January 11, 2015 - Nativity of Our Lord

It happened in those days that
Jesus came from Nazareth of
Galilee and was baptized in the
Jordan by John. On coming up
out of the water he saw the
heavens being torn open and
the Spirit, like a dove,
descending upon him. And a
voice came from the heavens,
“You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.”
Mark 1:9-11
Nativity of Our Lord
C AT H O L I C C H U R C H & S C H O O L
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
On this first Sunday after Christmas, while we are still immersed in the joyous climate of celebration, the Church calls us
to contemplate the Holy Family of Nazareth. The Gospel today presents Our Lady and St Joseph at the time when, 40
days after Jesus’ birth, they go to the temple in Jerusalem. They do so in religious obedience to the Law of Moses, which
requires that the first born son be presented to the Lord (cf. Lk 2:22-24).
We can imagine this tiny family, in the midst of so many people, in the temple’s grand courtyards. They do not stand
out, they are not distinguishable.... Yet they do not pass unnoticed! Two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, moved by the
Holy Spirit, approach and praise God for that Child, in whom they recognize the Messiah, the light of the people and
the salvation of Israel (cf. Lk 2:22-38). It is a simple moment but rich with prophecy: the encounter between two young
spouses full of joy and faith due to the grace of the Lord; and two elderly people also filled with joy and faith through
the action of the Spirit. Who causes them to meet? Jesus. Jesus makes them meet: young and old. Jesus is He who brings
generations closer. He is the font of that love which unites families and people, conquering all diffidence, all isolation, all
distance. This causes us to also think of grandparents: how important their presence is, the presence of grandparents!
How precious their role is in the family and in society! A good relationship between the young and the elderly is crucial for
the journey of the civil and ecclesial community. Looking at these two elderly people — Simeon and Anna — let us greet
from here, with applause, all the worlds’ grandparents.
The message that comes from the Holy Family is first of all a message of faith. In the family life of Mary and Joseph, God
is truly at the centre, and He is so in the Person of Jesus. This is why the Family of Nazareth is holy. Why? Because it is
centred on Jesus.
When parents and children together breathe in this climate of faith, they have an energy that allows them to face even
difficult trials, as the experience of the Holy Family shows, for example, in the dramatic event of their flight to Egypt: a
difficult ordeal.
The Baby Jesus with his Mother Mary and with St Joseph are a simple but so luminous icon of the family. The light it
casts is the light of mercy and salvation for all the world, the light of truth for every man, for the human family and for
individual families. This light which comes from the Holy Family encourages us to offer human warmth in those family
situations in which, for various reasons, peace is lacking, harmony is lacking, and forgiveness is lacking. May our concrete
solidarity not diminish especially with regard to the families who are experiencing more difficult situations due to illness,
unemployment, discrimination, the need to emigrate.... Let us pause here for a moment and pray in silence for all these
families in difficulty, whether due to problems of illness, unemployment, discrimination, need to emigrate, due to difficulty
in understanding each other and also to disunion. Let us pray in silence for all these families....
(Hail Mary...)
Let us entrust to Mary, Queen and mother of the family, all the families of the world, that they may live in faith, in accord,
in reciprocal aid, and for this I invoke upon them the maternal protection of the One who was the mother and daughter
of her Son.
Mass Times:
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:30pm
Sunday 7:30am,
9:30am, & 11:30am
Youth Mass 5:00pm
Daily Mass:
Monday-Thursday 7:30am
Friday & Saturday 8:00am
First Friday of the month: 12:00pm
Sacrament of Penance:
Saturday 8:30am & 3:00pm
Sunday 30 min. prior to each Mass
900 Midway Blvd.
Broomfield, CO 80020
Office Hours:
Phone: 303-469-5171
Fax: 303-469-5172
School: 303-466-4177
Send all
bulletin information
to Jacquie Fankell at
[email protected]
by Tuesdays at noon.
Readings for this Week:
Sunday: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mark 1:7-11
Monday: Hebrews 1:1-6; Mark 1:14-20
Tuesday: Hebrews 2:5-12; Mark 1:21-28
Wednesday: Hebrews 2:14-18; Mark 1:29-39
Thursday: Hebrews 3:7-14; Mark 1:40-45
Friday: Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Mark 2:1-12
Saturday: Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 2:13-17
Next Sunday: 1 Sm. 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor. 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn. 1:35-42
Fr. Michael Carvill, ext. 114
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Accursio Ciaccio, ext. 111
[email protected]
In Residence
Fr. Gabriele Azzalin, ext. 101
[email protected]
Richard A. Medenwaldt, ext. 106
[email protected]
Leonard “Buz” Onesky, ext. 106
[email protected]
Steve Vallero
[email protected]
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Lynne Gallagher, ext. 101
[email protected]
Business Manager
Kyle Hubbart, ext. 108
[email protected]
School Principal
Kathy Shadel, ext. 119
[email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
Mark Thomason, ext. 104
[email protected]
Development Director
Ilene DuBey, 303-641-3667
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Diane Irby, ext. 103
[email protected]
Director of Music
Marcia Marchesi, ext. 123
[email protected]
Director of RCIA
Deacon Richard A. Medenwaldt, ext. 106
[email protected]
Parish Registrar
Merrilyn Sikora, ext. 110
[email protected]
Business Office Accountant
Carol Sullivan, ext. 109
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant - Front Desk
Belinda Marquez-Salgado, ext. 100
[email protected]
Sue Gettings, ext. 100
[email protected]
IT Specialist
Jim DuBey, ext. 115
[email protected]
Pastoral Communications Associate
Jacquie Fankell, ext. 135
[email protected]
Promoter of Works of Charity
Maura Johnson
[email protected]
Parish Sacristan
Marylou Sivigliano, ext. 136
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Assistant
Diane Denfeld
[email protected]
Saturday, January 10
8:00am †Don Winn by Jerry & Mary Lavash
4:30pm †Janina & Alojzy Wegrzyn by the Wegrzyn Family
Sunday, January 11
7:30am Michelle Marion Baole by the Stone Family
9:30am People of the Parish
11:30am †Valerie Jean Huch by David Huch
5:00pm †Maria Fabre by family
Monday, January 12
7:30am †David Flanagan by Don Donahoe
Tuesday, January 13
7:30am †Dorothy Patton by Jim & Joanne Farver
Wednesday, January 14
7:30am †Jeanette & Jerry Dolan by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brogado
Thursday, January 15
7:30am †Celia Garcia by Maria Rask
Friday, January 16
8:00am †Rocky DiPetrillo by Nativity School Faculty & Staff
Saturday, January 17
8:00am †Dorothy Patton by Shar & Michael Messaros
4:30pm †Glenn Lane by Genny Lane & family
Sunday, January 18
7:30am †Carrina & Charles Brogado by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brogado
9:30am People of the Parish
11:30am †Dominique Le by Le Tran Family
5:00pm †Caroline Kowis by Melvin Kowis
Prayers for the sick and for the deceased:
We pray for all who are sick, and for our deceased relatives and friends
that they may speedily attain the blessedness of heaven and rejoice in the
eternal treasure of God’s glory and love.
If you have any prayer requests, please contact Connie Modecker
at 303-404-1792 or Joanne Farver at 303-466-8859 to be included on
Nativity's Prayerline.
Collection Counters this week: Bonnie Gauthier, Juliet
Jiracek, Rebecca & William Mack
Sacristy Laundry this week: Peggy Silvers
Collection Counters next week: Judith Quinlan, Debra
Rayman, Mike Wasserburger, & Nicole Maurer
Sunday, January 11
Baptisms 12:45pm
RCIC 9:30am
Choir Rehearsal 3:00pm
CL School of Community 3:30pm
High School Youth 6:30pm
Monday, January 12
Endow 8:00am
Endow 10:30am
Sojourners - Theology on Tap 6:00pm
Stephen Ministry 7:00pm
Women's Guild 7:00pm
Tuesday, January 13
MJ Bible Study 1:00pm
Religious Education 4:30pm
Endow Presentation 6:00pm
RCIA Class 6:30pm
Religious Education 6:30pm
Apologetics Class 7:00pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm
Wednesday, January 14
St. Joseph's Men's Group 5:30am
ESL Class 10:00am
Altar Server Meeting 3:10pm
Religious Education 4:30pm
Courageous Women Bible Study 4:30pm
Children's Choir 5:30pm
Venturers of the Star 6:30pm
Religious Education 6:30pm
Thursday, January 15
MJ Bible Study 8:00am
Endow 8:30am
Adoration 12:00pm
Holy Hour 5:00pm; Benediction 5:55pm
Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm
School of Community 6:30pm
Sojourners 7:00pm
Biblical School 7:00pm
CL Choir 8:00pm
Friday, January 16
PTO Meeting 9:00am
Endow 9:15am
ESL Class 10:00am
Saturday, January 17
MASH 7:00am
Pro-life Rosary 7:30am
Choir Rehearsal 3:00pm
Sunday, January 18
Baptisms 12:45pm
RCIC 9:30am
Choir Rehearsal 3:00pm
CL School of Community 3:30pm
High School Youth 6:30pm
To ensure the su cce ss of t h e 2015 N a t i vi t y S ch ool F u n d G a l a , p l e a s e con s i d e r
d onating an i t e m or ser vi ce t o our l i ve a n d s i l e n t a u ct i on . A p i ct u re of a l l i t em s
d onated to the auct i on wi l l i mm e d i a t l y b e a d d e d t o ou r G a l a We b s i t e f or a l l to se e .
To do nate an i t e m, go t o www.s cho o l. no o l. us a n d cl i ck on t h e G a l a l i n k. Th e re
y ou will find a for m t o fi l l ou t as we l l a s f u t h e r i n f or ma t i on a b ou t wh e re t o d ro p o ff
y our item. Con t act Il ene DuBe y at i. dubey @no o l. us or a t 3 0 3 -6 4 1 -3 6 6 7 f or m o re
i n f o r matio n and for i t e m pi ck-u p.
If the “perfect gift” turns out to be not-so-perfect for you or your children, please consider allowing
the Gala committee to reimagine that gift as part of an auction basket for the Gala. Toys, tools,
home goods, books, sporting goods, DVDs, kitchen items, jewelry and accessories, etc. Items can be
dropped off after any Sunday Mass this weekend or on January 18 in the gathering area.
The Nativity School Knight will be dressed up for the prom with a variety of gift cards… If you would
like to help contribute to the success of the silent auction, please take a card or two of your choice,
purchase the gift cards, and return them to the Gala table in the gathering area after all Sunday Masses
on January 10-11 and 17-18.
Our high school youth program meets on Sundays
at the Frassati House from 6:00-8:00pm. All high
schoolers are invited to join us for dinner, games, and
a discussion led by Fr. Michael. Questions? Contact
Diane at [email protected].
Our middle school group, Venturers of the Star, takes
place at the Frassati House from 6:30-8:00pm on
Wednesdays. Fr. Accu will lead us in songs, games,
discussion, and fun. With any questions, contact Diane
at [email protected].
We are making a few changes to the Altar Server program.
Primarily, we are establishing three levels of Altar Servers: novice,
full, and senior. On Wednesday, January 14 at 3:10pm and
Saturday, January 24 at 8:30am, we are holding an information
meeting and the first of monthly Altar Server trainings. Both
servers and their parents are urged to attend. If you have any
questions, please contact Thomas Bridges or Joe Denfeld. They
can be reached at [email protected].
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Lord, help us to recognize you in the sick, poor and suffering.
The next session for RCIA will be on Tuesday, January
14, 2015. The topic will be the completion of the
Sacraments of Initiation. The scripture will be from
the Baptism of the Lord. If you would like additional
information about the RCIA process, please call
Deacon Dick at 303-469-5171, ext. 106 to schedule an
individual meeting, or, for additional information on
the RCIA program, email him at r.medenwaldt@
If there is enough interest, we will offer a Bible study
class on the book “Acts of the Apostles.” Sign-up
sheets will be available the weekend of January 1718 and Jan 24-25 after all Masses. Acts is a 20-week
study and would begin on February 4 and end on June
24th. At the present time we are only thinking about
offering it on Wednesday evenings. The fee for the
study materials is $30 payable at sign-up time. Contact
Deacon Dick with any questions.
At our January 12 meeting, John Lay
will present a Reader’s Digest version
of an introduction to his work, Meeting
Jesus in Cyberspace. Whether you use a
computer every day or you don’t know how to turn one
on, you will appreciate an introduction to John’s work
as a “cyber-evangelist.” “The main point” he says,
“is meeting Jesus.” All parishioners are invited and
encouraged to attend. Contact: Nicki Battista at 303469-0670 or Nancy Diederich at 303-469-2708.
We will have Mass at noon on Friday, February 6
at Nativity. Following Mass, bring your own lunch
to enjoy in Ryan Hall while Fr. Michael discusses a
new topic. Please RSVP to Jack & Roz Gallagher at
720-566-0870 or by email to [email protected] by
February 4. December was well attended by 35 people.
All are welcome to attend!
Every lady parishioner, age 18 and older, is automatically a member of the Nativity Women’s Guild.
There are no dues or fees! Our goals are to promote fellowship among the ladies of the parish
by affording them the opportunity to gather together, to share unique skills, to work for common
purposes and to assist other parish groups as the need arises. Our general meetings are held the second Monday
of the month from August through June usually at 7:00pm. Dates and times are listed under the weekly activities
in the bulletin. A brief 20-30 minute program or fun event may be scheduled for your information, enrichment
or entertainment, and refreshments are served. The Guild is the largest service organization in the parish. There
are many committees under the guild of which you may join to provide a specific service to the parish. Ladies,
you are cordially invited to our meetings. Your suggestions are absolutely welcome and appreciated. Watch for
the lady’s silhouette logo in the bulletin. This logo indicates the article is all about us!
All young adults are invited to participate in
Sojourners, a group meant for prayer and fellowship
for adults around the ages of 18-35. On Monday,
January 12, we will be going to Denver's Theology on
Tap. If you are interested in coming, contact Jacquie
at [email protected]. We will also be meeting
on January 15 at 7:00pm at the Frassati House. For
details, see the "Get Involved" tab on www.nool.us.
Brunch will be on January 14 at 11:00am. It will be
at the Egg and I (799 Hwy 287) in Broomfield. Please
RSVP by January 12 to Mary Baylie at 303 466-1125
or Genny Lane at 303 466-9377. All Nativity Widows
are welcome.
Join TOFF (Women's Group) Tuesday, January 20,
from 9:00-11:00am as we welcome speaker Emily
Donehoo, who will present the measuring sticks we
Men, the St. Joseph Men’s Group invites you to
use in our lives as mothers, friends, and wives. She
Encounter Jesus in Cyberspace. We are offering a two speaks from the heart and is sure to inspire us to be
week live series presented by John Lay of Regis on
content with our journey. We meet in Weibel I and II;
ways to meet Jesus in the digital world. Series dates are childcare is available for a small fee and kids are always
January 14 and 21. We meet Wednesday mornings at welcome in the mom's room too. We hope to see you
6:15am in Ryan Hall, with doors opening at 5:45am
there! For more information contact Kristen Hamill at
for coffee and a light breakfast. For information email [email protected] or 303-960-9745
[email protected] or call Chris at 303- or Teresa Fiedler at [email protected] or
Be sure to go to our website, www.nool.us, and sign up for Flocknote to receive current information!
The Knights will be selling Breakfast Burritos for $3 after all Masses this weekend (January 10 and 11)
until we sell out. The profits will help to support the Nativity Knights Scholarship Fund.
The Altar Flower Committee is in need of people to help with watering the many flowers and
plants in the church. Especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons, your help every other
day would be greatly appreciated. If you can spare an hour of your time especially during these
seasons, please call Katherine Vagher at 303-466-1657. Thank you!
Online Giving
Nativity participates in an online giving program that serves as a consistent, reliable means of making your offering to our parish.
To give online:
1. Visit our website www.nool.us.
2. Click on the Online Giving button on the right sidebar.
3. Complete the registration.
Contact Kyle Hubbart at
[email protected].
The music ministry is seeking new voices in 2015! If you like to sing, please consider sharing it with the
congregation. No prior singing or music reading experience is required - music is learned by repetition.
Singers must be able to match pitch, sing a short melody back, and blend vocally with the other singers
in the ensemble.
Groups currently accepting new members are Lux (Saturday 4:30pm), Mane (Sunday 7:30am), and
Nativity Choir (Sunday 9:30am). We also encourage instrumentalists to share their gifts with the parish
by playing with one of our ensembles.
Music open enrollment will be on Wednesday, January 18, at 6:30pm in the church. Please contact Dr.
Marcia Marchesi at [email protected] if you need more information, have questions, or are
planning to attend.
Singing is a rewarding way to give something back to your parish and increase your spirituality. "When
you sing, you pray twice!" Come sing with us in 2015!
ramen noodles
There is always a need for certain items, like the ones above, at FISH and the Samaritan Shelter. Please bring your
products to the church and place them in the labeled basket downstairs.
January 17, 2015
Stand for life and attend the Mass of Remembrance at the Cathedral on Colfax
at 11:30am, followed by a rally and March for Life at the Capitol! Nativity will be
taking two buses to this event, which will depart from Nativity at 10:15am
(please meet at 10:00am!) and return at 4:00pm. To reserve your spot on the
bus, please contact the parish office at 303-469-5171.
Attend Catholic Charities – A Beacon of Hope Gala for Lighthouse and Women’s Services on Saturday January
31 at Wings over the Rockies, Denver. For more informatin, go to www.ccdenver.org/galatickets.
HEALING HOTLINE: 303-388-4491 ext. 153
Open 24 hours to women and men.
Becky Kusick, M.A., L.P.C., offers counseling services
through Nativity. Becky has a Master’s Degree in
Clinical Psychology and is a Licensed Professional
Counselor. She has worked in the field for over 20
years. Becky works with couples, children, and adults.
For more information or for an appointment,
call 303-907-6499.
A Stephen Minister is a trained volunteer ready
to listen in a non-judgmental way while maintaining
strict confidentiality. Through a caring relationship,
those who are hurting receive the love and support they
need. A Stephen Minister can help you realize that
God always cares. If you are going through hard times
due to loss of a loved one, unemployment, depression,
addiction, or any other reason, call today and ask for a
Stephen Minister. Please call 303-469-5171, ext.
113 and leave a confidential message. Your call
will be returned within 48 hours.
Are we taking time to put the way of the Lord in our marriage? The 2015 Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekends are: February 27-March 1, June 12-14, and September 11-13 in Denver, and October 23-25 in
Frisco. For more information, visit www.northerncoloradome.org or contact Brenda & Gary Granger at
[email protected]. Also, have you nominated a longest married couple? Now is the
time to honor couples who have had long marriages. This annual search is sponsored by Worldwide Marriage
Encounter. For more information go to www.wwme.org.
We communicate with
Go to our website, www.nool.us, and sign up for Flocknote
if you want to receive up-to-date information about Nativity!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good morning and Happy New Year!
On this first day of the year, in the joyful — albeit
cold — atmosphere of Christmas the Church invites
us to fix our gaze of faith and of love on the Mother
of Jesus. In her, the humble woman of Nazareth, “the
Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”
(Jn 1:14). Because of this it is impossible to separate
contemplating Jesus, the Word of life who has become
visible and tangible (cf. 1 Jn 1:1), from contemplating
Mary, who has given Him her love and his human
Today we hear the words of the Apostle Paul: “God
sent forth his Son, born of woman” (Gal 4:4). That
“born of woman” speaks in an essential manner,
and for this reason, even more strongly expresses the
true humanity of the Son of God. As a Father of the
Church, St Athanasius affirms: “Our Saviour was
truly man, and from that comes the salvation of all
humanity” (Letter to Epictetus: PG26).
baptism; it will be very beautiful to thank God for the
gift of Baptism.
But St. Paul also adds “born under the law” (Gal 4:4).
With this expression he emphasizes that Christ has
taken up the human condition, freeing it from the
closed, legalistic mentality. In fact, the law deprived
of grace becomes an insupportable yoke, and instead
of being good for us it is bad for us. Jesus said: the
Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
This, then, is the end for which God sent his Son to
earth to become man: a finality of liberation; indeed,
of regeneration. Of liberation, “to redeem those
who were under the law” (v. 5); and the redemption
occurred with the death of Christ on the Cross. But
especially of regeneration: “so that we might receive
adoption as sons” (v. 5). Incorporated in Him, men
and women really become children of God. This
amazing transition takes place in us with Baptism,
which grafts us into Christ as living members, and
integrates us into the Church.
This closeness of God to our existence gives us true
peace, the divine gift that we want especially to
implore today, the World Day of Peace. I read there:
“Peace is always possible”. Always, peace is possible!
We have to seek it.... And over there I read: “Prayer
at the root of peace”. Prayer is the very root of peace.
Peace is always possible and our prayer is at the root
of peace. Prayer disseminates peace. Today is the
World Day of Peace, “No longer slaves, but brothers
and sisters”: this is the Message of this Day. Because
war always makes slaves of us! It is a message that
involves all of us. We are all called to combat every
form of slavery and to build fraternity — all of us,
each one according to his or her own responsibility.
Remember well: peace is possible! And at the root of
peace, there is always prayer. Let us pray for peace.
There are also good schools of peace, schools for
peace: we must go forward with this education of
At the beginning of a new year, it
is good to remember the day of
our Baptism: we rediscover the
gift received in that Sacrament
which has regenerated us to new
life — the divine life.
To Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, let us
present our good intentions. We ask you to extend the
mantle of your maternal protection over each and
every one of us in the new year: “O Holy Mother of
God despise not our petitions in our necessities, but
deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and
blessed Virgin” (Sub tuum praesidium).
At the beginning of a new year, it is good to
remember the day of our Baptism: we rediscover the
gift received in that Sacrament which has regenerated
us to new life — the divine life. And this through
Mother Church, which has Mother Mary as a
model. Thanks to Baptism we were introduced into
communion with God and we are no longer at the
mercy of evil and sin, but [rather] we receive the love,
the tenderness, the mercy of the heavenly Father.
I ask you once again: Who among you remember
the day on which you were baptised? For those who
don’t remember the date of their Baptism, I assign
some homework: go find that day and cherish it in
your heart. You can even ask your parents for help,
godfather, godmother, uncles or aunts, grandparents....
The day on which we were baptised is a feast day!
Remember it or go seek it out, the date of your
And I invite you all to greet Our Lady as the Mother
of God, hail her with this salute: “Holy Mother
of God!”. As she was acclaimed, at the start of
Christianity, when at the entrance of the Church they
would cry out to their pastors this salute to Our Lady:
“Holy Mother of God!”. All together, three times, let
us repeat: “Holy Mother of God”.