TODAY’S SERVICE CHURCH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Sunday 8/10 Welcome 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Worship Fellowship Hour Songs of Praise Monday 8/11 7:00 PM Women’s Ministry Meeting Praise and Prayer Tuesday 8/12 7:00 PM Leadership Team Meeting Wednesday 8/13 9:00 AM Prayer Coffee Thursday 8/14 6:30 PM Men’s Bible Study @ Peiks’ Saturday 8/16 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Clothes Closet open til noon Food Cupboard open til noon Violet Boyum’s Funeral (details TBA) Offertory Mary Pierson Children’s Message Special Music John and Rachel Wind, accompanied by Mary Pierson Sunday 8/17 Hymn #318 9:30 AM 10:45 AM “We Come, O Christ, to You” While Pastor Kyle is away, we would like to thank the Worship Ministry for planning today’s service. Meditation on the book of Colossians Marlys Woods Closing Hymn (on screen) “Redeemed” Worship Fellowship Hour Pastor will be back in the office on Tuesday (8/12), and will resume his sermon series on the book of I Peter next Sunday. If you do not have a Bible at home, please feel free to take a pew Bible to keep as your own. SERMON RECORDINGS AVAILABLE REQUEST A SERMON CD CDs of the full service are available from the church office. Call us at (507)647-5777, email us at [email protected] or drop a note in Krystal Stoll’s mailbox. Leadership Team: Ministries: Jim Wilmot, Chair AWANA: Kay Linsmeier Darren McKinney, Vice Chair Camp Coordinator: Laura Becker Sondra Redman, Secretary Clothes Closet: Mary Jo Boehning Greg Linsmeier, Financial Offcr. Chuck Peik Food Cupboard: Chuck and Barb Peik Becky Baker Nursery: Rose Adema Women’s Ministry : Becky Baker Ministry Team Leaders: Men’s Ministry: Chuck Peik Karen Benson, Missions/Outreach Sunday School: Delaine Elseth June Oman, Worship Youth Group: Kyle and Lindsay Kachelmeier Delaine Elseth, Discipleship Aug 10th Aug 17th Prelude: Shirley Rosnau June Oman Greeters: Rueben & Shirley Rosnau Ted & June Oman Nursery: Kris Kernz & Autumn Bosma Ann Wind & Bridget Kavan Scripture: Mary Kavan Curt Redman Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Need volunteer Sound Technician: Portners Torrey Pitchford Fellowship Snacks: Reuben & Shirley Rosnau Mary Jo Boehning Aug. Sanct. Floral: Judy Schafer Aug. Ushers: Ted Oman, Erik Ahlstrand, Gary Rosnau Aug. Offering Counters Rose Adema, Debbie Wilmot Aug. Lawn Mowing Erik Ahlstrand HAVE A QUESTION? SCRIPTURE READINGS: Colossians 1-4 pages 1143-1145 in your pew Bible SUNDAY SERVANTS SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Please sign up on the info table if you can help out. We couldn’t do church without you! Volunteers still needed to mow the church lawn this September Volunteers needed to teach the Children’s Sermon this month. Contact Pastor Kyle or Lindsay if you can help with AVA! This WEEK Women’s Sermon Notes Women’s Ministry Meeting on 8/11 The first women’s ministry meeting of the season will be on Monday, August 11th at 7pm. All Covenant ladies are invited to come help us plan our activities for the next year! Ministry Coming UP All AVA Ministry seeking volunteers Beginning this fall, our church will begin a new ministry called AVA (Advocates for Victims of Abuse). AVA is organized by our denomination as a way to minister to those who have been, or are, victims of abuse. Currently, we are seeking anyone who may be interested in being a part of our local AVA team. Team members would be aware of local resources and be available, if needed, to come alongside a victim who is looking for some kind of refuge. If you are interested in knowing more or getting involved, please connect with Pastor Kyle or Lindsay. Church From the OFFICE Women’s New Greeting Cards are in The Women’s Ministry has ordered a new supply of greeting cards, for Birthday, Get-well, Sympathy and Thinking of You. These cards are sold as a fundraiser for women’s events and will be available downstairs in the fellowship hall during the month of August. Ministry All Church Today: A special service highlighting the book of Colossians Next Week: I Peter 3:8-22 Newsletter deadline is this Wednesday. The next church newsletter will be printed this week! If you have anything to add, please be sure to get it to the church office or drop it in Krystal Stoll’s mailbox by Wednesday (8/13). Space will not be guaranteed for announcements that come in after the deadline. August 10th, 2014 Winthrop Evangelical Covenant Church Pastor: Kyle Kachelmeier 107 West Third Street Winthrop, MN 55396-0486 Office hours: M, W, F, 8:30-11:30am Phone: (507) 647-5777 Parsonage phone: (507)-647-3739 Website: Email: [email protected] JOIN US IN PRAYER JOIN US IN PRAYER JOIN US IN PRAYER Current Requests: Current Requests: Current Requests: PLEASE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING TOUCH ON: Dale Boyum’s sister-in-law, Sandy Boyum, who is in the hospital with complications from diabetes; Krystal and Jim’s niece Brynn (bronchitis) and nephew Joshua (pneumonia). PLEASE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING TOUCH ON: Dale Boyum’s sister-in-law, Sandy Boyum, who is in the hospital with complications from diabetes; Krystal and Jim’s niece Brynn (bronchitis) and nephew Joshua (pneumonia). PLEASE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING TOUCH ON: Dale Boyum’s sister-in-law, Sandy Boyum, who is in the hospital with complications from diabetes; Krystal and Jim’s niece Brynn (bronchitis) and nephew Joshua (pneumonia). PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE, HEALING AND WISDOM: For Krystal’s sister, Julie, and her two girls as they are in transition. PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE, HEALING AND WISDOM: For Krystal’s sister, Julie, and her two girls as they are in transition. PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE, HEALING AND WISDOM: For Krystal’s sister, Julie, and her two girls as they are in transition. CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THOSE IN RECOVERY: Kiera Sandberg and Marion Woods. CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THOSE IN RECOVERY: Kiera Sandberg and Marion Woods. CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THOSE IN RECOVERY: Kiera Sandberg and Marion Woods. PRAY FOR THE FAMILIES OF LOST LOVED ONES: Dale Boyum and his family upon the loss of his mother. Fran Peterson and her family upon the loss of her nephew. PRAY FOR THE FAMILIES OF LOST LOVED ONES: Dale Boyum and his family upon the loss of his mother. Fran Peterson and her family upon the loss of her nephew. PRAY FOR THE FAMILIES OF LOST LOVED ONES: Dale Boyum and his family upon the loss of his mother. Fran Peterson and her family upon the loss of her nephew. REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Mavis W, Margie B, Myrtle R, and Fran P. REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Mavis W, Margie B, Myrtle R, and Fran P. REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Mavis W, Margie B, Myrtle R, and Fran P. TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Pia and Eugenio Restrepo, serving as Regional Coordinators in Latin America, and their children Paulina and Efain. Their info can be found on page 47 of the CMPC. TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Pia and Eugenio Restrepo, serving as Regional Coordinators in Latin America, and their children Paulina and Efain. Their info can be found on page 47 of the CMPC. TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Pia and Eugenio Restrepo, serving as Regional Coordinators in Latin America, and their children Paulina and Efain. Their info can be found on page 47 of the CMPC. Contacts and Info: Contacts and Info: Contacts and Info: If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways: If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways: If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways: -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox -Email the church office at [email protected] -Email the church office at [email protected] -Email the church office at [email protected] -Call the church office (647-5477), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) -Call the church office (647-5477), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) -Call the church office (647-5477), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information. PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information. PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information. Requests listed here will be removed after three weeks unless an update is provided to the church office. Requests listed here will be removed after three weeks unless an update is provided to the church office. Requests listed here will be removed after three weeks unless an update is provided to the church office. WELCOME, GUESTS! WELCOME, GUESTS! WELCOME, GUESTS! We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way. We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way. We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way. We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And come back and join us again! We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And come back and join us again! We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And come back and join us again! SUNDAY MORNING INFO SUNDAY MORNING INFO SUNDAY MORNING INFO FAMILIES WITH SMALL CHILDREN: FAMILIES WITH SMALL CHILDREN: FAMILIES WITH SMALL CHILDREN: We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left. We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left. We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left. There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand. There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand. There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand. PLEASE JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP AT 10:45am. PLEASE JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP AT 10:45am. PLEASE JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP AT 10:45am. Everyone is invited down to the fellowship hall in the church basement for snacks and an opportunity to visit. Everyone is invited down to the fellowship hall in the church basement for snacks and an opportunity to visit. Everyone is invited down to the fellowship hall in the church basement for snacks and an opportunity to visit. Sunday School is on break for the summer. Beginning in the fall, classes for adults and kids will again start at 10:45am. Sunday School is on break for the summer. Beginning in the fall, classes for adults and kids will again start at 10:45am. Sunday School is on break for the summer. Beginning in the fall, classes for adults and kids will again start at 10:45am.
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