Walking in Hope with the Risen Jesus Acts 1:8

Walking in Hope with the Risen Jesus
‘You will be my witnesses...to the ends of the earth.’
Acts 1:8
Junior Infants: Alive-O:
‘Lord Jesus, may the power of your resurrection touch whatever is dead in us and bring it back to
life. Let the splendour of your resurrection light up the world, scattering the shadows of death and
helping all of God’s children to walk in radiant hope towards the kingdom that is to come.’
Flor McCarthy SDB
Easter is the Christian celebration of joy and new life. It is the joy that Jesus is risen from the
dead and is still with us.
Spring is the season of joy, new life and growth in the world around us. We see in this new
life the signs of God’s presence and action.
The Church is a special place, a place of prayer, a place where many moments in the life of
the Christian family and the broader Christian community are celebrated.
In the course of re-visiting or addressing the following lessons from Alive-O, Junior Infants will be
helped to appreciate their Church as a special place of celebration. They will celebrate new
beginnings linked to Easter, and to Spring. They can be helped to connect this sense of celebration of
new beginnings in the company of the risen Jesus with the new beginning for us in the Diocese of
Limerick with the ordination of Bishop designate Fr. Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O: Term 2: Lesson 7: The Church: A Place to Celebrate- to introduce the children to the local
church building so they will be aware of it as a special place, a place of prayer, a place of celebration.
Alive-O: Term 2: Lesson 8: My World in Spring-to help the children become more aware of the new life
that is present in the world of nature during the season of spring. The children will become aware of
God’s presence and action in the world in springtime.
Alive-O: Term 2: Lesson 10: Easter- to help the children become aware that Easter is a time to celebrate
because Jesus Christ is risen and is with us. Children will experience the joy of Easter and link their
experience with our Christian belief in the Resurrection.
Term 2: Lesson 7:
The Church:A
Place to Celebrate
We Have a Church
Prayer whilst
visiting the Church
and for those who
help in the parish
Rise and Shine
Corner/Patrick the
Thanking God for
An Easter Surprise
Easter Day
Thanking God for
New Life and Jesus
Lesson 8:My
World in Spring
Celebrating In
Lesson 10:
Senior Infants: Alive-O 2:
‘He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him.
But go tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him,
just as he told you.’
Mark 16: 7
The Church is the special place where people come together to worship God and to
experience themselves, in a particular way, in God’s presence. The Church is a place of prayer
and a place of celebration.
Spring is about newness: new life and new beginnings in the natural world. We recognise in
the newness of springtime the signs of God’s creative action and presence in the world of
nature. Children will eventually appreciate that there are times in our lives when it is also
appropriate to begin again.
Easter is the Christian celebration of new life.
The following lessons, which you might re-visit, from Alive-O 2 will help Senior Infants to be involved
in the celebration of new beginnings linked to Easter, to Spring and can be linked to the sense of
celebration of new beginnings linked to the ordination of Bishop designate Fr. Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O 2: Term 2: Lesson 6: Special Places- to help the children come to a sense of some places as
special places and more particularly of the church as a special place. The children will recognise that in
human life there are places of significance and that among these places is the place of worship. The
children should develop an attitude of reverence for the church building and begin to feel at home in it.
Alive-O 2: Term 2: Lesson 8: New Beginnings- to help the children to be aware of the signs of spring in
the natural world so they will be able to recognise signs of God’s creative action and presence in the
world of nature.
Alive-O 2: Term 2: Lesson 9: Spring- to help the children understand the notion of new beginnings. They
will be aware that spring is a time for new beginnings and eventually understand that there are times in
all our lives when it is appropriate to begin again.
Alive-O 2: Term 2: Lesson 10: Easter- to provide an opportunity for the children to take part in simple
rituals which celebrate some of the events in the stories of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
This will enable them in years to come to enter more fully into the Church’s liturgical events at Easter and
come to a deeper understanding of the story.
The Church
Three Guesses
Thanking God for
our Church/God is
A Visit to the
Term 2:Lesson 6:
Special Places
Special Places/It’s
Lesson 8:
New Beginnings
Spring Showing
Mrs Spring/
Thanking God for
the gift of Spring
and his presence
Prayer Service of
the Seeds
Lesson 9:
Spring Sing-Song
Spring Life
The Busy Ants
Thanking God for
the Gift of Life
Songs for Spring
Lesson 10:
Preparation for Simple rituals based around the passion, death and Resurrection of
First Class: Alive-O 3:
‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here, but has risen.’
Luke 24:5
Exploring the feeling of belonging to a class leads to an awareness of the human need to
belong. This is the backdrop against which we start to help the children to realise what it
means to belong to the Church, leading towards an understanding of what it means to take
part in Eucharist as one who belongs to the community of the Church, the followers of Christ.
Easter is the Christian celebration of light and new life.
The following lessons, which you might re-visit, from Alive-O 3 will help 1st Class to connect with the
celebration of new beginnings linked to Easter and to begin to appreciate the sense of belonging to
the community of the Church. They will begin to connect these concepts of belonging to Christian
community and celebration of new beginnings with the ordination of Bishop designate Fr. Brendan
Alive 3: Term 1: Lesson 1: We Begin Together- to set a context for the children to appreciate and
develop among themselves a sense of belonging to a class. This will help in building the concept of
belonging to the Christian community called Church.
Alive-O 3: Term 2: Lesson 9: Time for Joy- to provide the children with opportunities to take part in
simple rituals which celebrate some of the events in the stories of the Passion, Death and
Resurrection of Jesus. They will come to a deeper understanding of these events and begin to enter
into the Church’s liturgical events at Easter.
Term 1:
Lesson 1:
We Begin
Term 2:
Lesson 9:
Time For Joy
and Time
Peas and Beans
The Last
Supper/ Jesus
Stumbles/ An
Easter Surprise
Rituals: The Last
Supper/Stations of
the Cross/An Easter
Second Class: Alive-O 4:
‘I have seen the Lord.’
John 20:18
At Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was raised to a completely new
life. Even his closest followers did not immediately recognise the Risen Jesus. Recognition
dawned when some action, or sign, recalled past events in Jesus’ life. In this context, the call
of Jesus for the disciples to be his followers is reaffirmed.
When we come together as a community to celebrate the Eucharist at Mass, we are doing
what Jesus asked his disciples to do and we know that the Risen Jesus is present in a special
The following lessons from Alive-O 4 help to enable the children to recognise the Risen Jesus in
their own lives and to become aware of the continuing presence and action of the Risen Jesus in
their lives and in the Christian community.
Alive-O 4: Term 2: Lesson 10: The Resurrection- to continue to introduce the children to the
apostle’s experience of the Risen Jesus as told in the New Testament apparition narratives. The
children will be able to recognise the Risen Jesus in their own lives, become aware of the continuing
presence and action of the Risen Jesus in their own lives and in the Christian Community. They will
be better able to enter into the Easter celebrations of the Church.
Alive-O 4: Term 3: Lesson 2: We Gather Together To Celebrate- to help the children explore their
own experiences of celebration, to understand that at Mass the Christian community gathers in
response to Jesus’ invitation ‘ Do this in memory of me’. The children will become aware that the
Risen Jesus is present to us in a special way in the celebration of the Eucharist and be able to
participate more fully in this.
Term 2: Lesson
The Resurrection
Term 3: Lesson
We Gather
Together to
Happy in the
Presence/This is
the Day
Follow Me
The Passover
The Risen Jesus
Together to
The Church
& the areas
to the
of Eucharist
& Baptism
Third Class: Alive-O 5:
‘They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the
road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’
Luke 24:32
To celebrate ritually, the Easter story of the empty tomb and to help the children reflect on
and articulate their faith. They will be able to develop a sense of the Church community’s
liturgical season of Easter and have a deeper sense of belonging to the Church.
To provide opportunities for the children in the context of liturgical season of Easter to
prepare for their class Mass, explore their experience of presence and to learn the story of
the disciples on the road to Emmaus. The children will deepen their appreciation of the
presence of the Risen Jesus at Mass especially under the appearances of bread and wine.
To offer the children an opportunity to explore the significance of Jesus’ words to Peter‘Follow Me’- which are also addressed to them. This will develop an awareness of their
Church membership.
To offer the children the opportunity to celebrate liturgically and ritually the life of love and
service to which the Risen Jesus calls the Church community and to explore ways in which
they and others can use their talents to respond to the call to ‘love and serve the Lord’. This
should nourish their own faith in the Risen Jesus, lead them to an awareness of their talents
and encourage them to use these in the mission of the Church.
To explore the children’s understanding of community within the class and what the
scriptures tell of the early Christian community and to understand that experience by
comparison to the formation and sustaining of their classroom community. This should
increase their awareness of the Christian community into which they have been received and
what it means to be a member of it.
The following lessons from Alive-O 5 will help 3rd Class to connect with the celebration of new
beginnings linked to Easter and to begin to appreciate the sense of belonging to the community of
the Church. Some of the lessons focus on the theme of the presence of the Risen Jesus at Mass. At
Mass the Risen Jesus is present in the Word, in the celebrant, under the appearances of bread and
wine and in the community. Jesus said: ‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there
among them’ (Mt 18:20).
The post-resurrection experiences of the first followers of Jesus are the foundation stories of the
Church. It was in this time that the Risen Jesus began to orient his disciples towards the time of
service ahead. Their faith in the Risen Jesus inspired the apostles and their followers to go into the
world and spread the Good News. In John 21, the Risen Jesus says to Peter ‘Follow Me’. The
children are led to realise that the same words are addressed today to them and helped to deepen
their understanding of the implication for them for answering that call in their own lives. They will
begin to connect these concepts of Christian community, Christian witness, service, walking in hope
with the Risen Jesus and the celebration of new beginnings with the ordination of Bishop designate
Fr. Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson One: We are an Easter People- to celebrate ritually, the Easter story of the
empty tomb and to help the children reflect on and articulate their faith. They will be able to develop a
sense of the Church community’s liturgical season of Easter and have a deeper sense of belonging to the
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson Two: Celebrating the Risen Jesus at Mass (1) - to revise what the children
already know about the Mass so they may come to a deeper understanding of the significance of what
they do at Mass and prepare for the celebration of a class Mass.
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson Three: Celebrating the Risen Jesus at Mass (2) – To provide opportunities for
the children in the context of liturgical season of Easter to prepare for their class Mass, explore their
experience of presence and to learn the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. The children will
deepen their appreciation of the presence of the Risen Jesus at Mass especially under the appearances of
bread and wine.
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson Four: Follow Me- to offer the children an opportunity to explore the
significance of Jesus’ words to Peter- ‘Follow Me’- which are also addressed to them. This will develop an
awareness of their Church membership.
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson Five: Love and Serve the Lord- to offer the children the opportunity to
celebrate liturgically and ritually the life of love and service to which the Risen Jesus calls the Church
community and to explore ways in which they and others can use their talents to respond to the call to
‘love and serve the Lord’. This should nourish their own faith in the Risen Jesus, lead them to an
awareness of their talents and encourage them to use these in the mission of the Church.
Alive-O 5: Term 3: Lesson Seven: The Early Christian Community- to explore the children’s
understanding of community within the class and what the scriptures tell of the early Christian
community and to understand that experience by comparison to the formation and sustaining of their
classroom community. This should increase their awareness of the Christian community into which they
have been received and what it means to be a member of it.
Lesson Title
Term 3: Lesson
We are an Easter
Come Christians
All Rejoice/The
Apostle’s Creed
The Empty Tomb
The Creed
Easter Ritual
Lesson 2:
Celebrating the
Risen Jesus at
Mass (1)
Do This in
Memory of
Jesus/Happy in
the Presence
Parts of the
Lesson 3:
Celebrating the
Risen Jesus at
Mass (2)
Blessed be
God/Go in
Apostle’s Creed
Lesson 4:
Follow Me
Excuses/On the
Road to Emmaus
Class Mass
Follow Me
The Eucharist
Lesson 5:
Love and Serve
the Lord
Use What You’re
The Ascension
Gift/Parable of
the Talents
Community Song
Paula and
Mark/The Early
The Present
Lesson 7:
The Early
Fourth Class: Alive-O 6:
‘For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though
many, are one body, so it is with Christ.’
1 Corinthians 12:12
To explore some of the structure of the Church as ‘home parish’. This will develop and deepen
the children’s understanding of the Church and its membership
Exploring St. Paul’s image of the Church as the Body of Christ so they may develop an
understanding of their belonging to the Church and relate membership to their whole lives
and to everything they do.
To give the children, through the story of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the Risen Jesus
and through art, an opportunity to reflect on the Church’s belief in the resurrection of Jesus.
They will become more aware that they too are united with the Risen Jesus.
The following lessons from Alive-O 6 will help 4th Class to develop an understanding of their
belonging to the Church and relate membership to their whole lives and to everything they do.
Through the post-resurrection encounters with the Risen Jesus, the children will have an opportunity
to reflect on the Church’s belief in the resurrection of Jesus. They will become more aware that they
too are united with the Risen Jesus. Easter faith is about our present union with the Risen Jesus,
both as individuals and as a people of God; Easter faith is about how Resurrection makes possible
the communion of the Risen Jesus with people of every time and place. The children will begin to
connect these concepts of the image of the Church as the Body of Christ and walking in hope with
the Risen Jesus with the new beginnings in our diocese with the ordination of Bishop designate Fr.
Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O 6: Term 2: Lesson Two: Our Parish- to explore some of the structure of the Church as ‘home
parish’. This will develop and deepen the children’s understanding of the Church and its membership.
Alive-O 6: Term 2: Lesson Three: The Body of Christ-The Church- to explore the image of the Church as
the Body of Christ so as to develop the children’s understanding of the Church and its membership.
Alive-O 6: Term 2: Lesson Four: The Body of Christ-At Play- to explore the children’s experience of play
in the context of St Paul’s image of the Body of Christ so they may develop an understanding of their
belonging to the Church and relate membership to their whole lives and to everything they do.
Alive-O 6: Term 2: Lesson Five: The Body of Christ –At Work- to explore how we can live as members of
the Church at work so as to develop the children’s understanding of the Church and its membership.
Alive-O 6: Term 3: Lesson One: The Risen Jesus- to give the children, through the story of Mary
Magdalene’s encounter with the Risen Jesus and through art, an opportunity to reflect on the Church’s
belief in the resurrection of Jesus. They will become more aware that they too are united with the Risen
Lesson Title
Parish Anthem
Rosie Wants to
Go Home
Christ Be Beside
The ‘Organising
Body’/Saul and
the Lord
Jesus/The Body
of Christ
Grace Before
and After Play
Ishvah’s Story
We are the Body
of Christ
All in a Day’s
Term 2: Lesson
Our Parish
Lesson 3:
The Body of
Me/I Will be the
Lesson 4:
The Body of
Christ-At Play
Lesson 5:
The Body of
Christ-At Work
Lent-Pray, fast
and Share
Lesson Title
This is the Day
Mary Magdalene
meets the Risen
Term 3: Lesson
The Risen Jesus
Fifth Class: Alive-O 7:
‘You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen.’
Isaiah 43:10
Rooting Christian faith in the practicalities of everyday living, so that the Christian tradition
will find its expression in the life well lived.
Fostering an understanding of Christianity as a worldwide community fully alive, so that the
children may come to see their own role within that ‘global parish’.
To nourish the children’s faith in new life by exploring the Resurrection stories so that they
may live more fully as ‘Easter’ children.
To help the children to come to a deeper understanding of how the Risen Lord Jesus is
present at Mass and to prepare them for the celebration of a Class Mass.
To offer the children through drama, an opportunity to explore their experience of what it
means to be confirmed to be a committed Christian. This is to enrich their living as young
Christians, individually and in community.
To offer the children through drama, an opportunity to explore their experience of what it
means to be confirmed to be a committed Christian. This is to enrich their living as young
Christians, individually and in community.
The following lessons from Alive-O 7 will help 5th Class to foster an understanding of the Church as a
Christian community. It is the people of God, of the New Covenant, gathered together from every
race and nation under heaven. The Church is the community of those who are baptised, believe in
Jesus Christ, are animated by his spirit, try to follow his teaching and example of love, commemorate
the chief events in his life, and celebrate his presence and action among them. They will begin to
connect these concepts of Christian community, Christian witness, and walking in hope with the
Risen Jesus with the ordination of Bishop designate Fr. Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O 7: Term 2: Lesson 2: Christian Faith- to root Christian faith in the practicalities of everyday living,
so that the Christian tradition will find its expression in the life well lived.
Alive-O 7: Term 2: Lesson 3: Christian Community- to foster an understanding of Christianity as a
worldwide community fully alive, so that the children may come to see their own role within that ‘global
Alive-O 7: Term 3: Lesson 1: Easter- to nourish the children’s faith in new life by exploring the Resurrection
stories so that they may live more fully as ‘Easter’ children.
Alive-O 7: Term 3: Lesson 2: The Risen Jesus is Present at Mass- to help the children to come to a deeper
understanding of how the Risen Lord Jesus is present at Mass and to prepare them for the celebration of a
Class Mass.
Alive-O 7: Term 3: Lesson 3: Where Do We Go From Here (1)? - to offer the children through drama, an
opportunity to explore their experience of what it means to be confirmed to be a committed Christian. This
is to enrich their living as young Christians, individually and in community.
Alive-O 7: Term 3: Lesson 4: Where Do We Go From Here (2)? - to offer the children through drama, an
opportunity to explore their experience of what it means to be confirmed to be a committed Christian. This
is to enrich their living as young Christians, individually and in community.
Lesson Title
Term 2:
Lesson 2:
Christian Faith
Apostle’s Creed
The Power of
Faith/The Weaver/The
The Restorer
Lesson 3:
Faith Song/The
Apostle’s Creed
The Skipper/Stories
from other lands
Term 3: Lesson
We Believe/We
Come Christians All
Rejoice/This is the
Day/Easter Alleluia
The date of Easter/The
Happy in the
Presence/Christ be
our Light/Parish
How the Risen Jesus is
Present at Mass
You are with
us/One Loaf, One
Body/Class Mass
Lesson 3:
Where Do We
Go From Here?
Been There/Done
That/Spirit Anthem
Acts of the
Apostles/Story of
Drama: Act
Reasons to be a
and the Holy Spirit
show us the Way
Do We Go
From Here? (2)
What’s the Story?
The Beggar’s Song
Where Do We Go From
Drama: Act
The Locked
Door/If God is on
our Side
Lesson 2
The Risen Jesus
Present at
Children from Afar
6th Class: Alive-O 8:
‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my
witnesses...to the ends of the earth.’
Exploring the children’s experience of Christian witness so as to foster in them a developing
of their baptismal and/or Confirmation call.
Exploring the Resurrection stories imaginatively to show how the Risen Jesus ‘journeyed with’
his first followers. The children will realise that the Risen Jesus continues to ‘journey with’ his
To affirm the affinity between children and the reign of the Kingdom of God and to develop
the concept of Kingdom as ‘right relationship’, or relationships at their most creative. The
children will celebrate the fact that they are already members of God’s kingdom and assist in
the further coming of the kingdom as they grow.
The following lessons from Alive-O 8 will help 6th Class to explore how the Risen Jesus journeyed
with his first followers. During the post-resurrection appearances Jesus continued bringing his
followers on a journey of faith. He opened up the scriptures to them, fed them in word and deed,
and promised them the Spirit to be their helper and guide. The Risen Jesus continues to journey
with his followers today. Through the gift of his Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation, he continues to
guide and sanctify us. Through his word in scripture and through his real presence in the Eucharist,
he continues to feed us on our journey. Through the sacraments, he brings his story to life in us and
creates a people- the Church- in his own image and likeness. The lessons will help the children to
become aware of their baptismal call and continues to develop their sense of belonging to the
community of the Church. They will begin to connect these concepts of Christian community,
Christian witness, and walking in hope with the Risen Jesus with the ordination of Bishop designate
Fr. Brendan Leahy.
Alive-O 8: Term 2: Lesson 1: Fan the Flame &
Alive-O 8: Term 3: Lesson 2: Spirit-Filled Life - to explore the children’s experience of Christian
Witness so as to foster in them a sense of their baptismal wonder and/or Confirmation call.
Lesson Title
Fan the
Flame/Confirm Us
Jesus’ Birth and
Rebirth/The Holy
Spirit Helps
Called to
the Flame’ Ritual
Term Two
Fan the Flame
Spirit-Filled Life
Anthem/Come Holy
The Early
Church/The Power
of the Spirit/Jean
of Lisieux/Children
Helping Children
Witnesses to the
Spirit/Holy Spirit,
Move in
Us/’Witnesses to
the Spirit’ Ritual
Alive-O 8: Term 3: Lesson 1: Easter- exploring the Resurrection stories imaginatively to show how the Risen Jesus
‘journeyed with’ his first followers. The children will realise that the Risen Jesus continues to ‘journey with’ his
Alive-O 8: Term 3: Lesson 2: Kingdom Children- to affirm the affinity between children and the reign of the
Kingdom of God and to develop the concept of Kingdom as ‘right relationship’, or relationships at their most
creative. The children will celebrate the fact that they are already members of God’s kingdom and assist in the
further coming of the kingdom as they grow.
Lesson Title
Term 3:
Lesson 1:
Coeli/This is the
Jesus is Risen/After
Reappears/Filled with
the Spirit
Jesus is Risen!
News Circle/Risen
Jesus, Live in Us
Term 3:
Lesson 2:
We are the
Greatest/Song of
the Sea of
Story/The Kingdom of
Set Things
Kingdom Come
Children reading scripture
Though we live in a world that dreams of ending, that seems
always about to give in, something that will not acknowledge
conclusion, insists that we forever begin.
Brendan Kennelly