QED in external elds from the spin representation
Jose M. Gracia-Bonda* and Joseph C. Varillyya)
*Departamento de Fsica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain
*Departamento de Fsica Teorica, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
yDepartamento de Matematicas, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados
Instituto Politecnico Nacional, 07000 Mexico DF, Mexico
Systematic use of the innite-dimensional spin representation simplies and rigorizes several
questions in Quantum Field Theory. This representation permutes \Gaussian" elements in the
fermion Fock space, and is necessarily projective: we compute its cocycle at the group level, and
obtain Schwinger terms and anomalies from innitesimal versions of this cocycle. Quantization,
in this framework, depends on the choice of the \right" complex structure on the space of
solutions of the Dirac equation. We show how the spin representation allows one to compute
exactly the S-matrix for fermions in an external eld; the cocycle yields a causality condition
needed to determine the phase.
I. Introduction
It should have been clear since Shale and Stinespring's seminal paper1 that the description
of fermions coupled to external classical elds, such as gauge elds, reduces to a problem in representation theory of the innite dimensional orthogonal group. That paper
was couched in general theoretical terms and no explicit calculation was made. The spin
(and pin) representation came to the fore in Quantum Field Theory again as the cornerstone of the remarkable books by Pressley and Segal,2 dealing with loop groups |not
unrelated to the subjects of string theory, Kac{Moody algebras and integrable systems|
and Mickelsson,3 dealing with current algebras. However, the spin representation is not
calculated in all generality in these books.
We give the pin representation of the innite-dimensional orthogonal group a la Pressley and Segal, in full detail, and we derive from it, among other things, the scattering matrix
in closed form and the Feynman rules. For simplicity, we consider only fermions coupled
to external electromagnetic elds in Minkowski space (the external eld problem in QED),
although the realm of applicability of the spin representation is much wider. We hope
to convince the reader that ours is a very economical approach to linear Quantum Field
Theory, and that there is nothing in this branch of quantum electrodynamics that cannot
be traced back to the representation. Applications of the pin representation to nonlinear
eld theories will be examined in a separate paper. We have taken pains to give a rigorous
treatment; except in the last Section, smeared eld operators are used throughout.
Section II reviews the algebraic theory of innite dimensional vector spaces with a
symmetric form, dealing with the respective complex structures and polarizations. Section III brings in the fermion Fock space and canonical anticommutation relations. The
main tool is a series expansion of the general \Gaussian" element of this space, whose
coecients are Pfaans of skewsymmetric operators. This will be needed in the following
Section IV, where we construct the pin representation for the orthogonal group; actually,
the group acting on Fock space is an extension by U (1).
The pin representation immediately proves its worth in yielding the quantization prescription by means of its innitesimal version. We show how the cocycle of the pin representation gives the general anomaly and the anomalous commutators (Schwinger terms)
for linear fermion elds. All this is dealt with in Section V. Our formulas concerning the
anomaly appear to be new. In Section VI we rewrite the representation in terms of eld
operators on Fock space.
In Section VII, after a discussion of the space of solutions of the Dirac equation in the
framework of Section II, an all-important step is taken, to wit, the choice of complex structure, which is determined by the nature of the vacuum in quantum electrodynamics. It
turns out |somewhat mysteriously| that the correct complex structure is closely related
to the phase of the Dirac operator, which plays a prominent r^ole in Connes's4 noncommutative dierential geometry. We then complete a careful translation between the language
of group representation theory and that of quantum electrodynamics. After treating charge
sectors, we develop the exact expression of the S -matrix for charged fermions in an external eld, and we reexpress the Schwinger terms and the general anomaly formula directly
in terms of the scattering operator for the Dirac equation.
In Section VIII, we derive in a completely rigorous manner the Feynman rules for electrodynamics in external elds, within the validity conditions of the classical perturbation
expansion. Section IX briey deals with vacuum polarization.
Throughout, units are so taken that c = 1 and h = 1.
II. The innite-dimensional orthogonal group: algebraic aspects
The treatment of the symmetries of the fermion eld which we develop here starts from
the observation that the space of solutions of the Dirac equation with an external potential
is a real vector space with a distinguished symmetric form.
II.1. Orthogonal complex structures
We start with a real vector space V and a symmetric bilinear form d, given a priori. We
lose nothing by supposing V to be complete in the metric induced by d, so we take (V; d)
to be a real Hilbert space, either innite-dimensional or of nite even dimension.
An orthogonal complex structure J is a real-linear operator on V satisfying:
J 2 = I; and d(Ju; Jv) = d(u; v) for u; v 2 V:
Now, regarding V as a complex vector space via the rule ( + i )v := v + Jv for ; real, the hermitian form
hu j viJ := d(u; v) + id(Ju; v)
makes (V; d; J ) a complex Hilbert space.
The orthogonal group O(V ) is f g 2 GLR (V ) : d(gu; gv) = d(u; v), for all u; v 2 V g.
Note that g is orthogonal i gtg = I where the transpose is with respect to d.
The set J (V ) of orthogonal complex structures on V can be seen as a subset of the
orthogonal Lie algebra o(V ) = f X : V ! V real-linear : d(; X ) + d(X ; ) = 0 g of O(V ),
preserved by the adjoint action J 0 7! gJ 0g 1 (with J 0 2 J (V )) of the orthogonal group.
We select a particular complex structure called J and decompose elements of O(V )
as g = pg + qg where pg , qg are its linear and antilinear parts: pg := 21 (g JgJ ), qg :=
1 (g + JgJ ). We nd that p = 1 (g 1 Jg 1 J ) = 1 (g t Jg t J ) = pt , whereas q =
1 (g 1 + Jg 1J ) = 1 (g t + Jg tJ ) = q t . Linear and antilinear parts of gg 1 = g 1 g = I
yield, for g 2 O(V ):
pg ptg + qg qgt = ptg pg + qgt qg = I; pg qgt = qg ptg ; ptg qg = qgt pg :
The complexication VC = V iV is a complex Hilbert space under the positivedenite hermitian form:
hhw1 j w2ii := 2d(w1 ; w2):
Writing PJ := 12 (I iJ ), W0 := PJ VC = PJ V is a Hilbert subspace of VC , satisfying
VC = W0 W0 , and
hhPJ u j PJ vii = hu j vi;
hhP J u j P J vii = hv j ui
for u; v 2 V:
Moreover, W0 is isotropic for d, i.e., d(u iJu; v iJv) = 0 for u; v 2 V .
A (complex) polarization for d is any complex subspace W VC which is isotropic
for d and satises W \ W = 0, W W = VC . If w 2 W , then w = u iv for unique
elements u; v 2 V , and JW : u 7! v is real-linear; thus W = f u iJW u : u 2 V g. Now
< d(w1 ; w2) = 0 for w1; w2 2 W shows that JW is orthogonal, and = d(w1 ; w2) = 0 gives
JW2 = I . Conversely, if J 0 2 J (V ), then W 0 := f u iJ 0 u : u 2 V g is a polarization
for d. The correspondence W 7! JW intertwines the adjoint action of O(V ) on J (V ) and
its action W 7! gW on the set of polarizations.
If W1; W2 are two polarizations for d, we can nd a unitary transformation U : W1 !
W2; if C denotes complex conjugation in VC , then g = U CUC is a unitary operator
on VC commuting with C , so g 2 O(V ) and gW1 = W2 . Thus O(V ) acts transitively on
polarizations, and hence also on J (V ). The isotropy subgroup of J in J (V ) is UJ (V ), the
unitary group of the Hilbert space (V; d; J ).
II.2. The restricted orthogonal group
We dene the restricted orthogonal group O0 (V ) to be the subgroup of O(V ) consisting
of those g for which [J; g] is a Hilbert{Schmidt operator, or equivalently, for which qg
is Hilbert{Schmidt. Similarly, we restrict the set of complex structures by introducing
J 0 (V ) := f J 0 2 J (V ) : J J 0 is Hilbert{Schmidt g. Also, we call \restricted polarizations"
those W for which J JW is Hilbert{Schmidt; these form the orbit of W0 under O0 (V ).
Since UJ (V ) = f g 2 O(V ) : [J; g] = 0 g, it is again the isotropy subgroup of J or W0 under
the respective actions of O0 (V ).
In the nite-dimensional case, we thus have J 0 (V ) O(2n)=U (n), which has two
connected components, one of which is SO(2n)=U (n). It can be shown that JW is in the
same connected component as J i dim(W \ W0 ) is even. In the innite-dimensional case,
the same results hold true5 : J 0 (V ) has two connected components, and the component of
any JW 2 J 0 (V ) is determined by the parity of dim(W \ W0 ). Likewise, O0 (V ) has two
components: g lies in the neutral component i dim(gW0 \ W0 ) is even. We shall denote
by SO0 (V ) the component of the identity of O0 (V ).
To see that dim(W \ W0 ) is nite, we note that B := 21 (I JW J ) is a Fredholm
operator on the complex Hilbert space VC , since ByB I = BBy I = 14 (JW J )2 is
traceclass. Moreover,
ker B = ker By = f z 2 VC : Jz = JW z g
= f z 2 VC : 12 (I iJ )z = 21 (I iJW )z g
= (W \ W0) (W \ W0 ):
In particular, B has index: dim(ker B) dim(ker By) = 0. Since W \ W0 = C (W \ W0 ),
we have dim(W \ W0 ) = 21 dim(ker B), which is nite. Note that B = gptg , from which
dimC (ker pg ) = dimC (ker ptg ) = 21 dim(ker B); so pg is a Fredholm operator of index zero.
Note also that W \ W0 = f0g i 21 (I JW J ) is invertible i kJW J k < 2. For
such W , we can write w = z1 + z2 with zj = uj iJuj 2 W0 for j = 1; 2. This denes a
real-linear operator TW on V by TW (u1) := u2. By examining iw = iz1 (iz2 ) , we nd
that TW J = JTW , i.e., TW is antilinear. Moreover,
0 = 12 < d(w; w0 ) = 12 < (d(z1 ; z20 ) + d(z10 ; z2 )) = d(u1; TW u01) + d(TW u1; u01);
so that TW is skewsymmetric. Since w = z1 +z2 = (I +TW )u1 iJ (I TW )u1 = (I +TW )z1 ,
we nd that JW and TW are related by a pair of Cayley transformations:
JW = J (I TW )(I + TW ) 1 ; TW = (J JW )(J + JW ) 1 ;
using that ker(JW + J ) = f0g whenever W \ W0 = f0g by (2.2); hence TW is a Hilbert{
Schmidt operator. In synthesis, TW 2 Sk(V ), where Sk(V ) denotes the vector space of
antilinear skewsymmetric Hilbert{Schmidt operators on V .
When pg is invertible, we can dene Tg := qg pg 1 . We have Tg 2 Sk(V ), since it equals
TgW , as is readily checked; and from (2.1) we see that ptg (I Tg2)pg = I . This shows
that we may regard the pair of operators (pg ; Tg ) as a parametrization of SO0 (V ) := f g 2
SO0 (V ) : pg 1 exists g. While this is not a subgroup of SO0 (V ), it is an open neighbourhood
of the identity in the topology of SO0 (V ) induced by the norm g 7! kgkop + k[J; g]kHS.
Any element of O0 (V ) not in SO0 (V ) satises dimC (ker pg ) = n > 0 and one can nd
r 2 O0 (V ) which is a product of n reections xing (ker ptg )?, for which rg 2 SO0 (V ). We
will therefore devote most attention to the case g 2 SO0 (V ).
A few formulae for pg and Tg will be very useful later. Let us abbreviate Tbg := Tg .
From the antilinear part of the equation I = gg 1 = (I + Tg )pg (I + Tbg )pg 1 we obtain
0 = Tg pg + pg Tbg , which yields:
Tbg = pg 1Tg pg :
If we write pg t := (ptg ) 1 = (pg 1 )t for g 2 SO0 (V ), we then nd that pg + qg Tbg =
pg + qg (qgt pg t ) = (pg ptg + qg qgt )pg t = pg t . So, whenever g 1; h; gh 2 SO0 (V ), we have:
Tgh = qgh pgh1 = (qg + pg Th )(pg + qg Th ) 1 = (qg + pg Th )(I Tbg Th ) 1 pg 1
= qg pg 1 + (qg + pg Th qg (I Tbg Th ))(I Tbg Th ) 1 pg 1
= Tg + pg tTh (I Tbg Th ) 1 pg 1:
A few words on traces and determinants
P are in order too. If A is a traceclass linear
operator, we will denote its complex trace k hek j Aek iJ by TrC A; where fek gk2N is any
orthonormal basis on (V; d; J ). If S; T are antilinear Hilbert{Schmidt
operators on V ,
then TrC ([S; T ]) need not vanish; indeed, TrC ([S; T ]) = k hSek j Tek i hTek j Sek i is a
purely imaginary number. (The complex trace does, of course, vanish on commutants of
linear operators.) Likewise, we will use detC to denote a complex determinant : if A is a
linear operator on V and V is nite-dimensional, we dene detC A to be the determinant
of the matrix with entries hei j Aej i. When V is innite-dimensional, detC A still makes
sense provided A I is traceclass, and the following5 may be adopted as a denition:
detC (exp N ) := exp(TrC N ) for traceclass N .
III. Operators and \Gaussians" on the fermion Fock space
III.1. Gaussian elements
We rst recall briey the construction of the fermion Fock space. We x a complex structure J 2 J L
(V ) and regard V as the complex Hilbert space (V; d; J ). Its exterior algebra
is (V ) := 1
n=0 V , where V is the complex^0vector space algebraically generated by
the alternating products v1 ^ v2 ^ ^ vn, with V = C by convention. The inner product
on (V ) is given by hu1 ^ ^ um j v1 ^ ^ vn i := mn det(huk j vli).
The vacuum is a xed unit vector in V ^0. The antisymmetric Fock space FJ (V ) is
the Hilbert-space completion of (V ); most of the time we shall write only F (V ) instead
of FJ (V ). An orthonormal basis is given by the elements K := ek ^ ^ ekr , where feng
denotes a xed orthonormal basis for (V; d; J ), and K = f k1 ; k2; : : : ; kr g is any nite set
of positive integers written in increasing order: k1 < < kr (with K = if K is void).
The fermion
space splits as F (V ) = F0 F1 , where F0 is the completion of the
L VFock
^(2k) of the exterior algebra, and F1 is the completion of L1 V ^(2k+1).
even part 1
If T 2 Sk(V ), the series
HT :=
hei j Tej iei ^ ej
i;j =1
P jhe j Te ij2 = P1 hTe j Te i < 1, the sum being indepenconverges in F0 since 1
i;j =1 i
j =1 j
dent of the basis chosen.
We call Gaussians the following \quadratic exponential" elements of F0:
fT := exp^ ( 21 HT ) :=
^m :
2m m! HT
If Tm 2 Sk(V ) is determined by Tm (e2m 1 ) = e2m , Tm (e2m ) = e2m 1 , Tm (ej ) = 0
for other j , then HTm = 2e2m 1P^me2m , and fTm = + e2m 1 ^ e2m . Furthermore, if
T = T1 + + Tm , then HT = 2 k=1 e2m 1 ^ e2m , and fT = + e1 ^ ^ e2m + (lower
order terms). It follows that the linear span of f fT : T 2 Sk(V ) g is dense in F0.
We can expand the Gaussian fT in the orthonormal basis fK g. First, note that
1 H ^m = X 1 () he j Te i : : : he
K k
k m j Tek m iek ^ : : : ^ ek m
2m m! T
jK j=2m 2 m!
where ()K is the sign of the permutation putting K = fk1; : : : ; k2mg in increasing order,
and TK denotes the skewsymmetric 2m 2m matrix with entries hek j Tek0 i for k; k0 2 K .
Recall6 that the Pfaan of a skewsymmetric 2m 2m matrix A is given by
Pf A := 2m1m!
a(1)(2) a(3)(4) : : : a(2m
1)(2m) ;
and satises the crucial property (Pf A)2 = det A. If A is a skewsymmetric (2m + 1) (2m + 1) matrix, then det A = 0, so one denes Pf(A) := 0. Thus we can rewrite (3.3) as
1 H ^m = X Pf(T ) :
2m m! T
jK j=2m
By convention, we take Pf(TK ) := 1 when K is the void set. We thus arrive at the
expansion for (3.2):
fT =
Pf(TK ) K ;
K nite
where only the even subsets K N contribute to the sum.
It is shown in Ref. 2 that K Pf(SK ) Pf(TK ) is a square root of det(I TS ) whenever
S , T are skewsymmetric real matrices. For complex matrices, the corresponding formula
Pf(SK ) Pf(TK ) = detC (I TS ):
We may summarize the foregoing discussion as follows (we suppress the subscript `C ' on
fractional powers of complex determinants):
Lemma. Let S; T 2 Sk(V ) where dim V = 2n is nite. Then if det1=2 (I TS ) denotes the
square root of detC (I TS ) which equals 1 when S = 0 or T = 0, the following expansion
is valid:
det1=2 (I TS ) = Pf(SK ) Pf(TK );
where the sum ranges over the principal submatrices of even dimension.
When V is innite dimensional and T 2 Sk(V ), we have
K nite
j Pf(TK )j2 = det1=2 (I T 2) = det1=2 (I + T tT );
using (3.5) for nite-rank T and a limiting argument. The series K nite Pf(SK ) Pf(TK )
converges for S; T 2 Sk(V ) by the Schwarz inequality, so (3.5) holds for all S; T 2 Sk(V ).
The inner product of two fermionic Gaussians follows at once from the expansions (3.4)
and (3.5):
hfS j fT i = det1=2 (I TS ); for S; T 2 Sk(V ):
III.2. Representing the eld algebra
The basic object in quantization is the eld algebra over the space (V; d), which is dened
prior to any choice of the complex structure. The eld algebra over the space (V; d) is
just the complexied Cliord algebra A(VC ) := Cl(V; d) C , complete with respect to the
natural (inductive limit) C -norm.7 There is a linear map B: VC ! A(VC ) |the \fermion
eld"| satisfying B(w ) = B(w)y and
fB(v); B(v0 )g = 2 d(v; v0 )
for all v; v0 2 V:
Any C -algebra generated by a set of operators f B0 (w) : w 2 VC g satisfying the same
rules is isomorphic5 to A(VC ) via B(w) 7! B0 (w).
One can construct a faithful irreducible representation J of A(VC ) by the GNS construction with respect to the \Fock state" !J determined by !J (B(u)B(v)) := hu j viJ ;
see Ref. 5 for details. It turns out that this is equivalent to the standard representation
of the canonical anticommutation relations (CAR) on the fermion Fock space FJ (V ). The
annihilation and creation operators for the free fermion eld may be dened as real-linear
operators on F (V ):
ayJ (v) := J B(PJ v):
aJ (v) := J B(P J v);
Note that the vacuum sector is associated to the polarization: J B(w)
= 0 for w 2 W0 .
Since PJ = 21 (I iJ ), we thus have aJ (Jv) = i aJ (v) and ayJ (Jv) = i ayJ (v) for v 2 V ;
and J B(v) = aJ (v) + ayJ (v). Since V ^1 F (V ) is the complex Hilbert space (V; d; J ),
we have iv = Jv in V ^1 ; thus ayJ (v)
= 21 v 2i Jv = v, aJ (v)
= 12 v + 2i Jv = 0 in V ^1.
More generally, ayJ (v1 )ayJ (v2 ) : : : ayJ (vk )
= v1 ^ v2 ^ ^ vk 2 V ^k . It is straightforward
to check that fJ B(v); J B(v0 )g = 2 d(v; v0 ) on vectors of the form v1 ^ ^ vk . The
canonical anticommutation relations faJ (v); aJ (v0 )g = 0; faJ (v); ayJ (v0 )g = hv j v0 i follow
directly from (3.8).
In summary, to each complex structure, in principle there corresponds a dierent
identication of the Cliord algebra with a CAR algebra. Since J is faithful, as long as
we consider a single complex structure |thus a single Fock space representation| we will
no longer need to distinguish between B(v) and J B(v) in the notation. This amounts to
regarding A(VC ) as the algebra of eld operators on FJ (V ).
If U 2 UJ (V ), one denes the unitary operator J (U ) on FJ (V ) by the usual rule
J (U ) := U ^ U ^ ^ U with J (U )
:= . Using B (v ) = aJ (v ) + aJ (v ), we get the
intertwining property:
J (U )B (v ) J (U ) 1 = B (Uv ):
Observables of the one-particle theory are given by elements of the Lie algebra o0 (V )
of the restricted orthogonal group consisting of skewsymmetric real-linear operators X 2
EndR (V ). We can quantize at the present stage the Lie algebra elements commuting with
J . If X 2 o0 (V ) and [X; J ] = 0, then it is immediately seen that JX is selfadjoint
on (V; d; J ). If A is a selfadjoint operator on (V; d; J ), then the quantized operator or
current d J (A) on F (V ) dened as d J (A) := dtd t=0 J (exp(itA)) is explicitly given by
d J (A)(v1 ^ v2 ^ ^ vn) :=
v1 ^ ^ vk 1 ^ Avk ^ vk+1 ^ ^ vn;
whenever v1 ; v2; : : : ; vn 2 Dom(A), and d J (A)
:= 0. Such vectors span a dense subspace
of F (V ) which is invariant under the one-parameter group J (exp(itA)), and hence is a core
for d J (A).8 In the terminology of Ref. 2, is a positive-energy representation of UJ (V ).
We remark that (FJ (V ); J B; ; ) is a full quantization of (V; d) in the sense of Segal.9
That is to say: (a) FJ (V ) is a separable Hilbert space; (b) J B(V ) is a system of selfadjoint
operators on this Hilbert space, satisfying (3.7); (c) is a unit vector in FJ (V ) which is
a cyclic vector for J B(V ); and (d) is a unitary representation of UJ (V ) intertwining
J B(V ), for which is stationary, such that d (A) is positive on FJ (V ) whenever A is
positive on the Hilbert space (V; d; J ).
IV. The pin and spin representations
IV.1. Vacuum sectors and the Shale{Stinespring criterion
Given such a full quantization of (V; d), then for any g 2 O(V ) it follows from (3.7)
that v 7! J B(gv) denes another full quantization acting on the same Hilbert space.
Indeed, w 7! B(gw) (for w 2 VC ) extends to a -automorphism of the CAR algebra A(VC ).
We then ask whether these two quantizations are unitarily equivalent, i.e., whether this
-automorphism is unitarily implementable on FJ (V ). For a given g 2 O(V ), we seek a
unitary operator (g) on F (V ) so that, extending (3.9):
(g)B(v) = B(gv)(g);
for all v 2 V:
The complex structure J is transformed to gJg 1; the creation and annihiliation
operators undergo a Bogoliubov transformation :
agJg (gv) = aJ (pg v) + ayJ (qg v);
aygJg (gv) = aJ (qg v) + ayJ (pg v):
Were (g) to exist, we would then have
(g)ayJ (v) = aygJg (gv)(g):
(g)aJ (v) = agJg (gv)(g);
Thus the out-vacuum (g)
is annihilated by agJg (gv), for all v 2 V . Since f aJ (v) :
v 2 V g vanishes only on scalar multiples of , the kernel of f agJg (gv) : v 2 V g is onedimensional also. Indeed, since f agJg (gv) : v 2 V g = f B(z) : z 2 gW0 g, this kernel, if
it is nonzero, must be the vacuum sector for the polarization gW0 .
We rst of all observe that when g 2 SO0 (V ), this vacuum sector is generated by a
Gaussian element:
agJg (gv)fTg = 0
for all v 2 V
if g 2 SO0 (V ):
Indeed, if we replace v by pg 1 v and use (4.2), we need only show (aJ (v) + ayJ (Tg v))fTg = 0
for all v 2 V ; we can moreover take v = e1, the rst element in an orthonormal basis for V .
From (3.4), it is not hard to establish that
aJ (e1 )fT + ayJ (Te1)fT = 0
for any T 2 Sk(V );
on expanding the Pfaans with a little linear algebra.
From this we see that agJg (gv) = 0 for all v implies that = cg fTg , for some
constant cg .
If g 2 O0 (V ) with dim(ker pg ) = dim(ker ptg ) = n > 0, one proceeds as follows.10
Let fe1; : : : ; eng be an orthonormal basis for the subspace ker ptg . Let rk be the reection
of (V; d) for which rk (ek + Jek ) = (ek + Jek ), rk (v) = v if d(v; ek + Jek ) = 0, and let
r = r1 : : : rn. Then rg 2 SO0 (V ), and one can check that
(aJ (pg v) + ayJ (qg v))[e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg ] = 0:
Using (3.4) and recalling that Pf(TK ) = 0 unless K is even, we see that out-vacuum sector
C (e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg ) lies in F0 (V ) or F1 (V ) according as n is even or odd.
We turn now to the necessary conditions for the existence of the unitary operators
(g). Since the representation J of the CAR algebra is irreducible, (4.1) shows that (g)
is determined by (g)
; and this vector lies in the one-dimensional subspace spanned by
e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg if g 2 O0 (V ). Shale and Stinespring1 have shown that a necessary
condition for a vacuum vector for B(gW0 ) to exist inside FJ (V ) is that [J; g] be Hilbert{
Schmidt. The proof of the Shale{Stinespring theorem in the present treatment amounts
to showing that such a vector must necessarily be a multiple of e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg . In
order that this expression be convergent, n must be nite and fTrg must lie in F (V );
by (3.6), the operator I Trg2 must have a determinant, i.e., Trg must be Hilbert{Schmidt.
Both conditions are fullled i g 2 O0 (V ), since the niteness of n amounts to pg being
Fredholm. From now on, we will assume that g 2 O0 (V ).
Thus (g)
= cg e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg . Unitarity demands that
1 = h(g)
j (g)
i = jcg j2 hfTrg j fTrg i = jcg j2 det1=2(I Trg2 ):
Thus jcg j = det 1=4 (I Trg2 ). We now x the phase by taking cg > 0, i.e.,
cg := det
1=4 (I
Trg2 ):
(Although there is some arbitrariness in the
choice of r, it happens that Trg vanishes on
ker pg and one nds that cg = det (pg pg (ker pg )? ), independent of r.)
IV.2. Construction of the pin and spin representations
We are now ready to write down the pin representation of O0 (V ), along the lines of Pressley
and Segal.2 Their treatment is explicit only for a nite-dimensional V , and can be checked
to coincide with the more usual Cliord-algebra construction of the pin representation11;12
for the double cover Pin(2m) of O(2m). The technique is to permute Gaussian elements,
paying due regard to exceptional cases. We present it here in a somewhat dierent form
from Ref. 2, in order to make clear that the innite-dimensional case poses no extra
diculty. An excellent treatment from the Cliord-algebra viewpoint was given by Carey
and Palmer.13;14 For supersymmetric generalizations, consult the sketch in Ref. 15 and the
detailed treatment of a nite dimensional case in Ref. 16.
The rst step is to note that there is a local action of SO0(V ) on Sk(V ), given by:
g S := (qg + pg S )(pg + qg S ) 1:
(If pg is invertible, so is pg + qg S for S small enough in the Hilbert{Schmidt norm.) Since
the relations (2.1) yield
(pg + qg S )t (qg + pg S ) = (qg + pg S )t (pg + qg S )
whenever S t = S , it follows that g S is also skew, and it is clearly antilinear and Hilbert{
Schmidt; thus g S 2 Sk(V ). It is readily checked that gh S = g (h S ) whenever h S and
gh S are dened; the group action is \local" since they may be undened in particular
cases. From (2.3) with Th = S , we obtain the useful alternative form:
g S = Tg + pg t S (I Tbg S ) 1pg 1:
For a given g 2 SO0 (V ), other than the identity, those S for which pg +qg S is invertible
form an open neighbourhood of zero in Sk(V ), so f fS : g S exists g spans a dense subset
of F0(V ). Thus we may dene a unitary operator on F0(V ) by the prescription:
(g)fS := cg g (S )fgS ;
where g (S ) 2 C is to be chosen to make (g) unitary. A suitable choice is:
g (S ) := det1=2 (I S Tbg ):
We have g (0) = 1 and c2g hg (S )fgS j g (T )fgT i = hfS j fT i, using (3.6).
From the denition (4.6) and the formula (4.4), it follows that
gh (S ) = det1=2 (I S (Tbh + ph 1 Tbg (I Th Tbg ) 1ph t ))
= det1=2 (ph t (I S Tbh)pth ph t Sph 1Tbg (I ThTbg ) 1 ))
= det 1=2 (I Th Tbg ) det1=2 ((I S Tbh )pth (I Th Tbg )ph t Sph 1Tbg ph t)
= det 1=2 (I Th Tbg ) h (S ) det1=2 (I Th Tbg ph t (I S Tbh) 1 Sph 1Tbg )
= det 1=2 (I Th Tbg ) h (S ) g (h S );
whenever g; h; gh 2 SO0 (V ), provided h S and gh S both exist. The set of such S is
a neighbourhood of zero in Sk(V ), so that the corresponding Gaussians fS are total in
F0(V ); we thus arrive at
(g)(h) = c(g; h)(gh);
where the cocycle c(g; h) is given by
c(g; h) := cg chcgh1 det1=2 (I Th Tbg ) = exp(i arg det1=2(I Th Tbg )):
Thus the g 7! (g) is a projective representation of the restricted orthogonal group.
Actually, its denition is incomplete, since in (4.5) we have dened (g) only for g 2
SO0 (V ). To nish the job, we must give the formulae for (g) and the respective cocycles,
when g = rh with h 2 SO0 (V ), r is a product of reections in O0 (V ), and 2 F0(V )
or F1(V ). This involves a considerable amount of bookkeeping; we will summarize the
If v 2 V is a unit vector, i.e., d(v; v) = 1, we dene rv 2 O0 (V ) by
rv (u) := 2d(v; u)v u:
Notice that rv is the reection across the hyperplane orthogonal to v. It is an improper
orthogonal transformation, since ker prv is one-dimensional. We dene simply:
(rv ) := B(v):
If u; v are unit vectors in V with hu j vi 6= 0, then s = ru rv 2 SO0 (V ). Then
(ru )(rv )
= c(ru; rv )(ru rv )
= hu j vi
+ u ^ v;
c(ru; rv ) = exp(i arghu j vi):
One then checks that (ru )(rv ) = c(ru; rv )(ru rv ) for all 2 F0(V ).
We complete now the denition of (g) for g 2 SO0 (V ) by dening it on F1(V ). In
order to achieve (g)B(v) = B(gv)(g) on F0 (V ), we must set
(g)(B(v)fS ) := B(gv)(g)fS ;
for S 2 Sk(V ) such that g S is dened. We are also free to dene
(gru ) := (g)(ru )
for g 2 SO0 (V );
and consequently c(g; ru) := 1, so that (4.10) yields (gru)fS = B(gu)(g)fS . It can be
veried that these partial denitions are consistent. Now from (3.7) we obtain B(u)B(v) =
B(ru v)B(u), and one must then check that (gru )B(v) = B(gru v)(gru ); thus (4.1) holds
for elements of the form g = hru with h 2 SO0 (V ). Since hruh 1 = rhu, we can equivalently say that it holds for elements of the form rv h, h 2 SO0 (V ).
The general case now follows easily. We can always write g = rh where ph is invertible
and r = re : : : ren is a product of n elements of the form (4.9), with fe1 ; : : : ; en g an
orthonormal basis of ker ptg ; we then dene
(g) = B(e1 ) : : : B(en )(h):
In particular, (g)
= e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTh , as expected.
The cocycle (4.7) is extended to all of O0 (V ) as follows. We dene c(g; ru) := 1
if g 2 SO0 (V ) and ru is of the form (4.9). We set c(gru; rv ) := c(g; rurv )c(ru ; rv ) if
d(u; v) 6= 0; otherwise we are free to take c(g; ru rv ), c(ru; rv ), c(gru; rv ) all equal to 1. In
general, we take (g; re : : : rek ) = 1 if g 2 SO0(V ) and the ei are an orthonormal set of
vectors in V . The cocycle equation c(g; h)c(gh; k) = c(g; hk)c(h; k) then determines the
remaining values of c(g; h), in such a way that (4.7) remains valid for all g; h 2 O0 (V ).
We have now obtained the full \pin representation" of O0 (V ) on F (V ). By construction, it is an irreducible projective representation. Its restriction to SO0 (V ) has two
orthogonal irreducible subspaces, namely F0(V ) and F1(V ); this is the \spin representation" of SO0 (V ).
V. Fermionic anomalies
V.1. The innitesimal spin representation and the quantization procedure
The spin representation allows us to quantize all elements of the Lie algebra of the restricted
orthogonal group O0 (V ). If X 2 o0 (V ) we write CX := 21 (X JXJ ), AX := 12 (X + JXJ )
for the linear and antilinear parts of X . If t 7! exp tX is a one-parameter group with
values in SO0 (V ), then pexp tX is invertible for small enough t, and
d p
dt t=0 exp tX = CX ;
d T
dt t=0 exp tX = AX :
In particular, AX is Hilbert{Schmidt. Thus the antilinear part of o0 (v) is just Sk(V ).
We dene the innitesimal spin representation _ (X ) of X 2 o0 (V ) by:
_ (X ) := dtd eiX (t)(exp tX )
for 2 F (V ), where X (t) is such that t 7! eiX (t)(exp tX ) is a homomorphism.
Writing g(t) := exp tX for small t, we obtain
_ (X )
= dtd eiX (t)cg(t)fTg t = iX0 (0)
+ HAX :
( )
Recall that if AX = 0, the quantized counterpart of X is given by d ( JX ), for which
d ( JX )
= 0. The vacuum expectation value of i_ (X ) is ih
j _ (X )
i = X0 (0).
Since we may choose X0 (0) arbitrarily, we set X0 (0) = 0 for all X 2 o0 (V ). Hence the
quantization rule X 7! i_ (X ) is uniquely specied by (5.1) together with the condition
of vanishing vacuum expectation values.
We shall write dG(X ) := i_ (X ), for X 2 o0 (V ), to denote our quantization rule.
As we have just remarked, one has dG(X ) = d ( JX ) whenever the latter makes sense:
this is already clear from the fact that the spin representation generalizes the intertwining
property (3.9).
To be more precise about the domains of the (unbounded) operators _ (X ) on F (V ),
we recall that for any S 2 Sk(V ), both pexp tX and (pexp tX + qexp tX S ) will be invertible
for small t, and so we have:
_ (X )fS = dtd eiX (t)cg(t)g(t)(S )fg(t)S
= dt g(t)(S )fS + dt Pf((g(t) S )K ) K
1 TrC [SAX ] fS + 1 H (X;S ) ^ fS ;
where (X; S ) = [CX ; S ] + AX SAX S . This shows that fS 2 Dom(_ (X )) |and in fact
a similar calculation shows that the application X 7! _ (X )fS is dierentiable.
In like manner, the vectors B(v)fS lie in the domain of _ (X ); indeed,
_ (X )(B(v)fS ) = dtd eiX (t)cg(t)g(t)(S )B(g(t)v)fg(t)S
= B(v)_ (X )fS + dt B((exp tX )v)fS
= B(v)_ (X )fS + B(Xv)fS
by real-linearity of B. In the same way we get
_ (X )B(v)(B(u)fS ) = B(v)_ (X )(B(u)fS ) + B(Xv)(B(u)fS ):
Combining (5.3) and (5.4), we have the fundamental commutation relations:
[_ (X ); B(v)] = B(Xv)
as an operator-valued equation valid on the dense domain in F (V ) generated by all fS
and B(u)fS . Indeed, (5.5) is the smeared expression for the formal commutation relations
between eld operators and currents; this justies the name \currents" for the quantized
V.2. Schwinger terms and cyclic cohomology
f0 (V ) is the one-dimensional central extension of O0 (V )
The extended orthogonal group O
by U (1) whose elements are pairs (g; ), where g 2 O0 (V ), 2 U (1), with group law
(g; ) (h; 0 ) = (gh; 0 c(g; h));
so that (g; ) 7! (g) is a linear unitary representation of the extended group. Its Lie
algebra oe0 (V ) is a one-dimensional central extension of o0 (V ) by iR, with commutator
[(X; ir); (Y; is)] := ([X; Y ]; (X; Y ));
2 2 c(exp sX; exp tY ) dtdds c(exp tY; exp sX ):
(X; Y ) = dtdds t=s=0
The Lie algebra cocycle has the physical meaning of an anomalous commutator or
Schwinger term. Indeed, if X; Y 2 o0 (V ), the Campbell{Baker{Hausdor formula gives:
(X; Y ) = [_ (X ); _ (Y )] _ ([X; Y ]):
Proposition. If X; Y 2 o0 (V ), then
(X; Y ) =
2 TrC ([AX ; AY ]):
Proof : The linear and antilinear parts of [X; Y ] = [CX + AX ; CY + AY ] are given
by C[X;Y ] = [CX ; CY ] + [AX ; AY ], A[X;Y ] = [AX ; CY ] + [CX ; AY ]. The commutator
[_ (X ); _ (Y )] may be computed from the quantization formula (5.9) by substituting (4.5);
using the CAR, one nds that
[ayAX ay; ayCY a] = ay[AX ; CY ]ay;
[ayCX a; aAY a] = a[CX ; AY ]a;
[ayCX a; ayCY a] = ay[CX ; CY ]a;
[ayAX ay; aAY a] + [aAX a; ay AY ay] = 4 ay[AX ; AY ]a + 2 TrC ([AX ; AY ]);
It then follows that [_ (X ); _ (Y )] = _ ([X; Y ]) 21 TrC ([AX ; AY ]).
One can obtain the same result directly from (5.6).
The formula (5.7) yields the Schwinger term directly from the obstruction to linearity
of the pin representation. When V is nite-dimensional, the following reformulation is
possible: since the linear commutant [CX ; CY ] is traceless, (5.7) reduces to (X; Y ) =
1 TrC [C[X;Y ] ], which is a trivial cocycle; thus the pin representation appears as a linear
representation of a double covering group Pin(2m) of O(2m). In the innite-dimensional
case, this is no longer true, since [CX ; CY ] is in general not traceclass.
The Lie algebra cocycle turns out to be also a cocycle for the cyclic cohomology of
Connes4;12; this has been pointed out by Araki.5 We start from the observation that
(X; Y ) = 4i Tr(J [J; X ][J; Y ]) for X; Y 2 o0 (V ):
Here Tr is the usual trace over the real Hilbert space (V; d). Notice that Tr(J [J; Y ][J; X ]) =
Tr([J; X ]J [J; Y ]) = Tr(J [J; X ][J; Y ]); antisymmetrization of the right hand side yields
2 Tr(J [AX ; AY ]) = 2 TrC ([AX ; AY ]) = (X; Y ). Now a cyclic 1-cochain is simply an
antisymmetric bilinear form !; and the cyclic coboundary operator b, dened by
b!(X; Y; Z ) := !(XY; Z ) !(X; Y Z ) + !(ZX; Y );
yields b(X; Y; Z ) = (i=4) cyclic Tr(J [J; XY ][J; Z ]) = 0, so the fermionic Schwinger term
is a cyclic 1-cocycle. Higher-order cyclic cocycles also appear, somewhat mysteriously,
in current algebras,17 in a manner closely related to the present approach.18
V.3. Anomalies
The group O0 (V ) acts on oe0 (V ) by the adjoint action of the central extension:
Afd(g) : (X; ir) 7! (Ad(g)X; ir + (g; X ));
where the anomaly (g; X ) 2 iR depends linearly on X . Since Afd(g)[(X; ir); (Y; is)] =
f g)(Y; is)], we obtain
[Afd(g)(X; ir); Ad(
(g; [X; Y ]) = (Ad(g)X; Ad(g)Y ) (X; Y );
for X; Y 2 o0 (V ). Therefore, the anomaly is determined by the Schwinger terms. Moreover,
for g 2 O0 (V ), X 2 o0 (V ), we have:
(g; X ) = (g)_ (X )(g)
Indeed, from (5.1) we obtain
_ (Ad(g)X ):
d eiX (t)c(g; exp tX )c(g exp tX; g 1 )(g exp tXg 1)
(g)_ (X )(g)
dt t=0
d c(g; exp tX )c(g exp tX; g 1 ) + _ (Ad(g)X )
= dt
(where we have used _X (0) = _Ad(g)X (0) = 0). Thus the right hand side of (5.8) is an
(imaginary) scalar; call it 0(g; X ). That 0(g; [X; Y ]) = (g; [X; Y ]) in general is clear
0 (g; [X; Y ]) = (g)_ ([X; Y ])(g) 1 _ ([Ad(g)X; Ad(g)Y ])
= (g)[_ (X ); _ (Y )](g) 1 (X; Y )
[_ (Ad(g)X ); _ (Ad(g)Y )] + (Ad(g)X; Ad(g)Y )
= [_ (Ad(g)X ) + 0(g; X ); _ (Ad(g)Y ) + 0(g; Y )]
[_ (Ad(g)X ); _ (Ad(g)Y )] + (g; [X; Y ]):
It is now straightforward to compute the fermionic anomaly.
Proposition. For g 2 SO0 (V ), X 2 o0 (V ), we have
(g; X ) =
2 TrC
(I Tbg2 ) 1 ([AX ; Tbg ] Tbg [CX ; Tbg ]) :
Proof : Let us write h := exp tX . From (5.9), we see that (g; X ) is given by the formula
(g; X ) = dtd t=0c(g; h)c(gh; g 1). The right hand side equals
d exp(i arg(det1=2 (I T Tb ) + det1=2(I Tb Tb )))
h g
g gh
dt t=0 d
= i= dt det (I Th Tbg ) + det (I Tbg ) dt det (I Tbg Tbgh )
t=0d d
= 2 = TrC dt (I Th Tg ) + (I Tg ) dt (I Tg Tgh )
= 2i = TrC AX Tbg + (I Tbg2) 1 Tbg Tbgh
dt t=0
= 2 = TrC AX Tg + (I Tg ) Tg dt (Th + ph Tg (I Th Tg ) ph )
= 2 TrC (I Tbg ) ([AX ; Tbg ] Tbg [CX ; Tbg ]) :
Notice that the linear operator [AX ; Tbg ] Tbg [CX ; Tbg ] = [AX Tbg CX ; Tbg ], as a commutator
of two antilinear operators, has purely imaginary trace.
Formula (5.10) seems to be new: appraisal of its strengths and weaknesses is in order.
Within its range of validity it is completely general. This makes it very useful in conformal eld theory. For instance, the anomalous conservation laws for the energy-momentum
tensor and other observables, obtained in Ref. 19 by a direct procedure, can be computed
with less labour from (5.10) by the well known trick of embedding the Virasoro group in
an innite dimensional orthogonal group. The appearance of the commuting part of X
in (5.10) also deserves a comment: whereas observables that are linear (in the sense of
commuting with the complex structure) have nonanomalous commutators for their corresponding quantum currents, they still suer in general from anomalous transformation
laws. On the other hand, (5.10) is not applicable to the anomalies of the charge and chiral
charge conservation laws, which are partly \topological" in nature: see our treatment in
subsection VII.3.
VI. The spin representation in terms of eld operators
VI.1. Currents
We reexpress the quantization prescription of subsection V.1 in the more congenial Fock
space language. Given orthonormal bases fej g, ffk g of (V; d; J ), let us introduce the
quadratic expressions:
ayTay :=
aTa :=
ayJ (fk )hfk j Tej iayJ (ej );
aJ (ej )hTej j fk iaJ (fk );
ay Ca := ay (fk )hfk j Cej iaJ (ej ):
Formulae (6.1) are independent of the orthonormal bases used i T is antilinear and skew
and C is linear as operators in EndR (V ). We also have
ayTay =
hek j Tej i ek ^ ej = HT ;
which lies in F0(V ) if and only if T is Hilbert{Schmidt; and more generally, ayTay =
HT ^ for 2 F (V ). Thus the series for ayTay is meaningful and denes a bounded
operator on F (V ) i T 2 Sk(V ).
One easily sees that aTa is the adjoint of ayTay. If T; S 2 Sk(V ), then we nd that:
(aTa)fS = HSTS ^ fS TrC [ST ] fS :
If C is a skewadjoint linear operator on V , using (4.3) we nd that
(ayCa)fS = 21 H[C;S] ^ fS :
Now from (5.2) we have
2_ (X )fS = HAX ^ fS + H[CX ;S] ^ fS + TrC [SAX ] fS HSAX S ^ fS ;
so we arrive at
_ (X )fS = 12 (ay AX ay + 2ayCX a aAX a)fS :
Moreover, since B(v) = ayJ (v) + aJ (v), it is readily checked from the CAR that
1 [ay AX ay + 2ay CX a
aAX a; B(v)] = B(AX v + CX v) = B(Xv);
so (5.3) shows that (6.3) holds with fS replaced by B(v)fS . We get, nally, for the current
associated to X :
dG(X ) = 2i (ay AX ay + 2ayCX a aAX a);
as an unbounded operator on the domain spanned by all fS and B(v)fS .
VI.2. Factorization of the scattering matrix
We interpret orthogonal transformations on V as classical scattering transformations Scl.
By \classical" we mean the operator living in the one-particle space, to distinguish it from
the quantum scattering operator in Fock space. But for a phase factor, (Scl) is precisely
the S -matrix for a fermion system.
We seek to factorize the operator (g) in a convenient manner. Let us dene, for
g 2 SO0 (V ), the operators S1, S2, S3:
S1(g) = exp( 21 ayTg ay);
S3(g) = exp( 12 aTbg a):
S2(g) = :exp(ay(pg t I )a): ;
We compute the eect of these operators on Gaussians in a few steps.
Lemma 1. S1 is a bounded operator on F (V ), with S1fR = fTg +R for any R 2 Sk(V ).
Proof : If 2 V ^k for any nite k, from (6.2) we see that (ayTg ay)m = HT^gm ^ ;
moreover, we have the norm estimate kHT^gm ^ k kHTg km kk = kTg kmHS kk, with
kT1g kHS denoting the Hilbert{Schmidt norm of Tg . Hence the series exp( 12 ayTg ay) :=
1 y ym
in the bounded operator norm on F0(V ), with the
m=0 (2 m!) 1(ay Tg ay ) converges
estimate k exp( 2 a Tg a )k exp( 2 kTg kHS).
It is now immediate that S1 = fTg ^ for any 2 F (V ). In particular, for = fR ,
we have S1fR = fTg ^ fR = fTg +R .
Lemma 2. If R 2 Sk(V ) and (I RTbg ) is invertible, then
S3fR = det1=2 (I RTbg )fR(I Tbg R) :
Proof : This is straightforward, from hfS j S3fR i = hS3yfS j fR i = hS1(g 1)fS j fR i.
Lemma 3. If R 2 Sk(V ), then S2fR = fpg t Rpg .
Proof : Firstly, if A is any bounded linear operator on (V; d; J ), then ARAt 2 Sk(V ) and
fARAt =
K nite
Pf(RK ) Aek ^ ^ Aek m ;
K = fk1 ; : : : ; k2m g:
This is obtained from (3.3) on noting that HARAt = i;j hei j Rej iAei ^ Aej , which in turn
follows from the denition (3.1).
Secondly, we must check that, if Km = f1; : : : ; 2mg, then
:exp(ay Ca): Km = (I + C )e1 ^ ^ (I + C )e2m :
For then, if K = fk1; : : : ; k2mg, we have :exp(ay Ca): K = (I + C )ek ^ ^ (I + C )ek m
by a change of orthonormal basis. Taking C = pg t I , (6.5) gives the result.
To verify (6.6), note that the left hand side is a nite series, since the terms a(elj )
with lj > 2m give no contribution. Thus
:exp(ay Ca): Km
X y
= n1!
a (ek ) : : : ay(ekn ) hekj j Celj ia(eln ) : : : a(el )Km
j =1
n=0 k :::kn
l :::ln
1 ay(Ce ) : : : ay(Ce )
f1 ^ ^ f2m ;
LKm jLj!
where L is the sign of the permutation Km 7! (L; Km n L) and fj = Cej if j 2 L, fj = ej
otherwise. But the latter sum is just an expansion of the right hand side of (6.6).
It is worth noting that since
fpg t Rpg =
Pf((pg t Rpg 1 )K )K =
detC ((pg 1 )K ) Pf(RK )K
and j detC ((pg 1 )K )j = det1=2 ((pg t )K (pg 1 )K ) det1=2(pg t pg 1) = det 1=2 (I Tg2), then S2
extends to F0 (V ) as a bounded operator with norm at most c2g .
Now we see that, on applying S1, S2, S3 in turn to fR , the index of the Gaussian
transforms as R 7! Tg + pg tR(I Tbg R) 1 pg 1 = g R by (4.4), and so by (4.5):
cg S1(g)S2(g)S3(g) fR = cg det1=2 (I RTbg )fgR = (g)fR ;
whenever pg 1 and g R exist. Thus (g) = cg S1S2S3 holds on F0 (V ) whenever g 2 SO0 (V ).
Finally, if pg is not invertible, the general factorization is obtained from
(g) = crg B(e1 ) : : : B(en ) S1(rg)S2 (rg)S3 (rg)
where n = dim(ker pg ).
VII. Quantization of the Dirac equation
VII.1. The choice of complex structures
We examine only the case of a charged eld. Thus we think of V as the space of complex
solutions of the free Dirac equation:
@ = ( p + m) =: H ;
i @t
where p = i @=@ x, regarded as a real vector space with the symmetric form:
d( 1 ; 2 ) = 21
1 2d x+
2 1d x :
For deniteness, we shall adopt the Dirac representation of the and matrices:
0 = 0 ;
= 0
0 :
The operator H is selfadjoint with domain Dom(H ) H := C 4 L2 (R3). Dene the
two-spinor functions:
us(k) := B
@ p k s C
!(k) + m
0 k
vs (k) := @ p!(k) + m A ;
!(k) + m s
1 and = 0. Denote by (; ) the ordinary
where s = " or #, as the case may be, " = 0
hermitian product on C 2 . Then one checks that:
us(k); us0 (k) = vs(k); vs0 (k) = 2!(k)ss0 ;
us(k); vs0 ( k) = 0:
We consider also the projectors:
P = 21 (1 ( p + m)! 1);
corresponding respectively to the positive and negative parts of the spectrum of H . Then
P+ + P = I and HP = !P; we may write V = P V . We note also the relations:
P+(k)us (k) = us(k);
P (k)us (k) = 0;
P+(k)vs ( k) = 0;
P (k)vs ( k) = vs ( k);
where we have denoted by P (k) the projectors on the Fourier transformed space of H,
which are multiplication operators. Moreover,
u" (k)uy" (k) + u#(k)uy# (k) = 2!(k)P+ (k);
v" ( k)v"y ( k) + v# ( k)v#y( k) = 2!(k)P (k):
Besides H, we shall consider the Hilbert space He, which is V endowed with the
new complex Hilbert space structure given by d(; ) + id(J ; ), with J := i(P+ P ).
In other words, we preserve the real part d of the inner product and we introduce a
nonlocal imaginary part through the nonlocal complex structure. In this way, complex
multiplication is dynamically built into the space of solutions, in such a manner to make
possible a direct interpretation of \negative energy" solutions as antiparticles.
Now dene the 2-spinor functions:
u" (k); F (k) ;
u# (k); F (k)
b(k) :=
d(k) :=
(k); v" (k) :
(k); v# (k)
In view of (7.1) and (7.2), this transformation is inverted by:
(x) = (2)
(bs (k)us (k)eikx + dys(k)vs (k)e ikx ) d(k);
e ! Hm;+ where d(k) := d3k=!(k). It is seen now that the map to momentum
;+ = C 2 L2 (H + ; d), given by 7! b, is an isometry such that
Hm;+, where
J 7! i db . Here we make contact with Weinberg's quantization method,20 based on
Wigner's theory of the unitary irreducible representations of the Poincare group. It will
follow from our treatment in the next subsection that the fermion eld has the gauge
transformation properties required in the Weinberg construction.
VII.2. Quantization and the charge operator
We now prove that the standard construction of fermion Fock space of Section III, applied
to He, or Hm;+ Hm;+, gives the charged fermion eld. In order to fully grasp what is
involved here, we need some further reection on the relation between the two Hilbert
space structures for the space of solutions of the Dirac equation. We can dene the
charge operator on the one-particle space for the Dirac equation as the generator of gauge
transformations: Q := i . It is an innitesimally orthogonal operator:
d( 1 ; Q 2 ) + d(Q 1 ; 2 ) = 0:
By denition we have (V; d; Q) H and (V; d; J ) He. One can pass from the \natural"
complex structure Q to J by means of an orthogonal transformation of V :
g0Qg0 = J;
in the V+ V splitting. Thus the Dirac equation on H:
@ =H
i @t
with g0 := 0 C0 = g0 1;
@ = iJH ;
J @t
the transformed operator He := iJH being selfadjoint on He. Obviously iH and J He
are the same element of the orthogonal Lie algebra (in the generalized sense, since these are
unbounded operators). The crucial dierence is that He is bounded below, in fact positive:
e = !P:
The orthogonal transformation g0 has changed the spectrum! The idea is apparently due
to Bongaarts, although its implementation in Ref. 21 is rather murky; one should look also
at Refs. 22 and 23. As g0 does not full the Shale{Stinespring criterion, F (H) and F (He)
are not equivalent upon quantization. We must choose He for the standard construction of
fermion Fock space |which allows the straightforward particle interpretation| to yield
the charged fermion eld. This is a crucial point in our argument, because otherwise we
would not be able to use the spin representation in QED.
In view of (7.3), we can apply the Bogoliubov transformation philosophy to relate
creation and annihilation operators dened with respect to each complex structure. Let
us abbreviate + := P+ , := P . Then pg = +, qg = . We get on F (H),
from (4.2):
aQ (g0 ) = aJ ( + ) + ayJ ( );
ayQ (g0 ) = ayJ ( + ) + aJ ( );
so that
aQ ( ) = aJ ( + ) + ayJ ( );
and similar converse equations in F (He).
Note also the simple formula:
ayQ ( ) = ayJ ( + ) + aJ ( )
h j iJ = hh + j +ii + hh j ii;
where hh j ii will now denote the \natural" inner product h j iQ of H.
Now we prove |for operators on V preserving both structures| that our quantization
method gives the same result as the usual procedure of rst performing the Fock quantization with respect to the \natural" complex structure and then amending the result with
a \normal ordering" recipe; the tricky subtraction of innities is avoided.
Proposition. If X commutes with both J and Q, then dG(X ) = :d Q( iX ): .
Proof : From (6.4) we have dG(X ) = d J ( JX ) = i ayJ XaJ since XJ = JX . Let us
choose orthonormal bases f'k g and f k g for V+ and V . We write b(y) rather than a(y)
on V+, d(y) rather than a(y) on V , as is customary. If Y = JX , then Y is selfadjoint
on He, and so
i ayJ XaJ =
byJ ('k )h'k j Y 'j iJ bJ ('j ) + dyJ ( k )h k j Y j iJ dJ ( j )
byJ ('k )hh'k j iX'j iibJ ('j ) dyJ ( k )hh j j iX k iidJ ( j ) = :d Q ( iX ): :
In particular, we have:
:= dG(Q) = byb dyd
in units of electronic charge. This current has integer eigenvalues and we call charge sectors
the eigenspaces Fk (V ), for k 2 Z. We remark that the 1-particle charge conjugation
operator, which is antilinear in H, is linear in He.22;23
The particle interpretation of the quantum eld and the possibility of a direct translation into physics of our results on the spin representation hinge on our choice of J as
complex structure, one that allows us to dry up the Dirac sea |which is what the physical
vacuum looks like using the \natural" (and wrong) complex structure. However, as local
conservation of the charge in interactions is a basic physical principle, we cannot dispense
entirely with Q in the quantization process; the interplay of both complex structures is
characteristic of the theory of charged elds. This is reected in the fact that the invariance
group of the theory is not O0 (V ), but its subgroup UQ0 (V ) of (restricted) unitary operators
on H , which has a very dierent topological structure: whereas O0 (V ) has two connected
pieces, we will soon see that the group UQ0 (V ) has an innite number of connected pieces,
naturally indexed by Z.
VII.3. Charge sectors
Now we are prepared to translate the group-representation machinery into the usual language for QED. We relabel the vacuum vector as j0i, and write j0outi := (g)j0i for the
out vacuum. From (3.2) and (6.2), it follows at once that
exp( 21 ayTay)j0i = fT
for T 2 Sk(V ). Thus j0outi is proportional to exp( 21 ayTg ay)j0i whenever g 2 SO0 (V ).
If the classical scattering operator g = Scl lies in O0 (V ) but with dim(ker pg ) = n > 0,
we again write g = re : : : ren h, where fe1 ; : : : ; en g is an orthonormal basis of ker ptg ; the
out-vacuum can thus be written as
j0outi / e1 ^ ^ en ^ fTrg = ay(e1 ) : : : ay(en ) exp( 12 ayTrg ay)j0i:
In this subsection and most of what follows, we shall always assume that a particleantiparticle fermion eld can be built over the one-particle space V , and that we always
have J = i(P+ P ), where P = I P denote orthogonal projectors on innite dimensional subspaces, the outstanding example being the space of solutions of a Dirac equation.
This is to say, we propose to deal with charged fermion elds; even so, all we have to say
in the next subsection is also valid for neutral elds.
We write then g, pg , qg , Tg , Tbg in matricial form, with respect to the decomposition
V = V+ V , with the proviso that Tg exists i pg is invertible:
S +
thus pg =
; qg = S
The fact that g 2 UQ0 (V ) means precisely (as remarked at the end of the previous Section)
that the S are complex-linear operators acting between the complex spaces V+, V . We
leave to the care of the reader to rewrite (2.1) in terms of the S 's. It is immediate that
Tg = S S 1
; Tbg = S 1 S
+ ++
S++1 S+
We see that pg 1 exists if and only if S++ and S are invertible, and that g 2 O0 (V ) i
S+ and S + are Hilbert{Schmidt (actually, since S+ (g 1 ) = (S +(g))y, it suces that
S+ be Hilbert{Schmidt).
From the fact, remarked in Section II, that ind pg = 0, we get ind S++ = ind S .
y , and so ind S = dim ker S y
One checks that g(ker S) = ker S
dim ker S .
Now, the fTg are all charge zero states, as (g; Q) = 0 for all g 2 SO0 (V ) \ UQ0 (V ).
For out-vacua of the form (7.5), we can always choose orthonormal basis f'1; : : : ; 'lg
y and ker S y respectively, so that l + m = n. We have clearly,
and f 1; : : : ; m g for ker S++
for the expectation value of the charge in the out vacuum j0outi = (g)j0i:
h0out j Q j 0outi = l m = dim ker S++
dim ker S y = ind S
and then:
which can be rewritten as
= ind S++;
(g)Fk (V ) = Fk+ind S (V );
(g)Q(g) 1 = Q + ind S++:
Thus the group UQ0 (V ) has innitely many connected components, indexed by the Fredholm
index of S++ or S ; which components interchange the charged vacua. Note that (7.6)
is an anomalous identity, as Q commutes both with g and J . However, it has been shown
by Carey and O'Brien24 in QED and then for quite general gauge elds by Matsui25 that
under reasonable circumstances the scattering matrix belongs to the component of the
0 (V ) of the group; thus vacuum polarization in this sense does not occur in
identity UQ;
the external eld problem |where consequently only pair creation arises.
A similar treatment is possible for the chiral charge anomaly. Let us consider, for
simplicity, a theory of massless fermions in 1 + 1 spacetime dimensions. Then again Q5 :=
i5 is an innitesimally orthogonal operator, commuting with J , which takes in momentum
space the following form, with respect to the V = V+ V splitting:
Q5 =
i( k) :
The support in momentum space of the elements of an orthonormal basis for ptg must now
lie either in the right or the left half axis. With an obvious notation, we have for the chiral
Q5 := dG(Q5 ) = byR bR byL bL + dyL dL dyR dR :
Again Q5 has integer eigenvalues and (for scattering operators g such that [g; Q5] = 0) a
formula of the type (7.6) intervenes; only now the index of the scattering operator is directly
related to the Chern number of the gauge eld25 and it is generally nonzero for elements
0 (V ). This is why the chiral charge anomaly is local in the usual parlance.26 Index
of UQ;
formulae for currents associated with special gauge transformations are given in Ref. 27.
Further consideration of these questions would take us too far aeld.
VII.4. The scattering matrix for a charged fermion eld
For simplicity, we will assume for the rest of this subsection that pg is invertible. We need
the formulae:
TrC 0 A
= Tr(A++) + Tr(Ay )
and by exponentiating:
= det(A++) det(Ay ):
which come from (7.4). For instance, using (7.7) and since X+y = X +, the Schwinger
terms (5.7) reduce to:
[dG(X ); dG(Y )] = (X; Y ) = 21 Tr(X+ Y + Y+ X + ) + 21 Tr(Y +X+
= Tr(X+ Y + Y+ X +) = 2i= Tr(X+ Y +):
X +Y+ )
The fermionic anomaly (g; X ) can also be recomputed in the QED language. From (5.10)
and (7.7) one gets:
(g; X ) = Tr (I S++1 S+ S 1 S +) 1 (X+ S 1 S + S++1 S+ X +
S++1 S+ S 1 S +X++ + S++1 S+ X S 1 S +) :
For the absolute value of the vacuum persistence amplitude we obtain, since Tg is
Tg2) = det 1=2 (I + (S+ S 1 )yS+ S 1 )
= det 1=2 ((S y ) 1(S y S + S+y S+ )S 1 )
= det 1=2 ((S y ) 1S 1 ) = det1=2(S S y );
jh0in j 0outij = det
using S y S
1=4 (I
+ S+y S+ = I (on V ). On the other hand,
y ) det1=4 (S S y );
jh0in j 0outij = det1=4 (pg ptg ) = det1=4(S++S++
and hence both factors on the right hand side are equal. We thus arrive at
y )
jh0in j 0outij = det1=2 (S S y ) = det1=2 (S++S++
= det1=2 (I S+ S+y ) = det1=2(I S +S y +):
We are nally ready for the computation of the full S -matrix. We start from the
factorization (6.7). We choose orthonormal bases f'k g and f k g for V+ and V and regard
their union as an orthonormal basis for V . We distinguish the particle and antiparticle
sectors by setting by('k ) := ayJ ('k ), dy( k ) := ayJ ( k ), : : : Then we nd:
1 X ay (' )h' j T
2 j;k J k k g
= 12 by('k )hh'k j Tg
= 12 by('k )hh'k j S+
1 ay Tg ay =
by('k )hh'k j S+ S
j iaJ ( j ) + aJ ( j )h j j Tg 'k iaJ ('k )
j iidy ( j ) + dy ( k )hhTg 'j j k iiby ('j )
1 j iidy ( j ) + dy ( j )hhS + S 1 'k j j iiby ('k )
1 j iidy ( j ) =: by S+
S 1 dy;
using the CAR fby('j ); dy( k )g = 0, the relation (S +S++1 )y = (S+ S 1 ), and (7.4).
In like manner, we obtain
1 aTbg a = 1 X aJ ('k )hTbg 'k j j iaJ ( j ) + aJ ( j )hTbg j j 'k iaJ ('k )
2 j;k
= 12 b('k )hh j j Tbg 'k iid( j ) + d( j )hhTbg j j 'k iib('k )
= 2 b('k )hh j j S 1 S +'k iid( j ) + d( j )hhS++1 S+ j j 'k iib('k )
d( j )hh j j S 1 S +'k iib('k ) =: dS 1 S +b:
The Wick-ordered product :exp(ay(pg t I )a): can be written as S2bS2d by separating
y ) 1 I )'l ii, we have
the b(y) and d(y) terms. Since hh'k j (pg t I )'lii = hh'k j ((S++
y ) 1 I )b): , and for S2d we get
S2b = :exp(by((S++
S2d =
1 1 X
n=0 n! k1 :::kn
l1 :::ln
dy( k1 ) : : : dy( kn ) hh lj j (I
j =1
S 1)
kj iid( ln ) : : : d( l1 )
= :exp(d(I S 1 )dy): :
Putting the equations (7.9{11) together, we arrive at the exact S -matrix for the
charged fermion eld:
S = ei (g) = h0in j 0outi exp(by S+ S 1 dy)
y )
I )b d(S
I )dy): exp(dS 1 S +b):
Whenever S++ and S are not invertible, this formula must be modied in accordance
with (6.8).
It is instructive to compare the form (7.12) of the fermionic S -matrix with the bosonic
S -matrix expression obtained in a parallel way from the metaplectic representation.28
We remark that the exact quantum S -matrix for the external eld problem has direct
application in laser physics and heavy ion collisions.
Let ' 2 V+ and 2 V . The following commutation rules (and their adjoints) are
very useful for calculations involving the S -matrix:
y y
y y
y y
[eb Ad ; b(')] = dy(Ay')eb Ad ;
:eby(A I )b: by(') = by(A') :eby(A I )b: ;
y y
[eb Ad ; d( )] = by(A )eb Ad ;
:ed(I A)d : dy( ) = dy(Ay ) :ed(I A)d : :
VIII. The Feynman rules for electrodynamics of external elds
We next derive the Feynman rules for quantum electrodynamics of external elds from the
exact S -matrix. The Dirac equation in an external electromagnetic eld is
@ = (H + V ) ;
i @t
where the external eld V is given by
V = e( A + A0 ) = e 0 A6 ;
with the usual notation A
6 := A . The classical scattering matrix corresponding to this
problem is given by a Dyson expansion:
Scl = ( i)n
Z tn
Ve (t1) : : : Ve (tn) dtn : : : dt2 dt1 =: S:n:
Here Ve (t) := eiHtV (t)e iHt . We write out S:n as an integral kernel in momentum space:
S:n(k; k0 ) := ( i)
Z1 Z1Z
iH (k)t V (t1 ; k k1 )
(2)3n=2 1 1 e
(t1 t2)e iH (k )(t t ) V (t2; k1 k2) : : : (t1 tn)e iH (kn )(tn
V (tn; kn 1 k0 )e iH (k0)tn d3k1 : : : d3 kn 1 dtn : : : dt1;
tn )
where denotes the Heaviside function.
We shall not dwell on the question of the conditions on V such that Scl is implementable. An apparently more ambitious endeavour would be to try to implement the
interacting time evolution operator U (t; t0 ) with U (1; 1) = Scl . It can be shown, however, that U (t; t0 ) can be implemented only for electric elds; hence the implementability
of time evolution has no covariant meaning and the particle interpretation has meaning
only in the realm of scattering theory.
To derive the Feynman rules, the rst step is to rewrite S:n in covariant form. We
follow the treatment of Ref. 29. From the formula:
= 2 dk0Sret(k) 0 e ik t ;
m ;
Sret(k) := k2 6 km+2 +
we obtain:
(S ):n (k; k0 ) = i(2) 2n+1enP (k) 0
A6 (k k1)Sret(k1 )
A6 (k1 k2) : : : Sret(kn 1 ) A6 (kn
k0) d4 k1 : : : d4kn 1 P(k0 )
(where k0 = !(k) and k00 = !(k0 ) are understood).
It is well known and physically obvious |as beautifully discussed in the classic paper
Ref. 30| that the n-pair amplitudes are Slater determinants of the one-pair amplitudes.
It is enough thus to derive the one-pair amplitudes. There are four of them, which are not
altogether independent; their expressions may be computed from (7.12) and the rules (7.13)
of commutation of the creation and annihilation operators with the quadratic exponentials.
1. For electron scattering from initial state 'i to nal state 'f :
Sfi := hby ('f )0in j S by('i)0in i = h0in j 0outi hhS++1 'f j 'iii;
2. For positron scattering from initial state i to nal state f :
Sfi := hdy( f )0in j S dy( i )0in i = h0in j 0outi hh i j S 1 f ii;
3. For creation of an electron-positron pair, in respective states ', :
Sfi := hby(')dy( )0in j S 0ini = h0in j 0outi hh' j S+ S 1 ii;
4. For annihilation of an electron-positron pair, in respective states ', :
Sfi := h0in j S by(')dy( )0in i = h0in j 0outi hh j S 1 S +'ii:
Note that if V is time-independent, by a well-known result of scattering theory, one has
[Scl; H ] = 0; thus [Scl; J ] = 0 and there cannot be creation or annihilation of pairs. In such
a context, the quantized and the one-particle theory are essentially equivalent.
We need to compute an expansion
for S1 from the expansion
of Scl, in order to
proceed. From the identity I + n1(S ):n = S = (I + n1 S:n) 1 , we have:
(S 1):n =
S:n + S:n 1(S 1 ):1 + S:n 2(S 1 ):2 + + S:1(S 1):n
where juxtaposition means convolution of kernels: ST (k; k0 ) := S (k; k1) T (k1 ; k0 ) d3 k1.
For instance:
(S++1 ):1 (k; k0 ) = (S++):1 (k; k0 ) = 2i e P+ (k) 0 A6 (k k0)P+ (k0 );
(S++):2 (k; k ) = (S++):2 (k; k ) + (S++):1 (k; k1 )(S++):1 (k1 ; k0 ) d3 k1
3 e2 P+ (k) 0
= i(2)
= i(2)
2 e2 P+ (k) 0
3 e2 P+ (k) 0
A6 (k k1)Sret(k1 ) A6 (k1
A6 (k
A6 (k
k0 ) d4 k1 P+(k0 )
k1)P+ (k1) 0 A6 (k1
!(k1)) d4 k1
P+(k0 )
k0) d4 k1 P+(k0 ):
k1) 0SF (k1 )y 0 A6 (k1
Here we have used:
S (k) + 2iP (k) 0 (k0 !(k))y = 0S (k) 0;
where SF is the Feynman propagator:
+m :
SF (k) := k2 6 k m
2 + i0
Taking adjoints and using A6 (k)y = 0 A6 (k) 0 , we get:
((S++1 )y ):1 (k; k0 ) = 2i e P+(k) 0 A6 (k k0)P+ (k0 );
((S++) ):2 (k; k ) = i(2) e P+(k)
A6 (k k1 )SF (k1) A6 (k1 k ) d k1 P+(k0 ):
Proceeding recursively according to (8.1), in the same way we obtain:
((S++1 )y):n(k; k0 ) =
2n+1 en P+ (k) 0
SF (kn 1) A6 (kn
A6 (k k1)SF (k1 ) A6 (k1 k2 ) : : :
k0 ) d4 k1 : : : d4kn 1 P+(k0 ):
The argument for the scattering of a positron is entirely analogous.
Similarly, for pair creation we must compute:
((S 1 )yS+y ):n = ((S 1 )y):0 (S+y ):n + + ((S 1 )y):n 1 (S+y ):1 :
Note that
(S+y ):n(k; k0 ) = i(2) 2n+1en P (k) 0
d4kn 1
A6 (k k1)Sadv (k1 ) : : : Sadv(kn 1 ) A6 (kn 1 k0) P+ (k0 );
d4k1 where Sadv(k) := (6 k + m)=( k2 + m2 + ik00). By using as needed (8.2) under the form:
Sadv (k) 2iP+(k) 0 (k0 !(k)) = SF (k);
we can nally reexpress the whole expansion for this process in terms of the Feynman
propagators, obtaining:
(S+ S
1 ):n (k; k0 ) =
2n+1 en P+ (k) 0
SF (kn 1) A6 (kn
A6 (k k1)SF (k1 ) A6 (k1 k2 ) : : :
k0 ) d4 k1 : : : d4kn 1 P (k0 ):
We leave as an exercise for the reader the treatment of pair annihilation.
Note that the phase factor of h0in j 0outi has no bearing on the probabilities for electron
scattering, pair production, and the like.
IX. On virtual vacuum polarization
One can compute the polarization of the vacuum, following Ref. 31, as the vacuum expectation value of the current: h0in j j (x)0in i, where the current is dened as the functional
j (x) := iS y AS(x) :
Thus, one must study the functional dependence of the phase factor ei[A] on the vector
potential. The information we need is encoded in the vacuum persistence amplitude. Recall
that the eective action W is dened by h0in j 0outi =: eiW . Introduce (k) = 2m2=k2 and
G(k) := 3 k 2(1 + (k))(1 2 (k))1=2 (1 2 (k)) d4 k;
G (k) := (k k k2 g k4) G(k);
where = e2 =4, the ne structure constant. It is easy to see that G(x) and G (x) have
no support outside the light cone. Perturbatively, to rst order of approximation we have:
jh0in j 0outij ' exp(Z 21 Tr(S+ S+y )) ' 1
1 Tr(S+ S y
Z +
G (k)A (k)A (k) d4 k = 1
G(k)jj (k)j2 d4k;
after a routine calculation, where the Maxwell equations have been used to conjure up the
sources of the classical eld. This gives the imaginary part of W .
The real part of the eective action is found by means of a dispersion relation. We
gloss here the very detailed treatment in Ref. 29. The dispersion relation can be written
nonperturbatively in the form:
S y[A] S [A] = 0
A (y)
A (x)
for A arbitrary and y0 > x0 . Adding the real and imaginary components of the eective
action, we nally arrive at:
W [j ] = 3 d4k H (k)jj (k)j2;
H (k) =
d (1 + (())(1k2 2i(0)))
The latter is precisely the renormalized expression from which one can immediately compute, for instance, the Uehling correction to the Coulomb potential.32
Now, what is the meaning of the dispersion relation? It is the functional-dierential
form of the \causality condition":29;31
S [A1 + A2 ] = S [A2] S [A1]
when A2 is to the future of A1. This is nothing but our cocycle condition (4.8) for orthogonal transformations parametrized by the gauge potential:
ei[A +A ] = ei[A ] ei[A ] exp i arg det(I + S 1 [A2]S +[A2]S+ [A1]S 1 [A1]) :
In the last formula the equation (7.8) has been used.
We are grateful for helpful discussions with J. A. Dixon, S. A. Fulling, G. Moreno,
P. Morley, J. Polchinski and E. C. G. Sudarshan. We benetted from visits to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste and the Universidad de Zaragoza (JCV),
and the Forschungszentrum BiBoS of the Universitat Bielefeld and the University of Texas
at Austin (JMGB). We also thank the referee, whose comments helped to improve the
presentation of the paper.
a) Permanent address: Escuela de Matematica, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa
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