___________________ total 1000 hr $__________________ lump sum Total $____________________________ Alternate – Improvements to Playgrounds, Picnic Shelters and Park Signage Construction Administration Construction Observation $__________________ lump sum $______/hr Total $___________________ total 200 hr $____________________________
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