MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. ISO:14001-2004 (EMS) ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- A PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 TITLE PAGE DATE : DOCUMENT NO : EM - 01 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL COPY NO: ____________ COPY HOLDER: ___________ This Environmental manual is private property of Principal Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College. It should not be copied or reproduced in part or full without permission of Principal Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College. Prepared by EMR Approved by Principal 1 EM – 01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- B CONTENTS PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DATE : A COVER PAGE 01 ISO CL. NO. - B TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 - C AMENDMENT RECORDS 03 - D DISTRIBUTION LIST 04 - E ABOUT JNEC 05 - 1. SCOPE 06 1 2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES 07 2 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 08 3 4. EMS REQUIREMENTS 09 4 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10 4.1 6. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 11 4.2 7. PLANNING 12-16 4.3 8. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION 17-24 4.4 9. CHECKING 25-29 4.5 10. MANAGEMENT REVIEW 30 4.6 11. ANNEXURE A – LIST OF SYSTEM PROCEDURES 31 Section No. TITLE NO.OF PAGES 12. 13. ANNEXURE B – LIST OF APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ANNEXURE C – ASPECT IMPACT RATING MATRIX Prepared by EMR 32 33-34 Approved by Principal 2 EM- 01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- C PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 AMENDMENT RECORDS SR. NO. REVISION DETAILS REV. NO. DATE : NATURE OF REVISION REV.DATE RECIPIENT DETAILS APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL 01 All Section First Issue 00 3 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- D PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DISTRIBUTION LIST DATE : COPY NO. COPY HOLDER 01 PRINCIPAL 02 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE (EMR) (MASTER COPY) 03 DEPUTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE (REFERENCE COPY) DEMR 04 CERTIFICATION BODY Note:- Soft copy circulated to all departments on main server with ‘Read only’ access. 4 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :ABOUT JNEC E PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DATE : Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College was founded in 1983 by Shri Kamal Kishore Kadam, Chairman of Mahatma Gandhi Mission. The College is situated in historical Aurangabad city surrounded by the world famous Ajanta – Ellora caves and Deogiri Fort. The intake is 940 students in Chemical, Civil (Regular & Shift), Computer Science & Engineering (Regular & Shift), Electronics & Telecommunication (Regular & Shift), Instrumentation & control, Information Technology Mechanical (Regular & Shift), Biotech, Electrical and Electronics power and Architecture for undergraduate programme. The college also runs Post – Graduate courses having an intake capacity of 60 students in Computer Applications. Whereas 25 students in Electronics only and Civil-Structures, Computer Science, Civil-Environmental Engineering ,Manufacturing, Mech. CAD-CAM , Mechanical –Thermal II and Biotechnology with an intake of 18 students each . Unique Features of JNEC Uniform for students. Clean and green campus. The list of University rankers is dominated by JNEC students. The students have all time access to Principal for their problems. “High Powered “Student council, enjoy privilege to criticize with guarantee of no victimization. 6. Well equipped laboratories for all Departments. 7. Round the clock access to library & internet facility. 8. Razzmatazz: Annual Social gathering organized and managed entirely by the students. 9. Exposure to various competitions such as paper presentation, Exhibitions, Debates, Sports, Technical symposium like AWUT 07 , Chanakya , Agnitio etc. Amenities 1. Separate hostels for boys and girls. 2. Auditorium with a seating capacity of 350 students. 3. Seminar halls with Audio and Video aids. 4. Well furnished library with more than 35,000 books with book bank facility. 5. 24 hrs. Internet facility. 6. Gymkhana, Health club and playground. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 01 CLAUSE 01 PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 SCOPE DATE : 1.1 SCOPE (MGM-JNEC) Premises of MGM Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad. Environmental management system (EMS) addresses all clauses of ISO 14001:2004 and environmental aspects as applicable to MGM JNEC 6 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 02 CLAUSE 02 PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 NORMATIVE REFERENCES DATE : No normative references are cited. As per ISO-14001:2004 this clause is not applicable. This clause is included in order to retain clause numbering identical with the previous edition ( ISO 14001: 1996) 7 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 03 CLAUSE 03 PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS DATE : For the purpose of this document , the following terms and definitions apply 3.1 ENVIRONMENT Surroundings in which an organization operates including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation. 3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations environmental aspects. 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT Element of an organizations activities or products or services that can interact with the environment. 3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) Part of an organizations management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. 3.5 ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVE Overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy that an organization sets itself to achieve. 3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its environmental performance as formally expressed by top management. 3.7 ENVIRONMENTAL TARGET Detailed performance requirement, applicable to the organization or parts therefore, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives 8 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 04 CLAUSE 04 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DATE : ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 9 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 05 CLAUSE 4.1 PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DATE : The Institute has established environmental management system, prepared documents, implemented environmental policy , maintained the records and continuously improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of environmental management system as per ISO 14001-2004 Institute has a) Identified the aspects according to the environmental management system b) Identified the impacts with respect to the aspects c) Determined the impact rating of identified aspects d) Ensured the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these aspects. e) Monitored, measured and analyzed the environmental aspect f) Implementation of action necessary to achieve planned results for continual improvement. 10 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 06 CLAUSE 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DATE : The college Principal has established following Institutional Policy for EMS to be in line with ISO: 14001:2004 1. The MGM’s JNEC is implementing environmental management system 2. The MGM’s JNEC practices the environmental control during its activities, product and services. 3. JNEC ensures for continual improvement and prevention of pollution. 4. JNEC ensures that applicable , legal and statutory requirements are met 5. The environmental policy established sets and gives basis for environmental objectives and targets 6. JNEC ensures to reduce waste generation 7. It will decrease resource depletion 8. It pledges to maintain all buildings and grounds in an environmentally conscious manner for the benefit of all present and future college members and visitors. 9. JNEC will work to increase awareness of environmental responsibility amongst its fellows, students and staff 10. Minimizing any adverse environmental impact of new development 11. In keeping with its tradition of innovation and intellectual excellence, the College also outlines the following policies and practices, which it will uphold in order to further improve its environmental performance. 12. Communicating within the College and to the outside community on environmental performance and best practice Approved by Principal J.N.E.C. 11 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 07 PLANNING CLAUSE 4.3 PAGE : 01 of 04 REV. NO.00 DATE : Planning is done according to the Environmental aspect and impact rating to ensure that very less harm is done to the environment from the procedures that are implemented by the institution. This is done with the help of the environmental aspects and by setting up proper objectives targets & programmes. 4.3.1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure: A. To identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services within the defined scope of the environmental management system B. To determine those aspects that have or can have significant impacts on the environment. The organization will keep this information in the form of document which will be updated Ref.: System Procedure for Environmental Aspects EMS /SP/EMR/01 12 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND ASSOCIATED IMPACTS AREA:MGM’s JNEC EA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activity/ Product/ Services Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Teaching aid (Chalk, duster Lavatories Recycled water used Env. Aspect Env. Impact Description D /I Vehicles I Staff & students Construction site Students foyer Workshop (Forging/ Welding Mobiles D Staff & students I D Irritation, headache Staff & students I Mental deviation Generation of Chalk dust D Respiratory disorders Air, odour problems, mosquitoes breeding site Air D Human health D Staff & students BC IPC Mention Yes/No Likelihood (L) Severity (S) Impact rating (IR) F V IR=LxS D C A Related EOCP /EMP Significance Mention Yes/ No 9 10 11 12 for plants Dripping of water from taps Solidwaste E-waste Leakage of taps I Resource depletion Computers, I Resource printers, depletion battery, key boards Paper Notice I Resource waste papers, files depletion of students, drawing sheets, carbon paper Plastic Plastic bags, I Resource waste chocolate depletion wrappers, use and throw pens, Bisleri bottles D- Direct I-Indirect N-Normal LC- Legal BC-Business IPC- Interested concern concern party concern F-Frequency D-Duration C-Control measure V-Volume P-Potency A-Area affected IR = LxS A-Abnormal E- Emergency L- Likelihood S- Severity 13 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 07 CLAUSE 4.3 PLANNING PAGE : 02 of 04 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.3.2. LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure To identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes B. To determine how these requirements apply to its environmental aspects. LIST OF APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The Environment Protection act, 1986 2. Water prevention and control of pollution act, 1974 3. Air prevention and control of pollution act, 1981 4. Motor vehicles act,1988 5. Noise regulation rules,2000 6. The Municipal solid wastes (management & handling) rules,2000 7. Batteries (Management & handling) rules,2001 Ref.: System Procedure for Legal and other requirements –EMS /SP/EMR/02 14 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 07 PLANNING CLAUSE 4.3 PAGE : 03 of 04 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.3.3. OBJECTIVES,TARGETS AND PROGRAMS The organization has established, implemented and maintained documented environmental objectives and targets Considerations for Developing Objectives and Targets Objectives 1. Organization ensures that necessary control measures are introduced to improve Impact rating aspects by at least two to five levels. 2. Organization ensures that necessary 80% of legal and statutory regulations are adhere. Targets 1. Organization establishes target dates to achieve above mentioned improvements. Programmes 1. Organization sets EMP to achieve improvement in IR. 15 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 07 CLAUSE 4.3 PLANNING Objectives & Targets 1. To reduce wastes generation 2. To reduce resource depletion PAGE : 04 of 04 REV. NO.00 DATE : 3. Minimize impacts associated with identified aspects and promote environmental awareness 4 Manage odour generation from the recycled water system 5. Prevent noise pollution 6. Reduce all forms of air pollution 7. Minimize release of chalk dust to the environment. 8. Comply with all applicable environmental laws. 9. Safeguard the environment for future generations 16 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 01 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.1. RESOURCES,ROLES,RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY • • • • Principal To lead the team for overall environmental management system To provide exposure to environmental issues to Staff and Students being a leader. To understand identified aspects and impacts in the college premises To implement environmental policy in college successfully • • • • • • • • • • • • To meet the set of environmental objectives and targets EMR To maintain Master file and Archive file To prepare and issue all documents of EMS. To issue Procedures and Work Instructions to all concerned and maintain receipt in Master Register To Plan internal audits and make necessary appointments of auditors To submit environmental audit reports to Principal To arrange Management Review meeting To keep record of disposition of non conformities Any other work assigned by the Principal DEMR To assist EMR in all ISO- EMS related activities Responsible for all ISO –EMS work in absence of EMR .Controlling of the reference copy of all documents & giving them to all faculty /staff as & when required. 17 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 02 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.2. COMPETENCE,TRAINING AND AWARENESS The persons performing the job are well qualified , trained , skilled and experienced as per the requirement of job. Training and awareness programmes are organized to make them aware about the identified environmental aspects and impacts. Conformity to product requirements can be affected directly or indirectly by persons performing any task within environmental management system. 1. Competency needs of persons performing activity affecting environment are identified. 2. The training will be provided to satisfy needs identified 3. Effectiveness of training is evaluated. 4. Employees are made aware of relevance of their job and their contribution to the achievement of environmental objectives. 5. Records of the training provided are maintained. Reference: System Procedure for Competence, training and awareness EMS /SP/EMR/03 18 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 03 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.3. COMMUNICATION With regard to its environmental aspects and environmental management system, the organization will establish environmental management system, implement environmental policy and maintain a procedure for internal communication to the staff , students and receive documents and also respond to relevant communication from external interested parties, parents, visitors. . INTERNAL COMMUNICATION The communication between various levels is ensured to the processes of EMS and their effectiveness. The methods of communicating are 1.Management review 2.Internal audit 3.Notices, Circulars etc. 4.Displaying environmental policy EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Following documents will be used for external communication a) Information by brochure etc. b) Feedback form and suggestions received from students, parents. Reference: System Procedure for Communication EMS/SP/EMR/04 19 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 04 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.4 DOCUMENTATION The environment management system documentations shall include: a) The environmental policy, Objectives and targets. b) Description of the scope of the environment management system c) Description of the main element of the environment management system and their interaction and reference to related documents. d) Documents including records, required by this International Standard. e) Document including records, determined by the college to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of the process that relates to its significant environmental aspects. Documentation is necessary for supporting the EMS. It is structured in a manner which helps in understanding, implementation, maintenance & improvement of system. The primary purpose of this documentation is to describe the EMS. The environmental system documentation is a four level structure. 20 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 05 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 1) LEVEL1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL(EM) This manual is the top level guide to the Environmental management system stating the environmental policy and objectives and make reference to system procedures. 2) LEVEL2 SYSTEM PROCEDURES (SP) SP describes the processes of EMS in a step by step manner w.r.t. the activities performed. 3) LEVEL3 MONITOR, EOCP, EMP It is the procedure which describes about the aspects with respect to IR 4) LEVEL4 FORMS(F), REGISTERS(R) , Files(FL) These are records of activities performed. EMS documentation includes 1. Documented Environmental Policy 2. Documentation Pyramid. ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL This includes all activities of the institute. For scope and use of environmental manual refer section 01 and clause 01 of this manual 21 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 06 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.5 CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS * EMR is responsible for controlling environmental manual. Title page and revision status page are marked in red color as “CONTROLLED COPY” *Controlled copy holders of the manual are responsible for its availability, maintenance, updating and destroying obsolete copies on receipt of revision. *THIS DOCUMENT IS A CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT. COPY HOLDERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO CONTROL, POSSIBLE MISUSE OF THE DOCUMENT. . CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Documented procedure is established to define the control needed to Approve the documents before issue Review, approve and re-approve when necessary Identify current revision status Ensure that relevant revisions of applicable documents are available at point of use Ensure that documents remain legible identifiable & retrievable Identify and distribute the document of external origin Identify the obsolete documents & prevent their unintended use Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Types of document Prepared by Approved by Issued by Environmental manual System procedure EOCP Forms & Formats Registers EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR Reference: System Procedure for Control of Documents EMS/SP/EMR/05 22 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 07 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.6 OPERATIONAL CONTROL This institution shall identify and plan the operations that are associated with the identified significant environmental aspects as per the Environmental policy laid down by the institution and shall ensure that they are carried out under specific conditions. The control of Impact Rating is as per IR matrix given below: 1. IR <= 20 Monitor 2. 20 < IR < 40 EOCP 3. IR > 40 EMP 23 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 08 CLAUSE 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION PAGE : 08 of 08 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.4.7 EMEGENCY PREPARDNESS AND RESPONSE The college with regard to its environmental aspects and environmental management system shall establish, implement and maintain a procedures(s) to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have impacts on the environment and how it will response to them. Fire Safety 1. A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. 2. Providing training to students and staff in case of any emergency. First Aid 1. The type of first aid facilities required in a workplace been intended for treatment of minor injuries 2.The first aid kit is kept in the organization for use to the staff and students 3. Kits should also be checked regularly and restocked if any items are damaged or expired out of date. Reference: System Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response EMS/SP/EMR/06 24 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 09 CHECKING CLAUSE 4.5 PAGE : 01 of 05 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.5.1. MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT The sound level meter equipment is required to measure the noise levels in the college premises. The institute therefore ensures strict control on calibration / verification and maintenance of this equipment. A verification plan is prepared for this equipment giving following details 1) Name of the equipment 2) Agency /manufacturer of the equipment 3) Identification / serial number 4) Calibration / verification instruction reference 5) Calibration /verification frequency 6) Details of masters to be used in calibration / verification The equipment is marked with a calibration / verification status label. Records of all calibration / verification carried out are maintained. The calibrated / verified equipment are safeguarded from unauthorised tampering / adjustments. Reference: System Procedure for Monitoring and Measurement--EMS/SP/EMR/07 25 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 09 CLAUSE 4.5 PAGE : 02 of 05 REV. NO.00 CHECKING DATE : 4.5.2. EVALUATION OF COMPLIANCE EMR reviews the applicable environmental laws every quarter for verification if any changes are incorporated. LIST OF APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. The Environment Protection act, 1986 Water prevention and control of pollution act, 1974 Air prevention and control of pollution act, 1981 4. 5. 6. 7. Motor vehicles act,1988 Noise regulation rules,2000 The Municipal solid wastes (management & handling) rules,2000 Batteries (Management & handling) rules,2001 Reference: System Procedure for Evaluation of Compliance --EMS/SP/EMR/08 26 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 09 CHECKING CLAUSE 4.5 PAGE : 03 of 05 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.5.3. NONCONFORMITY, CORRECTIVE ACTION AND PREVENTIVE ACTION The college shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure for dealing with actual and potential non- conformities and take corrective and preventive actions. CORRECTIVE ACTION Corrective action shall be taken to eliminate the cause of non-conformities in order to prevent the recurrence of problem. These actions shall be appropriate to the impact of problem. A documented procedure shall be established for corrective action which covers following actions Review of non conformity (including customer complaints) Determining the cause of non conformity Evaluating the need for appropriate action to ensure that non conformity do not repeat Determining and implementing the action needed Recording the results of action taken f) Review of effectiveness of corrective action taken PREVENTIVE ACTION There are some potential non conformities which need to be prevented. A documented procedure shall be established for preventive action which will cover following actions a) Determine potential non conformities b) Evaluate the need for action to prevent occurrence of potential non conformity c) Determine and implement the preventive action needed d) Record the outcome of preventive action e) Review the effectiveness of preventive action taken a) b) c) d) e) Reference: System Procedure for Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive action: EMS/SP/EMR/09 27 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 09 CHECKING CLAUSE 4.5 PAGE : 04 of 05 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.5.4 CONTROL OF RECORDS The college shall establish implement and maintain a procedure for identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of the records. Reference: System Procedure for Control of Records: EMS/SP/EMR/10 28 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 09 CHECKING CLAUSE 4.5 PAGE : 05 of 05 REV. NO.00 DATE : 4.5.5. INTERNAL AUDIT The institution shall ensure that the internal audits of environmental management system are conducted at planned intervals and provide information on the results of audits to management. A documented system procedure is established and maintained for planning and implementing the internal environmental audits. Institute carries out Internal Environmental Audits to verify compliance of environmental activities and related results with environmental policy and system procedures and to determine EMS effectiveness. 1.Internal environmental audits are carried out by trained employees for this purpose. 2.An annual audit plan and audit schedule is prepared by Environmental Management Representative. 3.The audit task is assigned to trained auditors. 4.Audit findings are reported to the auditee and the management. 5.Corrective actions are taken by auditee for the non conformities detected during the audit. 6. Effectiveness of corrective actions is verified through follow up audits. 7.The audit reports are mandatory elements of the management review meetings. 8.Records of the audits and their results shall be maintained. Reference: System Procedure for Internal audit : EMS/SP/EMR/11 29 EM-01 MAHATMA GANDHI MISSION`S JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ENGINEERING COLLEGE AURANGABAD. SECTION :- 10 MANAGEMENT REVIEW CLAUSE 4.6 PAGE : 01 of 01 REV. NO.00 DATE : The top management shall review the institution environmental management system at planned intervals. The institutions shall maintain the records of the managements review. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Input to the management review shall include: Results of internal audits and evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes. Communications from external interested parties , including complaints The environmental performance of the organization The extent to which the objectives and targets have been met Status of corrective and preventive actions Follow up actions from previous management reviews Changing circumstances , including developments in legal and other requirements related to its environmental aspects and Recommendations for improvement Reference: System Procedure for Management Review :EMS /SP/EMR/12 30 ANNEXURE A LIST OF SYSTEM PROCEDURES ISO CLAUSE NO. 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.5 4.4.7 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.6 PROCEDURE NO. PROCEDURE TITLE EMS/SP/EMR/01 System procedure for establishing environmental aspects EMS/SP/EMR/02 System procedure for legal and other requirements EMS/SP/EMR/03 System procedure for competence training and awareness EMS/SP/EMR/04 System procedure for communication EMS/SP/EMR/05 System procedure for control of documents EMS/SP/EMR/06 System procedure for emergency preparedness and response EMS/SP/EMR/07 System procedure for monitoring and measurement EMS/SP/EMR/08 System procedure for evaluation of compliance EMS/SP/EMR/09 System procedure for non conformity, corrective action and preventive EMS/SP/EMR/10 System procedure for control of records EMS/SP/EMR/11 System procedure for internal audit EMS/SP/EMR/12 System procedure for management review 31 ANNEXURE B LIST OF APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Environmental Protection act, 1986 Water pollution act, 1974 Air pollution act, 1981 Motor vehicles act,1988 Noise regulation rules,2000 The Municipal solid wastes (management & handling) rules,2000 Batteries (Management & handling) rules,2001 32 ANNEXURE C ASPECT IMPACT RATING MATRIX EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND ASSOCIATED IMPACTS AREA:MGM’s JNEC PAGE: 1 of 2 Date: EA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activity/ Product/ Services Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Teaching aid (Chalk, duster Lavatories Recycled water used Env. Aspect Env. Impact BC IPC Likelihood (L) Severity (S) Impact rating (IR) Mention Yes/No F D C V IR=LxS Significance Description D /I Vehicles I Staff & students Yes No No 3 2 0 01 3 20 EOCP Yes Construction site Students foyer Workshop (Forging/ Welding Mobiles D Staff & students No No Yes 2 2 2 22 1 30 EOCP Yes I Irritation, headache Staff & students No No Yes 3 2 0 0 1 3 20 EOCP Yes No No Yes 3 1 2 01 1 12 Monitor Yes Mental deviation Respiratory disorders Yes No No 1 1 0 01 3 08 Monitor Yes No No Yes 3 1 0 0 1 1 08 Monitor Yes D I A Related EOCP /EMP Mention Yes/ No Generation of Chalk dust D Air, odour problems, mosquitoes breeding site Air D Human health Yes No No 1 2 0 01 3 12 Monitor Yes D Staff & students Yes No No 3 1 0 2 3 24 EOCP Yes 1 9 10 11 12 for plants Dripping of water from taps Solidwaste E-waste No Yes 1 2 0 0 1 1 06 Monitor Yes No No Computers, I Resource printers, depletion battery, key boards No No Paper Notice I Resource waste papers, files depletion of students, drawing sheets, carbon paper No No Plastic Plastic bags, I Resource waste chocolate depletion wrappers, use and throw pens, Bisleri bottles D- Direct I-Indirect N-Normal LC- Legal BC-Business IPC- Interested concern concern party concern F-Frequency D-Duration C-Control measure V-Volume P-Potency A-Area affected IR = LxS Yes 1 1 0 0 1 3 08 Monitor Yes Yes 2 1 0 0 1 3 12 Monitor Yes Yes 2 1 0 0 1 3 12 Monitor Yes Leakage of taps I No Resource depletion A-Abnormal E- Emergency L- Likelihood S- Severity 33 ANNEXURE C IMPACT RATING MATRIX LIKELIHOOD SEVERITY Frequency of occurrence of aspect Score Once < 1 Hour 4 Tolerable Once > 1 Hour< 24 Hours 3 Non Tolerable Once > 24 Hours< 15 days 2 Once in 15 days and above 1 Duration of impact 12-24 Hours and above 4 6-12 Hours 3 2-6 Hours 0-2 Hours Control measures Procedure/Operating control exists No procedures/Operating control Volume involved Score 0 2 2 1 Potency Insignificant- Minor/ momentary does not require control measures Moderate-Monitor to ensure that it does not become high High- Require control/ Mitigation Very high- Severe ecological damage 3 4 0 2 Effect on area Within the work station Within the department 1 2 1 2 Within the factory premises Outside the premises Subtotal on worst side 10 Subtotal on worst side Impact rating= Likelihood x Severity Impact rating= IR IR< 20 ---Monitor so that it does not cross threshold limit 20< IR< 40--- EOCP Environmental operation control procedure IR> 40 ---EMP Environment management program 34 3 4 10
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