Compline Psalm Antiphons

Compline Psalm Antiphons
Jakub Pavlík
ant. II.D
Have mer cy, Lord, and hear my pray er.
ant. VIII.c
In the si
lent hours of night, bless the Lord.
ant. I.a
Night holds no te rrors for me slee ping un der God's wings.
ant. VIII.G
O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love for us.
ant. II.D
Do not hide your face from me; in you I put my trust.
ant. IV.g
Lord God, be my re fuge and strength.
ant. II.D
Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord.
ant. II.D
In you, my God, my bo dy will rest in hope.
ant. II.D
Day and night
I cry to you, my God.
In adiutorium project
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