Effect of Interleukin-lp Converting Enzyme Inhibitor on Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Progenitor Proliferation By Zeev Estrov, Roy A. Black, Paul R. Sleath, David Harris, Quin Van, Ruth LaPushin, Elihu H. Estey, and Moshe Talpaz Interleukin-1P (IL-IP) converting enzyme (ICE) is a cysteine protease that specifically cleaves precursor IL-1p to itsbiologically active form. Recent studies have also implicated apoptosis in vertebrate cells. Because ICE in the induction of !L-l plays a major role in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) blast proliferation, we sought t o investigate the effect of ICE inhibition on AML progenitors. To do this, we used bocaspartyl (benzyl) chloromethylketone (BACMKI an inhibitor designed t o penetrate cells and bind covalently to theactive site ofICE. Our preliminary experiments showed thatincubation of activated peripheral blood cells with 2.5 pmol/L of BAMCK downregulated production of matureIL-lp but had no effect on tumor necrosis factor-&. To test the effects of the inhibitor onAML cells, we firstused the OCI/AML3 cell line. We found that these cells produce IL-1p and bind the biotinylated cytokine and that IL-l inhibitors, such as IL-l neutralizing antibodies, IL-l receptor antagonist, and soluble IL-l receptors, specifically inhibit OCI/AML3 proliferation, indicating that IL-Ip isan autocrine growth factor for OCI/ AMW cells. The ICE inhibitor suppressed OCI/AMW growth in a dose-dependent manner (at 0.4 t o 4 pmol/L) and downregulated mature IL-lp production, as assessedby Western immunoblotting. Similar results wereobtained with marrow aspirates from 16 AMLpatients. The ICE inhibitor suppressed proliferation ofAML precursors (by up t o 78%; mean, 44%) in a dose-dependent fashion at concentrations ranging from0.4 t o 5 pmol/L but not proliferationof normal marrow progenitors; the suppressive effect was reversed by IL-Ip. Furthermore, incubation of AML cells with 4 pmol/ L BAMCK downregulated the production of mature IL-Ip, suggesting that the growth-inhibitory effect is mediated through suppression of thebiologically active cytokine. Our data indicate that inhibition of ICE suppresses AML blast proliferation andsuggest that ICE inhibitors mayhave a role in futuretherapies for AML. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. A tivities, IL- lp is the predominant secreted form of IL- 1, and the amount of IL-10 mRNA found in activated cells is usually 10- to 50-fold greater than that of IL-la." The protein products of both the IL-la and IL-Ip genes are 3 I - k D precursor (pro) forms. Pro-IL-la is biologically active and binds to IL- 1R without further processing, whereas IL-10 must first be processed from its inactive cytoplasmic precursor to an active 17.5-kD form.Ix Pro-IL-Ip is cleaved to its mature form by a unique cell-associated cysteine protease termed IL-10 converting enzyme (ICE)."-" Selective inhibition of this enzyme blocks production of mature IL-lp,22 offering a potentmeans for inhibition of IL-1 and hence suppression of AML Proliferation. However, surprisingly, ICE was recently reported to induce programmed cell death in various cellular suggesting that ICE also serves as a human cell-suicide gene. These observations prompted us to investigate the effect of ICE inhibition on AML progenitor growth. We used an ICE inhibitor, boc-aspartyl (benzyl) chloromethylketone (BACMK), which is designed to penetrate cells, covalently bind to the active site of ICE, and form an irreversible complex that inactivates its enzymatic activity.26We found that the ICE inhibitor downregulated production of mature ILIO and suppressed the proliferation of both the OCUAML3 myeloid leukemia cell line and freshleukemic BM cells from AML patients. CUTE MYELOGENOUS leukemia (AML) is a clonal hematologic malignancy characterized by abnormal proliferation of myeloid leukemia cells.' In recent years, extensive research has shown that, similar to normalhematopoietic precursors, AML progenitors respond to hematopoietic growth factors, produced by thebonemarrow (BM) stroma, accessory cells, or the leukemic cells themselves.'"' One of these factors, interleukin-l (IL-l), is a polypeptide hormone that possesses a wide spectrum of biologic activities. We and othersI4"' have found that IL-1 plays a major role in stimulating the proliferation of AML progenitor cells by modulating autocrine and paracrine growth-stimulating pathway^.'".'^.'^ Therefore, the inhibition of IL-l activity either by blocking the interaction of this cytokine with its cellular receptor or by neutralizing IL-1 has been hypothesized to suppress the proliferation of leukemic cells. Indeed, specific IL-l inhibitors such as IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA) and soluble IL-l receptors (sIL-1R) potently inhibit the growth of AML progenitors in vitro.14"' Recently, a novel strategy for inhibiting IL-I by suppressing its synthesis became available. Although the two distinct forms of IL- I , IL-la and IL-l/?, share identical ac- From the Departments of Bioimmunotherapy and Hematology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, m;and Immunex Corp, Seattle, WA. Submitted April 27, 1995; accepted August 8, 1995. Supported in part by National Cancer Institute Grant No. POI CA 55164. Address reprint requests to Zeev Estrov, MD, Departmentof Bioimmunotherapy, Box 302, U.T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030. The publication costsof this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with I8 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 I995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8612-0034$3.00/0 4594 MATERIALSANDMETHODS ICE inhibitor. BACMK was synthesized as previously described," starting with boc(henzy1)-asparticacid. BACMK was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma Chemical co, St Louis, MO) and further diluted in culture medium so that the final concentration of DMSO would not exceed 0.1%. Cell lines. The OCI/AML3 cell line, originally established from an AML patient's sample? was kindly provided by M.D. Minden (Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). The cells were maintained in RPMI-1640 (GIBCO, Grand Island, NY) culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS; Flow LaboraBlood, Vol 86, No 12 (December 15). 1995: pp 4594-4602 M M M M M M M 4595 EFFECT OF ICE INHIBITOR ON AML CELLS Table 1. Clinical Data on AML Patients Patient No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Age (yr)/Sex Cytogenetic Abnormality Misc 65F -5,-7 Misc Dip,-Y t(15;17) Misc Misc Dip,-Y -5,-7 5lM 39lF 67lM 75lF 7 54lM 39lF 57lM Dip,-Y -5,-7 Misc Dip,-Y -5,-7 i 8 Dip,-Y FAB Category (g/dL) W BC (XlOB/L) M2 MO M2 MI M3 M2 10.0 9.7 8.5 6.8 11.1 9.5 2.8 1.3 29.6 99.4 17.2 89.7 58 49 18 19 25 808 MI M4 MO M5 MO M2 MI MI M 5 81 MI 9.5 10.1 7.9 8.9 4.7 8.5 9.4 8.0 10.6 8.5 62.4 28.6 42.0 67.1 32.0 29.6 2.7 11.0 77 61.9 123.4 64 60 91 Hb 71 Platelets (~1091~) 76 81 61 18 72 46 41 65 % Blasts 12 6 94 84 89 50 91 75 35 85 94 44 54 93 % Blasts in B M 86 84 73 73 69 57 86 74 67 40 73 82 73 95 Abbreviations: FAB, French-American-British;Hb, hemoglobin; WBC, white blood cells; BM, bone marrow; Misc, miscellaneous; Dip, Diploid. tones, McClear, VA) or RPMI-1640 supplemented with 50 nglmL insulin-like growth factor-l (IGF-1; Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN) and 1% (wt/vol) human albumin (Sigma Chemical CO).The HL60 (promyelocytic leukemia) and K562 (chronic myelogenous leukemia blast crisis) cell lines were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Rockville, MD) and maintained in RPMI-1640 medium containing 10% FCS. The growth factor-dependent AML cell line M07eZ8was kindly provided by A. Ciarletta (Genetics Institute, Cambridge, MA) and the erythroleukemia line *lz9 was obtained from ATCC. Both lines were maintained in 20% FCS, 2 mmoVL glutamine, and 10 ng/mL recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF Immunex Corp, Seattle, WA). Subjects. BM aspirates were obtained from 16 AML patients with high marrow blast counts (14 patients with >66% and 2 patients with 57% and 40% BM blasts, respectively). Clinical data on the patients are shown in Table 1. For control studies, we used peripheral blood cells from healthy donors and BM samples from seven hematologically normal volunteers. These studies were performed with the patients' informed consent and were approved by the Human Experimentation Committee of our institution. Analysis of mature IL-lp production by peripheral blood cells. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as previously de~cribed.~' The cells were then resuspended in medium containing [3sS]-labeledmethionine and cysteine with either 1% DMSO or DMSO plus 2.5 pmoVL BACMK. After a further 1 hour of stimulation, l-mL aliquots of the medium were taken, and IL-lp or tumor necrosis factora (TNFa) was precipitated with rabbit antisera (Immunex Corp) and protein A-Sepharose. The precipitated material was then analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) followed by fluorography." IL-Ip enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay (ELISA). The ELISA was performed using an IL-lp ELISA kit (Cistron Biotechnology, Pine Brook, NJ), as previously described." Cell lysates and standard dilutions of IL-lp (20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 5000 pg1mL) were added to test wells in duplicate and incubated for 2 hours at 37°C. The test wells were then washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), incubated with rabbit IL-1p antiserum for 2 hours, washed as previously described, and incubated for 30 minutes with goat antirabbit IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The test wells were vigorously washed, and a substrate (0-phenylenediamine dissolved in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution) and 4 N sulfuric acid were added. The color intensity wasread within 15 minutes at a wavelength of 490 nm using a microplate autoreader (model EL309; Biotek, Vinooski, VT). The average net optical density (OD) of the standard IL-10 concentration was then plotted, and the amount of IL-1p in each sample was determined by interpolation from the standard curve. Receptor binding assay. To detect IL-1R on OCVAML3 cells, we used a flow cytometric assay.32We first biotinylated IL-lp using a modification of a previously described method.33Briefly, 10 pg IL-1p (Boehinger Mannheim Biochemicals) was dissolved in 0.1 mL of 50 mmom sodium bicarbonate buffer, pH 8.5, and added to a test tube containing 12.5 pL of NHS-LC-Biotin (Pierce Chemical CO, Rockford, L)dissolved in water. The test tube was incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. The unreacted biotin was then removed by dialysis using Slide-A-Lyzer Cassette (Pierce Chemical CO) and the biotinylated IL-1p was stored at 4°C. OCVAML3 cells were washed twice in PBS and lo5 cells were incubated with biotinylated IL-lp for 60 minutes. After 30 minutes of incubation with streptavidin-phycoerythrin (PE; Caltag Laboratories, South San Francisco, CA), the cells were washed again in 2% bovine serum albumin in PBS. In blocking experiments with unlabeled IL-l@,cells were incubated with the biotinylated IL-lp and a 100-fold molar excess of the unlabeled cytokine. To assess background fluorescence, an additional sample was simultaneously processed without the addition of the biotinylated cytokine. All incubations were performed on ice to prevent internalization of the receptors. After staining, the cells were evaluated on a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA). Cell line clonogenic assay. The clonogenic assay was performed as previously de~cribed.'~ Briefly,OCVAML3 cells were cultured in 0.8% methylcellulose (Fluka Chemical Corp, Ronkonkoma, NY), 10% FCS, and RPMI or under serum-free conditions in1% (voll vol) methylcellulose, 50 ng/mL of IGF-l (Boehringer Manneheim Biochemicals), and1%human albumin (Sigma) at 2 to 4 X IO4 cellslmL. HL60 and K562 cells were cultured in a similar fashion in methylcellulose supplemented with 10% FCS inRPMI, and M07e and TFl cells were cultured with 20% FCS in the presence of 10 nglmL of rhGM-CSF. The following reagents were added at the initiation of culture: IL-1p neutralizing antibodies (100 nglmL; Genzyme, Boston, MA), sIL-1R (500 nglmL; Immunex Corp), IL-IRA ( 1 0 0 ng/mL; Synergen Inc. Boulder, CO), increasing concentrations ESTROV ET AL 4596 Precursor 11-1 Mature 11-1p - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *TNF Fig 1. Effect of BACMK on the release of mature IL-1p and TNFby LPS-stimulated peripheral blood leukocytes. Cells were cultured and cytokine production was analyzed as described in the Materials and Methods. The fluorogram shows the analysis for IL-lp fromcells exposed to DMSO (lanes 1 and 2) and 2.5 pmol/L BACMK (lanes 3 and 41 and the analysis for TNF-a fromcells exposed to DMSO (lanes 5 and 6 ) and 2.5 WmollL BACMK (lanes 7 and 8). (I of BACMK (described above), Z-phe-chloromethyl-ketone(ZPCK; Bachem Bio Science Inc. King of Prussia, PA) dissolved in DMSO (Sigma) and further diluted in RPM1 so thatthe concentration of DMSO would not exceed 0.1%. and/or 10 U/mL rhlL-lb (molecular weight 17.500: Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals). The culture mixture wasplaced in 35-mmPetri dishes (Nunc Inc. Naperville, IL) in triplicate and maintained at 37°Cwith 5% COz in air in a humidified atmosphere. Colonies were counted after 7 days using an inverted microscope. A colony was defined as a cluster of more than 40 cells. Western immunohlotting. Cell lysates were assayed for protein Concentration using the BCA Protein Assay Reagent (Pierce Chemical CO). Each set of paired samples was then adjusted to have the same protein concentration. The SDS-PAGE analysis was performed by using a modification of the method of Laemmli.'s Antigens were dissolved in Laemmli sample buffer at room temperature. Electrophoresis was conducted at constant wattage (10 W) in running buffer cooled to 4°C. Stacking gels contained 4 9 (wt/vol) acrylamide, and separating gels contained I 2 8 (wt/vol) acrylamide. Approximately 200 pL of sample protein was loaded into each of the appropriate lanes. Proteins separated by using the SDS-PAGE technique were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Transfers were performed overnight at 30 V in a cooled (4°C) reservoir containing 25 mmol/ L Tris, 192 mmollL glycine, and 20% methanol (pH 8.3) transfer buffer.'" Nitrocellulose membranes were removed from the blot apparatus and placed in a solution of Ponceau S stain (0.5% Ponceau S and 1 % glacial acetic acid in H,O) to verify equal loading of protein in control and treated samples." After staining for 5 minutes, membranes were rinsed for 2 minutes and examined. Equal loading of protein was verified and the membranes were then rinsed for an additional IO minutes and immunoscreened. The membranes were blocked in BLOTTO (5% dried milk dissolved in S0 mmol/L PBS) for at least I hour at room temperature. The membranes were then washed three times in PBS plus 0.5% Tween 20. Next, the membranes were incubated for I hour with polyclonal rabbit anti-IL-IP antibodies (Endogen Inc.Boston. MA) or withnormal rabbit IgG (used as a control) diluted 1:200 in PBS containing 0.5% Tween 20. After incubation, the membranes were subjected to three IS-minute rinses in PBS containing 0.5% Tween 20. Detection of bound antibody was accomplished using the ECL Western Blotting Detection System (Amersham Corp. Arlington Heights, IL). The membranes were incubated with antirabbit horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody at a concentration of 1:2,000 in PBS plus 0.5% Tween 20 at room temperature for I hour. After this incubation, the membranes were washed in PBS containing 0.5% Tween 20 and bound antibody was detected according to the ECL protocol. Chemiluminescence of the membranes was detected byuseof X-OMAT ARS x-rayfilm (Kodak, Rochester. NY) in stainless steel exposure cassettes (Sigma Chemical CO). Ar//~erent-ce//froctio~~uti~~tt. Low-density BM mononuclear cells obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque (Pharmacia. Piscataway, NJ) fractionation were incubated in plastic tissue culture dishes or flasks (Falcon Plastics, Becton Dickinson, Oxnard. CA) with 10% FCSin a-medium (GIBCO). The fractionation procedure was repeated until no cells adhered to the tissue culture dishes. Nonadherent cells harvested in this way contained less than 3% monocytes as confirmed by the following techniques: ( I ) microscopic differential count of at least 1 0 0 cells prepared with Wright's stain and (2) nonspecific (a-naphthy1 butyrate) esterase staining and immunocytochemical analysis using CD14 (My-4) monoclonal antibodies (Coulter Immunology. Hialeah, FL) to identify monocyte-promonocyte cells. as previously described.'X.'" T-cell depletion. T cells were depleted fromthe nonadherent fraction by negative immunomagnetic selection."' In this modification of the negative immunomagnetic selection technique, nonadherent BM cells were incubated with CD3 monoclonal antibodies (Becton Dickinson) at a concentration of I pgll0" cells in PBSwith 0.25% FCS for 30 minutes at 4°C. The labeled cells were washed three times and then incubated with goat antimouse IgG-conjugated immunomagnetic beads (Advanced Magnetics, Cambridge, MA) at 4°C for 60 minutes in an end-over-end rotation at 20:l bead:cell ratio. lmmunomagnetic bead-rosetted cells were removedusing a magnetic particle concentrator (Advanced Magnetics). andunrosetted cells remaining in suspension wereharvested by a Pasteur pipette. In some experiments, this procedure wasrepeatedtwice. The T-lymphocyte-depleted population contained less than 3%CD3 cells as assessed byan immunocytochemical technique performed on cytospun cells.'x.20 I i a : c Fluorescence intensity Fig 2. Binding of biotinylated IL-lp to OCllAMUcells and competition with unlabeled cytokine. Background fluorescence was determined by incubation with streptavidin-PE alone. Blocking experiments were performed with a 100-fold molar excessof unlabeled cytokine. la1 Background; (b) IL-lp; (c) blocking. EFFECT OF ICE INHIBITOR ON AML CELLS 4597 500 T 400 U) P) " C 0 6c 300 0 2 4 Fig 3. Effect of IL-l inhibitors on OCllAMU proliferation. The E means 2 SD of colony numbers C m from triplicate cultures are depicted. As described in the Materials andMethods, 100 ng/mL of IL-1p neutralizing antibodies(ILlp Ab.), 500 nglmL of slL-1R IdL1R).100 nglmLof IL-1RA (IL1RA). and 10 UlmL of IL-lp were added at the initiation culture. of Results from one of three identical experimentsthatshowed identical resultsare presented. 200 S 100 0 IlI AML blast colony assay. A previouslydescribedmethodwas used to assayAMLblastcolony f~rmation?'.~'Briefly, 1 X IOs nonadherent T-cell-depleted BM cells were plated in 0.8% methylcellulose in a-medium supplemented with 10% FCS either alone or with the following growth factors: 15 ng/mL of rhGM-CSF. 15 ng/ mL of rhlL-3 (Immunex Corp), IO ng/mL of rhG-CSF (Amgen Inc. Thousand Oaks, CA),or 50 nglmL of recombinant human stem cell factor (rhSCF; Amgen Corp). BACMKwas dissolved in DMSO as describedaboveandaddedattheinitiation of the cultures at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5 pmol/L in the absence or presence of I O UlmL of IL-IP. The cultures were incubated in 35-mm Petri dishes in duplicate or triplicate for 7 days at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO? in air. AML blast colonies were microscopically evaluated on day7 of culture. A blast colony was defined as a cluster of 20 or more cells. Individual colonies were plucked, - IL-1RA SlL-l R IL-10 IL-1Ab. IL-1RA SlL-lR +IL-lO +11-10 +IL-10 smeared on glass slides, and stained to confirm leukemic cellular composition (that the AML blast colony assay identifies blasts rather than normal progenitors has been previously shown by cytogenetic analysis of colonies obtained using this assay4'). Normal BM progenitor colonv culture assay. A modification of a previously described assay was used.@ In brief, 2 X 10' nonadherentlow-density BM cells werecultured in 0.8% methylcellulose with Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM; GIBCO), 30% FCS, I O ng/mL of rhGM-CSF, and I .O UlmL of human erythropoie- """ c 0 h I I \ 1 2 300 - Q E -- - " 17.5 kDa + Fig 4. Effect of the ICE inhibitor on the production of matureIL- 10 by OCI/AMU cells. Cells were incubated in the presence or absence of 4 pmol/L BACMK for 24 hours, and the amount of mature IL-1p produced by these cells was assessed by Western immunoblotting as described in the Materials and Methods. P2 200 - m, l 3 0 , 0 1.5 01 ICE Inhib. * Inhib. +11-18 100 - 0.5 2 2.5 0 ZPCK 3 3.5 4 ICE Inhibitor @M) Fig 5. Effect of ICE inhibitionon OCI/AMW proliferation. The means of colony numbersfrom triplicate culturesare depicted. Cultures containing 10% DMSO (DMSO control) grew colonies at numbers that were not different from control cultures. ICE inhibitor 2 ILl p and ZPCK was added at the initiation of culture, as described in the Materials and Methods. One of four experiments with identical results ispresented. 4598 ESTROV ET AL HL60 I I 1 120 l I l M07e Y 400 200 100 0 300 Mean Mumber of Colonies 500 Control DMSO 0.4 1 0 2.0 4.0 ICE Inhibitor (JIM) 5.0 11-10 11-10 +4 #M ICE Inh. Fig 6 . Effect of ICE inhibitor on the proliferation of HL60,K562, Fig 8 . Effect of ICE inhibition on the proliferation of AML marrow TFI, and M07e cells. The means of colony numbers from triplicate progenitors. The means? SD of AML colony numbers from triplicate cultures are depicted. Colonies were grown in methylcellulose as cultures of patients 10 through 14 are presented as a percentage of described in the Materials and Methods (Control) and in the presencecontrol. The means of colony numbers for cultures grown in the of either 5p m o l / L ICE inhibitor (BACMK) or DMSO at a concentration presence of GM-CSF (control) were428, 1,014,210, and 141, respecidentical to that used to dissolve BACMK. tively. of 40 or more granulocytc or tnonocyIc-macrclphage cclls o r both). I n d i v i d u a l colonies were plucked from the cullurcs wilh a micropipclte and analy/.cd f o r cellular composition. RESULTS RACMK ,supprrsscs tlzc prorluc.liorz of I ~ N ~ L II L~- PI P by peripherd Idood cel1.s. To test the efficacy of the ICE inhibitor, we used LPS-stimulated peripheral blood lcukocytcs and measured the production o f the mature form of L I P and TNF-LYby these cells, a s described abovc. As shown i n Fig 1, exposurc o f thc cells to 2.5 pInol/L BACMK suppressed the production of rnaturc IL- 10 by 85%. However, incubation of these cells with BACMK did not result in a decrease i n either the level of p~-o-Il,-Ipor thc production of TNF-n, indicatingthat, at this concentration,BACMK docs not exert a nonspccific cffect o n protcin secretion. IL- l o is an riutocrirw grnwthjucfr~rfi,~OCIIAML-.I c r l l s . To investigatetheeffect of ICE inhibition on AML cells, we first used the OCVAML3 cell line. Using ELISA, we found that the lysates of OCI/AML3 cells andtheir supernatant, harvested at a log phase of growth, contain ILat 489 pg/2 X I O 7 cells and 49 pg/mL, respcctively. We then used hiotinylated ILIP to evaluate whether OCUAML3 cells express 11,- 1R. Our Iluorocytomctric studiesshowed that OCVAML3 cells bind biotinylated L I P and that the binding is reversed by thcunlabeled cytokinc, indicating its specificity (Fig 2). I n ;I clonogcnicassay, OCI/AML3 proliferation was suppressed by IL- 1 P-neutraliLing antihodics, lI,-IRA, 0 1 slI,-ll<, and the growthinhibition was reversed by L I P (Fig 3). Taken together, these data suggest that 11,- lo acts as a n autocrinc growth factor lor OCVAML3 cells. HACMK s u p p t - c s s c s p r o o t ~ t c ~ i oofn mcrturr' IL-ID by O C I / AMLS c~clls. To evaluate whetherthe ICE inhibitor can penetrate AMI, cclls and inhibit the production of hiologically active IL- ID, we inculxltcd OCliAML3 cells with BACMK for 24 hoursand then measured theamount of Io - ~~ GM-CSF G-CSF FCS ~~~ ~ r P , " IL-3 1- SCF Fig 7. Effect of ICE inhibition on AML progenitor proliferation. The means of colony numbers from duplicate or triplicate cultures are presented as a percentage of control (the mean number of colonies grown in the presence of 10% DMSO butin the absence of BACMK). B M cells of patients 1 through 5 were grown in the presence of FCS alone (the means of colony numbers in control cultures were 340, 600, 408,602, and 564, respectively), G-CSF (the means of colony numbers in control cultures were 392,1,422, 938,796, and 1,501, respectively), and rhSCF (the means of colony numbers in control cultures were414,831, 480,904, and 1,703, respectively); of patients 3 through 8 in the presence of IL-3 (means of colony numbers in control cultures were 487,1,341,986,801,15,090, and 321, respectively); and of patients 5 through 9,15, and 16 in the presence of GM-CSF (the means of colony numbersin control cultures were 781, 1,909, 928, 1,019, 1,887, 183, and 146, respectively). 4599 EFFECT OF ICE INHIBITOR ON AML CELLS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......................... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... .:::::::::::-.:::.:: +Control OWMK 200- I '? 1,000,000 z 'LlsO0 L 100,000 n 10,000 I E 2100- 3 50- 1,000 0- .. 100 10 1 .................................... 0.1 I l l l l l l l l l l t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 101112131415 Days Patiom 2 m o m3 Fig 9. Effect of ICE inhibitor on normal BM cell viability (AI and progenitor growth (B).(A) Normal BM low-density cells from two different individuals (samples1 and 2) were maintained in duplicate in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FCS in the presence and absence of either BAMCK or DMSO. Viable cells were enumerated using the trypan blue exclusion test. The means of viable cell numbers from duplicate cultures are depicted. (B1 The means f SD of CFU-GM (top) and BFU-E (bottom) colony numbers of triplicate cuttures obtained from 3 different hematologically normal individuals (designatedas patients 1, 2, and 3) are presented. mature IL- 10 produced by these cells. We found that 4 ymoV L of the inhibitor (the highest concentration we used in most experiments) significantly reduced the amount of mature IL1 0 produced by OCUAML3 cells (Fig 4). BACMK suppresses OCI/AML3 colony proliferation. We then tested the effect of the ICE inhibitor on the proliferation of OCUAML3 cells. As shown in Fig 5, BACMK suppressed OCUAML3 colony growth in a dose-dependent fashion at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 4 ymoVL (by up to 60%); ZPCK, a similar compound designed to inhibit chymotrypsin-like proteases, did not affect OCUAML3 proliferation. The addition of 10 U/mL of IL-10 at the initiation of the culture substantially reversed this inhibitory effect, indicating that the inhibition was due to a reduction in the level of mature IL-10. Identical results were obtained when the same experiments were performed in the presence of FCS (data not shown). In contrast, BACMK did not affect the growth of either GM-CSFOL-3-dependent (TF1 and M07e) or-independent (HL60 and K562) AML cell lines (Fig 6). Interestingly, although IL-1 is a strong inducer of GM-CSF," neither IL-10 (with or without GM-CSF) nor its inhibitors significantly affected the proliferation or viability of the two GM-CSFflL-3-dependent cell lines (data not shown). BACMK suppresses AML progenitor proliferation. The next experiments were performed to examine the effect of ICE inhibition on AML progenitor proliferation. We used BM cells from 16 newly diagnosed AML patients (Table 1). We found that 4 ymoVL BACMK suppressed AML colony proliferation when AML blast progenitors were grown either in the presence of FCS alone (mean inhibition, 36%; range, 12% to 65%) or with the addition of G-CSF (mean inhibition, 43%; range, 25% to 60%), GM-CSF (mean inhibition, 62%; range, 48% to 78%), IL-3 (mean inhibition, 37%; range, 20% to 55%), or rhSCF (mean, 44%;range, 48% to 78%) (Fig 7). When GM-CSF wasused as a growth factor, BACMK suppressed AML colony proliferation in a dosedependent manner at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 5 ymoVL (at a higher concentration, BACMK's solvent, DMSO, was toxic), and BACMKs suppressive effect was reversed by IL-lP (Fig 8). In sharp contrast, 5 ymoVLof BACMK affected neither the viability of low-density normal BM cells maintained in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FCS (Fig 9A) nor the number of normal marrow CFU-GM and BFU-E colony-forming cells (Fig 9B). BACMK suppressed production of mature IL-10 by AML cells. To delineate the mechanism by which the ICE inhibi- ESTAOV ET AL 4600 A 17.5 kDa -+ B 4 17.5 kDa -b Fig 10. Effect of ICE inhibitor on the production of mature lL-l/3 by patients' AML marrow cells. B M cells from patients 15 (A) and 16 (B1were incubated for 24 hours in thepresence or absence of4 prnoll L BACMK, and the amount of mature IL-lp produced by these cells was measured as described in the Materials and Methods. tor suppresses AML progenitor proliferation, AML cells obtained from patients 15 and 16 were incubated for 24 hours in the presence or absence of 4 pmol/L of BACMK, and the production of mature IL- I D was then measured using Westem immunoblotting, as described above. As shown in Fig IO, we found that BACMK significantly suppressed the production of mature IL-Io in cells obtained from patient 15 (Fig IOA) and from patient 16 (Fig IOB). DISCUSSION Human ICE is a substrate-specific cysteine protease that cleaves the 3 I-kD pro-IL-Ip at the A~p'"-Ala"~bond. ICE has no homology to other known Cys or Ser proteases." Active ICE consists of a 20-kD subunit, containing the active site, and a IO-kD subunit, bothofwhich derive from an inactive 45-kD p r e ~ u r s o r . ~ ~Recently, ~ ' ~ ~ ~ "ICE ~ ~ was found to share 28% sequence homology with one of the "death genes" (ced-3) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Furthermore, overexpression of ICE in rat cells causes cell death; this effect depends on its protease activity.'"''l In addition, specific inhibition of ICE prevents cell death in neurons deprived of growth factors," suggesting that ICE may also be a human cell-suicide gene. In a recent study, Wanget a147isolated and characterized a ced-3-related gene termed Ich-I. Ich-l mRNA was found to splice into two different forms. One encodes the protein ICH-IL, which contains amino acid sequences homologous to both the p20 and p10 subunits of ICE, and the second form encodes ICH-ls, a 3 12 amino acid truncated version of the ICH-IL protein. Whereas overexpression of Ich-I,. induces programmed cell death, the overexpression of Ich-ls suppresses Rat-l cell death induced by serum depri~ation.4~ In contrast to these results, thymocytes and macrophages from ICE-deficient mice were found to undergo apoptosis normally, but the mice had a major defect in the production of mature IL-lp and were resistant to endotoxic Because IL-10 is produced by AML BM cells and provides AML progenitors with a growth advantage,'"'" we hypothesized that inhibition of ICE, resulting in suppression of mature IL-10 production, would inhibit AML progenitor proliferation. However, the recent data showing that ICE can induce apoptosis in human cells2"2ssuggested that inhibition of ICE would stimulate AML cell proliferation. To investigate the effect of ICE inhibition on AML cell proliferation, we used a small synthetic molecule, which may have clinical utility, instead of the cowpox virus crmA gene, which encodes a specific inhibitor of ICE:' BACMK was designed to penetrate cells, form an irreversible complex with active ICE, and block its activity.'" These properties of BACMK have been shown in a recent study in which inhibitionof ICE prevented apoptosis ofmammary epithelial cells?" In our preliminary experiments, we found that the inhibitor indeed suppressed the production of mature IL-I@ but not of TNF-a by LPS-stimulated peripheral blood cells. Similar results were recently reported by Miller et al." who examined the effect of the ICE inhibitor WIN 67694 in murine macrophages and a murine model of inflammation. We therefore used BACMK to examine the effect of ICE inhibition on AML cell proliferation. Our initial studies were performed with the OCI/AML3 cell line. These cells produce IL-lp and express IL-IR, and the cells' growth is inhibited by IL-l -inhibitory molecules. These findings suggest that IL-Ip is an autocrine growth factor for the OCI/AML3 cell line. We therefore tested the effect of the ICE inhibitor on OCUAML3 proliferation and on the production of mature IL-ID. We found that BACMK significantly suppressed OCI/AML3 colony formation in a dose-dependent manner and inhibited the cleavage of proIL-ID to its biologically active form. The colony-inhibitory effect was reversed by IL-10 and was not obtained with ZPCK, a compound with an enzymatic activity similar to that of BACMK. Furthermore, BACMK did not suppress the proliferation of two GM-CSFAL-3-dependent cell lines whose growth was not affected by either IL-Io or its inhibitors and by two growth factor-independent cell lines (HL60 EFFECT OF ICE INHIBITOR ON AML CELLS and K562). Taken together, these results suggest that the effects induced by the ICE inhibitor are specific and mediated through the inhibition of biologically active IL-10. We then studied the effect of the ICE inhibitor on AML progenitors. Similar to other IL-1 inhibitors such as IL-1RA and s I L - ~ R , ' ~BACMK "~ suppressed AML progenitor proliferation either in the presence of FCS alone or with the addition of G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-3, or rhSCF. Interestingly, the antiproliferative effect exceeded that of sIL-1R and IL-1RAL4 and, although IL-3, GM-CSF, and SCF were shown to induce a similar effect on the production of IL-10 by AML blasts,52 BACMK was more effective in the presence of GM-CSF than in the presence of other growth factors. Similar to its effect on OCVAML3 cells, BACMK suppressed the production of mature IL-10 by patients' AML cells, and its antiproliferative effect was reversed by IL-1, indicating that the inhibitory effect is mediated through blocking the production of biologically active IL-10. Similar to other IL-1 -inhibitory molecule^,^^"^ BACMK did not affect either the in vitro viability of normal BM cells or the proliferation of normal marrow CFU-GM and BFU-E colony-forming cells. In conclusion, our data indicate that BACMK is capable of penetrating hematopoietic cells and effectively suppressing the biologic activity of ICE. In addition, these data support previous studies showing that inhibition of IL-1 suppresses AML cell proliferation. 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