2015 MHA Health Summit March 11-13 Bozeman, Montana Education Networking Vendors MHA Health Summit The MHA Health Summit is the premier educational opportunity to jump start member learning for a new season. Participants from every city and facility in Montana can expect to gain insight on leadership, new technology and industry trends, quality excellence, and human motivation. Contents 3-4 5 6-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - 15 Keynote Speakers Schedule Education Sessions Campfire Sessions Showcase Presentations Welcome Reception Vendor Trade Show FAQs & Lodging Fees & Registration “Education is the mother of leadership.” -Wendell Willkie The Summit seeks to educate in order to help better prepare our healthcare leaders to face their challenges. MHA ... An Association of Montana Health Care Providers is the principal advocate for the interests of members in their efforts to improve the health status of the communities they serve. Keynote Speakers Dr. Trena Bonde Trena Bonde, MD, is currently Chief of Staff of the VA Montana Health Care system, which includes an inpatient facility, a same day surgery center, a community living center and 13 community-based clinics throughout Montana. She has worked for the VA serving veterans since 2007 and has been a Patient Centered Medical Home consultant for the VA. Dr. Bonde served as a Major in the United States Air Force Medical Corps where she implemented open access as well as the Air Force Patient Centered Medical Home. Dr. Bonde completed her Family Medicine residency at the University of Wyoming at Cheyenne. She still provides primary care to a panel of patients. Lynne Cunningham With 40 years of health care experience, including 30 years as a strategic planning and marketing consultant, Lynne is uniquely qualified for her role as both coach and national speaker. She has worked with hospitals, health systems, medical groups and organ procurement organizations all over the country to define, measure, and evaluate the perception of quality among patients, employees, physicians, and the community. Lynne is the author of several books and many journal articles on topics including the impact of patient satisfaction on malpractice exposure, physician involvement in marketing and marketing best practices in a variety of service lines. She joined the Studer Group when it was formed 15 years ago. Wendy Samson Highly respected and accomplished as a Leadership Development Consultant and Executive Coach, Wendy Samson is a strategic, visionary thinker. She has a passion for inspiring people — at all levels — to optimize their full potential, while maintaining a focus on accomplishing everything with graciousness. Wendy’s presentation style is often humorous and always engaging. Participants in Wendy’s sessions leave ready to grow personally and professionally. Through Wendy’s many training programs, she brings insights about team effectiveness and helps organizations become the best they can possibly be. 3 Wednesday 3.11 12 PM Aligning Hospital Administration with Clinical Leaders In a New Era of Team Based Clinical Care Learners will see the value added when clinical leaders and medical administration work together as equal partners. Nurse leaders can contribute to improved outcomes by working in partnership with administration. Medical and organizational administration can support the clinical leadership in improving outcomes. The learner will have increased knowledge of senior executive’s role in improving quality and coordination of care and examples of roles of senior leadership improving care. Learn how to support the front line staff by giving autonomy and empowering staff to improve care with innovation created at the clinical level. Thursday 3.12 1 PM I’ve Got the Data - Now What? As data becomes more transparent, it’s critical that we know how to interpret, communicate and improve our metrics. This session will give you practical tips to understand what the data is really telling you and how to best communicate results to your staff. Learn to work with the team to improve employee engagement AND patient satisfaction while maintaining a focus on clinical quality. Understand the “why” behind the importance of employee engagement and patient experience. Friday 3.13 11:30 AM Health Care Personal Accountability Revolution Participants will gain new understanding of the effects of personal accountability on the overall patient experience, and how they influence patient satisfaction scores. Identify your highly engaged, non-engaged and actively disengaged team members so you can move them all toward desired outcomes. Schedule 8:00 AM March 11 Check-in Wednesday Flex Update/ CIS Roundtable 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Keynote Speaker + Lunch 3:15 PM Concurrent A Education Sessions Welcome Reception/Nurse Leadership Awards 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Break 9:45 AM - 1 1:15 AM Concurrent B Education Sessions 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Campfire Sessions 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Keynote Speaker 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Break with Vendors 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM Concurrent C Education Sessions 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Vendor Reception 8:00 AM 5 - 4:45 PM Breakfast & QI Showcases 8:00 AM Check-in March 12 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday Opening Day Breakfast & QI Showcases Friday 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM Concurrent D Education Sessions March 13 11:15 AM - 1 1:30 AM Break 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Closing Keynote Speaker Wednesday 3.11 Education Sessions 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Flex/PIN Updates and Roundtable Join your CAH peers to learn about current Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) and Performance Improvement Network (PIN) activities and opportunities. Attendees can also interact and learn from peers in CAH focused roundtable discussions Session A 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM A1 New CAH Quality A2 Leading the Future The Montana Rural Healthcare Performance Improvement Network (PIN) provides training to CAH Quality Coordinators new to their role or Coordinators who would like a refresher course. Most of the course work is available as an online program but this series provides an opportunity for the QI Education students to meet face-to-face to fulfill a portion of this educational programming. In this highly interactive session, facilitators will help the students work through actual quality improvement projects using the PDSA cycle as a group. **MT Flex will cover the registration, two night’s lodging and mileage for participating students to attend. Participation in this session is mandatory to receive the benefit. Learn tips and techniques for leading the workforce of the future which will be multigenerational, racially and gender diverse. She’ll speak on the stabilization of the participation rate of women in the workforce, along with these topics: Increasing racial and ethnic diversity; increasing generational diversity; a decrease in Traditionals and Baby Boomers; an increase in Generation Xers and Millennials; and, the entrance of the Digital Natives. Coordinator Training Series Audience: By Invitation Only ***CAH staff must attend this session to receive conference expense reimbursement from MT Flex. Workforce Audience: ALL Deb Thompson is currently the HCSC Director of HR and Strategic Business Partner to the MT BCBS plan. Deb received a BA and an MBA in Business Administration and is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources. She is also certified by the Society for Compliance and Ethics and is an International Member of the Society for Human Resource Management. A3 Empowering Teams to Change Outcomes This session describes how engaging the entire team to integrate an “owner” vs. “renter” mentality into their work attitudes helps an organization create sustainable, positive outcomes in patient care and other areas. Objectives include: 1. Increase knowledge in and identify three strategies for promoting clinical staff engagement with facility mission, vision, and strategic goals to improve clinical outcomes. 2. Understand why a Healthy Work Environment (HWE) counts and apply three steps to assure that an HWE is really “healthy.” 3. Demonstrate the impact of “silence” in an organization; identify the importance of connecting the dots between standards of care for nursing, medical staff and actual care delivery to promote positive outcomes and working relationships. Audience: ALL Debera Charlton is the Nurse Manager of Ambulatory Care at VA Montana. She previously served there as a Quality Management Specialist and a staff nurse. She participates as VHA VISN faculty for Leadership Development Program, as National Consultant for the Patient Aligned Care Team, on several organizational committees, and is on the advisory board for Helena College Nursing Department and the board for Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies. *See page 3 for Dr. Trena Bonde’s biography. Thursday 3.12 Education Sessions Session B 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM B1 Practical Strategies for Hospital-Physician Alignment Hospital-physician alignment can be one of the most complex and costly tasks undertaken by hospital leaders. From determining the most appropriate arrangement type to setting effective compensation terms, the list of management challenges can be overwhelming. This interactive session will provide insights into alignment strategies and practical solutions for the most common physician challenges. Attendees will learn how to evaluate common hospital-physician arrangements and effectively assess integration readiness and develop an integration plan, which will include physician citizenship and engagement expectations. Audience: CEOs, CFOs, CNOs Daniel Stech is Principal of Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting. Dan received an MBA and CMPE and has over 20 years of experience in health policy, physician practice management, physician compensation, valuation, regulatory compliance and consulting for hospitals, physician practice and other health care delivery organizations. 7 B2 The Role of Nurses in Health Reform The ACA gives nurses new opportunities to play an integral role in leading change in a reformed health system. However, many nurses are assuming new roles out of necessity and have had little or no training to assume expanded responsibilities, and may not even be aware of the paradigm shift. There is a great need for nursing leadership at all levels to come together and develop consensus about the new roles for nurses in health care reform, identify the resources that match the opportunities, and take the lead to prepare nurses for an expanded presence in health care delivery. Academia, state and Federal partners, professional organizations, and nurses from representative sectors need to come together and thoughtfully develop the framework for our profession, and guide and support one another in our expanded roles in the emerging health system. Audience: CEOs, CNOs, Nurses Debra Scott is the Regional Nurse Consultant at HRSA/US Public Health Services. Debra received a BSN in Nursing and an MS in Health Care Administration and Organizational Psychology. She’s worked in nursing for 25 years and served in leadership positions in the US Public Health Service for over 17 years. B3 Project Management from A - Z Learn different techniques to manage projects in an efficient, logical, productive manner including establishing buy-in and creating cooperation. This is a facilitated sharing session that will include a multitude of tools andCAH resources. Audience: Quality Coordinators Session C 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM C1 Mentoring in Health Care This interactive session focuses on mentoring as a team building strategy in health care, particularly for those beginning new roles. Mentoring is a cost effective strategy to increase retention and can be effective for anyone beginning a new position or changing facilities. The instructors capture generational issues as they encourage participants to share their perspectives and experiences with mentoring. Awareness of how one treats new colleagues is a step toward strengthening the health care team. Audience: CEOs, CNOs, ALL Dr. Rita Cheek, PhD, RN is the Co-Project Director, APIN Grant at Montana State University. A retired MSU professor, her current work includes establishing a Mentoring Program for RN-BSN/ new BSN grads and co-teaching a workshop on The Art of Mentoring in Nursing. LeAnn Ogilvie is the Regional Clinical Manager for Telehealth at Providence Health in Missoula. LeAnn has worked with Rita on the mentoring program since 2012. LeAnn has many years of experience as an RN preceptor, clinical nursing instructor, clinical RN Educator and as Director of Learning for an acute care organization. Thursday/Friday 3.12-3.13 Education Sessions Session D 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM C2 Accelerating Your Results Now that you know what the data is saying, how do you use Evidence-Based Leadership tactics to improve performance while ensuring employee engagement and patient satisfaction? Understand the “why” behind the importance of improving in the HCAHPS Survey especially in the areas of nurse communications, pain, information about medications and discharge, which were the lowest scoring among Montana hospitals. Improving these metrics using Hourly Rounding, Nurse Leader Rounding, and ‘M in the House’ is the focus of this session. Audience: CEOs, CNOs, Nurses, ALL Lynne Cunningham is a Coach and Speaker at the Studer Group. Lynne is an MPA, ACHE with 40 years of health care experience, including 30 years as a strategic planning and marketing consultant, Lynne is uniquely qualified for her role as both coach and national speaker. She has worked with hospitals, health systems, medical groups and organ procurement organizations all over the country to define, measure, and evaluate the perception of quality among patients, employees, physicians, and the community C3 A Picture May Be Worth D1 Executive Intelligence - Does Social Media have a place in modern healthcare? Do you have policies in place to protect your patients, staff and facility? With the proliferation of mobile devices and networks like Facebook, Twitter, Ello, SnapChat, Tumblr, Instagram and more - people are sharing their lives like never before. Policies, training and awareness programs need to be set up so that employees understand fully what is expected, and why confidentiality is important as it pertains to PHI. We’ll show you what you can do to ensure that patient information remains private in a connected world. Audience: ALL Karen Palmer is the Director of Operations at LMG Security. She has over 20 years of experience in information technology, most recently as Director of Technology for Billings Public Schools. Karen is President and a founding member of the Montana High Tech Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) and is CompTIA A+ certified. interactions and inhibit the cultivation of enduring partnerships. Learn communication strategies that help you “see past the current transaction in order to preserve the relationships.” Identify the impact of reconciliation and resolution for team members working closely in stressful health care environments. Audience: ALL Wendy Samson: See biography on page 3. More Than a Thousand Words: Advanced Critical Thinking Skills introduced to very specific methods that HIPAA Compliance in an Always Be will allow you to recognize how to disrupt your Connected World default patterns ...the patterns that derail D2 New Approaches to Managing Patients in the Community Caring for the patients in your community is often a struggle because of a lack of traditional services that provide in-home care. But what do patients really need to stay safe in their homes and out of the emergency room? It may not be what you’ve always thought... Learn about new models of care that are happening around Montana -- who provides them, how they impact patient outcomes, and how they can be supported as services. This session will open your eyes to new possibilities for your own organization, perhaps sparking a creative new idea built specifically around the needs in your own community. Audience: ALL Campfires have long been a source of light and warmth, conduits of conversation and inspiration. 9 Showcase Presentations The greatest knowledge is sometimes found in the person sitting next to you or your neighbor down the road. Hear other Montana CAH staff describe their performance improvement projects in the MHA Health Summit Showcase presentations. Learn their process and implementation techniques as well as what worked and what didn’t from several different perspectives. Leave with both practical insight and tools to execute your own performance improvement projects; the process works for acute and post-acute care facilities of all sizes! Enjoy breakfast at 8AM while listening to Showcase Presentations QI Showcase #1 Thursday 3.12 Toni Altenburg Quality Improvement Coordinator Northern Rockies Medical Center Employee Wellness: The Road to Population Health QI Showcase #3 Friday 3.13 Ben Power Data Analyst, Quality and Safety Barrett Hospital &HealthCare Improving the Reliability of Barcode Medication Administration QI Showcase #2 Katrina Strowbridge Quality Improvement Coordinator St. Luke Community Healthcare Using Medication Reconciliation to Reconcile the Team QI Showcase #4 Erin Rumelhart, RN Director of Nursing Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Lake County Best Beginnings Children’s Partnership An employee wellness program is a great way to embark on a community wellness initiative. Critical access hospitals are uniquely positioned to engage the communities we serve. We have the responsibility to take the lead in improving the health of our communities. The implementation of an employee wellness program not only models healthy behavior, but serves as a test group for the community wellness initiatives that will be initiated. Developing a facility wide medication reconciliation process can be challenging. In this presentation, learn how forming a team and working through team dynamics can build consensus to meet the necessary requirements for a standardized medication reconciliation policy. This project explores improvements to the barcode safety scanning process, starting with rapid cycle improvement to the lispro scanning process and generalizing the improvement to a number of similar drugs. The project showcases several unique components, namely the use of electronic health record data to find problems and drive the project, and the use of Lean methodology in a rapid cycle setting to address problems and generate systemic changes in real time. The ACA established a prevention initiative called Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. Based on the premise that a trajectory of decline in the lives of at-risk children and families can be reversed by successful home visiting efforts. Lake County has aligned with stakeholders to better support life course development and positive health and well-being of children and families. The Best Beginnings Children’s Partnership includes tribal and county organizations that serve families with young children. They also strive to improve overall school readiness and the mental, physical, and economic wellness of children from 0-8. You’re Invited Welcome Reception Wednesday 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Come mingle with old friends and introduce yourself to new ones. The Montana Center to Advance Health through Nursing has found its fourth annual Nurse Leadership Award winners for Outstanding Nurse, Nursing Student, and Nurse Champion. This evening, a celebration to honor these nurses takes place at the MHA Health Summit’s opening reception. Congratulate the nurse leaders on their accomplishments! Appetizers & No-Host Bar 11 Thursday 3.12 Vendor Trade Show Come for the free schwag and light hors d’oeuvres. Discover cutting-edge technologies and services. Leave with valuable information and connections. Break with Vendors: 2:45 - 3:30 pm Vendor Reception: 5:00 - 6:30 pm Take a break with the vendors on Thursday afternoon at 2:45 pm and after a long day in conference sessions, relax with light hors d’oeuvres and a no-host bar, from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. This is your chance to visit with vendors and other attendees. The drawings for Visit to Win It and the grand prize drawing will be held- you must be present to win! In order to give vendors and attendees valuable face-time together, no other events have been scheduled at this time. Please make a point of stopping by the vendors to meet representatives and thank the vendors for their support of the conference! Funding for the conference was made possible by the Montana Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program from Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Rural Health Policy. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by the speakers and moderators do not neccessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Make your reservations today and ask for ‘MHA Discount.’ Summit Headquarters Best Western GranTree Inn 1325 North 7th Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 587-5261 Room & Rate Cutoff: Feb. 9th Holiday Inn 5 Baxter Lane Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 587-4561 Room & Rate Cutoff: Feb. 20th Be in the know. To make the most of your conference experience here are some helpful hints: • Meeting rooms are kept cool (66°– 69°), and temperatures fluctuate. Dress in layers or bring a sweater. • Wear comfortable shoes, you will have to walk between the Holiday Inn & GranTree. •Come early to familiarize yourself with the agenda, conference program and meeting room locations. • Plan on being at your workshop at least 10 minutes early. • Allow enough time in your schedule to pick up your name badge and conference materials. Your name badge is required for access to all events and you may have to wait in line at registration! • Hard copies of workshop handouts will NOT be provided at the convention. If you would like to have the handouts for the workshops you are attending, print them off the MHA Web site before arriving at the conference. 13 For the latest updates: facebook.com/montanahospitalassociation MHA Health Summit & Vendor Fair ----- March 11- 13, 2015 - Bozeman, MT Registration Form Participant Information Your name badge will be printed from this information. If you enter a formal name (Robert, James) that name will be printed on your name badge. If you enter a nickname (Bill, Chuck, Randy) that name will be used. Please note: due to space considerations, both names will not appear on the name badge. Email will be used for all conference updates. Please complete all fields. First Name __________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Facility/Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address/City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Special Services: If you have any special dietary restrictions or require special services, please check here: Job Code Check ( ) the job code that best fits your position. Please check only one. Admin. /CEO (MHA Member) Activity Director/Staff Assisted Living Board of Directors/Trustee Chaplain/Pastoral Care Director of Nursing/CNO Education/In-Service/Training Emergency Preparedness Engineer/Plant Operations Executive Staff (non-CEO) Exhibitor Guest/Spouse/Speaker HIM Home Health Hospice Hospice/Home Health Infection Control Materials Manager MDS Staff NH Administrator Nursing (non-DON) Other_______________ Personnel/HR PR/Marketing/Foundation Quality (QI/QA) 34 State Employee 27 Volunteer/Auxilian/DVS Registration Fees Conference Registration Fee On or Before 2/23 After 2/23 Bonus 2 Total Fee Member & Associate Member $250 $300 $50 for non-CAH; covered by Flex Grant for CAH Non-Member $350 $400 $50 Payment Information Total Payment Due: $ _________________ The Flex Grant (Montana Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant) will pay for early bird conference registration fees, reimburse one night lodging, and provide a travel stipend for the QIC and DON from a CAH facility to attend. Registrants must attend Flex sponsored sessions to receive reimbursement.. Reimbursement forms will be available at Flex sponsored sessions. Flex sponsored sessions are denoted with the PIN logo: Register 5 staff at the full registration fee and get each additional registration for $125. Register online by February 12 to get your name entered into a drawing for a free 2-night stay at either the Holiday Inn or the GranTree Members pay nothing now; your facility will be invoiced after the Summit. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: DATE PAID: ________________ REGIS. ENTERED (DATE): _______ BY: _______ CONFIRM. SENT (DATE): _______ BY: _______ CHECK#:_______ AMT: ________ INVOICE (DATE): ______________ BY: ________________ Participant Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Workshop Selection: Check (X) only one workshop in each session. Use one form per participant, make copies as necessary. Wednesday 3.11.15 Friday 3.13.15 Flex/PIN Update & Roundtable 10:00 - 12:00 pm Concurrent A 3:15 - 4:45 pm Choose ONE A1 New CAH Quality Coordinator Training Series A2 Leading the Future Workforce A3 Empowering Teams to Change Outcomes Concurrent D 9:45 - 11:15 am Choose One Keynote: Aligning Hospital Administration with Clinical Leaders in a New Era of Team Based Clinical Care (lunch included) 12:00 - 3:00 pm Showcase 3 & 4 8:00 - 9:30 am (breakfast included) D1 Executive Intelligence - Advanced Critical Thinking Skills D2 New Approaches to Managing Patients in the Community Closing Keynote: Health Care Personal Accountability Revolution 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Welcome Reception & Nurse Leadership Awards 5:00 - 6:30 pm CAH Dinner 6:30 pm Thursday 3.12.15 Concurrent B 9:45 - 11:15 am Choose One QI Showcase 1 & 2 8:00 - 9:30 am (breakfast included) B1 Practical Strategies for Hospital-Physician Alignment B2 The Role of Nurses in Health Reform B3 Great Project Management from A to Z Campfire Sessions 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 pm Keynote: I’ve Got the Data- Now What?? 1:00 - 2:30 pm Break with Vendors 2:45 - 3:30 pm Concurrent C 3:45 - 5:15 pm Choose One C1 Mentoring Nurses in Health Care C2 Accelerating Your Results C3 A Picture May Be Worth More Than a Thousand Words: HIPPA Compliance in an Always Connected World Vendor Reception 5:15 - 6:30 pm Return by fax to: (406) 443-3894 or by mail: 2625 Winne Avenue Helena, MT 59601 REGISTER ONLINE! www.mtha.org Questions? Contact Kim Wiens [email protected] (406) 442-1911 • (800) 351-3551 (MT only) “Early Bird” Registration Deadline February 12, 2015 Registrations must be postmarked by or received (via mail, fax or online registration) on or before February 12, 2015. After February 12, higher fees apply. Cancellation Deadline February 20, 2015 Cancellations must be made in writing and received at the MHA office by 5 pm on February 20. Cancellations must be submitted by fax (406.443.3894) or email to: [email protected]. NOTE: Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. Refunds All refunds will be made after the conference, less a $50 per person processing fee. Cancellations received after February 20 will not be refunded. Confirmation of Registration MHA will send each individual registrant a confirmation of their convention registration at the e-mail address provided on their registration form. If an e-mail address is not provided, a confirmation will not be sent. YOU MUST Turn Over & Complete the Other Side. Incomplete Registrations will not be accepted.
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