Call for posters New York State Department of Health Annual Conference on the Hospital-Medical Home Demonstration Program March 19, 2015 Wyndham New Yorker Hotel New York, NY Registration information to follow (Note: there will be no registration fee) Planning Committee Marietta Angelotti, M.D. Associate Medical Director, Office of Quality and Patient Safety New York State Department of Health/IPRO Carla Nelson Director, Ambulatory Care Greater New York Hospital Association Anu Ashok Senior Director, Graduate Medical Education Greater New York Hospital Association Alan Silver, M.D. Medical Director IPRO Thomas Burke Executive Director, New York State Council on Graduate Medical Education, New York State Department of Health Mary Therriault Senior Director, Quality and Research Initiatives Healthcare Association of New York State Foster Gesten, M.D. Medical Director, Office of Quality and Patient Safety New York State Department of Health Erin Weaver Project Manager, Office of Quality and Patient Safety New York State Department of Health/IPRO The Call for Posters component of the Annual Conference is jointly sponsored by the New York State Department Health (DOH) and the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) About the Annual Conference DOH’s Annual Conference on the Hospital-Medical Home (H-MH) Demonstration Program will consist of a keynote speaker, panel presentations, and a poster session. The meeting, which will be held at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, will give H-MH program participants an opportunity to share best practices and for DOH to discuss the program’s successes and challenges. The Annual Conference’s poster session will be held from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. DOH will share more details about the Annual Conference in the coming weeks. About the Call for Posters The Call for Posters is an opportunity for H-MH program participants to present on activities undertaken at their sites that specifically address various elements of the H-MH program. Preference will be given to submissions that demonstrate strong resident involvement and are interdisciplinary in nature. We seek posters that cover one of the following areas: n Initiatives Around Improving the Patient Experience n Behavioral Health Projects n Creating Resident Patient Panels, Improving Continuity, and Establishing Dashboards n Cultural Competency Activities n Resident Inpatient Quality and Safety Projects n Innovations in Transitions of Care n Research into New Models of Primary Care Training Deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday, December 12, 2014 Applicants will be notified by: Friday, January 23, 2015 Submission Information Applicants are invited to submit abstracts that summarize work being done at their institutions related to the H-MH program along with specific findings and research conclusions and/or evaluations of their project (if applicable). More than one abstract may be submitted from one institution. Poster specifications will be sent when abstracts are accepted. To be considered for presentation at the Annual Conference, applications must follow structural and formatting requirements. Abstracts should include the following: n Background/Objectives (when did the project begin; what is being achieved) n Description of Methods/Processes (what was implemented; who was involved; what were some challenges) n Results (what are some preliminary findings; how is the effectiveness being measured) n Conclusions (what are the lessons learned; what are some next steps) The below Application Form must be completed and submitted with the abstract. The abstract can be completed using the space below on the Application Form or submitted as a separate document. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words using 12-point Times New Roman font, single spaced. Please e-mail the completed Application Form and abstract to GNYHA’s Ana Isalguez at [email protected]. Please indicate the abstract title and primary author in the subject line of the e-mail. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Completed applications must be received by December 12, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact either Anu Ashok at GNYHA at [email protected], or Erin Weaver at DOH at [email protected]. CALL FOR POSTERS APPLICATION FORM: HOSPITAL-MEDICAL HOME ANNUAL CONFERENCE Abstracts can be completed using the space below or submitted as a separate document. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words using 12-point Times New Roman font, single spaced. Applicant Name and Title: Project Title: Institution: E-mail Address: Contact Number: Please select one of the following: Initiatives Around Improving the Patient Experience Behavioral Health Projects Creating Resident Patient Panels, Improving Continuity, and Establishing Dashboards Cultural Competency Activities Resident Inpatient Quality and Safety Projects Innovations in Transitions of Care Research into New Models of Primary Care Training ABSTRACT: Application forms and abstracts are due by December 12, 2014 to [email protected].
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