Towns County Herald LegalYour Notices for January 14, 2015 Hometown Newspaper Since 1928 Legal Organ of Towns County 50 Cents NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Publication NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE Number 635540 Volume 83 Number NOTICE OF SALE 12 UNDER POWER Wednesday, January 25, 2012 IN SECURITY DEED STATE OF GEORGIA IN SECURITY DEED IN SECURITY DEED City of Young Harris, Georgia IN SECURITY DEED STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TOWNS STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA P.O. Box 122, Young Harris, STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TOWNS RE: Estate of Edward Grady Eller COUNTY OF TOWNS COUNTY OF TOWNS Georgia 30582-0122 COUNTY OF TOWNS All creditors of the estate of Edward Grady Additions to Existing WPCP Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con‑ Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con‑ Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con‑ Under and by virtue of the power of sale con‑ tained in that certain Home Equity Line Deed to Eller, deceased, late of Towns County, Georgia, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS tained in the Real Estate Deed to Secure Debt tained in the Real Estate Deed to Secure Debt tained in the Deed to Secure Debt from Kerry are hereby notified to render their demands Sealed Bids for the construction of the Sew‑ from Bradley Jay Wilson and Aundrea C. Wil‑ from Kerry Louis Wilson to Bank of Hiawassee L. Wilson to Bank of Hiawassee dated April 26, Secure Debt from Carolyn J. Tyson (“Grantor”) in favor of Cadence Bank, N.A. (“Lender”), to the undersigned according to law, and all erage System Improvements, dated April 12, 2007, as recorded in Deed Book 2005, as recorded in Deed Book 336, Page 416, Additions to the son dated January 28, 2010, and recorded in County workers have installed 90 of the 150 fire hydrants approved by voters last year dated February 15, 2007 and recorded in Deed persons indebted to said estate are required to Existing Water Pollution Control Plant, April Deed Book 470, Page 298, in the offices of the 403, Page 345, in the offices of the Clerk of in the offices of the Clerk of the Superior Court Book 401, page 17 in the offices of the Clerk prettyCourt fast,ofsaid Roberts. make immediate payment to the undersigned. 2014 will be received, byBy City of Young Har‑ Clerk of theing Superior Towns County, the Superior Court of Towns County, Georgia; of Towns County, Georgia; as last modified by Charles Duncan This the 19th day of December, 2014 ris, Georgia, at City Hall, 50 IreneCounty Berry Drive, Citizens South Bank as last modified by that certain Modification that certain Modification of Security Deed dat‑ of the Superior Court of Towns County, Geor‑ Towns HeraldGeorgia; as assigned “If towe’d had pretty Judy Carpenter Young Harris, Georgia, 30582, until 3:00 p.m. by that certain Masterwe Assignment recorded [email protected] weather, could have in- of Security Deed dated June 26, 2012 and re‑ ed June 26, 2012 and recorded in Deed Book gia (as modified and/or amended from time Personal Representative local time on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at in Deed Book 486, Page 790, aforesaid records corded in Deed Book 516, Page 93, aforesaid 516, Page 91, aforesaid records; as assigned to time, the “Deed to Secure Debt”), the un‑ stalled a lotmodified more,”from Roberts dersigned will sell at public outcry before the PO Box 863 which time the Bids received will be publicly (as same may have been time to records; as assigned to Citizens South Bank to Citizens South Bank by that certain Master It all started with votThur: Cloudy 60 47 said.the “Security Deed”), the un‑ by that certain Master Assignment dated as Assignment dated as of March 19, 2010 and door of the Courthouse of Towns County, Geor‑ Blairsville, GA 30514 opened and read. No submitted bid may be polls time,last collectively ers going to the Fri: Showers Roberts said the T(Dec24,31,Jan7,14)P of March 19, 2010 and recorded in Deed Book recorded in Deed Book 486, Page 790, afore‑ gia during the legal hours of sale on the first withdrawn after56 the34scheduled closing time for dersigned will sell at public outcry tothat the high‑ Sat: Cloudy 54 a28 receipt of bids for periodMarch. of ninety (90) days. est and bestcounty bidder for before theto door hascash no timeline fin-of 486, Page 790, aforesaid records (as same may said records (as same may have been further Tuesday in February 2015 to the highest and Sun: Sunny 45 26of construction Lessof:than a year NOTICE FOR BIDS The Project consists the later, Courthouse Townsproject County, Georgia, ishof the due dur‑ to have been further modified from time to time, modified from time to time, collectively the best bidder for cash the following described Mon: Sunny 50 32 Towns County will be accepting sealed bids Additions to the existing the watervoter-approved pollution con‑ ing the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday collectively the “Security Deed”); the under‑ “Security Deed”); the undersigned will sell at property (the “Premises”), to wit: Special Tue: Showers 54 36 weather concerns. on old surplus blocks. The blocks are over 25 trol plant to include an influent structure, an in February Purpose Local Option Sales 2015, the following described real signed will sell at public outcry to the highest public outcry to the highest and best bidder All that tract or parcel of land lying and be‑ 41 ing in Land Lot 73, 18th District, 1st Section, years old, some broken, and are beingWed: sold Cloudy and best bidder for cash before the door of the for cash before the door of the Courthouse of aeration basin,55 a final clarifier, an ultra‑ property, to wit: “Overall, we’d like to Tax filters, will pay for approxihaveORthem by Courthouse of Towns County, Georgia, during Towns County, Georgia, during the legal hours Towns County, Georgia, containing a total of as is. They may be inspected at the entrance violet disinfection system, an effluent pump ALL THAT TRACT PARCELinstalled OF LAND LYING newan fire hydrants 0.838 acres and shown as Tract One (1) con‑ of the Towns County Maintenance Barn lo‑ station, a temperature mately the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 2015, control 150 system, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 144 & 145, 18TH DIS‑ spring,” Roberts said. willbuilding, greatly reduce taining 0.811 acres and being Lot Six (6) of the cated at 850 County Barn Road, Hiawassee, GA aerobic digester, a sludgewhich dewatering TRICT,the 1ST SECTIONClose OF TOWNS COUNTY, GEOR‑ proximity to a February, 2015, the following described real the following described real property, to wit: 30546, Monday through Friday from 8am-3pm. a standby generator and acounty’s ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING Ernest H. Dowdy Subdivision, and Tract Two (2) chemical feed GIA,to BEING 1, CONTAINING 1.18 ACRES, property, to wit: ISOsys‑ rating a TRACT fireAS hydrant saved a condocontaining 0.027 acre and being a part of Lot All blocks must be removed from property tem, all complete with appurtenances. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE 18TH DISTRICT, 1ST SEC‑ MORE OR LESS, SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SUR‑ Class 5 in many areas, minium in Hawks Harbor on within 30 days of winning bid. Time of construction is 450 consecutive cal‑SoleVEY BY LANDTECH SERVICES, INC., JAMES L. AND BEING IN LL 146 & 147, 18TH DISTRICT, TION LAND LOT 147, TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA Seven (7) of the Ernest N. Dowdy Subdivision, Towns County ComSunday. as shown on a plat of survey by Tamrok As‑ Sealed bids should be submitted to the Towns endar days. ALEXANDER R. L. S. #2653, DATED JANUARY 1ST SECTION, TOWNS COUNTY, TRACT 17 (LOT CONTAINING 1.005 ACRES, AND BEING MORE missioner Bill Kendall sociates, Inc., dated 9/20/95 and recorded in County Commissioner’s Office at 48 River Proposals for the complete 34) KONEHETAH [sic] VILLAGE SUBDIVISION AS PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 21 (TRwork in one gener‑ 27,said. 2004 AND FILED RECORDED IN PLAT “IfAND it hadn’t been as installation Plat Book 20, Page 254 Towns County records, Street Suite B, Hiawassee, GA 30546. The bids al contract shall be made on the The SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SURVEY DONE BY ROCH‑ 21) AS SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SURVEY FOR proposal form BOOK of 35, PAGE COUNTY, close239, to aTOWNS hydrant as it GEOR‑ was, will be opened at the Commissioner’s Office on provided and shall containthose priceshydrants in words and GIA RECORDS. SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED ESTER ASSOCIATES, INC., DATED 04/21/03, RE‑ KERRY WILSON BY ROCHESTER & ASSOCIATES, which description on said by is incorporated is well ahead it would have been gone,” herein by reference. Friday, January 16, 2015, at 11:30am. CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 30, PAGE [sic] 276-277, INC., JAMES N. CASH, RLS, DATED 04-21-03, AS figures for the work bid on. HEREIN AS REFERENCE HERETO AND MADE A of pace. To date, 90 of the Upstream Elevation Roberts said. “It was a TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS WHICH LAST REVISED ON 03-24-05, SAID PLAT BEING Subject to any easements, restrictions and Minimum bid is $100. All Bidders must have or150 be fire capable of ac‑ approved PART HEREOF. Predicted hydrants fire that was exTowns County reserves the right to reject any quiring a State of Georgia Utility Contractors SUBJECT TOwindblown DESCRIPTION ON SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND rights-of-way of record, if any. ALL MATTERS AND CONDITIONS 01/25/12 by Contractor voters have in- tremely and all bids for any reason. License prior to bid award. must been AS SHOWN ON ABOVEdangerous REFERENCEDand PLAT OF HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS Together with all present and future improve‑ difLake Chatuge 1918.53 stalled, said Marty ments and fixtures; all tangible personal prop‑ T(Jan14)B HEREOF. FOLLOWS: employ during construction a state Utility Man‑ Roberts, SURVEY. ficult to extinguish. Good Lake Nottely 1763.09 ager certificate holder who will have oversight THE DECLARATIONS OF RESTRIC‑ THE PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO ALL BEGINNING AT THE CORNER COMMON TO LAND erty, including, without limitation, all machin‑ Towns’ 911 MappingSUBJECT Direc- TOwork by AND firefighters and RUN‑ I’m MATTERS AND CONDITIONS AS SHOWN ON THE LOTS 146, 147, 158 AND 159 OF SAID DISTRICT ery, equipment, building materials, and goods Blue Ridge 1671.86 tor, NOTICE of the work. Documentation of who these is qualifica‑ TIONS, COVENANTS helping to over-LIMITATIONS glad they of wa- ABOVE REFERENCED PLAT OF SURVEY. City of Young Harris, Georgia AND SECTION AND RUNNING THENCE N 54 36 of every nature (excluding household goods) tions will be required prior bid award. Seealong NINGwith WITH THE LAND AS had FILEDplenty AND RECORDED seeto the project ter to work with.” P.O. Box 122, Young Harris, 22 W 2713.22 FEET TO A 5/8” REBAR LOCATED now or hereafter located on or used in connec‑ Instructions to Bidders, Article 13.09. IN DEED BOOK 363, PAGES 546-547, TOWNS AND INDEX Fire Chief Mitch Floyd. Georgia 30582-0122 The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. The county has 28 ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING ON OR ABOUT THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF tion with the real property, whether or not af‑ 2 Sections, 18 Turnipseed Pages Engineers, TheInc. first hydrant was TOmore Sewerage System Improvements AND BEING IN LL 147, 18TH DISTRICT, 1ST SEC‑ WAY LINE OF US HIGHWAY 76/GEORGIA HIGH‑ fixed to the land; all privileges, hereditaments, is: G. Ben 2255 SUBJECT THE EASEMENT FILED AND RE‑ hydrants to install beADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, on Atlanta, CORDED installed July 7th. ToIN DEED BOOK E-1, PAGE 229, TOWNS TION, TOWNS COUNTY, TRACT 21 AS SHOWN WAY 2; THENCE RUNNING WITH SAID RIGHT and appurtenances associated with the real Arrests...........................2A property, whether previously or subsequently Sealed Bids for the construction of the Sew‑ Georgia, 30339. Contact person ON A PLAT OF SURVEY DONE BYfire ROCHESTER WAY LINE N 31Only 40 44the W weather 150.00 FEET TO AN these is Kellie Bar‑ COUNTY, date, 90 fire hydrants haveGEORGIA RECORDS. County workers are installing hydrants atOF a record pace. is keeping Fire Hydrants, transferred to the real property from other real erage System Improvements, AdditionsChamber to the News.....................13A ber, 770-333-0700, kbarber@gbtengineers. SUBJECT THE RIGHT OF WAYpage AS 12A FILED ASSOCIATES, INC., DATED 04/21/03, REVISED IRON PIN THE SAME BEING THE TRUE POINT been installed. That’s mov- TOSee infrastructure pieces from being installed any faster. Photo/Marty Roberts Church/Obits..............8,9A Existing Water Pollution Control Plant, April com. Prospective Bidders may examine the AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK Q-108, TOWNS important 3/24/05, SAID PLAT BEING INCORPORATED OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING WITH property or now or hereafter susceptible of Classifieds....................2B transfer from this property to other real prop‑ 2014 will be received, by City of Young Har‑ Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND SAID TRACT BE‑ SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE N 31 40 44 W 184.52 erty; all leases, licenses and other agreements ris, Georgia, at City Hall, 50 Irene BerryEditorial..........................4A Drive, Mondays through Fridays between the hours PROPERTY BEING MORE COMMONLY KNOWN ING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL‑ FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE LEAVING SAID Elected Young Harris, Georgia, 30582, until 2:00 p.m. Officials................4A RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND RUNNING N 52 32 06 pertaining to the real property; all rents, issues of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and may obtain copies AS: 1135 BEARMEAT ROAD, HIAWASSEE, GA LOWS: Visit throughout Legals...........................3B and profits; all water, well, ditch, reservoir and local time on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Of‑ 30546. BEGINNING AT THE CORNER COMMON LAND E 222.56 FEET TOfor ANupdates IRON PIN; THENCE S the 44 week could a setback for newest facility Television........................6A mineral rights pertaining to the real property. which time the Bids received will be publicly 146, 147, 158 & 159 OF SAID 12 59 E 178.96 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE fice as described below. Only the weather The debt be secured by the Security Deed is county evi‑ LOTS ByDISTRICT Charles Duncan TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the aforesaid prop‑ opened and read. No submitted bid may be Bidding Documents also may be examined at denced by a Renewal Note, dated April 4, 2011, AND SECTION AND RUNNING THENCE N 54County 36 SHerald 51 15 15 W 262.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Towns ByHarris, Charles Duncan erty, property rights, contract rights, equip‑ withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the office of City of Young LOCATED OF BEGINNING. Georgia, at from Bradley Jay Wilson to Bank of Hiawassee, 22 W 2713.22 FEET TO A 5/8” REBAR [email protected] County Heraldas assigned to Park Sterling Bank, in the origi‑ ON OR ABOUT THE NORTHEASTERLY Sports receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days. City RIGHT OF PROPERTY BEING MORE COMMONLY KNOWN ment and claims (all of which are collectively Hall, 50 Irene Berry Towns Drive, Young Harris, [email protected] referred to herein as the “Premises”) to the The Project consists of construction of: AS: TRACT 21 HWY 76 E. HIAWASSEE, TOWNS Georgia, 30582; Atlanta Builders Exchange in nal principal amount of $37,673.10 (as same WAY LINE OF US HIGHWAY 76/GEORGIA HIGH‑ Towns County sheriff’s use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee, forever, Approximately 4,700 linear feet of 8-inch grav‑ Page SAID RIGHT continue COUNTY,to GEORGIA. Atlanta,10A Georgia and the offices of the Engi‑ may have been further modified, renewed or WAY 2; THENCE RUNNING WITH authorities await ity sewer line complete with manholes and neer, G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, Inc., inWinkler At‑ amended, A Chad prom- collectively the “Note”); plus inter‑ OF WAY LINE N 31 40 44 W 150.00 FEET TO AN The debt secured by the Security Deed is in FEE SIMPLE. word POINT from theevidenced Georgia Bureau The debt secured by the Home Equity Line Deed other appurtenances as required. IRON PIN THE SAME BEING THE TRUE by a renewal Promissory Note from lanta and Augusta. est from date on the unpaid balance until paid, ise is as good as gold. of Investigation’s Crime Labo-(the “Borrower”) to Citizens to Secure Debt is evidenced by a Home Equity Time of construction is 120 consecutive cal‑ Copies of the plans and specifications OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING WITH Kerry L. Wilson may be and other indebtedness. Winkler & Winkler endar days. W 184.52 Bank,ofdated obtained from G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, Default has occurred and continues under the SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE N 31 40 44 ratory as to theSouth identity hu- June 26, 2012, in the origi‑ Line of Credit Agreement dated February 15, Moshetto’s RestauConstruction of Blairsville Proposals for the complete work in one gener‑ Inc., 2255 Cumberland Parkway, SAID nal principal amount of $162,643.05 (as same 2007 from Grantor to Cadence Bank, N.A. in Buildingout 400, terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE LEAVING man remains found in southbroke ground on the new other possible events of default, the RIGHT OF WAY AND RUNNING N 52 32 06 E may have been further modified, renewed or the original principal amount of $95,000.00 (as al contract shall be made on the proposalrant formof Young Atlanta, Harris Georgia will 30339 upon receipt of the fol‑ of, among ern Towns County on Jan. 15th host fundraiser provided and shall contain prices in words and a lowing amounts: for nonpayment when due of the indebtedness 222.56 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE S 44 12 amended, the “Note”), plus interest from date modified, amended, restated, or replaced from Towns County Senior CenSheriff Chris Clinton said. figures for the work bid on. $200.00 evidenced Friends Specifications of the Libraries of ter in early November. At the by the Note and secured by the Se‑ 59 E 178.96 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE S on the unpaid balance until paid, and other time to time, the “Note”), plus interest from Sheriffindebtedness. Clinton said date on the unpaid balance until paid, and All Bidders must have or be capable of ac‑ Plans $400.00 curity Deed and the failure to comply with the 51 15 15 W 262.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Towns County on Jan. time, Winkler said that quiring a State of Georgia Utility Contractors Default has Reduced Drawings Available (Extra Set) terms and conditions of the Note and Security OF BEGINNING. that his department hadoccurred yet and continues under the other indebtedness. 26-28 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 weather-permitting, the Default has occurred and continues under the License prior to bid award. Contractor must $400.00 TO ALL word terms regarding of the Note and Security Deed by reason Deed. By reason of this default, the Security THE PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT to receive Sheriff Chris Clinton of theofmeal project would be completed employ during construction a state Utilityp.m. Man‑A portion ON THE ofof,the among otherrepossible events of default, the terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason Upon receipt all documents in undamaged Deed has been declared foreclosable accord‑ MATTERS AND CONDITIONS AS SHOWN the identity human ticket will be donated to (30)indays Brian Wilson and Deputy of, among other possible events of default, the ager certificate holder who will have oversight ABOVE REFERENCED PLAT OF SURVEY. nonpayment when due of the indebtedness condition within thirty the date ing to its terms. 180after days. mains discovered near theNote nonpayment when due of the indebtedness of the work. Documentation of these qualifica‑ evidenced by the and secured the Se‑ of bids, one‑half of the deposit willall The above-described real property will be AND Friendsofofopening the Libraries. Doug Lloydby and a DNR Even with the wet Appalachian Trail. by the Note and secured by the Se‑ tions will be required prior to bid award. See ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING curity Deed and the failure to comply with the be refunded. The difference between the de‑ sold to the highest and best bidder for cash For more details about the weather the region is experanger were the first evidenced aucurity Deed and the failure to comply with the Instructions to Bidders, Article 13.09. event, posit AND BEING IN LL 146 & 147, 18TH DISTRICT, terms and conditions of the Note and Security and the amount refunded represents the as the property of Bradley Jay Wilson and Aun‑ “We’re still awaiting see Page 3A in thorities to arrive at the riencing, Winkler & Winkler The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents cost of reproduction. No refund will be made drea C. Wilson, the proceeds to be applied to 1ST SECTION, TOWNS COUNTY, TRACT 15 from (LOT the Deed. Byand reason this default, the Security terms and conditions of the Note and Security word GBI theof scene. edition. The officers Construction is welltheonpayment its of said indebtedness, attorneys’ 32) AND TRACT 16 (LOT 33) OF KONAHETAH Deed has been declared Deed. By reason of this default, the indebted‑ is: G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, Inc. today’s 2255 for foreclosable accord‑ deterdocuments received after thirty (30) days state crime lab,” Sheriff mined that the find wasness in- evidenced by the Note has been acceler‑ Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, Atlanta, or in damaged condition. way to completing the fees, and the lawful expenses of said sale, all VILLAGE SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN ON A PLAT ing to its terms. 5,800 Clinton said. “We don’t have ated and the Security Deed has been declared Georgia, 30339. Contact person is Kellie Bar‑ A pre-bid conference will square real property be sold not be held. as provided humanwill remains. foot Senior Center on in the Note and Security Deed. OF SURVEY DONE BY ROCHESTER ASSOCIATES, The above-describeddeed anything newtotothe share at this foreclosable according to its terms. ber, 770-333-0700, kbarber@gbtengineers. Bid security shall be furnished INC., DATED 04/21/03, RECORDED AT PLAT highest and best bidder for cash as the in accordance The sale shall be subject to the following: all A call to Sheriff time. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be com. Prospective Bidders may examine the with the Instructions to Bidders. COUNTY, Kerry L. Wilson, theprompted proceeds toa be outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assess‑ BOOK 30, PAGE [SIC] 276-277, TOWNS time. We hopeproperty to haveofsomeClinton call from front entrance made for the purpose of paying the same and Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Note(s) to User: Bidders shall With ON applied to the payment of said indebtedness, submittheproof ments, if any; possible redemptive rights of the GEORGIA RECORDS WHICH DESCRIPTION thing later in the week.” to the GBI as-expenses of this sale, as provided in the andthe back porch included, theRevenue Service, if any; and all prior SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REF‑ attorneys’ fees, andthe Mondays through Fridays between the hours of qualifications to perform the sheriff lawful expenses of toall Work as de‑ Internal On Sunday, Jan. 15, sist The Towns County in the investigation. of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and may obtain cop‑ scribed in the Instructionsfacility said sale, all as provided in the Note and Secu‑ Security Deed and by law, including attorneys’ to Bidders. assessments, easements, restrictions or mat‑ ERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. will be around 7,000 small Food Distribution isthe right fees, notice of intent to collect attorneys’ fees ies of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing THE PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TOgame ALL hunters rity Deed.discovThe sale shall be Towns subject to the fol‑ DepuThe Owner reserves to reject County square feet.any or ters of record. eredONwhat they believed to ties Office as described below. MATTERS AND CONDITIONS AS SHOWN THE lowing: all outstanding ad and valorem taxesrangers and/ having all bids to waive informalities. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge scheduled forand Tuesday DNR se- been given. Said property will be sold And Winkler promises subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes Bidding Documents also may be examined at Owner:2CITY or assessments, possible redemptive OF YOUNG GEORGIA and belief, the real property is presently owned ABOVE REFERENCED PLAT OF SURVEY. be human remains on U.S.if any; Jan.31from p.m. to 6 HARRIS, cured the scene and were that there isn’t another Se- Jay Wilson and Aundrea C. Wilson. and/or the office of City of Young Harris, Georgia, at By: PROPERTY BEING MORE COMMONLY KNOWN rights of the Internal Revenue Service, if any; by Bradley Forest Service land near the joined by U.S. Forest Ser- assessments (including taxes which p.m. AllTitle: that are in need nior Center around that will City Hall, 50 Irene Berry Drive, Young Harris, VIL‑ andTrail. all other prior assessments, easements, are a lien but are not yet due and payable), To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge AS: TRACTS 15, 16, 17 AND 21 KONAHETAH Appalachian They of food are16, en-2014 have the back porch vice law enforcement possible and redemptive rights of the Internal Georgia, 30582; Atlanta Builders Exchange in assistance restrictions or matters of record. Date: December andview belief, the party in possession of the real LAGE, HIAWASSEE, TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA made contact with the GBI as theyknowledge to attend. If you that the Towns County Revenue Service, if any, any matters which Atlanta, Georgia and the offices of thecouraged Engi‑ T(Dec17-Jan28)B property began a search Se-is Bradley Jay Wilson and Aundrea C. The debt secured by the Security Deed is To the best of the undersigned’s Towns County Sheriff’s Ofneer, G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, Inc., are in At‑ evidenced a renewalthe Promissory Note from and belief, the real property is presently owned might be disclosed by an accurate survey Wilson,It and From tenantspouring holding the under them. unable to pick up your nior Center will have. foundation to drying in thebybuilding, new and inspection of the property, and any as‑ lanta and Augusta. L. Wilson “Borrower”)fice to Citizens by Kerry L. Wilson. See Human Remains, page 12A NOTICEcontact OF FORECLOSURE Park Sterling Bank,Center successor merger to theKerry about their discovery. Senior is onby pace to meet 180 days or so(the construction food, please The Copies of the plans and specifications may be SALE UNDER POWER Bank, dated June 26, 2012, Towns in the origi‑ To Sheriff’s the best ofLt. the undersigned’s knowledge sessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning or‑ Citizens South Bank, as successor in interest South County See Senior Center, page 12A deal with the county. Photos/Marty Roberts Pantry at (706) 896-4783 obtained from G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers, TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact for nal principal amount of $162,643.05 (as same and belief, the party in possession of the real dinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters prior distribution day..TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Bradley Jay Wilson and Aundrea C. Wilson. Inc., 2255 Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, to THIS may have been further modified, renewed or property is Kerry L. Wilson, and tenants hold‑ of record superior to the Security Deed. The IS AN ATTEMPT Allfol‑ clients and inquiries are sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirma‑ Atlanta, Georgia 30339 upon receipt of the amended, the “Note”), plus interest from date ing under him. INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR M. Todd Westfall, Esquire tion that the sale is not prohibited under the lowing amounts: on the unpaid balance until paid, and other Park Sterling Bank, successor by merger to THAT PURPOSE. Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, LLP kept confidential. U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final audit and Specifications $150.00 indebtedness. Citizens South Bank, as successor in interest Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con‑ Suite 600, One Tower Creek Towns Grand Jurors hand up 11 true bills · Probate Judge/ confirmation of the status of the loan and col‑ Plans $150.00 Default has occurred and continues under the to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact for tained in a Security DeedBy given by Robert H. 3101 Towercreek Parkway Charles Duncan lateral with the holder of the Security Deed. Reduced Drawings Available (Extra Set) Anderson and Betty J. Anderson terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason Kerry L. Wilson. to Mortgage Magistrate: $1,578.31; Towns County HeraldAtlanta, Georgia 30339 liver/distribute/administer/ Towns County ClerkEsquire To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge $150.00 of, among other possible events of default, the M. Todd Westfall, Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nomi‑ (678) 384-7005 [email protected] · Tax Commissioner: Upon receipt of all documents in undamaged nee for Southern Highlands Mortgage, LLC, T(Jan7,14,21,28)B nonpayment when due of the indebtedness Howick, & Kaplan, with LLP intentand sell/possess tobelief, the Premises are presently owned of Court Cecil DyeWestfall, has re-McBryan $1,229.04; County Sole by Joseph Tyson, Henry Hodge, and Orlando condition within thirty (30) days after the date dated May 5, 2010, and recordedTowns evidenced by the Note and securedleased by the the Se‑ following Suite 600, indictOne Towerdistribute Creek in Deed Book controlled subClerk offailure Court: Commissioner Bill Kendall Tyson. To the best of the undersigned’s knowl‑ of opening of bids, one‑half of the deposit will Parents curity· Deed and the to comply with the 3101 Towercreek Parkway 473, Page 700, Towns County, Georgia Re‑ NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER of children stance; Manufacture/dements by Towns County $1,229.04; edge and belief, the parties in possession of be refunded. The difference between theallde‑ terms and conditions of the Note and Security Atlanta, Georgia 30339 as last transferredhad to Branch Banking IN SECURITY one order of business at DEED ages,cords, as well as teens liver/distribute/administer/ Grand Jurors:(678) 384-7005 the Premises are Joseph Tyson, Henry Hodge, posit and the amount refunded represents the and Trust Company by assignment Deed.· BySheriff: reason of this default, the Security recorded regularly STATE OF GEORGIA $1,407.54; the county’s are invited to meet licensed toOrlando Tyson, and tenants holding under · Chandler Bryan sell/possess with intentand cost of reproduction. No refund will be made on December 3, 2014 in Book 558 Page 523 COUNTY OF TOWNS Deed·hasCoroner: been declared foreclosable accord‑ T(Jan7,14,21,28)B $36.54; meeting last counselor, Joseph Tyson, Henry Hodge, and Orlando Ty‑ for documents received after thirty (30) professional days in the Office terms. of Educa- Adams: Manufacture/de- distribute controlled subof the Clerk scheduled of Superior Court of Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con‑ ing to· itsBoard week conveying in the Towns County son. or in damaged condition. will be sold NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Towns County, Georgia Records, the tained in the Deed to Secure Debt from Michelle The above-described real propertyliver/distribute/administer/ Linda M. Silva of Family stance; unlawful for person Post 4: $36; BillDecember Kendall9, tion, Courthouse. N.A., as Attorney-in-Fact for A pre-bid conference will not be held. and Play to the highest and best bidder for cash as the IN SECURITY DEED after-described to secure a Note in Cain to Bank Commissioner of Hiawassee, dated Therapyproperty at or J.Bank, sell/possess with OF intent to to purchase, possess,Cadence · Board ofWilson, EducaCarolyn Tyson. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance of Kerry L. the proceeds to be STATE GEORGIA theCounty original principal amount ofCommissioner One Hundred Kendall 2002, and recorded in Election Deed Book 259, Page property May 25th, SuperintenTowns High any R. Wing, Esq. distribute controlled sub- have under his control Michael with the Instructions to Bidders. applied to 5: the$36; payment of said indebtedness, COUNTY OF TOWNS Thirty-Four Thousand Fourset Hundred and 0/100fees220, inthe the offices of theMarie Clerk of the Superior tion, Post the qualifying for dent Jonni Shook said. Cafeteria on with interest thereon as Court of Towns County, Georgia; as last modi‑ attorneys’ fees, and the lawful expenses controlled Note(s) to User: Bidders shall submit School proof dollars the Power substance; of Sale con‑ Balch and Bingham, LLP ($134,400.00), C o m m i s s i o n e r stance; of Under and by virtue of eight local races scheduled The General of Primary Jan.therein, 26 atthere 7 will 30 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd., NW of qualifications to perform the Work asThursday, de‑ set forth said sale,is all the as provided in the Note and· Se‑ tained inRandell the Real Estate Deed to Secure Debt be sold at public fied by that certain Modification Deed to Kendall · Charles Kenneth Nicholas incumbent for 2012 elections. will be held on July 31st and scribed in the Instructions to Bidders. p.m. Heroutcry to theManufacture/defrom Kerry L. WilsonGray to Bank Hiawassee thebehighest topic to will Your bidder for cash before Secure Debt from Michelle Cain, aka Angela curity Deed. The sale shall be subject Sr.: of Felony attemptSuite or 700 Neace: County Commissioner; Qualifying fees are the General Election will be Atlanta, Georgia 30308-3036 The Owner reserves the right to reject any or following: Security Deed from Kerry L. Wilson dated November 10, 2004, as recorded in Deed the courthouse door of Towns County, Georgia, Michelle Rogers, to Bank of Hiawassee, dated Child’s Role Model. A Q conspiracy toClerkviolate liver/distribute/administer/ David Rogers is the incum(404) 962-3574 all bids and to waive informalities. to Bank of Hiawassee recorded in Deed Book Book 320, Page 20, in the offices of the within the legal hours of sale on February 3, March 19, 2010 and recorded in Deed Book based on 3 percent of the held on Nov. 6th, Shook & A session will follow the Controlled sell/possess with intent Court to Georgia’s THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Owner: CITY OF YOUNG HARRIS, GEORGIA 336, Probate Page 416,Judge/Magisas modified, and as assigned of the Superior of Towns County, Georgia; Sub2015, the following described property: Page 568, aforesaid records; as assigned bent salaries for each 471, office, said. presentation. Childcare stance Act; distribute controlled subDEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL By: Citizens South Bank (n/k/a Park Sterling Bank) as last modified by that certain Modification All that tract or parcel ofCommissioner land lying and be‑ to Citizens South Bank by that certain Master Bruce Rogers is the Kendall said. Theinqualifying feesPage are trate; and refreshments will117, be18th District, 1st Section, BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Title: by assignment recorded in Deedstance; Book 486, of Security Deed dated August 9, 2010 and re‑Steven ing in Land Lot Assignment recorded Deed Book 486, · Erik purchase, possesincumbent Tax CommisQualifying the aforesaid of- as follows: T(Jan7,14,21,28)B Date: December 16, 2014 outstand‑ corded in Deed Book 479, Page 658, aforesaid Towns Georgia records, and being for790, records (as same may have Page 790, Towns County records; all provided. The County, meeting is sion, manufacture, distribu- Underwood: Aggravated ficesVillas, begincontain‑ at 9 a.m. been on May · Cfrom o mtime m i stos itime, o n ecol‑ r: T(Dec17-Jan28)B ing valorem taxes and/or if records; as assigned to Citizens South Bank knownby as Lot 1 of Plantation further modified sponsored Towns SeeadQualifying, page 12A assessments, stalking; battery; to or sale ofthat marijuana; the Internal by certain Master Assignment datedcruelty as 0.174 acres, and being23rd shown a plat of at noon lectively “Security Deed”), and pursuant to any; possible redemptive rights oftion, andonwill end onthe$1,407.54; Countying Parent, Teacher, children to witness unlawful person NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY prior as‑for of March to 19, pur2010 and recorded–inallow Deed Book survey by T Kirby & Associates dated April 16, the Order of Dismissal for Failure to Pay Filing Revenue Service, if any; and all other Student Organization. See felony/battery/Family possess, have VALUED AT LESS THAN $25,000 or matters 486,or Page 790,unaforesaid records (as same may Vio2008, revised April 2, 2009 and filed and re‑ Fees, entered on November 21, 2014, in Chap‑ sessments, easements, restrictionschase, for more Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §16-13-49(n), any Page party 3A further modified timedegree; to time, corded in Platdetails. Book 31, Page 39, Towns County, ter 13 Case No. 14-21971-jrs, United States of record. lence from – third der his controlhave anybeen controlled claiming an interest in the following property Georgia records, which plat is incorporated Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia, To the best of the undersigned’ssubstance; knowledge unlawful collectively the “Security Deed”); the under‑Lamar · Kendrick for perBy Charles Duncan Gainesville Division, the undersigned will sell and belief, the real property is presently owned signed will sell at public outcry to the highest is hereby notified that on the 30th of October, herein by reference hereto. Hillsman: Terroristic threats son to purchase, possess, Towns County Heraldat public outcry to the highest and best bidder by Kerry L. Wilson. 2014, said property was seized by the under‑ The property is conveyed subject and best bidderor for cash before the door of the to all matters acts;Georgia, battery – Family under his controlofany signed agency in Towns County, Georgia. knowledge Courthouse Townsand County, during and conditions shown on the above referenced for cash before the door of the Courthouse of To the best of the undersigned’shave [email protected] Violence (first offense) Property Seized: of the real substance; the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in misplat of survey. Towns County, Georgia, during the legal hours and belief, the party in possessioncontrolled PROPERTY ONE: 1999 GMC Yukon vehicle, VIN The property is conveyed subject property is Kerry L. Wilson, and tenants hold‑ February, 2015, the following described real to the Dec‑ of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 2015, demeanor; simple battery – · Patty Diane Neace: The legend of robotics 1GKEC13R2XJ751560, GA tag. PTK2769 ing under him. property, to wit: of Covenants and Schools the following described real property, to wit: Family Violence; Tolaration the family of and Manufacture/deliver/distribandRestrictions Towns County Conduct giving rise to said seizure: Said PROP‑ easements for Plantation Villas of Hiawassee ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND Park Sterling Bank, successor by merger to ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL LAND Marie LYING Will· OF Alisha County ERTY ONE was found in the possession ofTowns Juan as in interest AND BEING IN LAND LOT 79, 18TH DISTRICT, recordedSheriff in Deed Bookcontinues. 301, Page 681-719, LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOTS 7 AND 30, Citizens South Bank, as successorute/administer/sell/possess statements or Chris with intent distribute Three of the 17TH Towns Yovani Aguirre-Nambo on October 30,2014, in Clinton. for to1ST SECTION,conTOWNSiams: COUNTY,False GEORGIA, BEING as amended in Deed Book 301, Pages 744-782 DISTRICT, 1ST SECTION, TOWNS COUNTY, to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact writings; facts or trolled substance; lost hisof Covenants close proximity to a quantity of COCAINE. Said The TRACT unlawful 3, CONTAINING 0.117 ACRE,conceal AS SHOWN andsheriff final declaration by-lawsSchool GEORGIA, Countyand Middle stu- AND BEING KNOWN AS LOT 6 OF OLD Kerry L. Wilson. property was intended to facilitate thebeloved use, as recorded A PLAT OFposSURVEY PREPARED BYdocuments TAMROK in Deed Bookdents 422, Pages BRASSTOWN ESTATES, CONTAINING 0.996 M. Todd Westfall, Esquire fraudulent in for person to ON purchase, grandmother who223-257, placed third in the possession, possession with intent to distrib‑ LLPor have ASSOCIATES, INC., matters JON G. of STUBBLEFIELD, Georgia records. government; SimoneTowns EliseCounty, Charlotte sess, under his constate last year in theACRES, FIRSTMORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, ute, and distribution of COCAINE, in violation of The debt secured by said Security Deed has OF SURVEY PREPARED BY NORTHSTAR LAND Suite 600, One Tower Creek G.R.L.S. NO. 2599, DATED MARCH 6, 1995, whodeclared trol any controlled sub-IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 190, LEGO League the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, orBrun was Nicholson, AND RECORDED been and is hereby due because of, Robotics SURVEYING, INC., DATED MAY 13, 2002, AS RE‑ 3101 Towercreek Parkway See Indictments, page 12A passed among awayother on Saturstance; Tournament and firstCORDED nation-IN PLAT BOOK 28, PAGE 134, TOWNS Atlanta, Georgia 30339 the proceeds of said illegal activities. Further, TOWNS COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH DESCRIP‑ possible events of default, failure 21. · Lori TION Dawn Palmer ally Core Values the said vehicle was being operated by day, Juan Jan. ON SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN to pay theBanister indebtedness as andinwhen due and InspiraCOUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT BEING (678) 384-7005 Yovani Aguirre-Nambo in Towns County, Funeral Geor‑ in Home REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. the manner provided the Note andDiego, Secu‑ CA, INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE FOR A T(Jan7,14,21,28)B Lovingood: BY Manufacture/ was in intion in San now TOWNS COUNTY HERALD gia, at the time of his arrest for violations of rity ALSO CONVEYED HEREIN ARE ALL IMPROVE‑ The debt remaining in default, this first MORE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. deliver/distribute/administer/ charge of Deed. the arrangesuit up for another year the Georgia Controlled Substances Act. MENTS ON THIS PROPERTY. sale will be made for the purpose of paying the THIS PROPERTY IS CONVEYED TOGETHER WITH ments. Please join the sell/possess with intent to team. The owner(s) of said property is purported to same and all expenses of this sale, as provided AND SUBJECT TO A NON EXCLUSIVE, PER‑ ALSO CONVEYED HEREIN ARE ALL OF GRANT‑ Towns County Herald in by law, including distribute controlled Townsattor‑ County HighEASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS be: OR’S RIGHTS,subTITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO in Security Deed and PETUAL prayers for the stance; Manufacture/de21st Century Monica Nambo & Juan Aguirre-Nambo extending THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN AND ney’s fees (notice of intentSchool’s to collect attorney’s AND UTILITIES, 50 FEET IN WIDTH, ALONG PiE team members Jasmine Forrester, Sara Scott, Zyndel Payne, 4470 Berkshire Road ADJACENT TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF fees havingClinton. been given). BRASSTOWN LANE AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE family of Sheriff Robotics,atpageREFERRED 12A Gabe Mia Manto. Michael Austin (not pictured). Forest Park, Georgia 30297 THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS IT EXTENDS EAST‑ Your mortgage servicer can See be contacted TO PLATGilliland, OF SURVEY. Any party claiming an interest in said prop‑ (800)827-3722 - Loss Mitigation Dept, or by THE PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO ERLY TO THE CENTERLINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY erty is hereby further notified that you must writing to 301 College Street, Greenville, South PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS #76 AND STATE ROUTE #2, AS SHOWN ON SAID file any claim in accordance with O.C.G.A. Carolina 29601, to discuss possible alterna‑ PERTAINING TO OLD BRASSTOWN ESTATES PLAT OF SURVEY. §16-13-49(n)(4) within 30 days of the second tives to avoid foreclosure. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 243, PAGE 731, publication of this Notice of Seizure in the Said property will be sold subject to any out‑ TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY AS SHOWN ON SAID Towns County Herald by serving said claim to standing ad valorem taxes (including taxes PROPERTY BEING MORE COMMONLY KNOWN PLAT. the undersigned seizing agency and the Dis‑ which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), AS: 2111 BRASSTOWN LANE, YOUNG HARRIS, PROPERTY BEING MORE COMMONLY KNOWN trict Attorney by certified mail, return receipt any matters which might be disclosed by an GEORGIA 30582-1658. AS: 579 NORTH MAIN STREET, HIAWASSEE, requested. TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA. accurate survey and inspection of the prop‑ The debt secured by the Security Deed is evi‑ This 22nd day of December, 2014 The debt secured by the Security Deed is erty, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, denced by a Renewal Note, dated March 19, District Attorney evidenced by a renewal Promissory Note from zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, 2010, from Angela Michelle Rogers to Bank of Enotah Judicial Circuit Kerry L. Wilson (the “Borrower”) to Citizens and matters of record superior to the Security Hiawassee in the original principal amount of SEIZING AGENCY: South Bank, dated August 9, 2010, in the origi‑ Deed first set out above. $57,420.22, as assigned to Citizens South Bank Tracy James nal principal amount of $85,783.63 (as same To the best knowledge and belief of the under‑ (as same may have been further modified, re‑ Hiawassee Police Department may have been further modified, renewed or signed, the party in possession of the prop‑ newed or amended, collectively the “Note”); P.O. Box 549 amended, the “Note”), plus interest from date erty is Estate of Betty J. Anderson and Estate plus interest from date on the unpaid balance Hiawassee, Georgia 30546 on the unpaid balance until paid, and other of Robert H. Anderson or tenant(s); and said until paid, and other indebtedness. (706) 896-2203 indebtedness. property is more commonly known as 424 Default has occurred and continues under the By: Cathy A. Cox-Brakefield Default has occurred and continues under the Long View Circle, Hiawassee, GA 30546. terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason Chief Assistant District Attorney terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason The sale will be conducted subject to (1) con‑ of, among other possible events of default, the 65 Courthouse Street, Box 6 of, among other possible events of default, the firmation that the sale is not prohibited under nonpayment when due of the indebtedness Blairsville, Georgia 30512 nonpayment when due of the indebtedness the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirma‑ evidenced by the Note and secured by the Se‑ (706) 439-6027 evidenced by the Note and secured by the Se‑ tion and audit of the status of the loan with the curity Deed and the failure to comply with the T(Dec31,Jan7,14)B curity Deed and the failure to comply with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of terms and conditions of the Note and Security terms and conditions of the Note and Security redemption or other lien not extinguished by Deed. By reason of this default, the Security Deed. By reason of this default, the Security foreclosure. Deed has been declared foreclosable accord‑ Deed has been declared foreclosable accord‑ Branch Banking and Trust Company as Attor‑ ing to its terms. ing to its terms. ney in Fact for Robert H. Anderson and Betty The above-described real property will be The above-described real property will be sold J. Anderson. sold to the highest and best bidder for cash to the highest and best bidder for cash as the Brock & Scott, PLLC as the property of Michelle Cain, aka Angela property of Kerry L. Wilson, the proceeds to be 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Michelle Rogers, the proceeds to be applied to applied to the payment of said indebtedness, Suite 310 the payment of said indebtedness, attorneys’ attorneys’ fees, and the lawful expenses of Atlanta, GA 30341 fees, and the lawful expenses of said sale, all said sale, all as provided in the Note and Secu‑ 404-789-2661 as provided in the Note and Security Deed. rity Deed. The sale shall be subject to the fol‑ B&S file no.: 14-26319 The sale shall be subject to the following: all lowing: all outstanding ad valorem taxes and/ T(Jan7,14,21,28)B outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assess‑ or assessments, if any; possible redemptive ments, if any; possible redemptive rights of the rights of the Internal Revenue Service, if any; Internal Revenue Service, if any; and all prior and all other prior assessments, easements, assessments, easements, restrictions or mat‑ restrictions or matters of record. ters of record. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the real property is presently owned and belief, the real property is presently owned by Kerry L. Wilson. by Michelle Cain, aka Angela Michelle Rogers. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the party in possession of the real and belief, the party in possession of the real property is Kerry L. Wilson, and tenants hold‑ property is Michelle Cain, aka Angela Michelle ing under him. Rogers, and tenants holding under her. Park Sterling Bank, successor by merger to Park Sterling Bank, successor by merger to Citizens South Bank, as successor in interest Citizens South Bank, as successor in interest to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact for to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact for Kerry L. Wilson. Michelle Cain, aka Angela Michelle Rogers. M. Todd Westfall, Esquire M. Todd Westfall, Esquire Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, LLP Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, LLP Suite 600, One Tower Creek Suite 600, One Tower Creek 3101 Towercreek Parkway 3101 Towercreek Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (678) 384-7005 (678) 501-7951 Local Weather and Lake Levels Installation of hydrants ahead of pace Senior Center going up fast Sheriff: ‘No word yet’ on ID Qualifying fees for 2012 set Grand Jury Indictments Friends ... Food Pantry ... PTSO Meet ... TCHS robotics team advances to state Condolences T(Jan7,14,21,28)B T(Jan7,14,21,28)B
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