GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Centre For Governance Systems Announces 3rd International Conference on 20th – 21st March, 2015 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (Established Under Gujarat Act. No. 20 of 2007) Nr. Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad–382424, Gujarat. Phone: 079-23267500, Fax: 079-2630 1500. Centre for Governance Systems [ ICGS – 2015 ] (ICGS-2015) 1 IMPORTANT DEADLINES Abstract Submission: 31st January 2015 Abstract Acceptance: 03rd February 2015 Submission of Full Paper: 28th February 2015 Full Paper Acceptance: 03rd March, 2015 Payment of Registration Fees: 10th March 2015 Page Call For Papers “Gujarat Model of Governance: Lessons & Future Scope” Centre for Governance Systems 2 Gujarat Technological University has been set up under Gujarat Technological University Act of 2007. During the short span of 7 years of its existence, GTU has bagged many national and international awards like The Best Jury Award for Interface between Academia and Industry in Higher Education, the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Enabled University of the year award in E-India 2009, Manthan Award 2009, Digital Learning WES 2011 Award , AIMS International Innovative University Award 2013 , World Education Award 2013 for its project ABOUT CGS GTU has started working as a Monitor for Good Governance, which will make it possible to objectively determine how well the governance systems are working. It is initiating studies in the field of Governance System in Businesses, Industries, Universities, Hospitals, NGOs and Governments, which may help organizations improve their working, through new policies or through modification of existing policies, protocols and management structures. The Vision and goal CGS is to be a leading Centre for Excellence in Research, Teaching, Training and Advocacy in the field of Governance through capacity building, knowledge creation, and dissemination. The PG Research Centre for Governance Systems (CGS) at GTU organizes its flagship event “CEOs in the Classroom” throughout the academic year. Page ABOUT GTU GTU has established 14 Post Graduate Research Centres, which are designed to work as examples of good and relevant research. The Centres are to work as catalysts for infusing the spirit of innovation and research in the Colleges through multi-College joint research projects and by actively involving postgraduate students in research, development and consultancy projects. These Centres are required to establish active linkages with the industry and research institutions in India and abroad. [ ICGS – 2015 ] on Active Learning 2013, Best University in Internationalization of its Faculty and Students under Government University category - CCI Technology Education Excellence Awards 2013, CMAI’s NTA ICT World Communication Award 2013 for being a Pioneer in ICT Education, Best Higher Education University of the Year award by ASSOCHAM India.2014, etc. A consistent and integrated set of policies may mean the difference between prosperity and stagnancy. Gujarat Government promotes information sharing with the citizen by way of display and disclosure of information of large number of functional departments and their subordinate organizations through their respective websites which act as ‘Information tools’ in the State. Gujarat has been position at L2 Stage in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) which is categorized based on Environment, Readiness and Usage of Applications. It stands as an aspiring leader ranking to 31st Top Hotspots in the World and minimizing to reach the goal. The government has been focusing many different functional areas to observe strong governance. Gujarat Government focuses on growth and development of new & emerging technology areas. The Government is proactive in its Initiatives and ranks first state in the country to have made Governance functional in all municipalities, gram panchayats, Nagar Palikas, Corporations and other The Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) is organizations. to build trust and confidence for the general hospitals in the hearts of the citizen of the state by providing efficient and quality health services through IT application. ICGS - 2015 [ ICGS – 2015 ] The quest for paradigms that work for developing economies has continuously engaged policymakers, researchers and practitioners. Often both positive and negative development outcomes have inevitably been linked to governance. At the same time while many developing economies have been hailed for formulation of good policies, the challenge of implementation has been growing. Moving from policy making to executing is the complex task for service delivery and governance intricately related. Gujarat, one of the fastest growing state in the country and the world’s one of the most preferred investment destination, is a frontline State in the implementation of governance and e-governance policies and projects and setting up of key infrastructure for Governance. Since Mr Narendra Modi, Ex CM of Gujarat has been elected as a prime minister of the country, the expectations of the people in the world have increased significantly high. 3 “I believe government has no business to do business. The focus should be on minimum government maximum governance.” (Narendra Modi). Page PROLOGUE This explains the rationale behind the growing interest in governance, risk and compliance—a phrase that refers to the entire set of processes, policies and activities around risk. Governance refers to "all processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through laws, norms, power or language." It relates to "the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions." ICGS - 2015 [ ICGS – 2015 ] E-Procurement system introduced for all the purchases and procurements in all the Government departments, Nigams and Societies under the administrative control of the State Government and which are funded by Government. e-Procurement is Online bidding system wherein the physical tendering activity is carried out online using the Internet and associated technologies. Governance, by nature, is multifaceted with its structure, stakeholders association and relationship models, processes, and metrics. When the environment is complex there is a greater need for robust governance, as without it there is increased risk of shared service and vendor partnership value leakage. Better governance exemplifies accountability, freedom of association and participation, a sound judicial system, freedom of information and expression, capacity building, and similar things. 4 After digitizing all land records, e-Dhara Kendras (e-DK) have been setup at Taluka Mamlatdar offices to take up day to day activities of land records such as mutations and issue of Record of Rights (RoR). Workflow based software (BhuLekh Soft) has been implemented since 2004-2005. Government of Gujarat under the e-GRAM Project has decided to equip all the 3 tiers of Panchayats (Local self-governments in rural areas) and in particular, each and every Village Panchayat (VP) with computer hardware & software and other necessary peripherals in a phased manner. Most of the VPs have been computerized and provided with broad band connectivity through VSAT. This Conference therefore provides an arena for scholars, students and practitioners from diverse disciplines to collectively explore review of governance and e-governance in one of the fastest developing state Gujarat and untapped areas where still challenges and opportunities lie. The issues related to strict legal regulations and regulatory requirements and their applicability versus the compliances should be analysed. The timely implementations, and consistency in internal rules and regulations with internal control of administration are the major concern area for implementation of governance. Conflicts of interests, maintaining independent standards with high level of professionalism are the issues to be reviewed. Participants of the conference will be challenged to move from theoretical frameworks to practical strategies for improving governance processes, curbing corruption and improving service delivery. Page They streamline the operations with improved Patient care and effective Administration and Control. HMIS project was conceptualized to provide standard clinical & diagnostic tools, hospital management tools and integration of management information at the state level so as to ensure online review & monitoring. In Integrated workflow and document management system, Government of Gujarat (GoG) wants to use e-Governance as the tool to improve the Accountability, Transparency & Effectiveness in Government administration. The Integrated Workflow and Document Management System (IWDMS) project has been implemented for the same through automating the government functions and processes at all levels of the administrative hierarchy. A] Finance Sector Government Finance System Working Capital Management in Govt. Bodies / institutions / projects A] B] C] D] E] F] G] H] I] J] K] Finance Sector E-Governance Visual Aids of Governance Education Sector Health Sector Anti-Corruption Strategies Public Sector Reforms Disaster Management Legal System Waste Management Public Infrastructure L] Office Digitalization XGN (Extended Green Node) implementation at Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) Supply Logistics using ICT at Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation (GSCSC) C] Visual Aids of Governance Use of visual aids in Governance Use of ICT enabled Visual Aids, such as CCTV Camera, Biometrics, Barcode, RFID, etc. to Govern the day to day processes in Public Service Organizations D] Education Sector Governance in Education Systems Quality Education Practices Governance in Evaluation of Education Education Policies Evaluation Educational Institutions in Advancing Emanagerial Solutions Themes of Conference E] Health Sector Governance in Hospitals Health and Sanitary Policies Governance in drug distribution Code of ethics of Pharmacy Council of India iPDS (Public Distribution System) Agriculture and Co-operation Department Agricultural Skill Development F] Anti-Corruption Strategies Political economy of corruption in Gujarat Anti-Corruption and Social Accountability Reforms Costs of Corruption at the political, economic, and social levels Measurement of corruption Principles and strategies to fight corruption Ethics and integrity systems in public, NGO and private sectors Institutional dilemmas in management of corruption Citizen driven anti-corruption models [ ICGS – 2015 ] Governance In Principal Areas of: 5 Gujarat Model of Governance: Lessons & Future Scope Page THEMES OF CONFERENCE B] E-Governance ICT to track Service Delivery Strategies Mobile Enabled Services (M-Govenrance) E-service Delivery in Government E-Management, Quality Assurance Use of Social Networks in Service Delivery in Gujarat. ICT enabled Traffic Management Systems I] Legal System Home Rules Management Legal System Governance of Gujarat Legal Aids for Poor and Uneducated People Legal System Reforms of Gujarat Process Management in Legal System Governance in Law Amendments and Cancellation RTI enforcements in Gujarat Gujarat State Election Commission’s ‘Online Voting System’ Themes of Conference L] Office Digitalization Digitalization of Public Records Digitalization of Office Documents Digital Office Management Automated Driving Test Track, Commissioner of Transport (COT), Gujarat Automated Queue Management Child Tracking System, Gujarat e-Mahiti Shakti (Broadcast), Junagadh, database on persons with Disability (PwDs) IACMMS (Integrated Access Control Management System) in Gujarat Cloud Computing for Economic Optimization Secured Governance Using Data Security E-Samadhan (Online Grievances Redressal) Man [ ICGS – 2015 ] K] Public Infrastructure Governance in Public Infrastructure Projects (Roads, Rails, Metros, Bridges, Dams, embankment, etc.) Governance & Policies in tendering of government infrastructure projects E-tendering of small and medium scale infrastructure projects E-governance in Roads & Building Department 6 H] Disaster Management Governance Practices in Disaster Management Disaster Management & Evaluation Techniques Tools & Techniques of Disaster Management Disaster Insurance Management Food & Drug Distribution System During Disasters Communication Management during Disaster Forecasting J] Waste Management Governance in Industrial Waste Management Governance in Waste Recycling Tendering Governance in Waste Management Policies Governance & Policies of E-Waste Management System Page G] Public Sector Reforms Managerialism versus Traditional Public Administration Local Governance and Development Public Financial Management CSOs role in Local Governance Human Resources Development Managing Cross-border Human Resources Multiple Public Service Modalities Public Manager, Public Interests Vs Marketization of Economies Procurement Management SUBMISSION PROCESS All Submissions should be made electronically in MS Word format only to: [ [email protected] ] IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Registration fee includes Conference Proceedings, conference Kit, breakfast, CALL FOR PAPERS tea We solicit your ideas and observations conference. The organizer reserves the on any relevant topics to be presented in right to change the schedule and/or the venue of the conference with prior notice. PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES anticipate served during the Selection of papers for presentation and publication will be based on contribution from many delegates from Fees are subject to change without a detailed abstract of about 400-500 words and major references. The every corner of the world. Some related notice. Registration fees once paid will abstract must include a clear indication of purpose of research, topics are mentioned above. However not the above topics are just for directions delegates will be required to remit in and researchers may come up with their equivalent foreign currency in US $. All unique conceptual research papers, delegates need to register and make applied researcher papers, and case payment through online mode only. methodology, expected results, and implications. refunded. All International studies in the related area of service governance. Call For Papers The manuscript should conform to: Length: Abstract: 400-500 words excluding title / cover page and major references Full Paper: 4000-7000 words excluding title / cover page / abstract Font Type & Size: Times New Roman & 12 Points Line Spacing & Page 1.5-inch & 1-inch all around Margins: Page/Chart/Table Consecutively Numbered Numbering: Page Length: Full Paper: not exceeding 08-15 pages which includes declaration, abstract, cover page, tables, figures and references. Title Page: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail (s) & Contact No(s). Reference Style: APA Referencing Style Paragraph Formatting Justified in one column Style: 7 be [ ICGS – 2015 ] We lunch Page conference. and EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Avail an early bird discount of 50% on the registration fees mentioned above. Only for the delegates, whose full paper and payment is received by the organizers on or before 27th February, 2015 using online payment mode mentioned below. Corporate Representative Academician / Research Scholar Government Officer / Representative Alumni Student Foreign Delegates On or Before 27th February, 2015 ` 1000 After 27th February, 2015 ` 700 ` 1400 ` 600 ` 1200 ` 500 ` 400 US $ 50 ` 1000 ` 800 US $ 100 ` 2000 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Kindly refer the below given link for detailed guidelines on abstract submission: [ ] FULL PAPER GUIDELINES Kindly refer the below given link for detailed guidelines on full paper submission: [ ] Payment Method PAYMENT PROCESS All payment must be made using online payment mode by following online payment link: For instructions and process related to online payment, kindly refer: DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM All delegates must register online using following link: [ ] [ ICGS – 2015 ] Category 8 REGISTRATION FEES DECLARATION The below mentioned Performa of declaration form (Link) along with the full paper shall be submitted through e-mail only to: [ [email protected] ] [ ] Page ACCOMMODATION (OPTIONAL) The provision of accommodation is available on prior request. Kindly write to: [email protected] or just call Mr. Gopal Bhatt on +91-9099060336, with details of your accommodation plans and requirements. Accommodation is provided on twin sharing basis by charging `1300 per head for 24 hours. WHY TO ATTEND? This conference is aimed at educators, researchers and practitioners in the area of Governance. The conference will have a balance of lectures and presentations from the academic as well as the practitioners’ perspective and will have renowned speakers. It is aimed at creating a platform for a healthy exchange, debate and development of ideas and emerging issues in the area of Governance. It also REVIEW CRITERIA The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major provides an opportunity to present your research work at international level and a chance to publish research results, implications, and key references. All paper in the book on conference abstracts will be subject to blind review and proceedings with ISBN Number. BEST PAPER AWARDS Two Papers each from the three categories of papers, namely, Academic papers, Reflective practice, and Case-studies will be awarded in the concluding ceremony of the conference. only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected. The criteria for Conclusions, Implications and References. Managerial [ ICGS – 2015 ] Probable Review Criteria 9 of Relevance, Methodology, Originality, Page evaluation by the reviewers are on the basis [ ICGS – 2015 ] HISTORIC CITY OF AHMADABAD 10 Ahmedabad one of the liveliest cities in India and major industrial as well as cultural centre in India has often been called the ‘Manchester of the East’. Ahmedabad is the largest city in the Gujarat State and the sixth largest City in India with a population of more than six million. The weather of Ahmedabad is very pleasant during the month of March. Gujarat attracts several tourists to visit spots near Ahmedabad, like ‘Nalsarovar Bird Century’ (80 Kms), ‘Adalaj Step Well’ (10 Kms), ‘Lothal’ 4500 years old Harappan settlement (85 Kms), ‘Sun temple’ of Modhera (95 Kms), Dakor, a place famous for ‘Ranchod Rai Temple’ (45 Kms). Page ABOUT AHMEDABAD CITY Ahmedabad got its name from Sultan Ahmad Shah who founded it in 1411 AD. Situated on the banks of river Sabarmati, Ahmedabad is known for its beautiful monuments of historical and archeologically importance. Today, the city has developed itself into a leading industrial centre and has become the industrial capital of Gujarat. Ahmedabad offers to celebrate all year round that ranges from celebration of ‘Deepawali’ and ‘Dushera’ to the ‘Ras Garba’ and ‘Kite Festival’. The city has many places to visit, like the ‘Science City’, ‘Akshardham Temple’, ‘Gandhi Ashram’, ‘Sabarmati Riverfront’, and ‘Sidi Sayed Mosque’. CONVENORS Dr. Ritesh K. Patel [Assistant Professor, PG Research Centre for Governance Systems, GTU] Dr. Kaushal A. Bhatt [Assistant Professor, PG Research Centre for Global Business Studies, GTU] PATRONS Shri J. C. Lilani I/C Registrar, GTU, Ahmedabad Dr. Chinnam Reddy [Director, Marwadi Group of Education, Rajkot] Prof. Bharat C. Dalal Honorary Director, GTU’s PG Research Centre for Governance Systems, Ahmedabad Dr. Rajesh Khajuria [Director, SMJV’s C K Shah Vijapurwala Institute Management, Vadodara] Dr. Viral Bhatt [Principal, SAL Institute of Management, Ahmedabad] Dr. P.G.K.Murthy [Director, Parul Institute of Management and Research, Vadodara] Dr. Jagdish Joshipura [Director, Som Lalit Institute Of Management, Ahmedabad] Dr. Charles Savage [President and Mentor, Knowledge Era Enterprising International, Germany] Dr. Samo Bobek [Professor of Business Information Systems, Faculty of Economics and Business, University Of Maribor, Slovenia] Dr. Shailesh Thaker [Honorary Director, Center for Business Ethics and CSR, GTU] Dr. Bhushan Punani [Director, Blind People Association, Ahmedabad] Organizing Committee 11 Mr. Kaushal Mehta CEO MOTIF India, Ahmedabad ADVISORY COMMITTEE Guruji G. Narayana Board Member, Centre for Business Ethics & CSR, Gujarat Technological University [ ICGS – 2015 ] Dr. S O Junare [Director, Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business Management and Computer Application, Gandhinagar] Prof. Joseph V. Carcello [Corporate Governance Centre, University of Tennessee Knoxville] Mr. Nayan Parikh Page CHIEF PATRON Dr. Akshai Aggrawal Vice Chancellor, GTU, Ahmedabad Dr. Alok Chakrawal [Professor, Dept. of Commerce and Business Adm., Saurashtra University & Former Director of Inter Connected Stock Exchange, Mumbai] Dr. Jayrajsinh Jadeja [Dean – Faculty of Management, M S University, Baroda] <079-23267525> <[email protected]> Organizing Committee [ ICGS – 2015 ] Shri D. P. Negi [Director – Hasmukh Goswami College of Engineering & Advisor (Strategic Planning), CEPT University and Advisor Gujarat Vidhyapith] 12 Mr A Khandual [Ex General Manager, IDBI Bank] TRAVELLING AND ACCOMOCATION Mr. Gopal Bhatt, [Admin Assistant, Conference Dept. GTU] <+91-9099060336> <[email protected]> CONFERENCE AND VENUE MANAGEMENT Dr. Sarika Shrivastva [Assistant Professor, Centre for Global Business Studies, GTU] <[email protected]> <+91-9724359232> LOCAL SIGHT SEING Mr. Rajesh Ramani [Assistant Professor, Centre for Business Ethics & CSR, GTU] <[email protected]> <+91-9978544463> Mr. Keyur Darji [Research Associate, Centre for Global Business Studies, GTU] <+91-8866098866> <[email protected]> Page Mr. Sanjay B. Dalal [CEO - oGoing Inc., Irvine California, USA] OTHER COMMITTE MEMBERS REGISTRATION Mr. Vikrant Vala [Research Associate, Centre for Financial Services, GTU] <[email protected]> <+91-9426360163> Mr. Hitesh Gujarati [Research Associate, Centre for Financial Services, GTU] <[email protected]> <+91-9979960443> Ms. Hema Rajput [Research Assistant, DSTU, GTU] <+91-079-23267541> <[email protected]> Ms. Babita Gupta [Admin Assistant, CFS, GTU] <[email protected]> COMMUNICATION WITH THE SPEAKERS Ms. Krutika Raval [Assistant Professor, Centre for Business Ethics & CSR, GTU] <+91-9727750022> <[email protected]> Ms. Krishnaba Parmar [Assistant Professor, Centre For Marketing Excellence, GTU] <+91-9687822802> <[email protected]> MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Ms. Pina Bhatt [Deputy Director, GTU] Centre For Governance Systems Announces 3rd Centre for Governance Systems GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY International Conference on “Gujarat Model of Governance: Lessons & Future Scope” (ICGS-2015) 20th - 21st March, 2015 For detailed guidelines on paper submission and registration process, kindly refer this detailed brochure on our website: (Established Under Gujarat Act. No. 20 of 2007) Assistant Professor, Centre for Governance Systems, GTU. [E-mail]: [email protected] [Direct]: +91-079-23267585 [Cell]: +91-9687100199 Dr. Kaushal A. Bhatt Contact: Phone: 079-23267500 Fax: 079-2630 1500 Email: [email protected] URL: Assistant Professor, GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Centre for Global Business Studies, GTU. [E-mail]: [email protected] [Direct]: +91-079-23267590 [Cell]: +91-9879739171 Centre for Governance Systems [ ICGS – 2015 ] Dr. Ritesh K. Patel 13 Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424, Gujarat, India. Contact Persons: Page CHANDKHEDA CAMPUS Memories of ICGS – 2014 , ICGS -2013 ICGS-2014 [ ICGS – 2015 ] 2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance: Contemporary Issues & Challenges in Indian Economic Environment (ICGS-2014) was organised during 14th – 15th March 2014 at GTU Chandkheda Campus. ICGS-2014 has received 284 abstracts and 230 full papers. After a peer review, 68 papers were sent for publication in the book titled “Corporate Governance: Contemporary Issues & Challenges in Indian Economic Environment” (ISBN: 978-93-5122-000-8, 680-pages). We have also published a book titled “SARANSH” (an introduction to GTU-CGS, 2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance: Contemporary Issues & Challenges in Indian Economic Environment, 160-pages). The full conference proceeding is available online on: 14 1st Conference on Good Governance: Emerging Issues, Principles, Policies & Practices in Governments, Businesses & Services, Corporations, Universities, Co-operatives Society, Hospitals & NGOs was ORGANISED during 19 th – 20th April 2013, at GTU Chandkheda Campus. The detailed brochure is available online on: The full conference proceeding is available online on: Page ICGS-2013
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