IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) PAPER-I Q1: Discuss the different agencies of Education in detail. Q2: What is Education? Discuss its various types in shape of formal, in-formal and Non-formal Education. Q3: Explain the following terms in detail: Education Teaching Training & Indoctrination Q4: Explain the implication of Idealism and Naturalism in Present Indian Education Systems. Q5: What do you understand by Pragmatism and Existentialism? Justify their major principles and educational implication in Education. Q6: Discuss the equality of opportunities in Education. Describe the article 28, 29, 350 and 351 given in constitutions. Q7: Discuss the region, social class, gender and religious groups in India. Q8: What do you mean by Vocationalisation of Education and training for tomorrow? Discuss in detail. Q9: Explain the role of Education in the empowerment of technology, Socioeconomic weaker section, social and economic changes. Q10: Explain how the Globalization and Modernization is necessary for the development of Education in India. Q11: Explain the article 14,15,16,30 and 51A (a to h) as Education and Fundamental Rights and duties. Q12: Write short notes on the following: (i) Define learning to know, to do, to be and live together. (ii) RTI (iii) Difference between Philosophy of education & educational Philosophy (iv) Methods of Acquiring Knowledge. (v) Write a note on National Knowledge Commission (vi) Article 41,45 and 46 (vii) Sankhya Philosophy (viii) Purva-Mimansa IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) PAPER-II (EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY) Q1. What do you understand by educational psychology? Discuss its importance for the teachers. Q2. What do you mean by growth & development/. Discuss the various principles of growth & development. Q3. Describe the Piaget’s cognitive Development theory. Q4. Throw light on the relative importance of heredity and environment Q5. What are the problems of adolescents? How you can help them in overcoming such problems Q6. What do you mean by learning? How learning takes place? Discuss Thorndike’s theories of learning. Q7. What is crestalt theory of learning? How does learning takes place according to this theory? Q8. Write short notes:a) Intelligence tests b) Creativity c) Types of aptitudes Q9. Can personality be measured? Give brief account of personality assessment. Q10. Theories of achievement & motivation Q11. Define tinking? Describe various tools of tinking. Q12. Define imagination? Describe the types and educational implications of imagination. Q13. Explain sociometric method in detail. Q14. What is co-operative learning? Q15. Define memory? Describe various strategies to develop memory? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) PAPER-IV(A) CURRICULUM AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT Q1: Discuss the meaning, importance and basis of Curriculum. पाम का अथ, महव तथा आधार का वणन कर Q2: Describe the meaning, Development. पाम need and importance of Curriculum िवकास का अथ, महव तथा आधार का वणन कर Q3: Discuss the concept, nature, scope and Management. कू ल बं ध न का अथ, े functions of School तथा काय का वणन कर Q4: Discuss the Human and material resources in School Management. िवा लय बं ध न म मानवीय संसाधन तथा भौितक संसाधन का वणन कर Q5: Class room management. What are its problem and their solution? का -क म बं ध !. इसक समया तथा उनके समाधान या ह Q6: Describe the types, need and importance of School Record. िवा लय अिभलेख के का र , आवयकता तथा महव का वणन कर Q7: Discuss the meaning, types, importance and principles of Time-Table. समय सारणी का अथ, का र , महव तथा िसा ं त का वणन कर IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) PAPER-IV(B) INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Q1: What do you mean by Inclusive Education? Write a short note on the need of Inclusive Education? सिमि लत िशा से आप या समझते ह? समावेशी िशा क आवयकता पर एक संि नोट िलख? Q2: Discuss National policy for person with disabilities with reference to Inclusive Education. सिमि लत िशा के संदभ के साथ िवकलांग ि के िलए राी य नीित 2006 का वणन कर Q3: What do you mean by Intellectual impairment? Discuss its causes and preventive measures. बौिक िवकलांगता से आप या समझते ह? बौिक िवकलांगता के कारण और िनवारक उपाय का वणन कर Q4: Write a detailed note on Individualized educational plan? ि गत िशा योजना पर िवतृ त टपणी िलख? Q5: What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan? What are the plans of it? सव िशा अिभयान या है? इसक िविभ योजना या ह Q6: What are the models of Inclusive Education? सिमि लत िशा के ि तमा न या ह? Q7: What is the importance of Parent-Teacher partnership in Inclusive Education? सिमि लत िशा म माता - िपता तथा िशक साझेदारी का महव या है? सिमि लत माता - िपता और िशक साझेदारी क जर त या है? िशा म IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) PAPER-V INFORMATION COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Q1: Define Communication. What types of communication can there be? संचार के aaaaassssdlvmasdlvlasdfvladvss परभा िषत कर. संचार के का र या हो सकते ह? Q2: What is computer? How can they be broadly classified? Describe the different generations of computer. What are the characteristics of Computer? कं यू ट र या है? इनका वगकर ण कै से कया जा सकता है? कं यू ट र का िविभ का वणन कर? कयू ट र के या िवशेषताएँ ह? Q3: Familiarize with output and input devices of Computer. कं यू ट र के output और input उपकरण के संदभ म बताओ Q4: Describe the various approaches to E-learning? Throw light on various styles, utility and limitations of E-learning? E-Learning के िलए िविभ तरीक का वणन कर? E-Learning क िविभ शैिलय , उपयोिगता और सीमा पर का श डाल? Q5: What do you mean by Multimedia approach? How can multimedia be used in instructional development and what are the principles of using multimedia approach in teaching and learning? ब -मायम से या मतलब होता है शैिक िवकास म ब -मायम वणन कर और इनके यो ग म आप कन -कन के यो ग क या का िसा ं त को या न म रखगे? Q6: Discuss the scope and significance of Educational Technology? शैिक तकनीक के काये और महव का वणन कर Q7: What are the principles of programmed learning? Explain with examples the different styles of programming? vf“ fer अिधगम के या ह? िविभ का र के vf“ fer को उदाहरण के साथ समझाओ? Q8: िशक व हा र से या के लाभ और सीमा मतलब है कै लड र क अत : या िवे ष ण क दस वग य या का वणन कर Q9: What is Micro-teaching? Discuss its merits and limitations for Teacher’s training programme? सूम िशण या होता है? िशक ि शण कायम के िलए इसके गुण और सीमा का वणन कर? Q10: What are the different types of thinking? Discuss them briefly? सोच के िविभ का र या ह? उह संे प म चचा कर? Q11: What do you mean by Language Laboratory? Describe the need and importance of Language Laboratory in teaching learning process? भाषा यो गशा ला आवयकता से आप या समझते ह है? िशण अिधगम या म भाषा यो गशा ला क तथा महव का वणन कर? Q12: What is meant by the term Teaching Model? Describe its fundamental elements in brief? िशण मॉडल शद से या अथ है? इसके मौिलक तव का संि Q13: What is Research? importance? Explain its अनुसंधान या होता है? इसक िवशेषता , उे य म वणन कर? characteristics, objectives and तथा महव के बारे म बताएं? Q14: What is Statistics? Explain its importance along with its characteristics, functions and limitations? सांियक या होता है?इसक िवशेषता , काय , तथा सीमा के साथ साथ इसके महव को समझाओ? Q15: Write a note on statistical data and its organization? सांियकय से संबंिधत तु ितकरण पर एक लेख िलख? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF ECONOMICS Q1: Explain the meaning, nature and scope of Economics. Also explain the place of Economics in Secondary School Curriculum. Q2: Explain the aims, objectives and values of teaching economics at secondary school level. Q3: Write down the content and their Pedagogical analysis on the following: Law of Retur Wants and their classification National Income-meaning and method of measurement Q4: Explain the different steps in the development of curriculum and text books. Q5: Explain how a teacher develop the self instructional material modules.. Q6: what is Evaluation? Explain written, oral, observation and record in detail as evaluation devices. Q7: Explain the Discussion method and problem solving method in teaching economics. Q8: Explain Project method with its steps. Q9: Write short notes on the following: (i) Computer (ii) Models (iii) Graphs (iv) Preparation of Unit test (v) Film strips IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES Q1: Distinguish between aims and objectives and discuss in brief the main objectives of teaching social studies at school level. Q2: Discuss the taxonomy of instructional objectives given by Bloom. Q3: Why is a constitution is more important in a Democratic form of Government? Explain. Give the pedagogical analysis on this topic. Q4: What do you mean by method of teaching? What are the characteristics of good method of teaching? In the light of it, discuss the merits and demerits of Inductive-Deductive method. Q5: What do you understand by the skill of stimulus variation? Illustrate the process through a micro lesson. Q6: “Lesson plan is a title given to a statement of the achievements to be realized and the specific means by which these are to be attained as a result of the activities engaged during the period”. Discuss. Q7: What do you mean by Self-Instructional modules? Divide these modules in different categories. Q8: What do you understand by Maps? Mention the types of Maps. Tell the advantages of Maps and give suggestions for effective use of Maps. Q9: What is meant by the term Curriculum? What is its importance in the education process? What are the main principles of Curriculum construction? Q10: Explain the objectives, need, importance or uses of Audio-Visual Aids in teaching social studies. Q11: Define Text-book. What points will you keep in mind while selecting a textbook in social studies? Q12: Write short notes on the preparation and use of the preparation and use of the following instructional aids: (i) Film strips (ii) Bulletin Board (iii) Flannel Board (iv) Charts (v) Flash Cards (vi) Slides Q13: What are the characteristics of a good scheme of Evaluation? What are the methods will you use for evaluation in social studies? Illustrate with examples. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS Q1: Write short note on the following:a) History of number system b) Gifted learner c) Brain storming d) Difficulties faced by the teacher in teaching of mathematics. Suggesting measure to overcome them. e) Homework Q2: What are the objectives in Mathematics? Describe the various objective of teaching mathematics at secondary stage. Q3: Discuss with examples problem solving method. Give its merits and demerits. Q4: Define Project method. Explain its various steps and give its merits and demerits. Q5: Discuss with example laboratory method. Give its merits and demerits. Q6: Prepare a lesson plan on any topic. a) Profit and loss b) Percentage c) Simple and compound interest d) Volume of cylinder Q7: Analysis one of the following units in terms of Pedagogical analysis: a) Volume b) Linear and quadratic equation c) Ratio and proportion d) Congruency Q8: Explain Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. Q9: Discuss the main principles of Curriculum Construction in mathematics at the secondary stage level? Q10: Write note on Criterion and norm referenced test. Q11: What is Achievement test? Prepare an achievement test of any class. Q12: Write short notes on the following: a) Diagnostic testing b) Remedial teaching IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF LIFE SCIENCE Q1. Explain the general aims and objectives of teaching of life science and also justify its importance as a school subject. Q2. Write content on pedagogical analysis on micro-organisms or ecological balance. Q3. Write short notes on:a) Digestive system b) Cell structure Q4. Explain the preparation of aquarium and vivarium with the help of a diagram. Q5. What is the difference between unit planning and lesion planning? Prepare a lesson plan on any topic for class 8th. Q6. What is the programmed learning? Explain its characteristics and fundamental principles. Q7. Explain lecture- cum – demonstration method along with its merits and demerits. Q8. Explain the preparation of temporary and permanent mounts. Q9. How do you collect and preserve specimen in life science. Q10. Explain the following:a) Skill of explain b) Skill of questioning c) Skill of illustration Q11. What are the different types of grading for evaluation? Q12. Differentiate evaluation. between formative evaluation and summative IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING of physical science Q1. Explain the importance of teaching of physical science in school curriculum. Q2. Explain general aims and objectives of teaching physical Sc. at secondary school stage. Q3. Formulation of specific objectives in behavioral terms. Q4. Write content and pedagogical analysis of transmission of heat or magnetism. Q5. Differentiate between unit planning and lesion planning. Q6 Write short notes on:a) Linear programme/ self learning material b) Follow up of demonstrative experiments c) Preparation of teaching aids d) Project method Q7. What is a problem solving method? Write its steps along with limitations and merits. Q8. Write short notes on:a) Practical demonstration b) Skill of stimulus variation c) Skill of illustration d) Skill of introducing of lesson Q9. What is the difference between measurement, evaluation and grading? What is the need and importance of evaluation? Q10. Write short notes on:a) Formative evaluation b) Summative evaluation c) Diagnostic evaluation Q11. What are the characteristic of good achievement test? Prepare an achievement test of 20 objective type test items of any topic. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF COMMERCE Q1: Explain objectives and nature of Accounting. Differentiate between Bookkeeping and Accountancy? Q2: What do you understand by Commerce and Commerce Education? Explain the scope and nature of Commerce Education. Q3: Discuss the important aims of teaching commerce. Q4: What do you mean by educational or instructional objectives? Describe some of the popular taxonomies? Q5: What is the importance of Text-books in teaching? How and to what extent these should be used? Q6: What are the important functions of a lesson plan? What points should a teacher bear in mind while preparing a lesson plan? Q7: Give a performa of Trading Account, profit and loss account and Balance sheet? Q8: Comment on the role of multi-national corporations in India in the context of globalization of the economy? Q9: What is Management? Management. Write characteristics and importance of Q10: Discuss problem method of teaching of commerce? Q11: What do you understand by Discussion? Explain the process merits, demerits and suggestions of discussions method. Q12: What do you understand by the skill of stimulus variation? Illustrate the process through a micro-lesson? Q13: Write a short essay on the qualities of commerce teacher? Q14: What are the objective type tests? Make as case for favour and against objective type tests in the teaching of commerce. Q15: Tell difference and relation between Evaluation and measurement. Give objectives and scope of Evaluation. Q16: What are the main criteria for evaluating a general business programme. How test results are graded or recorded? Q17: Explain the meaning, nature and types of aptitude tests in commerce? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF HOME SCIENCE Q1: What are the aims and objectives of teaching Home science at secondary level? And what is the concept of Home science? Q2: Discuss the correlation of Home science with other subjects. Q3: What do you mean by Pedagogical Analysis of food and nutrition? Q4: Give pedagogical analysis of Vitamins, Carbohydrates and protein. Q5: Give Pedagogical analysis of Natural fibers. Q6: Give Pedagogical analysis of any one of the following: a) Good Habits b) Budget c) Vaccinization d) Food adupleration Q7: Discuss the steps, advantages and drawbacks of any of the following methods of teaching of Home science a) Demonstration method b) Project method Q8: What is Microteaching? Name various skills and discuss any one in detail. Q9: Explain organization of Home Science laboratory. Q10: Define Audio-Visual aids of teaching. Describe the characteristics and advantages of audio-visual aids. Q11: Prepare a lesson plan on any topic of your choice of class of Class VII. Q12: Discuss in detail the qualities of good Home science text books. Q13: Explain the important evaluation devices in Home science. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (B.Ed) TEACHING OF ENGLISH Q1. What are the linguistic principles of the language? Q2. What do you mean by pedagogical analysis? Make a pedagogical lesion plan on poetry, prose, grammar a composition (any topic). Q3. What should be the aim of teaching English at school level? How can these aims be achieved? Q4. What is a bilingual’s method of teaching English? How is this method different from direct method? Q5. Write short notes on the importance of instructional material and their use? Q6. Explain the meaning and significance of remedial teaching? Q7. Explain mechanism of reading. What is its importance to the students? Q8. What are stress, rhythm, juncture and their implication? Q9. Explain the importance of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Give the importance of objective type questions by giving examples. Q10. What are the meaning, importance and functions of language? Q11. Prepare a lesion plan of prose or poetry for any class. Q12. Differentiate the term approach & method. Q13. What are the common errors in English and how can these removed by remedial teaching? Q14. Write short notes:1) Language game 2) Debates & Discussion 3) Co-curricular activities 4) ICT 5) Different steps of a) prose b) poetry c) grammar
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