Week commencing 19/01/15 (information correct at (16/01/15) last used ID 364 Please find below information about works which are needed to extend Nottingham’s tram system to Clifton and Chilwell. These are works which are currently under way or are planned to start in the next six weeks, and this information indicates the likely timescales involved. Please be aware that, as with any major construction scheme of this scale and nature, the dates may be subject to change. Items shown in red bold indicate new or updated works. Items shown in black bold indicate works which are due to start within two weeks of the production of this document. Works which have a line struck through them have either been recently completed or need to be rescheduled to start at a later date. If you view this document in an electronic word format, you can click on the text in the site/location section and go through to a Google Street View image that shows the location of the works. You can also download a copy of any leaflets which have been produced for each set of works by clicking on the links in the community liaison and communications issues section. If you need any further information about any of the works detailed below, please call the NET Phase Two hotline on: (0115) 924 24 54 or email: [email protected] For information about the extension of Nottingham’s tram system visit: www.thetram.net/phasetwo Page 1 of 13 ID no Area Site/ location Planned work dates/times ID no Area Site/ location Planned work dates/times 346 B1 Sheriffs Way / Meadows Way junction 30/03/2014 on-going Finishing works No direct access for Meadows-bound traffic from Sheriffs Way (north) at the Meadows Way junction. No direct access for city-bound traffic out of The Meadows onto Sheriffs Way (south) at the Meadows Way junction. Traffic instead diverted via Arkwright Street / Meadows Way / Sheriffs Way (and vice versa) 159 B2 Waterway Street West opposite Queen’s Bridge Road 26/01/2015 28/02/2015 Junction reconfiguration works Lane one closed on Sheriffs Way outbound and inbound and lane one closed on Crocus Street outbound 300 B2 Meadows Way between Kinglake Place and Saffron Gardens 30/03/2014 on-going Finishing works Traffic entering this section of Meadows Way will be controlled by a one-way inbound system from Saffron Gardens with localised diversion. Right turn only into and out of side roads in this section of Meadows Way Date-linked activity breakdown Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues Date TBC Traffic reintroduced in both directions from Sheriffs Way and the police station 21/01/2015 Page 2 of 13 Leaflet sent ID no Area Site/ location 16 B3 Enterprise Way Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown 27/05/2013 on-going Finishing works Enterprise Way various traffic restrictions 26/01/2015 for one night 20.00 to 04.00 Surfacing works Lane restrictions within NG2 Queen’s Drive 52 C1 ID no Area Queen’s Walk Site/ location Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues Community Liaison Officer has informed local businesses along Enterprise Way about the works New traffic lights at junction of Queen’s Drive / Enterprise Way completed; minor paving works on-going on Queen’s Drive 20/05/2013 on-going Finishing works Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown Page 3 of 13 Leaflet sent out advising local residents of all the different utility works which are needed on Queen’s Walk and the length of time that all the works will take Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues ID no Area 321 B5 Site/ location Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown 14/12/2014 Clayton Canal Bridge Lenton Lane Railway Bridge to Easter Park junction 02/09/2014 on-going 01/02/2015 01/03/2015 Traffic management arrangements Lenton Lane / Easter Park & Willow Road junctions temporary traffic lights removed Full construction works Manhole construction works and resurfacing Page 4 of 13 Closure of Gregory Street from the Auction House junction to Red Cow pub. Traffic access to Auction House, Trevithick Boatyard and Clayton’s Drive will be via A52 Lenton Lane over Clayton’s Canal Bridge. The closure of this section will commence once Clayton’s Canal Bridge is open. Closure from the railway bridge to Easter Park junction; traffic will enter and exit Lenton Lane via Abbey Bridge then Gregory Street Community liaison and communications issues Leaflet sent Leaflet sent ID no Area 87 B6 P4 162 B8 310 B8 Site/ location Abbey Bridge / Abbey Street / Gregory Street junction Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements 21/08/2014 on-going OLE foundations works Gregory Street footway diverted to Old Church Street then Priory Street onto Abbey Bridge and vice versa 19/10/2014 on-going Junction works Closure of Old Church Street to Gregory Street junction; traffic diverted onto Priory Street then onto a new cutthrough to Old Church Street; new parking restrictions within this area 16/01/2015 18/01/2015 Surfacing works Temporary traffic lights from White Hart to Priory Street Priory Street 19/01/2015 07/02/2015 Side road entry works to install a speed plateau Science Road, in the grounds of the university East Drive junction 22/04/2013 on-going Finishing works Closure of Priory Street junction leading to Abbey Street; traffic diverted through Old Church Street Science Road opened from East Drive leading to the junction of A52 Junction of East Drive Finishing works Page 5 of 13 Community liaison and communications issues .Leaflet sent. CLO to liaise with University of Nottingham ID no Area 179 B9 345 B9 Site/ location University Boulevard, between junction of East Drive and Queen’s Road East roundabout University Boulevard, between junction of East Drive and Queen’s Road East roundabout Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements 15/09/2013 on-going Finishing works 20mph speed restriction and closure of Jesse Boot Avenue from University Boulevard junction. Access to Nottingham Tennis Centre and Highfields Science Park via service road. 05/01/2015 on-going Finishing works and loop cutting works Various lane restrictions inbound and outbound on University Boulevard 13/01/2015 from 20.00 to 05.00 Surfacing works Lane two closed inbound at the hockey club 21/01/2015 22/01/2015 20.00 to 05.00 each night 17/03/2014 on-going Surfacing works Lane one closed outbound from East Drive to tennis centre Installation of new drainage within the footway from the tennis centre to Queen’s Road East Pedestrians diverted onto the footway westbound from the pedestrian crossing at the tennis centre with a crossing point near to the hockey club and crossing point near to the T-junction Page 6 of 13 Community liaison and communications issues ID no Area 239 B10 ID no Area 252 B11 297 B11 314 B11 Site/ location Queen’s Road East Island, between Lower Road and Queen’s Road East Site/ location Lower Road from the junction of Albert Road to Queen’s Road Island Fletcher Road and Lower Road Humber Road / Fletcher Road junction Planned work dates/times Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements 18/01/2014 on-going Junction finishing works Off-peak lane restriction on University Boulevard and Queen’s Road East inbound and outbound leading to and from the T-junction. Temporary traffic lights to control the T-junction 10/01/2015 08.00 to 08.30 OLE cabling works Left turn filter lane closed from University Boulevard outbound onto Queen’s Road East; traffic diverted to west entrance island Planned work dates/times 25/03/2013 on-going Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Finishing works Various traffic restrictions 23/09/2013 on-going Finishing works Various traffic restrictions 04/11/2013 on-going Full construction works Humber Road through access closed at Fletcher Road and Middle Street junction; no access and exit onto Fletcher Road; access and exit from Albert Road. Traffic can still access Middle Street from Broadgate Page 7 of 13 Community liaison and communications issues Leaflet sent Community liaison and communications issues Leaflet sent ID no Area 285 B12 324 B12 209 B12 335 B12 Site/ location Middle Street, between Station Road with the junction of Humber Road leading to Regent Street Union Street junction with Middle Street Willoughby Street Styring Street Chilwell Road between Devonshire Avenue and Foster Avenue Planned work dates/times 19/12/2014 19/01/2015 22/01/2015 from 22.00 to 05.00 each night Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Finishing works Station Road junction reopened under new configuration and signals OLE cabling works Station Road / Middle street junction closed eastbound leading to Regent Street and Humber Road closed to Middle Street westbound; access maintained for residents and shops Traffic light to control the junction of Middle Street and Union Street 09/12/2013 on-going Finishing works Willoughby Street with the junction of Middle Street; to exit Willoughby Street is through the gap then onto High Road May 2013 on-going Finishing works Styring Street closed to buses from Middle Street. Access maintained to apartments 26/07/2014 on-going Finishing works Footway from Beeston Square to the bus station will be diverted while this work is ongoing 10/08/2014 on-going Finishing works Chilwell Road closed between Devonshire Avenue and Foster Avenue. Traffic to use Middle Street and Station Road to access Commercial Avenue, then Foster Avenue (and vice versa) Page 8 of 13 Community liaison and communications issues ID no Area 286 B13 ID no 350 Area Site/ location Chilwell High Road – police station to Ellis Grove Planned work dates/times 19/11/2014 Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Finishing works Chilwell Road open to traffic from Beeston and Chilwell; Wilmot Lane Car Park opened Chilwell High Road to Station Road junction 26/01/2015 28/01/2015 20.00 to 05.00 OLE cabling works Various traffic restrictions Devonshire Avenue 24/11/2014 On-going New construction of traffic islands Closure of Devonshire Avenue with the junction of Middle Street; traffic diverted locally Site/ location B14 Cator Lane B14 Bramcote Lane Planned work dates/times On-going Finishing works Pedestrian crossing 15/08/2014 on-going Service diversion works and surfacing works Closure of footway and a pedestrian crossing provided Date-linked activity breakdown Page 9 of 13 Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues Community liaison and communications issues ID no Area 9 B16 Site/ location Planned work dates/times Toton Lane at Bardill’s Island 14/01/2015 16/01/2015 22/01/2015 23/01/2015 05/01/2015 31/01/2015 ID no Area 56 C2 Site/ location Wilford Toll Bridge Planned work dates/times 31/07/2012 on-going Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Phase 4 highway works One lane running northbound on new carriageway and one lane southbound on new carriageway. No right turn out of George Spencer School access. Complete surfacing works to Toton Lane and tie-in to Bardill’s roundabout. Antiskid, lining and signalling works Full closure of Toton Lane leading to Stapleford Lane and lane closures at Bardill’s Roundabout and A52 night time only (20:00 to 06:00 hrs). Traffic diverted along A52 eastbound then onto Bostock’s Lane, Longmoor Road, Petersham Road, Derby Road, Nottingham Road Finishing works Lane restrictions around Bardill’s Island eastbound and westbound Date-linked activity breakdown Finishing works Page 10 of 13 Traffic management arrangements Bridge narrowed but open for use Community liaison and communications issues Leaflet created Community liaison and communications issues Site/ location Planned work dates/times Traffic management arrangements Community liaison and communications issues Finishing works Permanent closure of Main Road from its junction with Coronation Avenue to Wilford Toll Bridge CLO speaking to rugby club and pub 30/07/2012 on-going Finishing works Offline TBC Surfacing and lining Full closure on Coronation Avenue at the junction of Main Road. Access maintained to Ferry Inn ID no Area 132 C2 Main Road (from junction of Coronation Avenue to Wilford Toll Bridge) 13/08/2012 on-going 127 C2 Coronation Avenue by railway embankment Date-linked activity breakdown 161 C3 Former railway embankment between Wilford Lane and Ruddington Lane 13/08/2012 on-going Finishing works Works within the boundary 361 C3 17/01/2015 18/01/2015 Surfacing works Temporary traffic lights within the junction 364 C3 Ruddington Nottingham South Industrial Park Ruddington Lane / Fieldway junction 19/01/2015 25/01/2015 Table top finishing works Temporary traffic lights within the junction Page 11 of 13 Site/ location ID no Area 146 C4 Fairham Brook 207 C5 Silverdale Walk footway 286 C5/ C6 Planned work dates/times 20/08/2012 on-going Date-linked activity breakdown Traffic management arrangements Finishing works Works within the boundary 08/10/2012 on-going Finishing works Footway closed; diversion will be in place Southchurch Drive between Farnborough Road and Rivergreen On-going days and nights Overhead pole foundations and line works Pedestrian management through work area 18/02/2014 on-going Finishing works Traffic switched on Farnborough Road with signal control and Brooksby Lane closed 23/02/2014 Southchurch Drive / Rivergreen junction to Swansdowne Drive 30/06/2014 on-going Finishing works Temporary traffic lights on Southchurch Drive Varney Road 19/01/2015 31/01/2015 Table top finishing works Closure of Varney Road junction to and from Southchurch Drive, with localised diversion Rivergreen junction Date TBC 02/02/2015 for one week Table top finishing works Closure of Rivergreen junction to and from Southchurch Drive, with localised diversion; work to follow on from Varney Road Page 12 of 13 Community liaison and communications issues ID no Area 330 C7 Site/ location Southchurch Drive / Green Lane Island to Whitegate Vale Planned work dates/times 21/08/2014 on-going Date-linked activity breakdown New road layout at Green Lane / Southchurch Drive junction Traffic management arrangements Multi-phase traffic lights at Green Lane junction Northbound traffic reintroduced to Southchurch Drive from Green lane to Dungannon one way and southbound traffic reintroduced from Holy Trinity to Whitegate Vale one way 06/01/2015 212 C8 Holy Trinity shops 09/09/2014 on-going Finishing works 322 C8 Holy Trinity to Summerwood Lane 02/03/2014 on-going Construction and utilities diversion works One-way system in place on Farnborough Road South. Access only to residents; access road onto Farnborough Road closed 14/10/2014 on-going Full construction works Closure of Summerwood Lane at its junction with Farnborough Road, with localised diversion 16/07/2012 on-going Construction of the park and ride Works offline. No impact on highway 113 C9 Clifton Park and Ride site Community liaison and communications issues Bus companies aware of works CLO has liaised with Lark Hill residents and made them aware Leaflet sent Page 13 of 13
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