- PROMETIA - Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy for Mining and Recycling Innovation Association Christophe POINSSOT Stéphane BOURG PROMETIA president Head of department PROMETIA EXCOM chairman Projects leader Processing and refining of raw materials: Targets Economic growth in Europe Own mineral resources Primary resource: ore mining Secondary resource: urban mines Recycling manufacturing waste and end-of-life products Low grade ores Secondary resource: industrial waste Solving environmental issues and valorizing byproducts Mine tailings Slags Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) From E.Pirard, KU Leuven Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 2 A Network, what for? 1. Develop innovative technological solutions to optimize raw materials & waste treatment R&D It is of paramount importance to extend the knowledge base in processing and extractive metallurgy to optimize the transformation of ore or waste stream into valuable materials 2. Enhance EU skills in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy of ores and industrial residues Industry Industrial companies cannot afford employing all the specialists required to support their activities. But they need these specialists to exist in Europe and they need to know where to find them. PROMETIA will provide access to these specialists. 3. In the longer term, boost the innovation capacity of the EU raw materials related sectors. T&E By training a new generation of skilled engineers and metallurgists, the network will contribute to expand the future European innovation potential Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 3 How to promote synergy and improve relevance? - Technology transfer Industrial partners Academic institutes - Funding Issues of interest Main objectives of the network Gathering the competences in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy in Europe to provide the industrials with a single entry point for answering R&D needs Creating links between academic research and industry: go-between Easing the access to pilot platforms for R&D Coordinating the R&D needs (“translation” between industry and research) Lobbying Helping members to answer H2020 calls and get funding from various sources (lobbying) (“labelling”) Organise or support specific training & education action Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 4 To summarize, the PROMETIA "value-flow" Industrial needs Survey on potential financing sources, support to project writing Innovation transfer Platforms Funding sources Gather the industries’ needs, structuration of the needs, coordination, Identification of key R&D partners R&D topics to the Network coming from pilot platforms tests (METNET network) First qualification on pilot platforms before transfer to industry R&D partners Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 5 The governing bodies Technical Secretariat Currently ensured by LGI Lobbying, support to projects preparation, communication, finance, meetings … Executive Committee (EXCOM) Chaired by Stéphane Bourg (CEA) 10 members (2 SMEs, 2 industries, 2 platforms, 2 R&D, 2 academics) Scientific Advisory Board To be designed by the EXCOM Assess the relevance of R&D needs. In the future, organise internal calls for R&D projects International Non Profit Association (AISBL) General assembly of members President: Christophe Poinssot (CEA), Vice-President: Andzrej Chmielarz (IMN) 1 full member – 1 vote Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Pilot Platform Board To be designed by the EXCOM Link with METNET Industry Board To be designed by the EXCOM Industry advice Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 6 Some activities In 2015 Enlarge the association, in particular towards key industrial partners Define the most relevant scientific issues to address in the near-future • Organize technical exchanges with industries to assess their generic needs that can be shared and jointly addressed • Establishing the different consulting Boards • Organizing scientific workshops to define most relevant scientific issues - “from industry to research” - “from research to industry" Answering the call Waste-4d - towards near-zero waste at European and global level (21/04/2015 updated) •Raw materials partnerships: Creation of a common multi-stakeholder platform focused on a limited number of key raw materials across their whole value chain. This should involve partners from across the value chain, including mining, processing, recycling, application, public sectors (national/regional/local) and civil society, while respecting the conditions of each value chain. The action shall support implementation of the EIP on Raw Materials. Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 7 Conclusion PROMETIA: a first step towards an effective and efficient EU network on mineral processing and extractive metallurgy Aims to strengthen European technical skills and industrial know-how in raw materials processing for supporting the industrial and economic development Lobbying Promoting an easier access of industrial partners to the most relevant and competent European R&D teams Promoting the most innovative cutting-edge scientific results from the European research teams towards the industrial partners Facilitating the visibility and the access of all the partners to the different funding possibilities Tight partnership with METNET to ensure an easy and privileged access to the platforms for qualifying and ensuring the relevance of the processes developed Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 8 The PROMETIA members, as of today Associated Members • • • • Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department Scaron Consulting WE Falck Jack Lifton WMRC Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 9 www.prometia.eu Interfaces EIP Raw Materials KIC Nuclear Energy Division – CEA Marcoule RadioChemistry & Processes Department ETP-SMR ERA-MIN Presentation PROMETIA PAGE 11
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