Brochure - ekta short film festival

What’s in your mind…?
The hat of Hitchcock, Bertolucci or James Cameron..?
Now it’s your turn...
The story line goes like this…
Once upon a time before Hollywood, Bollywood and all
other man-made woods.
All films shot and viewed were short.
The saga of shorts began in 1910 in the United States of
And whether it’s animated or live action, almost all of
them made to make people laugh.
These films were called comedies; this happened much
before the rise of renowned comedians.
From 1895, after the ‘Arrival of a Train’ of Lumière Brothers
made audience flee in terror seeing the locomotive hurtled
towards them, till the dawn of 20th century, the short
ruled the roost.
Later, by the emergence of the long ones, they dwindled in
In 1955 resurgence happened. Charlie Chaplin emerged.
Now in world film arena, Pixar and Disney make good
animated shorts.
It’s a great pathway to the aspiring film makers to prove
their sheer mettle.
Shoot your entries to us, here unrolls the red carpet for
your creations!
In 1975 director K. Balachander , found a young bus conductor whom he
believed had the enormous acting talent to conquer the hearts of millions.
Today people call that young man , “Superstar”
Ramakanth Achrekar, a cricket coach saw a spark in the eyes of a 11 year
old boy, that he has the ability to change the history of the game. Now the
world calls the boy “The God of Cricket”.
The showman of south India Mani Rathnam discovered an emerging music
director and decided to give him a chance in his new movie. The Music
Director turned around the entire music industry of India and grabbed 2
academy awards.
Talents are like diamonds. Somebody has to find them from the deepest
mines. EKTA (Emerging Kerala’s Talents Association) has a mission to find the
talents of Kerala through various events and programmes and bring them in
front of the world.
Channel Partner
The Team
""Ignhpä {]Xn`IÄ DZn¨p hcs«. Ne¨n{X Imhy¯n\v ]pXnb `mjy§Ä s]m«n
apfbv¡s«. GàbpsS Cu {lkzNn{X bÚ¯n\v Fñm BiwkIfpw t\cpóp.""
Padmabhushan m.t.vasudevan nair
""Ne¨n{X cwK¯v ]pXnb {]Xn`IÄ Dï­mth­ïX
­ pw ]pXnb krãnIÄ \nÀ½n¡s¸tS­
ï­Xpw Ime¯nsâ BhiyamWv. Gà \S¯pó {lkzNn{X atlmÕhw Gsd
{]kàamhpóXv Cu Ahkc¯nemWv. bph{]Xn`IfpsS Cu kwKa¯n\v Fñm­
hn[ klIcWhpw BiwkIfpw \nda\tÊmsS t\cpóp.""
Dr. M.K.MUneer
Minister for Panchayats and Social Justice
74, South Avenue
New Delhi -110 011
Member of Parliament
(Lok Sabha)
Madhuravasanamshetram Road
Post Civil Station
Calicut-673 020
FaÀPnwKv tIcf Smeâ vkv Atkmkntbj³ tjmÀ«v
kwLSn¸n¡póp FódnªXnð Gsd kt´mjn¡póp.
Cu \qämï­
nsâ IebmWp kn\na. tUmIypsaâdnIfpw, tjmÀ«v^nenapIfpw
DÄs¸sS kaql¯nð Gsd kzm[o\w sNep¯pó Iymadm¡mgvNIfmWp am­
dpó Ime¯nsâ {]tXyIX. Ipdª sNehnð Zriyhnkvabw XoÀ¯v, kÀK­
mXvaI {]hÀ¯\w \S¯póhsc t{]mÕmln¸n¡m³ C¯cw tjmÀ«v ^nenw
s^ÌpIÄ¡v km[n¡psaóp XoÀ¨bmWp.
kaql¯nð {InbmßIhpw `mh\m]qÀWhpamb {]hÀ¯\w \S¯pó EKTA
t]mepÅ kwLS\IÄ¡v tjmÀ«v ^nenw s^ÌneqsS IqSpXð Imcy£aambn
CSs]Sm³ km[n¡pw. Hcn¡ð¡qSn Fñmhn[ `mhpI§fpw AÀ¸n¡póp.
Fw. sI. cmLh³
Tel:0405-2376622, Fax: 0495-2376611, 011-23795391 Mobile:09013180178 (Delhi), 9446063011 (Kerala)
E-mail: [email protected]
apJy c£m[nImcnIÄ
renowned writer & Film director
Acclaimed Film Producer
mind trainer
cine Actor
past dist governer
Lions club intl.
shaan rahman
r unni
deedi damodaran
music director
drama director
cine Actor
narayanan Nair
P.Krishnanunni Raja
gopinath muthukad
{]hÀ¯I kanXn
Adv. k.v.mohanan
biju. s. biju
festival chairman
secretary - ekta
dr. sudha
Dr. Chandrakanth
vineesh vidyadharan adv. ratnakumar
Vijeesh ramanand
sunil kumar. m. m
Johny Antony
meria sinoj
sri. VIPIN MOhan
We Salute you
For 100 movies
Cinematographer Sri. Vipin Mohan
Team EKTA takes this opportunity to honour veteran cinematographer Sri. Vipin Mohan for
completing 100 glorious movies. The honouring ceremony will be conducted on the Mega Award
Night in the presence of proud dignitaries.
EKTA All Kerala Short Film Festival focuses on bringing infotainment and knowledge under a
single roof with various kind of activities.
learn from
the leaders
“ Simply to shine a light on future film makers who seized on good ideas and executed them well.”
I. Seminars
Gain first-hand career knowledge from a celebrity Film maker and enhance your skills, tools,
and master industry trade secrets to take any project from the script pages through the entire
filmmaking process to final film.
knowledge and recognition
“ Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourselves to it.”
Ii. a total package
EKTA Short Film Festival gives a total package for the participants with a handful of
opportunities to get recognized and be a part of a big event. An entry pass to EKTA Film Festival
gives the candidate a chance to project their creations in front of renowned film makers and
technicians along with a massive crowd.
experience the
professional world
“ Imparting product knowledge amongst discerning users and leverage understanding of the
full potential of each gadget.”
Iii. exhibitions
EKTA brings together the industry, trade, professional users and end consumers with a passion
for Film Making — in a way no other event can match.
“ Find a powerful tool for self-expression, uncover inner strength, and deepen connection with
Iv. open forums
EKTA short film festival gives a platform to describe and exchange information and ideas. The
open forum sessions will be informative and a chance for the participants to share their
opinions on specific subjects.
promote your
“ Fortunately, it’s not that hard – you just have to display your creation, and make it happen”
v. sales counter
The Participants have a golden opportunity to get some business through the EKTA Short Film
Festival’s Sales counter, where they can display their DVDs and to sell them at a prize.
Relax & Enjoy
the evenings
“ Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the occasion.”
vi. cultural Programmes
After finishing the serious seminar sessions and controversial open forum discussions its time to
relax and enjoy the evenings with some cultural events.
big arena
with a massive crowd
“ It doesn’t matter how many times you win an award, it is always very special..”
vii. mega award night
Yes, It is the main attraction of EKTA short film festival, all the talented young short film makers
get recognised and awarded in a big event with lights & Music.
Award Category
Awards will be selected from the selected 40 entries
EKTA Platinum Award
Cash Award INR 1,00,000 /Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
The best short film will be selected by the
panel of jury from the best entries.
Current status
Awards for around 24 catagories
Best second Short Film
EKTA Golden Talent Award
Cash Award INR 20,000 /Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Best third Short Film
EKTA Golden Talent Award
Cash Award INR 10,000 /Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Special Category
Best Foriegn Short Film
EKTA Platinum Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Best Foriegn film will be awarded the EKTA platinum
Award and Statuette. Entries are invited from any
language outside India. This will be considered as a
special catagory.
Special Jury Award
EKTA Golden Talent Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Special Jury award will be selected from any of the
selected entries, provided it makes a special
impression on the entire jury panel, by its creativity,
presentation or message.
Special Category
Best Short Film with a Social Message
EKTA Golden Talent Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Best film which gives a strong social message to the
society will be given a special award. This category
have a speciality of even getting recognised in the
absence of an award.
Best Short Film by Women
EKTA Golden Talent Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
EKTA encourages women film makers to come to the
lime light. For this, a special award for the Best Woman film maker will be awarded in the mega award
night. House wives, professionals, other ladies & girls
who are talented can use their free times for making small in-house movies ( even with their mobile
phones ) for competing for this category. The films
are even considered for the best short film and the
best short films with a social message.
Special Category
Best Animated Short Film
EKTA Creative Talent Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
A Special award for the best animated short film. The
films are even considered for the best short film and
the best short films with a social message.
Best Mobile Short Film
EKTA Creative Talent Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Film makers these days find stories easy with their
mobile phones. A Special award is kept for these
creative guys who can tell a story with their mobiles.
The films are even considered for the best short film,
Best short film by women and the best short films
Award Category
budding filmakers from campus
EKTA Emerging Talent Award
Cash Award INR 20,000 /Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
EKTA Emerging Talent Award
Cash Award INR 20,000 /Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
the geniuses
EKTA Emerging Genius Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
EKTA Emerging Genius Award
Sponsored Gift
Ekta Golden Statuette
Award Category
Sponsored Gift & Ekta Golden Statuette
Best actor - Male
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Best actor - feMale
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Best child artist
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Sponsored Gift & Ekta Golden Statuette
Best Music Director / BGM
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Best Playback singer - Male
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Best Playback singer - feMale
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Best Lyrics
EKTA Emerging Performer Award
Award Category
Sponsored Gift & Ekta Golden Statuette
Best art Director
EKTA Emerging Technician Award
Best Cinematography
EKTA Emerging Technician Award
Best editor
EKTA Emerging Technician Award
Best Audiography
EKTA Emerging Technician Award
Recognition for all
A participation certificate will be given for all exhibited films by EKTA for
sending their creatives and taking active participation in the EKTA Short
Film Festival.
Channel Visibility
The Festival will be telecasted in Indiavision Channel and Yes Vision. Along
with it the best entries in the fest will also be telecasted in the channels as
Social Recognition
The Festival opens the opportunities to the filmmakers to get socially recognized by the Govt. and other organisations by creating films, which gives
value able message to the society. Films which points towards no smoking,
alcohol consumption, child abuse, importance of education, cleanliness,
woman empowerment etc are well entertained.
EKTA Archive
EKTA believes that all the good films and talents should be recognized.
Hence the EKTA archive The best short films will make to the EKTA Hall of
fame archive, which will open doors to greater visibility of the films.
Programme Schedule
day 01
Programme schedule
Short film shows
Gujarathi Hall : 9.30 AM
Gujarathi Hall : 10.00 AM
The inaugural Ceremony of EKTA Short
Film Festival on 17th April from 9.30 am
onwards in the presence of respected
Selected 50 Short film entries will be
displayed on the main screen. First Day 15
Short Films will be projected from 10 am
Gold Rush Arena
Gold Rush Arena
at the venues
seminar on Direction
open forum
City Lights Arena
Easy Street Arena
Seminar on Direction conducted by
celebrity Film Directors
Open discussion with the deligates on a
specific topic.
School short film show
musical eve
Town Hall : 10.00 AM
Gujarathi Ground : 6.30 PM
Gujarathi Ground : 11.00 AM
Lime Lights Arena
First Day 15 Short Films will be projected
from 10 am onwards out of Selected 30
Short film entries.
Gujarathi Ground : 03.00 PM
City Lights Arena
A Spectacular music show from a reputed
Music Band.
day 02
Programme schedule
Short film shows
Gold Rush Arena
Gujarathi Hall : 10.00 AM
Selected 50 Short film entries will be
displayed on the main screen. Second Day
15 Short Films will be projected from 10
am onwards.
at the venues
seminar on acting
open forum
City Lights Arena
Easy Street Arena
Seminar on Direction conducted by
celebrity Actors
Open discussion with the deligates on a
specific topic.
Campus short film show
dance eve
Town Hall : 10.00 AM
Gujarathi Ground : 6.30 PM
Gujarathi Ground : 11.00 AM
Lime Lights Arena
Second Day 15 Short Films will be
projected from 10 am onwards out of
Selected 30 Short film entries.
Gujarathi Ground : 03.00 PM
City Lights Arena
A Spectacular Danceshow from a reputed
Dance Troop.
day 03
Programme schedule
Short film shows
seminar on camera
Gujarathi Hall : 10.00 AM
Gujarathi Ground : 11.00 AM
Selected 50 Short film entries will be
displayed on the main screen. Final Day
10 Short Films will be projected from 10
am onwards.
Seminar on Cinematography based on
specific cameras, conducted by noted
cinematographer and technical team.
Gold Rush Arena
City Lights Arena
mega event
award ceremony
award night with colorful stage show
Gold Rush Arena
The final day will witness a grand mega award ceremony with the participation of celebrities and lot
of performing artists with mind blowing performances. Awards will be presented by various sponsors
and reputed personalities.
“ You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.”
- charlie chaplin
2nd Floor, Harsh Planet View,
Behind Planeterium, Kunniyil Kavu,
Kalathil Kunnu, Calicut 673001, Kerala
Ph: +91 495 2771490, +91 8129146472, +91 9895914808
[email protected]