F sc'ool INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY oF HEALTH scIENCEs, MAIDAN GARHI, NEw DELHI - lr0 068 F.No.: IG/SOH StzOt s t Zy1.l Dated: 20mt January, 201 5 To, sub: call Letter for 2nd counseling - Admission to post Basic B.sc. Nursing programme, January, 2015 Session. Dear Candidate, This is in reference to the OPENNET-IYh:I9 on 17s August 2014. TheUniversity has decided to conduct centrarized counsering at IGNOU Campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 06s p"'";;il;Hffi;rtng rroga.;" runuu,i,i'is ro; the'National Merit Lisf'' The Provisional National r".rion as p€r "arirril",r rvr.rit rlriror"u"r, c.]"..li, sr, oBC, physica,y Handicapped widow (ww), Kashmiri Migran(KM) has ueen uproaaeJ {pH}, war on tt e IGNoU"ui"-go.v website ii, www.ignou.ac.rn. The 2"d counseling is scheduled to be held on the 3'0, 4n & sth^February, 2015 in the convention centre, Maidan Garhi Road, Neb Sarai Near Saket), W"* , olfilt iiO068 (Map atrached). ;HiT':T"HTffH'T;]9", fi::T'$ffi:iJfi:'ilf,:',1i*'"","tl;:,ft* Day -l: Prease keep about 2 hours additionar time ror compretion or @ate: 03d February,2015) Batch Rennrfinc Ti-- {ounseling time I1.00 a.m. t. 2.00 p.m. 201 Batch Reporting Time 4tn 9.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 02:00 p.m. 5tn 6' (Date: 05'' Februarv- National Rank 9.J0 a.m.-l 1.30 a.m. I1.30 a-m J)l ?o n ' 0l:30 p.m. 3'o -3: IGNou, Maidan Garhi, (IGNou - 04:30 rn (zu-zJ, prn (rzd-r51, counseling time National Rank Natlqfral Merit rank (50fi80l National Meriirank ES0Joor National Merit rank (601-62) p. 2O 9.30 a"m.-12.00 noon 12.00 noon-{2.00 2.30 p.m. - 04:30 I 1.30 a-m Dl_(45_74) evlot-LLIt OBCN (168-227) Please read careftrlly end note the following: a o a a a Serial No. in the provisional Merit List is your National merit rank First'categorywisecounselingwillbedoneforSC.ST apH.tolilluplherespectivequotaseatsasmentionedabove. Then' counseling will be canied out as per the National rr,lerii List till the General Category sea,, get filled. Iastly counseling will be done for OBCN Category. Reserved category candidates who want to av-ail-General category seats (because olhigher rank in the National merit list) have the option of availing counseling under Generat ;i;;. rr;;y ;pi-fb; ;ffi"i,]ir""i,.?i"i,"oer Generar caresory. they wi, roose the chance of allotment of seat under Reserved quotu. ir u no*um up undlr Naiional merit risr '1mder General category quota- it will be presumled "ut"lorvtrtuiiJrrt. *ant to avair rhJ ruerved category quota. Counseling call is not necessarily to on", io,ntrrio" ,"1"" ,"r.r. v"";"ll i;olii,uu," ,"uo. This letrer is not to be treated as your admission letter' It is specifically emphasized tlat canoiaites rno"" ofseats avairabre are being cared for counseling for General crtcgory as.weu as yT.""d ot.ggry t" lill up all dr" ,""1,. Therefore, all the candidlates called for the counseling may not necessarily get admission ""oot r"y for such a traver undertaken by "" d;"t R;;;J;;;;;;;;:*, *;h-;;# tn"iii" rr.'r"r ".Jicnou.n"iir" il?ilnsibre During tte counseling' seats will te.offered to you purely on Na_tiona-l merit list and catecory ffi:::irri$l;is,;T$JlJffi#ffifrp;;t;;;s*,"me T. TC The fee once accepted by the candidate will be final and not negotiable. studv (lfur due verification) and as per !r:l c.ot"* [ii.i"orst,ioi-c."tu* ",t"ii'"o. ,ia" ri,r once deposited shall not be refunded under any circumstances. postal.delay und iryou fail to attend counsering on the date and time stated atrove, you Pt Ty not bc considered with later batches foi iounseling/admission it-applicable. Candidate should be physically present at the time ofcounseling. r IGNoU will not be responsiblt wi' F t Kindly ensure that you bring a photocopy of all the following documents (Self Attested) along with the original Certilicates for verification of documents during counseling. Refer the following checklist for the documents to be canied by you during counseling. a) Original admit card for entrance test (which you carried and got verifred during entrance test) b) l0+2 certificate c) d) e) f) g) h) RNRM Registration Certificate ExperienceCertificate GNM Mark sheets Certificate ofdate ofbirth NOC from the organization where you are currently working Category Certiticate for SCIST/t,lon Creamy layer of OBC/PH/Kashmiri Migrant/War Widow candidates wherever required as pcr the prescribed format given in the prospectus at page No.93 & 94 i) j) k) Two (2) passport size photographs Demand draft for Rs.ls,fi[/- should be drawn in favor of IGNOU, and payable at New Delhi. Affidavit by the student and the parent for anti-ragging as per the prescribed format given in prospectus at page no.97 & 98 l) Kindly trronge dl your docunrents in the sequence mentioned above during counseling so that you will notwaste time in organizing papers Kindly note that every Certificate/document sought rbove is required to be produced for verificstion during Counseling without which no counseling would be conducted. Further the candidates will have no right to ask or claim for any further dates for counseling. Information related to years of experience, hte of birth, registration as RNRlVl, percentage of marks in GNM' as filled in the application form will bc taken as final and will be verified with original documents during counseling. In cas€ ofsny discrcpancy, your candidature will be rejected and you will not be rllowed to appear in counseling. You can avail the OBC reserved seats only if you do not fall in the crcamy layer of OBC. The OBC certificate ofnon creamy layer should not be more than 3 years old from the date of issuance till the last date of submission of Application Form. Ifyou have wrongly filled up the cast€ category in application form, change ofcategory will not be entertained. However, you can be allotted seats as per your national merit list in General Category. Reservation policy will be followed according to central list for reserved categories (Remember State list will not be considered) You have to make your own arrangement for accommodation, ifyou are require to stay. Students will b€ allowed for counseling as per their National Merit Rank only. Only the qualified cendidates having minimum two years of experience from the drte of r€gistrrtion rs RNRM up to last dete of filling up of Entrance Examination form and the csndidates presently working (in-senice) will be with allowed to participate in Counsclling. The quelified candidates who have filted the invalid / incomplete./inconect forms will not be considered for selection as mentioned in gIMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBEry in the prospectus. the For any query or clarification kindly mail on [email protected]. Please note that you will be given all information related to counseling through 9I9$$!4@!g!!@:!! only. The offer of admission is subject to the condition that you fullill the eligibility criteria prescribed for admission, end if it is discovered rt r hter stage that you ere in fact not eligible and the facts and supporting docurnents submitted by you prove to be incorrect, then your admission shall be cancelled without any notice to you in tbis regard. Pleasc elso note thet February being winter in Dethi there is a po$sibility offog during that period of time which could delay the travel time, So you should plan your travel in such a way that you reach the venue ofcounseling well in advance. You should take precautionary measures to report in time and IGNOU will not be responsible for your missed opportunity. No relaxation will be given to any candidate, in case ofany exigencies You will have to give your options for all the Programme Study Centres where seats are vacant strictly in preferential order in which (PREFEIIDNCE FORM FOR ALLOTMENT OF PSC FOR ADMISSION TO POST you are interested to take admission in the (Copy of forms enclosed Appendix A) . Do not mention the nrme of Programme (I9 2015 SESSION" JAI\UARY , BASIC B.ft. center/s where you do not want to take admission: You are required to mention the name of the Programme Study Centrc in the preference form without'**rich it will not be considered. Please note that, this option will be treated as flnal for the purpose of iounseling & allocation of centre. You are advised to bring filled in option form on the day of counseling with you (option form is enclosed Annexure-l). Any additional information related to counseling will be conveyed through e-mail [email protected] as mentioned in handbook and prospectus in addition to being displayed in the IGNOU website. Thereforc you must check your mail and the IGNOII website regularly. & practical contact sessions is compulsory. Kindly refer the points to be considered before selecting a Programme Study Center as mentioned in Preference Proforma at Annexure-I. For any further clarification please contact through e-mail only as mentioned above [email protected] or through phone 011-29572846. Kindly mait your email id , name and enrolment number to [email protected],in for future communication and check your email Please keep in mind that the attendance in theory counseling regularly. Any dispute related to Counseling will be decided by the Counseling Committee. With best wishes, Yours Sincerely, 1"4 Director, SOHS I fr. FA Str , Prof. Pity Koul Fl?m (er.R.fq.) , Diredor (soHS) {.2., T{ Rffi ' TGNOU, New Dcrhi
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