OUR VISION “Loving God, Loving Others; Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the World” THIS WEEK @ UBC TODAY—January 25th 9 am YA Study at Tim Horton’s 9am Christian Ed. (for all ages) 10am Worship 7pm REDEMPTION January 25th, 2015 Monday Prayer Time in Boardroom 7pm Mens’ Nacho League 7:45pm Wednesday Celebration (Ladies) 9:15am ‘Healthy Eating’ with Amanda Dietician from Zehrs Pioneer Clubs 7pm Thursday Worship Team Rehearsal Friday—Sunday Youth to Blizzard Saturday Barnabas (MEN) 7am UBC ANNUAL MEETING 10am Quest 7-9pm Movie Night “God’s Not Dead” Next Sunday, February 1st 9am YA Study at Tim Horton’s 9am Christian Ed. (for all ages) 10am Worship & Communion SERIES: The Kingdom, the Glory & the Power ‘Finding Hidden Treasure’ I Kings 3 Pastor Dale Dawson Join us for Coffee 231 Brock St. W. Box 694, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N1 905-852-3662 / Fax 905-852-1955 Email: [email protected] Website: www.uxbridgebaptist.com UBC MESSENGER - January 25th, 2015 We welcome you as we worship God together. If you are a guest today, it is our prayer that your worship experience will minister to your deepest needs. If we can be of personal assistance to you, please speak to any of our pastors. Blessings to you and your family! We invite all NEWCOMERS to visit the Welcome Centre to receive a Welcome Gift today. UBC Annual Meeting UBC Annual Business Meeting Saturday January 31st, 2015 @ 10am Everyone is welcome Pot Luck Luncheon - Please NO NUTS!!! e e Not Pleas ction Corre (please bring enough for 8-10 people) Surnames A - M - bring a dessert Surnames N - Z - bring a main course Membership at UBC If you are considering membership at UBC, please speak to one of our Pastors, Elders or Deacons today. 2014 Annual Report is available in your mailbox. Please be sure to bring it to the meeting with you. If you would prefer a PDF version, please let the office know. Church Office News After almost 20 years of serving in the UBC office as Pastor’s Secretary and Church Business Administrator, Bev Ott has decided it’s time to ‘retire’ and move on the other ministries, which will include spending more time with her grandbabies. Bev will be here until the end of May 2015 so please drop into the church office to extend your best wishes. UBC will truly miss you Bev. We wish you and Jack and your family all God’s blessing in the future as you live and serve in the Markham area. Upcoming Events Family Day Pancake Breakfast Sunday, February 15th @ 9 AM PLEASE SIGN UP at the Welcome Desk & indicate how many are attending Volunteers needed to help cook & clean up Please contact Pastor Kathy (Classes are CANCELLED that Sunday) 12 Fruit Trays also needed NEW!!! Baby to Pre-school Gym Time When: Friday Mornings 9:30 to 10:30 AM Starting January 30th Where: Uxbridge Baptist Gym (located on the lower level) For: Babies to Pre-school and their parent or caregiver. Description: Come join us in the gym for an hour of unstructured play and a chance to run off some pent up energy. Bring your favorite scooter with plastic (non-marking) wheels. Parents, we will have some coffee and chairs for you to have a chance to sit while we watch our little ones play. Please speak to Kristi Guzelak for more information. UBC Family News Congratulations to Grandparents Randy & Dolores Matthys. Gary & Kristine Van Kessel were blessed with the birth of Nathan Samuel Van Kessel, 8lbs, 1oz, born on Wednesday, January 21, 2015. Sunday School at 9 am Adult Sunday School Class in Boardroom How to Be Rich by Andy Stanley A DVD series by Andy Stanley that examines what God has to say about how we manage the resources He has blessed us with. Sunday mornings at 8:45 am. Adult Sunday School Class in the Overflow Room Do you want to have a fuller understanding of what we, as evangelical Christians believe, and how that can, and should, impact our daily lives? What does the whole Bible teach us today? UBC is starting an introductory class on Systematic Theology and reviewing various biblical doctrines. Knowing what we believe is part of the great commission (Matt.28:19-20) to "....teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." The framework basis of the class will be Dr. Wayne Grudem's Introduction to Systematic Theology. Randy Matthys and Dr. John Howarth will be leading. Topics such as "The Word of God" and "Canon of Scripture". If God has been prompting you to learn more of what you believe, then this is the class for you ! Children’s Sunday School in the Lower Hall Do you want to learn more about Paul and his miraculous conversion? Come to our children’s Sunday School classes and engage in learning more about Paul and how his life can impact ours. We would love to study God’s Word with you! Blizzard Update & Prayer Request January 30th - February 1st As the students come together in the Greater Community of Believers from across Ontario and Quebec we ask you to pray for the following things: Safety & good health Open hearts, eyes and attitudes For drivers, leaders, Pastors, CBOQ staff, the students, worship leaders and speakers Seeds to be planted and God’s will to be done An understanding for the students that they were created to belong, build their lives on His foundation, connect with others and grow in relationships and their faith UBC, thank you for your faithfulness. Mission News Morningstar (Beijing, China) Team A team of ladies will be travelling to Beijing, China on February 16th and returning March 1st. Morningstar Family Home is a small foster home in Beijing that cares for critically ill orphans, primarily with heart defects. The team will provide loving care to these precious children as the regular staff at Morningstar will travel to their homes for the Chinese New Year holiday. The team is collecting supplies to take with them. If you would like to donate, there will be a donation box near the mailboxes until February 8th. Supplies for babies: diaper cream liquid multi vitamins vitamin k eczema lotion fever reducer (liquid) Aquafor - vaseline like coconut oil crib sheets Nuk soother bottles and nipples hand sanitizer The team would really like to take special gifts for the nannies. They have had a very difficult year with the passing of one baby before Christmas and another going to hospice last week because nothing more could be done. Many babies have left this past year to go to their forever homes and even though this is a good thing, it is still very difficult for the nannies. There are 12 nannies. Some gift ideas for Nannies are: small - medium tops makeup body lotion face cream lipstick gloves scarves socks good water bottles reusable grocery bag We would also like to take a double stroller with us if anyone happens to have one in excellent used condition that they would like to donate! Also, the house manager at Morningstar, Jenny, would like gospel tracts to hand out if anyone would like to help in this way. If you have any questions, please call Kimberly at 905-852-4151 Thank you so much, Kim Miller and the Morningstar team CORRECTION - The Morningstar China Team will be commissioned during the worship service on February 15th. Life Group News Our Life Group Ministry Needs YOU! We are looking for a few people who are passionate about God’s Word and the amazing ministry of Life Groups. If you love to see God’s Word studied, applied and lived out in the context of a loving community of caring disciples and if you would like to join a team that helps to spearhead this ministry at UBC, we want to hear from you. We need a few individuals who can support this vital ministry “behind the scenes” with vision and administrative support. If you feel God moving you in this direction please speak to Pastor Dale or Carol McTaggart. And if you are interested to join a Life Group, just let us know. We will help you get connected! Just send an email to Pastor Dale or the church office. Lent Bible Memory Challenge Pray about this opportunity for you (and your whole family) to set aside time to memorize scripture as we prepare for Easter. We invite all who are interested to participate for your own benefit. This focus for Lent will run for six weeks, beginning Sunday, February 15. Listeners will be available Sunday mornings until Palm Sunday. CBWOQ’s Women’s Weekend All UBC Ladies are invited to a Women’s Weekend away April 24-26, 2015 Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conf Centre in London, ON Speaker: Raquel Contreras, President of the Baptist World Alliance— Women’s Dept. Fee: $219 (Before April 15th) Hotel $139 per room Tyndale - Opportunities to Study Tyndale Seminary has sent their Spring & Summer 2015 course offerings. They can be found under the mailboxes. These courses are offered in a variety of formats to suit people’s busy schedules. You could possibly consider car pooling together. Courses such as: Sex, Marriage & Family, Wrestling with Difficult Texts, Spiritual Warfare, Families in Transition, Christianity and Islam or Leading though Conflict. TO ! T H G NI For Gr. 6-8! Sunday School begins weekly @ 9 am! KW Junior High Edition - during church service January 16 to 18th Students away at Avalanche! January 16-18 2015 January 31st MOVIE NIGHT! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS 7 to 9 pm at Church February 7th Minute-To-Win It (with a Twist) 7 to 9 pm at Church If you have any questions about QUEST or any of these events, feel free to email Wendy Meek at [email protected] Grades 9-12 UBC YOUTH Sunday School Weekly at 9am! There will be NO Youth on January 30th due to Blizzard! Please make sure you have the hand out that includes arrival and departure times. If you do not yet have this information please see Ian, Lindsay or the youth office door! Please note transportation has changed! We are now taking a Bus. Leaving the church at 5pm! Feb 1st Feb 4th - Feb 6th - No Sunday School, we are at Blizzard! @7pm @7pm If you would like to be added to the Parent/Adult Email list to receive further information, please let us know at [email protected] At the May’s At the church SERVING IN NURSERY TODAY 10 AM ADULTS HELPERS Andrea Fowlow Samantha Rae Ruth Moore Carleigh Winder Joanna Strickland Janet Winder HELPERS Natasha Cranmer Michael Evans Veronica Evans Graham Wilson KIDZ EDGE (Sunday School) From JK/SK to Gr. 8 at 9am in lower hall JUNIOR CHURCH (JK & SK), KIDS CONNECT & Gr. 7 & 8 dismissed during the service. Emma Burns Amelia Wilson HEALTH CONCERNS & DAILY STRENGTH Ilene Geer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home Anne McDowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Grace Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Doreen Pickett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home Ben Prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength Caro Wiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ongoing neurological Issues FRIENDS SHUT IN: Phyllis Feasby - Community Nursing Home, Port Perry Jean Hetherington - Temporarily at Hillsdale Terraces in Oshawa Betty James - Butternut Manor, Uxb. Paul Leman - 20 Perry St. Uxb. Ruby Matthews - Parkview, Stouffville STAY CONNECTED: UBC INFOLINK is usually sent out on Thursdays and lists the current news and events for the week. UBC PRAYER NETWORK is available via phone (905-852-3662 ext 9 after office hours) or email. Please submit your prayer requests to the church office. The prayer network is updated daily during office hours. To receive either the UBC Infolink or Prayer Network via email please send your request to [email protected]. STAFF Lead Pastor - Rev. Dr. Dale Dawson Pastors’ Secretary/ Community Pastor - Kathy McIntosh Business Administrator - Mrs. Bev Ott Custodian - Mr Terry West Youth Interim Leaders—Ian & Lindsay McIntosh
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