18th January 2015 – 26th April 2015
Cycle B
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 4th Sunday of Easter
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 18th January 2015
Christ calls each of us by name. In this celebration we listen to what he has to say to us, prepared to
use in his service the body that he has given us for the glory of God. We say to him, ‘This is my
body which is given up for you.’
1 Samuel 3:3-10.19
Psalm 39
All that is hidden – Farrell
Behold the Lamb of God – Iona
Behold the Lamb of God – Willett
Blest are the pure in heart
Centre of my Life
Come, live in the light – Ga
Do not be afraid
Forth in the peace of Christ
Follow Me
Here I am Lord
I will be with you
Psalm 39 :
1 Corinthians 6:13-15. 17 -20 John 1:35-42
Listen Lord and answer me
My God, accept my heart
Oh, the word of my Lord
Out of Darkness – Walker
Seek ye first
Sing a new song
Take my life
Unless a grain of wheat
This is my will
Will you come and follow me
“Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will”
Here am I, O God – Haugen
Here I am – Ward
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 25th January 2015
Like Jonah, Christ was sent to preach repentance. He calls us to change our ways. We are not to
become engrossed in the world, but to believe the good news and live for the kingdom of God.
Jonah 3:1-5.10
Bring forth the Kingdom
Centre of my life
City of God
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Follow me
Forth in the peace of Christ we go
Gathered in the love of Christ
Gentle as silence
God's Spirit is in my heart
Psalm 24:
Psalm 24
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Guide me O thou great redeemer
In love you summon
Lord of the dance
O God you search me – Farrell
O Jesus I have promised
Remember you mercy, Lord – Inwood
Sent by the Lord am I
Take the word of God with you
Will you come and follow me
“Lord, make me know your ways”
To you O Lord I lift up – Soper
Teach me your ways, O Lord – Hass / PCY 3
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 1st February 2015
Today we celebrate him who speaks with authority and to whom we must give our undivided
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm 94
All hail the power of Jesus name
At the name of Jesus – Walker
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Jesus Christ is waiting
Psalm 94:
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Mark 1:21-28
O Lord my God
Open your ears
O that today
Sing to the World
The Light of Christ
“O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts”
If today you hear his voice – Hass / PCY1
O that today you would listen
If today – Hurd
O that today – O’Hara
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 8th February 2015
Without Christ our lives would be pure drudgery. We would be like slaves, or like workmen with
nothing to look forward to but our wages. But the healing power of Christ transformed our lives:
now we are free to make ourselves like him, the slaves of everyone, offering men the good news
without asking for anything in return.
Job 7:1-4.6-7
Psalm 146
A touching place
As earth that is dry
Be still and know I am God
Bread for the world
Christ be our Light
Come to set us free
Father, Lord of all creation
For the healing of the nations
Gather us in
Give us, Lord, a new heart – Farrell / SLG
Grant us peace
Healer of our every ill
Psalm 146:
1 Corinthians 9:16-19.22-23 Mark 1:29-39
In the land there is a hunger
Lay you hands gently upon us
Listen Lord and answer me – Farrell
Nada Te Turbe – Taize
Now in this banquet
O Lord heal us – Walker / ATNJ
O Lord hear my prayer – Taize
O worship the King
Walk with me, O my Lord
We cannot measure how you heal – Bell
We come to share our story
We remember – Haugen
“Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted”
Bless the Lord my soul – Haugen / PCY2
Praise the Lord – PS 3
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 15th February 2015
To bring help to outcasts, Jesus himself had to become an outcast and ‘stay outside in places where
nobody lived’.
Leviticus 13:1-2.44-46
All are welcome
All my hope on God is founded
Amazing grace
A touching place
Bless the Lord my soul – Taize
Eye has not seen
God be in my head
God forgave my sin
Here I am Lord
I will bless your name – Walker / ATNJ
Jesus wine of peace – Haas
Psalm 31:
Psalm 31
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45
Lay your hands, gently upon us
O Lord heal us – Walker / ATNJ
On Eagles Wings – Joncas
Soul of my saviour
Stay with me – Taize
Taste and see (various versions of)
The Lord hears the cry of the poor – Foley
We are called
Whatsoever you do
Yahweh, I know you are near
“You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of salvation”
Responsorial Psalm Book
Or use a Common Psalm
Useful source books for Lent are:
Wondrous Love – Haugen
Some pieces of music can be used throughout Lent at your discretion,
Bread for the world – Farrell
Come to set us free – Farrell
Gather Us In – Haugen
Guide us O thou great Redeemer
Praise to you O Christ – Farrell
Tree of Life – Haugen
For those following the RCIA programme, the following may be used on more than one occasion:
Glory to you, O Word of God – Haas / Ga
The Summons – Bell / Iona
We walk by faith
Who calls you by name – Haas
Common Psalms:
Psalm 50
Have mercy on us, Lord, for we have sinned.
Psalm 90
Be with me, Lord, in my distress.
Psalm 129
With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption
See also ‘A Responsorial Psalm Book’ (Collins Liturgical)
Lenten Acclamations:
Glory and praise to you – AK
Glory to you, O Word of God – Haas / Ga
Praise to you, O Christ – Farrell
Settings by Walsh & Walker – RPB
Who calls you by name – Haas
Ash Wednesday – 18th February 2015
Joel 2:12-18
Psalm 50
As the deer longs
Come back to me
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Deep within
Dust, dust and ashes
For you are my God
God forgave my sin
In you my God
Jesus, remember me
Lay your hands gently upon us
Psalm 50:
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Matthew 6:1-6.16-18
Lord, who throughout these forty days
Love divine, all loves excelling
My God accept my heart this day
O let all who thirst
Return to God
The Lord’s my Shepherd (several versions)
Turn to me
We rise again from ashes
Yahweh, I know you are near.
“Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned”
Be merciful O Lord – PCY 1
1st Sunday of Lent (B) – 22nd February 2015
At the beginning of Lent we renew our response to the Covenant, the pact of love that God made
with each of us at our baptism. Imagine what good news it must have been to Noah, alone in a
drowned world, when he learned that God’s love had not abandoned, nor ever would abandon, the
earth and its creatures.
Genesis 9:8-15
Psalm 24
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:12-15
N.B. All the hymns from Ash Wednesday can be used again on this Sunday
Attend and keep this happy feast
Be Not Afraid
Do Not Be Afraid
Eagle’s Wings
Fear Not, Rejoice
Forty Days and Forty Nights
Gather us in
Immortal, invisible
In Your love – O’Hara
Keep we the fast
Psalm 24:
Lead us heavenly Father, lead us
Lord Jesus, think on me
Now we remain
O God I seek you
O the word of my Lord
Out of darkness
The courage to say no
The thirsty deer will yearn and dream
Though the mountains may fall
We behold the splendour of God
“Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant”
To you O Lord I lift up my soul - Soper
To you O Lord - PCY1
Remember your mercy O Lord - PS1
2nd Sunday of Lent (B) – 1st March 2015
Abraham was prepared to give God his only son, Isaac, in sacrifice. God would do no less. ‘This is
my Son, the Beloved,’ he says to us. ‘Listen to him.’
Genesis 22:1-2.9-13.15-18
Amazing Grace
Be still and know
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Be thou my vision
Christ be our light
Christ is the world’s light
Crown him with many crowns
Eagles wings
Eye has not seen
For you are my God
Gather us in
God is love
Psalm 115:
Psalm 115
Romans 8:31-34
Mark 9:2-10
Here I Am Lord
If God is for us
O praise our great and gracious Lord
O raise your eyes on high and see
Out of darkness
Praise to the holiest in the height
Shine, Jesus, Shine
The light of Christ
There is one thing I ask of the Lord
We are called
We behold the splendour of God
You shall cross the barren desert
“I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living”
With the Lord there is mercy (common psalm) – PCY 1
Lord, how can I repay – PS 2
3rd Sunday of Lent (B) – 8th March 2015
Today, we celebrate the foolishness of God that is wiser than any human wisdom: the utter folly of
his love that allowed the destruction of the temple of the body of his Son. And we dedicate
ourselves anew to the Law of the Lord which gives wisdom to the simple.
Exodus 20:1-17
All people that on earth do dwell
A new commandment
Be Not Afraid
Bread of Life – Farrell
Centre of my life
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ triumphant
Come and be light for our eyes
For you are my God
Psalm 18:
Psalm 18
1 Corinthians. 1:22-25
John 2:13-25
From the depths we cry to thee
God is Love
Lord, thy word abideth
More desired than Gold
Not on bread alone – Dean / L
O Lord all the world belongs to you
Taste and See (several versions)
The courage to say no – Bell / TCTSN
“You, Lord, have the message of eternal life”
Lord, you have the words - PCY 1 / Ga
You Lord have the message of eternal life - PS 2
4th Sunday of Lent (B) – 15th March 2015
Our sins had made us exiles from God’s kingdom. But just as God sent Cyrus, the King of Persia,
to bring his people back from Babylon, so in his great love he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to bring us
back to the new Jerusalem ‘to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it’.
2 Chronicles 36:14-16.19-23
Amazing Grace
Awake, fling off the night
Gather us in
Glory be to Jesus
God is Love
He brings us in
I am the Bread of Life
Keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Lord who throughout these forty days
Lord, your love has drawn us near
Meekness and majesty
Psalm 136:
Psalm 136
Ephesians 2:4-10
John 3:14-21
My song is love unknown
O Christe Domine Jesu
Out of darkness
Praise to the holiest in the heights
Servant King
Shine, Jesus Shine
The light of Christ
The Waters of Babylon
Unless A Grain of Wheat
Vaster far than any ocean
“O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!”
By the waters of Babylon – Haugen / TMH
Let my tongue be silent – Walker / ATNOJ
By the waters of Babylon – PCY 2
5th Sunday of Lent (B) – 22nd March 2015
Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 50
As the deer yearns
Deep within
Every knee shall bow
Father we love you
For you will be my people
Glory be to Jesus
God forgave my sin
God, your glory we have seen
Grant to us
Lift high the crown
Psalm 50:
Hebrews 5:7-9
John 12:20-33
Meekness and majesty
My song is love unknown
Now in this banquet
Now the green blade riseth
O God I seek you
Servant King
To Christ the prince of peace
Unless A Grain of Wheat
When I survey the wondrous cross
“A pure heart create for me, O God”
Be merciful O Lord – PCY 1
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (B) – 29th March 2015
On this day the Church celebrates Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem to accomplish his paschal
mystery. Accordingly, the memorial of this event is included in every Mass, with the procession or
the solemn entrance before the principal Mass, with the simple entrance before the other Masses.
The solemn entrance (but not the procession) may be repeated before one or other Mass that is
usually well attended.
Palm Procession
Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16
Hosanna – HONR / SS2
Hosanna – Taize I
All glory laud and honour
Benedictus qui venit – Taize I
Hosanna – Haugen / Ga
Setting of Psalm 23
Fling wide the gates – L
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates
The King of glory comes
Setting of Psalm 46
Come to Jerusalem – Dean / L
Isaiah 50:4-7
Psalm 21
As prophets foretold
Before the Heaven and Earth
By his wounds we have been healed
Father if this cup
God of mercy and compassion
Jesus, Remember Me – Taize I
Man of sorrow wrapped in grief
Psalm 21:
Philippians 2:6-11
Mark 14:1-15:47
(or shorter version)
Meditation on the passion - MMI
My song is love unknown
Now we remain
O Sacred Head Ill-used
See Christ was wounded for our sake
When the Son of God was dying
Were you there?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
My God, my God – PCY 1
My God, my God – Jeremy Young
My God, why have you abandoned me? – Richard Proulx
My God, my God – Liam Lawton / AWFD
The Triduum
Maundy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 2nd April 2015
Exodus 12:1-8,11-14 Psalm 115
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
So begins the one celebration of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection. Ministers of Music
should do all they can to emphasis the unity of the three days, particularly in the choice of music,
and the manner in which they exercise their ministry.
The glory of the cross we sing – L
The Heavenly Word, proceeding forth – CC / L
Sing my tongue, the glorious battle
Reception of the Oils
Rite for receiving the Holy Oils – Schiavone
Sacrament of Love – McLean
Praise, O Praise, The Lord – McLean
Psalm 115:
The blessing cup that we bless is a communion with the blood of Christ
Our Blessing Cup – PCY 1
The cup we bless – Willcocks / GHAU
The name of God – PCY 3
Washing of Feet
A New Commandment
Faith, Hope and Love – Walker - OOD
I, The Servant Lord - SS3
Jesu, Jesu (Ga)
Mandatum Novum – Taize 1
So You Must Do – Haugen
The Lord Jesus – GW
The Servant King
The Servant Song
This Is My Will – CC
An upper room did our Lord prepare – L
Eat This Bread – Taize II
I will be the Vine – Lawton / CV
No Greater Love – Ga
O God, Why are you silent? – Haugen / TMH
One Bread, One Body
Taste and See (Various settings)
The night before our saviour died
The song of the Supper – Bell / WG2
This is my Body
Ubi Caritas
Wake Your Powers
Walk Humbly
What wondrous love is this – Haugen / WL
Where charity and love prevail
Where true love and charity dwell – Quigley
Procession to the place of reposition
Father if this cup – GW
My heart is breaking with grief – Taize II
Stay with me – Taize II
Stay here and keep watch with me – Taize II
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion – 3rd April 2015
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Psalm 30
Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
Psalm 30:
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
I put my life in your hands – PCY 1
Father into your hands - O’Hara
Father, I put my life – Schiavone / Octavo
John 18:1-19:42
There are a number of settings to the Reproaches:
Bell – WG 2
O’Hara – SITD
Inwood – MM 2
Jones – L
Landy – MM 1
Quigley – Decani
Ah, Holy Jesus
All you who pass this way – Taize II
Crucem Tuam – Taize I
Jesus The Lord – LOL
Jesus, Remember Me – Taize I
Lift high the cross
My Song is Love Unknown
Now we remain
O Sacred Head Ill-Used
Salvator Mundi – Taize II
Sing my tongue, the glorious battle
The royal banners go forward
There is a green hill far away
When I survey the wondrous cross
When the Son of God was dying- Bell / WG2
Wherever you go – Ga
Were you there?
Wood of the cross – Alstott / Octavo
Easter Vigil (B) – 4th April 2015
Readings for the Liturgy of the Word:
Genesis 1:1-2:2 or 1:1:26-31a
Psalm 103 Send forth your Spirit or
Psalm 32 The Lord fills the earth
Psalm 15 Preserve me God
Canticle from Exodus 15: 1-6
Psalm 29 I will praise you Lord
Canticle from Isaiah 12: 2-6
Psalm 18 You have the message of eternal
Genesis 22: 1-18 or 22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18
Exodus 14:15-15:1
Isaiah 54:5-14
Isaiah 55:1-11
Baruch 3: 9-15, 31- 4:4
Ezekiel 36:16-28
Psalm 41 Like a dear that yearns or
Psalm 50 A pure heart create for me
Romans 6:3-11
Mark 16:1-8
Alleluia Psalm 117 Give thanks to the Lord
We arrive at this most holy and sacred celebration of our year. As with any celebration, planning is
essential to ensure you have an inclusive liturgy that involves all aspects of your parish community.
Take time to consider the various rites that make up this wonderful liturgy. Your selection of music
to support these rites is crucial if the celebration is to be successful. Take your time, and plan well
in advance.
Service of Light
Alleluia carol – Dean / Decani
Christ be our light – Farrell
Christ is our light – Dean / GW
Christus Resurrexit – Taize II
Jubilate Deo – Taize II
No more weeping – Walker / MM 1
Surrexit Christus – Taize II
Surrexit Dominus Vere II – Taize I
The light of Christ
Awake you who sleep – Huijbers
Exultet – dialogued setting – Inwood
Exultet – O’Hara
Exultet / Light of Christ – Ga
Liturgy of the Word
Psalm 103: Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth
Send forth your Spirit – Rizza / FOL
Lord, send out your spirit – Ga
Send Forth your Sprirt, O Lord – Walker
Psalm 15:
Preserve me, God I take refuge in you
Centre of my life – Inwood
Keep me safe, O God – Inwood
Exodus 15:
I will sing to the Lord, glorious his triumph
Canticle of Moses – PS 2
I will sing to my God – PCY 2
Psalm 29:
I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me
I will praise you – PS 2
I will praise you, Lord – Ga
Isaiah 12:
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation
Sing a song to the Lord – PS 1
We shall draw water joyfully – L
Psalm 18
You have the message of eternal life
You, Lord, have the message of eternal life – PS 3
Lord, you have the words – Ga
Psalm 41
Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you
As the deer longs – PS 2
Song of the exile – Ga
Psalm 50
A pure heart create in me
Create in me – Ga
Psalm 117
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
The stone that the builder rejected - Farrell
Liturgy of Baptism
Baptised in Water – Haugen / Ga
Litany of Saints – Haas
Litany of Saints – Ridge
O Healing River – NSC / Ga
O Living Water – CC / HONR
Song over the Waters – Ga
Sprinkling Rite – Inwood / Millennium Mass
Water of Life – Haugen / Ga
With Joy you shall draw water - Hurd
RCIA / Confirmation
Giver of Life – Quigley / Decani
Song and the Silence – Haugen
Veni Creator Spiritus – Taize
Veni Sancte Spiritus – Taize
Veni Sancte Spiritus – Walker
Other Hymns
At the lambs high feast – L
Battle is o’er
Christ be our Light – Easter version
Easter Alleluia – Ga
Easter Hymn
I am the resurrection – Talbot / SOW
Jesus Christ is risen today
Love divine, all loves excelling
Now the green blade riseth
Sing to the Mountains
Song of the Risen One
Thine be the glory
Easter Sunday (B) – 5th April 2015
Acts 10:34. 37-43
Psalm 117
Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
John 20:1-19 or Mark 16:1-7
There is a wide selection of appropriate music for this liturgy. Music for the Easter vigil would also
be suitable for this celebration. Make today special. Encourage your congregation (and your
priest) to lead the sung prayer by making your choice of music as inclusive as possible.
Many of the hymns for Easter day serve the whole season. Remember this season is one of great
rejoicing – all 50 days!!
Bring all ye dear-brought nations
O Flock of Christ
Christ the Lord is risen
Victimae Paschali Laudes – L
See last nights Liturgy of Baptism
In addition to last nights list, other suitable music:
Alleluia, Alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord
Battle is o’er
Christ is alive, let Christians sing
Christ is alive, with joy we sing
Christ the Lord is risen today
Easter joy fills the sky
Gathered in the love of Christ
God is alive – Haas
Hail, O festival day
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus, wine of peace
Laudate, laudate Dominum – Walker
Laudate Dominum – Taizé
Meekness and majesty
My God loves me
Psalm 117:
Now the green blade riseth
Now we remain
Out of darkness
Praise my soul the King of Heaven
Surrexit Christus – Taizé
Song of the body of Christ
The Servant King
Thine be the glory
This is my body
This is the day – Hurd
This is the day, this is the day
This joyful Eastertide
We have been told
We remember
Were you there
“This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad”
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad - PCY1
Alleluia, let us rejoice - PCY3
2nd Sunday of Easter (B) – 12th April 2015
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 117
1 John 5:1-6
John 20:19-31
This Sunday concludes the celebration begun on Easter day; the music should reflect that
continuity, so change as little as possible.
Alleluia, Alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord
All people that on earth do dwell
Christ Triumphant
Darkness is gone - Bell
Deep within
Diverse in culture, nation, race
Easter joy fills the sky
Father God, bless this family
Gather us in
Gather your people, O Lord
Give thanks to the Lord – Taizé
God is alive – Hass
Psalm 117:
Jesus, come to us – Haas
Let there be loved shared among us
Neither death, nor life – Haugen
Now the green blade riseth
Praise my soul, the King of Heaven
Sing of Christ, proclaim his glory
Surrexit Christus – Taizé
Thine be the glory
This is the day of new beginnings
Though not seeing you – Hurd
We walk by faith
Ye choirs of New Jerusalem
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end”
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad - PCY1
Alleluia, let us rejoice - PCY3
3rd Sunday of Easter (B) – 19th April 2015
Acts 3:13-15.17-19
Psalm 4
All people that on earth do dwell
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
At the name of Jesus – Walker
Battle is o’er
Blest are You who made the Universe
Bread for the world, a world of hunger
Confitemini Domino – Taizé
Everlasting Your love – Hurd
In the breaking of the bread – Hurd
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ is waiting – Bell
My God loves me
Psalm 4:
1 John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48
O Christe Domine Jesu
O God, you search me and you know me
Now the green blade riseth
Praise we our God with joy
Return to God
Sing of one who walks besides us
Taste and see
The Clouds Veil - Lawton
Thine be the glory
This day was made by the Lord
Turn my heart – Haugen
You are mine – Haas
“Lift us the light of your face on us, O Lord”
Use the common Psalm for the season Psalm 118 – PCY 1 or PCY 3
4th Sunday of Easter (B) – 26th April 2015
Acts 4:8-12
Psalm 117
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
At the name of Jesus – Walker
Because the Lord is my shepherd
Be still and know that I am with you
Christ the Lord is risen today
Eagles’ wings
Eye has not seen
Give thanks to the Lord
God alone may lead by spirit
God is alive – Haas
Jesus, You are Lord
Jesus wine of peace
Psalm 117:
1 John 3:1-2
John 10:11-18
Out of darkness
Shepherd me O God
Song of the body of Christ
Surrexit Christus
The love I have for You, O Lord
Thine be the glory
This joyful Eastertide
Where true love and charity dwell – Quigley
Word that formed creation
You are mine
“The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone”
The stone which the builders rejected – Farrell
Many of the hymns listed can be found in at least one of the following hymn books:
Celebration Hymnal for Everyone (CHE)
Complete Celebration Hymnal (CC) with supplement
New Songs of Celebration (NSC)
Hymns Old and New - Revised and enlarged (HONR)
Hymns Old and New Liturgical (HON)
Gather (Ga)
Laudate (L)
Other hymns come from one of the following sources:
100 Hymns for Today (100HFT)
Responsorial Psalm Book (RPS)
Acclaim the King (AK)
Agape Pack (Decani Music)
All are welcome (AAW)
AMP music (AMP)
Ancient Ways Future Days (AWFD)
At the Name of Jesus (ATNOJ)
Cantate (C)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Choral Praise (CP1, CP2)
Christ be our light - (CBOL)
Come and Journey (CJ)
Come to Set Us Free (CSUF)
Complete Responsorial Psalter (CRP)
Drawn by a Dream (DBD)
Fire of Love (FOL)
Gather (Ga)
Gather Us In (GUI)
GIA Publishers (GIA)
Glory and Praise (GP)
Go Before Us (GBU)
God beyond all names (GBAN)
Graduale Romanum – pub. Solesmes (GR)
Great Week (GW)
Gregorian Missal – pub. Solesmes (GM)
Holy is God (HG)
I Am Yours Today (IAYT)
Inkeepeers and Lightsleepers (IAL)
Lead Me, O Lord (LMOL)
Liber Usualis pub. Solesmes (LU)
Love from below (LFB)
Many and Great (MG)
Much of the material listed can be ordered from
The CCF Bookshop,
21 Tooting Bec Road,
Tooting Bec,
London SW17 8BS
Tel: 020 8672 7684/2422 Fax: 020 8672 8894
Email: [email protected]
Music for the Mass (MM1, MM2)
Music from Taize Volumes I & II
North American Liturgy Resources (NALR)
Octavo editions available (8vo)
Out of Darkness (OOD)
Psalm Songs Vols.1, 2, 3 (PS)
Psalms for the Church's Year Vols. 1, 2, 3 (PCY1,
Responsorial Psalm Book (RP)
Restless is the Heart (RITH)
Resurrexit (R)
Rise Up and Sing (RUS)
Search for the Lord (SFL)
Sing of the Lord's Goodness (SLG)
Sing the Psalms – pub. OCP (STP)
Songs of the Spirit (SS1, SS2, SS3)
St Louis Jesuits Lord of Light (SLJ LOL)
St Thomas More Centre (STM)
Streams in the Desert (SITD)
Thank You Music (TYM)
The Clouds Veil (TCV)
There is one among us (TIOAU)
To be your bread (TBYB)
Up from the waters (UFTW)
Veni Emmanuel (VE)
We are your People (WAYP)
Wild Goose (WG1, WG2)
With Heart and Voice (WHAV)
With Open Hands (WOH)
When Grief Is Raw (WGIR)
Wondrous Love - Haugen (WL)
Worship (W)
Or through
Decani Music Ltd,
Oak House,
70 High Street,
Suffolk IP27 0AU.
Tel: 0845 456 8392. Fax: 01842 819832.
Email [email protected]