Elementary Deaf School, Secondary Deaf School and MSP

Dr. Lynn Boyer, Superintendent
Dr. Patsy Shank, Principal, School for the Deaf
Ann Behrens, Director, Multi-Sensory Program
WVSDB Vision
The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind will be the center of excellence in the education
of deaf, hard of hearing, blind and low vision students so they will achieve success as productive
independent members of society.
To that end. . .
we provide students a specialized education environment where their unique skills are recognized and
valued, they are given opportunities to experience success, and they feel part of a community in which
they are encouraged to be lifelong learners.
At the WVSDB all decisions and planning are guided by our Always.Child.First. commitment—
designed to maximize each child’s potential. In a culture that is Always.Child.First. we believe . . .
that respect for each other is the foundation and strength of our diverse school community
that all faculty/staff must be effective advocates for our children
that the essential partnerships among the student, family, school, and community require
patience but are fundamental for student growth and development.
that children thrive in a culture filled with laughter and joy.
that having knowledge of a child’s unique challenges and needs equips us to understand and
support that child.
that access to all aspects of communication, including ASL, English and braille, is crucial to a
student’s development.
that each child’s unique interests, needs, and abilities can only be honored if we are flexible and
creative problem solvers.
we must anticipate the untapped potential of a student and create experiences that are broad,
challenging, and individualized to promote a lifelong desire to learn.
Report Card Grading Scale:
Average Grade Quality Points
93 – 100
85 – 92
75 - 84
65 - 74
0 - 64
2014 – 2015 Grading Periods
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Term 4:
August 18, 2014- October 23, 2014
October 24, 2014 - January 22, 2015
January 23, 2015 - March 26, 2015
March 27, 2015 - June 5, 2015
WVSD and WVSB Secondary School Bell Schedule, Grades 6-12
8:00 - 8:05 am
8:07 - 8:52 am
8:54 - 9:39 am
9:41 - 10:26 am
10:28 - 11:13 am
11:15 - 11:50 am
11:50 - 12:25 pm
12:25 - 1:10 pm
1:12 - 1:57 pm
1:59 - 2:44 pm
2:46 – 3:31 pm
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
9th Period
10th Period
The following departmental guidelines have been developed to familiarize teachers/staff with job
expectations and thus facilitate the operation of our program. All staff are expected to be familiar with
these guidelines.
A. Responsibilities to Students
Maintaining good discipline and control of students at all times. Use the Level system
and remember to be consistent. Appendix 1 has information about the levels and
associated consequences (taken from the Student/Parent Handbook).
 Setting objectives for each student based on the West Virginia Content Standards.
 Encouraging the students when they do well and using criticism only in a constructive
 Taking advantage of all opportunities to help students grow socially and plan for
activities that will enhance this growth.
 Continued observation of students to make sure that any signs of poor health are
recognized and reported.
 Parents have the right to know how their child is doing in the classroom. We should
make every effort to keep them informed throughout the school year. In keeping with
this philosophy, whenever it becomes apparent that a student is making a “D” or “F” in a
particular subject, the teacher should complete the “Report to Parents” form or letter and
submit it to the Principal at midterm of the nine weeks grading period.
Make sure accurate records are kept (academic, disciplinary, etc.) on each student and have them
available for review by students and/or parents.
Keep a record of all parent conferences, including correspondence. Review Confidentiality
At the end of each grading period, staff (teachers and child care workers) should privately inform
students of the mark they earned during that grading period and provide suggestions for
Document, Document, Document!
B. Responsibilities for Work Areas
Staff are responsible for making sure that assigned work areas are maintained in a neat,
clean, and orderly manner. Students should be expected to do their part in this process.
At the end of each day, lights should be turned off and windows closed and locked.
Staff are responsible for energy conservation in their work areas. Thermostats should be set
appropriately. Windows should be closed when heating or air-conditioning units are in
With the exception of special school functions or when considered part of a specific
curriculum objective and instruction, food or other beverages other than water ARE NOT to
be consumed during the time students are present.
Become familiar with the fire evacuation plan and COMPLY WITH THE FIRE CODE AT
If you have any living thing(s) (i.e., animals, birds, plants) in your area, you are responsible
for cleaning up any resulting mess. Animals must be kept in cages. Animals must be kept in
accordance to WV Health regulation Title 64, Series 18.
School keys must not be given to students.
C. General Duties
Be willing to assist any student when needed.
Participate in, and help supervise, extracurricular activities.
Attend professional development training and any staff meetings that may be scheduled.
Field trips related to curriculum and instruction goals/objectives are encouraged. However,
adequate planning is essential. Food and transportation requisitions must be properly and
completely filled out by the staff member and turned into the office at least TWO WEEKS in
advance; by the 1st or 15th of each month. Out-of-State travel requests must be turned in
ONE MONTH in advance. (SEE TRAVEL MANUAL). Receipts are required for all meals
and other expenses. When taking students on field trips, be sure to check with the infirmary
for medical concerns and medicine. (All staff members, who will or may be accompanying
students on trips, are strongly encouraged to apply for a state credit card through the Schools
Business Office. This card is free of charge to you as a State employee).
Teachers will be assigned morning/after school bus duties and after school duties on a
rotating basis as needed.
All teachers are required to sign-in in the workroom prior to 8:00 am.
Serve on committees.
D. Teachers Meetings
Teachers meetings and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will be held at scheduled
times and before/after school. Attendance is required. Teachers will be notified of scheduled
meetings and PLCs via the morning news or by e-mail.
When you miss a scheduled meeting, it is your responsibility to see the principal as soon as
possible in order to be up-to-date with the information and announcements given. Meeting
minutes will be distributed.
Please do not bring work to do at teachers’ meetings or PLCs. The information is important; it
demands your full attention and will be as brief as possible.
E. Lesson Plans (Teachers)
Good planning enhances learning and eliminates many discipline problems; therefore, daily
lesson plans are required and will be checked periodically. These plans should be kept up-todate, and written in as much detail as needed to ensure that whoever takes your class can carry
on in your absence. Five days of contingency lesson plans/materials are to be available for each
class a teachers has and should be stored in a readily accessible and known location in the
teacher’s classroom. These plans and files must be kept current.
The following procedures for lesson plans should be followed:
A week’s worth of daily lesson plans are to be written in advance of each school week by
every teacher.
The lesson plans should be written in a format that is easily interpreted by a substitute or
classroom observer.
A copy of lesson plans must be submitted electronically to the principal and secretary before
8am on Monday of each week.
A specific lesson plan format is not required.
F. Homework
Homework helps the students to reinforce and remember skills taught during the school day.
Therefore, it is important that students have regular homework assignments. Teachers are
expected to provide students with homework assignments on a daily basis. Students should
be taught to write down homework assignments and they should be held accountable for
doing their homework and returning it to class on time. Assignments should directly relate to
what students are studying in class and reinforces work done in the classroom. Teachers are
expected to provide dormitory staff with notification of homework assignments. This
information should be sent electronically to the DSL on a daily or weekly basis at the
beginning of the school week.
G. Individual Educational Plans (I.E.P.’s)
Teachers are to complete IEPs as directed for each child. IEPs must be completed in a timely
fashion following state and school policies. All IEPs are to be updated at the end of each nine
week grading period. Teachers must submit grades and update IEP’s by 4pm - 3 days after the
grading period ends. Draft IEP’s should be completed at least five days prior to a scheduled IEP
meeting so that there is adequate time for the school’s administrator or designee to review the
IEP. All IEPs are to be completed on the state adopted forms or on-line, as instructed.
H. Records
IMPORTANT: Access to a given student’s records are permitted only for staff directly involved
with the student. Each time a staff member accesses a student’s file folder, the form attached to
the front part of the inside folder must be signed. This is a required by law, and we must all
adhere to this regulation. Information in the files is confidential and is to be used with
professional discretion. It is not to be discussed by the staff outside of official meetings and
I. Report Cards
The report card is our method of informing the parents of their child’s progress; therefore, much
care should be taken in completing them. In addition, the following points should be
Grades must be posted on the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS) - due
in the office 3 days after the grading period ends.
Progress toward IEP goals must be reported each nine weeks using the on-line IEP system.
Whenever an “incomplete” is given, an explanation of the deficiencies and what is needed to
remove them must accompany the report. Also, when students have a “D” or “F” grade, a
Failing Grade Report needs mailed to the parents at mid-term of the nine weeks grade period.
All yearly grades need to be supported by quarterly and semester grades. A minimum of two
major evaluations/tests are suggested per grading period.
A schedule of the grading periods is included in your handbooks.
Grades assigned should be well documented in a format that is :
o Readily related to classroom performance
o Easily justifiable to parents
o In agreement with the IEP and Content Standards
J. Discipline
All staff members must follow the Level system for behavior management. The Level system
and consequences are explained in the Level system. Please follow Level System procedures
when reporting student infractions.
 Classroom rules must align with Level system and be submitted to Principal for approval and
 Teachers are responsible for administering the discipline and completing the discipline log
for Level 1 and 2 offenses at the time of the infraction. (See chart in Appendix 1). Teachers
will follow the consequences as established. Completed logs are to be sent to the office so the
student may begin consequence as soon as possible. Principal will review. All Level 3 and 4
offenses are to be referred to the principal for disciplinary action.
K. Student Attendance
Each teacher should keep an accurate record of attendance for his/her students. 1st Period class
teachers must submit absences to the office. Out-of-building teachers should call in absences.
Students absent from class, but participating in approved school activities, may be counted as
present, however, make-up work will be required.
L. Accident Reports
Accident reports are mandatory for all student and staff injuries that occur. Teachers can pick
up forms in the office and CCWs can pick up the forms in Seaton Hall mail room. These should
be completed in detail within 12 hours after the accident and be submitted to the office. Anytime
a child has an accident of any kind (e.g., fall, scratch, bump, etc.) the student should be checked
in the office and sent to the infirmary for further evaluation/treatment as dictated. In an
emergency, the student must be sent to the Infirmary promptly. In other cases, the student can be
sent to the office for assistance. On the job staff injuries must also be reported within 12 hours.
Staff Accident Forms may be picked up in the workroom or Seaton Hall mail room. A
Workmen’s Compensation Form, Accident Report, and Election of Options Form must be
completed and submitted to the business office within 48 hours.
M. Student Illness
If a student exhibits symptoms of illness in the classroom, the teacher will tend to his/her
immediate needs. First-aid supplies are available in the office. Basic problems can be taken care
of there.
In case of suspected serious illness and/or injury, the student will be sent to the Infirmary. No
student is to be sent from the classroom to the Infirmary until the office has been notified.
N. Seizures
If a student is in a seizure, it is important not to stimulate or move the student. Their
environment should be quiet as possible. Other staff should keep students reasonably quiet and
away from the student with a seizure. The teacher should request help if needed, or ask for
someone to call the Infirmary if appropriate.
Convulsions are not considered a medical emergency per se; they usually end after a
few minutes.
Note time seizure began
Note time seizure ended
If over 5 minutes, get medical attention (do not attempt to move or transport
student if in the early stage of a seizure; it may only prolong it).
Treatment during seizure is limited to preventing injury.
Remove objects that may injure patient
Do not restrain or attempt to forcibly hold down
Loosen clothing at neck
Put something soft under head, but do not elevate head high
Do not attempt to move or stimulate patient in any way; they will come out of it
on their own (quiet environment, reduced stimuli, etc.)
Never leave unattended
If patient starts vomiting, position head flat and to one side
Post-seizure patients have a particular pattern; each is different; some want to
sleep, others come alert slowly and may be disoriented; allowed to return to
normal at their own pace
 Staff members are expected to be at their work stations prior to the arrival of students.
 Staff member should never leave students without supervision.
 Employees should provide as much advance notice as possible when absence is anticipated.
Staff members should notify their immediate supervisor directly, informing him/her of
absence at least 24 hours prior to beginning work time in the case of planned absence (e.g.,
scheduled medical appointment). Staff members should notify their immediate supervisor at
least 30 minutes prior the start of the work day in the case of an unplanned absence (e.g.,
illness, weather). It is not acceptable to simply notify another staff person. CCWs should
notify their immediate supervisor at least 2 hours prior to the absence if possible.
Staff are required to notify the principal or the secretary (in the absence of the principal)
when leaving school or taking personal/sick leave. It is NOT adequate to send word with
someone else, or just send a leave slip to the office as you leave.
All staff working in the classroom building need to sign in at the office each morning. Outof-building teachers should keep their own sign-in sheets and submit them weekly to the
The number one injury of staff in schools, nationwide, is falling when climbing on a desk or
chair. ALWAYS use a ladder or step stool when climbing. And be careful!
Written permission must be on file before staff members take students off campus. The
policy governing transporting students must be followed.
If it becomes necessary for a teacher to leave campus during school hours (except for lunch)
the office must be notified and that staff member must sign out and submit appropriate leave
Teachers are responsible for their students until they reach their next class. You are
encouraged to work with other teachers to make arrangements to assure continuous coverage.
Teachers should monitor the halls, stairwells, and rest rooms between classes.
DO NOT dismiss students early. Students should not arrive at the next class before the
appointed time.
Please follow correct protocol when contacting parents, WVDE, or any other agency. In
general, no contact should be made by telephone, e-mail or by mail concerning this school
without notifying your immediate supervisor. A record of all calls and correspondence
should be sent to the office as follows. Anytime you make a telephone call to parents, we
must have a written record in the office within 24 hours. The record should include the
Who did the calling?
Who did you call?
Purpose of the call?
What was generally discussed?
The general rule at WVSD&B for care of students is “reasonable care”. To determine
what reasonable care is, the question is, “What would a reasonable, prudent person do
in this situation?” Is your behavior/action reasonable or unreasonable? Always make
careful, prudent, reasonable decisions regarding our students and school.
Always remember that the safety and welfare of our students is our number one
Use time wisely. When one or more students are absent and you don’t have the entire class,
that time should be used for intensive teaching with those students who are present or class
should continue as originally planned.
Students should never be sent to the teacher’s workroom/lounge. They are not to pick-up
mail, make copies, or use the telephone. Teachers should perform these functions before or
after school, during planning time or duty free lunch time.
The principal will visit classrooms as often as possible. Some visits will be formal
evaluations and others just observations. In order to disrupt class as little as possible, please
continue teaching.
Planning time should be productive in preparing for your classes, recording grades,
reviewing files, and holding official conferences and meetings.
Hearing aid checks are to be completed and documented daily during 1st period class.
Submit completed forms to the office. Extra blank forms will be available in the workroom.
 WVSDB instituted a new Visitor’s Policy July 1, 2014. Please see the policy, posted on the
WVSDB web site for details.
 School policy does not permit family members to be present during the work day.
 Personal calls are to be made on personal time. Except in emergency situations, teachers will
not be called out of class for phone calls. Messages will be taken and placed in mailboxes.
All personal long-distance calls must be charged to a home phone or calling card. School
business calls should be made during the planning period. Use of personal cell phones
should be limited to emergencies when students are present. Personal phone calls and texting
should be kept to a minimum and should only be done during non-instructional time.
 Please check your mailbox frequently. Mailboxes should be kept free from clutter and not be
used as permanent storage facilities.
 All mail not dealing directly with the school and/or students should be written on personal
stationary and mailed with personal stamps.
 As a professional group, teachers and staff are expected to be well groomed and
professionally dressed.
 Any attire that may not be worn by students is also unacceptable for staff. (See
Student/Parent Handbook for list of banned items).
 Any staff member may eat on campus, provided an appropriate meal ticket is presented at the
time the meal is consumed. You MUST purchase a ticket for the meal. Tickets may be
purchased from the Business office or the Principal’s office.
 Individuals assigned meal duty are expected to monitor student behavior, encourage proper
table/social manners, and ensure that students follow nutritional guidelines set forth.
 All staff members should be familiar with the regulations concerning fire and other
emergency drills. These regulations should be explained to the students, and they should be
followed during all drills.
 The elevator is NOT to be used during emergency evacuation procedures.
 Please become familiar with our school safety plan and follow it at all times.
 Scheduling field trips that reinforce classroom/dormitory instruction is encouraged
 Trip distances should be reasonable and not disrupt the instructional plans of other staff and
students. Staff are encouraged to plan school wide, multidisciplinary trips. Approval of
any/all trips is subject to availability of funding.
 Vehicle requests: Requests must be made at least two weeks in advance
 A food request, when needed, must be turned in to the Principal’s office at least two weeks in
sure you list the activity, the number going, departure and return times. If the activity is
canceled, notify the Director of Special Services as soon as possible.
 All items belonging to the kitchen should be returned immediately after use.
 ALL REQUISITIONS FOR ITEMS FROM Central Supply, school kitchens, or outside
vendors must be on standard requisition forms. Requisitions put on other paper will not be
accepted or processed. Requisitions to outside vendors must include stock numbers,
purchase price, complete address of supplier including zip code, telephone number, and fax
number. Direct questions concerning the status of requisitions to the Principal.
 Staff are to be familiar with Policy 4373. A Student Conduct Disciplinary Form is to be
completed following any offense within 24 hours and turned in to the school administrator to
be placed in the student’s file.
 All staff are to be familiar with Policy 2419.
 Classroom rules must be approved by principal and must align with Level System.
 All efforts for reinforcing positive behavior from students should be made from staff and a
positive behavior support system should be in place for every classroom.
 Every staff member should try to handle his/her own discipline problems immediately.
 All discipline should be handled fairly, firmly, and consistently.
 Each of us is responsible for student discipline, no matter where we are and no matter who
the students are.
 Don't hesitate to seek assistance if a student disciplinary problem arises in your classroom.
Please notify the school administrator if needed. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IS
 Each staff member should be familiar with the child abuse laws.
o Under state code 49-6A-2, any school teacher or other school personnel who has
“reasonable cause to suspect that a child is neglected or abused or observes the child
being subjected to conditions that are likely to result in abuse or neglect…shall
immediately…report the abuse…”. Such conditions are to be reported to your
immediate supervisor who will investigate and report to the state department of
human services as appropriate.
 If a student has a Behavior Intervention Plan per his/her IEP, this is to be followed, with
appropriate documentation and data collection.
The following guidelines should be in effect when using the workroom:
o If you use it, clean it.
o Exercise confidentiality and professional practice.
o Please keep noise to a minimum and be respectful to those working in the area.
o Do not bring students to workroom during instructional time in order to make copies.
o Do not send students to workroom to make or have made copies
o Copying should be limited to planning time, duty free lunch time and before/after
It is the responsibility of each employee to see that his/her NAME, DATE, and the TYPE of absence
is submitted to the principal or secretary. Leave slips should be completed in advance when
possible, or within 5 days of returning to work. Personal and sick leave must be used in 2-hour
increments (1/4, ½, 3/4). Staff are responsible for entering absences in SEMS system also.
 Please feel free to write all prior approved activities on the calendar located in the secretary’s
 If it’s not on the principal’s calendar, it’s not approved.
 Occasionally activities will occur that necessitate the assistance of staff members over and
above their regular responsibilities (outlined below). In those instances, compensatory times
will be granted under the following guidelines:
 The activity has been discussed with the supervisor along with the amount of time
needed and the date that accrued time will be taken.
 The Superintendent has approved the activity and time.
 Accrued compensatory time for 10 month employees should be used on days that
students are not in school, mutually agreed upon times, with no carry-over time.
 Compensatory leave time must be documented on pink slips and submitted to
immediate supervisor. Compensatory time must also be reported in SEMS.
 Compensatory time may not be granted for:
o Employee planned field trips beyond normal working hours.
o Employee requested workshop and conference participation.
o Employee renewal of certification.
Professional personnel who are required to work on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays may
be granted compensatory time on a half-day for half-day or day-for-day basis if prior
approval has been granted by the Superintendent. Compensatory time shall be used
within the same work week if possible and usually within two (2) weeks at a mutually
agreed upon time with the employee’s direct supervisor. Compensatory time may not be
carried forward to the next school year and an employee who resigns may not be paid
extra for compensatory time he/she has not used.
If, in cases of emergency or when required by the public interest, a service employee is
required to work in excess of prescribed working hours on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays
or holidays, compensatory time may be granted by the Superintendent subject to the
following regulations:
o Prior approval to work additional hours must be granted by the immediate
supervisor and the Superintendent.
o Time beyond the 37 ½ work week shall be credited on an hour-for-hour basis.
o Time worked beyond 40 hours per week shall be credited on a one and onehalf hour basis for each hour worked.
o Compensatory time shall be used within the same work week, if possible, and
always within one (1) month at a mutually agreed upon time with the
employee’s direct supervisor.
o Compensatory time cannot be carried over from the previous school year.
All staff will complete 18 or more hours of approved staff development per year. Staff is
encouraged to attend professional conferences, workshops, meetings, and classes that will enhance
and improve their work skills. Staff is encouraged to serve on campus and off-campus committees,
and advisory councils which are related to our school’s areas of expertise. Staff is encouraged to
improve, enhance, and upgrade work skills by taking classes on topics and subjects related to their
professional duties. Staff must make arrangements with and receive approval from the Principal
prior to attending conferences, workshops, and committee meetings (on- or off-campus) during
school time.
The work day for all teachers in this department is 8:00 am – 3:31 pm which includes a 30-minute
duty-free lunch break. Additionally teachers are required to supervise approximately 20 hours of
extra-curricular activities throughout the school year. Extra-curricular activities are those activities
above and beyond scheduled before and after school duties, e.g., clubs, field trips, sports,
recreational activities.
Teachers will have rotating before and after school duties, e.g., cafeteria, bus, homework. Morning
duties will be from 7:30 – 8:00 am and evening duties from 3:30 – 4:00 pm.
Teachers may trade a day or duty with someone else, but must notify the secretary or principal of the
change. If absent, you will owe a day to the person covering for you. Remember you are responsible
for your duty days and will be liable in the event of a difficulty if your duty day is not properly
All photocopying should be done during your scheduled planning period, before school, or given
to a teacher’s aide to copy. Students should not be sent to the office with materials to copy,
except in an emergency.
Students must have a hall pass or note from the teacher in order to come to the office during
instructional time. Please DO NOT excuse students to come to the office unless it is an
emergency. Students should have a hall pass anytime they are out of their scheduled class.
Students should not make phone calls during school hours, except in emergencies.
Paychecks will be distributed the 15th and the last work day of each month for 30 day months.
For 31 day months, the checks will be distributed the 16th and the last work day of the month.
Note: Beginning January 1, 2015, distribution of pay will be on a bi-weekly basis per changes to
state policy.
Paychecks will be dispensed to teachers and staff through the Principal’s office from 11:30 am
until 2 pm on payday. All unclaimed checks will be returned to the front office at 4pm on
payday and will be mailed to the employee.
EXCEPTION: Checks issued when school is not in session (holidays, summer, etc.) should be
claimed at the front office on payday by 2:00 pm or check will be mailed.
Each teacher is responsible for keeping his/her certification up to date. The school’s Personnel
Director will assist you as requested.
All coaches need to keep their CPR/First Aid Certifications/SSAC Certificate up to date .
 Who Attends
o 6th - 12th graders who are not leveled (Level 2 or 1 students may attend at the
discretion of the Principal and/or DSL.)
o Juniors and Seniors ONLY may invite one non-WVSD guest/date. A guest form
must be completed and signed off by parents and the principal two weeks prior to the
o WVSD&B staff by invitation only from the Junior Class.
o Parents are encouraged to STOP BY the prom. Appropriate dress is requested. Other
family and friends by invitation only from the Junior/Senior classes.
 Prom Time-line
o Schedule prom on the school year calendar by January.
o Dinner at the discretion of the Junior class.
o Prom dance time 7:30 pm to 11 pm.
 Dress Code
o Semi-formal required. Ladies: gown, dress, or pantsuit. Gentlemen: dress pants,
shirt, and tie. Jacket optional.
o Dorm staff ensures that students are appropriately dressed before leaving the dorm.
o Guest/date and staff are requested to follow the dress code.
 Photography
o Junior class makes arrangements for prom pictures.
o Students and staff are responsible for any costs associated with pictures.
 Junior-Senior Class Dinner
o Who attends: Juniors/Seniors and their dates; Administrators by invitation only from
the Junior class.
o Responsibility of Junior class and sponsors.
o $100.00 limit.
o Limit one day during school hours to decorate (after school decorating at the
discretion of the Junior class sponsors).
o Requisition for refreshment foods must be submitted at least two-weeks before prom.
o Clean-up is responsibility of Junior class; must be completed by the Monday
following the prom.
o The Junior/Senior class are responsible for funding their prom dinner.
General Rules
o Students must remain in the areas designated by the Junior class.
o Anyone leaving the prom will not be permitted to return.
o Leaving the prom must be approved by a staff member in charge.
 Activities are to be planned by the Senior sponsors and class.
 Activities are dependent upon available funds (from fund-raising monies).
 Fund-raising activities must be approved by the Principal.
 No more than one instructional day may be used for a Senior trip.
 The Principal will announce the Valedictorian and Salutatorian at the end of the first
 Senior class sponsors are responsible for assisting the Valedictorian and Salutatorian with
their speeches. Language Arts teachers may assist upon request.
 WVSD&B has caps & gowns for students to borrow (or students can order their own through
 Jostens order: Senior sponsors need to order tassels and honor sashes - coordinate with
WVSB Senior sponsors. Ordering other items through Jostens is at the discretion of senior
 Senior pictures are at the discretion of the senior class sponsors or may be done by families..
 Comprised of all permanent, full-time professional educators.
 Quorum of more than one-half of the voting members required to conduct official business.
 Shall elect a chair, vice-chair and secretary.
 Shall control allocated funds.
o Each classroom teacher shall be allotted $200 per year. Teachers may purchase up to
$50 of academic materials, supplies, or equipment and be reimbursed. All purchases
beyond $50 must be completed using the school purchasing process. (Academic
materials shall be interpreted broadly - however, shall not be used for athletics.)
 May nominate teachers for recognition.
 May submit recommendations to the Principal regarding scheduling of personnel and classes.
 Elects prescribed number of faculty representatives to the Local School Improvement
 May participate in the hiring of teachers provided provisions of WVDE Policy 5000 are met.
 Consult State Code 18-5A-5 for further information regarding Faculty Senate.
In an effort to improve instruction and to provide information consistent with the Teacher
Evaluation Form, classroom visits and observations will be made throughout the course of the
year. These visits should not interrupt the class and the teacher should continue as though an
observer is not present.
In order to give teachers some guidelines regarding what type of things that will be noted, the
following is offered:
The Learning Environment
 Good housekeeping is evident.
 Arrangement of equipment and materials promotes efficiency and independence on
the part of the pupil.
 There is evidence of enrichment to stimulate interest and leaning.
 Pupils’ efforts are rewarded and motivated through display of their good work.
 There is demonstration of cooperative interest and involvement in planning the
classroom environment.
The Learning Atmosphere
 Teacher communicates clearly using ASL/English and maintains good standards of
correct ASL and English.
 Teacher is energetic and enthusiastic.
 There is respect for the worth and the personality of each individual. There is
evidence of high standards, but with adequate understanding for the pupils’ needs and
with deserved commendation and encouragement.
 There is evidence of cooperative interest and planning for group success.
 Instruction is varied.
The Learning Activity
 There is evidence of sufficient, thoughtful planning in advance.
 The activity is purposeful and meaningful to the group or the individual involved.
 The activity is planned and guided in such a way that good thinking is stimulated.
 Wise use is made of time.
 Provision is made for individual differences and needs.
 The activity/lesson follows state approved curricular objectives.
 The activity allows for active not passive learning.
The Learner
 The pupil is interested and cooperative in class activities.
 The learner has opportunities to actively engage in the lesson.
 The learner has opportunities to use higher order thinking skills.
 There is evidence of developing initiative, independence, and self-discipline.
 The pupil is developing skills in social orientation.
 There is broadening interest and participation in other school activities.
 There is a broadening knowledge of and interest in the world in which we live.
Principles of Working with Students in the Multi-Sensory Program
Be respectful regarding student personal matters (especially toileting).
AL L students deserve respect and dignity ALWAYS.
Be mindful of conversations in the presence of students. Do not talk about a child in their
presence as if they are not there. Make them a part of the conversation if appropriate or
have the conversation at a more suitable location and time.
Always model appropriate behavior, attitude, and communication.
Remember to see abilities, not disabilities.
Students with Mobility Devices:
Two hands are needed to safely maneuver a wheelchair.
Always apply BOTH brakes when chair is not in motion.
Students should always be supervised.
Students should use only their mobility devices. Never should a student be permitted to
assist staff in pushing or using another
Communicating with Deaf-Blind Students
1. Let the child know you are there. A gentle touch on the hand is less frightening than a touch
on the arm or back.
2. Let the child know who you are. You can do this by stating your name, using a tactile name
sign, letting the child touch your hair, glasses, a bracelet etc.
3. Tell the child what is happening or what you are going to be doing. Do this by using touch
cues (signals you make on the child’s body) and object cues. To be effective, cues need to be
4. Let the child be as independent as possible. Focus on what the child can do, rather than
what he cannot.
5. Give the child a chance to make choices. Choices a child can make may include what food
to eat, what toys to play with, and what clothes to wear.
6. Tell the child when an activity is over by using an “all done” or “finished” signal. Children
can be very confused if an object is suddenly removed or an activity is stopped without
warning. Create a sense of control by helping the child anticipate when an activity is
7. Tell the child when you are leaving by developing a special “goodbye” touch signal. It can
be disturbing for a child who believes you are still in the room with him to realize you have
left. Saying goodbye helps the child become more aware of what is happening in the
Refusal to serve level/follow rules
Falsifyng identity
Inappropriate dress
Inappropriate display of affection
Inappropriate language/act
Possession of inappropriate personal property
Out of area on campus
Unintentional destruction of property
1st time electronic device violation
2nd time electronic device violation
1 day lunch or after school detention
1 day lunch or after school detention
1 day lunch or after school detention
1 day lunch or after school detention
1 day lunch or after school detention
1 day lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
2 days lunch or after school detention
1 day without access to device
1 week without device and 2 days lunch detention
Habitual violation of rules
Leaving school without permission
Physical fight without injury
Possession of imitation weapon
Possession of knife not meeting dangerous length
Bad language or obscene act toward staff
Technology misuse
Inappropriate sexual conduct of a sexual nature
3rd time electronic device violation
4th time electronic device violation
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
3 days lunch or after school detention
Parents pick up device and five days lunch detention
Principal and/or DSL will determine disciplinary measures
Person Originating the Referral: _________________________________________
Date ___/___/_____
Time ___:___ am/pm
 Tardiness Or Truancy
 Failure To Obey Rules/ Authority
Serious Bodily Injury:  Yes No
Number(s) involved ____
Incident Category
 Disrespectful/ Inappropriate Conduct
 Legal Concerns
Aggressive Conduct
Illegal Drugs/ Substances
 Weapons
 Athletic Field
 Auditorium
 Bathroom/ Restroom
 Bus Loading Zone
 Bus Stop
Computer Lab
Commons/ Common Areas
Hall/ Breeze Way
Locker Room
Parking Lot
Shop Area
Special Event/ Assembly/ Field Trip
Use separate sheets for each person. All sheets completed for a single incident should be stapled together.
Person Number __
Role?  Peer  Staff  Student  Substitute  Other
Behaviors Exhibited
You may indicate up to THREE behaviors for each person involved as follows:
Name: ________________________________
P = Primary (Most Severe) Behavior
S = Secondary Behavior
A = Additional Behavior
____ Involved as non-offender or target
____ Leaving School Without Permission
____ Threat of Injury/Assault Against An Employee or
____ Cheating
____ Physical Fight Without Injury
A Student
____ Deceit
____ Possession of Imitation Weapon
____ Trespassing
____ Disruptive/Disrespectful Conduct
____ Possession of Knife not meeting Dangerous Weapon ____ Harassment/Bullying/Intimidation
____ Failure to Serve Detention
Definition (West Virginia Code §61-7-2)
____ Imitation Drugs: Possession, Use, Distribution or
____ Falsifying Identity
____ Profane Language/ Obscene Gesture/ Indecent Act
____ Inappropriate Appearance
Toward An Employee or A Student
____ Inhalant Abuse
____ Inappropriate Display of Affection
____ Technology Misuse
____ Possession/Use of Substance Containing
____ Inappropriate Language
____ Battery Against a Student
Tobacco and/or Nicotine
____ Possession of Inappropriate Personal
____ Defacing School Property/ Vandalism
____ Battery Against a School Employee
____ False Fire Alarm
____ Felony
____ Skipping Class
____ Fraud/Forgery
____ Possession and/or Use of Dangerous Weapon
____ Tardiness
____ Gambling
____ Illegal Substance Related Behaviors (Check
____ Vehicle Parking Violation
____ Hazing
which below):
____ Gang Related Activity
____ Improper or Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
____ Use/Possession of Illicit Drugs
____ Habitual Violation of School Rules or
____ Larceny
____ Use/Possession of Alcohol
____ Sexual Misconduct
____ Sale of a Narcotic
____ Insubordination
Was Restraint Required for this Person?  Yes No
This offense reflects a need for intervention for which of the School and Community Social Skill Standards?
 Self-awareness and Self-management
 Social-awareness and Interpersonal Skills Decision-making Skills and Responsible Behaviors
You may indicate up to TWO Interventions each person as follows: P = Primary Action S = Secondary Action
____ No action warranted
____ Referral to medical or mental health service
____ Immediate exclusion by teacher from the
____ Administrator/student conference or
____ Referral to support staff/ counseling/ other therapeutic
____ Voluntary weekend detention
____ Teacher/student conference or
____ Referral to a tobacco cessation program
____ In-school suspension
____ Change in the student's class schedule
____ Law enforcement notification
____ Administrator and teacher____ School service assignment
____ Placement of student w/disability to Interim
parent/guardian conference
____ Confiscation of inappropriate item
Alt. Ed. by school personnel
____ Teacher parent contact
____ Revocation of privileges
____ Placement of student w/ disability to Interim
____ Academic sanctions
____ Restitution/restoration
Alt. Ed. by WVDE Due Process Hearing Officer
____ Counseling referrals and conference to ____ Detention – lunch
____ Placement of student to Alt. Ed. Setting
support staff or agencies
____ Detention - before school
____ Out-of-school suspension
____ Daily/weekly progress reports
____ Detention - after school
____ Recommended Expulsion
____ Behavioral contracts
____ Denial of participation in class and/or school activities
____ Referral to IEP Team
Primary: Start Date:
End Date
___/___/_____ Secondary: Start Date:
___/___/_____ End Date
Duration: _________ Days
Duration: _________ Days