The Messenger The monthly newsletter of First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park February 2015 Words from our Pastor Hi, Church Family, This is a very important year for our church. We are recapturing some of the vibrancy from the past and embracing a fresh new start. Please pray for the success of our church in 2015. Many thanks, Rev. Ice Chili Cook -off & Family Game Night Saturday, February 14 t h , 5:30 pm Enter your favorite recipe for a $10 application fee. Half of the total amount collected will be the winner’s prize . The other half will be donated to the church budg et fund. Call Ryllis at 546-5741; or call Loretta at 637-3534 in the evening. Cost for Non-Competitors: $5.00 covers your dinner, chili tasting, and voting. (Entrants eat for free) Then, stay for an evening of fun and ga mes. Start cleaning out your closets and garage. Set some good stuff aside to bring as donations for UMW’s Spring Trash to Treasures Sale: Saturday, March 14th. See Virginia Mulligan or Cheryl Vannatta if you have questions. Details will be given in the March issue of The Messenger. In this issue: Trustees Report; Outdoor Toys Needed for KCC; UMW Invitation to all Ladies; .............................................................................2 February Reminders; Birthdays; Humorous Reading; Scouts; Meetings .......................................... 3 February Mission Boxes 02/01 02/08 Boys’ and Girls’ Chrysalis Church Family Assistance 02/15 02/22 Faith Promise Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Church Calendar .......................................... 4 Preparing for a Joyous Easter; Youth News ................................................... 5 Compassion Ministries 2014 Report; Ou r Mi s sio n : “G o a nd mak e d is c i pl e s … b ap t i zi n g th e m i n t he na m e of th e Fa th er a n d of t h e S on a n d of t h e H oly S p iri t, an d te ac hi n g th e m t o ob ey ev er y t h i ng I h av e c o m ma n de d y o u . ” -- Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) World Service Fund ..................................... 6 Circle Projects: You Can Help! Minister Appreciation (by Rolaine) ....... 7 Church Contact Information .................... 8 A special Invitation to all ladies of FUMC! Come to a special program Saturday, March 28th, 2015, 11:00 am: “Love Never Fails” We are honored to have author Laine Rowe to share her true -life tale of survival and triumph in a story that will warm your heart and leave you smiling. With the unconditional love and four-footed support of her beloved pet Ginger, their lives unfold together in an amazing journey through cancer, unspeakable loss, and the promise of life ever after. Laine will have a book signing after the program. To make your lunch reservations, call June Anderson, 727-544-4558. Cost: $6.00 Reservation deadline: March 20th. KID’S CHRISTIAN CARE T R US T EES R EPO R T Calling all yard sale fans! New and old items were discussed at the January meeting. We had a roofing contractor inform us on what he could do with the Fellowship Hall roof. Kids Christian Care needs outside playground toys, especially riding toys like tricycles, scooters, Big Wheels, and pedal cars. They can also use playhouses, wagons, Li’l Tykes basketball hoops, and sand toys. Group and class leaders, here are two small things that you could do which would be a big help to the church: When finished in your area, please make sure that the trash is removed. Also, please check the A/C filter, if there is one in your area, and let a trustee know if it needs replaced. These can often be found at garage sales, thrift shops or maybe in your own garage! We truly appreciate your continued support of our pre-school ministry. CHURCH MEMBERS work day will be Saturday, February 7th, 9 a.m. - Besty Larson, KCC Board Chair - Bob Blake for the Trustees Committee Last Chance for church directory photos: February 2 nd, 3 rd , & 4 th If you still need an appointment, call me and we’ll try to fit you in. If you have made an appointment and cannot keep it, please call me as we may be able to fill your time with someone else. Thank you for your good response for a nice, new church directory! - Connie Vannatta , 544-4252 The Messenger Page 2 February 2015 Reminders Youth Luncheon (Subs): Sun., Feb. 1 st , after Worship Mon., Feb. 16th – 24th Sat., Feb. 14th Wed., Feb. 18th “I Love a Good Book!” You definitely won’t get bored with the one donated book that has been cataloged and added to the Library. For now, you will find it on the “Special” shelf. This Guidepost book was written by Patsy Clairmont, a popular and gifted Christian speaker and author who has a lot of humor. The book is written in three parts: “God Uses Cracked Pots” consists of 61 very short stories, each of which ends with a cute, relevant question or phrase; “Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer” has 32 short stories, and includes some poetry; “Under His Wings” has introductory material followed by three sections: “Hiding”; “Hurting”; and “Healing”. I have a confession to share with you! I am not able to pray the alphabet. I had trouble coming up with words for some of the alphabet letters. Hopefully someone else tried it successfully. I shall continue to send “thank-you” prayers to God each day. Hopefully, we will meet here next month. - Pinky B o y S c o u t M e e t in g s : Mo n d a ys , 6 : 3 0 p m C u b S c o u t M e e t in g s : Th u r s d a ys , 6 : 4 5 p m L o c a t io n : F U MC P P Contact: Joel Putnam, 321-377-8845 The Girl Scouts are into “Cookie Season”! Anyone wishing to support our troop and purchase cookies is appreciated! We will keep an order form in Fellowship Hall. We have groups completing their silver awards and bronze awards and the girls have been working hard with service unit events. Please remember that we collect your recycling items on Tuesday nights! Thanks! - Colleen Kokemohr, Troop 53 th th 2015 Lay Servant Classes: February 28 & March 7 , Spring Hill UMC “Basic” Course, “Leading in Worship” Course; Possibly others Prayers for Church/ Prayer Walking: Sat., Feb. 7 th , 9:30 – 10:30 am, E-2 Church Work Day: Sat., Feb. 7th , 9:00 – noon Boy Scout Sunday: Sun., Feb. 8 th Chili Cook-off & Family Night: Sat., Feb. 14th, 5:30 Coming up in March Trash to Treasures Sale: Sat., March 14th 02/01 Robert Mulligan Sandra Acquaviva Austin Christie 02/02 Lucian Astuto 02/04 Billy Miller 02/08 Larry Poling 02/10 David Weaver 02/11 William Chandler 02/14 02/16 02/17 02/18 Darlene Williams Bill Dawson Carrie Esposito Tara Boyer Isaiah McMillon 02/22 Jeffrey Anderson 02/23 Kay Dowd Nelda Miller 02/24 Sue Blake 02/26 Linda Butler Check with Janice Todd if you have questions. PLANNING MEETINGS Staff-Parish Relations: Monday, February 2 nd , 7:00 pm, Lib. Finance: Tuesday, February 10 th , 6:00 pm, E-4 Tentative Trustees: Tuesday, February 10 th , 7:00 pm, E-2 Tentative The Messenger Page 3 February 2015 February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 4 5 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 12:00pm Youth Brunch (FH) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) E4) 5:00pm-8:50 LifeTouch Photos 1:30pm-8:20 LifeTouch Photos (PAR) (PAR) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 7:00pm Staff/Pastor Parish Rel. (LIB) 201/207) 7:00pm Cub Scouts Committee Meeting (E4) 5:30pm Dinner (FH) 10:30am-5:00pm LifeTouch Photos (PAR) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:00pm Youth (AH) 6:30pm Study of Daniel (E2) 6:30pm Bible Study w/Pastor (E4) 6:30pm Youth Praise 7:15pm Youth Confirmation Class 7:30pm Praise Team 10:00am UMW Executive 6:00pm Chrysalis Preview Committee Mtg. (E2) 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Handbell Reh. (PAR) 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 7:30pm Choir Reh. 12:01am Chrysalis Preview 9:00am Church/Trustees Workday 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 9:30am Prayer Walking (Breezeway) 8 9 10 11 12 14 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 6:00pm Finance (E4) Tentative 7:00pm Trustees (E2) Tentative 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm (E4) 7:15pm Class 7:30pm Dinner (FH) GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) Youth Praise Study of Daniel (E2) Bible Study w/Pastor Youth Confirmation 13 7 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) 5:30pm Chili Cookoff (FH/Kit) 11:00am Elizabeth CircleLunch @ Pazza 1:00pm Naomi Circle 6:00pm Chapel Chicks 6:30pm Cub Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 6:30pm Rejoice! (PAR) 7:30pm Choir Reh. Praise Team 15 16 17 18 19 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 12:00pm Pot Luck Luncheon (FH) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 7:00pm Ruth Circle 5:30pm Dinner (FH) 5:45pm GS Troop 431 6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service (Sanc) 7:15pm Youth Confirmation Class 7:30pm Praise Team 6:00pm 6:30pm E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm 22 23 24 25 26 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Chancel Choir Reh. (PAR) 10:30am Worship (Sanc) 11:15am Praise Kids (PAR) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (E2/E3, E4) 9:30am Ladies' Bible Study (E2) 5:30pm GS Troop 500 (Rm 201/207) 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm (E4) 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:15pm Class 7:30pm The Messenger 6 Saturday Dinner (FH) GS Troop 431 Youth (AH) Bible Study w/Pastor 6:00pm 6:30pm E4) 6:30pm 7:30pm 20 Handbell Reh. (PAR) Choir Reh. 27 Chapel Chicks Cub Scouts (E2/E3, 21 7:30am VdC Leaders (E2/E3, UPS, FH/KIT/PAR/LIB, E4) 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) Chapel Chicks Cub Scouts (E2/E3, 28 9:00am Thrift Store (TS) Rejoice! (PAR) Choir Reh. Study of Daniel (E2) Youth Praise Youth Confirmation Praise Team Page 4 February 2015 MUSIC MINSTRY Time flies in the FUMC music world! Just as soon as we finish rehearsals and present our Christmas cantata, we begin working on our Easter music. This Easter we will be singing “The Easter Story” by Tom Fettke. Using a combination of original melodies and English, Hebrew and Irish folk songs, the cantata brings the message of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection to us in a new and beautiful choral setting. We would love to have you join us for the cantata! Plenty of seats in all vocal sections; no need to read music! Each choir member will receive a copy of the cantata CD that plays his/her vocal part which makes it easy to learn one’s part. How easy is it to practice between choir practice sessions? Just listen (and maybe sing along) while driving to the store, work and church, or doing chores around the house. Our rehearsals are on Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the parlor. Come and help us make a joyful noise! - In His Service, Betsy Larson, Adult Music Director Super Bowl Subs! On Sunday, February 1st, the youth will be preparing subs for you to either eat at church or take home to enjoy during the Super Bowl game. Loretta Wilcox, Youth Director Summer Mission Trip We have been discussing possible mission sites. Please pray for us as we choose so that we go where we are most needed. The choices are: Chicken Caesar Sub, Ham, Turkey, Tuna & Cheese, or any combination. Order forms have been placed in Sunday bulletins Cost: $6.50 ($1 extra for double meat). Advance orders are very much appreciated. We will have extras available in case they’re needed. Third Annual Youth for Missions Golf Tournament Confirmation Class Confirmation Classes with Pastor Jeffrey begin Wednesday, February 4 th (7:15 - 8pm) and Sunday, February 7 th (for 45 minutes after the service). Largo Municipal Golf Course Date & Time to be announced The classes will last 6 weeks. The youth will be confirmed on Palm Sunday with a reception after the service. There will also be a Confirmation Retreat February 20 t h & 21 s t at Warren Willis Camp. The only cost for these classe s will be $50 for the retreat. Please see Loretta if you are interested in joining these classes. The Messenger We will be looking for sponsors, so please talk to your employers, doctors and friends about sponsoring and having an ad in our directory Prices start at $25. Brochures are available in the Narthex and in the office. Also start asking your friends about putting a team together to play. Page 5 February 2015 COMPASSION MINISTRIES December Can Cupboard Report Th ri f t S to re The Can Cupboard provided food for 107 families (317 individuals). The breakdown by age was as follows: Open Saturdays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Adults ......................................... 214 Children ages 0 – 4 years old ......... 12 Children ages 5 – 12 years old ........ 71 Teens ............................................ 20 Volunteer Needs The Thrift Store is a great place to give in service. You could act as a cashier or help sort, price, or stock merchandise. Have fun while donating an hour or more of your time as you wish. The number of distributions through our Christmas projects was as follows: Christmas Food Baskets .................... 29 Call Cheryl Vannatta: 544-4252. Children receiving Wish Tree Gifts ..... 66 COMPASSION MINISTRIES: YEAR 2014 Can Cupboard # of Families Served: Individuals: Thrift Store 1,212 3,369 Special Can Cupboard Programs: Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets: 30 Christmas Dinner Baskets: 29 Wish Tree: 66 Children/Gifts N o te to N e w s lette r Co nt ri buto r s : Customers: 1,329 Vouchers: Total Sales: 69 $7,654.07 th Mar ch Me ss e nger d e ad l in e: Sun day , Feb rua r y 1 5 . APPORTIONED FUNDS: WORLD SERVICE FUND Perhaps ministry today is not just about the now but is also about the next. World Service is, indeed, about both the now and the next. Basic to the financial program of The United Methodist Church, this vital fund helps to build new churches, prepare clergy and lay leaders, increase the number of young clergy, pay missionary salaries, expand Bible studies, provide leadership for youth ministry, continue a proud tradition of cooperation and dialogue with other faith traditions through interdenominational and ecumenical work, express the church’s commitment to God’s reign through advocacy for peace and justice and much more. World Service is the financial lifeline to a long list of Christian mission and ministry throughout the denomination. * Quoted from: The United Methodist Church Handbook—Let’s go Fishing Good news! FUMC was able to pay 85% of our 2014 conference obligations. Our goal for 2015: 100%. This month, our attention is directed towards the World Service Fund. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. - Bill Vannatta, Interpreter for Connectional Giving The Messenger Page 6 February 2015 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Naomi Circle Project UMW Dates to Note 02/05 (Thurs.): Executive Committee Meeting, 10:00 am, E-2 02/12 (Thurs.) Elizabeth Circle, 11:00 am Meet at Pazza Bistro for Valentine celebration Naomi Circle, 1:00 pm, Library 02/17 (Tues.): Ruth Circle, 7:00 pm, Home of Eileen Sikes 8390 – 59th Lane, Pinellas Park Phone: 544-1183 02/19 (Thurs.) Naomi Circle, 12:00 pm at THEM The Square Plate Restaurant PLEASE, DON’T Lunch THROW AWAY. “LOOK” FOR LABELS FOR EDUCATION. WHY ?? BECAUSE THESE LABELS CAN HELP THOSE IN NEED! THE ELIZABETH CIRCLE MADE THIS OUR YEARLY OUTREACH PROJECT. Last month, The Messenger ran a “thank you” letter from the Principal, as well as the Family & Community Liaison, of Pinellas Park Elementary School for a school supply and award project sponsored by Naomi Circle. The circle provided small award-type items for the teachers to give to their students. Naomi members plan to continue this work. If you would like to know more about this project, or would like to assist the circle members in their efforts, contact Naomi Circle Leader Peg Irey. DITTY BAGS! We are beginning the 2015 Ditty Bag project. Each month, we will collect a specific type of item that will be needed for the Ditty Bags. For February, our item is: SOAP! More information is coming about a “new” closer-to-home place of need. Please leave your donations in the basket provided in the Narthex. A SMALL WAY THAT EACH OF US CAN HELP IN A BIG WAY. Thanks! **Drop off your labels in the container above the Communications Center in Fellowship Hall ** - Joan Kennison for the Elizabeth Circle - June Anderson for the Ruth Circle and UMW MINISTER APPRECIATION By Rolaine Little A note from The Messenger: The church office staff and volunteers wish to share this wonderful poem with you. The Messenger Pastor Jeff Ice in a very short time Has “turned” our ebbing financial tide Stopping the “loss” of members in his stride. On “cooperation” he has relied And this he’s had – it cannot be denied. Bulletins & Messenger planned with pride. Church members have been invited inside The “Parsonage” – the home where he resides. Visions for our future have been devised With him -- strong volunteers -- and God as our guide. Page 7 February 2015 First United Methodist Church of Pinellas Park 9025 49th Street N., Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Phone: (727) 546-5741 fm ethod 1 @ t am pab a y. r r .c om See us: Send us Mail: Like us: Follow us:!/FUMC_PPark Church Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Wednesday: 2:00 – 5:30 PM Pastor Jeffrey Ice (for appointments) (Parsonage) 544-3472 [email protected] Church Office 546-5741 Admin. Ass’t: Janice Todd, x22 [email protected] Secretary: Pat Thomas, x23 [email protected] Financial Secr’y: Ryllis Chandler, x26 [email protected] The Messenger: Joyce Bernotas, x27 [email protected] Member Care Janice Todd, x22 [email protected] Trustees Bob Blake 536-2161 [email protected] Staff-Parish Relations Ron Bruce 727-729-2586 [email protected] Prayer Ministries Prayer Chain: Bev Mixson 573-3743 Dial-A-Prayer Devotional 548-7448 Coordinator: TBA Prayer Visits: Karen Emerson 727-392-8368 [email protected] Media Marketing Website: Janice Todd [email protected] Facebook and Twitter: Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 [email protected] Adult Music Director/Organist Betsy Larson 546-5741 x27 [email protected] Library Pinky Reichert 576-7837 [email protected] Children and Youth Music Director Jordana Clark 546-5741 x27 [email protected] United Methodist Women Dorothy (Dotty) Thompson 544-1539 Children’s Activities Church Office 546-5741 Scouting Ministries Boy Scouts: Joel Putnam 321-377-8845 Girl Scouts: Linda Sowell 510-4796 Youth Ministry Loretta Wilcox 546-5741 After 5:00 pm: 637-3534 [email protected] Finance and Stewardship Committee Pat Smith 459-4960 Kids Christian Care Office 541-6502 Pre-School Director: Barbie Grigsby [email protected] Board Chair: Betsy Larson 546-5741 Ministry Council Chair Mark Linneman 541-6048 [email protected] Missions Ministry Michelle Sherman 727-226-2198 [email protected] Passionate Worship Carmen Lawrence 686-3077 [email protected] Men’s Fellowship Richard Dishman 545-0313 Compassion Ministries Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Fellowship Meals/Can Cupboard Virginia Mulligan 546-5741 x29 Thrift Store Manager: Cheryl Vannatta 544-4252 Transportation Ministry Richard Dishman 545-0313 Invitational Evangelism Rhonda Smith 530-3194 [email protected] Nancy Kragh 397-8119 [email protected] February 2015
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