FarQBio_Forward Look_36p_Dec2014.indd

ESF Forward Look
A Foresight Activity on Research
in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
European Science Foundation (ESF)
Forward Looks
The European Science Foundation (ESF) was
established in 1974 to provide a common platform
for its Member Organisations – the main research
funding and research performing organisations
in Europe – to advance European research
collaboration and explore new directions for
research. ESF provides valuable services to the
scientific and academic communities – such as peer
review, evaluation, career tracking, conferences,
implementation of new research support
mechanisms and the hosting of high-level expert
boards and committees – with the aim of supporting
and driving the future of a globally competitive
European Research Area. ESF currently has 66
member organisations in 29 countries.
Forward Looks enable Europe’s scientific community,
in interaction with policy makers, to develop mediumto long-term views and analyses of future research
developments with the aim of defining research
agendas at national and European level. Forward
Looks are driven by ESF’s Member Organisations
and, by extension, the European research
community. Quality assurance mechanisms, based
on peer review where appropriate, are applied at
every stage of the development and delivery of a
Forward Look to ensure its quality and impact.
Lead Authors:
r Luca Turin, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
rofessor Martin Plenio, Ulm University,
Ulm, Germany
Contributing Authors:
r Gerardo Adesso, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, United Kingdom
• Professor Susana F. Huelga, Ulm University,
Ulm, Germany
rofessor Rienk van Grondelle, VU University
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Dr Fedor Jelezko, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
rofessor Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
European Science Foundation
• Dr Ana Helman, Science Officer
• Dr Aigars Ekers, Science Officer (to March 2014)
• Ms Chantal Durant, Administrative Coordinator
ISBN: 978-2-36873-196-3
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. The Science of Quantum Biology
Three Billion Years of R&D
Is Life Quantum or Classical?
The Return of Quantum Biology
Knowns and Unknowns: the Challenges
Quantum Biology Needs Quantum Physics and Vice Versa
The FarQBio Vision
Enabling Key Technologies for Europe
Towards Quantum Machines
3. Policy Framework and Future Needs
4. Going Forward – Recommendations and Proposed Measures
5. Conclusions
Annex 1: Scientific Committee and Experts
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policy makers, research funders, programme managers and educators at the EU and national levels.
We hope in particular that it may have an impact on
Future and Emerging Technologies and Marie Curie
Actions programmes as new collaborative funding
initiatives are developed under Horizon2020.
Beyond that, we hope that the elements provided
in this report will stimulate further reflection on
how to bring long-term visions – such as building
quantum machines – closer to reality.
Professor Martin Plenio
Chair, FarQBio Scientific Committee
Professor Mats Gyllenberg
Chair, ESF Scientific Review Group Physical
and Engineering Sciences
Mr Martin Hynes
ESF Chief Executive
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
This Forward Look report is the result of a consultation with a community of experts in the field of
quantum information who gathered together to
identify scenarios of future developments inspired
by cross-disciplinary fields. The foresight activity
on research and technology in quantum information science and European strategy (FARQUEST),
proposed by the Austrian Science Fund and the
Austrian Academy of Sciences, originally encompassed several areas of quantum information
research: quantum complexity, quantum technology and quantum biology. These all hold great
promise for long-term scientific developments and
In this context, quantum biology emerged as a
case study of particular interest since it embodies
not so much what research currently is, but what
it could become. The report therefore focuses on
future outlooks in what is a novel, highly crossdisciplinary field which brings together biologists,
physicists, chemists, computer scientists, as well as
researchers from other disciplines, but which intrinsically requires them to transcend their disciplinary
boundaries. We are currently witnessing the birth
of a new way of doing science where traditional
disciplines converge to find an explanation of phenomena observed in nature and to bring to life new
devices and technologies, as has often been the case
during the past decades for nano- and biotechnology.
In order for this more integrated approach to
science to succeed, quantum biology will require
a paradigm shift in the way education, research
and interactions between science and society are
carried out and delivered. The report that follows
provides a set of measures and recommendations
in these directions and is therefore addressed to
Executive Summary
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The research challenges that quantum biology
is facing span from fundamental issues related to
the interplay between the energy scales of the different phenomena and the thermal noise emanating
from the biological environment, to the (theoretical) understanding of the observed phenomena and
technological bottlenecks related to measurement
techniques. It is difficult to apply currently available
(nano)measurement methods to in vivo measurements. The development of new techniques to probe
and excite quantum phenomena in biomatter
reflecting the in vivo situation would truly represent a breakthrough. Simulation and modelling
tools currently cover different scales and regimes
with various degrees of approximation. While
entities composed of small atoms or molecules
can be described accurately, we do not yet possess
simulation tools that would account for quantum
behaviour in systems such as proteins. This, however, is likely to be solved in the reasonably near
future thanks to algorithmic improvements and
the continuing increase in computing performance.
The applications of quantum biology in the
longer term are potentially enormous and could
impact upon a large number of technologies including sensing, health, environment and information
technologies. Model systems will serve as a proof
of concept to test the understanding of the physics
and chemistry of quantum biological phenomena
and lead the way to working devices such as bioinspired photovoltaic cells, and chemical, magnetic
and biological sensors.
The proposed approach to tackle these challenges
relies necessarily on the integration of biology, physics and technology with the aim of producing, say
twenty years from now, a device that is engineered
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Quantum biology has developed over the past decade, within the more general framework of quantum
information science, as a result of convergence
between quantum mechanics and biology. This
emerging field stems from the interrogation of the
basic principles that govern interactions at the molecular scale in living organisms. Traditionally, the
principles of quantum mechanics have been used to
explain a wide range of observed phenomena in physics and chemistry. Experiments that have provided
evidence of quantum mechanical behaviour have,
in most cases, been performed in highly controlled
environments using tools that allow the measurement and manipulation of nanoscale objects such as
atoms, single molecules, or ordered solid-state systems. Biological phenomena involve molecules (such
as proteins) that are composed of typically hundreds
of thousands of atoms and have, therefore, been considered too complex to be tackled by physicists using
similar quantum mechanical approaches. However,
recent evidence of quantum phenomena occurring in living organisms suggests that quantum
mechanics does play a role in biological systems:
•Photosynthesis uses quantum transport between
chlorophyll molecules
•Olfaction and smell recognition is based on molecular vibrations using the quantum mechanism of
electron tunnelling
•Magnetic sensing in birds allowing them to orientate is based on properties of electronic spin in
birds’ retinas
•The induction of a state of general anaesthesia in
the fruit fly is accompanied by changes in electron
spin, suggesting that electron current inside neurons may play a role in nervous system function
•All biological electron transfer is based on electron
and/or nuclear tunnelling
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
better than life itself. The starting point is the
understanding of underlying quantum biological
phenomena occurring at the scale of macromolecules that will allow us to identify (experimental)
building blocks ultimately leading to the realisation of a quantum machine. Even today we must
recognise that most if not all of the Key Enabling
Technologies which are part of the current research
funding programme of the European Union
(Horizon2020) are based on quantum mechanical
Within the European context, the analysis of
prospects for the development of quantum biology
leads to the conclusion that with the current type
and level of efforts, the field of quantum biology
could continue to evolve slowly as a basic area of
science, while continuing to occasionally deliver
interesting insights into biological phenomena
which display quantum effects. However, these
conditions are unlikely to yield the breakthroughs
needed for tapping into the significant potential for
technological applications inherent within the field.
Therefore in order to fully exploit the potential of
quantum biology the following recommendations
are provided under four key headings.
Human Resources and Education – recognising
that expertise in quantum biology and related technologies will not grow in the traditional academic
environment due to the continuing existence of
wide knowledge gaps and barriers between disciplines, there is need to develop an appropriate skills
base early on. This can be achieved by:
•Raising awareness and building competences in
quantum science and technology starting with
school-age children
•Creating a new doctoral degree of much longer,
possibly even double, the normal duration
(Dr. Universalis)
•Bridging the ‘gap in understanding’ by supporting
extended cross-disciplinary sabbaticals for junior
and senior faculty members.
Funding and Cooperation – recognising that scientists routinely cooperate and efficiently self-organise
in collaborations and networks whenever appropriate funding schemes are available, a clear need
emerges for:
•A dedicated long-term and large scale collaborative funding scheme at the European level
providing support for a small number of research
teams working in interdisciplinary emerging fields
•Funding for early stage faculty members for
3–12-month visits to perform collaborative interdisciplinary work
•Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks should
enable larger-scale participation and improved
success rates with a better focus on innovation.
The general requirements for any new collaborative
funding scheme are that:
•It allows broad participation at the European level
•There is a centralised source of project review and
distribution of funds
•The timeframe is sufficiently long to ensure accomplishment of major scientific endeavours
•It should be flexible with respect to new groups
joining a running programme.
In addition, a consultation process should be established between European and non-European science
funders in order to develop new mechanisms enabling large-scale international networks where
scientists can collaborate across borders and continents.
Research Infrastructures – recognising that quantum biology research needs both experimental
facilities (for example sophisticated spectroscopy
equipment coupled with biology laboratories) and
computational resources, it will be crucial for the
progress of this field to bridge the disciplinary
divide between biology, chemistry, medicine and
(quantum) physics equipment and the way these
have traditionally been set up and used. In most
cases, the required research facilities are already
supported at the national level and efficient networking mechanisms (such as the Laserlab-Europe
initiative) would leverage existing resources and
provide broader access to the community. A measure that would make a major contribution towards
addressing quantum biology challenges would be:
•The establishment and support of interdisciplinary research centres in which complete research
groups from biology, chemistry, medicine and
physics are hosted in the same building.
In conclusion, it is expected that the field of quantum biology is still to produce unforeseeable
discoveries that will expose the existence of quantum phenomena in nature ultimately leading to
their exploitation in new every-day technologies
available to benefit society.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Communication – recognising that new directions
of research can only flourish if they are supported
by the broader public and if they find promoters in
the media and in the political sphere, a clear and
distinct profile of quantum technologies needs to
be established. In addition, the dissemination of
convincing “stories” around fascinating instances
of either existing natural quantum systems (from
biology) or potential future man-made quantum
machines will be prerequisites for a successful communication strategy. Some measures to reach and
engage a broad public are:
•The use of social media
•Proactive interaction with media and journalists
•Participation in science outreach events and prizes
•Enhancement of communication between scientific disciplines.
•The construction and exhibition of a quantum
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A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
A perfect storm of science and technology has been
brewing for some years and is about to break. It is
likely to last for several decades and will deliver
new devices, new therapies, new computing paradigms and, above all, new insights. It is the result
of approaches converging from several directions
that have long waited to join forces. It deals with
systems operating at the nanoscale, but is not confined to what we think of today as nanotechnology.
This new paradigm will not be achieved by reducing
bulk entities into ever smaller pieces, but by building devices from atoms up, as living organisms do.
It will operate at the boundary between quantum
and classical physics. Near to its core is very likely
to be the new science of quantum biology.
Th is Forward Look report is about this New
Nanoscience: not the science, as is commonly
believed, of the very small, but the science of the
– so far – intractably big. The scale of nanoscience,
i.e. the nanometre, is perhaps the most uncomfortable scale to study in all of physics and chemistry.
A sphere 1nm in radius is huge. It can contain a
protein that has evolved over billions of years to
mysteriously catalyse a reaction that we cannot replicate in a flask in the chemistry laboratory. What
is more challenging is that we cannot even fully
simulate the dynamics of the protein and its electronic structure at the same time using quantum
But a 1nm sphere is also tiny. It is too small for us
to handle and assemble. It resists averaging, refuses
to behave like a bulk solid and does not let us use
the powerful tools of condensed matter physics and
thermodynamics that we have developed to study
large systems. More challenging still, a nanometrescale system sits at the boundary between quantum
and classical effects, where we can neither calcu-
late exactly nor approximate confidently. Yet the
nanoscale territory is not barren and uninhabited.
Quite the contrary: life has always been there, operating at the nanoscale for billions of years, endlessly
varying and selecting the devices and programs that
lead to survival. When we finally succeed in understanding these systems we will be in a position to
reverse engineer biological evolution, to use it not
just as a technology we embody, but as a technology we control. What is its promise? What stands
in the way? Th is report will list some of the goals,
as well as address the obstacles and propose ways
to overcome them.
The Science of Quantum Biology
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In 1792, when immunisation against smallpox was
discovered, it became clear that life harbours technologies so advanced as to be, in Arthur C Clarke’s
famous phrase, indistinguishable from magic. The
intervening two hundred years have refi ned and
sharpened this perception. While at the level of
organisms adaptations often seem like contraptions,
at the molecular level the colossal inventiveness, subtlety and elegance of nature’s devices can only inspire
awe. Every “molecule of the month” in the Research
Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RSCB)
structural database is a humbling reminder of how
much we must still learn.
Much of what life does with proteins is beyond
our current abilities to understand, and bears
an uncanny resemblance to the Key Enabling
Technologies (KETs) that the EU is seeking to master
in the next decade. Success in any KET would confer
enormous first-mover competitive advantage. Here
are a few examples of what life can do that we cannot, together with the relevant KET: single-photon
detection in a low-voltage electrochemical system
[photonics], nitrogen fi xation at room temperature
and pressure [nanotechnology], chemically powered
transport of ions and electrons across nanometre
distances with low dissipation [nanoelectronics],
formation of hydrogen gas from H+ without noble
metals at zero volts SHE [advanced materials], photobiological charge separation with close to 100%
quantum efficiency
There is, however, one positive caveat. Everything
in life’s machinery is built under three daunting constraints peculiar to a self-replicating machine:
1. the use of only five elements (not counting a few
transition metals) and 20 amino-acid side-chains;
2. the stringing of everything together in polypeptides as if the parts of a machine were strung on
a clothesline encoded in DNA;
3. evolution at random. We are free from these constraints: the entire periodic table is available to
us; we can assemble objects rather than extrude
them, as a ribosome does; understanding how
life makes its machinery will help us gain insight
so that we can deliberately design mechanisms
rather than randomly hunt for improvement.
Learning from life will not just lead to biotechnology,
but to new (quantum) physics and chemistry.
Quantum efficiency:
A measure of the probability that a single quantum,
such as an individual photon, is transformed into the
desired output. This output could be a charge separation event which turns the volatile energy of this quantum into more stable electric form of energy, analogous
to the charging of a capacitor, from which it can be
made available for future use at a desired moment in
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Three Billion Years of R&D
Is Life Quantum or Classical?
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
While physics and chemistry are now accepted to
be governed by the laws of quantum physics, biology appears to remain in the classical domain. Yet
we suspect that life must, like everything else, be
quantum at the atomic scale. Does this atomic scale
matter? The debate goes back a long way. Erwin
Schrödinger, a founder of quantum mechanics, in
his influential book “What is Life?” said that “quantum indeterminacy plays no biologically relevant
role”. Pascual Jordan, another albeit less recognised
founding father of quantum mechanics, was instead
convinced that the “Secret of Organic Life” was to
be found in quantum “organising centres” that controlled the classical machinery around them.
This debate has simmered in the intervening decades, with quantum aspects of biology remaining a
decidedly minority interest. Perhaps a parallel may
be found in the history of foundational questions
in quantum mechanics, which was long thought to
be a non-experimental field until the theory made
quantitative predictions and technologies became
sufficiently advanced to make the measurements.
We believe that the convergence between molecular
biology and nanotechnology will in the near future
bring quantum biology into the mainstream. But
two questions must be answered before this can
1. How large is the quantum domain?
Proteins function at what has been called the mesoscale, roughly 1–10 nm. The number of atoms and
electrons in a given volume increases with the cube
of its radius, so going from 0.5nm (a small molecule)
to 5nm (a typical protein) brings into play a thousand times more atoms. Interestingly, quantum
chemistry software runs out of power somewhere
between these two scales. Typically, therefore, a
small quantum region is calculated exactly by
quantum mechanics, surrounded by a much larger
system calculated classically. Do such simulations
correctly predict the behaviour of enzymes? The
answer is a qualified yes, but only in the case of the
simplest enzyme reactions, where quantum-level
understanding of active site chemistry is sufficient.
Supramolecular chemistry, the science of large
chemical assemblages involving non-covalent bonds,
has shown that this insight can be applied with great
success. A clear understanding of the reaction mechanism and the spatial arrangement of the reactive
amino acids at the active site can, free from the constraints of biology, be replicated by a much simpler
molecule. Apply this to more complex proteins, however, notably those that sense signals or convert one
form of energy into another, and the method fails.
Is the unaccounted-for “enzyme magic” quantum or
classical? Recent evidence (see ‘quantum transport
in photosynthesis’ below) suggests that mesoscale
quantum properties of protein matter are crucial
to its function and are optimised by evolution. The
conjecture we would like to put up is therefore: the
quantum domain is large when it needs to be.
2. How stable is the quantum domain
against thermal noise?
Extended quantum systems, in particular those
showing “exotic” quantum correlation properties, were thought to be very fragile to thermal
and other sources of noise. However, quantum
information scientists are developing methods
to stabilise entanglement (i.e. quantum correlation) against noise and to even use noise to create
entanglement. Nevertheless, most experiments
showing such effects are conducted in carefully
shielded, very dilute phases and at very low temperatures, to reduce the perturbing effects of collisions
between atoms. This is all necessary because quantum information needs to preserve coherence and
entanglement for long periods because the tasks
it is intended to be used for require the execution
of many quantum operations that are intrinsically
slow. Physicists, faced with the “hot and wet” environment of biology, have often retreated to more
temperate climes. There are two reasons for cautious
optimism, however. The first is that stability is only
a relative term. If our lives lasted a millisecond on
average, we would think sturdy a house that lasted
half a second. Similarly, the time-scale over which
quantum phenomena occur is only significant in the
context of the timescale of what the protein is trying to achieve. The second reason is that proteins
Figure 1. (left)
A symbolic representation of a biphoton
(a pair of entangled photons).
© Neolexx/ Wikimedia Commons
Figure 2. (right)
Symbolic representation of electron tunnelling
through a potential barrier.
© Yoschi/ Wikimedia Commons
The Return of Quantum Biology
After a long eclipse, Pascual Jordan’s view has thus
come roaring back with the discovery of four manifestly quantum phenomena in biology. The first is
the highly efficient energy transfer and charge
separation in photosynthesis. The second is phononassisted electron tunnelling in olfaction. The third is
navigational sensing of the magnetic field by birds.
Remarkably, these phenomena were considered
together for the first time not in a symposium or a
review, but in a February 2009 Discovery Magazine
article. In 2010, the US Defense Advanced Research
Programs Agency (DARPA) initiated the QuBE program (Quantum effects in Biological Environments)
that helped put the field on the scientific map. The
fourth phenomenon is anaesthesia. These four
manifestly quantum processes are, for now, just
four small clouds in the otherwise blue sky of classical biology. But they have been likened to the
three small clouds that appeared in the last quarter
of the nineteenth century and presaged the storm
of quantum mechanics: photoelectric effect, blackbody radiation and heat capacity of solids.
1. Quantum transport in photosynthesis
Sunlight provides the entire energy input available
to life on or near the Earth’s surface. Peak radiation
from the sun lies in the green region of the spectrum at a wavelength of 500nm, corresponding
to 2.5eV of energy per photon. Th is, by the standards of biology, is a large energy, enough to break
a chemical bond – hence sunburn – and, just as
Quantum correlation:
Components of a quantum many-body system that
are interacting with each other will become correlated
whereby the measurement on one component allows
for the prediction of the measurement outcome on another component with high probability. Quantum systems exhibit correlations that are stronger than those
allowed in classical physics, a fact that can be made
use of in applications such as quantum cryptography
and quantum teleportation.
Quantum many-body system:
A system that is composed of in-principle identifiable
individual components that are quantum objects and
are interacting with each other. Electron spins that
make up a magnet and which are interacting with each
other via their magnetic fields is an example of everyday practical importance. It is a key aim of quantum
technologies to create such systems under highly controlled conditions and conditions of low temperature
and high insulation for example in ion traps, ultra-cold
atomic gases or superconductors.
Coherent superposition:
In classical physics a system takes on one value or
another – a coin shows either heads or tails. A quantum
particle may exist in a coherent superposition of two
possibilities – a spin can be in spin-up and spin-down
state at the same time, a photon can be both horizontally and vertically polarised at the same time.
A consequence of the combination of the existence of
coherent superposition and of quantum many-body
systems. If a single electron spin can be in coherent
superposition of two states, then two electron spins
can be in a superposition of all possible combinations,
i.e. 4 states. N electron spins can be in a superposition
of 2N states at the same time. This forms the basis for
applications such as quantum computation as long as
the quantum many-body system can be isolated from
the environment sufficiently well to protect the quantum
nature of the system. Entangled states exhibit quantum
Electron tunnelling:
In quantum mechanics, the wavelike character of all
matter allows for quantum objects such as electrons
to traverse a potential barrier even if their energy is
lower than that of the barrier. In classical physics this
is impossible as a particle will always have to be lifted
above the barrier. Electron tunnelling is of fundamental
importance in chemistry and physics and has found application for example in technical devices such as the
scanning tunneling microscope (Nobel Prize for Physics
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
can do a great deal to mitigate the effects of noise
and even make use of it. The sometimes long coherence times of protein vibrations can be borrowed by
the electronic coherence to make it longer lived too,
similar to a music conductor who makes sure that
the orchestra remains ‘in phase’ and does not start
to play at random. Proteins, as we shall see below,
can thus help to prolong coherence. The conjecture
is therefore: the quantum domain is stable enough
under the right conditions.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Figure 3. Computer artwork of a molecule of chlorophyll
(C55H72MgN4O5) superimposed on a leaf. The atoms, represented
as rods and spheres, are colour-coded; carbon (orange), hydrogen
(green), oxygen (red), nitrogen (blue) and magnesium (white).
Chlorophyll is a pigment molecule in plants. It absorbs sunlight and
uses its energy to synthesise carbohydrates from carbon dioxide
and water, a process called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll also
gives plants their green colour. The central part of the molecule
is the porphyrin ring surrounding the magnesium atom. It is the
arrangement of electrons in this ring that allows chlorophyll to
absorb solar energy.
© Phantatomix/Science Photo Library
importantly, to make one. For comparison, the
energy currency of “dark”, i.e. animal, biochemistry is ATP 1 hydrolysis, which is roughly four times
smaller at 0.6eV. The edifice of photosynthetic
machinery in plants is designed to capture photons efficiently and with little collateral chemical
damage. The first step is the creation of an excited
electron, termed an exciton, in a chlorophyll molecule. Chlorophyll is an eminently quantum object
in which a metal atom sits at the centre of a highly
delocalised cloud of electrons. The exciton can move
around very efficiently in the system of connected
chlorophylls if they are sufficiently close and only
a small part of the exciton energy is dissipated as
heat. The exact energy of an exciton depends not
only on the associated chlorophylls which have a
constant structure, but on their immediate molecular environment. If an exciton jumps from one set
of chlorophylls to another with a smaller exciton
energy, the difference must be absorbed or generated by the environment in the form of vibrations.
By good fortune, a protein was discovered which
An electronic excitation delocalised over several sites.
1. Adenosine triphosphate, a molecule used as carrier of energy in
the cells of all known organisms.
embodies all these features, is water soluble and
makes good crystals which enable the positions
of all its atoms to be known. This is the Fenna–
Matthews–Olson (FMO) complex, which has
yielded a rich harvest of insights. Since this original
breakthrough, the same basic principles have been
found to apply to other protein complexes, such as
light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria, marine algae and plants.
Leaving all technical detail aside, the picture
that has emerged is remarkable. The job of these
proteins is to transport excitons from one end to
another via seven chlorophyll molecules embedded
in the protein, like currants in a bun. How this is
done efficiently is rather counterintuitive.
1. The exciton does not usually reside on a single
chlorophyll, but is spread over several;
2. the exciton simultaneously follows different
paths which interfere in a wavelike fashion with
each other;
3. the vibrational modes of the protein in which the
chlorophylls are embedded are matched to the
differences in energy between excitons, so can
absorb or generate the correct amount of energy
and therefore facilitate exciton transport from
one end to the other.
Whether it is the protein vibrations that become
adapted to the electronic structure or vice versa is
not known, but it seems easier, evolutionarily speaking, for the protein to tune the interaction between
chromophores and their excitation energies, as their
interactions will be more sensitive to local changes
in protein structure than the vibrational spectrum
of pigments or proteins. For example, substitution of
one amino acid for another close to the chlorophyll
could change electronic energy levels by 1eV or so,
while having almost no effect on the low frequency
collective modes of the protein. The light-harvesting
complex of higher plants, LHC2, requires tuning of the chromophores to function. In this case,
thanks to our extensive knowledge of the genetics
of Arabidopsis (the fruit fly of the plant world) it
will be possible to design both chromophores and
protein to study the effect of mutations on efficiency. A key to the survival of quantum coherence
in this temperature regime is an interplay between
the energies of electronic levels and the energies of
long-lived vibrational modes. If electronic levels in
different chromophores are separated by an energy
which corresponds to the energy of a vibrational
mode, we have a resonance that leads to mutual
energy exchange, much like that between coupled
pendula of similar frequency. If a long-lived vibration is excited then it can drive oscillations between
Figure 4. 120 years of synthetic musks with diverse structures and near-identical odors. Deuteration of a macrocyclic musk like civetone
completely changes its odor character, suggesting that humans, like flies, can smell molecular vibrations. © Luca Turin (left) – iStock (right)
2. Phonon-assisted tunnelling in olfaction
Olfaction (the sense of smell) is the ultimate molecular recognition system. Our noses, and those of other
animals, unerringly detect and identify thousands
of molecules. We now know that there are several
hundred receptors in man (several tens in fruit flies)
that bind odorant molecules, albeit rather unspecifically. How exactly this binding is translated into a
smell sensation has remained a mystery. There are
broadly speaking two schools of thought on the
matter. One is that the familiar principles of ‘lock
and key’ (same shape results in same odour, different
shape results in different odour) apply to olfaction,
and that structural features of odorants are recognised by the receptors and translated into a pattern
of activation which yields a smell character. The
other is that receptors first bind the odorants, then
probe their molecular vibrations using a quantum
mechanism, inelastic electron tunnelling.
tunnelling An electron could tunnel – a purely quantum process – near
or across the odorant from a donor to an acceptor
site within the protein only if the energy difference
between donor and acceptor can be soaked up by a
vibration of the odorant. Note of course that these
vibrations themselves are quantised. Th is is reminiscent of phonon-assisted transport of excitons in
FMO and once again illustrates the role of vibrational excitations in the quantum biology context.
In the vibrational view, olfaction is reminiscent of
colour vision where three broadly tuned receptors
Inelastic electron tunnelling:
An experimental tool for studying vibrations in molecules. Electrons tunnel between source and drain.
When electron source and drain have different energies, then energy conservation requires that the difference is taken up or provided by another degree of
freedom. Here this is a vibrational mode whose energy
per excitation quantum is matched to that of the energy difference between source and drain.
enable the discrimination of tens of thousands of
Though still controversial, vibrational olfaction has received fresh support in recent years from
two directions. The first is that it has been shown
that fruit flies can ‘smell’ molecular vibrations. For
example, the fl ies are fond of the odorant acetophenone (hawthorn odour). When the hydrogens
in acetophenone are replaced with the heavier isotope deuterium, which leaves its shape unchanged,
the fl ies are repelled instead of attracted. Further,
flies trained to avoid deuterated odorants also avoid
the chemically unrelated nitriles which vibrate at
around the same frequency. The second line of evidence has come from theory, which has shown that
a hopping tunnelling mechanism is plausible and
efficient. Efforts are now underway in several laboratories to build a room-temperature tunnelling sensor
incorporating what has been learned from biology.
3. Magnetic sensing in birds
It has been clear for over forty years that birds possess a magnetic compass that helps them perform
extraordinary feats of migration. The molecular
mechanism underlying this compass has been controversial for a long time. One thing has however
always been clear: the sensor must include either a
ferromagnetic solid like magnetite or a paramag-
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
electronic excitations in a light-harvesting antenna,
thus enabling the pigments to share the same coherent modes. This is novel engineering: it is fair to say
that no device created by man so far has made use of
all these properties at these lengths and time scales
at the same time.
© iStock
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
netic entity like an electronic spin. The current
favourite, at least in birds, is a mechanism involving
electron spins, called the radical pair mechanism.
It is based on a chemical reaction whose rate is
affected by the spin state of electrons which in
turn is controlled by the orientation of an external
magnetic field relative to molecules that carry the
electron spin, and has been demonstrated in vitro in
an artificial system. The bio-molecular components
that would be required to realise this mechanism are
known to be present in birds.
The operating principle is subtle: a photon of visible light excites the electrons in a chemical bond
to jump to a higher energy level, in which they no
longer form a bond but instead reside on the atoms
at either end, turning each into what is termed a
radical, hence the name. Each electron has spin, and
behaves like a quantum magnet. Initially the spins
are opposed (in technical terms the singlet state)
and insensitive to the orientation of an external
magnetic field, but the combined action of external magnetic fields and local interaction with their
environment can let them oscillate between aligned
and opposed (in technical terms, the triplet states)
This process is sensitive to the orientation of
the external magnetic field relative to the orientation of the local environment principally made up
of nuclear spins in the molecules. Hence it is an
interplay between symmetry and asymmetry in the
interaction with the outside world that gives rise to
magnetic field sensitivity. The trick that makes it
work is this: the radical pair state is unstable, and
can decay to a more stable state preferentially from
the singlet spin state. It does so in a time comparable
to a period of the slow oscillation between different
spin states. The decay therefore becomes sensitive
to the magnetic field that causes the slow oscillation. How this might work in a bird is remarkable:
it is likely that this mechanism inhabits the retina of
the bird’s eye enabling it to see the Earth’s magnetic
field as if it were light.
4. General anaesthesia
The most recent area to enter the quantum biology arena is neuroscience, following a recently
published study showing that general anaesthesia
in Drosophila is accompanied by large changes in
electron spin. These spin changes are sometimes
absent in mutant strains of Drosophila that have
been selected for their resistance to general anaesthetics. The study also proposes that the effects of
general anaesthetics on spin may be related to the
conduction of electrons. The nature of the substrate
to which the measured spins are bound is unknown,
but the signals are consistent with it being neuromelanin. This raises the interesting possibility
that electron currents inside neurons, in addition to
the well-understood ion currents discovered nearly
a century ago, could play a role in nervous system
Figure 5. Effect of the anesthetic noble gas Xenon on the electronic
structure of two short peptides. Top: the highest occupied
molecular orbital [HOMO, purple surface ] for two 9-residue helices
positioned close to each other. A small fraction of the HOMO
extends from one helix to the other. Bottom: when a Xenon atom
[gold sphere] is in the gap, the orbital spread increases. Transparent
surface is Van der Waals electron density. © Luca Turin
Knowns and Unknowns:
the Challenges
Table 1 summarises what we know about the four
most prominent phenomena in quantum biology so
The energy scale of quantum biological phenomena falls into two widely separated ranges
which determine experimental approaches. All the
phenomena involving visible light benefit from the
fact that the energies of photons in the visible octave
(2–4eV) are far higher than thermal energy at 300K,
by a factor of at least 100. In a sense, light is both
energy source and also acts as a switch. The subsequent dynamics can take place on rather different
time scales. In photosynthesis the dynamics stretch
from hundreds of femtoseconds (fs) to picoseconds
(ps) which is at least 1 000 time slower than the times
given by an energy scale of 1eV.
Th is means that the relative effect of thermal
noise will be generally smaller. Additionally, the
medium, water, in which the biological machines are
embedded is transparent in this range. For mechanisms in biology not involving visible light, i.e. the
majority of animal biochemistry and biophysics, the
situation is dauntingly different. Beyond a wavelength of 1.4µm (i.e. below 0.9eV) water becomes
opaque to electromagnetic (EM) radiation and
remains so all the way down to thermal energies.
For comparison, ATP hydrolysis energy, the ‘energy
currency’ of cells, sits at approx 0.6eV. Large scale
collectve protein motions are in the THz range. At
1THz (33 cm-1, 4meV) 1 micron of water lets through
10-⁸ incident radiation.
Our understanding of these phenomena cannot
be deemed satisfactory, except in the case of exciton transfer in photosynthesis, which is reasonably
well understood thanks to the availability of incisive
experimental tools for its investigtion. In the case
of olfaction, clear evidence exists for a contribution
from a vibrational mechanism, and so far only a phonon-assisted mechanism seems to be able to account
for the effect. There is, however, no “smoking gun”
proof of electrons traversing receptors. The field of
avian magnetic sensing is still in flux. Experiments
had encouragingly shown that low-power radiofrequency (RF) waves at the energy corresponding
to the Zeeman splitting (the difference in energy
between up-spin and down-spin) of electrons in the
Earth’s magnetic field disrupt navigation. This was
taken as direct evidence for a spin-based mechanism.
More recent work has shown that this resonant effect
may not be necessary, and that RF at most frequencies is just as disruptive. A theoretical understanding
of this effect is still outstanding.
Table 1: Summary of phenomena in quantum biology
Biological electron
Energy scale
2 – 3 eV
0.05 – 0.5 eV
2 – 3 eV and
≈1 eV
0.01 – eV
single molecule
NVD and spin
single molecule
light, IR, THz
chemical, IR, THz
light, IR, THz
energy conversion
sensors, drugs
energy conversion
tunnel sensors
D-A pair
none so far
partially understood
Glossary of acronyms. NVD: Nitrogen vacancy defects in diamond; ESR: Electron spin resonance; EPR: Electron paramagnetic resonance;
IR: Infrared; QM: First principles quantum mechanical calculation; MD: Molecular dynamics simulation; DFT: Density functional theory;
LSDFT: Linear scaling density functional theory; D-A: Donor-acceptor pair. Details can be found in the main text.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
It will not have escaped the reader that all four
quantum biology mechanisms discovered so far
involve electrons, in one form or another: electron
currents in olfaction, unpaired electrons in magnetic navigation and in anaesthesia, and electronic
excitons in photosynthesis. In each case, the electrons interact with a fluctuating environment, in
which the fluctuations are due to thermal motion,
itself quantised into phonons.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Our measurement methods at the macroscale
are woefully primitive in the case of olfaction, where
only behaviour in the case of fruit flies or sensation reported by humans guide our understanding.
No progress will be made until a more direct grip
on mechanism is achieved. In magnetic sensing a
similar situation prevails, with the added disadvantage that the migrating birds which navigate using
a magnetic compass do so only at certain times of
the year. This field seems to be in urgent need of an
alternative, more amenable preparation. By contrast,
exciton transfer on FMO is studied on purified preparations which can be crystallised. Indeed, it was the
fact that the crystallographic structure was known
that motivated the choice of FMO and later several
other photosynthetic complexes in the first place.
Both olfaction and magnetic navigation would
greatly benefit from the development of single molecule nanomeasurement methods, e.g. isolated,
individually addressable spin sensors as exemplified by nitrogen vacancy diamonds (NVDs). These
are diamonds in which a very small fraction of carbon atoms forming the lattice have been replaced
by nitrogen atoms and a neighbouring carbon
atom is missing from its lattice site. These substitutions result in the presence of electrons that are
not participating in a chemical bond and exhibit
a magnetic moment that may be exploited for the
purposes of magnetic field measurements. The spin
state can be measured optically. The clear promise
of NVDs in the not too distant future is the detection of currents and spins with a time resolution
of a few milliseconds, a sensitivity of a single spin
or a few pA and a spatial resolution of the order of
nanometres. Much of this has already been achieved
in the physics laboratories, and now the challenge
is to make it work in a biological environment.
Processes in photosynthesis, by contrast, appear
mostly to be too fast for this approach, although
hybrid IR–visible schemes could overcome this.
Here the frontier is currently the single-molecule
measurement, where no ensemble averaging occurs.
Already remarkable phenomena like “blinking”, i.e.
the switching on and off of a protein photopigment
under continuous observation, implying that the
protein exists in two states, have been observed,
with the promise of much more to come. The existence of this phenomenon implies a means of direct
control of photosynthesis by conformational change
of the protein, either by on–off switching or by phonon modulation of exciton transfer under control of
the environment.
Selective excitation of all these phenomena by
an external agency, particularly in vivo, would be of
considerable interest but at present remains elusive.
Figure 7. Molecular model of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO)
complex from the green sulphur bacterium Prosthecochloris
At the centre of each of the three proteins is a bacteriochlorophyll
a molecule. © Laguna Design/Science Photo Library
In the case of photosynthesis, the overlap between
absorption spectra of different photopigments precludes this, and information is best obtained at the
level of the purified individual system, although
better phase and frequency control could achieve
this. In olfaction, there is a possibility that direct
mid-IR stimulation might interfere with the
vibrational sensing. The technology is there, since
pulsed lasers continuously tunable in the mid-IR
are available, but the perennial problem of intense
IR absorption by water still hampers experimental
progress. The field awaits a preparation with as little
water as possible situated between the light source
and target, possibly an insect antenna. Magnetic
navigation would probably also benefit from pulse
RF methods to disrupt the suspected radical pair
mechanism, but when using birds the power requirements would probably have unwanted thermal side
effects. Again a smaller, possibly insect, preparation
is needed. Magnetic sensitivity has been described
in Drosophila and a combination of genetics and
behaviour would provide a powerful set of tools to
make progress continuously without having to wait
for other factors such as migratory bird seasons.
Calculation of these phenomena is where the
problems are at the same time most glaring and
most likely to be solved in the reasonably near
future. Whenever the structure of the protein(s)
responsible for the biological effect is known, a
sign that we have gained a full understanding will
be our ability to simulate the process in its entirety.
We are well short of that at the moment. Our computational methods are specialised for different
scales and different approximations, and each has
strengths which recommend it together with weaknesses which limit the insights gained. Molecular
mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD)
use entirely classical force fields and do not readily incorporate any quantum component or indeed
any electronic excitation or bond breaking, let alone
quantum dynamics. In addition, despite the drastic approximations they include, these approaches
are currently unable to simulate real time. Complex
enzyme mechanisms often operate on the millisecond (10-³s) time scale, an aeon for a code whose unit
of time iteration is the femtosecond (10-1⁵s). Semiempirical quantum chemistry codes are increasingly
applicable to large systems and proteins are well
within their reach in terms of numbers of atoms.
Th ree problems limit their use: the difficulty of
modelling solvents, the problem of finding a global
energy minimum for the protein as a preliminary to
obtaining its normal modes, and the adequate simulation of hydrogen bonds, all-important in biology.
Density functional theory methods can calculate
electronic structure with useful precision, are better
at hydrogen bonds and give very accurate energies
on small systems, but scale unfavourably with size.
An emerging area of tremendous promise is linearscaling density functional theory (LS-DFT) which
is on the cusp of becoming a method for non-specialists. A not unrealistic goal would be to be able to
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Figure 6. Quantum physics research lasers.
© Sam Ogden/Science Photo Library
calculate the full electronic structure and dynamics
of an entire protein in water from first principles
over a nanosecond within the next decade.
The applications of these fields of quantum
biology are potentially enormous and will warrant
a large-scale, concerted technological effort as our
understanding of the basic science progresses. The
potential applications of a better understanding
of photosynthesis need hardly to be emphasised.
Solar energy is the only direct, inexhasutible power
source on Earth. Harnessing the lessons learned by
evolution’s “3 billion years of R&D” could prove
to be crucial. For example, better design of solar
cells could follow from a better understanding of
the crucial material properties for optimal biological charge separation. Alternatively, new strains
of plants could be engineered that make more
efficient use of solar radiation. Olfaction per se is
a field where the applications may perhaps be considered mostly frivolous (relating to fragrance and
flavour) and no major unsolved medical problems
exist. However, sensors to detect hazardous gases,
spoiled food, toxic substances, air contaminants,
pollution and diseases could be built on the basis
of the mechanisms at work in olfactory receptors
(ORs). Further, olfactory receptors are members of
the huge G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family,
which includes receptors for many brain neurotransmitters. If ORs were proven to operate by an
electronic mechanism this would likely have consequences for other GPCRs. It seems unlikely that
vibrational sensing will turn out to be essential to
function in other GPCR systems, but a “probing” of
the ligand after binding could be general. If indeed
drugs turn out to be molecular electronic devices,
then this insight will be be crucial to rational drug
design. A better understanding of the connection
between spin and general anaesthesia may reveal
previously unsuspected electronic intracellular
mechanisms in neurons. This in turn could lead to
advances in anaesthesia itself, in the closely related
field of diving physiology, and in the action of drugs
on the central nervous system.
Model Systems will serve as a proof of concept to
test our understanding of the physics and chemistry
of quantum biological phenomena, and lead the way
to working devices: these could include bio-inspired
photovoltaic cells, chemical sensors, magnetic field
sensors or man-made enzymes. It is likely that they
will be at the supramolecular scale, which has in the
past been very successful at mimicking biological
mechanisms without the constraints of self-replication. Indeed, efforts are already underway to build a
molecular tunnelling sensor that mimics olfaction.
The applications of such a device to medical diagnos-
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
tics and environmental monitoring are obvious. In
the case of magnetic sensing, a better understanding of the chemical physics involved could lead to
highly sensitive sensors at the nanoscale capable of
measuring nT magnetic fields with a high spatial
resolution. This could lead to applications in the
field of materials and spintronics. It could also allow
the detection of, for example, neuronal activity by
detecting the magnetic fields caused by ion currents,
thereby achieving a cell-level optical sensing of current or local spin on length scales that may even
exceed those of the currently emerging nanoscale
magnetometry based on colour centres in diamond.
In photosynthesis a huge effort is already underway
to optimise materials and the design of morphology of solar cells to achieve more efficient charge
separation than that which is currently attainable in
organic solar cells by mimicking nature. Light harvesting is part of the problem, and understanding
quantum phenomena will unquestionably contribute to the design of light-gathering antennae, again
at the supramolecular scale or higher still, using selfassembly methods such as monolayers and ‘DNA
Quantum Biology Needs Quantum
Physics and Vice Versa
Discoveries are seldom plucked from thin air.
Chance only favours the prepared mind, as a context is built up that leads to the creative insight. In
an interdisciplinary field the context is unusually
dispersed and the elements necessary for a breakthrough may be very far from one another. The
context of FarQBio is, properly speaking, neither
biology nor quantum physics nor condensed matter
physics but something in between – supramolecular quantum physics – which it is the purpose of
FarQBio to develop. There is a need for a collaborative effort bringing together mature fields like
condensed matter physics and quantum information science with biology and biophysics.
The four advances into possibly quantum biological phenomena described above would not have
been made without prior familiarity with the underlying physics and physical chemistry: the excitonic
transfer between chromophore molecules and lightdriven charge separation has a long history dating
back to the early days of spectroscopy (photosynthesis); the basic mechanism of inelastic electron
tunnelling spectroscopy was discovered in 1966
(olfaction); the spin physics of photochemical reactions go back to the immediate post-war years when
ESR was developed (magnetic sensing), and the new
insights into anaesthesia go back to the pioneering
work in physics and chemistry of Freeman Cope and
Albert Szent-Györgyi forty years ago.
It would therefore be wrong to expect biology to
serve as the only source of inspiration for FarQBio.
For a start, a biologist is unlikely to recognise a
quantum phenomenon unless primed to do so, and
the priming can only come from a physicist who
has either seen it before or predicted its existence.
Conversely, physicists are often put off by the complexity and uncertainties of biology and need to
be introduced to its methods and concepts. Many
great advances in biology and biophysics in the past
have depended crucially on the choice to become
prepared in this way. What may be impossible in
a mouse may be doable in a fly, a worm, an alga or
a virus, in a controlled sub-cellular preparation or
even an isolated protein. FarQBio therefore rests
on two pillars of equal size and strength: biology
and physics. In our vision only the most vigorous
research effort in fundamental quantum physics
will make the biology worthwhile and vice versa.
The effectiveness of FarQBio will therefore lie in
the integration of these two disciplines. In addition,
this Forward Look would like to encourage the creation of a forum and a focal point bringing together
experimental biophysicists, theoretical physicists
and computational chemists. A long-term effort in
this direction would have a catalytic effect on the
The FarQBio Vision
Quantum effects in biology are surely not limited
to the above-mentioned phenomena. Most probably
quantum mechanics play crucial role in numerous
steps of metabolism. For example, a resting adult
human has 100 amperes of electron current flowing through respiring mitochondria to reduce
oxygen to water. The mode of electron conduction
is unknown but is very unlikely to be accounted
for by classical physics. Discoveries in this area are
hampered by the lack of measurement techniques.
Coherent states of matter (including biological matter) are fragile and are destroyed by the measuring
apparatus. Traditional structure-resolving methods (X-ray, transmission electron microscopy and
scanning tunnelling microscopy) are strongly invasive. They allow single atoms to be observed, but
are unable to detect the non-classical behaviour of
biomolecules. Therefore, new approaches enabled by
recent developments in quantum sensors, powered
by techniques developed in the quantum information community, will be crucial.
The aim is for people, twenty years from now, to
hold an indispensable device in their hand that
is engineered better than life itself
itself. The excitement and novelty of this new field come from
the fact that it is the first basic physics/engineering effort in the history of science and technology
to originate from within biology. The challenge
for those who embark on this adventure is that
they will be asked to go far beyond their mere
competences: they must learn from each other
all the time.
To be clear: FarQBio is not another iteration of
biomimicry or biotechnology. It is not concerned
with using enzymes or copying system-level features
of biological organisms. Biotechnology uses nature
without necessarily understanding it, biomimicry
imitates its large scale features: what FarQBio wants
to do is to improve on nature by understanding it
at the quantum level. As Oscar Wilde put it: “talent
borrows, genius steals”.
Enabling Key Technologies
for Europe
The EU 2020 Strategy towards smart, sustainable
and inclusive European growth relies on leadership
in enabling and industrial technologies which are
now part of the Horizon2020 funding programme.
There is an urgent need for reinforcement and
development of European industrial capabilities in
Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to ensure that
Europe maintains its position among the leading
economies under the conditions of fierce global
competition. Eventually this will require from
European policy makers rebalancing of resources
and objectives, which is a non-trivial task at a time
when economic turmoil rolls over Europe.
There are two ingredients of utmost importance
which are prerequisites to successful development
and implementation of KETs – a detailed knowledge about quantum mechanical phenomena at all
scales, and a sufficient number of qualified professionals who possess a profound knowledge about
these phenomena and are able to transform them
into technologies and ultimately into products available on the market.
All Key Enabling Technologies rely on the
exploitation of quantum mechanical phenomena
to some extent:
• Nanotechnology relies on the ability to manipulate matter at the scale of 10-9m. At this scale,
matter is governed by quantum mechanics of interacting atoms and molecules. The key instruments
of nanotechnology, such as the scanning tunnelling
microscope, also rely on the exploitation of pure
quantum effects.
• Microelectronics, in pursuit of Moore’s law of
increasing functionality per unit cost, is inevitably heading towards the nano-scale; even the usual
semiconductors are quantum devices. New developments, such as quantum dots, are increasingly
coming into play.
• Biotechnology is often wrongly misconceived as
standing outside the quantum realm. We are now
beginning to realise that biology relies on the same
quantum phenomena as physics and chemistry do.
For example, the process of photosynthesis involves
energy transport along a chain of chlorophyll molecules in an essentially coherent quantum process
with admirable efficiency. Astonishingly, photosynthesis in nature captures more energy than
mankind is currently able to produce and consume.
Harnessing this phenomenon for technological use
holds the promise of bountiful energy harvesting
from the cleanest source in which our planet is literally soaked – sunlight.
• Photonics exploits light and its interactions with
matter – there is hardly anything more quantum
mechanical in nature than this. Basic and ubiquitous devices such as lasers used in everyday life are
quantum mechanical devices.
• Development of advanced materials is the route
for European industries out of the looming shortage of rare earth elements and dependence on
East Asia’s ability and willingness to supply them.
Understanding and exploiting quantum mechanical principles of how solid-state matter is built is the
route towards designing and assembling materials
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
The practical exploitation of the ultimate laws of
quantum physics is forming the basis for the defining technology of the 21st century. In the last five
decades, results from fundamental quantum physics have already revolutionised information and
communication technologies (ICT). It is estimated
that in advanced economies two-thirds of the gross
domestic product is based on technologies related
to quantum physics. To illustrate this let us mention those discoveries for which a Nobel Prize was
awarded and which have found direct application
in industrial production: transistors (Nobel Prizes
in 1956 and 2000); lasers (1964, 1971, 1981, 1999,
2005); superconductivity (1913, 1972, 1973, 1987,
2003); giant magnetoresistance, on which hard
drives are based, (2007); as well as nuclear magnetic
resonance and tomography (1943, 1944, 1952, 1981,
1991, 2002, 2003) with its direct connection to biology and healthcare.
with customised properties. The solution of this
complex task may require the replacement of traditional computational schemes by a conceptually
different approach utilising quantum simulators.
Towards Quantum Machines
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
All technology is constrained by the laws of physics.
In the 19th century technological limits were set by
thermodynamics and classical mechanics. The physics of the 20th century witnessed dramatic changes
that led to discoveries of unimaginable scale and
consequence. This paradigmatic shift has been
triggered by the formulation of quantum physics.
Quantum theory provides the correct description
of all physical processes at the microscopic scale,
which also serves as a basis for the understanding
of the foundations of several scientific fields, e.g.
chemistry and biology. Two major ideas of quantum
mechanics govern their operation. The first is the
quantisation of physical properties such as energy
and momentum. The second is the duality of wave
and particle which become intertwined properties
at the atomic scale. In conjunction they lead to
new, stronger-than-classical correlations between
constituents of many-body systems. While the first
basic idea is being widely used in our everyday technology, for example in electronics, and the second,
wavelike properties are used in some applications
such as lasers, their combination is not yet widely
used in real world devices. Quantum coherence and
correlations are not mere curiosities: they enable
quantum information processing and communication, providing solutions to problems that either
cannot be solved at all in the classical world or cannot be solved efficiently on digital computers. The
ultimate information processing machines have to
use quantum coherent dynamics to deliver their
processing power.
The traditional paradigm for quantum information processing relies on arrays of pure, isolated
quantum bits (qubits) and their coherent interactions to manipulate quantum superpositions and
entangled states. Progress with this approach has
so far proved slower than initially expected. In these
early days, progress has been steady but major breakthroughs can only be expected once fault-tolerant
operation on a sufficiently large set of individual
units has been achieved. Currently, the biggest challenge in this direction remains the detrimental effect
of environmental noise, which destroys quantum
superposition and entangled states.
For a long time it was believed that moving to
a condensed phase while retaining useful quan-
tum behaviour would be difficult if not impossible.
This has now been disproved by both synthetic and
biological systems. Nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond are a prominent example of such an ‘atom
like’ system in a solid. Another example is superconductive device technology. Photosynthetic pigments
have shown how coherence can be maintained over
hundreds of atoms in a system with low symmetry.
The role of noise as potential enhancer, rather
than destroyer, of quantum information processing, is now being reconsidered in various scenarios,
ranging from quantum simulations and complexity
theory to the emerging field of quantum biology.
We need better theory and experiment on quantum
many-body systems to clarify under what conditions quantum coherence coexists with noise. This
understanding will allow us to identify (experimental) building blocks exhibiting quantum dynamics
on a complexity level comparable to macromolecules and lead to the realisation of what we call
the quantum machine.
Quantum machines will rely on non-trivial quantum effects on a hierarchy of length and time scales.
A first step is the identification of emergent quantum phenomena in interacting quantum systems
far from equilibrium. This might also help in the
understanding of biological systems.
We know that the technology of the 18th and 19th
centuries was built on the steam engine. Electronics
was the technology of the 20th century.
This century may well be the century of ‘The
Quantum Machine’.
Policy Framework and
Future Needs
l l l
requirements that need to be met to make quantum technology happen. First, quantum technology
research requires a specific mode of undertaking
research, and thus specific institutional and funding requirements. Without doubt, it is an area of
frontier research, but contrary to the funding model
of the ERC, which – aside from the Synergy Grant
system³, which should be expanded – is focused
on supporting individual researchers, large parts
of quantum research need to be conducted in a
collaborative way, connecting knowledge about
quantum effects with knowledge from different
application domains (such as, in particular, the
Key Enabling Technologies). The FET-Open scheme
under Horizon 2020 can serve these needs to some
extent but the lack of ‘memory’ in the system, as
there is no concept of project renewals, complicates
unnecessarily the funding of long-term research
efforts that are required in highly interdisciplinary
and challenging fields. This leads to short-termism
as projects run for merely three years and, even if
highly successful, have only a small probability for
renewal. The intellectual challenges, especially the
need to bridge disciplinary gaps, and the technological complexity of the experiments would require a
longer time horizon. An open research model with
flexible project length and the possibility for renewal,
following stringent review, is most appropriate for
this purpose, particularly as long as commercial
considerations do not yet play a major role. Most
importantly, it should be based on a network of tight
and intensive collaboration across Europe and even
globally fostered by a programme similar in spirit to
2. See for example http://www.darpa.mil/
3. No ERC Synergy Call is foreseen for 2014. Depending on the
Scientific Council’s analysis of the pilot phase of the ERC Synergy
Grant, there may be a Synergy Grant call for 2015. Link: http://erc.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Quantum biology is an emerging and still unexplored field which is only now beginning to be
funded significantly in Europe. Currently, the field
is supported at the European Union level by one
STREP project under FET Open with a total funding of 2M€ and as a part of an ERC Synergy grant
accounting perhaps for about 0.5M€ of the total
funding. At the national level there are no dedicated
programmes or initiatives but only a few isolated
small scale research projects. This contrasts with the
DARPA QuBE² effort in the US which has brought
together research on quantum effects in photosynthesis, bird navigation and olfaction as main areas of
quantum biology under the umbrella of a concerted
programme with significant funding of the order of
$75M over 4 years. With the current types and level
of efforts, the field of quantum biology could continue to evolve slowly as a basic area of science and
deliver regularly interesting insights into quantum
phenomena. However, under these conditions it is
unlikely to yield the kinds of breakthroughs needed
for tapping the significant technology application
potential inherent to it. Very serious efforts must be
made in order to create the interdisciplinary linkages and the momentum to move from basic science
to quantum technology and to realise the vision of
the quantum machine. Such achievements will not
be made by individual scientific disciplines or institutions alone, but will require strong, sustained and
harmonised impulses, guided by a convincing policy
Public funding will be essential for such a sustained endeavour, but there are several additional
© iStock
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
the ESF Research Networking Programmes whose
specific aim was to create pan-European research
Highly interdisciplinary emerging research fields
such as quantum biology would greatly benefit from
the availability of flexible bottom-up cross-border
collaborative funding schemes. This would further
strengthen the European research base and allow
the European research community to quickly react
to new topics and not lose the competitive advantage with respect to other countries or regions where
such mechanisms are available (namely the US and
Asian countries). Developing interfaces and bridges
between these bottom-up programmes and more
applied or innovation-driven activities would then
be possible as a means to provide avenues for the
exploitation of research outputs by European companies. The requirement of having a cross-border
scheme at the European level is a clear necessity
in order to access the best know-how and expertise wherever it is located and therefore to fund the
best and most promising research in Europe. Finally,
flexibility in forming consortia should be allowed
since the optimum configuration of partners within
a project should be decided based on the topic and
the expertise needed to address it and not vice versa.
Given the magnitude of most research challenges, a sustained effort will be needed, calling for
longer-term stability beyond the usual four- to fiveyear time-horizon that is too common in European
research funding. Continuity of funding, rather
than sheer size, is likely to be a very important feature in this field where so much is to be learnt by
all parties involved. A model at the national level
for this kind of funding already exists: the German
DFG awards Sonderforschungsbereich (collaborative research centres) grants which are competitively
renewed in periods of four years for a maximum
of 12 years. A transnational version of this, linking
two or three leading laboratories with complementary expertise over a long period, would be likely to
deliver remarkable results.
Still, in spite of the importance of collaborative,
interdisciplinary research, there are areas of quantum research that aim at extending the frontiers of
knowledge in understanding quantum effects (e.g.
in relation to the understanding of quantum many
body systems), and thus require deep disciplinary
research work and funding, which should be continuously sustained by both national and European
Secondly, for the field to evolve in a sustained
manner, a continuous and structural development
of the skills base is needed. Quantum technology
experts will not grow in a traditional academic
environment, but will need to be grown in a highly
interdisciplinary working environment, where
quantum physicists meet and work, for instance,
with biologists or material scientists. Hybrid qualifications are needed, but will only be fostered if
recognition and reward is ensured in the academic
and scientific career models. The demands on the
individual scientists in terms of skills are extreme,
because in addition to established S&T knowledge
(e.g. in any of the conventional KET areas), they
will need to be fully knowledgeable about quantum
mechanical and quantum biological effects. Without
institutionally supported interfaces between disciplines, new hybrid curricula and mechanisms to
ensure an appropriate level of staff, the sustained
Quantum research may be fascinating, but society
legitimately asks for a good justification if significant amounts of taxpayers’ money are to be spent on
quantum research. While this argument applies to
all fields of publicly funded research, it is particularly
pertinent in a field where the actual benefits to society are likely to accrue in the longer term only. The
promises made must be both appealing and credible, and a pro-active approach to making complex
research accessible to the public should be followed.
A comprehensive policy approach to foster the
sustained development of quantum technology will
require all four main elements to be put in place,
which are an essential complement to sustained
funding. They require a concerted effort of the EU,
of Member States and of other countries around the
world in order to realise the potential of quantum
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
growth of application-oriented quantum research
is at risk.
In a longer term perspective, the foundations
for the growth of quantum research and quantum
technology applications need to be laid at schooling
age. Without denying the importance of classical
scientific matters, teaching programmes should
incorporate more elements of quantum physics and
quantum biology, in order to sensitise the next generation to the possibilities and fascination of the
quantum world as early as possible. This may require
additional training for physics teachers in biological
questions and for biology teachers in quantum phenomena. More emphasis should be given in school
teaching to the unity between the sciences, and in
particular the deep connections between physics,
chemistry and biology. Th is would also serve to
enrol more female students, currently more interested in biology, into the physical sciences.
A third important ingredient consists of the
necessary infrastructures around which to build
quantum research activities. Next to a major leap in
computational performance, accessible to a growing
quantum research community, the manipulation of
quantum objects requires the development of highperformance physical components and devices that
are well beyond the current state of the art.
Finally, the quantum research community needs
to improve communication about its actual and
potential achievements to society and stakeholders.
Going Forward –
Recommendations and
Proposed Measures
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A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Human Resources and Education
A strange and curious fact about university studies is that their duration has not changed much
since the Medieval Warming Period when the
great European universities were founded (roughly
1088 Bologna, 1288 Coimbra) whereas knowledge
has vastly increased. The volume of relevant facts
has increased by a factor probably comparable to
the increase in scientific publications, i.e. at least
1 000-fold since 1900. The effect of the Web and the
globalisation of science is likely to cause even more
rapid knowledge growth in the next few decades
and makes existing knowledge more readily accessible. Yet we still take three years to get a Bachelor’s
degree, and a further three or four for a Doctorate.
What is one to conclude from this?
Despite a better diet, we are probably not much
smarter than our medieval ancestors, and definitely
not much smarter than 18th and 19th century scientists. In fact, from a network perspective we know
a great deal less than they did since we are more
specialised. As Mahatma Gandhi put it succinctly:
“The expert knows more and more about less and
less until he knows everything about nothing.” In
some fields, especially younger fields in which the
body of knowledge does not yet require years of
study to be mastered, it is possible to do excellent
work after a short learning curve. In other fields,
particularly interdisciplinary ones, the amount of
knowledge required to make headway can be very
large. Upon becoming a professional, a scientist’s
rate of learning necessarily drops due to competing demands and filling in the gaps can become
a – very pleasant – lifetime occupation. Following
the dictum of the great mathematician Jacques
Hadamard: “It is important for him who wants to
discover not to confine himself to one chapter of
science but to keep in touch with various others”.
In some cases, as with the interface of two large
fields such as biology and physics, it is essentially
impossible to make up for early ignorance. Very few
practising physicists learn biology even to undergraduate level, and even fewer travel in the opposite
direction. It is even doubtful whether an interface
between physics and biology actually exists, or
whether, as in Switzerland and China, they are
separated by a long Silk Road travelled only by the
brave. Part of the challenge of FarQBio is to create
such an interface. Given the decennial scale of the
project, it seems appropriate to suggest a bold but
permanent remedy: to raise a generation of “SinoHelvetes” for whom there is only one country. A set
of measures addressing the different stages of the
educational system to contribute to the development of these cross-disciplinary skills in the next
generations of scientists and public is therefore
School Education – raising awareness
and building competences
Attracting and engaging human talent to quantum
science and technology (S&T) in general and bioinspired quantum S&T specifically is a key success
factor. An intrinsic motivation to learn is a necessary condition for promoting learning attitudes and
high academic achievement lifelong. Two main
goals need to be achieved: raising interest and
motivation and building scholastic competence.
A concerted initiative should be started to educate
4. See for example Quantum Frontiers http://quantumfrontiers.
com/2013/10/17/can-a-game-teach-kids-quantum-mechanics/ or
Science at home http://www.scienceathome.org/
Higher Education – Post-graduate excellence:
“Dr. Universalis: the Albertus Magnus
In essence FarQBio embodies the unity of the sciences which would have been congenial to Albertus
Magnus and Roger Bacon in the thirteenth century,
Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz in the
nineteenth, practically nobody in the twentieth and,
we wish, most of the scientific elite of the twentyfirst. To achieve this we propose to create a new
doctoral degree of much longer, possibly even
double, the normal duration. This will be open to
graduates in the natural sciences and mathematics.
It will involve formal teaching in physics, quantum physics, biology and biochemistry (to mention
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
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schoolteachers in progress in the interdisciplinary
sciences of which FarQBio will be an exemplar, and
to help them “sell” the idea of scientific research to
their students.
Creating awareness is relatively easy to accomplish since most young people like to be challenged;
competitions or exciting events are well-known
instruments to plant the first seeds of enthusiasm.
A Doctor Universalis Olympiad at European level
could be set up to promote the notion of interdisciplinary knowledge and to identify and encourage the
most gifted. Anchoring quantum science and technology in young people’s leisure time is a key factor
for emerging intrinsic motivation. ‘Infotainment’ is
key to attract attention – such as recently developed
interactive games to attract children to quantum
physics4. The success of nano-science communication and education is an exemplar for the success of
this approach.
However, only if these activities are systematically linked with science education in schools will
a cognitive learning effect emerge. Raising interest
in this context means to stimulate young people to
search for more information on the topic, and thus
to take a critical first step towards establishing the
aspired open-mindedness towards science and technology. When they encounter quantum physics in
everyday life, they engage more personally and – in
the best case – they decide to take this discipline as
a major later on.
Quantum science or technology topics need to be
continuously developed and extended in the classroom. Here the main goal is knowledge development
to generate basic understanding of scientific–technical relationships (i.e. systems knowledge) to enhance
technological and scientific literacy. Improving
technical literacy is also strengthened by acquiring
motor skills through the direct handling of technical gadgets and also by theorising about the laws of
quantum science and engineering.
Recent changes in teaching and learning in physics education have benefited from new conceptual
understanding and cognitive skills required to
understand and apply physics concepts, interactive
engagement methods, teaching in context as well as
use of ICT. A closer connection with the computer
games industry is a promising avenue to trigger
interest in science. Moreover, the movement towards
more interactive learning environments has been
successful in raising student achievement – particularly when it comes to complex problem solving and
In order to move towards career choice, young
people need communication opportunities with
peers (same age or same values) and authorities in
a given field (‘role models‘). Extra-curricular learning environments such as internships or face-to-face
dialogue with researchers and other experts significantly strengthen motivation and career choice due
to the authenticity of the encounter.
Achieving success here requires as an essential
ingredient science teachers who are both highly
motivated and given the opportunity to stay in
touch with recent scientific advances in order to
be able to translate them to the classroom effectively. Summer schools for science teachers where
they are exposed to recent developments by active
researchers and can discuss with them how to best
simplify and translate these to the classroom could
prove an effective approach. Localised initiatives of
this type for specific subjects such as physics exist
(e.g. the very successful Summer Schools for Physics
Teachers of the German Physical Society) but would
need to be expanded to encompass biology, chemistry and physics.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
some of the key areas), each to an advanced undergraduate level. The programme then effectively is a
combination of several scaled-down undergraduate degrees and a research thesis. The selection of
candidates for this unquestionably challenging task
should probably be done at European level, possibly within the well-established Marie Sklodowska
Curie Actions framework. It could be modelled
on one or more national institutions such as the
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes which provides support and encouragement to gifted students.
Russia and India have long had similar schemes in
place from which much could be learned. The higher
degree awarded to these exceptional students will
be expected to span at least two disciplines. We propose to call this new doctorate Doctor Universalis,
to connect with an ancient honorific title awarded
only to two individuals. One of those was Albertus
Magnus (1206–1280), the other his student Roger
Bacon (1219–1295) and we propose the programme
be named after Albertus Magnus, who had the
added merit, as a German-born scholar teaching
in Paris, of being international.
It may be objected that these graduates will cost
twice as much to produce as is conventionally the
case. To this we answer that the network effect of
their knowledge will be 22, and therefore they are
effectively cheap. It will also be objected that this
will devalue the normal PhD. We agree, and see
nothing wrong with that. Creating a new elite will
encourage everyone to raise their game. Doctorates
today already span a large range of achievement
from three-year literature reviews all the way to
six- and seven-year multi-lab doctorates typical
of the best schools in the US. The market will
know its own. If the letters DU acquire value, it
will be because those who style themselves Doctor
Universalis are worth the wait.
Steps towards the Doctor Universalis could
be achieved by establishing new science degree
programmes for the “Quantum (Bio, Info,…)
Engineers for the 21st century” that train researchers from an early stage in the skills required to
attack the research challenges in relation to quantum machines. The intrinsically interdisciplinary
nature of such a degree would present an ideal
preparation for the subsequent Doctor Universalis
Cross-disciplinary skills for senior scientists
As outlined above, the area of science addressed
by FarQBio is highly interdisciplinary and
therefore very challenging, especially for senior
university academics. The most efficient way to
bridge the ‘gap in understanding’ is to support
short, targeted sabbaticals aimed at both junior
and senior faculty to allow, for example, a biologist to visit a physicist or a physicist to visit with
a chemist, and so forth. To fund this efficiently
would require a salary top-up for the academic to
cover the extra costs of spending time in a different
institution and funds to allow the senior academic’s
home university to pay for a replacement to cover
the teaching and administration duties that would
have been carried out by the person on sabbatical.
This type of scheme would benefit from having a
high profile and a prestigious designation, along the
lines of a “genius” award such as the MacArthur
Fellowship in the US. The ERC with its attendant
prestige would seem to be an ideal awarding body
for such a fellowship scheme.
Such sabbaticals would be the best and quickest
way of transferring amongst the major participants the required interdisciplinary skills needed
to underpin the proposed FarQBio concept.
Funding and Cooperation
Scientists routinely cooperate and are efficiently
self-organising in collaborative consortia and
networks whenever appropriate funding schemes
are in place. At the individual and national level
the scientific community in the field of quantum science and technology is very successful in
competing for grants. However, an overarching
support scheme enabling a long-term, largescale collaboration is urgently needed in order
to achieve maximum benefit from investments
made in individual projects at the national and
European scale.
Cooperation appears to be the most constructive form of competition in science. One of the
important key success factors lies in enabling efficient cross-border collaboration between research
groups and projects that are funded at the national
level. This includes collaborations that go beyond
the borders of the EU, the US being the most prominent and sought after non-European collaboration
All European countries fund quantum science
and technology, albeit to a varying extent. At the
same time, approaches and policies towards funding
of science vary strongly across European countries.
© iStock
time. Conditions would be that: researchers work
in different fields; priority is given to young and
mid-career scientists; only top quality research
should be supported; candidates should have
proven ability and interest to look beyond disciplinary boundaries.
• New Frontiers grants: providing major funding (similar to the ERC Synergy grants) but with
emphasis on: interdisciplinary work (as one of the
main criteria to be enforced); a small number of
sites (perhaps even two) but where each site can be
composed of several researchers. Funding could be
provided initially for 4 years with the possibility
for an extension by 4–8 years following a competitive review.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
Some countries invest in science a lot, others little.
Even within the EU, the percentage of spending on
science in national budgets varies by as much as tenfold from country to country. Some countries value
highly basic science, while others prefer to invest in
applied research. Some countries rely on “blue-sky”
bottom-up funding practices, while others are priority driven, and priorities differ in different countries.
What is indisputable is the correlation between
spending on science with the strength of national
economies, in particular the level of development of
high-tech industry and of high-value products competing on cutting-edge features rather than price.
Assuming that national policies and practices
will not to change significantly during the timeframe of the implementation of the Horizon2020
Programme and given that it will take at least several years to overcome the current recession, it is
important to maximise the benefits and added
value of the various types of individual projects in
the area of quantum science and technology. These
include not only the projects funded by national
funding agencies in individual European countries,
but also a substantial number or ERC grants.
Two possible grant schemes might be:
•Albertus Magnus grants: providing funds for
two scientists, A and B, to allow A to stay at B’s
institution for a period of 3–12 months and then
B to stay at A’s institution for the same length of
Such benefit maximisation could be achieved by a
relatively small (compared to the total volume of
individual projects) investment to create an overarching funding scheme that would enable cross-border
cooperation between scientists carrying out existing
research projects or wishing to propose new groundbreaking ideas.
Important requirements towards such a funding schemes are:
1. They should ensure broad participation.
Experience with previous or currently existing networking schemes, such as ERA-NETs,
EUROCORES and RNPs of the European
Science Foundation, show that it is important
to avoid situations whereby scientific communities from some countries are left ashore because
their national agencies do not desire to support
an overarching scheme on a certain topic;
2. There should be one centralised source of project review and distribution of funds. From the
experience of the ERC and Marie Curie Actions,
the quality of the projects that are funded and the
recognition by the scientific community critically
depend on a competitive and solid peer-review
selection process which should be run by a specialised agency or a well-recognised organisation;
3. The timeframe should be sufficiently long
to ensure accomplishment of major scientific
endeavours. A good example would be a 12-year
scheme with a review after 4 years and a possible
extension for another 4–8 years with the possibility, based on a competition, of the continuation
of the scheme;
4. The scheme should be flexible with respect to
new groups joining a running programme. This
is particularly important for such emerging fields
as quantum biology, which are highly likely to
attract the scientific focus of new groups.
age of research hotspots. Flexibility should be
allowed in the formation of training consortia with a clear focus on scientific excellence and
impact of the training programme, rather than
the institutional composition of consortia.
2. Success rates have been discouragingly low so
far, with ranking and selection of the top proposals becoming akin to a lottery. As a result,
an increasing fraction of top scientists shun
participation in this programme. Additional
funding should be made available to account
for the high demand from the scientific community and the excellence of the projects applying
to this scheme.
3. The requirement for industry participation in
a training network has shifted the focus from
innovation to development. Instead of facilitating innovation, such a requirement actually
hinders it by discouraging truly innovative projects that are not yet close to the technological
implementation phase. Innovative ideas and
training approaches should be encouraged
with a long-term vision and independently
of the compulsory participation of industrial
partners in the consortia.
Research Infrastructures
Research on quantum biology and quantum
machines is making use of some highly sophisticated research infrastructures.
Experimental research uses a wide variety
of techniques. Ultra-fast laser spectroscopy, for
example in photosynthesis, is carried out in university-based laboratories, many of which are
networked via Laserlab-Europe which is currently
funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the
European Union. The continuation of this initiative is highly desirable. It is likely that in future a
similar initiative that networks emerging quantum
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A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
A consultation process should be established
between EU and non-EU science funders to
develop new funding mechanisms enabling largescale international networks where scientists can
collaborate across borders and continents. The
statistics show that more than 35 percent of scientific publications are co-authored by scientists from
two or more countries, and this number increases
from year to year. In part this can be explained by
the rapidly increasing speed and ease of information exchange, but equally important is the ever
fiercer competition in science. Collaboration is
no longer a curiosity or desirable attribute of the
research process, rather it is a necessity for those
who wish to stay abreast of competitors, especially
in the area of quantum information and technologies. Yet existing funding schemes for cooperation
build on practices relevant to the 20th century, and
they hardly go beyond small bilateral or trilateral
schemes between individual countries. Currently
there are no mechanisms in place to couple such
existing EU schemes as ERA-NETs or Innovative
Training Networks with similar initiatives elsewhere,
for example the Multidisciplinary Research Program
of the University Research Initiative (MURI) of the
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
It is therefore recommended to negotiate potential
calls in the Horizon2020 programme jointly with
such agencies as the National Science Foundation
(NSF) in the US, the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),
the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
(CIFAR), the Australian Research Council (ARC),
the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), the National Research Foundation of Korea
(KRF) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the
Russian Academy of Sciences.
Training networks should enable a larger
scale and improved success rates with a better
focus on innovation. The Marie Curie Innovative
Training Networks is a very important instrument
for improving the collaborative spirit, culture, and
skills for the next generation of scientists. Based on
the experiences of scientists during FP7 and the
introduced improvements in the ITN scheme under
Horizon2020, we would highlight the following
important aspects:
1. The limited size of these networks is insufficient
to achieve a full impact and provide a sufficiently
broad scope of the training environment, especially in the case of interdisciplinary projects.
The practice of fitting the consortium size in
the Procrustes’ bed of guidelines is a clearly inferior approach to assembling a network of best
fitting teams with adequate geographical cover-
© iStock
Financial support for new directions of research will
only be forthcoming if these new research domains
are supported by the broader public and if they
subsequently fi nd promoters in the media and the
political sphere. Attracting sufficient attention to
quantum technologies is therefore an important
horizontal task that should be performed in a professional way. In order to attract the attention of
non-experts, decision makers and the public, scientists need to excite journalists who can spread basic
information and news about quantum technologies
in a sensible, easy to understand, but scientifically
correct manner. The broader public, scientists in
other disciplines, and policy- and decision-makers,
are target groups that each have to be addressed
in a specific way. Part of the Doctor Universalis
programme would involve intensive teaching in
presentation and outreach to ensure that this future
scientific elite can communicate well with the public.
One challenge is to give quantum technologies
a profile that is distinct from the rather wellestablished and broadly covered fields of quantum
informatics and quantum cryptography. This could,
for example, be done by emphasising the fact that
quantum technologies mainly deal with “simple”
quantum systems and by referring to quantum biological systems. Fascinating instances from nature
could help to overcome the difficulties posed by the
necessity to explain quantum mechanics in simple
words. Another challenge is to present quantum
technologies as an intriguing topic, yet to ensure
that only realistic expectations are raised.
The primary goal is to create public awareness
for the new field of quantum technologies, to attract
attention and to spread the message that there is
an emerging field of science and technology that is
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
technologies, such as quantum sensing by means of
colour centres in diamond or sub-wavelength optical imaging, will help to make these sometimes
challenging-to-master techniques more readily
available to the biology and biophysics community. Structural questions, for example concerning
proteins, require the application of NMR, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Some of these are
based at user facilities that provide regional or even
international access, while others are local university laboratories.
Biological structures are highly complex, a complexity that becomes compounded by the intrinsic
computational challenges when quantum physics
becomes involved. Theoretical research, especially
where it concerns first-principles calculation of electronic structure and dynamics, depends to some
extent on the availability of large-scale computing
facilities on which to run these very time consuming
calculations. These are generally provided by universities or at the national level. Numerical methods
deal with a wide variety of scales ranging from the
atomic scale of first-principles scale to that of effective models whose input parameters are determined
by fi rst principles to allow for long-time simulations of quantum behaviour. An initiative similar
to Laserlab-Europe that brings together these often
disparate methods to allow for a seamless flow of
information and results between them would assist
future research.
At present the community is still at an early
stage, perhaps comparable to quantum information
in the mid-1990s, so that support measures should
be aimed at building the research community, the
education of young researchers in this field and the
provision and networking of research infrastructures. A major effort such as an FET Flagship is not
needed in the foreseeable future. Central to progress
in the field is the bridging of the disciplinary divide
between biology, chemistry, medicine and (quantum) physics. An infrastructure measure that would
make a major contribution towards addressing this
challenge and thus to the development of quantum
biology would be the establishment or support of
interdisciplinary research centres in which complete
research groups from biology, chemistry, medicine and physics are housed in the same building.
These centres should not only provide dedicated
research and lab infrastructures but, crucially, also
be designed to create and enhance interdisciplinary
communication. While the infrastructure investment may have to be shouldered by national funding
organisations or universities, the running costs of
such centres could be provided through rolling
grants by European organisations.
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
scientifically intriguing, combined with reasonable
hopes for important breakthroughs and a potential
high practical value.
It is therefore necessary to develop a coherent
overarching communication strategy which comprises specific approaches for different kinds of
stakeholders – from colleague scientists to schools,
from potential funding partners to decision makers
in the administration, and, last but not least, from
possible media partners to citizens. This communication strategy should answer the question: How
do we attract public attention to a new emerging
field in competition with other traditional fields of
science? The prerequisites for a successful communication strategy in quantum biology are: a clear
and distinct profile of quantum technologies
with respect to well-established technologies,
and the existence of convincing “stories” around
fascinating instances of either existing natural
quantum systems (from biology) or potential
future man-made quantum machines.
It is important to set up the right agenda for
discussions with the public by giving a clear focus
on opportunities, but without neglecting potential
risks, e.g. from “dual use” of quantum machines.
In general, one could use the following line of reasoning: The Quantum Machine is a concept that
contains more general instances but also instances
that are easier to realise. Biological systems and
small-scale quantum devices such as sensors are
already existing instances of quantum machines
that serve real, technologically important roles.
Hence we believe that also more complex quantum machines can and will be realised. When we
understand how these “simple” quantum machines
work and can be controlled (like those in biology)
we can design new, better, more complex quantum machines which will have key applications
important to science and society, such as energy
harvesting, sensing, metrology, quantum simulators, and so forth.
Some elements of the communication strategy can be outlined as follows:
•An obvious starting point is the use of social media
for communication but also aimed at creating a
community around quantum biology technologies.
•Approaching journalists is another obvious point:
contact them, invite them, be opinionated but
back up quantum technology claims with specific
instances and explain possible consequences.
•Foundations and science organisations could
be approached to support the external communication and outreach activities of science
festivals (such as the annual Cheltenham Science
Festival or the European Science Festival ESOF –
European Science Open Forum), or competitions
among young scientists for the best new idea for a
quantum machine.
•Constructing and exhibiting a quantum machine
(or any quantum-enabled device, such as a new
kind of solar cell, sensor or a quantum random
number generator) would be a useful and very
powerful PR tool.
•A specific point is communication between scientific disciplines for mutual education but also with
the aim of attracting promising young researchers
to the field.
l l l
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
As the research community in quantum biology is
being built, there is a number of aspects that the
FarQBio exercise and the experts involved in it have
tried to address, spanning from basic science discoveries and technological bottlenecks to challenges in
education and research funding. Despite the early
stage of this field of research, some needs have been
clearly identified and possible ways forward have
been proposed. While some recommendations may
apply exclusively to quantum biology, others may
have a general interest to other emerging and interdisciplinary fields of science. Interactions with other
interdisciplinary fields of science which face similar
issues will be very welcome in the future, and certainly more lessons can be learned.
The outcome of this exercise has been to adopt a
long-term strategy and vision for the development
of this field, by taking progressive steps towards
the better integration and improvement of existing
instruments and mechanisms currently available to
support research. This has resulted in a proposed
set of measures that would be relatively straightforward to implement over the next few years, should
this report elicit a positive reaction from research
funders and policy- and decision-makers at the
national and European level.
Over the long term, it is expected that the field of
quantum biology will produce as yet unforeseeable
discoveries that will provide further evidence of the
existence of quantum phenomena in nature, ultimately leading to their exploitation in new everyday
technologies available to society. FarQBio hopes to
have provided a first look forward in this direction.
Annex 1: Scientific Committee and Experts
Scientific Committee
A Foresight Activity on Research in Quantum Biology (FarQBio)
•Professor Martin Plenio (Chair), Ulm
University, Ulm, Germany
•Dr Luca Turin, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
•Dr Gerardo Adesso, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, United Kingdom
•Professor Susana F. Huelga, Ulm University,
Ulm, Germany
•Professor Rienk van Grondelle, VU University
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
•Dr Fedor Jelezko, Ulm University, Ulm,
•Professor Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Members of the Discussion Groups
•Professor Richard Cogdell, University
of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
•Dr Alexandra Olaya-Castro, University
College London, London, United Kingdom
•Professor Günther Mahler, University
of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
•Dr Bruno Robert, Atomic Energy and
Alternative Energies Commission (CEA),
Saclay, France
•Dr Alipasha Vaziri, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
European Science Foundation
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67080 Strasbourg cedex • France
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January 2015 – Print run: 500 – Graphic design: Dans les villes