A: Compact Program Designed to calculate followings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calculating Bunker Quantity according to IBIA standard Calculating Gross and Net Calorific Values of Residual and Distillate Fuels (According to ISO 8217:2005 and ISO 8217:2010 method) Calculating Shell CCAI Calculating BP CII Calculating Injection Viscosity/Injection Temperatures of Fuel Oil Calculating Viscosities of Fuel Oil at different temperature (According to ASTM D341) Calculating VCF using ASTM 53B for Fuel Oils, Jet Fuels, Lube Oil, Gasolenes etc. Input: Fuel Density at 15oC Measured Kinematic Viscosity Injection Viscosity IV Viscosity Measuring Temperature Calculated Values: = 980 kg/m3 = 180 cSt = 10 cSt o = 40 C Kinematic Viscosity at 50 oC cSt = 103.013 cSt Kinematic Viscosity at 100 oC = 15.241 cSt Fuel Constant A = 9.316 Fuel Constant B = 3.591 Shell CCAI = 857.225 BP CII = 33.1 Injection Temperature = 116.50 oC EVT = 90.7481 B: Pwer Plant KPI Monitoring Tools: This will facilitate calculating some vital parameters of a power plant. Those are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Specific Fuel Consumption SFC (Both Single fuel or Dual Fuel Plant) Heat Rate Calculation Plant Thermal Efficiency Calculation Plant Load Factor (PLF) Calculation Plant Capacity Factor Calculation Plant Economic Efficiency Calculation 7. Power Plant Operational Efficiency Calculation 8. Total Carbon and Green House Gas Emission Calculation etc. 9. Plant Availability, Reliability and Productivity Calculation Above figure showing the KPI calculation for a 100% HFO fired Power Plant Above figure showing the KPI calculation for a plant running with 90% NG and 5% HFO as a pilot fuel A part of Power Plant KPI Monitoring Tools intended to monitor the overall and individual unit performance of a power plant. It will have built in database to store everyday production summary. Above figure is also a part of Power Plant Performance Monitoring Tools.
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