CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development 17TH ANNUAL RURAL ANESTHESIA FOR GP ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Friday, January 23, 2015 Banff Park Lodge, 222 Lynx Street, Banff, AB COURSE OVERVIEW PAPERLESS CONFERENCE Access to handouts will be available prior to conference ON-SITE REGISTRATION Based on availability, is not guaranteed and a surcharge may be applied ACCOMMODATION Registrants must make their own accommodation arrangements, see page 4 for details. BANFF AIRPORTER SHUTTLE To receive a 15% discount on shuttle service between the Calgary Airport and Banff, see page 4 for details. This intensive one day course for GP Anesthesiologists is offered prior to the Emergency Medicine for Rural Hospitals course. COURSE OBJECTIVES The intent of the conference is for learners to: develop an understanding of current issues and techniques in anesthesia that are relevant to the practice of GP Anesthesiologists in rural areas increase knowledge and practical application of skills required in a rural hospital, resulting in successful and confident patient management participate in networking and exchange of information and ideas between Specialist Anesthetists and GP Anesthesiologists WHO SHOULD ATTEND GP Anesthesiologists in rural areas CREDITS MAINPRO-M1 – 6.5 credits ASSOCIATED POST-COURSE Associated Post-Course: MAINPRO-M1 – 4.0 credits Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks Saturday, January 24, 2015 (0800-1230) 17th Annual Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists | page 1of4 COURSE PROGRAM Friday, January 23 0700 Continental Breakfast / Registration 0750 Welcome / Introduction 0800 PLENARY 1 Highlights of ACLS for GP Anesthesiologists – Jamie Renwick 0845 PLENARY 2 The Hal Irvine Lecture – Difficult Pediatric Airway Cases – Mark Gale 6. Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks – Upper Limbs – Ryan Endersby 7. Difficult Airway – Dave Halpenny, Carl Thiessen 8. Ventilation Modes – What the Peep? – Meggie Livingstone 9. Neonatal Resuscitation – Debbie McAllister 0930 Refreshment Break / Networking 10. Perioperative Management of OSA – Lori Olivieri 0955 CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS 11. 1115 CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS 1230 Lunch / Networking 1330 Concurrent Workshops 1445 Refreshment Break / Networking ASSOCIATED POST-COURSE 1515 CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS 1630 Social Event Host – Course Planning Committee Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks PRACTICAL HANDS-ON COURSE Demonstration and hands-on practice with ultrasound equipment – Dr Ryan Endersby CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (#1-12) Participants will be assigned to FOUR of the workshops – one at each of the following times: 0955, 1115, 1330, 1515 Register Early – workshops are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis 1. Procedural Sedation – Michael Murphy 2. ACLS for Anesthesiologists – Jamie Renwick 3. 4. 5. Challenging Pediatric Cases – Mark Gale Anesthesia Concerns in the Increased BMI Patient – Esther Ho Pre-operative Assessment in a Community Hospital – Melinda Davis Pediatric Regional Anesthesia – Adam Spencer 12. Simulation – When the Case Goes Bad in the OR – JN Armstrong and eSIM team Dr Endersby is a Staff Anesthesiologist and Co-Director of the Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesia Service at South Health Campus in Calgary. He is extensively involved in Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia education for both staff and residents at the University of Calgary and has instructed at numerous workshops including those at the American Society of Anesthesia Annual meeting. Saturday, January 24 Post-Course open to Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists course registrants only Maximum 20 Participants 0800-1230 (registration and continental breakfast begin at 0730) Mineral Springs Hospital, Banff, AB Registration Fee $262.50 (includes GST, continental breakfast, refreshment break) PROGRAM MAY CHANGE DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL 17th Annual Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists | page 2of4 PLANNING COMMITTEE VISITING FACULTY LOCAL FACULTY Sharon Blyth MD CCFP Course Chair Michael Murphy MD FRCPC – Edmonton JN Armstrong MD CCFP FRCPC JN Armstrong MD CCFP FRCPC James Renwick DMS MD FRCPC – Vancouver Simon Bartley MD CCFP(EM) Chris Irving MD CCFP Meggie Livingstone MD Sandra Mergler MD CCFP Devin Nielsen MD CCFP Harry Patterson MD CCFP Margie Smith RN BScN Claire Mills RN BScN LLB CME Representative Sue Barnes RN BScN CPN(C) Melinda Davis MD FANZCSA Keith Drader MD FRCPC Ryan Endersby MD FRCPC Mark Gale MD CCFP FRCPC GPA David Halpenny MD FRCPC Esther Ho MD FRCPC Meggie Livingstone MD Debbie McAllister MD FRCPC Lori Olivieri MD FRCPC Adam Spencer MD FRCPC Carl Thiessen RRT DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL FINANCIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In keeping with accreditation guidelines, speakers participating in this event have been asked to disclose to the audience any involvement with industry or other organizations that may potentially influence the presentation of the educational material. Disclosure will be done verbally and using a slide prior to the speaker’s presentation. 17th Annual Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists | page 3of4 ACCREDITATION The University of Calgary – Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). STUDY CREDITS CFPC MAINPRO–M1 This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited by the University of Calgary Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development for up to 6.5 MAINPRO-M1 credits and 4.0 MAINPRO-M1 credits for the Post-Course. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INFORMATION ACCOMMODATION DRESS Registrants must make their own accommodation arrangements. We recommend: Dress is business casual. Sweaters or items of clothing that can be layered are recommended since temperature in the venue may fluctuate. Banff Park Lodge 222 Lynx Street Banff, Alberta, Canada 1.800.661.9266 A limited number of rooms have been held until December 23, 2014 at the rate of $125.00 per night plus taxes (rates are subject to the 2% Tourism Improvement Fee (TIF) plus 4% Tourism Levy and 5% GST). Please indicate you are with the University of Calgary Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists course to obtain this rate. For on-line website reservations please go to, select Reservations and Make a Conference Reservation and enter ID #21155 Password #450. No on-line bookings can be made after Tuesday, December 23, 2014. MEALS In general, each course offers a light breakfast, nutrition break(s) and lunch. We are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions (for example, gluten free, peanut allergies). SCENT FREE To ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask you to not wear scented products. BANFF AIRPORTER SHUTTLE To receive a 15% discount on shuttle service between the Calgary Airport and Banff, book: •–enterthePromotionalCodeCME on the final payment page • Phone Toll Free 1.888.449.2901 and indicate you are with the University of Calgary CME course 17th Annual Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists | page 4of4 COURSE # – 10008489 17th Annual Rural Anesthesia for GP Anesthesiologists January 23, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM PROFESSION STUDENT / RESIDENT OTHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL – PLEASE SPECIFY PHYSICIAN (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE AREA CODE PHONE EXT AREA CODE POSTAL CODE FAX EMAIL CHEQ AMEX VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER PAYMENT BY M M Y Y SIGNATURE EXPIRY DATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to the CME monthly electronic newsletter REGISTRATION FEE GST included UCalgary GST Registration #108102864RT0001 EARLY RATE on or before January 6, 2015 $411.60 Physician $ 315.00 Student / Resident (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) REGULAR RATE after January 6, 2015 Credit Card Payment Only Confidential Fax Fax 403.270.2330 Cheque Payable – UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY $ 315.00 Student / Resident (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) ON-SITE RATE (Based on availability and not guaranteed) $ 492.00Physician $ 315.00 Student / Resident (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) CONCURRENT WORKSHOP SELECTIONS Select 8 workshops in order of preference with 1 being the most important. You will be assigned to 4 workshops. Priority will be given to those registering early. 1. Procedural Sedation 7. Difficult Airway 2. ACLS for Anesthesiologists 8. Ventilation Modes – What the Peep? 4. Anesthesia Concerns in the Increased BMI Patient BY FAX BY MAIL $ 487.20Physician 3. Challenging Pediatric Cases REGISTER 9. Neonatal Resuscitation 10. Perioperative Management of OSA 5. Pre-operative Assessment in a Community Hospital 11. Pediatric Regional Anesthesia 6. Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks – Upper Limbs 12. Simulation – When the Case Goes Bad in the OR Cumming School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development, University of Calgary, TRW Building, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6 REGISTRATION SERVICES Phone 403.220.7032 Email [email protected] Full Course Brochure Available On-line FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Registration information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information you provide is required by our Office to register you in the course, prepare material and courses for your use, plan for future courses and notify you of similar, upcoming courses offered by our Office. Financial information is used to process applicable fees and is retained for future reference. Call 403.220.4251 if you have questions about the collection or use of this information.
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