SYLLABUS FOR CLASS - VI ENGLISH FA1 :- Who did Partrick,s H.W. (Book 1) House A Home (Poem) A tale of two birds (Book 11) Unseen passage Letters (2) Applications (2) Paragraph - (2) Tenses (Present Indefinite) Grammar of Book. Project, Note Book Work, Conversation FA 2:- How the dog found himself a new Master (Book 1) The Kite (Poem) The Friendly Mongoose E mail (3) Notice (3) Paragraph (2) Tenses (Past Indefinite) Project Quiz Note Book SA1 :- Taro’s Reward An Indian American A different kind of school where did all ......... The shepherd,’s Treasure. The old clock shop Tansen Paragraph Letter Application Notice E - mail Grammar from Book Tenses (future Indefinite) FA1 and FA2 will be included in SA1 FA3 :- Who I am The wonderful words The Monkey and the crocodile (29) Tenses (Present past and future) word power game Grammar of the book FA4 :- Fair play (Book 1) Wonder called sleep (Book II) Grammar of Book Unseen passage Group Activity Tenses (Present Continuous) (Past Continuous) (Future Continuous) SA2 :- A Game of chance (Book 1) Desert Animals (Book 1) The Banyan tree (Book 1) A Pact with the sun (Book 11) What happened to Reptiles (Book 11) The strange wrestling match (Book 11) Poem (Vocation) II) what if Unseen passage grammar of book i) Application ii) Letter iii) E-mail iv) Notice v) Paragraph FA3 and FA4 will be included in SA2 MATHEMATICS FA 1 :- Unit I knowing our numbers FA2 :- Unit 2 Unit 3 SA1 :- Unit 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 13 FA3 :- Unit 7 FA4 :- Unit 8,9 and 14 SA2 :- Unit 7,8,9,10,11,12,14 SCIENCE FA1 :- Food where does it come from? Motion and Measurement. FA2 :- (30) Fibre to fabric Changes Around us. G.K SA1 :Food where does it come from? Motion and Measurement. Fibre to fabric Changes Around us. Components of food Sorting materials into groups. Lights, shadows and reflection Getting to know plants FA3 :Body Movements Separation of substances. FA4 :Electricity and Circuits The living organisms and their surroundings. SA2 :Body Movements Separation of substances Electricity and Circuits The living organism and their surroundings Fun with magnets Water Air around us. Garbage in, garbage out. COMPUTER FA1 :- 1,2,3 Chapter FA2 :- Chapter 4,5,6 SA1 :- 1,2,3,4,5,6 Chapter FA3 :- 7,8,9 FA4 :- 10,11,12,13 SA2 :- 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 Chapters (31) Half yearly Lesson : 1 to 15 Life : 1 to 3 Annual Exams. Lesson : 31 -60 E.V.S = Á„UãºË FA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ y Ã∑§ ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U, ÷Ê·Ê ∑§Ë ’ÊÃ, ‡ÊéºÊÕ¸ ßàÿÊÁº ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U v, w ¬⁄U •ÊœÊÁ⁄Uà flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ÿÊÃÊÿÊà ∑§Ë ‚◊SÿÊ, ÁflôÊÊŸ ∑§ ø◊à∑§Ê⁄U ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ fláʸ ÁfløÊ⁄U, ‡Êéº ÁfløÊ⁄U, ‚¢ôÊÊ– FA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U z ‚ ~ Ã∑§ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U x, y ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ‚fl¸ŸÊ◊ Á‹¢ª, fløŸ, ∑§Ê⁄U∑§, ¬ÿʸÿflÊøË ⁄UˇÊÊ ’¢œŸ, ¬¢º˝„U •ªSà ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– SA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ ~ Ã∑§ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ y Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- FA1, FA2 ∑§Ë ‚Ê⁄UË √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ ßàÿÊÁº FA3 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vÆ ‚ vx Ã∑§ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U z, {, | ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- Áfl‡Ê·áÊ, Á∑˝§ÿÊ, •√ÿÿ, ◊È„UÊfl⁄‘U, Áfl‹Ù◊ flÊÄÿÊ¢‡Ê ‚ìÊË Á◊òÊÃÊ, •Ê¬∑§Ë Á¬˝ÿ ¬ÈSÃ∑§ ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– FA4 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vy ‚ v| Ã∑§ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U }, ~, vÆ ∑§ ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ‹Ù∑§ÙÁÄÃÿÊ° ‚¢Áœ, Áfl⁄UÊ◊ Áø„U˜Ÿ ◊⁄‘U ¡ËflŸ ∑§Ë •Á÷‹Ê·Ê, ◊⁄UÊ Á¬˝ÿ Á‡ÊˇÊ∑§, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– SA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vÆ ‚ v| Ã∑§ ’Ê‹ ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ —- ¬Ê∆U z ‚ vw Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- FA3, FA4 ∑§Ë ‚Ê⁄UË √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– ‚S¢∑§Î à FA1 ¬Ê∆U —- v, w ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ’Ê‹∑§ (32) FA2 Civics :- SA1 II TERM FA3 History :Geography :Civics :FA4 History :- ¬Ê∆U —- x ‚ z Ã∑§ ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ’ÊÁ‹∑§Ê œÊÃÈ-L§¬ —- ¬∆˜U ¬Ê∆U —- v ‚ } Ã∑§ ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ’Ê‹∑§, ’ÊÁ‹∑§Ê, ¬Èc¬ œÊÃÈ-L§¬ —- ¬∆˜, ª◊, SÕÊ FA3 ¬Ê∆U —- ~, vƧ ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ◊ÈÁŸ œÊÃÈ-L§¬ —- ŸË-Ÿÿ˜ FA4 ¬Ê∆U —- vv, vw§ ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ÷ÊŸÈ œÊÃÈ-L§¬ —- ÁøãØ Geography :Civics :SA2 History :- SA2 ¬Ê∆U —- ~ ‚ vz Ã∑§ ‡Êéº-L§¬ —- ◊ÈÁŸ, ÷ÊŸÈ, ’Ê‹∑§, ¬Èc¬ œÊÃÈ-L§¬ —- ¬∆˜U, ª◊˜, ŸË, ÁøãØ SOCIAL SCIENCE FA1 History :Ch. 1. What, Where, How and When Geography :Ch. 1. The Earth in the solar system Ch. 2. Globe Latitude and Longitures Civics :Ch. 1. Understanding Diversity FA2 History :Ch. 3. From Gathering to growing food Geography :Ch.3. Motions of the Earth Civics :Ch. 2. Diversity and Discrimination SA1 History :Ch.1. What, Where, How and When Ch. 2. On the trail of the earliest people Ch. 3. From Gathering to Growing food Ch.4. In the earilest cities Ch. 5. What Books and Burials Tell us Ch.6. Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republiec Geography :Ch.1. The Earth in the solar system Ch.2. Globe : Latitudes and Longitude Ch.3. Motions of the Earth Ch.4. Maps (33) Geography :- Civics :- Ch.1. Understanding Diversity Ch.2. Diversity and Discrimination Ch.3. What is Government Ch.4. Key elements of a democratic government Ch.7. New questions and ideas Ch. 5. Major Domains of the Earth Ch.6. Rural Administration Ch.8. Ashoka, the emperor who gave up war Ch.9. Vital villages, thriving towns Ch.7. Our Country - India Ch.7. Urban Administration Ch.7. New questions and ideas Ch.8. Ashoka, the emperor who gave up war Ch.9. Vital village, thriving towns Ch.10. Traders, kings and pilgrims Ch.11. New empires and kingdoms Ch.12. Buildings, Paintings and Books Ch.5. Major Domains of the Earth Ch.6. Major Landforms of the Earth Ch.7. Our Country - India Ch.8. India climate, Vegetation and Wildlife Ch.6. Rural Administration Ch.7. Urban Administration Ch.8. Rural Livelihoods Ch.9. Urabn Livelihoods (34) SYLLABUS FOR CLASS - VII Á„UãºË FA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ z Ã∑§ ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ v ‚ vÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ÷Ê·Ê, ‚¢ôÊÊ, ‚fl¸ŸÊ◊, Áfl‡Ê·áÊ, Á∑˝§ÿÊ, ¬ÿʸÿflÊøË Á¬˝ÿ ŸÃÊ, ◊„°UªÊ߸, àÿÙ„UÊ⁄U, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– FA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U { ‚ vÆ Ã∑§ ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ vÆ ‚ wÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ‡ÊÈh •‡ÊȺ˜œ, ©U¬‚ª¸-¬˝àÿÿ, ‚◊Ê‚, flÊÄÿÊ¢‡Ê π‹Ù¥ ∑§ ‹Ê÷, ߸º, Áflº˜ÿÊ‹ÿ ∑§Ê flÊÁ·¸∑§Ùà‚fl, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– SA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ vÆ Ã∑§ ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ v ‚ wÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- FA1 + FA2 ∑§Ë ‚Ê⁄UË √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ FA3 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vv ‚ vz Ã∑§ ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ wÆ ‚ xÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ‚¢Áœ, •‹¢∑§Ê⁄U, ‚◊ÊŸÊÕ˸, Á÷ãŸÊÕ¸∑§, ºËflÊ‹Ë, ¬Á⁄UüÊ◊ ∑§Ê ◊„Uàfl ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– FA4 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vz ‚ wÆ (¬Ê∆UÙ¥ ∑§ ŸÊ◊) ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ xÆ ‚ yÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ¬˝ºÍ·áÊ ∑§Ë ‚◊SÿÊ, ◊È„UÊfl⁄‘U, Á‹¢ª, fløŸ, Áfl‹Ù◊ Á‹Á¬, ∑§Ê⁄U∑§, ∑§Ê‹, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ– SA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vv ‚ wÆ Ã∑§ ◊„UÊ÷Ê⁄Uà —- ÷ʪ wÆ ‚ yÆ Ã∑§ ∑§ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- FA3 + FA4 ∑§Ë √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ ‚Ê⁄UË ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ ‚S¢∑§Î à FA1 v. w. x. y. ‚È÷ÊÁ·ÃÊÁŸ ºÈ’ȸÁh— ÁflŸ‡ÿÁà SflÊfl‹ê’Ÿ◊˜ „UÊSÿ ’Ê‹∑§ Áfl‚ê◊‹Ÿ◊˜ z. {. ¬Áá«UÃÊ ⁄U◊Ê’Ê߸ ‚ºÊøÊ⁄U— FA2 (35) |. }. ‚«∏U∑§À¬— Á‚ÁhºÊÿ∑§— ÁòÊfláʸ— äfl¡— v. w. x. y. z. {. |. }. ‚È÷ÊÁ·ÃÊÁŸ ºÈ’ȸÁh— ÁflŸ‡ÿÁà SflÊfl‹ê’Ÿ◊˜ „UÊSÿ ’Ê‹∑§ Áfl‚ê◊‹Ÿ◊˜ ¬Áá«UÃÊ ⁄U◊Ê’Ê߸ ‚ºÊøÊ⁄U— ‚«∏U∑§À¬— Á‚ÁhºÊÿ∑§— ÁòÊfláʸ— äfl¡— ~. vÆ. vv. vw. Áfl◊ÊŸÿÊŸ◊˜ ⁄UøÿÊ◊ Áfl‡fl’ãœÈàfl◊˜ ‚◊flÊÿÙ Á„U ºÈ¡¸ÿ— ∑§À¬‹Ã’ ÁflœÊ vx. vy. vz. •◊΢à ‚S¢∑ΧÃ◊˜ •ŸÊÁ⁄U∑§ÊÿÊ Á¡ôÊÊ‚Ê ‹Ê‹ŸªËÃ◊˜ ~. vÆ. vv. vw. vx. vy. vz. Áfl◊ÊŸÿÊŸ◊˜ ⁄UøÿÊ◊ Áfl‡fl’ãœÈàfl◊˜ ‚◊flÊÿÙ Á„U ºÈ¡¸ÿ— ∑§À¬‹Ã’ ÁflœÊ •◊΢à ‚S¢∑ΧÃ◊˜ •ŸÊÁ⁄U∑§ÊÿÊ Á¡ôÊÊ‚Ê ‹Ê‹ŸªËÃ◊˜ Term - I FA3 FA4 Term - II SCIENCE FA1 :- Nutrition in Plants FA2 :- Nutrition in animanls, Acids, bases and salts. SA! :- Lesson -9 Syllabus of FA1 & FA2 and Lessons :- Heat, Physical and chemical changes, weather, climate and adaptations of animals, soil, Respiration in animals, Fibre to Fabric FA3 :- Reproduction in animals Electric current and its effects FA4 :- Transportation in Plants and animals. (36) SA2 :- Lesson -9 Motion and time, storms and cyclones, water, light, forest its uses, waste water story. Syllabus of FA3 & FA4 will also be included in the SA2 Exam. MATHS FA1 :- Ch.1. Integers Ch.2. Fractions and Decimals FA2 :- Ch.3. Data Handling Ch.5. Lines and Angles SA1 :- Ch.1. Integers Ch.2. Fractions and Decimals Ch.3. Data Handing Ch.4. Simple Equations Ch.5. Lines and Angles Ch.7. Congruence of Triangles Ch.10.Practical geometry FA3 :- Ch.8. Comparing Quantities Ch.9. Rational Numbers FA4 :- Ch.13. Exponents and powers Ch.11. Triangles and its properties SA2 :- Ch.6. Triangles and its properties Ch.8. Comparing Quantities Ch.9. Rational Numbers Ch.11. Perimeter and Area Ch.12. Algebraic Expressions Ch.13. Exponents and powers Ch.14. Symmetry Ch.15. Visualising solid shapes COMPUTER FA1 :- 1,2,3 FA2 :- 4,5 SA1 :- 1,2,3,4,5 FA3 :- 6,7,8 FA4 :- 9,10,11 SA2 :- 6,7,8,9,10,11 G.K. 1st Term :- 1-16 2nd Term :- 17-32 E.V.S. 1st Term :- Lesson 1 to 5 2nd Term :- Lesson 6 to 10 (37) ENGLISH FA1 :- The Three Questions (Honey Comb) The Tiny teacher (An Alien hand) The Squirrel (Poem) Unseen passages (2) Letters (2) Applications (2) Tenses Paragraph / Comprehension FA2 :- The Gift of chappal (Honey Comb) Bringing up Kari (An Alien hand) The Rebel (Poem) Paragraph (2) Notice (2) Tenses Quiz SA1 :- The Ashes that made the tree Bloom (Honey comb) Gopal and Hilsa fish (Honey Comb) Quality (Poem) The shed (Poem) Ciiivvy (Poem) Trees (Poem) Project The desert (An Alien hand) The cop and the Anthem (An Alien hand) Golu grows a nose (An Alien) Tenses FA1 and FA2 will be included in SA1 FA3 :- Expert Detective (Honey Comb) I want something in a cage (An Alien hand) Voice E-mail (2) Application (1) Notice (1) Letter (1) Conversation The Mystery of Talking fan (Poem) FA4 :- The invention of vita work (Honey Comb) (38) Chandni (An Alien hand) Paragraph (2) Unseen passage (1) Voice The Dad and the Cat and the Tree (Poem) Seminar Conversation SA2 :- Fire Friend and Foe (Honey Comb) A Bicycle in good repair (Honey Comb) The story of Cricket (Honey Comb) Meadow Surprise (Poem) Garden (Poem) The Bear story (An Alien hand) A Tiger in the house (An Alien hand) An Alien hand (An Alien hand) 1. Tenses 2. Voice 3. Grammar of Book 4. Paragraph 5. Notice 6. E-mail 7. Letter 8. Application FA3 and FA4 will be included in SA2. SOCIAL SCIENCE Term-I FA1 History :- L-1 Tracing Changes through a thousand years Geography :- L-1 Environment, L-2 Inside our Earth Civics :- L-1 On Equality FA2 History :- L-3 The Delhi Sultans Geography :- L-3 Our Changing Earth Civics :- L-2 Role of the Government in Health L-3 How state Government works SA1 History :- L-1 Tracing changes through a thousand years L-2 New kings and kingdoms L-3 The delhi sultans L-4 The Mughal Dynasty L-5 Rules and buildings (39) Geography:- L-1 Environment L-2 Inside our Earth L-3 Our changing Earth L-4 Air L-5 Water Civics :- L-1 On Equality L-2 Role of the Government in Health L-3 How the state Government works L-4 Growing up as Boys and Girls L-5 Women change the world Term-II FA3 History :- L-6 Towns, Traders and Crafts persons Geography :- L-6 Natural vegetation and wild life L-7 Human Environment-Settlement, Transport and communication Civics :- L-6 Understanding Media FA4 History :- L-7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled communities L-8 Devotional paths to the divine Geography :- L-8 Human Environment interactions The Tropical and the subtropical region Civics :- L-7 Understanding Advertising SA2 History :- L-6 Towns, Traders and Crafts persons L-7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled communities L-8 Devotional paths to the divine L-9 The making of Regional Cultures L-10 Eighteenth century political formations Geography :- L-6 Natural vegetation and wild life L-7 Human Environment settlement, Transport and communication L-8 Human Environment interactions, The Tropical and the subtropical regions L-9 Life in the Temperate Grasslands L-10 Life in the Deserts Civics :- L-6 Understanding Media L-7 Understanding Advertising L-8 Markets around us L-9 A Shirt in the market L-10 Struggles for Equality (40) SYLLABUS FOR CLASS - VIII MATHS FA1 :- (7.5. 11 to 14.5. 11) Rational Numbers Understanding Quadrilaterals FA2 :- (17.8. 11 to 25.8. 11 ) Squares & Square roots Data Handling SA1 :- (15.9. 11 to 30.911. ) Ch.1. Rational numbers Ch.2. Linear Equations in 1 variable Ch.3. Understanding Quadrilaterals Ch.4. Practical Geometry Ch.5. Data Handling Ch.6. Squares and Square roots Ch.7. Cubes and Cube roots Ch.8. Comparing Quantities FA3 :- (21.11. 11 to 30.11.11 ) Mensuration Exponents and Powers FA4 :- (14.1. 11 to 21.1.11 ) Direct and Inverse proportion Algebraic expressions and identities SA2 :- (1.3. 11to 25.3. 11) Ch.9. Algebraic expressions and identities Ch.10.Visualising Solid shapes Ch.11. Mensuration Ch.12. Exponents and Powers Ch.13. Direct and Inverse Proportion Ch.14. Factorisation Ch.15. Introduction to graphs Ch.16. Playing with numbers (41) SOCIAL SCIENCE FA1 Geography :- Resources History :- How, when and where, from trade to territory Civics :- The Indian Constitution FA2 Geography :- Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and wild life Minerals and Power Resources History :- Ruling the countryside Civics :- Understanding secularism, why do we need a parliament SA1 Geography :- Resources, Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and wild life Minerals and Power Resources History :- Our Past - Part-I, L-1 to L-6 Civics :- The Indian Constitution, Understanding secularism, why do we need a parliament, Understanding law, Judiciary FA3 :-Geography :-Agriculture &Industries. Civics :- Understanding Criminal justice, Understanding Marginalisation History :- L-7 Civilzing the Native, L-8 Weaver, Iron & Factory Owners FA4 Geography :- Industries Civics :- Confronting Marginalisation History :- Women, Caste and reform, The changing world of visual Art SA2 Geography :- Agriculture, Industries, Human resources History :- Our post - Part -11 L-7 to L-12 Civics :- Understanding Criminal justice, Understanding Marginalzation, Public facilities, law and social justice. Á„UãºË FA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ z (42) ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U v, w ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ÷Ê·Ê, ‚¢ôÊÊ, ‚fl¸ŸÊ◊, Áfl‡Ê·áÊ, Á∑˝§ÿÊ, ¬ÿʸÿflÊøË ÁŸ’¢œ —- Á¬˝ÿ ŸÃÊ, ◊°„UªÊ߸, àÿÙ„UÊ⁄U (fl‚¢Ã ´§ÃÈ), ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ FA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U { ‚ vÆ ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U x, y ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- fløŸË √ÿflSÕÊ, ©U¬‚ª¸ ¬˝àÿÿ, ‚◊Ê‚, flÊÄÿÊ¢‡Ê ÁflôÊÊŸ ∑§ ‹Ê÷ „UÊÁŸ, ¬Á⁄üÊ◊ ∑§Ê ◊„Uàfl, „Ù‹Ë SA1 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ vÆ ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U v ‚ y ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- FA1 + FA2 ∑§Ë ‚Ê⁄UË √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ, ¬òÊ, ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ ÁŸ’¢œ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ FA3 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vv ‚ vy ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U z, {, | ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ‚¢Áœ, •‹¢∑§Ê⁄U, ‚◊ÊŸÊÕ˸, Á÷ãŸÊÕ¸∑§ ÁŸ’¢œ —- ºËflÊ‹Ë, ¬Á⁄UüÊ◊ ∑§Ê ◊„Uàfl, ⁄UˇÊÊ’¢œŸ ¬òÊ —- ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ FA4 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vz ‚ v} ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U }, ~ ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- ◊È„UÊfl⁄‘U, Á‹¢ª, fløŸ, Áfl‹Ù◊, Á‹Á¬, ∑§Ê‹ ∑§Ê⁄U∑§ ÁŸ’¢œ —- ¬˝ºÍ·áÊ ∑§Ë ‚◊SÿÊ, ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U ¬òÊ ¬òÊ-¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ SA2 fl‚¢Ã —- ¬Ê∆U vv ‚ v} ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë πÙ¡ —- ¬Ê∆U z ‚ ~ ∑§ flSÃÈÈÁŸc∆U ¬˝‡Ÿ ©UàÃ⁄U √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —-FA3 + FA4 ∑§Ë ‚Ê⁄UË √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ ¬òÊ- ¬˝ÊÕ¸ŸÊ ¬òÊ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ ‚S¢∑§Î à FA1 ¬˝Õ◊ ß∑§Ê߸ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ (43) ¬Ê∆U —- v, w, x (‚È÷ÊÁ·ÃÊÁŸ ‚ ÷ªflº˜îÊÈ∑§◊ Ã∑§) ‡Êéº L§¬ —- •S◊º˜, ÿÈc◊º, œÊÃÈ L§¬ —- πʺ˜, ß·˜, œÊfl˜ FA2 :- ¬Ê∆U -y,z,{ ÿØ (¬È°¯) œÊÃÈ- œÊfl SA1•œ¸ flÊÁ·¸∑§ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ¬Ê∆U —- v ‚ } ‚È÷ÊÁ·ÃÊÁŸ ‚ ‚¢‚Ê⁄U ‚ʪ⁄Uêÿ ŸÊÿ∑§Ê— Ã∑§) ‡Êéº L§¬ —- •S◊º˜, ÿÈc◊º, ÿØ (ÃËŸÙ¥ Á‹¢ªÙ¥ ◊¥) ߺ◊ (ÃËŸÙ¥ Á‹¢ªÙ¥ ◊¥) œÊÃÈ L§¬ —- πʺ˜, ß·˜, œÊfl˜, π‹, ª◊˜, ¬∆˜U FA3 ÃÎÃËÿ ß∑§Ê߸ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ¬Ê∆U —- ~ ‚ vw (‚åÃ÷ʪËãÿ ‚ ∑§— ⁄UˇÊÁà ∑§— ⁄UÁˇÊ× Ã∑§) ‡Êéº L§¬ —- ◊ÊÃÎ, Sfl‚Î, œÊÃÈ L§¬ —- ⁄UˇÊ, ÷˝◊, (‚Å¢ÿÊflÊø∑§Ê— ‡ÊéºÊ—) FA4 ¬Ê∆U- vx,vy, vz, ‡Êéº-⁄Ê¡Ÿ˜ œÊÃÈ- ¬Ê SA2 flÊÁ·¸∑§ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ¬Ê∆U —- ~ ‚ vz Ã∑§ ‡Êéº- ◊ÊÃÎ, Sfl‚Î, ⁄UÊ¡Ÿ œÊÃÈ- ⁄UˇÊ, ÷˝◊, ¬Ê SCIENCE FA1 :- Food production and its management FA2 :- Micro - Organisms, Combustion and Flame SA1 :- Lesson - 9 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Coal and Petroleum, Cell structure and its functions, light, metals and non metals and friction Syllabus of FA1 and FA2 will also be included in SA1 FA3 :- Force and Pressure and sound FA4:- Conservation of plants and animals SA2 :- Lesson -9 Chemical effects of electric current. (44) Some natural phenomena Stars and solar system Reproduction in animals Reaching the age of adolescence, Pollution of air & water Syllabus of FA3 and FA4 will be included in SA2. G.K. Term 1st :- Chapter 1 to 6 Term 2nd :- Chapter 17 to 32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. COMPUTER FA1 Networking Concept Log on to Access Working with tables FA2 Working with queris Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Tools & options ENGLISH TERM I FA1 The Best Christmas Present = Poem How the Camel got his hump Children at work. FA 2 The Tsunami +Poem Glimpses of Past + Poem The Selfish giant SAI Bepin Chaudhary + Poem The Summit within + Poem The Treasure within Princess September (Including Syllabus of FAI & FA2) Comprehension, Letter Writing / E mail Paragraph/ article Writing, Notice. FA3 FA4 FA1 All chapters of FA1 & FA2 SAII FA3 7. 8. 9. Visual Basic More on V.B Understanding HTML 10. 11. FA4 Using list & Creating a table Internet TERM II This is Jody's Fawn + Poem A Visit to Cambridge + poem The fight A short monsoon Diary+ Poem The open Window Jalebis The great Stone Face-I The great stone Face II The Comet II Including Syllabus of FA3 & FA4 Comprehension, Letter/ Email Writing Paragraph article Writing. SA2 All Chapters of FA3 & FA4 (45) (46) SYLLABUS FOR CLASS IX ENGLISH Term - I FA1 How I taught my grand mother to read? The Road not taken MCB - Unit I People FA2 A Dog named Duke The Brook Solitary Reaper Lord Ullin’s Daughter Villa for sale MCB Adventure SA1 1 How I taught my Grandmother to Read PROSE 2 A Dog named Duke POETRY : 1. The Brook 2. The Road not taken 3. The Solitary Reaper 4. Lord Ullin’s Daughter DRAMA : 1. Villa for sale MCB : 1. People 2. Adventure 3. Environment Narration, Voice, Formal & Informal Letter, E-mail writting Gulliver's Travels Part I / Three Men in a Boat Part I Term - II FA3 The Man who knew too much Keeping it from Harold The Seven Ages Oh I wish I,d The class IX Radio show Mystery FA4 Best Seller Song of the Rain (47) The Bishop’s Candlesticks Children Sports and Games SA2 PROSE :1. The Man who knew too mcuh 2. Keeping it from Harold 3. Bestseller POETRY :1. The Seven ages 2. Oh I wish I’d....... 3. Song of the rain DRAMA :1. The Bishop’s candlesticks MCB :1. The class IX - Radio show 2. Mystery 3. Children 4. Sports and Games Narration, Voice,Bio sketch Formal & Informal Letter, E-mail writting, Bio sketch, Edit, Slash Gulliver's Travels Part II / Three Men in a Boat Part II Á„UãºË FA1 v. w. x. x. z. {. v. w. x. y. z. {. |. ¬˝◊øãº-ºÙ ’Ò‹Ù¥ ∑§Ë ∑§ÕÊ ⁄UÊ„ÈU‹- À„UÊ‚Ê ∑§Ë •Ù⁄U ∑§Ê√ÿ ∑§’Ë⁄U-‚ÊÁπÿÊ° ∞fl¢ ‚’º ‹‹„Uº-flÊπ ß‚ ¡‹ ¬˝‹ÿ ◊¥ ‡Êéº-ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ-©U¬‚ª¸, ¬˝àÿÿ ‚◊Ê‚, •‹¢∑§Ê⁄U, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ FA2 ‡ÿÊ◊ø⁄UáÊ ºÈ’-©U¬÷ÙÄÃÊflʺ ∑§Ë ‚S¢∑ΧÁà ‚Ê°fl‹ ‚¬ŸÙ ∑§Ë ÿʺ ⁄U‚πÊŸ-‚flÒÿ¢ ◊ÊπŸ ‹Ê‹ øÃÈfl¸ºË-∑Ò§ºË •ı⁄U ∑§ÙÁ∑§‹Ê ª˝Ê◊ üÊË ◊⁄‘U ‚¢ª ∑§Ë •ı⁄UÃ¥ flÊÄÿ ÷º, •¢‹∑§Ê⁄U, ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ SA1 (48) v. w. x. y. z. {. |. }. ~. vÆ. vv. ºÙ ’Ò‹Ù¥ ∑§Ë ∑§ÕÊ ‚ÊÁπÿÊ° ∞fl¢ ‚’º ‹‹„Uº-flÊπ ß‚ ¡‹ ¬˝‹ÿ ◊¥ ‡Êéº-ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ-©U¬‚ª¸, ¬˝àÿÿ ‚◊Ê‚ ⁄UÊ„ÈU‹ ‚Ê¢∑ΧàÿÊÿŸÀ„UÊ‚Ê ∑§Ë •Ù⁄U, ‚Ê°fl‹ ‚¬ŸÙ¥ ∑§Ë ÿʺ ‡ÿÊ◊ø⁄UáÊ ºÈ’-©U¬÷ÙÄÃÊflʺ ∑§Ë ‚S¢∑ΧÁà ⁄U‚πÊŸ-‚flÒÿ¢ ◊ÊπŸ ‹Ê‹ øÃÈfl¸ºË-∑Ò§ºË •ı⁄U ∑§ÙÁ∑§‹Ê, ª˝Ê◊ üÊË ◊⁄‘U ‚¢ª ∑§Ë •ı⁄UÃ¥ ©U¬‚ª¸, ¬˝àÿÿ, ‚◊Ê‚, •‹¢∑§Ê⁄U, flÊÄÿ ÷º ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ, ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ FA3 v. w ¬Ê∆U ø¬‹Ê ºflË - ŸÊŸÊ ‚Ê„U’ ∑§Ë ¬ÈòÊË ◊ÒŸÊ ∑§Ù ÷S◊ ∑§⁄U ÁºÿÊ ªÿÊ, ¬˝◊ ø¢º ∑§ »§≈U ¡Íà w. w ∑§ÁflÃÊ ∑§ºÊ⁄UŸÊÕ •ª˝flÊ‹ - ø¢ºÍ ª„UŸÊ ‚ ‹ı≈UÃË ’⁄ Á◊ÉÊ •Ê∞ ∑§Áfl‚fl¸‡flºÿÊ‹‚Ä‚ŸÊU x. v ¬Ê∆U ⁄UË…∏U ∑§Ë „U«˜«UË-¡ªºË‡Ê ø¢º˝ ◊ÊÕÈ⁄U y. ‡ÊéºÁŸ◊ʸáÊ, ¬˝àÿÿ, ‚◊Ê‚, •‹¢∑§Ê⁄U FA4 v. ¬˝◊ ø¢º ∑§ »§≈U ¡Íà w. ◊⁄‘U ’ø¬Ÿ ∑§ ÁºŸ x. ∞∑§ ∑ȧàÃÊ •ı⁄U ∞∑§ ◊ÒŸÊ y. ◊ÉÊ •Ê∞ z. ÿ◊⁄UÊ¡ ∑§Ë Áº‡ÊÊ {. ’ìÊ ∑§Ê◊ ¬⁄U ¡Ê ⁄U„U „Ò¥U– |. ÁflœÊ ‚ʪ⁄U ŸıÁ≈UÿÊ‹◊Ê≈UË flÊ‹Ë }. Á∑§‚ Ã⁄U„U •ÊÁπ⁄U∑§Ê⁄U ◊Ò¥ Á„UãºË ◊¥ •ÊÿÊ ~. ‚fl¸ŸÊ◊ vÆ. ∑§Ê⁄U∑§, ‚◊Ê‚, Áfl‹Ù◊ ‡Êéº, üÊÈÁÂê◊Á÷ãŸÊÕ¸∑§ fl ¬ÿʸÿflÊøË ‡Êéº SA2 v. ø¬‹Ê ºflË - ŸÊŸÊ ‚Ê„U’ ∑§Ë ¬ÈòÊË ◊ÒŸÊ ∑§Ù ÷S◊ ∑§⁄U ÁºÿÊ– w. „UÁ⁄U‡Ê¢∑§⁄U ¬⁄U‚Ê߸ - ¬˝◊ ø¢º ∑§ »§≈U ¡Íà x. ◊„UʺflË fl◊ʸ - ◊⁄‘U ’ø¬Ÿ ∑§ ÁºŸ y. „U¡Ê⁄UË ¬˝‚ʺ - ÁäºflºË - ∞∑§ ∑ȧàÃÊ •ı⁄U ∞∑§ ◊ÒŸÊ z. ∑§ºÊ⁄UŸÊÕ •ª˝flÊ‹ - ø¢º˝ ª„UŸÊ ‚ ‹Ù≈UË ’⁄U {. ‚fl¸‡fl⁄U ºÿÊ‹ ‚Ä‚ŸÊ ◊ÉÊ •Ê∞ |. ø¢º˝∑§Ê¢Ã ºflÃÊ‹ - ÿ◊⁄UÊ¡ ∑§Ë º‡ÊÊ }. ⁄UÊ¡‡Ê ¡Ù‡ÊË - ’ìÊ ∑§Ê◊ ¬⁄U ¡Ê ⁄U„U „ÒU ~. ⁄UË…∏U ∑§Ë „U«˜U«UË - ¡ªºË‡Ê ø¢º˝ ◊ÊÕÈ⁄U vÆ. ◊Ê≈UË flÊ‹Ë - ÁflœÊ ‚ʪ⁄U ŸıÁ≈UÿÊ‹ vv. Á∑§‚ Ã⁄U„U •ÊÁπ⁄U∑§Ê⁄U ◊Ò¥ Á„UãºË ◊¥ •ÊÿÊ - ‡Ê◊‡Ê⁄U ’„UʺÈ⁄U Á‚¢„U vw. ‡Êéº ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ - ©U¬‚ª¸, ¬˝àÿÿ, ‚◊Ê‚ vx. flÊÄÿ ÷º, ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ, ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ (49) E.V.S. Term 1st - Chapter 1 to 8 Term 2nd - Chapter 9 to 16 CHEMISTRY FA1 :- Chapter 1 Matter in our Surrounding FA2 :- Chapter 2 Is Matter around us pure? SA1 :- Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 FA3 :- Atoms and Molecules (Ch-3) FA4 :- Strueture of the Atom (ch-4) SA2 :- Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 BIOLOGY 1st Semester April :- Cell Basic unit of life FA1 May :- Cell Basic unit of life July :- Tissues FA2 August :- Animal tissues, Food Sept. :- Food SA1 :- 1. Cell Basic unit of life 2. Tissues 3. Food FA3 Oct. :- Biological Classification Nov. :- Biological Classification Health and diseases Dec.:- Health and diseases Jan.:- Our Environment SA2:- Biological Classification Health and diseases Our Environment PHY. FA1 :- 1. Motion FA2 :- 2. Force and Newton’s Laws of Motion (50) SA1 :- FA1, FA2, Gravitation FA3 :- 3. Flotation FA4 :- 4. Work and Energy SA2 :- FA3, FA4, Sound Books :- NCERT GENERAL COMPUTER 1. Formative test (FA1) Convergence & Computing technology 2. Formative test (FA2) Convergence & Computing technology Communication technology SA1 :Operating system Word processing tools 3. Formative test (FA3) in November Presentation tools 4. Formative test (FA4) Presentation tools Spreadsheets tools SA2 :Full Syllabus MATHS 1st Formative :Number system Co-ordinate Geometry 2nd Formative :Heron’s Formula Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry, Lines and Angles 1st Summative SA1:Number system - Real numbers Algebra - Polynomials Geometry - Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Lines, Angles and Triangles Co-ordinate Geometry Mensuration : Area of Triangle, Heron’s Formula 3rd Formative Statistics & Probability 4th Formative Surface Area and Volumes Constructions 2nd Summative SA2 :- (51) Statisitcs, Probability, Constructions Algebra :- Linear equations in two variables Geometry:- Quadrilateral, Circles, Area of parallelogram, Constructions SOCIAL STUDIES FA1 1. The French Revolution 2. India - Size and location 3. Democracy in the contemporary world 4. The story of village palampur FA2 1. Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution 2. Physical features of India 3. What is democracy? Why democracy? 4. People as resource SA1 1. History 2. The French Revolution 3. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution 4. Nazism and the rise of Hitler Geography :1. India - Size and Location 2. Physical features of India 3. Drainange Democratic Politics :1. Democracy in the contemporary world 2. What is democracy? Why democracy? 3. Constitutional design Economics :1. The Story of village Palampur 2. People as resource Term - II FA3 :Forest society and colonialism or pastoralists in the modern or peasants and farmers World Climate Electoral Politics Poverty as a challenge FA4 :- (52) Sports and Politics or clothes and culture Natural vegetation and wildlife working of institution Food security in India SA2 :History :1. Forest society and colonialism 2. Pastoralists in the modern world 3. Peasants and farmers 4. Sports and politics 5. Clothes and culture Geography:1. Climate 2. Natural vegetation and wildlife 3. Population Democratic Politics :1. Electoral Politics 2. Working of institution 3. Democratic Rights Economics :1. Poverty as a challenge 2. Food security in India SYLLABUS FOR CLASS X S.STUDIES Summative - I History :1. Economics and livelihood (anyone topic) 2. Culture identity and society (anyone topic) Geography :Forest and wild life resources, water resources agriculture, natureal resources Economics :The story of development The role of services sector in Indian economy Civics :Working of Democracy, Power sharing Mechanism in Democracy Summative - II History :Nationalism in Europe or National Movement in IndoChina, Nationalism in India Geography :Mineral Resources and Power Resources manufacturing Industries, transport, communication & trade Civics :Out come of Democracy, competition contestant in democracy, challenges of Democracy Economics :Globalisation, consumer, awareness, money and financial system. HINDI FA1 ªœ —- ŸÃÊ ¡Ë ∑§Ê ø‡◊Ê, ’Ê‹ªÙÁ’Ÿ ÷ªÃ ¬œ —- ‚Í⁄UºÊ‚, ºfl ∑ΧÁÃ∑§Ê —- ◊ÊÃÊ ∑§Ê •Ê°ø‹ √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —- flÊÄÿ ÷º (⁄UøŸÊ ∑§ •ÊœÊ⁄U ¬⁄U), ¬º ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, ⁄U‚, ¬òÊ ‹πŸ FA2 ÁˇÊÁá (ªœ) ‹πŸflË •¢ºÊ¡ ¬œ—- •Êà◊∑§âÿ, ©Uà‚Ê„U, •≈U Ÿ„UË¥ ⁄U„UË „ÒU ∑ΧÁÃ∑§Ê —- ¡ÊÚ¡¸ ¬¢ø◊ ∑§Ë ŸÊ∑§ √ÿÊ∑§⁄UáÊ —-flÊÄÿ ÷º (⁄UøŸÊ ∑§ •ÊœÊ⁄U ¬⁄U), ¬º ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, ⁄U‚ SA1 (53) (54) ŸÃÊ ¡Ë ∑§Ê ø‡◊Ê, ’Ê‹ªÙÁ’Ÿ ÷ªÃ, ‹πŸflË •¢ºÊ¡ ‚Í⁄UºÊ‚, ºfl, ¬˝‚ʺ, ÁŸ⁄UÊ‹Ê ¡ÊÚ¡¸ ¬¢ø◊ ∑§Ë ŸÊ∑§, ◊ÊÃÊ ∑§Ê •Ê°ø‹ flÊÄÿ ÷º (⁄UøŸÊ), ¬º ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, ⁄U‚, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ, ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ, ‚Ê⁄U, ‹πŸ FA3 ◊ÊŸflËÿ ∑§L§áÊÊ ∑§Ë Áº√ÿ ø◊∑§, ∞∑§ ∑§„UÊŸË ÿ„U ÷Ë, SòÊË Á‡ÊˇÊÊ ∑§ Áfl⁄UÙœË ∑ȧÃ∑§ÙZ ∑§Ê πá«UŸ ÃÈ‹‚˺ʂ, ŸÊª¡È¸Ÿ, ÁªÁ⁄U¡Ê ∑ȧ◊Ê⁄U ◊ÊÕÈ⁄U ‚ÊŸÊ-‚ÊŸÊ „UÊÕ ¡ÙÁ«U ¬º ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, flÊëÿ, ⁄U‚ FA4 Ÿı’à πÊŸ ◊¢ ߒʺÃ, ‚S¢∑ΧÁà ∑§ãÿʺʟ, ‚¢ªÃ∑§Ê⁄U (∑§ÁflÃÊ) ∞„UË …ÒUÿÊ¢ ¤ÊÈ‹ŸË „UÙ ⁄UÊ◊Ê, ◊Ò¥ ÄÿÙ¥ Á‹πÃÊ „Í° SA2 ◊ÊŸflËÿ ∑§L§áÊÊ ∑§Ë Áº√ÿ ø◊∑§, ∞∑§ ∑§„UÊŸË ÿ„U ÷Ë, SòÊË Á‡ÊˇÊÊ ∑§ Áfl⁄UÙœË ∑ȧÃ∑§ÙZ ∑§Ê πá«UŸ, Ÿı’à πÊŸ ◊¥ ߒʺÃ, ‚S¢∑ΧÁà ÃÈ‹‚˺ʂ, ŸÊªÊ¡È¸Ÿ, ÁªÁ⁄U¡Ê ∑ȧ◊Ê⁄U ◊ÊÕÈ⁄U, ´§ÃÈ⁄UÊ¡ ◊¢ª‹‡Ê «U’⁄UÊ‹– ‚ÊŸÊ-‚ÊŸÊ „UÊÕ ¡ÙÁ«U, ∞„UË …ÒUÿÊ¢ ¤ÊÈ‹ŸË „U⁄UÊŸË „UÙ ⁄UÊ◊Ê, ◊Ò¥ ÄÿÙ¥ Á‹πÃÊ „Í° ¬º ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, flÊÄÿ ÷º (⁄UøŸÊ) flÊëÿ ¬Á⁄UfløŸ, ⁄U‚, •¬Á∆Uà ’Ùœ, ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ, ‚Ê⁄U, ‹πŸ 2nd Summative :Ch - 4 Quadratic Equations Ch - 5 Arithmetic Progression Ch - 7 Co-ordinate Geometry Ch - 9 Some applications to Trigonometry Ch - 10 Circles Ch - 11 Constructions Ch - 12 Areas related to Circles Ch - 13 Surface Areas & volumes Ch - 15 Probability MATHS 1st Formative :Ch - 1 Real Numbers Ch - 2 Polynomials 2nd Formative :Ch - 14 Statistics Ch - 8 Introduction to Trignometry 1st Summative :- (SA1) Ch - 1 Real Numbers Ch - 2 Polynomials Ch - 3 Pair of Linear Equations in two variables Ch - 6 Triangles Ch - 8 Introduction to Trignometry Ch - 14 Statistics 3rd Formative :Ch - 4 Quadratic Equations Ch - 15 Probability 4th Formative :Ch - 7 Co-ordinate Geometry Ch - 11 Constructions Ch - 12 Arear realed to circles FA4 :- Ch-5 Classification of elements & Periodic table (55) CHEMISTRY FA1 :- Ch-1 Chemical reactions and equations FA2 :- Ch-1,2 (2-Metals and non metals) SA1 :- Ch-1,2,3 FA3 :- Ch-4 Carbon and its compound SA2 :- Ch-4,5 PHY. FA1 :- 1. Current FA2 :- 2. Magnetic effect of current SA1 :- FA1, 2 and Source of Energy FA3 :- Reflection FA4 :- Refraction SA2 :- FA3, FA4 optical instrument Book :- NCERT BIOLOGY (56) 1st Term FA1 :- Life Processes MCB unit 1 FA2 Mrs Packledite’s Tiger Mirror (Poem) MCB unit 2 Voice News Headlines Speech FA2 :- Control and co-ordination in animals and plants SA1 :- Life processes, Control and co-ordination in animals and plants 2nd Term FA3 :- Reproduction SA1 The letter (literature) Not Marble Not the guilded monument (Poem) The Dear Departed MCB unit 1,2,3 The syllabus of FA1 and FA2 will also be included in SA1 FA4 :- Heredity and evolution SA2 :- Our Environment, Natural resources, Reproduction and He-readity and Evolution FA3 A shady plot (literature) Ozymandias (Poem) MCB Unit 4 Articles, Jumbled words Grammar of FA1 and FA2 COMPUTER FA1 FA2 (Fermative Test) Introduction to computer (Internet) (Fermative Test) Introduction to Internet Understanding HTML Working with tags Using list a images Working with anchors a links FA4 Patel Babu (filmstar) The Rime of Ancient Mariner MCB Unit 5 Bio Sketch Grammar same as FA3 SA1 FA3 FA4 Creating tables Introduction to MS-Access Working with tables. (Fermative Test) All about MS-Access (Fermative Test) Introduction to XML IT application SA2 Virtually True (literature) Snake (Poem) Juluis ceaser (Play) SA2 MCB unit 4,5,6 The syllabus of FA3 and FA4 will also be included in SA2 SA2 All syllabus ENGLISH FA1 Two Gentlemen of Verona (literature) The Frog and the nightingale (Poem) Notice, Email, Edit, Slash, Narration (57) (58) SYLLABUS OF XI Computer Ist Unit Test Data Representation, Computer Overview working with operating system, C++ programs. Half yearly exam Microprocessor Basics I/O and General OOP concepts Getting started with C++, flow of Control, program methodology. 2nd Unit Test Data hiding, operator & Expression in C++, C++ as per latest C++ II standard, fuction. Final Exam Whole Syllabus Book:- Economics 1. Indian Economic Development NCERT 2. Statistics I Unit Test * Statistics L:- 1, 2, 3 II Unit Test * Indian economic Development L:- 1, 2, 3 Half yearly Exams * Statistics L:- 1 to 10 & 14 * Indian Economic Dev L:- 1 to 10 III Unit Test * Statistics L:- 11 * Indian Economics L:- 11, 12, 13 Final Exam * Whole syllabus Hindi ¬Ê∆U˜ÿ ∑˝§◊ vv flË¥ Unit Exam ªl- Ÿ◊∑§ ∑§Ê ºÊ⁄UÙªÊ, Á◊ÿÊ¢ Ÿ‚ËM§gËŸ ¬l- ◊Ë⁄UÊ, ∑§’Ë⁄U ¬òÊ- Á‡Ê∑§ÊÿÃË ¡Ÿ‚¢ÅÿÊ ◊Êäÿ◊- ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ II Unit Exam ªl- ÁflºÊ߸ ‚¢÷Ê·áÊ, •¬Í ∑§ ‚ÊÕ, …∏∏UÊ߸ ‚Ê‹ ¬l- ¬ÁÕ∑§, fl •Ê°π, ÉÊ⁄U ∑§Ë ÿʺ ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄ ◊Êäÿ◊- »§Ëø⁄U ¬òÊ- ‚ê¬Êº∑§Ëÿ Half yearly - Ist & IInd Unit ∑§Ê ¬Ê∆˜Uÿ∑˝§◊ (59) IIIrd Unit ªl - ª‹ÃÊ ‹Ù„UÊ, S¬ËÁà ◊ ’ÊÁ⁄U‡Ê, ⁄U¡ŸË ¬l - ø¢¬Ê ∑§Ê‹ •ë¿U⁄U Ÿ„UË¥ øÊã„UÃË, ª¡‹ ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄ ◊Êäÿ◊- ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ, •Ê‹π, »§Ëø⁄U ¬òÊ, ÁŸ’¢œ, •¬Á∆Uà ªº˜÷ʪ fl ¬º˜ÿÊ¢‡Ê ªl- ¡Ê◊ÈŸ ∑§Ê ¬«∏U, ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊ÊÃÊ, •Êà◊Ê ∑§Ê Ãʬ ¬l- „U ÷Íπ ◊à ◊ø‹, „U ◊⁄‘U ¡Í„UË ∑§ »Í§‹ ¡Ò‚ ߸‡fl⁄U •Ê•Ù, Á◊‹∑§⁄U ’øÊ∞¢– ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄U ◊Êäÿ◊- ¬˝ÁÃflºŸ fl •Ê‹π ¬òÊ- ‚ê¬Êº∑§Ëÿ fl Á‡Ê∑§ÊÿÃË– flÊÁ·¸∑§ ¬⁄UˡÊÊ- ‚ê¬Íáʸ ¬Ê∆˜Uÿ∑˝§◊¸ Phy Edu I Unit Test (30 marks) Ist and 2nd unit II Unit Test (30 marks) 3rd and 4th unit III Half years Exam (70 marks) Ist to 5 units IV Unit Test (40 marks) 6th and 7 units Annual Exam Full Syllabus History First unit Exams 1. The story of Human Evolution 2. writing and city life Second unit Exams 3. An empire across three continents 4. The central Islamic Lands Half yearly Exams Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Nomadic empires 6 The three orders Third unit Exams 7 Changing cultural traditions 8 Conforntation of cultures Annual Exams Full syllabus from Chapter 1 to 11 (60) ENGLISH I UNIT TEST: Hornbill a) Portrait of a Lady Snapshot: a) Summer of the beautiful white horse. Poem: A Photogrph Grammar Determiners II UNIT TEST Hornbill: a) We’re not afraid.......... b) Discovering TUT Snapshot: a) the Address Poem Voice of the rain Grammar Tenses Half Yearly exam: Hornbill: a) The Ailing Planet Snapshot: a) Rangas marriage b) Albert Einstein at school c) Mother's Day Poem: Childhood Grammer: Modals, Tenses, active/ passive Writing Skill: Letters, paragraphs III Unit Test HORNBILL: The Browning Version Snapsshot: a) Birth b) Tale of Melon city Poem: Father to Son Grammar: Complete syllabus Final Exam: Complete Syllabus COMMERCE Accountancy B. Studies I Unit Unit 1 & 2 Unit 1, 2 II Unit Unit 3, 4, 5, 6 Unit 3, 4, & 5 Half Yearly 4th Chapter 1 to 7 Chapter 1 & 8 III Unit test 8 & 9 Unit 9 to 10 (61) PHYSICS Ist unit Test: Mathamatical Tools, Physical world and measurement (Half) 2nd unit Test: Laws of motion, Workc-Energy Half yearly First Five Unit Unit 1 to Unit 5 3rd unit Test: Kinetic Theory of gas and waves and oscillations CHEMISTRY I UT 1. Some basic concepts of Chemistry 1 2. Structure of atom II UT 1. Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure 2. States of matter 3. Redox Reactions Half Yearly Exam:-1. Classification of Element & Periodicity 2. Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure 3. States of matter 4. Thermodynamics 5. Equilibrium 6. Hydrogen 7. S- Block elements III UT 1. Basics Organic Chemistry 2. Hydrocarbons MATHS Ist Unit Test 1. PMI 2. Trigonometry IInd Unit Test 1. Complex Number 2. Sequence and series 3. Sets Half yearly Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 III Unit list 1. Conic section 2. Introduction of three Dimensional Geometory 3. Limits and Derivatives Annual Exam Whole Syllabus BIOLOGY Ist- Unit Test- Morphology of flowering plants Anatomy of flowering plants (62) Diversity of Living org. Biological Classificals Half Yearly- Plant & Animal Kingdom Unit I & unit II cell unit of Life Biomolecules Cell cycle & Cell division IIIrd unit Test- Animal Physiology Complete unit- IV) Annual - whole Syllabus. GEOGRAPHY I Unit Test Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1, 2 India Physical Environment Chapter I II unit Test Fundament of Physical Geography Chapter 4, 5, 6 India Physical environment Chapter 2, 3 Half Yearly Ist Book (Fundamental of Physical Geography) Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 India Physical environment Chapter Physical environment Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 III Unit Test Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 India Physical environment Chapter 5, 6 Annual examination Whole Syllabus (63) XII Class Syllabus Computer Ist Unit Test Class and Object, boolean Algebra Half yearly Class & object, boolean Algebra, constructors and destructors, Inheritance, oop, function overloading 2nd Unit test Data file handling, SQL, Array, networking Ist Pre Board Whole syllabus 2nd Pre Board Whole syllabus Economics Books:- 1. Introductory Micro Economics NCERT 2. Introductory Macro Economics I Unit Test * Micro Economics Unit I L:- 1. Micro Economics and central problems of an economy. Unit II L:- 2. Consumer’s equilibrium (under utility analysis) L:- 3. Consumer’s equilibrium (under Indifference curve Analysis) L:- 4. Theory of Demand II Unit Test * Macro Economics Unit VIII L:- 13. Government budget and the economy Unit IX L:- 14. Balance of Payments L:- Foreign exchange * Macro Economics Unit II L:5 Elasticity of demand (numericals also) Ist selection Test * Micro Economics Unit I Micro Economics & central problems of economy Unit II Consumer’s equilibrium & Demand Unit III Cost, Revenue & Producer’s equilibrium Unit IV Determination of equiprice & output under Perfect competition Unit V National Income and its related aggregates Unit VI Money supply and its functions and Banking (64) Unit VII Government Budget Unit IX Foreign Exchange & Balance of payments. Ist Pre Board Whole Syllabus 2nd Pre Board Whole Syllabus HINDI ¬Ê∆˜Uÿ∑˝§◊ ∑§ˇÊÊ vwflË¥ Ist Unit Exam ªl- ÷ÁÄß, ’ÊïÊÊ⁄U º‡Ê¸Ÿ ªl- ∑§ÁflÃÊ fl‹Ë, ‹ˇ◊áÊ-◊Íë¿Uʸ fl ⁄UÊ◊ ∑§Ê Áfl‹Ê¬ ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄U ◊Êäÿ◊- »§Ëø⁄U ¬òÊ- (Á‡Ê∑§ÊÿÃË) II Unit Exam ªl- ∑§Ê‹ ◊ÉÊÊ ¬ÊŸË º, ¬„U‹flÊŸ ∑§Ë …∏Ù‹∑§ ¬l- •Êà◊ ¬Á⁄Uøÿ, ∞∑§ ªÁÃ, ¬Ã¢ª, ’ʺ‹ ⁄Uʪ ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄U ◊Êäÿ◊- •Ê‹π ¬òÊ- (‚ê¬Êº∑§Ëÿ) Half yearly - Ist & IInd Unit ¬Ê∆˜Uÿ∑˝§◊ fl ªl- øʋ˸ øÒÁå‹Ÿ ÷ÊŸË „U◊ ‚’, Ÿ◊∑§ ¬l- ∑§ÁflÃÊ ∑§ ’„UÊŸ, ’Êà ‚ËœË ÕË ¬⁄U, ∑Ò§◊⁄‘U ◊¥ ’¢º •¬ÊÁ„U¡, ‚„U·¸ SflË∑§Ê⁄ÊU „ÒU ¡Ÿ‚¢øÊ⁄U ◊Êäÿ◊- •Ê‹π, »§Ëø⁄U, •ÁËlÈûÊ⁄UÊà◊∑¸§ ¬˝‡Ÿ ¬òÊ fl ÁŸ’ãœ, •¬Á∆Uà ªº˜÷ʇʸ fl ¬º˜÷ʇʢ Ist PRE BOARD & IInd Pre Board ‚ê¬Íáʸ ¬Ê∆˜Uÿ∑˝§◊ Phy Educations Ist unit Test 30 Marks Ist and 2nd unit II unit Test 50 Marks Ist to 4th units I Selection 70 Marks 1 to 6 and B Part Ist Pre board 70 Marks Full syllabus II do 70 Marks HISTORY First Unit Exams 1 The Harappan Civilisation 2 The Early states and economics 2nd Unit Exams 3 The early societies (65) 4 Through eyes of Travellers Ist Selection Exams. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Bhakti and sufi traditions 6. An imperial capital Vijayanagara 7. Peasants zamindars and the state Mughals 8. Kings & Chronicles. Ist Pre Board Exam. full syllabus. IInd Pre Board Exams Full Syllabus from Chapter 1 to 15 MATHEMATICS I st unit 1. Matrix and Determinants IInd unit list 1. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 2. Differentiation Ist selection 1. Differentiation 2. Application of Derivatives 3. Integration I Pre Board Whole syllabus ENGLISH I Unit Test Sub:English Flamingo The Last Lesson Vistas The Tiger King Poem My Mother at 66 Writing Skill Classified advertisement II Unit Test Flamingo a) Lost spring b) Deep Water Vistas a) The Enemy b) Should Wizard Hit Mommy Poem An Elementary Classroom in a slum Writing Skill Notices and advertisements I SELECTION Complete Syllabus I PREBOARD Complete Syllabus II & III PREBOARD Complete Syllabus COMMERCE Accountancy B. Studies I Unit Chapter 1 & 2 Chapter 1 & 2 II Unit Chapter 3, 4 & 5 Chapter 3, 4, & 5 Half Yearly Chapter 1 to 9 Chapter 1 to 9 I Pre board Whole Syllabus Whole Syllabus II Pre board Whole Syllabus Whole Syllabus (66) PHYSICS Ist unit Test 5.5.14 to 10.5.14 Electostatics 2nd unit Test 19.8.14 to 29.8.14 Magnetic effect of current Ist selection Test 17.11.14 to 29.11.14 unit 1 to unit 5 Ist Pre Board 16.12.14 to 24.12.14 Unit 1 to unit 9 2nd Pre-Board 16.1.15 to 27.1.15 Full Syllabus CHEMISTRY I UT 1 Solids 2 Chemical Kinetics II UT 1 Solutions 2 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 3 Alcohols, Phenols, ethers 4 Chamistry in Everyday life Half Yearly/ I Selection Test:1. Solids 2. Solutions 3. Electrochemistry 4. Chemical Kinetics 5. Surface Chemistry 6. CO- ordination Compound 7. Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acid 8.Organic compounds with Nitrogen 9. Polymers. First Pre-Board Exam:Whole Syllabus Second Pre-Board Exam:- Whole Syllabus BIOLOGY Ist Unit Test- Ch 5,6 IInd Unit Test- Ch 1,2,3,4,7 Ist Selection Test- Ch 1-16 (Whole Syllabus) Pre Board I - Whole Syllabus Pre Board II- Whole Syllabus IInd Unit Test Fundamental of Human geography Chapter-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 India People and economy Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5 Ist Selection Test Half Yearly Whole Syllabus Ist Pre Board Whole Syllabus IInd Pre Board Whole Syllabus GEOGRAPHY Ist Unit Test Book FundaMental of Human Geography Chapter - 1, 2, 3 Book India - People and geography Chapter-I (67) (68)
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