SANT CADGE BABA AMRAVATI UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT NOTICE No.SGBAU/1/102/B-57(A-3)/2-1187/2014 Date : 8th December, 2014 Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the following post ; (Advt. No. 3/2014) Finance & Accounts Officer in the pay band of Rs.37400-67000/-+ Grade Pay Rs. 8900/- or Rs.10,000/- (whichever is admissible) plus other allowances as admissible under the University/ State Govt. rules. Details of qualifications, experience etc. are available on university website The last date of issue as well as submission of the application form duly filled in along with necessary enclosures to the undersigned is on or 15`" January, 2015, Postal delay shall not be entertained. Sd/(Dineshkumar Joshi) Registrar Copy forwarded with compliments to :1) The Secretary to the Chancellor, Raj Bhavan, Malbar Hill, Mumbai — 35. 2) The Principal Secretary, Govt.of Maharashtra, Higher & Technical Education Deptt., Mantralaya, Mumhai-32. 3) The Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhl i. 4) The Secretary, Association of Indian Universities, A.I.U. House, 16, Kotla Marg, New Delhi. 5) The Under Secretary(Admn.), Association of Indian Universities, AIU House, 16, Comrade lndrajit Gupta Marg(Kotla Marg) New Delhi-1 10 002. 6) The Editor, University News, Association of Indian Universities, AIU House, 16, Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg(Kotla Marg) New Delhi-I 10 002. 7) The Registrars of All Universities in India. 8) The Heads of all Post-Graduate Teaching Departments. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 9) The Principals of all colleges affiliated to the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 10) The Director, University Information and Employment Guidance Bureau, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Campus, Amravati. 11) The District Employment Officer - a) Amravati b) Akola c) Buldhana d) Yavatmaf e) Washim 12) Officers of all Administrative Sections of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. 13) The President, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Employees' Credit Co-operative Society, Amravati. 14) The President. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Non-teaching Employees' Union, Amravati. They are requested to give wide publicity to the above advertisement. Va.' Dll (Est-t.) Sant Gadge Baba Amravati Universiy SANT GADGE BABA AMRAVATI UNIVERSITY Particulars of qualifications, experience, scale of pay etc. with regard to the post of Finance & Accounts Officer advertised vide Employment Notice No. SGBAU/1/102/B-57(A-3)/2-1187/2014, dated 8/12/2014 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS OFFICER : (ADVT. NO. 3/2014) QUALIFICATIONS : i) ii) A Master's Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 point scale. The condition of 55% of marks at Master's level is relaxable in case of applicants who are already in the University system. A relaxation of 5% from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master's level is permissible for SC/ST candidates. A relaxation of 5% from 55% to 50% of the marks is permissible to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have passed their Master's Degree prior to 19th September 1991. At least 15 years of experience as Lecturer (Senior Scale) / Lecturer with 8 years experience in Reader's Grade along with experience in educational administration. OR Comparable experience in research establishment and/ or other Institutions of Higher Education. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post. iii)(a) In addition to the above qualification, the candidate shall possess the following qualification in Computer Operation within two years from the date of appointment, if does not posses. "A Certificate in Computer operation prescribed by the Director of Information Technology, Govt. of Maharashtra. OR Certificate of D.O.E.A.C.Societies "C.C.C." or "0" level or "A" level or "B" level or "C" level or MS-CIT or GECT Certificate of Maharashtra State, Higher & Technical Education Board". However, the qualification at (iii)(a) shall be exempted to the departmental candidates of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, who have passed the prescribed Computer Skill Test of the respective level, conducted by the University. (b) Those who have passed the following examinations shall be treated as having passed the above prescribed computer qualification: i) Degree and diploma in Computer Technology / Computer Engineering / Information Technology and; P.G. / Advance Diploma in Computer Application, ADCSSAA awarded by the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra State. Degree / Diploma awarded by all the Govt. recognized universities in Computer ii) Technology/ P.G./Advanced Computer Engineering / Information Technology and Diploma in Computer Application, Computer Application System and Analysis. (c) The candidates from the University or from the service of Govt. of Maharashtra; who have crossed the age of 50 years, shall be exempted from submitting the certificate of computer qualification. iv) Proficiency in Marathi language. v) Preference will be given to the Deputy Registrars or its equivalent administrative officers of the University fulfilling the qualifications and experience mentioned under i) to iv) above. AGE: Age shall not be less than 45 years. Provided, however, that in respect of employee in service of any University, College or Recognized Institutions, the minimum age limit may be relaxed. PAY BAND : Rs.37400-67000/- + Grade Pay Rs. 8900/- or Rs.10,000/- (whichever is admissible) plus admissible allowances. -2Notes : (1) Prescribed application form for the post of Finance & Accounts Officer can be had on payment of Rs.400/- (Rs.200/- in case of B.C.candidates) (Non refundable) by cash/ Demand Draft in favour of President, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Employees' Credit Co-op. Society Ltd., Amravati from the Counter of the Society, Near Main Administrative Building at the University Campus, Amravati during office hours. Downloaded application form may be submitted along with necessary enclosures to the undersigned with Demand Draft of Rs.400/- (Rs.200/- in case of B.C.candidates) (Non refundable) in favour of Registrar, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati within due date. The last date of issue as well as submission of the application form duly filled in along with necessary enclosures to the undersigned is on or before 15th January, 2015. Postal delay shall not be entertained. Qualifications and age shall be considered as on closing date. (2) The appointment to the post of Finance & Accounts officer shall be for a term of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for only one more term of five years. (3) B in the 7 point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E & F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed as prescribed by U.G.C. Seven Point Scale GRADE GRADE POINT PERCENT AGE EQUIVALENT '0' = Outstanding 5.50-6.00 75-100 'A' = Very Good 4.50-5.49 65-74 'B' = Good 3.50-4.49 55-64 'C' = Average 2.50-3.49 45-54 'D' = Below Average 1.50-2.49 35-44 'E' = Poor 0.50-1.49 25-34 'F' = Fail 0.0-0.49 0-24 (4) Incumbents shall be entitled to pensionary benefits as per rules prescribed by the Govt.of Maharashtra from time to time. (5) Posts carry usual allowances and benefits as admissible under University rules in force from time to time. (6) Those who are in service should apply through proper channel. (7) Prescribed .application form along with true copies of testimonials, certificates, degrees, diplomas and complete list of published research papers to his/her credit if any, in eight sets should reach the University Office within due date. Original documents will have to be produced at the time of interview. (8) The candidate shall have to submit along with the application form, a declaration in FORM 'A' as per the rules prescribed by the Govt. of Maharashtra in respect of small family vide Notification No.SRV.2000/CR (17/2000) XII, dt.28.3.2005. (9) Attested copies of papers and documents or reprints submitted with application will not be returned. (10) All copies of application form should be filled in by the candidate in his/ her own handwriting. Xerox copies of the application shall not be entertained. (11) All belated, incomplete and the applications which are not in the prescribed form will be rejected and no intimation in this regard will be sent to the candidates. (12) No correspondence will be entertained in respect of advertisement, interview, selection & appointment etc. (13) No TA/DA will be paid either for attending the interview or for joining the post. (14) A candidate furnishing incorrect or false information shall stand disqualified. (15) The right is reserved with the University either to fill or not to fill the post or to modify/alter/cancel the advertisement. (16) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. (17) Postal delay shall not be entertained. Sd/(Dineshkumar Joshi) Registrar, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Sr. No. Application l'uc or Rs. 400/- for General and Rs.200/- Or Reserved Categur) nnolo■ th.:lt Notice No. Paste PASSPORT PHOTO (Ont on mina Last Date of receipt of application SANT GADGE BABA AMRAVATI UNIVERSITY Form ■ (Do nut stupid APPLICATION FORM (Read carefully the complete advertisement, particulars, instructions and application form before filling it) APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF IN THE CATEGORY (RhsfRvA-noN) IN [HE SUBJECT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF I ) Name in Full: (Surname first) (in Capital Letters) 2) Address for correspondence: Phone No.: (Residence): FAX No.: 3) Permanent Address: 4) Nationality: 5) (a) Date of Birth (Office) (Mob.) E-mail: State of Domicile Months: Days: (h) Present Age: Years: (Attach true copy of S.S.C. Board Certificate OR School Leaving Certificate) 6) Whether member of SC/ST/DI/V.I/NT/SBC/OBC? lyes. specify CATEGORY: YES / NO CASTE: (Attach true copy of the Caste Certificate & certificate of validity from the competent authority so designated by the Govt .of Maharashtra) 7) Educational Qualifications (Please attach Mark Sheets in chronological order) University/ Division Attempts Year of • % of xams/ Name of marks Examination Board Passim, cgrees r, obtained rPh .D. (R elevam) Phil. (R elevant) L. (R elevant) G. S.S.C. S. .(_:. 1-6 hers • Major subjects offered (specialization, if any) Merit/ Prizes: Medals conferre 2 8 Details of having assed NET/SET/GATE (Information required for the post of Assistant Professor only) Test conducting Year of Subject Score, if any NET / SET/GATE Passing 9) Agency Particulars of Teaching Experience in University/College, and/or experience in research at the University/National level institutions/Accredited Research Institution/industry, if any, the period of time taken by candidates to acquire M.Phil. and /or Ph.D. Degree shall not be considered as teaching/experience: (Attach true copies of Certificates of the employer clearly mentioning dates (from — to) Name of the Post held; nature of appointment; )a scale/band) Name of the Institution Post-held with pay scale / pay band Teaching/Research/Industrial Experience From i) Under-Graduate Post Graduate Under Graduate To Years From ii) Post Graduate Consolidated Experience (taken together) To Years Years 10) Particulars of experience on Clock Hour, Contributory, Part-time, without Pay, Visiting, on stipend, in charge, etc. Name of the Institution Nature of Teaching/Research/Industrial Experience Appointment Under Graduate From To Post Graduate From To I 1 ) Particulars of Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process: 12) Administrative Experience, if any, in chronological order. Post Held & Name of Department / Pay Scale / Pay Band Institution 13) Period required for joining, if appointed 14) A) Minimum pay, if the initial pay is not acceptable. B) Whether demand of enhanced pay is a request or condition? From To Total Period Reasons For leaving 3 DECLARATION hereby declare that all the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am not aware of any circumstances, which may impair my fitness for employment in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. I have never been disqualified / debarred from appearing in any University Examination / University Work. I have never been dismissed from University / College / Government Service. Place: Date: Signature of Applicant (To be furnished by the candidate who is (drew!), in service) NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE is working as Certified that Dr./Shri./Sint./Ku. in the Deptt. of in the subject wi t h in the pay scale / pay band of Rs. (Pay in drawing the basic pay of Rs. Academic Grade Pay of Rs. Pay Band + A.G.P.) This Office has no objection if he/she is selected for the post of in the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University and will be relieved within the stipulated period. Place: Date: Signature of employer/Competent Authority with designation & Seal DECLARATION FORM — A (See Rule 4 of the Maharashtra Civil Services (Declaration of Small Family) Rules, 2005) I, Shri / Smt. / Kum. , aged son / daughter /wife of Shri years do hereby declare as follows :- resident of That I have filled my application for the post of I h ave (Number) living children as on today. Out of which No. of children born after Dt.28.3.2005 is (mention dates of birth, if any). I am aware that, if any total number of living children is more than two due to the children born alter dt.28.3.2005, I am liable to be disqualified for the same post. Signature of Applicant 4 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP OF AN APPLICATION FORM FOR THE TEACHING / OTHER POSTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1. This form is to be submitted in 11 similar copies. (One in original &10 photocopies (Good Quality) will be. considered). All the papers, enclosures and Form of Application in uniform size, either Legal or A4 would be preferred. 2. The Departmental Candidates (this University teachers & employees) need not attach copies of Certificates/Mark sheets, Degrees, Experience Certificates, Certificates of Refresher I Orientation courses, etc. which are already incorporated in their service book). However, they should attach copies of Academic Distinctions, if any, awarded & not mentioned in their Service Book. 3. The attested True copies of Mark sheets, Experience Certificates, Caste Certificate, No Objection Certificate & other testimonials shall be attached to ONLY MAIN APPLICATION FORM. (First Copy) However, basic eligibility showing certificates such as P.G. Mark list. NET/SET/GATE certificates, Cast Certificate. NET/SET Exemption Certificate, Ph.D. Degree Certificate shall be attached to all the copies of application form. 4. Candidates applying through proper channel should obtain No Objection Certificate from the present employer on only Main Copy of this application form. 5. These forms should be punched by punching machine and tied using a Tag or Lace only: spiral binding, stapling, binding in a Book Form should be avoided so as to make them convenient for filing in the office files. 6. Passport size Photograph is to be pasted on Main Application Form only. Do not staple. 7. Person sending Advance Copy of the Application Form should send only one copy, complete in all respect. Eleven Copies are not expected, in such cases. K. Candidates applying for the same post in two different categories, i.e. OPEN & B.C. should submit their applications separately. Common Application Form for two categories or two posts will not be considered. 9. Fresh Candidates (who are not working as teachers) applying for the post of Asstt.Professor. Asstt.Librarian, Asstt.Director of Physical Education need not to submit PBAS Proforma. Others should submit copy of PBAS Proforma alongwith all enclosures, in sequence. 10. Candidates applying for the post of Professor, Director and Associate Professor & equivalent should separately submit 5 sets of their Bio-data and Five/Three major research publications. as per Important Notes given in the Advertisement in addition to PBAS proforma. Please prepare & attach Index of publications in the following Format. Sr.No. 1 I. Title of the publication Date/Month of publication/acceptance LIST OF ENCLOSURES: Please list and attach copies of certificates, Caste Validity. Experience Certificates, etc. related to the information given in the Application Form serially as per sequential column Nos. SANT GADGE BABA AMRAVATI UNIVERSITY Self-Assessment Proforma for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) for Direct Recruitment to the post of Professor, Associate Professor; Director (A.S.C.); Librarian; Deputy Librarian; Director of Physical Education, Dy. Director of Physical Education, etc. RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTIONS (Cat.III) (Note: - Attach separate sheets in the same format, if more space required.) AlPublished Pavers in Journals Sr. Author's names(year), Journal No. Title of Article, page with Nos. Volume & Page No. ISSN/ISBN No of the Journal Whether peer reviewed. Impact Factor, if any No. of coauthors Whether you are the main author? No. of coauthors Whether you are the main author? API Score I 2 3 4 6 i7 8 9 —I I0 B (i) Articles/Chapters published in Books: Sr. Author's Book title, No. names(year), Title editors & of Article, page publisher Nos. ISSN/ISBN No of the Journal Whether peer reviewed. API Score (ii) Full Papers in Conference Proceedings: r--7 Sr.NIo. Author's Details of Conference names(year), publication Title of Article, page Nos. ISSN/ISBN No of the Journal No. of coauthors Whether you are the main author? API Score (iii) Books Published as single author or as an editor / co-editor: ;r. Editor's/Author's Type of Book & Publisher & Whether No. of Whether API ;o. names(vear), Title of Authorship ISSN peer co- you Score Article, page Nos. Editorship /ISBN No reviewed? authors / arc the main author? —J. L C) Ongoing and Completed Research Projects and Consultancies. (c) (i & ii) Ongoing Projects /Consultancies. Title of the Project S.No. Funding Agency (c)(iii & iv) Completed Projects/Consultancies: S r.No. I Title of the Funding Period Project Agency (From-to) Period (From-to) Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. lacs) Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. lacs) Whether policy document/patent as outcome API Score API Score 3 (D) Research Guidance: Total Number of Sr. No. students Thesis Submitted Degree awarded API Score M. Phil or Equivalent* Ph. I). or equivalent (* Declared equivalent by any Statutory University/Body) (E) (i) Training Courses, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology Programmes, Faculty Development Programme (not less than one week duration) Duration Programme Organized by Sr. No. API Score r (F) (ii) Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia : Sr. Title of the Paper Title of No. presented Conference / Organized by Seminar Whether API international / Score national / state / regional / college or university level (E) (iii) Invited Lectures and Chairmanships at national or international Conferences /Seminars, etc. r . Sr. Title of lecture / Title of Whether API No. Academic Session Conference / international/ Score Seminar etc. national Organised by 4 IV. SUMMARY OF API SCORES: Criteria Category Total - API Score for entire Assessment Period Assessment period (From - To) Research and Academic 111 Contribution (Attach supporting documents/proofs to verify the API scores claimed, in chronological order) OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Please give details of any other credential, significant contributions, awards received etc. not mentioned earlier. Sr.No. Details (Mention Year, value etc. whatever relevant) (Please attach copies of certificate, sanctioned orders, papers etc., wherever necessary) DECLARATION declare that all the information given above is correct as per documents enclosed alongwith this proforma and to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: I)atc: Signature of Applicant ENCLOSURES: (Please attach, copies of certificates/letters/publications related to the information given above erial{ \ as per sequential column Nos.) 1 H..1 , p`,... 1 ) Ap p hcA ll on Corm
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