BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Equity Note 2nc3m MS 15.00% Tesla Trigger Income 61761JVJ5 Equity Note 2nc3m MS 14.50% American Airlines Trigger Income 61761JVK2 Equity Note 15nc4y MS 7% Cannon Income Note (2x at Maturity) *NEW* 61761JVV8 Commod Note 15nc5y MS 8% Oil Trigger Income *NEW* 61762GCT9 Equity Note 15nc5y MS 10% Memory Trigger Income 61761JVU0 Equity Note 15y MS 6.50% (Fixed 5yr) SX5E & RTY Trigger Income 61761JVQ9 Equity Note 15y MS 8% (Fixed 3yr) SX5E & RTY Trigger Income 61761JVR7 Equity Note 10y MS S&P 500 Trigger Booster (150% Upside) 61761JVP1 Equity Note 10y MS EuroStoxx Trigger Booster (220% Upside) 61761JVS5 Equity Note 7y MS EuroStoxx TOPS Note 61761JVT3 MS 2nc3mo 15.00% Tesla Trigger Income FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 14, 2015 / January 20, 2015 Maturity Date January 20, 2017 (2 years) Price Interest Rate Trigger Level Callable Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor $98.75 15.00% subject to TSLA closing at or above 70% of initial 70% of initial (only observed at maturity) Automatically on 4/20/15 & quarterly thereafter if TSLA is above initial strike Monthly Pay / Monthly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity If the Final Underlying Value is greater than or equal to 70% of initial: Par If the Final Underlying Value is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVJ5 Prospectus ts=1419958178334 EXAMPLES ü If Tesla ü If Tesla ü If Tesla ü If Tesla closes at or above 70% of initial, you will receive a 15.00% annualized coupon for that month. closes below 70% of initial, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that month. closes above initial on a quarterly observation date, the note is automatically called at par. closes below 70% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. ü If Tesla is down 31% at maturity, the note will mature at 69.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 15.00% if the closing value of Tesla is equal to or above 70% of initial on observation day. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons are subject to the performance of Tesla. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 2nc3mo 14.50% American Airlines Trigger Income FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying American Airlines Group Inc. (AAL) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 14, 2015 / January 20, 2015 Maturity Date January 20, 2017 (2 years) Price Interest Rate Trigger Level Callable Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor $98.75 14.50% subject to AAL closing at or above 70% of initial 70% of initial (only observed at maturity) Automatically on 4/20/15 & quarterly thereafter if AAL is above initial strike Monthly Pay / Monthly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity If the Final Underlying Value is greater than or equal to 70% of initial: Par If the Final Underlying Value is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVK2 Prospectus ts=1419958204051 EXAMPLES ü If American Airlines ü If American Airlines ü If American Airlines ü If American Airlines ü If American Airlines closes at or above 70% of initial, you will receive a 14.50% annualized coupon for that month. closes below 70% of initial, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that month. closes above initial on a quarterly observation date, the note is automatically called at par. closes below 70% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. is down 31% at maturity, the note will mature at 69.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 14.50% if the closing value of American Airlines is equal to or above 70% of initial on observation day. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons are subject to the performance of American Airlines. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 15nc4y 7% Cannon Income Note (2x at Maturity) FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying Russell 2000 (RTY) & EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30, 2030 (15 year) Price Interest Rate Callable Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor $97.25 7.00% subject to RTY & SX5E closing at or above 75% of initial - Automatically on 1/30/19 & quarterly thereafter if RTY & SX5E are above the initial strike. Monthly Pay / Monthly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity - Two times the final value of the least performing index - 2 x $1,000 x (Lesser Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVV8 Prospectus ts=1419959815467 EXAMPLES ü If both indices are flat it will mature at 200% (100% x 2). ü If the least performer is down 25%, it will mature at 150% (75% x 2). ü If the least performer is down 50%, it will mature at Par (50% x 2). ü If the least performer is down 55%, it will mature at 90% (45% x 2). RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons are subject to the performance of Russell 2000 & EuroStoxx. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 15nc5y 8% Oil Trigger Income FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index (SPGCCLP) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30 , 2030 (15 year) Price $97.25 Interest Rate Trigger Level Callable Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor 8% FIXED for 1yr (Not Contingent) Then, 8% subject to SPGCCLP closing at or above 75% of initial 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) Automatically on 1/30/20 & quarterly thereafter if SPGCCLP is above initial strike Quarterly Pay / Quarterly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity If the Final Index Values are greater than or equal to 50% of initial: Par If one of the Final Index Values is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Lesser Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61762GCT9 Prospectus ts=1420029526542 EXAMPLES ü If SPGCCLP ü If SPGCCLP ü If SPGCCLP ü If SPGCCLP closes at or above 75% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive an 8% annualized coupon for that quarter. closes below 75% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that quarter. closes below 50% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. is down 51% at maturity, the note will mature at 49.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 8.00% if the closing value of SPGCCLP is equal to or above 75% of initial on observation day. ü Investors will earn 8% in fixed coupons before the coupon contingency starts. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons after the fixed period are subject to the performance of both the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 15nc5y 10% Memory Trigger Income (Auto Call) FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying Russell 2000 (RTY) & EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30, 2030 (15 year) Price Interest Rate Trigger Level Callable Coupon Frequency $97.25 10.00% subject to RTY & SX5E closing at or above 100% of initial 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) Automatically on 1/30/20 & quarterly thereafter if RTY & SX5E are above the initial strike. Quarterly Pay / Quarterly Observation Index Performance Factor Final index value divided by the initial index value Memory Coupon >>If RTY & SX5E are above initial on any coupon observation date, ALL PREVIOUS COUPONS that have been missed are paid out<< Payment at Maturity If the Final Index Values are greater than or equal to 50% of initial: Par If one of the Final Index Values is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVU0 Prospectus ts=1419958280878 EXAMPLES ü If Russell 2000 ü If Russell 2000 ü If Russell 2000 ü If Russell 2000 ü If Russell 2000 & EuroStoxx close at or above the initial strike, you will receive a 10.00% coupon in addition to any previously missed coupons. or EuroStoxx close below the initial strike, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that quarter. and EuroStoxx both close above initial on a quarterly observation date, the note is automatically called at par. or EuroStoxx close below 50% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. or EuroStoxx is down 51% at maturity, the note will mature at 49.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 10.00% as well as all previously missed coupons payments if the closing value of Russell 2000 & EuroStoxx is equal to or above initial on observation day. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons are subject to the performance of Russell 2000 & EuroStoxx. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 6.50% (Fixed 5yr) SX5E & RTY Trigger Income FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) & Russell 2000 (RTY) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30 , 2030 (15 year) Price $97.25 Interest Rate Trigger Level Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor 6.50% FIXED 5yrs (Not Contingent) Then 6.50% subject to SX5E & RTY closing at or above 50% of initial 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) Monthly Pay / Monthly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity If the Final Index Values are greater than or equal to 50% of initial: Par If one of the Final Index Values is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Lesser Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVQ9 Prospectus ts=1419958313400 **Earn 32.50% income before the coupon becomes contingent. EXAMPLES ü If the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000 close at or above 50% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive a 6.50% annualized coupon for that month. ü If either the EuroStoxx 50 or Russell 2000 closes below 50% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that month. ü If either the EuroStoxx 50 or Russell 2000 closes below 50% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. ü If the worst performing index is down 51% at maturity, the note will mature at 49.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 6.50% if the closing value of the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000 are equal to or above 50% of initial on observation day. ü Investors will earn 32.50% in fixed coupons before the coupon contingency starts. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons after the fixed period are subject to the performance of both the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS 8% (Fixed 3yr) SX5E & RTY Trigger Income FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) & Russell 2000 (RTY) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30 , 2030 (15 years) Price $97.25 Interest Rate Trigger Level Coupon Frequency Index Performance Factor 8.00% FIXED 3yrs (Not Contingent) Then 8.00% subject to SX5E & RTY closing at or above 75% of initial 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) Monthly Pay / Monthly Observation Final index value divided by the initial index value Payment at Maturity If the Final Index Values are greater than or equal to 50% of initial: Par If one of the Final Index Values is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Lesser Index Performance Factor) CUSIP 61761JVR7 Prospectus ts=1419958345412 **Earn 24.00% income before the coupon becomes contingent. EXAMPLES ü If the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000 close at or above 75% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive an 8.00% annualized coupon for that month. ü If either the EuroStoxx 50 or Russell 2000 closes below 75% of initial after the fixed period, you will receive a 0% annualized coupon for that month. ü If either the EuroStoxx 50 or Russell 2000 closes below 50% of initial at maturity, the investor realizes full downside. ü If the worst performing index is down 51% at maturity, the note will mature at 49.00%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü Investors will receive a return of 8.00% if the closing value of the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000 are equal to or above 75% of initial on observation day. ü Investors will earn 24.00% in fixed coupons before the coupon contingency starts. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes and all interest payments are subject to issuer credit risk. ü The coupons after the fixed period are subject to the performance of both the EuroStoxx 50 and Russell 2000. ü Investors could receive a 0% coupon for an extended period of time. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS S&P 500 Trigger Booster (150% Upside) FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying S&P 500 (SPX) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30, 2025 (10 years) Price Trigger Level Participation Rate Maximum Return Index Performance Factor $97.25 Payment at Maturity CUSIP Prospectus 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) 150% >>NO CAP<< Final index value divided by the initial index value If the Final Index Value greater than initial: $1,000 x (Index Percent Change x 1.50) If the Final Index Value is less than initial, but greater than or equal to Trigger Level: Par If the Final Index Value is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Index Performance Factor) 61761JVP1 ts=1419958365434 EXAMPLES ü If SPX is down 30%, the note will mature at 100%. ü If SPX is down 51%, the note will mature at 49%. ü If SPX is up 50%, the note will mature at 175%. ü If SPX is up 100%, the note will mature at 250%. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes are subject to issuer credit risk. ü No interim payments on the notes will be made until Maturity. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. MS EuroStoxx Trigger Booster (220% Upside) FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Morgan Stanley Underlying EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30, 2025 (10 years) Price Trigger Level Participation Rate Maximum Return Index Performance Factor $97.25 Payment at Maturity CUSIP Prospectus 50% of initial (only observed at maturity) 220% >>NO CAP<< Final index value divided by the initial index value If the Final Index Value greater than initial: $1,000 x (Index Percent Change x 2.20) If the Final Index Value is less than initial, but greater than or equal to Trigger Level: Par If the Final Index Value is less than Trigger Level: $1,000 x (Index Performance Factor) 61761JVS5 ts=1419958379076 EXAMPLES ü If SX5E is down 30%, the note will mature at 100%. ü If SX5E is down 51%, the note will mature at 49%. ü If SX5E is up 50%, the note will mature at 210%. ü If SX5E is up 100%, the note will mature at 320%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü If SX5E is up 100%, the note will mature at 320%. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes are subject to issuer credit risk. ü No interim payments on the notes will be made until Maturity. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. Morgan Stanley EuroStoxx TOPS Note FOR BROKER-DEALER USE ONLY Issuer Underlying Morgan Stanley EuroStoxx 50 (SX5E) Expecting Pricing / Settle Date January 27, 2015 / January 30, 2015 Maturity Date January 30, 2022 (7 year) Price Optimization Rate Maximum Return $97.25 Payment at Maturity CUSIP Prospectus 128% NO CAP If the final index value is above the initial index value: the greater of (i) the highest SX5E level (observed weekly) and (ii) 128% If the final index value is at or below the initial index value: index performance x Optimized Participation Rate 61761JVT3 ts=1419958407412 EXAMPLES ü If SX5E is up 1% at maturity, the note will mature at least 128%. ü If SX5E is up 1% at maturity, and the highest level it reached was up 60%, it will mature at 160%. ü If SX5E is down 20%, the note will mature at 102%. ü If SX5E is down 40%, the note will mature at 76%. STRATEGY OVERVIEW ü If held to maturity and EuroStoxx is above initial, investor will receive greater of 128% or the highest performance of the EuroStoxx (observed weekly). ü If held to maturity and EuroStoxx is below initial, investor will still outperform the EuroStoxx. RISK CONSIDERATIONS ü These notes are subject to issuer credit risk. ü No interim payments on the notes will be made until Maturity. ü Investors could lose up to 100% of the stated principal amount of the securities. For Broker/Dealer Use Only Securities offered through National Securities Corporation, Inc (NSC). Member FINRA/SIPC Investment Advisory Services offered through National Asset Management, Inc. (NAM) Insurance Services offered through National Insurance Corporation. (NIC) Tax advice offered through Gilman Ciocia, Inc. and not through NSC, NAM or NIC. Gilman, NSC, NAM and NIC are affiliated entities Securities and investments involve risk. Certain tax and/or estate planning strategies may be used in an effort to reduce the overall risk to one's portfolio. However, risk related to securities and investment products can never be completely eliminated.
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