JOIN THE CLUB! JOIN THE FUN! P.O. Box 3484 215 East Tyler Street Longview, Texas 75606 53rd Student Invitational Educate. Enlighten. Edify. Excite. Enjoy. Pulp Icons: Cast Paper and Prints Stewart Nachmias To join or to renew your membership, visit Simon Guest Services or $5 annual membership fee. • Birthday Card and Present • T-Shirt • Membership Card and More Members receive: It’s a kids’ club that gives you more fun—with newsletters, games, discounts, goodies, and special events. $5 annual membership fee. To join or to renew your membership, visit MEMBERS RECEIVE: Simon Services Birthday CardGuest and Present • T-Shirtor• Membership Card and More $5 annualvisitmembership fee.or To join or to renew your membership, Simon Guest Services discounts, goodies and special events. JOIN THE CLUB! JOIN THE FUN! Members receive: • Birthday Card and Present • T-Shirt • andnewsletters, More games, It's a kids' clubMembership that gives you moreCard fun – with It’s a kids’ club that gives you more fun—with newsletters, games, discounts, goodies, and special events. JOIN THE CLUB! JOIN THE FUN! Longview, Texas Permit No. 346 PAID Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage is generously printed by: A B i - M o n t h l y N E WSLETTER BY LONGVIEW MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS E A R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 13 Girlfriends of the Band by Stewart Nachmias Juror for the X INSIDE this issue 03 Calendar of Events 05 Letter from the Outreach Coordinator 06 Upcoming Exhibit Invitation 08 New Acquisitions 12 New Board Members 15 New & Renewed Memberships 16Occupy LMFA 17 Letter from the Guild President 18 Night at the Museum 20 ArtWorks & Special Thanks 21Love Luggage 24Trash to Treasure 25 Gift Shop Treasures 26 Volunteer Corner & Wish List 30 Membership Renewal Form and Annual Giving & Memorials and Honorarium calendar of Events 2 0 1 3 S c h ed u l e MARCH 1 - 31 “Occupy LMFA” Charles Arnold living in the front window sculpting, eating, sleeping, etc. MARCH 23 “PoPPies” by Dale Lindenberg 2012 TBT Photography Contest 53rd Student Invitational (March 23 - April 27) Juror - Stewart Nachmias “Pulp Icons: Cast Paper and Print by Stewart Nachmias” (March 15 - May 15) June 3 - August 9 ArtWorks Summer Classes July 13 - August 31 East Texas Regional Artists Exhibit Featuring: Ron Bigony, Bud Dunn, Amanda Hancock, Tamara Robertson, Gayle Waterman and Angilee Wilkerson July 25 ArtWalk Downtown Longview 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 14 - OCTOBER 26 April 4 ArtWalk Downtown Longview 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. May 11 - June 29 “Form Follows Function” Curated by Charles Arnold Exhibit Opening Guest Speaker: S.L. Natof, great-grandson of Frank Lloyd Wright YOGA “TEJANO: Contemporary Hispanic Artists of Texas” John Hillier, Curator OCTOBER 3 ArtWalk Downtown Longview 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. helps put the mmmm... in museummmm. Led by: Carlyn Short Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Barrow/ Cave Gallery. Free to members and only $5 for non-members. FREE FRIDAYS FOR VISITORS! member fdic equal housing lender 3 from the OUTREACH COORDINATOR Mission Statement Board of Trustees Jill BAYLESS Glenn McCutchen Anup Bhandari Stephen McDaniel The Longview Museum of Fine Arts is a non-profit organization which seeks to create interest in and promote knowledge of the visual arts throughout the city of Longview and vicinity by exhibiting, interpreting and preserving works of art and providing educational opportunities to a diverse audience. Todd Kelsey Jim Tilley Lester Kilpatrick Ana Walker Jessica M. LaRue Alexandra Waltrip LMFA Hours Jane Akins John Hillier Bobbie Atkinson Keith Honey Jack Barkley I. J. “Pete” Lamothe Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, 12 noon - 4 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday T 903.753.8103 F 903.753.8217 [email protected] LMFA is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization operating for the benefit of the public. A $5 admission fee is charged for non members. Children under 12 are admitted free. Travis Bunn Nancy Peralta Anne Hugman Kathryn Powell Tiffany Jehorek Yvonne Swain Elyse McCoskey Advisory Board Betty Bodenheim Carol Manley Evelyn Bolding Jack Mann, Jr. Dr. David Brown Nancy Ivy Mobley Linda Buie Gordon Northcutt Suzanne Cook Ralph Pelaia Mel Fish Barbara Phillips Holly Forbes Dr. John Ross Claire Foster Dorothy Robbins Skeans Carolyn Fox-Hearne Dick Stebbins Neal Garland Linda Ryan Thomas Kenneth W. Grams Danita Utsman Shirley Griffin Charlotte Wrather Big shoes to fill… If you know anything about Renee Hawkins, you know that she loves shoes. She is also the incredible Executive Director of Longview Museum of Fine Arts. At the beginning of February, Renee began a four month sabbatical. While she is “gone”, it is my job to “fill her shoes”. Let me tell you that it would be a whole lot easier to fill the shoes in her clothes closet, something I would really enjoy trying if we wore the same size, than filling her shoes here at LMFA. Replacing Renee is not the plan, nor is it even possible, not even for four months. I can tell you that LMFA business will continue as if Renee were still at her desk. The only reason I can say this with any degree of confidence is because of my mutually supportive coworkers who know how to go with the flow and get things done. We have a wonderfully cooperative, fun staff that will keep on top of LMFA business. First there is our top notch Assistant to the Director, Michelle Newby, who keeps the office operations under control. Michelle is so organized and knows where everything is. She is our anchor. Then there is Charles Arnold, resident artist (literally for the month of March) who keeps our facilities in good repair. Something you will hear repeatedly around here is “Charles will take care of it” and he does. And we have our talented Education Directors, Andy Don Emmons and Ann Werline. Not only are they continually expanding the opportunities in ArtWorks, but they are both always willing to pitch in and do anything that needs to be done. With a crew like this to depend on, operations should continue to run smoothly while Renee takes a well-deserved rest. As we continue LMFA business as usual, plan a visit to LMFA during the month of March. You will be impressed with our Student Invitational Show; Stewart Nachmias Exhibit; ABC Artists’ works and Occupy LMFA (Charles taking up residence in our window…not to be missed). Consider joining the fun by getting involved. Sign up for an ArtWorks class and bring some friends. Come on down and volunteer at our front desk for a few hours. You might even want to join our Guild. As always, lots of fantastic things going on at LMFA. What a great place to be! Volume XVII, Issue 2 EARLY SPRING 2013 Staff Executive Director Renee Hawkins Photography Marc Bailey, Mike Hawkins, Bonnie Hull, Michelle Newby, Jim Tilley and John Wrather Assistant to the Director Michelle Newby EXHIBIT is published Bi-Monthly as a benefit for Museum members. Director of Development Tiffany Jehorek This project is sponsored in part by a grant from the City of Longview Commission on Arts and Culture. ADULT EDUCATION DIRECTOR Andy Don Emmons Smiles, Bonnie J. Hull LMFA Outreach Coordinator Simply Comfortable. Simply Convenient. Simply Affordable. OUTREACH COORDINATOR Bonnie Hull CHILDREN'S EDUCATION DIRECTOR Ann Werline Preparator Charles Arnold Design 4 3211 Hotel Way Blvd. Longview, TX 75605 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Valencia Smotherman weekly volunteers Mary Aguilera, Joyce Allen, Debbie Beck, Calvin Halley, Pollie King, Noble Roberts, Isabelle Seeger, Beverly Sheveland, Valencia Smotherman, Martha Thompson and Sarah Yeager Suburban LMFA RATE 903-236-0000 800.4CHOICE If you, members of your family or your friends are coming to Longview for an LMFA event and need a place to stay, call Suburban Hotel and ask for the LMFA Rate. 5 Pulp Icons: Cast Paper and Prints Stewart Nachmias Stewart Nachmias X creates cast paper woodcuts that celebrate the energy of urban life in expressionist images drawn from his own experiences as a musician, performer and artist. Nachmias was born in 1958 in Queens, New York City, and grew up in Franklin Square, Long Island. As a child he began developing his interest in art along with ventriloquism. Introduced to etching in high school, Nachmias went on to major in printmaking at the State University of New York at New Paltz. After studying at New York University, he worked in Bob Blackburn’s Printmaking Workshop, where he met a wide range of artists. He then helped establish Studio 827, a printmaking atelier, located on Union Square in New York. While developing his own unique graphic techniques, Nachmias worked printing the etchings, engravings, woodcuts and serigraphs of artists including Keith Haring, Peter Max, Krishna Reddy, Dorothy Dehner and Raphael Soyer. Chief among his artistic influences, Nachmias cites the German Expressionists, particularly Beckmann, Kirschner, and members of the der Brücke group, whose vigorous line and social awareness are reflected in his own work. He singles out Picasso for his inventiveness as a printmaker, and both Reginald Marsh and Red Grooms for their evocations of life in New York. Opening Reception MARCH 23, 2013 In the 1980s Nachmias created a series of large-scale etchings of subway car interiors and passengers which captured the grit and melancholy of city life. These etchings were created a la poupée, applying color directly to an inked intaglio plate. This technique gives Nachmias’s prints a lively, painterly quality. During this period, Nachmias showed his work in galleries in New York’s East Village, including Vox Populi and the 9th Precinct Gallery. In the 1990s the artist began the cast paper wood cuts that he continues to create. His deeply carved wood blocks are both inked directly and act as molds for the hand-dyed paper pulp which Nachmias applies to the surface. The result is a print in low relief, with rich color embedded in its dimensional surface. Reception • 7:00 – 9:00PM gallery talk • 7:00PM For Members & Their Guests Music & Hors d'oeuvres Nachmias’s work has grown to encompass images of exuberant musicians, puppet shows, and working men, all recalling aspects of the artist’s own life playing in a rock band, performing for children and on the job in printmaking studios. There are works which show in vivid colors the spirit of the individual in an urban environment full of danger and excitement. A recent group of three 36”x 48” woodcuts focus on the nostalgic charms of Coney Island. And an ongoing series of mandalas, devoted to music, puppets, love and the creative brain give a sense of sacred completeness to the artist’s antic vision. Juror for the 53rd Student Invitational Stewart will hand out ribbons after his gallery talk. E X H I B I T 6 W I L L R E M A I N U P Nachmias has shown his work in many exhibitions, including solo shows at the Tyler Gallery at SUNY Oswego, NY; the Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA; Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY; and group exhibitions at Watermark Cargo Gallery, Kingston, NY; Susan Teller Gallery, Soho, NY; the De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, MA and many others. He has three upcoming solo shows in 2013 in or near Texas: Longview Museum of Fine Arts, Alexandria Museum of Art and Texas A&M University. M A R C H 1 5 – M A Y 1 5 7 LON G V I E W M U S E U M O F F IN E A R T S N E W A c q u i s i t i ons D o n ate d co l lec t ion fro m t h e e s t ate of J o h n and Anne D e an Tu rk . 8 9 TWO EXHIBITS One TIME May 11 – June 22 5th Annual SHORT EXPOSURE FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION Photography Exhibit F U R N IT U R E E x h i b i t Andy Don Emmons, Curator S.L. Natof, Juror Great-grandson of Frank Lloyd Wright Charles Arnold, Curator Watch for details at Lead a Charmed Life. Pick up your copy from racks near YOU! charm charm m r a chE independent woman | lisa brown | spring cleaning a bimonthly magazine for women of all ages & stages e for magazin onthly a bim en of wom BRUARY Y/FE JANUAR monlin mychar 2013 ern er Mod o the otograph ok int Ph A Lo edding W Day from ls Am er the GrRec Cent ong ing Beau ty Face th with e Fall Smok y Eyes * Baby pg. 16 Also Lisa | Brown e: Insid nia | p Ma Cam Boot Among Angels Center men’s Us: Wo all age s & stag es NOV EMB ER/D ECEMBE R 2012 the bo o of Julik a on Board Coats hion: as | Fas t Tex of Eas wom en of Us: Fash Balle ion t & Bl spring flings & easter things pg. 34 eart birds g at H Love reet YounMeet The ee n St s Click Ange Mar Houstin e angels among us pg. 10 ers Love When a bim onthly magazin e for Barri LOVissue mychar monlin longview community ministries king Brea lan son P A Les the march/april 2013 es s & stag all age ts & Boo Also Indepe ndent Insid Woma n: Win e: terizin g You r Ho me | Lisa Brown The ow has ha ner of Barro in he d many n’s ch r is far life, but apters the sto from over. ry | Day in the Life of a Bel l-Ringe r Fashion * Beauty * Community News * Contests 10 11 L ongview M useum of F ine A rts BOARD MEMBERS Todd Kelsey Todd and Jan Kelsey have lived in Longview with their two wonderful little boys, Parker (7) and Connor (4) since 2005. Todd is from Longview originally and chose to move back here for quality of life and family. Todd graduated from Hallsville High School in 1989 and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1994. Todd recently left AT&T Corporation after 14 years as a National Account Manager and is currently learning to be a stay at home dad while running 2 other businesses. Jan works for Hewitt Packard (HP) Corporation. Todd serves in many capacities such as the School for Little Children Board and Playground Director. Plus, he serves where there is a need in the community which means currently at the Longview Museum of Fine Arts. Jessica Merritt LaRue Jessica LaRue and her husband, Alex, are happy to be back in their hometown of Longview. Jessica graduated from Pine Tree High School, where she met Alex on the tennis team. She then went on to obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University and Juris Doctor from Baylor University School of Law. At Baylor, Jessica enjoyed being involved with her sorority in service activities, intramurals, and Baylor traditions such as performing in All-University Sing. She also had the privilege of serving as sweetheart of Kappa Omega Tau fraternity and as a Homecoming Princess her senior year. In law school, Jessica won the Fall 2009 Dawson & Sodd Moot Court Competition and was a member of the order of the barristers. Jessica and Alex still enjoy cheering on Baylor sports – especially football and basketball. Jessica is an active member of the Junior League of Longview and a volunteer with Junior Achievement. In her free time, Jessica loves playing tennis and walking with her dog, Lilly. Jessica is the daughter of Ed and Suzanne Merritt of Longview. Jessica works with her father as an attorney at the law firm of Harbour, Smith, Harris & Merritt. Nancy Peralta Nancy Peralta and her husband Chip are happy to live and work in Longview, and are especially enjoying their life at Lake Cherokee! Nancy came to Longview 11 years ago from her home town of Greenville, Texas, while Chip hails from New Orleans. They have both become involved in the community in a variety of ways, and in fact both are realtors working with Suzanne Cook & Co. and Cherokee Shores at the Lake. Nancy is also the owner/designer of Peralta Interiors, having owned a design studio in Greenville and then Longview for 30 years. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design in 1980, and proceeded to raise her four children working her ‘design’ hours around their schedules! Her love of design, houses and people has led her into real estate now, where she strives to match people with the right home everyday! Nancy has volunteered with the Longview Symphony, Habitat for Humanity, Cattle Barons' Ball and Chamber of Commerce, though her favorite volunteer work has always been with LMFA! Nancy is grateful to have the opportunity to serve in such a positive and beautiful atmosphere with others who truly care. 12 13 LONGVIEW MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS NEW&RENEWED Memberships The following have renewed their memberships or joined the museum from DECEMBER 8, 2012 - FEBRUARY 8, 2013 Sustainer Visit us online at to see what’s happening in the local art scene. Ballet Opera Symphony Orchestra Symphonic Band Art Museum Historical Museum Children’s and Adult Theatre Group Jill Bayless Longview Regional Medical Center Supporter Alan Enquist Alpha Imports Nancy Ivy Mobley Advocate Dr. and Mrs. Chris Dunnahoo Cassandra and LeGrande Northcutt Drs. Alex and Todd Waltrip Karen and Matt Yost Contributor PINEY WOODS L iv e Art... Music of the Soul Piney Woods Live is a locally owned magazine for art lovers in the Piney Woods of East Texas. We feature articles about and for local artists and individuals who have an interest in fine art, fine dining, and fine performances. Go to to find out where you can pick up your copy! Henry M. Bennett Deb Bolton Deb's Downton Cafe Jeri Boyd Hudson Printing & Graphic Design Dr. and Mrs. Solon Coleman Terri and Steve Dollahite Juneau Embry and Steve Richardson Monica and Ken Flory* Walter Lee Guice Guice Engineering Sciences Risa and Jerry Harris Gem Meacham and John Hillier@ Terry M. Jones TMJ Creative Sculptures Dorothy and Judge Alvin Khoury@ Laurie and Larry Kitchen Margot Lingold Gail and Mike Martin Cheryl McClure 903-758-6900 14 Carla and Paul Szafran Sandy and Don Talley Kathe Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dickens Wilkinson Individual Shirley Allen Bob Allen Suzann Cromer Pamela Donica Nancy Elswick Ms. Vera M. Garlough* Tommy Gillingham Ms. Kathleen Keyes Dale Lindenberg Allen Morris@ Margaret Story Student Edie Winshester General Complimentary Jean Adler Judith and Paul Banner Lori and Chris Danielson Sharon and Merle Grimes Tina and David Hiett Dr. and Mrs. George W. Legg Joanne and Leon Lewis Elizabeth Lockhart Karen Mason Beverly and Jim McMichael Suzanne and Ed Merritt Jo and Jerry Moore Elizabeth and Greg Neeley George and Susan Saikin Nancy Starr* Pam and Willie Surles Nafie Asad The Summit Club Patricia Jersild Neil Joseph Ron Stringer & Associates, P.C. Julie and Ed Rucker Carlyn Short@ Ryan Perry* Longview News-Journal Mark Strait The Go Spot Julie Wert Rigby Longview Mall Bill Stoudt East Texas Regional Airport A special thank you to these supporters for the extra effort they bestow upon LMFA. Suzanne Cook 100 W. Hawkins Pkwy., #Suite C, Longview, TX Janet and Tommy Merritt Iris and Charles Newkirk* Leah and Rodney Overman Sherry and Charley Peck Gayle and Rick Poland Noble Roberts Sherry Kay Russell Mr. Ted L. and Dorothy Robbins Skeans Sandra and Eric Skoog Jill and Sam Smead Sam Smead Photocreative Lisa and Hank Smith Morgan and Ronnie Strong Morgan Abbigail Danita Utsman Janel and Jamey Walker Lynn and Don Wells@ David Yowell Yowell Group, Inc. Suzanne Cook and Company Holly Head and Will Knous BSCENE Sue and Ruben Martin Rogers Pope, Jr. Martin Resource Management Corp. Texas Bank and Trust * LMFA would love to have your e-mail address! @ Members who have “Gone Green” and have elected to receive all info via email. 15 March 1 – 31 from the GUILD PRESIDENT Join in on the fun The Guild has kicked off the 2013 with plenty of excitement! We are looking forward to a fun-filled, productive year, and are recruiting for new members to join our ranks! If you are reading this, and have always wanted to be involved in the Art Museum, please consider joining the Guild! It does not require much of your time, but you will know you have spent that time well and we need you! We recently lost one of our long-time, faithful members, Ms. Wanda Sinclair. Wanda never missed a chance to bring food, serve, clean, or participate in whatever way she was needed. She will be missed! The Guild has made a donation to the museum in her name, and you will also see her name on the plaque for the sculpture, which we were able to help LMFA finish paying for. LMFA Preparator Charles Arnold moves in to the front window of LMFA to create and live for the entire month of March in the eye of the public. The Holiday Tearoom was such a great success, and we thank all of you who supported us by coming to lunch! It won’t be long before plans get underway for the 2013 version, so stay tuned! With part of the proceeds, we were able to finish paying for the sculpture, as I mentioned above, as well as purchase new tablecloths and chair covers to be used in museum events. It seems our former tablecloths had sprouted legs, so we will be having the new ones monogrammed with LMFA! We feel this is a good investment, not only to keep the quality of museum events high, but also because we will be able to rent both the tablecloths and chair covers to groups holding events here. It will be more convenient for them, and will help us repay our account for the purchases. January also brought the Opening Reception for the Diane Walker Gladney exhibit (don’t miss it if you haven’t seen it yet!), which was very well attended. Many of us in the Guild assisted the Board in their Night at the Museum in February. It was one of the premier events of the season! Sign up to bring Charles Please call or email if you are interested in being a part of our Guild! a meal or design a T-shirt 903.241.6109 • [email protected] for him to wear and sell online! This should be an interesting month! Sincerely, Nancy Peralta President, LMFA Friends These are samples of art Charles will be creating while living in the window. Become a sponsor and get your logo on a T-shirt. Call (903)753-8103 for more details. 12 Memorials &Honorarium I n mem o r Y O F Lou Galosy by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shore by Noble Roberts by Charlotte Grissom Brelsford I N HO N OR O F The Werline Family & Mr. and Mrs. Lee Swain by The Lackey Family 17 18 19 Watercolor • Ladies’ Nights • Saturday Family Art • D r a w i n g Ladies’ Night! Watercolor S ta i ned G lass Led by: Andy Don Emmons Basic Stained Glass Art Class Sculpture Workshop Instructor: Al Hildebrand March 6 - April 17 May 15 - June 12 Instructor: Bobbe Gentry March 13 - March 16 7 week class – Wednesdays, 6 - 9pm Ages 16 and up Wednesday - Saturday 9:30am - 4pm Ages 18 and up ur Book Yo y rt Part Group A ! TODAY All Art Supplies Included Groups of 10 or More All Ages No Experience Necessary! CATS & KINDER LIONS Summe r C la s s e s Start JUNE 3 For more information about ArtWorks schedules and registration, please visit S P E C I A L THANKS Special Thanks to McCarley's Jewelry for a new server to back up all museum computers; to Henry Bennett for 150 place settings of engraved Reed & Barton silverware for the museum; to Dot Legg for replanting our front planter; to Janie Dowdle Phillips for the Heritage Village Collection and to the Bargain Box for the new Portuguese pottery. 20 21 T he Longview Museum of Fine Arts, in cooperation with area Junior and Senior High School Art Department students, present a collection of Love Luggage each Spring to Buckner Children and Family Services of East Texas in honor of May’s National Foster Care Month. These hard shell suitcases are custom painted and made especially for East Texas children who enter the foster care system and have nothing to keep their belongings in. Any one person or business wishing to become a sponsor of this project may contact the museum at (903) 753.8103 or contact [email protected]. Those wishing to donate hard sided suitcases may do so any time by dropping them by the museum at 215 E. Tyler Street, Longview, Texas. FORBES&BUTLER visual communications inc A D V E RT I S I N G & G R A P H I C D E S I G N “Every child instinctively knows what many adults have long since forgotten: Our differences are not something to be tolerated, they are something to be celebrated.” – Albert Einstein 22 903.753.2098 W W W. F O R B E S B U T L E R . C O M county line UPPER EAST SIDE OF TEXAS M A G A Z I N E GREAT GIFT FOR FAMILY, FRIENDS, EMPLOYEES, CUSTOMERS, YOURSELF, ... PEOPLE PLACES CULTURE ART MUSIC EVENTS DINING STAGE FILM BOOKS POETRY HOME GARDEN OUTSIDE LAKES WELLNESS SUBSCRIBE! PLAY LIFE JUST $18 FOR 12 ISSUES WWW.COUNTYLINEMAGAZINE.COM 903.833.2084 23 Lou Galosy Lou Galosy was a dapper gent who tipped his hat and always had a smile on his face. He was a member of the LMFA Advisory Board. He used to drop in when he worked at the bank next door and say “Hey, Kid, you’re doing a great job.” He loves Jane and loved Lee. He’d come in to talk about what he could do for a studio space to make Lee Cunningham a happier, more satisfied artist. He wanted her to succeed. He wanted any endeavor he was involved in to succeed. I remember when I was on the board in 2000 he made an impassioned speech one evening saying the biggest problem in corporations, companies, businesses, families and life was a lack of communication. I appreciated his saying that (I’d gone to a workshop that also agreed with him) and realized that there are so many things we say or don’t say, depending on how we want to be perceived by the public, or at least in our own little groups. That’s why our true friends are so precious. We can say what we’re thinking and not worry about retaliation. They’re the ones we’re most honest with, the ones who know us best, and love us anyway. Lou Galosy will be missed. to reasure TRASHT ART Gift Shop 1923 – 2013 Treasures L ongv i ew M u se u m of F i ne A rts 1 James Hayes Pendants 5 Julie Speed Book - Snug Harbor 2 Warren Culler Sculpture - PI 6LMFA Book - The Collection 1 $25 each $575 3 Wine Bottle Holder $25 4 Michael Kenna & John Bloom Book - Monique's $30 $35 7 CeCe Bode Boreejon Jewelry Pendants $50 Kindergarten $20 2 3 CONTEST This contest was held by LMFA on behalf of Keep Longview Beautiful’s Death by Chocolate fundraiser. We had WONDERFUL entries and can’t wait to see what next year’s crop brings! 4 5 6 7 24 25 Focus on Volunteers: The Smiling Faces That Greet You At The Door Introducing…………….Noble Roberts Family: 2 Daughters and 2 Grandchildren Education: Tascosa HS, Amarillo, TX Business Major, Texas Tech, Lubbock, Texas Interesting Facts: Enjoys creating sculpture, especially at Bobbe Gentry Workshop; Looks forward to developing his painting skills at ArtWorks classes. Wish LIST we would appreciate your donation of any of these items... 26 Pet: Boston Terrier ‘Sassay’ The love of my life. Born & Raised In: Amarillo, Texas Lived In Longview: Retired to Longview 25 years ago after many trips here to visit relatives, Mr. & Mrs. Throckmorton. Thursday April 4 • 5-8 PM Get creative - it’s art night! What I Love About LMFA: Sitting at a desk and answering the phone at LMFA brings back fond memories of my former career in merchandising and I love greeting and visiting with guests. Hobbies/Interests: Reading religious books and attending all types of performances at The Belcher Center. I do not like hunting & fishing. What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up: I wanted to design airplanes. I attended Spartan Aeronautical School and worked for several airlines prior to my career in merchandising. •Old Watches •Bottle caps for art projects •Jewelry displays (hands and necks) Downtown merchants are committed to helping make Art Walk a success. This type of event helps with Longview’s renewed status as a Main Street City. The Main Street program encourages all downtown merchants and businesses to participate by exhibiting an artist, screening a film, or showcasing your own art collection. For more information, visit Want to go green? • Glass luncheon plates •Bench for ArtWorks outdoor entry (6' to 8') •Phone volunteers • One black ergonomic chair •Cloth or paper napkins •Hand-held steam cleaner • Bottled water •Two client chairs • Catering style warming trays Several of our members have decided to save a tree and postage and want us to just e-mail them this newsletter. If you want to go green too, just drop us an e-mail and we'll sign you up! [email protected] 27 L O N G V I E W M U S E U M O F F I N E A R T S Membership Levels & Benefits LEVELS $10 Student $25 Individual $50 General $100 Contributor $250 Advocate $500 Supporter $1000 Patron $2500 Sustainer $5000 Benefactor $10,000 Promoter $25,000 Bestower $50,000 Angel All Longview Museum of Fine Arts Members Receive: • Subscription to the full color Exhibit newsletter with membership recognition and invitations to members-only preview receptions for exhibit openings every other month. New CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPS LMFA is now offering Corporate Membership Plans • Building rental privileges. • First notice for all exhibitions, lectures, classes and special events at the museum. • 10% discount on Museum gift shop purchases, classes or workshops. Members at the Contributor level and above also receive: J O IN! N OW two guest passes to an LMFA special event and sponsorship recognition on website. Patron: NARM membership, art poster plus four guest passes to an LMFA special event, sponsorship recognition on all catalogs and website and 10% facility rental discount. Sustainer: NARM membership, art poster, eight tickets to an LMFA special event, hardbound copy of The Collection book, sponsorship recognition on website, catalogs and front window on Tyler Street. Plus a 10% facility rental discount. Benefactor: All of the above benefits and complimentary use of the Museum for one private function. Promoter: All of the above benefits plus tables for 10 at all Museum and Guild functions. Bestower: All Promoter benefits plus 10 tickets to all Museum, Guild and Artworks activities. Angel: All Bestower benefits plus an additional free rental of the Museum. $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 employees get 10% off their own memberships employees get 25% off their own memberships employees get 50% off their own memberships all employees receive a FREE membership C ustomi z e your amount To sign your business up or for more information, please call (903) 753-8103. Advocate: NARM membership, art poster Supporter: NARM membership, art poster, $1,000 If you want to pay $3,300, employees get 33% off their own memberships, $7,500 = 75% off, etc. Contributor: Reciprocal membership in the North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM) program. available for pick-up during museum hours, plus a free ticket to an LMFA special event. Yearly Commitments and EMPLOYEE Benefits HOW The NARM Program WORKS & Its benefits: Members from any of the NARM institutions, who present a current membership card validated with a gold North American Reciprocal sticker, are entitled to the following privileges at over 600 participating museums nation wide: FIND US ONLINE • Free/member admission during regular museum hours • Member discounts at museum shops • Discounts on concert/ lecture tickets Guests are not included unless they present a current membership card validated by the gold North American Reciprocal sticker. Please note: Some museums restrict benefits and 'Family' benefits are defined by each participating institution. Please contact the institution prior to your visit to avoid any confusion. Visit to find a complete list of the 600+ participating museums. LMFA offers several weeks of art classes during the summer for all ages. We are open Tuesday – Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m. 24 M ember admission is F R E E ! For easy access to our website from your smartphone, you can scan the barcode above using the free AT&T code reader, available from LMFA - Longview Museum of Fine Arts LongviewMuseum 29 Membership Renewal Form Please renew my membership/give a gift membership at the ______________________ level. Student - $10Advocate - $250 Benefactor - $5000* Single/Faculty - $25 Supporter - $500 Promoter - $10,000* General - $50 Patron - $1000* Bestower - $25,000 Contributor - $100 Sustainer - $2500*Angel - $50,000 * Corporate Memberships available at these levels. Please update my information with the following address/phone/e-mail or other information: I would like to buy a gift membership for : Address : I would like to give an honorarium/memorial for: Please send acknowledgment to: Enclosed is a check for $ . Please charge my (circle one) Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AMEX # Expiration Date / q Check if you would like your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or AMEX automatically charged each year to renew your membership. A gift in honor or in memory of a loved one is truly a living tribute. It honors the person and is an investment in the museum and in our community by supporting the museum. A Tribute is a great way to honor a person or celebrate a significant accomplishment and, in addition, is a meaningful gift to give to the person "who has everything" or is hard to buy for. A Memorial is an expression of concern and a way to acknowledge the memory of a deceased loved one, friend or relative. This is a lovely way to make a donation in lieu of flowers. The Longview Museum of Fine Arts will send a card to the honoree or bereaved on behalf of the donor and, with permission, list the tribute in LMFA newsletters. The amount of the gift will not be shared with anyone. All donations to the Tribute and Memorial Fund are 100% tax-deductible. ANNUAL GIVING The Annual Giving program is one of the LMFA’s fundraisers and allows you to support the Museum in a manner that is 100% tax deductible and requires no 'extra' effort on your part. Most not-for-profit organizations have a similar program. Your gift demonstrates to third parties (i.e. grantors, sponsors, etc.) the commitment of an organization's membership. The higher the percentage of members who give, the more likely we will be able to raise funds from outside sources. In this case, it is not so much the amount you give, but that you give something. 30 never outgrow YOUR LOVE for theArts! art is for everyone to enjoy. The Pelaia Law Center representing injured people for over thirty five years. 1 3 3 E T yler S tr eet Lo ngvi ew, T X 7 5 6 0 1 903.230.5600 877.230.5601 www. P ela i a La wC enter . c o m 31
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