Calendar Sunday, January 18, 2015—Luke 21:1-4 11:00 AM—Morning Worship 2:00 to 7:30 PM—Youth Group Ministry-(rescheduled bowling event) 4:30 to 6:00 PM—Chancel Choir Rehearsal 2015 BUDGET NEEDS: Income Needed Weekly on Budget $ YTD Budge (corrected YTD Budget figure—yearly YTD posted 1/11)$ YTD Giving $ Income Received Last Week on Budget $ Church Staff Wednesday, January 21, 2015—WNS, Adult Bible Study, Youth/Children Ministries; Music Ministry rehearsal 4:30 PM—Gospel Quartet Rehearsal 5:30 PM—Wed. Night Supper—Fellowship Hall (Dinners Ready by Chad) 6:15 PM—Adult Bible Study; Children & Youth Ministries 7:15 PM—Hand Bells Rehearsals resume Sunday, January 25, 2015—Ezekiel 47:1-12 8:00 AM—United Methodist Men Breakfast- F. Hall 11:00 AM—Morning Worship 4:30 to 6:00 PM—Chancel Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM—Youth Group Ministry Monday, January 26, 2015 7:00 PM—RT/JW Circle Meeting—Fellowship Hall Wednesday, January 28, 2015—WNS, Adult Bible Study, Youth/Children Ministries; Music Ministry rehearsal 4:30 PM—Gospel Quartet Rehearsal 5:30 PM—Wed. Night Supper—Fellowship Hall (Covered Dish) 6:15 PM—Adult Bible Study; Children & Youth Ministries 7:15 PM—Hand Bells Rehearsal Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015—Mark 1:21-28-Pledge Sunday 11:00 AM—Morning Worship HOLY Communion observed 4:30 to 6:00 PM—Chancel Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM—Youth Group Ministry Tuesday, February 3, 2015 10:00 AM—Morning Circle—Fellowship Hall Wednesday, February 4, 2015—WNS, Adult Bible Study, Youth/Children Ministries; Music Ministry rehearsal 4:30 PM—Vocal Ensemble Rehearsals resume 5:30 PM—Wed. Night Supper—Fellowship Hall (Covered Dish) 6:15 PM—Adult Bible Study; Children & Youth Ministries 7:15 PM—Hand Bells Rehearsal 4,566.00 9,132.00 9,647.00 3,400.00 Reverend Dan Dixon, Pastor Pastor Dan’s Cell Church Office Church Email Address Tom Secor, Music Director Tom Secor’s Cell Joni Taylor, Children’s Director Amber Waddell, Youth Director Doris Gill, Organist Melanie Hester, Pianist Linda Hill, Custodian Willie Eva Carter, Nursery Angela Hamler, Nursery Gwen Bankovich, Administrative Assistant [email protected] 404-376-1002 706-846-3213 [email protected] [email protected] 678-640-5305 [email protected] 706-656-8006 Manchester First United Methodist Church 706-741-7563 (cell) Church Website: Sunday School Classes - 9:45 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Young Adults 3rd floor, Room 301 Men’s Bible Class 2nd floor, Room 211 Christian Workers 2nd floor, Room 210 Upper Room 2nd floor, Blue Room Women of The Word 1st floor, Brides Room You are welcome to join us! Church Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch normally 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. National holidays observed. Thank you! AA meets every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.—Fellowship Hall Girl Scouts will meet each 1st and 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m.—Fellowship Hall “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them” Luke 21:3 Stewardship Sermon Series “Investing With Whose Money?” January 18, 2015 206 Broad Street Manchester, Georgia 31816 Morning Worship—11:00 a.m. Third Sunday January 18 , 2015 Prelude Chiming of the Hour Welcome and Announcements We ‘re glad you are here with us! Hospice: Eloise Harris (in home hospice) At Home: Jack Buchanan, Margie Guy, Joe & Myra Sills, Carolyne Everyone please fill out the attendance form located at the end of each pew so we will have your information & a record of your attendance. After everyone seated on that pew completes signing, please place small burgundy binder at end of pew towards center aisle. Thank you from your Ushers. Morgan, Sara Fishburne In Specialized Care: Sybil Schmalz (who fell & broke ankle) In Assisted Living/Nursing Home: Helen Evans, Randy Houston, Eunice Cline, Mary Jane Dunlap, Dorothy Synder, Dot & Ed Hooten Continued Prayers: Bobbie Buchanan, Luke Horne, Charles Gee, Amanda Sills/CMF, Sean Marion/FCA Friends and Family: the family of Dorothy Argroves (Drew Kirk’s grandmother); the family of Dwight & Betty Baker; the Hunter family (friend of Pastor Dan & Brenda Dixon); Lynn Jordan (whose brother Passed away); Kevin Hudson (Anita Asmar’s son-in-law); Mary White (Betty White’s sister); Carah Jeffords (Gwen’s great niece); law enForcement personnel nationwide, colds, flu, viruses, World Peace and unspoken prayer concerns. Reverend Dan Dixon, Pastor REMINDER! Wednesday Night Supper, Adult Bible Study & Youth/ Children Ministries, Music Ministries Invocation Apostles’ Creed Hymn UMH 881 “Wonderful Words of Life” UMH 600 Pass the Peace Offertory Prayer Pastor Dan Doxology Children’s Time Wednesday, January 21st 4:30 PM—Gospel Quartet Rehearsal 5:30 PM—WNS—Fellowship Hall Dinners Ready by Chad Please complete your reservation form (on Ushers’ Table). After Morning Worship, you can give to Fannie Wilson or place in the lockbox outside the Church office door. Thank you! 6:15 PM Adult Bible Study & Youth/Children Ministries 7:15 PM—Hand Bells Rehearsals resume Joni Taylor, Children’s Director Pastor Dan Dixon’s Adult Bible Study Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m., after Supper O How I Love Jesus, O How I Love Jesus O How I Love Jesus, Because He First Loved Me! Hymn “Bless Thou the Gifts” UMH 587 Note: Please repeat three times Prayers & Praises Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Anthem “Bring What You Have” Pastor Dan Chancel Choir ~Cindy Berry Scripture Luke 21:1-4 Pastor Dan Hymn UMH 399 “Take My Life, and Let It Be” Benediction Pastor Dan “Two Fold Amen” Attention YOUTH! Rescheduled event Today, Sunday, January 18th, we’re taking a bowling trip for fun Sermon Series: Investing “Investing With Whose Money?” Response Prayer Concerns Welcome Chancel Choir (Note: Please stay in place during the response to the benediction.) “There’s a Hole in Your Soul That Only God Can Fill” ~Dr. James Moore Come and let God fill the hole in your soul! INTERESTED? and fellowship! May 30 through June 6, 2015 Mission Trip to El Salvador We will leave Church at 2:00 PM, bowl for two hours, have dinner and return around 7:00-7:30 PM. Deadline February 15th for $100 deposit Please see Pastor Dan if interested in going on the trip or helping to collect Or donate eye glasses to be distributed in El Salvador Congregational Care If you know of someone in our congregation who will be having surgery, is in the hospital or in need of a visit, please let staff in the Church office know by phone 706-846-3213 or email [email protected] MEMORIAL SAVE the DATES ? In memory of Frankie Barnes Given by: Beverly Jo Bicker ? In memory of Dorothy Argroves (Drew Kirk’s grandmother) Given by: Gwen Bankovich USHERS For today, Jan. 18, 2015 Jimmy Lanier Tim McCard David Turner Mike Whatley (times listed on Calendar) Wednesday, January 21st Gospel Quartet Rehearsal Wednesday Night Supper Dinners Ready by Chad Adult Bible Study & Youth/ Children Ministries Hand Bells Rehearsal Sunday, January 25th UMM Breakfast Ezekiel 47:1-12 Morning Worship Chancel Choir Rehearsal Youth Group Ministry Monday, Jan. 26th RT/JW Circle Meeting For January 25, 2015 Fred Goolsby Jimmy Lanier Tim McCard Ed Withrow For February 1, 2015 Mike Johnson Jimmy Lanier Tim McCard Ed Withrow Wednesday, Jan. 28th Gospel Quartet Wed. Night Supper 4th Wednesday Covered Dish Adult Bible Study & Youth/Children Ministries Hand Bells Rehearsal
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