ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH 542 Blue Heron Drive, Hallandale, FL 33009-5799 * (954) 458-1590 * MASSES: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 9:00 AM Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Sunday 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM 1:00 PM in the Spanish Language Holy Day Vigil 7:00 PM Holy Day 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Rev. James A. Quinn, Pastor Assisting Priests: Fr. Jim Nero, OFM, Fr. Julio Estada, Fr. Robert Vallee, Fr. Jairo Tellez SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS - 3:00PM Saturday and by appt. BAPTISMS - Every Third Saturday at 10:00 AM. Call the Parish Office for more information. BAUTISMOS - En Español: Los Segundo y el Cuarto Sábados del Mes a las 10:00 AM. MARRIAGE - By appointment with Fr. Quinn. Please make arrangements six months in advance. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you have questions concerning the Catholic Faith, call the Parish Office (954) 458-1590. Parish e e--mail: [email protected] Parish Staff - Joanne Perciavalle: [email protected] Lois Montanarello: [email protected] PASTORAL SERVICES and MINISTRIES Adult Education Legion of Mary Altar Keepers Ministry to the Sick Altar Servers Music Ministry St. Matthew Archdiocesan Outreach Ministry Council of Catholic Women Baptismal Preparation RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS - K-I thru High School. Two years of religious instruction required for Sacramental Programs. Bereavement ST. MATTHEW PARISH REGISTRATION Craft Makers If you attend Mass here at St. Matthew, you are encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out the simple registration form or download the form from We urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes. If you are not a registered and active member of our parish, Baptisms, Marriages, Sponsor certificates and other documents needed from the Church will take longer to obtain and, in some cases, not possible. You must be attending Mass regularly and be an active member of the parish. Bulletin Committee Church Decorating Eucharistic Ministers R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) R.C.I.C. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) Religious Education for Adults/Children Respect Life Rosary makers Evangelization Stewardship Feed the Hungry Ushers/Greeters Hospitality Vocations Lectors Come home to St. Matthew. Here there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet. January 18, 2015 Page Two “ONLINE GIVING” We are keeping up with technology!!! St. Matthew Parish is now providing Online Giving as an electronic tool for your contributions so you can give via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your generous donations even if you cannot attend Mass at St. Matthew for whatever reason. This also helps our parish streamline our cash flow, especially during vacation time or during the holidays or when travelling or inclement weather. Go to our parish website at Get started today. It’s easy and very convenient. MINISTRY FAIR THIS WEEKEND January 17th & 18th, 2015 In our role as true stewards of Jesus Christ, we are asked to take an active part in the life of our parish. This weekend we will have a Ministry Fair and the different ministries which are active here at St. Matthew will have tables set up where you can get more information and find out where your niche might be. All ministry members must be fingerprinted and are subject to a background check. STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent, Treasure TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITIONS Old customs fade slowly, and in 1560 the Council of Trent tried for significant change in pastoral care of the sick. People resisted, thinking that the last breath was the right time for the sacrament. Although physical improvement was often noted after anointing, it was seen as a kind of bonus, rather than an expected outcome of a prayer for good health, strength, patience, and even healing. More than four hundred years later, many people still do not ask for anointing until it is literally too late for the person to have reasonable hope of healing, or at least be aware enough to participate in the ritual. By then, it may even be too late for viaticum, the true “last rite.” We have a treasure in our tradition that we seem reluctant to use. We visit the sick, we anoint those who are in the first crisis of illness, we give Communion to those who are dying, and we keep vigil and pray for those close to death. When anointing is celebrated early enough, optimally when the sick person is still at Sunday Mass, it can be a source of courage, faith, and hope for a difficult road ahead. When we anoint our sick, we remind them that they belong to Christ and a community of faith. We bring them into the presence of Christ to reconcile, heal, and give strength and hope. We resist forces that isolate and alienate the sick; the symbol of touch is a powerful act of acceptance. Why wait until the crisis of illness is dire before we apply such a rich remedy to body and soul? - Rev. James Field, Copyright @ J S Paluch Co. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jan. 18, 2015 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. - 1 Corinthians 6:19a MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:00 PM †Carmella Craparotta by Vincent & Nina Storino †Gerald Stranero by Vincent & Nina Storino Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:30AM †Peter Biro, Jr. by Jennie Fugedy †Jos Romano by Tony Palladino 10:00AM †Tom Bliss by his loving wife Diane †Nicolo Argento by Paulina Argento & Mima †Raymond Landry by France & Roger Landry 11:30AM Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased, by Giuseppe Frustaci †Fernando Mazuera by Yadira Yusef †Molly Scotto by Maryann Bongiorno 1:00PM†Jorge Lodena & Ana Luisa Morel by his mom/her son †Aura Sofia Jacome de Osorio by Edna & Alexis †Eliberto Cortes Garcia by sus hijas y nietos 6:00PM Parishioners of St. Matthew by Fr. Quinn Monday, January 19, 2015 8:30 AM †John Locatelli by Honey Skelly †Rose-Marie Richards by Peter Richards Special Intentions by Aleta Cavotta Tuesday, January 20, 2015 8:30 AM †Manuel Villalta by Isabel Villalta †Ana & Ramiro Franky & Rosa Toledo by Al Franky †Nedda de Arias by Lulu Arias Wednesday, January 21, 2015 8:30AM †Fr. Bob Kemmery by Ralph Berkowitz †Edward Roach by Frank & Gloria Ippolito †Frank Patterson by Yvette & Andrew Jones † Pina Arena by Concetta Caristi Thursday, January 22, 2015 8:30AM Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased, by Giuseppe Frustaci †Maria Adela Soto de Cabrera & Ines Cabrera Garcia by Marta Cabrera †Virgen Altagracia by Maria Torres Friday, January 23, 2015 8:30AM †Ana Laza by Elias & Aurora Luna Victoria †John & Maude Smith by Marie Smith & family †Mary Nadeau by her husband Saturday, January 24, 2015 9:00AM †Vincie Marioni by Gene Riccio PLEASE REMEMBER ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH/ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI IN YOUR WILL. WATCHING FOR THE MESSIAH Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing and following Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy to miss the significant acts of faith that are made. John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the Lamb of God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident that John’s disciples immediately leave his side to follow this Jesus. The two disciples make their own act of faith. They follow Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to spread the good news of their discovery: “We have found the Messiah.” It is easy to forget that the expectations of generations, the hopes of many ages of faithful people were being fulfilled in these simple acts of faith. The Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the prophets, had finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish people was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah today? - Copyright @ J. S. Paluch Co. Page Three STEWARDSHIP: “Sharing God’s Gifts” As Catholics, we give in gratitude for what God has given to us; this is what motivates us. We give because of faithfulness. The offertory collection for Sunday, January 4, 2015 was $9,411.00 with 131 envelopes used. Approximately 350 envelope packets are mailed every 2 months. In using your offertory envelopes each week, please make sure your envelope number is listed on it. Also, please make sure we have your correct address to avoid unnecessary additional fees for returned mail from the post office. If you do not know your envelope number, please call the Parish Office and we will gladly give it to you. If you are currently receiving offertory envelopes in the mail and are not using them each week, call the Parish Office. St. Matthew Religious Education Barbara Woroniecki, D.R.E. 954-458-1590 or [email protected] EUCHARISTIC MINISTER & LECTOR SCHEDULE 01-17-15 4:00PM EM: A Brinkley, M Cardamone, L Colmenares, E Millares, M Smith L: D Smith 01-18-15 8:30AM EM: T Altieri, C Castillo, E Hart, M Pakyz, A Wynn L: R Paiz 10:00AM EM: R Bergouignan, D Bliss, C Moya, H & B Ortiz L: G Ippolito 11:30AM EM: P Berman, F Gomez, J Monteleon, J Marrero, B Woroniecki L: C Gomez 1:00PM EM: M & N Taboada, O Valdivia, M Vazquez L: D Asca, S Vazquez 6:00PM EM: D Jadunandan, F & R Lara L: E Cuomo 01-24-15 4:00PM EM: P Berman, E Cuomo, J Hawkins-Greenidge, E Millares, C Moya L: P Scola 01-25-15 8:30AM EM: C Castillo, L Stewart, J, M, R Vargas L: A Lombardo 10:00AM EM: A Barcena, O Fleurant, D Oakley, H Ortiz, R Paiz L: B Ortiz 11:30AM EM: R Bergouignan, F & C Gomez, O Jarosiewicz, N Nicpon L: D Bliss 1:00PM EM: A Luna Victoria, N & P Palacios, M Vazquez L: P Gamboa, J Mezquia 6:00PM EM: E Hart, A McGurty, M Pakyz L: B Woroniecki CONFIRMATION: If you are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, please attend the meeting scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015 at 11:30 AM in Parish Hall. Bring a copy of your Baptismal certificate with you. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. DAY Monday, January 19th, 2015 “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” A YOUTH MASS will be held at St. Matthew on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015 at 6:00 PM. All are welcome to attend. Kindly remember in your prayers the sick people of our parish, people confined to their homes, hospitals and nursing homes, especially Donald Moran, Raymond Dennard, James & Thomas Lysaght, Martin Cohen, Anthony Randle, Maria Burneo, Julia Winters, Herbert Burgess, Fina Howard, Jenny Fernandez, Marianne Bariglio, Vincent Caleta, Jeffrey Jenkins, Maryann Simone, Judith Lagonikos, Grace Guidone, Saliha Moschella, Claire, Doug & Mary Ann Polk and children, Grace Sarta, Tommy Trotter, Thomas Morante, Hannah Navarro, Maria Nieves, Donna Sacco, Karune Alxi Lafortine, Joseph McBride, Ronald Hunt, Jennifer Sutter, Madeleine O’Connell, Joseph Re, Noelia Pardo, Rodry Lopez, Frank Catapano, Sonia Ocampo, Donna Everts, Chris Fenton, Joe Capparelli, Carla Vittoria, Irvin Bruce, Sr., Herb Shamlian, Kenneth LaCruz, Phillip Elliott., Colette LeBlanc, Thelma Emano, Arminda Latarewicz, George Murphy, Adolph Otto Carbone, Marie Smith. Please pray for those who have died, especially Julie Johnson. BOLETIN HISPANO Este fín de semana será la Feria de los diferentes Ministerios que se tienen en nuestra Parroquia. Por favor pase por las mesas que estarán fuera de la Iglesia y hable con las personas que representan a cada Ministerio e inscríbase (a) y sea un voluntario activo en nuestra Parroquia. Si usted o un familiar está interesado en recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, venga a la reunión que será el sábado 31 de enero a las 11.30 a.m. en el Salón Parroquial. Traiga una copia del certificado de Bautismo. Habrá una misa para los jóvenes el domingo 25 de enero a las 6.00 p.m. Invite y venga con sus hijos a participar de este servicio. "Señor Dios nuestro, Tú que nos has hecho hijos tuyos, haz que formemos una sola familia que viva en fraternidad. Cambia nuestros corazones para que, amantes de la vida y la verdad, desterremos de nuestra humanidad el odio, la mentira y la muerte. Concédenos, Señor, que seamos constructores de Tu paz, la misma que Tú nos dejaste y que no conoce fronteras, razas y lenguas" Amén. The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything. - St. Julian - Martin Luther King, Jr. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Blessed Sacrament exposed Mondays 7:30-10AM. ST. MATTHEW CRAFTMAKERS Meetings are held on Mondays at 10 AM in Rose Hall. LEGION OF MARY Meetings are now on Mondays at 9:30 AM in Parish Hall. BINGO BRIGADE BINGO is held Wednesdays. Doors open at 10:00 AM & play begins 11:00 AM. Coffee & beverages are available.
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