Updated Jan 2015! FBR 2014 Key Stats

January 2015
2013 Impact Factor 4.243 ranking FBR as 4th out of 110 Business journals. IF over time:
Family Business Review
4.5 4.243 4 3.5 3 2.426 2.5 2.622 2011 2012 1.881 2 1.357 1.5 1 2.6 0.675 0.5 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2013 Source: 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2014)
• A record breaking 245 submissions (179 new, 66 revised) were received in 2014
o 235 were received in 2013; 222 in 2012
• In 2014, scholars from 36 countries submitted their work for publication consideration in
o US remained the top submitting country followed by Italy, Spain, UK, France,
and Sweden
Average turnaround time from submission to final decision – 38.5 days (SAGE journals
average – 47 days)
From acceptance to on-line, and to release in an issue - On an average, articles accepted in
FBR in 2014 appeared on-line in 23 days. As on 20th Jan 2015, FBR has 12 articles in its ‘online
first’ queue, representing about three issues of content.
Acceptance ratio in 2014: 7.3% (the lowest ever for FBR; previous low 8.9% in 2012).
Special issues*
Review issue (Short, Lumpkin, Pearson, Sharma – work in progress)
Social issues in family enterprises (Craig, Dibrell, Neubaum, van Gils)
Temporal issues in family enterprises (Salvato, Reay, Sharma)
Advising family enterprises (Reay, Pearson, Dyer Jr.)
25 years of FBR (Sharma, Chrisman, Gersick)
Measures and methods (Sharma, Carney)
Marketing (in) the family business (Reuber & Fischer)
Accounting – FB (Salvato & Moores)
Family capital, family business and free enterprise (Sorenson & Bierman)
* No special issues are currently being commissioned to ensure the backlog of accepted articles gets to
print in a timely manner. When we are ready to commission SI, an open ‘call for proposals’ will be invited.
For articles published in FBR in 2013
Selection committee: Cristina Bettinelli, Jim Chrisman, Alex Stewart (Chair, Jill Thomas)
Best Paper Winner:
Salvato, C. & Corbetta, G. (2013). Transitional leadership of advisors as a facilitator of
successors’ leadership identity construction. Family Business Review, 26(3): 235-255.
Honorable mention award:
Blumentritt, T., Matthews, T., & Marchisio, G. (2013). Game theory and family business
succession: An introduction. Family Business Review, 26(1): 51-67.
Selections made by FBRs editorial team. These awards are reserved for members of FBRs editorial
review board. Factors taken into consideration for these awards: (i) Number of manuscripts
reviewed in the past 12 months; (ii) review ratings based on timeliness and quality of the review,
(iii) number of editors from whom a reviewer has received an outstanding rating assigned to
developmental reviews considered helpful in making the decision, (iv) number of times a reviewer
was unavailable or declined to review. Ad-hoc reviewers who do well on above dimensions are
invited to join the review board. At FBR, we review and revamp the editorial review board in fall.
The term is one-year renewable with no upper limit to the number of years a reviewer can serve on
the board.
The 2014 winners:
Outstanding Reviewer:
Nadine Kammerlander, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Excellent Reviewers:
• Yannick Bammens, Maastricht University, Netherlands
• Andrea Calabro, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany
• Donella Casperz, The University of Western Australia, Australia
• Carole Couper, University of Glasgow, UK
• Alexandra Dawson, Concordia University, Canada
• Alfredo DeMassis, Lancaster University, UK
• Bart Debicki, Townson University, USA
• Daniel Holt, Mississippi State University, USA
• Eva Lutz, TU Munchen, Germany
• Evelyn Micelotta, University of Alberta, Canada
• Aaron McKenny, University of Central Florida, USA
• Alessandro Minichilli, Bocconi University, Italy
• Mia Raynard, University of Alberta, Canada
• Paul Robson, University of London, UK
• Vanessa Strike, UBC, Canada
Notable Review Articles
Van Gils, Dibrell, C., Neubaum, D.O. & Craig, J.B. (2014). Social Issues in the Family
Enterprise. Family Business Review, 27(3): 193-205.
Pukall, T.J. & Calabrò, A. (2014). The Internationalization of Family Firms: A Critical
Review and Integrative Model. Family Business Review,
DeMassis, A., Frattini, F. & Lichtenthaler, U. (2013). Research on Technological Innovation
in Family Firms: Present Debates and Future Directions. Family Business Review, 26(1): 1031.
Berrone, P., Cruz, C., & Gomez-Mejia, LR. (2012). Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms:
Theoretical Dimensions, Assessment Approaches, and Agenda for Future Research. Family
Business Review, 25(3): 258-279.
Strike, V.M. (2012). Advising the Family Firm: Reviewing the Past to Build the Future.
Family Business Review, 2012(2): 156-177.
Salvato, C. & Moores, K. (2010). Research on Accounting in Family Firms: Past
Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Family Business Review, 23(3): 193-215.
Gupta, V. & Levenburg, N. (2010). A Thematic Analysis of Cultural Variations in Family
Businesses: The CASE Project. Family Business Review, 23(2): 153-177.
Chrisman, J.J., Kellermanns, F.W., Chan, K.C., & Liano, K. (2010). Intellectual Foundations
of Current Research in Family Business: An Identification and Review of 25 Influential
Articles. Family Business Review, 23(1): 9-26.
Rothausen, T.J. (2009). Management Work—Family Research and Work—Family Fit:
Implications for Building Family Capital in Family Business. Family Business Review,
Debicki, B.J., Matherne III, C.F., Kellermanns, F.W., & Chrisman, J.J. (2009). Family Business
Research in the New Millennium: An Overview of the Who, the Where, the What, and the
Why. Family Business Review, 22(2):151-166.
Jimenez, R.M. (2009). Research on Women in Family Firms: Current Status and Future
Directions. Family Business Review, 22(1): 53-64.
Notable FBR Editorials
Voordeckers, W., Miller, D. & Le-Breton Miller, I. (in press for December 2014 issue). In
search of the best of both worlds: Crafting a finance paper for FBR. Family Business
Review, 27(4).
Reay, T. (2014). Publishing qualitative research. Family Business Review, 27(2): 95-102.
Wright, M. & Sharma, P. (2013). Sustaining a publications career. Family Business Review,
26(4): 1-11.
Reuber, A.R. & Sharma, P. (2013). The Anatomy of a Paper. Family Business Review, 25(4):
Short, J.C. (2012). Defending Family Business Research: The Role of Authors as Defense
Attorneys. Family Business Review, 25(4): 367-373.
Salvato, C. & Aldrich, H.E. (2012). “That’s Interesting!” in Family Business Research.
Family Business Review, 25(2): 125-135.
Pearson, A.W. & Lumpkin, G.T. (2011). Measurement in Family Business Research: How Do
We Measure Up? Family Business Review, 24(4): 287-291.
Reuber, R. & Fischer, E. (2011). Marketing (in) the Family Firm. Family Business Review,
24(3): 193-196.
Reay, T. & Whetten, D.A. (2011). What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution? Family
Business Review, 24(2): 105-110.
Craig, J.B. (2010). Desk Rejection: How to Avoid Being Hit by a Returning Boomerang.
Family Business Review, 23(4): 306-309.
Salvato, C. & Moores, K. (2010). Research on Accounting in Family Firms: Past
Accomplishments and Future Challenges. Family Business Review, 23(3): 193-215.
Reuber, A. R. (2010). Strengthening Your Literature Review. Family Business Review, 23(2):
Sharma, P. & Kellermanns, F. (2009). The Craft of Reviewing. Family Business Review, 22(4):
Chenail, R. J. (2009). Communicating Your Qualitative Research Better. Family Business
Review, 22(2): 105-108.
Extending FBRs Reach
We devote significant efforts to disseminate research published in FBR both to the scientific and
practitioner communities. SAGE provides regular blogs and free access of selected articles which help
with downloads and usage of FBR articles. In addition, we have a highly capable team of thoughtful
practitioner scholars working under the guidance of our assistant editor Karen Vinton. When an
article is accepted in FBR, this team prepares a practitioner friendly executive summary. And, for
selected articles considered particularly relevant for practitioners, a podcast is prepared as well. All
executive summaries and podcasts are posted as links alongside the article. A new ‘Research Applied
Board’ is added to FBR in 2015. Members of this board will work with Karen to disseminate FBR
published research into practitioner communities around the globe.
Occasionally, we invite practitioners to write a ‘Call for Research’ on topics they are facing in their
practice regularly but find little usable knowledge. Call for research on addiction is family firms is
available through link below:
Stay on top of the latest research published in FBR. Go to http://online.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts to register for
table of contents or subject matter alerts, and ask your colleagues and students to do the same.
Our editorial team is grateful for your support and always looking for ideas on how we can make FBR better for
your needs. Please send me your thoughts at [email protected] Thanks!