14-JRN-2015 10:29 From: Jo:23593359 P. 1 MOST IMMEDIATE ALECTLON *SATTER No.A-35015/01/2014-Ad.V1(A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Boars' of Direct Taxes) New Delhi dated the 13th danUary, 2015 To AU Pr. ChM Commissioners of Income Tax /CCM Sub: General Elections to the Isegibhalve Assemblies Of ,NOT Of Delhi and some Bye-elections 2015 - Briefing Meeting and Appointment of Expenditure Observer - Regarding. Sir/Madam, am directed to refer to the Election Commission of India's letter No. 464/Exp.Obs./2015/EEPS/Vol-1 dated 13.01.2015 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above and to say that the Commission haS informed that it has appointed 1.8 IRS (LT) officers as Expenditure Observers for the General Elections to the Legislative Assemblies of NCT of Delhi and some Bye-elections-2035. The Commission has fixed a briefing meeting of these officers at 11.30 AM on IV!. January, 2015 at Vigyan BhaWan, New Delhi for this purpose. 2. Accordingly, it is requested that the officers concerned, as indicated in the enclosed list, may please be informed to attend the briefing Meeting at Virvan Bhawan. New Delhi at 11.30 AM on 170 January. 2015. 3. This may please be accorded priority. Yours I ithfully, End!: As above (Raj umar) Under Secretary to the Government of India 85 Nod . Officer Telefapc. - 2309 5565 Mob.; 9968297996 Comr to (i) Shri Avin ash Kumar, Under Secretary, Election. commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, Neiv Delhi- 1 110001. v(ii) Data Base Cell, New Delhi- with the request to upload this letter on the website of Department. . (Raj mar) Under Secretary to the Government of India & Nodal Officer 19-JRN-2015 10:29 From: To:23593359 P.2 ICC MOST fiVIMEDIRTE 13v SpecInt Nicole:mei:moll ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA: Nlirvachan Sadan, AshOka Road, New Delhi-1 10001 Duted:13 0' ilanuary, 2015 Nts.464/Exp.Obs./2015/EEPS/Vol. I, To Shri Raj Kumar. Under Secretary (Ad. VIA) &Nodal 0111ecr Wo Finance. Dept of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes Room No.226, North Block New Deihl frai65nintwnIQvahocApm) Sub:- Ceneral Election to the Legislative Assembly of Dellii and sonic Bye-elections-2015Brie ling meeting and appointment or Expendituie Observers ^ Regarding. Sir, am directed to refer to your letter no,. A-350 1:5/1/2014-Ad, VI (A). da(ed 12.121014 and 20.08'1014 and to state that the Commission vide its Press Note no. EC/PN13120 I 5 and ECl/PN/4/2015, dated )2,41.2015 (copy enclosed) has announded General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi and some Byepelections-2015 In exercise of the PPwer OnteIIIted OR it by Article 324 of constitnt4n and Section 20B of the Representation of the People Act. 1951 the Election Commission hereby appoints 2. the Expenditure Observer (18 !RR Offtetn ns poi: Ilst enclosed) for the Electiiws annoanced by the Commission :vide above mentioned Press Note. 3. Under Section 13CC of the Reprwtritation Of the People Act, 1950 and Section 28A of the Representation of the People Act, 19$ t, they will be deettisci to be on deputation m the Election Commission from now till the completion of election, Working at Observer jr the Election Commission they will be under subject to the control. superintendence and discipline of the Election Commission for their duties performed es Observer. • 4. As Observer 0171:he Commission, they are entitled for TA/DA as admissible on tour. They will draw TA/DA from their Ministry/Pew:anent/Office, The expenditure WM be debItable to the Budget grant of their Ministry or DepurtmenUOffice. They are also elitli,led to travel by air by any scheduled commercial flight of any Airlines, hicIvntykr Nvhcnever they travel by train, it shall be as per their entitled class. t+ir■••-•-i 14-JAN-2015 10:29 From: To:23593359 P.3 14 5. The deployment order indicating the State, District and Constituency shall be given during the briefing. They are expected to 'access the Observer's portal from h0 leei.nictin or hitrthobserverseci,nic.in and remain in contact with their nodal Officer. 6. They are directed to ensure their presence in the briefing 'session as pet schedule given below without fail. Failure to attend briefing session may result in disciplinary action, 7. Their user Id and password for Accessing the Observer penal is their Observer Code as mentioned in the list enclosed, They should change their password on first login, 8. this connection, I am directed to forward herewith n list of Expenditure Observers (111 IRS Officers) with the request to intimate them immedithely with dirbetion to ensure their presence in Briefing Meeting at HMI No. 4, 1," Moor, Vigyan Rhona, New Delhi on 17"' January, 2015. The Officers shnt0t1 wine prepured far making their l u visit to their assigned ACturnist. HQ, immediately rifler briefing in case deployed for General EleCtion to Legislative Assembly of Delhi. The first visit to the constituency will last Ibr 3 days. The. Expenditure Observers may be informed to report at 11.30 AM, tbr registration followed by briefing by the Commission, 9. The receipts of the letter to Expenditure Observers and the delivery Of the WO may be confirmed in writing to the Commission. at the FAX' No 01 1.23318506, V052049 by 10 January, 2015 (FN). Yours ;faithfully, (Ati.44B3, H KOMAR) UNDER SECRETARY nectg), (gyimisa Annexure List of Expenditure Observers 9 19-JRN-2015 10:30 From: To:23593359 P.1 List of Observes Sponsored' by — CBOT Called for Briefing SI.No. 1 2 II 4 5 6 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 12 13 14. 15 16, I7 18 R-CODE R•I3422 R-15286 R-15810 R-I6418 R-20384 NAME NONOOTHUNG .1U NCIO V. NAN DA KUMAR Nit Kumar Srivastav S,K Suhu Raiesh Ransil Pram! SERVICE IRS IRS 1RS IRS IRS R-20855 R-20856 R-20857 R-20858 R-20859 R-20860 R-20861 R-20862 R-20864 11•20865 R-20866 R•20869 R•2.0863 RANJEET SIN04 TARUN JARWAL. SNOLA RAM DEWASI YESHVENDRA SINGH Pradumna Kumar Singh PANKAJ MEHTA MANISI I KUMAR SINON LALII PRASAD SRID1 [ARA DORA SUDHANSHU SEK.14I AR GAUTAM. TA.RUN ICKANAUJIYA A.BHAY KUMA.R P. VIMALRAJ IRS IRS IRS IRS IRS IRS IRS --- 4-IRS IRS IRS IRS IRS IRS qn-rcH r 2204 2201 , I 91 2 04 1989 193 ___ , 2009 , 2010 , I, 2007 2009 2010 2004 ---4— - +4444---2010 1008 " 101U 1 2010 4,••••— I 2006 4 2009 1----- 4. , 4d
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