ADMISI Commodity Research January 19, 2015 Tushar Rathod: [email protected] Cotton Recap MCX Cotton Previous JAN5 FEB5 MAR5 APR5 15130 15290 15460 15650 Open High Low Close 15090 15250 15450 15620 15100 15260 15450 15620 14870 15070 15240 15420 14900 15080 15260 15450 Spread Jan-2015 Feb-2015 NCDEX Kapas APR5 Previous 773 Open 772.5 High 773 Jan-2015 Low 761 Close 763.5 Net Chg. -230 -210 -200 -200 Feb-2015 -180 Net Chg. -9.5 % Chg. -1.52 -1.37 -1.29 -1.28 Volume 1404 1577 764 855 % Vol. Chg. 13.13 97.13 9.77 206.45 OI 5156 3627 3304 1305 OI Chg. -269 -315 115 226 Mar-2015 -360 -180 % Chg. -1.23 Volume 6576 % Vol. Chg. 50.24 OI 16730 OI Chg. -393 Indian Cotton • • • • • • • • Indian Cotton futures closed sharply lower last week on stronger Rupee amid increasing Cotton stocks in MCX warehouses. Raw cotton is trading at near MSP levels at most locations across India. For 2014-15, MSP for Cotton is Rs. 3750/ 100 Kg (medium staple) and Rs. 4050/ 100 Kg (long staple) According to USDA, Indian Cotton output in 2014/15 will be 6.64 million MT in 12.70 million hectares. Indian Cotton exports are likely to fall to 1.02 million MT in 2014/15 vs. 2.01 million MT during previous year. According to reports, Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has procured 4.1 million bales of Cotton so far this year at the minimum support price (MSP) from key growing states like Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra and may start selling it to traders. According to Cotton Advisory Board, India’s Cotton output in 2014-15 will be 40.0 million bales vs. 39.8 million bales in previous year. Cotton exports are likely to be lower at 9 million bales in 2014-15 season, compared to previous season’s exports of 11.8 million bales. Industry estimates for Cotton exports in 2014-15 are near 6.5 million bales, much below CAB estimates. According to Cotton Association of India (CAI), India produced 40.72 million bales of Cotton crop in 2013-14 and is likely to produce 40.20 million bales of Cotton output in 2014-15. According to 1st Advance estimates released by GoI, India’s 2014-15 Cotton output is expected to be at 34.62 million bales vs. 36.59 million bales in the previous year. 1 ADMISI Commodity Research January 19, 2015 International Cotton ICE Cotton MAR5 MAY5 JUL5 DEC5 • • • • • • Tushar Rathod: [email protected] Previous 59.49 60.27 61.25 63.42 Open 59.41 60.25 61.34 63.62 High Low 59.85 60.52 61.45 63.69 59.16 59.86 60.74 62.79 Close 59.23 60.02 60.91 63.04 Net Chg. -0.26 -0.25 -0.34 -0.38 % Chg. -0.44 -0.41 -0.56 -0.60 ICE Cotton March prices closed lower on Friday According to ICAC, global inventories will swell to 21.25 million MT by the end of the 2014/15 crop year, lower than its previous estimate of 21.41 million MT. In 2015/16, ICAC expects world inventory to fall to 21.13 million MT. Production will fall by 1.5 million MT, or 6%, to 24.55 million MT from 26.08 million MT estimated for 2014/15 and consumption will rise by 28,000 MT to 24.67 million MT. China imported 92,100 MT of Cotton in November, down 46.8% y-o-y. Chinese Cotton imports for the first 11 months of the year dropped by 38.6% to 2.18 million MT, the data showed. ICE Cotton stocks rose to 40,444 bales. According to CFTC data, for the week ending 13 January, non-commercial traders increased their net short positions in ICE Cotton. Date 16-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 17-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 17-Jan-15 16-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 Physical Market Rates Commodity Cotlook Index US Cotton New York Average Brazil Cotton Cash China (ZCE) 1 month forward India Mumbai Cotton 29 mm India Mumbai Cotton 34 mm India Mumbai Cotton 22 mm India Rajkot Shankar - 6 Kapas (Avg.) India Akola Cotton Seed Oilcake China Guangzhou Cotton Oilseed Meal Rate 67.50 58.46 63.86 12850.00 31100.00 44100.00 28300.00 785.00 1437.50 2580.00 Units USc/lb. USc/lb. USc/lb. CNY/MT INR/356 Kg INR/356 Kg INR/356 Kg INR/20 Kg INR/50 Kg CNY/MT 2 ADMISI Commodity Research January 19, 2015 Tushar Rathod: [email protected] Charts & Outlook MCX Cotton February (14870) Trade Recommendation: - Buy on dips to 14820 -14750, S/L 14640, TGT 15150 - 15440. Outlook: - Rupee is trading stronger. Raw Cotton prices trading near MSP may limit the downside in Cotton prices. Cotton prices are in extreme oversold zone and prone to sharp short covering. Dips to 14800 levels may attract buying. Cotton prices may stabilize and firm up towards 15500 levels. ICE Cotton March (59.23) Trade Recommendation: - None. ICE Outlook: - Supports are at 58.50 levels. Resistance is at 65.00 levels. Prices may trade sideways to firm in the near term while above support levels. 3 ADMISI Commodity Research January 19, 2015 Tushar Rathod: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This document is not for public distribution and has been furnished to you solely for your information and must not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to observe these restrictions. This material is for the personal information of the authorized recipient, and we are not soliciting any action based upon it. This report is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any commodity or commodity derivative in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. It is for the general information of clients of ADMISI Commodities Private Limited. It does not constitute a personal recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual clients. We have reviewed the report, and in so far as it includes current or historical information, it is believed to be reliable though its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. Neither Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), nor ADMISI Commodities Private Limited, nor any person/entity connected with it, accepts any liability arising from the use of this document. The recipients of this material should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice. Price and value of the investments referred to in this material may go up or down. Past performance is not a guide for future performance. Certain transactions -including those involving futures, options and other derivatives as well as non-investment grade securities - involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Reports based on technical analysis centers on studying charts of a stock's price movement and trading volume, as opposed to focusing on a commodity’s fundamentals and as such, may not match with a report on a commodity's fundamentals. Opinions expressed are our current opinions as of the date appearing on this material only. While we endeavor to update on a reasonable basis the information discussed in this material, there may be regulatory, compliance, or other reasons that prevent us from doing so. Prospective investors and others are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. Our investment businesses may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations expressed herein. No part of this material may be duplicated in any form and/or redistributed without ADMISI Commodities Private Limited prior written consent. 4
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