THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA REQUEST FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR IT DATA CENTER AND BACK UP GENERATORS STATION CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER: 2014-RFPQ-09 ISSUE DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2014 CLOSING LOCATION: CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARA CAMPBELL WEST BUILDING 2201 ST. DAVID’S ROAD THOROLD, ONTARIO, L2V 4T7 ATTN: TIM CHEN, PURCHASING SERVICES CLOSING DATE AND TIME: THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME Document source: Request for Prequalification Revised October 16, 2014 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Table of Contents Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 SUMMARY AND SCOPE OF WORK 3 3.0 PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS 3 4.0 MANDATORY & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 4 5.0 EVALUATION 4 6.0 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 5 7.0 RESERVED RIGHTS 6 8.0 PROCUREMENT BY-LAW 6 9.0 DE-BRIEFING 6 10.0 LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS 7 11.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 7 APPENDIX DESCRIPTION PAGE A MILESTONE SCHEDULE 9 B PRE-QUALIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM 10 C CHECKLIST OF MANDATORY SUBMISSIONS 11 2 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission 1.0 Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 INTRODUCTION The Regional Municipality of Niagara needs to establish a list of qualified interested firms to submit bids through the competitive tender process for the construction of the IT Data Centre and back up Generators at the Regional HQ located in Thorold, ON. This project is a building addition to a current building, Campbell West of Niagara Region’s Headquarters, 2201 St. David’s Road, Thorold, ON, L2V 4T7. This document is a solicitation for information only and may not be construed as a commitment of any kind. This pre-qualification is a general call intended to capture the maximum number of eligible interested firms together with company specific information about the interested firms responding to the call. It shall be at the discretion of the Region to accept or reject responses from any proponent who elects to submit proposals. Only pre-qualified interested firms will be permitted to submit bids for the IT Data Centre and back up Generators project. To prequalify a proponent must: 1) Meet or exceed mandatory requirements, and 2) Attain a score of 75 or above on the evaluated requirements. To ensure adequate competition, the Owner reserves the right to re-issue this prequalification to additional interested firms as needed. 2.0 SUMMARY AND SCOPE OF WORK The Region has decided to construct the new 2,200 square foot IT Data Centre facility and back up Generators station. New facilities will completely replace currently used for the same purpose facilities. The Scope of Work will be to provide with all required materials, labour and equipment for construction of the new IT Data Centre and back up Generators station in accordance with Tender drawings and specifications. The type of final Contract will be a stipulated sum. The intention is to start site construction in 2015 calendar year, see Appendix A. 3.0 PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS The purpose of this call for pre-qualification is to obtain a sufficient number of qualified General Contractors based on the criteria developed by the Region and set out in this RFPQ, to participate in a competitive tender process and undertake the work associated with this project. Applicants must follow the format identified in the following sections of this document. The format has been designed to facilitate efficient evaluation of RFPQ submissions. In the event that any applicant has questions as to any terms, conditions or provisions of this call for pre-qualification, or the meaning or interpretation thereof, they may request information or clarification by submitting such requests, in writing, by fax or by e-mail to the following: 3 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 Contact: Tim Chen, Purchasing Services Email: [email protected] Phone: 905-685-4225, ext 3470. Fax: 905-682-8521 4.0 MANDATORY & MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Applicants interested in submitting a response to this call for pre-qualification are to submit the following mandatory requirements. A summary is included as Appendix C. 4.1 Completed Pre-qualification Acknowledgement Form as provided in Appendix B 4.2 Completed CCDC 11 – 1996(R2006) Contractor’s Qualification Statement. The number of projects identified in each appendix section is limited to a minimum of three and maximum of five. 4.3 Letter from a recognized surety, confirming their willingness and ability to provide a 100% Performance Bond and 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond for the applicant. 4.4 Submission of a valid certificate or other proof of $5M commercial general liability insurance. Additional insurance requirements may be requested by the Region at time of tender. 4.5 Copy of applicant’s health and safety policy. 4.6 Current copy of WSIB clearance certificate and CAD 7 WSIB rating form. 4.7 Letter of commitment stating applicant’s intention to be pre-qualified and, if short listed, to participate in the formal tender process. 4.8 Confirmation of applicant’s ability to undertake the work and meet the proposed construction schedule identified in Appendix A. 4.9 Applicant to disclose if there are past, current or pending claims or legal actions with Niagara Region or other municipalities, provincial or federal agencies. 4.10 Letter from applicant’s financial institution regarding the general financial position of the company, including a named reference and contact information. 4.11 Resumes of key personnel including, as a minimum, construction project manager and site superintendent for general contractor submissions and project manager and foreman for mechanical/electrical subcontractor submissions. 5.0 EVALUATION The evaluation of RFPQ submissions will be based on the applicant’s ability to complete projects on time, within budget and with a minimum of risk. The Region reserves the right to use its own judgment in rating each of the submissions with the objective of minimizing risk. In addition to the mandatory requirements outlined in Section 4, submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 4 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission Category Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 Available Points Corporate Profile 20 pts. Related Projects & Prior Experience 50 pts. Corporate Polices & Safety 15 pts. References & Past Performance 15 pts. Maximum Score Evaluation Criteria Number of years company in business Average annual construction volume (last 5 years) Capacity to complete the proposed project Office location in relation to Project Site Experience with Data Centre facilities Experience with Generators facilities Experience with LEED buildings Experience with projects of similar size, scope & complexity Proposed staff experience and resumes Safety policy - content and quality Safety record – last five years Management processes and methodologies Applicants core business profile Selection process and access to sub-trades History of previous or existing claims or legal actions with Niagara Region or other municipalities Owners references within the last 5 years Consultants references within the last 5 years Authorities references within the last 5 years 100 pts. In order to pre-qualify for the project, applicants must score greater than or equal to the minimum score of 75 points. The Region reserves the right in its sole discretion to clarify any submission after the closing date. The Region reserves the right to interview any or all applicants to obtain information about or clarification of their submission. In the event that the Region receives information at any stage of the evaluation process which results in earlier information provided by the applicant being deemed by the Region to be inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, the Region reserves the right to revisit the Proponent’s evaluation result. 6.0 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Six (six) sets of documents and one digital copy in PDF format are required to be submitted with each proposal. At least one set must carry original signatures, bonding letter, insurance verification and WSIB forms and be marked as “MASTER”. Additional sets may be a photocopy and marked as “DUPLICATE”. Submissions are to be submitted in sealed packages with the applicants name and RFPQ number clearly marked on the outside of the package. The Region may, in its sole discretion, disqualify applicants who fail, in the opinion of the Region, to meet the requirements of the call for prequalification. 5 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 The Region reserves the right to revise this call for prequalification prior to the due date. Revisions shall be detailed in an addendum and posted on the Region’s website. Date and Place for Receiving Submissions Submissions will be received by the Corporate Services Department, The Regional Municipality of Niagara, Campbell West, 2201 St. David's Road, P.O. Box 1042, Thorold, Ontario, L2V 4T7, attention: Tim Chen, Purchasing Services, until 2:00:00 p.m. local time, January 15, 2015. No further information will be made available at that time. Niagara Region will not, under any circumstances, reimburse any applicant for any costs associated with the preparation of the RFPQ. Fax submissions will not be accepted. 7.0 RESERVED RIGHTS In addition to any other right expressed or implied in this Request for Prequalification, the Region reserves the right to: a) make public the names of any or all applicants and members of a applicant's team; b) request written clarification of any element of any Pre-qualification from any applicant and incorporate an applicant’s response to that request into the applicant’s Pre-qualification; c) clarify or verify with any Applicant or with a third party any information set out in a Pre-qualification; d) check references other than those provided by any applicant; e) disqualify or invalidate any Pre-qualification that contains material misrepresentations or any other materially inaccurate or misleading information; f) make changes, including substantial changes, to this Request for Prequalification provided that those changes are issued by way of addenda; g) if a single Pre-qualification is received, reject the Pre-qualification of the sole Applicant and cancel this RFPQ process or enter into direct negotiations with the sole Applicant. 8.0 PROCUREMENT BY-LAW Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the Region’s Procurement By-law as amended from time to time. The Purchasing By-Law can be viewed on the Region’s website, 9.0 DE-BRIEFING After the RFPQ process is complete, an unsuccessful applicant may request a debriefing session to discuss their submission. The applicant may contact the Purchasing representative, as specified in the bid document. The project representative will conduct a debriefing, by telephone, for the purpose of explaining the evaluation process, discussing the applicant’s submission and its ranking, and explaining why the applicant’s submission was not selected. Only the submission of the unsuccessful applicant will be reviewed. 6 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 10.0 LOBBYING RESTRICTIONS (a) Suppliers, their staff members, or anyone involved in preparing Bids shall not engage in any form of political or other lobbying whatsoever or seek to influence the outcome of the purchasing process or subsequent Award. This restriction extends to all of the Corporation’s staff and members of Council. The Corporation may reject any Bid by a Supplier that engages in such lobbying, without further consideration, and may terminate that Supplier’s right to continue in the purchasing process. (b) (c) During a Bid Solicitation process, all communications shall be made through Purchasing Services. No Supplier or person acting on behalf of a Supplier or group of Suppliers, shall contact any elected official, consultant or any employee of the Corporation to attempt to seek information or to influence the Award. (d) Elected officials shall refer any inquiries about a Bid Solicitation process to the Commissioner of Corporate Services. 11.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION (a) The Corporation encourages competitive bidding and an open, accountable and transparent process for the Purchase of Goods and/or Services. (b) To maintain the integrity of the Bid Solicitation process, Suppliers who believe they have been treated unfairly in a Bid Solicitation process shall submit a Substantive Objection to the Director of Procurement and Strategic Acquisitions providing sufficient detail regarding their complaint within: (i) 7 days from the conclusion of the Bid opening process for Request for Quotations or Request for Tenders. (ii) 7 days of the Supplier being notified of the results of a Request for PreQualification or Request for Expressions of Interest or Request for Proposals. (c) The Director of Procurement and Strategic Acquisitions will arrange a debriefing with the Supplier to explain the Bid Solicitation process that led to the selection of the successful Supplier. (d) The Director of Procurement and Strategic Acquisitions will investigate the complaint and will make a recommendation to the Commissioner of Corporate Services/Treasurer, CAO or Council, as appropriate. (e) To ensure that the Dispute Resolution process for the particular Bid Solicitation process is seen to be fair and impartial, elected officials shall not advocate on behalf of Suppliers who have submitted a Substantive Objection. (f) Should a Supplier continue to have concerns respecting the Award and the decision, the Supplier may then request, in writing to the Commissioner of Corporate Services/Treasurer, a mediator, to assist in resolving any outstanding issues between the Supplier and the Corporation. (g) The recommended mediator will be approved by both the Supplier and the Corporation. (h) The mediator shall make his/her best efforts to assist the parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution. 7 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Form of Submission Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 (i) Costs for the mediator shall be equally shared by the Supplier and the Corporation. (j) Any resolution reached through the mediation process shall remain confidential if requested by either of the parties. 8 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Appendices Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 APPENDIX A MILESTONE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE: Task Duration Estimated Start Contractor Pre-qualification 4 weeks January 2015 Tender & Award 4 weeks March 2015 Construction 9 months June 2015 9 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Appendices Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 APPENDIX B PRE-QUALIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM I/We the undersigned, having carefully examined all sections of this request for pre-qualification for [insert type of service/discipline] for the [insert name of project], do hereby affirm acceptance of the prequalification requirements and process. I/We, the undersigned, acknowledge receipt of addenda numbers ___ to ___ inclusive and my/our response submitted addresses the information contained in these addenda. _________________________________________________________________________ Discipline: (General Contractor, Mechanical Subcontractor, Electrical Subcontractor) _________________________________________________________________________ Company: (Must Show Correct Legal Company Name) _________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________ City _____________________ Province ____________________ Postal Code _____________________ Telephone Number _____________________ Fax Number ____________________ Email Address Signatures: __________________________ Authorized Signature ____________________________ Name & Title _________________ Date __________________________ Witness ____________________________ Name & Title _________________ Date (I have the authority to bind the Corporation) (Please Print) (Please Print) 10 The Regional Municipality of Niagara Appendices Construction of IT Data Centre and Back Up Generator Station Document Number 2014-RFPQ-09 APPENDIX C CHECKLIST OF MANDATORY SUBMISSIONS The following checklist is not a complete list of prequalification requirements. It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm all requirements set out in this request for prequalification are satisfied. Applicants must ensure that the mandatory requirements described below and otherwise contained in this request for prequalification, have been provided in their submission. Applicant: Section ______________________________________________________________ Mandatory Requirements Meet/Fail 4.1 Signed prequalification acknowledgement form (Appendix B) 4.2 CCDC 11 document submitted 4.3 Letter from applicants bonding company provided 4.4 Proof of commercial general liability insurance provided 4.5 Applicants health and safety police provided 4.6 WSIB clearance certificate and CAD 7 WSIB rating form provided 4.7 Applicants letter of commitment to RFPQ process provided 4.8 Applicants ability to undertake work within project schedule confirmed 4.9 Litigation status identified 4.10 Letter from financial institution provided 4.11 Resumes of key personnel provided 11
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