2015 A.A.U. Tavares Tournament A.A.U. Licensed Competition in: *Self Defense* Board Breaking* Weapons* Forms * Olympic and Point Sparring* Padded Weapons Sparring Must be a current 2015 A.A.U. member Cost: $55.00 any 2 events $ 7.00 each additional event When: Saturday, February 14, 2015 Where: Tavares High School 603 N. New Hampshire Tavares, FL 32778 Time: 9:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. Doors open at 8:15 a.m. on-site registration is available Join AAU- www.aausports.org More info - www.floridataekwondofederation.com Scrimmage DIRECTOR: David Turnbull [email protected] 30132 Magnolia Ave. Sorrento, Fl 32776 (352- 255-7707) AAU TKD Tavares Challenge Saturday February 14, 2015 INDIVIDUAL COMPETITORS APPLICATION FORM (Please Print Clearly or Type) Last Name ____________________________First Name ______________________________ M.I. _____ Address_________________________________City________________________State____Zip__________ E-Mail Address:_________________________________________ Phone # (______)____________________ Date of Birth ___/___/___ Competition Age (as of 12/31/2015)_________ Competition Weight ______ lbs. Gender: ___Male ___Female 2015 AAU#__________________ (must have- pending NOT acceptable) Rank _____ Novice ______Intermediate ______Advanced ______Black (____Dan) Tae Kwon Do School Affiliation: Head Instructor___________________________ School Name_______________________________________ School Address ____________________________________________Phone # (______)__________________ Check Competitions: _______Forms ______ Self-defense _______ Weapons _______ Breaking (bring own wood or buy at the event) ______ Padded weapons Sparring: _______Olympic sparring or _________ Karate point sparring Competition Fee: *All Ranks Pre registered - any 2 events - $ 55.00 each additional event $ 7.00 Make payable to: David Turnbull Money Order or Checks. There will be NO REFUNDS issued. Mail To: David Turnbull 30132 Magnolia Ave. Sorrento, FL 32776 In consideration for the acceptance of this application I release, D.C. Turnbull’s Martial arts L.L.C, Spectators, Officials, Athletes, and any others connected with this event for any and all injuries suffered, damages, actions, or causes, or causes of actions, whatsoever, to my person or property. I fully understand all dangers involved in competition. I hereby certify that I know and understand the rules, policies, and code of conduct for this A.A.U. Tae-Kwon-Do event. I also state that I will abide by all the rules and regulations as set forth by the tournament director and acknowledge that my failure to do so may result in my immediate expulsion without refund or any money paid. Voluntarily submitted by me, I intend to be legally bound hereby for myself, executors, and administrators and do waive and release any and all rights and claims for physical, mental, and emotional damages or death which I might have against the A.A,.U, David Turnbull, or anyone involved in the event. Released Parties: Lake County school board, Tavares High school, and their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related companies; Directors, all sponsors or charities, and each of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related companies; and the officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors, assignees and volunteers of each of the foregoing entities. __________________________________________________________________________ Competitors Signature (or Parent/Legal Guardian if Competitor is under 18) Date:______________________
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