IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 2014 Idaho CEC and ISPA Fall Conference Boise, Idaho October 1st - 4th, 2012" Change Comes Bearing Gifts" ! ! Please join the Idaho CEC at this year’s annual conference in Boise, Idaho at the Red Lion Downtowner. For conference details and registration follow the links below. Conference At A Glance Register On-Line or by mail at For reservations at the Red Lion call 208 344-7691 and ask for the Idaho Council for Exceptional Children rate in September or October. The hotel’s front desk is 208 344-7691 ext. 0, or central reservations at 1-800-RED-LION. This group is now bookable online. Copy and paste this link: Idaho Council for Exceptional Children The group access code is ICEC0930. Change the pre-loaded dates of stay to what you need. PAGE 1! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN ! SPRING 2014 Idaho CEC/ISPA Conference October 1-4, 2014 Info at a Glance Venue Red Lion Downtowner in Boise! $89 Conference Room Rate! Limited space, so book early. We had over 300 attendees last year, and some folks ran into trouble getting rooms. ! Phone and ask for the Idaho Council for Exceptional Children rate in September or October. The hotel’s front desk is 208 344-7691 ext. 0, or central reservations at 1-800-RED-LION.! This group is now bookable online. Copy and paste this link: Idaho Council for Exceptional Children The group access code is ICEC0930. Change the pre-loaded dates of stay to what you need. ! ! ! Pre Conference (Wednesday the 1st) Idaho Division of Learning Disabilities - DLD Special Session Sponsored by the Idaho State Department of Education by Dr. Stevan Kuckic-This session is exclusively for special education directors from around the State. The purpose of this session is to get Idaho’s key implementers and active directors in one setting to discuss the multitiered systems of support in one room with a national expert to discuss implementation of the MTSS model in Idaho. The session is free, but dinner will be at a cost unless I can find a sponsor. Attendance will be determined by Idaho CEC and the SDE. We are looking to have equal representation from all areas of the State, so attendance will be limited as we do not want one region overrepresented. If you are interested in attending this session, you will need to contact Kindel Mason directly. I will be contacting directors as well asking for you input.! This will not be posted on the flyer, nor included in the conference fee.! ! ! ! Post Conferences (Saturday the 4th) ! Idaho Talented and Gifted- ITAG/SAGE ! Presents An Author’s Visit in conjunction with Rediscovered Books PAGE 2! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 Main Conference Registration Fees $225 for nonmembers of CEC or ISPA $225 for ISPA Members, and includes the $50 membership fee if you choose to join. This option only available for school psychologists. $175 for CEC Members The conference fee includes two lunches." ! Keynotes" Dr. Stevan Kukic from the National Center on Learning Disabilities Is Special Education Special Anymore? : The New Role in Special Education in this era of disruptive school reform " From PL 94-142 to NCLB to the latest re authorization of IDEA in 2004, the nation has set its commitment to students with disabilities. Really? Are IEPs used to guide the development of lesson plans? Are special educators the reading experts they must be in our schools? Is special education at the RTI table, helping each school district build its Multi Tier System of Supports? Is special education becoming a victim of of its separate mandate? What is the role of special education in this world of disruption, tightening budgets, ever increasing lawsuits, lack of commitment to evidence based practice? We can react or we can work together to invent a better future for students with special needs. It is our choice.! Dr. Luann Purcell from the National Council of Administrators of Special Education (Topic TBD) ! Breakout Sessions" Dr. Stevan Kuckic1. Multi-tiered systems of support geared for administrators 2. Multi-tiered systems of support geared for teachers Idaho DADD-Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Strand see page 6 for more details" - Dr. Aleksandra Hollingshead - Engaging Communication Strategies: Low and High Tech Idea (2 part session) - Carol Carnahan and Rachel Kynaston - Integrating Data Systems and Instructional Technology - Barbara Hayhurst- Peer programs Across Grade Levels - Cassidy Hall from the Doceo Center on Innovation and Technology - Technology and Common Core/Instructional Technology (2 part session) ! Shannon Dunstan - Medicaid and completing the IEP service page, writing relevant IEP goals to Medicaid services, active treatment for students receiving PSR PAGE 3! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 Dr. Joy Jansen- Making the Connection: The Brain, Learning, & Special Education ! Session I: Brain-Based Learning Defined: “Getting to Know Cognitive Processes" Brain-Based Learning is a multidisciplinary approach to instruction that aligns with the natural design of how the brain functions and learns. In the field of Special Education, understanding the basic concepts of the brain and learning are foundational pieces in serving students with special needs. It is through a better understanding of the brain that special educators can develop intentional, instructional IEPs directly related to brain-based learning. During this session participants will be provided basic, foundational knowledge of the neurological, physiological, and cognitive elements to learning. ! ! Session II: Creating a Brain-Based Learning Environment" Brain-Based Learning is a multidisciplinary approach to instruction that aligns with the natural design of how the brain functions and learns. In the field of Special Education, understanding the basic concepts of the brain and learning are foundational pieces in serving students with special needs, particularly in creating a classroom environment that is open and maximizes the opportunity to learn. During this session, participants will be provided the framework and strategies to create a brain-based, friendly classroom. ! ! ! Dr. Michelle Doty, Dr. Roddran Grimes, LCSC CEC Student Club ! SPARC: Student’s and Professionals Accessing Resources in the Community, An Idaho Postsecondary Transition Program: Providing Services for Young Adults (18-21) with Disabilities" ! This session will describe the process this program stepped through to transition from a traditional high school model to a separate and unique program on a college campus and provides focus areas for future programs to consider. CEC Student Club members will share their experience as mentors to the youth with disabilities in the SPARC Program.! ! ! Dr. Katie Bubak- PBIS in Idaho ! This session will provide attendees with an introduction and overview of the basic building blocks of Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) in Idaho. SWPBIS is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organizational systems for establishing the social culture, effective learning and teaching environments, and individual behavior supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. SWPBIS, endorsed by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), is currently being implemented in over 18,000 schools nationwide. PAGE 4! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 Janice Carson, M.Ed., Project Director, Idaho Assistive Technology Project & Dan Dyer, Training Coordinator, Idaho Assistive Technology Project ! 1. Assistive Technology Solutions! Math in the Common Core! The Common Core State Standards explicitly advocate for the use of assistive technology and related supports in special education. We will explore the shifts in expectations, brought in with the CCSS, and the assistive technology solutions to support your students through software, lowtech manipulatives, and hand-held smart-technology for mathematics. Join us to learn how to use tools to obtain equal access to math curriculum for your students.! 2. Access for All! Use Assistive Technology in the English Language Arts and to help meet the Common Core requirements" The Common Core State Standards explicitly advocate for the use of assistive technology and related supports in special education. We will explore the shifts in expectations, brought in with the CCSS, and the assistive technology solutions to support your students. You will learn about visually changing text, adapting readability, and customizing instructional materials for students with lower and higher needs. As always, we will include easily available, free, and low cost tools.! 3. Level the playing field for struggling readers with Accessible Instructional Materials" Do you have struggling readers? Do your students need textbooks and other instructional materials in a digital text, audio, large print, or Braille format? Let’s talk about accessible instructional materials, how to determine if your students need them, where you can get them, and the tools to read them.! 4. ! Learn what the Chromebook can do! " Learn how Chromebooks can be used as a tool in your classroom to support universal design, help meet educational goals, and as an assistive tool to support students with learning differences. ! ! Aleksandra Hollingshead, Ed.D ! Setting up an Environment for Engagement in Learning" The purpose of this session is to discuss the elements of a universally designed classroom that supports students’ with autism spectrum disorders engagement and learning. The principles of structured teaching will be discussed and practiced.! ! PAGE 5! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 Idaho Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities As#the#October#CEC#conference#approaches,#the#Division#on#Autism#and#Developmental# Disabilities#is#proud#to#host#an#entire#strand#devoted#to#relevant#and#current#professional# development!#DADD#will#be#hosting#six#sessions#on#a#variety#of#topics#including:# “Engaging#Communication#Strategies:#Low#and#High#Tech#Ideas”#(2#part#session)# presented#by#DADD#board#member,#Dr.#Aleksandra#Hollingshead.#This#session#will#address# students’#with#ASD#communication#needs.#Both#expressive#and#receptive#language#needs# will#be#explored#through#the#prism#of#the#Universal#Design#for#Learning#principles.#Both# low#and#high#tech#solutions#to#support#students’#communication#will#be#discussed.#During# the#session,#there#will#be#both#a#demonstration#of#the#technology#and#multiple# opportunities#to#practice#various#strategies.#This#session#is#intended#to#be#practical#and# applied#in#nature.#Please#come#prepared#with#questions#and#ready#to#be#actively#involved!## ! DADD#board#members#Carol#Carnahan#and#Rachel#Kynaston#will#be#presenting#on# “Integrating#Data#Systems#and#Instructional#Technology”.##One#of#the#greatest#challenges# for#special#educators#today#is#collecting,#managing,#analyzing#and#reporting#data#for#a# variety#of#purposes.##Special#educators#are#expected#to#create#data#collection#systems#that# inform#instruction,#analyze#progress#toward#goals,#measure#the#effectiveness#of# interventions#AND#populate#Medicaid#billing#forms.#The#presenters#of#this#session#will# demonstrate#a#variety#of#ways#that#they#use#instructional#technology#to#streamline#the# data#collection#process,#collect#meaningful#data#in#real#time,#reduce#the#amount#of#time# needed#to#analyze#data#and#create#one#data#collection#system#that#can#be#used#for#multiple# purposes.#Approaches#for#using#instructional#technology#to#reduce#the#amount#of#time# needed#to#take#daily#data,#analyze#data,#write#progress#reports,#and#complete#Medicaid# billing#forms#will#be#discussed#at#length.## ! “Peer#programs#Across#Grade#Levels”#will#be#presented#by#DADD#board#member#Barbara# Hayhurst.#This#presentation#will#to#show#teachers#how#to#start#a#peer/buddy#program#at# elementary,#middle#or#high#school#levels.#BeneXits#of#having#a#peer/buddy#program,#how# to#address#potential#problems,#and#allocating#resources#to#build#a#peer/buddy#program# will#also#be#discussed.## ! In#a#2#part#session,#Cassidy#Hall#from#the#Doceo#Center#on#Innovation#and#Technology#will# discuss#“Technology#and#Common#Core/Instructional#Technology”.#This#session#will# support#the#huge#role#that#technology#plays#in#the#common#core#standards#an#offer# technology#resources#to#support#implementation#of#the#common#core.#Participants#will# also#experience#handsY#on#exploration#of#instructional#technology#through#the#lens#of# UDL.## ! Andrea#Cox# Idaho#DADD#President# PAGE 6! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 ! ITAG#News#and#Announcements## ! ITAG#is#pleased#to#report#that,#with#the#hard#work#of#its#board#and#the#local# community#of#supporters#of#gifted#education,#the#2014#legislature#has# reinstated#funds#for#gifted#professional#development!#This#funding#was#removed#several# years#ago#and#we’re#so#pleased#to#receive#the#support#of#the#legislature#in#returning#these# essential#funds.#ITAG#would#like#to#encourage#teachers#to#reach#out#to#their#districts#and# begin#a#conversation#about#how#these#funds#will#be#allocated#in#support#of#gifted# students#and#their#teachers.#Please#email#[email protected]#if#support#and# strategies#are#needed#in#beginning#this#conversation.# ! Idaho CEC 2014 Annual Conference October 1st – 4th, 2014 Boise, Idaho " ! ITAG will be presenting:" Designing Idaho Core Units for Gifted & Advanced Learners (strand)" &" An Author’s Visit (post-conference) in conjunction with Rediscovered Books" Seeking'Nominations'for'2013'Idaho'GEM'Award' (Idaho#Gifted#Education#Milestone) ! TAG/SAGE#strives#to#improve#the#availability#and#quality#of#information,#programs,#and# training#for#gifted#and#talented#education#in#Idaho.#This#mission#is#accomplished#through# the#advocacy#and#accomplishments#of#many#people.# ! ITAG/SAGE#would#like#to#recognize#and#honor#educators#and/or#community#members# who,#through#their#dedication#and#advocacy,#have#helped#improve#gifted#and#talented# education.#Nominations#are#open#for: ! Educators—Facilitators,#classroom#teachers,#principals,#program#coordinators,# counselors,#administrators,#etc.# Community#Members—Parents,#legislators,#elected#ofXicials,#media#people,#authors,# businesses,#and#etc.# ! Nominations#must#be#submitted#no#later#than#July#30#at# ! PAGE 7! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 2014'Keynote'Presenter:'Dr.'Temple'Grandin ! ! Speaking#of#worthwhile#professional#development,#SUMMER'EDUFEST#is#coming# right#up.#From#July#28th#through#August#1st,#you#can#immerse#yourself#in#the#best#PD#the# Northwest#has#to#offer!# ! Edufest!is!the!Northwest’s!premier!summer!conference!on!gifted!and!talented! education.#Keynotes,#Institutes,#Strands,#and#Special#Topic#presentations#are#by# internationally#and#nationally#recognized#experts#in#the#Xield#of#gifted#and#talented# education.##Topics#focus#on#the#21st#Century#Learning,#Common#Core,#Differentiation,# STEM#and#Creativity.## ! Along#with#learning#about#gifted#children’s#unique#characteristics#and#ways#to#address# their#distinct#educational,#social#and#emotional#needs,#participants#will#also#discover# many#meaningful,#energizing,#and#fun#ways#to#differentiate#for#children#of#all#ability# levels.!There#are#sessions#about#learning#and#teaching#strategies#for#implementing#the# Core#Subjects#and#the#Essential#Skills,#including#assessment,#curriculum#and#instruction,# professional#development#and#learning#environments#for#gifted#and#advanced#students.# Targeted#audiences#include#KY12#teachers,#parents,#counselors,#special#education# teachers,#administrators,#and#gifted#education#coordinators.##University#credit#is#available# through#Boise#State#University#and#Northwest#Nazarene#University.# ! PAGE 8! OF 11 ! ! REGISTER(TODAY(AT( ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 ! ! ! ! Idaho Council for Children with Behavior Disorders ! Idaho CCBD joined DEC and DADD to host a Spring Conference on March 14th and 15th of 2014. The conference, Communication, Sensory, Motor, and Music Therapy for students with Autism, Behavior, and Learning difficulties, featured four speakers from around the valley at the Hampton Inn Meridian. Melissa Swander and Amaisha Wiebe from Chatterbox Speech and Language Therapy presented communication strategies and augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC). Becky Parker presented the Effects of Sensory, Motor and Neurological issues on communication, and Natalie Bargholz presented the use of music therapy to decrease behavior and increase self-regulation. We appreciate the time and effort put in by our presenters. ! At this year’s CEC/ISPA Fall Conference in Boise, Idaho, CCBD will be accepting nominations for Vice-President and Treasurer. If you or someone you know are interested in volunteering time to bring professional development about students with behavior and emotional disorders to our state, please consider being an Idaho CCBD board member. You may submit nominations today by contacting Melinda Glasgow at CCBD Nominations Interested in becoming a board member of CEC? Have a request for our 2015 Spring Conference Speaker? Interested in Joining Idaho CCBD? ! We will be hosting a CCBD Luncheon during the conference. Stay tuned for more details PAGE 9! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 DCDT members hope to see you all at the CEC Conference in Boise, Idaho in October. It should be a great time for all. If you know of anyone wanting to join DCDT please have them contact me. [email protected] They will be joining a great bunch of people! ! Offices Up for Election We have up for election this year the offices of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you know of anyone interested in running, who is a DCDT member or wants to become one, please encourage them to join CEC and DCDT, and run for a DCDT office. Please also send their name to Staci Vreeland at [email protected] and I will get there name in the hat. We will be holding elections at our general meeting in October at the CEC Annual Conference in Boise, Idaho. ! Join DCDT To join DCDT you must join our parent organization, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and indicate on the application that you would like to join the DCDT division. Joining DCDT entitles you to an array of benefits: •! National, regional, state, provincial, and local conferences that offer the opportunity for continuing education units (CEU’s) •! Opportunities to network with colleagues and leaders in the field of transition. •! Forums to contribute to the field through publications, conferences, and informal meetings. •! Acquire implementation tools and practical strategies that can be applied in individual settings. •! Receipt of research-based and current publications, including: o Career Development of Exceptional Individuals (CDEI) journal providing research-based and practical descriptions of models, programs, and strategies. o DCDT Network Newsletter providing latest information on legislation, projects, resources materials, and model programs To learn how to join go to: DCDT members nominations are now open for the Life Time Achievement Award for 2014. The nominee should be someone who has been in transition for a significant amount of time, or someone who has helped students transition into their communities, and be a CEC member. Please send the name of your nominee and a brief synopsis of why you think they deserve this award to Staci Vreeland at [email protected] by Sept. 12th, 2014. PAGE 10 ! OF 11 ! IDAHO COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SPRING 2014 Representative Assembly – National CEC Conference at Philadelphia 2014 ! The new 3 year Strategic Planning for CEC was started with the Representative Assembly at the National Conference in Philadelphia. We were put in work groups to consider the assumptions, needs and barriers for education and how CEC can be useful in addressing these issues. I also sat with Oregon and Nevada representatives and connected with these people who do not have a conference in their state. We will work with both states to encourage them to attend our conference in October. You, as members, will have the opportunity to have input on the Strategic Planning after the Executive Board meets to consider what was compiled at the Representative Assembly. The Executive Board will meet in June to develop and consider areas for strategic planning. I appreciate the opportunity to represent Idaho at the Representative Assembly. ! Respectfully Submitted by Phyllis Vermilyea PAGE 11 ! OF 11 ! Change Always Comes Bearing Gifts – Price Pritchett A Commitment to keeping our focus on ALL Students during these times of change and school reform. Come open your new gifts with us!! All Conference Registration includes Lunch on Thursday and Friday. **ISPA fee includes membership fee. Conference fee ____ Student ($100) ____ Presenter ($100) ____ CEC Member ($180) ____ CEC Non-Member ($225) ____ ISPA** ($225) Total _____________ Space is limited to 200 registrants and 100 room nights so register and book your room early!! Name of Registrant _____________________________ CEC Membership # _____________________________ ISPA Membership # ____________________________ Mailing address: ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone number __________________________________ Email address: __________________________________ Position/School/Organization _____________________ CEC Subdivision you belong to (if any) ___ CASE ___ DADD ___ CCBD ___ DCDT ___ DEC ___ ITAG ___ DLD Send Registration Information and payment to: Hotel Information: Idaho Council for Exceptional Children Red Lion Downtown 100 NW 16th St #105 1800 Fairview Ave Fruitland, ID 83619 Boise, ID 83702 [email protected] (208)-344-7691 ext 0 or 1-800-RED-LION Confirmation email/letters and invoices will be sent to the address/email on registration Ask for the Idaho Council for Exceptional Children rate in Sept/Oct. form when registration is received Online Group Code is ICEC0930 If paying with a check, please mail to the address listed above. If you would like to register by credit card please email our registrar at [email protected] (Subject: Credit Card Payment) and he/she will contact you/send you an invoice in order for you to process a credit card payment.
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