View This Week's BULLETIN

CHURCH AT STUDY - 9.15 a.m.-10:45
Theme: Reformation-Spiritual Growth, Prayer and
Song Service
Blossom Campbell
Opening Remarks
Blossom Campbell
Opening Song
Hymn No. 610
Scripture Reading
1 Peter 5: 6-11
Jennifer Bennett
Opening Prayer
Merel Lewis
Mission Report
Pansy Christian
"A Matter of Life and Death"
Special Music
Closing Remarks
Health Nugget
Closing Prayer
Hymn No.
Blossom Campbell
Beverley M. Belfon
Beverley M. Belfon
Thought for the Week
December Finance Corner
Elder Primrose Alexander
Introit/Theme Song
"We Welcome You"
Pastor Damson Oppong
Rasheed Tomlinson
Pastor Damson Oppong
Phil Blackwood
Call to Worship #849 (Back of Hymnal) Trudy Isaacs-Stewart
Scripture Reading
Matt 6: 9-10
Trudy Isaacs-Stewart
Intercessory Prayer
Elder Primrose Alexander
Songs of Praise
Rasheed Tomlinson
Ministry in Music
Children’s Story
Music of Meditation
5:00 p.m
Theme: “Black Lives Matter”
Britney Bullock
Pastor’s Corner
Building Fund Promotion
Worship in Giving
“Place your mind before the mirror of eternity, Place your soul in the
brightness of His glory, Place your heart in the image of the divine
essence and transform yourself by contemplation utterly into the
image of His divinity, that you too may feel what His friends feel as
they taste the hidden sweetness that God himself has set aside
from the beginning for those who love Him.
Budgeted Amount
Collected to Date
DIVINE SERVICE – 10:50 a.m
Jakim Perry
“The Believer’s Desire"
Jan 17
Bible Class at 4:00 PM
Jan 17
Board Meeting after AY
Jan 24
Bring a Friend Church Day
Jan 24
Oranges arrives after AY
Jan 31
Community Service Dept. Meeting at 5:00 PM
Jan 30-31 Relevant Convention sponsored by the Ontario
Conference. Contact [email protected]
for registration.
Children’s Ministry Do you love children? The Children’s
Ministry is the place to volunteer. Please contact Sharon
Laidlaw by email at [email protected] or see her
right after Divine service.
Women’s Ministry joins the World Church in the ten days of
Prayer exercise. To join or for more information please
contact Sandra Holness or
Clerk's Dept. - is asking all New Members/Non Members to
please fill in the forms to update the 2015 Directory.
Community Service Dept: is in need of non-perishable food
Deacons Department needs assistance to clean the Church
on Thursdays please see Cloverbelle Williams
January 3
January 10
January 17
January 24
January 31
Local Church Budget
Local Conference Advance
Local Church Budget
Religious Liberty
Union Designated
Please note: All bulletin info MUST be called in or emailed by
Wednesday Evening at 7.00 p.m. to Carol Taylor. Tele:
905-495-1733 or email [email protected]
or 905-495-1733
Men's Ministry: "Prayer for Power" meets every 1st & 3rd
Sunday 8:00-9:00AM. All sistering churches are welcome
Offering Schedule
Closing Hymn
Hymn No. 524
Pastor Damson Oppong
Praise Team
Janice Philpotts
Sick/Shut-in: Sis. Pearline Johnston 905-846-0547
Prayer Request: Bro. & Sis. Kelly, Bro Shelton & his wife.
Loretta Farnum, Joyce Walker, Simeon & Shania George.
Condolences: To Sis. Yvonne Smith and family on the death of
her father in Jamaica.
To Sis. Raymona Bray on the death of her Mother
To Sis. Clover Livingston on the death of her brother
Please keep the family in prayers.
What Do Seventh-day Adventists Believe
Men's Ministry Meeting: 2nd Sabbath of each month
Personal Ministry Meeting: 2nd Sabbath of each month
Women’s Ministry Group: 3rd Sabbath of each month
ABC BOOK ORDERS - Call Doreen Watts - 905-458-9041
Please Donate -
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Happy Birthday
& Happy Anniversary
To Anyone Celebrating
Pastoral Staff
Damson Oppong
First Elder
Veta Mogg
Carol Powell-Bell
Church Clerk
Carol Taylor
Bulletin Clerk
Head Deacon
Phil Blackwood
Cloverbelle Williams Head Deaconess
Anthony Pegus
Community Services
Personal Ministries
Everord Hamilton
Carol Powell-Bell
905 460 8742
905 458 5219
905 495 1733
905 789 7437
905 495 0097
905 216 6561
905 494 0614
Baby Dedication
Karen Thompson
Pastoral Information
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms. ___________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Ill at home/hospital
I desire a Pastoral visit
I desire Bible Studies/Baptism
I desire special prayer
I wish to transfer my membership. FROM ___________________
I have moved/new address/
I wish to received the Adventist Messenger
Other needs: _______________________________________________
God Seventh-day Adventists base their faith in God as revealed through
Jesus Christ and as shown through the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
(Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4:11; 1 Cor. 15:28; John 3:16)
Welcome to Ruth
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Faith Faith means placing complete trust in God, and accepting his offer of
salvation. Such trusting faith is fundamental to Adventist beliefs. A living
relationship with God is essential to faith. (Phil. 1:20-30; 1 Thess. 5:8; Matt.
The Bible Written down over many years, the Bible presents the essential
truth about God. The Holy Spirit inspired human writers to reveal the
character of God and how he wishes to save all those who come to him. The
Bible explains the nature of God and the way God’s followers will behave as
a result of their relationship with him. (2 Peter 1:20-21; Ps. 119:105; Isa.
8:20; John 17:17; Heb. 4:12)
The Gospel The heart of the Adventist message is the gospel, God’s good
news of salvation. Through Jesus’ death on the cross human beings may be
won back to love and trust God, and accept God’s free gift of eternal life for
all those who follow him. (Matt 4:23; Rom. 10:15; 1 Peter 4:1-7) CreationCreator of the Universe, Christ formed our world in six days, and created the
first man and woman. At the close of his creative work, God gave the
Sabbath as a day of celebration and worship. (Gen 1&2; Ps. 19 1-6; Heb.
The Sabbath The seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) is given as a reminder of
the God who both creates and saves, and is the day God invites all to come
and worship him. Jesus observed the seventh-day Sabbath while on earth,
and Adventists follow his example in keeping the fourth of the Ten
Commandments. (Exo. 20:8-11; Luke 4:16; Matt. 12:1-12; Mark 1:32)
The Second Advent Adventists look forward to the soon return of Jesus
Christ as prophesied and as he himself promised, but do not set any date for
this glorious event when he comes to take home all who accept him as their
Lord. (Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 1:7; Mark 13; 1 Thess. 5:1-6)
Life after Death and the Future Adventists follow Jesus in identifying those
who die as sleeping. Those who have trusted God are raised to life when
Jesus returns, and look forward to a wonderful future--eternal life in God’s
presence. (Rom. 6:23; Eccl. 9:5, 1 Cor. 15:51-54; John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:1-10)
Baptism and Commitment Those who choose to accept God’s way for
their lives and his offer of eternal life demonstrate their belief through
baptism (being immersed in water), following the example of Jesus.
Adventists follow lives of commitment to God and his plan for us, which
include following his commands as being for our best good. (Matt. 28: 19-20;
Rom. 6:1-6; Acts 16:30-33)
…sharing our faith-based beliefs to the world as
commissioned in the Word of God.
Go…teach…baptize…make disciples. Matt 28:18-20
January 17, 2015
We are happy you have chosen to worship with us today.
May God bless you as we unite together in heartfelt praise
on this blessed Sabbath day.
Sabbath School
Divine Service
Youth Service
Wednesday Prayer
Sunset Today 5:07
Elder on Duty
Nurse on Duty:
Deacon/Deaconess on Duty
9.15 AM
10:50 AM
1 hr Before Sunset
7.30 PM
Next Week 5:16
Elder Michael Thompson
Beverley M. Belfon
Sis. Davina Harrison
10755 Torbram Road, Brampton - (416) 558-8510
Online at: